Tim MORNING OKJEGONIAN, WEDNESDAY, ' JULY 31, 190T. CHILDREN DEFEND '5 Take Witness Stand to Say Killing Was in Self Defense. TRIAL ON AT ST. HELENS Frank M. Gardiner Charged With the JIurder of H. M. Swarth out. Husband of Woman With Whom He Lived. ST. HELENS, Or., July 30. CSpecial.) The case of the State of Oregon v. Frank M. Gardiner, charged with the murder of Herbert M. Swarthout. at Cases Mill, near Rainier, on May S, was on trial in the Circuit Court hero today. The prosecution has concluded Its testimony and few of the witnesses for the defense have been examined. It is probable the case will go to the jury by Wednesday evening. Swarthout and his wife were residents of Clark, County, "Wash., until about a year agi last October, when the woman left her husband, and in company with Gardi ner, moved to near -tainier, where the latter went into the teaming bupiness. Mrs. Swarthout's children came to her and the older boys are witnesses for the defense. apparently Justifying Gardiner in killing their father. Mrs. Swarthout also testifies in favor of her husband's slayer and even one of the smaller children, caned in by the pros ecution, testified that Swarthout 1 packed a revolver the morning of the killing and threatened to kill Gardiner. Mrs. Swarthout is said by the Dis . trict Attorney to have stated on a ' visit to St. Helens shortly after the killing that Gardiner, by threats, com pelled her to sustain relations with him. Today on the stand when ques tioned by Mr. Hedges, she not only denied having i.ade bucu a statement, but disavowed any recollection of hav ing met the District Attorney or his deputy. L. W. Stark and Carlton I. Pepper, of Portland, are attorneys for the de fense. BIDS FOR SEW MAIL- ROUTE Stage Line Xeeded at Baker City . for Service to Interior Points. BAKER CITY, Or., July 30. (Special.) Postmaster Lachner has received or ders from Washington Instructing him to advertise for bids for a stage line to operate from Baker City to Unity and Hereford, on Burnt River, a distance of about 40 miles. When, the postofflce at Salisbury was discontinued the Government asked for bids for a line from Whitney, the termi nus of the Sumpter Valley railroad, to Hereford and Unity. The people of the interior sent in a petition to the de partment asking that the line be run from Baker City. A line from this city could also secure passengers. Bids will close August 20, and the con tract Is to begin September 9. 1907. and continue to June 30. 1910. Baker City is now the largest distributing point in Oregon, outside of Portland, and the addition of this star route will increase the city's prestige. DEAD OF THE- NORTHWEST E. M. Tucker, Prominent Merchant of Jefferson. JEFFERSON, Or., July 30. (Special.) K. M. Tucker, a member and manager of the hardware firm of A. B. Tucker & Sons, of this city, died at 1 o'clock this afternoon. A couple of weeks since he submitted to an operation at the Catholic Hospital at Albany for strangulated her nia. He recovered sufficiently to return home and was at his store yesterday morning, saying he felt fine. About 10 o'clock he was taken ill and removed to his home. He was taken to Albany on the 11:51 train for another operation,' but died as he was being placed on the oper ating table. Mr. Tucker was 39 years of age and was prominent and popular in business and social circles. He was a member of the Jefferson City Council at the time of his death. The funeral will be held at 10 A. M. Thursday morn ing under the auspices of the Jefferson Masonic lodge, of which he was an hon ored member. FAILED TO HEED THE CARS Delivery Boy at La Grande Instant ly Killed at Railroad Crossing. LA GRANDE, Or., July 30. (Special.) Donald Russell. 15-year-old son of J. H. Russell, a meat dealer, while delivering at Perry, , four miles west of here, this morning was killed by a freight engine, which struck the light buggy in which the boy was seated. The lad's neck was broken and death was Instantaneous. The horse was later killed to relieve its suf ferings. The crossing at Perry Is dan gerous and the boy seemed not to have used proper care In approaching. The engineer testified before the Coroner's Jury that the lad was looking away from the train and toward the river at the time of the accident. The boy's mother is prostrated with grief. -The father was away in the mountains at the time of the accident, but was reached by phone. No blame was attached to any one by the Coroner's jury. INSANE MAN STABS HIMSELF Desperate Attempt at Suicide Is Likely to Prove Fatal. LA GRANDE, Or., July 30. (Special.) James Kennedy, an aged insane prisoner, held at the county jail awaiting the asy lum authorities from Salem, this morn ing attempted suicide by using an old Jackknlfe. He tried to reach his heart and succeeded In piercing the left lung. He slashed his abdomen and cbest and fright fully mutilated his body. Kennedy will probably die. It Is not known how he obtained the knife, but it is supposed that he had it secreted in his clothes. RAILROAD SELLING ITS LAND Southern Pacific Company Trans fers Linn Holding to Mill Firm. ALBANY, Or., July 30. (Special.) A significant movement, apropos of the movement to purchase its lands under the terms of the land grant, was made by the Southern Pacific today when tt deeded 18,000 acres of its Ltnn County holdings to the Curtiss Lumber Company. The transfer includes practically all of the really valuable timber land owned by the I lauroao in mis counxy. urn deed. liledj FATHER today transfers 14.533.74 acres for a con sideration of $116,269.92 and another deed 3752.68 acres for J18.873.41. FUND FOR -MAINTENANCE ONLT Xormal School Money Can't Be Ex pended for New Buildings. SALEM. Or., July 30. (Spe cial.) Attorney - General Crawford this afternoon gave an opinion to the State Board of Normal School Regents. that the appro normals could only be expended for maintenance and repairs, and no part of the money could be utilized for the construction of new buildings.. This is for the especial benefit of Presi dent Mulkey, of the Ashland normal, who urged the immediate need of some new buildings to . accommodate the growth and demands ' of that institu tion. BLUE LAWS IN LA GRANDE Saloons Must Close on Sunday a"nd Early Morning Hours. LA GRANDE, Or., July 30. (Special.) From and after August 6 the lid of the booze pot will be shut tight on Sundays, and between the morning hours of one and five on week days. Mayor Richard son so declared himself at a recent Coun cil meeting, and the Council passed an ordinance providing for the punishment of saloon men who open on Sundays, and during the early morning hours. The Mayor has served notice to all drug stores, saloons and disorderly houses that the law regarding Illicit liquor sales will be strictly enforced. BAKER FACES COAL FAMINE INDUSTRIES STILLED BECAUSE OF LACK OF FUEL. Railroads Still Unable to Fill Orders and Suffering Is Feared Unless , Supply Is Secured. BAKER CITY, Or.. July 30. (Special.) The question now uppermost in the friinds of Baker City people is wheti.er or not they will be able to secure coal this Winter. A few days ago press dis patches from New York announced that the Harriman lines had secured a re duction on the freight rates on coal that the local dealers might lay in their sup plies of the precious material during the Summer months when cars were to be had. But after all has been said and done by the railroads Baker City continues to be without coal, and . there are no prospects of securing a supply for this Winter. Very little coal is passing through here and still Kss is oeing re ceived by the local dealers. The question is one that affects nearly every industry in this part of the state and many of the large mines are now lying Idle because of their inability to secure coal to furnish power to run them. Several mines are being equipped with electric power to avoid the neces sity of waiting for coal. The local dealers are now receiving coal for which they had orders in more than a year ago. At that time one dealer had a standing order for a carload every five days and during the last year has received in the neighborhood of six cars. The other dealers have fared no better and the people are anxious that something should be done to relieve the situation. If coal, and a large supply of It, cannot be obtained thl3 Fall, there will be a great deal of suffering in Baker City for many of the business blocks and hou.es are equipped with coal furnaces and cannot use wood. Even wood Is unobtainable in the Winter time, because of the great demand. TAKE ADAMS BACK FOR TRIAL Shoshone County Sheriff Leaves Boise on Trip to Wallace. BOISE, Idaho, July 30. (Special.) Sher iff Bailey, of Shoshone County, left to night for home, taking Steve Adams with him. Deputy Harvey Bostwlck of this county accompanied him. Adams is to stand trial again at Wallace for the mur der of Fred Tyler on the St. Joe River in" August, 1904. That crime was dis closed by him in a confession made to McParland and afterward repudiated. On the Astoria Waterfront. ASTORIA, Or., July 30. (Special.) The repairs to the gasoline schooner Gerald C, which has been on the ways since be ing stranded at Nestucca, are nearly com pleted and the vessel will be ready to go into commission about next Friday. Among other work done on the craft was the construction of a new house, which increases the schooner's net tonnage by two tons. The barkentlne Chehalis, Captain Wik man, cleared at the Custom-House today for Autofagasta, Chile, with a cargo of 7i6,516 feet of lumber, loaded at Knappton, The vessel will sail as soon as she se cures a crew, her complement being two men short at present. Plans for Astoria Regatta. ASTORIA, Or.. July 30. (Special.) The regatta committee has -closed a contract with the Brown Band of Portland to fur nish the music during the coming carnival in September. Chairman Schlmpff of the committee is arranging for a single shell race between Gloss of Portland, Lang of Vancouver, B. C, and Alex Pape, of San Francisco, for the Pacific Coast championship. Pape is now holder of the title," which he first won on the Astoria course, and the other two oarsmen have already signified their willingness to meet him here and contest for the trophy. Boise Anarchist Suspect Released. BOISE. Idaho, July 30. (Special) C. H. Duncan, of Spokane, who created a sen sation here the latter part of May, was released today on promise to leave town, Duncan was arrested because of appear ing in disguise and with an arsenal upon him. He manifested every symptom of anarchy, ana It was reared he contem plated some rash act. He was committed to jail for 60 days and given a fine of J200. which would have kept him 160 days all tola. Killed in Auto Accident. EVERETT, Wash., July 30. A. A. Smith, a prominent shingle manufacturer or ine county, was Kiiiea in an automo bile accident this morning. His machine became unmanageable, and plunged from the Hewitt-avenue viaduct approach, pin ning him beneath the wreck. Two com panions, Duncan McKlnnon and John Nelson, were Injured, and are now In the hospital. .The latter may be hurt inter nally. Gambling Charge Fails to Stick. ABERDEEN, Wash., July 30. (Special.) The police have several times of late at tempted to secure a conviction on a charge of gambling but failed. In the case of Claude Jones today, the evidence was damaging but the court failed to hold the accused. CHILDREN'S PARADES PHOTOS. Delightful Riser Imperial Hotel. j DIPLOMAS FOR 14 Chemawa Training . School Completes Year's Work. " WORK OF INDIAN PUPILS Exercises Conducted by Members of Graduating Class With Demon strations of What They Learn o.T Industrial Art. CHEMAWA, Or., July 30. (Special.) The graduating exercises of the class of 1907. of the Chemawa Indian School, were "5ld today, when a class , of 14 bright young Indian maidens and urawny men were given diplomas. The various de partments were visited at 10 o'clock, and the Indian boys and, girls were found at work under instruction in the various callings for which they are preparing themselves. At 2:45 in the afternoon the graduat ing exercises were held in the auditorium. Rev. Father Datln gave the invocation. Addresses were delivered by Lizzie Fra zler, the salutatorlan, and Peter Seltice. the, valedictorian. The other members of the class presented short demonstrations of the industrial callings which they have been pursuing while at the school. The diplomas were presented to the class by the Rev. T. L. Elliot, of Portland. The salutotory of Miss Frazier gave a good outline of the methods at Chemawa, and in part was as follows: What the Pupils Are Taught. The school is known as the Salem Indian School, and In It we are taught the domestic arts and mechanical Industries, as well as receiving a common school education. It 1b the aim of the onea In charge of In dian schools to educate and Instruct the Indian boy and girl so that he or she may be able to know how to do thing's, and they learn by doing- these things, and not toy reading about them. Our boys are taught farming, gardening, dairying, baking, tailoring, printing, painting. carpentry. wagon-making, harness-making. blacksmlthing, plumbing and engineering. They raise all the fruits and vegetables used by the school; they do all the milking, butter-making and caring for the stock. All the cooking and baking is done by the boys and In the tailoring department they make all their clothes. The publishing of the Chemawa America, our weekly newspaper, has been done mostly by the boys, and the things made by them in the different shops are turned out for the use of the school. They also take care of their own rooms and keep their build ings In order. Work in Domestic Science. Our girls are taught the domestic arts, such as cooking, sewing, laundering and general housekeeping. They are also taught nursing. In the dressmaking department they make all the dresses for the girls and In the laun dTy they do all the laundering for the school. In the hospital the patients are cared tor by the girls who are training to become nurses. They also keep their rooms and buildings neat and clean. McDrlde Hall, or the' large girls' home, la said' to be the most neatly-kent building In the service. The student body Is divided into two di visions, which go to school and to their in dustrial work alternately in the morning and afternoon. We have the Toung Men's Christian Asso ciation and Young Women's Christian Asso ciation for the young men and women who are Interested in Christian work, and there Is mass on every Sunday morning for the Catholic children, besides the general chapel assembly for Sunday school. w e have four dramatic clubs and four lit erary societies to afford entertainment for the school and help the pupils In their literary work. N Determined to Obtain Success. Our athletic teams are known ttfroughout the state for their skill In all sports. We never lack for pleasure during the school months, as there Is a series of parties, so cials and entertainments given by the differ ent clubs and societies. But pleasure Is not the object that the young Indian who enters Chemawa as a pupil has in view. He comes here to work and study and better his chances for the future, and with this object In view he Is sure to succeed, as there Is everything hers for one w-llllng to be Instructed. This afternoon our graduating class will demonstrate to you that their time In Chem awa has been well spent and will now show you some of the things we do here. A band concert was e-iven at 8 o'clock in the evening by the Indian School Band. The music was greatly enjoyed by the visitors at the school. Tomor row will be given over to the annual field sports of the school. For the var ious events there are a large number of entries. In the evening will be rendered the operetta,. "The Japanese Girl." OREGON CITY BEGINS FIGHT Inaugurates Crusade Against Open Gambling at Mllwaukie. OREGON CITT, Or., July 30. (Spe cial.) Four Protestant churches of this city have leagued together in an ef fort to have the Mllwaukie Club closed, and has presented written requests to District Attorney Gilbert Hedges and Sheriff Beatie. The former is out of the city and Sherif Beatie said this afternoon that the authorities were not at this time in possession of sufficient evidence to proceed against the gambling resort. The county officials seem to take the view that this is a matter for the municipality of Mll waukie to decide, as the club is within the corporate limits of that town. It has not been the policy of the Clacka mas County officials to Interfere with the government of the small towns of the county, but District Attorney Hedges last Saturday said that he in tenled to enforce the - Sunday-closing law in Canby, Barlow and Estacada, all incorporated towns, and the church people evidently believe that this Is an opening wedge." "It is a matter of much regret to us that Clackamas County should be made the dumping ground for the evils of Multnomah," said Rev. R. C. Blackwell, pastor of the , Methodist . Episcopal Church, this afternoon. "The gambling place should unquestionably be closed, to Improve the moral atmosphere not "only of the town of Mllwaukie, but to remove the stigma that has been cast vupon the wholer of Clackamas County by the operation of such vile joint. We have not placed ourselves In the posl ton of condemning the county of ficials, who have authority to close the plade, but have merely asked them, to end this deplorable condition." In the Methodist, Baptist, Presby terian and Congregational churches last Sunday resolutions were presented and unanimously adopted by a standing vote on the part of the people present. The clergymen say that by this action probably 1000 residents of Oregon City have asked the officials to act. The resolution follows: "We, the members of the Methodist, Baptist, Presbyterian and Congrega tional churches of Oregon City, having been Informed that there Is a notorious gambling club In operation at Mllwau kie, consider, tnls a disgrace to Clacka mas County. As citizens of this coun ty, we request you. In your official capacity as executive officers, to en- force the law in regard to this insti tution." Ever since the Milwaukie Club was opened quiet murmurs of protest from the traveling publio have been heard in condemnation of the place and of the presence of a large number of gamblers and race-track touts on th farm whn iiKTinllv travel In Hunches and discuss their nefarious vocation In tne hearing of passengers. Samuel Thurston. CORVALLIS, Or., July 30. (Special.) Samuel Thurston, noted throughout Ore gon a few years ago as a football player, died in Arizona today of consumption, aged about 28. Thurston was formerly a student of the State Agricultural Col lege, but when football was abolished at the institution he went with Ray Good rich and Willie Scott to the State Uni versity, where he became a star student. He was a member of the famous Uni versity of Oregon team which defeated Berkeley several years ago.' His re mains will be brought for Interment to his home in the northern part of Benton County. He has been in Arizona for two years on account of failing health. "Jackets" Cost Him Dearly. ST. ' HELENS, Or., July 30. (Special.) W. B. Dmard, of this place, sustained a loss wnich he estimates at at least JICOO as a result of an attempt to destroy a nest of yellow Jackets that Infested his orchard. The nest was in a stump and Mr. Dillard set fire to It in full faith that he would accomplish the destruction of the pests. He, as he thought, put the fire out, but found the yellow Jackets as busy as ever. It appears the fire was not entirely extinguished and a brisk breeze fanned It into a flame, destroying 25 bearing apple trees, a number of English walnut and a few tons of hay. OPENS FIRE ON TUG 111 CAPTATX MAKES COMPLAINT AGAINST PETE ANDERSON. Wants Law to Protect His Vessel From Bombardment at Sauvle's Island. ST. HELENS. Or., July 30. (Special.) The captain of the tug Wauna, of .lie Shaver line, made complaint before the District Attorney here today of the ac tion of Pete Anderson, who owns some land on Sauvies Island at Willow Bar. It appears that Pete has something of the Viking about him and believes In taking the law into his own ..ands, and when the Wauna's waves washed away some of Pete's real estate he considered himself Justified in opening fire upon the boat, putting several shots through dif ferent parts of its woodwork without re gard .as to whether the bullets found hu man targets. As men are scarce, and this is not Pete's first offense, the captain intends to ascertain whether the law can restrain the belligerent Swede. Railroad Violating Labor Law. OLMPIA." Wash., July 30. (Special.) The State Railroad Commission is gathering evidence on a number of cases reported where the Great North ern and Northern Pacific have forced employes to labor In excess of the IS hour maximum continuous labor law of last session. As soon as all the nec essary proof is secured complaints will be filed and prosecution instituted. . Railroad Laborers Scarce. HUNTINGTON Or.. July 30. Work on the Northwest Railroad Is progressing slowly owing to the scarcity of men, who prefer to work In the harvest fields, greatly to the inconvenience of the rail road contractors. Work will begin next week of laying rails and putting in cul verts of iron pipes In the large gulches leading from the mountain sides. This means a great saving of time and money to the contractors, who now have to haul their supplies 40 and 60 miles by wagon. Clackamas Farm Brings $16,000. OREGON CITY, Or., July 30. (Spe cial.) Robert J. Brown, one of the po tato kings of New Era, has sold his 270-acre farm 14 miles east of New Bra, to G. E. Pottratz, of Marlon County, for $16,000, or nearly $60 per acre, and the purchaser has taken immediate posses sion. Mr. Brown will remain 'in Clack amas County and purchase a smaller farm. Cloudburst Sunday at Unity. HUNTINGTON. Or.. July 30. Sunday about 6 P. M.. Unity, a small town sev eral miles from here, was visited by. a heavy cloudDurst. faeverai miles or tracK were washed out. No. 6 was held here while all the section men and all the men in the yards were called out to help re- fair the track. At the same time Hunt ngton was isited by a terrible dust storm, followed by a few drops of rain. Johnson Released on Bail. ASTORIA, Or., July SO. (Special.) The bond in the sum of $500 for the release of Charles Johnson, who has been confined in the county jail for several weeks to await trial on a charge of criminal t sault, was approved by Judge McBride yesterday, and Johnson was released from Jail this morning. Frank T. Wright Arrested. NORTH YAKIMA, Wash., July 30.- (Special.) Frank T. Wright, an alleged embezzler wanted by the police in Seattle. was arrested here today while attempting to pass through on the train to Spokane. Nothing is known here regarding the de tails of the crime of which Wright is sus pected. State Wants Bids for Jute. OLYMPIA, Wash., July 30. (Special.) The State Board of Control today Issued calls for bids, to be opened Aug ust 19, for 4300 bales of jute for the state penitentiary grain bag factory, Jute prices are about $20 a bale now. or about $7 less than In January. Killed by Blow From Pulley. BOISE, Idaho, July 30. (Special.) Tom Hannah, son of V. D. Hannah, of Cald well, was killed near Notus this morning. He was engaged in oiling a hay derrick when a pulley became detached and struck him on the head. Deceased was S3 years old. He leaves a wife. Cavalry to Join Encampment. BOISE, Idaho, truly SO. (Special.) Cap tain Smith, commanding at Boise Bar racks, has been ordered to take one of the troops of the Fourteenth Cavalry sta tioned here to the militia encampment near Marysville, Fremont County, begin ning August 19. Painter Breaks Both Arms. EUGENE, Or.; July 30. (Special.) George W. Smith, while painting the ceil ing of 3oldsmith's cigar store, fell from the scaffolding head-first and, in throw ing out his hands to save himself, broke both his arms just above the wrists. Heavy Hay and Grain Yields. La GRANDE, Or., July 30. (Special.) The Amalgamated Sugar Company has begun harvesting the hay and grain on its different farms. They have 225 men and 75 teams at work. - The crop yields are heavy. PQSTALTELEGRAPH Postal Tebgnsh-CiMe Company ftneafpeninf) trsnmlt ind delivers this sissugt sublsct to ths terms Received at Mam OfS.cc, 188 SF SK M - 31 New York July 29-07 Jno. D. Robinson Ben Selling-4th & Morrison Portland, Ore Have examined good3 and prices in Chicago and New-York stores. We are positively giving better values in our clearance sale than any of them. Tell our customers this through the press. Ben Selling 8:34 pm The above Telegram man of the Ben Selling is now in New York. EUGENE GETS DEPOT Citizens Pleased With Visit to Railroad Officials. FINE BUILDING PROMISED People of University Town Will Co operate With Southern Pacific In Beautifying Depot Grounds. Bill-Boards to Come Down. EUGENE, Or., July 30. (Special.) The delegation of citizens which visited the Southern Pacific officials at Port land yesterday, returned to Eugene early this morning. They report a cordial reception , and a conference which assured them that the needs of Eugene, in the way of better service and improved depot grounds and build ings,, will be met at once. On August 1, a daily service will be gin between Eugene and "Wendling, in cluding other '.points in the Mohawk Valley. By this arrangement the peo ple along this line can come into Eugene, have several hours for trad ing and 'return to their homes in the evening. This new train will make a great difference in the trade coming to Eugene from the Mohawk, as here tofore it was necessary for traders to stay in Eugene over night. The open ing of this service will be marked by a big excursion of Eugene people to Wendling on August 1. The officials of the Southern Pacific promised definitely that work would begin on the new Eugene depot within 60 days, and completed at the earliest possible date. The plans are not yet ready for Inspection, but it is promised that Eugene will be given a depot that will fill the needs of the city she is destined to become. Aside from hav ing all the conveniences that such a station will require. Manager O'Brien assures the committee that the build ings and grounds will be made to do credit to the home of the State Uni versity. Parks and gardens will be arranged with a display of the products PUSH! Who said they, didn't want Portland and Oregon to grow? Now let's get in and patronize everything made at home, that is, where It doesn't cost any more. A little of this will bring us ahead of all other cities and states In a remarkably short time. We guarantee you the best hard-wearing shoe -for men, boys and youths which you can get for your money made right here in Portland. If we do not do this, we do not ask your pat ronage. Ask your shoe dealer for our shoe. Tou need not be deceived for our name, "The J. A. Reld Shoe," is stamped with a steel stamp on the bottoms of every pair. If your merchant does not sup ply them he is keeping back our progress, which is our mutual loss. Boys' shoes J2.50 and J3.00 per pair. Men's $3.00, $3.60. $4.00 and $4.60. High tops cost more of course. The J. A. Reid Company SHOE MANUFACTURERS. 13 and 15 Union Ave., City. Home Phone only, B 1211. The Best Toast What could b . a better Toast than "A Little Quaker Maid" Aak for ft mt any flrat-cloa bar. cafe or dnirf atora S. HIRSCH & CCL KansM City, Ho, ClARCNCE H. MACKAY, Kniton, G 126 Third Street Portland, Oregon, (ALWAYS was received by Jno. D. Robinson, head clothing store, yesterday morning from Mr. Selling, who and resources of the county and dis trict. The company and the people of Eugene and vicinity will co-operate in this feature, and it is hoped to make the new depot as attractive a one as can be found anywhere. The warehouses will be moved across the track and the station buildings will be con structed on the south side. In conection with these changes, the merchants are planning a movement which will do away with all the un attractive advertisement billboards in the vicinity of the station; Improve the property which comes with our Pocket Savings Banks TVe would like your Savings Account. If you have never before done so, open an account with us at once. "We pay 4 per cent interest on savings, and furnish, free, our neat, leather covered Pocket Savings Bank, as an aid in your effort to save, requiring only. 25 cents as a de posit for return of the bank when not used. Without this saving habit well established, you cannot hope to succeed in life. Again, you owe it to yourself and those dependent upon you to make provisions now against the time when you cannot earn. Do not delay longer. Call and get a Savings Bank. . - MERCHANTS' TRUST 6 SAVINGS COMPANY 247 Washington Street 1 Capital fully paid $150,000.00 "J. Frank Watson, President. R. L. Durham, Vice-President. W. H. Fear, Secretary. S. C. Catching, Asst. Secretary. O. W. T. Muellhaupt, Cashier. SPECIAL SUMMER EXCURSION RATES From CHICAGO Use "LAKE SHORE" - OR Michigan Central The Niagara Falls Route "AMERICA'S mmsmid RAILWAY SYSTEM'- TO BOSTON OLD HOME WEEK, July 25, 26, 27, 28. From' Chicago or St. Louis One Fair plus $2.00 for the Round Trip A grand "Old Home Week" celebration and reunion. Seven days of public festivities, com mencing July 28th. Founders' Day; Patriots' Day; Greater Boston Day; New England Day; Massachusetts Day; Women's Day; Military Day. During these Seven Days Historic Boston will be "At Home" to all her Sons and Daughters, wherever residing. BOSTON and RETURN, July 13, 22, 23; August 6, 10, 20, 24; September 10, 14, 24, 28. Fair from Chicago, $24.00. Fare from St. Louis, $27.00. NEW ENGLAND RESORTS, July 13, 22, 23; August 6, 10, 20, 24; Sep tember 10, 14, 24, 28; From Chicago or St. Louis, One Fare Plue $2.00 for the Round Trip. CANADIAN RESORTS, Daily until September 30, '07. From Chicago or St. Louis, One Fare Plus $2.00 for the Round Trip. Full particulars may be obtained from any Ticket Agent of the NEW YORK CENTRAL LINES i Warren J. Lynch. Passenger Traffic Mana&reiv Chicago, ' COMMERCIAL CABLES 176 in eesdlnews printed es flu bsdt et this Mie. S.OPEN.) . 1 Jjt in the view of the traveler passing through Eugene. As it is now, the tourist gets the benefit .of themost un attractive part. This it is hoped will be overcome through the co-operation of the Southern Pacific Company and the citizens of Eugene. Boise Electrician Killed. BOISE, Idaho, July 30. C. D. Madison was electrocuted this afternoon while at work for the Capital Electric Light Com pany, Just outside the transformer house, taking up slack in wires. Hand Embroidered and Made to Order for $5.00 This special price is made to introduce new shirtwaists and many other de- igns in hand embroidery. No. 200, exactly like cut, daintily hand embroidered, in eyelet, shadow or in French work. The chic style, high quality of material and neat workman ship will be appreciated by those who enjoy wearing the genuine. Exclusive Patterns Inspection invited .The ITeedlecraft Shop, 382 Washington St., Portland, Ore. VIA From ST. LOUIS Use BIG FOUR ROUTE" GREATEST