Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, July 31, 1907, Page 4, Image 4

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Delegates to The Hague Pay
Tribute to Carnegie's -Munificence.
Dutch" Statesman Lauds Founder of
Palace Xelidoff Claims Credit
for Czar of
Peace Movement,
THE HAGUE. July 30. The founda
tion stone of the Andrew Carnegie
Palace of Peace was lajd this after
noon at Zorgrvllet In the midst of the
wooded park stretching from The
Hague to Schvenlngen by M. Nelldoff,
president of the second peace confer
ence. Practically all the delegates attending
the present peace conference, a num
ber of high court officials, the mem
bers of the States General and the del
egations, from numerous civic and mu
nicipal bodies were grouped around
the stone, which, when the structure
Is completed, will form the corner of
the grand hall of justice.
Chiseled on the stone in bold Roman
characters is the following Latin in
scription: "Pad, Justltlae. flrmandae, hanc,
aedom, Andrae Carnegie, munlflcentia,
Place Right Above Might.
The ceremonies were opened with
music and singing by a number of
choral societies, after which M. A. P.
C. Van Karnebeak, president of the
Carnegie foundation commlttet, de
livered an address in which he paid a
tribute to the "generous man whose
name is engraved upon the first stone
of the edifice due to his munificence."
The thoughts and the thanks of
every one went out, the speaker said
to Andrew Carnegie. Then rapidly
sketching the history of the Carnegie
donation and describing the plans of
the peace palace, which It is proposed
to ask the powers that have signed the
Hague convention to furnish, M. Van
Karnebeak concluded with these
"This is to be a palace of interna
tional justice founded as the outcome
of the need of every civilized country
to substitute the rule of right for the
rule of might. In this palace no one
will be stronger, on one weaker, than
the other, and no other blade except
the sword of justice will be placed in
the scale. The tower of the palace
will point to the stars, indicating the
ideal of our efforts." '
Promote Worship of Peace.
M. Nelldoff expressed the gratitude
of the peace delegates to the munifi
cent donor of the palace and to the
Netherland government for the gift of
the land for the edifice. The palace,
he said, would be a monument to the
first efforts made by the governments
of the world to preserve to the Nations
the benefits of peaceful development
by seeking to prevent wars. The
speaker said he wished to emphasize
the almost sacred character of the pro
posed building. It represented a new
principle in the relations of people,
namely, peace by justice and right.
M. Nelidoff then referred to the anti
quity of the worship of war, and said
there had never been a cult of peace
of the world. Of all the precepts
preached by the Saviour 1800 years
ago, the idea of peace had been the
most neglected.
"To make this idea triumph and
the honor there for accrues to the Em
peror of Russia the governments of
the world must agree to study in com
mon a means of making universal
peace a study by seeking every pos
sibility of assuring its maintenance,"
said M. Nelldoff.
Real Estate Boomer Busy.
Some disappointment is felt that
Queen Wllhelmina, who is at the
Hague, was not present at the cere
monies, and it is reported that the real
reason for her absence Is to ba found
in a dispute of a site for the palace.
Real estate speculators are openly ac
cused of having Influenced the selec
tion of the site at Zorxliet.
Secretary Advocates Third Term for
SEATTLE, Wash., July 30. Secre
tary Wilson was entertained at lunch
today by the Rainier Club. Secretary
Wilson toured Seattle in an automobile.
Inspected the harbor and then went to
The Secretary said that there seemed
to be a well-defined sentiment In the
West in favor of Roosevelt for a third
term, but gave no personal opinion.
He had heard no rumor of his own
resignation and said, "It is too far
ahead to forecast what; I will do at
the end of' my term."
Referring to his Forest Reserve pol
icy, he said:
"Unless the men intend to establish
their homes on the land, I am in favor
of keeping it in the Forest Reserye."
(Continued from First Pass.)
period of time from 1872 to 1902, the mem
bers of these associations. It is asserted,
by various unfair business methods,
forced substantially all competitors out
of the powder business until, at the latter
date, they controlled 95 per cent thereof.
Holding Company Gobbles All.
The petition recites many of the
operations of the so-called powder
trust leading up to the organization, in
May. 1903. under the laws of the State
of New Jersey, of the E. I. Dupont de
Nemours Powder Company, with a cap
ital stock of $50,000,000, as a holding com
pany, for the purpose of acquiring" the
capital stock of every corporation In
the United States engaged in manu
facturing and dealing in high ex
plosives. This New Jersey holding company, it
i alleged, did acquire control of the
companies operating in high explosives
in the United States until all of the
business of shipping and selling such
commodities of substantially 70 com
panies, which had from time to time
since 1872 been separate competing
concerns, and now being carried on' by
three gigantic operating companies,
namely, the Eastern Dynamite Com
pany, the E. I. Dupont de Nemours
Powder Company of Delaware and the
Laflln A Rand Powder Company had
been acquired.
The defendants, it is alleged, already
have a complete monopoly of the pro
duction and distribution of smokeless
ordnance powder, in addition to the
monopoly of 95 per cent of the produc
tion of explosives other than smokeless
powder. 1
Annul Unlawful Stock.
The Government asks in its prayer
for relief that these operating compa
nies be enjoined and restrained from
operating and engaging in interstate
commerce in the United States, or that
receivers be appointed to take over
their business. '
The Government also asks that cer
tain capital stock in other companies
by the various holding companies shall
be adjudged unlawful and void, and
that the defendants shall be restrained
from carrying on alleged unfair com
petition against 26 Independent firms,
which at the time of the filing of the
petition were engaged In the manufac
ture, shipment and sale of blasting
powder and -dynamite in the United
States, In lawful competition with the
Subpena Against Dupont.
WILMINGTON, Del., July 30. Subpenas
in connection with the Government's suit
against the powder trust were Issued soon
after the filing of the petition. They are
returnable the first Monday in October.
Henry A. Dupont, who is United States
Senator, exercises a dominant influence
over the business of the powder company,
according to the bill.
Officials, However, Will Not Hold
Open Opportunity to Return to
Work More Than 24 Htinrs.
DULUTH, July SO. While the officials
of the steel corporation will continue the
conciliatory attitude which they thus far
have maintained toward the striking ore
dock employes, it is not believed that they
will hold open to them an opportunity to
return to work more than 24 hours.
There is unquestioned basis for the
statement that a reply has been drafted
in answer to the last communications of
the strikers announcing their willingness
to go to work upon the appointment of &
committee of arbitration to settle the dif
ferences. The reply, it Is understood, will
assert the willingness of the company to
meet any of their employes individually or
as a committee to discuss with them any
points in dispute which the men feel
should be adjusted after they have re
turned to work, but at the same time
pointing out wherein they consider that
arbitration does not concern the main
issue between the men and the company.
Petrlella Tries to Cross Bridge in
Defiance of Guard.
DULUTH, Minn., July 30. A dispatch
from Hlbblng to ' the Herald says that
Strike Leader Petrlella was arrested to
day on a charge of carrying concealed
Petrlella and Mahoney, the acting pres
ident of the Western Federation of Min
ers, were driving toward Chisholm. They
were crossing the bridge which leads to
the Sellers mine when the guard ordered
them to stop. Instead, Petrlella whipped
the horse and tried to pass. The guard
fired several shots into the air, and Pe
trlella was Instantly surrounded by sev
eral deputies. He was then arrested and
when searched was found to have a re
volver and SHOO.
Mahony offered to allow himself to
be searched, but he carried no weapons.
The men made no attempt to gather
about the jail where Petrlella was con
fined. Mahoney returned to Hlbblng after
his companion had been arrested.
Aside from Petriella's arrest and the
affair at Nashwauk last evening when
Sheriff Hollihan arrested several agita
tors, everything was quiet upon the range
today. About the same mines were work
ing today as were operated yesterday
with slightly larger crews.
It was announced that an answer to
the letter of the ore handlers asking for
arbitration would be given to the men
this afternoon.
Carmen's Leader Makes Charges
Against Detective Chief.
SAN FRANCISCO. July 30. Charges
against Captain of Detectives Colby were
filed today with the Police Commission
by Richard Cornelius, president of the
Carmen's Union. The complaint recites
that Captain Colby took Cornelius from
his home, on June 7 last, took him to
police headquarters without a warrant or
authority and ."sweated" him there for six
hours, during which time he was denied
interviews with his friends or counsel
and all the while was being badgered with
questions by Colby, who sought to get
him to make statements relative to al
leged dynamite plots against the United
Carbullders' Strike Averted.
ST. PAUL, July 30. A settlement of the
difficulties has been effected with the
Northern Pacific carmen, thereby avoid
ing the threatened strike of the 9000 em
8 3 Pilgrims Start Out to Seek a
Warmer Climate.
WINNIPEG. Man., July 30. Doukho
bor pilgrims, 33 In number, who reached
Winnipeg yesterday on a march to a
warmer climate, continued their Journey
eastward this afternoon. They were per
suaded not to go via the States.
They can generally be turned back at
the border. They have to report to Mon
treal but they have Implicit faith In
hazarding the Journey and being, able
to take ship for Southern Europe. They
decline to work farms by ,ne Government,
being adverse to using horses and cattle
and also to wearing colthing made from
wool or boots made from leather.
Asphalt for Third Street.
Property owners on Tljlrd street, be
tween Salmon and Grant, are circulating
a petition asking that that thoroughfare
be paved with asphalt, the distance cov
ered in the petition being 13 blocks. An
effort was made last year to have this
street paved with bituminous macadam,
but a dispute arose as to the character
of the paving. This terminated in the
courts and the Interested property own
ers have decided to ask for an asphalt
cavinc as a substitute.
Arches Under Aqueduct Col
lapse at Syracuse.
Four Canal-Boats Tumble Into
Creek Below and Rush of Water
Floods Valley ' Traffic Is
Blocked for Days.
SYRACUSE, N. T., July 30. The stone
arches which support the bed of the Erie
canal at a point near the center of this
city, where it passes over Onondaga
Creek, gave way this afternoon and four
canal boats were drawn into the bed of
the creek beneath, 50 feet of the wall of
the three-story Empire Flouring Mill fell
Into the water and the Bartels and Green-
MIm Edith Root.
nouncement was made today of the
engagement of MIm Edith Root,
only daughter of Secretary of State
and Mrs. Ellhu Root, to Lieutenant
U. 6. Grant III, V. S. A., son of Major
General Frederick' Dent Grant, com
manding the Department of the
East, and grandsonof the late Pres
ident Grant. No date has yet been
set for the. wedding, but it probably
will occur in the Autumn. Lieutenant
Grant has been one of the military
aides to President Roosevelt, and the
social duties of that position first
brought about his acquaintance with
Mis Root.
way breweries, respectively on the north
and south banks of the canal, were threat
ened with demolition. No one wag hurt.
The canal level at this point Is five
miles in length and Division Superintend
ent Thomas Wheeler immediately ordered
the water drawn off. He said that the
break was caused by the arches of the
aqueduct over Onondaga Creek giving
way. When the level Is emptied, the
danger of flood In the creek section north
to Onondaga Lake will pass and the
backed up waters of the. creek will flow
uninterruptedly by the boats.
All canal traffio is tied up and it will
be several days at least before the dam
age can be repaired. The boats and car
goes are a total loss.
New line across rockies
Northern Pacific to Cut Out Mullan
Tunnel and Save Distance.
' HELENA, Mont.. July 30. (Special.)
The Northern PaciSc has let a contract
to Shepard, Slems & Company for the
building of a new line over the Rocky
Mountains west from this city, presum
ably for the purpose of heading off the
Chicago, Milwaukee & St. Paul, which
evidently purposes tapping Helena on it
line from Lombard to Carrlson.
The route over the mountains will be
by way of McDonald Pass, and will re
sult In the abandonment of Mullan Tun
nel, the longest on the Northern Pacific
system. The new line will result in a
saving of ten miles between Helena and
Elllston and will require the boring of
only a short tunnel at the summit of the
Claim Assessment Is Higher Than
for Farm Lands.
LINCOLN, Neb., July 30. The State
Board of Assessment,- Governor Sheldon
faking the leading part, today denied the
request of the Union Pacific Railroad
Company for a revision of land values,
and at the same time refused to put in
the record the remonstrance Of the road.
The contention of the Union Pacific Is
that railroad assessments are out of pro
portion to those on other property, par
ticularly farm lands.
Thunder Showers at Eugene.
EUGENE, Or., July 30. (Special.) To
day was the hottest of the season in Eu
gene. The thermometer stood between 96
and 100 for several hours. Toward even
ing a light thunder storm cooled the
atmosphere, making the night a very
pleasant one. - -
Was Engineer of Cascade Locks and
of Jetty at Mouth of Columbia.
ST. PAUL. Minn., July 30. Brigadier
General Charles Francis Powell. U, S. A.,
retired, died at the home of his brother in
this city today, aged 63 years.
- ;
Charles Francis Powell was born in
Jacksonville, Ilf., August 13, 18-13, and re
ceived his early education In the common
schools of Milwaukee. When the Civil
War broke out he entered the Army as
a private In the Fifth Wisconsin Volunteers,-
and served with that regiment till
1S63. when President Lincoln appointed
him as a cadet to West Point for bravery
on the field of battle. He was graduated
from West Point in 1867 with the rank of
Second Lieutenant of the Engineer Corps,
and was promoted successively up to the
rank of Lieutenant-Colonel. He was mar
ried in 1883 to Margaret Foster, of Al
bany, Or.
General Powell served with the United
States battalion of engineers oa geodetic
and topographic surveys and other works
of this kind, and was the engineer s
i v - T v,
- I
charge of the works on the Cascade
Locks. He was also the engineer in
charge of the work on the Great Jetty
at the mouth of the Columbia River. He
was the secretary of the Mississippi River
Commission, Engineer in Charge of the
Missouri River Survey and Improvement,
Engineer Commissioner of the District of
Columbia, engineer of the Monongahela
River slack-water system, and engineer
of certain harbors and defenses on Long
Island Sound.
Nestor of New Jersey Bar.
- NEW YORK, July 30. Cortland Parker,
nestor of the New Jersey bar, died at his
home in Newark late last night. He was
89 years of age. Mr. Parker during his
long career at the bar, declined several
appointments and nominations, among
them Judge of the Court qf Alabama
Claims, Minister to Russia, and Minis
ter to Vienna. He was regarded as an
authority on the canonical law of the
Episcopal Church, was a regular lay
delegate to every diocesan convention
for many years and was five times a del
egate to the general convention of the
Mr. Parker was a member of the
American, New Jersey and Essex County
Bar Associations, and has served, as
president of each.
Chew Mock, Columbia Sur
vivor, Hero of Chinatown
Almond-Eyed Oakland Merchant
Tells Graphic Storr of Bla Eacapa
From Death in Shipwreck,
THERE was a man in Chinatown last
night who was looked upon aa a
hero by his countrymen. Even the most
stolid of that usually expressionless race
cast admiring glances at Chew Mock, the
only Chinese survivor of the Columbia
disaster. Mr. Chew is spending a few
days in Portland visiting old friends, for
at one time he was the proprietor of a
store In Astoria, and has many acquain
tances In this city. He is staying for the
present with Jew Mock, a cousin, at 6
Second street.
Mr. Chew was bound from his home in
Oakland to Astoria to look after some
Imports for his store in the California
city, and with the thrift customary to
his race, took passage on the Columbia to
save a few dollars on the fare. He is a
Chinaman of more than ordinary intel
ligence, tells a graphlo story of the dis
aster, accompanied by many gestures and.
"It be heap telllble," said Chew Mock.
I go sleep, wake up, evelybody he be
heap scare. I do" know wha's mallah, I
go up top deck, some man, he say "Go
get life plese'ver." I go back my room,
catch 'em life plese'ver, put 'em on, go
top deck. I tly get "em in boat. Colum
bia he go over alle llkee this," and
Chew gestured with his hand to Indicate
an angle of 45 degrees, "piety soon boat
he go down, I go in water. I so wav
down, dlink "em heap water, no can
breathe. Blmeby I come up, see 'em
what you call 'em, life laft? Yeah. I
see 'em life laft; I heap swim, catch 'em
laft- There be seven men, two woman.
It be heap cold. Evelybody he keep heap
close, all together. Blmeby, long time,
big boat. Elder, he come. Some man he
thlow lopt. Evelybody he tie 'em lope
under they arm, some man he pull 'em
up. It be half past sevent."
'Wasn't it very cold in theh water?"
Chew was asked.
"You 'bet, heap cold. I catch 'em two
cigar in pocket. I be heap cold, eat 'em
cigar, no be cold any more. Cigar be
heap good, I swallow him, no be cold any
more. He be heap good medicine."
You don t want any more shipwrecks.
do you, Chew?"
You bet! He be heap telllble." and
Chew indicated by a clucking noise what
he thought -of a shipwreck. "Nex" time
I go boat, you bet I go lail-load tlaln.
You sabe?"
Chambers of Commerce Communi
cate With Seattle.
SEATTLE, July 30. Alleging that
the legitimate rights of the Japanese
people have been trampled upon In cer
tain portions of this country, and that
their property has been attacked and
treaty rights disregarded even to the
extent that the lives of Japanese sub
jects have been endangered, five Cham
bers of Commerce in Japan have writ
ten a letter to the Seattle Chamber of
Commerce asking that an effort be
made to prevent discrimination against
their countrymen in the United States.
The protest points out that such treat
ment will eventually lead to a breach
in the commercial relations of the two
countries. No particular cities are
mentioned in the letter, is patent
from its tenor and wording that San
Francisco is referred to.
Martoogesslan Accused of Murder of
Rug Merchant.
NEW YORK. July 80. Father Mar
toogesslan.' the Armenian priest and
former leader of the Armenian revolu
tionary Hunchaklst party, who was
arrested last night as a result of a
police Investigation following the mur
der of H. S. TavashanJIan, was indicted
by the grand Jury today on a charge
of attempted robbery in the second
The police believe TavashanJIan was
killed after he had repeatedly refused
A Strong Tonic - -A
Body Builder - -A
Blood Purifier - -
Aye,rs Sarsqparilla
A Great Alterative - - Without Alcohol
A Doctor's Medicine - Without Alcohol
Ayer's Sajsaparilla - - Without Alcohol
The new kind contains no alcohol
We have no secrets to hide! We pub--lish
the formulas of all our medicines.
J." C. AYER CO., Minufacturing Chemists, Lowell, Mm.
A Famous French Specialist oi Dis
eases of the Skin Prescribes Cuti
cura as tha Most Effective Remedy
Known to Him, Charging as His
Fee 100 Francs ($20).
Gentlemen : You may be pleased to
learn that a patient suffering from an
irritation of the skin, caused by motor
ing, on consulting a noted physician in
Paris, for which a fee of one hundred
francs (twenty dollars) was charged,
was advised to use Cuticura, which ad
vice, although received with astonish
ment, was followed and resulted in a
perfect cure. (Signed) Lewis Gower,
1123 Broadway, New Tork, U. S. A.,
December 16, 1906."
French physicians, particularly those
-making a specialty of the treatment of
kin diseases, have for many years re
garded Cuticura as a specific and have
prescribed it freely. It enjoys the rare
distinction of being prescribed in the
Hospital Saint Louis, Paris, one of the
largest and most famous hospitals in
the world devoted exclusively to the
treatment of diseases of the akin.
Mother Of Ten
Always Kept Cuticura Ready
for Children's Skin and
k Scalp Troubles.
"I wish to add my voice to the praise
of Cuticura Remedies. I am the lather
of ten children, whose mother is dead.
In our homes in England and America,
she kept in her little medicine chest,
always on hand, and often used to use the
Cuticura Remedies, and they brought
the best of results in children's skin and
scalp troubles. These children are all
grown and scattered and I cannot recall
any specific cases of cure, but I do know
that I have spent remarkably little in
doctors' fees. George W. Rugby, 62 N.
.Clark St., Chicago, 111., 001.25,1906."
Complete External and Internal Treatment for
Eyery Humor ot Infants. Children, and Adulte, eon
ista of Cuticura Soao (25c.) to Cleanse be Skin.
Cuticura Ointment (SOe.) to Real tbe Skin, and Cuti
cura Resolvent (60c. . (or In the form of Chocolate
Coated Pills. 25c. per Tlal of 60) to Purifv the Blood.
Bold throughout the world. Potter Drug 4 Chem.
Corp.. Pole Props.. Boston. Mass.
asr-Mailed Free. Cuticura Book on Skin DuKases.
to supply money to one of the revolu
tionary societies.
It is stated that Bedros Harpootso
mian, vAio killed TavashanJIan, and
who is In the Tombs under indictment
for murder in the first 'degree, lived in
Lowell, Mass., at the home of an uncle.
His real name is said to be Bedros
Khachadorian. He is an adherent of
the Hunchakists. He is also said to
have been devoted to Father Mar-T
tooge3sian, the Armenian priest, who
has been placed under; arrest in con
nection with the case. The priest, it
is said, visited him in Lowell.
Following a searching examination
of . Martoogesslan by attorneys of the
District Attorney's office,' several Ar
menians were taken into custody by
the police. They were held as wit
nesses. 1
In a statement issued through its
executive committee in America today,
the Hunchaklst party disclaims all
connection with the assassination of
TavashanJIan, a wealthy rug dealer.
The statement declares that the men
concerned In the assassination were ex
pelled from the Hunchaklst party, for
treachery and heinous crimes of black
mail," and that since their expulsion
they have done much to degrade the
honored name of a great patriotic
Insane Human Animal Captured
After Hard Fight.
ST. CHARLES. Mo., July 80. After, a
desperate struggle lasting two hours.
Sheriff Hlnes and a posse of deputies yes
terday captured a powerful insane man
who has terrorized the inhabitants of
Garden Island, in the Mississippi River,
for more than a week. The man is over
.6 feet in height, weight about 225 pounds,
fend was nude when captured. His body
is covered with long black hair. When
found he was lying in the water with only
his head visible. The deputies declare
that when placed in a strait-Jacket the
man rolled over on the grass and ate-
grass like an animal. An effort Is being
made to discover his Identity.
Roosevelt to Spend Several Days af
NEWPORT, July 30. A pleasant morsel
of gossip In society here is a reported
visit of Mr. and Mrs. Roosevelt. They
have accepted, it is stated, an Invitation
to visit this city August 15, when they
- Without Alcohol
- Without Alcohol
- Without Alcohol
"August 8, Why?"
On the lapel of the coats of practically every streetcar man in the
'city has caused more talk than any recent freak in the advertising
line. It is advertising the big event, that will be held at The Oaks
August 8 by the employes of the Portland Railway, Light & Power
The carmen, in conjunction with Manager Freeman, of the park,
have made elaborate preparations for the event. During the after
noon there will be the great baby show, in which most all the babies
in Portland and vicinity will take part. There will also be a number
of. swimming matches and other sporting events. - "
In the evening a big cakewalk will be a prominent" feature on
the programme. On the stage,v in plain view of everyone, there will
be 'a series of wrestling matches, boxing and fencing bouts, and other
events of real interest and merit. .
The leading business firms in Portland have contributed trophies
to aid the carmen in making the affair a success. The list, as com
piled up to this time, is as follows :
1 Prettiest baby girl, 8 to 12 months old Highchalr. donated by Jennings &
S0,2 Prettiest baby boy, i to 12 months old Baby. Jumper, donated by Tull &
Q,b3-prettiest baby in district north of Holladay avenue, 8 to 12 months old
Child's rocker, donated by H. C. Schroeder.
4 Prettiest baby between Holladay avenue and Hawthorne avenue, 8 to 11
months old Child's rocker, donated by Calef Bros. ,,
5 prettiest baby south of Hawthorne avenue, 8 to 12 months old Child s
rocker, donated by William Taylor. ' ,
6 Prettiest baby on West Side north of Washington street Child's rocker,
donated by Powers'Furniture Company. . . -, ,
7 prettiest baby on West Side south of Washington street Child's rocker,
"T-Best natVured hJl to 1 years old-Child', go-cart, donated by Edwards
8 Foot race between wives of members (50 yards) Arm rocking chair,
donaJbyGadsbys young ladies between 15 and 20 years old (50 yards)
Pair of shoes, donated by Staiger Shoe Company.
11 Fat men's race, 200 pounds or over, free for all (BO-yards dash) Meer
schaum pipe, donated by SIg Slchel.
12 Comio footrace between Dan McAIlen and Dr. Deveny (50 yards) Box
of cigars, donated by Hart Cigar Company. , , j
13 Footrace between two oldest platform employes In service Eight pounds
of coffee, from Wadhams & Kerr Company.
14 Superintendents' footrace (50 yardsTT between O. C. Fields, superintendent
O W P. division; J. G. Mann, superintendent Piedmont division; C. F. Doty,
superintendent West Side division; G. W. Bucholta, superintendent East Ankeny
division. Winner ffom above four to be challenged by Mr. Fred Cooper, general
superintendent transportation Portland Railway lines Box of cigars
lj Tug of war between members from East Side and west Side Box ot
cigars, donated by M. A. Gunst & Company.
1 Boxing contest, bantam weights, for points, amateur rules (four rounds)
SV-Boxngycontest, heavy weights for points only. Marquis of Queensbury
rules four rounds Silver loving cup, donated by Staples, Jeweler.
18' Wrestling contest, catch-as-catch-can, best two out of three Engraved
medal donated by Butterfleld Bros.
19 Foil contest, for points Engraved trophy, donated by Feldenhelmer,
20 Bicycle race, free for all, between Western Union and Postal Telegraph
Company messengers First priie, cap and pants, donated by Lion Clothing
Company; second prize, pair of slippers, donated by Reeves & Company.
21 Exhibition drill. Woodmen of the World Silver tray, donated by Louts
Gilbrldge. Jeweler.
22 Exhibition drill. Knights of the Maccabees, uniform rank Loving cup,
donated by Heitkemper Company. ,
23 Swimming contest, free for all ladles, distance Dress hat, donated
by Wonder Millinery Company.
24 Swimming contest, free for all boys 16 to 18 years old, distance
Gild-filled watch, donated by Beck, Jeweler.
25 Cake walk, for Juveniles under 12 years of age Bracelet for girl, do
nated by Charles Leonhardt; silver cup for boy, donated by Friedlander, Jeweler.
26 Cake walk, free for all -Gentleman, gold-head cane, donated by L. C.
Helnrlehsen Company; lady, gold-headed silk umbrella, donated by McAIlen &
2.7 Watermelon - eating contest, free for all under 18 years of age Cash
price, 12.50.
28 Footrace, 50-yard dash, between F. I. Fuller, general manager; 9. G.
Reed, treasurer; F. G. Sykes, general manager power department; C. J. Franklin,
general superintendent Portland Railway, Light & Power Company Mahogany
stand donated by B. F. Boynton.
29 For member selling greatest number of benefit tickets Cuckoo clock,
donated by Jaeger Bros.
will be the guests of Commodore and Mrs.
Cornelius Vanderbilt for several days.
French Government Has Gained.
PARIS, July 30. Returns from the local
No woman who uses ''Motlier'S Friend" need fear the suffering
and danger incident to birth ; for it robs the ordeal of its horror
and insures safety to life of mother and child, and leaves her in
a condition more favorable to speedy recovery. The child is
also healthy, strong and
gooa naturea. uur dook
litr.i.1 1 J M - E;s
its weieht in gold to every
woman, and will be sent free in plain
envelope by addressing application to
Bradfield Regulator Co. Atlanta, Ga.
At the
United Cigar Stores
Smokers can always find a cigar
in almost every grade that can
not be matched in quality and
value by any other cigar store
anywhere for instance, try
Benefactor Superiors
at Sc. each
Same rate bythe hundred.
A solid high-grade Havana filled
cigar, best workmanship, and
genuine Sumatra wrapper. Just
like the best three-for-a-quarte
goods in the market. ,
elections of members of the General
Councils, composed of representatives .
elected from the various departments . of
France, are now complete and show that
the governmental parties have gained a
total of 84 seats.
And many other painful and serious
ailments from which most mothers
suffer, can be avoided by the use of
MOtmrs Frieai. This creat remedy
is a God-send to women, carrying
them through their most critical
ordeal with safety and no pain.
sstM M 1
if3 ifliiaylll'