Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, July 31, 1907, Page 2, Image 2

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State Committee Declares
Ohio Republicans Are
for Him.
Resolutions Deny Intention to Elim
inate Klther Senator, but "Flre
Alarm" Renews Demand for
Trlmary on Presidency.
COLUMBUS, O., July 30. The candi
dacy of Willinm -H. Taft, Secretary of
War,- for the Republican nomination for
President, was endorsed by the Repub
lican State Committee -uday by a vote
of 1J to . The endorsement carried with
It a declaration that the -.epublicana of
Ohio are opposed to "the elimination
from public life of Senators Foraner and
Although beaten by a -ecislve vote In
all the preliminary contests, the adher
ents of Mr. Foraker in the committee
refused to accept the olive branch ex
tended by the Taft supporters and, when
the resolution was amended was finally
accepted, no effort was made to make
the action of the committee unanimous.
The resolution as amended and finally
adopted by the committee Is as follows:
Declared Ohio's Candidate.
It is resolved by the Republican State
Central Committee of Ohio:
That we believe the great majority of
the people of Ohio, convinced of the high
character, great ability and distinguished
services of Secretary Taft, endorse his Candida)-
for the Presidency, and further.
We declare that the Republicans -of Ohio
overwhelmingly desire that the name of the
Hon. William Howard Taft be presented o
the Nation as Ohio's candidate for Presi
dent and that the Republicans of other
states be Invited to co-operate with the
Republicans of Ohio to secure his nomina
tion in 1008.
And be It further resolved,, that we em
phatically declare the representatives of
Ohio are opposed to the elimination from
public life of Senators J. B. Foraker and
Charles Dick, whose services to the party
and state have been distingtNshed by
ability, wisdom and patriotism.
Foraker Fights to End.
The endorsement of Mr. Taft's candi
dacy was vigorously opposed by Mr.
Foraker. who, upon the eve of the meet
ing, made known his dissent from the
endorsement. The senior Senator con
trolled seven members of the committee
on all votes except that taken upon ad
option of the resolution endorsing Mr.
Taft. A. W. McDonald, of the Sixteenth
district, broke with the Foraker forces
on the final ballot, which stood 15 to 8.
A. I. Vorys, manager of the Talc cam
paign, declared tonight the action of the
committee was Important In that It gave
assurance to otner states that Mr. Taft
' had the support of his party in Ohio and
would be backed by the delegation from
this state in the next National Repub
lican Convention.
Foraker Insists State Convention
Alone Can Bind Party.
CINCINNATI. Ohio, July 30.-r-When
United States Senator Foraker learned
of the action of the Republican State
Committee this afternoon he gave out
the following; statement:
I cannot add anything to what I have said
In my open letter published this morning. I
wrote that letter foreseeing the result and
feeling that it was my duty to give notice
beforehand that I would not be bound by any
such unauthorized action. The committee had
no more right to speak on that subject for tha
Republicans of Ohio than any other 21 Re
publicans of the state might have had, and
the action of the committee will not affect
my course in any way.
The next state convention will have au
thority to apeak and by the action of that
convention It will be the duty of every good
Republican to abide. In the meanwhile we
hall have our municipal elections an! tss
benefit of occurring. events. In the light of all
cf which we shall no doubt be able to act
Intelligently and satisfactorily.
Keeps Mum About Both Parties tc
AKRON. Ohio. July 30. Following
the reading of the dispatches from Co
lumbus today, in' which It wag stated
that Secretary Taft had been Indorsed
for the Presidency as 'Ohio's candidate
by the Republican State Central Com
mittee, Senator Charles Dick refused to
makeany comment. Neither would the
junior Senator Indorse the letter of
Senator Foraker to the committee In
which the senior Senator assumed that
no indorsement could be made by the
committee on the ground that it would
be premature.
(Continued from FlrBt Page.)
were written before she had been In
formed of the finding of Miss Matthews'
body. She explained this by saying she
had anticipated such an event. Miss
Green also testified that several days ago
she and Miss Matthews visited a local
mortuary and Miss Matthews selected a
casKet and remarked: "This Is the kind
of a casket I wish to be burled In."
Miss Green swore that Dr. H. E. Thom
as, whose name has been mentioned In
the case, was merely a good friend of
Miss Matthews and was not Involved In
the case in any way.
Girl Intended Suicide.
She declared that Miss Matthews was
not in a delicate condition.
Chief of Police Reynolds was the princi
pal witness y;allcd -at the afternoon ses
sion. He testified to an interview he had
with Miss Green on Monday, the day Miss
Matthews was found. Miss Green told
him that at 3 o'clock Sunday afternoon
she went upstairs and looked In Miss
Matthews' trunk and saw the revolver
was gone. From this, she said, she
knew that the girl Intended to commit
suiride. '
When Laura left for a ride in the aft
ernoon she kissed her nurse good-bye
and gave her her Jewels. After mount
ing the horse she suddenly dropped her
handkerchief and, while the nurse was
reaching for it, the girl started off, say
ing. "Good-bye, girls."
Thomas Holton, residing at the Alta
Vista Hotel, was the next witness called.
I,Rura Matthews had told him on Sat
urday, the day previous to the suicide,
that she would take her own life. He
said he believed from what Miss Matth
ews said that C. A. Coy, of Chicago,
was responsible for her despondent con
dition. On Fact Against Suicide.
Acting Coroner Richardson was called
o the stand and described the position
of the body of Miss Matthews, when
found, the nature of the wound which
caused her death, and the nature of the
ground where the body was found. Mr.
Richardson stated that there were no
powder burns or smoke discoloratlons on
the skin about the wound.
This brought on a discussion as to
whether a gun held close to the head
! will or will not cause a discoloration of
the skin. Dr. Richardson stated that he
had heard of several cases of suicide
where no powder burns were noticeable
and cited the case of Wilson, the Chicago
millionaire, as an Instance. "
Rumbaugh having not as yet appeared.
Miss Green, the nurse, was recalled and
asked to testify relative to Miss Matth
ews' jewels. This testimony did not bring
out anything new and Miss Green was
excused Just as the startling news of the
attempted suicide of Rumbaugh was im
parted to the officials present.
The witness appeared stunned when the
news was announced and almost fainted.
A recess was taken at once until to
morrow at 10 A. M.
Man in the Case Says He Never
'Heard of Rumbaugh.
CHICAGO, July 30. Referring to the
statement that Rumbaugh sent a tele
gram to C. A. Coey asking the latter
to send money for expenses, Mr. Coey
last night said: .
"The telegram I received about Miss
Matthews' death was sent by Tillle
Green, the nurse who was with Miss
Matthews. I sent the money to her.
I positively don't know Rumbaugh. I
never heard of him before this death
mystery came up7.
"I do not believe that Miss Matthews
killed herself." '
Not Known in Washington.
WASHINGTON, July 31. Inquiry to
night fails to Identify Amos Roum
baugh, of Washington, D. C, who shot
his wife at Colorado Springs today.
Delay in Arrival of Union Gold
Causes Boise Men to ' Act.
Start for Denver Tonight.
BOISE, Idaho, July 30. After a delay
of nearly 36 hours, Charles H. Moyer,
president of the Western Federation
of Miners, was released from the Ada
county jail at a late hour tonight on
a bond of $25,000 signed by Timothy
Regan and Thomas J. Jones of Boise.
Moyer will leave for Salt Lake to
morrow night in company with William
D. Haywood, who on Sunday was ac
quitted of the murder of ex-Governor
Steunenberg. After a stop of a few
hours In Salt Lake City, they will pro
ceed to Denver, the headquarters of the
It was proposed this afternoon to file a
cash bond In the sum of $25,000, but the
money did not arrive in time, and rather
than allow Moyer to remain another night
In Jail, his attorneys decided, after all, to
let a personal bond suffice.
Sfeve Adamsv who was expected to be
an Important witness at the trial, but
who was not called by either aide, was
taken back to Wallace tonight to await
a second trial on the charge of murder
there. His first trial resulted In a dis
agreement. Formal application was made in' the
District Court today to have George A.
Pettibone admitted to bail. The motion
was submitted without argument, and was
promptly denied by Judge Wood
Washington Labor Men Ask Presi
dent to Rush Land-Fraud Case.
WASHINGTON, July 90 Organized la
bor In Washington has gone on the war
path for the scalp of Senator Borah, of
Idaho, counsel for the state in the prose
cution of W. D. Haywood. The following
resolution was adopted by the Central
Labor Union, with practically no opposi
tion: Whereas. Senator Borah, of Idaho, is now
under indictment for complicity In the tim
ber land frauds against the United States
Government; therefore be it
Resolved, That the Central Labor TTnlon
petition and require the President of the
United States) to secure or permit the Attorney-General
to issue an order for arrest in such
cases and provide speedy trial, that the stigma
of indictment may be removed from the name
of a Senator of the United 6tates, and that
he may prove whether he is a desirable citisen
or not.
It was also decided to send a telegram
of congratulation to Haywood.
Cleared Over $45,000,000 in Quar
ter Ending June 80 Great
Outlay on New Plants.
NEW YORK, July '30. All records
of the United States Seel Corporation
for the manufacture of steel were
shown to have been broken when the
company's report for the quarter end
ing June 30, 1907. was made public
after a meeting of the board of directors.
The report shows that the company's
total net earnings for the Spring quar
ter were 145. 503,705, a high-water mark
record for any single quarter In the
company's history. The record-breaking
total Is an increase of $5,378,672
over the corresponding quarter last
The amount of unfilled business ok
hand on June 30 last was 7, 603,878 tons,
an increase of 794,289 tons over last
year. The directors said the amount
of unfilled business on the company's
booKS was a barometric Indication of
the steel-making business.
The statement also shows that
818,500,000 was set aside after all
charges, Interest and dividends were
paid for new plants, additional prop
erty and construction. This Is an In
crease of $5,500,000 as compares with
the appropriation for the same purpose
for the quarter ending June 30, 1906.
The total of the company's quarterly
earnings of $45,503,705 exceeded the
highest earnings for any previous
quarter by $3,758,741. The baiance of
surplus for the quarter after all
charges Is $3,497,080. a decrease nf
1 $1,744,026, as compared with the same
quarter last year. The decrease in the
balance of surplus is caused by the
extraordinary outlt-y from the earn
ings for new construction and im
provements. The directors declared the regular
quarterly dividends of 1-4 per cent on
the preferred stock and the regular
quarterly dividend of pne-half of one
J per cent on the common stock.
Steals March on Uncle Sam at
Hague Conference.
Americans Intended Proposing
Meetings Every Five Years, but
Britain Will Spring Seven-Year
, , Proposition on Delegates.
THE HAGUE, July 80. The British del
egation Is working on a proposition,
which, when it Is presented, will cause
considerable surprise. As already cabled,
the representatives of the United States
have been privately discussing with other
leading delegates the advisability of the
United States presenting a proposition for
the periodical meeting of the conference,
this proposition suggesting that It should
meet quinquennialty June 2, beginning In
The British delegation went ahead of
the Americans, having already communi
cated In the strictest secrecy to only a
few delegates its proposition on the same
subject, establishing that the conference
should sit septenially, but that two years
Before the meeting special representatives
of Great Britain, France, Germany, the
United States, Russia, Italy, Austria and
Japan should meet to prepare the work
for the conference, pre-arranging every
thing connected with its organization and
the matters to be taken under advise
ment. Thus, when the conference meets again,
its programme will so studied
by each country that satisfactory agree
ments will be the more easily reached.
Great Britain has presented an amend
ment to the American proposition regard
ing an International court of arbitration
under which any contracting power may
withdraw from the agreement under six
months' notice.
Dock Laborers Are on Strike and
Irish Police Revolt.
BELFAST, July 30. That the authori
ties view seriously the local situation aris
ing from the strike of the dock laborers
for Increased pay and shorter hours,
which has been aggravated by the revolt
of the police, who are demanding more
pay because of the extra work the strike
entails, is evidenced by the arrival here
today of the First Battalion of the Cam
eron Highlanders with a Maxim gun and
a detachment of cavalry.
CORK, July 30. The police of this city
are in full sympathy with' the Belfast
force In their demand for Increased pay.
They have asked the permission of the
inspector-general to hold a public meeting
to discuss the grievances of the Belfast
men and a circular to this effect has been
sent to all the police stations in Munster.
Navy Department Will Propose New
Policy Next Session.
LONDON,- July 30. During the course
of a discussion of naval matters in the
House of Lords today. Baron Tweed
mouth, First Lord of the Admiralty, said
that the Admiralty had In mind a new
and extended cruiser construction policy,
which probably will be brought forward
next year.
"After all," said he,' "the crulseria the
ship by means of which we keet our
dominance of the seas. The battleships
are the policement of the sea. It is their
business to destroy the fleet of the ene
my, leaving the cruisers to guard the
Russian Party Leader Fatally Shoots
Opponent During Argument.
MOSCOW, July 30. Toropoff, leader of
the Monarchist party. In Moscow, today
shot and killed M. Ermouse, a member
of the Social Democratic parky, during a
heated political argument. Toropoff has
been arrested.
Evelyn Thaw Denies Rumor Only
Cultivating Her Voice.
NEW YORK, July 30. Emphatic de
nials were made today by both Harry'
K- Thaw and Evelyn Nesblt Thaw rela
tive to a report circulated here to the
effect that Evelyn Thaw was again to
go upon the stage this Fall. The fol
lowing signed statement was made by
Hairy K. Thaw at the Tombs today to
the Associated Press regarding the re
port: "Thi story, like many others, is abso
lutely false, and has been started, I be
lieve, for one or two reasons, either to
give a false Impression of my wife's char
acter and steadfastness, with cowardly in
tent of injuring us all, or simply to fill
space. H. K. T."
Mrs. Thaw visited her husband in the
Tombs, after which she declared she had
no Intention of returning to the stage.
Mrs. Thaw jvas dressed in a dark brown
cloth suit, and from a black sailor straw
hat fell a white-veil, which did not con
ceal the frequent smiles which punctuated
her story.
"No, I have not" the slightest intention
of going back to the stage," Mrs. Thaw
said, "and I am quite sure that .1 do not
know where such a report came from. I
have started to take singing lessons at
the suggestion of my physician, who says
that I have some slight affection of the
vocal chords. My health otherwise Is
perfect. No, I have not even dreamed of
going upon the stage. When I first went
upon the boards I had the idea I was
going to be Sarah Bernhardt the second.
The idea soon fled after one or two re
hearsals, and now I would never think of
going back to the stage. I am simply go
ing to study music to strengthen my voice
and develop It, but It Is too early yet to
say what I shall be able to do, for I have
only taken one lesson.
"I intend to remain In New Tork all
the Summer and Fall, until the trial. I
shall not return to Pittsburg. I spend
as much of my time with Mr. Thaw as
the prison rules allow, but 1 find so much
time on my hands In the afternoons and
evenings that I took up the study of com
position. English history and philosophy.
Now I am busy all the time."
According to rumors, Mrs. Thaw has
been taking lessons of Carl Blennerman
for some time and has admitted to
friends' that she was preparing to take
part in a Broadway production in the
near future.
Daniel O'Reilly and Russell Peabody.
Thaw's lawyers, and Mrs. Wm. Thaw, it
is reported, have been bitterly opposed to
Evelyn's going on the stage.
The second hearing of the famotfs mur
der case will probably come at the Sep
tember term of the Criminal Court.
Mens Underwear
quarter-length sleeves and
knee-length drawers; come in
fine nainsook, delightfully
cool. Reg. $1 gTade, sp'1...69
sleeveless shirts and short
drawers, made of fine nain
sook, $1.25 grade, 8p'1....89t
Or' Four for Only One Dollar. See the Window
cial when
Every Linen Suit Have at Half
Here is a rare opportunity to wear smart Wash Suits at a low price. The most aristo
cratic and exclusively shown, in Wash Suits this season, are those we have. They are
tailored by the best workmen in the garment business. They are from houses famous
for originality and style. We include the very swagger princess jumper styles, the
fancy and eton and pony jacket styles and the mannish cutaway coat suits. All to
gether it's a Wash Suit sale unparalleled in this season's business. J n
Choose from any one in the lot at ' ' & AM ICS
WHITE AND COLORED WASH SKIRTS, in duck' or linenette, in plain or fancy
styles and in nearly all sizes. There is mighty good choice here for those who come
early. " ,They are regularly worth from $1.50 to $2.25.
for today : '.
Last of ythe Shoe Sale
. - With every pair of White Canvas Shoes we
St)eClQl sel1 today w0 shall give one bottle of white J YQQ
cleaner absolutely.
.LOT ONE Women's Oxfords,
in four styles, representing 2000
pairs and embracing white can
vas and black kid Oxfords. All
are moderate in every way,
showing both light and heavy
soles; blucher and regular cut,
plain and tip toes,
$2.00 values ,
LOT TWO Women's Oxfords,
in almost every style made
Gibson, Grecian and Garden
Ties. Light and extension soles,
covered and leather heels; made
in swing and straight lasts. Sea
Island canvas in white, green,
blue, pink, brown, tan and gray
colors. The most complete line
of Canvas Shoes on this Coast.
Comfortable, inexpensive and
easily to be kept clean. Values
to $3.00;
special ."
Marks of Fingers on Throats and
Bodies Mutilated and Drenched
in Blood Strangler a Maniac.
. NEW TORK, July SC. The bodies of
two women with the marks of the strang
ler on their throats have been found here
within the last 12 hours, and the police
believe that one man committed both
crimes. Neither of the victims has
Been Identified. One woman was found
today in an area way on East Nine
teenth street. The marks of a thumb
and forefinger were vieible on her
throat and her face and neck were
smeared with blood. She was about 27
years of age. No one in the neighbor
hood heard sounds of a struggle.
The body of the other woman, also the
victim of the strangler, was found last
night in a Twenty-second street boarding
house. ' The woman came to the house
with a man who gave his name as Davl.
Her body was found last night In the
room the couple had occupied. A necktie
had been knotted tightly around her
throat and she had been dead for several
hours. The blood vessels In the neck
were broken and the woman' clothing
was drenched in blood. No trace of the
man, who had the appearance of a for
eigner, has been found. The dead wom
an was about 24 years old.
An examination of the bodies of the
strangler victims disclosed the fact that
both had been mutilRted. This fact leads
the police o believe that both murders
were committed by persons possessed of
an Insane desire to mutilate their victims.
The woman killed In the Twenty.,
second-street house was later Identified
as Sophie Kererof Tonawanda. She
was 32 years of age.
At a late hour tonight no arrests had
been made. Detectives have been hard
Sleeveless Vests 35caa"ti0c 27c
There are five very pretty styles in Women's Summer Vests, made in the low-neck, sleeveless style. Some
are plain, some are trimmed with pretty lace, some with wash taffeta ribbon, and some with shoulder
straps. They are all Swiss ribbed and in a very good qualitv. There are sizes 4, 5 and 6, plenty of
these wanted numbers, and about one hundred
we sell four for $1.00, or, each.
NEW LOT OF BROWN HOSE We hava just re
ceived a shipment of Women's Fine Hose, in
brown and tan shades. Plenty here now to sup
ply the' customers who have been waiting. Some
are in hand-embroidered style, some are in plain
and some are in lace weaves. Very superb qual
ity, from one of the very best factories in the
hosiery line. They should sell for 75c a pair
goodness knows they are worth it, but
our price will be while they last iJJC
values tj)3 .2 5
LOT THREE Women's Shoes
and Oxfords, made in 12 styles,
embracing light and heavy soles,
blucher, button and regular lace
and patent and kid leathers. We
include three styles in Women's
Oxfords that have welt-sewed
soles, button and lace, made inN
very 'stylish shapes. They are
carried in all widths and sizes,
and almost any foot can be per
fectly fitted.
Value $3; special
LOT FOUR Women '8 Tan High
Shoes, in light and heavy soles,
, button and lace, blucher and
regular pattern. You have the
choice of any style we carry.
We will also include 12 styles of
our best style Oxfords, embrac
ing patents, kid and calfskins,
in button or lace. A great array
of lasts, showing short and me
dium vamp, dip and straight
toes. This lot will be so com
plete that any reasonable taste
will be suited. fO QO
Values to $5.00. ... V70
at work on the cases, but nave been un
able to find any traces of the murderer.
Geological Survey to Investigate De
posits in National Reserves.
WASHINGTON. July 80. (Special.) In
oonnectlon with Its other work In the
Western States, the United States Geolog
ical Survey has undertaken the Investiga
tion of geologic conditions within the
National forests. It has been thecon
eistent aim of th officers of the Trest
Service to foster the fullest possible de
velopment of mining within the areas In
cluded in the National forests. Many
fraudulent entries have, however, been
discovered, which cover non-mineral lands
or deposits that by no possibility could be
developed into paying mines, and it is;
clearly to the benefit of legitimate min
ing enterprises that the "wildcat" mining
companies be prevented from obtaining
title to the land claimed.
With these aims la view, the geologists
of the Survey are to Investigate the lands
of the National forests. They will act
under the general instructions of the
Director of the Survey, and under the
personal supervision of the geologist in
charge of metalliferous deposits. The
standards, methods and wide experience
of the Geological Survey will render the
result of these investigations of great
practical value, both to the Forest Serv
ice and to the miners, and the reports
of the geologists will, enable the Forester
to make recommendations to the Commis
sioner of the General Land Office on the
character of the mineral locations. Thus
the policy of the Survey will be to re
quire its geologists to assist in every way
the claimant who is acting in good faith,
as well as to help the officers of the For
est Service in their task of protecting the
mining industry and all other Interests
which benefit by the proper administra
tion of the National forests.
Engineering Society Meets.
BOSTON, July 30. The first annual
convention of the Illuminating Engi
neer Society of America was opened
here today, ' with delegates present
from San Francisco and other cities.
dozen to sell today. This is a rousing
lightweight lisle in Swiss rib. They are low neck
and have no sleeves. They are trimmed with lace
and embroidery. Beautiful Vests, at, g
each C
WOMEN'S LISLE VESTS, in plain or lace-trimmed
style, with ribbon shoulder Ef 4? ?
straps j new, neat and cool. Each-' JJC
values f!2 m50
98 Cents
Semi-Annual HH J I W
Sale Rumpled I CLUlQ LiltlQTlS
An event that all shrewd housewives watch for and benefit by. A
gathering of all our season's accumulation of soiled and mussed linens,
augmented by sample linens from the large factory that supplies us with
our best goods.
And they are priced so low that 'tis real extravagance NOT to buy.
Linens 'are advancing sharply in price ; next season must see them
sold much higher. Take time by the forelock and buy now.
Hemstitched Tablecloths II
A grade regularly sold for $6
each; special sale price.. 4. 75
And the $8.00 grade for.. .$56.75
Finished with very pretty em
broidered designs; regular $3.50
values; special $2.85
The $3.25 values for $2.75
The $2.75 values for $2.25
The $2.00 values for $1.50
ered, regular $5.50 values,
for $4.75
Cut Glass
Water Bottles Value J ll
$5.00; special -pf.W
Water Tumblers Val.
$12.75; special..
Sugars and Creams tf0 1 f
Value $4; special ....? - v
Mother So Grieved That This Is Only
Reparation Sherwin Demands
His Conjugal Rights.
DENVER, Colo., July 80. In a signed
statement, published this afternoon,
Mrs. Maud Fealy Sherwin, the actress,
declares that she wishes her recent
clandestine marriage to Hugo.I Sher
win, a dramatic writer of this city, an
nulled, if it be legally possible.
Whether this can or cannot be done,
Mrs. Sherwin statesosltlvely that she
will not see Mr. Sherwin again for a
"My mother Is so grieved and heart
broken over this thing," writes Mrs.
Sherwin. "that the only reparation I
Hood's Pills
After-dinner pill; purelr ,rtabl: prompt and
pleasant; easy to taka and easy to operat. 25c
Peptiron Pills
Ironiie the blood, fwd the nervoi and brain, tone
th k rnm Vi rfi avivM Tiitr ilnAn .VW or SI.
Iniei7ists or mall. C. I. Hod Co., Lowali, Ham.
10 br .Hood it'a uooo.
Fine tea brings out con
versation if anything will;
it compels to a little lei
sure. ,
Your grocer return your money If you
don't like Schilling's Beat; we sy him.
good spe- O 7
. . 4W w.
Fine Linen Nankins
Napkins of Richardson's Fine
Linen; very durable wearing quali
ties, and in handsome patterns.
Priced as follows:
Worth $21.00 doz.; sp'l..$ 16.50
Worth $20.00 doz.; sp'l. .$16.00
Worth $16.50 doz.; sp'l.. $13.50
TABLECLOTHS, in finest qual
ity double damask, prited as fol
lows :
2 x3i2 yds., $13 value.. $15.00
2123 yds., $14 value. .$10.50
2y2x2Ms yds., $22 value. .$18.00
Cut Glass
Bowls Value $6.50 ;
Grape Fruit Bowl- fr Q Q
Value $3.75; special. P&. W
Olives With or without handle;
with divisions, value
$1.50; special...
can make her la an annulment of the
Mr. Sherwin, It Is said. Is preparing
to demand that his wife shall come to
Chauffeur Killed, Employer Hurt.
CHICAGO. July 80. A. C. Temple, a
chauffeur, was killed and Thomas Nor
ton, his employer, was fatally Injured In
an automobile accident today.
euws muw euni tin
. collar
- nra ml rtmM rain L,-n iy; I
Fourth and Washington Streets
249 Washington SL