Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, July 31, 1907, Page 16, Image 16

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The Meier & Frank Store
Fifty Years
in Portland
in 185 7
Our Wednesday "Hourly Sales"
Also The Great. 50th "Anniversary Sales"
Bis Store" presents a formidable array of special offerings for today's Honrly
Sales Remarkable Money Saving opportunities in all lines of High Grade merchandise The
nmv w j v "v" tt wipmi m oi yrwcn lots anu oaaj ana enas rcgaraicaa ui wsi. ur iui iuci
selling prices Remember The 30th Anniversary Sale Bargains also continue in all Depls
8 A. M. to 9 A. M.
9 A. 10 A.M.
Oi Sale from 10 to 1 1 A. M.
11 A. M. to 12 M.
12 M. to 1 P. M.
ip3 bediming nl
rrrto 9 ' v
Wash Skirts on Sale at 89c Ea.
Special lot of 100 women's Wash Skirts
in tan, linen, black and white and blue
end white dots; all new, pretty styles;
best regular $2.25 and $2.50 val- OQ
ues, on sale at this special price. OC
Great Specials in the Basement
500 Comb and Brush Racks with A O
mirror; regular 65c values for. "fciC
250 wooden Towel Racks, four- "1
arm, 15c values, for, sp'l., each. XvrC
500 Coat-Hat Racks, with mirror.. 42
Women's Undervests Only 5c
2000 women's gauze Undervests, Swiss
ribbed; low neck, no sleeves, come in
all sizes; on sale from 8 to 9 o'clock A.
M.; great special value, on sale a', C
this unusually low price, garment..''
Toilet Paper, Dozen Rolls 35c
10,000 packages of small size rolls of
Factor Toilet Paper at a remarkably low
price; great special value, from 8 to 9
A. M. On sale at this remark- OC
ably low price, the dozen rolls JJG
50c Stationery for Only 31c
200 boxes of fine Stationery, in blue,
white and gray; regular 50c value, on
sale at a special reduction ; from Ol
8 to 9 A. M.,; on sale at, per box.. C
............ m
Boys 75c Pants, Special 38c
Boys' Knee Pants, in wool cheviots and
tweeds; mediums grays and dark mix
tures ; come in all ages ; best regular val
ues up to 75o a pair, on sale, 8 0Q.
to 9 A. M.t at this low price. OOC
Men's Elastic Suspenders 18c
Men's Elastic Web Suspenders, strong
leather ends; newest designs; "I O
regular 35c and 50c values, at.,XOC
Men 's 20c pure linen white 1 1
Handkerchiefs, on sale at, each. X
Special Line of Handbags 23c
Great special line of Handbags of all
kinds. Splendid styles, large assort
ment; values up to $3.50 each, on sale,
from 8 to 9 A. M. only at OO
this special low price, each. . . . .
1 P. M. to 2 P. M.
Correspondence Cards for 23c
A special lot of women's Correspondence
Cards at very material reductions.. Come
in blue and white; regular val- OO.
ues 35c a box, your choice, box. wC
On sale for one hour, from 1 to 2 P. M.
Men's Bicycle and Golf Pants
Men's wool Bicycle and Golf Pants, in
fancy tweeds and cheviots; best regular
$3.50 values, to be closed out at QQ
this special low price, the pair. .OiC
On sale for one hour, from 1 to 2 P. M.
$1.75 Dressing Sacques for 48c
Women's Flannelette Dressing Sacques,
Long Kimonos - and Wrappers, trimmed
in braid or 2-inch satin bands; come in
dark colors only; regular value JQ
to $1.75, on sale for, garment. . rOC
$8.50 Trimmed Hats at $1.95
Special lot of 100 women's trimmed Hats
the season's best shapes and trimming.
Values up to $8.50 each ; on d 1 Q C
sale at this low price, 2d fl. X 0
On sale for one hour, from 1 to 2 P. M.
College Pillow Tops, Price 1 9c
Special lot . of finished College Pillow
Tops, in assorted styles ; best regular 50o
values, on sale, from 1 to 2 P. 1 Q
M., at this special low price, ea. X S7C
On sale for one hour, from 1 to 2 P. M.
Children's Underskirts for 21c
Special ' lot of children's white Cambria
Underskirts, with fancy hemstitched ruf
fles ; ages 3 to 12 years. Regular 75o
values, on sale from 1 to 2 P. Ol
M. only at this special price, pr. X C
I Heee! 8 m no 111
Matting Rugs
50c each
A specially attractive reduction in Rugs.
500 Matting Rugs, in Oriental and floral
designs, size 36x72-inches ; great special
values; on sale from 9 to 10 A. Ctflf.
M. only, at this low price, each. JJC
Postcard Albums at Low Price
1000 Postcard Albums at a money-saving
reduction; holds 200 cards; regular
35c to 50c values, on sale at this OO-
unusually low price, each fciOC
On sale for 1 hour, from 9 to 10 A. M.
Matted Pictures for 1 2c each
5000 Matted Pictures, in an immense
assortment of subjects; wonderful val
ues; on sale at this remarkably 10,
low price, each take advantage. . C
On sale for 1 hour, from 9 to 10 A. M.
Damask Towels Sale at 19c
200 dozen hemstitched Satin Damask
Towels at a special reduction; best regu
lar 30c values, on sale at this 1Q-
remarkablly low prioe, each X SC
On sale for 1 hour, from 9 to 10 A. M.
Women's Walking Skirts $1.98
Special lot of women's Walking Skirts,
in light gray checks stripes, plaids and
mixtures ; best regular $5.00 QO
values, at this low price, ea. .P X .50
On sale for 1 hour, from 9 to 10 A. M.
$2.00 Black Goods for 25c
2000 yards of Black Dress Goods in
splendid styles; thrifty housewives will
take advantage ; values to $2 the OC
yard, to be cleaned up at, yard.
On sale for 1 hour, from 9 to 10 A. M.
Grape Juice at 40c per quart
1000 quart bottles of the celebrated Fre
mont Grape Juice, the best hot-weather
drink on the market; great value; from
9 to 10 A." M. only, on sale at A C
this unusually low price, battle.. "VC
Great Art Department Specials
Broken lot of Tassel Fringe in assorted
colors; regular 10c values, at, yard..2
Odds and ends of Doilies, Shaving Pads,
Sets, etc.; wonderful values, at, ea..3
Art Department, on the Third Floor.
2 P. M. to 3 P. M.
Porch and Lawn Swings $6.95
$9.00 Lawn Swings on sale for.. $6.05
$12.50 Hammock Stands, fQ QC
with canopy; choice at pJJ0
$12.50 Porch Swings, on CQ QC
sale at this special price. .. .P.0
Children's 40c Hose for 1 8c
Children's plain Cotton Ribbed Hose, in
light and heavy weights; great special
values; come in all sizes; regu- "
lar 35c and 40o values, per pair. X OC
On sale for one hour, from 2 to 3 P. M.
Great Bargains in the Basement
500 thin China Jap Cups and Saucers,
pretty floral decoration; special, ea.25
100 all-copper nickel-plated Tea Kettles ;
No. 8 size, regular $L40 1 f'7
value, on sale at, special, ea. .P X J i
Great Sale of Folding Co-Carts
Fulton Folding Go-Carts, with heavy
tires ; nickel-trimmed ; on sale as follows :
$12.00 values on sale for, each. .$9.95
$10.50 values on sale for, each.. $8.95
$ 9.00 values on sale for, each.. $7.45
Boys Handcars for Low Price
Special lot of of 25 boys' Handcars
best model "on the market; easy to op
erate; best regular $7.50 dtl 7C
values, 2 to 3 P. M, each. .PO. O
Toy Department, on the Third Floor.
65c Chiffon for 33c per yard
2000 yards of black and white Chiffon
and Silk Mousseline de Soie, 45 inches
wide; best regular 65o value, on OO
sale at this special low price, yd. OOC
On sale for one hour, from 2 to 3 P. M.
ft bo
Lingerie Dresses
Vols. Up to $12
for $2.48 each
Women's and misses'
white lawn, dotted
Swiss, batiste and lin
en Lingerie Dresses, 2
piece styles, lace and
embroidery trimmed ;
also blue, gray and
green chambrays; val
ues up to $12.00, to be,
cleaned up at..$2.48
Women's Oxfords $1.00 pair
500 pairs of women's vici kid Ox
fords, light weight or heavy soles;
patent tins, Cuban or military heels;
sizes 3 to 8; regular $2, d1 ff
$2.25 and $2.50 values... pX.UU
Curtain -Materials Half Price
Remnants of Cretonne Swiss, Ma
dras, Silk, etc.; to 5-yard lengths; the
best styles and colorings; all grades,
at one-half regular prices; on
sale from 10 to 11 A. M. at....2
$6.50 Suitcases for $5.40
200 Cowhide Suitcases, 24-inch size,
figured linen-lined, shirtfold; brass
look and bolts; best model; best regu
lar $6.50 value, on sale, fcC A f
10 to 11 A. 1L, at, each..PO.U
Great Bargains in Basement
500 blue and white Japanese "I f"
Teapots; great values, each..XC
1000 opal glass Vases; regular C
15o .values, special at, each C
On sale in the Basement.,
Boys' Wash Suits Half Price
All our Boys' Wash Suits at one-half
regular prices; sailor and Russian
blouse styles; ages 24 to 12 years.
Regular prices from 50c to $5.00
each; your choice at half price. 2
A Great Sale of Hammocks
Four lots Hammocks at low prices:
$1.25 Hammocks on sale for. . 90
$1.85 Hammocks on sale for.. $1.39
$3.50 Hammocks on sale for. .$2.85
$5.00 Hammocks on sale for. .$3.85
Men's 35c Ties at 11c each
Special lot of men's fancy silk revers
ible four-in-hand Ties; light and dark
patterns in large assortment; regular
25o and 35c values, on sale at 1 "1
this remarkably low price, ea.X XC
75c Wash Belts at 39c each
Special lot of white linen Embroid
ered Wash Belts, all new, this season-
styles; regular 75c values, on
sale, 10 to 11 A. M. only, at OQ
this special low price, each.. OJ7C
On Sale from
Women's Jap. Silk
Waists $6.00
Vals. Now $1.69
Special lot of women's
Jap Silk Waists, fancy
yoke or tailor-made ;
trimmed in laee, silk
embroidery, pin or one
inch tucks; white, blue,
pink, lavender, black.
All sizes, large variety;
values up to $6.00 ea.,
8 to 4 P. M....$1.69
$2.50 Tabourettes at $1.69
500 solid oak Tabourettes, mission
styles and finish; two sizes, 15 and
18-inch. Regular $2.50 values, on sale
from 3 to 4 P. M. only t" CQ
at this special price, ea..PX.O7
Women's, Underwear for 9c
Women's Richelieu rib Gauze Under
vests; sites 4 and 6; regular Q
25c value, on sale at, special, ea. .C
Women's fine ribbed white Cotton
Knee Length Pants, 25o values.. 9
$2.00 Dress Goods for 25c
3000 yards of wool Dress Goods of
all kinds, immense variety to choose
from; regular values up to $2.00 the
yard; 3 to 4 P. M- to be OC.
cleaned up at, special, each. .
$2.25 Shoes for $1.25 pair
Women's kid lace Shoes, with exten
sion soles and Cuban heels; patent
tips; Blucher and lace styles; sizes
2V2 to 8; regular $2.00- Cl OC
$2.25 values, at, the pair. ,P X tJ
Wash Belts for only 5c each
Broken line of Wash Belts, values up
to 35c each, on sale, 3 to 4 P. M.
only at this special low price,
each take advantage of sale. ,C
No phone orders filled at these prices.
Book Department Specials
The One Woman, by Dixon, OP
cloth edition, 50o value for. .OC
25c Booklets for, special, ea.X2V
"Violets," "Roses,' "Pansies," eto.
Chambers' Popular Encyclopedia, 20,
000 references, 1000 illustrations.lO
CTi " wm i fjJlll
VCp 3 to A RM.
Boys Combination
Wash Suits $2.00
Values for 9 8c
Boys' Combination
Wash Suits, two pairs
trousers and cap to
match blouse; all told,
4 pieces; ages 3 to 12
years; plain and fancy
crashes and chambrays.
Best regular $2.00 val
ues, on sale at, QQ.
CTDf i o 1 mi
1 . . .
$2.00 Parasols for 57c each
Grand clean-up of Parasols, white and
colors; all new, pretty styles, selling
regularly at prices from $1 to $2 ea.;
your choice, from 10 to 11 A. C 7 g
M. only at this price," each.
Camping Blankets $1.60 pair
500 pairs of gray mottled Camping
Blankets, full 11-4 size special value ;
on sale from 10 to 11 A. M. only
at this special low price,
pair take advantage . . .
Great Summer Furniture Sale
Regular $3.00 and $3.50 Porch Rock
ers on sale from 10 to CO CC
11 A. M, on sale at, ea..VOi7
$3.00 Folding Camp Cots 0 1C
on sale 10 to 11 A. M. at. ,P'J
$9.00 Chafing Dishes $6.89
A special lot of 25 Nickel Chafing
Dishes, 3-pint size; best model; regu
lar $9.00 values, on sale from 10 to
11 A. M. only at this tf QQ
specially low price, each. .pvJOi
50c Hosiery for 22c pair
2000 pairs of women's Lace Hosiery,
boot and lace allover effects; embroi
dered insteps, plain cottons and lisles,
etc.; great variety; all sizes, OO
values up to 50o a pair for.
Ribbon Remnants for 15c
5000 remnants of Ribbons, silk and
satin taffeta and fancies, in grand
assortment; 2 to 5 inches wide; 1 to
3-yard length; great values, 1
10 to 11, at, per remnant.... XOC
Untrimmed Hats for 25c
1000 women's Untrimmed Straw
Shapes, all colors; all the very best
styles; values up to $3.98 each, to be
closed out, from 10 to 11 A. OC
M., at this special low price. ""C
Wash Goods for 6V4C yard
From 10 to 11 A. M., 6000 yards of
colored lawns; all good designs and
colorings, selling regularly at prices
up to 15o the yard; your CIa
choice, 10 to 11 A. M at....V
3 to 4 P. M.
Tailored Suits
$14.00 Values at
Low Priceof$3.85
Women 's Tailored
Suits in checks, stripes
and invisible plaids ;
are . trimmed with
straps; tailored stitch
ed ; skirts are . full
pleated; regular $14
values, to be cleaned
up from 3 to 4 P. M. at
this low $3.85
$1.25 and $1.75 Gloves 25c
Great clean-up of 2-clasp Silk Gloves,
embroidered styles; also Silk Mesh
Gloves in a broken line of sizes and
colors; $1.25-$1.73
values at, pair
50c White Goods for 12V2C
3000 yards of White Goods for waists
and suitings; all new, pretty styles,
selling regularly at prices up to 60o
the yard; your choioe 1
during this period . 2C
$3.50 Parasols at 98c each
Grand clean-up of all our fine Para
sols; newest and best styles; $2.50 to
$3.50 values; on sale 3 to 4 P. M.
only at this low price, 98c
$1.50 Corsets for only 59c
Special lot of women's white batiste
Corsets ; medium and high bust, long
and short hips; regular $1.50 values;
to be cleaned up at this low CQ
price per pair OlC
75c Val. Laces for 10c doz
200 dozen French VaL Laoes and In
sertion; white, cream and ecru; reg
ular y2 to li-inch wide; edging and
insertion values, to 75o per 1 "
dozen yards; for dozen... ....X"C
75c Trimmings for 13c yard
2000 yards of Dress Trimmings; Per
sian Bands and Edges; also fancy
braids in all colors; values up to 75c
the yard; to be cleaned up, 3 1 O
to 4 P. M. at, yard XOC
Scotch Lappet at 7c per yard
5000 yards of Scotch Lappet for 6ash
and long curtains, striped effects, in large
variety; 36 inches wide; great T
value, this unusually low price.... C
On sale for one hour, from 11 to 12 A. M.
25c Boxes for Low Price of 1 2c
Special lot of 500 Glove and Handker
chief Boxes, to burn, placed on sale at
specially attractive prices; reg- 10.
ular 25o values, on sale at, ea.'.XC
On sale for one hour, from 11 to 12 A. M.
$13.50 Tea Sets for $8.99
Four-piece Bilver-plated Tea Sets good
design and quality best regular $13.50
value, on sale at this re- CJO QQ
markably low price, the set. ,pO.SI
On sale for one hour, from 11 to 12 A. M.
$12.00 Linen Suits at $2.48
Women's Linen Suits in semi-fitting,
jacket, Eton and shirtwaist styles; pure
linen; oome in all sizes. Regular val
ues up to $12.00 each, on !Q AQ
sale, 11 to 12 A. M.4 at..P"0
$6.00 Trimmed Hats for $1.25
200 women's Trimmed Hats, great spe
cial value ; all desirable shapes and trim
ming; values up to $6.00 each, on sale,
11 to 12 A. M., at this un- "I OC
usually low price, each ? X
35c Wash Goods Only 12V2C
3000 yards of Cotton Suiting, in light
and dark colors, mercerized effects, etc.;
regular values up to S5o the yard, to be
cleaned up at this special 1 lfoe
low price, the yard. ......... X I
Silk Gloves at 10c per pair
Broken line of two-clasp Silk Gloves,
sizes 5V4 and 6 only; double-tipped fin
gers; great special values, on "1 A
sale at this ridiculous price, pair. X vt
On sale for one hour, from 11 to 12 A. M.
Women's 50c Neckwear at 19c
1000 women's Silk Ties, consisting of
Windsors, four-in-hands, eo liege ties,
made-up bows of all kinds, etc.; values
up to 50o each, to be cleaned 1 Q.
out, 11 to 12 A. M., at, special. X7C
4 P. 5 P. M.
Children's $3.00 Dresses 98c
Special lot of children's Dresses in Bus
ter Brown and pleated styles; black and
white checks and fancy plaid mixtures;
braid and button-trimmed; ages QQ.
6 to 14 years; values to $3, for.
Children's Shoes 52c a pair
500 pairs of infants' and children's kid
and patent leather Shoes, in lace and
button styles; kid or patent tips; sizes
2 to 8; regular values up to CO.
$1.25 pair, on sale at, the pair..J''
$1.25 Center Pieces for 69c
Special lot of Scarfs and Centerpieces,
in crepe and art denim, with fancy Dres
den borders; best regular $1.00 CQ
and $1.25 values, special, each. "7C
On sale for one hour, from 4 to 5. P. ML.
Men's Poros Knit Underwear 35c
Men's Poros-Knit Underwear cool and
serviceable hot weather underwear; in
all sizes shirts and drawers; op
grand values, at, the garment. uwC
On sale for one hour, from 4 to 5. P. M.
Semi-Made Corset -Covers 25c
Rnnnial lot of semvmadn
r" H W A. k
of sheer lawn, neatlv emHrnid
regular values up to 85o each, oC
one hpur only, at, special, each. OC
un sale ior one nour, from 4 to 5. P. M.
50c Handkerchiefs at 23c each
Special lot of women's Colored Handker
chiefs, latest novelties, in mercerized ma
terials; all colors; checked, striped and
corded effects; regular 35o and
50c values, 4 to 5 P. M. at, each.
V(P4tpM. AJJ
$15.00 Silk Suits for $6.85
Special lot of women's Silk Shirtwaist
and Jumper Suits, in black and white,
blue and white, red and white, brown
and white, checks and fancy stripes ; $15
values, on sale while they last. .$6.83
Mew's Outing Suits at $3.10
Men's Linen Crash Outing Suits, made
in regular outing style; washable; cool
for hot weather wear; great " f
special value, at, special.... PJ XVi
On sale for one hour, from 12 to 1 P. M.
Great Sale Basket Telescopes
Telescopes, 35o size, special, each.. 20
Telescopes, 20c size, special, each. . 10
Wistaria Suitcases, in all the best styles,
at this sp'l reduction. ONE-THIRD OFF
On sale for one hour, from 12 to 1 P. M.
Table Damask for 38c yard
2000 yards of Turkey Red Table Dam
ask; very best patterns; great special
value, on sale for one hour only, OO.
at this special low prioe, yard..'OC
On sale for one hour, from 12 to 1 P. M.
Great Sale Men's Shirts at 55c
Great special lot. of men's Oxford and
Madras Negligee Shirts, soft attached
collar; plain colors and fancy patterns;
all sizes. Regular $1.00 values, CC
on sale at this low price, each. OOC
$4.00 Handbags for $2.53
Special lot of real horn-back Alligator
Handbags, 6-inch size; best styles; regu
lar $3.75 and $4.00 values, on sale from
12 to 1 P. M. at this spe- !0 CO
low price, ea. take advantageH'"''
Men's Underwear for Only 69c
Men's Form-Fitting Union Suits in blue,
white and ecru; nicely made and fin
ished: all sizes. Regular $1.25 vals., on
sale from 12 to 1 only at this CQ
remarkably low price, the suit.."C
Great Sale Rnching at 2 1 c a box
500 boxes of Ruching in boxes; six neck
lengths to a box; white and colored; the
very best styles; great value; on sale
from 12 to 1 P. M. only at, QI
per box take advantage "C
5 P. M. to 6 P. M.
Men's Outing Pants for $2.98
Men's fine quality Outing Pants, fancy
worsteds, cassimeres, cheviots arid blue
serges; $4.50-$5.00 values, pair. $2. 98
Men's fine white Flannel 1tA 1 (
Outing Pants; grand value. .P' "
$3.00 Suitcases for $2.30
Keratol Suitcases, linen-lined; inside
straps; bag handle; good lock; great
value; from 5 to 6, on sale tO
at this special price, each... V1
Third Floor.
Boys Apparel Second Floor
Boys' starched White Linen Col- O
lars, Buster Brown styles, at, ea. .OC
Children's Rompers, ages 2 to 6 years;
blue, gray and pink chambrays; 1 O
white braid-trimmed, at, each. . . X OC
Men's Bathing Suits for 63c
lot of men's two-nleea Rnthincr
Suits- Vpt stvles. all sizes, for men
ununc men and bovs: recti lar
$1.00 values, on sale at, each... DOC
For one hour, from 5 to 6 o 'Clock P. M.
50c and 75c Stools for 29c
Rnom1 Int of 100 white etiamnl Rfnnlo
for bathroom use; also suitable for chil
dren's playroom, etc.;. best regular 50c
and 75c values, on sale in the OQ
Toy Department for, special, ea.,'C
Men's $2.00 Belts Only 39c
Men's Leather Belts in a very large and
varied assortment of styles; values up
to $2.00 each; on sale, 5 to 6 P. OQ-M-,
at this special low price, ea. OIC
On sale in Men's Furnishing Departm't.