Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, July 31, 1907, Page 13, Image 13

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Furnished Room.
J&3 I3th st., cor. Jefferson. under new
management ; new cor. brick ; st earn heat,
ho and cold water all the time; both
phoned free to guests; elegantly fur
nished rooms, single or en suite, at popu
lar- prices; one jan mean anotner.
2S3 13th St., cor. Jefferson.
Nicely furnished rooms, single ar en
suite, sz per weex np; steam neat, not ana
cold water; rree D&tns, ires pnone; dining
room In connection; transients solicited;
open all night: bust location In the city;
office and reading-room ground floor. 483
HOTEL BUSHMARK. Washington and 17th
Flrst-claM fur niched roonvs, single or en
suite; steam heat, hot, cold water, electrio
jjgm, pnone in every room; mil tea with pri
vate bath, single, from 3 by week, 75c up
by day ; reasonable by month. Main 5647.
HOTEL FRANKLIN, cor. 13th and Wash
ington sts., newly furnished throughout,
new building; suites with baths, hot and
cold water In every room. Phone Main
iivo. i-mg -distance phones in ail rooms.
THE WESTMINSTER, 6th and Madison
sts., the handsomest furnished rooms for
bachelors In the city, with every modern
convenience, at reasonable rates; only
lour blocks irom fostoifice.
THE) ELLSWORTH, Just opened; new brick
building; modern throughout; nicely furn
ished rooms ; steam heat, hot and col 4
water, electric lights, bath. 160 Lownsdale,
near High School.
HOTEL KENYON. 18th and Washington
sts., modern rooms, single and en suit;
also housekeeping; running water; private
and free baths; rates reasonable. Pacific 496
t THHJ WILLAMETTE, 3224 Stark, 8. W. cor.
i 6th st. ; well furnished rooms, large and
I light, single or en suite; transient, 60c to
$1; by week. 2 to 5. Pacific 1296.
FOR RENT Large, well-furnished room ;
hot and cold running water; five minutes'
' walk from Postofflce. 209 10th st.( be
tween Taylor and Salmon.
THHJ WOODLAND Two beautiful parlor
rooms, single or en suite; vacant today;
suitable for 2 or 3 per sons. .265 Sixth.
4 blocks from postofflce.
IN the heart of the city, between Courthouse
and City Hall. 247j 5th st., nicely fur
nished rooms In thoroughly renovated house,
from $1.60 per week up.
HOTEL ANTLERS, cor. 10th and Washing
ton sts., all modern conveniences, suites
with bath, ' principal car line pass the
door. Phone Main 2333.
between 6th and 6th; tlret-class rooms, hot
and oold water; terms reasonable. Telephone
TWO newly furnished front rooms1; most de
sirable location in city ; all modern con
veniences; reasonable rent. Telephone Main
8312. ,
THE TALE, 291 H Grand ave., within walk
ing distance and carlines; large, airy rooms;
very reasonable; 'free baths. Phone East
SPECIAL rates to men. Rooms $6 month. In
cluding bath; modern residence; 6 minutes
walk postofnee. 202 10th near Jefferson.
THE OGDEN, 88 H 1st, S. W. cor. Oak St.
Nice large front rooms, clean, neat; baths;
phone: 60c to $1 a day; $2 to S4 week.
8 WELL furnished rooms', everything new;
free telephone and bath; $4 per week and
up for one or 2. 324 Davis.
FRONT and adjoining rooms, handsomely fur
nished ; other iout.rlde rooms; transient or
weekly. lSfl Third.
LARGE, airy, beautifully furnished rooms,
fine location, all conveniences. 163 17th
st., cor. Morrison.
t5T. FRANCIS Nicely furnished rooms In
suites or single, 84 North 8th St., corner
of Couch st.
REASONABLE One or two pleasant rooms,
clean, quiet, very central. 450 Yamhill,
near 12th.
f8 Large, bright, newly furnished room; por
celain hath, gas. 325 12th st. Phone Pa
cific 2102.
LARGE front room, also single, close In, pri
vate family. B 1122. 8 Grand ave N.
FOR RENT Nice room, private family; West
Bide; references. T 68, Oregonlan.
HOTEL ROYAL, log 4th st. Rooms by week,
2 to f5; per night. 50c to $1.
Rooms With Board.
FOR RENT Large, pleasant front room for
two; breakfast and dinner; private; home
cooking; all conveniences; quiet; nice
porch; reasonable. 2.V2 N. 19th St., near
Marshall. Pacific 2497.
Portland Women's Union; IStn year Rooms
with board, use of sewing-room, use of
library; Woman's Exchange. Address Mrs.
Ella Raw ling s. Eupt,. BIO Flanders.
TOUNQ man wishes board and room. West
filde, close In; state terms, one or two, lo
cation and phone number. Address H 77,
- Oregonlan.
TWO modern furnished rooms with or with
out board In private home suitable for
ladles, at 64H N. 15th st. Phone Pacific
THB THBTOPA New modern 4 -room apart
ments; electric passenger elevator. Corner
18th and Flanders. Phone B. 624.
TWO nicely furnished front rooms, with
board, In private family; rent reasonable.
181 North 16th. Pacific 291T.
nlshed rooms single or en suite; good
board, convenient location.
KOSEDALB, select private boarding-house;
large grounds, just a few rooms le't. -404
Madison, cor. 10th.
KKWLY furnished suites and single rooms, hot
. and cold water, steam heat. 452 Morrison.
168H TENTH, pleasant rooms with or with
out board; suitable for gentlemen.
THE OZARK Rooms, first-class service; hot.
cold water. 225 11th st.
THE WESTMINSTER, 6th and Madison
sts.- Unfurnished apartments with every
modern convenience; up to date In every
respect; reasonable rates; central loca
tion; only four blocks from Postofflce.
fi-ROOM apartments for rent. 295 12th. cor.
Columbia, phone Main 2O0.
Blx-room steam-heated flats in beautrful
new building on Flanders ntreet, between
30th and 21st, Just completed; $50 par
month; large rooms; every convenience.
Suite 213. Ablngton bldg. Phone Main 2013.
FOR RENT Two nice flats. West Side,
close In, heat and water furnished, rea
sonable rent. Inquire Chapla & Her
low, 332 Chamber of Commerce.
MODERN flats, all sizes, for rent. East and
West Sides. Portland Trust Company of
Oregon, 8. E. cor. 3d and Oak. Phone
Exchange 72.
JUST completed, modern flats of 7, 6 and 4
rooms; walking distance; on Green ave.,
200 feet south of 23d and Washington, In
Cedar Hill.
800 ACRES for rent, 7 miles from Portland
on good road with running water. Will lease
for term of years to responsible party. W
FLAT. 6 rooms, Eart Side, near steel bridge;
stationery bow la In bedrooms; furnace and
tire place. Inquire- 91 Grand ave.
4-ROOM modern furnished or partly furnished
flat for rent. Call at 64 N. 16th st.
Phone Pacific 2590.
JUST completed, modern 6-room flat, large
grounds; fine location: rent reasonable.
Phone East 5341.
182 CHAPMAN ST., cor. Taylor, new flat, 4
rooms-; tile bath; $20. Graves' Muslo Store.
328 Wash.
NEW, modern 8-room furnished flat; bath,
phone, 5 minutes walk to postofflce. 3S3
5th st.
WS38T Bide, 4 rooms, modern, upper flat;
SbJy ith st; $16; no children; unlocked.
TWO new modem flats. East Side; reasonable
rent. Inquire 297 Cherry St.
AUGUST 1. 6-room flat, centrally located: no
children. Apply 66 N. 15th.
FOR RENT Modern 6-room flat. Apply 686
Hoyt st. corner 18th.
VERY desirable furnished 4-room flat. 687
Washington st.
FLAT of three rooms for rent. 125 12th at.
Housekeeping Rooms.
TWO unfurnished housekeeping rooms, close
in Esst Side. Phone East 5107.
HOU SEKEEPING or sleeping rooms, gas and I
tuusv n tut i, A
Housekeeping- Rooms.
GOOD furnished or unfurnished housekeeping
rooms. 2 for $8 month, S for $12 ; unfur
nished new flat, 4 rooms, ground floor, $16
month , part or cottage, ground noor, front
rooms, furnished, grassy yard and porch,
near fine shady grove, J16. 4 and 7-rooro
cottages, unfurnished, $8 and $20. Apply
3fi4 North 28th. Willamette Heights cars to
2ttth, turn sou t n nan diock.
Washington, cor. SOtb. Nicely furnished
housekeeping rooms. gas ranges, hot
water, rree bain, rree pnone, ooin noors;
nice sunny suites $10 and $12 per montoj
best rooms In city for money.
THE ONEONTA, J87 lTtb St., near Yamhill;
new house, elegantly furnished, la suites of
2, 8 and rooms, hot and cold water, gas
range each kitchen; steam heat, baths, free
phone each floor; no children.
THREE bright, completely furnished house
keeping rooms; largo pantry; gas range,
hot and cold water In kitchen; gas and
large clean b at n room. 4 N- loth st., cor.
Flanders. Phone Main 6067-
SHEFFIELD 7th and Jefferson sts. New
and modern; fully equipped for conveni
' ence and economy; central location; no
carfare; one 4-xoom apartment, bath.
Main 2506.
COLUMBIAN apartments. 11th and Colum
bia, unfurnished 4-room partments; bath,
hot and cold water; excellent neighbor
hood; reasonable rent; no children.
THE SANGERT Just opened, beautiful
modern housekeeping apartments; come
early and select your suites. Between
19th and 20th, on Washing-ton.
$22.50 Newly furnished housekeeping suite;
gas range, porcelain oatn, neat ana ngnt;
elegant neighborhood. 325 12ih. Phone
Pacific 2102.
436 MAIN cor. 12th; 2 very large and light
furnished basement rooms for housekeeping;
other housekeeping rooms; central.
FOUR ndce unfurnished housekeeping rooms
at 037 Montgttmbery st.( reasonable. Phone
Pacific 677. Inquire 406 Jefferson.
THE NEWCASTLE, 40 2 M, Third St., fur
nished housekeeping rooms; also single
rooms; reasonable. Main 800.
NICELY furniahed housekeeping rooms, sin
gle or en suite; walking distance; prices
reasonable. 555 Morrison.
TWO very pleasant, clean and neatly fur
nished housekeeping rooms; no cniiaren;
references. 655 Irving.
LARGE, light, nicely furnished housekeep
ing rooms; water, gas range; $3.50 and
Up. 5034 Alder.
801 H 1ST ST., cor. Col u mb la, under n e w
management, housekeeping rooms, sleeping
rooms ; reasonable.
634 MORRISON Rooms, large and airy; high
ceilings, gas range, completely furnished;
first-class location.
TWO airy front rooms for housekeeping, over-
looKing Deautuui large lawn; reasonaoie.
613 Yamhill st.
2 NICELY furnished housekeeping rooms;
modern; no children. 262 14th St., opposite
FURNISHED housekeeping rooms, bath, heat.
light and phone. Walking distance.. 171 N.
17th st.
HOUSE-KEEPING rooms, $2 and up; light,
comfortable, good view. 657 ft First
$16 Three nicely furnished rooms In cottage;
gas range, batn, yard, call aiternoon, 610
1st st.
FURNISHED housekeeping rooms; gas stove
and bath. Phone Main 1031. 275 N. 12th
SUITE of two unfurnished housekeeping
rooms; $1.23 per week. 382 E. Yamhill st.
WE have a 6-roora cottage close to Wash
ington st.; modern, convenient and well
17-19 Mallory blk., 268 Stark st.
FOR BKNT 8-room modern house; nice lawn
with flowers; rent reasonable. O 76, Ore
gonlan. NEW residence, T rooms, now ready; thor
oughly modern) iurnace grate, elegant
bathroom, beautiful wood finish; Grand
ave. and Hancock. Inquire 3S Hancock.
Phone East 1685.
NINE-ROOM house, close In, West Side, per
manent; leiepnone, eiecmc ngnts, iuu base
ment; $35 per month. Western Oregon
Trust Co., 291 Stark st. Phone Pacific 693.
FOR RENT Almost new, 6-room flat, 10 min
utes' wans to . u., $2; and 6-room house,
lot 100x100 on Caruthers st. near Front,
$22.50. G. E. Walling. 243 Stark st.
MODERN 7-room house, 250 Dixon st., near
oteei Dnage; f,.o. inquire of owner- on
premises, or to Slnnott & Slnnott, 6S5
Chamber of Commerce.
PLEASANT, modern cottage, bath, gas.
lawn; rent, szu. bus cherry st.. Holla
day's Add.; walking- distance or take U
FOR RENT Cottage, corner 17th and Gli-
san st. inquire. Max Smith, - the Sa
voy restaurant, 149 7th, or Home phone
$2150 Modern 6-room house, freshly tinted.
foi uiaiu; permanent. inquire
phone East 8400.
MODERN 7-room house, best part of Irving-
ion ; perieci repair, insiae ana out. Tel
East 842.
FOR RENT 4-room oottage, thoroughly
renovBieu. no, w at. Phone
East 6803. .
MODERN 6-room house, walking; distance. In
quire mil nasx rtasaingxon sc. noma pnone
B 1984.
FOR RENT Large greenhouse and some land
adjoining; terms reasonable. Phone Main
MODERN 7-room house; fine view. 692 Mar-
Kei st. unve. jroriiana .Heights car. Main
FOR houses, furnished and unfurnished.
njwoo, oo wasningion sr. aiaia tuau.
FOR RENT Modern 5-room cottage. 201
jtRSi vin ana pacific pnone East BOO.
MODERN 7-room house. 468 Clay St.; rent
Ko. jr-none pac. loss weekdays.
Furnished Houses.
NEW six-room modern house; best In Fir-
jana; at $zuu less tnan cost. uor. irirlana
ave. and Lewis st.
6-ROOM furnished house, desirable location.
yard and flowers. 690 B. Burn side st. Call
6-ROOM furnished home In Irvlngton for
montn August; references. N. 78, Ore
gonlan. ATTRACTIVE furnished upper flat; piano.
yaxi. targe attic; central. nones Main 1492.
A 2758. .
FURNISHED house, 698 Kearney, cor. 19th; 6
rooms, t mom ns, rent X4U. Phone Main
FOR 2 or 8 months, furnished 8-room house,
rent $50. Apply Parrish A Watklns.
FURNISHED house to rent for August. Ap
ply 707 Hoyt st. Phone Main 2432.
6-ROOM house, range and carpets for sale.
145 11th and Alder.
Houses for Rent Furniture for Bala.
FINE 21-room house, new and modern, with
steam heat, gas and electric light; furni
ture for sale; rent very reasonable. A
first-class proposition for first-class peo
ple. Apply in person; no phone calls an
swered regarding this. Wakefield. Fries
& Co., 229 Stark st.
FOR SALE Furniture of a 10-room rooming
house, suitable for boarding-house; good
money-maker; 5 xnin. walk from center of
town; will sell cheap if taken at onoe;
leaving town. Call after 12 A. M., 49 N.
Park st. Phone Pac. SO.
A COMPLETELY furnished cottage, 6
rooms, bath, gas, etc.; conveniently ar
ranged; very reasonable; rent $21 per
month. W. M. Fangley, 817, C. of Com.
ELBGANT new furniture of modern 7-room
flat, costing $800; will sell cheap If taken
at onoe. Phone Pacific 134.
7-ROOM house, furnished, 4 blocks from
postofflce. Inquire 208 7th. Phone Main
FURNITURE of 9-room house, cheap If taken
at once. 81 7th St., cor. Oak.-
Summer Resorts.
IF COTTAGE or tenting outfit Is wanted for
Summer, write F. McFarland, Seaside, Or.
4-ROOM cottage for rent at Seaside near
JNecamcum, elctphone Ala id, 17 4.
Bummer Resorts.
BUSINESS women or employed girls will And
a delightful place to spend their vacation
at the seashore in the Young Women's
Christian Association camp at Gearhart
Park. Open luly 1 to September 15. Room
and board, $5.50 per week, or $1.25 per
day. Railroad fare $4 round trip ; special
rate Saturday to Monday, $2. Register at
Association rooms, 312 Oak st., city.
The finest beach property ever offered,
iotnlng Breakers Hotel property, to be
nown as "Manhattan Beach;" 250-acre
tract, a portion with building restrictions;
other unrestricted; easy terms.
A. C. CHURCHILL Sc CO., 110 2d St., City.
$750 for sale, at Ocean Para, Wash., 3
corner lots, with 6-room modern cottage built
last Fall ; painted throughout ; nice pantry,
Sump, sink, etc. ; never been occupied; 4
locks south of depot. Pacific Coast Realty
Co., room 307 Buchanan bids;.
CAPT. SCHNEIDER'S Park cottage will be
open August 10 at Savlew. one block from
depot; large, comfortable rooms, with break
fast If desired; good restaurant In next
block. Long Beach, Wash.
6EAVIEW Nice 6-room cottage, well fur
nished, sink, water in kitchen, good barn,
near beach. Milton York, Long Beach,
GOOD board and rooms with private family.
Cedarhurst Cottage; modern. For terms ad
dress Charles Cleland, Seaside, Or.
FOR RENT From August 5 for balance of
season, six-room cottage; well furnished;
at Seavlew. Phone Main 4G94.
SHELBURN HOTEL Everything first-class;
home cooking; modern prices. Mrs. T.
J. Hoare, Seavlew, Wash.
FURNISHED 5-room cottage, beautifully lo
cated ridge, fronting ocean. Long Beach.
Berry, 600 East Oak.
FOR RENT 4-room cottage for August, at
Seaside. TeL Main 3564, or call 620 Mar
shall st.
Boswell Springs open; health and pleasure re
sort. 2 miles south Drain. Or., on B. P. R. R.
STORAGE room In cement basement, sidewalk
elevator. 2d, near Washington. Howe,
Davis & Ktlbam. Ill 2d St.
FOR RENT Store 130 Thirteenth St.. near
wasmngton, sjo. Apply bheehy Bros.
Main 3072.
BUILDINGS equipped with boiler and en
gine, city, free fuel and water. 347 North
6th st.
6TORH warehouse, commercial agents
sample-rooms. Inquire Andrew Kan A Co.
THREE stores for rent. , Inquire T. J. Uhl-
man, ix. jutn.
FRONT and back offices very reasonable;
heat, light and elevator services; best lo
cation in city. Dammeier, agent, Ral
eigh bldg., 6th and Washington st.
FOR RENT Office and desk room In a
pleasant downtown location, facing on
Washington st. Inquire 413 Commercial
FOR RENT Bulte of three furnished of
fices, with telephone, exchange. F 77,
NICE office room fronting on Morrison St.,
2d floor. The Benson, cor. 5th and Morrison.
FOR RENT Completely furnished office, or
win rent aeikroom. 209 Lumber Exchange.
FINE offices. best location. Room 815
bwetland bldg, 6th and Washington.
1 S
MERCHANTS, attention. A doctor wishes to
practice m a large city; has the been, busi
ness corner In a prosperous college town in
the Valley with the only drug store; fine
opening for a up-to-date general store in
connection with drug store.' Will sell on
easy terms or exchange for good city prop
erty or good farm, which I can rent out.
Closest Investigation solicited. Ask my
agent, F. Fuchs, 221 Morrison st.
BUSINESS MEN We have exceptional fa-
" jjnumiug vu nun capaoiV
men and women of character, and your
business interests will be best conserved
In the matter of help by letting us know
your needs. No charge.
-303 AllBky bldg. Phone Main 7637.
ON Washington St., a candy. Ice cream, fruit
ana cigar store; the price of this place has
been cut $600 in order to sell, on account
of sickness; a good stock and fixtures, cheap
rent and a large place with a good trade
and lease; for a quiJc sale at $1400, with
two living rooms. Tife Veteran Land Co.,
166 Washington st.
FOR RENT Large new hotel at new R. R.
lerminai grounds, lath and Marshall sts.;
has 143 rooms, dining-room and kitchen; all
modern conveniences; 6-year lease; rent $500
per month. Apply to Phil Gevuru, of Gev
urtx & Boas, 173-6 First st.
0-ROOM hotel; $4500 will handle this propo
sition; a fine place; cheap rent; good lease;
clearing over $500 a month; 20 rooms nicely
furnished; only $1200; terms. C. S. Arnold
& Co., 351 Morrison, rooms 111 and 112.
STOCK of general merchandise, well located.
in mimse uiuve; uumg a gooa Dusiness;
invoice $3000 to $5000; best of reasons for
selling ; investigate. Address Drawer C,
Cottage Grove, Or.
FOR SALE Willamette Valley drug business,
well located, prosperous; sworn statement of
business furnished; price $2750; terms; sick
ness. Address G 65, care Oregon lan.
HARDWARE and furniture store, an o:d
established business, on good paying basis;
must sell at once on account of health,
H 75, care) Oregonlan.
DRUG STORE for sale; good chance for doc
tor; must sell or close store; other business
demands my time. Address Dr. Everest,
Cornelius, Or.
$3300 WILL buy good paying bakery and
confectionery business In Eastern Oregon
town; good reason for selling. N 70, Ore
gonlan. FOR SALE Private boarding house, full of
boarders; cheap If taken at once. Call be
tween 1 and 2 oclockP. M. at 492 N. 2th
WANTED Partner In light manufacturing
business that will pay $25 weekly ; $150
cash required. Room 16, 253 Washington.
POULTRY business,' most complete in state;
$2000, part cash, or will trade for good city
business of same value. E 78, Oregonlan,
PARTNER wanted in saloon business; owner
has two saloons and needs heLp; only $600
required. Room 823, Lumber Exchange.
YOU can make 20 per cent profit on a $1000
investment; you control the money all the
time. Box A 76, Oregonlan office.
A CIGAR store and billiard hall In a Prohi
bition town; big money to the right mn.
See Hell man, 306 Ablngton bldg.
NEWSPAPER for sale Oregon live weekly In
growing town; job office In connection; bar
' gain. Address D 70, Oregonlan.
A FIRST-CLASS modern, up-to-date rooming
house, 16 rooms. The very best bur In Port
land. Call 23 Lafayette bldg.
GOOD paying confectionery and bakery
bargain. Particulars 206 AUsky bid..
Third and Morrison sts.
FOR SALE Small grocery store doing a good
bueinesv; cheap rent. For particulars ad
dress O 77, Oregonlan.
DESIRABLE partner wanted In good-paying
business; $375 capital required; references
required. 229 13th st.
FOR SALE Grocery in growing suburb, at
end of car line; will sell at a sac rl floe.
G 80, Oregonlan.
ROOMING-HOUSE New furniture, good lo
cation; large rooms; Iot rent; $550. Room
7, 181 1st st.
FOR SALE First-clase cigar fixtures, good
location; 2 years' lease; rent $30v- Call at
289 Stark, st.
FOR SALE Good paying business, cheap to
day; party leaving city. Room 12, 291
Alder, upstairs.
PARTNER wanted for strictly cash business;
will pay you $5 a day; $250 required. Call
248 Stark st.
FOR SALE Furniture store In growing
town, close to Portland. Address B 78,
WOOD business for sale, clearing over $400
a month; money required secured. Call 243
etark st.
FOR SALE Fine business corner; inquire
1054 Union ave. Phone Wood lawn 168.
FOR SALE 50 shares of Bidwell Electrio Co,
stock. Price $40. G 79, Oregonlan.
FOR SALE: Barber shop. Inquire of the sec
retary of the Barbers' Union.
BAKERY and grocery store In good location
for eaie. G 75. Oregon iaa.
COME early if you want one of these bar
21-room hotel, new furniture; $850.
18-room house, swell furnishings; $950.
36 rooms, fairly well furnished; $1500.
20 rooms, excellent location: $1200.
59 rooms, eood furniture: $3000.
75-room hotel, with bar; good location?
35-room house, rent $90; good location
$3000. r -
Good restaurant, new furniture; $450. .
11-roora boarding-house; $760.
Roomlnjt-house. 22 rooms: RM50.
155-room hotel, clearing $800 per month;
60-room hotel, elegantly furnished; $13,600;
ow win nanoie tnie.
72-room hotel, steam -heated1! 1B500.
45 rooms, steam-heated, hot and cold
water In every room, elegantly furnished ;
We have numerous country hotels and
many more in the city. come ana let us
snow you. s
The Original Hotel Brokers
351 Morrison st. .
Phone Main 7311.
Successor to
Lard, Sandefer & O'Connor.
351 Mnrrlnnn st.. room 6.
12 rooms on Washington $ 600
12 rooms on Mill st H)
17 rooms on Morrison at. .--.. .... 1200
83 rooms on East Side 13ii0
40-room hotel at Bpringrield, Or '.. 1450
S3 rooms on Park st 2500
26 rooms on 4th st, near Plasa . 2850
28 rooms on Wash, st., near 6th.... 2850
we have some good buys in hotels, ea-
100ns, grocery stores and restaurants.
FOR BALE General merchandise business
in Portland's best suburb : stock, horses.
wagons, etc., will invoice about $4500. For
a fine and paying proposition this would
be hard to equal, and la the best buy In
the city: trade steadily Increasing; every
courtesy shown to buyers, but those not
having the requisite amount of money
soouia not apply. N TJ, oregonlan.
Jl HALF interest in a business for sale for a
few hundred dollars; a payment down and
the balance to be paid out of the business;
will clear $26 a day; no great amount of ex
perience required; must be honest; you are
to help manage the business. L 76, Ore-
GENERAL merchandise store la. the best
county in Oregon for sale; new R. R. build
ing, $20,000; owner wants to go in the bank
ing business; this is the best business open
ing in the Northwest; will stand the closest
investigation. G 72. Oregonlan.
WILL birr or loan monev on annmvd irtnrki:
I have stock In an Invention that will pay
1000 per -cent profit and income for life.
Large or email investments accepted. Stock
wenangea tor otner property or value, w. j,
Curti. 215 Commercial block.
REAL ESTATE business, partner wanted; ex
perience not necessary Deyond ability to
show land, etc.; active man can easily clear
$150 to $200 a month at least and only
Tmaii capital required. Particulars 248 st.
BITUMINOUS (coking) coal lands, tn British
Columbia, on railroad; 1800 acres at $2 per
acre; me oniy oituminous coal neia on main
land In B. C, except Crows Neat. B. Fal
lows, mining engineer, 634 Chamber of Com
merce. WILL sell half Interest In general mer-
cnanaise in suouro, aDOut X2DOU required;
profits about $3000 a vear: business In
creasing dally; want a hustler more than
the money; reference. K 77, Orego
FO R S A LE Ch e ap, coun t ry n e wspaper an d
joo onice, inciuaing omce Duuaing; in gooa
Willamette Valley town; business prosper
ous; Illness reason for selling; terms on
part, aq ureas L. 4a. care oregonlan.
WANTED Good man with about $3500 to
take interest in management of flrst-class
confectionery store In center of city; long
lease; fine place; good business. Call 206
Aiistcy Diag., 3d and Morrison.
HARDWARBJ and Implement business. In Val
v.ley town: stock and bulldine. about $8000.
but could reduce the stock $2000 in a very
snort time; gooc reason ror selling. U 91,
$350 AND your services will put an energetic
man into an old, solid legitimate business;
clear $150 a month; must be honest and
furnish suitable reference. Call 191 4th st.
WANTED Parties, owning Columbia River
sawmill of good capacity, to purchase ope
rating Interest in first-class steam
schooner. Address F. 71, care of Oregonlan
SPECIAL $750. with your services, in a
solid business, will pay you $175 a month?
duties easily learned and bank references
furnished. Particulars 248 Stark st.
GROCERY store, business of $50 day, stock
$900. fixtures $300; three living rooms and
store; rent $2A; price fiooo. Pacific Invest
ment Co 91 Fifth st.
$650 BUYS first-class rooming-house with
18 rooms nicely furnished, full of roomerB,
good location. Owner must leave city.
tan at v&y worth a a. ,
NEW modern corner store in good residence
district, on car, for rent; splendid opening
for grocery and market; rent $25. Address
n. id, uregonian.
A GOOD business; best In Its line; best location;-
good reasons for selling; $1200 re
quired; a snap at that. 6ee H. G. Ogden,
St. Johns, Or.
HERS Is an opportunity for some person
with money to invest to make a big profit
in two months, or less. Address G 77,
HAVE fine location for motion picture show,
Portland; will Invest equal amount with
partner ; experience unnecessary. Room 2,
145 6th.
LOANS made to salaried people holding per
manent positions and responsible firms; easy
payments and strictly confidential; also
en persoaal property; rooming-houses a speo--aity.
200 Ablngton bldg.
Any salaried employe, wage-earner, can
get on his note, without mortgage (.con
fidential). Month. -inouLii. Week. '
$50 Repay to us. ,..$13.33 or $0.66 or 3.35
$5 Repay to us....$ 6.65 or $3.2u or 1.65
$15 Repay to us....$ 4.0O or $2.oo or $1.00
210 McKay Bldg., 102 Third, m
WE loan on motes to employes of permanency
and Integrity ; those who can repay and
whose Intentions are to do so can get our
money at a rate they can afford to pay.
We offer you businesslike treatment and
use businesslike methods only.
428 Mohawk bldg. Main 2041.
Just on your own name; no other security
necessary; don't borrow until you see me;
my system Is the best for railroad men,
clerks, bookkeepers, streetcar mn and all
other employes; business strictly coniiautlai.
F. A. Newton, 611 Buchanan Bldg.
and others upon their own names without
security; cheapest rates, easiest payments;
offices In 60 principal cities; save yourself
monvy by getting our terms first.
TOLMAN, 223 Ablngton Bldg., 106 8d St.
WE have ready money on hand to loan in
sums to, suit on good residence property at
low interest. Piggott, Finch & Bigger, at
torneys at law, rooms 4, 6 and 6, Mulkay
bldg. Phones Main 7145; A 1240.
CASH on hand for purchase money, mortgages,
bonds for deeds or contracts of sale oa real
estate, either country or city property. H. ii.
Noble, Commercial -blk., 2d and Washington.
LOANS on easv payment plan to salaried peo
ple; lowest rates; strictly confidential. Em
ployes' Loan Co., room 716, The Dekum. 34
and Wash. Main 224.
up on all kinds of security. W. A. Hatha
way, room 10, Wash. bldg. Pacific 1832.
real estate; charges reasonable. Inquire
J. H, Mlddleton, 617 Chamber Commerce.
other securities; lowest rates. S. W. King,
i uuiu to, v iuu. umt. x uvun "ffHin OIUU,
MONEY to loan on Improved city property or
for building purposes. Columbia Life & Trust
wmi on Improved and unimproved real
uue. W. H. Nunn. 652 Sherlock block.
f 1000 to I1G0.OOO to loan In mi ma to ault at 6 to
7 per cent on Improved realty. M. Q. Griffin,
266 Stark, opp. Chamber of Commerce.
all aecurltiea. K. L ETckeraon & Co.. room A.
Waahlngton bids. Phone Pac. 1831.
cuxitr. Wm. Holl. rm. 0 Washington bldg-.
State funda loaned. S per ct. W. El. Thomaa.
ary until you see Button Credit Company.
1800, 000 TO LOAN AT 8 AND 8 PER CBNT.
Wm. O. Beck, room 312 Failing bldg.
MONEY to loan on diamond, or Jewelry by
private party. L 87, care Oregonlan.
A LOAN for the asking, salary or chattel.
The Loan Co i0 Dekum bids.
Honey to Loan.
INDUSTRIAL, mining, railroad and timber
propositions of merit financed; loans ne
gotiated; stocks and bonds bought and
sola on strictly commission basis, com
panies Incorporated and organized. Bond
issues prepared and marketed. Our bro
kerage department offers the best facili'
ties for making safe and profitable In
vestments, and is the quickest medium
zor financing gooa propositions.
Suite 8-9. U62 Washington st.
"hon. Main 7630. Portland, Or.
On Improved city property or for build
ing purposes, for from 11 to 10 years' time,
with privilege to repay all or part of loan
after two years. Loans approved from
plans and money advanced aa building
progresses: mortgages taken ud and re
placed. Fred K. btrong, financial agent.
Bb1. -
Loans Wanted.
WANTED To borrow $4500 on Improved
property worth $12,000; gilt-edge security.
J 68, Oregonlan.
WANTED $4000 loan on Inside property
for 5 years. O 80, Oregonlan.
WANTED Td borrow $50 for 6 months on
furnltura. L 77, Oregonlan.
LADIES, one word with you 28 years of suo
eessful practice in Portland In the treatment
of disease, peculiar to women should be suf
ficient guarantee to those seeking the aid of
an experienced physician and surgeon. I
have aesisted hundreds of anxious and suf
fering women. I can assist you. If In
trouble, ao matter from what cause, call on
old Dr. J. D. Gray, the old reliable special
ist; no charge for consultation or advice.
2S1 Alder St.. corner Sd, Poitlaad, Or. Cor
respondence sacredly confidential.
Late superintendent of Chicago Women's Hos-
filtal, treats dlseaees of women exclusively;
idles will consult their beet Interests by
con-.munlcating with me; no fee for con
sultation ; correspoadencs absolutely confi
dential; maternity cases given special at
tention. Sanitarium and offices, 2S3 Alder,
corner ad. Portland, Or. Phone Main 2796.
SUITS pressed while you wait. oo. To vis
itors of Portland hotels and to publlo at
large: Suits pressed at 60c at Gilbert, the
tailor's, 106tt 6th St., next to Quelle. La
dles' skirts pressed, oOc. Feathers and boas
cleaned aad curled. Phone Pacific 206&.
CHRONIC, nervous and special diseases of
men and women cored by modern scientific
methods; electrio treatment for diseases of
the prostate; consultation free. Dr. W. 1.
Howard, Commonwealth bldg.. Sixth at.
LADIES Ask your druggist for Chlchee-
ters Diamond Brand Pills. For 25 years
known aa the best, safest. Reliable. Take
no other. Chlchesters Diamond Brand
Pills. bo la by druggists everywhere.
WE will furnish honest, honorable men who
wisn to marry, names of good Eastern girls
wno want to make homes in the Northwest,
upon receipt of 26 cents In postage. Room
72d, Chamber of Commerce. Astoria. Or,
moved by electric needle; established 1694;
fihyslcians references, lady operator. Par
ore iroij loth St.. near Morrison. Phone
Main 6267.
LOANS to steady working people without se
curity; no puDllclty, no tiling of papers;
lowest rates; easr Installments. Landlgan
Investment Co., 184 Sherman, South Port
land. DRESS suits for rent, all sixes; $1 month
keeps your clothes cleaned, pressed, buttons
sewed on, rips sewed. Prompt calls and de
liveries. Unique Tailoring Co., 800 Stark st.
DON'T be lonesome Send 10 cents for latest
Matrimonial Register; join Interstate In
troducing Society; many wealthy members
recently enrolled. Box 2S1, Seattle, Wash.
LADIES Dr. Sanderson's Xo-Savln and Cot
ton Root Pills are the only sure remedy for
female troubles and irregularities; by mail.
$2 box. Dr. Pierce, 181 1st St., Portland.
DR. KETCHUM treats the special diseases of
women, likewise ail private anectlons of
men; correspondence confidential. Phons Pay
cine 2228. 170H 3d at., cor. Yamhill.
LOST powers restored by the great Dr. Lor
ens Nerve Tonlo Tablets. 26o a box. Write
or call at Eyasel'a Pharmacy, 227 Morrison
St., bet. 1st and 2d
GERMAN, French, Spanish and other Foreign
Dictionaries i ext Books and Literature
(German books a speolaliy). A. W. Sen male
Co.. 229 First st.
Mme. Courtrlght, skin and scalp treatments;
taciai aerormiues correctea; plastic surgery.
226 Fleldner bldg. M. 6042. Home A 2068.
DR. 3. T. PIERCE cures all nervous, chronlo
and private diseases, both sexes; office treat
ment 60c to $1. Call or write, 181 1st st
MOLES, wrinkles, superfluous hair removed.
No charge to talk it over. Mrs. M. D. Hill,
room S.10. Flledner bldg. Faclfio 135.
WELL educated middle-aged man wishes ac
quaintance of girl from 22 to 80; object
matrimony. O 78, Oregonlan.
YOUNO scientific massense gives electrical.
iBiuuiit, uieuicateu ana genuine tuo
baths. 41 Raleigh bldg.
MISS ETHEL WARD, manlrsrlst and chl-
rupouLBi., is now in room la, sol ft Mor
rLson st.
Recently opened manicuring parlors removed
srom aoi lo nM)g j&orrlson st., room 2.
LADY barber shop now open, 4 chairs, no
tailing, iiiuuii-ui nig lauguu o. itn St.
Z WILL teach a respectable working girl the
uarueri iraae. JU ev, uregonlan.
BALM of Figs for all female diseases. 826
ju. mimaaL, pnone m 4034.
THE healing household remedy. Satin skin
mg-mn Muuuia always De nanay. zoc.
Proposals Invited.
The City of North Yakima, Washington.
Invites sealed bids to be filed with its
City Clerk on or before August 6, 1907,
at 7:80 o'clock P. M., for the construction
of an asphalt pavement on West Yakima
avenue, between the west Una of First
avenue. West, and the east line of Sixth
avenue. West, In accordance with the
plans, profiles and specifications hereto
fore adopted by the City Council and now
on file with the City Clerk, and under and
pursuant to the provisions of Ordlnanoe
No. 643 of the ordinances of said city.
All bidders shall deposit with their re
spective bids a certified check for five
per cent of the amount of their bid,
drawn In favor of the City Treasurer, to
b,e forfeited to the city In case the con
tract for such work shall be awarded to
the bidder and he shall fall or neglect
to enter Into a contract for the same
and furnish the bond required by law,
within three days after he shall be noti
fied that the oontract has been awarded
to him. The City of North Yakima re
serves ths right to reject any and all
Dated at North Yakima, Washington.
July 17, 1907.
J. C BROOKER, City Clerk.
PORTLAND. Oregon, July 28, 190T. Sealed
bids win be received at the office of ths
School Clerk, City Hall, up to 12 M.,
Friday. August 2d, 1007, for plastering
the following school buildings, via.: Ter
wllllger School building and Creston
School building. Plans and specifications
for same can be seen at architect's office.
834 East Third street. All proposals
must be accompanied by. certified check
for 10 per cent of the amount of proposal.
Ths School Board reserves ths right to
reject any and all bids. ..
THOS. J. JONES, Architect.
PORTLAND. Oregon, July 28, 1907. Sealed
bids will be received at ths offloe of the
School Clerk, City Hall, up to 12 M., Fri
day, August 2, 1907, for painting ths Hol
laday School building. Specifications for
same can be seen at arohltect's office, 884
East Third street. All proposals must be
accompanied by certified check for 10
per cent of amount of propoeaL The
School Board reserves ths right to reject
any and all bids.
THOS. J. JONES, Architect.
Oleton, umatnia 'uounty, uregon. will, on
August 21. 1907, sell negotiable bonds of
said city amounting to $135,000. Sealed pro
posals to purchase said bonds should be
filed with the City Recorder on or prior to
said date. Bids must be accompanied by
certified check for $2500, payable to ths
Mayor of said city.
Acting City Recorder.
Proposals Invited.
BEALED bids for the building of the super
. structure of the Administration Building
slxe Sox233 ft.; height, three-story; mate
rials, stone, brick, and fire-proof construc
tion) for the University of Idaho, at Mos
cow, will be received until 2 P. M. August
20, 1907, and will be opened at that time.
Separate bids will also be received for ths
following items: 1st, brick masonry. 2d,
cut stone and terra cotta. 3d, reinforced
concrete fire-proofing. 4th, structural steel.
6th, roofing, tile and sheet metal. 6th,
carpentry and superintendence. 7th, plumb
ing. Plans and specifications can be had
at the university and at ths office of J. E.
Tourtellotte & Co., at Boise. A deposit of
$15 will be required to insure their safe re
turn. All bidders must enclose a certified
check for 2 per cent of the amount bid, pay
able to Mrs. S. H.' Hays, secretary, with
their bid, and send or hand their bid to Mrs.
S. H. Hays, secretary of the board of
regents. Moscow, Idaho. All checks will be
returned to the bidders as soon as contract
Is closed. The successful bidders must
sign contracts within 10 days and furnish
bond within 30 days after contract is award
ed or forfeit certified check. Contract con
tains clause required by the State Board of
Examiners to protect labor and material
claims and bond must be made by surety or
trust company. The building must be com
pleted by September 1, 1008. Financial abil
ity and experience will be considered In
awarding contract. Bidders must state their
individual names and address in full. The
board reserves the right to reject any or all
MRS. S. H. HAYS, Secretary.
Moscow, Idaho, July 17, 1907.
The City of North Yakima, Washington.
Invites sealed bids to be filed with its
City Clerk on or before August 6, 1907,
at 7:80 o'clock P. M., for the construction
of a vitrified brick pavement on Yakima
avenue, between the east line of Front
street and the west line of Sixth street.
In accordance with the plans, profiles and
specifications now on file with ths City
Clerk, and under and pursuant to the
provisions of Ordinance No. 549 of the
ordinances of said city.
All bidders shall deposit with their
respective bids a certified check for flvo
per cent (5 per cent) of the amount of
their bid, drawn in favor of the City
Treasurer, to be forfeited to the city In
case the contract for such work shall
be awarded to the bidder and he shall
fail or neglect to enter into a contract
for the-aine and furnish the bonds re
quired by law, within three days after he
shall be notified that the contract has
been awarded to him. The City of North
Yakima reserves the right to reject any
and all bids.
Dated at North Yakima, Washington,
July 17, 1007.
J. C. BROOKE, City Clerk.
Sealed bids will be received and opened
August 12. 1907, by the Mother Provin
cial at Bt. Mary's Academy, Portland, Or.,
for the erection of a three-story brick ad
dition to St. Mary's Academy, Ths Dalles,
Or., and for alterations to th. present
building. Each bidder will be required to
deposit a certified check mads payable to
the Mother Provincial, In the amount or
6 ,per cent of his bid, to Insure his taking
the contract if awarded to him. The
owners reserve the right to reject any and
all bids. Responsible contractors may
have the drawings and specifications by
applying to C. J. Crandall, architect. The
Dalles, Or.
PORTLAND, Oregon, July 23, Sealed
bids will be received at the office of ths
School Clerk. City Hall, up to 12 M..
Friday, August 2d, 1907, for the following
work on the East Side High School build
ing and grounds, viz.: First, plumbing
and drainage. Second, grading and pave
ment on school grounds. Third, stone re
taining walls, etc. Plans and specifications
for same can be seen at architect's office,
4 834 East Third street. All proposals
nfust be accompanied by certified check
for 10 per cent of the amount of proposal.
The School Board reserves the right to
reject any and all bids.
THOS. J. JONES, Architect.
Wanted by the Port of Portland during
August, 1907, will be received until noon
of July 81 at office, In City Hall. Bids
must be made on blank forms which can
be had by applying at the office.
BIDS will be received until 8 P. M. August
8, 1907, at the office of the Port of Port
land Commission, City Hall, for one steel
pump runner complete and extra plates,
rings, etc.. In accordance with plans and
specifications which can be had by apply
ing at the office. John P. Doyle, clerk.
IN the United States District Court for the
District of Oregon, in the matter of F. G.
Donaldson, bankrupt. Notice Is hereby
given that the property belonging to the
estate of said bankrupt, which . Is In pos
session of the trustee, consisting of furni
ture, fixtures, carpets, sale, cash register,
bedding, linen, silverware, dishes, cooking
utensils, typewriter, billiard table, and all
other personal property now In the Hotel
Revere, Albany, Or., will be sold at private
sale by the trustee, L. L. Swan, at his
office at Albany, Or., at 10 o'clock A. M.
Thursday, August 8, 1907, the same to be
sold to the highest bidder in cash upon
sealed bids, which must be deposited with
the trustee on or before the said time set for
the sale. A certified check equal to 10 per
cent of the amount must accompany the
bid or It will not be regarded. Bids will
be opened simultaneously In the presence of
bidders. Inventory may be seen In ths
office of L. L. Swan at Albany. Or.
L. L. SWAN. Trustee.
Dated this 2flth day of July, 1907.
NOTICE By motion duly made, seconded and
carried, the board of directors of the Farm
ers' Firs Relief Association, of Buttevllle,
Oregon, at a meeting held July 13, 1907,
"decided that the interests of this association
can best be served by appointing one gen
eral soliciting agent for each county in this
Valley. For that purpose the board of di
rectors will receive applications from per
sons desiring to act In that capacity at the
next' meeting, Saturday, August 10, 1907.
The board reserves the right to reject any or
11 applications. Address ths secretary,
Henry L. Bents, Aurora, Or.
FOUND 2 colts, July 80; one black mare colt
with white spot In forehead, and halter,
about 8 years old. The other a. bay mare
colt with white face, and halter, about 6
months old. Owner please call at 622 N.
25 hi st., and pay expenses.
LOST On Sunday's outbound Portland
Corvallis train, lady's red leather purse,
keepsake. Liberal reward. Phone East
34U5. Address V 76, Oregonlan.
$10 REWARD Stolen or strayed from B. 48th
and Taylor sts., June is, a neavy white
horse; branded anchors; finder please notify
Andrew Kan & Co.
LOST July 30, four railroad tickets to Cali
fornia; liberal rewaril. ats Hoes st., or li.
C. King, Hamilton bldg. Phone Pacific 356.
FOUND Where hair mattresses are renovated.
returnea same oay. 229 eTont. slain 4i.
Portland Curled Hair Factory. H. Metzger.
LOST Friday, at Meier-Frank's, an alliga
tor purse, containing $2.00 or $.00 in silver,
note book, etc. Reward. Phone East 4999.
LOST Green enamel open-faced watch with
chaletaln pin, probably on L car Monday
morning. Phone Woodlawn 668. Reward.
LOST Gold scarf pin, design woman's head;
finder will receive reward or $a by leaving
at Oregonlan office.
LOST Monday afternoon, chased gold broach.
diamond setting; return ZJO lamnill. .tie
ward. LOST An abstract of title between Mll-
waukie and Portland, iteturn jw), za st.
LOST Lady's small open-faced gold watch.
Return to Lenox Hotel. Reward.
LOST Watcn charm, Masonlo and artisan.
Leave at Butterfleld's for reward.
GEO. T. MURTON. 818 Chamber Commeroe.
Phone Main 8681. General accounting aad
auditing business.
H. J- HEFTY, architect Office, Lumber
Exchange bldg., room 428.
Assay ers and Analysts.
Wells A Proebstel, mining engineers, metal
lurgists and assayers. 204 Washington.
MONTANA ' Assay Office, 1S6 Morrison St.
Best facilities. Prices reasonable.
PAUL BAUMEL, assayer and analyst. Gold
dust bought. 207 Alder St.
Attorney s-at-Law.
Atty.-at-law, Proctor In Admiralty and
Adjuster of Marine Losses and Claims.
lis ADlngton Bldg.
Carpenters and Builders.
W. L. Buckner, office, store fixtures, general
jobbing, contracting; 830 Stark. Main 688L
Cleaning and Dyeing.
- ......... - . uuob i . r-iii i ii , curiea I
dyed. M. 2375. Work called for and- dellvd. I
.n , . t. 1 i . . -
Chiropody and Manicuring.
YOUNG lady, scientific chiropodist, mani
curist, face, scalp specialist; superfluous hair
permanently removed. 41 Raleigh bldg.
Phone Pacific 235. A 1725.
WM. DEVENY and Estelle Deveny, th. only
sclentiflo chiropodists, parlors 203 Drew
building, 162 2d at. Phons Main 130L
Chiropody and Pedicuring. Mrs. M. D. Hill,
room 330 Flledner bldg. Phone Faclfio 135.
Commission Merchants.
HERMAN METZGER, purchaser of hides,
pells, furs, wool, mohair, tallow and rubber
and old metal and general commission mer
chant. Front st.. near Main. Portland, Or.
TAYLOR. YOUNG A CO., ship brokers, com.
mission merchants. Sherlock bldg., Portland.
D. C. BURNS CO., grocers and commission
merchants, 210 8d St.
DANCING lessons. 25c during Summer months;
school open all year; social, fancy and stase
dancing taught daily. Wilson's Dancing
School, Allsky bldg.. Si and Morrison sts.
Tenth and Morrison.
Open all the year. Private or class in
struction. Position certain when compe
tent. All modern methods of bookkeep
ing taught; also correspondence, rapid
calculations, office work, Chartler short
hand; easy, rapid, legible. Catalogue tree.
Harness and. Baddies.
THE George Lawrence Co., wholesale saddle
and harness mfrs., 80-86 1st. Main 226.
stunk. Hide, and Pelts.
L. SHANK A CO., purchasers of hides, pelts,
wool, furs, tallow, old rubbers, metals and
sacks. 812 Front St.
Leather and Findings.
tablished 1858. Leather and findings; Stock
ton sole leather and cut stock; full line
Eastern Jumbos. 189 Front st.
CHAS. L. MASTICK A CO., Front aad Oak
sts. Leather and skins of every descrlptloa
tor all purposes; sola and tap cutters' find
ings. Machinery.
B. TRENKMAN A CO., mining, sawmill log- ,
glng machinery, hydraulic pipes, castings, all .
iuds, repaired. 104 N. 4th C
Osteopathio Physicians.
415-16-17 Dekum bldg..
Third and Washington suk.
Phone, office, Main 840.
Residence, Main 1503.
Residence, East 1028.
Moines, la. The standard osteopathic col
lege of America. We have more calls for
our graduates than we can supply. Terra
begins September 16. Catalog V.
DR. L. B. SMITH, pioneer osteopath of Ore
gon, graduate Klrkvllle, Mo. 49 Oregon la a
bldg. Main 1242; res. Main 2752. ,
Paints. Oils and Class.
RA8MUSPEN A CO., Jobbers, palats. oils,
glass, sash and doors. Cor. 2d and Taylor.
Patens Lawyers.
H. C. WRIGHT, domestlo and foreign patents;
Infringement cases. 6o4 Dekum.
Real Estate.
Real Estate, 614 Chamber of Commercs.
Rubber Stamps.
ALSO seals, stencils, Tel. Slugs, bar checks,
eta- Coast Co., 231 Stark. Tel. 1407.
P. C. STAMP WORKS 249 Alder St. Rubber
stamps, seals, stencils, checks, brass signs.
DIF)BOLD manganese safes large lines car
ried. Lock-outs opened. Jacks, Jails, metal
furniture. Honest prices and goods. Both
phones. J. E. Davis, 66 3d.
Showcases. Bank and Stors Fixtures.
R. H. BIRDSALL, designer; agent M. Winter
Lumber Co., 7 Hamilton bldg. Main 6630.
THE Lutko Manufacturing Co.. cor. 6th aad
Hoyt. Phone Main 1408.
Sign Painting.
SIGNS ("That Attract."!
Portland Sign Co.. 287 Stark. Pao. IBM.
Greatest living clairvoyant.
Readings on all affairs of Ufa,
Satisfaction guaranteed.
No Auestlons ask,ed.
Call today. Don't delay.
852H Washington. Phone Main 1287.
Viola Marshfleld, spirit messages. 268U
Morrison at., "The Cosmos," over Royal
MARION CORELLL sconetlflo palmist and
. trance medium; satisfaction guaranteed.
2261 Washington st.
Mrs. Wallace, famous 'psychlo; rellt.ble on all
affairs of life. 350 Morrison st. Room 72.
MRS, SOPHIA SKIP, sptritual readings daTly.
302 Allsky bldg. Pacific 2835.
etoraga and Transfer.
First-class brick warehouse, prompt atten
tion to all kinds translerlng; our aim to
please. Phone Main -647; A 2247. Evenings.
Pacific 1001.
C. O. PICK, office 8S 1st., bet. Stark and Oak
Phone 696. Pianos and furniture moved and
packed for shipment; commodious bricc
warehouse, with separate iron rooms. Front
and Clay sts.
THE Oliver Typewriter Agency, room 43,
Raleigh building. Is now ready for busi
ness. If you are looking for the best type
writer on the market, look at the No. d
Oliver and you can decide at once.
NEW typewriters, all makes, rented, sold, re
paired. Coast Agency. 231 Stark. Phone 140T.
Ths Oldest Trust Company In Oregon.
RESOURCES OVER $2,200,000.
f General Banking
t per cent Interest on 1 check accounts
(even hundreds) on daily balances of $300
or over. Letters of credit and exchange on
all parts of the world. Savings accounts 3
per cent. Time certificates 8 to 4 per cent;
short-call special certificates, $500 or over.
Zht to 4 per cent.
Call for Book of "Illustratlona"
Phone Prlvats Exchange 72.
8. E. Corner Third and Oak Strseta
BENJ. I. COHEN President
H. L. PITTOCK Vice-President
B. LEE PAGET Secretary
J. O. GOLTRA .Assistant Secretary
(Established In 1804.)
Gen. Mgr. of Branches. .W. MACKINTOSH
Capital paid up $4,000.00(1
Surplus and undivided profits. .. .$10,153.87a
A General Banking and Exchange Business
Letters of credit Issued, available in all
parts of ths world. Interest paid on Urns
Accounts opened for sums of $10 and up.
WM. A. MACRAE Manages
J. T. BURTCHAELL. .. .Assistant Manage!
W. M. Ladd. C. E- Ladd J. W. Ladd.
Established 1859.
Transact a General Banking Buslnesa
Savings Books Issued on Savings Depostta
Interest Paid on Time Deposits.
J. FRANK WATSON....! President
R. L. DURHAM Vlce-Preslent
R W- HOYT Cashier
GEORGE W. HOYT Assistant Cashlet
R C CATCHING 2d Assistant Cashlai
United States Depository.
Drafts and letters of credit Issued, avail,
able In all parts of the world.
Collections a specialty.
Portland. Or.
CAPITAL AND SURPLUS $1,500,000.00,
Deposits $ 14.000.000. Oft.
Oldest National Bank oa ths Paclflo Coast,
A. U MILLS President
J. W. NEWKIRK Cashier
W C. ALVORD Assistant Cashier
B. F. STEVENS 2d Assistant Casals