12 TIIE MORNING OREGONIAN. WEDNESDAY. JULY 31, 1907. NEW TODAY. FOB SALE FARMS. KELP WANTED MALE. HELP WANTED FEMALE. 6ITTJATION WANTED MALE. AUCTION SALES TODAY. At Sll Firt t. Sal 2 P. M.. by th Port land Auction Co. By J. T Wllmn, at nlnnxtm,' 208 First mtrnet, at 10 A. IS. J. T. Wilson. Auctioneer. MEETIXO NOTICES. SAMARITAN LODGE, NO. 2. I. O. O. F. Regular meeting thla (Wednesday) evanlnn. t 8 o'clock. Third detree. Vlaltora welcome. M. O5V0LD, Sec. WASHINGTON LODGE. NO. 48, A. F. & A. M. Special communica tion thla (Wednesday) evening, 8 o'clock. Burkhard bldr. M. M. de- gree. Vlsltora welcome. By order of W. M. J. H. RICHMOND. Bee PORTLAND LODGE NO. 85. A. F. & A. M. Special communica tion thl CWednesday) evening at 7:30 aharp. Work In M. M. degree. All Maaons Invited. By order of W. M. I. W. PRATT, Seo. PIED. HAFKRRAAT In this city. July SO. Han. C. Habereaat, aged 40 yeara. Funeral announce ment later. CABSINELLI In this city, July 29, Gug llermo Caealnelll, aged 45 years, 11 month, 10 days. Funeral announcement later. AMUSEMENTS. MARQUAM GRAND (Phone Main 6.) Matinee Today, Tonight and All Week. Matinee Saturday. NANCE O'NEIL In tha Sensational Mythological Play, "THE STOV OF THE GOLDEN FLEECE." Evening. 1. 75c, 50c. 25c. Matinee, TSo, BOc. 25c. LYRIC THEATER Phone Main 4885. Thla Week tha Allen Stock Company Pre senting "THE ROAD TO FRISCO." Matinees Tuesday. Thursday, Saturday and Sunday. Prices. 3 0c, 20c Every evening at 8:15. Prices, 10c, 20c and 80c Reserved seats by phone. Main 4085. Of fice open from 10 A. M. to 10 P. M. rrifjp CT A O Phones Main 5496 X rlHi 3 A AK. and (Home) A 1496. The coolest theater In the city. "THE ROYAL SLAVE Frank DeCamp as Aoqullla, tha Altec Ktngr. Matinees Tuesdays, Thursdays, Saturdays and Sundays at 2:30; prices, 10c and 20e. Evening evening at 8:15; prices, 10c, 20c and 80c. r.eserved seats by phone for ail per formances. THE GRAND VAUDEVILLE DE LUXE SPECIAL BILL OF HEAD LINERS. MATINEES DAILY) PRICE 10c. Two shows nightly at 7:45 and 8:80. Prices 10c, 20c and box seats, 80c. Matinee prices Sundays and holidays, same as evening. PANT AGES, 4th and Stark Sts. Home & Ferguson, Rough-house comedians. Yaito Trio, whirlwind dancers. Jean Wilson, illustrated song. The noted BEAU VAIR TRIO, a feature hit Indian novelty act. Southern Quartet, comedy singers. Ella Hai litt, singing and dancing. The Biojtraph, brand new pictures. Performances dally at 2 30, 7:30 and 9 P. M. Admission 10c; with re(,erved seats, 20c; boxes. 25c. Taka any seat at weekday matinee for Ten Cents. jy.C. Freeman 1 M-onager Free SwinRs, Slides on Chllcoot 5; fa.sa ana riiae ana eeen House for Children. z2! S SOUVENIRS I sc Thursday for Boys and Girls. g-v LANDATJER TROUPE 'Jf 2? In Free Specialties. Se Deaves' "2 Manikins. Sa BASEBALL RECREATION PARK, Corner Vaughn and Twenty-fourth. Portland vs. Los Angeles July 30, 31; August 1, 2, 3, 4. Game called at 3:30 P. M. Daily. Game called at 2:30 P. M. Sundays. Ladies' Day Friday ADMISSION 25c. GRANDSTAND 25c. CHILDREN 10c. NEW TODAY. Manufacturing Sites on N. P. and 0. R. & If. R.R. On Peninsula Fronting Columbia boulevard and deep water; one acre up, to suit. Pacific Coast Realty Co. Booms 307-308 Buchanan Building. BASIS OF ALL WEALTH City Property and Lands. The EAST SIDE has the GREATEST fopulation. Is growing the most KAP DLY and the GREATER PORTLAND MUST and WILL, be there. In 1906 there were 531 residences built on the EAST SIDE to 100 on the West Side. Portlund Is attracting: more atten tion than any city on the Coast and Is undergoing a MIGHTY TRANSFOR MATION, and in the next ten years will likely make more PROGRESS than it has in its entire past. HOLLADAY'S ADDITION Is the geographical center of the city, and is the most DESIRABLE residence district and much of this will become BUSirRSS Topcrty. Do not overlook these facts when making Investments, and call and inspect the property; for feeing is believing. The Oregcosi Real Estate Co., Third street (room 4) Portland, Or. Wanted Party with good standing:, influence and some capital, to help or ganize stock company for high-class manufacturing business, to be located " in Portland. This is no experiment. We understand business thoroughly and can show net profit SO per cent on $300,0)0 investment. No competition. Field unlimited. Invite full Investiga tion. F 79, Oregonian. A SNAP $2003 New modern 6-room house. Queen Anne style. Best of plumbing. Kear Union ave. Terms. Don't delay. H. A. PITTINGER, 7S Gaoteobeln Avftj . A SAVE THAT RENT! And Buy a Lot For $85 IN Railroad Addition, Montavilla Graded Streets, 5c Carfare Easy Terms $10 Down, $5 Per Month Lambert-Whitmer Co. Real Estate Department. 107 Sherlock bid. Cor. Third and Oak Sts, About Six Thousand Yards Earth. to be delivered on Mississippi avenue and Monroe streets; Albina. Inquire Western Oregon Trust Company, 291 Stark street. $30,000 Three-story brick corner, paying $265 per month income; fully worth $37,500. This week only. Bollam, Grussi & Kigley 128 Third Street.. ' FOR SALE REAL ESTATE. DO you want an elepant home In a fine loca tion? X have a splendid u-room house on a 60x100 lot, In Holladay Addition; house la splendidly built and elegantly arranged; 6 fine rooms on first floor and three big bed rooms and fine bath on second floor; full ce ment basement, furnace, stationary tuba, fireplace, electric and gas lighting, electric call bells; all second floor electric lights can be turned on from first floor; the lawn and fine shrubbery ; 1 blocks from carllne ; tmlv a splendid home; cheap at $8000; price $6000; terms. Call on or phone W. W. dol lars, room 32, Washinjuon bldg. Main 3586. $400 Central Add., corner, 50x100, with email nous ana soms rurniture; i oiocks iwjiu car; a snap for this week only; terms. $1800 Cor.. 80x100, on E. Main St., Im proved; a cheap buy; will give terms. HAGBMAN & BLANCHARD, 01 5th. H. P. PALMER. M. VAX ALSTINK. PALMER-VAX ALSTTNE CO., UKAL ESTATE. INSURANCE. 222 Falling bldg. Main 5061. A 2053. UPPER ALBINA. $2000 A corner with new 5 -room cottage, modern; rents for $200 per year, with vacant ground 64xl00; terms if required; thla is a bargain for a few days. HAGEMAN & BLANCHARD. FOR SALE A bargain, Piedmont home; price, $4000; $2500 cash; two lota, lOoxiOO; 7-room house, all modern Improvements; 36 fruit trees and many rare roses; barn 30x24 and chicken-house and park. L. H. Flnkham, 1200 Mallory ave. $1500. Small payment down, balance $15 per month,, buys a 5-room house ; good lawn, fruit and nut trees, gas; all assess ments paid. Owner, Phone Wood lawn 1322. NEW, artistic 7-room residence, just fin- lenea, oeautiiuuiy arranged, complete m every detail, desirably located. Holladay Park Addition, near Broadway carllne. Owner, O 40, Oregonian. 20 ACRES The most Ideal tract In Portland; Is ready for Immediate subdivision; buy now and have It ready for Fall trade; $750 an acre; one-third cash. The Spanton Co., 270 Stark st. A SNAP Two 5-room houses on 61st and East Everett: one just completed, corner lot, price $2200. See owner, 1446 East Everett. Telephone Tabor 821. BEAUTIFUL block In Holladay's Addi tion; two houses that will bring $50 per month; occupied by owner. Home Tel. 0 1330. 375 East 3d St.. North. 5-ROOM house, 2 corner lots 100x100, garden, fruit trees, berries, lawn, flowers, basement, electric lights, place for chickens; price $1800. Sell wood 588 Multnomah ave. $3300 Beautiful new six-room house; fur nace, laundry, gas, electricity, bath, fire place; $400 cash. $25 monthly. 8S9 E Main. Dr. Darling. BEAUTIFUL 7-room house; gas, electricity. cement basement, tinted walls. perfectly new; near Hawthorne ave.; $3800. . M. C. Davie. Main 4610. l SNAP 6-room modern house, lot 25x100; 15 minutes' walk from business center of city; nice view of river. See same 80 East 7th st. North. , ALL kinds real estate bought, sold and ex changed, see ADranam & wmte, 2Zr Washington et., corner Second. Labbe bldg, offices 8 and 9. ' I HAVE a sightly lot In fine residence dis trict, with cement walk, for $o0 down and $10 monthly; price $5u0. M. C. Davis, Main 4010. 6-ROOM cottage, 7-room bungalow, 6-room house with fireplace; all new and modern; very easy terms. 410 Dekum bldg. Main 6046. $2750 5-ROOM cottage, lot 50x100, close in, walking distance, on East 7th at. A. J. Farmer & Co., Room 30, Washington bldg. LARGE modern bungalow on corner; 6-room cottage; large 6-room cottage; easy month ly payments. Owner, phone East 675. MODERN 6-ROOM HOUSE, $3250; GOOD home, brings 9 per cent for investment. Apply 315 Cherry; phone East 1396. $4000 An exceptional real estate opportunity; is la good for 60 per cent profit within a year. The Spanton Co., 270 Stark st. 6IX-ROOM modern and new house. West Side; fractional lot; $3000; 9750 down, bal. $25 month. S 45, Oregonian. $7000 MODERN 8-room house, lot 50x100, on Hoyt st.. near 23d. A. J. Farmer & Co., Room 30, Washington bldg. QUARTER-BLOCK on East 22d St., walking distance, for $1500; this is a bargain. M. C. Davia, 131 Third st.. rom 16. IRVINGTON New, modern 9-room house, N. E. cor. 23d and Thompson. For particu lars apply 76 1st at., cor. Oak. WE will build any style house you like, from $1500 to $2500; pay us by the month. The Spanton Co., 270 Stark st. 6IX-ROOM modern and new house. West Side; fractional lot; $3600; $750 down, bal. $25 month. S 45. Oregonian. SMALL tract Hood River apple land In best section of the v alley xor saie cneap. Telephone Main 862. SMALL house, lot 60x110; 14 fruit trees; near Mount Scott car; $500; owner. Phone after 6 P. M., Tabor 228. NEW 5-room cottage, lot 66 2-3x100. alley; close in. Price and locality cannot be beat. M 76, Oregonian. HARD luck compels me to sell Immediately two beautiful lota at a very low price. O 70, Oregonian. FOR SALE $n000 for 9-room house, 2 lots, fruit trees; 2 blocks from "L" carllne. 91 Blandena st. OWNER. $2250: modern five-room cottawe: close in, near Williams ave.; terms. 305 ivy be. $1500 Corner lot (Holladay Park); cement sidewalks; hnproved street. L 40. Oregonian. SPHINX AGENCY, 806 STARK ST.. CAN ell your business property or residence. A BARGAIN Rooming-house 20 rooms. In quire 353 Yamhill at.; owner. SOUTHEAST corner N. 16th. and Overton lor saja bjr owner... 6g 7t SW Wanted FOB SALE REAL ESTATE. NEW MODERN HOME, WEST SIDE?. $3250 for 611x100 and 6 large rooms, gas, electricity, furnace, cement basement. Cheapest buy on the market. You can move right in; It has just been completed. INVESTORS. FINE CORNER ON PARK ST. Only $6250; very desirable for appart ments; splendid neighborhood; be sure and look this up as an investment. FRED C. KING, 606 Commercial block, 2d and Washington ata. SPECIAL BARGAINS. $1600 Nice 6-room cottage, 2 full lots. East Side ; terms. $2000 Nice 7-room 2-story house, S lota; East Side; eaey terms. $2500 Fine 6-room modern bungalow, 8 fine lots, barn, fruit; 10O feet to car; East Side; very easy terms. (2000 Nice 6-room modern house, East Everett; very easy terms. $3000 Nice 9-room 2-story house, 100x100, corner Albina; terms. F. DUBOIS, Washington bldg., room 3. YOU MUST SEE THIS. $4600 Clackamas st. ; 7 large and com plete rooms, modern In every respect ; clos etc. reception hall, bath, electricity and gas lights, full basement, cement floor, a good furnace, 2 extra rooms not completed ; ex ceptional good carpets throughout; the house Included in this very low price and will sell the furniture at a price that will make you want It If you need It or not; atreet work is all done; cement sidewalk. The Veteran Land Co., 165 3d. $65 TAKES IT. One of the bent homes In the city for the money; ten-room house, three lots, fine lawn, abundance of fruit and flowers and splendid view; house alone cost over $7000, but to make quick sale owner will take $6500 for house and lots. KEYSTONE INVESTMENT CO., 203 Lumber Exchange. VERY DESIRABLE NEW HOUSES. 6-room cottage, mofiern, full plumbing, gas electric lights, fiber plaeter, streets Im proved, sewers in, 3-mlnute car service. Owner, 208 4th. Tel, Main 8t90. ALfo in South Portland, beautiful quarter, 85x110. $1350. Owner, 208 4th; Tel. Pacifto 2125. NICE little home, with pear, apple, cherry, quince, prune and plum trees; all bear ing; 5 -room house and 75x160 ground; oniy 3 blocks from Mt. Tabor car; on E. 50th; $2000; half cash. Palmer-Van Alstine Co.. 222 Falling bldg. A SIGHTLY residence lot. 50x100; Bull Run water, cement warns ana euros, au paia ror and leas than two blocks from carllne; only 15 minute from heart of city; $450; terms. Columbia Trust Co., Couch bldg. FOR SALE; TIMBER LANDS. THE LACEY WAY Is recognized to be the standard way of handling timber lands. The timber muet first satisfy us, and our cruise' reveals every detail of the conditions surrounding It. Our reports are prepared In such a way that the buyer lmows whether or not the timber will aatlsfy him befsre he visits the tract. Twenty years experience and the client age we represent, is a sufficient guarantee that our methods are right. You may waste your valuable time in looking up the tract you want Tnke advantage cl tha results of our own constant ettorts along this line and get the bent, JAMES D. LACEY ft CO., Lumber Exchange, Seattle, Wash. Chamber of Commerce. PortfahlS, Or. BUY TIMBER DIRECT FROM OWNERS. We have several tracts of timber lands which are for sale. We have detailed esti mates by forties, making It very easy to determine whether or not the timber is there, and will pay ail expenses of cruise if not as represented. G. F. SANBORN CO., 401-2-3 Buchanan Bldg. $12v600 Buys H Interest In sawmill; dally ca pacity of mill 0,000. 18.000,000 feet tim ber; 6 head horses, logging outfit, etc. $50 per day net profits which can be Increased. Best lof reasons for wanting a partner. $75. cash, balance payments. C. C. Shay, Main 1042, 306 Abington bldg. TWELVE claims in Clatsop County, close to gether; each cruises 4,000,000 and over; flr, pruce, cedar and hemlock. Will give option if buyer means business. 301 S wetland bldg. FOR SALE 280 acres timber; small mill, on good plank road to Oregon city : gooa mar ket; good chance for country sawmill. Rob Ison & Co., Pos toff ice bldg., Oregon City, Or. S YELLOW pine timber claims. Crook Coun ty, for sale; cruise about 6,000.000. Ad dress P 79, Oregonian. MILL 6ITB, Columbia River, 8.000,000 feet fir and cedar timber. C. C. Shay, Main 1942, 806 Abington bldg. , ORKGON & CALIFORNIA R. R. land, lo cated; also some Gov. claims. Apply 6th st. TIMBER wanted. Oregon or Washington, large or-small tracts. Sphinx Agency, 306H Stark. OREGON TIMBER CO., timber lands bought and sold. 403-4 McKay bldg. WANTED KEAL iiA&AXJfi. I HAVE a purchaser for a modern home of 10 to 16 rooms on tha West Side; must , have at least 100 feet square; also have several purchasers for good Income or Investment property ranging at from $2000 to $50,000. What have you? An swer at once. J. FRANK PORTER, 222 Washington St. I WILL be In Vortlajpd "August 15. I want a modern 6 or 7-room house; I will pay ca?h. Please send me full description and price, so I can investigate as soon as I get to Portland. George Davis, 160 Hanover ave., Oakland, CaL HOUSES la the city. Acreage wanted In Oregon and Wash ington. Our list is almost exhausted. R. L. CAT EL 226 Stark st. WANT to purchase good residence" lot and have house built. Will pay for same In lumber and monthly payments after bousa Is com pleted. ' Sawmill," 433 Market st. WANTED Several modern houses, from $2500 to $3500, with good terms, right away. I can't supply the demand. F. Dubois, Washington bldg., room 3. WANT to buy a house on the Union ave. or Williams ave. carllne or between. -Owners only need apply. H "9, Oregonian. WANT to buy a house or lot anywhere in the city limits from owners only. R 76, Ore goinan. I WANT a bargain In a full-size residence lot; not over 2o minutes out. H. Atlee, 270 Stark st. PARTY wants to buy city lots. Owners only need reply. Box 187, city. - TO EXCHANGE. I WILL take one or two lots as part pay on an elegant new 5-room cottage. East 22d t. ; remainder like rent; see owner. 107 H Third st. WILL trade for what you have. L Alns worth Smith, 109 Sherlock bldg. TO LEASE. HOTEL AND ROADHOUSE TO LEASE. Old established, with or without saloon furnished ; newly remodeled ; $35 ; also 7- room house and orcnara. iu, ana lift", IS rooms. $25; ail on West Side. C. H. Plggott, owner, lawyer, 4. 5 and 6, Mul- Vey bldg. WAXVEI TIMBER LANDS. WANTED Torbuy from owners, timber lands in large or small tracts. D 76, "Oregonian. FOR SALE FARMS. A FRUIT PLACE FOR SALE. Twenty acres of land less about 4 acre; 15 acres in cultivation, 14 acres In trees, mostly prunes, about 30 apple trees, 8 pear trees, 2 peach plums, some cherries; a brush pasture about 3 acres. 2 acres second growth timber; a two-story b-room house, plastered; two cisterns, city water, water pipes in house; about 1 miles from business part of Vancouver City, Clark, County, Washing ton. A prune dryer, barn and other build ings. On west end of Forth Plane road, near Government water works. Apply to owner on tne place, josepn .nierKine, ti. t. L. x. 1 OR SALE A fine fruit farm, three miles East of Vancouver, Wash. ; 1600 pruna trees, 225 peach trees and 100 pear and cherry trees; well cultivated and healthy; an Ideal country home, on the Columbia, overlooking Portland; 0od buildings, telephone and : rural mall delivery; terms. Apply at room 301, The Dekum. FOR SALE OR RE3NT Attention nurserymen and farmers. 820 acres, all in cultivation. deep soil, fine improvements, convenient to rail and navigation. This farm Is especially adapted for nursery business. Inquire of owner, ueorge u isrien, -iuu isortn capital St., Salem, Or. LINCOLN County stock and dairy farms, one to eight miles from railroad, $3 to $20 per acre. o. G. Doiaba, h;ik city. Or, 110 ACRES of land for sale near Mayger; price 51000: a reasonable bar gain. AQ j dress . j. fcmRn, Mayger, ui 10 FARMS FOR SALE. BY PACIFIC COAST REALTY CO. . Rooms 307-308 Buchanan bldg. NO. 1 EXTRA SPECIAL. MUST BE SOLD IN 10 DAYS. 800 acres. Eastern Oregon. 330 acres now in wheat, 150 Summer fallow, about 60 acres rye and other cereals; over 600 acres can be farmed, balance pasture; all under fence; orchard 90 trees, 12-foot header, household furniture, farmhouse and Implements, outhouses, etc., with crop (w heat will aveiage 25 bushels to acre), at $18 per ftcre. ""erms, part cash, part Income fort land property, balanoe on time. Owner too old to work. NO. 2. Eastern Oregon ranch. Morrow County, 700 acres in all; 100 acres good wheat land, 250 to 300 acres under Irrigation. 250 acres In alfalfa; 3 big irrigation ditches, all free perpetual water rights; ample water for all purposes; good 10 room house, 2 large new barns, ample outhouses and blacksmith shop; good bear ing orchard, feeding plant, fully equipped for feeding. 400 head of cattle; cut 700 to 800 tons of alfalfa hay a year; can double output In two or three years; townslte platted on ranch, with railroad store and postofflce already located; price $21,500. hal cash, balance 6 per cent mortgage. NO. 4. 597-acre dairy farm, $22. 50 per acre ; Lane County, Or.; half mile from railroad; 300 acres under cultivation; 150 acres good timber; 3 pastures, creek through each; fine farmhouse, piped hot and cold water; large barn, granaries and outbuildings; terms. NO. 5. 800-acre wheat ranch for rent on shares; Morrow County, Oregon ; 10 miles' haul downhill to shipping point; a responsible rancher can get good liberal terms. NO. 6.. 120 acres, $150 an acre; 1H miles below Ltnnton, Or.; street privileges to water front; you had better look this up; some thing doing down there. NO. 7. 240 acres, $16 per acre; Lane County, near railroad; all clear and In cultivation; good 6-room house, 2-acre orchard; creek through farm ; terms. NO. 8. 240-acre fruit ranch. $4000; 38 mll from Vancouver, 3V miles to railroad; Clark County; 30 acres usider cultivation; 2-acre prune orchard; good house, 2 barns, prune dryer, farm Implements, 5 head of cattle, chickens, turkeys, ducks, perpetual spring water and terms. NO. 9. 83 acres. Portland suburb on Peninsula, factory district, north of Columbia Boule vard, fronting on deep waer and S. P. Railroad; sell In acreage to suit; liberal terms. NO. 10. ' 8 acres, including 3-story brick, cold storage and slaughtering plant, on Penin sula, in factory district; switching privi leges Yrom N. P. or S. P. R. R. can be leased on very liberal terms. Do you know Heidelberg is in Portland? PACIFIC COAST REALTY CO., Rooms 807-308 .Buchanan Bldg. 40 ACRES, house, good barn, spring water and creek, plenty fruit, cherries, Bartlett pears, apples, prunes, different varieties; one hour by train from Portland; good tim ber; fine for poultry ranch ; terms $2000 cash. Address Box 18. Routs 4, Sherwood, ' Or. FOB SALE. Horses, vehlckles. Etc TEAMSTERS, ATTENTION. By driving around to the Behnke Walker Business College you can secure a $2 horse cover for 60 cents, provided you agree to use same. S70.00 Buys entire rig. eorrel horse, sound, city broke, good roadster, top rubber-tire buggy and harness; $100 buys team of 5-yeax-old bay mares, weight 1000; each will sell separate, $50.00 each. Main 6227. New grocery, laundry, bakery, milk wagons, 100 second-hald vehicles; single, double furniture wagons; horses, rigs rented. Tom linson ft Cassiday. 211 Wash, Pacific 607. BLACK mare, 6 years old, good saddler and driver; new runabout cushion tire buggy. Outfit guaranteed. Phone Sell wood 230, Freeman, after 12 A. M. STANDARD-BRED coal black gelding, 8 years old; broken single ana aouDie. ivu Main 4183, between 11 and 1. FOR BALE Cheap, good team of horses, harnes, express wagon; stand for business. Call 221 Morrison St., room 9. COVERED express wogon, excellent condi tion, taken under mortgage, for sale very cheap. 6 Washington bldg. ROSE CITY STABLES Boarding specialty; $18 per month; stalls for rent. 446 Flaxv ders. Main 7506. HUBERT & HALL. 266 4th St.. dealers In horses and vehicles: horses and vehlole for rent. FOR SALE 2 driving horses, double or sin gle; 1 large horse, 1 express ' horse. 466 Flanders. FOR SALE NEW CAMP WAGON, WITH rainproof cover. Phone East 1660. FOR SALE Pair heavy draft horse. Inquire 49th and Division, lumber yard. WANTED Teams to do scraper work. Ap ply 810 Davis st. GOOD team for sale ; bargain. D 73, Ore gonian. Miscellaneous. M lace Uaneous. FOR SALE New and second-hand billiard and pool tables; easy payments; we rent tables, with privilege of buying; modern bar fixtures; cheap prices. Brunswlck-Balke-Collender, 49 3d st. . WE PAY MORE FOR AUCTION CO., MAIN 6665. 211 FIRST ST. MOTION pictures and machines of all kinds for rent; also bought, sold and exchanged. Special low prices. Newman's, 145 6th. PHILIPPINE RELICS, SPEAR, BOLOS. brasses for decoration and dens. Beau regard's, 460 Washington st. TWO Jersey cows, cheap; fresh, very gentle; rich milkers. 917 Belmont, cor. 30th. East 3555. NEW gasoline launch for sale cheap; 22 feet long; from 3 to 5 H. P. 205 First. MOVING picture machines, supplies, repairs, film slides; bargains. Stevens, 105 4th. FOR SALE Cheap. 2 gasoline marine en gines, 3 and 7 H. P. 205 First st. SOLID sole leather trunk, canvas cover, for sale very cheap. 206 Allsky bldg. HELP WANTED MALE. SOLICITORS for house-to-house canvass; experience not necessary ; good proposi tion. Call today 9 to 12. 208 Stark st. WANTED Youhg man, good address, for mall clerk in hotel. Address S 78, Orego nian. DENTIST wanted; all around man; steady po sition. Chicago Dentists, 6th and Washing ton. WANTED Experienced developer and finisher for photo department. Woodard, Clark & Co. California Wine Depot, heaaquartere for cooks and helpers. 148 4th st. Plc. 2183. P. Loratl. WANTED Two agents for photo coupons; something good. Cutberth, Dekum bldg. GENERAL office man, cashier and typewriter, must furnish bond. H 80, Oregonian. HELPERS for concrete. Apply on Job today. 34th and Hawthorne. $2.50 for 9 hours. 600 MEN wanted Free snaves and haircuts. 248 Couch st. Moler Barber College. Young Man desiring to better condition Call on Employment Dept.. Y. M. C. A. A PORTER; also a pantryman. Portland Restaurant. 805 Washington st. WANTED Men's clothing; right price paid. 50a 8d at. Home Phone A 4951. WANTED Teamster and mlllmen for the country. Apply 183 Madison st. WANTED Walter, family style. Moore's Ho tel, 515 River st. Take L car.) SALESMEN Big wages; something positively, new. 216 Commercial block. CARPENTER wanted. ' Inquire of Alvln S. Hawk, 144 Second st. SALESMAN wanted. Inquire for Bryant after 11 A. M., 84 8d. WANTED A practical tinner at once. Long & Croae,' Eugene, Or. WANTED Girl to assist in office. W 78, care Oregonian. PLUMBERS, laborers, wanted. 303 Burn side st. TWO teamsters. McMahon Bros., 44th and Di vision st. JjBARBER wanted; steady Job. 122 N. 6th, PACIFIC STATES EMPLOYMENT OFFICE. 3 North 2d st. Wanted 2 rough carpenters. $4 per day; 20 tunnel men, $3.25 per day; tunnel fore man, $4 per day; skid road boss, $3 per day and found: wood choppers, $2 per cord; sin gle Jackers, mine, $2.60 per day and board; blacksmith, $3.50 per day; cooks, $65, $75, $00 per month; teamsters for railroad work, 6oO0 R. R. laborers, free fare. shrp south, eat. north, west every day. Come and see us. 100 hop-pickers for register. Pacific Hotel Employment Office. SALESMEN who sell direct to consumers to handle our line for made-to-measure clothes. If you are now selling other lines, such as groceries, jewelry, etc, you should add our line of woolens at once; It meain a. brilliant future and good profits for you. We furnish samples or woolens In any form. Write quick for territory desired. Address lock box 256, Chicago, HI. General Manager, Dept. No. 86. FIREMEN and brakemen on railroads In Port land vicinity, to fill vacancies caused by pro motions. Experience unnecessary. State age, height, weight. Firemen, $100 month ly, become engineers and earn $200. Brake men, $75, become conductors, earn $150. Name position preferred. Railway Associa tion, care Portland Orefconlan. WANTED For United States Army, able bodied unmarried men between the ags of 21 and 35, citizens of United States, of good 'character and temperate habits, who can speak, read and write English. Apply to Recruiting Officer. AInsworth. block. Third and Oak sts., Portland, Or. WANTED Rtavebolt cutters, $1.60 per cord; timber yellow fir. Apply room 806 Stearns bldg.. Portland, Or. ALL d 1 seasss of men successfully treated ; discharges positively cured In from 8 to 6 days; consultation free and strictly con fidential; send for our symptom blank. X-radium Medical Institute, 3d and Alder sts.; entrance 253 Alder St., Portland. GOOD men without delay to prepare for U. S. Internal Revenue Gaugers. Exam ination September 4. Applications must be filed Immediately ; big salary. West Coast Schools, Inc.. 315 Oregonian bldg. Open daily and evenings.- . SEVERAL more good men to prepare for U. S. Government positions; examinations for Fall Just announced; life positions; big salaries. West Coast Schools, 315 Oregonian bldg. Open daily and eve nings. Men and boys wanted to learn plumbing, plas tering, bricklaying, also sheet metal pattern " draughting; positions secured; day and night . classes; free catalogue; visitors welcome. Coyne Trade Sch'ls, San Fran, and New York WANTED Salesmen, all lines. ' bookkeep ers, stenographers and clerical men, for positions now open, city and country; salary $300 to $lSf'0. Call or write. Com mercial Absract Co., Raleigh bldg. SALESMEN to sell territory; patented ar ticle; best proposition ever made to both agent and public; big money to hustlers; easy seller; reference required. Yamhill Novelty Mfg. Co., North Yamhill; Or. RAILWAY mall clems for Oregon: 'exam ination August 6; good salaries and pro motions. Call or write at once if Inter ested in getting a Government position. Pacific States Schools. McKay bldg. . PROTECT yourself for $1 per month against accident, sickness and death. Write or call for full information. Northwestern Health and Accident Association 109 Sherlock bldg. Agents wanted. MEN AND WOMEN TO LEARN BARBER trade in eight weeks; graduates earn from $15 to $25 weekly; expert instructors; cat alogue free. Moler System of Colleges. 35 North Fourth street, Portland. PRINTING, NEWSPAPER HELP WANTED, furninhed; planta bought, sold. Northwest Newspaper Brokerage, Goodnough, bldg. ; phone Main 5558. Established 1896; branches, Tacoma, Seattle. AGENTS wanted In and out of town to handle a high-grade security; big profits to Invest ors, good contracts to agents; men should make from $25 to $100 weekly. 207 Couch bldg. MEN AND WOMEN If you are seeking em ployment, let us help you. If you are capable and efficient, we will do the rest. Clerks' Registration Bureau. 303 AlUky bldg. Men and women to learn watchmaking, engrav ing, jeweler work, optics, easy terms; posi tions guaranteed; monoy made learning. Watchmkg-Engvg. Scii'l. 1428 4th av. Seattle A PERMANENT position with the Monmouth Evaporating & Canning Co., of Monmouth, Or., for a man who understands fruit dry ing and canning. Apply at once. WANTED A working foreman on dairy farm; man with agricultural training pre ferred ; state former positions, experience and references. T 77, Oregonian. "WANTED Boy, not under IB years, for col lector and other work ; must reside with parents and furnish references. Address E 66. Oregonian. W A NT EfD Young man 18 or 20, out of school, for clerical position; salary $7 per week; good chance for advancement. T 78, Oregonian. GENERAL agents and crew managers to work towns in Oregon ; first-class propo sition. Call today from 9 to 12. 208 Stark st. WANTED Man that is willing to work 8 hours a day and invest $150 In business that will pay $26 weekly. Room 16, 253 Wash ington. SOLICITORS for house-to-house canvass; experience not necessary; good proposi tion. Call today from 9 to 12. 208 Stark street. WANTED A registered pharmacist for from 10 to 12 days, beginning August 2, to take charge of a drugstore. K 86, Orego nian. CAPABLE local manager to represent manu facturing corporation; exclusive contract. W. F. A. Co., 1005 Gough St., San Fran cisco. WANTED Boy 16 years of age or older to carry paper route. Apply at City Circula tor's desk, business office. The Oregonian. SHOWCASE makers wanted. $3.25 per day of nine hours. Address Harrlld & Sons, 109-11 Pacific ave., Spokane. WANTED Timekeeper for factory. Address in own handwriting, giving age and salary wanted. E 79, Oregonian. WANTED All kinds of sash and door ma chine hands. Apply Bryant Lumber ft Shin gle Co., Seattle, Wash. WANTED Drug clerk; registered in Ore gon; must come recommended. Address X 703, Oregonian. WANTED Night watchman. References. Ho tel Nortonla, 14th and Washington. Call between 10 and 12. WANTED Experienced night clerk for flnat claas hotel; best of references required. G 78. Oregonian. WANTED Capable, energetlo young man for factory. Answer, with phone number, K 76 Oregonian. , EPERIENCED pantryman, capable of taking charge. Oregonian Confectionary, 131 6th st. WANTED Photograph operator; also print er for arlsto; steady. Cutberth, Dekum bldg. GOOD cook, family of 8; keep second glrL 862 3d st. HELP WANTED FEMALE. WANTED Girl for general housework; good wages. 375 East 11th North, near Broad way. WANTED Lady bookkeeper and stenographer with some experience. A 80 Oregonian. ' GIRL wanted for general housework; no re sponsibility. 351 West Park. Main 6381. WANTED Lunch waitresses, 25c per hour, at Morris Restaurant, 229 Washington st. WANTED Experienced chambermaid. Apply Franklin Hotel, 13th and Washington. DININGROOM girl, also gsi for upstairs work. " 225 11th st. The "Ozark." WANTED Girl for housework. 3 In family. Mrs. Hope,, 584 East Taylor st. GIRLS WANTED APPLY STANDARD Factory, 2 Grand ave. and East Taylor st. WANTED First-class waitress at the Ho-bart-Curtls, 14th and Jefferson. HOUSEKEEPER for family of three adults: light work. W 79, Oregonian. HEADER WAGON driver. Inquire 325 Abing ton bldg. WANTED A good cook. Call 245 King. WANTED 2 waitresses at 755 Savler st. JGOOD dinner cook. 165 W. Park a. SALESWOMEN. s We have a number of good, permanent positions for competent and reliable sales women. OLDS, WORTMAN & KING. ATTENTION. Applicants for all kinds of work, register with us, free of charge, so we may locate you on short notice. HANSEN'S LA DIES' A BNCY, 843 Washington sc. cor. 7th, upetalrs. EXPERIENCED telephone operators for Kla math Falls exchange of Midway Tel. ft Tel. Co. Salary $30 with room. Light work and home-like surroundings. Address Ivan Daniel, cashier, Midway Tel. ft Tel. Co., Klamath Falls, Or. STENOGRAPHER. Must be flrst-cla?s. Apply at once to OLDS, WORTMAN ft KING. MEN AND WOMEN If you are seeking em ployment, let us help you. If you are capable and efficient, we will do the rest. Clerks' Registration Bureau. 803 Allsky bldg. LADY who understands bookkeeping and Is a good stenographer. State experience and give reference. Position permanent. Ad dress Braalan Seed Growers Co., San Jose. Cat. GIRLS WANTED OPERATORS TO WORK on shirts and overalls; lesson given to Inexperienced. Apply at. Standard Factory. 2 Grand ave. and E. Taylor st. WANTED Blller experienced on Remington type wrfter with tabulator ; permanent posi tion. Address P. O. box 754 stating ex perience and salary received. WANTED A young lady as stenographer and typewriter; wages $35 per month to start. Apply cashier's office, bet. 9 and 11 A. M. L Gevurtz Sons, 173 1st. WANTED A good girl for cooking and housework; 3 in family; $35 per month. Call mornings or evening at 94 21st, North, cor. Flanders. . EXPERIENCED ladle' clothes Ironera, $2.25 per day ; experienced mangle girls, $1 1 per week. Write Wallace Laundry Co., "Wallace, Idaho. WANTED Refined, capable woman for re sponsible position, with opportunities for advancement. Viavl Co., 10th ft Morrison. WANTED Good cook to take charge of din ing room and kitchen; no washing ; private family; no children. Telephone Main 6550. WANTED Apprentice girls to learn mil linery business. Apply McCreedy Camp bell, 400 Washington st., cor. 10th. WATCHMAKER Must be first-class work man, not later than September 1. Ad dress L. Alva Lewis, Klamath Falls, Or. WANTED Housekeepers, cooks, nurses, waitresses, second girls. St. Loula Ladles' Agency, 230 Yamhill, Main 5413. WANTED Housekeepers, cooks, nurses, waitresses, second girls. St, Louis: Ladies' Agency. 230 YamhlU. Main 6413. vr a r.i- iiporaiors ana sriris io leaxn shirt making. Apply Standard Factory, 2 Grand ave. and East Taylor st. HANSEN'S LADIES AGENCY, 843 Washington st., cor. 7th. upstairs. Phone Main 2692. COMPETENT woman for generaly housework; good wages. Telephone Main 2741. Mrs. J. Thornburn Ross, 590 Main st. WANTED Refined, experienced woman to care for child; references required. Call mornings, in. z-ita. WANTED Good irlrl for general housework three In family; good wages; light work. uan zso r. iytn st. WANTED Stenographer: also eood penman ship required. The Silverfleld Company, 4th ano Morrison. WANTED Flrst-clase Singer sewing machine operators. Apply Lowe ng art ft Co., 92 Front street. GIRL for general housework: two In fam Ily. Call or phone Mrs. Whitney, Hotel Nor tonla. WANTED Lady retoucher; first-class; for studio .work; steady. Cutberth, Dekum bldg. WANTED Girls to ' make Fltz-Wetl shirts and Boss of All overalls. Inquire 76 1st. GIRL to assist in general housework; small family. Apply mornings 792 Lovejoy si. HELP WANTED MALE OR FEMALE. WANTED Organizers, either sex, on salary of $100 a month and expenses, for an up-to-date association, paying weekly sick and accident benefits and furnishing free medical attendance to all its members; liberal contract will be made with pro ducers of business. American Sick and Accident Association, Buffalo. N. Y. WANTED TEACHERS. German and bookkeeping man, $300. Electrical engineering, $1800. Higher grades and music, $700. English and elocution man, $800. Rural $50; grades $50. THE FISK TEACHERS' AGENCY, 1200 Williams ave. EITHER oex; experience not necessary; must be ambitious and willing to work. 214 Tilford bldg. . WANTED Oliver operator and steno grapher. Address M 79, Oregonian. SITUATION WANTED MAL8. Bookkeeper and Clerks. SIDELINE. Salesman, traveling New Mexico, Arizo na, California and Northwestern states, desires sideline on commission. Only first-class firms considered. D 78, Orego nian. CLERKS, bookkeepers and stenographers- We can place you at once with high-class concerns where your ability to "make . good" will command the highest remune ration. No delay. Clerks' Registration Bureau. WANTED Position by educated man of good habits, 34; speaking several lan guages; industrious and ambitious. , Ad dress B 77, Oregonian. EXPERT ACCOUNTING. Books ojened, closed or balanced. Day and evening. P. L. Crawford. Main 4504. M Iscella neous. - SAY, those brushy lots. Will you pay a few dollars to have them grubbed, and get five to one on them? I want your contract to clear them. Phone Pacific 1496. R. T. Elllff. MEN AND WOMEN If you are seeking em ployment, let us help you. If you are capable and efficient, we will do the rest. Clerks' Registration Bureau, 303 Allsky bldg. AN expert cotton classer would like position in U. S. or foreign country or Instruc tor. Have had 2o years of the beet ex perience. F 78, Oregonian. JAPANESE young boy wants situation to do housework In any kind place, city or country. S 79, Oregonian. WANTED by practical carpenter to give you figure on a cottage while the weather Is suitable. M 84, Oregonian. WANTED By experienced plumber's helper, place to finish trade. Wagea reasonable. Address P 84, Oregonian. JAPANESE boy wants a position to do any kind of work; few hours In evening after 5. E 70, Oregonian. YOUNG Japanese want situations as gen eral houseworkers or helpers to cooks. 444 Washington st. YOUNG MAN attending business college wants place to work ftr room and board. S 69, Oregonian. JAPANESE boy wants situation to do work, pantry in hotel or restaurant, anywhere. F SO, Oregonian. GOOD Japanese couple want position to do any kind of work In city or country. S 80, Oregonian. " WANTED Position by flrstclass bartender, can furnish references. Address B 327 Stark st. GOOD Japanese wishes situation in store dur ing the night; speaks weU. L 79 Oregonian. YOUNG Japanese boy wants situation to do housework In family. T 79, -Oregonian, MAN employed during day wishes light work evenings or Sundays. H 78, Oregonian JAPANESE LABOR ASSOCIATION All kinds help supplied. Main 4658. 268 Everett- KALSOMINING and tinting at $3 per room. 135 lsV Main 1334. Call Ev Winn. YOUNG man 22, wishes position of any kind, L. 60, Oregonlao. Miscellaneous. PROFESSIONAL male nurse and attendant open for nervous or mental case. D 76, Ore gonian. SITUATION WANTED FEMALE. Bookkeepers and Stenographers, CLERKS, bookkeepers and stenographers We can place you at once with high-class concerns where your ability to "make good" will command the highest remune ration. No delay. Clerks' Registration Bureau. EXPERIENCED bookkeeper wants position; good references; expert typewriter; $65. Young Women's Christian Association. All kinds stenographic work aone; substituting. 612 Couch bldg. Phones Main 7355, A 2583. Domestics. WE will furnish reliable householders names) of competent Eastern girls and women who want to secure permanent positions In the Northwest am cooks or domestics, upon re ceipt of 10 cents In stamps. Room 730, Chamber of Commerce. Aetorla. Or. REFINED middle aged German woman desires to ns.i?t lady alone with home who would appreciate companionship. 230 Yamhill. Main 6413. WOMAN employed from 8 to 6 In millinery store oesiroa to assist family tor board, room. 23i Yamhill. Main 6413. CAPABLE refined colored woman wants sec ond work or chamber work. Young Yi omen Christian Association. Housekeepers. HOUSEKEEPERS Commit your worries in me matter or "help" to. us. we can quickly provide the kind of help you want, with the assurance that their credentials will prove good. CLERKS' REGISTRATION' BUREAU, 303 Allsky bldg. Nurses. UNPERGRA DUATHD nurse would like few more engagements; no objection to a little housework. Phone Main 615S. PRACTICAL nurse wants work; capable, pjfasant woman, with good references. Young Women's Christian Association. Miscellaneous. MEN AND WOMEN If you are seeking em ployment, let us help you. If you are capable and efficient, we will do the rest. Clerks Registration Bureau, 308 Allsky bldg. SITUATION WANTED Elderly lady, nfcrM or housekeeper in widower's family. Ad dress R 79, Oregonian. FINE laundry .work and sweeping and durt lnr by the day. Third floor. Phone Pacluo 2i24. LADY entertains Invalids, aged, children, by hour, day, month; references. Pac. 671 LADY wishes washing and ironing by the day. 69 N. 13th. Home phone A 402. LADY barber wants position in city. Phone Pac. 306. Call before 7 P. M. WANTED AGENTS. AGENTS WANTED Can you sell goods T If so, we need you; complete outfit free; cash weekly. Write for choice of territory. Capital City Nursery Co., Salem, Or. WANTED TO KENT. WANTED to rent, by mother and two sons, 3 or 4 furnished housekeeping rooms; easy walking distance; on West Side; must be modern; best of references exchanged. Address, giving location and terms, W SO, Oregonian. WANTED BY AUGUST 8 8 or completely furnished rooms for housekeeping; permanent; must be modern; adults. E bO, Oregonian. LANDLORDS. We want houses, cottages, flats, stores, of fices, etc. to rent. We will make it an ob ject for you to list with uh. LARD ft O'CONNOR, 23 Lafayette Bldg., Cor. 6th ft Washington. WANTED TO RENT HOUSES. COT tages. fiats, stores, offices, rooming-houses, etc. Landlords will do well to call on Portland Trust Company of Oregon, S. B. cor. 3d and Oak. Phone Exchange 72. WANTED to rent, by refined elderly lady, two pleasant furnished housekeeping rooms In suburbs; miut be neat and clean. Ad dress, stating price and location, W 45, Ore gonian. References exchanged. TO LEASE Building 100x100. with two floors, or some one to put up such a building In good location for livery and boarding sta ble for responsible parties. B 77, Ore gonian. WANTED For month of August, furnished cottage, some ocean side resort; will give best references. Write particulars. N. S. Candy. 2636 N. Broadway, Seattle, Wash. WANTED Completely furnished house or flat. 6 or 7 rooms, until 1st of year; ref erence furnished; two In family. Address Postoffice Box 111, city. ROOM and board for lady and child for Aug ust; cool country or seaside home preferred; references exchanged. 1H9 Sell wood st. WANTED Suite rooms with bath. In refined: family, by gentleman. West Side, near hills, preferred. Address J 77, Oregonian. WA NTED Three or four rooms or cottage partly furnished, by young couple; reason able ; permanent. V 78, Oregonian. FURNISHED cottage at either beach for 2 weeka; will pay good price for desirable property. B 70, Oregonian. REFINED young woman (employed) wants board, private family ; give particulars or phone. T ho, Oregonian. A FIVE or 6-room modorn cottage, close in. West Side preferred. L 78, Oregonian. WANTED To rent residence about 12 rooms. West Side. J 76. Oregonian. 'WANTED MISCELLANEOUS. ON Saturday, August 8. at Newberg, Or., I will sU to the highest bidder my entire herd of 40 to 60 full-blooded cows and heifers, most of them fresh or will be be fore Winter. These are choice bred and number 1 family or dairy cows. Also, some blooded horses. Captain Jones colts, etc. Jesse Edwards. WANTED Men's cast-off clothing and shoes; we also buy household furnishings, highest price paid. Call at the "Fair Deal." 62 N. 3d. Phone Pacific 1722. t. WE PAY MORE FOR F U RN IT U R E PORTLAND AUCTION CO., MAIN 6655. 211 FIRST ST. WANTED to buy or hire, a cheap horse and some sort of light wagon or buggy and harness. State price. Alvln S- Hawk. 144 2d st. k ABSOLUTE FACT The Dollar, 232 1st, pays Main 6374. A 2327. $$$$$$$ RESPECTABLE small Iodping-house, with or without boarders; must be good location. J. H. Hecker, 614 Buchanan bldg. CASH PAID FOR FURNITURE FIXTURES and merchandise Phone Main 1626. J, T. Wilson, auctioneer. WANTED A second-hand tank, &OO0 gallons capacity; suitable for irrigating, S 77, Ore gonian. SPOT cash paid for your furniture, etc. ; frompt attention always given. Phone East 067. . I pav cash for household goods. Savage A Pennell Fur. Co.. 345 1st. Pacific 360. WANTED To rent walled tent. Phone Main 1639 or address 53 Kearney. WE call for dead horse and cattle free of charge. Phone East 2233. FOB RENT. Furnished Rooms. NICE suite of front rooms, also small room, $1.50 and up; private family. 472 Jefferson et. . THE ELWOOD Newly furnished; $2 to $3 week; also transient rooms. 343 Morrison. TH0 RANDOLPH 8d and Columbia, rooms &oo to $1 day; $2 to $4 week. Pacific 2744. THE WOODLAND Pleasant rooms for nice people. 265 6th, 4 blocks from postofflce. TWO nice furnished rooms suitable for two gentlemen. 11 N. 9th st., near Burnslde. "THE COZY." 195 7th, cor. Taylor; nicely furnished rooms, with or without board. NICELY furnished rooms; phone, hot and cold water. 241 iorth. 15th. 6. or 16th car.