4 THE MORNING OREGONIAN, TUESDAY, JULY 30, 1907. BRYAN TO BE HIS PARTY'S NOMINEE By Removing Ownership Issue He Makes Himself Solid With rloiYiftp'itc IIII.II UUIIIUUI UUI IS HARD MAN TO DEFEAT Fairbanks, Cannon, Root or Knox "Would Stand No Show in Race. Taft or Hughes Needed by the Republicans. OREGONIAN NEWS BUREAU, 'Wash ington, July 29. When William J. Bryan, through the Commoner, announced that "Government ownership Is not an Im mediate Issue," he removed all doubt as to his destfe again to be the Presi dential nominee of his party, and by that same stroke he did more to make his nomination (rtaln than he couiu have done by all other means combined. Politicians of both parties, and news papers of both political faiths, generally concede that Bryan Is the most likely aspirant for the Democratic nomination, and the feeling Is quite general that he will be the nominee unless there Is some happening within the next 11 months. If Bryan is nominated, his ul timate success or failure Is believed to depend In no small degree upon the man nominated by the Republicans. Eleven months ago Jttryan landed In New York, after a tour around the world, and sent cold chills up and down the spines of thousands of his admirers who had gathered to welcome him, when he declared in favor of Government own ership of railroads. After studying the operation of railroads abroad he had concluded that Government ownership was the only practical solution of the railroad problem in the United States, and he freely and frankly discussed his opinion at the reception tendere- him In New York. Bryan had been away so long that he had gotten out of touch with the people of his party, or else he made the worst miscalculation of his long political career, for his New York speech had the directly opposite effect from what he expected; it turned Demo crats against him. Bryan's Greatest Mistake. From August 29, 1906, when he for mally declared his belief in Govern ment ownership, until July 20, 1907, when he declared Government owner ship was not an immediate Issue, Bryan continued to lose ground. Democrats who had stood by him through his two unsuccessful campaigns, and those whose loyalty had not since been shaken, turned when Bryan advocated Government ownership, but nowhere did he lose support bo generally as In the South. The South can stand for a good deal; It stood for free silver wheii It had no direct Interest In the Issue, but It could not stand for Gov ernment ownership, ana leading South ern Democrats those who had sup ported Bryan and the few who had op posed him declared that they could not support him If he held to his views expressed on August 29. The ame reversion that took place in the South was found in the North and In the West, but to a lesser de gree; but the adverse sentiment was so strong that it would have been difficult and probably Impossible for Bryan to have landed the nomination next year had he clung to his Gov ernment ownership Ideas. When he got a cold reception at New York, Bryan thought the party would pon der over what he had said and ulti mately come to his way of thinking, as It had done before. But there he was wrong. He vis compelled to acknowl edge for once, and for the first time since 1896, that his party was greater than he. Mohammet was at last obliged to go to the mountain. Bryan wanted the nomination so badly that he was willing to sacrifice what he had hoped to make the paramount issue In order that he might again be the nominee of the Democratic party. But for the personal equation but for his longing to again lead his party In a national campaign Bryan would never have been willing to sidetrack the Government ownership issue, for it is "evident from his own announcement that he himself Is firmly committed to the policy, but for a reason not- an nounced he is willing to drop the dis cussion for the time being. There could be but one motive. There is only one man that Bryan wants to see in the President chair. He .would not sac rifice a pet Issue for ny save this one man. Ergo, Bryan makes this sacri fice in his own interest., What Republican Can Beat Him? Now that it is reasonably certain that Bryan will be the Democratic nominee, ijt behooves the Republican convention to nominate a man who can beat Bryan. On the list of availables that has long been paraded before the people, there are sev eral who could not accomplish this. Among all the Republican possibilities, none would fall easier prey to Bryan than Charles W. Fairbanks. In a campaign of 'Fairbanks against Bryan, the Republican party might emerge from the fray in as bad a condition as the Democracy came out of the last Presidential fight, when Alton B. Parker led his party to ignomin ies defeat. The people believe that Bryan Is 'not subservient to the will of corporate wealth; they believe he is honest in his desire to regulate the trusts, even though many question his proposed methods of regulation. There is not this same feeling towards Fairbanks, who is now generally suspected of a very friend ly feeling toward Wall street and all It represents. Fairbanks would not be a strong candidate tinder any circumstances. but he would be easy prey for the popular Bryan. The old-time relations betwen Senator Knox and the corporations would make him almost as weak as Fairbanks. Knox and ' Fairbanks are open to a common objection, but ' Knox enjoys a distinct advantage in that-he Is a man of much larger caliber and much greater ability than Fairbanks, and for that matter Is a much brainier man than Bryan. Where Bryan Is superficial, Knox Is profound. But Knox's great ability Is offset by his lack of personal popularity. He is the kind of man who Is admired by those who come In contact with him, but he Is not a mixer; he Is not close to the people, and he would not draw with the very classes that make up the great majority of voters; the very classes with whom Bryan Is strong. Root could not beat Bryan In 1000 years. He would be a candidate after the Knox order, though with less of the corporation brand. Shaw Is not to be considered, and Cannon, while he would make a better showing than Fairbanks, would not have one chance in ten of de feating Bryan. If , the principle of homeopathy was to be applied to the next campaign, the Re publicans might nominate Senator "La Follette, of Wisconsin. He la the nearest aDoroach to Bryan that has so far been "kflersxi bx the B.ejubUcaa jiart -Ha la believed to be honest of purpose; a deadly foe of corporations, and he would stop at nothing to fight the trusts to a finish. But It would be a long stride for the Re publican party to take from Roosevelt to LaFollette from a persistent and con sistent campaign against corporation aDuses, to a harum-Bcarum attack on corporate wealth. And even If the Re publicans should nominate LaFollette he would never be elected over Bryan. When It comes to Bryan methods the people will have Bryan, the real thing, if they want Bryan policies. They will not take a sub stitute, which is what LaFollette would be. Must Be Taft or Hughes. LaFollette, if nominated by the Re publican convention, would not re ceive the support of a large part of the Republican party. He made bitter enemies since he entered the Senate; he has arrayed hlmslf with the Demo crats on nearly every party vote; many believe that he Is a demagogue, and such a man will not command the sup port of the better element of the Re publican party. As a very great Re publican of this city expressed it, "LaFollette is too wild and erratic; the people don't know what he will do next." That is the principal reason why he will not be nominated, and it is the chief reason why Bryan would defeat him if he should be nomi nated. If President Roosevelt should be renominated, his election would be as sured. There is no other Republican who stands the same chance. Appar ently Taft or Hughes are the only ones on the list who would have an wen chance. At least either would not be easy to down. ' The Taft boom is not making any progress, but no more are the booms of other avowed candidates. Yet It must be acknowledged that Taft is free from criticisms that would be made of Fairbanks, of Knox, of Cannon and of LaFollette. His nearest approach to being a corporation man Is the fact that his two brothers are immensely wealthy, and the fact that the Presi dent believes himself that Taft Is hon est and could not be aproached is sufficient evidence that those who know Taft well have confidence In him. Then, too, Taft comes nearer to the people than any other of the Republi can candidates, and in that respect, while he has less of a following than Bryan, he has a charming personality, and once nominated, his popularity would spread. But Taft would be no sure winner over Bryan. FRANCE LIFTS EMBARGO Negotiations for American Tariff Treaty Can Proceed. PARIS, July 29. What has been char acterized as the obstacle in the way of continuation of negotiations between France and the United States in regard to the tariff has been removed. for France has notified the United States that he has extended from August 1 to October 1, 1907, the decree providing for the collection of the minimum duty on coffee brought from Porto Rico. France makes clear that she considers this extension purely an act of courtesy and good-will, and an evidence of her hope that the negotiations upon the prop osition submitted through M. Jusserand, the French Ambassador at Washington, will result in an agreement. The nego tiations will now proceed between Am bassador White and the Foreign Office. NO ORDER FOR FLEET TO SAIL Ready to Come to Pacific When President Gives Word. OYSTER BAY. N. Y., July 29. Act ing Secretary Newberg today laid be fore the President the report of the in vestigating board upon the Georgia disaster, and a report by naval officers, looking to a complete revision of the method of instruction at the United States Naval Academy. Mr. Newberg said no orders had yet been issued to send the Atlantic battle ship fleet to the Pacific. "The fleet is ready to sail." he added, "and when ever the President Indicates his desire to have the cruise made, the trip will begin." He Indicated that it might be Fall before the order to sail would be Issued. Salvador Lifts Molssant Embargo. WASHINGTON, July 29. Information has been received that the government of Salvador has raised the embargo upon the estates of the Molssant brothers In that country. The State Department has not yet altogether de termined its final course in the matter. Kaiser and Czar Arrange Meeting. BERLIN, July 29. Emperor William. on his way home from his Scandi navian cruise, is due at Swlnemundo August 1 to witness the target shoot ing of the fleet. He probably will meet the Emperor of Russia oft Swlnemunde August 80. Emperor Wil liam will be accompanied by Prince von Buelow, the Imperial Chancellor, and tne iumperor ol Russia will have with him M. Iswolsky, the Russian Foreign Minister. PUTS A BULLET Balloon Steers Well In London. BERLIN. .Till V fiA A rrtllftntf K 11 started over the principal streets under excellent control. Alter a flight of an hour or more it returned toward the Tegel at the rate of 12 miles an hour. Two Portland Railway Mall Men. ORBOONTATJ KKWSJ -RTTTfr-ATT -n-.-t. ington, July 29. B. F. Johnson and John v. raamej, ooin or t-oruand, nave been appointed railway mail clerks. THE DAY'S DEATH RECORD W. R. Ken yon, ex-Mayor of Butte. AMSTERDAM, N. Y., July 29. William R. Kenyon, twice Mayor of Butte, Mont., and chairman of the Democratic State Central Committee of that state. Is dead at his country home, near this city, of acute indigestion, aged 67. Mr. Kenyon, who for many years was a partner of Senator W. A. Clark, wat a native of Oswego, N. Y. Willis G. Witter, San Francisco. OAKLAND, Cal., July 29. Willis G, Witter, former Assistant United States District Attorney at San Francisco, died yesterday of apoplexy. He was a native of Wisconsin, 46 years of age. THROUGH HEAD Laura Matthews, Kansas City Girl, a Suicide at Colo rado Springs. LOVE AFFAIR THE CAUSE Prominent Chicago Automobile Man Mentioned in Connection With t Case' He Denies Being More Than Friend. COLORADO SPRINGS, Colo., July 29. The body of Miss Laura Matthews, of New York City, was found lying In a lane near Ivy Wild this morning with a bullet hole through her head. Miss Mat thews and her maid arrived In Colorado Springs several days ago and had apart ments at the Acacia Hotel. Last evening Miss Matthews ordered a saddle horse- end rode in the direction of Iry Wild. This was the last seen of her alive. Peculiar circumstances surrounding the finding of the body of Miss Matthews gave rise to the belief that murder had been committed, but later developments Indicate suicide. Miss Matthews was a well-known mu sical comedy actress, -19 years of age. It Is said she had been engaged to a wealthy Chicagoan and -was despondent because of his failure to fulfill his promise of marriage. SHE WAS DESPONDENT. Not From Chicago Man Found In Dead Girl's Effects. CHICAGO, July 29. (Special.) Miss Laura Matthews, 19 years old, a dra matic student who formerly lived in this city and whose body was found on the Broadmoor slope of Cheyenne Mountain, a short . distance from Col orado Springs. Col., this morning, is believed to have killed herself. De spondency over a love affair in which the name of C. A. Coey, president of the automobile firm of C. A. Coey, 1424 Michigan avenue, is involved, was re sponsible for the act that haa shocked the Summer residents of Colorado Springs. A note inclosed in an envelope bear ing Coey's business card was found among Miss Matthews' effects. The card contains these penciled words: "You are as dear to me as ever. Abandon any such thought. Charlie." At the South Shore Country Club, where Mr. Coey is living, the automo bile man denied emphatically that he was or had been engaged to the girl. WAS A KANSAS CITY- GIRL Laura Matthews Had Been on Stage' bud a Short Time. KANSAS CITY, July 29. Mrs. Jennie Matthews, of this city, mother or Miss Laura Matthews, whose dead body was found1 near Colorado Springs today, said tonight that she was quite sure her daughter had not committed sui cide. Mrs. Matthews denied that the girl was an actress or that she was en gaged to a wealthy Chicago man. She said her daughter had never lived in New York, but had been living with a sister, Mrs. Nell Manson, 6458 Jeffer son .street, Chicago, and that she had been studying dramatic art in Chicago. Members of the family here had recent ly received cheerful letters from the dead girl and only yesterday a present came to one of the children in the fam ily from her. American Ordered Out of Republic GUATEMALA CITY, July 29. An American named Wilkinson, who. wai among those arrested for the recent at' tempt on the life of President Cabrera, but who was released after proving his Innocence, and departed from the' coun try, returned two weeks ago, following an absence of two months. Shortly after his return, Wilkinson was summoned to the foreign office and was ordered to leave the republic. He made a statement to the American Consul-General, demand ing that the Guatemalan government re call the order, for, according to the law, foreigners cannot be expelled without due process if they have resided here for seven years. Wilkinson has been engaged in building railroads in Guatemala for the past ten years. 1 289 Washington Is tha center of In taraat for mu indax. a SHERIFF FURNISHES EVIDENCE Dead Girl Had Been Engaged to Coey and He Had Left Her. COLORADO SPRINGS, Colo., July 29. Sheriff Grim had a lengthy conversation today with Ames Richard Rumbach, who was frequently seen with Miss Matthews since she came to Colorado Springs. He declared that the dead woman had often told him that she had been engaged to C. A. Coey, the well-known automobile dealer, of Chicago, and also that he had abandoned her. Miss Green, the nurse who accompanied Miss Matthews from the East, also declared today that Coey had broken his promise to marry the girl and threatens to wreak vengeance upon him for her dead friend. WAS NOT MORE THAN" FRIEND C. A. Coey 'Says He Knew Ml- Matthews Only Slightly. CHICAGO, July 29. C. A. Coey, an automobile dealer of this city, today received a telegram from Miss Tillle Green, the nurse who accompanied Miss Matthews, saying that the girl had killed herself. Mr. Coey said: "1 received a telegram announcing Miss Matthews' death, but that is all that I know about it. I knew her slightly, but that was all." " "Are you a relative of Miss Mat thews?" "No, I was merely an acquaintance of hers. She was here for some time, but she was not an actress. At least I never knew of her being on the stage.' Other friends of Miss Matthews in this city declare that she had often talked of committing suicide and on several occasions had requested others to buy poison for her. DEMURRAGE LAW FAILURE Only One Claim Is Presented in 60 Days In Washington. TACOMA, Wash., July 29. Special.) The reciprocal demurrage law seems to have proven a failure. After Its having been In operation for nearly 60 days, only one claim has been presented to the Northern Pacific Railroad by a lumber manufacturer seeking to collect damages for the non-delivery of empty cars. At torneys for the Northern Pacific' an nounced that It would contest the con stitutionality of the law on the grounds that "a man cannot be made to sell something that he does not possess." None of the mlllmen care to stand the expense of securing a decision, from the Supreme Court, DELAY COSTLY TO CONTRACTOR Men Putting Up Seattle Federal Building Will Lose Heavily. SEATTLE, Wash.; July 29. (Special.) McGrath & Duhammett, contractors on the Federal building, nearlng completion here, will lose approximately $100,000 by the two years' delay In the construction of the building. Nearly every item in volved, except the steel work which is had by contract, has cost the contrac tors more than their estimates covered. Teamsters are being paid a 60 per cent advance over the original estimates. Other advances have been bricklayers, $1 per day more, stonecutters, $1.60 advance; plasterers, $1.50 more. A rigid Government inspection has re jected enough stone to build two build ings of the size of the Federal building, but most of this loss falls upon the quarry. The building contractors were delayed by a regrade of Third avenue and a fight over the acceptance of Chuckanut sandstone, both of which causes led the Government to order work stopped. More than a year's loss of time Is traceable to the Treasury Department. The building Is to be completed about the first of the year. Astoria Saloons Observe Law. ASTORIA. Or., July 29. (Special.) The Sunday lid was down tight here yester day for the first time In the history of the city. Every saloon In Astoria was closed promptly at 12 o'clock Saturday night and remained closed all day Sun day. So far as can be learned the law was strictly observed. A few of the saloonkeepers announced that they would sell "soft" drinks in the front part of their saloons, but none xf them at tempted it. Sheriff Pomeroyand his dep uties visited the various sections of the county to ee that the law was observed at the saloons outside the city. - Committed to Astoria Jail. ASTORIA, Or., July 29. (Special.) The preliminary examination of J. H: Andrews, on an information charging him with the larceny of $70 from Louis Tennel, was held in the Justice Court this afternoon and the defendant was committed to the County Jail in de fault of $200 bail to await the action of the Circuit Court. Army Deserter Arrested. ASTORIA. Or., July 29. (Special.) A. A. Bozard, a deserter from the post at Fort Stevens, was arrested here last evening by one of the post officers and was taken back to the fort this morn ing. Steamer Comes to Port Ablaze. NEW YORK, July 29. The steamship Hamilton, of the Old Dominion line, came into port yesterday with part of her hold ablaze. The Hamilton was at her dock before any of the passengers knew there was a fire on board. The flames were extinguished after about $15,000 damage had been done. HAS THE EVIDENCE Heney Confident of Convicting Glass on New Trial. CAN DO WITHOUT ZIMMER Proof That Glass Authorized Bribe Comes From Another Telephone Official Second Trial Will Begin Next Monday. SAN FRANCISCO, July 29. Detective Burns was this morning put in posses sion of the much-needed evidence which E. J. Zlmmer could have given. This testimony, however, comes from an en tirely different source, said to be one of the higher officials of the telephone company, and in touch with the affairs of the telephone officers. "We will go ahead with our work just the same aa though the Jury had been able to agree." declares Mr. Burns. "We still believe that it is possible to get a fair Jury in San Francisco, no matter who is defendant. We won't believe otherwise." Following the trials of Halsey and Glass, the first of the United Railways defendants will be b'rought to bar. It is the plan of the prosecution to bring; TIrey L. Ford to trial as soon as pos sible, and following him will come Pat rick Calhoun. Assistant District Attorney Heney said: "The next time Glass comes to trial the Jury will have no opportunity to doubt that the defendant was the man who ordered the bribe paid. We can prove this beyond a doubt and are ready to do so." Glass appeared this morning in the custody of Sheriff O'Neill and Attorney Coogan before Superior Judge Lawlor, where his ball was fixed and his release from custody secured. Bonds for $10,000 were given by the Pacific Sure ty Company, an equal sum by the same company as before. The case was that upon which he has Just been tried, the giving of a bribe to Supervisor Boxton. In order that -there may be no question as to the validity of the order naming next Monday, August 6, as the date of be ginning the retrial. Judge Lawlor vacated his order of yesterday, Sunday, and made a new order to the same effect. Glass appeared as lmperturable as ever, but looked as If in need of sleep. He de clined to make any statement in regard to the disagreement of the Jury, in his case. v Detective William J. Burns said: "I am astounded at the position taken by some of the Jurors In this case. There are others whom I expected to act as they did." Mr. Heney Bald: "I have no comment to make on the action of the Glass Jury. The Independence of jurors In the jury room should be guaranteed above all other things. It Is more important to the American people than the conviction of Louis Glass." SHOOTS ONE, KILLS SELF Ex-Soldier Fatally Wounds Corporal and Ends Own Life. SAN FRANCISCO. July 29. William Shepard an ex-soldier, shot and mortally wounded Corporal William L. Shutmeln of Company K, Twenty-second Infantry, at Angel Island this evening and ended his own life with a bullet from the same revolver. The shooting took place near the quarantine dock where Shepard land ed in an Intoxicated condition after a day spent at Bchutzen park. Dynamite Kills Railroad Men. HELENA, Mont, July 29. One man was killed and another badly injured as the result of a dynamite explosion on the routo of the Chicago, Mllwaukle & St. Paul, now building through this state. The dead: Charles Butler, representing Dtttmer, Bradbury & Whltbach,. construction contractors. The injured: Joseph Roberts. Roberts struck his pick against the primer, which had been buried in the mire, and which was covered with dirt. The blast discharged in their faces. Roberts was brought to Helena, where It Is said at the hospital that he will recover. Wants Red Cross for Islands. HONOLULU, July 29. Secretary of War Taft has asked that a Red Cross organi sation be formed in the Hawaiian Islands. IARETTESX A Popular from the first because Irm 1 they offered a new and better quality. U Always the best-known, best-liked I J V Xnw cigarettes because their value has J llw never been equaled. 10c for 10 JJJ . V W' Why Pay More? Ay OS S. ANARGYROS, Manufacturer 'New York sr j-fj 111 !"HWnl! ,lVl1Jj!l;lll;jli,ljlltl TEAMSTERS T71T TYV Ghlrardelli's JCilM OU I Cocoa. They find it strengthens and for tifies them to withstand the trying duties of their occu pation, and exposure to all kinds of weather. The Ideal preparation for the day's work is to drink for breakfast a cup of ... Ghirardelli's Cocoa For a ian Who Can Sell Not all good salesmen have good positions. Not all the men who have it in them to sell have yet found the right opportunity to develop this ability, or the position where their ability will be rewarded when shown. If either of the above applies to you, if you are all right as to character, capable as a salesman, and persistent as a worker, this advertisement is pointed right your way. The business referred to is the sale of life insurance; some thing that is certain to be more in demand every year. The Company referred to is the strongest in the world best for policy holder, best for agent A contract will be offered that will result in building up an increasing income each year. No previous experience is necessary; a course of professional instruction will be given free, but the position calls for work it will never pay a quitter. If you are interested, drop a line at once to the undersigned, give your references, and tell him something about yourself. Don't simply send your address that alone will not fill the bill. 411 letters treated in strict confidence. GEORGE T. DEXTER 2d Vice-President The Mutual Life Insurance Company of New York 34 Nassau St., New York, N. Y. Low Summer Rates To Jamestown Exposition and the East. There is no better time for your summer trip than now, taking in the Jamestown Exposition and then visiting the Eastern. Summer Resorts. SEE YELLOWSTONE PARK AS A SIDE TRIP EN ROUTE firm For fall information call on or write A. D. t HARLTOX, Aut Genl Pmr Ag-ent, 255 Morrison Street, Portland, Or. Northern Pacific Railway tiL.iMm-r .itiiij;tjii.i;ilLi,M,L'riiii,iiir;ii..iLlL:ii. Dr. Morrow's Anti-Lean MAKES LEAN PEOPLE FAT through the nervous system. It's a purelr earetable compound, contains no oils or (ats or any drug that Is Injurious or liable to pro duce a habit. It's the Greatest Tonic In the World. Each bottle contains one month's treat ment and costs Sl.oO at any first-class drugstore. Prepared by the Anti-Leaoi Medicine Co m A!i P: ?;, V Ml