Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, July 30, 1907, Page 3, Image 3

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federation Will Hold Great
Demonstration on Hay
wood's Return.
Kirwan Will Hire Same Special
Train Which Took Haywood to
Boise Will Boom Mem
bership of the Union.
DENVER. July 29. "We will hire from
the Union Pacific Railroad the same spe
cial train in which Bill Haywood was
taken to Boise After being kidnaped, and
In this train wo will bring him back to
Denver," declared James Kirwan, acting
secretary and treasurer of the Western
Federation of Miners, on receiving the
'news from Botso of William Haywood's
"This great victory for the good name
of tue federation will be followed by the
'immediate engagement of enough organ
izers to double the membership of the
Western Federation of Miners in the next
three months.
"We will not have any more secret
meetings of the various local unions, be
cause there is nothing to hide. Then
there will be no work for the detectives
who have been getting money from the
mlneowners to spy upon our meetings."
Mr. Haywood's return to Denver will
be made the occasion of a great
demonstration in this city by the West
ern Federation of Miners and other
labor organizations. The date of his
arrival has not yet been announced,
but he is expected to arrive the last
of this week. Arrangements are al
ready being made to run special trains
from Cripple Creek and other places
to bring members of the federation and
others to Denver to join in the celebra
tion of Mr. Haywood's acquittal at
Boise. It is announced that one fea
ture of the celebration will be a parade
of federation members, the first in
this city in three years.
Telegrams of congratulation on the
result of the Boise trial were received
today at federation headquarters in
this city from all parts of the country
and from abroad.
Some of Haywood's union co-workers
are now claiming him to be the logical
candidate for the Presidency on the
Socialist ticket. As candidate for Gov
ernor of Colorado last year, when in
prison, in Idaho, he received 16,338
The big parade which was planned at
Pueblo tonight by organized labor in
consequence of the acquittal of Wil
liam D. Haywood, was postponed on
account of raiu. but tonight about 300
men gathered in Trades Assembly Hall,
where a big ratification meeting was
held. A number of speeches were made
by local orators and many of the
speeches were drowned by enthusiastic
.At several towns celebrations have
been held and many have planned
demonstrations for the future.
Miners Carry American Flags and
Da.vis Makes Speech.
BOISE, Idaho, July ' 29. (Special.)
A special to the Statesman from Gold
field under Sunday date says: "The
news of the verdict in the Haywood
case reached here at 9 this morning.
The town'was immediately alive with
song and story. Outside a few drunks
and speeches by radicals, the miners as
a whole acted decently. A demand was
made on the mine-owners for a 24
hour holiday, and was granted. A mon
ster parade with 1000 men in line was
held at 5 this afternoon and for the first
time in the history of Goldfleld each
miner carried the American flag.
Speeches of approval of the jury sys
tem were made and confidence ex
pressed In our courts. Denunciations
of the Pinkertons and "the Colorado
mine-owners seemed to meet approval.
"The feature of the speech-making
was addressed by 'Big Bill" Davis, who
had just returned from Boise. His
description of the Idaho jurors and
their 'lace curtain' whiskers and dec
laration that the Idaho farmers could
be depended upon met with hearty
cheers. He paid a compliment to Sena
tor Borah by saying that even the
greatest cross-examiner in America
failed to break the testimony of the de
fense. The instructions of the Judge
were approved and it was intimated
that the defense lawyers knew their
business, besides those that addresed
the jury.
"It is believed that the verdict will
have a good effect against the Social
ists here, but that the radicals headed
by St. John, who, together with five
others, are to be tried for conspiracy
for the murder of Sylvia, will make
trouble. 'Bill' Davis has already an
nounced his candidacy for the presi
dency of the union here.
Propose Demonstration for Moyer
and Denounce Roosevelt.
NEW YORK. July 29. "President
Roosevelt, not W. D. Haywood is now
the 'undesirable citizen.' "
So said Alexander Jonas, Socialist lead
er and editor of the Volks Zeitung, when
asked how he liked the acquittal of Hay
wood. His reply was more pronounced
than the many opinions by the local So
cialists and organized labor leaders, but
Jubilation was the keynote of them all.
Mr. Oppenheimer, the organizer of the
Moyer-Haywood conference, speaking at
the meeting of the Central Federated
Union, in which Socialist and non-Socialist
unions are represented, said:
"I have been a great many1 years in
the labor business and in all my life this
is the first time the working class has
exerted itself in the same way as it
has done in behalf of these men," mean
ing Haywood. Moyer and Pettlbone.
Efforts will be made to persuade Hay
wood to come here next week to attend
a Socialist parade and mass meeting in
his honor to be held in Madison Square
Gardens. It is expected that 60.000 per
sons will be in the parade. The New
York Socialists were the first to come to
the aid of Haywood, Moyer and Pettl
bone. They contributed J25.000 of the
$100,000 raised for the defense.
Opinions of London Papers.
LONDON, July 29. Commenting upon
the result of the trial of William D. Hay
wood at Boise, Idaho, the Chronicle says
"The state of society revealed by the
trial Is more terrible than any civil war,
because it is more treacherous and is
lkely to be more lasting. From begln
&ng to end It reveals a condition. OX, bru
tal rapacity, confronted with savage, de
spairing violence, a condition that gives
America's boasted civilization a very du
bious look."
The Dally News says:
"From the outset the question has been
complicated by the fierce prejudices of a
kind of smoldering class war. The whole
movement, both in relations of the trial
and Its accompaniments in public, has re
vealed the Insecurity of authority in
America and the profound skepticism
concerning the Identity of law and jus
tice." Both articles refer to President Roose
velt's "undesirable citizen" statement.
The News calls it one of his frequent
public Indiscretions and the Chronicle
predicts that It will cost him dear.
Socialists Send Greeting.
CHICAGO, July 29. National Secretary
of the Socialist Party J. Mahlon Barns
last night sent the following telegram to
W. D. Haywood, who was yesterday set
free at Boise, Idaho:
Greetings and congratulations. Your vin
dication brings inexpressible joy to your
comrades and fellow-workers everywhere.
The verdict is a convenient route for the
conspirators and a signal victory for the
working class. Greetings to your compan
ions, the "undesirable citizens,' Moyer and
It was reported during the day that
Haywood would go to Duluth, Minn., for
the purpose of taking charge of the strike
of the iron ore miners, many of whom
are members of the Western Federation
of Miners.
Bryan Approves Verdict.
CHICAGO. July 29. In a special to the
Tribune, from Peoria, 111., W. J. Bryan
is quoted on the verdict at Boise as fol
lows: "I am glad to learn of the verdict and
that It was not guilty. I watched the trial
and did not see how anyone could be
found guilty on Orchard's testimony.
Every crime he charged .was one he him
self suggested and it was shown he was
in communication with the mlneowners
and attempting to induce the defendants
to engage in crime.
"The manner in which the prisoners
were taken from Colorado was hardly in
keeping with a fair prosecution."
Demonstration at Rhyollte.
RHYOLITE, Nev., July 29. The Min
ers' Union held a big demonstration
here last night on account of Hay
wood's acquittal. The miners at the
neighboring camps flocked in by the
hundreds, and several thousand people
were present at the open air meeting.
Before the meeting the men formed in
procession and paraded the main streets
of the city. There is general rejoicing
among the labor unions over the ver
dict of the Boise jury.
Anarchist Crew Over Victory.
OYSTER BAY. July 29. Without com
ment President Roosevelt made public the
following telegram received by him today
referring to the verdict of the Haywood
trial at Boise, Idaho:
"New York, July 28. President Roose
velt: Undesirable citizens victorious. Re
joice. Emma Goldman, Alexander Berk
man, Hippolyte Haven."
Iron Moulders Send Congratulations
PHILADELPHIA. July 29. The Iron
Moulders Union of North America to
day telegraphed William D. Haywood
congratulating him upon his acquittal.
Union Officials Driven Away and
Riflemen Protect Miners.
HIBBIXG, Minn., July 29. Stripping
and mining operations were generally
resumed today and not a sign of trouble
was reported. At all the mines deputies
armed with long-range rifles occupied
advantageous positions and toe men at
work were assured of ample protection
against the strikers.
At the Morris mine stripping operations
were in full blast with a full crew of
men. The Sellers mine was In the same
position. Ore was taken from the Laura
Webb, Albany, Nashua and Winifred
mines with limited crews, which will be
increased tomorrow. Stripping opera
tions at the Albany mine have also been
resumed. In the Chisholm district strip
ping operations were resumed at the
Munroe mine, and underground mining
was also in full swing. The Robert King
ston Company had full crews working
on its stripping operations at .he Pills
bury mine and at the Shenango a good
sized crew was working under ground.
I ne Hartley, Croxton and Larue mines
are still being worked.
Acting President Mahoney, of the
Western Federation of Miners, reached
Hlbblng yesterday and was met by Pe
trlella. who is leading the strikers. After
a cpnference they drove to the Stevenson
mine, but the mine officials ordered them
off the location. Today they drove to
the Morris mine and here Superintendent
Thompson told them to keep moving.
Later they stopped at the Winifred mine
for a moment and then continued In
the direction of Chisholm.
Mr. Mahoney said he expected to re
main upon the range about ten days. He
said the strike would be continued "in the
same way as It has been conducted up
to the present and that there would be
no violence If he could help it. He de
plored the presence of armed deputies.
Kirwan Reports Steel Trust's Thugs
Try to Cause Dissension.
DENVER, July 29, James Kirwan."
acting secretary of the Western Federa
tion of Miners, received the following
telegram today from Acting President C.
E. Mahoney, who is in charge of the
Minnesota iron workers' strike:
"Conditions over range look favorable.
Very few men working. Armed thugs in
employ of steel trust seeking to create
At Federation headquarters it is said
that 20,000 men are on strike.
Ore Workers Go to Work on Farms.
SUPERIOR. Wis., July 29.The Alloues
ore docks are working today with a
small crew. Many of the workmen have
gone to the harvest fields.
Says Maud Fealy Did Not Choose
Good Husband.
DENVER, July 29. The News tomor
row will print a letter addressed to the
editor, from Mrs. Margaret Fealy Cavallo,
mother of Maud Fealy, the actress,
whose secret marriage to Louis Hugo Sher
win.a local newspaperman, was announced
several days ago. In this letter Mrs.
Cavallo declares her intention of leaving
Denver and her home forever, because of
her great disappointment at her daugh
ters' marriage.
Mrs. Cavallo takes occasion to refute
stories in circulation to the effect that
she "coveted a rich man" for her daugh
ter, and bitterly censures the latter for
what she terms disloyalty in secretly
marrying a man that she knew her
mother disapproved of, not because he is
poor, says Mrs. Cavallo, but because he
! unworthy of her.
Ottumwa Mourns Editor Lee.
OTTUMWA. Ia., July 29. The fu
reral of A. W. Lee, president of the
Lee newspaper syndicate, took place
today. As a tribute to his memory, all
business In pttumwa was suspended for
AM ham. d,utIuK the ohsefluies,
I August Butterick
Some Drugstores Copy Our Special
Sales, but Remember Lip-man-Wolfe's
Sells ALL Standard Remedies and
Toilet Articles at CUT PRICES
at ALL Times
tfirial tPlsaCl-n-TTrX
Sale of Long
$2.25 Val. $1.65
Indispensable to the costume
of every well-dressed woman.
These are of a superb quality
of extra heavy silk, double
tipped fingers, full 16 - button
length,24-inch measure, black
or white, sizes 576T6yj and
7. Regular $2.25 .values, a
great Tuesday special at. . j . .
See Washington-St. Window
Regular 60c -
These extraordinary sensational prices are the result of our de
termination to clear out thousands of yards of the choicest patterns
and most desirable fabrics in new 1907 wash goods, including
printed, yarn-dyed and pure white fabrics.
Government Wounds Rail
roads in Pocketbook.
Open Break With Postal Department
Threatened by Conference of
Officials New Rules Cut
Down the Earnings.
CHICAGO, July 29. Special.) Western
railroads are near an open break with
the Postofflce Department over the trans
portation of malls, owing to a number
of recent orders. The latest cause of
grievance is the imposition of heavy fines
on nearly all the roads for delay in de
livering the malls. To consider the situa
tion railroad men held an Important con
ference today.
One of them declared that the Ones
levied by the Government against his
road in one quarter amounted to J40.000.
A similar condition on other roads was
reported. The fines were assessed under a
new rule which went into effect in July,
The roads are amazed to find that they
are in danger of losing 15 per cent of their
mall pay unless they revise schedules and
place their mail trains upon running Ume
which they know they can maintain in
all seasons and in all kinds of weather.
The new lule, the roads say, is oppres
sive and unjust. It provides that if the
malls are late ten times on any route
during a period of SO days, the road shall
be assessed 15 per cent of the pay of that
route for the quarter.
Grand Jury to Keep After Them Till
They Regulate Rates.
ASHEVILLE. July 29. Superior Judge
Guinn today informed the grand Jury
that, if the railroads failed to carry
out the agreement as to railroad rate
matters which was reached Saturday
night, he would call the jury back for
further instructions.
Attorneys for the Southern and At
lantic Coast Line Hallways, It is said,
will file interesting documents coinci
dent with their request for a modifica
tion of Judge Pritchard's Injunction
order pursuant to the peace agreement.
The documents will allege that the
railroads relinquished what they re
garded as their constitutional rights
under duress because of the hostility
of certain newspapers, the pernicious
activity of certain politicians and re
sultant demoralization among their
Accussed of Issuing Passes In Viola
tion of Rate Law.
WASHINGTON. July 29. Recently In
formation was received by the Interstate
Commerce Commission that certain west
ern and southwestern railroads were en
gaged in alleged violations of the rate law
by issuing passes to persons not entitled
to them under the law. In the case of
the Missouri, Kansas & Texas Railway
system, the information was specific that
the agents of that system were issuing
passes to so-called "bondsmen."
An order therefore has been promul
gated by the Commission requiring the
officials of the system to answer the
charges made and to state the ground
on which such action was justified.
Glenn Calls Truce in Rate War.
RALIEGH, N. C, July 29. Governor
Glenn today addressed a letter to the
public, reviewing the railway rate con
troversy and asking that. In view of the
agreement between the railroads and the
state. Judges and solicitors stop all new
indictments and not prosecute those now
upon the dockets.
Gas Trust Still Live..
KKW, JOB.S. Zui 9. Tie aADoal
Patterns Just Received 10c and
Good Merchandise Oaly
CqIa in ffnr OlifJ Cllif T.AnQ1fmArlt Less Than
Silk Gloves
$l Vais. 25c
of Attorney-General Jackson, of New
Tork, for permission to bring an action
to annul the corporate existence of the
Consolidated Gas Company was denied
today by Justice McCall in the Supreme
Purchases the Humboldt Near Pres
cott and Will Enlarge It.
PRESCOTT. Ariz.. July 29. Thomas
Lawson, of Boston, now owns the Hum
boldt Smelter near Prescott, having se
cured possession on July S of all but 5C00
shares of the capital stock of the Con
solidated Smelter Company. To a Boston
representative of the JournAl-Miner, Mr.
Lawson admitted yesterday that the deal
was closed . but would not divulge his
plans nor his associates. Wire advices
from New York indicate that his backers
are H. H. Rogers and the Amalgamated
Copper people. The deal was pending
for several months and was negotiated
for by George Middleton, a stockholder
in the smelter. John L. Elliott, president
of the company, is in Europe, but an
option on his stock was secured by cable.
The intention is said to inaugurate a
gigantic- flotation scheme and secure
funds for the enlargement of the plant
and the development of the various cop
per properties owned by the company.
Besides the smelter plant the company
owns and operates the Glass Bell and the
Iron Queen copper mines in Yavapai
County, and the Anita mine in Coconino
The present capacity of the smelter is
15,000 tons per hour and the estimated
value of the ore treated last year was
4,000.000. It is understood Mr. Lawson
proposes to make this smelter the largest
in the country, and with the mines that
the company operates, to develop an en
terprise equal to the Amalgamated. The
company is capitalized at J17,500,000.
Natives Do Not Understand Methods
and Object to Electioneering.
MANILA, July 29. The election is proi
ceeding quietly and practically a full
vote had been polled at noon. No dis
turbances have been reported and people
do not seem to realize the methods of
the management of the election and are
continually asking the officers to inter
fere with electioneering near the booths.
The authorities are trying to impress
the people with the idea that the election
is entirely within the righs of the people
and that there should be no interference.
Heavy rains fell throughout the morn
Italians Murdered Near Los Angeles.
Sheriff to the Scene. .
LOS ANGELES. July 30.-It was re
ported in this city just before midnight
last night that three Italians had been
killed In a race riot at French, a suburb
eight miles distant. The Sheriff with a
large posse has left for the scene.
Swindled Coos Bay Farmers.
LOS ANGELES, Cel., July 29. "Cap
tain" Howard C. Clover, who today
pleaded not guilty in the United Stafes
District Court to an indictment charging
him with impersonating a naval officer, is
said to have Imposed upon a lot of farm
ers in the Coos Bay, Or., region. He
went there, it is stated, as a retired
naval officer, and said he would erect a
factory for manufacturing alcohol from
potatoes. He told the farmers, accord
ing to the story, to plant all the "spuds"
they could and he would handle them,
also that if they needed seed the Govern
ment would provide It. It is claimed that
before the factory scheme matured Clover
got a draft for ?350 cashed and decamped.
The draft was returned, it is alleged, as
worthless, and Clover never went back to
Coos Bay. He strenuously denies that he
is guilty of the .various crimes charged.
A photograph showing him clad in a
uniform declared to be identical with
that worn by naval Captains will be
submitted as evidence.
Negro Murderer Executed.
NEW YORK. July 29. William Nel
son, a negro, was executed in the elec
tric chair in Sing Sing prison at Os
slnlng, today, for the murder of Lizzie
Norman, with whom he lived, on De
cember 2. 1805,
Quality Considewwl Our Prices Are
Smart Straw Sailors
$2.25 Vals. $1.65
The Summer Girl's costume is not
complete this year without a smart,
banded sailor. In its simple ele
gance there is an attractiveness that
nothing else can match. Special for
today we offer fine quality Milan
Straw Sailors, well made, in the
most correct shapes, with all -silk
ribbon bands, $2.25 m
values, for only fj)A.OO
Advocacy of Gooding's Election Con
sidered Damaging to Chances of
Presidential Nomination.
"WASHINGTON, D. C, July 29. (Spe
lal.) It was announced today that Sec
retary Taft will make no speeches in
Idaho on his trip coming to the West
Mr. Taft a year ago was sent to Idaho
by the President to speak for the . re
election of Governor Gooding, the main
issue being the attitude of unrelenting
pursuit of the murderers of ex-Governor
Steunenberg, which had been assumed
by the state administration.
This was the first move made by the
Presuient to Indicate his belief in the
undeslrability of the leaders of the West
ern Federation of Miners, and the ac
quittal of Haywood Is believed to be
harmful to the Presidential aspirations
of Mr. Taft In the Far West.
Armenians Condemn Murder.
WORCESTER, Mass., July 29. At a
Is a constitutional disease originating In
Impure blood and requiring constitutional
treatment acting through and purifying tbe
blood for its radical and permanent cure.
The greatest constitutional remedy is
Hood's Sarsaparilla
In usual liquid form or In chocolated
tablets known as Sarsatabs. 100 doses $1.
Nasal and other local forms of catarrt
are relieved by Catarrleta, which allay in
flammation and deodorize discharge. 60c
'Who is responsible for
jour coffee? . .
Who returns the money if
jou don't like it?
Your grocer roturos your money If yoa
aon i uks Bcmmng .Best; w pay mm.
Fourth and Washington Streets
aspi row tnc etorrr Miirr anb
makim or am new colun.
15c Picture Framing Headquarters
- stabiished 1850
Talking Machine, $1
Down, $1 a Week
A Theater in Your Home Tbe
Singers and Players of the World
at Your Command
Always the Lowest
Sale Women's
Reg. $2.25
Today we place on sale 375
Women's Knitted Sweater
Blouses in fancy weave, pure
wool yarn; V-shape neck and'
turned cuffs. The ideal Summer
garments for outdoor, seaside and
sporting wear. They come in
red, white and the popular shade
ofgray. Regular $2.75 values on
sale, special, for q
only pA.oby
See Window Display
Bathing Suits for $1.95
"S. -
75 Women's South Sea Serge Bathing Suits, in black and navy
blue, various styles; some prettily trimmed with soutache braid,
others with white duck collar and trimmed with wide Hercules
braid. All sold regularly at much higher than sale CJI ft C
prices. Choice today at ij
Headquarters for Bathing Suits for Women and Misses, Boys and Men
mass meeting of Armenians In' the
Laurel Street Armenian Church last
night a resolution was adopted con
demning the Tavshanjian murder In
New York and calling upon all Arme
nian people to .demand the arrest and con
"August 8, Why?"
On the lapel of the coats of practically every streetcar man in the
city has caused more talk than any recent freak in the advertising
line. It is advertising the big event that will be held at The Oaks
August 8 by the employes of the Portland Railway, Light & Power
The carmen, in conjunction with Manager Freeman, of the park,
have made elaborate preparations for the event. ' During the after
noon there will be the great baby show, in which most all the babies
in Portland and vicinity will take part. There will also be a number
of swimming matches and other sporting events.
In the evening a big cakewalk will be a prominent feature on
the programme. On the stage, in plain view of everyone, there will
be a series of wrestling matches, boxing and fencing bouts, and other
events of real interest and merit.
The leading business firms in Portland have contributed trophies
to aid the carmen in making the affair a success. The list, as com
piled up to this time, is as follows :
1 Prettiest baby girl, 8 to 12 months old Highchair, donated by Jennings fc
SnsPrettlest baby DOy g to 12 months old Baby jumper, donated by Tull
Gibbs. , '
a Prettiest baby in district north of Holladay avenue, 8 to 12 months old
Child's rocker, donated by H. C. Srhroeder.
4 Prettiest baby between Holladay avenue and Hawthorne avenue, 8 to 12
months old Child's rocker, donated by Calef Bros.
o Prettiest babv south of Hawthorne avenue, 8 to- 12 months old Child's
rocker, donated by William Taylor. .,....
6 Prettiest baby on West Side north of Washington street Child s rocker,
donated by Powers Furniture Company.
7 prettiest baby on West Side south of Washing-ton street Child s rocker,
donated by Gevurtz & Sons. ,, -. . . , . .
8 Best natured baby, 1 to 2 years old Child's go-cart, donated by Edwards
9 Foot race between wives of members (50 yards) Arm rocking chair,
donated by Gadsbys.
10 Foot race for all young ladies between la and 20 years old (oO yards)
Pair of shoes, donated by Staiger Shoe Company.
11 Fat men's race, 200 pounds or over, free for all (50-yards dash) Meer
schaum pipe, donated by Big Sichel.
12 Comic footrace between Dan MeAHen and Dr. Deveny- (50 yards) Box
of cigars, donated by Hart Cigar Company.
13 Footrace between two oldest platform employes in service Eight pounds
of coffee, from Wadhams & Kerr Company.
14 Superintendents' footrace (50 yards), between G. C. Fields, superintendent
O. W. P. division: J. G. Mann, superintendent Piedmont division; C. F. Doty,
superintendent West Side division; G. W. Bucholtz. superintendent East Ankeny
division. Winner from above four to be challenged by Mr. Fred Cooper, general
superintendent transportation Portland Railway -lines Box of cigars.
15 Tug of war between members from East Side and V est Side Box of
cigars, donated by M. A. Gunst & Company.
16 Boxing contest, bantam weights, for points, amateur rules (four rounds)
Silver trophy. ,
17 Boxing contest, heavy weights for points only. Marquis of Queensbury
rules, four rounds Silver loving cup, donated by Staples, jeweler.
18 wrestling contest, catcn-as-catcn-can, obbl lwu uul ui mice ,ne i a.
medal donated by Butterfield Bros.
19 Foil contest, for points Engraved trophy, donated by Feldenheimer,
20 Bicycle race, free for all, between Western Union and Postal Telegraph
Company messengers First prize, cap and pants, donated, by Lion Clothing
Company; second prize, pair of slippers, donated by Reeves & Company.
21 Exhibition drill. Woodmen of the World Silver tray, donated by Louis
Gilbrldge, Jeweler.
22 Exhibition drill. Knights of the Maccabees, uniform rank Loving cup,
donated bv Heltkemper Company.
23 Swimming contest, free for all ladies, distance Dress hat, donated
by Wonder Millinery Company.
24 Swimming contest, free for all boys 15 to 18 years old. distance
Gild-filled watch, donated by Beck. Jeweler.
25 Cake walk, for juveniles under 12 years of age Bracelet for girl, do
nated bv Charles Leonhardt; silver cup for boy, donated by Frledlander, jeweler.
26 Cake walk, free for all Gentleman, gold-head cane, donated by L C.
Helnrlchsen Company; lady, gold-headed silk umbrella, donated by McAllen &
27 watermelon - eating contest, free for all under 16 years of age Cash
price, $2.50.
28 Footrace, 50-yard dash, between F. I. Fuller, general manager; S. O.
Reed treasurer: F. G. Svkes, general manager power department; C. J. Franklin,
general superintendent Portland Railway, Light & Power Company Mahogany
stand donated by B. F. Boynton.
29 For member selling greatest number of benefit tickets Cuckoo clock,
donated by Jaeger Bros.
Precious Stones
Bewildering Variety
And Including some of the rarest gems for sale on the American con
tlnent can be found In our stock. Our line of diamonds is unexcelled in
the West and at prices ranging from a trtfllng sum Into the thousands.
Our collection of pearls will prove especially attractive to women
connoisseurs. All other lines will be found equally complete and the
prices fully as attractive, the result of being able to place large orders
with first hands.
Jewelers, Opticians and Diamond Importers.
Corner of Third and Washington Sts, . Portland, Or.
Cost of Material Alone Sum.
mer Garments Practically Given Away
Knit Blouses
Vals. $1.89
viction of the murderer. The church
was crowded, and impassioned speeches
were made.
289 Washington is the center of In
terest for men today.