Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, July 25, 1907, Page 12, Image 12

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In the Famous Yaquina Bay Region
We phrase our ads so mildly f that you
nay not think we mean It. We hope you
"will accept our word when we say we do
not think thre are any finer bargains to
be found In farm property In Oregon than
the numbers listed herewith. Jt la all
located In Lincoln County, Oregon, tribu
tary to 'Yaquina Bay and the Corvallis &
Eastern Railroad.
No. 5 2S0 acres, near and on Beaver Creek;
lot of bottom land; well improved;
can arrange terms to suit purchaser.
Price $2500. Think of it! This Ib
less than $9 per acre!
No- 6 30 acres. 24 miles from Toledo; 12
acres bottom. Price $400; terms ar
ranged. No. 1 Jut acres, with stock and machin
ery; large prune orchard ; an extra
good stock ranch; ft mile below Elk
City. Price S4O00; only $10 an acre.
No. 7 120 acres; big orchard; good house;
barn; extra improvements; steamboat
landing at place; 2ft miles below
Toledo. Price $3000.
Call and see us about these pieces. We
have others. By the way, did you notice
that the papers say the Corvallls & East
ern Is to be extended to a through connnec
tlon? If this Is done, it means that the
above property will double in value in- one
year. See our list in "The Oregonlan" of
July 17.
Suite 8-9, 302 Washington St., Portland. Or.
Large Investors
This property is facing on the Van
rouver Road running: to Vancouver,
Washington. The new O. R. & N. R. R.
line runs through it and it also hs
deep-water frontage making splendid
manufacturing sites. At the price
quoted you are getting the finest kind
of platting ground at less than sur
rounding values with about S3 acres of
manufacturing site ground thrown in.
Most of the tract is within old-established
city boundary line. Can also
offer 46.5 acres of high and sightly
platting ground immediately adjoining
the 152 acres facing about 1200 feet on
the Vancouver streetcar line with
FIVE-CENT FARE. Will sell together
or separately. You positively cannot
duplicate this tract for a number of
reasons and title is perfect. Investigate
It quick.
Room 303 Buchanan Building.
2S6H Washington Street.
Phones Main 1676. A 4802.
And Buy a Lot For
Railroad Addition, Montavilla
Graded Streets, 5c Carfare
Easy Terms
$10 Down, $5 Per Month
Lambert-Wliitmer Co.
Real Estate Department.
307 Sherlock bid. . Cor. Third and Oak Sta.
Union Avenue
Fine new 7-room house on the cor
ner of Fargo and Union avenue; faces
east. All new and modern; two full
stories. Finest car service in the city,
ten minutes to the business center.
First-class surroundings.
Price $3650; $650 Cash
East Side Home
Near East Stark street and High
School, 6-room cottage and fractional
lot; easy walking distance over either
the Burnside or Morrison bridges.
Price $25G0; $500 Cash
Hartman 6 Thompson
Chamber of Commerce.
j. P. and 0. R. & 1 11
On Peninsula
Fronting Columbia boulevard and
deep water; one acre up, to suit.
Pacific Coast Realty Co.
Rooms 307-308 Buchanan Building.'
Walnut Land
For 160 acres of the finest walnut
land in the world, soil and climate
considered ; near transportation ; some
ready to plant ; should be worth $1000
per acre six years after planting; will
sell you the tract at $25 per acre.
609 Commercial Block, Portland.
Apartment Site
50x106 with 6-room house ; on Sixth
between Lincoln and Jackson; easy
walking distance.
Directly opposite the Church of Sacred
Heart, near Brooklyn School, on carltne, 10
minutes from Madison bridge; line view of
mountains; raded streets; Hull Run water.
sell your buelncM Prpgg7jPr ,r,ldnov
I MUST Bell a fine corner, 100x100, during the
next few days, In the heart of the ware
house district. No reasonable offer will be
refused. Ben Riesland, Room IS, 268 Stark
Nob Hill Home.
$7650 9-room new and modern home; full
concrete basement and finished attic; choice
location on Nob Hill; full lot; well Improved
with cement walk, lawn ana shrubery. Could
not be duplicated for less than $10,uvO. This
is exceptionally cheap.
512 Chamber of Commerce.
24-ACRES, a fine tract; $5000, or will trade
for city property.
We have a nice farm of 80 a ores for
. $3500 that we will trade for a food rooming-house.
10-acre tract, small house and barn, good
well, all fenced; $1000.
331ft Morrison st.
8 fine, sightly lota and email house; fine gar
den, etc.; this is the greatest bargain ever
offered; lotB adjoining selling for $.voo. each.
Price only $KH. Don't overlook this.
105ft 3rd St.
$58j0 West Side, walking distance; nearly
two lots with three houses, in excellent
condition; rented to choice tenants, $53 per
month; pays over 10 per cent clear; A-l
investment; terms.
118 Abington bldg.
5ft ACRES of land Joining Forest Grove. Or.,
modern 7-room hous, barn, four hen-houses,
city water, young orchard, shrubbery; price
$4,'K); 2ft acres, including improvements,
$3000; 30t chickens, cow and calf and barn
full of hay If desired. Inquire of owner,
C. E. Ruckle.
$1300 A pickup snap; good B-roora house
on E. 21st, all plastered and In good re
pair; full lot, right on car line; close to
S. P. car shops; any terms you want;
must go at once. Sherlock & Woerndle,
90 5th st., near Stark.
$0.10 "WILL buy at once your choice of 3 lots
in Council Crest Park, with unobstructed
view of mountains' and rivers; the must
ideal spot up there, but must have money
to pay on mortgage, hence the sacrifice.
Price $650 less than adjoining property. M
63, Oregonlan.
$2250 Nice 6-room lft -story modern
house; concrete basement, gas, electricity,
lot 50xl0o, worth $looo; fine lawn; on East
Couch. $000 cash, bal. easy terms. This
won't last. See me today. F. Dubois,
'Washington bldg., room 3.
A REAL bargain ; owner leaving city, and
will aell for much less than actual value,
corner lot, 75x1 00, , and new modern 9-room.
house. In the best part of Irvlngton, sur
rounded by choice homes and desirable In
every "particular. W. O. W'addel, 317 Lum
ber Exchange.
$3000 Knott at. and Williams ave.; nice 40x
135-foot lot, close to Bates? Bank, on south
aide of Knott st. This Is $500 below price
of lot adjoining. For a' few dayfr at the
above price. Sherlock & Woerndle, 00 5th
sit., near Stark.
Corner Fargo St., a fine location; 6-room
modern home, $3000; easy terms. Property
sure to enhance in value.
Chamber of Commerce.
$2000 only for nice 7-room hoiw and S
lots, 50x100 each, 2 blocks to car; very
easy terms; house alone worth more than
price asked for all; be quick. F. Dubois,
Washington bldg., room 3.
$2250 New modern 6-room bungalow cot
tage on 100x100 corner; cement basement,
electric lights and gas; on one of the
nicest ft blocks on Mason street; must
sell at once; terms. , Sherlock & Woern
dle, 90 0th st., near Stark.
NEAT 3-room Kb use and 2 extra choice lots
in splendid growing garden, 2 blocks W. W.
line ; good, car Bervlce, superb view, no
gravel, fine nHghborhhod; lots worth nearly
price,; $900, $550 down. C. M. Tnomason,
223 Chamber of Commerce.
$22,000 ft block near 21st and Washington, the
ground alone is worth the money, but there
are houses that will bring $125 per month.
$12,000 cash handles it. This is a fine buy.
M. C. Davto, IB Hamilton Bldg.
$2200 50x110 and good 6-room bouse. B. 10th
at. ; terms, $400 cash. $20 per month.
$600 Nice lot, 50xlOS, fronting on Mtl
waukie ave.
W. O. WADDBIj, 317 Lumber Exchange.
BLOCK of Hawthorne ave., north side; I have
a choice building site, 50x100, high ground;
cheapest and best In its district; goes this
week for $4V5. C. M. Thomason, 223 Cham
ber of Commerce.
$7500 ONLY A 8 1-3-aore piece of land on
the north side of Division st. and 29th;
$275 per lot. How about that? Sherlock &
Woerndle, real estate, 90 5th St., near
Modern 7-room house (one lot). In City
View Park, Sellwood. Call between 11 A.
M. and 8 P. M., or phone Sell wood 2S3.
CHEAPEST lot In Piedmont; east frontage;
$1500 building restriction; price $050;
little less for all cash.
CULVER, 623 Chamber of Commerce.
$4200 Strictly modern new 9-room house; lot
70x125 feet, with fruit, berries, etc.; $1700
cash, balance on time: also other good buys.
607 Buchanan bldg., 286ft Washington.
$3SOO New modern home, 7 rooms, every
thing now ready. East S5th street, near
Hawthorne avenue. Easy terms. M. C.
Davis, 16 Hamilton bldg.; Main 4610.
4 BLOCK, with three large modern houses
j renting for $175 per month; Nob Hill Dis
trict. This Is a fine buy at $2850; one-half
cash takes it. M. C. Davis.
HOLLADAY PARK residence. less than one
block from carllne ; modern in every par
ticular; beautiful lawn; $4500; terms. Colum
bia Trust Co., Couch bldg.
$3300 Beautiful new six-room house; fur
nace, laundry, gas, electricity, bath, fire
place; $M)0 cash, $25 monthly. 889 E.
Main. Dr. Darling.
BEAUTIFUL ft block in Hollaclay's Addition;
two houses that will bring $50 per month;
occupied by owner. Home Tel. C 1330. 375
East 3d at., North.
$1025 Cozy and handsome 6-room house and
two lots on Mount Scott line; rents $12 per
month; a bargain. State Investment Co.,
118 Abington bldg.
If the non-resident knew values, he would,
not say sell corner, loOxlOO, for $450 cash.
2o4 Mohawk Bldg.
A SNAP 6-room modern house, lot 25x100;
15 minutes' walk from business center of
city; nice view of river. See same 86 East
7th st. North.
ALL kinds real estate bought, sold and ex
changed. See Abraham & White, . 227ft
WTashington st., corner Second. Labbe bldg,
offices 8 and 9.
BARGAIN $1000 buys 2 fine lots adjoining
boulevard in Willamette Addition, on St.
Johns car line. E. J. Geiser. 221ft Morri
son st.
LA ROE modern bungalow on corner; 6-room
cottage; large 5-rooin cottage: easy month
ly payments. Owner, phone East 676.
UP-TO-DATE 5-room cottage; bath, good
basement, fruit trees, garden. 900 E. 6th at.
N., near Mason. Owner.
FOR SALE New ajid modern 7-room house
at Highland, 1 block from carllne; by
owner. 1005 Grand ave.. North.
SIX-ROOM modern and new house. West
Side; fractional lot; $:J600; $750 down, bal.
$25 month. S 45, Oregonlan.
IRVINGTON New, modern 9-room houee,
N. E. cor. 23d ana Thompson. For particu
lars apply 76 1st St., cor. Oak.
SIX-ROOM modern and new house. West Side;
fractional lot; $3600; $750 down, bal. $25
month. S 45, Oregonlan.
$265 BUYS house, 12x14, and lot. 40x100. on
Mount Scott car line. Standard Investment
Co., 225 Fifth st.
SMALL tract Hood River apple land In
best section of the Valley tor sale cheap.
Telephone Main 862.
100x200 Fine view river; unimproved. Call
early. Zella Gossett, Riverside office, St.
Johns car.-
$7000 Handfme Irvlngton resilience; new", 7
rooms. Phone owner for particulars. E.
FINE corner, Sftxlnn, well Improved, small
house, $650; take Sellwood car. 714 Tacoma
$1500 Corner lot (Holladay Park); cement
sidewalks; Improved street. L 40, Oregonlan.
SPLENDID apartment-house site cheap; lOOx
lou, N. W. corner 3d and Columbia sta. See
me for price and terms.
A genuine snap ; lu acres, Palatine Hill,
for $2100; really worth double. a
A splendid buy; 8-room modern house on
Hawthorne ave., on 100x150 lot, on which
you can build two more houses; $6500; easy
Room 32 "Washington Building.
Phone 3586.
WE have 80 acres of the best apple and
strawberry land In -the White Salmon
Vall'-y that will be on the market the
next 30 days at $30 per acre.
Located 5 miles from White Salmon on
the county road and stage line; Is prac
tically level brush land, hazel, willow,
cherry; easily cleared and no waste land
or rock; will sell' in 20 or 40-acre tracts.
White Salmon. Wash.
Tabor Helnhts. end of Mount Tabor and
Morrison-st. carllne. The new, sightly
"Broadview'. lots from $300 up, on terms
made easy. Only 2 blocks from carllne;
wide streets. Bull Run water, shade and
fruit trees; the best buy now on the mar
ket. Wp have a long list of lots, acreage,
timber lands and trading property. Phone
Bast 5050. Fare 5 cents.
$3600 for 100x100, corner and 10-room
house; well built; located on carllne and
beautiful view of the city
$3250 New and strictly modern 6-room
houpf:, close In on West Side.
62ij0 for apartments or fine home; full
corner on Park, south of Jefferson st.
506 Commercial Bik., Second and Wash.
$700o Modern 9-room house, lot 50x100, on
Hoyt Kt., near 22i.
$ticoo Modern 7-room house, lot 46x80,
on 5th, near Grant.
$45' H) Modern 7-room house, lot 60x100,
on 2d, near Sherman.
We have several fine homes, cheap, oi
the East Side.
Room 30, Washington bldg.
IR V I NGTON N e w, u p- to-date, modern 7
room house; rub finish woodwork, cove ceil
ing, hardwood Qoors, furnace, fireplace, deb.
sleeping porch; very attractive Inside and
out; $5000; lot 50xlC0. Also a snap In va
cant "lot, Irvlngton, 50x100; no better loca
tion; $1200 if taken at once. D. W. Hell
man, 306 Abington bldg. Main 1942. Even
ings, East 1S04.
$8.50 PER ACRE.
Unimproved lands in Harney County, on
line of proposed railroad and on right of way
for irrigation ditch. These lands have been
examined by our representative and are as
204 Abington bldg.
5-room cottage, modern, full plumbing,
gas electric lights, fiber plaster, streets Im
proved, sewers in, 3-minute car service.
Owner, 2o8 4th. Tel. Main 3990. Also In
Sou,th Portland, beautiful quarter. 85x110,
$1350. Owner. 208 4th. Tel. Pacific 2125.
$325 A fine 50x100 lot on East 26th St., near
the Clinton Kelly School and 8 blocks from
the carllne; very convenient to the S. P. car
shops; $100 cash and the balance on terms.
Hartman & Thompson, Chamber of Com
New 6-room house, modern Improvements,
- nickel plumbing, cement basement, etc., a
great bargain at $2300; good terms.
165 ft 3rd st.
A SIGHTLY residence lot, 50x100; Bull Run
water, cement walks and curbs, all paid for
and leas than two blocks from carllne;
only 15 minutes from heart of city; $450;
terms. Columbia Trust Co., Couch bldg.
on Ankeny street, close In; there are 3
houses on the premises earning $60 per
month; room for store on corner. Sher
lock & Woerndle. 90 5th st., near Stark,
222 Falling bldg.
Main 6661. A 2653.
11th and Tillamook, with arc light in front;
all imp rove meats in and paid for; finest
neighborhood on East Side, $1400. Sherlock
sc Woerndle, 90 5th street, near Stark.
WEST SIDE home, near Washington; 6-room
modern; walking distance; lot worth more
than price asked; $65oO will but It this week.
D. W. Heilman, 306 Abington bldg. Phone
Main 1942. Evenings, East 1894.
$825 I will sacrifice this week a choice lot,
taken in a trade, situated In Alblna; all
improvements In; this is $200 less than ad
joining property; being a non-resident, I
will sacrifice. Address N 62, Oregonlan.
FINE 6-room cottage In East Portland, 3
blocks from car; best of service; full lot, all
graded; city water; good neighborhood.
Price. $1400. J. A. Moehnke & Co., 209
Com'l bldg.
NEW, artistic 7-room residence, just fin
ished, beautifully arranged, complete in
every detail, desirably located, Holladay
Park Addition, near Broadway carllne.
Owner, G 46, Oregonlan.
$1800 160 acres near new Tillamook R. R.;
10 acres improved; house, barn, running
water and abundance of fruit; guaranteed
2,000,000 feet saw timber. B. S. Cook &
Co.. 251 Alder st.
$10,500 100x100 on 14th and Montgomery. A
rare opportunity for a man desiring a site
for a mansion. A grand buy for the money.
Sherlock & Woerndle, 90 6th St., near
$400 Sightly acre tracts all in cultivation ;
best of soil and handy to new Oregon elec
tric line; buy one of these now on easy
payments. B. S. Cook & Co.. 251 Alder st.
$500 CASH and $25 per month buys 6-room
house, In fine location ; corner lot; full ce
ment basement, laundry trays, gas and elec
tric lights; good buy. 669 Union ave. North.
2 lots in Ina Park, on 25th, near Alberta
st. Call or address N. S. Fenne, 166 E.
20th. Phone East 710. Home phone B 1769.
Is recognized to be the standard way of
handling timber lands. The timber must
nrst satisfy us, and our cruise reveals
every detail of the conditions surrounding
It. Our reports are prepared in such a
way that the buyer lmowi whether or not
the timber will satisfy him Defers he visit
the tract.
Twenty years experience and the client
age we represent, is a sufficient guarantee
that our methods are right. You may
waste your valuable time in looking up the
trax-t you want Take advantage of the
results of our own constant efforts along
this line and get the best.
Lumber Exchange, Seattle, Wash.
Chamber of Commerce. PortfanTl, Or.
LARGE body fine timber, near transportation,
only a few miles from Portland; have new,,
modern mill, logging outfit, horses, good
roads and everything complete. Mill now
In operation. Present owner has other busi
ness Interests that demand a portion of his
time. Will sell one-half interest to the right
party, c. C. Shay, 306 Abington Bldg.
We have several tracts of timber lands
which are for sale. We have detailed esti
mates by fortlf. making It very easy to
determine whether or not the timber Is
there, and will pay all expenses of cruise
if not as represented.
401-2-3 Buchanan Bldg.
We have several attractive timber prop
ositions; call and Investigate; timber
lands In Oregon, California and Washing
ton, from 1000 to 20,000 acres.
Sixth and Washington.
TO LET Contract to log 3 million feet of
. tie timber at rate of 40.O00 feet per day;
good chance for either teams or donkeys;
operations to start at once. For information
applv Bums! da & Matthews, at once. Frank
lin Hotel, city.
WANTED Timber of lumber In exchange for
up to $25,000 6 per cent first mtge. bonds of
reliable Washington corporation. Principals
only. Give full description and cash price.
Lumberman, P. O. Box 481. Seattle.
PARTY going East last of month with tim
ber proposition will take others if he can
have not less than three months' exclusive
option, without too much water in thS
price. Lock Box 164. P. O.
ANYONE wishing to locate on good yellow
pine timber claims cruising over 2.000,000
feet, call at once, 33 Raleigh bldg., 0th and
Washington sts.
A FEW specially good yellow pine claims In
Wheeler County; must be located at once.
Columbia Trust Co., Couch bldg.
TIMBER wanted. Oregon or Washington, large
or small tracts. Sphinx Agency, 305 Stark.
OREGON TIMBER CO.. timber lands bought
and sold. 403-4 McKay bldg.
CASH buyers for large and small timber
tracts; also buyers for good relinquishments.
- Clarke-Clemeon-Blumauer Co., 301 Couch.
bldg. 4th. near Washington
Rooms 307-308 Buchanan bldg.
800 acres. Eastern Oregon. 330 acres
now In wheat, 150 Summer fallow, about
50 acres rye and other cereals; over
600 acres can be farmed, balance pawturs;
all under fence; orchard 9.0 trees, 12-foot
header, household furniture, farmhouse
and Implements, outhouses, etc., with
crop (wheat will average 25 bushels to
acre), at $18 per cre. erms, part cash,
part income Portland property, balance
on time. Owner too old to work.
NO. 2.
Eastern Oregon ranch. Morrow County,
700 acres In all; 100 acres good wheat
land, 250 to 300 acres under irrigation,
250 acres in alfalfa; 3 big irrigation
ditches, all free perpetual water rights;
ample water for all purposes; good 10
room house. 2 large new tarns, ample
outhouses and blacksmith shop; good bear
ing orchard, feeding plant, fully equipped
for feeding, 400 head of cattle; cut 700
to 800 tons of alfalfa hay a year; can
double output In two or three years;
townslte platted on ranch, with railroad
store and postoffice already located; price
$21,500, half cash, balance 6 per cent
mortgage. '
NO. 4. '
597-acre dairy farm, $22.50 per acre;
Lane County, Or.; half mile from railroad;
800 acres under cultivation; 150 acres good
timber; 3 pastures, creek through each ;
fine farmhouse, piped hot and cold water;
large barn, granaries and outbuildings;
NO. 5.
800-acre wheat ranch for rent on shares;
Morrow County, Oregon; 10 miles' haul
downhill to shipping point; a responsible
rancher can get good liberal terms.
NO. 6.
120 acres, $150 an acre; 1 miles below
Ltnnton, Or.; street privileges to water
front; you had better look this up; some
thing doing down there.
NO. 7.
240 acres, $16 per acre; Lane County,
near railroad; all clear and In cultivation;
good 6-room house, 2-acre orchard; creek
through farm; terms.
NO. 8.
240-acre fruit ranch, $4000; 18 miles
from Vancouver, 84 miles to railroad;
Clark County; 30 acres under cultivation;
2-acre prune orchard; good house, 2
barns, prune dryer, farm implements, 5
head of cattle, chickens, turkeys, ducks,
perpetual spring water and terms.
NO. 9.
83 acres, Portland suburb on Peninsula,
factory district, north of Columbia Boule
vard, fronting on deep water and S. P.
Railroad sell in acreage to suit; liberal
NO. 10.
8 acres, (ncludlng 3-story brick, cold
storage and slaughtering plant, on Penin
sula, In factory district; switching privi
leges from N. P. or S. P. R. R. can be
leased on very liberal terms.
Do vou know Heidelberg is in Portland?
Rooms 307-308 Buchanan Bldg.
We own land in Hood River; bought it
because we think it's the most fertile val
ley in the United States, bar none, and
here Is what we will do for you if you will
10 ACRES FOR $3500.
We will plant it to year-old apple trees,
of the best Spltzenberg and Newton va
rieties. Every tree guaranteed to grow ;
and guarantee you TEN PDR CENT ON
YOUR. MONEY for five years, provided you
will give as the crop for that length of
We "will back up our guarantee with land,
or in other words, we will deed you in trust
10 acres adjoining, which will be yours In
case we fail to keep our agreement.
At the end of five years we will turn you
over 10 acres of the finest orchard in the
valley that will produce anywhere from $25oo
to $5000 yearly, and on which you have been
receiving every year 10 per cent Interest on
your money.
Can you afford to neglect an opportunity
Of that kind?
Think it over and come In and talk to us
about it.
82 ' Third St.
TRACTS under the great Klamath irrigation
ditch; Government .project; 1. 2 and 3 miles
from business center of Klamath Falls;
close to new main line of Southern Pacific,
between Portland and San Francisco; Just
south of new Oregon Eastern Transconti
nental Railway; timber, hunting and fishing
near; district la truck garden of the Paciflo
Coast. Alfalfa, celery, sugar beets, fruit,
stock feeding; mild climate. Buy tracts di
rect from owner; no middle man; no com
mlsssions. For information address Frank
Ira White, manager, Klamath Falls, Or.
SO ACRES, choice apple land; 6 acres choice
bearing trees 30 acres in cultivation, plen
ty of water, 30 tons of hay, all kinds of
farming utensils, cows, hogs, chickens,
horses, etc.; fine new building. This is
offered at a sacrifice price if taken before
August 1. Let us tell you about it.
165 3rd sU
J-OR 8 ALB! A fine fruit farm, three miles
East of Vancouver, Wash. ; 1600 prune trees,
225 peach trees and 100 pear and cherry
trees; well cultivated and healthy; an Ideal
country home, on the Columbia, overlooking
Portland: good buildmgs, telephone and
' rural mall delivery; term. Apply at room
801, The Dekum.
FOR SALE By owner, 140 acres on Columbia
River and mile from proposed North Bank
R. R. station; part improved, all fenced arid
private gravity irrigation system; has all the
advantages of Hood River land and some
besides; a snap. Agents need not apply. For
particulars write P 56, Oregonlan.
MUST sell, account age, immediately, beau
tiful home on Yaquina Bay ; 80 acres,
house eight rooms, barn, good orchard,
on tidewater, one mile from postoffice,
good markets, fine spring, clear title;
$1600; reduced fares; come now. Oscar
Mlddlekauff. Yaquina. Or.
POULTRY RANCH Near Portland, nearly 0
acres, 9-roora house, barn, garden, fruits,
grove and on county road, mile of car line,
easy drive to city; not stocked, but will
make fine poultry and fruit farm; only
$2250, down. C. M. Thomason, 223 Cham
ber of Commerce.
FOR SALE OR RBNT Attention nurserymen
and farmers, 320 acres, all in cultivation,
deep soil, fine improvements, convenient to
rail and navigation. This farm Is especially
adapted for nursery business. Inquire of
owner, George O'Brien, 400 North Capital
st., Salem, Or.
$1200 CASH buys over 300 acres land near
Sheridan, Or.; plenty of land can be culti
vated; running water and springs; don't
wait too long; come and see me. D. W.
Heilman, '306 Abington bldg. Main 1942.
80 ACRES, 25 under cultivation : running
water; mile east of Concord fetation, on
Oregon City carllne; $125 per acre; terms.
Apply to owner, Henry Thlesen.
FARM for sale; would take Portland resi
dence as part payment. Apply to owner, S
68, Oregonlan.
PARTY who wants 6-room house and 2 lots,
50x100; house up-to-date, fine cedar finish
ing inside; some very fine fruit treed; full
basement.This Is a beautiful home, worth
$2300; must sell this week for $1600, $500
cash, balance to suit; owner must leave city.
HOME LAND CO., 145 1st ST.
WANTED 10 to 160 acres on new Salcra
line; not over 8 miles out, with run
ninlng water, preferred. Vanduyn & Wal
ton, 515 Chamber Commerce.
property. What have you to offer T Sea
ted y & Hickok. Koom 225, Lumber x
ehange. WE have buyers waiting. List your property
with us.
Room 80, Washington bldg.
WANTED Any real estate In Portland that
pays a good rate on the Investment; don't
delay. G. E. Walling, 243 Stark st.
WANT to buy 3 to 7-acre tract on Oregon
City carllne from owner. Call or address
614 Chamber of Commerce. '
I WANT 6, T or 8-room house, within walking
distance of postoffice: state price and loca
tion. P 69, Oregonlan.
A RESIDENCE lot m Irvlngton; must be rea
sonable; owners only. W 67, Oregonlan.
43 ACRES apple orchard- in Illinois; good
healthy condition; income last year over
$2000; price $7000; exchange for close-in
property or ranch; this is a rare bargain ;
willing to give the big end". By owner. Ad
dress BJorklund. 334 Pine st., bet. 6th and
7th sts., Portland.
TO EXCHANGE An estate of 72 acres, with
buildings and Improvements In Western New
York, value $3600. for Portland or country
property. M." J. Sullivan. 653 2d st.
FINE Income property. West Side, for stock
of general merchandise country town. V
66, Oregonlan.
FINE large gfiasollne launch to exchange
for acreage. N 69, Oregonlan.
WILL trade for what you have. L. Ains
worth Smith, 100 Sherlook bldg
ALL kinds. Including approved forest reserve
scrip for surveyed unsurveyed timber and
prairie Government land. H. M- Hamilton,
The Portland, Portland. Or.
Old established, with or without saloon;
furnished; newly remodeled; $35; also 7
room house and orchard. $10, and 4 flats,
IS rooms. $25; all on West Side. C H.
Piggott, owner, lawyer, 4. 5 and 6, Mul
Vey bldg.
Horses, Vehicles, Etc
New grocery, laundry, bakery, milk wagons,
100 sccond-hald vehicles; single, double
furniture wagons; horses, rigs rented. Torr.
Unson & Cassiday. 211 Wash. Paciflo 507.
WANTED Second-hand surrey with rubber
tires and pole. Chas. C. Woodcock, care
Standard Box & Lumber Co.
FOR SALE Black mare, 8 years old, m-eight
1450 ; aljo bay horse, buggy and harness.
23 N. 14th, near Burnside st.
FEED stables; italls for rent by week or
month ; new management. Fred Seelow,
SSO Water st.
HUBERT & HALL, 2G6 4th st., dealers In
horses and vehicles; horses and vehicles
for rent.
FOR SALS 11-months-old shorthorn bull;
color red. Joe Capello, 304 Irving. Main 55,
SIX good work horses for sale. Call Columbia
Stables, corner Columbia and Front sts.
CHEAP, light Columbus surrey. Sherlock St
Woerndle. 90 5th St., near Stark.
FOR SALE New Studebaker canopy top de
livery wagon. 364 Washington st.
7-YEAR-OLD bay mare. Inquire U. 8. Sta
ble?, Front and Madison.
1 SECOND-HAND delivery wagon, with top.
Price $22. 366 First st.
PIANO for sale cheap. Call S3 Raleigfc bldg.,
6th and Washington sts.
M lscelianeous.
50 SLIGHTLY damaged sewing machines
at very low prices ; Singer, Wheeler &
Wilson, Domestic, White, Household, Davis
and others; to make room for new stock.
Wheeler & Wilson and Singers. S. 3. Sigel,
335 M orrlson St.. Marquam bldg.
FOR SALE Single-seat. light touring car
type, Cadillac automobile; fully equipped;
gas and oil lamps, odometer, top, etc. For
town work and short touring this car un
excelled. Guaranteed in perfect condition.
Oregon Motor Car Co., 108 7th st.
FOR SALE New and second-hand billiard
and pool tables; easy payments; we rent
tables, with privilege of buying; modern
bar fixtures; cheap prices. Brunswick-Balke-Collender,
49 3d st.
FOR SALE $1000, small fore and aft com
pound tugboat, about 30 horsepower; just
inspected for one year; can be delivered at
additional cost anywhere. Address Box 398,
Hoqulam, Wash.
wb pay more for
portland auction co.,
main 6655. 211 first st.
SPLENDID family gasoline launch, 80 feet
long, 6 feet beam. 15 H. P.. complete in
every detail. Address N 69, Oregonlan.
FOR sale cheap, fine lot of candy Jars,
soda fountain. Ice cream freezer and cof
fee mill. Room 2, 145 ft 6th.
FOR SALE New building- 12x16. built for
garage, cheap for quick sale. Phone East
165. mornings.
FOR SALE About 20 yards second-hand
matting, cheap. Restaurant, 229 Washing
ton. Bargains moving pictures, stereoptlcons, mm
slides, repairs, exchange, Stevens, 165 ft 4th
FOR SALE Cheap, linoleum, heater, with
pipes, kitchen cabinet, etc. 315 Alberta et.
FOR SALE Pair heavy draft horses. Inquire
49th and Division, lumber yard.
GOOD gas range, also heater for bath, almost
new, cheap. 637 Montgomery.
TICKET to Denver cheap; lady. Address H
67, Oregonlan.
LARGE, new tent upon beautiful quiet private
lawn; furnished for sleeping; west Side;
breakfast. Phone Main 7518.
WANTED Young man stenographer for po
sition out of town ; good salary ; trans
portation paid ; state experience and ref
erences, P 70, Oregonlan.
DOCTOR wanted to assist in specialist's of
fice; good salary and permanent position to
right man ; must be registered In Oregon.
R 70, Oregonlan.
WANTE1D Assistant bookkeeper In wholesale
house. Address in own handwriting, stat
ing age, experience and salary expected. W
69. Oregonian.
WANTED Young1 man, 18 or 19. for bill
clerk; must operate typewriter Address in
own handwriting, stating wages wanted, C
66, Oregonlan.
WANTED Office boy. Answer in own hand
writing, stating age, experience, if any, and
wages wanted. L 69. Oregonian.
WANTED Drug clerk; registered in Ore
gon ; must come recommended. Address
X 703, Oregonlan.
EXPERIENCED fishman for wholesale house;
must understand dressing and packing fish.
Portland Fish Co.
MOVING picture machine, $35; 1000 feet
film, $30. Room 2, 145 ft 6th, Marquam
WANTED Solicitors; permanent situation
with advancement to right parties. 400,
Oregonian bldg.
MEN of ability to sell stock In a first-class
, proposition ; big money to hustlers. Room
26, 142ft 2d st.
PHYSICIAN wanted; must be registered In
Oregon; good salary Co man for office .work.
V 68, Oregonian.
JAPANESE boy for Janitor in wholesale
house: must understand English. Address V
69 Oregonian.
2 YOUNG men to learn trade; will pay $15
to $25 weekly after 3 weeks. Room 16, 253ft
WANTED Japanese porter, one that can
speak fair English. Golden Eagle, 8d and
WANTED Two waiters, $14 week; dish
washer. $10 week. Apply 4.1 3d et. Peerless
SOLICITOR Pleasant work, steady position,
good pay. Field, 2225 6th St., 1:30 to 3:30
BARBER SHOP for sale, $275; doing a
good three-chair business. 228ft Morri
son. GOOD boy for grocery; one who speaks Ger
man and has references. 722 Division, near
California Wine Depot, headquarters for cooks
and helpers. 14S 4th st. Pac. 2183. P. Lormtl.
FIRST-CLASS watchmaker to rent window;
cheap, good location. 460ft Washington st.
GOOD barber for steady Job; gODd pay for
the right man. 8 Chamber of Commerce.
WANTED A young man, experienced insur
ance office clerk. Hartman & Thompson.
500 MEN wanted Free shaves and haircuts.
248 Couch st. Moler Barber College.
WANTED Stave bolt cutters, $1.60 per cord.
Apply 306 Stearns bldg., Portland, Or.
Young Man desiring to better condition Call
on Employment Dept.. Y. M. C. A.
WANTED Young man to learn the real es
tate business. 309 Abington bldg.
WANTED Experienced man to run cold stor
age plant. Room 8. "Worcester bldg.
WANTED Helper in bakery. . Apply Log
Cabin Bakery, 114 Russell st.
WANTED Experienced egg and poultry man.
Toft & Co., 101 Front et.
SALESMEN Big wages; something positively
new. 215 Commercial block.
Al -PRESSER on ladies' jackets and skirts.
J. M. AcHeson Company.
YOUNG MAN as clerk in grocery store; refer
ence required. 293 1st st.
WANTED An experienced soda bottler. V
70, Oregonlan.
HEADER WAGON driver. Inquire 825 Abing
ton bldg.
BARBER wanted; steady Job.JL22N.Mmt.
Steam shovel engineer, $150 and board;
craneman, $90 and board; fireman, $t0
and board; night watchman. $50 and
board; new shovel, new job; 3 machin
ists, 4 machinists' helpers. 4 bridge paint
ers, $3 a day. free fare; 4 rough painters,
$2.50: 15 men for factory and wholesale
packing plant. $37.50, board and room,
also some married men for sawmill com
pany, $2.25, hous wood and water free:
ground men, telegraph company, $35 and
board. ,
Man and wife, cook and helper, for
about 15 men in camp, $65; 3 men and
wives for other camps, $83, $75 and $70;
flunkeys, kitchen help, waiters.
2 camp cooks, $75; second camp cook,
$45, frea fare; man and wife, cook and
helper, on boat, $70, one at $60; farm
help, dairv help, railroad men, all over.
26 N. Second St. 250 Burnside St.
OUR business is placing men with ability In
first-class positions. Call today.
Shoe salesman $ 9O"0
General merchandise salesmon country. 7n
Dry-goods salesman, country 1020
Bookkeepers, stenographers, $!KH to $1800.
Suite 34.. Raleigh Bldg., 323 Wash. et.
WANTED An apprentice with some knowl
. edge of printing business. In an all-round
office at Grant's Pass; wages to start $8 per
week; must have good habits. A good op
portunity to right perron. Address Box "A,"
Grant's Pass, Or. State references and ex
perience. BARBER who is looking for a pood location
near the city that's worth $500 and $250
cash will buy it if taken soon; 2 chairs; lo
cation and income can not be beat; sold on
1 account of sick wife. Cail or write G. N.
W. Wilson Co., Barber Supply House, 72
ALL diseases of men successfully treated;
discharges positively cured in from 3 to
6 days; consultation free and strictly con
fidential; send for our symptom blank.
X-radium Medical Institute, 3d and Alder
sta ; entrance 253 Alder st., Portland.
$250 cash will place you in a good paying
business, with large profits; experience not
225 Fifth St.
WE want" a good real estate man at once,
somebody who can sell lots.
Room IS, 26S Stark st.
AT once, several good men to prepare for
U. S. Immigration and Chinese Inspectors.
Special examination August 12. Applica
tions must be filed without delay. See
Mgr. . West Coast Schools, 315 Ore
gonian bldg. Open evenings.
Men and boys wanted to learn plumbing, plas
tering, bricklaying, also sheet metal pattern
draughting; positions secured; day and night
classes; free catalogue; visitors welcome.
Coyne Trade Sch'ls, San Fran, and New York
RAILWAY mall clerks for Oregon: exam
ination August 6 ; good salaries and pro
motions. Call or write at once if inter
ested in getting a Government position
Pacific States Schools. McKay bldg.
PROTECT yourself for $1 per month against
accident, sickness and death. Write or
call for full information. Northwestern
Health and Accident Association, 109
Sherlock bldg. Agents wanted.
trade in eight weeks; graduates earn from
$15 to $25 weekly; expert Instructors; cat
alogue free. Moler System of Colleges, 45
North Fourth street, Portland.
CANDY MAN Wanted a good man who
could manage or take interest In a business
near Portland Hotel; he must understand
the confectionery business and the making
of candy. H 65, Oregonian.
WANTED Salesmen and solicitors for best
proposition ever made to both agent and
public; do not overlook this. Call after 7
P. M.. New Occidental Hqtel, 1st and Mor
rison, room 212- P. Kramer. '
WANTED A salesman; wfil guarantee $20
per week to any man who will work; will
employ inexperienced man If a worker; an
experienced salesman is good for $100 per
week. T 46, Oregonlan.
WANT work? Call and see me at once; com
petent gentlemea and ladies as bookkeepers,
cashiers,- clerking; good salaries. Clerks
Registration Bureau, 303 AlUky bldg., 3d
and Morrison sts.
Men and women to learn watchmaking, engravw
Ing. jeweler work, optics, easy terms: posi
tions guaranteed; monoy made learning.
Watchmkg-Engvg. Sch'l. 1426 4th av. Seattle.
U. S. Internal Revenue Service, Men wanted
to qualify for examination September 4. Call
today. Information free. West Coast Schools,
315 Oregonlan bldg. Open tonight.
WANTED Two good greenhouse hands to
work under foreman; steady positions for
right men. The Slbson Rose Nurseries,
1180 Mllwaukle ave., Portland Or
GOOD CANVASSERS for a house-to-house
canvassing ; new proposition ; big money
maker to hustlers. Call after 2:30 P. M.
227ft Washington st., room 67.-
WANTED A man familiar with our 11ns to
detail work from plans to factory; none but
those experienced need apply. Northwest
Dpor Company.
WANTED Experienced newspaper solicit
ors; trhose without temperate habits need
not apply. Inquire at room 200, Ore-
f gonlan bldg.
WANTED Experienced washer; must have
references and be sober; union man pre
ferred. Address Lock Box 775, Hoqulam,
WANTED Man to take charge of light man
ufacturing business; $20 weekly; ft the
profits ; $150 required. Address T 69, Ore
gonlan. WANTED In wholesale grocery house, bill
clerk, who can use typewriter; state ex
perience and detail. R 65, Oregonian.
PHYSICIAN wanted for office work; must he
registered In Oregon; good salary and posi
tion to right man. C 69,- Oregonlan.
MACHINIST familiar with the adjustment
of factory sewing machines. Spokane
Dry Goods Co., Spokane, Wash.
WANTED An experienced salesman; state
age, experience, reference and salary ex
pected. Address H 6, Oregonian.
FIRST-CLASS clothing salesman wanted at
the Brownsville Woolen Mill Store. Per
manent position to an Al man.
SHOWCASE makers wanted, $3.25 per day
of nine hours. Address Harrild & Sons,
109-11 Pacific ave., Spokane.
WANTED Experienced drivers for the deliv
ery teams of a large retail establishment.
Apply to V 67, Oregonlan.
WANTED Young man familiar with city, to
drive grocery wagon. Apply L. Mayer &
Co., 148 3rd st.
LADIES of ability to sell stock in first-class
proposition; big money to hustlers. Room
26, 142 ft 2d st.
GIRL to do general housework and cooking;
family of four grown persons; good wages.
670 Hoyt st.
GIRL for light second work and care of
child of 7. Young Women's Christian Asso
ciation. WANTED-:ompetent girl for general house
wk. Apply 181 East 16th. Phone East
Factory, 2 Grand ave. and East Taylor st.
WANTED Girls to make Fltz-WeH shirts
and Boss of All overalls. Inquire 75 1st.
GIRL for office work In laundry; must be ac
curate; write good hand. D 68, Oregonian.
GIRLS wanted for burning, drawing, paint
ing and lettering. A 27, Oregonlan.
WANTED A good cook and a good second
girl; good wages. Call 245 King st.
WANTED Girl for housework. 8 in family.
Mrs. Hogue. 584 East Taylor st.
WANTED Experienced chambermaid and to
help wait on table. 150 11th st.
WANTED Nurse to go away, family, one
child, age 6. 60 Lucretla st.
WANTED Stenographer; good position; per
manent. Phone 2114 Main.
WANTED Girl for light housework in small
family. Phone East 5019.
WANTED Girl to help In dining-room at
Winters Restaurant. 230 1st st.
WANTED Reliable girl or woman to tend to
a hat store. Call 240 ft Alder st.
WANTED Second girl. Apply 732 Flanders
st., between 22d and 23rd sts.
YOUNG girl for email family at the Coast.
Call 811 Dekum blag.
WANTED Girl for general housework. Apply
58 Ella st.
WANTED A cook, good wages. 253 Ford st.
l&APABcook. 751 Flanders cor. 23L
Applicants for all kinds of work, register
with U, free of charge, so we may locate
you on short notice.
343ft Washington St.. cor. Lh. upstairs.
LADY who understands bookkeeping and is m
good stenographer. State experience and
give reference. Position permanent. Ad
dress Braslan Seed Growers Co., San Jose,
WANTED First-clays skirt maker; alsn
waist finisher; both must be accurate and
speedy; correspondence solicited. Mme. I.
Glenn, Suite 5, Jones bik.. Tacoma, Wash.
on shirts and overalls; lersona given ta
Inexperienced. Apply at Standard Factory.
2 Grand ave. and E. Taylor at.
WANTED Competent girls as bookkeepers,
cashiers, clerking; good salaries. Clerks'
Registration Bureau, 303 Alhsky bldg. cor.
3d and Morrison sta
stenographer and hill clerk; give experience,
reference and aalary expected. A 70, Ore
gonian. WANTED Refined, cultured lady as com
panion to child, hy gentleman going South
and East; give age, references. M 69, Ore
gonlan. GIRL for second work In private family, near
Med ford; German preferred; ticket furnished.
PP'y 622 Kearney st., or telephone Main
WOMAN as cook In small family living in
suburban home, ft mile from carllne;
servants employed. 228 Sherlock Bldg.
WANTED Rennd. capable woman for re
sponsible position. with opportunities for
advancement. Viavi Co., 10th & Morrison.
FEEDERS and folders on mangle; also a
steamstreR; one who can run power ma
chine preferred. Apply Portland Laundry Co.
LAUNDRY help wanted Hand ironers, ma
chine girls, starchers and mangle girls.
Opera-Uouse Laundry, 2d and Everett.
WANTED Housekeepers, cooks. nurse,
waitresses, second girls. St. Louts Ladles
Agency, 230ft Yamhill. Main 6413.
WANTED In wholesale grocery house, bill
clerk, who can use typewriter; state ex
. perience and detail. R 65, Oregonian.
WANTED Operators and girls to learn
shirtmakinj. Apply Standard Factory, 2
Grand ave. and East Taylor st.
GOOD woman cook In private boarding-house;
If marrired can furnish room and board for
husband also. 251 Seventh et.
843 ft Washington st., cor. 7th, upstairs.
Phone Main 2692.
COMPETENT girl for general housework;
small family; no washing; good wages.
Apply 831 Kearney st.
WANTED Waitress, family stvle. Moore's
Hotel, 515 River et., Lower Alblna. Take L.
WANTED Young girl to help take care of
baby. Mrs. Grannls, Hotel Hobart-Curtis.
WANTED Experienced candy girl; good po
sition. S. W. cor. 13th and Washington.
GIRL for general housework ; married couple,
no children, small house. 095 Flanders.
FIRST-CLAPS coatmaker. Room 405 Fleldner
Bldg., 10 Lh and Washington sts.
BOOKKEEPER wanted. Coffman, 350 Wash,
WANTED Organlzors, either sex, on salary
of $100 a month and expenses, for an up-to-date
association, pay In f? weekly sick
and accident benefits and furnishing free
medical attendance to all its members;
liberal contract will be made with pro
ducers of business. American Sick and
' Accident Association, Buffalo, N. Y.
WANTED A teacher for school district No.
11, Wahkiakum County, Wash. ; term nine
months; wages $40 per month. Apply to
J. B. McDonald, Dist. Clerk.
STENOGRAPHER wanted for temporary posi
tion, man or lady, railway service; chance
for permanency. Call or write A. J. Moore,
Room 4o, Worcester Bids;.
WANTED A competent office assistant; fair
wages; give reference, residence and tele
phone number. P 68 Oregonian.
SALESMAN wanted; good offer, either sex"!
experience not neces&ary. Call at 203
Fliedner bldg.
Bookkeepers and Clerks.
fice workers, clerks, night watchmen,
salesladies and salesmen, collectors, wltn
reference as to character, experience and
ability, furnished In every detail ana
ready to go to work on the Instant.
303 Alisky Bldg. 3d and Morrison St.
COOKS City, camp (husband $2.60);
"Springs," $40; 2t waitresses (Salem,
Eugene); domestics, laborers, ratchet setter,
cooks, dishers (Afitoria, Halem, Portland);
married couples. Drake, 25 ft Washington.
PEOPLE K II pp In Stock Company, Newport,
Oregon and road; character man, eccentric, .
others. Good people only no knockers,
boozers, disorganizera. Tell all first or tele
graph Newport.
YOUNG man, good habits, wants position off
some kind; experienced in grocery, furnish
ings, shoes, hardware or collecting: speak
German and write good hand. S 67, Ore
gonian. WANTED Position as clerk by young man;
have had some experience and can operate
typewriter. Address B 70, Oregonian.
Books opened, closed or balanced. Day
and evening. P. L. Crawford. Main 4504.
M 1 see 1 tmneon s.
WANTED Position in the Northwest by m
practical foreman of a number of years' ex
perience In large steam laundries, and am
now In charge of a plant doing nearly $40'h
a week in California. Address V 66. Ore
gonlan. WANTED A position in city by a yours;
man who has had practical experience la
steam and gasoline engineering, millwright
Ing and also ae shipping clerk in machinery
depot. T 66. Oregonlan.
WANTED Situation by all-round gardener,
park and street tree culturlst, American,
married, employed at present as head
gardener; references. Address B 61, Ore
gonlan. EXPERT grower of deciduous fend evergreen
nursery stock. hIso first-class greetihcuse
man. wants position. Address F. A. Peach.
Y. hS. C. A.
YOUNG man from the South wants posi
tion; have had several years experience
in retail lumber business. Address L 4$,
YOUNG Japanese boy wants situation to do
housework in family, city or country; speaks
good English. O 60, Oregonlan.
JAPANESE boy wants a position to do any
kind of work; few hours in evening after
5. E 70, Oregonian.
MIDDLE-AGED man. Rood recommendations,
wishes position as night watchman. Address)
J 66, Oregonlan.
YOUNG MAN attending business college)
wants place to work tor room and board.
S 69, Oregonian.
WANTED Position as foreman for exca
vating or construction work. M 67, Ore
gotilan. YOUNG man (26 de3lres situation, any
kind, as hotel clerk preferred. O G'J, Ore
gonian. WANTED Job. ohamherwork or porter or
Janitor, by Japanese boy. O OS, Oregonian.
help supplied. Main 4o9. 2)' Everett.
A JAPANESE boy wants to do any kind of
work after 2 P. M. L 70, Oregonian.
JAPANESE family cook wants position at
Summer resort. W til, Oregonian.
GOOD Japanese boy wants situation of any
kind. B 67. Oregon ian.
Bookkeepers and Stenographers,
fice workers, clerks. night watchmen,
salesladies and salesmen, collectors, wit a
reference as to character, experience and
ability, furnished in every detail and
ready to go to work on the instant.
303 Alisky Bldg. 3d and Morrison St.
All kinds stenographic wont done; substituting.
612 Couch bldg. Phones Main 7355, A 25K3.
ELDERLY lady housekeeper in widower's)
family; Catholio preferred. O 70, Oregoniajfc,