Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, July 22, 1907, Page 9, Image 9

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Oregon Prohibitionists Plan
ning War of Extermination
Against the Saloons.
"Wide-Open" County Likely to Be
Made Scene ot Attempt to Sup.
press Liquor Traffic Under
the Artman Decision.
Unless the morning sun of moral re
form under the blue laws succeeds In
dissipating the Sunday glnmill dews along
the shady banks of the rolling Clacka
mas, action attacking the salpon as an
institution, not merely as a Sunday law
vlolater. Is likely to be instituted. The
prohibition talks made In the Paclflo
Northwest during the past few days by
such men as Judge S. R. Artman, Rev.
John G. Woolley, Oliver W. Stewart and
many others who spoke at the recent
Chautauqua Assembly, have sown seeds
of reform In fertile soil, and their con-,
tentlon that the liquor license is uncon
stitutional has been given much serious
For this reason, and because of the
weekly disturbances and debauches along
the Cazadero electric line, Oregon may'
have the honor of instituting legal action
with a view to having the question of
the constitutionality of the liquor license
tanen clear to the Supreme Court of the
United States for final settlement.
Many people, individually and affiliated
with reform movements In this city, have
taken up the matter of nailing down the
lid In Clackamas County, outside of Ore
gon City, with District Attorney Gilbert
Hedges, but he has Ignored their pleas
B. Lee Paget, who lives in Clackamas
County, and who is treasurer for the
Prohibition party in this state, even went
so far as to write a long letter to Mr.
Hedges, Inclosing newspaper clippings
and editorials on the situation.
Hedges Ignores All Pleas.
Mr. Paget also asked Hedges to enforce
the law in Clackamas just as Mr. Man
ning Is enforcing it in Multnomah Coun
ty, and made his appeal on behalf of
the citizenship of the county and on be
half of the Oak Grove Improvement As
sociation, of which Mr. Paget is presi
dent. Paget closed his letter with the
statement: "Our county cannot afford
to have much advertising of this char
acter." District Attorney Hedges did not even
do Mr. Paget the courtesy of acknowledg
ing receipt of the communication or of
answering it in any way.
Several members of the Municipal As
sociation of this city also requested Mr.
Hedges to close the saloons in Estacada,
Barton, Boring, Eagle Creek and at San
dy, and the only satisfaction they got,
they say, was this: Hedges told them
If they would swear out informations
against the saloonmen, he would issue
'"So you see," said Mr. Paget, in com
menting on the situation, last night, "it
is pretty clearly up to Mr. Hedges. We
have done all we can do in the wayof
urging him to do his duty, but to my
notion you have to go far back of a
mere District Attorney to root out the
evil. I don't see any solution of ITie
liquor evil so long as the Government
licenses the trafflo. Refuse saloonmen
licenses and the Sunday-closing agitation
would no longer be an issue or a matter
to argue about."
Mr. Paget added that he stood ready
to assist any organized movement look
ing to the closing of the Clackamas
County saloons on Sunday, and would en
list the efforts of his party leaders in
the state.
El S. J. McAllister, who until recently
was counsel for the State Anti-Saloon
League, and is still an earnest worker
for reform, wants, to get to the bottom
of the matter, and If he is able to secure
the necessary assistance "111 start the
war of extermination on the saloon In
Lawyer Willing to 6erve.
"We will make Clackamas County the
example, if you like," he said last night.
"I am willing and ready to draw up a
brief, if we can get a relator to sign it,
and we will bring Injunction proceedings
to close up all the saloons, not only on
Sundays but on every other day in the
week. "We will strike the blow in Clacka
mas County, if necessary. That will set
tle Sunday closing for good and all. I
would like to see the fight carried up to
the Supreme Court of the United States,
and let the highest tribunal in the land
interpret the Constitution with regard to
the sale of Intoxicating liquor.
The matter will get to the Supreme
Court sooner or later along the very lines
Judge Artman has explained to us here,
and Oregon might as well have the credit
for taking the initiative as any other
state. And I venture the prophecy that
when the Supreme Court of the United
States does consider the question. It will
knock out every liquor license in Amer
ica. There is no right granted by the
Constitution allowing a man to sell in
toxicating liquor- It is merely a privi
lege, and I am sure it will be held un
constitutional, on the ground of being
destructive to public morals, inimical to
society, corruptive of our citizenship and
dangerous to publio weal.
"Something should be done to make the
officials of Clackamas County do their
duty, Just as they do in this county. I
will put my shoulder to the wheel."
"Is a Shame," Says Stone.
"It Is a shame." said H. W. Stone gen
eral secretary of the local Y. M. C. A.,
"that such conditions should exist over
in our neighboring county. The Jaw is a
state law, and it applies there as strongly
as it does here. I hardly think, however,
that our citizens here should be called
upon to chastise public officials over
there in this matter. They know their
duty and ought to be honest and coura
geous enough to enforce them without
being hit over the head with a club."
FInlay McKercher, another devoted Pro
hibitionist, says he Is willing to carry the
war Into Clackamas County if somebody
.1.. rnt of - r-t thA mrw.Tnent. He thinks
the citizens of Clackamas County should
arise in their mlgnt ana protest to jjio
trlct Attorney Hedges, and if they can't
l tVio nfflrlnl f n rin his dUtV. Mr.
McKercher would like to see every citi
zen of Multnomah County go ever to
Oregon City and Join In the protest
"Let them start it over there," said
McKercher, "and we will lend our moral
Bupport to the movement. It is an out
rage on public decency that a little strip
of country out through Clackamas Coun
ty should be allowed to violate the Sunday-closing
law when all other portions
of it are forced to obey."
The question of compelling District At
torney Hedges to go on record to force
him to show his hand as either with or
against the law-and-order people of
Clackamas County is likely to be brought
to the attention of the Municipal Associa
tion, early this week, the protest to be
made that the thousands of people who
desire to go to the Clackamas Sundays
for an outing or a picnic should not be
forced to endure the Insults and indigni
ties of the drunken rabble that goes out
there for no - other reason than to get
beastly Intoxicated and raise bedlam on
the streetcars on the way back to town.
Portland Will Protest- -
"The emptying of a pack of drunken
men and women Into the streets of Port
land every Sunday night Is the com
plaint which the reform movements of
Multnomah County and Portland will no
doubt lodpe with Mr. Hedges before the
present week is over, and an attempt will
be made to have the issue settled by
next Sunday. Should this fail, the in
junction weapon will be resorted to.
That Is the programme which was in
formally discussed by several members
of the Prohibition party and Municipal
Association at the Y. M. C. A. yesterday
Confectionery and Other Stores Are
Closed as Well as Saloons.
ELMA, Wash., July 21.--(SpeciaL)
For the first time in the history of
Elma, the doors of her ealoons are not
swinging open to the public, and the
key is turned in the confectionery and
other stores that were in former days
accustomed to doing business on Sun
day. The lid is on tight, by order of
the sheriff, the local authorities having
taken no action whatever in the mat
ter. "I might as well have stayed
at home today." is the remark of many
residing outside the city who came to
town today, and find the town closed
tight, with nothing to do but walk the
streets, or go to church.
No Attempt Made to Enforce Sun
day-Closing Law.
ABERDEEN, Wash., -July 2. (Spe
cial.) There was no attempt today to
enforce the Sunday closing law, neither
the county nor city authorities acting.
There is talk of a determined move by
those who favor Sunday closing by next
a Montcsano Jealous of Aberdeen.
MONTBSANO, Wash., July 2L (Spe
cial.) Everything In Chehalls County
was closed today except Aberdeen, it
being reported here that the Prosecuting
Attorney, who gave the orders for the
general close down, said he had no au
thority over Aberdeen, as It was a city
of the second class. Everything in Mon
tesano was closed tight, but there was
considerable feeling on account of Aber
deen's remaining open. ' The Sheriff gave
the notices Saturday afternoon.
States Conditions Existing on Municipally-Owned
Street Rail
way Systems.
KEJW YORK, July 21. The operation of
British street railways by municipalities
and privately owned corporations respec
tively, is considered in great detail In two
reviews of expert reports on the subject
made to the National Civic Federation
Commission on Public Ownership. The re
views were prepared by. members of the
commission after an exhaustive investiga
tion of the .systems treated, and were
made publlo today. They are based upon
technical reports compiled by expert en
gineers who, with the reviewers, spent
several months in the British cities where
the several lines are operated. The re
views are by William J. Clark, of New
York, as an opponent of municipalization,
and Professor Frank Parsons, of Boston,
as an advocate of publlo ownership and
operation. . Mr. Clark is general manager
of the foreign department of the General
Electric Company. Professor Parsons has
been a student of municipal ownership for
years, and is the author of several works
on that subject, among them, "The Rail
ways, the Trusts and the People."
In his review Mr. Clark compares the
tramways of Great Britain with the
private enterprises of the United States,
much to the advantage of the latter.
He declares that the American trac
tion systems under private ownership
are far more progressive than those of
England,' Scotland and Ireland; that
they give far better suburban service,
that cars are lees crowded and that
lines are being extended with far
greater rapidity. This he attributes to
the absence of restrictions in the
United States as compared with Great
Brialn) where, he says, private traction
enterprises are given franchises only
on almost prohibitive terms. The dif
ference of rate of fare in the two coun
tries, Mr. Clark eays. Is more than off
set by the great number of free trans
fers given by the American systems.
He says that while on the face of re
ports it would appear that municipal
operation of lines in some of the cities
of Great Britain had been a success,
as a matter of fact just the op
posite Is true. He says the private
companies In the United Kingdom give
a superior service as compared with
the municipally operated lines.
Professor Parsons on the other hand,
expresses the opinion that municipal
ownership of British tramway systems
has been successful from every point of
view. He sets forth that the muni
cipalities were the first to show a
progressive spirit in changing from
horse cars to electric systems; that
their lines have been well managed and
the service Improved, and that fares
have been lowered In spite of the fact
that the hours of labor of employes
were shortened, while in many in
stances wages were increased. The
comparisons he makes are between
British publicly-owned and privately
owned companies, and in this connec
tion he declares that the British plants
must be measured by British and not
by American standards. The conditions
and habits of the people are different,
he says, and these differences must be
taken into account in the Judgment of
the management of tramways. Pro
fessor Parsons also notes that in Eng
land the payment of a fare means that
the passenger has a seat and not merely
the right to transit.
Estimate of Wheat Crop.
GARFIELD, Wash., July SL (Special.)
John W. Arrasmith the Washington
State Grain Inspector, recently made a
tour of the wheat districts of the Inland
Empire. Mr. Arrasmith said: 'The State
of Washington will produce this year
from 30,000,000 to 35,000.000 bushels of
wheat Of course exceptional conditions
may come between this and harvest time
to cut these figures down,but Ix do not
apprehend any. Taking the general sit
uation Into consideration conditions easi
ly warrant the predlotion ot an average
yield. All the wheat in the Inland Em
pire will either find a market on the
Coast, this season or will go to the in
terior flour mills. I expect farmers to
have a good market with wheat starting
off at 70 cents In the interior." ,
At the Tobacco Exhibition In London,
worn mad cigarettes at the rat or 120
In 30 minutes.
Astoria Man Says Too Many
Salmon Are Caught in
Columbia River.
Urges Wheels Stop From August 15
to October, and Suggests Corre
spond in gw Concessions by
the Lower River.
Made glad by the arrival of a school of
salmon in the Columbia River early last
week, the fishery men have turned sad
because the salmon, have'dwindled again.
Such was the testimony last night of
Samuel Elmore, of Astoria, vice-president
and general manager of the Columbia
River Packers' Association, commonly
known as the "combine." Though Mr. El
more did not use the word "sad," he told
of the falling off in the fish run which
could have no other meaning, since sal
mon-hunters are never happy unless mak
ing money.
Wherefore, the Astoria packer proceeded
to say that "something must be done," to
protect the fish. Now, Mr. Elmore's com
pany runs both seines and wheels, for
many miles along the Columbia River,
and has 12 canneries, only four of which
are running. Therefore, he thinks he
speaks free from prejudice when he says
the industry would thrive better without
wheels, and that his company would be
willing to give up its wheels.
Lengthen Closed Season.
He is willing, also, to lengthen the
closed season in the Spring by extending
it to May 1 or June 1, and In the late
Summer by stoppage of Ashing on August
16, Instead of August 25 all this on con
dition that Ashing between Cascades and
Celilo bo prohibited at low stages of the
river, when salmon, as be says, cannot
climb Celilo Falls, and when they fall
easy victims to wheels anil seines, without
any chance of escape whatever.
He would therefore prohibit fishing In
that part of the river after the close of
the season in August, until October.
Above all, he believes the closed Sunday
should be enacted.
"But," said he, I wouldn't Insult the
Intelligence of the Legislatures of two
states by telling them what laws to en
act. WhyT Because they know already.
Every sensible person knows. We need
one day a week closed, or even two. We
need the closed season lengthened. And
we need stoppage of fishing near( Celilo.
when the river is low and salmon1 cannot
get over the falls. I would advocate fix
ing a deadline, anywhere in the river, I
care not at what point, above which fish
ing shall be prohibited."
Elmore Evades Point.
It was suggested that this would mean
elimination of fish wheels, of which there
are some 78. But Mr. Elmore didn't like
to put it that way. Said he: -
"I don't urge abolition of wheels. I
don't urge abolition' of any kind of gear.
But the wheels should be put under re
strictions such as I have suggested."
It was plain from his remarks, however,
that though he did not urge abolition of
wheels, he believes the wheelowners
should give them up and go down to
tidewater to catch their fish.
"They've made lots of money," he went
on, "and can well afford now to come
down the river, for the benefit of the
Industry. There's Warren; he's come
down the river and established a can
neary. Seufert could do the same;- them
both could give up their up-river gear.
"Now, I'll tell you what we folks down
the river will do; we'll give the wheelmen
four weeks more fishing In the Spring if
they'll give up four weeks In the Fall.
We'll quit fishing one day a week, if
they will. We'll not begin fishing until
May 1 or June 1, and-wlll quit August 15,
if they won't fish between August 15
and October.
Thinks It Fair Offer.
"But we shan't do any of these things
If by doing them we'd be filling up those
pools below Celilo with salmon, just for
those up-river fellows to catch. Now I
think that's a fair offer, don't you?"
The person to whom the question was
put pleaded .ignorance, whereupon Mr.
Elmore made the remark about every
sensible person's knowing how to proteot
the salmon, the ways are so simple.
"Protect the fish," he added, "and the
river will be abundantly supplied with
them every year for generations to
And then he ventured the prediction
that four years hence will behold a big
run of salmon, simply because the river
being high for ah unusually long perlpd
this Summer, has enabled .the salmon to
climb Celilo Falls ' In unusually large
numbers and go to the hatcheries and
natural spawning grounds.
Quality of Fruit Is Exoellent and
Demand Encourages Increase of
Present Orchards.
ETJGBMB, Or., July 21. (Speolal.) Lane
County is Just harvesting the last of the
biggest and best cherry crop in its his
tory. Not only has the yield been large
and the quality fine, but the price has
been good and with the packing houses,
and cannery it has been possible for the
grower to sell all his crop at crioes that
have brought- big profits. Royal Annes
have brought 5 and BH cents and Black
Republicans and Blngs have not been
lower than 8 cents at any time during the
season and have probably averaged
cents. These prices were paid-where the
cherries were sold tn quantities and where
they were retailed In town a larger prloe
was realized.
Since the season opened the Allen Pack
ing Company has kept busy almost day
and night about 100 people packing and
canning cherries. They will finish up the
cherry crop today or tomorrow. Most of
the cherries handled by this company
were Royal Annes, although other varie
ties were accepted whenever brought to
the cannery. '
The packing company has canned abont
11,000 cases, or 168.000 cans. Besides this,
it has shipped about 40 tons of the green
fruit. Mr. Allen estimates that the com
pany has canned about 175 tons of Royal
Annes. All these cherries, with the ex
ception of about ten tons, were raised In
the county.
George H. Smith, the commission mer
chant, has kept a force of workmen busy
since the cherry season opened and has
hlfiDed about 24,000 pounds of cherries,
principally the Royal Annes, but some
Black Republicans as well. He has hand
led only the highest grade fruit for ship
ping. The Seattle Produce Company has
shipped out about 60,000 pounds, all green
With a demand for all the cherries that
can be grown many growers have made
from 12 to J20 per tree, or from tSOO to
$S60 per acre. The cherry industry is in
Its Infancy here and the fact that cer
tain lands will raise fine cherries has
thus far had no Influence on its market
price, but It is hardly possible that land
capable of bringing such profits to the
worker will continue long on the market
at 25 and J35 an acre.
The question of a market no longer
stands In the way of success for the small
fruit raiser and the presence of the can
nery here insures a market for all the
cherries hat can be raised for some time
to come. The Royal Anne cherry of this
section, on account of its size, flavor and
exceptionally fine color. Is pronounced
the finest In the world and the industry
bids fair to attract fruit men here who
will make the Oregon cherry as well and
as favorably known as the Oregon apple.
Experiments Being Tried With
Hybrid Wheat From Pullman.
GARFIELD. Wash.. July 21. (Special.)
There is now a great activity in the
wheat fields of the Palouse country and
hundreds of acres are being bound and
shocked dally. The hay harvest will soon
be over and next week the farmer who
raises hay only will have the presses at
work pressing It into bales of from 150
to 250 pounds each, the pressed hay will
then be hauled to the towns near by and
stored for shipment when prices get at
the top notch.
One of the big farmers of Garfield. ex
Senator R. C. McCroskey, is now in the
midst of his harvest work, and expects
40,000 bushels of wheat this season from
1000 acres of land. Mr. McCroskey
owns 2200 acres, but has only 1800 sown
this season, the remainder being Summer
fallowed and ready for seeding as soon
as the harvest now on Is over. Mr. Mc
Croskey has 750 acres in red. Russian
wheat, 400 acres In forty-fold and 650 in
choice oats. He also has a small tract
In hybrid wheat bred at the Pullman ex
periment station, and known as Hybrid
No. 108. It is a cross between the Jones
Fife and Little Club, and the Senator
thinks It will combine the good qualities
of them both.
Sends His Horse Home and Suspends
Himself From Tree Body Is
Found Three Months Later.
'ROSEBTJRO, Or., July 2L (Special.)
The body of Philip Standley, of Camas
Valley, of this county, who disappeared
from his home on April 14, was found yes
terday by some hunters In the mountains
near where the last evidence of him was
seen, hanging to a tree. It la now evident
that he committed suicide.
He was to marry a Miss Bushnell, of
Ten Mile, and had secured the license.
At the time he came to Roseburg to get
his license he made out deeds to his
property in favor of the girl and placed
them In an envelope before leaving his
home for Olalla. as it was supposed to be
married. The horse he rode returned
home late In the evening with the bridle
fastened to the horn of the saddle, which
was evidence of intentional action of his,
but It was not known If he had commit
ted suicide or had simply disappeared.
Searching parties were formed and the
hills and mountains were searched, but
the body was not found for the reason
that he is supposed to have climbed into
the tree, for the body was discovered high
up- from the ground. The Coroner has
gone to the scene of the suicide, and at
Investigation will be made at once. There
are some circumstances pointing to the
commission of a crime rather than to
suicide. One year ago a brother of the
deceased killed himself by hanging, and
there seems to be a suicidal mania run
ning in the family.,
Sale of Copper Claim Starts Activity
in Mines.
JACKSONVILLE, Or., July 21. (Spe
cial.) It has at last been fully dem
onstrated that the only feasible route
for a wagon road to the Blue Ledge
copper camp is from Jacksonville. A
surveying party from Yreka has been
inspecting the Applegate country east
of this point for several days, but they
report unfavorably on any route other
than the one running from this place.
Slnoe the sale of the Blue Ledge
property other claims that have been
lying idle for months are being ac
tively exploited and new companies or
ganized to develop larger and more
promising prospects. Three and four
stages leave Jacksonville dally loaded
down with passengers and express,
while every team that can b secured
is put on the road hauling freight to
the Blue Ledge camp. Farmers are
reaping a benefit as they are finding a
ready sale for their fruits and produce.
The town is full to overflowing of
transients who have heard of the Blue
Ledge sale and are rushing no the
Superintendent Carnahan, of the
Blue Ledge mine. Is Inspecting the
operation of the electric iron smelters
at Kernoult, Shasta County, Califor
nia, with a view to applying the same
process to the copper ore from the
Blue Ledge.
Linn County Farmers Unite and Run
Their Own Outfit!
ALBANY, Or., July 2t SpeoialO A
co-operative threshing outfit will be op
erated In Linn Connty this season.
Twelve farmers residing near Knox
Butte, four miles east of Albany, have
bought a threshing machine and will op
erate It themselves, and will Insure
cheaper threshing, shorter hours of labor
and living at home all the time during
the threshing season. All will assist in
the operation of the outfit, and will
thresh for no one except members of the
The outfit will work only from seven
In the morning until six in the evening,
The rften can thus eat breakfast and
upper at home and carry lunches with,
them, thus abrogating the cook wagon
and the practice of sleeping away from
home. They will charge regular rates
tor threshing and then divide the profits,
thus providing an equitable arrangement
for threshing yields of different size on
the different farms of the owners and
the payment of extra help necessary in 1
f li i. amiw Tn -font all A rron crAman.
.uu - .... - - .n-iuJIllo 1UI
the season are Utopian from the view
point of the harvest hand, and bid fair
to be successful.
The farmers who have formed this
company are M. Bussard, Ira Cox, G. R,
Whitlow, A. B. Marshall, Frank Lines,
D. Townes, A. B. Bond, E, G, Cox,
Frank Smith, Bd Smith, Frank Maxwell
and H. Blalr
Kaiser Wilhelm II Keels Over
While Taking Coal.
Vessel Was Not Properly Trimmed,
and- as It Careened Water
Poured Into Her Bunkers
and Boiler Compartment.
BREMER HAVEN, Germany July 21.
The North German Lloyd steamship
Kaiser Wilhelm II, while coaling last
evening, suddenly listed. The water
poured into her bunkers and boiler com
partments through the open ooal ports
and the vessel careened and lay on her
side on the bottom. When the tide was
low her bow rested on a bank, but with
the rising of the tide she slipped from
that position and keeled over.
The first impression was that strikers
had damaged the vessel in some manner
so as to cause the accident, but the com--pany's
officers, after an investigation,
affirmed that this was incorrect and that
the accident occurred as described.
After some delay the steam pumps were
set to work to free the vessel of the
Iue to Arrive.
Kama. Fram Date.
Aiesla .Hongkong. .. .In port
Henrllc Ibsen .. Fan Francisco In port
Johan Poulsen. San Francisco Aug. 8
Breakwater. .. Coos Bay. ....In port
Geo. W. Elder. .San Pedro . July 2
Alliance Coos Bay ...July 23
Columbia. .... .San Francisco. July 23
Redondo .Seattle In port
Nome City 6 an Franclsoo July 25
Nlcomedia L4ongkonc....July 2T
Costa IUca ... San Francisco July 28
Roanoke Los Angeles. . July 20
Numantla Honjrkong.... Aug. 13
Arabia Hongkong. ... Sept. IT
Scheduled to Depart.
Name. For Data.
Johan Poulsen. San Francisoo Aug. 10
Breakwater.. . Coos Bay...... July 22
Geo. W. Elder. .Ban Pedro. ... July 25
Alliance Coos Bay.... July 25
Columbia Jan Franclsoo. July 25
Redondo Seattle. July 25
Nome City.... Ban Pedro... July 27
Aiesla. t Hongkong.... July 27
Costa Rica . ..6an Francisco July 80
Roanoke. ..... Los Angeles. . Aug. 1
Xlcomedlav. ... .Hongkong. . . Aug. 6
Numantla. .... Hongkong. . . Aug. 18
Arabia Hongkong.,.. Sept. 25
water. The cabins do not appear to be
much damaged, as little water reached
them, but the ship cannot be ready to
sail, the company announces, for several
days at the best.
Meantime, the Kaiser Wllhelm's full
list-of passengers for Tuesday's sailing
must be transferred to other liners. Ar
rangements have not yet been fully made,
as it is not easy in this crowded season
to place the Kaiser Wllhelm's 400 first
class passengers.
In explanation of the accident. It Is
said that the Inspector of coal stowing
had not perceived that the vessel was
not properly trimmed, because, as she
was partially aground she kept her equilib
rium. When, however, Bhe began to re
float with the rising tide she suddenly
went over on her side until hundreda of
tons of water rushed in.
Men Blade Protest When They Were
Denied Their Back Pay.
VICTORIA, B. C, July 21. Further ad
vices regarding the mutiny on the Brit
ish Bteamer Ashtabula of the Standard
Oil Company from San " Francisco, at
Taku, show that the Chinese crew mu
tinied beoause back pay was refused
them. One man was put in Irons and the
others grabbed Iron bars and showed
fight. Captain Harward and his officers
attacked the Chinese and shot down two.
The officers escaped on a tug. The crew
was turned over to the Chinese police,
charged with mutiny.
Excursion Boat Leave Portland
With Big Crowds.
The steamer Telephone carried 600
people on her excursion to the Cascades
yesterday. One man refused passage
on account of the limit having been
reached. The vessel left at 9 o'clock
and returned at 6 in the evening.
All excursion boats leaving Portland
yesterday carried big crowds. The
Telegraph took the limit on the run
to Astoria and the list of the Joseph
Kellogg showed 200.
Big Liner In Collision.
LONI01r, July 21. The Atlantio Trans
port line steamer Minnesota, which sailed
from this port yesterday bound to Phila
delphia, was In collision near the Nore
light vessel In the Thames off Sheerness
with the small Wilson line steamer Zara
of Hull. ' The Minnesota received con
siderable damage and was compelled to
return to her dock at Tilbury. The Zara
sustained no damage and proceeded on
her voyage.
Marine Notes.
The steamship Columbia Is due this
evening from San Francisco.
The steamer Redondo arrived last
night from Seattle and Sound ports.
The steamer Casco, fijpm San Fran
cisco, arrived up yesterday afternoon.
The German steamship Aiesla will
move from the Alnsworth dock to the
flour mills this morning.
Arrivals and Departures.
Astoria, July 21. Condition of the bar at
8 P. M., smooth; wind, southeast; weather,
cloudy. Arrived in at 4:80 P. it. and left
up at 9 A. M. Steamer Casco, from Ban
Francisco. Arrived In at 6 A. M. and left
up at 7 A. M. Steamer Redondo, from Seat
tle. Sailed at 8 A. M. Steamer Johan Poul
sen, for San Franolsco. Soiled at 10:30 A.
M. Steamer Nome City, for San Fr&noisoo,
Arrived down at 1:80 A. M. Schooners
Llllebonne and Lotitia, Arrived at P. M
Steamer Bus Elmore, from Tillamook.
San Franolsco, July 81,-Sailed at noon
Sohooners Boulah and King Cyrus, for
Portland. Sailed at 4 P, M. Steamers
Northland and Aurella, for Portland,
Point Arena, July 21. Passed at 12 last
night Tug Dauntless, with log raft, from
Columbia River, sea, smooth.
Antwerp, July 20. Battled previously
French bark Pierre Lotl, for Portland.
San Francisco, July 21. Arrived Steamer
Mere, (German), from Hamburg; Bteamer
Raymond, - from Grays Harbor. Balled
Bark Andrew Welch, for Hilo; sohooner
Beulah, for Astoria; schooner King Cygnus.
for Astoria.
PORTLAND, July 21. Arrived Steamship
Hedondo, from Puget Sound; steamer Casco,
from San Francisco,
Tides at Astoria Today,
11:02 A. M.,,.6 4 faet!:4S A, M.,,,,0 8 feet
Do you need a small Rug? Probably you
expect to buy one or more this Fall. Every
body does. That's the trouble with the Rug
business: Too many customers in September;
too few in July. We. want to cure this trouble
by making it worth your while to buy now.
Today we place scores hundreds of fine
Rugs at the price of cheap Rugs. They are our
best the world's best. There are many grades.
The patterns are most beautiful. The prices
are absolutely convincing.
86-88 Third Street
PHIL. MBTSCHAif, PresMest an Kaaager.
Seventh and Wuhlnartasi
European Plan - - . - -
Form Alliance and Buy Warehouse
at Fairfield.
FAIRFIELD, Wash., July 21. (Spe
cial.) The farmers of this district
have inaugurated a movement that Is
soon to five an Impetus to the grain
business of this city. At a meeting
the past week was organized the
Farmers' Alliance Warehouse Com
pany which Is expected to handle the
bulk of the wheat that comes to this
point for shipment.
The harvest this year will be the
heaviest in many years and the found
ing of the Alliance has occurred at an
opportune time. The company is com
posed of the wealthy farmers of the
district including James T. Hollls, A.
D. Thayer, John Steene, H. Hailing,
John Lundstrom, the Blng brothers and
many others. This is the strongest
alliance company financially of any in
the Inland Empire." The company has
purchased the large warehouse north
Of the Inland electric depot and will J
In the future build more houses as .the
demand is made for them.
The twine trust may find a rtval in the
Malva Castella, a new Philippine fiber
PORTLAND, July 21. Maximum tempera
ture, 70 degrees; minimum temperature. 55
degrees. River reading at 8 A. M. 13.5 feet;
change in last 24 hours, fall 0.4 feet. Total
rainfall, S P. M. to 5 P. M., none; total
rain fall since September 1, 1906, 45.0S
Inches; normal rainfall since September 1.
1908, 48.14 Inches; deficiency, 1.08 Inches.
Total sunshine July 20, 15 hours 14 mlnutesi
possible sunshine July 20, 15 hours 14 min
utes. Barometer (reduced to sea-level) at
B P. M., 29.99 Inches.
The pressure has risen decidedly over
Western Washington and fallen over South
ern Idaho during the past 12 hours; else
where, however. It has remained practically
etatlonary. A thunderstorm occurred at
Baker City during the day with, however,
only a trace of precipitation. A light rain
fell at North Head and also at Kalispell,
where rain was still falling at time of ob
servation. With thes exceptions, clear
weather prevailed over the Pacific Slope and
Inter-Mountain region. Temperature fell
decidedly over Western Washington and rose
correspondingly over Eastern Washington
and Idaho.
The Indications point to fair weather over
this forecast district Monday.
Portland and vicinity Fair; warmer;
northwest winds.
Western Oregon Fair; warmer north
portion: northwest wind
Every child has a right to
be well brought up. How
much of this really de
pends upon environment
is well known. Perhaps it
has not occurred to you
that Eose City Park is an
ideal place for the chil
dren. There, they have
the priceless opportunity
of close association with
Nature. Scenery, fresh
air, pure water, healthful
exercise and an absolute
absence of every possible
tendency toward evil. Ev
ery fond father should
avail himself of the excep
tional offer of real estate
in Kose City Park. A lot
costs but little. Buy one
and build your home upon
it. Well be. glad to help
you" in any way we can.
Hartman Thompson
Chamber o! Commerce
ack 8l Co.
Streets, Portland, Oregon.
- - - - $1.00, $1.50, $2.00 per Da.
Western Washington Fair;
northwest winds.
Eastern Oregon, Eastern Washington anc
Idaho Fair.
Observations taken at & P. M-, Pacific
time, July 21.
Baker City . . ..
Eureka. ......
Helena .,
North Head. .
Pocatollo. . .. . ,
Bed Bluff
Roseburg. . ...
Sacramento. . .
Halt Lake
Han Francisco.
Ml T. I
7fll T.
8 N
4 em .
4 sw
4 NE
4 S
8 N
16 SW
Pt. cloudy
Pt. cloudy
T Trace.
Acting District Forecaster.
There are tremendous bodies
of spruce timber, standing in
the region of which Bay City
Is the center. There will never
be a busier sight in the North
west than when the sawmills
of Bay City begin to work upon
the 30,000,000,000 feet of all
kinds of timber that is ready
for the ax. Spruce in almost
every other locality is very
scarce. It is in great demand,
all the time, for boxes and
shelving. These great trees are
going to make Bay City the
leading lumber-exporting port
in the United States, bar none.
People will fall all over them
selves, a year hence, to buy lots
(On Tillamook Bay)
Those same people could purs
chase now and sell later at al
most any price they might
name. Water front property
that can be purchased now for
a few hundred dollars will be
worth as many thousand. You
can purchase lots for residence
and business purposes in Bay
City now for almost nothing.
That is to say, the price is no
where commensurate with the
intrinsic value of the land itself.
The Lytle road will be com
pleted a year from now, and
from that moment Bay City will
be the center of a real estate
activity that will cause you to
remember with regret the op
portunity that you missed. Take
time by the forelock and inves
tigate now.
Bay City Land Co.
319 Lumber Exchange
Portland, Ore.
170 Commercial St.
Salem, Ore.