Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, July 22, 1907, Page 11, Image 11

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wanted to rent houses. cot-
tagee, nat. stores, offices, roarolng-houiei.
etc. Landlord! will do well to call on
Portland Trust Company of Oregon, 8. E.
cor. 3d and Oak. Phone Eiehant 72.
MARRIED couple without children desire un
furnished housekeeping rooms, with gas stove
and other modern conveniences; location on
West Side, near carllne; reference given if
required. E 64, Oregonlan.
FURNISHED housekeeping rooms or cottage
during August, either beach; state price and
location. Address D 65, Oregonlan.
BOARD and room wanted by man and & chil
dren, age 4 and 8; West Side preferred. W
63, Oregonlan.
WANTED Young man for roommate; one
with comfortable room closs In. R 64,
WANTED-r-To rent new five-room cottage;
would lease for term. Phone Main 6312.
MODERN 7 to 9-room house in desirable resi
dence location. A 59. Oregonlan.
WANTED Men's cast-off clothing and
shoes; we 'also buy household furnishings,
highest price paid. Call at the "Fair
Deal.". 811 N. 8d. Phone Pacific 1722.
MAIN 6655. 211 FIRST ST.
6 L. N. OILMAN, auctioneer. No. 411 Wash
ington at.; both phones. Will purchase
slocks, furniture, etc., for cash. 6. L. N.
GUinan. auctioneer. .
ly free. Oregon Fertilizer Works. M. 1984.
or notify Carney's Veterinary. 4th-allsao.
ABSOLUTE FACT The Dollar, 232 1st, pays
higher prices for household .goods. Phone
Main 6374. A 2327. $$$$$$$$
and merchandise. Phons Main 1826. J
T. Wilson, auctioneer.
I pay cash for household foods. Savage
Pennell Fur. Co.. 845 1st. Paclflo 860.
VS call for dead horses and cattle free of
charge. Phone East 2233.
WANTED Oliver typewriter, first -class con
dition. S &9. Oregonlan.
Furnished Rooms.
283 18th St., cor. Jefterson, under new
management; new cor. brick; steam heat,
hoi and cold water all the time; both
phones free to guests; elegantly fur
nished rooms, single or en suite, at popu
lar prices; one call means another.
283 13th St.. cor. Jefferson.
Nicely furnished rooms, single or en
suite $2 per week up; steam heat, hot and
cold water; free baths, free phone; dlnlr.g
room In connection; transients solicited;
open all night; best location In the city;
oftice and reading 'room, ground floor. 4&S
HOTEL BUBHMARK, Washington and 17th
First-class furnished rooms, single or en
suite; steam heat, hot, cold water, electric
light, phone in every room; suites with pri
vate bath, single, from $3 by week, 75c up
by day; reasonable by month. Main 5647.
THE WESTMINSTER. 6th and Madison sts.,
has unfurnished family apartments ana
furnished bachelor apartment to let;
handsomest furnished and most up-to-date
apartments In city) choicest loca
tion; reasonable rates.
ELEGANTLY furnished rooms, with hot and
cold water; beautiful grounds; five blocks
south Hotel Portland; two carlines direct
to and from depot pastf house. Jefferson
St., between 5th and 6th.. Telephone
Main 7410.
HOTEL FRANKLIN, cor. 13th and Wash
ington sts., newly furnished throughout,
new building; suites with baths, hot and
cold water in every room. Phone Main
7195. Long-distance phones In all rooms.
THE BENSON Cor. 5th and Morrison, the
most centrally located house In the city:
und.t new and experienced management;
nice rooms 75c to $1.51) per day; reason
able by week or month.
THB ELLSWORTH, Juet opened; new brick
building; modern throughout; nicely furn
ished rooms; steam heat, hot aad cold
water, electrlo lights, baths. 166 Lownsdale,
near High School.
HOTEL KENYON, 18th and Washington
sts., modern rooms, Blngle and en suit;
also housekeeping; running water; private
and free baths; rates reasonable. Pacific 496
TrfE WILLAMETTE, 822 Stark, B. W. oor.
6th St.; well furnished rooms, large and
light, single cr en suite; transients; 60o to
SI; by week. $2 to $3. Paclflo 1296.
HOTEL ANTLERS, cor. 10th and Washing
ton sts., all modern conveniences, suites
with bath, principal car lines pass the
door. Phone Main 2333.
THE ARGYLB Rooms single or en suite,
by day, week or month; reasonable prices;
8 blocks from postoffice. IBS West Park
st. Phone Main 17U6.
THE COLLINGE Nicely furnished rooms,
hot water In every room; free phone and
bath. $2.80 to $5 per week; no children.
821 4th. cor. Clay.
y FURNISHED rooms; very desirable large,
airy rooms; all conveniences; fine loca
tion; gentlemen preferred. 163 17th, cor.
THE COZY, 195 7th, nicely furnished rooms,
suitable for two gentlemen or man and wife;
with board, 825 per month and up.
B8 13TH ST. Nicely furnished rooms In
new, modern borne; gentlemen only; excel
lent location; reasonable.
NICE clean furnished rooms In private,
family; bath, phone. Call mornings, 414
2d St.. cor. Hall.
BOOM for gentleman, private modern home,
reasonable; near in. Address C 64. Ore
gonlan. v
FRONT parlor bedroom, nicely furnished;
bath, phone, walking distance. 18J- E,
7th st. k
REASONABLE Priced , rooms in private
home; walking distance); references. Main
THE ELWOOD Newly furnished; $2 to S3
week; also transient rooms. 343 Morrison.
NICELY furnished rooms with hot and cold
water; reasonable. The Sterling, 535 Couch.
THB RANDOLPH 8d and Columbia, rooms
60c to SI day; 12 to $4 week. Pacific 2744.
NICELY furnished rooms at 3B6 6th; walking
dlstanoe; good location.
LARGE outside rooms, finely furnished. 221
13th st.
Booms With, Board.
Portland Women's Union; ISih year Rooms
with board, use of sewing-room, use of
library; Women's Exchange. Address Mrs.
Ella Rawlings, Bupt., 510 Flanders.
TWO pleasant furnished rooms in private resi
dence with board; gas and phone; all con
veniences; reasonable. 35 Bast 14th and
VERY nice large rooms, newly furnished,
with board; home cooking; close In; large
yard; bath. Phone A 2S20. 821 11th st
ninhed rooms single or en suite; good
board, convenient location.
WANTED Young man to fill vacancy with
a " party of six others; rates reasonable.
82 N. ,16th st.
NEWLY furnished suites and single rooms, hot
and cold water, steam heat. 452 Morrison.
THB OZARK Rooms, first-class service; hot,
eold water. 225 11th st.
ROOM and hoard, $20 and S25. 471 Mor
rison. Main 0381.
and Harrison Unfurnished suites of 8
and 4 rooms and bath, with all modem
THE CHETOPA New, modern family
apartments, corner ISth and Flanders sts.
J. C. Wheeler, agent, with Tull ft Gibbs.
BEAUTIFUL and complete up-to-date, 8
rooms and bath apartment to rent, unfur
nished; West Side. Address L 94, Oregonlan.
' CINCINNATI apartments,' loth and Harrison;
6-room and 4-rcom flats; hot and cold water
steam heat. Apply to janitor. '
182 CHAPMAN ST.. cor. Taylor, new flat 4
rooms: tile bath; $20. Graves' Music Store.
823 Wash.
MODERN 8-room flat. 6, East 12th, bet. An.
keny and Bumslde. Phone F.ast BOSS.
FOR RENT Modern 6-room upper fiat. . Main
FOR RENT 4-room, flat. 821 Bssch St., $10,
MODERN flats, all sixes, for rent. East and
West Sides. Portland Trust Company of
: Oregon, S. B. cor. 3d and Oak. Phone
Exchange 72.
BEAUTIFUL new modern 3-roora flat, fur
nished, light housekeeping; 5 minutes
walk to Postoffice. 3S3 3th st.
Housekeeping Booms.
TWO or more well-furnished gronnd-floor
front housekeeping rooms in cottage, with
porch, yard and basement, gas; west side
of river, near' fine shady grove. Apply
864 North 26th st. Willamette Heights
cars to 26th. turn south half block.
Washington, cor. 20th Nicely furnished
housekeeping rooms, gas ranges, hot
water, free bath, free phone, both floors;
nice sunny suites 810 and $12 per month;
best rooms in city for money.
GOOD new ground floor 4-room flat, $16
month; furnished housekeeping rooms, 2
for 88 month, 8 for 942; 4-room house,
lot 120x100, S8 month. Apply 864 North
20th. Willamette Heights cars to 26th,
turn south half block.
THB ONEONTA, 187 17th St., near Yamhill;
new house, elegantly furnished, la suites of
2, 8 and 4 rooms, hotand cold water, gas
range each kitchen; steam heat, baths, free
phone each floor; no children.
IfKE ELLSWORTH Unfurnished house
keeping suites, 8 rooms each, in new
brick building, steam heat, baths, hot. cold
water; close In. 166 Lownsdale, near
High School.
SHEFFIELD Tth and Jefferson sts. New
and modern; fully equipped lor conveni
ence and economy; central location; no
carfare; one 4-room apartment, bath.
Main 2506.
COLUMBIAN apartments, 11th and Colum
bia; unfurnished 4-room apartments; bath,
hot and cold water; excellent neighbor
hood; reasonable rent; no children.
SWELL, flat, modern furnished housekeeping
rooms, reasonable; flat 8, over the Hyland,
460 Morrison st., opposite High School. Bee
these rooms. Pnone Main 5866.
FURNISHED flat, 4 rooms, use of laundry,
at 167 West Park St.; also front room,
with alcove, for housekeeping.
JEFFERSONSIAN 514 Jefterson; two and
three-room suites, completely furnished
for housekeeping. Main 5432.
NEATLY furnished rooms for young men;
, also three for light housekeeping. Phone
East 168. 62 East 10th.
FURNISHED housekeeping rooms; heat;
bath; gas and phone; walking distance.
181 N. 17th st. -
FIRST floor in cottage; 8 large rooms; com
pletely furnished. 224 14th st. Phona
Paclflo 2622.
LA RGB housekeeping suite, with all modern
conveniences; best part of city. 806 - Jef
ferson ts
THREE or four beautifully furnished mod
ern housekeeping rooms.' 400 Morrison
St., flat 4.
3 LARGS) rooms, bay-window, aloove, nicely
furnished for housekeeping. 615 20th, Port
land Height.
LARGE light housekeeping suites, gas range,
running water; phones Paciho 036; A 4252.
6031, Alder.
TWO completely furnished housekeeping
rooms; close in; gas; bath; phone. 148
11th st.
THREE unfurnished rooms, first floor, pan
try, phone; walking distanoe. 187 B. Tth
NICELY furnished front room and kitchen
adjoining; cIobo In; phone f ree. 810 . Main
2 ROOMS, partly furnished; modern, good
location; nice lawn. 234 East 18th, corner
HOUSEKEEPING suites; light pleasant,
good view; $2 per week. 657. First South.
SUITE of two unfurnished housekeeping
rooms; Sl-25 per week. 382 K. Yamhill st.
FURNISHED light housekeeping room, 810
month. 415 E. Burnalde St., cor. 6th St.
THREE- unfurnished housekeeping rooms for
rent. 292 Larrabes st.
FOR RENT 3 furnished housekeeping; rooms;
$12. , 863 S. 16th st.
ON 33 nicely furnished room for light house
keeping. 403 2d St.
8 NEAT unfurnished nousekeeplng or offloe
rooms. 229 First.
GOOD 4-room house, barn, large chicken
house, lot 128x100, East Bide, $8; new 4
room ground floor flat. West Side of
river, $16; furnished housekeeping rooms,
2 for $S month, 8 for $12. Apply 864
. North 26th. "Willamette Heights cars to
26th, turn sonth half- block.
FOR RENT No. 70S Everett St., between
21st and 22nd, modern cottage of 7
rooms. Moor Realty Co., 263 Stark
NT3W, attractive T rooms, now ready and
invite Inspection: modero In every respect;
Grand ave and Hancock. Inquire 899 Han
cock. Phone East 1685.
FOR RENT Well-furnished "6-room oot
tage, centrally located, with gas, bath;
nice yard. Apply 113 W. Park at., bet
9 and 12. ,
FOR RENT Cottage, corner 17th and GU
san st. Inquire Max Bmlth, the Sa
voy restaurant, 149 7th, . or Home phone
FOR RENT 8-room house and bath In
Fulton Park. Inquire Phone Main 7300,
F. A. Clarke, 481 Washington st
FOR RENT 128 13th St., near Washington,
"etore. with 7 rooms overhead. Apply
Sheehy Bros.. 282 Yamhill st.
$15 6-ROOM cottage close in, water included,
no gas or bath, newly papered and painted.
Apply 446 Bast Everett.
NEW modern 5-room cottage, $18, 870
Stephens, corner Union ave. Owner, 518
Fenton bldg.
653 2D ST. 6-room house for rent; two
adults to board and pay difference. Call
after 6 P. M.
$18 Nice 6-room modern houB. very nice
neighborhood. 917 East Salmon. Keys
next door.
SS MONTH. 6-room house, 27th and Tilla
mook sts. Bee Roddy International Ho
tel, 3d st. ,
$21 SO Modern 6-room house; 46T East
Grant: permanent tenant desired. Phone
E. 8400.
MODERN 6-room house, walking; distance. In
quire 691 East Washington st. Home phone
B 1984. -
$20 7-room colonial house; gas, electricity,
porcelain plumbing. 742 East Clinton. East
FOR house. furnished and unfurnished,
Hynson. 4S Washington st. Mala 7089.
NEW, modern dwelling, nine rooms. Nob
Hill district. Address K 48, Oregonlan.
NOB HILL Modern dwelling 9 rooms, 736
Hoyt St.. bet. 22d and 23d. Key at 85 23d.
FOR RENT Modem 6-room cottage. 201 East
19th and Paclflo. Phone East 880.
FOR RENT 6-room cottage. No. 600 2d; no
Furnished Hons
6-ROOM modern house, completely fur
nished; 2 months, $25,' or exchange for
board. 775 E. Davis.
HOLLADAY PARK Snug -room house,
piano, etc., from August until September.
Apply 658 Halsey st.
$35 New modern 6-room cottage, com
pletely furnished, for Ions; time. Hynson,
343 Washington st.
FOR RENT Completely furnished 8-room
house. No. 712 East Taylor, coc. 21st st.
Call forenoons only.
FURNISHED T-room house, pleasant location,
very reasonable to responsible party. Phone
E 703. mora Inge.
8IX-ROOM furnished house, desirable loca
tion, yard and Bowers. 690 E. Bumslde st.
Call afternoons.
FOR RF7NT Furnished 6-room modem house
in Irvine-ton. B. 8. Cook at Co., 251 Alder
FURNISHED 4-room flat, bath, gas. 614
. E. 21st., Richmond or Woodstock car.
FURNISHED 4-room flat, bath. gas. 614
E. 21st., Richmond or Wodstock car.
FURNISHED cottage tor rent. Apply 87 E.
sith t or phono x.ast 1J.U4. A
Furnished House.
ATTRACTIVE furnished house, Willamette
Heights, until November 1, possibly whole
Winter, cheap to responsible parties. Apply
K 68, Oregonlan.
12 ROOMS, newly furnished, a fine home.
West Side, beautiful location. Rent, lor
three months. A 56, Oregonlan.
NEATLY furnished cottage; 6 rooms; fin
location; West Side. Inquire Dr. McFar
. land. .711 Swetland bldg.
House for Bent Enrniture for Bale
FOR RENT Very desirable 10-room mod
ern house; hot water heating; cement
basement; fine location; nice yard; West
Side; gas range, carpets and such furni
ture as is desired, for sale; rent $75 per
month; only desirable tenants wanted. In
quire 606 McKay bldg.
FURNITURE of flat, two suites, 2 and S
room; new house; cement basement, good,
near-ln location; one suit pays your rent.
Address C 47, Oregonlan.
MODERN furnished flat, 7 rooms, near
postoffice; all rooms rented. Common
wealth Trust Co., Sixth and Ankeny.
MUST sell today, furniture 4-room heated
flat: hot water, janitor, cheap rent. 406
10to- i
9 ROOMS good furniture central, cheap.
Phone Paclflo 2833. Call mornings.
FURNITURE of 9-room house, cheap If taken
at once. 81 7th. cor. Oak.
FURNITURE for sale, flat for rentl price
$325. 809 Madison St.
Summer Resort.
finest beach property ever offered,
. Joining Breakers Hotel property, to b
known as "Manhattan Beach;-' 250-acr
tract, a portton with building restrictions;
other unrestricted; easy terms.
A. C. CHURCHILL ft CO., 110 2d St., City.
$760 for sale, at Ocean Park, Wash., S
comer lots, with 6-room modern cottage built
last Fall; painted throughout; nice pantry,
pump, sink, etc.; never been occupied; 4
blocks south of depot. Paclflo Coast Realty
Co., room 807 Buchanan bldg.
CAPT. SCHNEIDER'S Park cottage will be
open August 10 at Seavlew, one block from
depot; large, comfortable rooms, with break
fast If desired; good restaurant in next
block. Long Beach, Wash.
GBARHART Desirable cottage, eight
rooms, hot and cold water, electrlo lights,
completely furnished, bedding, linen, sil
ver. Apply Gearhart Hotel, D 6L Ore
gonlan. DO YOU want cot tare at Seaside this Sum'
mer? Write full details what is needed and"
get quick answer. Owners of cottages pleas
write also. Frank McFarland, Seaside, Or.
ONE room for two ladles in private family,
Including use of kitchen. Desirable loca
tion. Sea View, ocean front. 615 Chamber
of Commerce. Pacific 1955.
1HHJ WHITEHOUSE, Long Beach. Wash.,
overlooking ocean; large, comfortable
rooms; fine Ylew; restaurant in connection.
GOOD board and rooms with private family,
Cedarhurst Cottage; modern. For term
address Charles Cleland, Seaside, Or.
"VULCAN" VILLA Near the mill: fur
nished and housekeeping rooms. Address
Mrs. A. Janderaon. Seaside, Or.
TAYLOR'S HOTEL, Ocean , Park, a most
pleasant reeortf- ample accommodations;
good board and rooms reasonable. v
FOR RENT Well-furnished house at Sea
vlew, from August 1; ready for oocupancy.
Address G 68, Oregonlan.
Boswell Springs open; health and pleasure re
sort. 2 miles south Drain, Or., on B. P. R. R.
FOR RENT-Store, No. 7 Union ave., well lo
cated and in first-class condition; rent $20.
Farrlsh, Watklns ft Co., 260 Alder t.
STORE and flat, together or separately:
good location; rent reasonable. Wake
field. Fries ft Co.. 229- Stark st.
STORAGE room In cement basement, sidewalk
elevator. 2d, near Washington. Howe,
. Davis & Kilham. Ill 2d st.
STOREROOM (20x100) 161 Front St., between
Morrison and Alder.' Inqulr Paclflo Art
Glass Works, 161 Front.
NEW store. N. W. corner 11th and Washing
ton sts. S. Morton Cohn. 836 Chamber of
STORE warehouse, commercial agente
sample-rooms, Inquire Andrew Kan at Co.
TWO stores. Alder st., near Sixth. Inquire
836 Chamber of Commerce.
THREB store for rent. Inqulr T. 3. TJhl
man, 184 N. 10th.
FRONT and back offices very reasonable;
heat, light and elevator servloes; best lo
cation in city. Dammeler, agent, Ral
eigh bldg., 6th and Washington st.
DESK room, front office, in Chamber of
Commerce; telephone. Inqulr W. J. Day,
room 24, 28S Stark St.
FREE desk, free telephone, centrally located,
ground floor; storage room. Phone Main 4876.
FINE" offices, best location. Room 815
Swetland bldg, 6th and Washington.
FOR RENT Large new hotel at new R, R.
terminal grounds, 12th and Mexshall sts.;
- has 143 rooms, dining-room and kitchen; all
modern conveniences; 6-year lease; rent $500
per mor-..i. Apoly to Phil Gevurtx, of Gev-
urtz & Sena. 173-5 First st.
206 ALISKY BLDG. 3d and Morrison For
$200 will sell cigar, confectionery and
stationery store. Including extra large
peanut roaster, all fixtures, showcases;
will invoice $376: rent, $15. Call quick.
TO sell, interest In old established mercan
tile Arm, with services. Eastern Oregon;
doing large business; $10,000 or mor re
' quired; one member wishes to retire ac
count of health. E 63, Oregonlan.
PAYING hardware business In progressive
Valley town of 10OO; about 50 miles from
Portland; incorporated for $1200; inven
tories $1500; object, other business. Yerex
Bros. Co., 302 Qoodnough.
80-ROOM hotel; finest business location; new
ly furniehed. modem; olearing $750 month
ly: for sale by owner for private seasons.
Only principals with means need reply. No
agents. G 13, Oregonlan.
14-ROOM rooming-housei good location l
house filled with good tenantsj clearing
$70 per month: selling on account of sick
ness at a bargain. Call at 4 North 6th
at. O F. Anderson.
WANT good man with about $3300 to take
Interest in new retail proposition in cen
ter of city;- modern building, long lease;
fine store and doing good business now.
O 87, Oregonlan.
HARDWARE and Implement .business, lor Valley-town;
stock and 'building, about $8000,
but could reduce the stock $2000 In a very
short time; good' reason for selling. Q 91,
A SNAP Price $2000. First-class res
taurant for sale at Marshfield, Oregon,
doing good business; reason for selling,
proprietor's health Is falling. J. W. Tib
PHOTO GALLERY for sale In a thriving
town; population over SOOO; no other gal
lery; rare hance for young man with
small capital. Address J 63, Oregonlan.
FINE Investment; business property la G res
ham; will pay 10 per cent Interest above
taxes and Insurance. Gresham Real Estate
Company, Gresham, Or. -
$5000 Furniture and lease good hotel, money
maker, established business, well located, all
new and clean. C H. Monro, 66 Lahbe,
227 H Washington.
$500 AND your services will put a reliable
man Into a legitimate business which will
clear you $175 a month. Call 191 4th st.
COMMISSION bakery, confectionery, notions,
canned goods, ice cream, etc. ; living rooms.
Apply at 190 Gibbs. t
$12. BOO buys machine shop and foundry In
Southern Oregon. 493 T acorn a ave Bell
wood, afternoons.
80-ROOM rooming-house; good location;
lease; good furniture; $1350. Room 7,
181"), First st.
WASTED From ' owner, A-l roomlng-hous
of 20 or 80 rooms. Ad'dres M. H., J 66,
GROCERY store, with living-rooms; Invoice
about $1000; pric $860. Room 7, 181 Vs
First st.
SMALL hotel In country town; will sell
cheap. ' Jess Farrln, Sheridan, Or.
10.000 SHARES Lee's Creek gold mln stock
at 2c Address F 64. Oregonlan.
QUICK lunch counter In flrst-clas business I
location, ovi Diars, hl, a
will never regret calling on us, because
we can prove and show beyond doubt that
we have the very best, safest, soundest
and most profitable kind of Investment
for the American pu:i:c Toe i.epublic
Life Insurance Co. -j,.ii'l it
wealthiest, the most prominent eni the
most influential bankers, financier and
business men of the United States. It is
the greatest, the largest and most stu
pendous life Insurance company that Tiaa
ver been organized In the world. We
are state agents and we are authorized
by the present stockholders to appoint
a state board of directors for Oregon. If
you want stock at the present price,
$17.60 per share, or if you wish to be
appointed a director, investigate as soon
as you can, as nothing will be reserved
after. July Slst. For further information
call on or address
851 Morrison St., Room 6.
rangements made with the Gordon-Campbell
Trust Co., Financial Agents, we invite
subscriptions to a part of the promotion
stock at the Wonder Paymaster Gold
Mining Co., at $5 for each 10O shares.
Propertlee situated in the rich Wonder
Mining district, Ner. Applications for
this stock cannot bo made too early. 1.
A. Clem ft Co., 231 Alder st.
45 ROOMS, very elegantly furnished, steam
heat, hot and cold running water in every
. room; new brick building; good lease;
this is a fine buy for $-3000.
6-room house, 4 lots. $1800; will ex
change for rooming-house or city prop
erty. '
851 Morrison St., Room 111.
' Phona Main 73.
SPECIAL offer; limit to individual Investment.
10,000 shares only of strictly choice Indus
trial stock under state supervision; proba
bly the safest and most satisfactory In
vestment that you can make. Blocks $50
to $1000. Positively guarantee 10 per cent
on money Invested. A 65, Oregonjan.
WILL buy or loan money on approved stocks;
I have stock In an invention that will pay
1000 per cent profit and Income for life.
Large or email investments acoepted. Stock
exchanged for other property of value. W. J.
Curtis. 215 Commercial block.
I HAVE some of the best locations in
Portland and vicinity for nlckelodlons; if
you are Interested and have some capi
tal, call. Newman's Motion Picture Co.,
145 6th. Marquam rooms.
AGBNTS wanted in and out of town to handle
a high-grade security; big profits to invest
ors, good contracts to agents; men should
make from $26 to $100 weekly. -2u7 Couch
FOR SALE A clean, new stock . of general
hardware and paints; three-year 'lease, with
option for five; will Invoice about $5000.
For particulars address N 41, Oregonlan.
FOR rent or for sale, hand laundry In pros
perous town of 1000 population, doing good
business; sickness reason for selling. Will
rent for $16 per month. T 48, Oregonlan.
FOR SALE Willamette Valley drug business,
well located, prosperous; sworn statement of
bunlness furnished; price $2750; terms; sick
ness. Address G 65, care Orcgonian.
FOR SALE MIg. business, clearing over
$150 a month; easily learned; no competi
tion; $2000 or will take small ranch In
trade for part. 29 46, Oregonlan.
$5000 WILL buy hotel netting $3000 per
year; new building, good location; on of
best towns on Upper Columbia. 402 Com
mercial bldg.
ONE of th nicest hardware and Implement
businesses in the State of Oregon at a
bargain, $5000 cash will handle it. 208
Alleky bldg.
DOCTOR, wishing to retire, account of poor
health, will sell property to physician;
good practice, good location. H 46, Ore
gonlan. RELIABLE real estate dealer wants part
. ner to show property; he guarantees you
$160 per month. Room 1, 181 ii First st.
BLACKSMITH and shoeing shop for sale:
good buslnees and location. Adareas S. B.
Flnegan, 64 West 8th st., Eugene, Or.
WANTED Active man as partner for light
work; $150 required; chance to make
$4 every day. Call 248 Stark, sv
PARTNER in flrst-claes restaurant, doing
good business; small investment; call and
see owner at 243 Holliday ave.
FOR SA1E Grocery: ok", established busi
ness on paying basis; fine location on cor
ner; city. R 62, Oregonlan.
FOR SALE Timber lanas, sawmill and box
factory properties. The Consolidated Indus
try Co., 286 Washington st.
A FINE business opening; about $8000 cash,
balance out of the business. Owner; , no
agents. W 60, Oregonlan.
WOODYARD Will clear you $300 a month
over all expenses; will sail cheap. Call
248 Stark st.
MANUFACTURING Partner wanted; $600
required; pays yon $150 a month. Call
248 Stark st. x
FOR SALE First-clas cigar fixtures, good
location; 2 years' lease; rent $30. Call at
289 Stark St.
LAUNDRY On of the best In Oregon; must
sell. Call 206 Alisky bldg., 8d and Morrl-
FOR SALE Modem hotel, cheap; easy termsT
good lease, party leaving flty. N 45, Ore
gonlan. A-l MFG. business wants niore money; active
interest to right party; Investigate. N 26,
A SNAP Brewery in Southern Oregon.
$5000. 493 Tacoma ave-, Sellwood, after
noons. WANTED To rent, furnished hotel anV
whero. P 48, Oregonlan.
ABSTRACTbuslnee cheap; best In the state.
Address K 47. Oregonlan.
WANTED Information. of Patrick McCnbe,
of Ottawa, Ontario, Canada. Address
mother, Mrs. P. McCaba, care Ned Swlrt,
Shakespeare, Ontario, Canada, or brother,
Dan, 903 Montana ave., Portland, Or.,
U. S. A.
Swedish trained nurse, Helstngfors graduate,
cures rheumatism, nervous disorders, sprains,
superfluous fat hand rubbing, steam, sweat
and tub baths. T East 11th street; take Eaet
Ankeny car. Phone East 200. Home B lou3.
CHRONIC, nervous and special diseases of
men and women cured by modem scientific
methods; electrlo treatment for diseases of
the prostate; consultation free. Dr. Vi. L
Howard, Commonwealth bldg.. Sixth St.
LADIES Ask your druggist for Chlchea
ters Diamond Brand Pills. For 25 year
nown as the best, safest. Reliable. Take
no other. Chlchesters Diamond Brand
Pills. Bold by druggists everywhere.
DRES3 suit for rem, all alzes; $1 month
keeps your clothe cleaned, pressed buttons
sewed on, rip's sewed. Prompt calls and de
liveries. Unique Tailoring Co., 809 Stark st.
LADIES Dr. Sanderson's Co-Savin and Cot
ton Root Pills are the only sure remedy for
femal troubles and irregularities; by mall,
$2 box. Dr. Pierce, 181 1st at., Portland.
DR. KETCHUM treats the special diseases of
women, likewise all provate affections of
men; correepondence confidential. Phone Pa
cific 2229. 170 8d St., oor. Yamhill.
LOST powers restored by the great Dr. Lor
ns sJerv Tonio Tablets, 25c a box. Write
or call at Eyssel's Pharmacy, 227 Morrison
st., bet. 1st and 2d
GERMAN, French. Bpanlsh asd other Foreign
Dictionaries Text Books and Literature
(German books a specialty). A. W. Schmaie
Co.. 229 First st.
GEO. O. ENRIGHT, last heard from at
West Fall, Or., in 1905. is wanted by
his father, George Enrlgbt. DenlBon. Ia.
Mme. Courtright. skin and scalp treatments;
facial deformities corrected; plastlo surgery.
226 Fleldner bldg. M. 6042. Home A 2o69.
A. REINIER, practical furrier; sealekln' gar
ments redyed and remodeled; expert fitter;
estimates given; lowest prices. 603 Wash.
DR. J. T- PIERCE cures all nervous, chronio
and private diseases, both sexes; office treat
ment 60o to $1. Call or write, 181 1st at.
WANTED To meet honorable ladles and
gentlemen of responsible age; object, matri
mony. 8 69, Oregonlan.
MISS ETHEL WARD, manicurist and chi
ropodist, la now in room 16, 861 Mor
rison st.
Recently opened manicuring parlors removed
from 8ol to 044 oLorrifioa si., room z.
LADY barber shop now open, 4 chairs, no
waiting; manicuring taught. 64 4th St.
BALM of Figs for all female alsesses. 235 I
weuersou si. ...u m. -mm,
LADIES, on word with you 28 years of suc
cessful practice In Portland in the treatment
of diseases peculiar to women should be suf
ficient guarantee to those seeking .the aid of
an experienced physician and surgeon. I
have assisted hundreds of 'anxious and suf
- fering women. 1 can assist you. If in
trouble, no matter from what cause, call on
old Dr. J. D. Gray, the old reliable special
ist; no charge for consultation or advice.
201 Alder St., corner 3d, Portland. Or. Cor
respondence sacredly confidential.
Late aprintendent of Chicago Women's Hos-
iltal. treats diseases of women exclusively;
adits will consult their beet interests by
coir. rnunicatlng with me; no- fee for con
eultation; correspondence absolutely confi
dential; maternity cases given special at
tention. Sanitarium and offices, 253 Alder,
comer Sd. Portland, Or. Phone Main 2796.
SUITS pressed while yon wait. 600. To Ti
Itors of Portland hotels and to pnbllo at
large: Suits pressed at- 60c at Gilbert, the
tailor's, 106 6th St., next to Quelle. La
dies' skirts prexsed, 50c. Feathers and boas
cleaned and curled. Phone Pacific 2068.
Money to Loan,
On improved city property or for build
ing purposes, for from 3 to 10 years' time,
with privilege to repay all or part of loan
after two years. .Loans approved from
plans and money advanced as building
progresses: mortgages taken up and re
placed. Fred H. Strong, financial agent,
242 Stark st.
LOANS made to salaried people holding per
manent positions and responsible firms; easy
payments and strictly confidential; also
on personal property; xoomlna-houses a po--altv.
205 Ablngton bldg.
Any salaried employe, wage-earner, can
get on his note, witnout mortgage (ton
Cdential). Month, ft-monta. Week.
$60 Repay to us.... f 13.33 or $6.06 or $3 33
16 itapay to us....$ 6.06 or $4.20 or l0i
(16 Repay to us $ 4.00 or X2.U0 or $1.00
210 McKay Bldg., 10K Third.
WE loan on notes to employes of permanency
and Integrity; those who can repay and
whose Intentions are to do so can get our
money at a rate they - can afford to pay.
We offer you businesslike treatment and
use businesslike methods only.
428 Mohawk bldg. Main 204 L
Just on your own name; no other security
necessary; don't borrow until you se me
my system 'is the best for railroad men,
clerks, bookkeepers, streetcar men and all
other employes; business strtotly confidential.
F. A. Newton, 611 Buchanan Bldg.
and others upon their own names without
security; cheapest rales, easiest payments;
offices .in 60 principal cities; save yourself
money by getting our terms first.
TOLMAN, 228 Ablngton Bldg.. 106 8d St.
WE have ready money on hand to loan In
sums to suit on good residence property at
low interest. Plggott, Finch t Bigger, at
torneys at law rooms 4, 6 and 6, Mulkey
bids. Phones Main 7145; A 1240.
.ASH on band for purchase money, mortgages,
bonds for deeds or contracts of sale on real
estate, either country or city property. H. E.
Noble, Commercial blk., 2d and Washington.
LOANS on easy payment plan to salaried peo
ple; lowest rates; strictly confidential. Em
ployes' Loan Co.. room 716, The Dekum, 8d
ajii Wash. Main 224.
SPECIAL $2000 to loan at 6 per cent on
choice close-in business or residence in
come property, ii, G. -Griffin, 266 Stark
up on au Kinos or security, w. A. Hatha
way, room 10. Wash. bldg. Pacific 183.
real estate; charges reasonable. Inqulr
x. aiiuaieion, oil tnamoor uommerc.
other securities; lowest rates. B. W. King,
room 45. Wash. bldg. Phone Main 6100.
MONEY to loan on improved oily property or
for building purposes. Columbia Life A Trust
Company, 214 Lumber Exchange bldg.
sum on Improved and unimproved real
tate. W. H. Nunn, 652 Sherlock block.
WANTED To sell at once, 2000 shares of
Cascadla Mining & Development Co. stock
cheap for cash. W 47, Oregonlan.
$1000 to $lo0,0uo to loan In sums to suit at 6 to
7 per cent on Improved realty. M. G. Griffin,
206 Stark, opp. Chamber of Commerce.
all securities. R. L Eckerson ft Co., room a,
Washington bldg. Phone Pac 1831.
State funds loaned. 6 per cu w E. Thomas,
state agt., Multnomah Co. 409 C. ot Com.
curity. Wm. Holl, rm. 9 Washington bldg.
ary until you see Hut ton Credit Company.
$500,000 TO LOAN AT 8 AND 6 PHR CSMT,
Wm. G. Beck, room 812 Failing bldg.
A LOAN for the asking, salary or chattel.
The Loan Co.. 410 Dekum bldg.
Loan Wanted.
$7000 AT 7 per cent for two years on new
Income property; monthly reatal $215;
well located. M. G. Griffin, 266 Stark
. street;
WANTED A lnan of $15,000 for 8 years at
7 pr cent; real estate valued at 42,000 of
fered as security. C 67, Oregonlan.
TWENTY dollars reward will be paid for
the roturn of my little white French poo-dla.-s.nd
no questions asked. Return to
Tlitr Spokane, rwrnS, near 2d and Couch
$10 REWARD Stolen or strayed, a white
horse; branded anchors: about 1300
pounds. Finder please notify Andrew Kan
& Co. f
FOUND Where hair mattresses ar renovated,
returned same dayj 228 Front. Main 474.
Portland Curled Hair Factory. H. Metzrger.
LOST Ladjta gold watoh and pin Wed
nesday vonlng on Oaks car or Morrison
s..; reward. Main 1771, or Main 2766.
LOST Cuff button, mounted Elks' tooth
wtth name. Finder please leave at 250
6th St., -for reward.
LOST Scotch collie; male; tricolor, black,
white and sable. Return to 1176 Borth
wick St.; reward.
LOST Black ebony pin, set with pearls;
return to -300 Columbia and 5th; reward.
Proposal Invited.
PROPOSALS Sealed proposals will be re
ceived at the office of J. H. Ackerman,
State bldg., Salem, Or., until 2 o'clock
P. M. on the 1st day ot August, 1907, and
then, opened, for the construction (ex.
.cept heating, which will be let separate)
of the Mechanic Arts 8chool Building,
- at Corvallis. Oregon, In accordance with
the drawings and specifications, ooples of
' which may be had at the offic of J. H.
Ackerman. Salem, Or.; offloe of E. E.
Wilson, Corvallis, Or., and at th offic
of the architects, Bennes, Hendrloks St To
bey, 67 Labbe bldg., Portland, Or. Build
ing Comsnlttee: Governor G. E. Chamber
lain, chairman; J. H. Ackerman, Walter
Pierce, W. J. Kerr, president O. A. O.
NOTICE. Bids will be received at room 2O0,
Oregonlan bldg., until noon, Wednesday,
July 24, 1907, for the cartage and trans
portation of The Oregonlan and Evening
Telegram from August 1, 1907, to August 1.
. 1U08, to the Postoffice, express offloe, trains,
wtreetcars, boats, etc. and otherwise, as may
b dlreoted by the superintendent of the
mailing room of th respective newspapers.
Full information may be obtained from th
superintendent of th mailing room dally
from 1 to 5 o'clook P. M. Th right to re-
iect any or all bids la reserved. Oregonlan
'ubllshlng Company.
Th annual meeting of the stock
holders ot The Title Gnarantes A Trust
Company will be heM at the offices ot
the company. No. 240-244 Washington
St., Portland, Or., on Tuesday, July 23,
1907, at 8:80 o'clock P. M. Jno. E. Altch
lson. Sec
BIDS for 75 cords good fir wood for Chll-
w wiw,, . ,mu vi,
Notic Is hereby given that the mate
Land Board will receive sealed bids until
3 o'clock P. M. on September 9, 1907,
for the purchase of the following de
scribed Indemnity School Lands, towiu
Clatsop County
N. W. hi of S. E. of section 21, T.
4 N., R, 6 W.
6. W. of 8. W. of section 1, N. W.
14 of N. W. of section 12, T. 4 N.,
. K. T W. 'i
Lot 13 of section S3, lot 4 of section 22.
lots 1. 2. 6, 7. 10, 11. 14, 13. 18 of seotlon
21, lot 1 of section 28, lots 6, 7, 10, 11.
12, 18. 14, 15 of section 29, S. E. VI of
6. E. M. of section 80, T. 4 N., R. 8 W.
Crook County
B. of S. of seotlon 20, T. 16 6., R.
All' of section 28, T. 19 8., R. 11 B.
8. E. Vi of N. W. hi of section 8, T.
22 S., R. 10 E.
Grant County
N. E. of S. B. H of section 28," N".
E. hi of N. E. hi. N. of 8. E. hi. 8. E.
hi of S. B. hi of section 27, T. 8 S.. R.
28 E.
W. of 8. B. of section 27, T. 8
6 R 27 E
'S. B. hi of N. E. hi of section 8. N. W.
hi of S. W. hi of section 27, T. 9 a,
R. 26 E.
S. W. hi of 8. E. hi. B. E. hi of S. W.
hi of seotlon 21, N. E. It of N. W. hi. N.
W. , of N. E. hi of section 28, T. B.,
8. 'w.' of N. E. 'hi of seotlon 18, T.
11 8., R. 28 E.
N. E. hi of 8. W. hi of section 8, lot
4 of section 4, lot 1 of seotlon 5, T. 14 S
R. 29 E.
Jackson Countr
S. E. hi of S. W. H of section 26, N. SI.
hi of N. W. hi. N. of N. E. !4 of seo
tlon 84, T. 87 S., "R. 1 E.
N. E. hi of section 2, N. W. H of N. W.
hi.B. E. Ii of N. W. hi. N. W. hi of S.
E. hi. N. E. hi of S. W. hi. 8. E. hi of
S. E. hi of section 12, T. 33 8., K. 1 Vi.
All of section 34, T. 40 S.. R. 1 E.
Klamath County
N. ,W, hi of 8. E. hi. B. E. hi of N. W.
U. lot 8 of section 6, T. 33 S., R. 7 E.
B. W. hi of S. E. hi ot section 25, 8.
E. hi of S. E. hi of section 26. N. ot
K. E. hi ot section SB, T. At a., k. i.
N. W. hi of N. E. hi of section 1. N.
of N. E. hi
ot section 12, T. 8S ).,
K. 9 E.
W. hi of 8. E. hi of section 22. N. B.
hi of N. W. hi of section 28. N. W. hi ot
section 27, N. E. hi ot N. E. hi of seo
tlon 80, T. 37 S.. MO E
N. W. hi of N. B. hi of section 1, N.
of N. E. hi ot section 12, T. 88 S.,
'n. e'. H of N. B. hi ot section 13.
8. B. hi of N. E. hi ot eectlon 27. S. W.
hi of N. W. hi . N. of B. W. hi, W.
of S. E. of section S4.T. 88 S., R. 13 E.
Lot 1 of section 18. T. 88 S., R. 14 E.
8. E. hi ot 8. E. hi of seotlon 85, T. 89 a,
R. 11 E.
S. E. hi ot 8. B. hi of seotlon 25, T.
89 8., R. 11 B.
Lot 1 of section , T. 40 S R. 11 B.
8. B. hi ot 8. E. hi ot section 6, N. W, Vi
of N. E. hi ot section 26. T. 40 6, K. 18 K.
Lane County -
S. W. h of N. BV hi of section 80, T.
17 8., R. 9 W.
Lincoln County
S. E. hi ot 8. -V7. ,hi ot section 27, T.
11 B.. R. 10 W.
. Marion County
E. of N. W. hi. B. S of 8. B. H
of section 12, N. E. Vi of section 82, T.
B.' ' ot seotlon 24, T. 8 8., R. 8 E.
Multnomah County
N. E. hi ot section 31, T. I N., B, B.
Eherman County
Lots 1. 2. 3, 4. N. of N. B. Vi Of
section 2, T. 1 N , R. 15 E.
E. of 8. K. hi of section 17. T. 4 8.,
R. 16 E.
8. W. hi ot S. W. Vi of section. 82, T.
4 S., R. 18 E.
Tillamook County
S, W. hi ot N. B. Vi. lot 3, 8. W. VI
of N. W. hi, lot 4 of section . S. E. j4
of N. B. hi, lot 1 of section 4. 8. E. Vi
of N. B. Vi. lot 1 ot section 5, E. of
E. of seotlon 7. 8. W. Vi of section 13,
N. W. hi ot N. E. Vi of section 17, N. E.
Vi of section 21, N. W. Vi of N. W. Vi,
B. of N. W. Vi of eectlon 22, T. N.,
R. 8 W.
Lots 8 and 4 of section 8, T. 8 N., R.
8 W.
Lots 8 and 4 of section 19, T. 4 B.,
R. 10 W.
Union Counts'
E. hi ot S. E. hi ot section 21, 8. H
of section 22, 8. and 8. of N.
of section 23. B. W. hi of section 24. E.
, S. E. Vi of N. W. Vi, N. E. Vi of
S. W. Vi of section 25, N. of N. of
section 2B. N. hi of N. or section i.
S. of S. E. Vt of section 32. N. of
B. W. hi ot section 83, '!'. o o-. it. 80 -
6. W. Vi of section 29. S. of N.
and S. of section 80. 8. W. Vi of a
W. hi of seotlon 82, T. 6 6., R. 86 E.
W. of S. E. Vi. lots 3 and 4 of seo-
lnn 1 T A Q T 'tR Tl.
N. Of section 12, T. 6 6., R. 83 E.
"Wasco Countv
Lots 6 and a 8. W. VI of 8. B. Vi of
section 2, 1. l ',N., h. id Hi.
Wheeler County
N. of 8. B. hi ot section 22. N. W.
Vi of N. W. Vi, N. of S. W. Vi. N. E.
Vi of S. E. Vi of section 23, W. of N.
W. , N. W. 14 of St W.- Vi. N. E. Vi of
N. W. Vi of section 24, 8. E. VI of N. B.
Vi of seotlon 29. T. 6 8., R. 22 E.
Lot 4 of section 81, T. 8 8., R. 23 B.
Lot 1 of seotlo 1, T. 9 8., R. 22 EL
N. of N. W. Vi ot ctlon 9, T. 9 8,
R. 23 H.
E. of 8. W. Vi t seotlon 82, T. 0
a. R. 26 B.
S. W. Vi of N. W. Vi of section 29, T.
10 8., R. 28 E.
Lots 2 and 3, a B. Vi of N. W. Vi, N.
E. Vi of S. W. Vi of section 4, N. E.
Vi of N. W. Vi of section 9, T. 10 8.,
R. 23 E.
N. B. Vi of N. B. Vi of section 83, T.
11 S., R. 24 E. .
a W, Vi of S. W. VI of section 6. N..
W. VI of N. W. VI of seotlon 8, T. 11 B.,
R. 25 E.
N. W. Vi of S. W.' Vi of section 4, T.
12 S., R. 24 E.
All bldB must bo accompanied by a reg
ular application to purchase in accord
ance with the law for the sale of school
lands and by cash or check for at least
one-fifth of .the price offered.
No bid for less than $5.00 per acr will
be considered. tlJ
The right to reject any and all bids 1
Applications and bids should be ad
dressed to G. G. Brown, Clerk State Land
Board, Salem, Oregon, and marked "Ap
plication and Bid to Purchase Indemnity
School Lands." G. G. BROWN, Clerk
State Land Board. Dated this 8th day
of June., 1907.
SEALED bids for the building of the super
structure of the Administration Building
(size 80x238 ft.;, height, three-story; mate
rials, stone, brick, and fire-proof construc
tion)' for th University of Idaho, at Mos
cow.'wlll be reoelved until 2 P. M. August
20, 1907, and will be opened at that time.
Separate bids will also be received for the
following Items: 1st, brick masonry. 2d,
cut stone and terra ootta. 3d, reinforced
concrete fire-proofing. 4th, structural steel.
6th, roofing, tile and sheet metal. 6th,
carpentry and superintendence. 7th, plumb
ing. Plans and specifications can be had
at the university and at the office of J. B.
Tourtellott & Co., at Boise. A deposit ot
$16 will b required to Insure their safe return.-
All bidders must enclose a certified
check for 2 per cent of the amount bid, pay
able to Mrs. 8. H. Hays, secretary, with
their bid, and send or hand their bid to Mrs.
8 H. Hays, secretary of the board of
regents, Moscow, Idaho. All check will b
returned to the bidders as soon as contract
Is closed. The successful bidder must
sign oontraots within 10 days and furnish
bond within 30 days after contract is award
ed or forfeit oerttrted check. Contract oon
talns olause required by the 8tate Board of
Examiners to proteot labor and material
claims and bond must be mad by surety or
trust company. The building must be oom-
Fleted by September 1. 1908. Financial abil
ty and experleno will b oonslderad in
awarding contract. Bidders must state their
Individual names and adareas hi full. The
board reserve th right to rejedt any or all
bld"' MRS. B. H. HAYS, Beoretan.
Moscow. Idaho.- July 17. 1907.
IN the United States District Court for the
District of Oregon In the matter of Louis
Goodman, bankrupt. Notice is hereby given
to the creditors of the said bankrupt Louis
Goodman, that the stock of goods belonging
to the estate of the said bankrupt which is
In possession of th Trustee will be old in
bulk at private sale by the Trustee, J. W.
Wright, at his office at Roseburg, at
10 o'clock A. M. Saturday July 27. Ths
same to b sold to the highest bidder in
cash, upon sealed bids which must be de
posited with the Trustee on or before the
said time set for the sale. A certified oheck
equal to 10 per cent of the amount bid must
accompany the bid or It will not be regarded.
Bids will he opened simultaneously In th
presence of bidders.
Inventory may be seen at offic of R, L.
Sabln. 7 First ot.
Dated this eth day of July, 1007.
Referea In Bankruptcy.
Portland, Or.
Books opened, closed or balanced. Day
and evening. P. L. Crawford. Mala 45o4,
GEO. T. MURTON, 818 Chamber Commerce.
Phone Main 8681. General accounting and
auditing business.
Carpenter and Builder.
W. L. Buckner, office, store fixtures, general
jobbing, contracting; 830 Stark. Main 6SSL
Harness and Saddle.
THE George Lawrence Co.. wholesale saddle
and harness mXrs., 80-b6 1st,. Main 226.
Assay ers and Analyst.
Well Proe betel, mining engineers, metal-
wa aesayere. zo Washington.
MONTANA Assay Offic, 186 Morrison sb
dcbi iscuiiies. rnces reasonable.
PAUL EADMBL, assayer and analyst. Gold
Muat uouiui. -as. Aiuer su
Atty.-at-law, Proctor In Admiralty and
Adjuster ot Marine Losses and Claims
118 Ablngton Bldg.
Chiropody and Manicuring.
WM. DSTVENY and Kstelle Deveny the oaly
scteuiiuo cuu-opouiBis, parlors aoa Drew
uuiiaiiig, xo aq. st. rnone jaatn 130L
MADAME VASHTI chiropodist, scalp and
facial massage. 201 3d St., oor. Taylor.
Chlmnndv anil Tt.n,l., U.. r. u,,.
ruuiu aov r ueuuer oiug. I noil o J iLC.HO 16.
OKUiiui ana painless treatments. Alisky big.
Cleaning and Dyeing.
FEATHERS and feather boas cleaned, curled
oyeu. m. wont callea for ana aellv a.
Commission Merchant.
HERMAN METZGER, purchaser ot hides.
pens, 1 an,, wool, monair, tallow ana rubber
and old metal and general commission mer
chant. Front st., near Main, Portland, Or.
TAYLOR, YOUNG ft CO., ship brokers, con-
uwuoa merchants, Bnerioca. Diag., furf , n.i
D. C. BURNS CO., grocers and commission
merchants, ziu Sd at.
DANCING lessons. 26c during Summer months;
j en i , Bwiai, inncy ana stage
dancing taught dally. Wilson's Dancing
School. Alisky bldg., 3d aid Morrison a La.
Junk, Hide and Pels.
L. SHANK ft CO., purchasers ot hides, pelts,
wool, furs, tallow, old rubbers, metal ana
sacks. 312 Front St.
Leather and Findings.
tablished 1858. Leather and findings; Stock
ton sole leather and cut stock; full line
Eastern Jumbo. 18U Front at.
CHAS. L. MA STICK ft CO., Front and Oak
sts. Leather and skins of every description
for all purposes; sol and tap cuUsrs find
ings. Machinery.
B. TRENKMAN ft CO., mining, sawmill log
ging machinery, aydraullo pipes, outings, all
kinds, repaired. 104 N. 4th st.
Osteopathic Physicians.
413-16-ir Dekum bldg..
Third and Washington bis.
Phone: office. Main 840.
Residence, Main 1503.
Residence, East 1028.
DR. L. B. SMITH, pioneer osteopath of Ore
gon, graduate Klrkvllle, Mo. 409 Oregonlan
bldg. Main 1242; res. Meln 275J.
Paints, Oil and Glass,
BASMTJ6RKN ft CO., Jobbers, palate. lls,
glass, sash aad doors. Cor. d and Taylor.
Patent Lawyers.
R. C. WRIGHT, domestlo and foreign patnta
Infringement cases. 6o4 Dekum.
Heal Estate.
Heal Fvtate, 614 Chamber of Commere.
Rubber Stamps.
ALSO seals, stencils. Tel. Slugs, bar check,
etc. Coast Co., 231 Stark. Tel. 1407.
P. C. STAMP WORKS. 249 Alder St. Rubber
stamps, seal, stencils, cheeks, brass signs.
DIF)BOLD manganese safes large lines car
ried. Lock-outs opened. Jacks, Jails, metal
furniture. Honest price and goods. Both
phones. J. B. Davis, 66 3d.
Showcases, Bank and Store Fixture.
R. H. BIRD8ALL, designer; agent M. Winter
Lumber Co., 7 Hamilton bldg. Main 6530.
TH HI Lutko Manufacturing Co., cor. 6th and
Hoyt. Phone Main 1408.
Sign Painting.
SIGNo ("That Attract.'') .
Portland Sign Co.. 287 Stark. PaaJ 1696.
Greatest living clairvoyant.
Tradings on all affairs of Ut. guarantee
No questions assjsd.
832 Washington. Phona Main 1267.
MRS. SOPHIE SEIP, spiritual readings
dally; circle Tuesday evening. 802 Alisky
building; Pac 3825.
JOHN SLATER Reading 10 to 4. 189 7th (
circle Tuesday evening, 8:16 sharp, sam
Viola Marshfield, spirit medium. 198 4th.
Mrs. Wallace, famous psychic; reliable on all
affairs of lit. 850 Morrison st Room 72.
Storage and Transfer.
fer and storage; safes, pianos and furnltur
moved, packed, stored or shipped; only first
class, careful men employed. Office phones.
Mala 647, Home A 2247; after office hours,
Paclflo 1061, Main 611L Offic 20 Oak st.
Portland, Or.
C. O. PICK, office 88 is:., bet. Stark and Oak.
Phone 696. Pianos and furniture moved and
packed for shipment; commodious brics
warehouse, wltn separat iron rooms. Front
and Clay sts.
NEW typewriters, all makes, rented sold, re
paired. Cosst Agency. 231 Stark. Phone 1407.
K. L. DURHAM Vlo-Presldent
R W. HOYT Cashier
GEORGE W. HOYT Assistant Cashier
a C. CATCHING 2d Assistant Cashier
United State Dpo1tory.
Draft and letters ot credit issued, avail
abls in all parts of the world.
Collections a specialty.
Portland. Or.
Deposits $14,000,000.00.
Oldest National Bank on th Paclflo Coast.
A. L. MILLS President
J. W. NEWKIRK Cashlel
W C. ALVORD Assistant Cashlel
B. F. STEVENS 2d Assistant Ca.hlel
Th Oldest Trust Company In Oregon,
RESOURCES OVER $2,200,000.
General Banking
3 per cent Interest on check accounts
(even hundreds) on dally balances of $50Q
or over. Letters nf credit and exchange on
all part of the world. Savings accounts $
per cent- Time certificates 8 to 4 per cent;
short-call epectal certificates. $500 or over,
t to 4 per cent.
Call for Book of "Illustration.
Phone Private Exchange 72.
a E- Corner Third and Oak Streeta
BEN J. I. COHEN.... President
H. L. PITTOCK Vlc-President
B. LEE PAGET Secretary
J. O. GOLTRA Assistant Secretary
(Established In 1864.)
Gen. Mgr. of Branches. .W. MACKINTOSH
Capital paid up $4,000,000
Surplus tini undivided profits. .. .$10, 153, S7:j
A General Banking and Exchang Business
Letters of credit Issued, available In all
parts of th world. Interest paid on time
Accounts opned for sums ot $10 and up
ward. WM. A. MACRAE Manager
J. T. BURTCHAELL Assistant Manager
W. M. Lad d. c. E. Ladd J. W. Ladd.
Established 1859.
Transact a General Banking Buslnesa,
Bavings Books Issued on Savings eposlta,
Interest Paid on Time Deposits.