10 THE MORMISQ OREG0XIAN, 3IOXDAY, JULY 22, 1907. AMCSEMINTS. MARQUAM GRAND (Phone Main 6.) Tonight and all week. Matinees Wednesday and Saturday. SAXCB O'Xtlt In Sudermann'B Masterpiece, "MAGDA." Evening $1.00, 75c, 50c, 25c Matinee, 75c. 60c. 25c. Next week "The Btory of the Golden Fleece." LYRIC THEATER Phone Main 46S5. This Week the Allen 8tnck Company Pre senting "WHOSE BABY ABE IOC?" Matinees Tuesday, Thursday. Saturday and Sunday. Price, 10c 20c Every evening at 6:15. Prices, 10c 20c and SOo. Reserved seats oy phone. Main 4S5. Of fice open from 10 A. M. to 10 P. M. THE STAR Phones M. B49. and Home A1498. The Coolest Theater in the City. Week of July 22, the Great Scenic Production. "MAN'S KNEMY." Matinees Tuesdays. Thursdays. Saturdays and Sundays at 2:30; prices. 10c and 20c. Every evening at 8:15; prices, 10c. 20c and 80c. Secure seats for all performances by phone. THE GRAND SgS. VACDEVIIXE DE LUXE. XEIAJ E KL.TIXG & CO. "PICKING THE WINNER" MABELLE MEEKER Krelsel's Dogs and Cats. The Tanakas, Keeves & Kenny, Joe Thompson. PANT AGES 4th and Starlc Sta. McKay Cantweil, "the two Doffy Dills." Cole & Johnson, singing and dancing. Jean Wilson, pictured ballad. A comedy hit, Clay ton, Jenkins, Jasper and the Mule, a novel quartet, new and tunny. Miss May Meltville, soubrette. Cutler A Elwood, musical comedy, act. The Biogmph, "A Woman's Demonstra tion." Performances dally at 2:30, 7:3 and 8 P. M. General admission, 10c; with re served seats. 20c; boxes, 2:c. Any seat at weekday matinee for TEN CENTS. Ladies' Day Free t g& The Rose City's Famous -J-Pleasure Park. ' 3& Ladies and Children Ad- fif mltted Free till 6 P. M. Sat jr All carlines transfer to Oaks. jj CLASSIFIED AD. RATES (FOR CASH ADVERTISING.). Following rates will ba given only when advertising Is ordered to ran consecutive days, Dally and Sunday issues. The Orego nian charge flrst-ttnvt rats each insertion lor classified advertising that Is not run on conseculiva days. The nrst-ttiiis rata Is charged fa each Insertion in Xbe Weakly Oregonian. "Booms," "Rooms and Board," "House keeping Rooms," "Situations Wanted," IB words or less, 15 cents) 16 to 0 words, 20 cents) II to 25 words, 25 cents, etc Ma discount for additional Insertions. Matrimonial and clairvoyant ads one-time rata each insertion. UNDER ALL OTHER HEADS, except "New Today," SO cents for 15 words or lesst 16 - 0 words, 40 cents; 21 to 25 words. 60 cents, etc. first insertion. Each additional Insertion, one-half; no further discount un der one month, "NEW TODAY" (gangs measure agate), 15 cents per line, first insertion; 10 cents per line for each additional insertion. ANSWERS TO ADVERTISEMENTS, addressed-care The Oregonian, and left at this office, should always be inclosed in sealed envelopes. No stamp is required on each letters. TELEPHONE ADVERTISEMENTS For the convenit-sire of patrons. The Oregonian will accept advertisements for publication in classified columns over the telephone. Bills for such advertising will be mailed Imme diately and payment Is expected promptly. Care will be tuken to prevent errors, bat The Oregonlnn will not be responsible for errors in advertisements taken over the telephone. Telephone: Main 7070; A 1670. AUCTION SALES TODAY. By J. T. Wilson, at salesroom, 208 First Street, at 10 A. M. J. T. Wilson, auctioneer. Furniture and refrigerator at 211 First street. Sale at 2 P. M. By the Portland Auction Co. MEETING NOTICES. MARTHA WASHINGTON CHAP. 2f P.urkhard building. By order W.' M. BELLE RICHMOND, Sec. HARMONY LODGE. NO. 12. A. F. AND A. M. Stated communica tion this (Monday) evening at 7:30 o'clock. Work In the F. C. de- gree. Visitors are cordially invited. W. M. DE LIN. Sec. KAY In this city, July 21, Isaao Kay, of Mt. Tabor, affed 5S years. Notice of funeral hereafter. FUNERAL NOTICE. VON PER WERTH The funeral services of Louise Augustlna Von Dsr Werth, who died In this city July 20, will take place today (Monday). July 22. at her late res idence. Nit. 720 East Ankeny street, at 2 P. M. Frlemls are respectfully invited to attend. Interment Lone Fir xCeme tery. J. P. FTNLEY JB SOX, Funeral Directors. No. 261 ad St., cor. Madison. Flioos Main a. Dunning, McEntre Glibaugh, Funeral Di rectors. 7 th & line. Phone M. 4 0. Lady asst. ERICSON UNDERTAKING CO., 409 Alder at. Lady assistant. Phone Main 61S3. EDWARD HOLMAN CO.. Funeral Direct ors, 220 3d st. Lady assistant. Phone M. 501. ZELLER-BYKNES CO., funeral Direct ors. 273 Russell. East 1088. Lady assistant. F. 8. DUNNING. Undertaker, 414 East Alder. Lady asbistant. I'hone East 53. NEW TODAY. Jonesmore THE NEW ADDITION. Sidewalks. Graded streets. Bull Run water. Public School. Lots 50x100 feet, $350 to $500. Your own terms. Take Montavilla car. See Agent at tract. GEO. D. SCHALK Phone Main 392 A 2392. 264 Stark St. Irvington Building Site PRICB $4000. Terms $1000 cash, balanca 6 per cent. 150x100 on the fi. E. cor. of 15th and Hancock sts., a' Deauutui location, bee it. Mai! & Von Borstel 104 Second St. and 392 E. Burnside St. $14,000 A beautiful home In the fashionable West Side district. Corner lot 60x100. HAHTMAN A THOMPSON, Chamber of Commerce, 2f Freeman. Vjj jA ALJ Manager. v iiiNirK t mfa NEW TODAY. Science of Home-Buying When choosing a home why not buy in the center of activities where your prop erty will enhance In value with the growth of the city. It Is all well enough to go to the outskirts of the city for seclusion; but most of us In these piping times of prosperity are looking for ad vantages rather than seclusion. I have two or three new, modern and pretty homes In a swell locality, convenient to carlines and desirable in all respects, which I can sell you on a moderate pay ment down and easy terms on the balance. These homes are not only at tractive and up-to-date, but they are located close enough in to have per manent values which are Increasing steadily year by year. Such an Invest ment is better than monev in the bank at 4 per cent, or a home in a distant suburb where values are uncertain and modern conveniences wholly out of the question. Prices $2S0O and 3lC0. Come and let me show you. W. N. CARTER 712 Williams Avenue. Take a "U" car and drop off at Ivy street. SAVE THAT RENT! And Buy a. Lot For IN Railroad Addition, Montavilla Graded Streets, 5c Carfare, Easy Terms $10 Down, $5 Per Month Lambert-Whitmer Co. Real Estate Department. 107 Sherlock bldg. Cor. Third and Oak Sts. Large Investors Attention! 152 ACHES WITH AI.I, KINDS OF TRANSPORTATION FACILITIES FOR ONLY C850 PER ACRE. This property is facing on the Van couver Road running to Vancouver, Washington. The new O. R. & N. K. R. line runs through It and it also has deep-water frontage making splendid manufacturing sites. At the price quoted you are getting the finest kind of platting ground at less than sur rounding values with about 80 acres of manufacturing site ground thrown in. Most of the tract is within old-established oity boundary Jlne. Can also offer 45.i acres of high and sightly platting ground immediately adjoining the 152 acres facing about 1200 feet on the Vancouver streetcar line with FIVE-CENT FARE. Will sell together or separately. Tou positively cannot duplicate this tract for a number of reasons and title is perfect. Investigate it quick. ZIMMERMAN VAUGHAN, Room 303 Buchanan Building. Washington Street. Phones Main 1675. A 4802. Manufacturing Sites on fi. P. and 0. R. S N. R.R. On Peninsula Fronting Columbia boulevard and deep water; one acre up, to suit. Pacific Coast Realty Co. Rooms 307-308 Buchanan Building. EXTRA SPECIAL . $22.000 BRAXD NEW 3-STORY Bl ILDIXU PAYING- IT PER CENT ON THE IX ESTMENT. ' SEE ME FOR PARTICULARS. F. DUBOIS, WASH INGTON BLJDG., ROOM 3. FOR SALE RE AX ESTATE. $1930 FOR a beautiful lot on South Front st.. in a nice neighborhood, with an im provement of $3000; will earn $45 a month. Call on J. Kraeraer, SO Fifth. $1025 Cozy and handsome 6-room bouse and two lotg on Mount Scott line; rents $12 per month; a bargain. State Invest ment Co., 11S Abington bldg. HOLLADAY PARK residence, less than one block from carline; modern In every par ticular; beautiful lawn; $4500; terms. Colum bia Trust Co., Couch bldg. S330O Beautiful new six-room house; fur nace, laundry, gas, electricity, bath, fire place; $800 cash, $25 monthly. 889 E. Main. Dr. Darling. FOR SALE Desirable Income property; new Improvement; price $7500; monthly rental, five years' lease, $75; price $7500. M. G. Griffin, 268 Stark st. A SNAP 6-room modern bouse, lot 25x100; 15 minutes' walk from business center of city; nice view of river. See same 86 East 7th st. North. , ALL kinds real estate bought, sold and ex changed. See Abraham & White. 2Vi WashtnRton et.. corner Second. Labbe bids, offices 8 and 9. TWO-ACRE tract, excellent soil, convenient to cars, churches, stores and schools; $1800; one-third cash. ' The- Span ton Company, 270 Stark st. $1973 Beautiful lots in block across street east from Failing School, West Side, State Investment Co., 118 Abington bldg. KENILWORTH, 2 lots. 50x100, one a corner; fine soil; sightly; $530 both. 204 Mohawk bldg. FOR SALE Cheap, quarter block, with three six-room modern houses; close in; East Side. Phone owner. East 8252. FOR BALE New and modern 7-room house at Highland. 1 block from carline; by owner. 1005 Grand ave.. North. LARGE) modern bungalo on corner; 6-room cot tage; large 5-room cottage; easy monthly payments. Owner phone East 675. SIX-ROOM modern and -new house. West S:de; fractional lot; $3600; $750 down, bai. fi!5 month. S 45, Oregonian. BIX-ROOM modern and new house, West Side; fractional lot; $3600; $760 down. baL $25 month. S 45, Oregonian. FOR SALE Modern 6-room house, new; base ment, large lot. Zella Gosaett, Riverside oft ice. St. Johna. car. SMALL tract Hood River apple land in best section of the Valley lor sal cheap. Telephone Main 862. FINE home in Piedmont; 7-room modern house and two lota; only $280rt. 1200 Will lams ave. $250 8 room, bath, partly furnished, fruit, - roses, garden, barn; half cash. Phone East 5297. orner lot inonanay ramj ; ccni'iii sidewalks; Improved street. It 4Q, Oregonian FOR SALE- RE AX ESTATE. $9000 Choice Investment In- flats; brings over 10 per cent; property la new and well located. MOORE REALTT CO., --268 Stark St., Room IS. $25,000 Choice investment, near Morrison; nearly full lot, with 3-story building, leased for $200 per month. MOORE REALTY CO., 26S Stark st., room 18. J. M. CAMERON REALTY CO. New, modern 5-room cottage, full con crete basement and large attic; attrac tive bathroom, with shower bath in ad Joining rdom; plenty of closets; modern pantry and kitchen; wood hoist; dainty reception hail; principal rooms tinted; 65x100 corner lot; thla house Is modern In design and presents an attractive ap pearance; just one block from oar line i price $2100; on terms. J. M. CAMERON REALTY CO.. 412 Commercial Blk., 2d and Washington. $10 PER acre, 45T acres in Lincoln County, near the Coast; 200 acres good timber; runing water; orchard; house; barn and 25 acres under cultivation; this Is a splendid dairy proposition, and the tim ber is worth all they ask for the place. $18 per acre, 152 acres, including a saw mill run by water power; on Coast, in Lincoln County; good orchard house, barn, and 60 acres good timber. B. 8, COOK & CO., 261 Alder it. WE have 80 acres of the best apple and strawberry land in the White Salmon Valley that will be on the market the next 30 days at $30 per acre. Located 5 miles from White Salmon on the county road and stage line- Is prac tically level brush land, hazel, willow,, cherry; easily cleared and no waste land or rock; will sell in 20 or 40-acre tracts. ESTES REALTY & INV. CO., White Salmon. Wash. $20,000. Half cash, balance at 6 per cent, will buy over quarter-block and modern two story building; 5 stores on ground floor; large lodge hall; cne 6 and one 7-roorn flat on second floor; all rented; present Income over 12 per cent. A. B. RICHARDSON, 614 Chamber of Commerce. 13000 On East 7th street; easy walking distance; 6-room house, .new and commodious. MOORE REALTY CO;, 268 Stark St., Room 18. $40,000 Corner, 100x100, with concrete foundation completed ; close in on Davis street; easy terms, or will build to suit. MOORE REALTY CO., 268 Stark SU, Room 18. THE CHEAP LOTS. $no. Nice,- level lots, 40x125. 60-foot street, 20-foot alleys; good car service; many families coming in; the most healthful place to live; $5 per month buys a loi J. J. OEDER. Cor. Grand Ave. and East Ankeny. $3000 CASH now, balance on time at 6 per cent, will mako you the happy buyer of 2 lots, with 2 houses. In the northern part of the city, where prices keep grow ing. Remember, you are drawing $35 a month as soon as you acquire title to this property. If you are inclined to In vest, see J. Kraemer, 90 Fifth st. VERY DESIRABLE NEW HOUSES. B-room cottage, modern, full plumbing, gas and electric lights, fiber plaster, streets Improved, sewers in, 3-mlnute car servloe. Owner, 208 4th. Tel. Main 3990. South Portland, beautiful quarter, 85x110, $1350. Owner, 208 4th, TeL Pacific 2125. BIGGEST SNAP AROUND PORTLAND 4 2-3 acres and 9-roora house; barn, garden, fruits, shady grove, 2 wells and on county 'road; mile of hourly carline; not farther out than St. Johns; ideal for poultry and fruit raising; only $2250, down. Sea Thomason, 223 Chamber of Commerce. ACREAGE. For truck garden, within 2 mlleo of 8d and Morrison, at $800 per acre. MOORB REALTY CO., 268 Stark st. Room 18. $2700 Choice, sightly building corner on Portland Heights; view of entire city. MOORE REALTY CO.. 268 Stark St., Room 18. BARGAIN. On account of owner leaving the city, will sacrifice 3 sightly lots and modern 7-room house, 50 feet from carline, on Portland Heights. A. B. RICHARDSON, 614 Chamber of Commerce. WE have some choice lots In Irvington for buldlng sites. For particulars call on MOORE REALTY CO., 268 Stark St., Room 18. I WILL sell my 6-room home, with 2 full lots, all in good condition, with fine selec tion of all kinds of best fruits, in bearing, plenty of roses, house in best repair ; near 8 carlines, East Side; will sell cheap and give good terms.- F 59, Oregonian. $2000 CASH, balance on time at 6 per cent buys a lovely new and substantially built home of . 7 rooms, with all modern conveniences, near Hawthorne ave. If you see It, you will want no other. Particu lars see J. Kraemer, 90 Fifth at. $17,500 Heart of warehouse district, lOOx 100 cn 12th street; best buy In North Portland. Investigate. MOORE REALTY CO.. 263 Stark St., Room 18. A SIGHTLY residence lot, 60x100; Bull Run water, cement walks and curbs, all paid for and lees than two blocks from carline; only 15 minutes from heart of city; $450; terms. Columbia Trust Co., Couch bldg. H. P. PALMER. M. VAN ALSTINE. PALMER-VAN ALSTINE CO., REAL ESTATE. INSURANCE, 222 Falling bldg. Main 6661. A 2353. $825 I will sacrifice this week a choice lot, taken in a trade, eituated in Alblna ; ail Improvements in; this Is $200 less than ad joining property; being a non-resident, 1 will sacrifice. Address N 62, Oregonian. WILLAMETTE SNAPS. Choice lots and homes, also acreage; cash or terms; some overlooking river and city; residence or business lota C. A. Zygowski. office Willamette Station. St. Johns car. NEW, artistic 7-room residence, Just fin ished, beautifully arranged, complete In every detail, desirably located, Holladay Park Addition, near Broadway carline. - Owner, G "46, Oregonian. TWENTY acres on the Base Line road (cloee in) by cutting it up in lots now, can be sold this Fail for 100 per cent profit. The best proposition we know of. The 8 pan ton Com pany, 270 Stark st. ' FROM OWNER. 2 lots in Ina Park, on 25th near Alberta st Call or address N. S. Fenne, 166 E. 20th. Phone East 710. Home phone B 1769. WE have some ' choice acreage, . close to two carlines, $250 -to $300 per acre; will divide In tracts to suit. Rooms 4. 6 and 6, Mul key bldg. Phones Main 7145. A 1240. AT SACRIFICE New home, 6 rooms, bath, cement basement, gas, electricity, i -block near car, $2600; $1000 cash, baJance monthly; owner leaving. V 69, Oregonian. FOR sale or rent, 2 new 7-room modern houses on easy terms. H. Orterholz, 893 Elleworth st. Phone East 5451. IRVINGTON New, modern -room house, N. E. cor. 23d and Thompson. For particu lars apply 76 1st st,, cor. Oak. UP-TO-DATE B-room cottage j bath, good basement, fruit trees, garden. BOO E. 6th st. N., near Mason. Owner. 100x100 corner and 3 houses on Grand ave nue, close in, $7500. Terms. State Land Co., 133H 1st st. $2500 CORNER lot and two houses, Knott street. Upper Albina; rent, $22. Plttenger, 245 Morrison. WHY PAY RENT 7 ? Cozy little home, 5c fare. 204 Mohawfe bldg. SPHINX AGENCY. 806 STARK ST., CAN sell our justness property or reaioenosv FOR SALE REAL ESTATE. S550 WILL buy at once your choice of 8 lots in Council Crest Park, with unobstructed view of mountains and rivers; the most ideal spot up there, but must have money to pay on mortgage, hence the sacrifice. Price $250 less than adjoining property. M 63. Oregonian. FOB SALE FARMS. 10 FARMS FOR SALE BY PACIFIC COAST REALTY CO, Rooms 307-308 Buchanan bldg. NO. 1 EXTRA SPECIAL. MUST BE SOLD IN 10 DAYS. SOO acres. Eastern Oregon, 330 acres now in wheat, 150 Summer fallow, about 6 acres rye and other cereals; over 600 acres1 can be farmed, balance pasture; all under fence; orchard 00 trees, 12-ft. header, house hold furniture, farm house and implements, outhouses, etc., with crop (wheat will average 25 bushels to acre), at $18 per aore. Terms, part cash, part inoome Port land property, balance on time. Owner too oid to work. NO. 2. a Eastern Oregon ranch. Morrow County, 700 acres In all: 100 acres good wheat land, 250 to SOO acres under irrigation, 2o0 acres in alfalfa; 3 bi Irrigation ditches, all free perpetual water riphts; ample water for all purposes; good 10-room house, 2 large new barns, ample outhouses and blacksmith shop; good bearing orchard, feeding- plant, fully equipped for feeding, 4O0 head of cattle; cut 700 to 8O0 tons of alfalfa hay a year; can double output in two or three years; townslta platted on ranch, with railroad store and postoffice already located; price $21,600; half cash, balance 6 per cent mortgage. NO. 3. Eastern Oregon, 156o acres, $11.50 per acre; about 200 acres alfalfa land, 900 acres grazing; all fenced, free water, own ditches.; 2 farmhouses, blacksmith shop, barns 'and granaries; about 5-3 million timber; good roads and market; terms. NO. 4. 69T-acre dairy farm, $22.60 per acre; Lane County, Or.; half mile from railroad: SOO acres under cultivation; 150 acres good timber; 8 pastures, creek through each-; fin farmhouse, piped hot and cold water; large barn, granaries and outbuildings; term. NO. 5. 800-acre wheat ranch for rent on shares; Morrow County, Oregon ; 10 miles' haul downhill to shipping point; a responsible rancher can get good liberal terms. NO. 6. 120 acres, $150 an acre; 1H miles below Linnton, Or. ; street privileges to water front; you had better look thla up; some thing doing down there. NO. 7. 240 acres, $16 per acre; Lane County, near railroad; all clear and in cultivation; good tt-room house, 2-acre orchard; creek through farm; terma. NO. 8. 240-Acre fruit ranch, $4000; 18 miles from Vancouver, 3 miles to railroad; Claxk County ; 30 acres under cultivation ; 2-aore prune orchard; good houee, 2 barns, prune dryer, farm Implements. 5 head of cattle, chickens, turkeys, ducks, perpetual spring water and terms. NO. 9. 83 acres. Portland suburb on Peninsula, factory district, north of Columbia Boule vard, fronting on deep water and S. P. Railroad; sell in acreage to suit; liberal terms. NO. 10. 8 acres, Including 3-story brick, cold stor age and slaughtering plant, on Peninsula. In factory district; switching privileges from N. P. or S. P. R. R. can be leased on very liberal terms. Do you know Heidelberg Is in Portland? PACIFIC COAPT REALTY CO., Rooms 307-308 Buchanan Bldg. $6000 Prune farm of 24 acres, all planted to fine trees; the crop will sell this year for $2500. Large fruit drier on the place. Near Vancouver, vvasn. MOORE REALTY CO., 263 Stark St., Room 18. 1 OR SALE A fine fruit farm, three miles East of Vancouver, Wash.; 1600 prune trees, 2-5 peach trees and 100 pear and cherry trees: well cultivated and healthy; an Ideal country home, on the Columbia, overlooking Portland: good buildings, telephone and rural mall delivery; terms. Apply at room 301, The Dekum. FOR SALE! By owner, 140 acres on Columbia River and mile from proposed North Rank R. R. station: part improved, all fenced and private gravity irrigation system; has all the advantages of Hood River land and some besides; a snap. Agents need not apply. For particulars write P 66, Oregonian, MUST sell, account age. Immediately, beau tiful home on Yaauina Bar: 80 acres. house eight rooms, barn, good orchard, on tidewater, one mile from postoffice, eood markets, fine spring, clear title; $ 1600 ; reduced fares; come now. Oscar Mlddlekauff, Yaquina, Or. HOOD RIVER SNAP. 10 acres finest orchard In Hood River with guaranteed Income 10 per cent. yearly for rive years, s.iow. WHITING & ROUNTREE. 32 ft Third street. 80 ACRES, 25 under cultivation; running water; mile east of concord fatauon, on Oregon city canine; io per acre; terms. Apply to owner, Henry Thleeen. A 6NAP 174 acres, near Woodburn: 35 acres beaverdam, 20 acres onions; good reasons for selling: no middle man; gooa terms, u, Boyer, Route 2, Woodburn, Or. 10 ACRES, convenient to Portland : house. barn and orchard ; fins roads. Miller, 416 Chamber Commerce. FOR SALE TRIBE R LANDS. THE LACEY WAY Is recognized to be the standard way of handling timber lands. The timber roust first satisfy us, and our cruise reveals every aetau or tne conditions surrounamg It. Our reports are prepared In such a way that the buyer linows whether or not the timber will satisfy him befsra he visits the tract. Twenty years' experience and the client age we represent, is a sufficient guarantee that our methods are right. You may waste your valuable time In looking up the tract you want Take advantage of the results of our own constant eftorts along this line and get the best. JAMES D. LACEY & CO., Lumber Exchange, Seattle, Wash. Chamber of Commerce. PortfanTI, Or. TIMBER If you are in the market for large or small tracts of timber, consult us, as we have some very aesiraoie ones. Can give you tracts up to 20.000 acres. and the prices are right. Bpninx Agency, 805 Stark st. PARTY a-oinar East last of month with tim ber proposition will take others if he can have not less than three months' exclusive option, without too much water in the price. Lock Box 164, P. O. TO TIMBER BUYERS ONLY. We have several tracts of timber land. which we own. for eale; have detailed es timate by forties. G. F. banoorn Ac t-o.. 401-2-3, Buchanan bldg. FOR SALE Quarter section fine timber land, well located; has from eight to ten millions yeiiow nr; easily logged; pries per acre. Ax. G. Griffin, 266 Stark at. FOR SALE Homestead relinquishment, St- lets country, 3,500,000. Get particulars irom f. u. iox , Vancouver, waan, 1,600,000 FEET high-grade piling for sale witn or without the land. Near r orest urovs. Mrsi MacRae, 214 Chamber of Commerce. A FEW specially good yellow pine claims In v neeier county; must be located at onoe. uoiumoia Trust Co., couch mag. WANTED Reliable timber cruisers and com pass men for steady work. Room 209 Lum- Der Juxcnange mag. TIMBER wanted. Oregon or Washington, large or small tracts, sphinx Agency, aoo- scare. OREGON TIMBER CO., timber lands bought ana soia. 403-4 McKay blag. WANTED REAL a aIK. PROPERTY wanted. The great demand for homes in Portland Is the reason tne bpan ton Co. are about to open a olty real estate department. Whatever properties you may have for sals should be listed with us before the 1st of August, as we are compiling a booklet for circulation amoYiK nroR-nentlvw home buvers. Come in or mail descriptions and pries. The bpanton company, starK si. I WANT to rent a furnished-cottaR. some where on the North Beach, for two weeks in August. State full particulars In writ ing. Ben Flosland, Room IS, 26S Stark street. TO EXCHANGE. FOR EXCHANGE Income property for wheat farm; suburban home for timber land; fine grocery, lease, for farm. 204 Mohawk bldg. FINE income property, West Side, for stock of general merchandise country town. V 56, Oregonian. ROOMING-HOUSE, near business center, to trade for real estate. O 67, Oregonian. WILL trade for what you have. L. Ains- - worth-Smith, 109 Sherlock bldg. TO LEASE. HOTEL AND ROADHOUSE TO LEASE. Old established, with or without saloon; furnished; newly remodeled; $5; also 7 room house and orchard. $10, and 4 flats, 18 rooms. $25; all on West Side. C. H. Plggott. owner, lawyer, 4, & and 6. Mul key bldg. PARTY will build modern stores, with 8-ft. Dasements and rooms for lodgings or hotel, to suit lessees. Phone Pacific 1962, WANTED TIMBER LANDS WANTED Timber land In Pacific County, v doumgioa, -.ioxsop, jjincoin, bene and Tillamook counties, Oregon. Small and large tracts. Hoban & Taggart, 211 Alisky bldg. TIMBER land wanted. Cash will be paid for bargains in good timber claims, close to transportation. Address T 57, Ore gonian. WANTED AND FOR SALE LAND SCRIP. ALL kinds, including- approved forest reserve scrip for surveyed, unsurveyed timber and prairie Government land. H. M- Hamilton, The Portland. Portland. Or. FOR RENT FARMS. ROOD RIVER 15 acres, orchard, berries, clo- "t, BuumngB; mues aepou jneroer, owo Front, Portland. FOR SALE Horses, Vehicles, Etc. BARGAIN Nice bay horse, 6 years old. weiprnt nw; also black mare, 7 years old, weight 14K; also fine buggy, two sets of harness, one covered wagon ; they are all first-class. Stable, 23 N. 14th st., near Burnside st. Kew grocery, laundry, bakery, milk wagons, 100 second-hald vehicles; single, double furniture wagons; horses, rigs rented. Tom linson A Casslday. 211 Wash. Pacific GOT. FEED stables; stalls for rent by week or month ; new management. Fred Seelow, 3S0 Water st. HUBERT & HALL. 266 4th at., dealers In horses and vehicles; horses and vehicles lor rent. SIX good work horses for sale. Call Colum bia Stables, corner Columbia and Front streets. ONE team of mules and team of horses. 845 East Stark st. Phone East 6827. FOR SALE 4y ear-old horse; good driver. 1450 K. 6th N.. Woodlawn. Pianos. FOR RENT New Hallet & Davis piano; rea- sonaDie to carexui party. oz Morrison, cor, 13th. Miscellaneous. $40 STANDARD steel ranee, almost new. $22.50; good cook stove. $7.50; $45 Jewel gas range, with top oven, $12.60; otteer as etoves as low as $5; gas water heai-er, $7.60; $30 hall-tree, $15; hardwood ex tension table. So ; folding bed. slo mantel folding bed, $7.50; cabinet folding bed, $10; genuine birdseye maple dresser, $20; $40 white maple suite, $20; hardwood dresser, $7.50; $100 black walnut bedroom suite, $27.50; iron beds from $2 up; white maple chiffonier, $9; nice three-piece parlor suite, iz.du; drop-head singer sewing ma chine, good as new, $27.60. TENTS FOR RENT. Camp furniture for sale cheap. Carpets and rugs, all sixes. $2.50 up to $26. Everything to furnish, a house at way down prices. All sorts of exchanging made 10 your satisfaction. Xrv us. M. J. McGRATH FURNITURE CO., 66 N. 3d st. Main 2087. YACHT BROKERS. 20-foot launch, nrlce 1 275 18-foot launch, price ..-$ 350 22-foot launch, prloe $ 600 26-foot launch, price $1,000 o n. d. marine enc-ine 70 h. p. marine engine $ 125 HAYES ENGINE-LAUNCH CO., 171 Madison st. Phones Main 7408, Home . A3367. FOR SALE 1 Fairbanks-Morse 2-horee sta tionary gasoline eneine. complete. 1 nailing machine, suitable for light ooxes. 1 small hand printing press. 1 cash register. 1 6x8H view camera in good condition. l -ttili AM K S MERCANTILE AOl C X , 204 Abington block. FOR SALEI Gasoline launch, with canopy top, 81 feet, 15 H. . P. 4-cyllnder engine, with . boathouse complete;' in fine condi ' tion; almost new; can be seen at Von der Werth Boathouse, East Side, Morri son bridge. t FOR BALE Single-seat, light touring car type, Cadillac automobile; fully equipped; gas and oil lamps, odometer, top, etc. For town work and short touring this car un excelled. Guaranteed In perfect condition. Oregon Motor Car Co., 108 7th st. FOR SALE New and second-hand billiard and pool tables; easy payments; we rent tables, with privilege of buying; modern bar fixtures; cheap prices. Brunswick-Balke-Collender. 49 3d st. $180 Five automobiles at $180 each. That's not half their value, but they are In the way and we have no time to bother with them. Take your choice. Merrill, 7th and Oak ste., after 1 P. M. SPLENDID opportunity to secure an ele gant, new, made-to-order leather couch for less than half cost; suitable, for home or office; party leaving city. Rooms 62-63 Lewis bldg. FOR SALE $1000, small fore and aft com- Jound tugboat, about 80 horsepower; Just nspected for one year; can be delivered at additional cost anywhere. Address Box 803 Hoqulam, Wash. WB PAY MORE FOR F URNITUR E PORTLAND AUCTION CO., MAIN 6655. 211 FIRST ST. MODERN grocery fixtures; oil tank, scales, showcases, coffee mill, cheese-cutter, etc Call or address H. Stunners & Bon, Van couver, Wash. HOUSE-BOAT Nothing finer on the river; must be sold quick; reduced $150 for quick sale. Merrill, 7th and Oak, after 1 P. M. FRENCH range, kitchen outfit. silver ware and tableware for sale cheap if tak en this week. Inquire 291 Stark st FOR salo cheap, fine lot of candy Jars, soda fountain, largre ice cream freezer aid coffee mill. Room 2, 145 6th. 86-FOOT gasoline launch, 20-horsepower en gine, fully equipped for passenger service; a bargain. 402 Commercial bldg. SOLID sole leather trunk, used very short time; forced to sell ; original cost $120 Address Box B 56, Oregonian. FOR SALE: Simplex separator and No. 3 hydraulic ram cheap. J. A. Zimmerman, Milwaukee, Or., R. F. D. No. 1. JERSEY cow and calf very cheap; parties going away. 17 Belmont, corner 30th. Sunnyslde car. 6-ROOM house. Park st., near Jefferson, cheap; to be removed. Inquire 213 Ab ington bldg. MOVING picture machine, $35; 1000 feet film, $30. Room 2, 145 6th, Marquam Rooming House. FRESH Jersey cow, large milker, gentle, $50. 440 East 26th st. North; Irvington car. Bargains moving pictures, stereopticons, film slides, repairs, exchange, Stevens, 166H 4th FOR SALE Cheap, 2 gasoline marine en gines, 8 and 7 H. P. 205 First st. HELP WANTED MALE. BARBER SHOP for sale. $275; doing a good three-chair business. 2'28 Morri son. California Wine Depot, heaaquarters for cooks and helpers. 148 4th st. Poc. 2183. P. Lorati. WANTED Foundry helpers, 7th and Bel mont. Heacock & Lawrenoa. Iron Works. PHOTOGRAPHER Printer and operator Rembrandt Studio, 404 Abington bldg. BOOKKEEPER; must be competent and & good penman. Address D 63, Oregonian. WANTED Good strong boy, steady position; reference required. S 60, Oregonian. WANTED Janitor; must have references. Elton Court, 11th and Yamhill sta BOO MEN wanted Free shaves and haircuts. 248 Couch st. Moler Barber College. Young Man desiring to better condition Call on Employment Dept., Y. M. C. A, JOB PRINTER for country newspaper; new plant; $18 week. 26 N. 2d st. SALESMEN Big wages; something positively new. 215 Commercial block. WANTED Young man to work in German bakery at Vancouver, Wash. WANTED First-class all-around baker. 3L. EaiAU. CorviUUsQiv n- HELP WAN TED MALE. PHYSICIAN WANTED. Wanted- Physician and surgeon, one li censed In Oregon, as associate in sanita rium; must be good on obstetrical surgery; one not afraid to be where printers' ink Is used; only a sober, reliable man considered; good pay to right party. Address, with full particulars, G 62, Oregonian office. WANTED For United States Army, gsble- uuuiu unmarried men oeiwecn mo o.&n of 21 and 35, citizens of United States, of good character and temperate habits, who can speak, read and write English. Apply to Recruiting Officer, Alnsworth block. Third and Oak sts., Portland, Or. AT once, several good men to prepars for U. 8. Immigration and Chinese Inspectors. Special examination August 12. Applica tions must be filed without delay. 8ee Mgr. "West Coast Schools, 815 Ore gonian bldg. Open evenings. ALL diseases of men successfully treated; discharges positively cured in from 3 to 6 days; consultation free and strictly con fidential; send for our symptom blank. X-radlum Medical Institute, 3d and Alder eta; entrance 253 Alder St., Portland. WANTED Young man for light office work and to do some collections; must have some knowledge of bookkeeping. Apply in person Monday, between 8:30 and 11 A. M., or 8 and 5:80 P. M., at room 501, Oregonian bldg. WANTED Efrlght boy, 16 to 18, to learn banking business In thriving suburb of Portland; must be accompanied by parent or guardian; high school graduate preferred. Call 9 to 10 A. M. tomorrow, 406 Com mercial block. I WANT 2 stenographers, male, to work out ot town, salary $75; young man for grocery uuwnew; Dooxiceeper out or town joo. foo and board and room, in shingle mill. Call at once. Clerks Registration Bureau, SOS Alleky bldg. U. S. Internal Revenue Service. Men wanted to qualify for examination September 4. Call today. Information free. West Coast Schools, 815 Oregonian bldg. Open tonignt. Men and boys wanted to learn plumbing, plas- ienng. DricKiaymg, aleo eheet metal pattern draughting; positions secured; day and night classes ; free cata logue ; visitors welcome. Coyne Trade Sch'ls, San Fran, and New York WANTED Steady reliable boys living with ?arents, between the agea of 17 and 20, to earn molders trade. Must have first-class reference. Apply Wlllamete Iron & Steel Works Foundry, 23d and York streets. RAILWAY mall clerks for Oregon; exam ination August 6; good salaries and pro motions. Call or write at once If inter ested In getting a Government position. Pacific States School. McKay bldg. PROTECT yourself for $1 per month sgalnsc accident, sickness and death. Write or call for full Information. Northwestern Health and Accident Association. 169 Sherlock bldg. Agents wanted. MEN AND WOMEN TO LEARN BARBER trade In eight weeks; graduates earn from $15 to $25 weekly; expert instructors; oat- . alogue free. Moler System of Colleges, 35 North Fourth street, Portland. WANTED Salesmen and solicitors for best proposition ever made to both agent and public; do not overlook this. Call after 7 P. M.. Nfw Occidental Hotel, 1st and Mor rison, room 212. P. Kramer. WANTED A salesman; will guarantee $0 per week to any man who will work; will employ inexperienced man If a worker; an experienced salesman is good for $100 per week. T 46. Oregonian. WANT work? Call and see me at once; com petent gentlemen and ladles as bookkeepers, cashiers, clerking; good salaries. Clerks' Registration Bureau, 3o3 Allsky bldg., 3d and Morrison sts. Men and women to learn watchmaking, engrav ing, jeweler work, optics, eajy terms: posi tions guaranteed; nionoy muds learning. Watchmkg-Engvg. Sen' I, 1426 4th av. Seattle. YOUNG man about 18 years, capable of oper ating typewriter, for office assistant. Must be accurate at figures. State experience, salary expected. Address S 64, Oregonian. WANTED Ex-school teacher or bookman to sell the latest edition of Webster's Diction ary in Oregon; new territory; good salary or commission. Address B 66, Oregonian. FOREMAN, printer. Simplex operator, press feeders, advertising solicitors, reporters, special edition writer. Newspaper Broker age, Goodnough bldg. WANTED Wash man, one able to handle boiler and engine; good wages; steady job. . Address Mirror Steam Laundry, Hoqulam, Wash. . OFFICE boy wanted to learn the real estate business; must live at home; an swer in own handwriting. M 56, Orego nian. WANTED Solicitor for high-grade propo sition; good money; steady work. Field, 12 to 2 and 4 to 6 P. M, today, 225 6th 6U, city. WANTED In large wholesale grocery business, young man familiar with the line; must bs good at figures. Address G 48, Oregonian. WANTED In wholesale grocery house, bill clerk, who can use typewriter; state ex perience and detail. R 65, Oregonian. SHOWCASE makers wanted. $3.25 per day of nine hours. Address Harrlld & Sons, 109-11 Pacific ave., Spokane. ADVERTISING solicitors, good publications, liberal commission. Investigation solicited. 603 Goodnough bldg. WANTED Reliable timber cruisers and com pass men for steady work. Room 209 Lum per Exchange bldg. WANTED Industrious, sober and ' experi enced man at baths, bank basement, 2d and Washington. WANTED Solicitors; permanent situation with advancement to right parties. 400 Oregonian bldg. WANTED Engineer for gasoline launch and sail boat on Middle Columbia. Call at Scott Hotel, Portland. WANTED Young man for general office work. Address In own handwriting, A 60, ' Oregonian. WANTED Photograph operator, also printer for arlwto, first-class. Cutberth, 801 De kura bldg. BIG-PAYING three-chair barber shop in sub urb; cheap rent; $6i0. Address D 64, Ore gonian. WANTED First-class grocery porter. Stats experience and references. O 66, Orego nian. WANTED Stave bolt cutters, $1.60 per cord. Apply 306 Stearns bldg., Portland, Or. WANTED A bellboy at No. 163 12th and Morrison sts. FARM hand wanted. Inquire 326 Abington bldg. HELP WANTED FEMALE. WANTED Operators and girls to learn shirtmaklng. Apply Standard Factory, 2 Grand ave. and ast Taylor st. EXPERIENCED glove, hosiery, umbrella salesladies; permanent positions; good sal aries. Lennon's, 309 Morrison. HANSEN'S LADIES AGENCY, 843M Washington st.. oor. 7th upstairs. Phone Main 2692. WANTED Girl to work In store; must come with references. Call at 428 10. Morrison. GIRL for general housework; family of four adults; heavy washing given out. 665 Hoyt st. TYPESETTER country newspaper; new plant. 343 Washington st., corner 7th, room 7. A WOMAN as helper for housework; sleep home nights. Phone Main 7224. 149 Lowns dala. WANTED Competent girl for general house work. Apply 181 East 16th. Phone East 1698. GIRLS WANTED APPLY STANDARD Factory, 2 Grand ave. and East Taylor st. WANTED Girls to make Fits-Well shirts and Boss of All overalls. Inquire 76 1st. COMPETENT girl for g-eneral housework! good wages: family of 8. 128 14th st. WANTED A girl to assist with general housework. Inquire at 62 N. 10th st. -GIRLS wanted for burning, drawing, paint ing and lettering. A 27. Oregonian. WANTED A good cook and a good second girl; good wages. Call 245 King at. WANTED Girl for housework, 8 in family. Mrs. Hogue, 584 East Taylor st. WANTED Experienced waitress. . Court, 11th and Yamhill sta Elton I WA.MCJJJ ijrjri iu neip in uiimig-ioom ax HELP WANTEDFEMALB. ATTENTION. . . , Applicants for all kinds of work, register with us. free of charge, so we may locate you on short notice. HANSEN'S LADIES' AGENCY, 843 Washington st., cor. 7th. upstairs. GIRL or capable woman for housework In small family; must be neat ana gooa pi' cook; wages $30. Call at residence, oh Tillamook st., la Irvington, or ses J. L. -d jm u-un Mtiia Store.- i-ri t uiaii, utl jvr ua viiio ? vun WANTED First-class ekirt maker; also waist finisher; both must be accurate ana speedy; correspondence solicited. Mme. l. Glenn, Butte 6, Jones blk., Tacoma, Wash. GIRLS WANTED OPERATORS TO WORK on shirts and overalls; leAaon given to Inexperienced. Apply at Standard Factory 2 Grand ave. and K. Taylor st. WANTED Competent girls as bookkeepers, cashiers, clerking ; good salaries. Cierka Registration Bureau. 308 Allsky bldg. oor. 8d and Morrison sts. WANTED ST ARCH WORK IRONERS. flannel lroners and general laundry help. East Side Laundry Co., East Ash and eth. Phone East 809. GIRL for general housework; small family, spending several months at coast; good wages if thoroughly competent. 992 Thurman st. WANTED Girls 16 years and over to operats power sewing machines; good wages. Apply at once, Ames-Harrls-Nevills Co., 6th and Davis sts. WOMAN as cook in small family living in suburban home mile from carline; 2 servants employed. 228 Sherlock Bldg. WANTED Refined, capable woman for re sponsible position, with opportunities f"r advancement. Ylavl Co., 10th & Morrison. WANTED Trained nursel to take charge of small hospital out of city. Call or ad dress 670 E. Salmon or phone East 2940. WANTED Housekeepers, cooks, nurses, waitresses, second girls. St. Louis Ladles Agency, 230 Yamhill. Main 6413. WANTED In wholesale grocery house, bill oerK, wno can use typewriter; state ex perience and detail. R 65, Oregonian. WANTED Catholic girl between 12 and 15 years of age to work for board, clothea and schooling. M 57, Oregonian. BILL clerk in wholesale grocery business; one who is familiar with the line, and can use typewriter. M 50, Oregonian. GIRL for general housework; small family; gooa wages. os iuiamook st. WANTED Young girl to assist with house work. Phone Woodlawn 1040. WANTED A competent second girl. Apply d4i inn st., mornings. GIRL to work small restaurant; good wages. 274 Taylor st. HELP WANTED MALE OR FEMALE. WANTED Organizers, either sex, on salary of $100 a month and expenses, for an up-to-date association, paying weekly sick and accident benefits and furnishing fre medical attendance to all its members; liberal contract will be made with pro ducers of business. American Sick and Accident Association, Buffalo, N. Y. WANTED Immediately, dramatic and vaude ville performers; steady work, good salary. Newman's Theatrical Circuit, lioVa tlh. WANTED Experienced taiior, man or woman. S. Goldstein, 2H7 H Everett st. SITUATION WANTED MALE. Bookkeepers and Clerks. STENOGRAPHERS. BOOKKEEPERS, of fice workers, clerks. night watchmen, salesladies and salesmen, collectors, wit a reference as to character, experience and ability, furnished In every detail ana ready to go to work on the Instant. CLERKS' REGISTRATION BUREAU, 303 Allsky Bldg. 3d and Morrison St. OFFICE man, bookkeeper, credit mart of 40, Al reference and bond, over 15 years with one house as bookkeeper, credit man and auditor. F G2, Oregonian. A COMPETENT bookkeeper and expe rienced man of business wants responsible position. 'Address p 69, Oregonian. Miscellaneous. YOUNG man. Industrious and sober, wants situation as Janitor, or in private place for generally useful man around house; car of garden, automobile; best of refer ences. B 65, Oregonian. FIRST-CLASS stenographer, age 23, desires po sition about. August 1, lumber business pre ferred. Four year's experience. L 49, car a Oregonian. YOUNG man from the South wants posi tion; have had several years experience In retail lumber business. Address L 40, Oregonian. YOUNG Japanese boy wants situation to do housework in family, city or country; speaks good English. O 60, Oregonian. YOUNG Japanese wants position, any kind; 6 A. M. to 5 P. M., or after 1 o'clock at night. J 57. Oregonian. A YOUNG Japanese wishes to work In any kind store during the day or night; speaks well. N 65, Oregonian RELIABLE man of intelligence desires posi tion as watchman, caretaker or office work. S 56. Oregonian. MAN and wife desire work In camp oi other place; no children. A 62, Oregonian. YOUNG Japanese boy wants situation of any kind; work in city. C 62, Oregonian. JAPANESE LABOR ASSOCIATION All kinds help supplied. Main 4659. 268 Everett. JAPANESE family cook wants position al Summer resort. W 61. Oregonian. MAN and wife wish position cooking In log ging camp. G 41, Oregonian. WANTED Position by experienced hoisting engineer. J 46, Oregonian. I WISH foremanship in logging camp. Call or write J 44, Oregonian. MAN wishes position as night watchman. Call 248 Burnside st. MAN and wife wish position on farm; close In. H 44, Oregonian. FIREMAN wants position in city. 104 11th st. SITUATION WANTED FEMALE. Bookkeepers and Stenographer. STENOGRAPHERS. BOOKKEEPERS. of fice workers, clerks, night watchmen, salesladies and salesmen, collectors, wlt.i reference as to character, experience and ability, furnished In every detail and. ready to go to work on the Instant. CLERKS' REGISTRATION BUREAU, 803 Allsky Bldg. 3d and Morrison St. Ail kinds stenographic work done; substituting. 612 Couch bldg-. Phones Main 7355. A 2563. Housekeepers. POSITION as housekeeper in a roomtng houBe, or would consider leasing a house In a fair location. Address Mrs. King, 1565 E. 13th St., Portland. Or. Miscellaneous. LADY takes charge oi, entertains Invalids, aged, children, by hour, day, month. Refer ences. Pacific 67L XaAJDY wishes washing and ironing; West Side preferred. 69 N. 13th st. Horns phone A 4002.. ELDERLY lady, housekeeper in widower's family. Address H. K.. 208 5th st. Phone Pacific 2916. A YOUNG woman would like to work for room and board at Coast. C 61, Orego nian. WANTED AGENT9. WANTED Agents to sell our high grade trees, shrubs, etc.; outfit furnished free; commission advanced each week; good ter ritory open. Albany Nurseries, Albany, Or. AGENTS WANTED Can you sell goods? If so, we need you; complete outfit free; cash weekly. Write for choice of territory. Capital City Nursery Co., Salem. Or. WANTED Photograph and portrait agents, grand new offer. Cutberth. 801 Dekum bldg. WANTED TO RENT. WANTED Room and board, gentleman and 2 little girls; state price. T 61, Orego nian. 10 TO 15 rooms, furnished, suitable -for roomers and boarders. Address K 65. Ore gonian. FAMILY without children wants to rent small cottage. Address R. Buetikofer. 265 Salmon st YOUNG lady wants modern room with t board references. F 65, Oregonian.