15 THE UIOKmG OREGOXIAN, SATURDAY, JULY 20, 1907. CHEESE CLIMBS UP Sharp Advance Recorded in Local Quotations. AVAILABLE SUPPLY SMALL liberal Orders Coming in From San Francisco, Los Angeles and the Sound Cities Good De mand for Melons. The announcement made recently by one of the leading cheese handlers of the city that the market had touched bottom proved correct, for the advance that occurred soon atter was followed by another yesterday. The market Is very firm and from present Indications will not be long In reaching- a higher level. The cause of the sudden rise In prices yesterday was the entry Into the market of Ean Francisco and Los' Angeles - buyers. There has been a steady demand from Seattle and other Sound points for some time which has bold the market firm, and now on top of this comes the California orders, which have practically cleaned out local stocks. The Tillamook factories are closely sold tip, and with the milk supply falling; off. It Is difficult to see how prices can help ad vancing. About the only cheese available Is the quantity now In transit. The local fcrtorage supply Is small. Some Eastern cheese is appearing on the Sound, but at prices that do not compete with the Oregon product. "With Callforntane buying here. It is not probable that any f their make will be available for the local trade. Some of the cheese authorities are of the opinion that there will be an 18 to 20 csnt wholesale market In Portland next Win ter. GREAT OPTTUT OF A SHALL VALXJET. Fruitful Production of Coachella, 122 Feet , r Below Sea Level. There are few spots in the world more productive than Coachella Valley, California, from which Portland receives a great deal of the early vegetables and fruit. The valley is 13T miles from Los Angeles and only 14 miles long and eight miles wide. The Coachella Submarine (the valley Is 122 feet below sea levei says of the valley's products: Since January 1 there have been shipped from the valley several hundred crates of asparagus, 21 cars of cabbage, 40 cars of onions, several thousand pounds of early beans. 10O0 crates of Summer squash, seve ral hundred crates of fancy blackberries, three tons of turkeys, one and a half tons of chickens, 3000 dozen eggs and 1000 cords of wood. The following careful estimate has been made on the products to be shipped during the next six months: About three more cars of onions, 60,000 poundB of cucumbers, 50 cars of 22-pound boxes of tomatoes, five cars of fancy malaga grapes. 300 cars of cantaloupes, 10 cars of watermelons, four tons of turkeys, one and a half tons of ducks, two tons of chickens, several thousand crates of eggs, 1000 cords of wood and at leant five cars of hogs. THREE CARS OF WATRMELOM Ilff. Change in the. Weather Is a Fortunate Thing For the Receivers. It was fortunate for the watermelon trade that the weather turned off warm yesterday Three cars of melons came In, and under the circumstances the demand was very good and a fair start was made toward cleaning them up. The prices quoted was 2 cents. ' Cantaloupes were scarce and a large quan tity could have been sold. Receipts of peaches were plentiful, but too large a part of the shipments was made up of undersized stock, some of which had to be sold as low as 40 cents a box. Fancy peaches readily brought 11.25. Cherries are still in adequate supply. Among the of fering are Lamberts as big as plums, which are held at 1012tt centa A car of Walla Walla onions oame In dur ing the day. CHICKEN MARKET DOES NOT ft IT-ROTE, (some Inquiry For Young Ducks and Tur keys Egg Are Dull. The chicken market was still weak yes terday at tha previous day's decline. There was some inquiry for large spring duck-, tut very small ones were not wanted. Old fat hen turkeys sell well and Spring turkeys might move if any were on hand. Old geese are dull and large young geese steady. The egg market presents no change, and until the quality of the general run Im proves, the market will not be In a very healthy condition. Another half cent ad vance occurred In the Eastern market yes terday. Butter Is In plentiful supply on Front treat and tha undertone of the market is weak. The city creamery trade is not over active, but prices are quoted steady. Bank Clearing. Bank clearings of the leading cities of the Northwest yesterday were: Clearings. Balances. Portland 1, 019.634 TS.43T Seattle 1,203.878 142.724 Tacoma TfiB.408 82,169 Spokane 623,682 113,380 PORTLAND QUOTATIONS. Qraln. Flour, Feed. Etc. MILL.BTUFFS Bran, city .SIT. country $18 per ton; middlings, 24.0032"i.BO; shorts, city (19, country, $20 per ton; chop, S1S 16 per ton. WHEAT Club, 4flf 85c; blueetem, 8887e; Valley. 84o"; red. 82c. uatb froaucers- pries: jfo. x whits, f2r.&u&28; gray, nominal. FLOUR Patent. 4.80: straight. 14.25: itara, $4-23; Valley, 4.304.40; graham our, 14a4.00; whole wheat Hour, 4.20$ ,76. BARLEY Producers' prices: Feed. S21.S0 fr22 per ton; brewing, nominal; rolled. CEREAL FOODS Rolled oata, crm, 00 pound sacks. $7; lower gradoa. $5.GPg6 50; oatmeal, steel-cut, 4.Vpound sacks. $$ per barrel; 9-pound sacks, $4.23 per bale; oat meal (ground), 45-pound sacks, $7.50 per barrel; 9-pound sacks, $4 per bale; sjjllt peas, per 100 pounds, $4.254.80; pearl bar ley, $44.60 per 10!) pounds; pastry flour, 10-pound sacks, $2.30 per bale. CORN Whole. $2S; cracked. $29 per ton. HAY Valley timothy. No. 1. $17(9' 18 per ton; Eastern Oregon timothy. $2123; clover. $0; cheat. ISffllO; grain hay, $0010; alfalfa, $1S14. Butter, Eggs, Poultry, Eta. N BUTTER City creameries: Extra crem ery, 27Hc per pound: State creameries: Fancy creamery, 2u27tac; store -butter, 196' 20c. CHEESE Oregon full cream twins, 15H 18c; Young America, lQ17c per pound. POULTRY Average old hens. 13 14c; mixed chiskens, 13c; Spring chickens. 18 (l 17c; old roosters, 10c; dressed chickens, leSrlTe: turkeys, live, 12 15c; turkeys, dressed, choice, nominal; geese, live, per pound. 8)lc; ducks, S14c; pigeons, $1 I. 60: squabs, $2 3 3. EGGS Fresh ranch, candled, 24 0250 per lozen. Vegetables, Fruits. Eto. DOMESTIC FRUITS Cherries. 8 12 He per pound; apples, Sl.ft0i2.25 per box. Spltzenbergs, $3.60 per box; cantaloupes. $2.60T 3.50 per crate; peaches. 400 (8 $1.25 per crate: raspberries, $X.251.50; blackberries. S12!4c per pound; loganber ries. $1.25 per crate; prunes. $1.50 1.75 per prate; watermelons, 2c per pound; plums, II. 6091.65 per box; pears, $2.25; apricots. fl..V$2 per box. TROPICAL FRUITS Lemons, $51 per 0"x; oranges, sweets, $8,25'5P350: Valencia P3.754.50; grape-fruit, $2.503.50; ba Dunns. 5c per pound, rrat.d 5c. ROOT VEGETABLES lurnips, $1.75 per sack; carrots, $2 per sack: beets. $2 per sack: carlic. Sc per pound. FRESH VEGETABLES Artichokes, 809 60c per dozen; asparagus, 10c per pound; beans, nominal, 35c; cabbage, !14 per pound: celery, $1.25 per dozen; corn. 20&33C per aozenr cucumuer., uvcv $1 per box; egg plant, loe pound; let- t -m . . ja.iih laitniia irf h Aiiqm $1.50 per box; onions, 15 20c per dozen; parsley, 20c- per dozen; peas, 4 5c per pound; peppers, bell, 12&15c per pound; radishes, 20c per dozen; rhubarb, 3c per pound; spinach, 6c per pound; squash, 50 $1 per boat; tomatoes, SIC 1.25 per crate; hot house. $2.50. ONIONS Walla Walla, $2.25 per pound. DRIED FRUITS Apples, 88HC pound; apricots, 16 l&c; peaches. 11 -3c ; pears, im 14c; Italian prunes, 2 6c; Califor nia figs, white, in sacks, 5 6Hc per pound; black. 45c; bricks, 75c$2 25 per box; Smyrna, 18H20o pound; dates, Persian. 6 7c pound. POTATOES New, lViff2c per pound. x Groceries. Kuts, Eto. RICE Imperial Japan, No. 1, Qc; Bouth ern Japan, 6.10c;- head. 7 Vic. COFFEE Mocha, 24 3 28c; Java, ordinary, 17"i?20c; Costa Rica, fancy, 16(Q20c; good, 16 iSISc; ordinary, l216o per pound. Columbia roast, cases, 100s, $14.50; 50s, $14.75; Ar buckle. $1650; Lion. $15.75. SALMON Columbia River, 1-pound tails. $1.73 per doz. : 2-pound tails, $2.40; 1-pound flats, $1.10; Alaska, pink, 1-pound tails. 95a: red. 1-pound tails, $1.25; sockeyes, 1-pound tails, $1.70. tsacK Dasis, inj pounds, cube. $6.12Va; powdered, $6.024; rranulated, $5.87; extra C. $5.87H; golden C. $5.27H; fruit sUKar. S5.87V: berry. S5.87U: XXX. $5.77. Advance sales over eack basis as follows: Barrels. 10c; barrels, 25c; boxes, 50c per 100 pounds. Terms: On remittances within 15 days deduct o per pound; if later than 15 days and within 30 davs. de duct V&c; beet sugar, $5.77Va per 100 pounds; maple sugar, loflec per pound. NUTS Walnuts, 16 5 20c per pound by sack; . Brazil nuts, 19c; fllgerts, 16c; pecan Jumbos. 23c; extra large, 21c: almonds, 189 20c; chastnuts, Ohio, 17Hc; Italian, 14H& 15c; peanuts, raw, 9o per pound; roasted, 10c; ptnenuts. 10 12c; rlckory nuts. 10c; cocoanuts, 35(g) 00c per dozen. SALT Granulated, $14 per ton; $2 per bale; half ground, 100s, $10.60 per ton; 50s, $11 per ton. BEANS Small white, Sc; large white, 8c; pink, 3c; bayou. 3c; Lima, SVfcc; Mexi cans, red. 4c HONEY Fancy, $3.253.B0 per box, Dressed Meat. VEJAL Dressed, 75125 pounds, S36o; 125 Hj 150 pounds, 7c; 1500 200 pounds, 6c) 200 pounds and up. 6H6c. BEEF Dressed bulls, 8Vj4c per pound; cows, 6 g 6 Vic; country steers, 616 (&7c. - MUTTON Dressed. fancy, 8 eg1 tfc per pound; ordinary, 5!&7c; Spring lambs. 9& 9c per pound. PORK Dressed, 100130 pounds, 81280; lGOOO pounds, 7t?7Vc; 200 pounds and up. OSHo. Hops. Wool, Hides. Etc HOPS e7c per pound, according to quality. WOOL Eastern Oregon average best, 16 22o per pound, according to shrinkage; Val ley, 2o22c, according to flneneea MOHAIR Choice, 20-g30o per pound. CASCARA BARK Old, leea than car lota, B5Hc: car lots, 6c new, 45c pound. HIDES Dry, No. 1. 16 pounds and up, 18c per pound; dry kip. No. 1, & to 15 pounds, 15 -16c per pound ; dry calf, No. 1, under 5 pounds, 20c; dry salted: Bulls and stags, one third, less than dry flint; culls, moth-eaten, badly cut, scored, murrain, bair-Biippd, weather-beaten or grubby, 2o to 8c per pound less; ealted steers, sound, 60 pound and over, 8o pound; steers, sound. 50 to 60 pounds, $jf9c pound; steers, count, under 60 pounds, and cows, 89c pound; stags and bulls, sound, 6i i-6c pound; kip. sound, 15 to 30 pounds, fi'Sbo pound; veal, sound, under 10 pounds, 11c; calf, sound, under 10 pounds, ll12c pound; green (uncalled), lc pound leas; culls, lc pound less; sheepskins, shearings. No. 1 butchers' stock, 25'g3oc each; short wool. No. 1 butch ers' stock, 5060c each; medium wool. No. 1 butchers' stork, $1.251.50 each; murrain pelts, from 10 to 20 per cent less, or 13 14c pound; horse hides, salted, according to size, $22.50 eachr; hides, dry, according to size. $11.60 each ; colts' hides, 25 50c each ; goatskins, common, I525c each; goatskins. Angora, with wool on, 30c&$l.BO each. FURS Bearakins, as to size. No. 1, $5fS 20 each; cubs. $ltlt3 each; badger, prime, 25 (yoOc each; cat, wild, with head perfect, 30 506c ; cat, house, Sft 20c ; fox. common gray, large prime, 50700 each; red, $35 each; cross, $5&15 each; silver and black, $100 300 each; fishers, $58 each; lynx, $4.50&6 each ; mink, strictly No. 1, acocrding to size. $13 each; marten, dark northern, according to elze and color, $K15 each; pale, pine, according to size and color, $2.50t&4 each; mu&krat, large, I24f 15o each; iskunk, 3O40c each ; civet or polecat, 6& 15c each ; otter, for large, prime skins, $6f?10 each; panther, with bead and claws perfect, $2(&5 each; raccoon, for prime, large, 5CK?75c each; wolf, mountain, with head perfect, $3.505 each; prairie '(coy ote), 60c$l each; wolverine, $G8 each. Provisions and Canned Meats. BACON Fancy breakfast, 22c pound; stand ard breakfast, l&VjC; choice, 18Vc; English, 11 to 14 pounds, 16c; peach, 15c. HAMS 10 to 11 pounds, 16tC pound; 14 to 16 pounds, 16c; 18 to 20 pounds, 16o; picnics, 12c; cottage, 12c; shoulders, 12o; bulled, 25c. SAUSAGE) Bologna, long, 8c; links. BARRELED GOODS Pork, barrels, $20; half-barrels. ' $11; beef, barrels, $10; bait barrels, $5.50. DRY SALT CURED Regular short clears, dry salt, 12c; smoked, 18c; clear backs, dry salt, 12c; smoked, 13c; clear bellies, 14 to 17 pounds average, dry salt, none; smoked, ncmej Oregon exports, dry salt, 13c; smoked, 14c. LARD Kettle rendered: . Tierces, 12Uo; tubs. 12c; 50e. 12c; 20s, 12; 10s, lSc; 5s, 18ic; Standard pure: Tierces, HHc, tubs, llc; 50s, llc; 20s. llc; 10s, 12U,o; 5s, 12Hc. Compound: Tierce?. 94c; tubs, 9bo. 50s, fic; 10s, 10c; 5s. 10 He. Metal Markets. NEW YORK, July 19. There was a mod erate Improvement- In the London tin mar ket, with, spot closing at 183 16s and futures at 161. Locally the market was firm, with spot quoted at 4141.10o. Copper was higher In the London mar ket, with spot advancing 10a to 94 10s and futures 1 15s to 88 15s. Locally the mar ket was dull and nominal, with lake quoted at 21 Q 22c; electrolytic at 20.603' 2 lo and casting at 2020.25c. Lead was unchanged at 5.10(3 5,25c In the local market and at 20 tn London. Spelter was 2s 6d lower at 23 17s 6d in London. Locally the market was weak, but unchanged at 6. 05 & 8. 10c. Iron was unchanged in the English mar ket, with standard foundry at 68s 6d and Cleveland warrants at 56s 6d. Locally the market was unchanged. Dried Fruit at New York. NEW TORK, July 19. The market for evaporated apples Is firm. Fanoy is quoted at 8c; choice, at 8c; prime, at 78o; poor to fancy, at 47c. Prunes are firm in tone, with quotations ranging from 412c for California, fruit and from S & 9o for Oregon up to 80 and 40s. ' Apricots are quiet, except for Immediate needs, being restricted by the high prioes. Choice are quoted at 21c; extra, choice, at 22c, and fancy, at 8223o. Peaches are unchanged, with choloe quot ed at 11 12c; extra choice, at 12.18o; fancy, at 18 18 a. and extra fanoy, Ua9 14 c. Raisins are In slaok demand on apot, ow ing to tha hot weather. Loose muscatels are quoted at 8H4JIO0; seeded raisins ace 74ffilfc, and London layers at 1.651.S3. Bark Feeling In Lewis County. CHEHALIS; Wash., July 19. (Special.) The Chehalls Produce Company is receiv ing large quantities of cascara bark this year. In its warehouse in this city it has over 150,000 pounds on hand now. and the season is by no means over. A large num ber of people in Eastern Lewis County are busily engaged In peeling. Dealers are paying 5 cents per pound for the bark. New York Cotton Market. NEW YORK, July 19. The cotton market olosed quiet and steady at a net advance of 12 points to a decline of 2 points. July, 11.82c; August, 11.46o; September, ll.elo; October. 11.71o; November, 11.70o; Decem ber. 11.78c; January, 1185c; February. HSflc; March, 11.96c; April, 11.99c; May, 12.050. Unsold Hons in Yamhill' County. M-MINNVILLE. Or., July 19. (Special.) W. C. Miller, a large hopgrower here, esti mates the 1906 crop yet in the hands of the growers- of this county at 1900 bales, ac cording to carefully compiled data. This is 1000 bales below tha estimate recently made by Klaber & Co. Dairy Produce ia the East. CHICAGO. July 19. On the Produce Ex change today tha butter market was firm. Creameries, 21fe25c; dairies, 18S22. Eggs firm: at mark cases Included. 18 3 14 c: firsts, 14c; prime firsts. 16a. Cheese steady; 18 13 0. , Wool at St. Louis. ST. LOUIS, July 19. Wool steady: me dium grades, combing and clothing. 24 28c; light fine," 2728c; fine, 1719c; tub washed, 25 86c CAMPAIGN FOR RISE Operations Persisted in Dej spite Many Obstacles. ADVANCES PARTLY HELD Expected Favorable Development in Hill Stocks Principal Strength ening Influence Moderate" Rise in the Harrlmans. NEW TORK, July 19. The operations for a rise In prices of stocks, which, have been persisted In at Intervals during the week. In spite of Interruptions, were continued today. There were apparent difficulties In overcoming; the Inertia of the general list, and this drag on the advance offered a pas sive resistance had a discouraging effect on the efforts of the 'bulls at "-times. The principal ammunition of the bulls con sisted of vague intimations of some forth coming favorable development regarding the Hill railroad stocks. An Increase In the rate of distribution of profits was the sub stance of these rumors. In the movement. Great Northern preferred stock took the precedence of Northern Pacific, which was the favorite in yesterday's dealings. The "cutting of a melon" for Northern Pacific following the disposition of its equity in Burlington to Great Northern was still ru mored, but was not such a speculative favor ite as yesterday. The rise In the Harrlmans was more mod erate, although Union Pacific touched the highest point In the movement. Publication of the imposing results of the year's oper ations of Union Pacific and Southern Pa clflo had a favorable effect, the surplus after dividends of the two systems mounting to a total of upwards of $26,000,000. These figures had been foreseen and supplied no Incentive to further advances in stocks. Substantial help for the rise In prices was found in the better feeling for copper metal, both here and abroad. Large sales at the prices fixed by tire principal pro ducers were reaohed. Foreign markets had a report of an agreement of the Amalgamat ed and the Rio Tlnto interests on the prices to be demanded. The price of copper in London advanced. The continued ease of call loans and the prospeats for a favorable bank statement tomorrow were strengthening elements. The aotlvlty fell to small proportions late and advances were only partly retained. Total sales of bonds, par value, $992,000. United States bonds advanced hi per cent on call. CLOSING STOCK QUOTATIONS. , Closing Bales. High. Low. Bid. Adams' Expreae .- 15i Amal. Copper ... 62,700 91 81 91 Am. Car & Foun. 800 43 43 3 do pref erred 100 Am. Cotton Oil... 1.000 82 82 32 do preferred ........ Stt American Kxpre&s. ..... ..... 210 Am. Hd. & Lt. pf. IS American Ice .... ..... ...... 614 Am. Linseed Oil ..... 10 do preferred .... 25 Am. Locomotive 68 do preferred . . 104 Am. Smelt. & Ref. 10,100 119 1117 118 do preferred ..v. 6iO 106 106 105 Am. Sugar Ref 400 123 122 122 Am. Tobacco ctfa. 4U0 87 -85 85 Anaconda Mln. Co. 8.200 B9 58 Atchleon 5,900 62 92 82 do preferred .... ' 600 93 0.3 93 Vt Atl. Coast Line... - 97 Bait. & Ohio 900 98 97 do Dreferred 85 56 177 175 - 84 11 151 134 6 15 6S 81V. 24 69 45 117 17 171 465 28 71 66 . 24 69 41 187 144 14 77 23 70 17 88 . 27 67 117 21 41 107 135 75 35 6B 61 60 113 36 76 70 68 81 123 81 6S 85 90 161 105 80 79 28 24 Z 9ft 86 21 61 82Z Brook. Rap. Tran. 8.500 67 65 8.500 67 8.600 178 "l",700 '35 800 11 2.800 161 7,400 135 Canadian Pacific. Central of N. J... Ches. & Ohio Chi. Gt. Western.. Chicago c N. W.. C, M. & St. P Cbl. Ter. Tran. do preferred . C, C, C. & St. L. 84 11 149 184 Colo. Fuel & Iron 600 82 32 Colo. & Southern do 1st preferred do 2d preferred.. 200 46 43 Consolidated Gaa ..... Corn Products .... 300 17 17 do preferred Del. & Hudson 900 "172 172 Del., Lack. & Wee. D. R. Grande.. 800 28 28 do preferred ..... Distillers'- Securi.. 900 66 66 Erie 4.600 25 25 do 1st preferred. 700 59 68 do 2d preferred.. 600 42 41 General Electric... ..... ..... Illinois Central Int. Paper 900 16 15 do preferred Int. Pump ..... do preferred ... . . Iowa Central do preferred .... K. C. Southern... 1,400 27 67 do preferred . . 200 Louis. & Nah.,.. Mexican Central .. Minn. & St. L. . . . M-.St.P. & S.S. M. do preferred .... Missouri Pacific... 1,400 117 n 2.000 7o 74 11,200 86 85 400 66 , 66 "'8o6 '61 '6i ,800 113 118 "9o6 "77'-" '75 ei'.ioo 'si "29" 17,100 124 123 n.soo iori- ios ""406 "is" "2a" fc"o6 '22 "22" 800 47 47 """too -2i" "20' ! 8T.406 "82 "si ' """206 , '20"" "26"" Mo., Kan. & Texas do preferred H.. National Lead .... Max. Nat. Ry, pf. N. T. Central ... N.T.. Ont. & W Norfolk West.... do preferred .... North American... Pacific Mall Pennsylvania People's Gas P.. C. -C. &. St.L. Pressed Steel Car. do Dreferred . . Pullman Pal. Car. Readdng 00 1st nrelerrea. do 2d preferred. M . . Republic bteel do preferred . Rock Ielaad Co. do preferred . Rubber Goods pf . . St.L. s a. F. it pr. St. L. Southwest.. do preferred . . H . . Bouthern Pacific.... 81 do preferred .... -. . 111 Bouthern Kaiiway 66 143 do preferred .... Tenn. Coal & Iroa Texas & Pacific- . 300 Tol.. Bt.L. St Wes. 800 do preferred . . 700 Union Paclfla 141,800 do preferred .... U. 8. Express C S. Leather pf. . U. S. Realty .-. U. S. Rubber 900 do preferred II. S. Steel 29,600 80 49 144 84 105 61 80 88 S6 98 87 86 86 J& preferred 800 100 100 101 Va.-Caro. Chem. TOO 28 28 16 do Dreferred ...-.... ........... 101 Wabash .. ..... 13 do preferred . . . ...... ..... ...H 25 WellFargo Ex.... ..... 2M Westlnghouse Eleo. .. 1 145 Western Union .... 78 Wheel. A L. Erie. ..... 10 Wisconsin central it do Dreferred 40 Northern Pacific... 41.900 137 136 136 Central ieatner z do preferred l aicea-Shefrield 800 68 67 57 Gt. Northern pf. 23.600 138 138 137 Int. Metal 1.200 18 15 15 do preferred 2,000 45 43 43 Total sales for the day, 647,600 shares. BONDS. NEW TORK. July 19. Closing quotations: U.S. ref. 2a reg.l03lD. R. O. 4s... 93 do coupon 10olN. T. C G. 3s. 90'. V. 6. -8s reg.l024lNorth. Pac. 8s... 70 do coupon. ... 103 j North. Pac. 4s. ..100 U. S. new 4s reg. 127 I South. Pac. 4s... 87 do coupon. .. .128 Union Pac. 4s... 99 Atchison aaj. s 00 in i.euui 01 Stocks at London. LONDON, July 19. Consols for money, 84 1-16; do for account, 84 1-16. Anaconda 11WIN. T. Central. . .118 Atchison 95 I Norfolk & West. T7 do preferred.. 96 I do preferred... 86 Bait. & Ohio 100!Ontarlo & West. 37 Canadian Pao. ..182 1 Pennsylvania .. 6a Ches. at Ohio... 85-SilKana Mines 6 Chi. Gt. West... 11. Reading 63 Chi.. M. & S. P.138 Southern By... 20 Do Beers 22 Denver A R. G. . 29 do preferred.. 74 Erie . 26 do 1st pred. . . 61 do preferred.. 68 Southern Pac 83 Union Pacific. ..148 ao preierrea. .. 89 U. S. Steel 37 80 90 27H 27 46 48 146 144 do 2d pref... 43 1 do preferred. . . 102 ii Grand Trunk... 29Wabash 14 LIHno'.s Central.140 I do preferred. ..' 26 Louis. & Nash . .120 Spanish Fours.. 93 Mo.. Kan. & T. . 86! Money Exchange, Etc NEW YORK. July 19. Money on call, easy, 25T3 per cent; ruling rate, 2; closing bid, 2; offered at 2. Time loans, quiet; 60 days. 44 per cent;. 90 days. 4; six months, 5!6 per cent. Prime mercantile paper, 56 per cent. Sterling exchange firm, with actual business In bankers' bills at $4.86.904.95 for demand, and at $4.83.854.70 for 60-day blils. Posted rates, $4-8441S7; commercial bills, $4.83. Bar silver, 88c; Mexican dollars, 53c. Government bonds firm; railroad bonds, steady. X I.ONPOV, juiy 19. Bar silver, steady. 31 7-16d per ounce. Money, 2 per cent. Tn rate of discount in the open market for short bills is 33 per cent. The rate of dis count In the open market, for three months' bills is S3 per cent. SAN FRANCISCO, July 19. Silver bars, 68 c; Mexican dollars, 52 c. Drafts, sight, 10c; drafts, telegraph, 13c. Sterling on London, 60 days, $4.84. Sterling on Lon don, sight, $4.87. Doily Treasury Statement. WASHINGTON, July 19. Today's state ment of the Treasury balances In the general fund shows:. Available cash balance $264,640,388 Gold coin and bullion 66.822.386 Gold certificates 97,188,51)0 Eastern Mining Stocks. BOSTON, July 19. Closing quotatlops: Adventure ..$ 2.50 IParrot $ 19.00 Allouez 45.00 Quincy 118.00 Amalgamatd Atlantic .... Bingham . . . Cal. A Hecla Centennial . Cop. Range.. Daly West.. Franklin ... Isle Royale.. Mass. Mining Michigan . . . Mohawk . . t. Mont. CT A C. O. Dominion Osceola .... 91.62) Shannon 12.50 iTamarack ..' 15.00 iTrinity 815.00 lUnlted Cop... 29.50 !U. S. Mining. 80.50 U. S. Oil 15.30 Utah 14.25 Victoria .... 20.25 Winona ..... 5.75 Wolverine .. 14.50 North Butte. 82:00 Butte Coalit. 2.75 iNevada .... 43 00 I Cal. & Ariz... 120.00 lArlz. Coml... 17.25 107.30 23.0O 64 00 48.25 10.7 47.00 700 7.50 163.00 82.12 23 SO .14.37 165.50 25.73 New York Mining Stocks. NEW TORK, July 19. Closing quotations; Adams Con 9 Alice 3WO Breece 21 Brunswick Con. 50 Little Chief 8 I Ontario ., 4 ;Ophlr ISO IPotosI 16 1 Savage 69 Comstock Tun. 25 Con. Cal. Va. 66 Sierra Nevada.. 36 Smell Hopes SO Standard 175 Horn Silver 1.10 Iron Silver. . . . ,225 Lead ville Con... 8 QUOTATIONS AT SAN FRANCISCO. Prioes Paid for Products In the Bay City Markets. BAN FRANCISCO, July 19. The following prices were quoted, in the produce market today: FRUIT Apples, choice. $1.50; common. $1; bananas. $2.603.50; Mexican limes, $4; California lemonB. choice. S4.O0H5: common. $1.60(2.25; oranges, navel, $1.253.50; pine apples, 52.508'0 VBGBTABLE13 Cucumbers. 6000c: garlic 84c; green peae. 2&3c; string bean. 2v3c; asparagus, 4tgiic; tomatoes, $i.5U(g.i. 10. fatore. livzc: lancy rancn. ?4fec: Eastern, 182oc. POTATOES Sweets. I4W4.60: Earlv Rose. $2.402.50; Oregon Burbanks, $2.75; new potatoes, 93. OMOKB Australian, $44.60; Bermuda, $2 2.25: young, $36310. BUTTER Fancy creamery. 2i!o: cream ery seconds. 25c; fancy dairy, 25c; dairy sec- onas, nominal; picKiea. juac. WOOL fepring. Humboldt and Mendocino. 23f25c: Eastern Oregon, 204f24c; Nevada, 153 ISVjC; South Plains and San Joaquin, 1316c. uors caiirornia, ogic; contracts, lojfuo. CHEESE New. 13c: old. 14c: Younl America. 16o; Eastern. 12c; Western. 15o. HAY Wheat. $17.50319: wheat and oats. 9816; alfalfa, $8.50(J13.60; stock, $7.60180; straw. 4f'(isoe. M ILLST UFFS Bran. $1920: middlings. $27 C30. porLTRT Roosters, old. S4.5-Tff.V: vounr. $6.5Cff7.50; broilers, small. $2..vif(i3; large, $3 14: Iryers. S4.tH'fn 5.00: hens. toruo: ducks, old. $4iS5; young. $5 8. , FLOUR California family extras, $5.20 570; bakers' extra. $3.2003.45; Oregon and Washington. $4.90)35.20. RECEIPTS Flour, 5174 quarter sacks: wheat. 275 centals: barley. 7050 centals: oatn. 560 centals; corn, 95 cental; potatoes. i3o sacks; bran. 2o racks; middlings, 198 sacks; hay, 1205 tons; wool, 161 bales; hides, S15. BOSTON PHONE CO. Enter Field With $5,400,000 System Against Trust, Backed by Harrlman. Special by leased wire, the longest In the world. Boston, j una 9. Hi H. Harrlman has entered the local telephone field by offer ing; to back an Independent company against the trust. He has guaranteed $5,- 000,000 to Insure the Installation of an independent system In this city. In a very few weeks it is probable the new company will decide upon its system and the work of Installing an exchange of about 1000 subscribers will be begun. Ban rrancisco Examiner. ' " Weddings and Strikes "That set c me for the automatic,' It might to know that the total maintenance expense of parts for our entire plant of 8000 switches for the past eighteen months has been $10.24." writes Superintendent J. A. Duncan, of the Sioux City Telephone Company, Bloux City, Iowa.' (This company operates the AUTOMATIC TELEPHONE! SYSTEM.) "A like sum would perhaps take care of the repair cost on operators' chairs in a manual exchange of the same size," adds Mr. Duncan. It occurs to us ' that the one Hem of switchboard cords alone for a manual exchange of 3001 lines would amount to at least fl50 In eighteen -months. That Is fifteen times the cost of all repair parts on tn8 Sioux City automatic exchange. That is only Aberdeen. 8. D. Akron, Ohio. Alientown, Pa. Auburn, Me. Auburn, N. Y. Battle Creek, Mich. Beaver Falls, Pa Belllngham, Wash, Butte. Mont. Cadillac, Mich. Champaign, 111. LAFAYETTE BEARS HAVE THE SAY Force Wheat Prices Down .Over a Cent at Chicago. MARKET WEAK ALL DAY Selling Due to Favorable Weather for the New Crop in the United States and Canada--Close Is at Lowest. CHICAGO, July 19. Wheat prices on the local exchange declined today more than 1 cent because of selling, due chiefly to favorable weather for the new crop. At the Sose the September delivery was off HiCllie. Corn was down 1VC Oats showed a loss of ko. Provisions were 7V4c higher. v The bears were in complete control of the wheat market and a heavy tone pre vailed today. Trading, however, was not in large volume, chiefly because of the slack dmand. The chief weakening Influence was the weather in the United States and Can ada. The market closed weak, with prices almost at the lowest point. September opened 3HiC to lower at 93 3c, declined to 92(tf92!4c and closed at 82 c. ' The corn market closed weak. Septem ber opened WiBiaO to ic lower at 51 52 c sold off to 52?io and closed at 52e52c. September oats opened un changed to a shade higher at 88&38?nc, sold off to 8Vtc and closed at S8if38?c. Provisions were Quiet but firm. At the close September pork was up 7Vc Lard and ribs were also up 7Ha Leading futures ranged as follows: WHEAT. Open. High. Low. Close. July $ -UOT4 $.! $ -WJ -'H September ... .1xt Mm -2,s . .92 vs December DiVs 7i, May 1.02 1.1)2 1.01 101 CRN. July B2S . .62 .62 .62 September ... .6.1H .OS1 62'1 .52', December .S -6b -J?1. May .. 61Ts . -52 .51 M'n OATS. July 43i .43 .43 4S September ... .38 .33. .38 .8S December 3 39 .30 .38 May 4Ha -41' .4054 .41 MESS PORK. ' September .... 16.50 . LARD September 8.05 9.05 8 f5 9.0214 October 9.00 9.07 V4 9.00 9.07 V SHORT RIBS. September ... 8.57"4 8.65 8.57 8.65 October 8.00 8.02 8.60 8.62 Cash quotations were as follows: Flour Easy. Wheat No. 2 Spring, 99c$l; No. SMJ 95c; No. 2 red, 90891c. Corn No. 2. 62g53c; No. 2 yellow, 63c. Oats No. 8 white, 439i46c. -Rye No. 2. 85c. Barley Good feeding, 6055c; fair to choice malting, 6Ing'63e. Flax eeed No. 1 Northwestern, $1.22. Timothy seed Prime. $4.65. Clover Contract grades, $15.60. Short ribs Sides (loose). $S.87H1?8.62H. Mees pork Per barrel, $16.3016.40. Lard Per 100 pounds, $8.82. Bides Short clear (boxed), $8.75iff9. ' Whisky Basis of high wines, $1.31. Receipts. Shipments. Flour, barrels 18.200 6.2X Wheat, bushels 25.000 87,000 Corn, bushels 275.800 421 ooo Oats, bushes 138.000 228,300 Rye. bushels l.ooo Barley, bushels 18,800 ....... Grain at San Francisco. SAN FRANCISCO, July' 19. Wheat and barley quiet. Spot quotations: Wheat Shipping, $I.45S 1.60; milling, $1.551.65. Barley Feed, $1.23 1.2SV4 : brewing, $1.251.27. Oats Red. $1.37 lfi 1.05; white, $1.40191.55: black. $1.601.75. i Qall Board Sales: Wheat, $1.60; barley, $1.81; corn, large yellow, $1.47 1.52. Minneapolis Wheat Market, n. MINNEAPOLIS, July 19. Wheat Sep tember, 9797o; December, 9898c; No. 1 hard, $1.00; No. 1 Northern, 99 e; No. 2 Northern, 96 c; No. 8 Northern. 92 96c. Grain and Produce at New York. NEW YORK. July 19. Flour Receipts, 14,200 barrels: exports, 12.400 barrels. More active on shipping but quiet otherwise. Wheat Receipts, 87,000 bushels; exports. are the bane of a telephone manager's life," said on operators, anyway, and Just when they begin to be learned that two of my best operators were going to up a labor union. - me thinking about how much we are at the mercy of these girls. And then' they're harder to get from year tr year. I figured It all but what we spend for the operator hire, for training them and for the extras for their comfort, and how little we get"7or all this, and I decided that If automatic equipment would wipe out these two Items and the worry that accompanies them. It was t t Bow many managers are fn the same flxT Don't an witches never get married, or go on a strike; they are time," as an enthuslastio automatlo exchange manager on 8000 switches In a year and a half. In one lnstanoej operators a manager can get. interest you one of the many economies of the AUTOMATIC SYSTEM. These economies all help to swell the proflts. And the AUTOMATIC being the best service, commands the highest rates. Low production cost plus high selling price equals big dividends. That is what led to- the adoption of. the AUTOMATIC TELEPHONE "SYSTEM in the following cities: Chicago. III. Cleburne, Texas. Columbus, 6a. Columbus, Ohio. Dayton, Ohio. Denver, Colo. 251 Paso. Texas. Kmaus, Pa. Fall River, Mass. Grand Rapids, .Mien. Hastings, Neb. Havana, Cuba. Hasleton, Pa. Holland, Mloh. Hopklnsvllla, Ky. Jonesboro, Ark. Lake Benton, Minn. Lewlston, Ma. Lincoln, Neb. Los Angeles, Cal. Manchester, Iowa. Marianao, Cuba. Marlon, Ind. LOUIS BLOCK THE United States I OF PORTLAND J. C. Ainsworth, President. R. "W. Schmeer, Cashier. R. Lea Barnes, Vice-President. A. M. Wright, Asst. Cashier. W. A. Holt, Assistant Cashier. FOREIGN DRAFTS The United States National Bank of Portland issues Foreign Drafts on all cities of the United States and Europe, Hongkong and Manila, payable in the currency of the country on which they aye drawn. Capital Surplus and Profits Total Resources Over Portland, Oregon OUT-NUMBER THREE Home Phone Directory Containing SOOO Subscribers To Be Delivered In a. Few Days The Home Telephone Plant is now on a substantial paying basis. No better time than now to buy Home Telephone Securities. Portland Home Stock Around $45 Portland Home Bonds Around $85 AF;1 f T The man who buys on any reaction will pocket large returns. Many large blocks of these Home Bonds have been purchased In the last 30 days by Insiders. The prudent and successful Investor Invariably buys when condi tions are such to cause a weak market and timid Investors sell out. LOUIS J.WILDE S LaFayette Building Portland, Oregon 1B.99T bushels. Spot, easy; No. 2 red, 07o elevator; No. 2 red. 984c f. o. b. afloat;, No. 1 Northern Duluth. J1.10V4 f. o. br. afloat; No. 2 hard Winter, $1.00 Vt f. o. b. afloat. Wheat lost a cent today. July closed 9814 c; September closed 9c; December, 1.02; May. 1.0Stt. Hops and wool Steady. Hides Dull. Petroleum Firm. Wheat at TJvprpool. LIVERPOOL, July 19. Wheat Futures, easy. July, Ts 2Hd; Eeptember, 7s 3d; December, 7s 5Sd. Wheat at Taeoma. TACOMA. July 19. Wheat Uncharged. Bluestem, 86c; club, 84c; red. 82c, POKTTXI) LIVESTOCK MARKET. Prices Current Locally on Cattle. Sheep aad Hogs. In the livestock market cattle ruled steady at the former quotations, and sheep and hogs were firm. The receipts of the day were 106 cattle. The following prices were quoted in the local market yesterday: CATTLE Best steers. $S.85JM; medium. $3.253.BO; cows, S3: fair to medium cows, 2.502.75: bulls, $2i92.30; calves. $45. BHEKP Good sheared, $44.25; lambs. $5.2B5.50. HOGS Best. f6.856.75; lights, fats and feeders, $0.25 6.50. Eastern Livestock Prices. - CHICAGO, July 19. Cattle receipts 250O. Bteady. Beeves, $4. 00 7.20; good to prime steers. $5.7097.25; poor to medium, $4.60 65 85; stockers and feeders, Q2 805: cows, 1.505.2ti; heifers, $2.50 5.50; calves, $5.0T.25. Hogs Receipts todsy 17.000; steady-to shade higher.. Mixed and butchers, $3.63 OS; heavy, $3.2."B90; good to choice of the) afflicted the other day In our office. "It's hard enough o get worth th elr salt they start something doing;. One day this Spring; I Bet married soon and that a bunch of the worst ones were framing speak at once, but think It over, and never tired, or peevish, or unruly; but said recently. Their maintenance is and, taking it all around, they are the Medford. Wis. Mlaznlsburg, Ohio. Mt. Olive, 111. New Bedford, Mass. Oakland, Cal. Ocean Park, Cal. Omaha. Neb. Pentwater, Mich. Portland, Me. Portland, Or. Princeton, N. J. Richmond, Ind. Riverside, Cal. Rochester, Pa. Ruehvllle. Ind. San Diego, Cal. Ban Francisco, CaL Santa Monica, Cal. Saskatoon, Sask., Can. Sioux City, Iowa. South Bend, Ind. Spokane, Wash. Bprlngfleld, Mo. J. WILDE PORTLAND, OREGON ational Bank $ 500,000 375,000 9,000,000 Third and Oak Streets heavy. $.SO5.90; rough. $5.25ffl6.55; light, f.YSUSf 0 10; pigs, $5.40ifi ! 6.05. Sheep Receipts, 13.000. Sheep. 3.759 8.90; lamts. $3.7313 7.40 Western sheep.$4.00 5.!)0; yearlings, $6.00 S 6.60; Western lambs. $5. 73 7.00. SOUTH OMAHA. July 19. Cattle Re ceipts. 1200. Market steady. Native steers, $5.007.10: cows, and heifers, $3.005.40; Western steers, $3.505.75: stockers and feeders, $3.00-8' 5. 10; calves, $3,003' 8 50: bulls, stags, etc., $2.7535.50. Hogs Receipts, 1100. Market Be higher. Heavy, $3.60015.75; mixed. $3.635.70; light. $5.753.90; pigs, $5.253.75. Sheep Receipts. 6000. Market lOo lower. Yearlings, $5. 5096.10; wethers. $5.0085.65; ewes, $4.503S.35; lambs, I8.30S7.75. KANSAS CITT. July 19. Cattle Receipts 5000; market, steady. Native steers, $5 8.10; native cows and heifers, 12.503 5. 65; stockers and feeders, $3 25 5.10; Western fed cows, $2.504.50; Western fed steers, $4.303.B0; bulls, $34.75; calves, $3,509 6. B0. Hogs Receipts. 10,000: market, steady. Heavy. $5.U0S5.75; packers, $3.7OS.0O; pigs and lights. $5.803.02H. Sheep Receipts, 3000; market, steady. Muttons, $5.256; lambs. $77.60; rang wethers, $1.7583.25; fed ewes. $4.30425.23. Coffee and Sugar. NEW TORK, July 19. The market for coffee futures closed steady, net unchanged to 10 points higher. Sales were reported of 9750 bags. Including. December, at 8.70c; March, 5.85o; April, 5.85c; May, 6.90o; June, 6.855.90c. Spot coffee, quiet; No. T Rio, ic; Santos No. 4, 7Hc; mild coffee, quiet: Cordova, 91214c. Sugar Raw, steady: fair refining, 3 33 He: centrifugal. 90 test, 3.83c; molasses sugar. 80Riic; refined, steady; crushed, 6.7uc; powdered, 8.10c; granulated, 3c, PHOTO POST CARDS SCENERY. KUer Co. Lobby Imperial Hotel. remember that the automatlo they "are all there all the small $10.24 for repair parts most efficient and economical St. Marys. Ohio. Tacoma, Wash. Toronto Junction, Can. Traverse City, Mich. Vrbana. Illinois. Van Wert. Ohio. Walla Walla, Wash, Wausau, Wis. "Westerly, R. I. Wilmington. Del. Woodstock, X. B., Can.