TIIE MOKXEVG OKEGOXIAN, MONDAY, JULY 8, i907. FOR RENT. Famished Rooms. THE COMMERCIAL Nicely furnished rooms. alngl or en suite. $2 pr week up; steam heat, hot and cold water; free bath, free phone; dining room in connection; transient solicited; open all nlRht; best location in the city; office and reading-room ground floor. 4bS Washington. A SUNNY bay-window room on fashionable Nob Hill, In modern, new apartment-house; no other roomers; suitable for two gentle men or husband and wife; gaa, steam heat, telephone, adjoining tiled bathroom; abun dance of hot and cold water. Apply Suite 2ft, the Che to pa, 18th and Flanders ats. HOTEL BUSHMARK, Washington and 17th First-class furnished rooms, single or en eulte; steam heat, hot, cold water, electric light, phone In every raom ; suites with pri vate bath, single, from $3 by week, 75c up by day; reasonable by month. Main, 5647. THE MILNER 330 4 Morrison, near Parkt furnished or unfurnished apartments, with heat, light, auto' phone and electric ele vator service; hot and cold water, porce lain baths; central, reasonable rental. HOTEL FRANKLIN, CORNER lflTH AND Washington ats. Newly furnished through out, new building; suites with baths, hot and cold water in every room. Phone Mala 7 IPS. Long-distance phones In all rooms. THE ELLSWORTH. Just opened; new brick building; modern throughout; nicely furn ished rooms; steam heat, hot and cold water; electric ligtits; baths. 166 Lownsdale, near High School. HOTEL KENTON, 18TH AND WASH 6TS. -Modern rooms, single and en suite: also housekeeping; running water: private and fre baths; rates reasonable. Pacific 406. THE WILLAMETTE, 822 Stark, S. W. oor 6th at. ; well furnished rooms, large and light, single or en suite; transients; 50c to SI; by week, 2 to $5. Pacific 1296. THE RANDOLPH. Third and Columbia, Is now open; everything new and modern; 60a to fl day; $2 to week. Pacific 2744. NICELY furnished room In private family. 694 Glisan et. THE) ANGELUS Rooms, single and In suites. 272 6th st. Rooms With Board. THE CARLETON. The most desirable family hotel in the city; centrally located, well furnished -outside rooms, single or en suite; hot and cold running water in rooms, the best table board; Summer rate. ELEGANTLY furnished private home, cove ing, with beautiful grounds, entire block; applications for rooms will be received Monday, between the hours of 2 and 5; ref encea required. Telephone Main 7410. YOUNG men, if you want first-class room and board reasonable, all conveniences, nice yard and porch, also table board $4 per week, good home cooking, call at the Astor House, Seventh and Madison. Portland Women's Unlen: 18th year Rooms with board, use of sewing-room, use of library; Women's Exchange. Address Mrs. Ella Kaw lings, Supt., 510 Flanders. 834 N. 17TH, near Washington, well fur nished large front room, suitable for two or more persons or for-single rooma; first class table. Main W.'.S. THE MARLTN, 653 WASHINGTON FUR nlshed rooms single or en suite; good board, convenient location. ROSETJALB, select private boarding-house; large grounds, Just a few rooms left. 404 Madison, cor. loth. ROOMS and board, private family, walking distance; terms reasonable. Phone Main S622. S28 6th at. ELEGANTLY furnished rooms. first-class board; large grounds; select. 7 to Everett at. LARGE front room, with hot and cold water, steam heat, second floor. 452 Morrison, OLYMPUS 141 Lounsdale, cor. Alder, new ly furnished; $5 a week and up. THE OZARK Rooms, first-class service; hot, cold water. 225 11th st. .ROOMS with or without board, 350 Madison st., cor. Park and Madison. . Apartments. BEAUTIFUL and complete up-to-date, 5 rooms and bath apartment to rent, fur- , ntshed or unfurnished; West Side. Address L 4, Oregonian. THEJ NTCCKIEM for cool, quiet and pleasarft apartments, furnished and otherwise. See 389 6th at. 6 TBI AM heated 8-room and alcove apart ment. Cottell Drug Co., 1st and Sherman. 8-ROOM apartment; private bath, steam heat, gas range. 448 Clay. Flats. MODERN FLATS. ALL SIZES. FOR RENT, East and West Sides. Portland Trust Company of Oregon. 8. K. cor. 3d and Qafc. Phon Exchange 72. MODERN G room flats just completed on Park and Mill sts., and 16th and Montgomery crts. Rentals S30 to $40. Parrish, Watklna & Co., 250 Alder st. COMPLETELY furnished modern 6-room - flat for 2 months; close In. 806 Park st. Main 6208. Call 806H. FOR RENT Beautiful furnished flat, five rooms; central location; modern. Call at ' 470 Taylor st. MODERN 5 -room flat, steel and gas range, window shades. 2074 Halsey st., near Steel bridge. 1&2 CHAPMAN ST., cor. Taylor, new flat, 4 rooms; tile bath; (20. Graves' Music Store, 828 Wash. NEATLY furnished 4 -room flat; gas. bath; adults only; rent $22.80. Call 2334 Hall street. MODERN 6-room flat; large porch and yard. 8 East 12th, bet. Ankeny and Burn side. 401 lOTH 6-room steam-heated flat, including Janitor service. Apply 406 Harrison. FOR RENT Neatly furnished 0-room flat with piano. Apply 212 Hall at. S-ROOM modern flat, 860 Corbett, $12.50. L. E. Thompson A Co., 228 3d. Housekeeping Rooms. NEW four-room apartment; gas range, re frigerator, hot and oold water, steam heat and bath. Apply to Janitor. Seventh and Jefferson sts. Phone Main 2306. THREE furnished housekeeping rooms, walk ing dlatance, new house, thoroughly mod ern ; every convenience. 105 East 14th st. Phone East 6381. THE YALE, 291 Grand ave, within walking distance; furnished housekeeping suites, also single rooms, $1.60 up. Phone East. 4361., TH E OTIS Furnlnhed housekeeping or single rooms, walking distance, free baths. Cor. Union ave. and Burnslde. JEFFERSONIAN, 614 Jefferson, 2 and 3 room suites completely furnished for housekeeping. Main 5432. THREE clean llpht rooms, completely fur nished for housekeeping; gas, bath, yard. $20 month. 692 Front. THREE furnished housekeeping rooms for two or three adults; front, cheerful, con venient. 635 Yamhill. THREE finely furnished 'housekeeping rooms, just right for a man and wife. S car to door. 429 3d. THREE newly furnished housekeeping rooms; all Improvements; private house, 4sr Williams ave. 324 MAIN One cool north room completely furnished for housekeeping; close In; phone, gas, bath. . 6UITE of nicely furnished housekeeping rooms, first floor; pantry, yard; walking dis tance. 187 E. 7th. CALL 651 East Morrison and 18th sts., 2 furnished housekeeping rooms; gas, bath, sink; $12 month. WELL-FURNISHED front Ttousekeeping suite, close in. reasonable, No. 489 H Wash ington, fiat 1. I 817 BELMONT, 3-room flat, furnished com plete for housekeeping; gas, bath, phone. East 3555. LARGE newly furnished housekeeping rooms; heat; light; phone; bath. 117 N. ISth st. TWO nicely furnished nousekeeplng rooms In cottage; nice yard. 631 Morrison, near 16th street. SUITE of partly furnished housekeeping; bath, phone, walking distance. 187 E. 7th street. TWO suites housekeeping .rooms nicely fur- nished. with gas range. Call 245H N. 17th. FO RRENT 8 or 4 furnished housekeeping rooms; bath, gas, first floor. 431 6th et. HOUSEKEEPING rooms, nicely furnished reasonable. 481 W. Park it. Main 60D7. FOR RENT. Housekeeping Rooms. THE ROWLAND APARTMENTS. 63144 Washington, cor. 20th Nicely furnished housekeeping rooms, gas ranges, hot . water, free bath, free phone, both floors; nice sunny suites $10 and $12 per month; best rooms in city for money. GOOD furnished or unfurnished housekeeping rooms, 2 for $8 month. 8 for $12. Six and 7-room houses, $20; nice yards. Apply 364 North 26th. Willamette Heights cars to . 2th. turn south half block. All West Side river. THE MILNER 350 H Morrison, near Park; furnished or unfurnished apartments, with heat, light, auto" phone and electric ele vator service; gas. range kitchens, with hot and cold water; central, reasonable. THr ONEONTA, 187 17th st near Yamhill; sew house, elegsxtly furnished. In suites of 2. S and 4 rooms, hot and cold water, gas range each kitchen; steam heat, baths, free phone each floor; no children. COLUMBIAN APARTMENTS, 11th and Co lumbia, 4 -room unfurnished housekeep ing apartments, possessing modern con veniences; excellent neighborhood; rent $27-60 up; no children. COLUMBIAN APARTMENTS, 11th and Co lumbia, 4-room unfurnished housekeep ing apartments, possessing modern con veniences; excellent neighborhood; rent $27.50 up; no children. ONE and three very nice housekeeping rooms; modern; sink. 408 Second or 680 Second. 8 FURNISHED housekeeping; rooms for rent Monday. 146H 11th st. FOUR unfurnished housekeeping; rooms for rent at 650 Couch. Houses. 708 EVERETT ST. 7-room home, modern. In choicest location In olty, between 21ut and 22d sts. MOORE REALTY CO., 26S Stark st. FOR RENT No. 70S Everett st between 21st and 22nd modern cottage of- 7 rooms. Moore Realty Co., 263 Stark st. GOOD 6 and 7-room cottages, with yards, $20; furnished housekeeping rooms, 2 for $S month; 8 for $12; all West Side of river. Apply 864 North 2th at. -Willamette Heights cars to 26th. turn south half block. A CHOICE 8-room suburban home on car line. South Mt. Tabor; large grounds and fine shrubbery. Call 809 McKay bldg. E. F. Cannon. 6-ROOM cottage for rent, near City HalL on Madison ; rent $30. . Call up Morris Restaurant, 22D Washington st. Both phones. FOR RENT Cottage, corner 17th and. Gli san st. Inquire, Max Smith, the Sa voy restaurant, 149 7th, or Home phone 4241. NEW five-room house- up-to-date; easy walking distance; 623 First; only $16. Inquire 224 Caruthera. Phone Paclflo 219. FOR RENT 8"-room house. No. 742 Love joy st., between 22d and 23d. Price $35. Phone Mr. Ballls, Main 44. MODERN 6-room house, near new High School; walking distance. Inquire 691 East Washington st. $25 8-room modern house, newly reno vated; 671 Kearny at. Hynson, 848 Washington st. MODERN 7-room house; fine view. 592 Mar ket st Drive, Portland Heights car. Mala 67T TEN-ROOM house on 12th and Mill sts.rrent $65. Parrish, Watklns & Co., 250 Alder st. FOR. houses. furnished and unfurnished, Hynson, 848 Washington St. Main 7039. GOOD 6-room cottage, "490 Mississippi ave., near Alblna ferry; rent $14 per month. FOR RENT Convenient 6-room cottage In good condition. Inquire 563 Third st. FOR RENT 5-room house and bath, Fulton Park. Inquire phone Main 7506. FOR RENT 7-room house, corner 17th and Yamhill. Inquire 189 16th st. MODERN 6-room house, attic, furnace; apply 87 East 17th. Phone East 2463. MODERN 7-room house, BJ. 16th, near Belmont. Inquire 1Q1 B. 16th. $12 House of 5 rooms. Inquire store, 17th and Market. FOR RENT 6-room house, cor. 13th and B. Furnished Houses, TWO or four ground-floor rooms In cottage, furnished or unfurnished. Apply 364 N. 2th st. Willamette Heights cars to 26th. turn south half block. FURNISHED cottage for rent for Summer, 6 rooms and bath, gas range; references re quired; no children. Call after Sunday. 430 Montgomery st. FURNISHED 5-room house; good house and nice yard. Phone Woodlawn 87.- 521 Dekuro ave., 2 blocks from Woodlawn. FURNISHED 6c room house for July and Aug ust, walking distance, reasonable rent. 331 Ross St., near Cherry. Phone East 6181. FOR RENT Nicely furnished house, 7 rooms; convenient to cars; Irlngton; for 3 or 4 months. Phone East 4837. FIVE or six-room furnished house, modern, ' exceptionally pleasant, walking distance. Phone .Pacific 169, forenoons. MODERN 6-room furnished house, desirable location: long term; references. 600 B. Burnside St., afternoons. SEVTQN-ROOM house, reasonable, Bummer months or longer; partly furnished. 923 Belmont. Phone A 1426. FIVE or six-room furnished house, modern, exceptionally pleasant, walking distance. Phone Pacific 169. NICELY furnished house of eight rooms, with all modern conveniences. Tel. E. 8iS5; B 1585. 6 ROOMS, furnished, reasonable to responsi ble parties for the Summer. 629 Johnson, near 16th. MODERN family residence. Nob H1U, on block from 2 cars. July 1. K 91, Ore gonian. FURNISHED house for rent during Sum mer months; no children. Phone East 791 FURNISHED 4-room flat, bath, gas. 514 E. 21st., Richmond or Woodstock car. FOR -RENT FurnlBhed 6-room cottage for July and August. Phone Pacific 1112. FURNISHED 4-room cottage, electric lights, bath, central. Inquire 271 7th. FURNISHED cottage for rent; two months. Call East 4722. FOUR-ROOM cottage, furnished. 485 East Clay st. SIX-ROOM furnished house. Phone East 675. Houses for Rent Furniture for Sale. MODERN furnished flat, 7 rooms, near . postoffice; all rooms rented. Common wealth Trust Co., Sixth and Ankeny. FOR SALE Furniture 12-room house; good paying proposition; good furniture. 271 Sal mon st. Phone Main 2664. No agents. SEVEN-ROOM flat, close in;' furniture new; reasonable if taken at once. Phone Pa cific 134. $175 Furrgture of 5 rooms; rent $22. 50. Call 104 12th St.. near Washington, between 2 and 6. SNAP New -room house, modern, furniture new, low rent, lease. Call today, 229 13th st. i 6-ROOM house for rent, furniture for sale cheap. 570 Pettygrove at.. North Portland. SNAP Large hall and 18 well furnished house keeping rooms; low rent, lease. 229 13th st $200 FURNITURE B-rooxn house 12th St.; central location ; snap. Main 6297. Summer Resorts. A FEW choice lots left in Haystack Rock Park, Cannon Beach; lots 60x100; prices $75 to $175. Address W. D. T,orrey, Can non Beach, Or. GEARHART On Golf Links, completely furnished 6-room house; hot and cold water, electric light. W 91, Oregonian. 2-ROOM cottage, Centerville, Long Beach, block from ocean; fine water. 839 Williams ave. FOR RENT 6-room cottage at Seaview, Wash. Inquire of George Reynolds, Ii waco, Wash. Boswell Springs open ; health and pleasure re sort, 2 miles south Drain, Or., on 3. P. R. R. FOR RENT. Summer Resorts. BEACH PROPERTY. The finest Beach property ever offered, joining Breakers Hotel property, to be known as "Manhattan Beach" ; 250-acre tract, a .portion with building restrictions; other un restricted; eaey terms. A. C. CHURCHILL CO.. 110 2d St., City. HOTEL ROCKHAVEN, Underwood. Wash.; flBhing, boating, hunting, home cooking, fine scenery; a delightful place to rest. Take train or boat to Hood River, . then Under wood Ferry. If notified, will meet trains. Terms very reasonable. Mrs. Mary V. Ol sen, proprietor. $760 for sale, at Ocean Park, Wash., 2 corner lots, with 5-room modern cottage built last Fall; painted throughout; nice pantry, pump, sink, etc. ; never been occupied; 4 blocks south of depot. Pacific Coast Realty Co., room 307 Buchanan bldg. 6-ROOM cottage. In first -class condition; large yard ; beaut i f ul environment ; $ 100 for the season; Seaside Or. Apply to Portland Trust Company of Oregon, S. E. cor. 3d and Oak. Phone' Ex. 72. FOR rent for season at Gearhart Park, new 6-room cottage, with sink and water in kitchen. Miss Bell, Woodard, Clarke & Company, 4th and Washington streets. DO YOU want cottage at Seaside this Sum mer? Write full details what is needed and get quick answer. Owners of cottages please write also. Frank Mc Far land, Seaside, Or. THE cosiest six-room cottage on Cannon Beach, togethed with one acre of ground, for sale. Address W. D. Torrey, "Red Rock" Cottage, Cannon Beach. Or. LOTS on Cannon Beach, the most attractive beach in the Northwest, for sale by Frank A. Rowe, 211 Commercial bids;. Phones Main 1606 or A 4506. GOOD board and rooms with private family, Cedarhurst Cottage; modern. For terms address Charles Cleland, Seaside, Or. FOR RENT Two-room cottage, also 6-room cottage, in flne condition ; Seaside, Or. In quire 395 Eugene St., East Portland. NICEt furnished 4-room cottage with barn, at Sea View, Wash., $125 for season. Address Milton York. Long Beach, Wash. COMPLETELY furnished cottage at Sea side for season. Telephone Sellwood 469. 1000 SQUARE feet space on 2d floor the 2 story brick building near 6th and Oakt rent reasonable. Portland Trust Company of Oregon, S.E. corner Third and Oak. Phone Exc. 72. TWO modern front, steam-heated stores; good location for drug store, barber shop or butcher shop; reasonable rent. A. F. Swen son & Co., 253 Washington st. $30 For rent, modern 6-room lower flat, 15th and Davis sts. Phone East 4769 from 8 to 12 A, M. R, 203 East First St., N. STORE AND FLAT TOGETHER OR Sep arately; good location; rent reasonable. Wakefield. Fries & Co., 229 Stark st. FOR RENT THE STORE, 71 FRONT ST.; rent very reasonable; will give lease. Wake field, Fries as Co.. 229 Stark at. STORE warehouse, commercial agent sample-rooms. Inquire Andrew Kan & Co. Office. THE MILNER 350 Morrison, near Parky first floor, north frontage offices, with heat, light, auto' phone, hot or cold water, electric elevator and Janitor service; de sirable location; reasonable rental. FRONT AND BACK OFFICES VERY Rea sonable; beat, light and elevator services! best location In city. Dammeier, agent, Ral eigh bldg., 6th and Washington st. DESK and sample room ; use of desk and phone; central loaatlon; ground floor; . terms very reasonable. Phone Main 4876. FRONT and1 back offices; water, elevator and heat: best location in city. Dammeier, agent, Raleigh bldg., 6th and Washington. ROOMS FOR MANUFACTURING AND OF flees, Second and Washington. Hows, Davis r Kllham, 111 Second st. DESK-ROOM or part of spacious office In Oregonian bldg.; all conveniences. 816 Ore gonian bldg. OFFICES for rent In the McKay building. Apply to Thos. Me I en berg, 811 McKay bldg. FINE offices. best location. Room 815 Swetland bldg, 6th and Washington. FOR RENT Office room In Fenton bldg, 84 6th st. C. W. Pallett. LOST AND FOUND. ILOST Near Tualatin on road to Portland, Sunday afternoon, woman's long black and white plaid coat. Notify R. D. Can non, Evening Telegram. Reward. LADY'S gold watch with name of Anna B. Roholvetz on inside and E. S. H. on out side cover. Kindly return to Oregonian and receive liberal reward. STRAYED from Sunnyslde, June 24, bay pony mare, weight about 760; white star In face, H. P. brand on right shoulder: $5 reward. Phone East 1651. LOST July 4, big black dog, Pocatello dog license on new collar; answers to name of "Doc." Reward if returned to 624 Love Joy st., near 15th. ' LOST Gold watch and chain, Sunday, July 7, at south end of bridge and Vancouver car line. Reward if returned to 187 12th street, Portland. FOUND Where hair mattresses are renovated, returned same day. 228 Front. Main 474. Portland Curled Hair Factory. H. Metzger. LOST One pocket purse containing money and two keys and some certificates; finder return 234 Couoh St.; reward. LOST A check for $15 on First National Bank of Livingston, Mont. Return to Edna Leo., 754 8th st. N.; reward. LOST Child's bracelet; name, Gladys Mil ler; return 148 N. 18th. Reward received. FINANCIAL. Money to Loan. THE CRESCENT LOAN CO., 428 MOHAWK bldg. Loans to salaried employes on note, without mortgage; easy payments. ' Month, -month. Week. - $50 Repay to us. ... $13.33 or $6.65 or $3.35 $25 Repay to ue...f 6.25 or 3.50 or $1.66 $13 Repay to us 4.00 or $.00 or 81.00 "We meet any rate, time or terms. Main 2041. THE STAR LOAN COMPANY. Any salaried employe, wage-earner, can get on his note, without mortgage (con fidential). Month, -month. Week. $50 Repay to us. ...$13.33 or $6.65 or $3-35 5 Repay to us..,.$ 6.65 or $3.20 or $1.65 $15 Repay to u....$ 4.00 or $2.00 or $1.00 210 McKay Bldg., 102 Third. MONEY LOANED TO SALARIED PHOPLB Just on your own name; no other security necessary; don't borrow until you see me; my system is the best for railroad men, clerks, bookkeepers, streetcar men and all other employes; business strictly confidential. F. A. Newton, 511 Buchanan Bldg. MONEY ADVANCED SALARIED PEOFLH and others upon their own names without security; cheapest rates, easiest payments; offices in 60 principal citiea; save yourself money by getting our terms first. TOLMAN, 223 Ablngton Bidg., 106 Sd at. CASH on hand for purchase money, mortgages, bonds for deeds or contracts of sale on real estate, either country or city property. H. E. Noble, Commercial blk., 2d and Washington. LOANS on easy payment plan to salaried peo ple; lowest rates; strictly confidential. Em ployes' Loan Co., room 716, The Dekum. 84 and. Wash. Main .224. MONEY LOANED IN SUMS OF $5 AND up on all kinds of security. W. A. Hatha way, room 10, Wash. bldg. Paclflo 1832. $5000 OR LESS IN SUMS TO SUIT ON real estate; charges reasonable. Inqulrs J. H, Mid diet on, 617 Chamber Commerce. LOANS ON FURNITURE. PIANO n" AND other securities; lowest rates. 8. W. King, room 45, Wash. bldg. Phone Main 8100. MONEY to loan on improved city property or for building purposes. Columbia Life jfc Trust -Company, 214 Lumber Exchange bldg. MONEY LOANED IN SMALL OR LARGM sums on improved snd unimproved real es tate. W. H. Nunn, 552 Sherlock block. $1000 to $100,000 to loan In sums to suit at 6 to 7 per cent on imp roved realty. M. G. Griffin, 266 Stark, opp. Chamber of Commerce. IMMEDIATE LOANS FROM $6 TO $5000 ON all securities. R. X. Eckerson & Co., room ft, Washington bldg. Phone Pac. 1881. State funds loaned, 6 per cv. . E. Thomas, stats agt., Multnomah Co. 400 C. of Com. MONEY TO LOAN ON ALL KINDS OF Se curity. Wm. HoIL rm. 9 Washington bldg. DON'T BORROW MONEY ON YOUR SAL ary until you see Hutton Credit Company. $500,000 TO LOAN AT 5 AND 6 PER CUNT. Wm. G. Beck, room 312 Failing bldg. WILL loan $6000 or less; 8 per cent, on real estate. Farrington. 813 Fenton bldg. FINANCIAL. Money to Loan. MONEY MONEY , MONEY MONEY MONEY MONEY MONEY MONEY ' MONEY MONEY MONEY MONEY DON'T BE HARD UP. SALARY LOANS TO . EVERYONE WORKING LOW RATES EASY PAYMENTS ' NO MORTGAGE NO INDORSE. WHAT MORE COULD YOU ASKT STATE SECURITY CO. , 704 DEKUM BLDG. MONEY MONEY MONEY MONEY MONEY MONEY MONEY MONEY MONEY MONEY MONEY MONEY MONEY TO LOAN. On Improved city property or for build ing purposes, for from 3 to 10 years time, with privilege to repay all or part of loan after two years. Loans ' approved from plans and money advanced as building progressesi;mortgages taken up and replaced. Fred H. Strong, financial agent, 242 Stark street. LOANS made to salaried people holding; per manent positions and responsible firms; easy payments and strictly confidential; also CHATTEL LOANS on personal property; rooming-houses a speo--alty. NEW ERA LjOAN A MORTGAGE CO., 205 Ablngton bldg. $3000 FOR term of years at 6 per cent, on gilt-edge security. j a4, Oregonian. A LOAN for the asking, salary or chattel. The Loan Co., 410 UeKura bldg. PERSONAL. LADIES, one word with you 28 years of sue ceasful practice in Portland in the treatment of diseases peculiar to women should be suf ficient guarantee to those seeking the aid of an experienced physician and surgeon. I have assisted hundreds of anxious and suf- ferlng women. I can assist you. If In trouble, no matter from what cause, call on old Dr. J. D. Gray, the old reliable special ist; no charge for consultation or advice. 251 Alder St., corner Sd, Portland, Or. Cor respondence sacredly confidential. DR. MARY LANE, Late superintendent of Chicago women's Hos- Eltal, treats diseases of women exclusively; idles will consult their beet interests by communicating with me; no fee for con sultation; correspondence absolutely confi dential; maternity cases given special at tention. Sanitarium and offices, 263 Alder, corner d, Portland, Or. Phone Main 2796. MADAME ZETTY Will show her wonderful preparation for re moving wrinkles and traces of age. Twenty years lifted from sagging and wrinkled .cheeks. I have the preparation that will do the work. Am the only one In America who has this secret. Call or add. 341 Morrison sU SUITS pressed while- yon wait, 60c To vis itors of Portland hotels and to public at large: Suits pleased at 50c at Gilbert, the tailor's, 106$ 6th St., next to Quelle. La dies' skirts pressed, 60c. Feathers and boas cleaned and curled. Phone Pacific 2088. Swedish trained nurse, Helslngfors graduate. eures rheumatism, nervous disoraers, sprain, superfluous fat hand rubbing, steam, sweat and tub baths. 7 East 11th street; take East Ankeny car. Phone East 260. Home B 1803. LADIES Ask your druggist for Chiches ters Diamond Brand Pills. For 25 years known as the best, safest. Reliable. Take no other. CMchesters Diamond Brand Pills. Sold by druggists everywhere. WANTED Address of persons who witnessed accident on 21st St., night of Fourth, wherein young man was thrown from car by coming In contact with automobile. H. Yanckwich, attorney, 253 Washington st. CHRONIC, nervous and special diseases ot men and women cured by modern sclentlflo methods; electric treatment for diseases of the prostate; consultation free. Dr. W. L Howard, Commonwealth bldg. DRESS suits for renv, all sizes; $1 month keeps your clothes cleaned, pressed-, buttons sewed on, rips sewed. Prompt calls and de liveries. Unique Tailoring Co., 809 Stark st. LADIES Dr. Sanderson's Co-Savin and Cot ton Root Pills are the only sure remedy for female troubles and irregularities; by mall, $2 box. Dr. Pierce, 181 1st st., Portland. LADIES Dr. Sanderson's Co-Savin and Cot ton Root Pills are the only sure remedy for female troubles aad irregularities; by mail, $2 box. Dr. Pierce, 181 1st st., Portland. GERMAN, French, Spanish aad other Foreign Dictionaries Text Books and Literature (German books a specialty). A. W. Schmale Co.. 229 First st. LOST powers restored by the great Dr. Lor ena Nerve Tonic Tablets, 26 a box. Write or call at Eyssel'a Pharmacy, 227 Morrison st., bet. 1st and 24. A. REINIER, practical furrier; sealskin gar ments redyed and remodeled; expert fitter; estimates given; lowest prices. 663 Wash. DR. J. T. PIERCE cures all nervous, chronia and private diseases, both sexes; office treat ment 60c to $1. Call or write, 181 1st st. Mme. Court right, skin and scalp treatments; facial deformities corrected; plastic surgery. 225 Fleldner bldg. Main 6042. Home A 2069. MOLES, wrinkles, superfluous hair removed. No charge to talk ft over. Mrs. M. DJ Hill, room 330, Flledner bldg. Pacific 135. MISS ETHEL WARD, manlaurist and chi , ropodist, is now in room 16, 351 & Morri son st. Recently Opened Manicuring parlors removed from 3514 to 843 H Morrison, room 2. PRIVATE instruction for delinquent pupils. Pearl Marshall. 427H 6th st. BALM OF FIGS for all female dli E. Belmont. Phone East 4034. 626 LADY'S barber shop now open at 64 4th st. BUSINESS CHANCES. AN OREGON NEWSPAPER BARGAIN. Including a fine Job business, nesr power plant; fine field; average monthly busi ness over $500; will stand closest investi gation; terms If desired. Chaa. Hart, Goodnough bldg., Portland, Or. SAN FRANCISCO firm, naving the Coast agencies for factories In the hardware line, would like to make reciprocal ar rangements with a Portland firm or in dividual in the same line of business. 8. 22, cars Oregonian. A NICE grocery business for sale, doing a business fo $25 to $30 a day ; new store building; wagon and harness; all new stock; In one of the new suburbs of Port land; It will pay you to look this up. B SO, Oregonian. 8 0-ROOM hotel ; finest uslnesa location ; newly furnished; modern; clear! n "Z0 monthly; is for sale by owner for private reasons. Only principals with means need replv. No agents. G IS, Oregonian. TEA and coffee business; invoice $5000; a money-maker; want residence property in Portland, about an even exchange. Ad dress G. L. Casey, 526 North Main su, Bloomlngton I1L FOR SALE Grocery and confectionery. In voice about $1200; living rooms, low rent; must sell on account of sickness; no reason able offer refused by owner. Phone Paclflo 199. SWELL, up-to-date 10 ot 12-room furnished bouse in central location for renting; rooms; will py spot cash for the same. Call Room 506. Swetland bldg. INVESTIGATE THIS. $4000 for U Interest in profitable busi ness ; also Insure you good salaried posi tion on road. P 26, Oregonian. $2500 HALF Interest fine paying business) will exchange for city property, pay cash difference If necessary. 610 Buchanan bldg. 286 H Washington. CASH paid for stocks of merit. Mineral pros pects bought and developed. Consult me for large profits on small investments. W. J. Curtis, 215 Commercial blk. - DENTIST'8 OPPORTUNITY. Splendid chance for a young man to buy fins office and equipment very rea sonable. C 12, Oregonian. - PARTNER to take active Interest In saw and planing mill ; plenty business, plenty tim ber; big chance for man with little money. C 213, Oregonian. WANTED $5000 to $10,000 tn our business; established 6 years; good returns on money. Active Interest If desired. Investigate. O 91, Oregonian. ABSTRACT business, cheap ; on account of poor health, must sell business. Good open ing for young lawyer. Address L 21, Ore gon lan. FOR SALE: Tallorshop; rood location; nice stow-window; rent reasonable; must leave on account of sickness. O 8, Ore gonian. FIRST-CLASS hotel for sale; 84 rooms; 40 boarders; In thriving Harbor town; a bargain. Address Fred I sense, Hoqulam, Wash. HOTEL doing; good business, cheap; easy terms. 24 Alblna ave. Phone East 4806. FOR SALE Grocery store, extra, fine corner, good paying business. R 23, Oregonian. FOR SALE: T-room lodging-house. Call S0SH . Pine St., near 6th. BUSINESS CHANCES. ROOMING-HOUSE HEADQUARTERS. ELLIS. YORK & CO., Rooms 20 and -21, Cambridge bldg.,. 264 Morrison St., S. W. cor. Sd st, IF YOU WANT TO BUY A ROOMING-HOUSE call at the above address. We have them, all sizes, all styles, all prices from $250 to $18,000. Alt the desirable ones for sale are on our list. Terms may be, arranged on any. HAVE YOU LEARNED That the ROOMING-HOUSES are all doing well. In fact better than they have ever done? The prices, too, have ad vanced, as we predicted a few months ago that they would, and the prices will advanee still more before Christmas. If you think of buying, BUY NOW; buy be fore the next advance. During the last week we sold four of the BEST BAR GAINS in the city, two of them being among the most expensive and BIGGEST PAYING PROPOSITIONS; all of which goes to show that capital in considerable amounts Is seeking this class of Invest ment. WATCH OUR ADVERTISEMENTS FOR , BARGAINS. LIST your property with a S. ARNOLD A CO., Original Hotel Broker. Hotels, rooming or furnished houses bought, sold and exchanged In all parts of the United States. C. S. ARNOLD & CO., Original Hotel Brokers, Removed to 351 Morrison st. Phone Main 731 L SWELL PLACE, FINE PREMISES. 12 rooms In best West Side residence district, near 13th and Morrison, furni ture birds-eye maple and quartered oak, body Brussels carpets, furnace, flne bath; furnished new a year ago. Here is a bargain at $1000; $700 down, balance $25. a month. ELLIS, YORK A CO., Rooms 20 and 21, 264 Morrison st. EXTRA GOOD FOR $450. -room place within two blocks f Portland Hotel, well furnished; you can pay all your expenses out of this little place, which is pretty good for $450 in vestment. ELLIS, YORK A CO., Rooms 20 and 21A 264 Morrison St. NEAT LITTLE BARGAIN. 22-room corner brick flat, In central location; well furnished, iron beds, Brus sels carpets, electric lights, flne bath; clean, and filled with good class roomers. Pay you $100 a month clear. Price $1200. ELLIS, YORK & CO., Rooms 20 and 21, 264 Morrison st. DRUGGISTS should investigate; store with good new stock and fixtures, two years in business, excellent location and very fa vorable four-year lease of store and living rooms, for sale for $23O0. Morgan, Sweet & Chapman, 218 Ablngton bldg. Phone Main 2018. WILL sell 1000 Almeda Con. st 80c; 1000 Butts Boys at 8V,c; 1000 Cascadla, 27 He; 4 J. C. Lees, at $75 per share; $25,000 Lee's Creek, at 2o; 10 United Wireless, at $9; 10 Tele- fraphone, snap; 3000 Alaska Fetr A Coal, at Oc Catterlln & Co., 123 Ablngton bldg. A SNAP Furniture, hardware and complete house-furnishing store in Pendleton for sale cheap; stock Invoices about $5000; doing flne business. In fast -growing town; must sell at once on account of falling health. Address Box 456, Pendleton, Or. WANTED Honest, bright man with $1000 for 5c moving picture show In Portland ; profit $200 weekly. Curiosity seekers please stay away. I want to talk with business men only. Call room 1, 14514 6th st. . GENERAL merchandise store In growing Southern Oregon town; doing excellent business; large surrounding country, farm ing, lumbering and stockraislng. For particulars address B 29, Oregonian. HARDWARE and Implement business. In Val ley town; stock and building, about $8000, but could reduce the stock $2000 in a very short time; good reason for selling. Q 91, Oregonian. 16,000 CASH will handle an income-bear-Ing property paying 12 per cent on the Investment; close In; good reasons for selling; no agents. Address 8 25, Ore gonian. GROCERY store with large trade for sale at invoice; good stock and fixtures; owner folng East; must sell at once. Room 23 Lumber Exchange building. ACTIVE MAN wanted as partner to show land, etc.; owner shows you $150 a month to yourself; small capital required. Par ticulars 248 Stack St. ROOMING-HOUSE of 26 rooms for $800 cash; balance $40 per month; price $2400; cheap rent. One of the best houses in city. 209 4th st. $2500 Buys half interest in old established business. No experience necessary to clear $200 a month. Room 323 Lumber Exchange building. WELL-KNOWN real estate dealer will guar antee you $150 per month; half interest In the business; little capital. Particulars at room 7, 181 1st st. PARTNER wanted in good real estate busi ness; half Interest only $GOO; $150 to $200 a month profit. Room 823 Lumber Ex change building. 11 SHARES of laundry stock In flrst-clasa paying laundry, with or without service; price $1100. Address S 26, Oregonian. STORE BUSINESS Partner wanted; $650 required; will pay you $150 a month with bank references. Call 248 Stark St. FOR SALE Hardware store; good location; doing good business ; stock reduced to suit purchaser. H 26, Oregonian. RESTAURANT Well located, block from postoffice; newly fitted and flrst-clasa; at Jnvplce. W 29, Oregonian. CASH grocery with living rooms; will sell at actual Invoice ; doing a rattling good business. , Call 248 Stark St. FOR SALE Timber lands, sawmill and box factory properties. The Consolidated Indus try Co., 286 Washington st. A SNAP $350 will buy a cigar confection ery, branch bakery if taken immediately. Inquire 702 "Williams ave. PARTNER wanted, real estate and business chance office. Particulars 010 Buchanan bldg, 286 Washington. THOROUGH butcher or grocer wanted as partner in good meat and grocery business. S 23, care Oregonian. BAKERY for rent in Eastern Oregon; gold mine for right party. Apply to R. Martin, 92S Commercial st. HALF Interest established, paying business; Investigation solicited. 610' Buchanan bldg., 286 Washington. HARDWARE, paint and oil business; best town in Oregon. 206 Allsky bldg., 3d and Morrison sts. FOR SALE First-class cigar fixtures, good location; 2 years' lease; rent $30, Call at 289 Stark st. FURNITURE, repair and second-hand busi ness for sale; doing good business. Q 94, Orefronian. GROCERY WILL INVOICE ABOUT $1000; If taken quick $750. See Nelson, 14th and Irving sts. NICKELODION. the only one In city of 15.000; doing flne business. Inquire Stevens. 165 Fourth. STEAM LAUNDRY for sale; well located, with good and growing business. V 25, Ore gonian. DRUG stock and fixtures for sale. Big discount for cash. John L. Vestal, 129 1st st. WANTED A partner, at once, In a good paying real estate business. 208 Third st. SEVENTBEN-ROOM rooming-house; a snap; must go quick; $375. Room 1, 181 1st st. SPECIAL NOT1CXS. Proposals Invited. CALL FOR BIDS. The Tillamook Building Company will re ceive bids up to July 27, 1907, at 12 O'clock M., for the construction of a store, office and lodge building, 100x105 feet, to be built of either brick, or concrete and either two or three stories, with basement, in accordance with plans and specifications which may be seen at the office of H. T. Botts, Tillamook, Or., or at the office of Bennes, Hendricks A Tobey, 67 Labbe bldg., Portland, Or. Bids should specify amount for construc tion of two-story building- and also amount for three-story building,, with or without steam heat, the same to be furnished com plete in accordance with plans and specifi cations. Same to be completed not later than March 1, 1908. Separate bids are also wanted for the construction of steam-heating plant provided for by plans and speci fications. All bids roust be sealed and sent to the company at Tillamook, Or., ac companied by certified check for 8 per cent of bid. to be forfeited if bidder awarded contract and then refuses to enter into same, with bond for construction In ac cordance with bid. Right reserved to re ject any and all bids. TILLAMOOK BUILDING OMPANT, TliXmook, Or. 6PECIAL NOTICES. Proposals Invited. IN the District Court ot the United States, for the District of Oregon. In the matter of the estate of Claypool Brothers, bankrupts. The undersigned will receive sealed bids' at his office. No. 7 1st St.. Portland, Or., up to 12 o'clock noon, Wednesday, July 10, 1907, for a stock of merchandise consisting of groceries, boots and shoes, hardware, queens ware, dry goods, clothing and furnishing goods pertaining to this estate, located at Prineville, Or., of the inventory valuation of $4045.81. Inventory may be seen on applica tion at my office and copy of Inventory may be seen and Inspection of stock may be made at Prineville. Or. Terms, cash. A deposit of 10 per cent of amount offered must accom pany each bid. Sale subject to confirmation by the court. R. L. SARIN, Trustee. Dated at Portland, Or., July 1, 1907. Miscellaneous. NOTICE OF THE SALE OF STATE LANDS Notice Is hereby given that the State Land Board will receive sealed Virf until 2 o'clock P. M. on September 9. 1907, xor me purcnaso oi in lOllowing de scribed Indemnity School Lands, to wit: ' Clatsop County N. W. of S. E. K of section 21, T. 4 N., R. 6 W. S. W. of S. W. . of section 1, N. W. K of N. W. i of section 12, T. 4 N., R. 7 W. Lot 13. of section 15, lot 4 of section 22, lots 1, 2, 6, 7, 10, 11, 14. 15, 16 of section 21, lot 1 of section 28, lots 6, 7, 10, 11. 12, 13, 14. 15 of section 29, S. E. M of S. E. hi of section 80, T. 4 N., R. 8 W. Crook County 5. H oi 8. H of section 20, T. 15 S., R. 18 E All' of section 28, T. 19 8.. R. 11 E. 6. E. )4 of N. W. M of seotlon 3, T. 22 S., R. 10 B. Grant County N. E. of a E. M, of section 28, N. B. of N. E. M, N. of S. E. hi, S. E. H of S. E. hi of section 27. T. 8 6., R. 26 E. W. of 8. E. hi of section 27, T. 8 6 R 7 E S. R' o( J. E. !4 of action 3, N. W. ot B. W. ili of MCtlon 27, T. 9 S. R. 26 B. S. W. K of B. W. 14. 8. B. M. of S. W. of ,ectlon 21. N. E. It of N. W. N. ' W. (4 ol N. E. U of section 28, T. 8.. R. 27 S S. W. ' It of N. BJ. K of section 18, T. 11 S.. R. 28 E. N. E. 14 of 8. W. 14 of section 8. lot 4 of section 4, lot 1 of section B, T. 14 S., R. 29 B. Jackson County S. E. 14 of 8. W. H of Motion 26. N. E. 14 of N. W. 14. N. 14 of N. . 14 of sec Uon 84, T. 87 8., R. 1 E. N. E. 14 of section 2, N. TV. 14 of N. W. 14. 8. E. 14 of N. W. 14. N. W. H of 8. E. 14. N. E. 14 of B. W. 14, 8. E. 14 ot 8. E. 14 of section 12. T. 8S 8., R. 1 E. All of section 34, T. 40 8., R. 1 E. Klamath County N. W. 14 of 8. E. 14, 8. E. of N. TV. 14. lot 8 of section B. T. 83 S.i R. 714 E. 8. W. 14 of 8. E. 14 ot section 2S. 8. E. 14 of 8. E. 14 of section 26. N. 14 of N. E. 14 of section 35. T. 8T S.. R. 8 E. N. W. 14 of N. E. 14 of section 1. N. H of N. E. 14 of section IS, T. 88 8., W. 14 of S. E. 14 of section 22, N. E. 14 of N. W. 14 of section 23. N. W. 14 of section 27. N. E. 14 of K. B. 14 of seo tlon 80, T. 87 S.. R. 10 B. N. W. 14 of N. E. 14 of section 1. N. of N. E. 14 of section 12, T. 88 8., N. E. 14 of N. E. 14 of section 13. 8. E. "4 of N. E. 14 of section 27, 8. W. 14 of N. W. 14. N. 14 of S. W. 14. W. S of 8. E. 14 of section 34. T. 88 8.. R. 13 E. Lot 1 of section 18. T. 38 8.. R. 14 E. a E. 14 of S. E. 14 of section 35, T. 89 S., R. 11 H E. B. E. 14 of 8. E. 14 of section 25, T. 89 8., R. 11 E. Lot 1 of section 2, T. 40 H, R. 11 B. S. E. 14 of 8. E. 14 of section S, N. W. 14 of N. E. 14 of section 26, T. 40 8, R. 18 E. Lane County 8. W. 14 of N. B. 14 of section 80. T. 17 8., R. 0 W. Lincoln County S. E. 14 of 8. W. 14 of section 27, T, 11 S.. R. 10 W. Marion County E. of N. W. 14, B. 14 of 8. E. 14 ot section 12, N. E. 14 of section 82. T. 8 S R 2 E si' 14 ' of section 24, T. 8 8.. R. 8 E. Multnomah County N. E. 14 of section 21. T. 1 N, R. 8 E. Sherman County Lots 1, 2. 3. 4. N. of N. B, 14 of section 2, T. 1 N., R. 15 E. E. 14 of B. E. 14 of section IT, T. 6., 8. W. 14 of 8. W. 14 of section 82, T. 4 S., R. 13 B. Tillamook County 8. W. 14 of N. E. 14. lot 2, B. W. 14 ot N. W. 14, lot 4 of section 8, S. E. 14 of N. E. 14. lot-1 of section 4, S. E. 14 of N. E. . lot 1 of section 5, E. 14 of E. 14 of section 7. 8. W. 14 of section 13. N. W. 14 of N. E. 14 of section 17. N. E. 14 of section 21, N. W. 14 of N. W. 1i. 8. of N. W. 14 of section 22. T. 2 N.. R. 8 W. Lots 3 and 4 of section 8, T. 8 N., R. 8 W. Lots and 4 of section 19, T. 4 B., R. 10 W. Union County E. 14 ut S. B. 14 of section 21. 8. of section 22. 8. H and 8. 14 of N. H of section 23, 8. W. 14 of section 24, E. Vi, S. E. of N. W. 14. N. B. 14 of 8. W. 14 of section 25. N. 14 of N. H of section 28, N. of N. 14 of section 27, S. 14 of S. E. 14 of section 82, N. 14 of B. W. 14 of section 33, T. 6 S.. R. 35 E. S. W. 14 of section 29. S. 14 of N. 14 end 8. 14 of section 8(). 8. W. 14 of S. W. 14 of section 82. T. 6 8., R. 86 E. W. H of 8. E. 14. lots 8 and 4 of sec tion 1, T. 6 S., R. 35 E. N. 14 of section 12. T. 6 S.. R. 8514 B. Wasco County Lots B and 6. 8. W. 14 of 8. E. 14 of section 2, T. 1 N.. R. 15 E. Wheeler County N. 14 ot S. E. 14 of section 22. N. W. 14 of Jf. W. N. 14 of 8. W. 14. N. E. of S. E. 14 of section 23. W. 14 of N. W. 14, N. W. 14 of S. W. 14. N. E. 14 of N. W. 14 f section 24. S. E. 14 of N. E. 14 of section 28, T. 8 8., R. 22 E. Lot 4 of section 81, T. 8 8., R. 23 E. Lot 1 of section 1, T. 9 S., R. 23 E. N. 14 of N. W. 14 of section 9. T. 98.. E? 14 of 8. W. 14 of section 82, T. 9 "s. W."l4 ot N. W. 14 of section 29, T. 10 8.. R. 23 B. Lots 2 and 3. 8. E. 14 of N. W. 14. N. E. 14 of 8. KV. 14 of section 4, N. E. 14 of N. W. 14 of section 9, T. 10 6.. N. E. 14 of N. B. 14 of section 33, T. 11 8., R. 24 E. 8. W. 14 of 8. W. ' 14 of section 5, N. W. 14 of N. W. of section 8. T. 11 8., 'n. W. 14 of S. W. 14 of section 4, T. If 8., R. 24 B. All bids must be accompanied by a reg ular application to purchase in accord anca with th, law for the sale of school lands and by cash or check for at leaat one-fifth of the price offered. No bid for less than (5.00 per acre will be considered. The right to reject any and all bids Is reserved. Applications ' and bid, should be ad dressed to G. G. Brown. Clerk State Land Board. Salem, Oregon, and marked "Ap plication and Bid to Purchase Indemnity School Lands." G. G. BROWN, Clerk State Land Board. Dated thl 8th day of June.. 1907. EXECUTRIX NOTICE. Notice Is hereby given that the undersigned has duly qualified In the County Court of Oregon for Multnomah County as executrix of th, last will of John A. Brown, deceased. All parsons having claims against th. estate of John A. Brown, deceased, are hereby notified to present the same to th. ' undersigned with proper vouchers and duly verified, at the law office of James Gleason, rooms 2 and 3. Mulkey building. Portland. Oregon, within six months from the date of this notice. Dated at Port land, Oregon, and nrst published this 10th day of June, 1907. Fannie B- Brown, executrix of the will of John A. Brown, deceased. James Gleason. attorney for estate. IN the District Court of the United States for the District of Oregon. In the matter ot the estate of W. p. Ballard, bankrupt. The undersigned will receive sealed bids for a stock of general merchandise amounting to $131.06, together with store fixtures amount ing to- 803.65, located at Crabtree, Linn County, Or., up to 12 o'clock noon of Mon day, July 16, .1907, at his office. No. 7 1st St., Portland Or. A certified check for 10 per cent of the amount offered must accom pany each bid. Sale is subject to connrma- tlon by the court. Inventory and lnspeo tlon of stock may be had on application. R. L. 6ABIN, Trusts. Dated at Portland. Or., July 6. 1907. BUSINESS DIRECTORY. Aoconnranta. GEO. T. MURTON. 818 Chamber Commerce. Phone Main 3681. General accounting aad auditing business. Storage and Transfer. OLSEN-ROB TRANSFER CO. General trans fer and storage; safes, pianos and furniture moved, packed, stored or shipped; only flrst clasa. careful men employed. Office phones. Main M7. Home A 2247; after office hours. Pacific 1061, Mala 6111. Office 209 Oak St.. Portland, Or. C. O. PICK, office 88 1st., bet. Stark and Oak. Phone 696. Pianos and furniture moved and packed for shipment; commodious brick warehouse, with sep&yat, iron rooms. Front and Clay sta. Carpenters and Builders. W. L. Buckner, office, store fixtures, general vuuuig, contracting: sau Marc, aiain Ooil. BUSINESS D1RZCTOBX. Assay era and Analyst. Wells A Proebstel, mining engineers, mstal- jutKiBi. u-iiu arotLyero. Aitfl asnington. MONTANA Assay Office. 186 Morrison su PAUL BAIiMEL. assayer and analyst. Gold .1,.. v.... . l, . OrtT . UM a. ' Carpet Cleaning. IONB . Steam Carpet Cleaning Works. Mat tresses ana reamers renovated. 221 E. 21st North. Phone East 360. K. F. Shepard, Mgr. Chiropody and Manicuring. WM. D EVENT and Bstelle Deveny th. only' scientific chiropodists parlors 203 Drew building. 162 2d st. Phone Main 1301. MADAME VASHTI chiropodist, scalp and facial massage. 20114 3d St., cor. Taylor. DR. FLETCHER'S SCHOOL of CHIROPODY. bkiutui aad painless treatments. Allsky big. Chiropody and Pedicuring. Mrs. M. D. Hill, room 830 Flledner bldg. Phone Paclflo Commission Merchant,. HERMAN METZGER. purchaser ot hides. pen., xurs. wool, monair. tallow ana rubber and old metal and general commission mer chant. Front St., near Main, Portland. Or. TAYLOR. YOUNG & CO., ship brokers, com- uiuniuii luwuinmj, ouerioca Diag.. fortiana. D. C. BURNS CO., grocers and commission Cleaning and Dyeing. THB Madison Steam Cleaning and Pressing Parlors; all work guaranteed; prompt serv ice; repairing; French dry cleaning a spe cialty. 247 Madison, bet. 2d and 3d. Pbons Paclflo 1(113. John C. Baker, proprietor. FEATHERS and feather boas cleaned, curled dyed. M. 2375.. Work called for and dellvd. Dancing. DANCING lessons, 25c during Summer months; school opea all year; social, fancy and stage dancing taught dally. Wilson's Dancing School, Allsky bldg., 3d and Morrison sta. Junk. Hides and Pelts. L. SHANK A CO.. purchasers of hides. Delta, wool, furs, tallow, old rubbers, znetasi and eacka 812 Front' St. Harness and Baddies. THE George Lawrence Co.. wholesale aaddlf and harness mfrs., 80-86 1st. Main 228 Leather and Findings. J. A. STROWBRIDGB LEATHER CO Es. tabllshed 1858. Leather and endings; Stock, ton sole leather and cut stock; full Una Eastern Jumbos. Iti9 Front at. CHA8. L. MA STICK A CO., Front and Oak sts. Leather and skins of every description for all purposes; sole and tap cutters' find ings. Medical. DRUGLESS PHYSICIAN Dr. F. W. Blohm. 811 Tourny bldg. Phones Main B218, A 2178. Osteopathic Physicians. DR. R. B. NORTHRUP, 415-16-17 Dekum bldg.. Third and Washington sts.. Phone, office. Main 340. Residence, Main 1R03. Residence, -East 1028. DR. L. B. SMITH, pioneer osteopath of Ore gon, graduate Klrkvllle. Mo. 409 Oregonian bldg. Main 1242; res. Main 2752. Paints, Oils and Glass. RASMTJSBEN A CO.. Jobbers, paints, oils. glass, sash and doors. Cor. 2d and Taylor. Machinery. B. TRENKMAN A CO.. mining, sawmill log ging machinery, hydraulic pipes, castings, ail kinds, repaired. 104 N. 4th at. Patent Lawyers. R. C. WRIGHT, domestic and foreign patents; Infringement cases. 604 Dekum. Real Estate. A. B. RICHARDSON, Rsal Estate, 614 Chamber of Commerce, Kubber Stamps. ALSO seals, stencils. Tel. Slugs, bar checks, eto- Coast Co., 231 Stark. Tel. .1407. P. C. STAMP WORKS. 249 Alder St. Rubber stamps, seals, stencils, checks, brass signs. Showcases, Bank and Stor, fixtures. R. H. BIRDSALL, designer: agent M. Winter Lumber Co., 7 Hamilton bldg. Main 6530. THB Lutko Manufacturing Co., cor. 6th and lloyt. Fbone Main 14US. Sign Painting. SIGNS ("That Attract. " Portland Sign Co.. 287 Stark. Pac. 1B90. Spiritualists. (ALWAYS CONSULT THB BEST.) PROF. KHIMO, Greatest living clairvoyant. Readings on all affairs of Ufs. Satisfaction guaranteed. No questions asked. FREE CONHKLTATION READINGS DURING THE ENTIRE WEEK. DOES ALI OTHERS ADVERTISE TO Da 152 14 Washington. Phone Main 1267. "HERMES." astrologer and palmist; know thy future; truth only. The Olive, Bth and Washington. Mrs. Wallace, famous psychlo; reliable on all affairs of life. 35014 Morrison st. Room 72. Safe. DIBBOLD manganese safes large line, car ried. Lock-outs opened. Jacks, Jails, metal furniture. Honest prices and goods. Both - phones. J. B. Davis. 66 So. - Typewriters. NEW typewriters, all makes, rented, sold, re paired. Coast Agency. 231 Stark. Phone 1407. BANKS. THB BANK OF CALIFORNIA (Establinhed In 18tS4 ) -HEAD OFFICE. SAN FRANCISCO. CAT PRESIDENT HOMER S KINO Gen. Mgr. of Branches. .W. MACKINTOSH Capital paid up 4,000.0ci0 Surplus and undivided profits J 10. 1 S3, 873 A General Banking and Exchange Business Transacted. Letters of edit losued. available tn all parts of th. world- Interest paid on time deposits. SAVINGS DEPARTMENT. Accounts opened for sums ot $10 and up ward. WM. A. MACRAE Manager J. T. BURTCHAELL Assistant Manager W. M. Ladd. C. E. Ladd J. W. Ladd, LADD A TILT ON. Bankera PORTLAND. OREGON. Established 1859. . Transact a General Banking Business. SAVINGS BANK DEPARTMENT. Savings Books Issued on Savings Deposit Interest Paid on Time Deposits. MERCHANTS NATIONAL BANK PORTLAND, OR. . J. FRANK WATSON President R. L. DURHAM Vlce-PreJiident R W. HOI'T Cashier GEORGE W. HOYT Assistant Cashier 8. C- CATCHING 2d Assistant Cashl, TRANSACTS GENERAL BANKING BUSINESS. -United States 'Depository. Drafts and letters of credit Issued, avail able In all parts of the world. Collections a specialty. FIRST NATIONAL BANK. Portland. Or. CAPITAL AND SURPLUS J1.500.000 0O. Deposits Oldest National Bank on th. Pacific Coast. A. L. MILLS J. W. NEWKIRK... W C. ALVORD B. F. STEVENS President Cashier ....Assistant Cashier .2d Assistant Cashier PORTLAND TRUST COMPANY OF OREGON. Th, Oldest Trust Company In Oregon. RESOURCES OVER eiOO.OOO. General Banking t per cent Interest on check account, (even hundreds) on daily balances of toOO or over. Letters of credit and exchange on all parts of the world. Savings accounts 3 per cent. Ttme certificates 3 to 4 per cent; short-call special certificates. $500 or over. 214 to 4 par cent Call for Book of "Illustrations." Phone Private Exchange 72. S. E. Corner Third and Oak Streets. BEN J. T. COHEN President H. L. PITTOCK Vlce-Prlden B. LEE PAGET Secretary J. O. GOLTRA Assistant Secretary