THE JrORNING OREG0XIAX,r JIOXDAT, JULY 1, 1907. 11 WANTED MISCELLANEOUS. WANTED MEN'S CAST-OFF CLOTHINO r.d afc-ivs: wa also buy household furaierv lnra. hiKbeat price paid. Call at th "Fair Dt&l," 6:i N. 8d. Phon Paciflo 1722. WB PAT MORH FOR FURNITURE PORTLAND AUCTION CO., MAIN 5ft55. 211 FIRST ST. FOB RENT. Rooms. THE EL WOOD Newly furnished; $2 to $5 week; also transient rooms. 34s Morr'jon FOR RENT Two large unfurnished east rooms. 173Vfe N. 21st st., cor. Johnson. 4 UNFURNISHED room for rent at 650 Couch st. FnAilfthed Rooms. THE COMMERCIAL. Nicely furnished rooms, single or en suite. $2 per week up; steam heat, hot and cold water; free baths. Tree phone; timing room in connection; transients solicited open all night: best location In the city oftlce and reading-room ground floor, 46S "Washington. HOTEL BUSHMARK, Washington and 17th r irnt-ciasa rurnisnea rooms, single or en eulte; steam heat, hot, cold water, electric light, phone !n every room; suites with pri vate bath, single, from $3 by week, 75c up ny cay; reasonable by month. Main o THE MILNER ZrOH Morrison, near Park furnished or unfurnished apartments, wKh heat, light, auto phone ana electric ele vator service: hot and cold water, porce lain baths; desirable location; reasonable rental. HOTEL FRANKLIN, CORNER 13TH AND Washington sts. Newly furnished through out, new building; suites with baths, hot and cold water In every room. Phone Mala 7195. Long-distance phonea in all rooms. THFl rOT-OTSTT AT. CentraJlv located, comer Morrison and Tenth ats.. S blocks west of the Portland Hotel; well-furnished double and single rooms; best table board. THE ELLSWORTH, Just opened; new brick building; modern tnrougnoui; niceiy lum lsned rooms ; steam heat, hot and cold water; electric lights; baths, loo Lownaaaie, near High School. THE WESTMINSTER 6th and Madison sta will have one unfurnished apartment vacant on July 1. Most up-to-date ac commodations in city; rates reasonable. THE HYLAND 4 AO Morrison. opposite High School; brick bujldlng; best lur nlBhed in city: housekeeping rooms; sin gle or en suUe; by day, week or month. HOTEL KENYON. 18TH AND WASH STS, Modern rooms, single and en suite: also housekeeping; running water; private and free baths; rates reasonable, racinc 4uo. THE WILLAMETTE. 822U Stark. S. W. cor- fit h st. : well furiflshed rooms. large and light, dingle or en suite; transients; 50c to si; by weeK, $z to o. i-aciuc izutx HOTEL ANTLERS. COR. 10TH AND WASH- in k ton streets All modern oonveaienoea. suite with bath, principal c&r llaea paas the ooor, rnn jaain zaro. LARGE front room; well furnished; sulta ble for two or three persons; also Bingle rooms. Main 645S. 33 N. 17 tn, near ashlngton. THE RANDOLPH. Third and Columbia, Is now open; everything new and modern; 50c to 91 day; 2 to $4 week. Pacific 2744. 6T FRANCIS. ,14 North 8th at., cor Couch. Nicely furnished single room and suites, with baths, electric light and heat. THE WOODLAND Beautiful location; beautiful home for rrfined people. 265 Sixth. Phone Main 1054. 9584 13TH ST. Nicely furnished rooms In new, modern home; gentlemen only; excel lent location; reasonable. FURNISHED rooms by day or week; privi lege of using kitchen. Apply 540 Morri son st. Phone Main 7148. 408 TAYLOR, near 13th, nicely furnished front room ; modrrn conveniences; rent reasonable; both phones. NICELY furnished front room, with alcove. pas, bath, everything new. 107 West Park st., near Morrison. LARGE, airy rooms, coolest In town, splen- aiuiy lurniRneu , serine men iircierreu. 100 a 1 in, corner inui 1 ibuii. PLEASANT front bedroom, nicely furnished. bui tame Tor two, oatn. pnone. walking ais tance. 1S7 East 7th. SEVERAL large, airy, furnished rooms, prl - vate house; modern conveniences. 201 14th at., cor. Taylor. BOP MARKET ST. Furnished room, 2 gen tlemen; bath and phone; very reasonable use of piano. . 450 YAMHILIj Two nice double rooms, one with bay window and alcove, other conven lonces; quiet. FOR RENT Nicely furnished rooma to be vacant by July 1st. The Sterling, No, oao uoucn. , $10 Bright, rool, newly furnished room; porcelain bath, gas. 825 12th at. Phone Pacific 2102. THOROUGHLY modern, well-fnmtnhed coo! room ; walking distance ; reasonable. 445 11th. WELL furnished front parlor and alcove, suit able for 2 gentlemen; rent $18. Call 250 Din 6i. A PLEASANT room, large yard, with shade. residence location; private family. Main i 1U1. "THE COZY," 195 7th, nicely furnished rooms, with or without board. Pacific 1964. WELL-FURNISHED front room, large clos et, close in. 48i Washington, Flat 1. . KICELY furnished rooms, single or double; gas, Datn ana pnone.- lss l.nn st. KICELY furnished room In private family; y preierrea. xj 1, urpgonian. THE HAEHLEN First-class furnished rooms. 95 11th St., corner Stark. NEWLY furnished suite; modern, suitable 1 or Kenueman. ousa, jo. st. FIVE nicely furnished rooma; phone, etc; an moaern. otfii Market st. 2 OR 8 nice rooms, reasonable. 1212 Moor st. Phone East 4871. LARGE newly furnished room. 824 Da via Telephone Main 5773. Rooma With Board Portland Women's Union; 18th year Rooma with board, use of sewing-room, use of library; Women's Exchange. Address Mrs. Ella Rawltngs, Supt,, 510 Flanders. LARGE, well-furnished room, suitable for men and wife or two men; breakfast and dinner. 201 16th st. Main 2284. THE MARLYN, 553 WASHINGTON FUR n is ned rooms single or en suite; good board, convenient location. BOOMS and board, private family; walking dis-ance; terms reasonable. Phone Main 8622. 828 Sixth at. NICE large room with board for two or thr gent'.tinen ; walking distance. Main 7224. THE THORN DYKK. 855 Washington at., beau tiful furnished ooma, b8t table board; prlcea reasonable? ROSEDALE Seiect private boardlng-hou, newly furnished, large grounds. 404 Mad ison, cor. 10th. ELEGANTLY furnished rooms, flrst-claoa uwttiu, mrge grounds; select. 1 10 ,Jverett st. NEWLY furnished rooms with board; free baUand phone. 814 Mill, cor. 6th at. LARGE front room, with hot and cold water, steam heat, second floor. 432 Morrison. NICELY furnished rooms, with board; gen . tlemen preferred. 395 Sixth st. OLYMPUS 141 Lounsdale, cor. Alder, new ly furnished; $5 a week and up. THE OZARK Rooms, first-class service: hot. old water. 225 11th St. RnM ftnd board' 920 and $25. 471 Morri- liar a. MODERN five-room cottage; bath gas. yard; six blocks north Steel bridge. 888 Benton st. , 8-ROOM modern flat on Williams ave 10 famsve pIy 10 J F Hm 711 Wlli- 112 CHAPMAN PT pai. T.,.i l-ROOM modem flat, 850 Corbett. $12.30. L. FOB RENT 8 room impn flat; tinted to suit. Pb.uce Main 8"- . FOB RENT. Flats. KKW. modern flats, of 4 and 6 rooms each; brand new surroundings. Al; nothing: quite eo pood In th city; Kearney st.; rent rea. sonable. PCRTLANB TRUST CO. OF OREGON.. SB. cor. 3d end Oak. Phone Exchange 73. MODERN FLATS. ALL BIZE8. FOR RENT. East and West - Bides. Portland Trust Company of Oregon. R. E. cor. S4 and Oak. Phone Eichang, 72. 8TORE and 5-room flat; separata or to frcther; good location; rent reasonable Wakefield, Fries ft Co.. 229 Stark St.' 655 TAYLOR, oor. 18th. flat 6 rooms, recep tion hall, oak floors,, bay windows, modern; 30. Graves' Music Store, 828 Wash. FOR RENT 143 11th st., bet. Alder and Morrison modern live-room flat; range, carpet, bed, chairs, etc., for sale. 408 10TH 6-room steam-heated upper flat, also 8-room lower flat, Including Janitor . service. Apply 4C6 Harrison st. B-ROOM flat on N. 18th st. for rent; walk Ins distance downtown; rent $ 17.50. , 830 Chamber Commerce. EIRHT-ROOM house, near East Portland High School. East 14th and Morrison. Phonr. Pacific 16C2. $18.00 Fairly modern 6-room house, fine neighborhood, good car service. 017 E. Salmon st. MODERN 5-room flat; large porch and yard. 8 East 12th, bet. Ankeny and Burnalde. 8-ROOM flat, elegantly furnished; oentraJ; depot car to door. 429 3d. Apartments. BEAUTIFUL and complete up-to-date, 5 - rooms and bath apartment to rent, fur nished or unfurnished; .West Side. Address L 94, Oregonlan. i THE CHETOPA, 18th and Flanders Mod ern family apartments. Clarence J. Wheeler, agent, cars of Tull & Glbbs. NEW, up-to-date furniture of modern 6-room apartment for sale; the latter for rent July 1; fine location. V 12. Oregonlan. BTEAM heated S-room and alcove apart ment. Cottell Drug Co.. 1st, and Sherman. Housekeeping; Booms. WELLINGTON COURT ANNEX. 15th and Everett, two and three-room unfurnished housekeeping apartments; building nearlng completion; hardwood floors, mantel wall beds, refrigerators, steam heat, and every modern convenience; excellent neighbor hood; $22.50 to 30. No children. THE HOWLAND APARTMENTS. 831 H Washington, cor. 20th Nicely furnished housekeeping rooms, gas ranges, hot water, free bath, free phone, both floors; nice sunny suites $10 and $12 per moats; best rooms In city for money. THE MILNER 850 Morrison, near Park; furnishel or unfurnished apartments, with heat, light, auto' phone and electrlo ele vator service; gas range kitchens, with hot and cold water; beat location; rea sonable. GOOD furnished and unfurnished housekeep ing rooms, 2 for $8 month. 8 for $12; also 6 and 7-room house, i $16 and $20, on West Side river. Apply tW North 26th. Willam tte Heights cars to 26th, torn south half block. THE ONEONTA, 1ST 17th St., near Yamhill; new house, elegantly furnished, in suites of 2. 3 and 4 rooms, hot and cold water, gas range each kitchen; steam heat, baths, free phone each floor; no children. COLUMBIAN apartments, 11th and Colum bia; four-room apartments, unfurnished, for housekeeping; possessing modern conve nances; excellent neighborhood; rent $27.50 up; no children. TWO rooms furnished for housekeeping, cheap. in Dest nat in city. 4WU Morrison St., flat 3, over the Hyland. Go right upstairs and don't bother the Hyland madam. Phone M. 6896. FOR RENT Housekeeping rooms In sub urbs, for one refined lady or glrU Call after 7 PM. Phone Tabor 879. NEWLY furnished housekeeping suite, all Improvements and splendid location. 482 Williams ave. Private house. SUITE OF LARGE, COOL HOUSEKEEPING rooms; clean, neatly furnished; no chil dren. References. 655 Irving st. JEFFERSONIAN 514 Jefferson, two and three-ror.m suites, completely furnished, for housekeeping. . Main 5482. TWO bedrooms, parlor and kitchen, in well furnished home on Tenth street; bath and gas. Phone Main 953. 450 YAMHILL One or more desirable housekeeping rooms; gas range; other conveniences; quiet; central. THREE FURNI8HED HOUSEKEEPING rooms; pleasantly situated; water, gas and bath: no children. 362 14th. THREE furnished housekeeping rooms for two or three adults; front, cheerful, con venient, 655 Yamhill. FURNISHED housekeeping rooms for rent; gas, bath and phone. Apply 115 12th St., near Washington. THREE rooms furnished for housekeeping; moaern conveniences; no cniiaren; rent, $10. Phone Pacific 906. THREE furnished housekeeping rooms in cottage; reasonable. 828 Grant St. Phone Pacltio 8S3. ' v PLEASANT housekeeping rooms; walking distance; price reasonable. 556 Morrison, cor. 18th. SUITE! of furnished housekeeping rooms, first noor; yara, pnone, walking distance. 187 East 7th. LARGE, newly furnished housekeeping rooms, heat, light, phone, bath. 117 Norta 18th. 208 14TH. Two nicely furnished rooms In moaern nat, large closet, bath; also single room. TO -LET Furnished housekeeping rooms; modern. 171 N. 17th st. Phone Main 7435. B VERY nice modern housekeeping rooms on snffpy side; sink, laundry. 380 Second st. 175 10TH ST., oor. Yamhill, 2 front rooms. uunipieio xur Housekeeping; no cniiaTen. THREE furnished housekeeping rooms, with oatn ana pantry, iau 01 zzo. S ROOMS : gas plate, steel range. 618 7th. main -iou. FOR RENT Housekeeping rooms. 145V4 otn st. FURNISHED housekeeping rooms, 91 10th St. Houses. FOR RENT Cottage, corner 17th and Gll- san st. Inquire. Max Smith, the Sa voy restaurant, 149 7th, or Home phone 4241. FOR RENT New, modern 8-room house. near nawtnorne ave., s-iv per montn. in quire 861 Hawthorne ave. Phone East 8624. FOR RENT COTTAGE. 88,1 EAST FIRST street, norm. Deiween nancocn ana Broad way. $8.00 per month. $25 8-room modern house, newly, reno vated; till K.earny st. Hynson, 843). Washington at. FOR RENT NEW 8-ROOM MODERN house, inquire 811 Cleveland ave, U car; adults only. $25 MODERN 6-ROOM HOUSE, GOOD LO- 1-i . . . ?. n . 1 1 : ) tm fin 1 V Rn R,t lith Ov. - East 2406. 7-ROOM furnished flat. Nob Hill; walking aistanre: rent very reasonable. Phone Main 6334. MODERN 6-ROOM HOUSE: ATTIC; FUR- nace. Apply 87 East 17th street. Phone East 2463 $20.00 MONTH. Modern seven-room house at 834 Fargo street. $30 New 6-room house, thoroughly modern. r6 ijast Main, uooa car service. Alain 1722. FOR houses. furnished and unfurnished. Hynson. 343)4 Washlngtoa st. Mala 7039. 512 ALDER, near High School; very nice 6- room nat, $23; choice location. Main 1018. $12 6-room cottage for rent. Large lot Ualn l(Un A19 1""... 1 J FOR RENT Modern new 8-room house, partly lurnisnra. rteierences. 10 tx lHtn. FOR RENT Modern 8-room house, corner 16th miu opmaway, nouaaay. AOOltlon. 6-ROOM house, new strictly modern. 689 K. Pine. Phone Sellwood 68. 6-ROOM house, bath; Fulton Park; $16. ln- 1ISU1UIU41 Bh, FOR KENT. Booses. FOR RENT 12-room modern residence; sep - arate toilets 1st and 2d floors, furnace, open fireplace; property in excellent con dition; choice location. S. W. cor. 22d and Overton sts., near 2 carllnes; reasonable rent. a. rr BiRRnrx 202-203 McKay Bldg.. cor. 3d and Stark FOR RENT No. 703 Everett st., between 21st ana zzna. modern cottage of rooms. Moors Realty Co., 208 Stark 4-ROOM brand-new flats surrounded bv rood homes and on well-made itreets: auick car down town; yard In lawn; all conveniences ana et tne low price or $20. PORTLAND TRUST CO. OF OREGON. SB. cor. 8d and Oak. Phone Exchange 72, GOOD 6 and 7-room cottar.. 115 and 820: will furnish; also housekeeping rooms, 2 for $S month; West Side river. Apply 864 North 20th. Willamette Heights cars to zotn. turn south half block. FOR RENT New. modern. 5-room flat. cor. E. 10th and Oak; 8-rcom house, attic, 88 r-ast 10th, reasonable rent. Inquire Wm. u. stokes ft Co.. loa Grand ave. 655 TAYLOR, cor. 18th. flat 6 rooms, recep tion nan. oak noors. nay windows, modern $30. Graves' Music Store, 328 Wash. FIVE-ROOM modern house, 828 Caruthera, near sixth. Main 4529. T-ROOM house, 324 14th. Apply 613 Dekum oiag. rnone .facino 1B33. Furnished Houses. l WELL - FURNISHED modern 8-room apartment or flat; fireplace, gas stovet walking distance; no children: references. 68 Lucretla street,, between 2 id ana Ja. L.B. or. carnage. HALF or All of S-room furnished eotlacs, West Side of river, near, delightful shady grove; also unfurnished cottage. ' Apply 864 North 26th. Willamette Heights cars to zutn, turn south naif block. MODERN home. Portland Heights; rooms'. finely furnished: abundant fruits and flow ers; unexcelled view, fine grounds, for rent 8 or 10 months from August or beptemoer. owner, su Macieay. Didg. FOR RENT Nicely furnished house, T rooms; convenient to cars; Irvlngton; for 8 or 4 months.- Phone East 4H3T. A FIVE-tOOM cottage - furnished.- centrally located, for the Summer months; refer ences. D 3, Oregonlan. MODERN 6-room house.' furnished oomplets for Summer months. 646 Schuyler St., near rath. Phone East 2462. FOR JIENT Nicely furnished six-room flat Summer months. 304 12th St., South. FURNISHED 6-room cottage; eleotrlo lights. Mm; central, .inquire -104 tin. A COTTAGE. 6 rooms, furnished, 645 East Couch st. Phone tiaat ot04. ' FOR RENT Furnished cottage for 2 months. Phone East 422. . Houses for Rent Furniture for Sale. $960 BUYS the furniture of well-furnished 7-room modern residence on Tenth St., near Montgomery; sjoOO piano; rent xju. B. s. cook & Co., zal' Alder sx. FURNITURE of 7-rocm cottage. Including fruit, chickens and garden; house rent, $10; 2 blocks from car. Phone East 6161. A BARGAIN 7-room house, well fur. nlshed: location central; low rent. In quire 220 13th St. 18-ROOM house; rooms all full; good lease; low rent; price reasonable. 555 Morrison. MODERN five-room cottage, $27 per month. tf-ri college, inquire at S2l r-ourtn st. MUST sell this week, new furniture of 6- retm l.f QA Tth mt PI n FOR SALE Furniture of 9-roora house cheap. 81 Tth St.. cor. Oak. Summer Resorts. BEACH PROPERTY. The finest Beach property ever effered. joining Breakers Hotel property, to be known as "Manhattan Beach1'; 250-acre tract, a portion with building restrictions: other un restricted ; easy terms. A. C. CHURCHILL ft CO., 110 2d St.". City. HOTEL ROCKHAVEN. Underwood. Wash.: fishing, boating, hunting, home cooking, fine scenery; a delightful placo to rest. Take train or boat to Hood River, then Under wood Ferry. If notified, will meet trains. Terms very reasonable. Mrs. Mary V. Ol sen, proprietor. , $780 for sale, at Ocean Park, Wash., 2 corner lots, with 5-room modern cottage built last Fall; painted throughout: nice pantry. pump, sink, etc.; never been occupied; 4 blocks south of depot. Pacific Coast Realty Co.. room 307 Buchanan bldg. DO YOU want cottage at Seaside this Sum mer? Write full details what Is needed and get quick answer. Owners of cottages please write also. Frank McFarland, Seaside, Or. WANTED Ladles with children to board for Summer months; large farm, healthful loca tion, telephone and dally mail. Charges reasonable. Mrs. Ladd SUlott, Camas, Wash. WANTED Immediately, cottage at Long Beach for season, must be modern and reasonable. Address J. H. Truby, Oregon Trust & Sav ings Bank, 6th and Washington.. COTTAGE) of 6 rooms, completely furnished with one acre of ground on Cannon Beach for sale. Address W. D. Torrey, "Red Rock Cottage," Cannon Beach, Or. CANNON BEACH lots for sale; beet platted property on beach; from $75 to $150. For particulars address W. D. Torrey, Cannon Beach, Or. GEARHART PARK Two furnished cottages for sale, $400 and $900; either will ne: 11 per cent. 92 7th St. Phone 6309. GOOD board and rooms with private family, Cedarhurst Cottage. Modern. For terms aaaress. Charles cieiand. Seaside, Or. WANTED Cottage of 4 or 6 rooms, at North Beach, for one month. Address 204 Madison St., or phone Main 6703. FOR SALE Five-room Seaside cottage ept site Locksley Hall. Cottel Drug Company. First and Thurman. SEVEN-ROOM, well-furnished cottage, Cen terville. Long Beach, Wash.; ocean view. 124 N. 19th st. M'DONALD HOUSE. Nye Beach. Newport, Or.; private boarding; home cooking, rates moderate. Boswell Springs open: health and pleasure re sort, 2 miles south Drain, Or.,on S. P. R. R. FOR RENT Cottage at Gearhart Park. In quire of Grenvllle Reed, Astoria, Or. FOa Seaelde bungalows and repairs, see John son, 204 Mohawk bldg. 1000 SQUARE FEB3T Of floor space on 6th, near new Wells Fargo bldg.; 2d floor for rent; can give all or part; will arrange for offices or light manufacturing. The entire space goes for $50 month. PORTLAND TRUST CO. OF ORBGON, SEX cor. 3d and Oak. Phone Exchange 72. RRARinPl itnr In tn-nvm. nw 1 1 M. Averlll & Co., 102 North 6th st Portland, Or. Offices. THE MILNER 350 Morrison, v near Park; first floor, - north frontage offices, with heat, light, auto' phone, hot or cold water, electric elevator and Janitor service; de sirable location; reasonable. FRONT AND BACK OFFICES VERY RF1A sonable; heat, llrht and elevator services; beat location in city. Dammeler, agent, Ral eigh bldg., 6th and Washington st. A FEW suites of front offices; running water, elevator, heat and light; best lo cation In city. Raleigh bldg., 6th and Washington. Dammeler, agent. FEW small offices as low as $T per month; elevator, heat and light; best location In citx. Raleigh bldg., 6th and Washington sts. Dammeler, agent. FOR RENT Front half of office, fine loca tion, Lafayette bldg.. 6th and Washington; rent reasonable. Apply room 22. ROOMS FOR MANUFACTURING AND Of flees. Second and Washington. Howe, Deris A Kllham, 111 Second St. DESK-ROOM or part of spacious office in Oregonlan bldg.; all conveniences. 315 Ore gonlan bldg. DESK ROOM SUITABLE FOR REAL Es tate, or the like. Apply Room 4. 109 Sec ond street. FINE offtces, best location. Room 816 Swetland bldg. 5th and Washington. XOxiO SECOND FLOOR. B. W. COR. TH s-od .Oaks ceraec ream; steam BUSINESS CHANCES. SPECIAL NOTICB. W have three cash customers for good MO, 12 or 14-room rooming-house; must be central location and nicely furnished; the time to sell Is when there are buyers. ROOMS 503-5 .'WETLAND BLDG. Phones Main 156, A 1566. LIST your property with C. 8. ARNOLD CO.. Original Hotel Broker. Hotels, rooming or furnished houses bought, sold and exchanged in all parts of the United States. C. 8. ARNOLD A CO., Original Hotel Brokers, Removed to 851)4 Morrison st. Phone Main 7311. 0 FIRST-CLASS restaurant with 24 furnished rooms in thriving city, close to Portland and having very best trade In town; on account of owner retiring can be bought very rea sonable. Owner will guarantee yearly net profit to eaual nurchase Drlce. Price only $?5O0. J. a. Moehnke, 2U9 Commercial DlOCK. A NEW store building, new fixtures, new stock of groceries, new wagon and har ness, doing a business of $26 to $30 per day, located right on carllne in one of the new suburbs to Portland; all tor $1800 casn. uon t answer unless you mean busi ness, a J. oregonlan. NEWSPAPER, In growing Eastern Oregon town of 700; terminus of rejllroad branch line; good paid subscription list; good prices for advertising and job work; plant clears me rrom siuuu to i.ouu annually will take $2000, part down. G 14, Or, gonlan. AN OREGON NEWSPAPER BARGAIN. Including a fine Job business, new power plant; line rieia; average montniy Dual ness over $500; will stand closest invest! gallon; terms if desired. Chas. Hart, vrooonougn oiag.. .rortiana, ur. LAUNDRY One doing better than $1500 month, and can be increased, for sale at bargain; one or more who want an estab- llshed business and a money-maker, call quickly. Northwestern Investment Co., 208 Allsky bldg. OKB of the best comer first-class grocery businesses in Portland for sale: for Imme diate sale will give exceptional bargain; profits $160 to $200 month and can be in creased. Northwestern Investment Co., 206 Allsky bldg. TWO laundries in fast arowlnr towns. Partv retiring from business has laundry plant in lewiston ana uraagevuie, Jdano. iotn laun- crles nave good paying trade established. Address C. H. Schroeder, Grangeville, Idaito, newly furnished: modern: clearing $75(5 monthly; is for sale by owner for private reasons, unly principals with means need reply, iso agents. t is, uregonlan. GOOD OPENINGS. Merchandise and manufacturing proposi tions, city or country; latest information. THE AMES MERCANTILE AGENCY. Abington bldg. $800 First-class bakery in good location: good cash trade; 4 rooms In back; large, light bake shop, two large ovens, large store, stock and fixtures. B. 8. Cook & Co., 251 Alder St. ' FOR 8ALF Well-established market and gro cery, located In booming town; sell at In voice: stock and fixtures about $3500. Call on or address C. G. Stone, Phoenix Iron Works, olty. RARE bargain; stock of grooerles, most be sold at once; no reasonable offer refused for cash: will exchange for suburban prop erty; rent with living rooms, $10. 680 Front st. CASH paid for stocks of merit. Mineral pros pects bought and developed. Consult me for large profits on small investments. W. J. Curtis, 215 Commercial blk. STOCK companies Incorporated. If you have atocks or bonds for sale, let me try to sell them for you. George M. Kellogg, broker, 640 Silicon Square, Buffalo. DENTIST'S OPPORTUNITY. 8plendld chance tor a young man to buy fine office and equipment very rea sonable. C 12, Oregonlan. RESTAURANT, bakery and delicatessen, do ing fine business; good location; $50 rent; this opportunity cannot be beaten; reasona ble price. H 12, Oregonlan. OPENING for honest young man by July 1 with 5300, to get into business clearing 925 a week; city experience unnecessary. Ad dress E 9, Oregonian. ACTIVE man wanted as partner to show land, etc. Will pay you $125 a month; very little money required. Particulars. 248 Stark st. GOOD OFFER TO RELIABLE. - MAN THAT would take up Real Estar usinees. In quire at 618 Commoruwealth v ldtng. Sixth and Ankeny. ' BAKERY for sale on account sickness; live country town; good cash trade; only bak ery; no competition; $060. C 20, Ore- . gonian. . . SOLID BUSINESS Partner wanted; $2,500 required. Will pay you $250 a month, with bank references. Call 248 H Stark TWO-STORY BUILDING IN CITY. equipped with boiler and engine; free water and free fuel. Inquire 147 North -6th st. TWENTY rooms elegantly furnished, lease, central; fine Investment, netting $200 per month; Investigate. Main 8378. REAL estate dealer wants partner to show property. He guarantees you $150 per month; $550. Room 7, 181 M, 1st st. FOR SALE Timber lands, sawmill and box ractory properties. The consolidated Indus try Co., 286)4 Washington st. SPECIAL $650 and services will pay you $150 a month as partner. Call for par ticulars. 248)4 Stark St. RESTAURANT Newly fitted and first -class, with long lease; will sell, at In voice. D 18, Oregonlan. HOTEL in enterprising Columbia River town; netting annually 80 per cent of price asked. 402 Commercial bldg. FOR SALE Suburban real estate office; fine list; choice location; Improved tract. ft 1, uitiguuiau. WANTED Partner with $250; will pay $30 a weex; gooa eeouniy on money, uall Koora 16. 209)4 6th St. FOR SALS First-class cigar fixtures, good tnratlnn' 4 Una. mhI On ll . 289 Stark st. FURNITURE, repair and second-hand bust- ness ror saie; aoing gooa business. Q 94, Oregonlan. GROCERY WILL INVOICE ABOUT $1000: u. muu ui fiuu. e . CiBCill. A.T.Q ana Irving ets. FURNITURE of 11 rooms, costing $1500, sell ing at once lor oou. uaii ltsa 7th or phone Main 3378. FOR SALE Small Jewelry stock, good Valley town; gooq reasons tor Beijing, a tfri. Ore gonlan. DRUG stock and fixtures for sale. Big discount ror cash. John L. Vestal. 129 1st st. 17-ROOM rooming-house; gas. electric lights; imp. jutmuoj, .ouo. jtoom 4, 181)4 1st st. RESTAURANT for sale; good location and 1 iw. luquire at 03 ft iN. otn SC MAN and wife to buy good hotel paying well. unic iiivirej. d care tregonian. FOR SALE Cigar stand: good location; cheap if " L. r. , ,nH fi .. 1 WANTED To buy a good saloon or, family IOST AND FOUND. LOST A small white French poodle dog; male, iv jwiib viu, ait our leet clipped. A liberal reward will be given for his return or Information leading to his recovery to The Spokane, cor. 2d and Couch sts. Home phone A 4095. LOST SMALL-SIZED SUIT CASE , LEFT 011 dvueroun street car 1 nureoay evening, June 5. Contents marked Mrs. Robert Hunter. Please leave at Hobart Curtis and receive reward. LOST Boston terrier bitch, sge 8 months; wniie ano oiaca spots, moetlv white, ears cropped and stub tail: $5 reward. Mark Levy & Co., 121 1st st. STRAYED BUCKSKIN MARE): WHIT 13 face, black tail, Bpllt In left ear; hind foot deformed. Reward. F. Brampton, R. F D 1, Hillsdale, Or. FOUND Where hair mattresses are renovated, 1 ..... unu Hui, .o . . x 3 iroDi. jaatn 4T4 Portland Curled Hair Factory. H. Metzger. LOST Small gold locket, with monogram w. i. t... rienne return to 104 IrTont St. W. T. Clark. Beward. LOST AXD FOTOD. LOST About first of June, lady's gold watch and long chain; monogram A. li on outside of case; liberal reward. Phone Sellwood 69. PPF.CIAL NOTICES. Proposals Invited. U. S. POST OFFISE, Portland. Or. Office . of the custodian, June 24, 1907. Sealed proposals will be received at this office until 2 o'clock P. M. on the 5th day of July, 1907, and then opened, for altera tions on first floor of this building, in ac cordance with drawing and specification, copies of which may be obtained upon application at this office. J. W. Jdinto. custodian. Miscellaneous. NOTICB OF THE SALE OF STATE LANDS Notice is hereby given that the State Land Board will receive sealed bids until 2 o'clock P. M. on September 9, 1907. for the, purchase of the following de scribed Indemnity . School Lands, towlt: Clatsop County N. W. M of S. E. )4 of section 21. T. e in., it. u w. S. W. )4 of S. W. )4 of section 1. N. W. of N. W. )4 of section 12, T. 4 N., Lot IS of section 15. lot 4 of section 22. lota L 2. 6. 7, 10, 11, 14, 15, 16 of seotlon I . iui J onvuuil luia O, 1 . XV. XI, I XI 2, 13, 14, 15 of aectlon 29, S. E. )4 of I b. E. )4 of section 30, T. 4 N., R. 8 W. Crook County 8. of 6. )4 of section 20, T. 16 S., R, 18 E. All of section 28. T. 19 S.. R. 11 E. S. E. t of N. W. )4 of section 8, T. X It. IV Hi. Grant County N. E. hi of S. B. hi of section 23, N. E. of N. E. hi. N. hi of S. E. tti-K. hi of 8. E. hi of section 27, T. 8 a, B, 40 r W. of 8. E. hi of section 27, T. 8 B., K. 27 E. a E. hi of N. E. hi of section 8, N. W. hi or s. W. hi of section 27, T. 8 S, Jt. ZD Ej. 8. W. hi of 8. E. hi. a E. hi of S. W. A oi section zi, . m. n ot m. w. hi. N. W. hi f N. E. hi of section 28, T. 9 S., 8. W. hi of N. E. hi of section 18, T. 11 S., R. 26 E. N. E. hi of 8. W. hi of section 8. lot 4 of section 4, lot 1 of section 6, T. 14 S., R. 29 E. Jackson County 8. E. hi of S. W. hi of section 26, N. E. 14 of N. W. hi. N. hi of N. E. hi of sec tion 84. T. 87 S.. R. 1 E. N. E. 14 of section 2, N. W. hi of N. W. hi. . tj. hi of N. W. hi. N. W. hi of S. E. hi. N. E. hi of S. W. hi, S. E. hi of o. t;. hi or section 12, T. 88 S., R. 1 E. All of section 34. T. 40 8.. R. 1 E. Klamath County N. W. hi of 8. E. hi, a E. 14 of N. W. 14. lot B or section 0. T. 83 S.. R. 7)4 E. 8. W. hi of 8. E. hi of section! 25. 8. B. 14 of 8. E. 14 ot section 26 N. hi of . ii. hi or section B, T. ST s.. K. 9 E. W. H of 8. E. 14 of section 22. N. E. 14 ot n. vv. hi of section 23, N. W. hi of section 2T, N. E. hi of N. E. hi of section 30, T. 87 S., R. 10 E. N. W. 14 of N. K. hi of section 1. N. 14 Of N. E. hi of section 12. T. 88 8., it. v u. W. hi of R. E U nf .action 25 N K 14 of N. W. hi of section 23. N. W. 14 of section 27, n. K. hi of is. E. hi of sec tion 30, T. 87 S., R. 10 E. ' N. W. hi of N. E. hi ot section 1, N. 14 of N. E. 14 of section 12. T. 33 Sv R. 9 R N. E. 14 of N. E. 14 of section 13. 8. E. 4 of N. E. 14 of section 27, S. W. 14 of N. W. 14, N. 14 of S. W. 14. W. 4 of S. E. 14 of section 84. T. 88 S., R. 18 E. Lot- 1 of section 18, T. 38 S., R. 14 E. 8. E. 14 of S. E. 14 of section 35, T. 89 S., R. 11)4 E. 8. E. 14 of 8. B. 14 of section 25. T. 89 S., R. 11 E.. Lot 1 of section 2, T. 40 S., R. 11 B 6. E. 14 of S. E. hi of section 5, N. W. 14 of N. E. hi of section 26, T. 40 S.. R. 18 E. Lane County; S. W. 14 of N. B, 17 S., R. 9 W. Lincoln County 8. E. 14 of S. W. Jl 8.. R. 10 W. 14 of section 80, T. 14 of section 27, T. Marion County E. 14 of N. W. 14, B. 14 of a E. 14 of section 12, N. B. 14 of section 82, T. 8 6 R 2 E 8.' hi' of section 24, T. 8 S., R, 8 E. Multnomah County N. E. 14 of section 21, T. 1 N., R. 6 E. Sherman County Lots 1. 2. 8. 4, N. 14 of N. E. 14 of section 2, T. 1 N., R. 15 E. E. hi of S. B. 14 of section 17, T. 4 S., 8. W. ' 14 of 8. W. 14 of section 82, T. 4 S.. R. 18 E. Tillamook Countv ' 8. W. 14 of N. E. 14. lot 2, S. W. 14 ot N. W. 14, lot 4 of Bectlon3. 8. E. 14 of N. E. 14. lot 1 of section 4. S. E. 14 of N. E. hi, lot 1 of section 5, E. hi of E. la of section 7, 8. Wr. hi of section 13, N. W. 14 of N. E. 14 of section 17. N. E. 14 of section 21, N. W. 14 of N. W. 14, 8. 14 of N. W. 14 of section 22, T. 2 N., R. 8 W. Lots 8 and 4 of section 8, T. 3 N., R. 8 W. Lots 8 and 4 of section 19. T. 4 a. R. 10 W. Union Countv E. 14 ot S. E. hi of section 21. 8. 14 of section 22, 8. 14 and S. 14 of N. 14 of section 23, S! W. 14 of section 24, E. 14, S. E. 14 of N. W. 14, N. E. 14 of 8. W. 14 of section 25. N. 14 of N. 14 of section 26, N. 14 of N. 14 of section 27, B. hi of S. E. 14 of section 32, N. hi of 8. W. 14 ot section 83, T. 5 S.. R. 85 E. 8. W. 14 of section 29. 8. 14 of N. 14 and S. 14 of section So, S. W. 14 of 8. W. 14 of section 32, T. 5 S-. R. 8 B. W. )4 of S. E. hi. lots 3 and 4 of seo tlon 1. T. 6 S., R. 35 E. N. 14 of section 12, T. 6 8., R. 8514 . Wasco County Lots 6 and 6, 8. W. 14 of S. B. 14 of section 2, T. 1 N., R. 15 E. Wheeler County N. 14 of S. E. 14 of section 22, N. W. hi of N. W. 14. N. hi of S. W. 14, N. E. 14 of 8. E. 14 of section 23. W. 14 of N. W. 14. N. W. 14 of S. W. 14. N. E. 14 of N. W. 14 of section 24, S. E. 14 of N. B. 14 of section 28, T. 6 S., R. 22 E. Lot 4 of section 81, T. 8 8., R. 23 E. Lot 1 of section 1, T. 9 S., R. 22 E. N. 14 of N. W. 14 of section 9, T. 9 S., E? 14 'of 8. W. 14 of section 32. T. 9 8. W. -34 of N. W. 14 of seotlon 39, T. 10 8., R. 23 E. Lots 2 and 3. 8. E. 14 of N. W. 14, N. E. 14 of S. W. 14 of section 4, N. E. 14 of N. W. 14 of section 9, T. 10 S.. N. E. '14 of N. B. 14 of section 83, T. 11 S.. R. 24 E. S. W. hi ot S. W. 14 of section B, N. W. Vi of N. W. 14 of section 8. T. 11 6.. R. 25 E. N. W. 14 of 8. W. 14 of section 4, T. 12 S., R. 24 B. All bids must be accompanied by a reg ular application to purchase in accord ance with the law for the sale ot school lands and by cash or check for at least one-fifth of the price offered. No bid for less than $2.60 per acre will be considered. The right to reject any and all bids Is reserved. Applications and bids should be ad dressed to G. G. Brown, Clerk State Land Board. Salem, Oregon, and marked "Ap plication and Bid to Purchase Indemnity School Lands." G. G. BROWN, Clerk State Land Board. Dated this 8th day ot June,, 1907. EXECUTRIX NOTICE. Notice Is hereby given that the undersigned has duly qualified in the County Court of Oregon for Multnomah County as executrix of the last will of John A. Brown, deceased. All persons having claims against the estate ot John A. Brown, deceased, are herebv notified to present the same to the undersigned with proper vouchers and uuiy veruieu, at tne law nuice 01 James Gleason. rooms 2 and 3, Mulkey building, Portland, Oregon, within six months from the date of this notice. Dated at Port land, Oregon, and first published this 10th day of June, 1907. Fannie B. Brown, executrix of the will of John A. Brown, deceased. James Gleason. attorney for estate. FOR SALE Williams-avenue School Sealed proposals will be received at the office ot te School Clerk. City Hall. Portland, Oregon, up to 12 o'clock noon, July 8, 1907, for the purchase of the Williams-avenue School building and grounds, as a whole or any part, not less than two lots. Located on Williams avenue and Russell street. All proposals must be accompanied by a certified check for 6 per cent "of amount of proposal. H. a ALLEN, School Clerk. June 26, 1907. FINANCIAL. $1000 to $100,000 to loan In sums to suit at 6 to 7 per cent on improved realty. M. G. Griffin, 266 Stark, opp. Chamber ot Commerce. IMMEDIATE LOANS FROM $5 TO $5000 ON all securities R. L Eckerson ft Co., room 6, Washington bldg. Phone Pao. 1831. MORTGAGE LOANS AT CURRENT RATES; no commission. Columbia Life ft Trust Company, Lumber Exchange bldg. . State funds loaned, 6 per ct. W. E. Thomas, tats agt., Multnomah Co. 409 C of Com, MONEY TO LOAN ON ALL KINDS OF SB curlty. Wm. Holl, rm. 9 Washington bldg. DON'T BORROW MONEY ON YOUR SAL ary until you see Hutton Credit Company. $500,000 TO LOAN AT 6 AND 6 PER CENT. Wm. G. Beck, room 312 Falling bldg. WILL loan $6o00 or lefs; 6 per cent, on real statg Farrlngtoo. 313 Fantea b4dg. FINANCIAL. Money to Loan. MONEY MONEY MONEY MONEY MONEY MONEY MONEY MONEY MONEY MONEY MONEY MONEY DON'T BE HARD UP. SALART LOANS TO EVERYONE WORKING LOW RATES EASY PAYMENTS NO MORTGAGE NO IKDOHSEH WHAT MORE COULD YOU ASK? STATE SECURITY CO. 704 DEKUM BLDG. . MONEY MONEY MONEY MONEY MONEY MONEY MONEY MONEY MONEY MONEY MONEY MONEY LOANS made to salaried people holding per manent positions and responsible firms: easy payments and strictly confidential; also CHATTEL LOANS on personal property; rooming-houses a spec ialty. NEW ERA LOAN & MORTGAGE CO., 206 Abington bldg. MONEY TO LOAN. On Improved city property or for bulld- Ing purposes, for from 8 to 10 years' time, wlrh privilege to repay all or part of loan after two years Loans approved from plans and money advanced as building progresses; mortgages taken up and replaced. Fred H. Strong, nnanclal agent, 241 Stark street. THE CRESCENT LOAN CO., 428 MOHAWK bldg. Loans to salaried employes on note, without mortgage; easy payments. Month. 14-month. Week. $50 Repay to us. ,..$13.33 or $d.6S or 13.35 $26 Repay to us..t 6.25 or $3.60 or $1.65 $16 Repay to us....$ 4.00 or $2.00 or 11.00 We meet any rate, time or terms. Main 2U41. THB STAR LOAN COMPANY. Any salaried employe, wage-earner, eaa get on his note, without mortgage con fidential). - Month. 14-month. Week. $50 Repay to us.... $13.33 or $6.65 or $3.36 $25 Repay to us....$ 6.65 or $3.20 or $L66 $16 Repay to us. ...$ 4.00 or $2.00 or $1.00 210 McKay Bldg.. 102 Third, MONEY LOANED TO SALARIED PEOPLB Just on your own name; no other security necessary; don't borrow until you see me; my system Is the best for railroad men, clerks, bookkeepers, streetcar men and all other employes; business strictly confidential. F. A. Newton, 511 Buchanan Bldg. MONEY ADVANCED SALARIED PEOPLB and others upon their own namel without security; cheapest rates, easiest payments; offices in 60 principal cities; save yourself money by getting our terms first. TOLMAN. 223 Abington Bldg.. 106)4 Sd at. CASH on hand for purchase money, mortgages, bonds for deeds or contracts ot sale on real estate, either country or city property. H. E. Noble, Commercial blk., 2d and Washington. LOANS on easy payment plan to salaried peo ple; lowest rates; strictly confidential. 'Em ployes' Loan Co., room 716, The Dekum, Sd and Wash. Main 224. MONEY TO LOAN. REASONABLE) RATES; real estate, chattel mortgages or personal security; notes bought, . C. W. Pallett, 804 Fenton building. MONEY LOANED IN SUMS OF $5 AND up on all kinds of security. W. A. Hatha . way, room 10, Wash. bldg. Pacific 1832. $5000 OR LESS IN SUMS TO SUIT ON 'real estate; charges reasonable. Inquire J. H. Mlddleton, 617 Chamber Commeroe. LOANS ON FURNITURE, PIANOS AND other securities; lowest rates. S. W. King, room 45, Wash. bldg. Phone Main 6100. MONEY LOANED IN SMALL OR LAHGB sums on Improved and unimproved real es tate. W. H. Nuns, 552 Sherlock block. A LOAN for the asking, salary or chattel. The Loan Co.. 410 Dekum bldg. Loans Wanted. WANTED $5500 on gilt-edge real estate security, e per cent. Whitfield, 313 Fen ton bldg. PERSONAL. LADIES, one word with you 28 years of suc cessful practice In Portland in the treatment of diseases peculiar to women should be sufficient- guarantee to those seeking the aid of an experienced physician and surgeon. X have aesieted hundreds of anxious and suf fering women. I can assist you. If In trouble, no matter from what cause, call on old Dr. J. D. Gray, the old reliable special ist; no charge for consultation or advice. 251 Alder St.. corner 3d. ' Portland. Or. Cor respondence sacredly confidential. DR. MARY LANE Late superintendent of Chicago Women's Hos- filtal. treats diseases of women exclusively; adles will consult their beet Interests by communicating with me; no fee for con sultation; correspondence absolutely confi dential; maternity cases given special at tention. Sanitarium and offices, 253 Alder, corner 8d, Portland. Or. Phone Main 2796. SUITS pressed while you wait. 60c To vis itors or Portland hotels and to puDllo at large: Butts pressed at 50c at Gilbert, the tailor's. 106)4 6th et.. next to Quelle. La dies' skirts pressed, 50c. Feathers and boas cleaned and curled. Phone Pacific 20S8. Swedish trained nurse. Helslngfors graduate. cures rheumatism, nervous disorders, sprains, superfluous fat hand rubbing, steam, sweat and tub baths. 7 East 11th street; take East Ankeny car. Phone East 260. Home B 1803. LADIES Ask your druggist for Chlches ters Diamond Brand I'll Is. For 25 years known as the best, safest. Reliable. Take no other. Chlchesters Diamond Brand Pills. Sold by druggists everywhere. IvEHL M'MILLEN and Jennie McMIUen. his wire. information wanted . Dy anyone wno knew them on the 1st of January, 1804. Reasonable compensation for the same. Ad dress G. W. Rowan. Castle Rock, Wash. CHRONIC, nervous and special diseases of men and women cured by modern scientific methods; electric treatment for diseases of tne prostate; consultation free. Dr. w. JL Howard. Commonwealth bldg. DRESS suits for rent, all slses: $1 month keeps your clothes cleaned, pressed-, buttons eewea on. rips sewea. t'rompt calls and de liveries. Unique Tailoring Co., 309 Stark St. LADIES Dr. Sanderson's Co-Savin and Cot ton Root Pills are the only sure remedy for xemale trouDles and irregularities; by mail, $2 box. Dr. Pierce, 181 1st St., Portland. GERMAN. French, Spanish and other Foreign Dictionaries Text Hooks and Literature (German books a specialty). A. W. Schmale Co., 229 First st. LOST powers restored by the great Dr. Lor- ens iserve ionic laoiets, 2a a box. write or call at Erasers Pharmacy, 227 Morrison t., bet- 1st and 2d. - KWANG- SANG WA CO. is located at 310 First st. -r branch store 2d and Alder sts.; and has fireworks for sale, wholesale and retail. Mme. Courtrlght, skin and scalp treatments; facial deformities corrected: plastic surgery. 225 Fleldner bldg. Main 6U42. Home A 2009. A. REINIER, practical furrier; sealskin gar ments redyed and remodeled; expert fitter; estimates given; lowest prices. 663 Wash. DR. J. T. PIERCE cures all nervous, chronic and private diseases, both sexes; oftlce treat ment 50c to $1. Call or write, 181 1st st. MOLES, wrinkles, superfluous hair removed. No oharge to talk it over. Mrs. M. u Hill, room 330. Flledner bldg. Pacific 136. ANY one knowing the whereabouts of George H. ureen, raiiroaa man. communicate with Margaret C. Green, Corvallls, Or. MISS ETHEL WARD, manicurist and chi ropodist, is now in room 16, aolhi Morri son St.. Recently Opened Manicuring parlors removed from 351)4 to 343)4 Morrison, room 2. BALM OF FIGS for all female diseases. E. Belmont. Phone East 4034. LADY'S barber ehlp now open at 64 4th st. BUSFNESS DIRECTORY. Accountants. GEO. T. MUHTOM, 318 Chamber Commerce. Phone Main 3681. General accounting and auditing business. Assay ers and Analysts. Wells ft Froebstel, mining engineers, metal . lurglsts and assayers. 204)4 Washington. MONTANA Assay Office, 188 Morrison at. Best facilities. Prices reasonable. PAUL BAUMEL, aseayer and analyst. Gold dust bought. 207 Alder at. Commission Merchants. HERMAN METZGER. purchaser of hides, pelts, furs, wool, mohair, tallow and rubber snd old metal and general commission mer chant. Front St., near Main, Portland, Or. TAYLOR, YOUNG ft CO.. ahip brokers, com. mission merchants, Sherlock bldg.. Portland. D. C. BURNS CO., grocers and oommlsalnn merchants, 210 3d et. r Cleaning and Dyeing. THE Mnduton Steam Cleaning and Pressing Parlors; all work guaranteed; prompt serv ice; repairing; French dry cleaning a spe cialty. 247 Mad'uon, bet. 2d and 3d. Phone Pacific 1613. John C. Baker, proprietor. FEATHERS and feather boas cleaned, curled dj-sd, M, 3io, Wurk. called fox -and deUVU, BUSINESS DIBECTOBX. Carpenters and Builders. W. L. Buckner, office, store fixtures, general Jobbing, contracting: 830 Stark. Main 5821. Harness and Saddles. THE George Lawrence Co., wholesale saddle and harness mfrs.. 80-88 1st. Main 226. Dancing. DANCING lessons. 25c during Summer months; ' school open all year; social, fancy and stage dancing taught dally. Wilson's Dancing 6chool, Allsky bldg.. $d and Morrlaon sta. Chiropody and Manicuring. WM. DEVENY and Estelle Deveny, the only scientific chiropodists, parlors 203 Drew building, 162 2d st. Phone Main 1301. MADAME VASHTI chiropodist, scalp and facial massage. 2011. 3d st., cor. Taylor. DR. FLETCHER'S SCHOOL of CHIROPODY. Skillful and painless treatments. Allsky big. Chiropody and Pedicuring. Mrs. M. D. Hill, room 830 Flledner bldg. Phone Pacific 135. Carpet Cleaning. IONE Steam Carpet Cleaning Works. Mat tresses and feathers renovated. 221 E. 21st North. Phone East 380. R. F. Shepard. Mgr. Fireworks. FOOK HANG LUNG, 181 2d St.. fireworks of al kinds; beet and cheapest in town; im porters of fine tea. Hunk, Hides and Pelts, L. SHANK & CO., purchasers of hides, pelts, wool, furs, tallow, old rubbers, metals and sacks 312 Front st, Leather and Findings. J-. f TROWBRIDGE LEATHER CO. Es tablished 1858. Leather and findings; Stock ton sole leather and cut stock; full line Eastern Jumbos 189 Front st, CH.a L. MASTICK CO.. Front and Oak sts. Leather and skins of every description for all purposes; sole and tap cutters' find ings. Medical. MANUAL therapeutics. Dr. F. W. Blohm, 811 Tourny bldg. Phones Main 6218. A 2179. Machinery. B. TRENKMAN ft CO., mining, sawmill log ging machinery, hydraulic pipes, castings, all kinds, repaired. 104 N. 4th st. Osteopathic Physicians. DR. R. B. NORTHRUP. 416.16-ir Dekum bldg., Third and Washington sts Phone, office. Main 340. Residence, Main 1503. Residence, East 1028. DR. L. B. SMITH, pioneer osteopath of Ore gon, graduate Klrkvllle, Mo. 4i9 Oregonlan bldg. Main 1242; res. Main 2752. Paints, Oils and Glass. RASMUSSF.N ft CO., Jobbers, paints, oils, glass, sash and doors. Cor. 2d and Taylor. Fatent Lawyers. R. C. WRIGHT, domestic and foreign patents; Infringement cases. 604 Dekum. Real Estate. A. B. RICHARDSON, real estate. 614 Cham, ber Com. Phonos Main 1463 and A 2138. Rubber Stumps. AI.SO seals, stencils. Tel. Slugs, bar checks, eto. Coast Co., 231 Stark. Tel. 1407. P. C. STAMP WORKS. 249 Alder St. Rubber stamps, seals, stencils, checks, brass signs. Showcases. Bank and Store Fixtures. R. H. BIRDSALL. designer; agent M. Winter Lumber Co.. 7 Hamilton bldg. Main 6530. PORTLAND Showcase ft Fixture Co., 348 1st St., near Market- Phone Pacific 1620. THE LuOco Manufacturing Co., cor. 6th and Hoyt. Phone Main 1408. Sign Painting. SIGNS ("That Attract.") Portland Sign Co., 287 Stark. Pac. 1596. Spiritualists. PROF. KHIMO. Greatest living clairvoyant." Readings on all affairs of life. Satisfaction guaranteed. No questions asked. FREE CONSULTATION READINGS DURING THE ENTIRE WEEK. 85214 Washington. Phone Main 1267. "HERMES," astrologer and palmist: know thy future: truth only. The Olive, 5th and Washington. MARION CORELLI, palmist and trance me dium. 551 Wash st., between 16th and 17th sts. Mrs. Wallace, famous psychic; reliable on all affairs of lire, oovhi Alorrleon St. Hoom 72. PHOPHETESS Viola Marshfield, business and teat medium. 193 4th st. Storage and Transfer. OLS EN-ROB TRANSFER CO. General trans fer and storage; safes, pianos and furniture moved, packed, stored or shipped; only flrst class, careful men employed. Office phones. Main 647. Home A 2247; after office hours. Pacific 1061. Main 6111. Office 209 Oak St.. Portland, Or. C. O. PICK, office 88 1st., bet. Stark and Oak. Phone 696. Pianos and furniture -moved and packed for shipment; commodious . brlcc warehouse, with separate iron rooms. Front and Clay sts. Safes. DIE7BOLD manganese safes large lines car ried. Lock-outs opened. Jacks, Jails, metal furniture. Honest prices and goods. Both phones. 3. E. Davis. 66 3d. Typewriters. NEW typewriters, all makes, rented, sold, re paired. Coast Agency, 231 Siark. Phone 1407. BANKS. PORTLAND TRUST COMPANY OF OREGON. The Oldest Trust Company In Oregon, RESOURCES OVER $2,000,000. General Banking 2 per cent Interest on check accounts (even hundreds) on dally balances of $500 or over. Letters of credit and exchange on all parts ot the world. Savings accounts 8 per cent. Time certificates 3 to 4 per cent; short-call special certificates, $500 or over, 2)4 to 4 per cent Call for Book of Illustrations'' Phone Private Exchange 72. 8. B. Corner Third and Oak Streets. BENJ. I. COHEN , President H. L. Plttock Vice-President B. LEE PAGET Secretary J. O. GOLTKA Assistant Secretary THB BANK OF CALIFORNIA (Established in 186-,.) H15AD OFFICE. SAN FRANCISCO, CAL. PRESIDENT HOMER 8 KING Gen. Mgr. of Branches. .W. MACKINTOSH Capital paid up $4,000,000 fiurpius and undivided profits. .. .$10,153,873 A General Banking and Exchange Business Transacted. Letters ot credit Issued, available in all parts of the world. Interest paid on time deposits. SAVINGS DEPARTMENT. -Accounts opened for sums of $10 and up ward. WM. A. MACRAE Manager J. T. BURTCHABLL. .. .Assistant' Manager W. M. Ladd. C. B. Ladd J. W. Ladd. LADD ft TILTON. Bankers. PORTLAND. OREGON. Established 1859. Transact a General Banktng Business 8AVINGS BANK DEPARTMENT. Savings Books Issued on Savings Deposits. Interest Paid on Time Deposits MERCHANTS NATIONAL BANK PORTLAND. OR. J. FRANK WATSON President R. L. DURHAM Vice-President R W. HOYT Cashtar GEORGE W. HOYT Assistant r.hl.,. a C. CATCHING 2d Assistant Oashler. 1AAASAL1S UE..M-.HAL BANKING BUSINESS. United States. Depository Drafts and letters of credit Issued, avail able in all parts of the world. Collections a specialty. FIRST NATIONAL BANK. Portland. Or. CAPITAL AND SURPLUS 1 1.500.000.0a Deposits $14,000,000.00. Oldest National Bank on the Paclflo Coast. I- MTT.T.S j w. newkirk... s iy r. Aiw.r,,-. .......... .i-asnier " .....i.. Asisiiant castlor