THE MOKryG OREGOXIAN, THURSDAY, JUNE 27, 1907. II PORTLAND . PGRTLMD, OL ' axrBorsAw nxm MODKKM XXBTAX'KAXT. com oxx million dollaju. HOTEL OREGON CORNER SEVENTH AND STARK STREETS. I ... Portland's New and Modern HoteL Rates $1 per Day and Up. European Plan. Free Bus. WRIGHT-DICKINSON HOTEL PERKINS Fifth and Washington Streets PORTLAND, OREGON , EUROPEAN PLAN LM (S-M h Day aoomtes to Li llm. St. Charles Hotel CO. (INCORPORATED) Front and Morrison Streets, PORTLAND, OR. EUROPEAN PLAN ROOMS 50c TO $1.51 FIRST-CLASS RESTAURANT IN CONNECTION Motel Lenox ini Portland's Newest and Most Modern Hotel Up-to-date grill Auto bus meets all trains Rates: I $1 day and up European plan Long distance ; phone in all rooms Private baths. Z REMAIN FDR FOURTH Barney Oldfield and Bruno Sie bel Wiil Race Again. ENTER FOR MEET JULY .3 Committee Secure gtar Attraction for Celebration Champion Will Try for a New 60-Mlle Becrd at Irrington. Dr. Emmet Drake, of the Fourth of July committee, announced yesterday that Barney Oldfield. the automobile champion, ha been Induced to remain In Portland tor the Fourth of July cele bration and will be the principal attrac tion of the automobile racet to be held on the afternoon of July t. at the Irv lngton track. He will endeavor to re dura the world's record tor 60 miles, which record he holds. Bruno Slebel, the "Flying Dutchman and William Wallace of Portland will compete with Barney Oldfield in a 6-mile race. Many out-of-town people who were un able to attend the recent automobile races will now have an opportunity to ee Barney Oldfield In races. An ad mission fee will be charged for these races. Robert McCraken. George Eastman and Walter Honeyman, the committee in charge of the races and other athletic events to be held on the morning of July S. request that all persona wishing to enter-these athletic contests file their entries with the Fourth of July commit tee in the Chamber of Commerce, be tween flow and Monday. The committee in charge of the parade of horribles on the night of July 4 has requested the Chief of Police to furnish as many policemen as possible to accom pany the parade to prevent accidents and disorder. The committee having charge of the parade of horribles announces that any merchant who desires to contribute prises for the different, features in the parade, should communicate with the Fourth of July committee, and his con tribution will receive due recognition. Th committee in charge of the parade of horribles also requests that those who wish to take part in the parade In any of the following characters communicate at once with F. T. Merrill, of such com mittee. In the Chamber of Commerce: Burlesque band; bunch of clown horseback rtler: bunch of eccentrto "Country Club" rider.: representation of a group of Indian, en hor.ebck; bunch of or cowpuncn ers on horseback: imitation of farm wagon or hay ride, with comical groups; comical farm outfit horse., cows, oxen or mule team.; comical float, with or without grotesque char act.ra; comical automobile, with or without passengers; 'hoo-dco'' or "hobo" crowd In costume: nolsle.t bunch of boys in any cos tume. 20 In a bunch; Imitation of Portland's "nnt" police force (to head the parade); group of messenger boy. with or without whl.kers tsll or short large or small young or old; th nolslert group of newsboy.; group cr Imitation and real plantation colored peo ple; group of "cake-walkers"; group of Imita tion French cook.; group of Imitation Chi ne. : unlqu. or comical eouple, on foot or In a conveyance; "akidoo" representation (on. or more); representation of a peddler; representa tion of millionaire tramp; representation of "Unci. Sam"; r.preaentalon of Western In dian brave; representation of Wtaern Indian squaw, with pappoose; comical single charac ter (gentleman); comical single character (lady): comical character "booby"; corole Ger man character; comic Irish character; comical bicycle rider; Imitation of school boy or girl; Imitation of a country preacher; Imitation of a country schoolmaster; Imitation of a coun try school ma'am; imitation of a streetcar con ductor; reprMntation of some well-known Portland resident; Imitation of a woman voter; Imitation of a Cockney Englishman; imitation of a Southern gentleman; Imitation of a country Reuben; Swedish character; Imita tion of a burglar or highwayman; the fattest man; the slimmest man (with apologies to Noah Webster); Santa Claus; "Father Time"; tllumlnated automlhile or rig of any kind. Shipment of Ralls Arrives. The first carload of a large shipment of heavy steel rails for the Grand-avenue iiuvioirEu rot touiisti hi ctMEicuL Tinnm ljJSt3H-yjfog4 to fmmllle. ui T l?Ot-i,y,i!2f r. Ji2fjJ The uucnat 41 H. O. BOWBJBS, I XM HOTEL CO, Prop. C O. XXAYIS, lea. tTli, carllne has arrived and Is now being dis tributed along the line by the Portland Railway, Light & Power Company. The company is also to lay about three miles of heavier rails on the Oregon City divi sion of the Oregon Water Power & Rail way Company. SCHLEGEL GIVES REASONS Portland Attorney Tells Why He Is Building; in Rose City Park. Frank Schlegel, an attorney in the Commercial block, presents several ex cellent reasons for purchasing and building in Rose City Park. He is rear ing a home that would be a credit to any neighborhood in the city. Replying to an inquiry aa to his real reasons for buying, he said: "My reasons for going to Rose City Park are as follows: All improvements and conveniences were guaranteed to me, such as graded and gravelled streets, cement sidewalks. Bull Run water, 15-mlnute car service, electric lighting, and telephone. Beside this, on the street where I am erecting my home, not less than 100 feet were sold to any one Individual and not more than one house can be built on this 100 feet and there is a building restric tion of $2000; all residences must be set back a stipulated distance from the streets. These assure mo not only breathing space but some system and regulation in a residence district." Progress on Mr. Schlegel'a home is being made rapidly. The basement ex cavation was finished several days ago and the framework is Hearing comple tion. The finishers will be on the ground very shortly. ' Baggage Agents Meet July 15. General baggage agents of the Harri man lines will hold ,an annual family meeting In Portland, July 16. The agents will represent all railroads in the United States under the Harrlman regime .and will discuss subjects of Interest to the agents In their own departments. The session will probably last several days. Eugene Men Pay Fines. Two more of the furniture-dealers who were indicted for violating the Sherman act appeared before Judge Wolverton yesterday and, pleaded guilty. They were B. B. McKinney and H. M. Manville, of Eugene. They are partners and each was fined $10. John Wallace Resigns. John Wallace, city agent for the Illi nois Central, has resigned after having I PERFECTLY PARALYZTWGJ Business men say: "For m ;ocdnss sakes hurry and end T that $100 contest. Our clerks think of nothing else!" And then they go off brain hunt- Ins; after a good phrase them- selves: Bee pare a. J A Skin of Beamy is a Joy Forever D L T. FELIX fiOCRACD'S ORIENTAL CREAM OK MAGICAL BEAUTIFIES Removes Tut, Pin plea Freckles, Mots Pitches! Be, sod &klaplatts. sou awan-j- Wituuiaa ob beauty, sad de fies detectloa. It ass stood the test of 7 years, an4 Is so armless tastetttobesurels 1s properly mCrV Aeospt bo counter felt of similar suae. Dr. L. A. 8T re said to ft lsdy of the hint ton (a patient), 44 As yen led tee will use them, I reofflmir A Giriia'i Cream ss the least harmful of ell the skis prsparaiions. For tale by ill druxrits d Fsney Ooods .Dealers la the U sited States, Canada sad Europe. FOHXT.IiOflUIS, rraa, 6ml Juet StrittJiwTarL g "wr 1 From P n A FREE SITE SDecial inducements are offered Bay City right now than in any to look into at once. Complete BAY CITY LAND COMPANY, 319 Lumber Exchange, Portland, Oregon. been connected with that line for several years. Prior to going to the Illinois Cen tral, Mr. Wallace was in the Northern Pacific freight office. I.. C. Mackay, private secretary to W. E. Coman, assist ant general freight for the Harrlman lines, will succeed Mr. Wallace. The change takes effect July 1. Mr. Malarkey Made Guardian. Dan J. Malarkey has been appointed guardian of Helen and Henry F., the two children of H. W. Goode, who died last January. DAILY METEOROLOGICAL REPORT. Maximum temperature, 91 degrees; mini mum. 65 degreea River reading at S A. M.. 16.9 feet; change in last 24 hours," rise, 0.1 feet. Total precipitation, 6 P. M. to S P. M., nil; total precipitation since September 1, 1906, 48.61 inches; normal precipitation since September 1, 1906, 45.68 inches; de ficiency, 1.92 Inches; total sunshine, June 25, 1907, 15 hours 45 mtnutes; possible sun shine. June 2S, 1907, 15 hours, 45 minutes. Lots in this Addition are large, level and well located City water now in; cement sidewalks will be laid at once. El f Most Liberal Terms and Lowest Prices Asked for any lots equi-distant and as well located Graded streets, carline, abun dant shade. ortland to i wo ana IS OFFERED for factories that will locate in other part of Oregon or the northwest. If it's half as good information given and all letters BAY CITY BOARD OF TRADE BAY CITY, OREGON Barometer (reduced to sea-level) at S P. M., 29.84 Inches. PACIFIC COAST WEATHER. Wind. 21 STATIONS. Baker City Bismarck ...... Sols. ......... Eureka Holena Kamloops ..... Pocatello ...... Portland Red Bluff Koseburg Sacramento -. . Bait Lake San Francisco. . Spokane Seattle Tatoosh Island. JR4'O.0O 0S Clear Pt. cl'dy pt. cl'dy Cloudy Clear Pt. cl'dy Clear Clear Pt. cl'dy Pt. cl'dy Clear Clear Clear Pt. cl'dy Pt. cl'dy Cloudy (B U 84l0 5S!0 ISOiO 6;sw 4lN 10W 81W Calm 4ISW 940 f .91 ; ;4 . l8' .194 .74 .58 . IBS' .82 .B4 N SB) W sw NW w SW N SW Except a light thnndershower at Kail spell. Montana, no rain has fallen during the la.t 12 hour. In the state, west of the I' i dL. Ill F B HOLBROOK 250 Stark aciflc Ocean al! a Hours FOR THE FIRST SAWMILL Bay City. Opportunities for answered personally. Address either of the offices mentioned below. Rocky Mountain.. Th. temperature, con tinue high in western Oregon and northern California and they have risen slightly in Montana and the inter-mountain states. The Indications are for fair weather In this district Thursday with higher tempe ratures east of the Cascade Mountain.. It will ba cool.r In western Oregon and west era Washington. FORECA8T8. Portland and vicinity Fair and cooler; northwest wlnda Western Oregon and Western Washington Fair, cooler, except near the coast; northwest winds. Eastern Oregon, Esstero Washington and Idaho Fair snd warmer. AUCTION SALES TODAY. . I At Baker's A-uotlon House, corner Alder and Park sia. Furniture. Sals at 10 o'clock. Baker ft Son, Auctloneeers. M'KAT June 26, at 275 Columbia street. Georgette McKay, aged 30 years and 8 month.. CO. Street Beaches BAY CITY ON TILLAMOOK BAY Bay City Is 57 miles directly west of Portland. If Stark street were continued along the base line to the coast. It would pass through Bay City. It is beautifully located on the east shore of Tillamook Bay. By the Pacific Railway r Navi gation Company's line, now under con struction, the ride will be 95 miles, and SX E. Lytle, who is building the line, says the run can be made In less than two and one-half hours. Tillamook was named by the Indians and means "the gathering of the waters." This name was probably suggested by the fact that five rivers enter the bay. They are the Trask, Tillamook, Wilson, Kilchis and Miami. These rivers drain one of the richest sections of the United States. The Kehalem, 12 miles north, passes through another very productive region In Ore gon. It is also tributary to Bay City, Its ocean shipping point. Bay City Is the only market in an em pire of exceptional resources. Tillamook County has an area of 1100 square miles. It is Oregon's best and most profitable dairying country. There is grass all the year round and 10,000.000 gallons of milk were produced last year. Tens of thou sands of acres of land are available for this use. The average profit per cow, per year, in 1906 was $65. Here is one of the richest timber coun tries in the world. It Is estimated that there is now standing, ready for the axe, 6,000,000.000 feet of spruce; 6.000.000,000 feet of hemlock and 20,000,000,000 feet of fir. Sawmill opportunities are unexcelled. Bay City cannot help becoming one of the greatest lumber exporting ports in all the world. It will take 100 years to exhaust the timber now standing. Bay City is the only outlet. The country around Bay City Is not excelled anywhere for Its fertility of solL Garden truck of the very highest nimlltv 1. easilv raised without irriga tion. Small fruits and apples are great producers. For berries It cannot be beaten. Bay City is the only outlet and marKet. Th. he. of Aepn water navltration on Tillamook Bay Is at Bay City. The "Lytle" road, the Pacific Railway & Navigation company s une, nas ilb u miRrt.r n t Rnv citv. This road already has 16 miles In operation from Hillsboro to Buxton. A contract has been let to tv. Tortinnr1 'RHdtffl ComDanv for the construction of 20 miles from Bay City north. By October, more win do reaay for operation. The line will enter Port land over its own tracks by next year. Bay City has within Itself the require ments that promise to make it the larg est and best city on the north Oregon coast. Its destiny is a mere matter of development. It Is already a thriving town; growing rapidly and when within two and one-half hours' ride from Port land it will advance rapidly enough to make Investments in its property a sub cTnntini dnurre of nroflt to all who pur chase now. It is the history of all new cities that the greatest profit Is made by those who buy Dei ore ran connection, are built, and hold their land until the road is completed. This is certainly true of Bay City. profitable investment are better in as we say it is, it is good enough BAY CITY LAND COMPANY, 170 Commercial Street, Salem, Oregon. MKETTN'O NOTICES. . COLUMBIA LODGE. NO. 114, A. F. & A. M. Special commu nlcation this (Thursday) even' Inc. 7:30 o'clock. Masonlo Tern pie, 8d and Alder ts. Work In m. Al. uearee. All u. sn. in' By order of W. M. B. 8. PAGUE, Secretary. OREGON COMMANDERT NO. 1. K. T. Special con clave this evening, at 8 P. M. Order of th Temnle. Visit ing Sir Knights courteously invited. W. 8. MACRUM, Recorder. ( rUN'ERAI, NOTICES. BITAN At Raymond, Wash., June 24. Andy Rltan. aired 82 years. 2 month. ia d&m. Friends ar respectfully Invited to attend me runerai services, which will be held at trie ramaijr residence, mn East lzta at. North, at 10 A. M., Thursday, June 27. interment ruTemew jemexery. WALLER June 28, 6:80 A. M., at the fam ily residence, uoee . waller, aged 60 years, 6 months, beloved husband of Carrie G. waller and tAther of Mrs. Sam Scheuer, of Newark. N. J Mrs. Frank Rummell. Ella, Sam, Frank and Joe Waller. Funeral from Hoi man undertaking- parlor at 2 P. M. Services private. San Francisco papers please copy. ATERS Seattle. Wash., June 24, William M. Ayere, agea rsi years, friends are respect fully Invited to attend the funeral services, which, will be held at Ho-lman's chapel, cor ner Third and Salmon st., at 3 P. M. to day (Thursday), June 27. Interment Lone Fir Cemetery. CARDIFF Friends are respectfully invited to tno mnerai services or tne late James Edward Cardiff, which win be held at St. Lawrence Church, corner Rd and Sherman eta., 0 A. M. today (Thursday). Interment Mt. Calvary Cemetery. . P. nxiEI m SOU, Vaneral Director. No. Mt M si., car. Madison. Phone Main a. Dnnnrng, McRntee & Cflbsiwn, Funeral Di rectors, 7 th ft Ptue. Phone M. .30. Lady aaat EKICSOX UNDERTAKING CO., 408 Aides St. Lady aMistant. phone Main 6L2H. EDWARD BOUIAN CO.. Fnnarnl Dtreot ira 229 3d st. Lady assistant. Phone M. 597. ZEIXER-BYRNES CO., Funeral Direct ors. 273 Kussell. Kast 1088. Lady assistant. F. S. DUNNING. Undertaker, 414 East Alder. Lady ...l.tsnt. Phone East St. KEW TODAY. CHEAP QUARTER BLOCK PACIFIC STREET PRICE SHOO Terms J200 down, balance in Install ments of $35 per month. Quarter block 105x100 on N. B. cor. 26th and Pacific eta. MALL & VON BORSTEL 104 Second St. and 892. E. Burnsldo St. FOR 8ALEI Schooner Solano Fully Equipped as She Now Lies on Beach Near Willapa Harbor. Address MATTHEW TURNER CO., 20e Stewart St., San Francisco, Cal. EXCURSION SUNDAY Steamer Charles R. Spencer for Cascade Locks June 80, will leave Washington street dock at 9 A. M. and return at 6 P.,M. Fare $1.00. Meals 50 cents. This Is the most enjoyable scenic trip out of th city, and the high water gives al! the excitement necessary for a trip to be remembered. GEORGE BLACK, PUBLIC ACCOUNTANT. . 818 Worcester Building. Phon. PacUlo 180T. J? AMOSEXEXTs. MARQUAM GRAND (Phone Main 6) The Coolest Spot in the City' Faxwll We-k of the 8ea F-mnciftce Oters Company Present i nr i "WEEX JOHXX1K COMES MARCHTNtl HOME" The most 'successful comic opera of today Hear Mr. cunnincnam sins; "My Own United. States" Evening. 25c, 60c, 75c; matinee, 25c, 5Qc July 8 NANCE O'NEJX In "The Sor Baker Theater GEO. L. BAKER, Gen. Manager. Second and Last Week of Zinn's Musical Travesty Co. In TUB TELEPHONE EXCHANGE With all the great Beauty Chorus, spl.a- aia wosiumes ana junecis. Erenlng prices 25c. 35c. 50c. Matinees 15c. 25c Matinee Saturday. Next Week Dickens' Great Play, "OLIVER TWIST." LYRIC THEATER Phon. Main 46S5. This week the Allen Stock Company Pre senting the three-act drama. "A WICKED WOMAN." Matinees Tuesday, Thursday, BaiCurday and Sunday. Price 10c, 20o- Every Ta lng at 8:15. Price lOc, 20c and SOc. Reserved seats by phone. Main 4683. Of fice open from 10 A. M. to 10 P. M. THE STAR SiSMM. The Great Heart Story at Modern Life. THE CHARITY KTBSX." Matinees Tuesdays. Thursdays, Saturday and Sundays at 2:30; Prices 10c and 20c Every Evening- at 8:15; Prices, lOo, 20o and &0c Phone for Reserved 8eata, Main 5406. THE GRAND D.ui!i' Few of the Headllnera: Robert Fulgora. Adele Palmer. Cooke ft Clinton, Mrs. & Mrs, Swlcard, And Many Others. Next Week DOLAN ft LENRARR, the Greatest Sketch Team on the American Stage. THE 3 Concert Today 2:00, 3:35, 7:45 and 9:40 o'clock by SCHILZONYrS HUNGARIAN HUSSARS Extra Tonight The Arion Society in a Festival of Song Chorus of 75 Jurenile Court Day Friday 9 9 Everybody who can Help the s&3t 3a? . Lh Fortunate Should Holp 3? the Fresh Air Fund by 5? Helping to Swell th Juvenile Assocla- P tion's Receipts. 2? 3 SWIMMING BATHS OPEN. 3t New Toboggan dip. New Suits. SA First-class Chicken Dinners at The Tavern Restaurant && B-.S0 to 9 P. M. . fij 4th of July All kinds of attractions and Motion Pictures and Operators furnished for the holidays, street fairs, etc For particulars, NEWMAN'S AMUSEMENT AGENCY, 145 H Sixth St. NEW TODAY. THIRD STREET 100 FEET FROM WASHINGTON 50x95 This Gilt Edge 6USINESS PROPERTY For Bala By Sengstake & Lyman 90 FIFTH ST. (Near Stark.) TO LEASE BUSINESS LOCATION Will build modern brick building one or more stories to suit and lease for term of years. Size o ground 85x65. Well situated for assens;er traffic from two carlines. entral. West Side. Apply to Portland Trust Co. OF OREGON 8. E. Cor. Third and Oak. NOTICE TO THE PUBLIC Frederick E. Scotf ord is no longer the representative of . the Quoin Club, nor has he any authority whatever to as sociate the name of the Quoin Club with his in connec tion with any business trans action whatsoever. Any com munications should be ad dressed to the Secretary of the Quoin Club, 111 Fifth Avenue, New York City. . t Great Bargain $13,000 U -block on J2th st. that is certainly a a-reat bargain: seeing is bel levins;. This week only at those flsTorea, J. Frank Porter Phone Main 1525. 222 Washington St. Jonesmore New addition; rle;ht on carllne; all Im provements; streets, sidewalks, etc.. com plete; Bull Run water. Call on us for par ticulars. GEO. D. SCTIALK. 264 Stark St. Choice Business Buy $50,000 Select location, three story brick, Fifth street, paying 6 per cent net and advancing value. JACKSON & DEERING, Phone Main 345. 246 Stark St.