Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, June 21, 1907, Page 15, Image 15

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Housekeeping Rooms.
Washington, cor. 20th Nicely furnished
housekeeping rooms. gas ran sea, hot
water, free bath, free phone, both floors;
nice sunny suites $10 and $12 per month;
best rooms In city for money.
THE ONEONTA. 1ST 17th St., near Yamhill:
new house, elegantly furnished, la suites of
2, 3 and 4 rooms, hot and cold water, gaa
range each kitchen; steam heat, baths, free
phone each floor; no children.
THE ELLSWORTH Furnished housekeep
ing suites, 3 rooms each. In new brick
building, steam heat, baths, hot, cold
water; close In. 16tf Lownsdale. near High
Furnished or unfurnished apartment, mod
ern conveniences, best location, reasonable.
CLEAN, Quiet 2, 3 or 4 -room suites, house
keeping: fine location; gas, bath, phono
Main 4363. 635 Yamhill, cor 17th; reason
able. NICELY furnished housekeeping rooms, sin
gle or en suite; walking distance; prices
reasonable. 55o Morrison.
JEFFERSONIAN 514 Jefferson; two-rooms
suite, completely furnished; modern apart,
xnent house. Main 0432.
THREE furnished housekeeping rooms for
two or three adults; front, cheerful, con
ventent. 655 Yamhill.
641 6TH ST. Three very desirable nicely fur
nished front rooms with every convenience
for housekeeping.
LARGE, light, newly furnished housekeeping
apartments, neat, light, phone, bath. 11?
N. 18th St.
NICELY furnished housekeeping rooms ;
good residence location. 1U5 N- 13th St.,
cor. Kearney.
S HOUSF.KEEPING rooms; nicely furnished;
gas; $3. DO per week. Inquire room 40,
91 hi First.
THREE necely furnished housekeeping rooms,
bath, phone. 653 Everett, corner 17th. Pa
cific 783.
FOR RENT Suite of housekeeping room,
cheap; all conveniences; no children. 202
iJtn st.
ISO 13TH ST. 4 rooms, first floor, modern;
piano; nice lawn; adults only; references.
14&W 6TH Housekeeping; one and two
rooms to suit; water, light and laundry.
178 10TH ST.. cor. Yamhill 2 front rooms,
complete for housekeeping; no children.
VERY desirable furnished housekeeping
suite; walking distance. 587 Washington.
0 Three rooms, gas plate, steel range.
618 7th st. Phone Main 4521.
"THE- COZY." 105 7th, two furnished house
keeping room. m
B FURNISHED rooms for housekeeping at
22 Park st.
7 ROOMS furnished for housekeeping. Key
410 7th.
FOR RENT 12-room modem redence; sep
arate toilets lit and 2d floors, furnace, open
fireplace; property In excellent condition;
choice location. S. W. cor. 22d and Overton
st., near 2 carllnes; reaeonable rent.
202-203 McKay bldg., cor. 3d and Stark.
FOR RENT 5-room cottage. 433 Bast Mor
rison ; newly refitted throughout; close in.
only $16 per month. CbII or phone McKin
ley Mitchell, 2o2& Stark st. Phone Main
house; gas. electricity, furnace; Knott, near
T'nion ave; no email children. Inquire 060
Xerby at.
FOR RENT An 8-room suburban house,
modern ; large yard, flowers, some small
fruit; one block from carl in e. O 74, Ore
gon lan.
666 TAYLOR, cor. 18th. flat 6 rooms, recep
tion hall, oak floors, bay windows, modern;
$30. Grave Music Store, 328 Wash.
FOR RENT 6-room flat, close in. Bast Side;
this week at $20. MeKlnley Mitchell, 2u2$i
Stark. Phone Main 2131.
$22. GO 6- ROOM modern house, large basement.
407 Ross st. H. W. Lemcke Company, 0th
and Washington.
1-nOOM modern house. Upper Alblna; large
yard, excellent neighborhood. Telephone
Woodlawn l8o-
NEWLY cleaned 8-room house; East Mor
rison and 14th; reasonable. Inilre 267
Oak, room 2.
$11 6 rooms, McFarland's cottage. Well's
Realty office, Stewart's, Mount Scott line.
Main 4498.
FOR RENT A 7-room house, at 334 Fargo
st. ; $20 month. State Land Co., 133 hi
1st st.
MODERN new 8-room house for rent or
pale, 73 hiast loth st. corner btark; refer
ences. NEW 7-room house, cor. 21st and Marshall;
Inquire at 205 North 21st, cor. Northrup.
612 ALDER, near ltith, 6-room flat, $25; cen
tral and very desirable. Phone Main 1013.
FOR RENT Sanitary cottage, McMillan's Ad
dition; gaa and bath. Key at 312 Halsey st.
TOR houses. furnished and unfurnished.
Hynson. 343 Washington et. Main 7030.
SIX-ROOM house, modern conveniences, 314
Larrabee st.; rent $25. Apply 267 Hall st.
$14 Four-room cottage, close in; gaa but no
bath. Apply Do East 8th North.
-ROOM nouee, 324 14th. Apply 615 Dekum
bldg. Phone Pacific 183S.
6-ROOM house for rent; 10th and Hall
sts. Inquire 304 Hall st.
IF you want to rent your property, better
see strange, vihi otn st.
$12 6-room modern house, 32S Caruthers
st. Phone Main 400.
FOR RENT 4-room cottage, cor. E. 8th and
Grant. Phone E. 208.
274 13TH NORTH 5 rooms. Phone Bast 53.
Furnished House.
MODERN home. Portland Heights; 9 rooms.
finely furnished; abundant fruits and flow-
er; unexcelled view, nne grounas, tor rent
8 or 10 months from August or beptember.
Owner, sot Macieay oiog.
IUR1NG Summer months, 6-room modern
house tii lrvlngton. near Tennis Club; rea-
' sonable terms to desirable people. GS4
Schuyler st.
FOR RENT During the Summer months.
attractive house in choice location to a
small family ot adults; low rent. T S7,
KTTRN1SHBD 8-room house for rent, on Flan
ders sc., lor or a montrm, from July 1
bath, piano, yard. Address V 93, Orego
nlan. NEWLY furnished 6-room cottage; mod
em conveniences; after July 6th. 2S4
College; 5 minutes walk from postofflce.
IRVINGTON 7-room furnished house for rent
July and August; reasonable to responsible
parties. F, A. jackoa. rnone East ltO),
5-ROOM newly furnished apartment; two
months or longer; will sell furniture; mod.
ern; hot water. 604 Couch. Flat 8.
FOR RENT Nicely furnished house, 7 rooms:
convenient to cars: lrvlngton; for 3 or 4
months. Phone East 483 1.
FIVE-ROOM, nicely furnished modern cottage
for three montns. J. t. ins to.,
Chamber of commerce Diag.
FOR RENT Nicely furnished house In desir
able neighborhood for Summer months. Apply
at ow-i juarsnaii si.
FURNISHED 5-room cottage; permanent:
no children. 348 College. Inquire at
coiunge, 321 tn.
fURNISHHD 4-room modern cottars to adults:
references required. 188 E. 36th at. from
2 to 6 P. M.
rpRNlSHED upper or lower flat: reasona
ble price to responsible partita. Phone
room lower flat; close In, West Side.
K&W house, furnished; 8 rooms, sightly
H-n Jiilv and usust. Phone Tabor
Main 6200.
FOR RENT Furnished 6-room cottage. East
Side; tnre oaxuuea, warning aisiance. w e-4.
lor Jul t ana jtugusu Appiy i w .irving,
corner Z3a.
f -ROOM furnished house; fine neighborhood.
816 Clackamas it., Holladay Park. Phone
East 3568.
Furnished Houses.
WELL-FURNISHED modem 5 -room apart
ment or flat, fireplace, gas stove. waiaing
distance; no children: reference. 68 Lucretta
St., between 22d and 23d.
6-ROOM house for rent, all or part of new
furniture for sale, inquire mornings, oi
8-ROOM furnished house for rent; 6 months.
253 N. 22d. Phone Main lows. -an morn
logs. FURNISHED 4-room cottage; electric light.
. , i oriu TU
oam. central, inquire 7
FURNISHED cottage for rent for Summer,
4tvS Maritet uz.
Houses for Rent Furniture for Sale.
ELEVBN-ROOM modern house for rent; can
re-rent 7 furnished rooms; furniture for 7
rooms for sale; or a nne location ior Doara-lng-house;
rent $50. 60S Davis st., near
ELEGANTLY furnished cottage, all new.
West Side, beautiful lawn and roses. it
you are looking for a home, look this up.
231 Stout st. Phone Pacific 345.
FOR SALE By owner, furniture of 10 rooms.
modern house, cneap rent ana a gooa lease.
264 Jefferson, corner 3d.
FURNITURE six-room modern house; all new;
$150. House ror rent, parties left city.
Inquire 142 E. 30th st.
FURNITURE of 22-room house, cheap rent.
centraiiy locaiea; wtii maxe terms, inquire
65 Couch.
SNAP 18 -rooms, well furnished, centrally
located, low rent, lease. Call today, 229
13th ft.
8-ROOM house for rent, furniture for salo;
bargain if taken at once. 127 North 22d
FURNITURE of 8 or 9 -room house for sale.
cneap. an as i. farK t.
FURNISHED house, 8 rooms. Call 312 Alder.
Summer Resorts.
The finest . Beach property ever offered.
Joining Breakers Hotel property, to be known
as "Manhattan Beach"; 250-acre tract, a
portion with building restrictions; other un
restricted ; easy terms.
A. C. CHURCHILL & CO., 110 2d st.. City.
HOTEL ROCK HAVEN. Underwood. Wash.;
nsning. boating, huntfng. home cooking, nne
fccenery; a delightful place to rest. Take
train or boat to Hood River, then Under
wood Ferry. If noilfled. will meet trains.
Terms very reaeonable. Mrs. Mary V. Ol
sen, proprietor.
WANTED For July. August and September,
a Binuii cottage at seaside; rent must De
reasonable and cottage In sanitary con
dition. Apply to StiSli 6th city, giving
phone number.
SEASIDE For rent until Aug. 1, six rooms.
completely rurnisnea for houseKeepmg; mod
ern conveniences, fireplace. Ocean View.
Xecanlcum Inn Annex. Phone E. 2S29 until
FOR RENT At the beach, large ten-room
house on Wahhannah Creek, near Gear
hart Park, with boat for season, $75.
Address 433 Commercial st., Astoria, Or.
COTTAGE of 6 rooms, completely furnished
witn one arre or ground on Cannon iieacn
for sale. Address W. D. Torrey, "Red Rock
Cottage," Cannon Beach, Or.
CANNON REACH lots for sale; best platted
property on oeacn; rrom Si." to siou. or
particulars address W. D. Torrey, Cannon
Reach. Or.
GEARH ART PARK Two furnished cottages
i or sale. suu and S'JOU; either win ne:
11 per cent. 02 7th st. Phone 6309.
WANTED To rent a cottage, 4 or 5 rooms.
ror me season, close to Long Beach Station.
2n7 Morris St. Phone East 690.
LIST your cottagps at Seaside with F. Mc-
Farland, who will rent or wll; several ten
ants now ready. Pacific 1860.
COTTAGE and furnished tent, suitable for
two families, for season; fine location;
Seaside. East 2400.
FOR RENT Long Beach. Wash., small fur-
msnea cottage, June ana July. its west
Park. 1321.
SIX-ROOM furnished house at Gearhart Park,
inquire J. Wills, f Ky. 1A. & Power Co.
Boswell Springs open; health and pleasure re-
son, a miies soutn Drain. ur..on s. f. ti. k.
FOR Seaside bungalows and repairs see
Johnson, Z04 Mohawk bldg. Phone 5607.
SEA CROFT, Seaview. Wash., opens July 1;
most homelike resort on North Heach.
A 7-ROOMED furnished cottage at Seaside,
wun Doat. rnone n;ast aiuit.
WHO wants to rent Seaside cottage? Phone
j. Mctanana, i'acinc iww.
FURNISHED cottage for the season. Ad
dress T S3, Oregonlan.
FIN a store, 30x60. suitable for market,
restaurant, drygoods; splendid location;
rent low. 44 and 46 North 6th st.
SEASIDE store In grove for rent or sait
D. M. Averill & Co., 102 North 5th Bt,
Portland, Or.
FOR RENT Building for most any kind of
business. Call 1078 Corbett.
furnished; or unfurnished orcice suites, moa
ern conveniences, best location, reasonable.
sonable; heat, light and elevator services;
best location In city. Dammeler, agent, Ral
eigh bldg., 6th and Washington st.
OFFICE for rent at 250 Alder st. Call there
regarding same.
250 Alder at.
GROUND floor office on Stark st., near Cham
ber of Commerce; use of phone, stenograpner
and private office included. V 89, Ore
flees. Second and Washington. Howe, Davis
St Kllham. Ill Second at.
FOR RENT I-arge studio. two grand
pianos, for July and August. W. G. Nash,
Ellers Piano House.
OFFICE and desk room in Marquam; mod
ern conveniences; reasonable rates. B
8d, Oregonlan.
and Oak; corner room: steam heat.
FINE office for rent; 2d floor Ablngton
bldg. Call 218 Ablngton bldg.
ROOMS and lodge halls, Alisky bldg., Sd
and Morrison sts.
ON account of other business, want to sell
candy and confectionery business n
Washington St.. doing better than $600
month. This place will stand the strictest
Investigation and can furnish the very
best of bank and mercantile references.
Apply for Information, the Northwestern
Investment Co., 20o Allsky bldg.
REAL estate man. owning tract land near
growing Coast town, wants partner to
help put lots on market. He offers half
interest for $1000. Lots will sell at
$10,000 profit. Room 323 Lumber Ex
change. GENERAL merchandise business in Valley
town, netting $5000 annually; owner re
tiring; would take city property part pay.
M. C Davis, 16 Hamilton bldg. Main
OWNER of a cash business wants partner
to be cashier, look after the help, etc;
$450 required, secured: he will guarantee
you $125 a month. Call 24SVs Stark st.
RARE bargain; stock of groceries, must be
sold at once: no reasonable offer refused for
cash; will exchange for suburban property;
rent with living rooms, $10. 680 Front st.
AN old established real estate firm will
sell half Interest to two good rustlers ;
very little capital needed ; Investigate
this opportunity. F Sd, Oregonlan.
FOR RENT Completely equipped dining-room
and kitchen in large family hotel in fine
location for transient trade. Low rent and
established business. D Sd, Oregonlan.
CASH ttald for stocks of merit. Mineral
pects bought and developed. Consult ma
for large profits on small investments. W.
J. Curtis, 215 Commercial blk.
$4000 Planlns- mill, near Portland, clear
ing about $400 monthly. Owner must re
tire on account of health- M. C. Davis, 16
Hamilton blag. Main 44JIO.
GROWING merchandise business; owner
wants reliable partner, not afraid to work;
solid business; big proms ana ftivu re
quired. Call 248 S Stark st.
PARTNER wanted to check wood, etc;
required, which goes into tne oust
nese; no one selling out; profits very largs.
Call 240 star st.
ST. (SUITE 2).
Headquarters for Real Estate and Business
Opportunities of all kinds.
Phone 1568.
$16.000 Splendid manufacturing business.
$10,000 One of the finest homes on the
Heights (others all prices).
$ 8.000 First-class manufacturing.
$ 7,000 Well-paying dairy farm (others all
prices) ; choice homesteads and re
linquishments; also timber claims.
$ 7,000 Half cash, nearly new modern
house (high-class rooming).
$ 7,000 Half cash, first-class sawmill.
$ 3.5O0 Half cash, modern brick, 60 rooms.
$ 1,800 At $300 cash, fcood house and 6
lots in East Portland; also vacant
lots from $250 up; easy terms.
$ l.OOO 160 acres level wheat land.
$ 1,000 Half cash and services, half in
terest in well-paying real estate
$ 800 Restaurant, averaging $65 daily.
$ 600 Half interest In well-paying busi
ness. $ 150 Nice little employment agency.
Other business opportunities.
Call, write or phone. Main 1568.
226 Morrison si.. Suite 2.
24 ROOMS, new cor. brick; hot and cold
water in every room; good furnishings all
through, all iron beds; 2 years' lease; rent.
Including steam heat and hot water, $125
per month; don't fail to see this.
505 S wetland bldg., 5th and Wash sts.
SEVERAL responsible Portland men are
organizing a company to manufacture a
line of machines for which there is a large
and staple demand in this territory. The
stock In this company will make a most
desirable form of investment, as every
dollar will be secured and will earn divi
dends of 20 to 25 per cent yearly. If in
terested in a first-class investment of
this kind, address P 80. Oregonlan.
THESE are only a few of our many bargains:
14-room house, fairly well furnished; $3o0.
21 -room house, new furniture; $800.
23-room boarding-house; $650.
2n-room house, well furnished; $1250.
72-room hotel, European plan; $Khj0.
7.Vroom hotel, bar Included; $55oO.
165-room hotel, a big money-maker; $12,000.
p. S. ARNOLD & CO.,
251 Morrison st. Phone Main 7311.
FOR SALE One Perkins hand shingle
mlll, almost new; everything complete
for running: two large boilers, two en
gines, one 14x48, one 12x22; shafting, belts,
pulleys, packing boxes, all complete; 2
large saws, fit for sawmill. Call or write
at once price reasonable. Address H. A.
Young. Oak Point. Wash.
WILL sell half interest in groceries and
general merchandise to a man with busi
ness experience; profits about $2500 year.
This can be increased with assistance of
partner. Thorough Investigation; no
agents; references required. L S3, Ore
gonlan. OLD-ESTABLISHED saloon, doing good tran
sient trade; owner has Important business
and must sell and go away; low rent and it's
an excellent .stand and money-maker. Call
at once. Northwestern Investment Co., 2WJ
Allsky bldg.
FOR SALE An up-to-date meat market and
grocery store doing a business of $2000 per
month; positively the best location on East
Side; will cell at invoice, which is about
$22.0; a nice paying business; must eell at
once. Address H 81, Oregonlan.
FOR SALE 100 shares of capital stock
at par (value $100 per share): good dividend-payer.
We want to enlarge our busi
ness. Good positions open. Modern Plumb
ing s Heating Co., ttio Pike st., Seattle,
Merchandise and manufacturing proposi
tions, city or country; latest information.
Ablngton bldg.
MEAT MARKET Best located wholesale and
retail meat market in the city, witn estao
Ilshed paying business; am forced to sell on
account of sickness. Address O 76, Ore
DRUGSTORE in one of the best suburbs
of Portland: invoice about $000; doing
splendid business; will sell at invoice If
taken by July Jst. v bo, uregonian.
SUCCESSFUL young business man, with
capital, wisnes to nuy an active inieresi
in wholesale or manufacturing business.
Q SC. Oregonian.
OWNER of a cah grocery will sell half in
terest for $00 and guarantee you $ uw
a month; experience not necessary. Call
IMS' t?tark st.
PARTNER wanted to show land, etc.; own
er shows you xiro a month to yourself;
small capital required. Particulars at
2484 Stark st.
INTEREST in mill or wholesale lumbe:
business wanted by an active young man
with capital and experience, bo, ure
PARTNER for real estate business, clearing
you at least Jhh) a montn; only ror
nair mare ll taaen at once, aq areas ot.
SALOON, doing good business, for sale, or
trade for chicken ranch near ranroau;
owner wants to go East on a trip. E istf,
RESTAURANT, doing business of $2100 per
month; price $2000; part cash and balance
out of business. Standard Investment Co..
225 5th st.
PARTNER wanted in manufacturing business
best-Daiine proposition obtainable, uio Bu
chanan bldg., 2So Washington. Main
FOR SALE: Grocery store, one of best loca
tions in city; -must sell at once on account
of other business interests, is hi, urego-
NEWSPAPER -Republican; complete power
plant; splendid Valley field; will sell all
or part ; might trade. E 76, Oregonian.
ESTABLISHED real estate office, has good
proposition to offer to reliable man. Call
618 Commonweaun o:ag., ttn ana Anaeny sis.
YOUNG man with $600 can buy hk interest
In -ground-floor real estate office, which
will pay jzw a montn. jh w-. uregonian.
MEAT market, with large trade of 20 years'
growth for sale at $So0. This Is less than
fixtures. Koom aa, bumoer ixcnange.
GROCERY Washington st.; snap; long
lease, low rent; large stock ; good bust
ness; $2500. Address F 86, Oregonian.
PARTNER wanted in real estate office to
show customers land; only $350 for half
Interest, t Room 323 Lumber Exchange.
PARTNER wanted for good-paying legitimate
business; will etana closest investigation
610 Buchanan bldg. 286H Washington.
CLOTHING business for sale; old-established
and prontable stana; gooa lease, xne
Mercantile Agency, Ablngton bldg.
FOR SALE A paying confectionery. Ice
cream, iruit, ciK&r uusiuraa, guuu iwttuuu
rent $15. 352 M East Burns! de.
FOR 6ALE: Nice livery business; barn, 2
lots, stock and all; also house and lot.
Call at 5orinwicK sx., city.
27 FURNISHED rooms, full and paying; $1100
If taken at once; would take diamond In
trade. Phone .racinc 1000.
$10,000 OR any part to Invest in good business
will buy ri Interest. 610 Buchanan bldg.
2S6H Washington.
t wtrh to get a 25-30-room house; must
be a money-maker and brick building. H
90, Oregonian.
BARGAIN Newspaper and Job plant, rich
country, good town, easy terms. Address
C ew, uregonian.
FOR SALE First-class cigar fixtures, good
location: years icwe; reoi sou. tan at
289 Stark st.
FAILING health compels us to sell high-grade
rooming-house, close in, below cost. P 90,
if taken quick $760. See Kelson. 14th and
NOTICE TO BARBERS Good location for
barber shop. Inquire of T. J. Uhlman, 184
N. 10th.
CIGAR and fruit store, with sleeping-rooms;
must be sold; owner going East. 85 N.
6th st.
FOR SALE General merchandise store in the
country, doing a good business. W 71, Ore
gonian. SALOON for sale; good location; low rent;
your own price. Owner, 129 Russell st.
RESTAURANT for sale; good location. O 87,
and others upon their own names without
security; cheapest rates, easiest payments:
offices tn 60 principal cities; save yourself
money by getting our terms first.
TOT. MAN. 22 Abinaton Bldc 106! 3d sx.
Money to Loan.
$10. $20. $30. $40. $50. $00. $70, $S0. $100.
REBATE given if paid before due.
Everything strictly confidential.
Get $15, pay back $1.00 per week.
Get $20, pay back $1.30 per week.
Get $25, pay back $L60 per week.
Get $50, pay back $3.20 per week.
Railroad men given special attention.
704 Dekum Bldg.
Hours, 8 A. M. to 6 P. M. Saturdays, till
8 P. M.
holding permanent positions ana respon
sible Arms; easy payments and strictly
confidential; also
en personal property; rooming-houses a
203 Ablngton Building.
On Improved city property or for build
ing purposes, for from 3 to 10 years time,
with privilege to repay all or part of loan
after two yearst. Loans approved from
plans and money advanced as building
progresses; mortgages taken up and replaced.
Fred H. Strong, financial agent, 242 Stark
blag. Joans to saianea employes on note,
witn out mortgage; easy payments.
Month. -month. Week.
150 Repay to us $13.33 or $6 65 or $3.35
25 Repay to us $ 6.25 or $3.60 or $1.65
IS Ret. ay to us $ 4.0U or $2.00 or $100
We meet any rate, time or terms. Main 2041.
Any salaried employe, wage-earner, can
get on his note, without mortgage (con-
naentiai). Montn. -monia. nee.
$50 Repay to us.... $13.33 or $6.65 or $335
$i!5 Repay to us....$ 6.65 or $3.20 or $1.65
$15 Repay to us....$ 4.00 or $2.00 or $1.00
ziu McKay 5iag., inira
just on your own name; no other security
necessary ; don' t borrow until you see me ;
my system Is the best for railroad men,
clerks, bookkeepers, streetcar men and all
other employes; business strictly confidential.
F. A. Newton, 611 Buchanan Bldg.
CASH on hand for purchase money, mortgages,
bonds for deeds or contracts ot sale on real
estate, either country or city property. H. E.
Noble, Commercial blk., 2d and Washington.
LOANS on easy payment plan to salaried peo
ple; lowest rates; strictly connaentiai. em
ployes' Loan Co., room 716, The Dekum. 3d
and Wash. Main 224.
real estate, chattel mortgages or personal
security; notes bought. C W. Pallett, 304
Fenton building.
up on all kinds of security, w. a. Matna
way, room 10, Wash. bldg. Pacific 1832.
reax estate; cnarges reasonaoie. inquire
J. H. Mlddleton, 617 Chamber Commerce.
other securities; lowest rates, s. w. bung,
room 45, Wash. bldg. Phone Main 6100.
IF you want a $450 real estate mortgage.
well secured, drawing 7 per cent, call Room
15, Lafayette bldg., cor. 6th and Wash.
sums on improved and unimproved real ey
tate. W. H. Nunn, 652 Sherlock block.
$1000 to $100,000 to loan In sums to suit at 6 to
7 per cent on improvea reaiiy. ju. i. urimn,
206 Stark, opp. Chamber of Commerce.
all securities. R. I. Eckerson & Co., room 5,
Washington bldg. Phone Pac. 1831.
no commission. Columbia Life & Trust
Company, Lumber Exchange bldg.
State funds loaned, 6 per cv. W. E. Thomas,
state agt., Multnomah Co. 409 C. of Com.
curity. Wm. Holl, rm. 9 Washington bldg.
ary until you see Hutton Credit Company.
chattel. The Loan Co., 410 Dekum bldg.
pers only. Ward. Lawyer. Alisky bldg.
$500,000 TO LOAN AT 6 AND 6 PBR CENT.
Wm. G. Beck, room 312 Falling bldg.
WILL loan $6000 or lees: 6 per cent, on real
estate. Harrington, 313 Fenton blag.
$500 TO loan for one year on real estate
security. v 8S. oregonian.
LOST Thursday noon, on Third, between
Oak and Washington, purse with small
change and keys. Please return keys to
Zoom 27, Worcester bldg.
WADALLION Locket size. 25c; plain back,
beading, gold bead chain. Mrs. J. L.
Bank, 141 13th. Phone Pacific 1927.
LOST Diamond sunburst, between Washing
ton, 11th and Yamhill; return to Mrs. Kate
Steeves. Elton Court, 11th and Yamhill
LOST Ladles' open-face gold watch. Please
return ; keepsake ; monogram Z. L. W.
Liberal reward. Phone Main 6925, or 510
FOUND Where hair mattresses are renovated,
returned same day. 22.S Front. Main 474.
Portland Curled Hair Factory. H. Metzger.
LOST Boston terrier bitch. brown and
white; no collar; 8 months old; $5 reward.
Mart ievy & co., il-i Front st.
LOST Heavy square-linked gold chain
bracelet, on Sixth, between Morrison and
Taylor. Phone East 408.
LOST Small French poodle. white, feet
li mime-.. neiuiu uu iuria m u
LOST Point lace handkerchief, on Mt. Ta
bor car. fnone Main 4ius. hewara.
LOST A pearl bar-pin ; finder return to
341 Jitn st., reward.
LADIES, one word with you 28 years of suc
cessful practice in Portland In the treatment
of diseases peculiar to women should be suf
ficient guarantee to those seeking the aid of
an experienced pnysician ana surgeon. J
have assisted hundreds of anxious and suf
fering women. I can assist you. If in
trouble, no matter from what cause, call on
old Dr. J. D. Gray, the old reliable special
ist; no cnarge lor consultation or aavice.
251 Alder et., corner 3d, Portland, Or. Cor
respondence sacreaiy connaentiai.
Late superintendent of Chicago Women's Hos
pital, treats diseases of women exclusively
ladies will consult their best interests by
communicating with me; no lee ior con
sultation; correspondence absolutely confi
dential : maternity cases given special at
tention. Sanitarium and offices, 253 Alder,
corner Sd, Peruana, ur. none uain :no.
SUITS pressed while you wait, 60c To vis
itors of Portland hotels and to nubile at
large: Suits pressed at 60c at Gilbert, the
tailor's. 106H 6th et., next to Quelle. La
dies' skirts pressed, 60c. Feathers and boas
cibaned ana curiea. rnons racinc zutus.
Swedish trained nurse, Helslngfors graduate,
cures rheumatism, nervous disorders, sprains,
superfluous fat hand rubbing, steam, sweat
and tub baths. 7 East 11th street; take East
Ankeny car. Phone East 260. Home B-1S03.
LADIES Ask your druggist for Chlches-
ters Diamond Brand Pills. For 25 years
known as the best, safest. Reliable. Take
no other. Chlchesters Diamond Brand
Pills. Sold by druggists everywhere.
moved br electric needle: established 1894:
fhyslcians' references, lady operator. Par
ore 170U 10th St., near Morrison. Phone
siam tutu.
DRESS suits for rent, ali sizes; $1 month
keeps your clothes cleaned, pressed; buttons
. sewea on, rips sewea. rrompi caiie ana oe
liveries. Unique Tailoring Co., 309 Stark st.
LADIES Dr. Sanderson's Co-Savin and Cot
ton Root Pills are tbe only sure remedy for
female troubles and irregularities; by mail,
$2 box. Dr. Pierce, 181 1st at., Portland.
GERMAN, French, Spanish and other Foreign
Dictionaries Text Books and Literature
(German books a specialty). A. W. Schmale
Co., 229 First st.
LOST powers restored by the great Dr. Lor
enz" Nerve Tonic Tablets, 25 a box. Write
or call at Ey-ssel's Pharmacy, 227 Morrison
St., bet. 1st and 2d.
Mme. Court right, akin and scalp treatments;
facial deformities corrected; piastic surgery.
225 Fleldner bldg. Main 6042. Home A 2069.
A. REINER, practical furrier; sealskin gar
ments re dyed and remodeled; expert fitter;
estimates given; lowest prices. 663 Wash.
DR. J. T. PIERCE cures all nervous, chronic
and private diseases, both sexes; office treat
xnent 60c to $1. Call or write, 181 1st aft.
Recently Opened Manicuring parlors removed
from 351)4 to 84$), Morrison room X
MOLES, wrinkles, superfluous hair removed.
room S30, Flledner bldg. Pacific 135.
BALM OF FIGS for all female diseases. 628
E. Belmont. Phone East
LADY'S barber shop now open at 64 4th st.
Proposals Invited.
hour of 2 o'clock P. M. on weanesuay. uia
26th day of June. 1907, A. D., the under
signed trustee of the estate of Charles H.
Cooper, bankrupt, will receive sealed bids
for the following described real estate be
longing to said estate, which will be sold
subject to any and all liens and incum
brances thereon as & whole or in separate
parcels, tp-wlt:
Lots 8 and 9 In block 108, in that part
of the city of Astoria laid out and re
corded by John McClure and extended by
Cyrus Iney, and subject to a mortgage
In favor of S. S. Smith for $450.00; lots 5
and 6 In block 11, in the Port of Upper
Astoria, as laid out and recorded by John
Adair; also lots 22, 23, 24, -25, 26 and 27,
In block 3, and lot 7 of block 16, in Young's
Addition to Alderbrook as laid out and re
corded by Maxwell Young; also lots 22, 23,
24. 25. 26 and 27, In block 15, In Hill's
Addition to Astoria as laid out and re
corded by George Hill; also lots 1 and 2,
in block 13, In North Addition to the City
of Astoria as laid out and recorded by E.
A. Noyes, and also an undivided y inter
est in lots 16 ami 17, in block 2, in Sil
ver Point Cliffs, all in Clatsop County,
State of Oregon; also the southeast quarter
of section thirty-four (34). in township 3ft
South, of Range four (4) East of the Will.
Mer., In Jackson County, State of Oregon,
mortgaged to J. E. Higgins, trustee, for
$S00.u0. with interest at 8 per cent from
Dec. 11. 1S06; and also an undivided 122.90
264.44 interest in and .to the following de
scribed real estate in Clark County, State
of Washington, to-wlt: Beginning at the
southwest corner of the northwest quarter
of section 2S, in township 4 North, of
Range 3 West, of the Will. Mer. and run
ning thence north 22.60 chains, thence east
40 chains, thence south 22.50 chains, thence
west 40 chains to the place of beginning,
and containing 80 acres, more or less, which
real estate is mortgaged to J. A. Ander
son for $300.00 and accrued Interest.
Up to said time bids will also be received
for all uncollected book accounts belonging
to said estate.
Bids will be received" for any parcel or
for all of said real estate, and the right Is
reserved to reject any and all bids.
Trustee of the Estate of Charles H. Cooper,
IN the Superior Court of the State of Wash
ington ior King county, in prooaie in mo
matter of the partnership estate of Ickes
Bros. & Mitchell. No. 7269. Notice of sale
of personal property Notice is hereby
given that up to the 1st day of July, 1907,
at 12 o'clock noon, the undersigned admin
istrator of the above entitled estate will re
ceive at his office. 61 Starr-Boyd building,
Seattle, Wash., sealed bids for the pur
chase of the business and property of the
Biemarck Cafe, situated at the northwest
corner of First avenue and Madison street,
Seattle, Wash., excepting the stock of mer-,
chandlse belonging thereto, and the suc
cessful bidder shall be required to purchase
the stock of merchandise on hand belong
ing to the Bismarck Cafe at the time ot
taking over said business, at the' cost price
thereof. The highest bidder will be re
quired to pay over to said administrator a
certified check within five 6) days after
receiving notice that he is the highest bid
der, for ten (10) pw cent of the amount of
his bid, the balance of the purchase price
to be paid upon the confirmation of the
sale by the court. An inventory of the
property offered for sale can be seen af the
office of said administrator. The business
is a going concern and can be examined by
Intending bidders at any time.
Dated Seattle, Wash.. June 10, 1907.
Administrator of the Partnership Estate of
Ickes Bros. & Mitchell.
SEALED proposals win be received by me
at my office. No. 7 First street, .rortiana,
Oregon, up to 12 o'clock noon, of Wed
nesday, June 26th, 1907, for the following
personal property, located at South Bend,
One stock of general merchandise
Inventoried at $5877.16
One store building , on leased
ground, inventoried at 1250.00
( together with fixtures and
lights belonging to the build
ing.) Two horses, wagon and harness.
Inventoried at 800.00
Thre rash reelsters inventoried
at : 1425.00
One large safe, inventoried at.... 275.00
One lot of miscellaneous store fix-
lures 1449.00
Total $10,576.16
Terms, cash. Certified check for 10
per cent or the amount orierea must ac
company each bid, and the right Is re
served to reiect any and all bids.
Inventory may be seen on application,
and property may be Inspected at South
Bend, Washington.
Dated at Portland, Oregon, this 12th
day of June, 1907.
No. 7 First street.
Sealed proposals will be. receivea ai me
Navy Department until noon on the 24th
day of July, 1907. at which time and place
they will be opened, for the purchase of the
U. o. S. Marion, appraisea vaaue it,ow.
The vessel will be sold for cash to the per
son or persons or the corporation or corpor
a i inn s sif? n st the hi chest nrice therefor.
Pmnosais must be submitted in a sealed
envelope addressed to the Secretary of the
Navy, wasningion, u. v-., enuorueu. nu
posals for the purchase of the U. S. S.
Marlon, and each proposal must be accom
panied by a satisfactory certltled check for
not less than 10 per cent of the amount of
the offer. On application to the Navy De
partment forms of bids and bonds, together
with the terms and conditions of sale, also
n nrtnteri lLat el vine ceneral information
concerning the vessel, will be furnished. The
vessel can be examined at any time after
the date hereof by applying to the com
mandant of the navy-yard. Mare Island,
Cal. It must be removed from the limits
of the navy-yard within such reasonable
time as may be nxea oy tne uepariment.
The Department reserves the right to with
draw the vessel' from sale and to reject any
or all bids. Truman H. Newberry Acting
Secretary of tne Navy, june io, ivvi.
NOTICE to contractors Office of the State
Highway Board, oiympia, wasnington,
fv 29th. 1907 Sealed bids will be re
ceived at this office until 2:00 o'clock
P. M., June 24th, 1907, and then opened,
for grading, bridging and macadamizing
State Ala uoaa jno. a, oinerwise koowu
ns the James Clarke Road. No. 2. be
tween the Rlverton drawbridge, in section
10. in township 23 N-, R. 4 E., W. M.. In
King County, wasnington, ana tne nen
tnn drnwhridM. in section 23. in said town-
nhio and ranee, a distance of 15,487 feet.
The map, profile, plans and specifications
are on file in tne oince oi tne Estate xiigu
wav Commissioner, at Oiympia, Washing
ton and" in the office of the County
Engineer, Seattle. Washington, where
they may be Inspected. The right
Is reserved to reject any and all
bids. Bids will be made upon forms fur
nished by this office, and must be sealed
and marked "Proposal for Improvement
est StfttP Alri Road No. 1.' No bid will
he considered unless accompanied by a
certified check payable to the order of
the State Treasurer of Washington, for
at least 5 per cent of the amount of such
bid. JOSEPH M. SNOW, Secretary of
the State Highway oara ox wasnington.
SEALED bids will bo received at the office
of the School Clerk, City Hall, up to 12
M. Saturday, June 29, 1907, for heating asd
ventilating the following school buildings,
Tlx.: The Chapman school building. Sunny
aide school building and Mont a villa school
building. Plans of the buildings and speci
fications of requirements can be seen at the
architect's office, $34 Bast Third street. All
proposals must be accompanied by a certified
check for 10 per cent of the amount of pro
posal. The School Board reserves tbe right
to reject any auu iui uius. . uik
SEALED bids will be received at the office
of the School Clerk, City Hall, up to 12 M.,
Monday, June 24, 1907, for plumbing work
In the following school buildings, viz.: Chap
man, Sunnyslde and lrvlngton school build
ings. Plans and specifications for same can
be seen at architect's office, 334 East Third
street. All proposals must be accompanied
by a certified check for 10 per cent of the
amount of proposal. The School Board re
serves the rignt to reject any ana. aii oias,
Thos. J. Jones, arcnitect.
RTCAT.ian hid-s will be received at the of
fice of the School Clerk, City Hall, up to
12 M., Monday, June 24, 1907. for painting
the Hawthorne school building. Specifica
tion for same can be seen at architect's
office, 834 East Third street. All proposals
must ' be accompanied by a certified check
for 10 per cent of the amount of proposal.
The School Board reserves the right to re
ject any and all bids. Thos. J. Jones, ar
BIDS will be received by tbe County Com
miminner of Multnomah Countv. Oresron.
up to 10 o'clock A M., July 3. 1907. when
bids will be opened, for the building of
10.150 feet of road In township 1 North and
1 South, Range 4 .toast. Known as tne iittie
page road. Plans and specifications may
De seen in tne omc oi me iruuniy dut-
veyor, Portland, or.
TO all whom it may concern: Notice is
hereby given that from and after this date
the undersigned, Lawrence V. B. Rldg
way, will not be responsible for any debts
contracted by his wife, Abbye Jeane
Hughes Loom is RIdgway. LAWRENCE! V.
B. RLDGWAT. Dated June 20, 1907.
M lscellasMons.
Notice Is hereby given that the State
Land Board will receive sealed bids until
2 o'clock P. M. on September 9, 1907,
for the purchase of the, following de
scribed Indemnity School Lands, towlt:
Clatsop County
N. W. of S. E. hi of section 21, T.
4 N., R. 6 W.
S. W. i4 of S. W. of section 1. N. W.
of N. W. of section 12, T. 4 N-,
R. 7 W.
Lot IS of section 15. lot 4 of section 22.
lots 1, 2, 6, 7, lO. 11, 14, 15. 16 of section
21, lot 1 Of section -:o, lots o. i, 10, xi.
12, 13, 14. 15 of section 29, S. E. of
S. E. of section 30, T. 4 N., R. 8 W.
Crook County
S. of S. of section 20, T. 15 S., R-
All of section 28, T. 19 S.. R. 11 E.
S. E. hk of N. W. of section S, T.
22 S., R. 10 E.
Grant County
N. E. 4 of S. E. H. of section 23. N.
E. VI of N. E. N. H Cf S. E. K. S. E.
14 of S. E. of section 27, T. S S., R,
26 E.
W. of S. B. of section 27, T. 8
S.. R. 27 E.
S. E. 4 of N. E. H or. section , r. w.
14 of S. W. hi of section 27, T. 9 S,
R. 2tf E.
5. W. hi of S. E. hi. S. E. hi of S. W.
hi of section 21, N. E. hi of N. W. N.
W. hi of N. E. hi of section 28, T. 9 S.,
R- 27 E. mtt
6. W. hi of N. E. hi of section 18, T.
11 S., R. 28 E. m m 4
N. E. hi of S. W. hi of section 3, lot
4 of section 4, lot 1 of section 5, T. 14 S.,
R. 29 E.
Jackson County
S. E. hi of S. W. hi of section 26, N. E.
hi of N. W. hi. N. H of N. E. hi of sec
tion 84, T. 37 S., R. 1 E.
N. E. hi of section 2. N. W. hi of N. W.
S. E. hi of N. W. hi, N. W. hi of S.
E. 4, N. E. hi of S. W. hi. 8. E. hi of
S. E. hi of section 12, T. 38 S., R. 1 E.
All of section 34, T. 40 S., R. 1 E.
Klamath County
N. W. hi of S. E. hi. S. E. hi of N. W.
hi. lot 3 of section 6, T. 33 S., R. 7 hi E.
S. W. hi of S. E. hi of section 25, S.
E. hi of S. E. 4 of section 20, N. hi of
N. E. hi of section 35, T. 37 S., R. 9 E.
W. hi of b. a, or section xj. i
hi of N. W. hi of section 23, N. W. hi
of section 27, N. E. hi of N. E. hi of
section 30. T. 37 S., R. 10 E. I
N. W. hi of N. E. 4 of section 1, N. !
hi of N. E. hi of section 12, T. 38 S.,
W. ii of S. E. of section 22. N. E.
hi of N. W. hi of section 23. N. W. hi of
section 27, N. E. hi of N. E. hi ot sec
tion 30, T. 37 S R. 10 E.
N. W. hi of N. E. hi of section 1, N.
hi of N. E. of section 12, T. 38 S.,
N. E. H. of N. E. . hi of section 13,
S. E. H of N. E. hi of section 27. S. W.
hi of N. W. hi. N. hi of S. W. hi. W.
Of S. E. hi of section 34. T. 38 S., R. 13 E.
Lot 1 of section 18. T. 38 S., R. 14 E.
S. E. hi of S. E. hi of section 35, T. 39 S.,
R. im E.
S. E. hi of S. E. M of section 25, T.
39 S., R. 11 E.
Lot 1 of section 2, T. 40 R. 11 E.
S. E. hi of S. E. hi of section 5, N. W. hi
of N. E. hi of section 26, T. 40 S., R. 13 E.
Lane County
S. W. 4 of N. E. of section 30, T.
17 S.. R. 9 W.
Lincoln County
S. E. hi of S. W. hi of section 27, T.
11 S.. R. 10 W.
Marlon County
E. hi of N. W. hi. E. hi of S. E. hi
of section 12, N. E. hi of section 32, T.
8 S R 2 E
B.' W of e'ectiotl 24. T. 8 S., R. 8 B.
Multnomah County
N. E. of section 21, T. 1 N., R. 6 E.
Sherman County
Lots 1. 2, 3, 4. N. V, of N. E. 14 of
ectlon 2. T. 1 N., R. 15 B.'
E. hi of S. E. 14 of section IT, T. 4 S.,
R- 1 E.
S. W. 14 of S. W. 14 of ectlon 32, T.
4 S., R. IS E.
Tillamook County
8. W. 14 of N. E. 14. lot 2, 8. W. 14
of N. W. 14, lot 4 of section 3, S. E. 'A
of N. E. 14, lot 1 of section 4. 8. E. 14
of N. E. 14, lot 1 of section 5, E. 14 of
B. Vz of section 7, 8. W. 14 of section 13.
N. W. 14 of N. E. 14 of section 17, N. E.
14 of section 21. N. W. 14 of N. W. "4.
B. hi of N. W. 14 of section 22, T. 2 N..
Lots 3 and 4 of section 8, T. 8 N., R.
8 W.
Lots 8 and 4 of section 19. T. 4 S..
R. 10 W.
Union County . .,
E. hi of S. E. 14 of section 21, S. hi
of section 22. 8. 14 and S. 14 of N. 14
of section 23, B. W. 14 of section 24, E.
14. S. E. 14 of TJ. W. 14. N. E. 14 of
S. W. 14 of section 25, N. 14 of N. 14 of
section 28. N. 14 of N. 14 of section 27.
8. 14 of 8. E. 14 of section 32, N. 14 of
8. W. 14 of section 33, T. 5 S.. R. 35 E.
S. W. 14 of section 29. 8. 14 of N. 14
and 8. 14 of section 30, S. W. 14 of S.
W. 14 of section 32, T. 5 S.. R. 3 E.
W. 14 or o. JCj. tt, lois o ami . ui .ca
tion 1. T. 6 S., R. 35 E.
N. 14 of section 12, T. 6 8., R. 3514 E.
Wasco County
Lots 5 and 6. 8. W. 14 of 8. E. 14 of
section 2, T. 1 N., R. 15 E.
Wheeler County
N. 14 of 8. E. 14 of section 22. N. W.
of N. W. 14. N. 14 of S. W. 14, N. E.
14 of 8. E. 14 of section 23, W. 14 of N.
W. 14, N. W. 14 of S. W. 14. N. E. 14 of
N. W. 14 of section 24, S. E. 14 of N. E.
14 of section 28, T. 6 8.. R. 22 E.
Lot 4 of section 31, T. 8 S.. R. 23 E.
Lot 1 of section 1, T. 9 S., R. 22 E.
N. 14 ot N. W. 14 of section 0. T. 9 S..
R- 23 E. ,
E. 14 of 8. W. 14 of section 32, T. 9
S"s.RW.24 ?f N. W. 14 of section 29. T.
10 S It 2S E
Lots 2' and S. E. U of N. W. 14, N.
E. of S. W. hi of section 4, N. E.
hi of N. W. hi of section 9, T. 10 S.,
K"n2EB of N. E. hi of section 33, T.
11 S., R. 24 E. .
S W. hi of S. W. hi of section 5, N.
W. hi of N. W. hi of section 8, T. 11 S.,
R"n W hi of S. W. hi of section 4, T.
12 S., R. 24 E.
All bids must be accompanied by a reg
ular application to purchase in accord
ance with the law for the sale of school
lands and by cash or check for at least
one-fifth of the price offered.
No bid for less than $2.50 per acre will
be considered.
The right to reject any and all bids Is
reserved. , , . ,
Applications and bids should be ad
dressed to O. G. Brown, Clerk State Land
Board, Salem, Oregon, and marked "Ap
plication and Bid to Purchase Indemnity
School Lands." G. G. BROWN, Clerk
State Land Board. Dated this 8th day
of June., 1907.
CASH paid for stocks and bonds of merit;
mines bought and mineral prospects de
veloped that will stand investigation; con
sult our office for large profits on small in
vestments. Address your wants, W 79, Ore
gonian. We also have some money to loan.
GEO. T. MURTON, 818 Chamber Commerce.
Phone Main 3681. General accounting and
auditing business.
INTERIOR and exterior designing in Swiss,
Craftsman and other styles; store fronts
plans specifications. Home Designing Co.,
architect. Healy bldg. Phone 0748. X
Morrison and Grand ave.
As say em and Analysts.
GREENLEY CRAWFORD, analytical chem
ists, mining engineers. 204 Washington st.
MONTANA Assay Office, 186 Morrison st.
Best facilities. Prices reasonable.
PAUL BAUMEL, assayer and analyst. Gold
dust bought. 207 Alder su
Commission Merchants.
HERMAN METZGER, purchaser of hides,
pelts, furs, wool, mohair, tallow and rubber
and old metal and general commission mer
chant. Front st,. near Main, Portland, Or.
TAYLOR. YOUNG ft CO., ship brokers, com
mission merchants, Sherlock bldg., Portland.
D. C. BURNS CO., grocers and commission
mtrchants, 210 3d st.
Cleaning and Dyeing.
THE Madison Steam Cleaning and Pressing
Parlors; all work guaranteed; prompt serv
ice; repairing; French dry cleaning a spe
cialty. 247 Madison, bet. 2d and 3d. Phone
Pacific 1618. John C. Baker, proprietor.
FEATHERS and feather boas cleaned, curled
dyed. M. 2375. Work called for and dellv'd.
Chiropody and Manicuring.
WM. DEVENY and Estelle Deveny, the only
scientific chiropodists, parlors 203 Drew
building, 162 2d st. Phone Main 1S0L
Chiropody and Pedicuring. Mrs. M. D. Hill,
room 330 Flledner bldg. Phone Pacific 133.
Carpet Cleaning;.
I ONE Steam Carpet Cleaning Works. Mat
tresses and feathers renovated. 221 E, 21st
North. Phone East 380. R. F. Shepard, Mgr.
Dane Ins;.
DANCING lessons. 26c during Summer montns;
school open all year; social, fancy and stage
dancing taught dally. Wilson's Dancing
School, AiUky bids.. 3d and Morrison sts.
Carpenters and Builders,
W. L. Buckner, office, store fixtures, general
Jobbing, contracting: 330 Stark. Main 5821.
Harness and Saddles.
THE Georse Lawrence Co., wholesale saddle
and harness mfrs. ; leather aad saddlery
hardware. 80-86 1st. Main 220.
WANTED House-cleaning, store and office
cleaning; odd Jobs a specialty. Phone Pa
cific 973.
Junk, Hides and Felts.
L. SHANK & CO.. purchasers ot hides, pelts,
wool,- furs, tallow, old rubbers, metals and
sacka 312 Front st.
Leather and Findings.
tablished 1S5S. Leather and findings; Stock
ton sole leather and cut stock; full line
Eastern Jumbos. 189 Front at.
CHAS. L. MASTICK & CO.. Front an t"k
sts. Leather and skins of every description
for all purpose; sole and tap cutters' find
ings. Machinery.
B. TRENKMAN & CO., mining, sawmill log
ging machinery, hydraulic pipes, castings, ail
kinds, repaired. 104 N. 4th st.
Osteopathic rhyslrlans.
415-lfl-l" Dekum bldg..
Third and Washington sts..
Phone, office. Main 340.
Residence. Main lSi3.
Residence. East 1028.
Dr. Arnold Lindsay, graduate of the Osteo
pathic College of Ktrkevllle, Mo.. ht 1j a
specialist on rheumatism, stomach and all
female diseases. 410 Falling bids. Main 735o.
DR. L. B. SMITH, pioneer osteopath of Ore
gon, graduate Kirkville. Mo. 4ii Oregonian
bldg. Main 1242; res. Main 2762.
Paints, Oils and Glass.
RASMUSSEN & CO.. jobbers, paints, oils.
Patent Lawyers.
R. C. WRIGHT, domes-tic and foreign patent;
Infringement cases. 604 Dekum.
Real fist ate.
A. B. RICHARDSON, real estate. 315 Oregr
nlan bldg. Phones Main 14 S3 and A 2138.
Rubber Stamps.
ALSO seals, stencils. Tel. Slugs, bar checks.
etc :joast Co., 231 Stark. Tel. 1407.
P. C. STAMP WORKS. 249 Alder et. Rubber
stamps, seals, stencils, checks, brass signs.
Showcases, Bank and Store Fixtures.
R. H. BIRDSALL, designer; agent M. Winter
Lumber Co., 7 Hamilton bldg. Main 6630.
PORTLAND Showcase & Fixture Co., 348 1st
st., near Market. Phone Pacific 1G20.
THE Lutko Manufacturing Co., cor. 6th and
Hoyt. Phone Main 1408.
Sign Painting.
SIGNS ("That Attract.")
Portland Sign Co., 287 Stark. Pae, 1506.
This is strictly a matter of business on
your part to call at my office and become fa
miliar with my SPIRITUAL and SCIEN
TIFIC work. A hint to the wise is sufficient.
Greatest T.vlng astral dad-trnnce clairvoy
ant of thf age; adviser on business and all
affaire of life; tells your full name and what,
you called for, whom you will marry, how
to control the one you love, even though
miles away; reunites the separated; gives
secret powers to control; does all others ad
vertise to do.
Office. Nos. 3 and 4, Grand Theater bldg.,
352 Wash. St. Phone M. 12G7.
RAMONA Clairvoyant and trance medium. I
guarantee satisfaction or no pay; $-1 read
ing, $50c. 252 7th st. Phone Main 7U33;
no sign. '
MRS. SOPHIA PEIP. reliable ppychometrist,
office 302 Alisky hldg., daily. Public circles
Friday evening, 25c.
MADAM "AEOLIS." palmist, clairvoyant and
card reader. 22Hhi Washington st., Abbott
bldg, room 6.
MRS. WALTMAN, clairvoyant, medium and
healer; reading dally, 147 11th st. Phone 2.S51 1
Mn. Wallace, famous psychic; reliable on all
affairs of life. 360 Morrison st. Room 72.
Storage and Transfer.
THE firm of Olsen & Roe have dissolved part
nership. F. P. Sheasyrecn having purchased
the interests and good will of C. M. Olsen.
The business will be incorporated and con
tinued under the name of Olwn-Roe Trans
fer Co. AH orders 'for transferring or etor
age will be given prompt and careful at
tention. Office, 209 Oak St. Phone No.
Main 647. Phone No. A-22?. F. P. Sheas
green, phone Pacific 1061. Henry Roe. phons
M. 6111.
C O PICK, office 88 1st., bet. Stark and Oak.
Phone 596. Pianos and furniture moved and
picked for shipment ; commodious brick
warehouse, with separate iron rooms. Front
and Clay sts.
DIRBOLD manganese safes large lines car-
ried. Lock-outs opened. Janks, Jails, metal
furniture. Honest prices and goods. Both
phones. J. E. Davis, 6(1 3d.
NEW typewriters, all makef. rented." sold, re
paired. Coast Agency. 231 Stark. Phone 1407.
W. M. Ladd. C. E. Ladd J. W. Ladd.
Established 1859.
Transact a General Banking Business.
Savings Books Issued on Savings Deposits.
Interest Paid on Time Deposits.
R. L. DURHAM Vice-President
R W. HOYT Cashier
GEORGE W. HOYT Assistant Cashier
S. C CATCHING 2d Assistant 'Cashier
United States Depository.
Drafts and letters of credit issued, avail
able in alt parts of the world.
Collections a specialty. "
Portland. Or.
CAPITAL AND SURPLUS $1,500,000.00.
Deposits $14,000,000.00.
Oldest National Bank on the Pacific Coast.
A. L- MILLS President
J. W. NEWKIRK Cashier
W C. ALVORD Assistant Cashier
B. F. STEVENS 2d Assistant Cashier
The Oldest Trust Company In Oregon.
RESOURCES OVER $2,000,000.
General Banking
2 per cent Interest on check accounts
(even hundreds) on daily balances of ?."0o
or over. Letters of credit and exchange on .
all parts of the world. Savings accounts 3
per cent. Time certificates 3 to 4 per cent;
short-call special certificates, $5O0 or over,
2-hi to 4 per cent.
Call for Book of "Illustrations."
Phone Private Exchange 72.
S. E- Corner Third and Oak Streets.
BEN J. I. COHEN President
H. L. Plttock Vice-President
B. LEE PAGET Secretary
J. O. GOLTRA.. Assistant Secretary
Established in 1804.)
Gen. Mgr. of Branches.. W. MACKINTOSH
Capital paid up. $4.00'),0M0
Surplus -and undivided profits $10.15:t.S73
A General Banking and Exchange Business
Letters of credit issued, available In all
parts of the world. Interest paid on time
Accounts opened for sums of $10 and up
ward. WM. A. MACRAE Manager
J. T. BURTCKAELL. . . .Assistant Manager