Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, May 29, 1907, Page 9, Image 9

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Countln-Jldoro ? ..Maln TOTO
City Circulation. Main TOTO
ManairlnK Bdltor Main T070
Sunday Editor ...Main T070
Composing-Room . . Main TOTO
City Editor Main TOTO
6uprintndnt Building Main 7070
Eaat Slda Office .. East I
ington . ) Tonight. 8:15 o'clock, Hen
rietta Crosman In the farcical comedy.
"AH of a Sudden Peggy."
BAKER TH WATER (3d bet. Yamhill and
Taylor.) Baker Theater Company In
"The Dairy Farm." Tonight at 8:15.
between 6th and 7th.) San Francisco
Opera Company In ''The Strollers." To
night at 8:15.
GRAND THEATER (Washington, between
Park and Seventh.) Vaudeville. 2:30. 7:J0
and 8 f. M.
PANTAGES THEATER (4th and Stark.)
Continuous vaudeville. S:30, 7:30, 9 P. M.
LYRIC THEATER 7th and Alder.) The
Allen Stock Company In - Polly Primrose.
Tonight at 8:15. Matlneea Tursday, Thurs
day, Saturday and Sunday at 2:15. '
BTAR THEATER (Park and Washington.)
All-Star Stock Company In "Wedded, but
No Wife." Tonight at 8:15. Matinees
Tueeday, Thursday, Saturday and Sunday
at 2:15 P. M.
and Raleigh sts.) Performances today and
Thursday at 2 and 8 P. M.
BASEBALL. Portland vs. Oakland, league
grounds. 24th and Vaughn, 3:30 P. M.
Volunteers Fioht Morning Blaze.
Volunteer firemen In the employ of the
Willamette Iron & Steel Works, Twent
aecond and York streets, did excellent
service at 8 o'clock yesterday morning in
checking a fierce blaze that broke out
from exploding gas in an oil tank of
the Northwest Roofing Company, next
door. Burning tar was hurled In all di
rections, and the situation was grave
for a time. Among those on hand was
"Jimmy" Klernan, a veteran firefighter,
and formerly Chief of the Portland De
partment, I Cone and D. A. Morris.
Their training came in fine play, and
they had the aparatus of the company In
operation quickly. In the mean time, a
call had been sent In to fire headquarters,
but the volunteer firemen declare the
department was slow in responding, it
taking about ten minutes for a company
four blocks distant to reach the scene.
The damage to the roofing company's
plant wasabout $500. . .
Return From Federal Pribox. Henry
IV. Miller and Frank B. Kincart reached
Portland yesterday returning' from Mc
Neil's Island, where they have just com
peted serving sentences of one year each
imposed .by the United States Court for
complicity in the "Emmetsburg of New
Zealand" timber-land swindle In Southern
Oregon. Miller and Kincart were Jointly
Indicted for subornation of perjury with
Martin G. Hoge and Charles Nickel.
AV'hen the cases were called for trial
they pleaded guilty. , Hoge and Nickel
stood trial and were convicted, Hoge
having since served a sentence In the
Medford Jail. Nickel's case Is on ap
peal to the Circuit Court . of Appeals.
Kincart expects to engage again in the
timber-land business in Southern Oregon.
Seeks Traps With Portland. Marsh
field and North Bend had a representative
In Portland yesterday In the person of
Dr. James T. McCormac, president of the
Marshfteld Commercial Club, who had
several conferences with the secretaries
and managers of similar organizations in
this city. He says the poos Bay organiza
tion has raised $7000 for the purpose of
advertising that section and that the
results had been most gratifying. He
reiterated that the Coos Bay towns were
both willing and anxious to enlarge their
business relations with Portland and that
better freight transportation facilities
would speedily Increase the volume of
trade with (bis. .city. . -' '
Japanese)' Celebrate Empress' Birth
day. The 67th birthday of the Empress
Haruko, of Japan, was celebrated yester
flay by her loyal subjects in Portland.
The Buddhist Japanese gathered In the
evening at their lill In 48 North First
street, dressed In their finest raiment, to
rejoice that another year has been added
to the life of the Empress. Wakabayashi,
the Buddhist priest presided and speeches
In Japanese were made by George Fuki
gawa and E. Fuglida. An address in En
glish was made by I. J. Rochesen. The
celebration was brought to a close by
the production of a Japanese drama given
by Japanese school children.
Funeral or Mrs. Nancy L. Croxton.
The funeral of Mrs. Nancy I Croxton,
an Oregon pioneer, was held yesterday
afternoon from Dunning'a chapel, 414
East Alder street. Interment was in Lone
Fir Cemetery. Mrs. Croxton was a mem
ber of Martha Washington . Chapter, O.
K. 3., and of Utopia Rebekah Lodge No.
62. I. O. O. F. Members of both orders
assembled at the chapel to attend the
funeral, and at the cemetery the chapter
read the tieautiful ceremonies of that
branch of the Masonic order.
Promoters Meet Today. There will be
a meeting at the Commercial Club at 10
o'clock today of the promoters of the
Country Club and Livestock Association.
At this meeting the finance committee ap
pointed at the last meeting -will make its
report, and the matter of selection of a
site for the clubhouse and other buildings
will be brought up. President Wilcox
and Secretary Meier request those re
ceiving notices to be prompt in attending
so that all business may be disposed of
In 30 minutes.
Will Lecture at Eughne. Dr. J. W.
,A. Stewart, of Rochester Theological
Seminary, who is making a tour of the
West and who has been conducting the
Sunday services at the White Temple
during the absence of Dr. J. WTiltcomb
Brougher, will lecture this morning at
10 o'clock, before the assembly of the
University of Oregon. He left for Eugene
last night. It Is expected that Dr.
Brougher will return from' ' the East
W. . J. C. P. Cramer"s Funeral. The
funeral of W. J. C. P. Cramer, whose
death occurred Monday night, will be
held at his late residence, 347 Eleventh
street, this afternoon at 2 o'clock. Mr.
Cramer was a well-known railroad man
of Portland, employed In the 'freight
auditor's office of the Harriman lines
and was highly respected. Mr. Cramer
came to Portland from Omaha, where he
; was employed by the Burlington.
Art Association Reception. The Art
Association. ' encouraged by the Interest
that has been shown In the School of
Metal Work, will give a reception to the
public from 2 to o'clock this afternoon
In the old Administration restaurant at
the fair grounds. Interesting demonstra
, tlons In the craft will be given by Miss
IWatklns, who has come out from Cleve
land to take charge of the School of
Metal Work.
T. M. r. A. Leaders to Visit Salem.
H. W. Stone, general secretary; W. E.
Wright, assistant-general secretary, and
I. B. Rhodes, state secretary, of the Port
land T. M. C. A. will go to Salem Satur
day to make arrangements to raise a spe
cial expense fund for the benefit of the
Salem Y. M. c. A.
Ok the West Side cleared acreage for
dividing into lots Is getting scarce. Dr.
Fehrenbach, 241 First street, offers from
one to 20 acres, close in, on electric
line, S-cent fare, and expects to sell all In
less than 30 days.
Do It Now.t-Give the Steel Bridge Fuel
Co. your order for Winter's supply of all
kinds of cord and slab wood. Best goods,
quickest delivery. Phones, East 424; East
574. .
Phonb Main 671 for Olympia Beer,
brewery bottled. Take no substitute,
Olympia Beer Agency, 330 Johnson street,
opposite Union Depot
Dr. B. 3. Mills, optician, eyesight spe
cialist, 111 6ixth street, near Washington.'
Ice Cream free to all at Weiberg
i Ketch ta, 6aurcy afncyn and-eveniDg-...
Hold Memorial Services. At . the
regular semimonthly meeting of Wlnslow
Meade Circle No. 7, Ladies of the G. A.
R., last night at Drew hall, memorial
services were held for the late Mrs.
Nancy McCurdy and Mrs. vJane Luke.
Mrs. Jennie Brown, of Albany, past Na
tional corresponding secretary, made the
memorial address, relating a number of
incidents of the Civil War. - Addresses
were also made by Mrs. J. E. Updike,
president of the Blackman circle at Sell
wood, and Mrs. Mary L. Creigh, of Min
neapolis, Minn. Mrs. Carl Abraham
gave a reading, "He Who Died . at
Prayer." ' The solo, "Memorial Day,"
was rendered by Mrs. T. D. Pollock. .
Will Discuss Charter Changes. A
special meeting of the East Twenty-elghth-Street
Improvement Association
will be held tonight at the Mission-house
on East Twenty-eighth street, for the
purpose of taking up for consideration the
proposed amendments to the city charter
to be voted on. at the coming election, and
other public matters of importance. The
matter of vacating some of the streets In
the Hawthorne's First Addition for pub
lic playgrounds will also be discussed.
The officers of the association hope to
see the property-owners well represented.
Meat Dealers Accept Ice Charges.
The Retail Meat Dealers'" Association held
a well-attended meeting: at Alisky hall
last night, and discussed a number of
matters of Interest to the trade.. The
question of ice charges has been settled
to the satisfaction of all concerned. The
meat dealers realize that with the advance
in wages and other expenses; a higher
scale of lre prices is to be expected.
Therefore, they have no complaint to
make- of the treatment given them by
the Ice man. .
Temperance Meeting Tonioht. There
will be a temperance meetin in the
Tabernacle tent tonight at 8 o'clock. A
large audience Is expected as consider
able pains have been taken to advertise
the meeting. Evangelist Wolfe will de
liver a red-hot Temperance address on
the subject of "How to Fight the Rum
Devils." All Interested In the Temperance
question and In Prohibition are urged
to be present. The tent is at the corner
of Shover street and Albina avenue.
Held on Serious Charge. Sam Nelson,
46 years of age, was arrested late yes
terday afternoon on a charge of assault
The complaint was signed by the mother
of a 4-year-old girl. Many reports have
reached the police from the northern
part of the city of late to the effect
that a strange man has been attempting
to entice away little girls. Nelson de
clared hlmseK Innocent. He was locked
Struck bt Automobile. I. Hachiya, a
Japanese merchant who is associated
with his brother in a general-merchandise
store at First and Burnside streets, was
struck by automobile No. 374, driven by
the owner. G. Whitelay, while crossing
the street In front of the Star Theater
last night. He was not badly hurt, but
was sent to Good Samaritan Hospital by
Dr. Homer I. Keeney. Later he was
taken to his home.
Change op Terminus Russell-Shaver
Line. Commencing June 1st, the Russell
Shaver cars will discontinue running: up
Fifth street to Washington, and will go
up Burnside street to Sixteenth street,
making the terminus at Sixteenth and
Washington streets Instead of Second and
Washington streets.
Admen Meet Tonight. Members of the
Admen's League have been notified to
meet this, evening at 8 o'clock in the
Board of Trade rooms. The special busi
ness to come before the club Is to devise
plans for participation In the approach
ing Rose Fiesta.
Gas, economy gas, better gas, cheaper
gas, gas bills paid at local places; no gas
odors; vote for the 20th-century process;
vote for new company, for competition,
for Economy Gas Company franchise.
St. Mart's Picnic at Cedar Park to
morrow. Everybody invited to spend the
afternoon in pleasant outdoor recreation.
D'Urbano music. Admission 25 Cents;
children, free. '
Resignation is Accepted. At a con
gregational meeting of Piedmont Presby
terian Church last night the resignation
of the pastor. Rev. L. M. Boozer, was
Take a car ride to the new residence
section and see Wlberg Heights. Cars
leave Yamhill station every 15 minutes.
Ice cream for all, Saturday afternoon and
lea Cream end car ride for cooling and
Incidentally see Wlberg Heights, Saturday
afternoon and evening.
Members of the Retail Grocers Associa
tion will close their stores all day Decora
tion day. ' - . .
Don't forget the Ice cream- social at
Wlberg Heights, Saturday afternoon and
Ete Glasses properly fitted, $1. Dr. B.
J. Mills, 111 Sixth, near Washington.
Seaside Elk Crhek, Cannon Beach and
Oceanslde lots. J. Kraemer, 90 5th st.
Boswell Springs open, two miles south
of Drain, on Southern Pacific Raih-oad.
Kodak developing and printing. Ill
Sixth, near Washington. I. L. Cohen.
3000 or 5000 Alaska Pet coal, 16c; must
sell P. O. box 4, city.
Returned to Studio. Aune. Photo.
Board of Trade Also Condemns Dis
trict Improvement Plan.
At a special meeting of the Board of
Trade last evening the report of the Joint
committee composed of representatives
from the Board, Chamber of Commerce,
Federated Trades and Taxpayers' League
was received. This Joint committee has
expressed its opinion on the rejection or
adoption of the proposed amendments and
new ordinances to be voted for in June.
The Board did not in all Instances concur
In the report, and resolved to recommend
to voters that the following measures be
defeated at the polls:
Charter amendment pro Tiding for an Issue
of $3,000,000 In bonds for extension of water
pipe lines and to Install a water meter sys
tem. Charter amendment providing for the im
provement of streets by districts. 1
Charter amendment providing for the re
monstrance of four-fifths of the property af
fected by a street Improvement.
Charter amendment Increasing salaries of
members of City Council.
An act to create a board of engineer ex
aminers and provide qualifications for secur
ing engineer's licensee.
An act regulating installation, operation
and maintenance of electric wires, and - for
appointment of an electric inspector.
An act granting the Economy Gas Company
a franchise for 25 years.
An act increasing license fees of retail
liquor dealers to $800 and limiting number of
saloons to one for every 500 population.
An act prescribing license fee for wholesale
dealers who are engaged In certain other
The Board passed -a resolution recom
mending that all the other proposed
amendments and acts be voted upon fa
Flreboat Saves Property Adjoining
Wrena's East Side Plant.
The waterfront on the Bast Side, south
of the Morrison-street- bridge, was
threatened by a fire which broke out In
the Wrenn trunk factory at the foot of
East Taylor street about 11 o'clock last
night. The flreboat George H. Williams
undoubtedly saved the adjoining build
ings and confined the fire to the engine
room and one of the dry kilns of the
trunk factory. When the boat got into
action the stronghold of the flames was
literally deluged. ,
The, flames. discovered .b.p.ep.uty
. . Your mind will be relieved if you
know that your "
And other valuable articles are in
a place of safety."
Vaults are Fire and Burglar-proof,
thoroughly ventilated and per
. fectly free from dampness.
' :m
by Mail
Oregon Trust 6 Savings Bank
Sixth and Washington Streets, Portland, Oregon.
Sheriff Andrews, who Is employed, as a
watchman, in that district. He turned in
an alarm from box 213 at East Morrison
and-Water: streets.
The firemen on shore and on the river
arrived at about the same time, and it
soon became apparent that they had the
fire confined to a limited space and that
there vft-as no danger of It spreading.
Samuel E. Wrenn, president and princi
pal owner of the; factory, could not be
located last night, but persons familiar
with- the contents of the engine-room and
burned property estimate the loss at
J20.000. All the machinery in the. factory
was new, having been purcha-sed last
Fall. The factory had been in opera
tion but a -short time.
Bound Over for Killing of Henry
Hans Holt's expectations of dismissal at
his preliminary examination for the kill
ing of Henry Robinson fell short, of
realization yesterday forenoon when
Judge Cameron held him to the grand
jury. The charge was fixed as that of
involuntary manslaughter.
Arguments had been presented tending
to connect the case with a provision of
the statutes which Justifies unintentional
killing in the heat of passion under pro
vocation. The court took the stand that
Holt committed an unlawful act when he
struck Robinson and that the death
which followed Inadvertently was the re
sult of this blow. The amount of bond
was not set.
G. A. Webb, a real -estate dealer of
Silverton; Is at the Imperial.
W. F. Matlock, a Pendleton capital
ist. Is registered at the Imperial.-:
Grand Republican Rally, Ringler's Hall,
East Morrison and Grand avenue, Fri
day, 8 P. M. ,
Hear Devlin's position on Campaign Is
sues, Ringler's Hall. East Morrison and
Grand avenue, Friday, 8 P. M.
Frank Metschan. of Canyon City, is
visiting his father, Phil Metschan,
proprietor of the Imperial hotel.
Mrs. E. J. Kubll has returned to her
home at Jacksonville after visiting her
daughter. Mrs. Phil Metschan, Jr.
Chris Longdeau, of Texas, is visiting
at the home of his cousin, Joseph
Paquet, on the East Side. Both were
boys together in St. Paul, Minn., and
attended the same school 60 years ago.
Mr. Paquet came to Oregon in 1852
and Mr. Longdeau went to Texas. They
have met now for the first time since
AH the delicacies of the season at the
Portland Restaurant: fine private apart
ments for parties. 305 Wash., near 6th.
Ministers, Lawyers, Teachers and
others whose occupation gives little
exercise, should use Carter's Little
Liver Pills for torpid liver and bilious
ness. After shaving, when the skin la wet, apply
Satin ikin cream. Soothes and heals. 2-ir.
Barbers' Supply Co.
Morrison and 10th Sts.
The right place to purchase Raaora and
Basor Strops. First-class grinding promptly
The man vho bought his piano elsewhere and never called at our
store to see what we could do for him, easily lost $100.
Wouldn't you go a block to save $100? That is practically what
it means a saving of $100 to every one who has bought a piano at
our great "Sacrifice Sale" while we are remodeling our store.
It will pay j'ou to see them and also our player pianos finest
and largest assortment in the city.
Sale lasts only a few days more. Open every evening.
Hovenden-Soule Piano Co.
(Successors to Soule Bros.),
SCHNAPPS If the Order la Large Enough
R. N. NASON & COMPANY Are Closing Out Their
Retail Stock at Less Than Cost
Phone 169 44 and 46 Sixth Street, North, Between Coach and Davis
Reflect the skill of your den
tist. Crown and bridge work,
inlavs and plates that fit require
the greatest skill. At this office
you take no risk. You always
secure the best treatment that it
is possible to obtain. , ,
Twenty years' active practice
in this citv allows me to speak
with authority .. on I everything
pertaining to my profession.
Teeth extracted witaout causing;
the slightest pain.
W. A. WISE, Dentist
T. P. Wise & H. A. Sturdevant
Shorthand as Taught at The
Portland Business College
Is a Marvel c! Simplicity
Can be learned quickly, written rapidly, read
easliy. Call or write for full particular. Our
Business Course
Includes everything one should study In order
to become a first-class bookkeeper. Bach branch
la presented by a specialist. Reputation for
Thorough Work
has created a constant demand for our gradu
ates more calla for help than we can meet.
It pays to attend our school. Catalogue free.
Portland Business College
Tenth and Morrison.
A. P. Armstrong, LL. B., Principal.
Eee him concerning your eyes.
129 Sevemth St., aear Alder.
Crowns and Bridge
work C3.O0.
OH2.0S Full Bet of
Teeth, $6.00.
Dentist, .
. Room 405 Dekam
tan im. I tLiiliJ m imi
To rt tnslde the hat question
see our stock.
Whatever style you fancy is
Whatever ' style of, face you
tarry we carry the hat that cor
responds. Today Panama Hats genuine
South American Importations
$5, $7.50, $10
f& LION $35
. (CttSKuhnProp
168 and 168 Third St.
Mohair It Bids;.
Our stock Is complete, comprising; the
latest and best productions of the
Talking; Machine World.
345 Washington Street, Portland, Or.
Arrowhead Hot Springs
Ban Bernaidlno County. California.
Elevation 2)00 feet: new hotel: water
and mud tsths. Writ for booklet.
gchwab Printing Co.
$1 Downjk.
$1 Per Pfe
ft'V.V HI w fan
v-aH A ;
97(en's jfcoicicu jtttre
THE most fitting: and proper apparel for
all occasions for men of all ages the
youth, the man in prime or the man of
declining- years.
THE advantages of our enormous selec
tion can hardly be overestimated. We
control the agencies of the finest lines in
America. Every garment is backed by our
personal guarantee.
H mint vii"mmnniumi
- Founded 1864.
Capital paid up $4,000,000.00
Surplus and undivided profits.$10,293,034.19
Portland Branch:
Chamber of Commerce Bldg.,
' Third and Stark Sts. .
On Savings Accounts 4 per cent
On Term Certificates
Subject to 30 days' notice. .'. . .3 per cent
For a year fixed 4 per cent
Denver, Omaha, Kansas Cltr, Bait Lake. Dallas, Tex. ForMaad. Or. t
Ul Blxtn SC. YXiOTD W. BitOWIB, BIc Oreconlan Bids.
CONCERTS At 3:00, 3il5 and 8:00. lOtOO P. M.. by Sohllaonyl's
Imperial Hungarian Hassan. Tally-ho Parade, Noon Today.
"They created a senaatlon at Willow Grove." Phlla. if. American.
"A mnslnU acirreatioa that plays White City has the stamp of high
est merit." Chicago Post.
A Most Remarkable and Historically Authentic Curiosity of the
' ' Tellow Sen.
Cars from First and Alder every R minutes from 10 o'clock
Thursday. Oaks Flyer foot of Yamhill street.
That we are held and firmly bound
to fit all eyes that can be reached
with lenses. a
! -.