THE 3IORNTXG OREGOXIAN, TUESDAY, MAT 14, 1907. 13 FALSELY GHMGES GIRL WITH THEFT J. McPherson Has Companion Arrested After He Has Been Drinking. IS CENSURED IN COURT Harry MeXabb and Pat Murphy Brine On Misfortune by Vseless Fight Judge Advises Early Riser to Buy a Watch. Any yoyng woman who is Invited out S.peafter by J. McPherson should do one of two things decline the invitation with thanks or consent to accompany him only on condition he can establish he ha.3 not been drinking. McPherson does some very peculiar things after having favored tils constitution with a nip or two. Possibly the moet peculiar of these peculiar things was his action in taking a young woman to the theater and hav ing her arrested afterwards beeause he 3idn't have carfare. Rather than admit was Jinaneially embarrassed McPher son made a scene in which he declared 'dramatically he had been robbed. And to make the bluff a iittie stronger he accused the young woman of the theft. Now. the episje.e might have ended as very unpleasant incident, with no seri ous consequences, except that the lm--fvecicou' and ill-mannered youth carried .the matter a little too far. When people In the restaurant where the scene- took place Insisted he musr be mistaken, Mc Pherson Insisted on calling in the police. And the policeman did not argue the tact, but very promptly and unexpectedly .took the young people to the police sta tion. Here Mcfner son stood by the ac cusation, being un Tnoved by the young woman's tears and hysterical denials that she had done anything wrong. McPherson didn't Just know got the money was in hi pnckPt. S brushed a thread off Ills shoulder, and fK: - 'J -v I t " 1 i!- how she l!R;jf !)"' ( i Tvr;v f Ji:- - . ' : i s well, the next thing he knew it was gone. He was sure she bad taken It. There was no other way. He didn't know whether the girl wasTionest or not. He had met her only the week before and understood she was a clerk In a -department store. It was a humiliated and shamefaced young man who appeared in the Munici pal Court yesterday forenoon to prose cute Miss Ida Harbor for the alleged theft. When the ease was called by Judge Cameron, McPherson said he would not testify against the young woman. He did not think on calmer reflection that she could have taken the money. He said very sheepishly that he had been drinking before he went out with. Miss Harbor and accused her of theft. Whether he had $14 or not on the night In question he could not say. "You ought to know what you are do ing before you bring a charge of this kind," said Judge Cameron. "The fact you were drinking Is no excuse for your conduct. - Miss Harbor will be dismissed, and you will be helduntil you have staid an the costs In this case." Deputy City Attorney Fitzgerald looked disgustedly at the ungallant person and others in the court favored him with their most contemptuous looks. But none said anything unpleasant to him possibly because the English language does not at present contain an adjective fitted to meet the emergency. , Charles Wallace, a flashily dressed per son whose ancestors date back to Zanzi bar or Congo, was sentenced to buy a new watch. It happened this way: Early yester day morning Wallace was seen hovering about the deserted streets of the North End. An enterprising policeman who is working for a better shift saw the chanoe to tally one and took the wayfarer along on the charge of be ing out after mid night. When the station was reached Wallace indignantly drew out his watch and demonstrated that the bour was pa9t 6 A. M. He had toeen awakened, by the cravings of his appetite and was hunting a restaurant when found. The mere fact that the colored person's watch was running more than four hours ahead of time made no difference except to Wallace. He was locked up Just the same. But when the matter was called before Judge Cameron he failed to see that the owning of an over-active time piece constitutes a breach of the law, eo he let him off. "You'd better get a new watch, though," said the court. "That one seems rather inclined to break the speed limit." Harry McNabb and Pat Murphy do not know each other, and their only motive for figbtlng was precisely the same as that which brings two . dogs together. They were walking on Second street when they chanced to collide. Civilized The sun shines longer in Rose City. Park than in most other parts of Port land. Long after twilight shadowF have enveloped the East and "West Sides, brilliant sunshine floods this pretty plateau, where far-sighted home makers are building for future health and happiness. . . The shn comes earlier and stays later and what does this mean to the chil dren 7 Simply this : Cheery sunshine bids 1 them "good morrow," fills their rooms and warms the' air for the little folks JOT : "-T( i( SELECT YOUR LOT WHILE CHOICE IS POSSIBLE. OUR AUTOS ARE AT THE SERVICE OF PROSPECTIVE BUYERS HARTMAN & THOMPSON BANKERS rA..l'l1ll.'-Jiri-llll'. 'lit" ig.e.v.f,-. persons would have apologized profusely, laughed a little and thus ended the in cident. But not so with. Harry SlcXabb and Pat Murphy. One wanted to know why the other didn't look where he was going. The other wanted to know the same thins. Then they exchanged the courtesies of their kind and went at It. None will grieve when it is stated that they beat each other unmercifully, spent the night in a foul cell at the City Jail and were fined J10 apiece in the Municipal Court yesterday forenoon. SEEKS TO LOCATE PLANT Castern Firm May Manufacture Gas oline Engine Here. As one of the results of the advertising done by the Chamber of Commerce re" yarding manufacturing1 opportunities in Oregon, a promoter writing from Stevens Point, Wis., says that a company has been formed for the manufacture of auc tion gas producers, gas and gasoline en gines, both stationary- and marine, and traction engines. The new company Is looking for sv suit able location and has written for Infor mation regarding a supply of raw ma terial and the extent to which local capi tal might be Interested in the company in case this locality is chosen. The chamber will take up the matter through its manufacturing - committee whenever assured the projectors will meet any reasonable offer. Eugene Willis, representing a Portland house In the CoQuille River district, in writing to Secretary Glltner of the Cham ber of Commerce says that Portland Is losing a great opportunity in not putting on a steamer line. He says that the Ban Francisco steamer Elizabeth on her last trip brought up a full cargo of freight and that the captain remarked he had left behind as much more. Mr. i Willis says the towns are growing rapid ly Three large sawmills are being bullt: three schooners searing completion, bot tom lands are being cleared and at &1! the hotels Has tern capitalists are to be found who are looking for timber lands, taking options on old coal mines and locations for business concerns. ' Con tinuing he writes: "The business is here, the merchants want to trade in Portland, and. placed on an even basis, Portland could take' the bulk of the trade." Plvislonlsta Win Another Paint. HOQTJIAM, Wash.. May 13. (Special.) County divislonists In this oity are elated this evening over the temporary injunc tion served by Samuel Benn and wife, of Aberdeen, stopping the payment of $5000 voted by the County Commissioners to Lawyers Ashton and Able to fight the division of Chehalis County. DAILY METEOBOIyOGICAL REPORT. PORTLAND. May 18. Maximum tempera ture, 64 degrees; minimum, 47. River read ing at 6 A. M , 11. ft feet; change In last 24 hours, 0.6 foot. Total precipitation. 5 P. M. to 5 P. M. none. Total precipitation since Fptpmhftr 1, !S0ft. 41.71 1nchw: normal. SUNSHINE FOR THE CHILDREN in- Eoae City Park homes, because this beautiful suburb lies above the dank mists which nightly lower upon the river-skirting lowlands and the almost sunless northern slopes of the West Side. This is especially true in Winter. By the time the mists have risen from the valley to the plane of Rose City Park, the sun has so warmed the air that the dampness has lost its chill, bringing only the restful moisture which makes luxuriant verdure and robust children, with steady nerves and rosy cheeks. 9 a Version. i "'Hr"f V. ' "'1 CHAMBER OF COMMERCE THE y. few fli PORTLAND MODIBN BUVtAXJsVASTT. OOOT ODTE MTLXION SOIXABaV HOTEL OREGON CORNER SEVENTH AND STARK STREETS. Z Z PortlancFa New'and Modern HoteL Rates $1 per Day and Up. Z Z European Plan. Free But. Z Z WRIGHT-DICKINSON HOTEL CO, Props. HOTEL PERKINS Fifth and Washington Streets PORTLAND, -OREGON EUROPEAN PLAN . W. UTDB, rvasUos St Charles Hotel - CO. (INCORPORATED) Front and Morrison Streets, PORTLAND OR. EUROPEAN PLAN ROOMS SOc TO $1.50 FIRST-CLASS RESTAURANT IN tONWMuu" 43SO; o.nSUWry. O.TB Inch. Total sunshine Mav 12. 10 hours 34 minutes; possible sun shin.. 14 hour. S minute.. Barometer (re duced to sea level) at P. M.. 80.22 inches. WEATHER CONDITIONS. A niBh pressure area, central over West ern Washing-ton controls the weather in the North Pacific States and under Its Influence the rains have ceased, the skies have cleared of cloud, and the temperature has risen In sll districts except In the PuR.t Sound country, where It has remained nearly sta tionary. The Indications are for fair and warmer weather in this district Tuesday. FORECASTS. Portland and vicinity Fair and warmer; northerly winds. Western Oregon and Western Washing ton Fair. warmer, except near the im mediate coast northerly winds. Eastern Ore iron, Eastern Washington and Idaho Tuesday, fair and Mrmer. EDWARD A. BEAT..S, District Foreca t ey. sjT"f ' The natural growth of fir and other trees at Rose City Park provides welcome shade, where de sired, as early purchasers will be able to select lots with trees well placed. This will permit abundance of air and sun around the house, while groups of trees and shrubbery on the lawn make picturesque back grounds and form secluded, restful nooks for ham mocks and lawn seats. r IUI9UMTHI ftl TIMUTt Ml cOMEiciu. rureiitt families awl sina-l aBtlesMSk The saaoaseiiiuas will K flMd as all tunes to n.w us m A rasdn prlees. Tnrkti risk sath e- UbIUliant Is the B. JO. BOVEB8. Vtrss-dass Check If nnlain sal Oosnasotod With Hassi. C. . DAVTB, M sal IMS AUCTION SAXES TODAY. Today at GUman's Auction Rooms, 411 Washington st. st 10 o'clock A. M. 8. I N. Gllman, auctioneer. " . Today at Baker's Auction House, cor. Aider and Park t.. furniture, carpets, etc. Sale at 10 A. M. Baker Son. auctioneers. MEETING NOTICES. A. & A. 8. RITE. OREGON LODGE OF PERFECTION NO. 1 Special meeting In Auditorium, Scottish Rite Cathedral, this evening at 8 o'clock Work In 4th. 6th, and 8th degree. By order TEN. MASTER. VEREIX F.INTRACHT All members are Invited to attend the funersl-of our late mem ber Oeorge Zittmayer, at 2 o'clock P. M. to day (Tuesday). Assemble at Hohnan's funeral parlors. 8d and Salmon. G. H. STEBEIjS, Preenrtent. GEO. HAROLD, Secretary. BOYS' AND GIRLS' AID SOCITTTY The 22d annual meeting of the members will be held on Tuesday evening. May 2let. in the parlors of the Associated Charities, 305 Jef ferson st.. when reports will be submitted, trustees elected and such other business as may be brought before the meeting. F. E. BEACH, Secretary. HAWTHORNE LODGE NO. Ill, A. F. & A. M. Special com munication this (Tuesday) even ing. Burkhard building. Work in the M M decree. Visiting breth ren welcome. By order of the W. M. C. E. MILLhiB, sec. ELLISON ENCAMPMENT NO. 1. I. O. O. F Reg.lar meeting this (Tuesday) even ing M.v H- 1B07 ni 8:00 o'clock. Odd Fel low's' Temple. First and Alder sts. Golden Rule Decree. Visitors welcome. Members urg.d to attend. E. E. SHARON, Scribe. IVANHOE NO 1. K. OF P. Regular meet ing Tuesday evening at 8 P. M. at K. of P. castle, llta and Alder. Esquire rank. BMMKTT E. ELLIS. NOTICE A special meeting of the Iron Moulders' Union, IW, will oe nein M Aiu"Ky Hall, 3d and Morrison, tonight (Tuesday), May 14, at 8 P. M. WIRTUSD RETAIL MEAT DEALERS' ASSOCIATION meets tonight, Allsky bidg. Im portant business. PUD. EITTMATER Georse Zittmayer. May 12. seed 75 years 2 months. Funeral Tues day, May 14, from Holmsn's undertaking parlor, at 2 P. M. Friends Invited. SINGER At St. Vincent's Sanitarium, April i:. Grant Berkley Singer, aged & years. 10 months and Is days. DICK In this city, May 5. Ellsa Dick, aged o7 year. Funeral notlc. hereafter. rUKT. HAIj notices. WOL.FB At Sn TVftivoteco, May 10, Clar E. Wolfe, lter of Mt. John Kloflterman an Mr. F. J. Alex Mavfr. Funeral .serv ices will be h.d At Cathedral. 15th and Davifl tftreetathta CTuesuay) mominfc at o'clock. Friends Invite?. Interment at Riv- ervlew Cemetery private. BT EMM EV In- thl city. May 13. at the family residence. &i Fount n .street. Edward Mar tin Stemme, 27 yars, 3 month. 9 cays, son of Eva and the late EL J. w Stemme. Funeral eervicea private, which wiFI be held at Lone Fir Cemetery at 9 A. M. today (Tuesday), May 14. Pleasa omit nowers. 6TONB In this city. May 12. at the family rMdnce. Kajt Harrison st.. May A. fitone, daughter of C. G. and Annie Stone. aged 16 yearn, 9 months and 1 day. The funeral services will be held at Greenwood Cemetery at about 11 A. M. today. KRTCK80K In this city. May 13, at tha family reidnee. 809 xvaahinaton i Margaretta K rick son, aed 4." years. A months and 17 days. The funeral services will be held at the above residence at P. M. today. Friends invited. Interment River A Jew. J. P. FINXiEY SOV, Funeral Directors. o. 261 d st.p or. Madison. Fbone Main 9. Paimlnc. Mcltntea GUbanch. Funeral 01 rectora, 7th Pine. Ftaona M. 430. Lady nasi. ERIC BOX TTXPERTAKING CO.. 400 Alder . Lady assutaot. JTiiona Main 13S. EDWARD HOtMAH CO.. Funermf Dlrst ra, tt9 Sd st. Lady aaslatant. Phona M. ftOI. KEIXER-BYltNES CO.. Funeral Dlree4 an, S7B Ktuscii. JKaac ivsb. ijloj aaaistan. F. ft. DTJNXTTCO. tmderteker. 414 Akler. Lady avealstant. Phone East U. CLASSIFIED AD. RATES (FOB. CASH ADVERTISING.) Followtnt: rates will ba sfven only when advert Ulna la ordered to ran consecutive onya. Dally and Sunday issue. The Or0 nlan charga first-time rate each tnaertlon for class tiled advert) alng that la not ran on conaecntlve days. The flrat-tlme rate is charged for each insertion 1b The Weekly Oreajonlan. - "Rooma,- "Rooms and Board, "Honse keenlna; Rooms." "Situations Wanted," IS words or leas, 15 oenta; Id to 20 words, 20 cents; 21 to 25 words, 2ft cents, etc. Jio discount for additional insertions. Matrlmontal aad clairvoyant ads oae-tlroe rst.earh tnaertlon. TJTKR ALL OTHER HEADS, except New Today, 30 ocnts for 15 words or least 10 to 20 words, 40 crate- 21 to 85 words, 50 cents, etc. first Insertion. Each additional maertioa, one-ha If j wo-further discount un der one moBtta. "XEW TODAY gwg9 measure agrafe). 15 cents per line, first Insertion; 10 oenta per line for cacn additional insertion. ANSWERS TO ADVERTISEMENTS, ad dressed care The Oregon iao, and left at tbis office, should always be incioaed In sealed envelopes. No stamp 1 required on such letters. The Oregon is n will not be responsible for errors in advertisements taken threush the Phone Mala 2 Geo, L. Raker, Gen. Mr. ' Permanently located The famous Baker Theater Company. Presenting all this week Clay Clement idyllic comedy "THE NEW DOMINION." A beautiful story of Old Virginia. Staso vndF personal direction Arthur Mackley. Matinee Saturday. Evening 35e. s;.c, B0c. Matineelc, -'.c. Next W Mk "A CUSTRA I U w n . MARQUAM GRAND Fhoas Mala I0?. iv. Nlirhts. Saturd.y an Bunfl.y Mstln... lommenclns; Wednesday Ev.nlng. May 15 SAX rRAXCISCO OFERA COMPANV IN "FAXTASA." Prices. 2Sc. SOc. TRc. M.tlnee. 25c and 50e. Btx Office open from 10 A. M. to 10 P. M. EMPIRE THEATER Main IT. M 1 noil w. Beam. a. mauaso.. Tonlrht all week the greatest modern Meioarania "THE WHITE CAPS. A thrllllnir and IntenM story of Kentucky outlawry. Pull strength of the popular Seaman Stock Company. Direction Mr. Herbert Ashton. Matinees weanosaay anu gaturday. Night 10c. 20c, 3c. 50c. Matinee lOc rJOc THE GRAND Week ot May 13 . Vandrr'lla, l)e Luxe The Baker Troupe. Maryeloos Comedy. - Acrobatic Bicyclists. Special Added Featm-e. HCHROOE MUI.VKY Harry W. Babb Co. Th. Bennett Sisters. Barrington. Harry A. Brown. Krederlc Roberta (irandincope. LYRIC THEATER Phma Mttln 46S5 ' This Week the Allen Stock Company Pre senting tne ifw c.eniMn.iu". cira ma Success. BEHIND THK MASK. Matinees Tue.dav. Thursday. Saturday and Sunday. Prices 10c. 20c. Every even- ,ng at s:to. r"rtces xuc. ana ow. r i ..... h. nhnn Main 46S5. Of' flee open from 10 A. M. to 10 P. M. THE STAR Main's. THK WA8H1XGTOX STftEKT STOCK CO. Presents the Great Scentc Drama "DEVIL'S ISLAND," In Five Acts. Founded on th. Great Dreyfus Case. Matinees Tuesdays, Thursdays, Saturdays and Sundays. Prices lflc and 20c. ir..rv .venlni at 8:15. Prices 10c 2O0 and SOc. Reserve seats by phone. Main 5498. After May 1st The Dre gonian will discontinue furnishing clippings of ad vertisements inserted un der headings of New To day, or in the classified columns. Advertisers who do not keep a record of their advertising may check up their statements from the files of The Ore gonian in business office. XEW TODAY. A Cosy Home One of the swellest bungalows in the city for the monay: built 4 months; rooms all tinted; woodwork finished in mission; china closet built in ; nice lawn, roses ; cement founda tion; full basement; Albina avenue, within one block of two carlines; $6.)0 down, balance $20 per month. Price, $2690. Tousley 5 Weaver 11-12 Lafayette Bidg., 313l- Washington St., corner 6th. Phones Main 6961; Home, A2747. Call at our office and get one of the city maps free. $32,500 For corner on Washington street, 100x100 feet. This is a snap. Rountree&Diamond 241 STARK ST., Cor. 2d. FINE COTTAGE AT SEASIDE FOR SALE I have decided to place on the market my cottage at Seaside, Clatsop Beach, overlooking the ocean, 300 yards north of the ' Moore HoteL Well furnished, commodious, well built, well ar ranged, electric-lighted; city wa ter, with bath, etc., and in all respects an ideal beach home. Edgar B. Piper, 808 Oregonian Bidg Fortune in This Ittt-acre farm, lomi cleared, balance pn.iy; 4 -room mew) house, barn, chicken houne, pood well, Johnson Creek runs acrons land, level road to city, miles S. of E. from city, mile O. W. P. K. R. No gravel; aotl the best. Price and terms see ua soon. J. L. Wills Co. 306 Chamber of Commerce Btdg. $3QOO A splendid modern home with 60x120 feet. Rodney are., close to three carUnea. Tbls is a anap. Terms. GEO. D. 8CHALK, Tel. Main 302. 264 Stark St. WHICH IS BERT T AI.DER SPRINGS' aer.s at (TOO .to (800. sight full lots to th. arre, or $600 p.r lot, two mile, further out. whlrh equals $5000 per acre. Sea Dr. Cardwell. 50 OrrRonlan bldr. UNCLE MTBR8 LOAN OPFICB, 14 ID at., near Alder, established 1870; old and reliable; any amount loaned on watches, diamonds, jewelry and sealaklna. GKOROB BLACK. TTBLIC ACCOUNTANT. SIS Woroest.r Bulldlnc PSaa. rsstfts Utti. Baker Theater XEW TODAY. H.W. LEMCKE COf. Special Snaps $5000 Quarter block and good eight-room house at East Seventh and Til- lamook. This is a rare bargain. $1300 Home on East Twenty-fifth St. and full lot. One' block from W.-W. car. $8000 Fine home and lot 75x100, in the bes& part of Irrington. $10,006 Quarter block on Grand avenue, closed to Madison-street bridge. H. W. LEMGKE COMPANY) Sixth and Washington. Main 550. A 2537' A FEW SPECIAL BARGAINS Itf VACANT LOTS' $21,000 , A splendid buy. 2 blocks from wa' terfront, one block of terminal yards, in North Portland corner, 100x100, Terms, $8500; balance easy. $7250 100x100 feet, at southwest corneif of 22d and Thurman streets; a find bargain. $5500 Fine location for flats; 50x100 ft., on south side of Flanders street, be- tween 20th and 21st streets. $2100 100x150 feet on Failing street, irj Albina Homestead, between Union and Williams avenue carlines. , THE TITLE GUARANTEE & - TRUST CO. 240 Washington Street, cor. Second, 4-Snaps -4 Snap No. 1 . . $36oo Rental, hi per month ; south on 7th at Snap No. 2 . $10,500 50 JVet frontai? on JeffraAn nar Is. St.; fW fet square;' some income; chance) to make 50 per cent In lesa than one year can't fall. Snap No. 3 . $15,000 Six blocka from City Hall; lot 80x100, witM building containing 22 apartments; gooa revenue-producer. Snap No. 4 . $1 6,50a Fractional lot near the Hotel Oregon n$ Stark st. ; cnanc to double your money J sure result, F. BRESKE 444 SHERLOCK BLDG. Fine Investment Corner in the heart of tha business district, with three story brick building. Leased to responsible tenant and earning over 7 per cent net $50,000 will handle this. Rountree6Diamond 241 STARK ST., Cor. 2d. EXTRA CHOICE HOUSES FOR SALE N.w and mod.rn In .very p&rttculai Prices, from S3000 to $30,000. Th.y are with', out doubt the best located and most deslra. ble properties In Portland that are for sals. Properties situated In Irvlnfton Con. at th. finest and prettiest bungalows In tho city). Mount Tabor, Willamette Heights, North 24th st. And Lovejoy st. Also soma' choice building lots. For particulars call as my law office, 609 Chamber of Commero. bids;. r GEORGE! W. HAZEN. CLOVERDALE Three fine building lots; close flCDf! to Union ave 9l0UU Two lota on Alnswort.h ave- JQQ Building lots In Woodlawn Heights; all near carline, nrn per lot 5JDU Two lota on Alberta at.; on car- tQCft line and newly Improved at OOOU Buy where there are already estab lished ca.r service and good homes. A. E. BORTHWICK 316 Chamber of Commerce. $1875 Buys Six-room House and lot 60x100 at bargain. Owner is forced to sacrifice . it. On newly Improved street and all improvements paid. Only two blocka from Brockin'g new fire engine liouse. Desirable neighborhood and walking; distance to town. " One block from Brooklyn school. If Interested call after 6:30 P. M. at 567 East 16th street South. No agent's commission to pay. Will take less for cash. $1750 LOVEJOY STREET 25x100. Between 23rd1 an1 24th, bfflnnlny 1!Wl ftfj wffst of the southwest corner of 23rd and Lov1oy ets. For particulars phon Jlaixk 4 Beno A BaiUa,