, , . , - - ; ; . . . " ' . . . ' , ..'- ' . . - ..- v. - : ' - - THE MORNING OREGONIAN, MONDAY, MAY 13, 1907. . 11 HELP WANTED I EX ALE. FOB BENT. I FOR BENT. PERSONAL. BUSINESS CHANCES. BIT BIN ESS CHANCES. BFSXXE8S DIRECTORY. Rooms. Hnm. LADIES. ONE WORD WITH TOtJ 2J ROOMING-HOUSE HEADQUARTERS. SALE OR EXCHANGE SI FG. BUSINESS: Hat Factories. - ; years of successful practice In Portland In ELLIS YORK ft CO, large profits, no experience: owner has THE COMMERCIAL. THREE 6 AND T-ROOM COTTAGES. WEST the treatment of diseases peculiar to worn- other Interests here and Alaska; price MO. PANAMA HATS BLEACHED, BLOCKED. . Nicely furnished rooms, single at Bide of river, furnished or unfurnished, rea- en sbould be sufficient guarantee to thoes Rooms 20 and 21 Cambridge Bid. $.00 this week only: saloon; license paid for 8,1; hats made to order. M 3d. nr. Pine. suite. $2 per week up: steam heat, hot sonable; also furnished housekeeping; suites. seeking the aid of an experienced phy- 204 Morrison at.. S. W. Cor. Third. July; goctd location; rent $40. . YOUNG LADIES WVNTED snd cold water; free baths, "fre. phone: 8 and $10 month. Apply 34 North 26th. slclan and surgeon. I have assisted nun- C. . NELSON', 329 Burneide St. Harness and Saddles. Tn i farn T flephov P" dining-room In connection; transients so- Willamette Heights cars to 26th, turn south dreds of anxious and suffering women. I BUT NOW- DO NOT DELAY 7" Z . . , - OPERAT1W KO O D lictted; open all night: best locaUon la the half block. can assist you. IX in trouble, no matter It , tt to get i ROOMING-HOrsE TE CONSOLIDATED INTU6TRY CO.. IHE OKORGI LAWRSNCB CO., WHOLE- SAT ART RHO.RT cy; ffic. an reading-room .round r from what cause, call on old Dr. J. D. in the var 1907 GET ITNOff Several Buchanan bldg.. make a specialty of selling sal. saddle and harness mfs.. leather and HOURS PAT WHIL- floo-. 488 Washington. 6-ROOM HOUSE FOR RENT ON 10TH ST., Gray, the old reliable specialist: no charge very excellent houses have been listed manufacturing industries: if your plant a saddlery hardware. SO-86 1st. Main 220. lPiRvim. TiiSr i bet. Tillamook and Thompson. Call 80 6th for consultation or advice. 251 Alder . with u T at a low figure n4 others have for sale, or you need additional capital, call SERVED FREE OF ' HfUvf "Xdmiuglor St-rk. Sherlock-? Woerndle. corner Sd.. Portland. Or. C-rraspond.nc. ?ut In "prld fo?QUI?J- SALE, "that snd see us. All business strlcUy nfi-en- Junk. Hide, and Pelta. OpTrATtIlY llr tPpf MODERN 5-ROOM COTTAGE, CENTRAL. T confidential. ne"" want i? avofd" nubflclty ""reuses ' L- SHANK ft CO.. PURCHASERS OP " ?tfnvR ?i t wfst trie light, phone in every rfom; suite. With West Side, choice location, very reason- DR. MART LANK. wU? not beVheaner thi. vear than the? IT-TC-DATB STOCK GENERAL hides, pelts, wool, furs, tallow, old rub- PARK Axl) ALDER EaT - on ab.e. Key 3,8 Park at. , -IJW woe 0e8.! SSrkSX, """" - Fo-lsned glthSff. w?trn1.tr.,1wirbne?ne'mWar.t.bCo6mre ' C- C'" Machinery. HOTEL OXFORD. 6TH AND OAK. " THOROUGHLY MODERN 5-ROOM FLAT, Ur co'-sulfaUo'n TewrMpondencribsolut.W . ?hW "ou t;0fd.h.0",,e fi """El R SALE FIRST-CLASS ICE CREAM. R TRENKMAN ft CO.. MINING. SAWMILL. New brick, steam, hot and cold running nictl furnished throughout, with use of confidential; maternity ses given special 5?L n..h.? .r, "i, i. "rT. ""ectionery and oyster business; fixtures logging machinery. Wnullo im cast- ; water and electric lights in every room. piano. $40 per month. Call 741 Northrup attention. Sanitarium and offices. 25$ ran"? Jrf.n o?, .n Kd miinm" cSmplete 8' U Voung. togs, all kind, repaired. 104 N. 4th. ATTENTION. , tnj, yet quSel So carlSieS' Per dajr. 1. between 22d and 23d sts. Alder, corn., 3d. Portland. Or. Phon. Mai. , " Phone 551, Hood K.ver. uregon, Leather and Findings, Applicant, for all kind, of work, reglater S1.50. W- 7a9 H(1TT NEAR 21T) TIIRNIBHED ; FOR SALE-RESTAURANT AND LUNCH with us. free of charge. o we may local. house T rooms Vent reasonable Can or ' counter on Washington: lease, good place J. A. STROWBRIDGB LEATHER CO. Es- TOO on short sotlce. HOTEL KENTON. 18TH AND WASH. STS. "hone Vpiiln.. a?ter 780 Main 1 1 1 T ' for a partners; will stand strictest urveetl- tabllshed 1858. Leather and findings; HANSEN'S LADIES' AGENCT. Modern rooms, single and en suite; also P n; enlngs after 7.80. Main 1117. FINANCIAL. . gation; 750. F 83. Orego.ian. Stockton sole leather and cut stock; full i I1S Washington st., cor. Jth. upstair housekeeping; running water; private and ; ' line Eastern Jumbo. 189 Front at. i .TI.P . free baths; rates reasonable. Paclflo 484. mTr linnu rnTT.cr tm na np 5J- uCT .-xr EEEEB I I CIGAR AND NEWS STAND. EXCELLENT BARGAIN FOR DENTIST: . ' CHINESE COOKS, DISHWASHERS, FIVE-ROOM COTTAGE, .BATH . GAS. OF- MM MM O O NN N E T T CIGAR AND NEWS STAND. best location: eetabitohed; eell cheap; well CHAS. U MASTICK 4 CO.. FRONT AND waiters, waitresses, Vancouver and THE WILLAMETTE. 322 STARK. S. W P Urh h': gjk Ald'r' Archer " MM MO O NN N E T Y Mak) . an 0fer f th c, and equipped office, good will, etc Dentist. 86 Oak eta Leather and skin, of .very d" I -Springs"; waitresses, city. The Dalles. Cor. 6th St. Well furnished rooms, largo fachana Co., Bth and Oak. M M MO ONNN EEE TY newB ,tana at 101 Slxth cor 0( stark. North Main ., Butte, Mont. acrlptlon for all purposes; sole and tas Heppner, Coast; chambermaids; married and light; single or en suite; transients; 50o ., : ?J JJ J " " J J It pays, but must selL For particulars i cutters' findings. couple (farm); grubbers (brush land). 50 to $1; by week, S2 to 5. Pacific 1286. Houses to, BernFurniture, for Bale, M M M O O N N N E T Kpai,, out mun ,el1- ror "ucm A BELIABLE REAL ESTATE MAN WILL acre. "Drake's," Washington. T11,!! ,t,v.TCm rVt a by imva DIETZ-&IUELLER CO.. taks a partner and teach him the busl- Monument. . JUST WHAT YOU WANT. MODERN. 9-ROOM FURNISHED HOUSE, ftAART., 1SAi 503-5 Swetland Bldg ness- must Invest small amount of caDltal. GOOD WOMAN COOK IN SMALL PRI- Furnlahed or unfurnished suites: wery furniture part new, balance thoroughly ON PLAIN NOTES. 50J 5 betland Bldg. ness must investma I amount 01 capllaL MONUMENTAL BRONZE CO.Mo,t dur- , vate boardlng-houe Inside of 10 days; If modern convenience; reasonable rental. clean; flne location, new piano; electric 1. 2;.JL. . ? I. T ' 80'1w- ' able grave headstones. Room 12. g stark. married, can furnlxh room and board for THE MILNER. 35UH Morrison St. lights. 212 Allsky bldg. - Sorr'ovv- mwy PATENT OF MERIT GOOD UNIVERSAL r womandneae1dappSyne CU fn p.rl"Si LIGHT AIRY ROOMS, MODERN; BATHS. MONEY-MAKER - J2-ROOM HSe". "ABSOLUTELY NO SECURITY." SM W Wl ' 7th st neea.app'y- La" P Phone main 2631. 4 blocks, south Post- well furnished, nice lawn, fruit, location REBATE given If paid before (hie. Palmer, ,33 N. 66th street, Seattle, Wash. PBOP. H EVEREST. INSTRUCTOR OF Hlce; " ?' Aid. Blak"y HaU" central, low rent. Call today. 229 13th St. e'SbeR FOR SALE A GROCERY STORE-SALES FOR SALE OR RENT. HOTEL RESTAU- French horn, orch..-: HELP WANTED MALE OB FEMALE. AND WASH- WJ SEZ Zlon; g 'j-wsi g.aag FrN::rroBFore:6oiR:oM hOUSe' ' bu ssltz - with 8 rooms and kitchen, all complete. door. Phone Main 2333. FURNITLRE OF A U-ROOM HOUSE. 7th ftoorl taie eleiator. ! A barber shop; two chairs; price S300. neceaTarV. Call 248 Stark it. Tllford bid. -0th and Morrison Ca.l at 101, 3d St. JSSU"SS Smod-ernC HL"" " SV WANTED AT ONCE. PARTNER IN WELL '0 - tgSi&oWti ? from 2 a week and up; 1 block 12 rOOM ?ood HOUSE FOR RENT MApB TO BALARID PEOPLB KRICK FLAT BARGAIN. VSTSS Ost-op.thln PhyslcUtu, Room 21. from City tlail. close In: JurnHure for sale. 406 4th sL holding permanent positions and respon- 22 rooms, central business location. DR. R. B. NORTHRUP r - PRIVATE RESIDENCE WALKING DIS- - none J"aln 5'- : alble firms; easy payments and strictly building and furnishings almost new; WANTED TO BUY ROOMING-HOUSE, 10 415-16-7 Dekum bldg tance; front rooms nicely furnished; S6 at nm a nonvrs ui m hth m ,-ad"UaU,al!!2-. . modern and the rooms, furniture and to 15 rooms. W 96. Oregonlan. Third and Washington st. , . 1 BITTJATIOX WANTED MALE. and month. 10th. near Jeffer- 4 10Anl D??rnTturR 0x?.Vl? house for i.nt CHATTEL LOANS whole arrangement, cannot otherwise Phone, office. Main 840. Bon rooms, turnlture for sale; nouse for rent. on personal property; roomlng-housea than please you if you want a downtown Residence, Main 1503 Bookkeepers and Clerks. ' (Lease.) specialty. rooming house of this slie. Good lease. SPECIAL NOTICES. Residence. East 1028.' PERMANENT CITY POSITION WANTED J?? J, SFSSSfc. FSS' 1 cTrr 0 SSLF""- 'LLIS. YORK co, PropoaaU Invito DR. L. B. SMITH, PIONEER OSTEOPATH . by expert corporation accountant, auditor . 11 day: 2 to $4 week. Pacific 2744. 5,aY. s 1 a bargain; si 7th St., corner Rooms 20 and 21. 264 Morrison st. of Oregon, graduate Klrkvllla, Mo. 4oa and office manager. Detailed information uvi m w. e-. f Oak- MONET TO LOAN. PROPOSALS SEALED BIDS FOR THE Oregonlan bldg. Main 1242; res. Main 3752.. furnished upon Inquiry. R 1, Oregonian. Nirra CORNER BAY WINDOW SUITE. 'p,-i,,,-d , . On Improved city property or for bond- ROOMING-HOUSE HEADQUARTERS. building of the superstructure of the ad- . . oartlv furnlih'ed naPlor and bedroom: no FURNITURE OF 5-ROOM FLAT FOR lag purpose for from S to 10 yeais time. DE1TZ-MUELLER CO., ministration building (sise. 274x90 feet; Painting and Papernanglmi. Miscellaneous. Children Erdminn 14 Grand ave north. H-k W' 0n Washington St. Phone Main with privilege to repay all or part of loan 603-5 Swetland Bldg., 6 and Wash. height, three stories; materials, stone. , , cauuren. -.rumanu, n -.aim v. i 3l 9 aJ( ,wo years. Loans approved from Are you In the market for a hotel or brick and fireproof construction) for the For reliable work, reasonable prices Sbeehy CONTRACTOR FOR ALL KINDS OF -sl, 1.,THNIrPT Y FURNISHED ROOMS ,,,..,. . . : Han. and money advanced as building rooming-house f If so. It will be to your University of Idaho, at Moscow, will be Bros., 282, Yamhill, near 4th. Main 80I, short jobs, cement finisher, plasterer, "? Tylt Jt mM- FURNITURE OF 9-ROOM HOUSE. FULL OF progress-; mortgages taken up and replaced. interest to see us before doing - anything. received until 2 P..M.. June 11. 1907. Z bricklayeretc. Apply to P. Samard. 863 ?fi iaS.&. iv- reasonable roomers; low rent: only 300. 282 3d at. Fred H. Strong, financial agent. 2 Stark a. we have aeveral good buys. and will be opened at that time. Plans . Paint. Oil. and CIm. East Division street. enlence, gentlemen only, reasonaoie. . street. DEtlTZ-MUELLBR CO.. and specifications can be had at the Unl- . . Bn-iirrtFTTT i v TtiRvisHFn FRONT Summer Besorta. . . - . .,.. 603-5 Swetland Bldg. M. 168. verslty and at the offices of J. E. Tourtel. RA8MUS6EN CO., JOBBERS, paints, oils. GOOD JAPANESE LABORERS WANT BJFY FURNISHED FRONT i THE CRESCENT LOAN CO.. 428 MOHAWK : , & Co t Bol.a or at Lewlston, glass, sash and doors. Cor. 2d and Taylor. steady Job on logging railroad, sawmill F1 " '-Jll electric Haystack Rock Park, Cannon Beach Lots blog - Loans to sarled employe. o note. ,T3oSPLENDID BARGAIN; 11 ROOMS, Idaho. A deposit of f-5 will be required - "or farmyard. Y. Kato, P. O. Box 78, In- light, bath. Phone Main SDiQ. for Ba,e from ,7S to $200. tiaeBt platted without mortgage; easy payment.. furnished for housekeeping; all full. to Insure their safe return. All bidders F. E. Beach ft Co., the Pioneer Paint Co.. , dependence. Or. WOODLAIID BEAUTIFUL LOCA- PaP3re.. wTlomf .m'laS 50-Rep.y to n.. . "lia'S ?rTuM SUOO-Cholc. new furniture. 10 room.; "JS "h "'" " I ITALIAN BUILDER. SPECIALIST IN S ' t 1 T T Z USSS S X I S Z S 00 or US '".Wo-Fln. rooming-houM. big trade, close s" scret" w'their' b,dM andseno t-. Ban, and 8tor, rTT l modorn structuies. iron or cement, wants week or month. 265 Sixth st. Finest cottage and one acre of ground on , 22f. 'Iw S ! i to business center. Also other.. ... or hand their bid to Mrs. S. H. Hays. ,ra., ...,... . m steady occupation! L 100. Oregonian. FURNISHED ROOMS FOR RENT AT 01 Cannon Beach for sale. Six rooms. For w. mset any rate, llml or lerma. Main M FARLAND INVESTMENT CO.. secretary of the Board of Regents. Mos- SvlS?fU'- tf,! Vi!lint ' ?" WiS'J?? ' loth t " particulars address W. D. Torrey, "Red 310-311-312 Swetland bldg. cow, Idaho. All checks will be returned Lumber Co.. T Hamilton bldg. Main 6530. COLORED MAN WISHES DAY WORK WIN- ; : Rock" Cottage. Cannon Beach, Or. THE STAR LOAN COMPANY. to the bidders as soon as contract .s 0j.TI.Nr bhow.-abk nYT,. ' dow washing, cleaning; new houses a spe- Stooms With Board. ' Any salaried emDlovV wage-earner can CASH paid for mining and Industrial stock. closed. The successful bidder must Blgn vKFi .S BtFIT5 clalty. Phone Pacific 042. Boom. With Bosj-a. FOUR-ROOM JIOUSE FOR SALE AT SEA- .et on hi. note. Unout ortgal!(co - aad bond, of merit, high-class mineral pro contract within ten days and furnish bond 848 l.t St. near Market. Phone Paclflo 1620. portt and WOMFN-n ION igTH TEAR f!d'- ?r N6"11'0" In- Inquire 230 Stll llmih f-momli W P0" bought or developed; consult me for within thirty days after contract Is TBE LUTKE MANTJFAf TlRINa CO t-nn SarrroXeAIo". jSS to t "TS? 5 ! Z tU SiS Sirur oynol , r. . -'-RrwTn'gV &srm-iS22 3ss rSsits gKit" ri.ocT w.?zz:jix2l Buhbe, stamp. - SKETCH AND COMMERCIAL ARTIST Hlnnequa Inn. 876 Tamhlll . blocks west . URLARK HALL W. J. Curtl-. 21B Commercial Block. made by surety or trust company. Flnan- ALSO SEALS. STENCILS. TEL SLUGS, BAR wishes employment at reasonable salary. S Hotel Portland: new management, a few fr re?J reasonable from June 15 to Oc- MONET LOANED TO SALARIED PEOPLE 40on ri-sivtm T eaw and FIX- clal abl"ty and experience will be con- checks, etc Coast Co.. 281 Stark. Tel. 1407,, 82. Oregonian. choice rooms, whit, help om. cooking. ober - responsible parties. Inquire ut on your ows name; no other security 4, nr.nrt. T,nW sidered In awarding contract. Bidders , rooms, wnu. neip. c s Ge0rge H, Parsons. 58 23d st. Phone Main necessary; don't borrow until you see me; Vi" inl ' SoS ?S. mu,t tate thelr individual names and p. c. STAMP WORKS, 249 Alder .t. Rubber, A JAPANESE COOK WANTS POSITION; NICBLt FURNISHED LARGE FRONT 1842. - my system Is the best for railroad men, J.h- iiSiii S addresses In full. The board reserves the stamps, saals. atenclls, checks, brass signs. has long experience and reference. X 5, "Voorns. good bodf every convenlenc.; 7 clerks, bookkeepers, streetcar men and all fkJif',i, iSr, tt llii right to reject any on.;all bids. Mrs B. . i Oregonlan. minute walk. 314 Mill. Main S57. Stores. other employe.; business strictly confiden- the best location on Morrison street; also H Hays aecretary. Moscow, Idaho. May Spiritualists. mmmw w-i. on -mi. ' Utl F Newton. 611 Buchanan Bldg. a paying restaurant and hotel on First 2 1B07' , ) A YOUNG MAN. 2T,, WANTS WORK AT THE MARLYN. 553 WASHINGTON FUR- GOOD LOCATION FOR GROCERY: TRADE - street. Main 1942. 304-307 Ablngton bldg. : Always Consult the Best. I anything In city. Address K 61. Oregonian. nlehed rooms s'ngle or en suite; good board, of $ dally easily worked up; store bu.lld- MONEY ADVANCED SALARIED PEOPLB .. PROPOSALS FOR " COAL I'EPARTMENT PROFESSOR KHIMO. convenient location. mg for rent, with rooms above; snap; West and others upon their own names without CONFECTIONARY STORE. ot tha interior. Office of Indian Affairs, Greatest living astral dead-trance clairvoyant' EXPERIENCED VALET OF GOOD APPEAR- Side. V 97," Oregonlan. security; cheapest rates, easiest payments: In best central location, with ice crm Washington. . D. C. April 22, 1907. Sealed of the age; advises on business and all f- ) ance wlehee position. R 82, Oregonlan. WANTED TWO YOUNG MEN TO BOARD; offices In 60 principal cities, save yourself parlor; low rent, lease 2 years; doing proposal., plainly marked on the outside fairs of life: telle your full name and what; nicely furnished room. 329 Montgomery St. TO DESIRABLE PARTIES I WILL RENT money by getting our terms first. business of $18 to $35 a day. Here is a cf the sealed envelope: "Proposals for you called for, whom you will marrj-, how: Phone Pacific 666 space in my Washington-street store, suit- TOLMAN. 223 Ablngton bldg.. 106K 3d at. big bergain for right one. Price $1250.- coal," and addressed to the Commissioner to control tne one you love, even though! SITUATION WANTED FEMALE. ' able for dressmaking, etc; Inquire at 352 ELLIS. YORK & CO.. of Indian Affairs, Washington. D. C, will miles away; reunites the separated; give. '. FURNISHED ROOMS WITH BOARD, HOT Morrison. FAMOUS AND FERTILE PUYALLUP VAL- Rooms 20 and 21, 264 Morrison st. be received at the Indian Office until 2 secret powers to control; does all others ad- 1 Bookkeepers and Stenographers. an(j eoid water at 452 Morrison. Inquire at ley, between Seattle and Tacoma, Wash.; . o'clock P. M. of Thursday, May 23, 1907, vertlse to do. Hours 10 to 8. dally and Sun- 395 Morrison FOR RENT SMALL STORE WITH LIV- good 7 and 8 per cent, 1. 2 and 8-year mort- ONLY RESTAURANT IN TOWN OF 2400; for furnishing and delivering about 29.721 day. Office. Nos. 3-4. Grand Theater bldg.,. X UNDERWOOD OPERATOR DESIRES PER- , lr.g rooms; good location. Wakefield, gage, for sale. Puyallup Investment Com- not and cold water, electric lights, cheap tons of coal for the Indian Service during 35214 Wash., near Park st. Phone Main 1207. manent position: salary nominal; 9 to 5. LARGE FRONT ROOMS SUITABLE FOR 2 Fries & Co.. 229 Stark St. pany, Puyallup, Wash. rent, 2 years lease on building; cigars, the fiscal year ending June 30, 1908. Bid. ' Phone Pacltlc 2059, Sunday. wlth board. 395 6th st. Phone Main 5490. . tobacco and canned goods; luneh counter, must be made out on Government blanks. MRS. WALLACE. 25 TEARS PORTLAND'S Offices. WANTED Notes, mortgages or contracts on tables chairs all fixtures range and Schedules giving the quantities wanted. most reliable medium; all In trouble call Tn umaken. rnv n7 ,pv nAnu; ftrrt.ot-asS any kind of real estate In Oregon or Wash- dishes' S4'i Walter Rosmann Forest form of proposals and all necessary lnstruc- and get her valuable advice on all affairs ' Service? . eTld wMer 225 11th st Ington; 2d mortgages purchased If well se- Grove "alter mann. re" t,ona ba furnUhed upon application of life, business, love troubles; absent MADAMEJ TUTTLB. fashionable smak.r; seme, not, coin water. mi cured. H. E. Noble. 812 Commercial blk. - "r- to the Indian Office. Washington, D. C; friends a specialty. Room 72, Lewis bldg., exclusive style 215 13th St. Tel. Main 6619. Wlata. OFFICES Z T ; GRAND OPPORTUNITY TO RIGHT to th?.t aaia warehouses at New York 850 Morrison st. Hours It A. M. to i Mlscllnneous. MODERN FLATS. ASSIZES. FOR RENT. SSL? "cIpttafno gS' a MRS 8 B SEXP P chom t 1 t P EXPERIENCED UNDERWOOD OPERATOR panof WSlde -Tnijt fSome vedeslrab, offlceon Washing- ntlal. Empioye o., rm 716. Uln " g iI M "- SWSt T Z?7ZZ FLAT- FuLaC, ?SM aH!::C- JS&SS X AM FORMING A COMPANY TO EXPLOIT GENERAL DEPOT. Q. M. DEPT.. JEFFER- "SttSra -Stg5 olS1 S. , cor. 3d -nd Oa, Phon. fc 73. SSfV aKSS 'i i "-" . . 2 FOUR ROOM STEAM HEATED FLATS ' WANTED LOAN OF $2000 AT 7 PER. agents. E 95, Oregonlan. dressed to undersigned, will be received St., coi of Park. HOME LAUNDERED LACE CURTAINS BY furnished or unfurnished, up to date.' INTERESTING TO OFFICE TENANTS. HelVhts"0 aiseasedTaluei T $lw.'"Addres' L $2000 BAKERY IN THRIVING SUBURB. ?ArmoV.rn?tureCkaA MRU C CORNELma. test medium- .l.... V Ico,..""- A S- C - -a S rJrSS. 'oTVgontan. 'Sgg WOMAN WANTS HOUSEWORK TO DO 5??S? fcZ t&?'S&$i SV DvVry. SS. ' ? aferk "c 1 SiSSS 1 by the day Phone East 2r,69. reasonable. 406 Harrison st. locl2.- l'9 ralM ,, , ' cent, call on A. ES. Borthwtck. 316 Chamber VL1! sa? Francisco PrefereW gTven ' - i N-TCETT FURNISHED 5 ROOM FLAT FOR LW " of Commerce. mJSJAiSSlJSIi. -?Uclnofd-lo prS.M ' WANTED AGENTS. renf'fo-f 3 6 m?nthVH?e?lable paMI?!; ' - i r. ,.-J - - ' '"w.n"' exSTinge Mt Tah rDf a's ane BumMd. St.. comer 10th. no children. 147 11th st. . A FEW FRONT AND BACK OFFICES; "rurniture. etc.; confidential. 228 Flledner for farm or city property. Address Box 73, . a"ept Tan "S A.s't Qr Mr Patent Lawyers. ! WANTED SALESMAN TO HANDLE LINE elevator, heat, l ght asd Janitor service; bldg., 10th and Wash. Paolflo. 2659. Vancouver, Wash. he", Ji L? W ' I t of post cards as side line; men covering (.ROOM MODERN FLAT. 850 CORBETT. best location In city. Raleigh bldg., 6th and RATES. S Uenerai, ana Depot vr m- WRIGHT, D'OMESTIC AND FOREIGN Western territory preferred. Illinois $12.50. L. E. Thompson ft Co.. 228 3d. " Washington sm Dammeler. Agt. FIRST-CLASS PLANING MILL, NEW, IN IT .. p,.Q nvn kfattt f patents; Infringement cases. 604 Dekum. ' Post Card Co., 418 Dearoorn St.. Chicago. T ! 6OO0 OR LESS IN SUMS TO SUIT ON first-class city, doing flne business; owner's 2UARTER.MAP,5K ,l0EE? STS in , NEATLY FURNISHED MODERN FLAT ON OFFICES IN SWETLAND BUILDING; BEST real estate; charges reasonable. Inquire health failing and must leave; splendid op- y.a??--.Api.i eSSS lK?nSfl for Sign Painting. WANTED Photograph ana portrait age.U; 12th St.; reasonable. Phone Main 3343. location, good service. reasonable" rent. J. H. Mlddleton. 617 Chamber Commerce. portunlty to right party. Address B 90. triplicate, naoreeil on covtr rniajs tor ; i grand new offer. Cutberth. 801 Dekum bldg. , Room 315, Fifth and Washington sts. Oregonian. T,72?ii he' received here until 11 A M 8IONS ("That Attract.") FLAT FOR RENT. FURNISHED OR WILL ...T,... . ., IMMEDIATE LOANS FROM $5 TO $5000 Sf is ion? and then ODHltd to tr'ai Portland Sign Co 287 Stark. Pan. 159$. ' sell furniture. Main 43S6. ROOMS FOR MANUFACTURING AND OF- on .11 securities. R. L Eckerson ft Co, PARTNER WANTED TO ATTEND OF- Maysi5viJ,rtatlon f rom Portland Or - WANTED TO RENT. -. flce Second and Washington. Hows, DavU room 6, Washington bldg. Phone Pa& 183L fice. collect, etc.; owner will furnish ref- ''f.i'JS iS locM for passengers Storage and Transfer. Housekeeping Rooms. ft Kllham. ill Second at. . erences and can guarantee you at least on. and Puget Sound ports for . 5 . WANTED TO RENT HOUSES. COTTAGES, , , 0.. $1000 TO $100,000 TO LOAN IN SUMS TO $175 a month; $1000 required. Call 248 f." maif' vhidnle which will be furnished on SAFES. PIANOS AND FURNITURE MOVED. , fists, store offices, roomlng-housea, THE HOWLAND APARTMENTS. SH4 FOR RENT-TWO ROOMS CHEAP, SUITA- suit at 6 to 7 per cent on Improved realty. . Stark St. " Lmitlon A guaranty of $20W must ac packM ready for shipping and shipped; ij Landlord, will do well to call on Portland Washington, cor. 20th Nicely furnished Sr.0,,.," COT- Tmrd an1 iamhlU' In- M. O. Griffin. 266 Stark, opp. C. of Com. . a0Pmpany proposal Th. , Government reservt. work guaranteed; large 5-story brick Br- Trust Companyof 'Oregon S. K. cor. 3d and housekeeping rooms, gas ranges, hot quire 1,5 Third. . ' . MEN'S FURNISHINGS AND SUIT ORDER fh?rTght to T accept or reject any or all bid. proof warehouse Mr storage. Offlc. 208 OsJg Oak. Phon. --change 72. water, fre. bath, free phona, both floors; rntup-ni mn wtvtvw MONEY LOANED IN SMALL OR LARGE business In college town of 3000: can re- re pa?ts theViof For further Information .t. C. M. Olsen. Phon. Main 547 GENTLEMAN WANTS BOARD AND .... ms''efty0 S? JXUT " "?22fffS?2S? X. J"S?S5nmSS fST ."..!" a-U p'ToO fh'S'' Quartermaster. BET. STARK large room, with strictly private, quiet ' ionlan u B' A'" elll"";- and Oak. Pbons 596. Pianos and furniture 4 family; West Side preferred; references; THE ONBTONTA. 1ST 1TTH ST.. NK Aft E.0-8! ?Pi,Uw?.Ml,'SSR'.Qi;iRi?) MONET LOANED IN BUMS OF $5 AND " ! OFFICE OF C Q. M.. VANCOUVER BAR- jved and packed for shipment; Mmmpdl- f give full particulars and phon. number. Yamhill New house, elegantly furnished. 108 2d St., between Washington and Stark. UD m alI kind, of security. W. A, Hatha- CAN you SPARE $4 A MONTH FOR 10 racks Wash. April 15. 1907. Sealed pro- "JJZ ,"ti, """M u- F 2, Oregonlan. In suites of 2. and 4 rooms, hot and 20x40 SECOND FLOOR a w roR BTH way, room 10. Wash, bldg. Paolflo 1832. months on a gilt-edge Industrial proposl- posals. In triplicate, will be received here sooma. Front ana Clsy sts. " eold water, gas range each kitchen; steam anV , Srn.roon? ? .?eam hSL " -tt-.-t-- -,.x-- tlonl For full particulars call or writ. until U o'clock A. M., May 15, 1907. for Bal A FURNISHED OR UNFURNISHED FLAT heat baths, fres phona each floor; ns ana oajt. corner room, .team n.a- LOANS ON FURNITURE. PIANOS AND E E La Barr gs N. Portland, furnishing forage and bedding, at post. B or apartment of 3 or 4 ropms and bath, children. other securities: low eat rate.. H w. King, 0 , tnte department, for the year ending .c-nmo MAOAKESE SAFES lariib close in; will buy furniture if satisfactory.' WE...... . room 45, Wash, bldg. Phone Main 6100. June 30. 1908. Deliveries of supplies to com- DSOL,j Sau Owne- jik- tZZZo . SSST&JS fff-TT.g- '"FplJpSl SI?Sf ESi-HrslTSrS turMSL zssm3mt& , j;H?its .Tr::Tz,.., ,rl.rtrr-: mmss&s&m rs Quelle. Ladles' skirts pressed. BOc Fea- no commission. Columbia Life ft Trust ROOMING-HOUSE, CLEARING $240 A KirJ .m b imjT c o w WANTED MISCELLANEOUS. g hersanboa. cleaned and curl Phon. Company. Lumber Exchang. bldg. FVtt i?tS5 Typewriter- WANTED MEN'S CAT-OFF CLOTHING P-rty desProu. of Venting 1, rooms! f" WANTED LOAN OF $2000 FOR 3 TO 5 roomers. $3000. 268 Stark St.. room 21. BUSINESS DIRECTORY. New Typewriters, all make., rS,?M i.T i VVniv, at good profit McFarland Investment Co ' BE ATTRACTIVE PIMPLES, BLOTCHES. years on first-class real estate security. B.-XN-SS Ulimtiuni. and repaired. Coast Agency. 231 Stark v fng. nXne.r prt-TpaW t Ta? the '". ..r "0-3312 Swelled Wd freckle., coarse pores, red veins, black- Address V 4. Oregonlan. FOR SALE $650 BUYS ICE CREAM, CON- Acco-ntan-Z ' Tal- W- ( t ..! " i" k i phoni Paeifle i! head! ecxema and falling hair cured or fectlonery. cigars, tobacco and notions; Acco-ntanis. -eai, f- i. -a. -non, r-cim-i,... WELLINGTON COURT. 15TH AND EVER- no charge: trial treatment free. Address State funds loaned. 6 per ct. W. E. Thomas. storo 22x50; lease; $25 per month; East T gig CHAMRKR COM- ---- W ANT ED TO BUY A LIGHT. STRONG 0X'"'.m ssesrtn" J- a"e. 181 1st St.. fortland. Or. state agt.. Multnomah Co.. 409 C. of Com.. Side. Address O 96. Oregonlan. rel" pon, SSin 8681. 5Vi acoot- J BAHK3. nMnhnadnah!,.JarV Ftvoi" vS" Srn c'otenlencfs; exMllent neighborhood PILES. ITCHING, BLEEDING, PROTRUD- MONET TO LOAN PN ALL KINDS OF SB- CALL AND GET OUR LISTS OF CONFEC- Ing and auditing bu.lne.a MERCHANTS NATIONAL BANK - r Wornom, A an- nochildren- lng; fissures, fistula and all rectal dl- curity. Wm. Holl. rm. 9. Washington bldg. tlonery. cigar and grocery stores, as we Attorneys" .- FSISAMD' OB" . eouver, W ash. . 1 ea j. 30 wlthout th. have some of the best buys In the city. Attorney.. pRANK WATSON .Pres dent . o-t .to. v c-nvo-r THE ELLSWORTH UNFURNISHED knife or ligature Call or write Dr. T. MONEY TO LOAN AT REASONABLE 268 Stark St., room 21. T,SNPB ATTORNEY AT LAW. R- u I2uilIiAM Vios-Prssldsnt BSKK SB'flTnSrSS 2SSrS&&SZ J. pVcra."f81UFlr.t.,: PortTand. Or. rates of Interest. 6,2 Commercial block. pARTKER wanted IN RAPIDLT GROW- oTtoIHO.V.y.tant- or notify Carney . Veterinary. 4th-GU.an. atp close In 166 LownsUale, near High Swedtoh trained nurse Jelslnator. smduat.: A LOAN FOR THE ASKING SALARY OR lng restaurant; too much for one to han- Ington streets. Pbon. Main 1446. fc & CATCHING. .... -2d Aa atant. Cajl WANTED FURNITURE AND HOUSEHOLD ; 'SStSSSrSiJi chatteL The Loan Co.. 410 Dekum bldg. die; new place: $1500. W 91, Oregonian. Assayer. nd An-lysU. TRANSACTSENEAL BANKING K23UmoS al-enu.8 p'hon'.'.S-i Swl ,OU ,. , URE TO PLEASE. " Jndnith.'Ea-t Tl&tT&SlZS DON'T BORROW MONEY ON YOUR SAL- FOR SALE-Flrst-clas. millinery establish-- GREENLET ft CRAWFORD. ANALYTICAL ?nJeJettat Usu avU- ' tinion avenue, r none i!.a3t eii. Furnished or unfurnished suites: every mod- Ankeny car. Phon. East 260. - ary until you see Hutton Credit Company. rnent: well-paying business; retiring on chemists, mining .-gin-era, 204 V. Wash- .v7- L4. ? h world. CASH FOR ALL THE1 FURNITURE WE . erST7Sabl "JZZ'ZL n Z 1 ,., on MORTGAGE 8200 TO $3000 COST PA. account of ill-health. Q 49. Oregonlan. Ington .- mbCl Uctton. a weilal??. C4V GET PORTLAND AUCTION THE MILNER, 3504. Morrison St. Drern suits for rent, all les $1 month ON MORTOAbB X ,u saooo tour fA- ' ROOMS MlN 5055 keeps youf clothes cleaned, pressed, but- Prs only. Ward. Lawyer. Allsky bldg. PARTNER WANTED IN CURIO AND SOU- MONTANA ASSAT OFFICE, 186MORRI- .mm NATIONAL BANK. ROOMS. .MAIN -U..J. HARRISON COURT, 6TH AND HARRISON toni sewed on. rips .ewed. Prompt calls . . . - ., venlr line, or all Interest for sale; good- .on .t. B..t facllltla.. Pries, reasonabls. FIRST NATIONAL BAH-, . , wAVTFn at oncf l mi oi'iNPA - pins Unfurnished suite of 2 rooms and bath, with and dellvertea, Unlqu. Tailoring Co- 0U $500,000 TO LOAN AT 0 AND PUR CJ.N r. paying business. 224. Washington st. Portland rtr ' h?o?flTgVon fther sex Polnd hot and cold water heat gas range and "ark .tre-L Wm. G. Beck, room 812 Falling bldg. .- . PAUL BAUMEL. ASSAYER AND ANALYST ' Portland. Or. , Bird Co 304 Id st rortiana awnings. Phone Main 5148- , . ' OLTMPIA OYSTER AND CHOP HOUSE FOR Gold dust bought. 207 Alder SC CAPITAL AND BURPLUS $1 SOOvOOO.OO, 1 i cT.H PAID FOR FURNITURE FIXTURES COMFORTABLY FURNISHED ROOM r enlng" withotlctuVes. T, LOfiT AND FOUND. Zj&r?SZ E-sl rGranaaviCNt:0n: Carpenter, and Bnildera. , Deposit. , , TkVonha.uc,t!one.rOM Ma'n do" th same!" .45 FOUND A PLACE TO HAVE HAIR MAT- SALOON - FIRST-CLASS, CENTRALLY W LBuckner. off ice. store flxutre. genera, Old.rt Natjona 1 Bank on M&CggS 1 ' a"c"Q 2, or evening. 0th room 11 tresses renovated and returned sam. day. - located: will pay you $200 a month jobbing, contracting. $80 stark. Main 5831. J- jjEWKiRK Cashlsp wantfd mkvs oi on OTHINO SHOES. ' -28 Front st. Main 474. Portland Curled clear; $1200. 268 Stark St.. room 21. r TZZ , W. C. ALVORD Assistant Cashier hlh esprlc-s pW H -I TL Pacifle 4 NI;E A R c" E' CLEAN. NEWLY-FUR- .a,, try our p-rlors, 364 Morrison for face. Hair Factory. H. Met-ger. proprietor. Z . Carpet Cleaning. B .F. STEVENS 2d Assistant Cal -yHff& Px rSr -jswjssz uss "hiBv 'BSSS "r:OT " J ' - w PARTY WISHES TO SUBLET PART OF FUR- : - at Oregonlan office. . list North, cor. Hollaoay. s-none juast ow. The Oldest Trust Company In Oregon. . WE CALL FOR DEAD HORSES AND CAT- 2.,",h'l au,i,tab'f for light housekeeping. LOST POWER8 RESTORED BT THB - H. , ...-,. FOR SALE FARM STOCK. CHEESE- FAC- pACIFIC COAST CARPET RENOVATORS RESOUCEn.OSR-i-0M,00" tie fre. ot charge. Phon. East 223$. Tel. 2496. Call afternoons or evenings. great Dr. Lorens1 Nerve Tonic Tablets: 25a LOST A TAN BL LL TERRIE1 R, A NSWERS torT, etc. $5000. Tillamook County. In- w, i i (u - (he Bow KaviM . .0?n,eSL:Bkll"K. . - . a box. Write or call at Eyssel's Pharmacy, the name of Buster. Finder phon. Man ,mrs William Baxter. Dolph. Or. srLsi eoo? Phtnt Pclflc 418. P- .lD",,"n k... ac,eoV?ia 4S7 TAYLOR ST.. NEAR 14TH NICELT 227 Morrison St.. between 1st and 2L 5120. Reward. . grease .pots, mono r-acinc eyen nHireds) on dally balance, of $500 FOR rfvt furnished suite, gas range and modern ! SAVE MONEY ANYTHING IN PRINTING rhlrmw. .n u.nlinirini or ,Ter" -fHtT ! 5 sjid exchange on , ' FOR RENT. conveniences; reasonable prices. LADIES DR. KETTCHUM GRADUATE AND ONE STRAY BAY MARE. ROACH MANE. See Madden. Oddfellows' Templs. 1st Chiropody and Manicuring. aU p th. world I- Savings accousts-S Rooms. registered physician, treats any and all your sge aboutlO years, weight 900 or 1000. U. S. and Ald.r .ts., upstairs. WM. DEVENY ft ESTELLE DEVENY. THB tt"n Joecill oertlffcat-s! $500 S ovsr MODERN HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS. 195 complaints with, skill and success. 1701, 2d. Stable. Front st. : oily scientific chiropodists, parlors 203 1-?" nfTcent. FOR RENT PLEASANT FURNISHED N. 1.1th. cor. Kearney. No sign; look lor corner Yamhill. Pacific 2229. FOR 6ALB10-ROOM LODGING-HOUSE, Driwbldg., 162 2d St. Phon. Main 130L TO call for Book of "Illustrations.- : .rre'feren'ce"" 'Rm"y- lEastAnln- "" GERMAN, FRENCH. SPANISH AND OTHER BUSINESS CHANCES. SHUT Chiropody and Pedicuring. Mrs. M. D. H1U, g j; CornerThird -tTak Dt'reets. ' , 202 i4TH ST. TWO NICELY FURNISHED Foreign Dictionaries. Text Books and Liters- . room 330 Flledner bldg. Phon PaclBo 135. tj-St t COHEN Presldent FlUNMSHEn ROOMS- HOT ANn rot n rooms for housekeeping; no children. Near ture. (German books a specialty). -A. W. HOTEL 100 ROOMS. FOR SALE AN UP-TO-DATE MEAT h I. PITTOCK .".".IH'.'.!'.Vics-Presldent F w"r ; eFe?trl- lighis and bat 0T 145 J.fferson. S-bmal. Co.. 229 First .- In best factory district of the city; market; good tools end fixtures. F. A. Cleaning and Dyeing. L" EE PAMIT T T T Z T T T T 1 7. . . Secretary nr Tavlor ' building new and furnished new only 8 Meyer. McMlnnville. Or. - 0 riOLTRA .......... .Assistant Secretarr ' FOR RENT 2 LARGE FRONT ROOMS, HARTMAN DETECTIVE AGENCY. months ago: dining-room and bar In- . THE MADISON STEAM CLEANING AND , n rrivT fi'RMSHPn ROOM with hav furnished; gas and bath, phone. 914 East Expert confidential service. Rooms 41- eluded; board bills secured, so , there Is no SNAP $40. 10-room house, close In; rent only pressing parlors; all work guaranteed; THE BANK OF CALIFORNIA ' ?fndow: She best location in th Vik- - Yamhill. P2 Swetland block. Phona Main 3963. chance of loss from bad debts; lease 10 $30. month; full of roomers. F. Dubois, prompt service; repairing; French dry (Established In 1S04.) Aider si location in tne cu. 4,3 Nlght pnone lg29. . . vears. This Is the best proposition ever Waffrilngton bldg, room 3. ..leaning a specialty. 247 Madison bet 2d HEAD OFFICE. SAN FRANCISCO, CAL. : 13TH ST. - PLEASANT ROOMS COM- offered In this class in the city. ACT and Sd. Phone Pacl-o 1618. John C. president HOMER S. KIN'O fi rn-ishfd ROOM IN FRirtTFl homf. pletely furnished; adults only. Phon. BE- T. J. PIEtRCB, SPECIALIST DIS- QUICK If It appeals to-you. Price $4700; FOR SALE RESTAURANT LOCATED Baker, proprietor. - Gen Man. ot Branches.. W, MACKINTOSH witn bath convenient to carllncs 5S eM 1802. ' eases of women; all Irregularities corrected; half cash. heart of retallcenter: three years' lease: Capital paid up $4.000.0"i0 i Uh oath, convenient to carllncs. .5!, Sell- no exposure; medicine by mall. Office 181 - ELLIS. YORK ft CO.. $2500. D 98. Oregonian. Commission Merchants. Surplus and undivided profits. .$10,153,873 i , Apartments. Flrat at" Portland. Rooms 20 and 21. 264 Morrison st. , . . , a. General Banking and Exchange Business rue- c-i nTOinlv.,1, n.rni.h.H- o . H BY OWNER RETIRING FINELY FUR- HERMAN MBTZGER, PURCHASER OF Transacted. week a iXcT transient rooms 343 Mor COLUMBIAN APARTMENTS. ELEVENTH GE,N,TLEMiVNt.0 ?DLiATJpH A? P: HOTELS OUR SPECIALTY. nlshed brick bldg.. all modern. 59 rooms: hides, pelts, furs. Wool, mohair, tallow and Letters of credit issued, available In all risen- '"on"- 343 4 Mor- ,-M,?olumDla. four rooms unfurnished, .?f JfJ1! vfewma.H?1 v our 'o"1 U toT " ln cneap' SOlHirst st. rubber and old metal and gene ral commis- of the worW. Interest paid on time r possessing every modern convenience; ex- congenial lady friend, view matrimony. V tll, cltTt bring it to us and w. wUl pro- .Ion merchants. Front St.. near Main. Port- . DO,,tg. FOR RENT FURNISHED DINING-ROOM Jellent neighborhood and surroundings; 2. Oregonlan. cur. a purchaser without publicity. Rerw- WANTED BY A LANDOWNER, PARTNER land. Or. Cash advanced on consignments. " SAVINGS DEPARTMENT. FTewYrnTd Contra Ho.eU SdFiLTe rent reasonable; no children. MOLES, wrinkles, superfluous hair removed. " p1 AUOTEjf 'ftcS ' C O'S! " """ TAYLOR. YOUNG ft CO.. SHIP BROKERS Accounts opened for sum. ot $10 and up- . rrr"rr ZZ No charge to talk It over. Mrs. M. D. HllL nirinai i Bmtmi and commission merchants, -oarlock bldg- " a virnip M,. "Klfe'rpK - room 830 Flledner bid,. P-clfi. 135. Snit.'". S !LbSW. COLLECTOR WANTED WHO WILL BE Portland. Or. &$t&YJ&-EZ v T, Nol-rTo, I OR RENT-MODERN 7-ROOM HOUSE: CE- PRIVATE LESSONS IN ENGLISH LAN- phon. Main 2488. satisfied wUh 100 a j month salary; $300. D. c. BURNS CO., GROCERS AND COM- MCE ROOMS AT 195 -NORTH 23D. COR. mem basement, fireplace, furnace. Comer E. guage; aleo piano, by Mme. Almee Dauporee. .tf motft DOTNrJ noon ni ai mission merchants, 210 Sd st. - Keirney; board near. Phone Pacific 922. 11th and Aeh. $30. Modern 7-room house. 1431- Yamhill- Phone Pacific 1997. yoR 6xhS ,, . , v . BUSI- T,., . -,,,...- . ..... T ... - , . V . furnace, fireplace. 12 East 11th, $2S In- ness: 20 rooms all furnished complete. CASH GROCERY DOING A BUSINESS OF . ncln:. W. M. Ladi. C. E. Add. J. W. Ladd. .' HOTEL ROTAI NICE ROOMS. 50 CENTS quire Wm. R. Stokes ft Co.. 105 Grand ave. MANICURING AND CHIROPODY PAR- Building and all $3000. Jess. Far In, Short- $40 a day; can be bought at invoice. 268 . I and $1 per night; $2 to $5 per week. ' lors; scalp and facial massage. 201 Sd . dan. Or. Stark St.. room .1. . DANCING LESSON8. 26c classes or-prlvate; I-DD 6-ROOM AND ALCOVE HOUSE, GOOD RE- " waltxlng, two-step, three-step, etc.; stage NICE BAY-WINDOW ROOM. WITH ALL pair: porcelain bath, cement basement, can- BALM OF FIGS FOR ALL FEMALE DIS- WANT TO SELL AT'NCE A GOOD PAY- HARDWARE BUSINESS: OWNER RETIR- dancing, buck and wing. clog, reel, skirt. Bsnk.rs. I conveniences. 415 Seventh, cor. Hall. tral. 530 Couch SV. esses. 626 E. Belmont. Phone East 40S4. lng real estats business cheap. Inqulrs 20$ lng and will sell at Invoice. 268 Stark Spanish. Highland fling, etc Prot Wal , - , Third .t. . St.. room 21. Wilson, Allsky bldg., Sd-Morrlson. PORTLAM), OREGON. ( . NEWLY FURNISHED FRONT ROOM IN PRI- FOR RENT 7-ROOM HOUSE. 742 IRVING Bust and neek developed. Oriental method; re- .. . r . ,. : A W vate family. 288 V, Harrison, near 6th. st. Apply at 778 Hoyt st. Phone Main 6724. suits guaranteed. 330 Flledner bldg. Pao. 135. SALOON FOR SALE TRANSIENT TRADE: $12TS BUYS 6-ROOM HOUSE AND 2 LOTS Woodward's Dancing School class. Mon.. - . , price $1500; rent $50 only. V 95, Ore- on ca rline: 5c fare; you can t beat this. 307 Thur.. Sat. eves.; 5 assistants; private lea- Established 185B. A LARGE. A1RT FRONT ROOM - WITH FURNISH ED 4-ROOM COTTAGE. ELECTRIC Recently Opened Manicuring parlors re- gonian. Allsky bldg. sons dally; social fancy and step danc-. . .v, T,..... - beautiful bay window. 334 4th st. lights, bath, central. Inquire 273Vi 7th. moved from 35H, to 3431, Morrison, rm. 2. lng taught. 2d and Morrison. Paclflo 1630. Transact a General Banking Business. . . . , . . POR SALE 22-ROOM HOTEL AT MOCLIPS, FOR SALE CORNER GROCERY, GOOD -,., ROOMS-M 14TH. NEAR JEFFERSON FOR RENT MODERN (-ROOM HOUSE. DR. FLORENCE M ANION RETURNED TO Snap: com. quick. Leland Hotel. Mocllps, .business; cheap rent;. $Si5. Phon. Pacific bd- SAVINGS SANK. DE.ABTaiNr. brd optional. Phone Main 3SS3. 5SO 4th St. Inqulr. 584 4th St. her office. In Failing bldg. "'" ii TRY WASHINGTON LUMP COAL: PRICE Saving. Book. Iied on Saving. Deposits, FOR RENT A FEW ROOMS IN FLEIDNER 6-ROOM COTTAGE. 489 E. BURN6IDE. AP- LADY BARBER SHOP NOW OPEN AT 54 SEVEN new furnished rooms, 308H Pine St., A SMALL RESTAURANT FOR SALE. IN- $7.60 per ton. It is clean and good. Ask ,-,.. ti -rim T.-n.lta bi. Inquire .22, second Aoor. ply 448 E. Couch. 4th: 4 chairs: no waiting. I $450: rent $30. Call and trade with owner. Quire at 71 North 6th su . xour ls for tt. I Interest Paid on Tims Deposits.