THE MORNING OREGONIAN, WEDNESDAY, MAY 8, 1967. 13. 1 CHOICE ACREAGE FOR SALE. Acreage in the Riaiey Tract, on O. w. r. Ry. line, for sale in tracts from 3 acres to 6 acres at from $4oO to $WK per acre. I ne very finest land in the Willamette ly. seven miles south of Portland. Excellent car service. See us for full particulars. FARRISH, W ATKINS A CO.. No. 250 Alder at. SOME ACTUALLY GOOD BUYS 9-room modern home, 41st and East Taylor, lot 66x141; small and large f? splendid home for large family; $3000, sow cash will handle this. 3 acre, all In small fruit, no buildings, on corner of 2 county roods. miie or Oregon City carline at Oak Grove; no gravel or rock; $15f; cash. . M 6 rooms, strictly new and modern, ia and Clinton; fine city view; best of car serv ice; in fact this is walking distance; $.1.00, easy payments. , . 6- room in good condition at Center Ad dition on Montavllla carline: grounds iwx luu; all kinds small fruit; S1400; cash. 7 - room, modern suburban home; grounds 250x100, all garden and fruit; this is a great big snap; one block of Mount Scott car at Firland; $2650; half cash. 6-room house at Laurelwood. on Mt. fecoii carline, lOOxluO; fine lot of email fruit; $iwo, $40 cash down. "Head this one. It is just as we Bay It is. fi-room. modern; furnaoe. fireplace, wide extended eaves, up-to-date every way; IMxuw, blcK-k of car at Firland; $2500; $800 down. We have some small tracts of 3 to 15 acres close in. nn J. M. CAMERON REALTY CO.. 412 Commercial Building. GOOD HOMES CHEAP. $1500-, on very easy terms, for nice lot near Union ave.. with new cottage. $2360 Over block, with new 7-room housp. on good terms. $266" Good 7-room house, with all mod em improvements; walking distance, West Side. $4500 Nice 8-acre tract, all in cultiva tion, good 8-room house. 135 fruit trees-, handy to Be cars, fine soil, 2 creeks, ideal place for fruit and poultry. Might con aider exchange for good city property. F. PL'CHS, 221 Morrison st. HOLLADA1 ADDITION. Corner lot. $1600; Inside, $1300. Hcuee and Quarter block. $8000. HOLLADAT PARK ADDITION. QuarteT block. $1500. Inside lot, $700. We have SO lots and 16 houses, all of which are choice In tola location, BECK A R1CB, Msln office Branch office JCi Fa 1 1 It g- bids. Real Estate. 600 Wasco at. Main WOT. East 232, $0000 FOR 100x100 FEET OF VACANT ground on Williams ave,, suitable for erecting business block with stores be low and rooms above; this piece Is con siderably below surrounding prices, and carries a good speculative value; a 3-story brick Is to be built on adjoining quarter; go see the property; It ts 100 feet south of the S. E. corner of Williams ave. and Hancock st. For terms sea 314 Chamber of Commerce. CHfcAP I,OT IN Sl'NNYSIDE. CHOICE lo cation for a home, good speculation. See ua at once. An unparalleled opportunity to get a good home cheap. Phone owner. Main 306ft Strictly modern 5-room home on Eaot Fide, beautiful lawn, choice locality, close in. Price $11250. terms. Dodson & Becket, 41S Chamber of Commerce. MAY 1ST MOVING TIME. Buy a home at Willamette -Heights, vour choice of four new 6-room houses, 2th and Thurman sts.; price $3860; $360 down, $85 per month; every modern convenience, beautiful outlook, unexeceiled neighborhood. FIDELITY TRUST COMPANY, OWNER, 4(18 Commercial Block. Phone Main 447. $20 HANDSOME NEW 0-ROOM COT tnge 497 E. 33d. between Clinton and Division; full lot. full concrete basemen i fine bath, closets and pantry, east facing; a choice little home, built by a builder for bimself. not by a speculator for a sell; see It right away. Morgan, Sweet A Chapman, 213 Abington bldg. .;OU NEW. MODERN 6-ROOM HOUSE, near new High School. $lijt500 Quarter block and 3 modern "houses; walking distance. $250 Seven tots on Woodstock carline; half value. ' Owner, 601 East Washing ton st. FURNISHED HOUSE AND LOT. STRICTLY modern; T rooms, reception hall, fireplace, furnace; newly tinted and painted; furnl niture, including piano. 405 Weldler, one block from carline, near school. Inquire 4O0 East nth. North. a-l 6-ROOM MODERN HOUSE; ROOMS extra large with V or acre fine ground, fruit, bf-rrlee, nice lawn; near car; at bar sain: terms easy; owner leaving city. No agenta apply. 47 Maxwell ave.. South Stewart Sta., Mt. Soott Line. SNAPS IN WEST SIDHJ LOTS. 4 beautifully located lots, facing east. 8 blocks from school and car. South Port land. $325 to $550; part cash. 208 4th. Telephone Pac 2125 or Main 3990. BEAUTIFUL S-ROOM HOUSE. NEW, FULL basement, wash trays. 8-foot porch; $3000. $500 cash, balance to suit. Highland Woodldwn carline. E. E. Miller, owner, 012 Commercial blk. Main 1940. I WANT POSITION WITH REAL ESTATE firm handling large list of farm property; am practical farmer and fruit man and good talker on these subjects. Address y SO, Oregonian. , . 64 BAST YAMHILL LOT 60x100. EIGHT rooms fine condition, choice neighborhood; furnace, gas. electricity, wide porches; mall pavment down, installments. East 4689. Owner. BEAUTIFUL HOME. JUST COMPLETED, nar Hawthorne ave.. for $3750 ; 6 rooms, all modern conveniences: installment plan. M C. Davis Co., 10 Hamilton bids;. Main 4610. MIST HAVE MONEY THIS WEEK WILL sell equitv, $1200. In 3 finest lots In Port land, mountain view. Will pay a profit of $2tXH In six months. F 87, Oregonian. . 6 LOTS AND ELEGANT RESIDENCE, King s Heights. $40.oo0. Must be sold im mediately. Lots alone worth more than price asked. R. L. Cate, 226 Stark st. FOR PALE NICE 7-ROOM HOUSS TN ONE of the best residence districts In Portland. Inquire at 318 Falling bl'ig-. or phone Mala 670. bet. 10 and 12 A. M. HERB IS A CHANCE- FOR YOU. 6-room cottage, furnished, full lot. close to car; price $1600. Owner, 208 4th. TeL Pac. 2126. or Main 3900. $l'Jt0 6-ROOM HOUSE. 4 ROOMS FIN ihed. corner lot. 100x100. young fruit tre, btrries: owner. 4o7 Willis boulevard, north, at Penlnrmla. SNAP NEW 4-ROOM COTTAGE. LOT 40x 100, in Laurel wood Park. Income $S month. Price $800. Terms. Phone owner. Pacific 44. $jj4i0 0-ROOM HOUSE. CORNER LOT. E. 2Stl st. Very modern. Part cash, bal ance on easy terms. Louis Salomon, 233 Stark st. 7-ROOM HOUSE. $12; 23-ROOM HOTEL, furnished. $5; both West Side. C. H. Pig gott, owner, attorney -at-law, room 4, Mul key bidg. .SNAP S-ROOM HOUSE, MODERN. LOT 60 xl 10. fruit, finest view in city; part cash. 1047 Cnrbett st. Pacific 94. 6 ACRES PLATTED IN LOTS. S MILES out on Canon road (West Side); will sell cheap. Inquire 287 Morrison st. 6-ROOM MODERN RUNG ALOW, NEW. f24oo, $300 down, $25 monthly. Phone owner. Wood lawn 107. 6-ROOM COSY COTTAGE, BATH AND GAS. corner lot. Upper Albtna. Phone Wood lawn 879. Q 77, Oregonian. SEVEN LOTS ON WOODSTOCK CARLINE. half value; price, $250. Owner. 691 East Washington, st. CHOICE LOTS in Woodlawn Heights; In stallments. C. W. Pallett. Fenton blag. CORNER LOT NEAR CARLINE. MO; term. 410 Steams bldg. Phone Main 1554. EPHINX AGENCY. 30 STARK ST.. CAN til four business BQaperty or rastdeaca-, FOB SALE BEAL ESTATE. FOR SALE REAL ESTATE. WILL SELL CHEAP (MUST LEAVE TOWN) 7-room house and bam on ground louxiuu, or any part thereof; this Is your chance. 34 Rodney avenue, corner fcSkWimora. LEAVING TOWN. $12.50 GOOD 6-ROOM, hard-finished cottage, large lot with fruit trees, flowers, furniture; near car; terms. 611 Grove street. Montavllla. TWO 7-ROOM FRAME HOUSES FOR sale. 88 and 90 Park st to be removed at once. Inquire of manager Oregon Hotel. $30,000 FOR A FINE BUSINESS QUARTER block on E. Morrison st. F. Abraham, 227 Washington st. FOR SALE FARMS. HOOD RIVER. HOOD RIVER. HOOD RIVER. If once you see the Hood River Valley you'll agree with us that it's the paradise of Oregon. No such returns come from any soil in Oregon, and the apples of the Valley ate world-renowned and bring .the highest prices of any similar fruit in the uni verse. You don't see the best Hood River apples in Portland, because they are all shipped East. We want to sell you the choicest location In the Valley, part of our syndicate holdings. Remember, you are dealing with owners. Wc have done Just what we are askine you to do. Here's what we will do for $9500 Sell you 40 acres of "Red Shot Land." That's the finest soil of all, located 8 miles from the town of Hood River and 1 miles from the railroad. 'All cleared, fenced and planted to apple trees of the finest Newtown and Spltzenberg varie ties and growing thriftily; and will guar antee you 10 per cent yearly on your In vestment for 3 years, we to take the crop in the meantime. This means a good deal to a dweller of Portland who does not wish to bother with the details of apple culture. This guarantee Is not real estate "hot air," but will be signed by men whose Individual holdings In the Valley are worth their guarantee. Come in and talk to us about Hood River. WHITING & ROUNTREE, 82 Third St. 2 GOOD FARMS NEAR PORTLAND. $2650 for 80-acre place 12 miles from Portland, well improved, fine soil; easy terms. $66 rr acre for a first-class 178-acre dairy farm on the Columbia, 20 mile from Portland, handy to cars and boat; good terms can be arranged. For bargains in any kind oi farms see F. FUCHS, 221 Morrison St. YAMHILL FARM BEST SOIL IN THE Willamette Valley, all in cultivation, with orchard, all improvements, big barn and house. Will take buyers to the farm and prove that this is the cheapest buy In the Valley. Phone Main 1942. D. W. Hell man, 804 Abington bldg. ALBERTA 100 ACRES. SOME IMPROVE ments and crop ready to maintain a fam ily. Wheat yield 20 to 40 bushels per acre. Fine climate; 12 miles to R. R., on road and near schoolhouse. For sale cheap to actual settler. O 87, Oregonian. 640 ACRES FINE FARM LAND. WILL SOON come under big ditch, perpetual water rights, ten miles from Columbia River; will sell now for $25 per acre; will divide. CITY REALTY & BUILDING CO., . 612 Commercial Block, Mara 1940. A BARGAIN IN HOOD RIVER VALLEY. 106 acres, 20 . acreB In apples, 10 acres bearing; good house and out buildings; team and "wagon and ail farming imple ments go with the place. A. J. Farmer & Co., room 8. Washington bldg. 60 ACRES 40 IN CULTIVATION; 6-ROOM house; good barn; school near; R. F. D. $4000 down. $2000 in one year; near Sunny side, Clackamas County. Or. Apply to owner, Louis Vlerhouse, or Harlow A Dowltng, Milwaukie. Or. ONION GROUND FOR SALS. 24 acres No. 1 beaver-dam In good culti vation. 14 miles from Portland, on Salem electric line, 600 feet from station. Address Box No. 50, R. F. D. 3, Aurora, Or. 76 ACRES GOOD FARMING LAND, ALL under cultivation, on railroad and front ing on Columbia River; good house and barn: all kinds of farming tools. Address M. Gorman, Cathlamet, Wash. FARM 30 ACRES. 12 MILES FROM PORT land; 23 acres in cultivation, house, barn, 200 fruit trees, running water; price $2800, cash. E. J. Gelser. 221 Morrison st. FOR SALE 6 ACRES. ALL IN BEARING fruit; good 8-room, house; good outbuild ings; close to Vancouver. Wash, 4 N. fttn t. Phone Pacific 2082. 640 ACRES SCHOOL LAND; FINE SOIL, AT a bargain; Eastern Oregon. For particu lars inquire Fromberg & Co., R. . 33-39, 227 Washington st. BY OWNER 206-ACRE IMPROVED FARM on Willamette River, in heart of Valley; very cheap for each. T. J. Jackson, 475 Hoyt st. Main 61. LINCOLN COUNTY DAIRY AND STOCK ranches for sale on Aleea Bay and river. Information free. C. J. Smith, Tidewater, Oregon. SI-ACRE FARM 10 MILES NORTH OF Salem. Or., Yamhill County. Will trade for house and lot. Phone owner, East 3;t38. FOR SALE FARMS, DAIRY RANCHES, timber lands; only at bargains. Writs Joseph Parker, Holbrook. Oregon. 00 ACHES, 4-J IN CULTIVATION; 6-ROOM house; good barn; school near; R. F. D. ; APPLE LAND IN THE UPPER HOOD River Valley, for sale. Inquire 83 Park st. FOR SALE TIMBER LANDS. THE LACET WAY Is recognised to be the standard way ot Dandling timber lands. The timber must first satisfy us, and our cruise reveals very detail of the conditions surrounding It. Our reports are prepared in such a way that the buyer knows whether or not the timber will satisfy him before he visits the tract. Twenty years' experience, and the client age we represent. Is a sufficient guar . antee that our methods axe right. You may waste your valuable time In looking up the tract you want. Take advantage of the results of our own constant efforts along this Una and get the best. JAMES D. LACEY A CO., Lumber Exchange, Seattle. WmJl. Chamber of Commerce, Portland. Or. SAWMILL. 25.000.000 to 30.000,000 feet of A-l fir timber and sawmill in excellent condition, now In operation, located near Columbia River, within 50 mile of Portland; facilities hnndy for shipping by rail or water. For particulars call THE VETERAN LAND CO., 165 Third St. WE HAVE A BUYER FOR A TRACT OF timber tributary to ine ixiumoia iver; also a buyer for a tract of spruce and hem lock which is accessible. CITY REALTY & BUILDING CO., 612 Commercial blk. HAVE TWO TIMBER LOCATIONS. 4.000.000 feet yellow fir or more, in Coast Range. Parties interested will call in person, 640 Washington and be ready to leave on the 4:16 train May 8. WAXTBIVFROM 60,000.000 TO 100.QOO.000 feet limner whicn win come into ine Colum bia. I mean business If you have anything to offer. E 85, Oregonian. 12.000,000 FEET OF FINE FIR TIMBER near Columbia River; an A-l logging propo sition; for particulars call room A, 166 Third street. FOR SALE AN Al LOGGING SHOW, now logging; $100,000, $20,000 cash, bal ance good terms. Address C 88, Orego nian. TIMBER LOCATIONS oS, 8wS, 160S. FROM one to live million per ltK acres. Phone 5141. W. E. Russell. Box 230, Eugene, Or. FOR SALE TIMBER IN WALLOWA County, Or. Klesllng & Crow, Emida, Idaho. Timber wanted, Oregon or Washington, large or small tract. Sphinx Agsncy. Stark. WANTED FARMS. WANTED FARM. 1 TO 2000 ACRES. What have you (owner)? Agenta ignored. F. Williams. 442 Warren .ve.. Chicago. 111. WANTED AND FOR SALE LAND SCRIP. All kinds. Including approved forest reserve scrip for surveyed, unsurveyed timber and prairie Government land. H. M. Hamil ton. The Portland. Portland. Or. TO EXCHANGE. LARGE STOCK OF FARM IMPLEMENTS, store building, and a good business for sale. Owner retiring, and will consider good real eMate in part payment. For partic ulars Inquire room 15. Lafayette bldg., cor. 6th and Washington sta. ONE, ACRE AT FT. JOHNS FOR LOT OR part payment on house aad, lot or will sell. & &0, care Oregonian. WANTED REAL ESTATE. WHAT HAVE YOU IN FROM 2 TO 10 acres, suitable for a little home, not rar from the carline? East Side preferred, some Improvements. Frank T. Berry or James Gleason. 4 X. 6th St. WE WANT GOOD RESIDENCES. WEST Side, from $0000 to $10,000; also wei lo cated 'vacant lots; buyers waiting. Larhont A Harris. 306-7 Swetland bldg. $25U0 CASH TO BUY NOT LESS THAN 40 acres of good level lana. partially im proved. Full description first letter. E 8&. Oregonian. WE WANT ALL KINDS OF GOOD PROP- erty for sale at correct prices. Give us a trial. Jackson & Peering, 246 Stark st. 7-ROOM HOUSE IN NOB HILL DISTRICT, not to exceed $5o00; can pay one-nair casn. G SS. Oregonian. 25 ACRES MUST BE ON A RIVER; state description, cash and terms. O- oA Oregonian. WANTED QUARTER BLOCK, BUSINESS district. Give run particulars, j wu, ore gonian. WANTED TIMBER LANDS. WE BUY TIMBER ON NEHALEM. LOWER and upper Columbia, in Douglas County, on Smith, Umpqua and Coquille Rivers, and yellow pine in Morrow. Wheeler, Grant and Crook Counties. Send exact de scription. Goldschmidt'a Agency, 253 & Washington. TO OWNERS OF TIMBER CLAIMS AND timber; e win nuy tor casn any gooa timber trlbutarv to the Nehalem River. Will deal with owners only. Write giving full particulars. Nehalem Investment Co.. 823 Chamber of Commerce bldg., Portland. Or. SPRUCE TIMBER LAND WANTED TRIBU tary to Columbia River. Address F 34. care of the Oregonian. giving quantity, location and price. - OREGON TIMBER CO.. TIMBER LAND3 bought and sold. 403-4 McKay bldg., Portland, Or. WANTED TIMBER CLAIM OR RELIN quishment. Give particulars, R 88, Ore gonian. PILING TIMBER AT CASH PRICES. S 81. Oregonian. FOR RENT-FARMS. FOR RENT CHOICE 60-ACRE FARM; close In; good buildings; fruit; good term to right party. Inquire 206 Lumber Ex change Bldg. HOOD RIVER 15 ACRES, ORCHARD, berries, timothy, 3 miles to depot. Mercer, 605 Front, Portland. TO LEASE. TWO-STORY BUILDING WITH BOILER and engine and machinery equipments. In quire 325 N. 16th st. FOB SALE Horses, Vehlckles. Etc 60 HORSES, 60 At auction and without fail, at Union Stock yards, Portland, Or., on Thursday. May 9. 1U07. 1 o'clock sharp. Fine lot of unbroke range horses, some matched pairs, will make good drivers, saddlers and fine delivery horses', some young mares and colts suitable for farmers, will grow Into money. Don't fall to attend sale. Twaddle and Richards. BROWN MARE, WEIGHS 1275 POUNDS ; works every way; also sorrel horse, weighs 1200 ,lbs., good delivery horse, one new farm wagon and harness, one Chicago breaking cart and harness, cheap, 2 sad dles and bridles. Call 23 N. 14th. A NUMBER OF HEAVY TEAMS; ALSO heavy horses; not matched; all In fine condition and ready for hard work; will sell at a reasonable price, as we have about 40 horses on band. Chehalls River Lumber Co., Centra 11 a. Wash. TOP WAGONS. GOOSE-NECK: FURNITURE? wagons, express wagons, runabouts, horses, vehicle and harness of all descriptions for ale or rent, Hubert Jfc Hall. 266 Fourth, at. New grocery laundry, bakery, milk wagons, 100 eecond-hand vehicles; single, double fur nlture wagons; horses, rigs rented. Toml la won St Ca0tday. 211 Wash. Pacific 6o7. ONE BLACK TEAM FOR SALE GOOD pullers, weight about 2700 pounds; 12 years old; drive single or double; price $350. In quire U. S. Stable, 248 Front St. ONE SPAN MARES WEIGHING ABOUT 1450 each ; one span horses weighing about 1100 each. Address K 0, The Ore gonian. WANTED A GOOD DELIVERY HORSE; weight about 1250; must be sound. Harris Trunk Co., 132 6th st. NICE 5-YEAR-OLD SORREL MARE: RIDE or drive; sound and gentle. 248 Hamilton ave. BIG SALE ON LIGHT AND WORK harness. Keller Harness Co., 49 N. 6th st. WANTED TEAMS TO HAUL BRICK. Mc Mahon Bros., 44th and Division sts. COVERED WAGON, SUITABLE FOR GRO cer, $55. 615 Jefferson st. Pianos. JUST PURCHASED A STANDARD MAKE piano,- which must sell at sacrifice, as leaving city. Terms to responsible peo ple. T 87, Oregonian. SELL OR TRADE HINZIE PIANO, cheap. Address F. A. Kruse, Oswego, Or. Miscellaneous. ALL SIZES PIPE. BLACK. AND GALV. from to 12 inches. 2-1000 light dynamos. 1-00x16 boilers, practically new. Carload trace chains. Carload machinist and blacksmith vices. Carload picks and mattocks. Carload wedges and sledges, all new. One pile driver's hammer. loo tons rails. different sizes. 100 tons eye beams, all sizes. Carload new bolts and nuts. Secondhand elevator 3OO0 lbs capacity. We also have the largest stock of second hand sawmill machinery, belting, cables, hardware and other things too numerous to mention. In the Northwest. J. Simon & Bros., 244-46-SO Front St. CABINET FOLDING BED. $12; STEEL range. $15; gas range. $6.50; fine iron bed, $.1: genuine mahogany dresser, $22.50; kitchen treasure, $J; fine oak ha 11 rack, $12.50; hardwood extension table, $3; up-to-date three-piece parlor suit, $12; $35 sideboard. $15. M. J. McGrath Furniture Co.. 66 North 3d st., between Davis and Everett. Main 2087. $ $ $ $ Phone Main 6374 $ $ $ $ Special stove sale at the Dollar all week; Coo stoves to be sold cheap; all kinds, all sizes, gas and all. 2.2 First st. $ $ $ $ New and old. $ $ $ f FOR SALE NEW AND SECOND-HAND billiard and pool tables; easy payments; we rent tables, with privilege of buying; modern bar fixtures; cheap prices. Bruns-wlck-Balke-Collender, 49 3d st. FOR SALE NEW AND SECOND-HAND furniture, hardware and stoves. Going out " of business. Will sell all or in part. Good business In heart of city. Lease If desired, 149 Front st. ALL BAR FIXTURES, GLASSES AND Ap pliances used fn a saloon for sale at The Office Cafe, 286 Wuniagtoa st. Apply to Sam Vlgneux. FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE FOR HORSE. A fine young family cow; will be fresh this month; 4-gallon milker. 154 E. 18th st. A STOCK OF SECOND-HAND DISHES, suitable for hotel or restaurant. Apply Elton Court, 11th and Yamhill sts. FOR SALE A GOOD STEEL RANGE; also Cooker Chief gas stove. Phone East 1S04 or call at 8 East 11th st south. SEVBXTY-FIVB PAIRS HOMER PIGEONS; fine squab raisers, $1 per pair. J. G. Peters, Milwaukie, Or. Phone Scott 31. CASH PAID FOR FURNITURE, FIXTURES and merchandise. Phono Main 162&. J. T. Wilson, auctioneer. GASOLINE 'LAUNCH COST $2500; WILL sell for less than half. Apply Q 68, Ore gonian. FOR SALE: FAMILY COW; FRESH; GEN tlu to milk. 917 Belmont St.. cor. 30th. FOR SALE FINE VIOLIN. $15; guitar, $5. 17iH Madison st. POINTER PUP FOR SALE AT 268 BURN side. HELP WANTED MALE. WANTED AN EXPERIENCED MIDDLE aged woman to run a rooming-house, 25 rooms. 333 Gllsan street. WANTED FIRST-CLASS WAITER; WAGES $14 per week. Apply Peerless Saloon, 41 Third st. REAL ESTATE SALESMEN HIGH-CLASS proposition. Call 425 Chamber of Commerce bldg. BOY WANTED FOR OFFICE WORK, ETC can iv f irst su HELP WANTED MALE. WANTED BOYS 19 TO 19 TEARS OF AGD to work in factory; good wages, steady work. Arply at once, AME-HARRIS-NEVILLE CO., 6th and Davis sta. WINDOW TRIMMER. Lipman. Wolfe & Co. require the services of an experienced window trimmer. Apply at once to Supt. $3000 TO $10,000 YEARLY EASILY MADQ in the real estate business; no capital re quired; we will teach you the business by mall, appoint ycu special representative of leading real estate company, list with you readily salable properties, co-operate with and assist you to a permanent success; a thorough commercial law course free to each representative; write for 62-page book free; It will be sure to Interest you. The Cross Co., 660 Reaper biock, Chicago. FIREMEN AND BRAKEMEN- ON RAIL roads in Portland vicinity to fill vacan cies caused by promotions. Experience unnecessary. Age over 20; over 14i pou nds ; 5 feet or over. Firemen $1 00 monthly, become engineers and earn $200. Brakemen $7&, become conductors and earn $150. Name position preferred. Railway Association, care The Oregonian. MILLWRIGHT. $4 to $5 DAY. STEADY work; 5 carpenters, $3.50; planer man, $3.50 to $4 day ; edgerman, $3 ; mill and yard hands. $2.5; hook tender, $4.50; fall ers, buckers, rigging slingers, barkers, R. R. men for construction work, all over; free . fare. HANSEN'S EMPLOYMENT OFFICES. 26 North 2d st. 250 Bumslde st. ALL-ROUND PRINTER FOR FOREMAN In first-class country office; must be so ber and able to take full charge of pfflce If necessarv: references required; single man preferred; power presser used; stats wages for permanent job. Address at once. News-Messenger, Lincoln, Placer County, California. WANTED TWO BRIGHT 'YOUNG MEN, who can serve as usheTS in our Recital Hall, afternoon or evening, as occasion may require; good chance for High School students. Apply advertising Dept., Eilers Piano House. PROTECT YOURSELF PoR $1 PER MONTH against accident, sickness and death. Writs cr call for full Information. Northwestern Health and Accident Association, 31 Mallory bldg.. 26a Stark. Agents wanted. WANTED AT ONCE, FIRST-CLASS HORSE- shoer and helper on general blacksmlthing; first-class wages or will sell Interest In shop; transportation paid i man suits. Address F. Groshong, White Salmon. Wash. WANTED MAN FOR OUTSIDE WORK. One who has had experience in building fence nreferred: lone lob. AddIv in Der- son between 9 and 12 A M. at Anchor Fence Co., 130 Front -st. PACIFIC STATIONERx St PRINTING CO., 205-207 2d at. Pbone Main 921. We doalgn and Install the most modern and approved office systems. Complete Una loose-Laai filing devlcss. KELSO EMPLOYMENT A REAL ESTATE The largest list of farm, timber, stump land in Co wilts County, Washington; free employment at principal camps, ai. Blxby, Jr. r ' WANTED TWO GOOD SEAMSTRESSES: also one apprentice willing to assist with light housework; good wages to the right parties. Apply 2 Sheffield, 7th and Jef ferson. Men and women to learn watchmaking, engrav ing, jeweler work, optics, easy terms; posi tions guaranteed; money made learning. Watchmkg-Engvg. Sch'l. 1426 4th av. Seattle Men and boys wanted to learn plumbing, plas tering, bricklaying, electrical trades; free catalogue; positions secured. Coyne Trade Bchooks. rtew York and can Francisco. WANTED EXPERIENCED SALESMAN who can make good on the road with a line of men s nne shoes. Sano Mercantile Co., 72 Front at., Portland. WANTED MAN TO RUN A STEAM HEAT Ing plant; services required only part of the time. House rent, heat, water and small salary. X 88, Oregonian. POSITIONS NOW OPEN, CITY AND COUN try. for capable sales . and clerical men; salary $0uo to $1800. Commercial Ab stract Co., Raleigh bldg. SHOE) SALESMAN, THOROUGH AND COM petent. with a faculty for decoration and display; a good position for first-class man. Olds, Wortman &. King. WANTED A YOUNG CLOTHING- BALES man, 20 to 24 years of age; good posi tion for right party. Apply Gevurtz & Sons, 173 First st. WANTED BOY FOR OFFICE AND De livery work. A good chance for advance ment. Welch, Davis & Carson, 266 Yam hill, upstairs. FOR SALE CHEAP COMPLETE MOVING picture machine outfit; films, etc.; must be sold today. Room 2, 145 6th. Phone Pa cific 2525. WANTED BOOKKEEPER AND OFFICE assistant. Must be quick and accurate at figures. State age and salary. C 86, Ore gonian. WANTED SECOND-HAND MANGLER, extractor, cabinet dryer, necker, etc. Wm. Goldthorpe. Bay View House, Olympia, Wash. r a ktt T e-oerMtra ... -,.. .a taugnt oany. ror. wai wiison. otrioes and academy, Ahsky bldg., 3d and Morrison sta. A GOOD MAN FOR STRAIGHT CANVASS ing; good opportunity to make money. Best references required. G 90. Oregonian. WANTED TWO FIRST-CLASS COAT makers and one walsteoat-maker. K. S. Brvin A. Co., Ltd.. 3d and Alder. WANTED YOUNG MAN ABOUT 20 YEARS old to work instde chance of advancement for the right party. 309 Stark. WANTED FIRST-CLASS SAUSAGE maker. one who Is willing to go out of city; good wages. M 87, Oregonian. GERMAN-AMERICAN EMPLOYMENT CO. furnishes all kinds of male help tree. 233 Burn side at. Phone Main 6495. LADIES' TAILOR BEST WAGES IN TOWN; steady work; airy and light working rooms. J. K. Stern. 429 Washington. HIGH-GRADE SOLICITOR WITH REFER ence. can make $300 a month. Call 425 Chamber of Commerce bldg. STRONG BOY OF 17 OR 18 FOR SCOUR ing clothes; must be a good worker. Ber lin Dye Works, 347 2d st. BARBER WANTED $14 GUARANTEED, 65 per cent over $20. Steady job, head chair. 177 Madison st. IMMEDIATELY LARGE BOY OR MAN TO learn cleaning, etc. French Fancy Dya Works, 211 4th st. WANTED AT ONCE. FIRST-CLASS COAT maker. - John Hanson, merchant tailor, Aberdeen, Wash. WANTED HORSESHOER FOR FLOOR work. Wages $3.50 per day. Call 124 North 7th st. WANTED BOY IS OR 20 TO LEARN confectionery. Apply after 3 P. M., 345 Morrison. DRUG CLERK STATE SALARY WHERE last employed, experience, etc. L 85, Ore gonian. WANTED PAINTERS FOR HOUSE WORK. Apply Clapshaw, foot of htil. Rose City Park. YOUNG MAN FOR OFFICE WORK. Ap ply In own hand - writing. E 86 Ore gonian. BUSH ELM AN WANTED; MUST BE ABLE to clean and press. Gilbert. 106 6th st. WANTED AT ONCE BOY, 3 6 TO 18. TO work as assistant Janitor. Roberts Bros. WE SECURE EMPLOYMENT FOR MEM bera. Special membership, $2. T. M. C. A. WANTED 2 BOYS, FACTORY WORK, $6 per week to begin. 55 Front, corner Davis. BOYS WANTED AT G. P. RUMMELIN Sons, 12'J Second st., near Washington. Toting Man desiring to better condition Call on Employment Dept., Y. M. C A. SALESMEN BIG WAGES; SOMETHING positively new. 216 Commercial block. A PORTER; ALSO A PANTRYMAN, PORT land Restaurant, 305 Washington at. BOAT-BUILDERS WANTED. O. P. GRA ham. foot Mill st. BOY WANTED AT -RKFFLING, 231 J Washington st. BIE LP WANTED MALE. WANTED TWO GOOD .RELIABLE REP resentatives possessing selling ability for city and country' Call on general repre sentatives of J. F. Tonna &. Co.. 216 Til ford building, corner 10th and Morrison, or write your qualifications and In return we will send you full particulars regard ing our proposition. H 00, Oregonian. WANTED TODAY. 15 men to work a large planing mill and sash and door factory; wages $2.25 to $3.50; we pay the fare. Three planermen. $3.50 up: 4 planer feed ers. $2.5o up; 3 lumber graders. $2.50 up; 5 tallymen, $2 50 up; 6 cut-off sawyers. $2.75; 4 carriage riders, $2.50 up; 3 ratcat-setters, $3 up: 25 mill hands. $2.50 to -i; 50 yard men. $2.EV0 to $2.75; 25 loggers. $2.75 to $5; 6 flunkeys, $'0 to 4"; 30O others. LUMBERlMEN S LABOR BUREAU, Main office, . 12 North 2d st. WANTED AT ONCE. FIRST-CLASS MAN to tane cnarge of business in prosperous city; $100 per month salary guaranteed and commissions; right man will make $."00 per month; this is exceptional and perma nent; not mercantile. Call 212 Swetland bldg., 9 to 12 today. ALL DISEASES OF MEN SUCCESS FULLY treated; discharges positively cured In from to 6 days; consultation free and strictly confidential; send for our symptom blank. X-radlum Medical Institute, 3d and Alder sts. ; entrance 23 Alder st., Portland. MEN AND WOMEN TO LEARN BARBER trade In eight weeks: graduates earn from ?16 to $23 weekly; expert Instructors; cata ogue free. Moler System of Colleges, 3$ North Fourth street. Portland. WANTED A FEW MORE GOOD LIVE salesmen to sell our Coast-grown trees. Money advanced each week. Outfit fur nished free. Write us for particulars. Al bany Nurseries. Albany, Or. SEVERAL MEN TO BEGIN NOW TO PRE pare for Government positions. Examina tions soon. Desirable employment to good men. Write Pacific States Schools, McKay Bldg., Portland, Or. MARRIED MAN TO WORK ON FARM, house furnished. Must understand team ing; also milking cows. Address Will S. Ewing. or Inquire 234 Front st. WANTED MAN FOR BRICKYARD; wages $2.50 and $2.75 per day. Apply Portland Brick & Tile Co., St. Helens road, Portland. Or. A YOUNG MAN FOR ASSISTANT BOOK keeper: must have some experience; give references. Address Post OfTlce Box 436, city. PORTLAND OLD LINE STOCK COM pany wants men to sell special health and accident insurance. 705 Marquam bldg. A FIRST-CLASS LOOM FIXER. A DRES9 er tender, also wool sorter; steady work. Apply Union Woolen Mills, Union, Or. BOYS 16 YEARS OF AGE AND OVER. WITH wheel, also boys without wheel wanted at once. Apply to Olds, Wortman & King. PHARMACIST, REGISTERED, WANTED IN railroad town, 50 miles from Portland; good wages. Inquire Archer A Schanx, 10 A. M. Advertising solicitors, city; printers. Job-ad men, reporters, operators wanted, furnished. Newspaper Brokerage. Goodnough bldg. WANTED PLATEN PREPS FEEDER; $13.50 per week. Northwest (Newspaper Brokerage, 603 Goodnough bldg. WANTED HUSTLERS TO TACK SIGNS, distribute circulars, samples, etc.; good pay. Sun Advertising Bureau, Chicago. LEARN TO OPERATE MOTION PICTURES; graduates earn $25 weekly. Terms reason able. Room 2. 14514 6th. SOLICITOR. ONE WILLING TO PUT IN few hours day. Household specialties. Good pay. 262 3d. TWO GOOD FLUNKEYS FOR CAMP. CALL between 10 and 12 P. M. today, 345 Morrl son st. WANTED MIDDLE - AGED MAN FOR janitor work. Inquire at 81 North 15th st. WANTED AN EXPERIENCED GROCERY driver. Call at 321 3d. Main 1441. WANTED A YOUNG BARBER WITH some experience, at once. 48 23d st. 600 men wanted Free snares and haircuts. X8 Coucn st. Moler Barber College. WANTED AN ERRAND BOY. THE James Printing Co., 48-50 First st. FIRST-CLASS PANTS-MAKER WANTED AT J. Pollvka Co., 210 Morrison st. . YOUNG MAN TO WASH DSHES AT BAU mann Hotel, 412 N. 19th st. WANTED BOY TO WORK IN WALL PA- per store. Call 128 First. BRIGHT BOY TO WORK IN PRINTING COMPETENT GIRL FOR GENERAL HOUSH- worx. JNortn 24tn st. WANTED 4 MEN FOR THE COUNTRY. Apply 183 Madison st. WANTED HARNESSMAKERS. APPLY 24 and 26 Union ave. WANTED A BELLBOY. AFTER SCHOOL hours. 163 I2th st. WANTED BOY FOR DELIVERING AT 289 Grand ave. south. HELP WANTED MALE. OR FEMALE. WANTED BOOKKEEPER, WOMAN OR man who haB had experience in lumber business. Must have highest references. Apply in person at once to G. W. Gates & Co., 515 Lumber Exchange. WANTED INTELLIGENT PERSONS OF both sexes to engage In. remunerative bus iness: all or part of their time, with re , sponsible house; salary guaranteed. Ad dress G 86, Oregonian. WANTED LADIES' GARMENT PRESS erB and a' man clothes cleaner and dryer. Good wages for right party at 148 Grand ave., city. WAsTED WAITER OR WAITRESS; ALSO chambermaid. Lewis and , 153 N. 6th. 267 EVERETT ST. WANT A MAN OR a woman, experienced In tailoring. HELP WANTED FEMALE. EXPERIENCED CHOCOLATE DIPPERS HIGHEST WAGES. GEORGE A. M'NEIL COMPANY WHOLESALE CONFECTION ERS, 110 N. FOURTH ST., NEAR GLI 6 AN. MILLINERY TRIMMERS WANTED 100 millinery trimmers wanted at once. Good wages. Apply to the Shafer-Whittier Com pany, 306 Washington st. The wholesaler's big slaughter of millinery at retail at leas than half manufacturers' prices. WANTED IMMEDIATELY GIRL OF RE finemnt who has had experience as wait reRs for three hours at noon time. Apply Mrs. Spencer, tea room, Olds, Wortman & King. WANTED A YOUNG GIRL FOR GENER al housework. No washing; family three adults. Scandinavian preferred. Apply morning, 726 Northrup st. WANTED HOUSEKEEPER FOR INSTITU tlon; $25; laundress for sanitarium, $'(5; family cook, $35. 23ti Yamhill. Main 413. GIRL FOR GENERAL HOUSEWORK AT 15th and Elizabeth sts., Portland Heights, or inquire E. T. Johnson, 141 1st st. WANTED HOUSEKEEPERS. COOKS, nurses, waitresses, second girls. St. Louis Ladies' Agency. 230 Yamhill, Main 5413. GIRL FOR GENERAL HOUSEWORK: GOOD wages. Inquire 223 North 21t St., cor. Lovejoy. Phone Main 1240. GIRL FOR GENERAL HOUSEWORK IN small 'family. 'Call 128 E. 19th St., between Morrison and Alder. , WANTED GIRLS TO SORT BROOM corn. Apply Sunset Broom Works, 12th and Lovejoy sta. WANTED DINING-ROOM GIRL AT 225 X Ilth st. HELP W ANTED FEMALE. WANTED LADIES TO TRAVEL. TEN ladies of energy and ability ro oemonsirate and make a thorough house-to-house can vass for a well-known food product. Best of .etalary and all expenses. We have a number of permanent places for the right parties. Call for an interview, 10 to 12 A. M., 2 to 5 P. M., Imperial Hotel. Mrs. E. M. Cobb. YOUNG LADIES WANTED TO LEARN TELEPHONE OPERATING; GOOD SALARY. SHORT HOURS. PAY WHILE LEARNING; LUNCH SERVED FREE" OF CHARGE. APPLY CHIEF OPERATOR TELE PHONE BLDG.. WEST PARK AND ALDER. WANTED GIRLS OVER 16 YEARS OLD TO work in factory ; good wages; steaay em ployment. Apply at once. Ames-Harris-Neville Co.. 5th and Davis streets. WOMAN FOR A RU"G FACTORY, $8 A week; 2 women for dye house, f oO to $J day; 3 seamstresses, 3 dressmaker. 14 waitresses, city and country, in Oregon, Wahfngton and California, fares paid; 2 houseksepers, 4 chambermaids, family cooks, second girls and hcuseglrl. 2 camp cooks, $.15 and $50; cook and helper, small camp, $": others. v HANSEN'S LADIES AGENCY. 343 Washington St.. cor. 7th, upstairs. ATTENTION. Applicants for all kinds of work, register with us, free of charge, so we may locals yea on short notlcs. HANSEN'S LADIES' AGENCY, $48 Washington St.. cor. 7th, upstairs WANTED A LADY STENOGRAPHER: must be over 24 years of age; permanent position to the right party. Call between hours 2 to 6 P. M. at 203 San Rafael st. WANTED YOUNG LADY FOR AERIAL act; height 5 ft. 2 In. to 5 ft. 6 in., weignt not over 135 lbs. Address or call between 6 and 7 P. M., De Nova, 88 6th st. GIRLS WANTED OPERATORS TO WORK on shirts and overalls; lessons glvea to ir. experienced. Apply at Standard Factory, S Grand ave. and E. Taylor st. WANTED COMPETENT GIRL FOR housework; must understand cooking, in family of two: good wage a Apply 769 Northrup st. Phone 2105. WANTED WAITRESSES, C H A M B E-R maids, dishwashers, domestics. Dig wages. WTnte Woman's Domestic Guild, 810 Riv erside, Spokane, Wash. JACKET AND SKIRT HANDS WANTED at once; gooo permanent position 10 com petent and reliable people. Apply to Olds, Wortman A King. AN EXPERIENCED GIRL FOR GENERAL housework in a small family ; liberal wages. 252 J 3th st. CHAMBERMAIDS. 50 WAITRESSES (2 Dalles; $35). housekeepers. domestics (one mostly companions everynoay. uiae i 205 Washington. HAND IRONERS.- MACHINE GIRLS, MAN git? Bills. iwiuri 3 auu "' v .. . " Best wages. Opera House Laundry Co., DESIRABLE POSITION FOR COMPETENT ffirl in family of three: cooking and general housework. 794 Irving, cor. 24th. Phone Main 1182. WANTED GIRL FOR GENERAL HOUSE- work; small washing; small family. 695 Everett st. Good wages. Phone Main 5S43. WANTED MIDDLE-AGED WOMAN FOR general housework ; no washing ; $25 per montn. xltb. J. 1. nenaeraon, aooa nive. Or. STOUT. HUSKY WOMAN. ABOUT 135 pounds, to train for boxing match Fourth of July; big purse and oets. - j 4113, uregonimi, WANTED IMMEDIATELY LADIES BB tween the ages of 18 and 35 to do variety 1.. V V rirnBAtllan WANTED APPRENTICE IN CLOAK DE- partment; also girl in shirtwaist depart ment, ri. . ooi wBsniugiun WANTED TWOS GIRLS TO LEARN MIL- Hnerv ; smal 1 pay at n rst. uoon oppoa tunity to advance. Fraley, 214 Third st. WANTED OPERATORS AND GIRLS TO learn shlrtmaking. Apply Standard Factory. 2 Grand avenue ana iast layior street. cpwfd a t . rvoppTPvrir.n r a . a nttrs hosiery, underwear, fancy goods ; also girl ior yniici it muuici . .jjjjij. j i a " WANTED COMPETENT GIRL FOR GEN eral housework; good wages. Inquire 1025 Raleigh st. Phone Mam zw. HANBEN'S LADIES AGENCY. tS Washington st., cor. 7th. upstair. Pbone Main 2692. Tn VTCT, . CCPAvn P.1RT. TWO TV FAM. Uy; good wages. Apply today, 714 Wayne St. rnnne oiaiu .ouo. WANTED YOUNG LADIES FOR LACES, gloves and notions department. Shanahan Co., i4--i-o on SI- YOUNG GIRL TO ASSIST IN LIGHT housework in ramiiy 01 two; aiternoons on. Phone Main 3500. WANTED THREE CHAMBERMAIDS FOR out of city; expenses paid; good wages. A 107, Ojegontan. at ote noon plain cook for pri vate boarding-house; good . wages, good rwm. 314 Mill. WOMAN WANTED TO HELP IN BAKERY and delicatessen; also girl for store. 400 Jefferson. ! WANTED GIRL FOR GENERAL HOUSE work: good plain cook; two in family, fcul Marshall st. W A. NT ED GIRL TO HELP AT LIGHT housework. Address 266 Hall St., French laundry. WANTED GOOD COOK FOR SMAIJL family. No waiting. Good wages. 202 King St., WANTED WAITRESSES AND A CHAM- bermnld at Hot-art-uurtis, j.4in ana jei- ferson. WANTED TEACHERS FOR CHINESE Mission. Apply 206 2d st., at 7 o'clock P. M. COMPETENT GIRL FOR GENERAL, house worK. Z33 . iS4tn l. r-none M&ia 2717. Hi-n IRONKRS WANTED AT PORT- land Laundry Co.. 9th and Couch. Best wages. COMPETENT WAIST AND SKIRT MAK ers at once. 162 N. lath st. Phone Main 5341. SKIRT, WAIST AND JACKET FINISHERS. room 403 Flledner Diag., luin ana wasning ton. W ANTED FIRST-CLASS IRONER, READY .. 1. ITreTif h 1aiinriiv 9 Art Us II at WANTED A FIRST-CLASS COOK. APPLY morning or aiternoon at o r. utn su WANTED AT ONCE A PANTRY WOMAN of some experience e.i me niu noiei. WANTED ONE LONG AND ONE SHORT- iiour dining-room gin. )so diorrison. SMALL GIRL WANTED TO HELP IN CON- fectlonery store. wasningion. AN EXPERIENCED GIRL TO ASSIST IN general nousewora. v, Aiaer st. WANTED WAIST AND SKIRT Davidson A Ferrey, 141 lath st. HELP WANTED FEMALE.. WANTED A GOOD GIRL FOR GENERAL housework, small famliy, new house. X4U N. 24th st. GIRL FOR GENERAL HOUSEWORK omaii iamny ; gooa wages. 09 lenu, corner Mill. GIRLS WANTED FOR LAUNDRY WORK; steady positions; good wages. Troy Laun dry Co. SMART YOUNG GIRLS TO WRAP CHEW- lng gum. American Chicle Co.. 31 N. Front st. , WANTED EXPERIENCED ALTERATION hand on jackets and skirts. H. B. Lltt. WANTED MILLINERY TRIMMERS. FIRST- class. Apply Uut:er-tchutze Co., 85 5th st. DANCING LESSONS, 25c- WILSON'S School, Allsky bldg.. 3d and Morrison sts. GIRLS WANTED AT G. P. RUMMELIN A Sons, 126 Second st., near Washington. GIRLS WANTED APPLY STANDARD FAv tory. 2 Grand ave. and East Taylor st. GIRL FOR GENERAL HOUSEWORK; NO wa&ntng; gooa wages. none j;ast aooo. WANTED GOOD DINING-ROOM GIRL. Elton Court, 11th and Yamhill sts. GIRL FOR GENERAL HOUSEWORK. Call mornings, k. nun, worm. A GIRL WANTED TO DO TAILORING AT Brown Bros., 203 Washington st. 2 LADY BARBERS WANTED. OR WILL teach one the trade, a -iin st. WANTED COMPETENT SECOND GIRL. Apply mornings. 841 ilth st. WOMAN WANTED KITCHEN HELPER. 53 N. 18th, cor. iavis st. . WANTED A GOOD GIRL FOR GENERAL housework. 161 N. Z4tn st. GIRL FOR GENERAL HOUSEWORK AT Mt Tabor. Phone East 243. 389 ALDER 8T WANTED, A GIRL TO asolst In general housework. WANTED FIRST-CLASS WAITRESS AT 249 First st. Good wages. GIRL FOR SECOND WORK. The Martyn, 553 Washington at. WANTED GIRBi FOR GENERAL HOUSE- work. 245 King. SITUATION WANTED MAXB. Bookkeeper and Clerks, YOUNG MARRIED MAN. COLLEGE GRADU- ate and two years a law student with, some experience as bookkeeper, would like office work; can give references. W 89, Oregonian. WANTED BY EXPERIENCED TRAVELING man, good side line for Willamette Valley and Southern Oregon, selling grocers and general stores. Address L 88, Oregonian. WANTED POSITION AS BOOKKEEPER OR office ass Istan t . with chance for ad van ce ment, by a young man with experience, who can deliver the goods. S 87, Oregonian. ' YOUNG MAN WISHES POSITION AS CLERK am willing to solicit orders and do delivery; good references. D 89, Oregonian. YOUNG MAN 21 YEARS OLD DESIRES a position in a grocery store, has had five years experience. Phone M 1625, call room 61, Wednesday. COLLECTOR EXPERT COLLECTOR AND investigator rrora .ast, al references, wants position; wages reasonable. A. M. K easier, 71 6th N. SITUATION WANTED BY 1 TRAVELING salesman; 10 years' experience on the road; best of references. P 87, Oregonian. WANTED TYPEWRITING WORK TO BE done during spare hours. K 88, Oregonian. Miscellaneous. RESPONSIBLE PARTY WISHE9 TO CARD for residence for the rent of same this Sum mer, during owner's absence; can furnish best of references. Phone East 4246. PRELIMINARY AND LOCATING ENGI neer is open for engagement May 15; Ore gon and California references. Railroad or hydraulic work. T 8, Oregonian. YOUNG MARRIED MAN WITH ft YEARS' experience in time payment plan wants posi tion; wages reasonable. A. Kcssler, 71 6th st. N. JAPANESE LABOR ASSOCIATION CANT furnish domestic servants, farmers, also; all kinds of help. Main 4650. 268 Everett. JAPANESE WANTS POSITION, FARMER or any kind outside work. 264 Davis st. Phone Main 4797. POSITION A3 STEWARD OR MANAGER OF hotel or restaurant; 15 years' experience. F 90. Oregonian. Experienced, good Japanese gardener wants work by day or contract. Phone Main 4797. WANTED SITUATION , AS GARDENER; fully experienced. Address V 87, Oregonian. JAPANESE WANTS ANY KIND OF DAY work. Phone Pacific 98 or A 4198. SITUATION WANTED FEMALE. Bookkeepers and Stenographers. EXPERIENCED, RELIABLE STENOG rapher, Underwood, Dens more or Rem ' tngton, desires permanent position at oncej hours 9 to 6. Pacific 2059. Dressmakers. FIRST-CLASS DRESSMAKER. JUST AR rived from Chicago, wishes engagements- in families; excellent fitter, fine designer. 611 Mill st. Phone Main 1020. YOUNG LADY SEAMSTRESS WOULD LIKB work In evenings; references; reasonable. Address R 86, care Oregonian. MADAME) TUTTLB, fashionable CavesrasJcer ; exclusive styles. 216 13th st. Tel. Main 6619. EXPERIENCED NURSE WANTS WORK BY day or week. I give sea salt baths and massage to ladles only. Phone Main 1528. Miscellaneous. CHAMBERMAID, BY RELIABLE EXPE rieuced woman; five years in last situa tion. D 83. Oregonian. EXPERIENCED COOK WANTS 8ITUA tion. . No laundry. Address 11- Grand WANTED AGENTS. AGENTS WANTED CAN YOU SBLIs goods; If so, we need you; complete out fit free; cash weekly. Writs for cholcsj of territory. Capital City Nursery Co.4 Salem, -Or. WANTED PARTY OR PARTIES WHO CAN invest $2000 in a new enterprise; will posi tively clear $500 a month; something new; a chance of lifetime. Full particulars 191 4th st. WANTED Photograph aad portrait ageatsj grand new offer. Out berth. Sol Dekum bldg. WANTED TO RENT. WANTED BY YOUNG COUPLE. NO CHIL dren. small flat furnished complete for housekeeping, two or three rooms, private bath, business district, or centrally lo , cated. State terms. Address T. S. H., 414 Fleidner bldg. WANTED TO RENT HOUSES. COTTAOE3. flats, stores, offices, rooming-houses, etc. Landlords will do well to call on Portlao4 Trust Company of Oregon, B. E, oor, 3d anj Oak. Phone Exchange 72. YOUNG COUPLE WANT A 3 OR 4-ROOM flat or apartment with bath, or small cottage, close In, either side. P 86. Oregonian. WANTED FURNISHED HOUSE. 6 OR J rooms. In vicinity of Couch school. May 30; 9 in family. R 80, Oregonian. FURNISHED COTTAGE ON WEST BIDS for months of July and August, possibly longer. Q 86. Oregonian. ... . . t WANTED MISCELLANEOUS. DEAD HORSES HAULED AWAY PROMPT ly free. Oregon Fertilizer Works, at. I960, or notify Carney's Veterinary, 4th-Glisao. WANTED TWO BOWLING ALLEYS FOH country town ; mu-t be cheap ; state pric. and dimensions. Address C 87, Oregonian, WANTED FURNITURE AND HOUSEHOLD goods of any kind. See Johnson before yol sell. 23 Union avenue. Phone East 4441. CASH FOR ALL THE FURNITURE Wff CAN GET. PORTLAND AUCTION ROOMS. MAIN 5655. X PAY CASH FOR HOUSEHOLD GOOD Si Savage A Pennell Fur. Co., 345 1st. Pac.364 WE CALL FOR DEAD HORSES AND CAT tie free of charge. Pbone East 3233. . WANTED MEN'S OLD CLOTHING. SHOES. ' highest pricei paid. 62 3d. Tel. Pacific 44 WANTED GOOD BICYCLE CHEAP. FHONA Pacific 1780. 9