THE , jrQBNIXG OREGOXIAN, WEDNESDAY. MAY 8, 1907. 11 PROMISES HEW THEATER CALVIX S. HEILIG RETURNS FROM THE SOUTH. Syndicate of Los Angeles Capitalists Plan to Erect Playhouse Cobtlng $300,000. Once again It la announced that Port land Is to have a new $300,000 theater within the next year. Calvin S. Heilis. president of the Northwestern Theatrical Association, returned from the South yes terday and gave it out that he had prac tically completed arrangements by which a syndicate of Los Angeles capitalists will erect a theater for his use here to cost not less than 300,000 and to be the finest on the Pacific Coast. The final details have not been ar ranged and the deal is not yet closed, but Mr. Hellig feels reasonably confident that the plan will be carried out. He declines to designate the site, but says several are under consideration. He also brings word that the North western Association has extended its ope rations to the City of the Angels and after September will oprate an important theater in that city. While there last week he negotiated a lease on the Casino Theater, on Spring street between Third and Fourth, considered the best location in the city. It will be conducted as a stock house upon the opening of next season. Meanwhile it is undergoing a thorough remodeling nd renovation. Team Drops Through Bridge. ALBANY, Or.. May 7. (Special?) Benton County may be the defendant In a damage suit by reason of the col lapse of a bridge over an arm of Thornton's Lake, two miles northwest of Albany, last Saturday evening. Marion Baily. who lost a horse in the accident and was himself slightly in jured, said today he expected to sue the Benton County Court for damages. While Bailey and his nephew were driving a load of wood across the bridge Saturday evening the main span of 33 feet collapsed, and the wagon fell through to the lake 10 feet below. The water was only two feet deep underneath the bridge. The load of wood fell on one horse, and it has since died, and the other was injured. Neither of the men were seriously hurt though Bailey was struck by a falling timber and sustained some bruises. DAILY METEOROLOOICAL REPORT. PORTLAND. May 7. Maximum temper ature, 63 degrees; minimum . temperature, 4S. River reading at 8 A. M.. 8.0 feet; change In 24 hours, 0.1 foot. Total precipitation ince September 1, 10O6, 40.80 Inches; normal. 42.02 Inches; deflcleneey. 1.22 Inches. Total sunshine. May S. 1 hour 40 minutes: possible sunshine. 14 hours 55 ME O PARKED STE5BE.' si? city limits. The illustration indicates the manner in which building lines will be restricted and also the additional result of insisting upon restrictions as to the cost of homes to be built. With graded and curbed streets, cement sidewalks and grass plots A 1 JrdSiiv The enforcement of a . building restriction is of esspecial interest to you. It means that the homes on your street will all be as good as yours and many of them may be even better. Those who buy to in vest will profit im measurably by the fact that every proposed home in Rose City Park, and v every one that is built, will add to the value of the lot that they buy. Have your seriously consider ed the advisability of building your own home? f yours and many of them I &BgQffite&&tmgEfr Still more important and of especial inter est to the prospective Rose City Park purchaser is the fact that the very best people in Portland are selecting the best remaining locations. Every day we are receiving letters and statements from people of whom everybody in the city has heard to the effect that they will select their locations soon and will build at once. It is time for you, if you are a prospective buyer, to visit this beautiful suburb and ma!:e your selection. ARYMAN tr THOMPSON BANKERS CHAMBER OF COMMERCE minutes. Barometer reading (reduced to sea level) at 5 P. M.. 30 inches. PACIFIC COAST WEATHER. WEATHER CONDITIONS. There has been a slight rise In pressure over Washington and the weather In the North Pacific States has become more set tled. Except a few small showers In Southern Utah no rain .has fallen on the Pacific Slope during the last 12 hours and the temperature has risen nearly every where. The indications are for fair and warmer weather in this district Wednesday. -FORECASTS. Portland and vicinity Fair and warmer; westerly winds. Western Oregon and Western Washing ton Fair and warmer; westerly winds. Eastern Oregon, Eastern Washington and Idaho Fair and slightly warmer. EDWARD A. REALS District Forecaster." MEETING NOTICES- A sMEETINQ OF AL KA- DER TEMPLE will be held at Masonic Hall thla (Wednesday) evening, at 8 o'clock, for the purpose of making arrangements for re ceiving visiting Nobles re turning from Loe Angeles. A full attendance i desired. D. W. TAYLOR. Potentate. WASHINGTON CHAPTER, NO. 18, R. A. M. Regular convocation Wednesday evening. May 8. at 8 o'clock, Masonic Hall, Burkhard building. Final consideration of by laws. Royal Arch degree. Visitors welcome. All resident members urged to attend. By or der E. H. P. E. E. SHARON, Seo'y. MURLARK HALL, For rent reasonable from June 15 to Oc tober 13, to responsible parties. Inquire George H. Parsons. 58 23d St. Phone Main - 1642. SAMARITAN LODGE. -NO. 2. I. O. O. F. Regular meeting this (Wednesday) evening at 8 o'clock. First degree. Visitors welcome. M. OS WOLD. Secretary. GENERAL RELIEF COMMITTEE); I. O. P.. meets at temple at 1 o'clock today to attend funeral services of our deceased brother. Dr. James H. Pleasant, to be held from Zeller Byrpes Undertaking Parlora at 2 o'clock. Re mains will be cremated at Portland Crematory. CORINTHIAN CHAPTER. NO. 54, O. E. S. Stated communication this (Wednesday) evening, 8 o'clock, social. By order W. M. XATE M. STEADMAN, . Secretary. FUNERAL NOTICES. PLEASANTS In this city. May 8. at 262 Falling st.. Dr. James narvey rieassni;, aged 73 years, 8 months. and 5 days. Dr. Pleasants was a member of Central Point I O . O. F. Lodge of Oregon. Members of whom will conduct the funeral services at the parlor of Zeller-Byrnea Co.. corner tvillams ave. and RusseV at., Wednesday, May 8, at 2 P. M.. thence to the Crema torlum. Sedan, Kan., and Jackson County, Oregon, papers please copy. HENRY In this city. May . Katherlne Henry, sister of Father Paul Henry, O. P. of San Francleco, Cal., and M. B. Henry, of 354 Sacramento at., this city, aged 41 years. The funeral services will be held at St. Mary's Church, corner Williams ave. and Stanton sts.. at 2 P. M. Thursday, May 9. Friends Invited. Interment Mt. Cal vary Cemetery. Parked streets throughout Rose City Park will provide street effects that will easily surpass those of any other residence location within the 1 i&2&m?'Ztf&z? mm m desirable people who will buy the remaining three-quarters, thus preserving entire blocks, where fine grounds, buildings and effects will add to the delightful experience of being a resident in this tract. Beautiful Floor Coverings Our long-looked-for Carpets and Rugs ". have at last arrived. Never before has there been such a large assortment of . high-class goods shown in the Northwest. We are now more fully prepared than ever before to furnish your home com plete with the latest patterns, and in " " the most artistic style. "We are always glad to give you the benefit of our experi ence, whether it be regarding a rug for a single room or for carpeting the whole house. You are cordially invited to come ' in and examine our immense stock. - i J. G MACK & CO. 86-88 Third Street THE EXCLUSIVE PII1L METSCHAX, President and Msus Beveatk and Washington Streets, Portland, Oregea. European Plan - - -- -- -- -- $i.qq, $1.50, $2.00 per Day. FUNERAL NOTICES. WILLIAMS May 6, T. J. 'Williams, aged 78 years. 2 months and 6 days. Friends are respectfully Invited to attend the funeral services, which will be held at Mf8 East 15th .. at 2:30 P. M.. today (Wednesday). Interment Rivervlew Cemtery. suburb, it is cer tain that no hand somer home loca tion will be found in the Northwest. The tendency of a great many peo ple is to purchase a quarter block in conjunction with CARPET HOUSE auger. DIED. HA VII. AND In this city. May 7, at the family residence, 707 Flret St., Myrtle Fern Haviland, aged v7 years. 3 months, beloved daughter of Mr. and Mrs. George K. Havi land. Funeral announcement later. GEORGE In this city. May 8. at the family Tfeidence, 390 First St., There George, wife - of Adolph D. George, aged 47 years. Funeral notice hereafter. BELKNAP In this city. May 7. Arthur PJ. Belknap, aged 23 years. Interment and serv ices at Corvallis, Or. J. P. KIN LEY 4 SON, Funeral Directors. No. 261 3d St.. cor. Madison. . Phone Main 9. Dunning. McEntre St Gllbangh. Fnnerml Di rectors, tip Pine. Phone M. 430. Lady asst. ERICSON UNDERTAKING CO., 409 Aides St. Lady assistant. Phone Main 613s, EDWARD HSLHAN CO.. Funeral Direct or. 820 Sd st. iMdy assistant. Phone M. 501. ZELLER-BYRNES CO., Funeral Direct ors. 273 Russell. East 1088. Lady assistant. F. 8. DUNNING, Undertaker. 414 Kaat Alder. Lady assistant. Phone East at. CLASSIFIED AD. RATES FoUowtnar rates will bo riven only when advertising la ordered to run eonsecntlve day. Daily and Sunday Isaacs. The Orego nian charges Orst-Ume rate each Insertion for classified advertising thai la not ran on eonsecntlve days. The first-time rate Is charged foe each Insertion In The Weekly Oregonlan. "Booms," "Rooms and Board," "House keeping Rooms," "Situations Wanted." 13 words or leas, 15 cents; IS to 0 words, ft cents t 1 to 5 'words. S cents, eta, V discount for additional ansertioaa, UNDER ALL. OTHER HEADS, except "New Today," 80 cents for IS words or less; 18 to 20 words, 40 cents; 21 to 2S words, 50 cents, etc first insertion. Each additional Insertion, one-half; no further discount un der one montn- "MW TODAY" (gauge measure agate), 15 cents per line, first Insertions 10 cents per line for each additional Insertion. ANSWERS TO ADVERTISEMENTS, ad dressed care The Oregonian. and left at this office, should always be inclosed in sealed envelope. No stamp Is required on such letters. The Oregonian will not be responsible for errors In advertisements taken through tilt telephone. After May 1st The Ore gonian will discontinue furnishing clippings of ad vertisements inserted un der headings of New To day, or in the classified columns. Advertisers Jwho do not keep' a record of their advertising may check up their statements from the files of The Ore gonian in business office. NEW TODAI. 11875 BUYS 8-KOOM HOUSE AND LOT S"x 100 at a bargain. Owner is forced to sacri fice It. On. newly Improved street, and all improvements paid. Only two blocks from Brooklyn's new fire engine house; desirable neighborhood and walking distance to town; one Mock from Brooklyn School. If interest ed call after 8:30 P. M. at 557 E lflth south. No agent's commission to pay. Will take less for cash. UNCLE MYERS" LOAN OFFICB, 14S - 8D at., near Alder, established 1870; old and reliable; any amount loaned on watches, . diamonds, Jswelry and sealskins. ALEX f SAB. PCBLIC ACCOUNTANT. 407 McKay Building. Pbon Main 6401. Portland Heights $4200 FOR A FEW DATS ONLY Two full lota with good 6 -room house on one; rented for 425 per month; the other Is suitable tor a beautiful home; view cannot be obstructed; or will sell one lot and house for $3100. part cash. Act quick If you-want this. DEVLIN & FIREBAUGH &o "rO& Sw.tU.nd bide-, cor. 5th and Wash- AMUSEMENTS. Heilig Theater 14th and Washington Phone Main 1 Tonight, 8:15 O'clock. Last Time Tomorrow NleJit LILLIAN RUSSELL In the Deliphtful Comedy. "THE BUTTERFLY." Prices Lower Floor. $2. $1.50. Balcony. 81.50. 81, 75c Gallery, 00c Seats selling at theater. Heilig Theater 14th and Washington Phono Main 1 Fri.. Sat., Sim. Niichts, May 10. II, 18 OSCAR WILDE'S GREAT PLAY, "SALOME" Prices Entire Lower Floor. 91. Balcony, $1, 75c, 50c. Gallery. 35c. 25c. Seats sell ing at theater box office. Baker Tneater Phone Mala t Geo. L. Baker, Gen. Mr. Homey of the Famous Baker Stock Com pany in Nat Goodwin's Immense Success , "THE COWBOY AND THK lAUY." By Clyde Fitch. Beautiful Production One of the Boat of the Entire Season. Stage Direction Mr. Arthur Mackley. Matinee Saturday. Evening 23c, 8-ic. 50c. Matinee 15' 25c. Next Week "A Marriage of Convenience." EMPIRE THEATER Phone Main 117. Milton W. Seaman. Manager. The Horn a ot Melodrama. Tonight. All Week The Seaman Com pany. Best Melodramatic Organization That Ever Plaved Portland in the Big Eastern Success "SHE DARED DO BIGHT Matinees Wednesday and Saturday. Stage Direction of Mr. Herbert Aahton. Night Prices 10c. 20c, 30c. 50c. Matinee. 10c, 20c. Next week "THE WHITE CAPS." THE GRAND Week of Mar 6 Vaudeville De Luxe. The Harry Ia Rose Company. Presenting "TTTE SAILOR AND THE HORSE." by Will M. Cressy. Special Added Attraction: Nan Engleton and Company. Gil Brown, ranner ft Gilbert, Soua and Sloan. Tredrle Roberts, Or audi scope. PANTAGES THEATER THE THREE V ANNANS. Lightning Jugglers, Introducing New Feata, The Durbeyeliks Shadowgraphlbts, Jones and Smith, Dark town Aristocrat. Lm White, Pictured Ballad. Ivanhoe, Extempore Poet. The Vernons, "Chords and Discords." The Blograph, Teddy Bears." Performances Dally at 2 HO, 7:30 and 9 P. M. " Admission 10c. Reserved Seats, 20c; Boxes, 25c. Weekday matinees, 10c. THE STAR Phone Main &49. Week of May 6. "THE ALL-STAR STOCK COMPANY" Presents "THE SILVER KING." In 3 Acts. Matinees Tuesday, Thursday, Saturdays and Sundays at 2:30. Prices 10 and 20 cents. Every evening at 8: IS. Prices 10. 20 and 30 cents. Reserve seats by phone. Main 5496. Week of May IS "Devils I aland." LYRIC THEATER Portland's Popular Stock Honse. Every Afternoon and Evening This Week. Lyric Stock Company, in the Delightful Farce Comedy "BROWN'S IN TOWN." Reserved seats can now be secured In ad vance from lO A. M. to lO P. M. Daily matinees at usual time. Evening perform ances at 8:13. Saturday and Sunday eve nings, first performance at 7:15. NEW TODAY. ALDER STREET SPECIAL Corner, 100x100, $28,000 Corner, 100x100, $6500 Washington St. 80x100, east of Twentieth street ......... .824,000 40x100, east of Twentieth street $12,000 E. J. DALY 114 Third St. 2 Out-of-Town Dealers 2 IN j CUT FLOWERS CANT OBTAIN REGULAR 6HIP s ME NTS OF FINE CUT ROSES FROM OUR GREENHOUSES AT REASONABLE PRICES. THE SIBSON ROSE 2 NURSERIES 0 - (Wholesale Cut Flower Department) . Portland, Oregon. MONTHLY INCOME! ANNUAL S1620 PRICES S15.5O0 i Modern apartment house and fall lot, clowe in, on 6th at. leased for 4 years at $135 per month. A bargain. J. Frank Porter 222 WASHINGTON STREET. S26,000 Third-street corner, full lot, with 2 story brick, cood Income. We are safe In saying that this is one of the best buys on the market today for the price named. Vanduyn & Walton 515 Chamber of Commerce. S3000 A splendid modern homs with 50xl2 feet, Rodney ave., close to three carlines. This is a snap. Terms. ' GEO. D. SCHAJLK, TeL Main 862. 264 Stark 6L 520,000 A. northwest corner on 10th St.. close in. s;ood income and more coming; shortly when certain things we can tell you about happen in the neighbor hood. Small amount of cash swings It. WHITING ROINTREE, -S2H Third Street. NtW TODAY. McKennaJunction The Tunnel Townsite Improvement Company will offer for sale for a short time a limited number of lota at Mc Kenna Junction. McKenna Junction Is located on the Co lumbia boulevard, at the crossing on the main line of the O. R. & N. from the East with the main line of the Harrlman system to Puget Sound. Packing-houses, stock yards, railroad yards and other great industries are planned for McKenna Junction. . For plats .and prices call on or address VV. H. Gdndstaff 510 COMMERCIAL BLK. PHONE MAIN 6008. BASIS OF ALL WEALTH City Property and Lands. The EAST SIDE has the GREATEST population, la growing the most RAPID LY and the GREATER PORTLAND MUST and WILL be there. In 1906 there were 631 residences built on the EAST SIDE to 100 on the West Side. Portland is attracting more attention than any city on the Coast and is under going a MIGHTY TRANSFORMATION, and in the next ten years will likely make more PROGRESS than It has lu Its en' tire past. , HOLLAD AY'S ADDITION Is the geographical center of the city, and Is the most DESIRABLE residence dis trict and much of this will become BUSI NESS property. 'Do not overlook these FACTS when making investments, and call and Inspect the property; for seeing la believing. The Oregon Real Estate Co 88Vi Third street (room i). Portland. Or. FINE COTTAGE AT SEASIDE F0R SALE - I have decided to place on the market my cottage at Seaside, Clatsop Beach, overlooking the ocean, 300 yards north of the Moore HoteL Well furnished, commodious, well built, well ar ranged, electric-lighted; city wa ter, with bath, etc., and in all respects an ideal beach home. Edgar B. Piper, 808 Oregonian BIdg S7T,500 50x100, corner 1st street, between Washington and Taylor, west side of . street; building would cost today $50,000. Best buy on the market. E. J. J3ALY 114 Third St. ' BEAUTIFUL HOME On the West Side We have for sale a lot 50x100. with a 10 room modern house on 12th St., south of Morrison. Price $10,000, easy terms. For further particulars inquire of Clohessy & Smith 401 McKay Bid. Phone Main 10AS. FOR SALE A f w choice half-acre lots on Hawthorn ave. and Prettyman ave. These tracts are the most sightly locations on the West Slope of Mt. Tabor. Prices and terms very rea sonable. TITLE GUARANTEE AND TRUST COMPANY 240 Washington St., corner Second. $32,500 For corner on Washington street, 100x100 feet. Ttiis is a snap. Rountree 6 Diamond 241 STARK T.( Cor. 2d. $1875 Buys Six-room house and lot 50x100 at a bargain. Owner Is forced to sacrifice it. On newly improved street and all improvements paid. Only two blocks from Brooklyn's new fire engine house. Desirable neighborhood and walking distance to town. One block from Brooklyn school. If interested call after 6:30 P. M. at 557 Eat 15th street South. No agent's commission to pay. Will take less for cash. S8700 Fine corner of two lots on 13th st. worth 10.000. Cor. Fifth and Salmon Sta. FOR SALE REAL ESTATE. 9350 WILL HANDLE FINEST LOT, 6Oxl0O. In Council Crest; will make a profit of $500 to $700 in J0 days. Must have mon'y this week or would not take double. E 67, Oregonian. NEW fl-ROOM HOUSE, CORNER E. 22D and Davis; will sH! B0x5 feet on corner with house for $3000; 60x100. $3400; lOOx 100, $4500. J. Ambereon, E. 2 2d and Davis. 5-ROOM COTTAGE, $l2iV: $300 CASH. BAL ance $15 month. Vanduyn A Walton, 515 Chamber Commerce. FOR BALE BY OWNER T-ROOM HOUSB. modern improvements. Call at 743 E. Main or phone E. 1311. 92500 FRACTIONAL. LOT fiOx0, 21ST NEAR North nip. Vanduyn A Walton, 515 Cham ber Commerce. SNAP FINE LOT, EAST ANKENY. $900, . terms.. F, Dubois, Washington bldg., room 3. FOB SALE KAL XSTATK. 11400 BEAUTIFUL HIGH LOT IN tRV- ington, east facing;. An ideal site for home In this exclusive addi tion. 9260O- A-room houtw. nice lawn, eplendid ly located near Union ave. 92500 Lovvty home (new), on carllne, cor. lot. fr'xlOO. 93500 WEST SIDE. Two cotstges on Clay . Income 130 pr month. 95000 Nice 11-room houne, lot 80x80. fruit trees, fawn; near Piedmont; best speculative buy on the market. $6500 WEST SIDE home In swell rest dnce district; modern and attrac tive. 913,000- Bt-autiful home on PORTLAND HEIGHTS. Magnificent view of the mountains, river and city. Lot 73 xluO. On city lde. 915.OO0 Magnificent East Side home and quarter corner block. Walking dis tance on popular treet. 915.000 WEST PIDB INCOME-BEARING PROPERTY. "Will net 9 per cent under two years tease. Great spec ulative value. Before buying your home or toweetlng your money, come In and inspect our list of business properties, houses, bungalowi and lots. ZIMMERMAN VAVGHAN, 310 Buchanan bldg.. Phone M. 1675. 2i6 Washington St. NOT OVERPRICED. 91350 8xl25 Good K-room house; $40o cash, balance $20 per month; on Montavilla carllne. 91750 feixlGO New fi-room houe, on Sell wood line; 9500 caan, balance ISO pet month. 9215050x200 4-room house, bfg dry base ment, garden and chicken-house; Ana bel Station, Mount Scott line. $2600 fx x 1 h bs-room new. modern home Division at.; 9800 casta balance f'Jc per month. 927W 50x100 fl-room house. East 2th gt.; 900 cash, balance 930 per month. COMMONWEALTH TRUST CO., Sixth and Ankeny. TO SHOW THAT WE LEAD THEM ALL IN bargains, we offer for 13000 a nice quarter block on East Morrison eft., all kind of fruit and shrubbery, fine 8-room house, fin ished in elegant style. You cannot build a duplicate for the price. Please don't ex- 1 pect this right at Grand ave., but It Is In a nice part of the city. 92400 A bea utlful new- - room Queen Anne cottage, finished In elegant style; T5s loo feet on Atlantic St., near KUHngsworth 91O0O A full lot. with choice variety oi bearing fruM. finest kind of rosea anb shrubbery; o-room cottage, wear Woodlawn. $500 for a full half acre garden place, the very richest kind of garden land, beau tifully situated; 4 blocks from WooditoCfc carllne. This Is like getting mone from home. You should not fail ' to see - THS DUNN-LAWRENCE COMPANY, 14U4 First St. FOR SALE MODERN HOME ON" . EAST Taylor et., near 17th; thla is a new house, sty Hah and in good neighborhood; nicely terraced, with full-oearing fruit tree In the rear and side; walking distancs from business center and near the new High School; can be bough r for 9500 - leaa than present value and on easy terms. fees owner, 660 E. Taylor at. 910..500 DOUBLE FLATS OF 8 ROOM 3 each; new and modern in every parttcu-lar;-splendid location; beautiful view; will pay 9 per cent; terms. $8000 Corner lot, 75x100 and new, modern fl-room house In the best part of Irvington, surrounded by choice homes and desirable in every particular; terms. $3700 50x50 and new modern 8 -room house in the most desirable part of Haw thorne Park ; street beautifully parked and all Improvements In; easy terms. $2130 Nice lot and good 8-room house, gas, porcelain bath, sewer, good location; Income $18 per month; terms. W. O. WADDEL. 317 Lumber Exchange. INVESTORS WE NOW HAVE TWO MOD ern new houses, 5 and 6 rooms each, on choice 100x100 corner near Hawthorne line; baths, sinks, patent toilets, bas mentfl, electric lights and of late, conven ient designs; fiber plastered; good plumb ing. They are good 10 per cent to 13 per cent rental values or good homes for two families wanting to be neighbors. Almost walking distance; In district of ris ing values. Must sell this week. Both, for 93500, 92700 down; will consider offer. Home Land Co., 145 H First st. 8ELLWOOD HOMES. SPECIAL BARGAINS, fl-room modem house, 91SOO. 6-room cottage, new, 91350. 5-room cottage, $1300. Building lots from $2O0 up. SELLWOOD TOWNSITB CO., Opposite fire matiotv. Sell wood. Phone. Sellwood 16L Portland office. H. P. Palmer. 222 Failing bldg. 9700060x100, MODERN 8-ROOM HOUSB on Hoyt St., near 23d. 94200, 50x100, good 7-room house. 2d and Sherman, West Side. $5200. -block, good 7-room hount, 14 fine fruit trees, cor. East 18th and Madison. A. J. Farmer A Co., room 30. Washington bldg. 9S500 INVESTMENT DOUBLE HOUSE. 1 ' rooms, very modern; will rent for $76; Ev Alder, near 17th; north front, lot 66xlOO; two furnaces, wood or coal; some carpets, shades, gas fixtures and linoleum go with property. Pallett, 804 Fen ton bldg. A FINE BUY $25,000. INCOME PROP8R ty, close to Steel bridge. East Side; pays 8 per cent, will pay more at expiration of leases; value sure to advance. Phona confidential agent of owner, Scott 8442. THE SEASON IS HERE. 91250 buys good paying cigar, fruit and confectionery store, very centrally located. Fine stock and fixtures; lease, low rent. Call '221 Morrison St., room 9. LOOK HERE $5000 ONLY FOR 8 ACRES on Portland Heights with most magnifi cent views of city, river and country and a spring of water on same. - F. Dubois, Washington bldg., room 3. 10 ACRES. ALL UNDER CULTIVATION; good house, barn, good soil, only 30 min utes' ride, 5-cent fare, from center of city; fine for home or platting. See owner, 303 Buchanan bldg. ELEGANT NEW HOMTO. JUST FINISHED, in the Nob Hill section; everything is of the best and cannot fail to suit; $0000; full lot. east front. Vanduyn 4 Walton, 516 Cham ber Commerce. - 8-ROOM HOUSE ON EAST I0TH STRE-ET North, lot 100x100; 16 fruit trees, barn 20x 22. for $2800; $1500 caeh. Can't be beat. M. C. Davis Co., 16 Hamilton bldg.- Main 4810. SMALL HOUSE AND TWO LOTS; $150 new furniture; garden; Bull Run Water; near carllne. For quick cash, $630. The Titla 4v Abstract Company, room 4, Mulkey bldg. 5 ACRES. RICH SOIL. IN CULTIVATION ; 70 fruit trees, one mile from streetcar; new line to run by land soon; $15O0; terms. M. C. Davis Co., 18 Hamilton bids;. Main 4610. SEVERAL WEST SIDE FRACTIONAL lots cheap for cash, or will build for pur chaser; pay In installments. Kroner, 264 Morrison st. TOU CAN MOVE RIGHT Iff. t w,ui Vw ft-rnnm hniMe Wftflra' sL. Hoi la day Park; tnree carlinea; part cash; key 662 v asco. BARGAIN IN FINE LOCALITY ft ROOMS, electric light, cement walk, on carline; 82200, by owner; easy terms. . Phona Union 2763. 7-ROOM HOUSE. $12; 25-ROOM HOTEL, furnished. $35; both West Side. C. J-L Pig gott, owner, attorney-at-law, room 4, Mul. key bldg. I HAVE 2 NEW MODERN HOUSES (5 AND 6 rooms each ) close. -in, growing dis trict; must t sell; both for $8500. D 87, Oregonian. FOR SALE BY OWNER BLOCK, E. 89TH - and Taylor; also corner lot, B. 8ith and Yamhill. Call at 742 B. Main or phone E. 1811. - FOR SALE-TWO 8 MALL HOUSES FOR removing on 16th and Everett. Inquire owner, M. L. Klenow, cor. 16th and Evarett. CORNER LOT. 91S50 (50x100), Holladay Park; cement sidewalks, sewer, gas, water. T 83, Oreg. HOUSES, ALL PARTS OF CITY, BUILT AND sold on Installments. Kroner, 18-17 Cam bridge bldg., southwest cor. 3d and Morrison. 71 ACRES EAST OF OREGON CITY, PART ly Improved; decided bargain; 800O. Van duyn Walton, 515 Chamber Commerce. BIG SNAP 38 FINE LOTS IN MULTNO mah park, only $3500. term. Be quick, F. Dubois, Washington bldg., room 8- 92V0 BUYS A NEW 7-ROOM HOUSE, LOT 56x100. near two carlines. Inquire- today. Holmes Men fee, 69 3d at.