i THE MORNING OREGCXIAX, TUESDAY, APRIL 30, 1907. 17 CUBES ON HOPS iteresting Facts Shown in a Government Bulletin. EXPORT TRADE AND PRICES llalf of the Hops In International Commerce Are Shipped to Great Britain and Bulk of These Are From America. The production ifnd consumption of bops In the principal countries of tht world, the international trad and price aa well as the relationship of hops to beer-brew-Inc. form the subject of an Interesting and somewhat bulk bulletin which Is soon to be Issued by the United States Department f Agriculture. It will show that half f all the hops that go Into International trade are shipped to the United Kingdom, .aid these hops are chiefly bought In the PtrUed States. The fraction of British lm Vts contributed by this country often V ring one-half or considerably more. The Tuntrlee of secondary Importance In the upon trade, which received from 8,000.000 Vo 8,000,000 pounds each U 1004, were Belgium. Franca, Germany and. the United Gtates. The apparent anomaly f the United States as an importing country, while be nf ! second exporting In order of im ;rtance. is explained by the fact that , brewers of this country prefer Austrian vd German hops on aocosnt of their ex jtmely high quality for certain desired ' 'suits in brewing. The price of hops, as Is shown by the 'Aetln, Is subject to very wide fluctuations. quantity wanted by the world jarles , greatly from one year to another, so It a shortage or abundance In the crop 'reflected in the prices In a greater de- -ee than Is Indicated by the percentage deficiency or abundance. -fhree countries supply most of the hops ,iat go into the channels of international ?-ade These countries are Germany, which In 1U04 contributed 8T.3 per cent of the world's hop trade; the United States, which contributed 22 8 per cent, and Austria, io mr cent. The export trade of Belgium. . . . .. . . . v . I ..... - nmnnrtinnL is WIllCU 1 "i 1 1. . . . . - , - n ' - - ' . partly based on the re-exported hops from Germany and Austria-Hungary. In 1004 the hop exporting countries shipped 03.000.00o pounds of hops some de gree of duplication being Involved because of re-shipments. This Quantity came out of the world's crop of about 174,000,000 pounds. A peculiarity of fcopgrowing la that It Is extremely localized, not only in the United States, but In other countries. Ac cording to the census of 1100, less than 1 per cent of the United states crop was grown outBlde of New York, Oregon, Wash ington and California, and within these states the crop is confined to comparatively restricted areas. . r As far back as 18S0, according to the bulletin, this country Imported 500.000 inda of hops, and the amount grew to j?0O0,O00 pounds In 18S2, since which time h importations have ranged from that quantity to 3,000.000 or 4.000.000 pounds annually, with the exception of two or three years, until 1005. when the Import rose to 10.000.000 pounds. The domestic exports of hops ranged from 250,000 to 1.000.000 pounds in the period from 1831 to 1859, after which pe riod the exports continued to be subject to great fluctuations. In some years rising to as many as 10.0O0.000 to 21,000.000 pounds. In 1005, which was a year of ex traordinary lmrorts. the exports exceeded them by only 2.000.000 pounds, or about one-third the uiual excess in recent years. RECEIPTS O EGGS AGAIN LARGE, Market Weaker, m the Itotnond llaa Not Improved. Receipts of eggi are again In excess of the demand and tie market Is easier than It waa last weok. Tn the poultry llae, chickens of all sizes continue firm, and there Is a fairly good demand for ducks. The better established brands of outside butter clean up regularly at current quota tions, but a considerable quantity of other brands are offered on Front street, some as low as 20 cents. Tht city creameries held to their former price yesterday. A fresh lot of new cheese arrived from Tillamook, but It was disposed of aa soon as received. VEGETABLE MARKET IS STEADIER, Wsupply of N-tpiuI Varieties lias Been . 1 f Worked Off. The vegetable market waa in better shape esterday, as much of (he accumulation on ia.nd last week has bee worked oft. There were stilt plenty of peas, but they are clean ing up well. The overstock of rhubarb "wa reduced by the canrortes and the price became steadier. Receipts of this vegetable from now on wilt probably not be excessive. Five cars of bananas aid one of oranges arrived yesterday. Apple are being taken out of cold storage and meet with fairly good sale. The few a tra- berries received were In good condition an I sold readily at' $3 per crate. 1 t Fotatoes and Onioa Firm. Not withstanding the demoralised condition of the Pan Francisco potato ana onion mar kets, where stocks are topaeavy, prices in the local market continue cn a firm basts. Oregon potatoes are In limited supply and Eastern are Quoted a shade higher In ac cordance with the advance In Eastern prices. Old Oregon onions are almost nominal, tha trade being largely supplied tth Texas Bermudas, another car of which arrived yesterdny. The latter wers quoted at the tame pri: as the first car. Hop Market Contlnnes lulU Very little news of Importance- developed In the hop market yesttrday. The Thorns bury lot of 11B bales of primes at Eugene was reported sold toT. A. I.ivesley & Co. at H1 cents. Klaber, Wolf & Netter also bought several lots. The usual reports are being spread about of missing hills, but these are alwavs heard at this time of year, and not much stock Is taken in thorn. There were plenty of musing nuts h year ago, oui in spue or history. It Is the weather In growing and harvesting time that counts. 1 Sale of Mohair Pool. The small mchalg pool that was- sold at HUlsboro Saturday was bought by Ralph Williams, of Dallas, at SO cents. - Another raal) Jot will be void at EddyvlUe today. "f Hay Prices Are Stronger. The hay market shows a firmer toncL otr lng to the cleaning up of available u'pplfes In the country. Some considerable k ship ments ore being received frim eat f the v poun tains, and these are being offered at an advance over the previous quotation. Country offerings of oats have become more plentiful of late. The barley market rules steady. - ' Bank clearings of the leading cities of the Northwest yesterday were: Clearings. Balances. Portland fl.111.342 120. 011 Seattle 1,46S,71 230,9.i0 Tacoma 874.9:10 71,jk Spokane 1,148.723 2,-433 PORTLAND QUOTATIONS. Grain. Flour, Feed. Fte. MILLSTUFFS Bran, city $17, country 18 per ton; middlings, $256 26; shorts, city $10.50, country $20.50 per ton; U. S. MliiS dairy chop. SI 5. 50 per ton. WHEAT Club. 757ec; blue-item, 77 78c; Valley, 72(j73c; red. 74 70c. OATS No. 1 white, $29; gray, $2829. FLOUR Patents. $4. So: straight, $3.75; clears, $3.75; Valley. $3-803.10; granam flour, $3.75 4.25; whole wheat flour, $4tf 4. 60. RYE $1.43 1.50 per cwt. BARLEY Feed, $22. So per ton; brewing. $23; rolled. $23.50924.00. CEREAL FOODS Rolled oats, cream, 90 pound sacks, $7; lower grades. $5.50 8.50; oatmeal, steel-cut, 45-pound sacks, $8 per barrel; 9-pound sacks, $4.25 per bale; oat meal (ground , 45-pound sacks, $7.50 per barrel; 9-pound , sacks. $4 per bale; split leas, per 100 pounds, $4.204.80; pearl bar ley, $44.00 per 100 pounds; pastry flour, 10-pound sacks. $2.30 per bale. CORN Whole, $25; cracked. $26 per ton. HAY Valley timothy. No. 1, $15&10 per ton; Eastern Oregon, timothy, $JL8&19; clo ver, $0; cheat, $U; grain hay, $Uitfl0. Vegetables, Fruits, Ete. DOMESTIC FRUITS Strawberries, 20c per pound; cherries, $3 per box; apples, $1 2.60 per box; cranberries, $10.5011 per barrel. TROPICAL FRUITS Lemons, fancy. $5 o box; oranges, navels, $2.503.50; grape fruit, $33.50: bananas. Be per pound. ROOT VEGETABLES Turnips, $1(91.25 per sack; carrots, $141.25 per sack; beets, $1.25tj1.50 per sack; garlic, 74 10c per pound; horseradish, 7bo per pound; chic ory, 30e. FRESH VEGETABLES Cabbage. Cali fornia, 3Vi 30 pound; cauliflower. $10 1.25 doz.; lettuce, head, S5&45c dozen; on ions, 10512ttc per dozen; tomatoes. $2,259 4.50 crate; parsley, 2330e; artichokes, 7ft 80c doz.; hothouse lettuce, $2 box; peas, 6 8c; radishes, 20c dozen; asparagus, 12c pound; bell poppers, 3tKq':t5c per pound; rhubarb, 3c per pound; cucumbers, $2(2.50; spinach, $1.50 per crate. O N IONS Oregon, $2 2.50 per hundred ; Texas, 5c per pound. DRIED FRUITS Apples, 88He pound; apricots. 16i 19c; peaches, 1 1 33c; pears, Hto&14c: Italian prunes, 2tk; Califor nia ngs, white. In sacks, 5'6Vbc per pound; black, 4H&5c; bricks, 75c0$2.25 per boxr Smyrna, 18(&20o pound; dates, Persian, 66 fe'e pound. POTATOES Jobbing price: Oregon and East ern, $1.85(&2.10 per sack; new potatoes, 8c pound; sweet potatoes, 6c per pounL RAISINS Layers and clusters, 2-crown $2.15, 3-crown $2.25, 5-crown $3.10, 6 crown $3.50; lorse muscatels, 2-crown 8c, 3-crown 8 He, 4-crown 9c; seedless, Thomp sons, 10Hc; Sultanas, 9 0 12 46 o. Batter, Fggs, Poultry Etc BUTTER City creameries: Extra cream ery i 25c per pound. State creameries: Fancy creamery, 20 25c; store butter, 17 tftl7ttc. BUTTER FAT First grade cream, 23e per pound; second grade cream, 2c less per pound. CHEESE Oregon full cream, twins, 16 17c; Young America, 17(81Sc per pound. POULTRY Average old hens, 15916c; mixed chickens, IS 16 He; Spring fryers and broi lers. 22 H 8 25c ; old roosters, 10 12c; dressed chickens, 16 17c; turkeys, live, 13 & 15c ; turkeys, dressed, choice, 18H 20c; geese, live, per pound, 8c ; ducks, 16 l&o; pigeon-, $11.50; squabs. $23. EGGS lb i. IS He per dozen. Dressed Meats. VEAL Dressed. 75 125 pounds, 88Ho, 125100 pounds, 7c; 150200 pounds, 6oj 2u0 pounds and up, 5V0c, BEEF Dressed bulls, 3tt4c per pound; cows. OHSySHc; country steers, 6Vi7ttc. MUTTON Dressed, fancy, lOlOVfcc per pound; ordinary, 6 9c; Spring lambs, with pelts. 1212tta PORK Dressed. 100 130 pounds, 8H 9c? 100200 pounds, 77Vsc; 200 pounds and up, 66sC. Groceries, Kuta Kto. RICBJ imperial Japan Ao. l, 6a; South ern Japan, a.4vc; head. 6.76c. COFFEE Mia: ha. 24u2Hc: Java, ordinary. 17620c; Costa Rica, tancy, 182uc; good, 16 lbc; ordinary. 129160 per pound. Columbia roast, casee, luu, $14.50; frusv $14.75; Ar- SALMON Columbia. River. I-Dound talla $1.75 per doz. ; 2-pound talLs, $2.40; 1-pound 11 a is, si. iu; Alaska, pina, i-pouua uui. tno, red, 1-pound tails, $1.25; socaeye, 1-pouad talis, $1.70. SUGAR Sack basis, 100 pounds, cube, $5.i 1 1 ; powdered, $5.47 4i ; granulateil, $5.;rjVs; extra C, $4.82 ; go la en C, $4.72; fruit sugar, $5.37 h ; berry, $5.37 H; XXX. $0.22: P. C, $0.24. Advance sales over sack basis as follows: Barrels, 10c; Vt bar rels. 25c; boxes, ouc per loo pounds. Terms: On remittances within 16 days deduot fee per pound; If later than 15 days and within 30 days, deduct - c; beet sugar, $5.22 per 100 pounds; maple sugar, ioxo p ex pound. NUTS Walnuts. 1602Oc ner oound bT sack; Brazil nuts, 19; filbert. 16c; pecans. Jumbos, 2Hc, extra large 21c; almonds, 18 C20c; chestnuts, Ohio, 17c; Italian, 14 UlBc; peanuts, raw, 6Ho per pound; roasted, loc ; pine nuts, lo 12c ; hickory nuts, luc; cocoanuts, uoiquoc per cozen. SALT Granulated, $14 per ton; $3 per bale; half ground, 100a, $10.50 per ton: bos. $11 per ton. BEANS Small white, tc; large white, Sc: pink. 8c; bayou, Sc; Lima, 6i4o; iiex- icana, rea, c. sUONIlx amcy, s3.zdos.do per dox. Hops, W00L Hides, Ete HOPS i u pound, according to quality. W OOL Eastern Oregon average best, 13 18c per pound, according to shrinkage! VaUey, --c, according to nneness. iiUiiAiK twiioice, vtyvc per pouna. CASCARA BARK Old. 5(50 per poundfl uuit-iSDrv. No. L. 16 Dounds and un. 2fw pouna; dry kip. No. 1, 6 to 15 pounds, ltt18o per pound; dry calf. No. 1, under 6 pounds. 2o22o; dry salted: Bulls and stage, one-third let a man ary mut, vu, uiuiu-wieu, uusnj cut, scored, murrain, batr-silpped, weather-beaten. or gruooy. c to u vr iwuna less; - saitea Bteei s, souna, 00 pounas ana over, loo pound; steers, sound, 60 to 60 pounds, 91 loc pound; steers, sound, under 50 pounds, and cows, 8Vife9c pound; stags gad bulls, sound. 6VuUc pound; kip. sound, 15 to 30 pounds, v'it 10c pounu, veai, souna. 10 to 24 pounds, li'jfllc; calf, sound, uuUer 10 pounds, ll12c pound; green (unsalted), lo pound less; culls, ic pouuu jtsaa, oiiccpa&iua, sneariings, No. 1 butcher stock, 20vc each; short wool. 00. A uuik-i"' . vwvu meaium wool. No. 1 butchers stock. i.25g:2 eacn; murrain pelts, from 10 to 20 per cent less, or lBloc pound; .horse bides, salted, according to sixe. $2i2.50 each; hides, dry, according to sue, $14l.o each; colts' hides, 255oc each; oaiskius, common, 16 25c each; goatakina, Anioi a, with wool on, 30c$1.50 - each. FURS Bear sains, aa to size. No. 1, $520 ma.-h cubs. $13 each; badger, prime. 25&fMio each; cat, wild, with head perfect, &050c; cat. noute, oiuc; 10, vutumuu s' large prime, oOU 70c each ; red. $tl 5 each ; crosa, $5 15 auh; silver and black. $!OUoJOO each; fishers, $0j8 each; lynx, $4.5o4nJ aoU; mlnii, strlcUy No. 1, according to size, $l(o-3 each; marten, dark northern, according to size and color, $10415 each; pale, pine, according to size and color, $2.5o4 each; muskrat, large, 1216o each; skunk. 30400 each; civet or polecat, b:5c each; otter, for large, prime skin, Stiitf 10 t-acb; panther, with bead and clivi perfect, thrift each: raccoon, tor prime, large. 601 7 fca each; wolf, mountain, with head perfect, $3.60 C5; prairie tcojote), 60ctu$U wolverine, $6S Provisions and Canned Meats. BACON Fancy breakfast. Zlc pound: stand ard breakfast, 18c: choice, 17c; Knglish, 11 to 14 Dounde. loc; peacn, aoc. HAMS 10 to 11 pounds, 16c pound; 14 to 16 pounds, lsc; is to iu pounds, iomjc; j?icnics, HVc; cottage, llc; ahoulders, lie; boiled. BARRELED GOODS Pork. barrels. " $20; ball-barrels, $11; beef barrels, $10, half-bar re), $f.60. SAUSAGE Ham, 13c per pound; minced ham, loc; Summer, choice dry, 17Hc; bo loMna. long. 6c: welnerwurst, tOo: liver. 6c: pork. 10c; headcheese, 6c; blood, 6c; bologna DRY SALT CURED Regular short clears, dry Kilt, llc; snicked, 32c; clear baks, rirv suit. 11 c: smoked.. 12Vjc: clear bellioa. 14 to IT pounds average, ary aalt. oune; pmoked, none; Oregon exports, dry salt, 12c; smoked. 1.1c. . lard Kettle rendered: Tierces. 124c: tubs, V2c; 50s, 12c; 20s, 12-c; 10s, 13c; k. 13Nc Standard pure: Tierces. 11 Ha; tubs. llc; BOs, ic; 20s, llc; ios, 1214c; 5s. 12 He Compound: Tierces, ftc; tubs, Sc; oos, wc; ius, vc; ns. va. Dried Fruits at New York. ' NEW YORK. April 29- The market for evaporated apples continues steady to firm. Fancy, S(tf8He; choice, 77ttc; prime, 6)4 vHc: poor to fair, 34ti(ic. Prunes are firmer In tone on bullish ad vices from the Coast. California fruit ranges from 8 to 12 c and Oregon from 6fe to lOc. Apricots are unchanged. Choice, 17 IRSc; extra choice, lSHtflSc; fancy, 19 6 20c Peaches are dull, but unchanged. Choice, ITtrllHc; extra choice. lZic; fancy, 12 13c; extra fancy. 13&15c. Raisins unchanged. Loose 'Muscatels, 86 10c; London layers, $1.5591.60; seed ed raisins, T?7c Pa ma sous creamery butterfat, f. o. b. Portland. HELPS ENTIRE LIST Upward Movement in, Union Pacific Stock. RUMORS TO ACCOUNT FOR IT Money Market Is Xot Affected by Foreign Financial Conditions. United States Steel Divi dend Meeting Is Ignored. NEW YORK, April 29. Tha extremely light operations In the stock market today gave no hint of growth of any outside In terest. The movement in Union Pacific was the only one worthy of note. The strength In that stock really dominated the whole market. There was no news to explain the advance In Union Pacific It was va riously attrlbuated to the formation of a stock market pool to speculate In the stock and to the expectation of some coming change in the affairs of the company that would redound to tha benefit of the stock holders. The sympathetic effect of the Union Pa cific movement radiated through the mar ket with diminished effect in stocks more remotely connected with It, the greatest effect being shown on the more Intimately connected Continental group. The sharp reaction In the wheat market gave some as sistance to the advocates of higher prices for stocks. The amount of unloading of wheat Induced by the news of showers In the Southwest serves to Impress stock mar ket sentiment with the large amount of speculative influence which has been at work In the recent wheat market. Other wise the day was unusually barren of In cident and offered small help towards re solving the uncertainty which holds the securities market In check. The price of copper made another advance In London today, -and gave some Impetus to copper securities. Reports from railroad traffic officials were of continuous favorable con ditions . Admissions are made, however, of some disposition on the part of manufac turers to cut- c.own plans for the extension of work. The keen competition In- the London mar ket for the newly arrived gold is looked upon with Interest. The sharp bidding which advanced the price of the gold half a penny, the small proportion secured by the Paris bidders, the continued fall In the sterling rate at Paris and the firmness of the sterling exchange market here, all added to the likelihood that gold might be shipped from New York to Paris. The local money market was not affected by the developments, and remained easy. There was unusually languid Interest In the divi dend meeting of the United States Steel directors, which is to occur tomorrow. This was largely due to the decline of any ex pectation of a change in the dividend rate to be declared. The statistics of earnings for the quarter and of orders on hand are awaited with much Interest In stock market circles. There was a feeling of satisfac tion with the tranquil outlook reported In the labor fields upon the eve of May day. Bonds were steady. Total sales, par value, $1,254,000. United States bonds were unchanged on . call. CLOSINO STOCK. QUOTATIONS. Closing fialesv Hitch. Low. Rid. Adama Express 20 Amalgam Copper.. 36.500 93 I 17, 27. 88 80 , 80 Am Car & Foundry 1,600 do preferred.. 36 Am Cotton OH...-. 100 SOhi do preferred ox American Express Am Hd & Lt pf.. Am Ice Securities 200 21 76 12 26 63 100 700 100 21 70 12 21 76 12 "62 Am Linseed Oil.... do preferred ... Am Locomotive.... 300 63 do preferred HJo Am Smelt & Refln 16.200 134 13S 134 do preferred 3K) 108 108 loSft Am sugar Kenning iuo 10 120 V2 6214 VI Mi 85 Anaconaa Aim lo o, imt Atchison 11,100 wo do nreferred 700 w Atlantio Coast Line 60O 105 M . 104 Baltimore & Ohio do preferred Brook Rao Transit 1.20O oe 61 janacuan mmc. 4.700 177' 17tift 177 Cent of New Jersey Central Leather. . . i& 200 20 29 28 96 42 11U. do Dref erred Chesapeake & Ohio 8.10O 4 J 14 Chi Great Western 2,2oo ll 41 11 -hi & northwest.. .00 irz 151 151 Chi., Mil. & St. P. 7,000 136 136 136 Chi Term & Trans 5 do nreferred ..... ...... ..... 15 C, C. C & St. L, 100 Colo Fuel & Iron.. 1,100 Colo & Southern.. 1.500 71 26 71 3ft 26 70 35 25 69 47 131! 470 75 704 6t 38 do 1st preferred., do 2d preferred.. TOO 4714 4T Consolidated Gaa.. Corn Products. . . . . do preferred. . . .. Delaw & Hudson.. Pel., Lack. & West Den & Rio Grande TOO 29 2 14 do oref erred .... . Dlstillere1 Securlt.. 700 70 70 Erie . 2,40 24 24 do 1st preferred 2(H) 56 66 do 2d preferred.. iw 3 3 General Electric. . . Great Northern pf 44K) 14K4 14H 148 700 137 136 136 Illinois Central 14o International Paper ..... 14U. do preferred . .... 7314 28 7814 25 60 18 31114 2514 014 120 21H 48 103 1i 13414 -ov, 86 -65 i 62 83 11814 International Pump ...... ..... do preferred. . Int Met 300 200 0 25T4 60 IS SBTi 20 25 60 18 2 do preferred. . Iowa Central...... do preferred. 200 Kan City Southern 2.30O do preferred Louis St .NashvlUtt Mexican Central . . . 100 120 ii 120 . Minn & St. Loult M.. et. P. St S.S.M. do preferred ..... Missouri Pacific... Mo., Kan. & Texu TOO SO0 Tt4 3)?, T 86 do preierrea National Lead Mex. Nat. R. R. pf N. Y. Central.... N. T. Ont. & West 700 62 6214 "8.500 ii8 iis" Northern Pacific... 20.400 1SB 18314 1.1514 Norfolk & Western S,500 78 "0 77 do preferred SO North American... 200 74tt , T414 Pacific Mall - WHI WW 21 i?4 21.200 127iii. 126i 127 2H14 Pennsylvania People's Gas. Kit Pita.. C. V. It s. Lt. .... Pressed Steel Car 70 S5 do preferred. . ... .... . . ..... ..... V3 Ii8 Pullman Pal Car.. Reading 9S. TOO 112 Ultt 112 do 1st preierrea.. do 2d preferred.. ...... ..... ..... rvi 81 Republic Steel 1,100 29 22" 29 'ii 2fl4 6514 21 do preferred Rock Island Co.... do preferred 4U S5 Rubber Goods pf St. L. ft S. F. 2 1 pf 100 35 85 35 St. L. Southwestern do preferred S00 BT Hmoh.rn Pacific... 2.400 85 V 85 do preferred..... in Schloso-Sheffleld .. TOO BT,4 B4 56 Southern Railway 700 22Vi 22 22 tin nrererred zoo Ofl oa m Tenn Coal ft Iron 2o0 147 146 147 Texas & Pacific 4'J z-4 T in To.. St. L. ft West MO 30 2 Ar. inferred 200 6454 6 Union Pacific 186.S00 148 14414 147 do preferred...-. TJ. S. Express 100 105 105 105 TT. S. Rea'.ty 70 U. S. Rubber 42 do preferred 101 V. 8. Steel 16.7O0 S8 37 38 do prefem 300 101 101 101' Ylnr.-Caro. Chem,. .. 27 do preferred IOS Wabeih 100 14 14 H do preferred - - ..... ..... 26 tVell Fargo Ep. . ..t: 2no Wesllnghouee Elect 1 143 Western Union.... 600 83 82 82' Wheel Lake Erie 11 Wisconsin Central IT do preferred..... ...... ..... 40 ' Total shares for the day. 623.400 snares. BONDS. TT H. ref 2's reg 104 ID. ft R. 0. 4s. . 94 do coupon 104 IN. T. C. 8s... 94 TJ- S rs reg. ..102!Nor. Pac 8s 72 do coupon 103 do 4s 102 TJ. S. new 4s reg.l29iSo. Pac. 4s 8 do coupon 135!Unlon Pac 4s.. 102 U. S. old 4s reg.l01iWls. Cent. 4a... 87 do coupon. .. .101! Jap. 6s, 2d ser. . 98 Atch. Adj. 4s.. HZ 1 00 4s, ctrs... vi Money Exchange, Etc NEW YORK, Apr 29. Prime mercantile paper. 5 6 6. Sterling exchange firm, with actual business In bankers' bills at $4-8613 4-8620 for demand and at 4.86209 4.8625 for 60-day bills. Posted rates, 64-84 and 14.87. Commercial bias, f4.as-. Bar silver, 66 a. Mexican dollars, 5Ie. (ktvernment and railroad bonds, steady. 1 ' Money on call easy, 2u2 par cent; rul- Ins; rate. 2; closing bid. 2: offered at 2. Time loans steady; 60 days. 414; 90 days, 814 4; six months, 414 Jr cent. London, April 29. Bar silver, 80d per ounce. Money, 2 per cent- The rate of discount in the open mar ket for short bills Is 3 per cent. The rate of discount In tho open mar ket for three months' bills is 314 4 per cent. San Francisco, April 28. Silver bars, 6614c Mexican dollars, 52c Drafts Sight, par; telegraph, 5. Daily Tumsui J Statement. WASHINGTON, April 28. Today's state ment of the Treasury balances In the gen eral fund shows: Available cash balance.. .....$250,500,954 Gold coin and bullion 103.215.0T3 Gold certificates 42.648,000 PORTLAND STOCK EXCHANGE. Sale of Four Blocks of Manhattan Crown point Mammoth la TJp. Manhattan Crown- Point was the active feature of the local stock market yesterday, four lots aggregating 8000 shares selling at 18 to 18. T'pe last sale of this stock on the exchange was on March 27, when the price was 20, at which figure the stock has been offered since that time. Two blocks of Potlcte went at 1014, Saturday's quota tion. Mammoth was much firmer at 13, and Associated Oil steady at 41 Official prices were as follows: Bank Stocks Bid. Asked. Bank of California 360 Bankers' & Lumbermen's..... 103 ... Merchants' National 170 ITS Oregon Trus & Savings...... ... 150 Portland Trust Company 120 United States National 200 LISTED SECURITIES. Bonds American Biscuit Co. 6s 98 100 City. & Suburban 4s P2 Home Telephone os .i. O. R. Sc N. Ry. 4s 97 1O0 O. W. t & Ry. 6s 100 103 Pacific Coast Biscuit 6s 97 100 Portland Railway 5s ... 98 Miscellaneous btocas Associated OH 41 42 Home Telephone 85 40 J. C. Lee Company 10 a Pacific States Telepnone Puget Sound Telephone ... 40 Mining btocks Lakevlew ... 1TW Manhattan Crown Point lot4 Poticie Mining 10 -t Washougal Extension 25 26 UNLISTED STOCKS. Taqulna Bay Telephone 5 ... Oregon City Mill & Lumber 4 Alaska Petroleum 13 17 British Columbia Amal 03 05 Cascadia a".. Mammoth 11 7"?,, Morning va "J- Standard Consolidated 07 11 Tacoma Steel 10 14 Coeur d Alene District Bullion OS Oliv, Copper King " Happy Day J O. K. Consolidated 0o 0o finowshoe - 47 05 Snowstorm 3.00 a.io SALE 3. 18 Associated Oil JJ 1,000 Manhattan Crown Point 18 1.000 Manhattan Crown Point 184 6.0OO Manhattan Crown Point 18 1,000 Manhattan Crown Point 18 5.000 Potloie 8.000 Poticie ?? 10,000 Mammoth 13 , Mining Stocks. BOSTON, April 29. Closing quotations: Adventure . .S I 8.50 IParrot 22.00 50.80 Qulncy 122.UO 94.0214lShannon ... 17.50 13.00 Tamarack .. 107.00 18.50 Trinity . . . - 21.50 860.00 United Cop.. 61.50 8000 JU. S. Mln.... 64.25 8.00 u. S. Oil.... 10.25 16.00 Utah 62.75 17.00 Victoria .... 8.00 128.00 Winona .... 8.0O 10.00 Wolverine .. 155.00 6.75 N. Butte ... 86.6214 14.50 Butte Cn . 27.00 85.75 Nevada 14.25 2.8714 Cal. & Ariz..- 70.00 65.8714 Aria. Com... 24.00 138.00 Allouea .. Amalgam Atlantic . Bingham Cop Range.. Daly 'West. . Krankun ... Granby .... Isle Royal e. . Mass. Mln.. Michigan .. Mohawk . . . Mon. C O- Old Dom. ... Osceola .... Metal Markets. rTETW YORK. April 29. The London tin market was 10c higher, spot, tl4; futures 191. Locally the market was irregular. Spot, 42.3714 42. 87c V, Copper was 10s higher. Epot, tius 10c; futures, 102. Locally no change was re ported. Lake. 24.5025.25c; electrolytic, 24.0Offi24.75c: casting. 22.75 23.25c Lead was unchanged at 6.O06.1oo in tne local market and advanced 2s 6d to 20 In London. Spelter was unchanged at 25 17s 6d In London, and at 6.0o6.aso m tne local mar. ket. Iron was lower In the English market. with standard foundry quoted at 57o 9d; Cleveland warrants at 68s. The local mar ket was unchanged. n,(H VmJ In f Ti V ant change today the nutter market was weaa. Lreamenes, iottf4iu, (""""i aow.uv. .'irauv , n. l iuo. " . ...... 1521c; firsts, lsc: prime firsts, 1614c ."ha-.- KtooHv 14lf?l!MV New York. April 29. Butter. steady. Western factory, common to firsts. 19 fa 22c Western Imitation creamery, extras, 25c; firsts 22ft23c. Eggs Strong, western, 17 Willie; aeo- onas, 10c Coffee and Sugar. NEW YORK, April 29. Coffee futures closed steady at a liet decline of 10 15 pelnts. sales, 60,000 nags, inciuaing May. at S5.40f5.5U: July, S3.4oo.oo; Septem ber. 95.255.30; December, S5.255.35; March, $5.305.36. Spot coffee, quiet. No. 7 Rio,! 6c; No. 4 Santos, 7c; mild dull, Cordova. 9 10 lie Sugar1 Raw, quiet. Fair refining, $3.25 3.2&; centrifugal. e nest, S3. ta.7ti molasses sugar, S3 3.01; refined, quiet. Keen Competition for Gold. MjW YORK. April 29. There was keen competition from Parts today for the large supplies of gold in the market, amounting to $6,000,000. The Bank of England, however. outbid lta French competitors and secured g3.500.000 at a half penny advance. India took $1,000,000 and Paris obtained the bal ance, $1,500,000. Wool at St. I.onls- ST. LOUIS, April 29. Wool Steady. Me dium grades, combing and clothing, 22 26c; light fine, 20(B2Io; heavy fine, 15 17c; tub washed. 2937c Elgin Butter Market. ELGIN. 111.. April 29. Butter Firm to day at 27c, a decline of 6 cents from last week's quotation. Output for the week. 513,200 pounds. Hops at London. LIVERPOOL, April 29. Hops In London Paclfla Coast, qutet; 12 1SSV3 5s. BREWERS TO PUT UP FIGHT Resist Efforts of Kansas Authorities to Seize Property fhd Fixtures. T0PEKA. Kan., April 29. The three re ceivers appointed by the Supreme Court last week to take charge of the property in Kansas, of eight outside brewing com panles and a real estate concern, run by a liquor firm, made their report to the court here today, rne report snows mat tna receivers are holding nine buildings, four in Atchison and five In Leavenworth. They also are in possession of a large assort ment of liquors, bars, fixtures and mirrors. The receivers believe that the brewing companies will take some action to pro. tect their property, now that the first re port of seizures has been formally filed. The brewery attorneys say they are waiting for definite authority as to how to proceed. On Thursday next the meeting to appoint a receiver for the Anheuser- Busch Brewing Company will be beard In the Supreme Court. This company was the -only one of the foreign concerns to fight the move for receiverships, and it was not Included in the list of companies for which receivers were named. Ten Lives Lost by Collapse of Pier. BALTIMORE, April 29. The loss of life by the collapse of the new steamship pier at Locust Point last Saturday was to day placed at 10, but only three bodies have been recovered. RAIN 1H-WHEAT BELT Sends Prices Down in the Chi cago Market. LOSS NEARLY ONE CENT Engllsh Cables Are Also Lower Sell ing Pressure Is Heavy Through- oat the Session Fore cast of More Rain. CHICAGO, April 29. The wet weather not only dampened the enthusiasm of the bulls in the wheat pit, but at tha same time en couraged the outside and local longs to sell freely. This selling was further augmented by the Weather Bureau forecast of addition. al ralntonlght in Kansas.. The market at Liverpool closed 34 Id lower, which also tended to make more pronounced the weak ness In the local market. The selling pres sure was heavy throughout the session and the market manifested no recuperative power, the tone being weak from beginning to end. July opened c to lower at 82b2c sold oft to 82o and closed weak at 8214 c A break of 1 4i Hid at Liverpool and a weak opening In wheat caused a lowering of corn values at the start. - For a time there was considerable selling . by commis sion houses and local longs. The market rallied materially during the last half of thesesslon on active buying by cash houses, small receipts being responsible for mucn of the demand. The close was firm. July opened H1to to o lower at 49 Kc to 49 14 49 ft c. sold off to 4914o and advanced to 49 c, where it closed. Wet weather in the Southwest caused moderate weakness In oats. Later, how ever, considerable firmness developed on a brisk demand from elevator interests. July opened 14 14o to 14o lower at 4114 41 He, advanced to 41 c, where it closed. Provisions were work owing to selling by local packers. July ork closed loo lower; lard 214o and ribs a thade lower. WHEAT. May 1 .79 S .79 9 -H July 82 .82:H .82 .8214 September .. .h .84 fa .84 December .. .Si) Is .00. fa Jn -au CORN. May July September .48 .v.snw .4014 .BOli .41114 .43 .40 k -5014 .60 Vi OATS. May 44 . .44 .4414 .44 July .- .41 .41 .44? . .44 September . .BbVt .an -a, .30 .jo1 MESS PORK, PER LB. Mav 15.65 15.B5 15.55 15.55 September ...15.87 15.00 15.82 15.b2tt LARD, PER 100 IBS. May .. 8.60 8.62 8.60 8.62 July I.. 8.77 8.77 8.75 8.75 September . 8-87 SHORT RIBS, PER 100 LBS. May 8.65 8.55 8.52 8 52 July 8.70 & 70 8.67 8.70 beptember .... .... 8.00 Cash quotations wore as follows: Flour Steady. Wheat No. 2 Spring, 8385o; No. 8, 769 85c; No. 2 red, 7&79c , Corn No. 2, SOVjc; No. 2 yellow, 50c Oats No. 2, 44c; No. 2 white, 4445o; No. 3 white. 43iSi44c; No. 2 rye, 48c. Barley Fair to choice malting, 6973c Flaxseed No. 1, $1.16; No. 1 Northwestern, tl.23. Timothy seed Prime, $4.35. . Clover Contract grades, 15.25. Short ribs Sides (loose), $8.2538.50. -.Mess pork iPer barrel. $15.6215.7S. Lard Per 10O lbs., $8.62. Sides Short clear (boxed), $S.759. Whisky .Basis of high wines, tl.29. Reeeinta. Shinmentst. Flour, barrels ............ 26.JO0 21.9O0 w neat. Dusnels 3. 000 25.000 vom, ousneis ...l8".oo Hl.tioo Oats, bushels 319,100 225,100 Rye. bushels 6.000 1.600 isariey, Dusnels ......... 4b.. too 20,400 Grain and Produce at New York. NEW YORK. April 29. Flour Receipts. 16,000 barrels. Exports, 54O0. Steady, but dull. Wheat Receipts, 23.000 bushels. Exports. S1.129. Spot, easy. No. 2 red, 88 c; ele vator, 88 c t. o. b. afloat; No. 1 Northern TJUluth, 95c; opening navigation f. o. b. ailoat; rso. z oar a winter, ooe. opening navigation f. o. b. afloat. Influenced by weak cables and reports of rain in Kansas, wheat broke lc per bushel today. Liquida tion was heavy, but short sellers were checked by bull stories. Statistics Includ ed bearish figures on the visible and world's hipmeyits. iFinal pirices showed. lo net loss. May closed siHfcc; July, '90c; septemDer, wv!4c; XJecemoer, vaftc. Hops Ouiet. Hides Dull. Wool and petroleum Steady. Grain at San Francisco. SAN FRANCISCO, April 29. Wheat Firm. Barley Firm. 6pot quotations Wheat Shipping, gl.30rl.40; milling. 81.45 ffl.55. . Barley Feed, 81.20(91.22; brewing, SL22 61.26. Oats Red, $1.4631.75; white, 1.601.7O; black, S1.S62.25. Call board sales Wheat-j-May, $1.33; December, $1.42. Barley May, $1.18; December, 11.23. Corn Large yellow, $1.351.40. Minneapolis Wheat Market. MINNEAPOLIS, April 29: Wheat May, 85c; July, 8484c; No. 1 hard, 83 85 c; No. 1 Northern. 84 4 84 c ; No. 2 Northern. 82HS33; Ko. .3 Northern. 80? 81c Visible Supply of Grain. NEW YORK, April 29. The visible sup- Breaking Ground For Independent New "Phone Go. Opens Trenches Along Harney Street for Con duit From Central Building. Closely following the announcement of the purchase of Its sites for the new cen tral telephone exchange and the north side branch exchange, the Independent Telephone Co. has begun active construc tion work for the Installation of the new x'automatic telephone plant. A. large force of men went to work Wednesday opening up Harney street from Nineteenth east for the ditch in which to lay the initial line of conduits leading from ' the central building into the business district. The trench is be ing opened on the north side of the street near the sidewalk. i A novel feature connected with the con Btruction work is the marking -of the open trench with a row of red pennants, each bearing in white letters the words "Independent Telephone Co." It is not only a clever advertisement calling atten tion to the progress of work In building the new plant, but lt also suffices to in form curious spectators and save the asking and answering of innumerable questions. World-Herald, Omaha, Neb, LOUIS HOME BONDS DOWNING-HOPKINS CO- ESTABLISHED MM BROKERS STOCKS, BOINDS, GRAIN Bough aad asU ts eaaa sad n saargfas. Private Wire . ROOM 4. CHAMBER P'y of grain Saturday, April 27, ai com piled by the New York Produce Exchange, was aa follows: Bushels. Dec lease. Wheat ..... ..... ..82,768.000 T89.000 Corn 9.074.000 1,522.923 Oats 0.866. 0OO 80.000 Rye . . . . 1.315,000 7.0O0 Barley 2,515,000 151,000 Increase, Wheat at Tacoma, TACOMA, Wash., April 29. Wheat Steady and unchanged. Bluestem, 80c; club, 78c; red. 75c. QUOTATIONS AT 8AJ FRANCISCO. Prices Paid for product In the Bay Cltj - Markets. BAN FRANCISCO, April 29. The follow ing prices were quoted 1a the produce mar ket yesterday: FRUIT Apples, choice. S2; common, $1; bananas. S1&2.50: Mexican limes. ltC'i8: Call- forma lemons, choice, fa: - common, $1.50; oranges, navel. S1S3.50; pineapples, 945. VlxiETABLES Cucumbers, H.26,1.7i; gar lic, 3 4c; green peas, 23c'; asparagus. 6llc; tomatoes, 4&6c. BOOS Store, 16&18c; fancy ranch, 20c POTATOES Early Rose. fl.6O01.7S; sweets, S44.50; Oregon Burbanks S2Q2.30; Oregon seed Burbanks, Sl.630'1.75; Eastern, 91.7O0 l.aO; garnet Chile, S1.50; Klver Whites, 1.S52: new. 4ttc. ONIONS Oregon, 2.SO3; Australian, S4.2S 64.50. BUTTER Fancy creamery, 22c; cream ery seconds, 21c; fancy dairy, 21c; dairy seconds, nominal; pickled, 19c WOOL Fall. Humboldt and Mendoclao. 139 14c Nevada, 15$pl6c; south Plains and San Joaquin 6&8c; lambs. 7t?10c HOPS California, 710c CHEESE Young America, 1501So; Eastern. 17 c HAY Wheat. X1825; wheat and oats, S14318; alfalfa, 18 012.50; stock, 8910; straw, 65 & 85c. MILLSTUFFS Bran. 2223; middlings, 127 30. '' POULTRY Turkeys, gobblers, nominal; tur keys, hens, nominal; roostars, old, S434.50; young, 7.509; broilers, small, g2.509 4.50; broilers, large, S5$y6; fryers, 86.50 7.50; hens. S5.509; ducks, old, f5tf; ducks, young, $68. FLOUR California family- extras. $4.83 6.30: bakers' extras, t4.604f4.80; , Oregon aad Washington. t3.7G4r-4.0. RECEIPTS Flour, 0293 quarter sacks; wheat, 2460 centals; barley, 9676 centals; oats, 400 centals; beans, 1000 sacks; corn, 156 cen tals; potatoes, 3110 sacks; bran, 750 sacks; middlings. 662 sacks; hay. 1287 tons; wool. 1668 bales; hides, 1553. PORTLAND LIVESTOCK MARKET. ' Prices Current Locally on Cattle, Sheep and Hogs. The following prices were quoted In the local market yesterday; CATTLE Best steers, S35.25; medium, S4.50l34.75; cows, 84 13 4.25; fair to medium rows, S3.503.7B; bulls, S1.302; calves, 84.5O05. SHEEP Best, 8S.256-50. HOGS Best, $7&7.25; lightweights, 79 7.25; stockers and feeders, $6.75 7.25. Eastern livestock Prices,. KANSAS CITY, April 29. Cattle Re ceipts, 11,000; market, steady to 10c lower. Native steers. $4.756.20; stockers and feeders, $3.505.25; Western cows, $3.23 3 4.75; Western steers, $4.255-75; calves, $3.255.50. Hogs Receipts, 9000; market, weak to 5c lower. Heavy, $6.306.37; packers, $0.32 6.37; light, $6.3506.50. Sheep Receipts, 10,000; market, steady to shade lower. Muttons, $5.256.50; lambs. 7S8.60; range wethers, $3.506.7S; fed ewes, $5 6.30. SOUTH OMAHA. April 29. Cattle Re ceipts, 4500; market, shade lower. Native Bteers. $4.2u5.85; native cows and heifers, $35; Western steers, $3.503.25; stockers and feeders, $35; calves, $3j6.50; bulls and stags. $34-50. Hogs Receipts. 4000; market, 2e?5o lower. Heavy, $6.2536.37; mixed. $6,300 6.35; light, $6.35S6.45; pigs, $5.506.25. Sheep Receipts, 35.000; market, strong. TearllnKS. $6.507.75; wethers, $6.407.00; ewes, $3.5006.50; lambs, $7.558.60. CHICAGO, April 29. Cattle Receipts, 29,000; market, steady to shade lower. Beeves. $4.206.50; good to prime steers, $5.3005.60; poor to medium, $4.235-25: stockers and feeders, $2.90g5.15; cows and heifers, $2.605.23;' calves, $3.50)5.75. Hogs Receipts, 40,000; market, weak to Be lower. Mixed, $6.356-57; good to choice heavy. $6.45(6.55; heavy, $6.20 6.55; rough heavy, $6.256.&0; light, $6.40 6.50; pigs, $66.50. Sheep Receipts, 23,000; market, steady, lambs. $6-50 8.50; natives and Western sheep. $4.30(6.90; yearUnga, $767-0O; West ern lambs, $6.5O8.70. Dlsarmed Before Tliey Land. NEW YORK, April 29. Nearly 2000 Immigrants on , the steamship Cltta dl Milano and Nord Amerika, of the Ital ian line, just In from Naples and Genoa, grot a taste of the laws of the country when agrents of the line appeared on the brldsre of each vessel and shouted that all weapons and knives must be thrown away or left with the officers of the ship before the immigrants would be allowed to iand. There was an instantaneous shower of stillettos, ugly-looking knives and revolvers of modern and ancient makes. Tomorrow when the imimgrants land on Ellis Island it is believed they will be the most harmless set of aliens re ceived there in many a day. Murder Follows Trivial Quarrel. CHICAGO, April 29. Crashing through an outer door with an ax, three men at- tacked John Morris and his wife with knives In their borne, 62 Sholto street, early yesterday. They left Morris dead and his wife severely wounded. The mo- J. WILDE PORTLAND, OR. OF COMMERCE Phon Mala 31 tlve for the murder Is believed by th police to have been revenge for an af front Dlaced on the men by Morris, their former friend, in ordering them from his home one night last week.. It was ac complished after the couple had barricad ed tho door against them with everr movable niece of furniture at hand. Five men were arrested. They are said to be members of the "Sholto street gang." They are Michael O Shea, Jerry Sullivan and William Sheehan, who have been Identified by Mrs. Morris, and George Reed and James Hansen, friends of the others, who are held pending a coroner's Inquest. According to the po lice, the men arrested were frequent vis itors at the Morris home. After Morris drove them oht because of a quarrel, which was of a trivial nature, they threatened to kill him, according to Mrs, Morris. Planing M.U1 Dynamited. SAN FRANCISCO. April 29. Two heavy explosions of dynamite In the lower part of Oakland startled that city last night. They were quickly followed by an alarm of Are from the box at Second and Jef ferson streets, and when the police and Are departments reached the scene they found that a large part of the California, Standard Planing Mill Company's plant at 56 Second street had been wrecked by dynamite. The cause of the explosion re mains a mystery. The plant is practical ly crippled and a number of men 'will be thrown out of work. The loss Is esti mated at .000. LOUIS J. WILDE HOME TELEPHONE BONDS BANK STOCK Corner Sixth and Washington fits. Rome Phone A2345. Portland, Or. TRAVELERS CVTDB. Alaska 1907 EXCURSIONS B TRIPS S. 8. Spokane, June 14, , 25; July 12, 26; Aug. S. Queen, July 14. NOME KOTJTC S. R Senator June 1' S. a President June 4 8. K. ALASKA ROUTE. Skagway, Sitka, Juneau and way porta.: Sailing 9 P. M. H. S. S. Co.'s Humboldt... ..May 2, 12, 21 Cottage City, via Sitka May S, 19, 31 City of Seattle May 8. 18, 28 SAN FRANCISCO IIOUTB. Sailing 9 A. M. From Seattle. City of Puebla May 6, 29 ! Spokane. May 10, 25 Umatilla. May 15, 30. City Office, 249 Washington St. forth Cferman loyd. PAST EXPRESS SERVICE. PLYMOUTH CHERBOURG BREMEN. Raiser, May 7, 10 AM K.Wm.IL.June 11.6AU t. WmHMyle, T:30AMlironprlnz,June 18,10AM Kronprlnz.My21. loAMIKalser, July 2. 10 A M Kaiser, June 4, 10AM K. Wm.II. July9.S A Mi TWIN-SCREW PASSENGER SERVICE. BREMEN DIRECT AT 10 A. M. Knrfueret May l"Bremen Mar 29 Rheln .........May 16 Chemnlts ....June 9 Friedrich ....May 18 Barbarossa ...June 8 P. Alice May 23 Kurt uerst June 18 Calls at Plymouth and Cherbourg. MEDITERRANEAN SERVICE. GIBRALTAR NAPLES GENOA, AT 11 A. M. K. Lnlse May 11IK. Lulse.......June 19 K. Albert.. ..May 18 K. Albert June ST. P. Irene .......June IIP. Irene .....July 13 Neckar June 8 Neckar July 20, Omits Genoa. From Bremen Piers, Sd It 4th Eta, Eoboken. North German Lloyd Travelers' Checks Good All Over the World. OELRICHS CO- No. s Broadway, N. T, ROBERT CAPPELLE, G. A. P. C;, 75 Vai Ness Ave., Kan Francisco, Cal. Ho ! For Astoria Fast Str. Telegraph Leaves daily (except Thursdays), 7 A. M. Landing Alder-street dock. Phone Main 565. SCANDDiAVlAN-AMERICAN USE 10.M Too Twia-6orw PuMnff ttMmira Liret to Norway Sweden and Denmark Sailing from New York at noon. C. F. Tletgen. .May 2Unlted States.. June 9' Oscar 11 May D C. F. Tletgen. June 13 Hells Olav. ...May 23lOscar II June 20 Saloon, S00 and upward; 2d cabin, ISO. Af ter May 10, Saloon $70 and up; 2d cab., too. A. . JOHNSON A CO 1 Broadway, N. x 100 Washington Ave. So. Mpls.. Minn. San Francisco & Portland S. S. Co. Operating only direct Passenger Steamers. From Alnsworth Dock, Portland. 0 A. M. s 8. S. "COSTA KICA". .. .May 1. 11. 21, etc b. 8. "COLC3US1A" May 6, 10, 26, eto. From fcpear st., San Francisco, 11AM.: "S. 8. COLUMBIA" May 1, 11, 21, eto, "8. S. COSTA KICA" May 6, 18, 20. eta. , J AS. H..DEWSON, Amt, ,., Phone Main 268. 248 Washington sU MLAITTE KiVER ROUTE For t-rv.Ula, Albany, independence, & lem &taxnr "POMONA" leaves t):4& A. Tutvtiay, Thursday and Saturday. For Balem and way landing! Steam "OREGoN a" leave :40 A. M.. Mondays, Wcd-crtday and Friday. JToot Taylor tract. Columbia River Scenery lt.ulxuiJ.01i U.4 sXEAALr.i&9. Dally service between Portland and The Dalles, except Sunday, leaving Portland at 7 A. M., arriving about 6 P .M., carrying fielght and sa&sengera Splendid accommo dations lor outnts and livestock. Dock foot of Alder St., Portland; foot ol Court sl. The laUea Phone Mala !. Portland. - North Pacific S.S. Co's. Steamships Roanoke and Geo. W. Elder Sail for Eureka, - San Francisco and Los Angeles direct every Tuesday at 8 P. M. Ticket office 132 Third St., near Alder. Both phones, M. 1314. H. Young, agent STR. CHAS. R. SPENCER Waahington-gtne Dock. Daily, except Sunday, for The Dalles and! way landings, it T 1 M., returning 10 P., M. Fast time, best service. i tbMi Main, umi Bona, A. 11. at, Jj