11 TIIE 3IORNING OREGOXIAX, TUESDAY, APRIL. 30, 190T. FOR SALE FARMS. FOB SALE HELP WANTED MALE. HELP WANTED MALE. HELP WANTED FEMALE. HELP WANTED MALE OR FEMALE. FOB RENT. FOR SALB BY OWNER. Two well-improved farms in Douglas fount v; one containing 191 acres rich bot. tom land; new painted: barn, 65x1 OO feet; large houoo, plenty of running; water; all fftird with America a woven wire. Price $6uno. The other containing 330 acres, alt fine rich soil. Over 1.0O.OoO feet saw timber on , place. Creek running through place; all ' fenced; 4 large, barns; (food house; 18 '. Viildlngs on place; fine water system, etc.. with reservoir; 4 acres orchard; fine fruit. Thlft plare would make an Ideal cattle rpiirh. I'rlt-e $hooo. Those places are 4 miles east of Yoncalla. For full partlcu x " . lars address J. Win. Beckley, Yoncalla, Or. WE HAVE J 2 fine Clark County fruit, grain and dairy farms at prices ranging from $30O to $11:. 000. These are fine buys and will bear your closest investigation. If you intend buying a farm, aee us. MOOHE REALTY CO., 208 Stark St, ittO ACRES VKRS PEST RED APPLE land noar town White Salmon, opposite Hood River, 1 acre in cultivation, 10 clashed. 80 good timber fenough to pay for the place), balance not hard to clear; a snap, for $40M. One year's profit ten acres apples pays for place. A Iso- 16 acres tine berry and small Nrfrult land, within half mile White Sal mon; only $M per acre. For fruit tracts In that desirable local ity aee us. We have the goods. No better fruit section In the West, and land worth twlus price asked. VAXDUYN & WALTON. -615 Chamber Commerce. ACRES FOR RENT OR FOR SALE. Has the best-producing hop yard of 10 acres; yielded last year 130 boxes to the acre, 1 hophouve, balance In oats, timber and pasture; No. 1 fruit land, lays very nice on a main county road; It. F. D. and telephone; a fine home and moneymaker, only 0 miles west from Courthouse, & mlie flora the new Fort land -Salem, carllne. If vu wnnt a nice home here is one for you and very cheap. C. H. Pfaffle, Room la, 250 fid st., near Madison, Homesteads in the white salmon VAT.LEY. We now have for location 6 homestead , reiinquL-hninnta very desirably located; they arc splendid claims and will maka pleasant homes; prices, two, (125 each; one, ?2"0; one. $-25; one, $T5o; the last named Is three miles from R. R- and boatlandlng; thev contain lttO acres each; don't write but conie at once as they are bargains and will soon be sold. A. W. Estes, White Salmon, Wash. $290 PER ACRE. .6.1 -acre home, one mile from streetcar Hn 10 miles eaat of city; close to school, t-liurch and store; on main road; new buildings, chicken -houses and yards; well, running stream; 7 acres cleared, balance Koori timber; rich soil; young orchard; small fruits. OHIO REALTY CO., 408 Commercial blk. ONION GROUND FOR SALB. 24 acres No. 1 beaver-dam in good culti vation, 14 ml la from Portland, on Salem electric line, Soo feet from station. Address Box No. BO, R. F. D. 3. Aurora, Or. FOB SALE. Horses, Vehicles, Etc 1 FINK ROAD HORSE. STANDARD AND r'gltTed, aire! by the great sire Mc Kmney, dam by Altamont; one standard bred mare, sired by Scarlet Letter; one com bination horse, saddle and driver; one rub j ber-tired buggy and harness. Phone Union Ur71. L. C. MeConnlck. 444 Earn 13th fit. N. 1 FINE ROAD HORSE, STANDARD AND registered. sir-;d by the great sire Mc Kinney. dam by Altamont; one standard bred mare, sired by Scarlet Letter; one combination horse, saddle and driver; one mbber-ttred buggy and harness. Phone Union 1071. L. C. McCormlck, 444 East 13th st. North. PORTLAND COFFEE) & SPICE CO. KB tiring from bustnesw One end spring buppy with good harness for sale, $05; also slde enrlng buggy with good harness, $75. Apply Fashion Stables, 20 th and Washington st. A NUMBER OF HEAVY TEAMS; ALSO heavy horses; not matched; all in flpa condition and ready for hard work; will well at a reasonable price, as we have about 40 horses on hand. Che ha lis River Lumber Co., Cnohalls, Wash. Jew grocery, laundry, bakery, milk wagons, 100 second-hand vehicles; single, double fur niture wagorm; horses, rigs rented. Tomlla oa A Cassiday. 21 1 Waah. Pacific 607. TOP WAGONS, GOOSE-NECK: FURNITURE) wagons, express wagons, runabouts, horses, vehicles and harness of all descriptions for sals or rent. Hubert Hall, 266 Fourth st. RF5GISTERED JERSEY BULL, RIOTER Gazelle" King tpure SL Lambert strain); services $5. Apply to J. Ashoroft, on Healy place, at Council Crest Heights. . HORSES FOR BALE 10 SPANS. 1100 TO 1600 pounds. 4S9 Overton, between 13th and 14th; take S car. Freed ra ah Broi. 'FOR SALE CHEAP ONE TEAM AND Ex press wagon. Call 111 Johnson, Concanon's store. Phone Main 4SS9. HANIVMA.DE PANEL-TOP PELIVERY wagon, suitable for grocery or laundry. 513 Jefferson st. THREE HEAVY TEAMS FOR SALE. IN quirt at 1208 Macadam St., near Jones Mill. ' fOR f ALE SECOND HAND PANEL-TOP delivery wagon. 306 East Washington. FASTURAOB FOR RKNT APPLY R. CHIL oott, 806 McKay bldg. ( Miscellaneous. FOR SALE COMPLETE MACHINERY ; (American make of stern-wheeled steam er. Engine 15xtk). Particulars address H. A. Junes, 407 Cordova at., Vancouver, B. O. , ONE 12x16 CORLISS ENGINE, ONE 60x10 tubular boiler, oue sire D SUIwell heater; correspondence solicited. L. II. Nichols. 10 N. Wenaa ave.. North Yakima. Wash. FOR BALE FIRST-CLASS BARBER SHOP ' and bath doing a good business; also house hold furniture; good reason for stilling. Ad dreas P. O. Box 27, Echo. Or. ALL BAB FIXTURES, GLASSES AND Ap pliances used In a saloon for sale at -The CfTles Cafe, 285 Washington st. Apply to tsam Vlgneux. FOR SALE GENUINE 8TRADIVARIUS violin, 17S years old; rich, mellow tone; cash or real estate. -44 Montgomery st. Main 1053. SACRIFICE SALE. PARTY LEAVING- CITY, Malleable wteel raritce. Iron beds, courh. comforts, dishes, fcti range, tables. 80" Front at. BLUE- ANDALUSI AN EGGS. $1 50 PER SET ting. C. W. Rlsley. Naei' s Station, Oregon City line. p. O. Milwaukle. K. F. D. No. 1. TWO JERSEY COWS FOR SALE e- ONE freh with calf; three-quarters mile north of Lents. J. A. Wilson. 11RY SPRUCE SLAB WOOD, $2.26: green. $1 75; sawdust. $2 per load. Slmj Boxwood Co., foot of Montgomery st. THOROUGH BRED WHITE PLYMOUTH Rock eggs tor haiehiug. guaranteed: also -hlcks. 111." E. Main st. CASH PAID FOR FURNITURE. FIXTURES cd merchand lee. Phone Mln 1626. J. T. Wilson, auctioneer. FOR SALE FAMILY COW; FRESH. QKN tle to milk. !14 Yamhill st., cor. 30th. Phone Ea?t 5574. TWO FREST! MITa"H COWS. JERSEY. 40 poiind ; cows muM be sold today. 1'hone S i 1 wood 1 06. FOR SALE CHEAP B FLAT BUFFET clarinet. Address 674 Third St. Phone Main 1775. CHOLINE LAUNCH COST $200; WILL oil for less than half. Apply Q C6, Ore gonlan. GXSOL1NB LAUNCHES AND HOUSEBOATS. - The Alliance boatyard. Geo. Feran, foot of Clay st. CHEAP A VERY FINE FRBSH JERSEY cow,- especial for faintly. Inquire 24e Front street. FN AP S HOKSFPOWKR STATIONERY gasoltne engine; good as new. 2i-, 1st et. Automobile for sale; must veil on account of leaving city. Apply 304 Ms clear bldg. ; FOR PALE PLATFT-GLAPS SHOWCASE. . JO xeei long. Miscellaneous. ALL SIZES PIPE. BLACK AND. GALVAN Ized. from to 10 in. 2 looo-light dynamos. Carload barbwire. 3 2-in. centrifugal pump. lt0 tons eye-beams, ail lengths and sires; several water-wheels; also the largest and most complete sock of second-hand ma chinery of all kind In the Pacific North west. J. SIMON A BROS.. 24 Front St. NOTICE THE UNDERSIGNED WILL OF fer for sale his imported pure breed English Shire stallion. Lord Roosevelt, for two weeks. Said cold will be 2 years old In May. Imported from Iowa last month, and . while he will at maturity make close to a ton horse, he has wonderful action and Is as game as a peacock. P. L Kenady, Wood burn. Or. RARE CHANCE: NEARLY NEW TOCR Ing runabout at a bargain; will trade for lot. 205 First. FOR SALB ROCKING-CHAIR AND BOOKS. Encyclopedia Brltannica, with supplement, 2H large leather -volumes, good as new, in. shipping boxes, net; Kid path's History of World, illustrated, 4 volumes, $6; large oak rocker, cane seat, $4. Inquire 737 East Couch st. 50 SLIGHTLY DAMAGED SEWING MA chines at very low prices; Singer, Wheeler & Wilson, Domestic, White, Household. Davie and others; to make room for new stock. Wheeler & Wilson end Singers. 8. 3 Sigel, 835 Morrteoa et.. Marquam bldg. $ $$ SPECIALS THIS WEEK AT 232 1ST ST. $35 Cascade range, new, $25; $3.50 wool top mattrebsee from 75c to $2.50; oil paintings, $1 each, and a thousand other bargains at the Dollar, 232 let at. SECOND-HAND ICE MACHINE. CONSIST ing of engiue. boiler, compressors and brine pump. In first-class shape. Price $1200. Inquire of The Dalles Iron Works, The Dalles. Or. FOR SALE NEW AND SECOND-HAND B1L Rard and pool tables ; easy payments: we rent tables, with privilege of buying; mod ern bar fixtures; cheap price. Brunswick-Balke-Collender, 49 3d sC FOR SALE 56 HEAD vjOF HIGH-GRADH milch cows on farm at Vorest Grove, Or. ; a fine buy. Call upon or address J. D. Ross, care of Pacific Coast Condensed Milk Co., Forest Grove. Or. FOR IMMEDIATE SALE ROLL-TOP desk, 2 revolving chairs. 6 dining-room chairs, quarter-sawed oak. 12x16 feet in laid linoleum; office for rent. 206 Good nough bldg. HAVE SEVERAL EXCELLENT FIR AND tan oak claims. For information Inquire or write 246 Grant St., Portland. HELP W ANTE D MALE. POSITIONS IN RAILWAY MAIL, POST offlce. customs service, are permanent; chance for promotion; let us prepare you for examinations. West Coast Correspondence Schools, 714 Cham. Com. Open evenings. SOLICITOR WANTED AT ONCE FOR HIGH cla&s article; must come well recommended; salary and commission. Call at room 223, FUedner bldg.. Wash, and 10th st,. bet. the hours of 10 and 12 A. M. and 2 and 5 P. M. PROTECT YOURSELF FOR SI PER MONTH against accident, slokness amd death. Write or call for full intormatlon. Northwestern Health and Accident Association. 31 Mai lory bldg.. 168 Stark. Agents wanted. Men and boys wanted to learn plumbing, plas tering, bricklaying electrical trades; free catalogue; positions secured. Coyne Trade Schoole, New York and San Francisco. WANTED MAN' FOR NIGHT WATCH man and porter; must have best of ref erences; steady position. Apply to Su perintendent, The Golden Eagle. 1 W A N T ED M EN OF E XPE R I ENCE TO handle the best proposition in city: none but men who mean business need, apply. Call Tuesday. 212 Swetland blg. 6HOI3 SALESMAN. THOROUGH AND COM petent. with a faculty for decoration, and display; a good position for first-class man. Olds, Wortman Sc. King. A STRICTLY HIGH-GRADE SOLICITOR can make $300 up a month. Call room 425, Chamber of Commerce bldg. Tyler Scovllle. FIVE BRIDGE CARPENTERS, ' $3.50; laborers, $2.50 (mine); boat cooks; other work; come. "Drake's," 2051, Washington. WANTED SHIPPING PORTER IN LARGE wholesale grocery business ; good salary. Answer, stating experience. N 62, Oregunlan. WANTED YOUNG MAN TO LEARN BAR ber trade; steady job, union shop. Call or write 772 Mississippi ave. Take L car. WANTED TWO FIRST-CLASS COATMAK ers and one waistcoat maker. K. S. Er vin & Co., Ltd... 3d and Alder els. YOUNG MAN TO WORK IN WHOLESALE liouse; must be energetic and Industrious. D. M. Averill & Co.. 102 North 5th st. TWO CARRIAGE) BLACK SMITHS WANTED at once; good wages to right men; also blacksmith helper. 174 Union ave. WANTED FIRST-CLASS BARBER, MAR ried man preferred; good guarantee. Ad dress F. C. Ballard, Hillsboro, Or. BROOM-MAKERS WANTED OPEN SHOP, high wages. Washington Broom & Wood enware Company, Seattle. Wash. COATMAKERS WANTED HIGHEST prices paid by A. Schlossmacher, 201-204 Oriental block, Seattle, Wash. WANTED SAILORS AND FIREMEN FOR China and Australia. Inquire at Sailors' Home, cor. 2d and Gil sen sis. LADIES TAILOR BEST WAGES IN TOWN; steady work; airy and light working: rooms. J. K. Stern. 429 Washington. WANTED MAN AND WIFE TO WORK ON small farm near city: good home. SX5 Johnson St., opposite depot. BMALL PRINTING PLANT CHEAP. $:in0: owner going away; good location; investi gate. 6o4 Good no ugh bldg. WANTED .EXPERIENCED COOKS AND waiters: highest wages; Cooks' & Waiters' Union, 12S 5th st. 8 TRUCKERS. 2 TEAMSTERS. McMAHOX Bros., brickyards, 43d and, Division sts. ; take Richmond car. WANTED HORSKSHOBR FOR FLOOR work; wag' $3.50 per day. Call 124 North Seventh street. WANTED BOY W ITH WH EEL, NIGHT work. Apply Associated Press, 813 Ore gon fan bldg. WANTED FIRST-CLASS DRAFTSMAN for tracing plat work. Apply at 426 Mo hawk bldg. WANTED FIRST-CLASS COATMAKER, union bill. A Brown, tailor, Raymond, Wash. EXPERIENCED MALE NURSE WANTED for private sanitarium. Apply 606 Marquam bldg WANTED AT ONCE BOY, 16 TO 18. TO work as assistant janitor. Roberts Bros. WB SECURE- EMPLOYMENT FOR MEM bera. Special membership. $3. Y. M. C A. Young Man desiring to better condition Call on Employment Dept.. Y. M. C A. Salesmen big wages: somethino positively new. 215 Commercial block. GOOD Al BAND SAWYER WANTED BY Oregon Chair Co., Portland, at once. WANTED TWO STRONG BOYS: $9 PER week to begin. 65 Front, corner Davis. WANTED SECOND BAKER ON BREAD. 3S7 E. Pine st- Apply before noon. WANTED A GOOD. STEADY BARBER AT Portlatid Hotel barber shop. WAITER WANTED APPLY COLUMBIA Hotel, First and Clay sts. TWO GOOD HORS ESHOERS WANTED. A. C. Loh mire. 2S7 Taylor st. FARM HANDS AND CHOREMAN WANTED. Inquire 325 Abington bldg. WANTED ASSISTANT PHARMACIST. AP ply room 4o3 The Dtkum. FIRST-CLASS CABINET MAKER. POW era. 1st and Taylor. WANTBD JANITOR. APPLY 706 DEKUM bldg.. from 1 to 2:30. BOY TO DELIVER PACKAGES AND HELP in office. 616 Dekum. ERRAND BOY WANTED APPLY 9 AND 11 North First st. BARBER WANTED STEADY JOB AT THE Esmond baths. WANTED CAKE BAKER AT 271 FRONT st reet. BOY WANTED 27 NORTH FIRST ST. STRONG BOY 1 N CANDY FACTORY. GEORGE A. M'NBIL COMPANY. WHOLE SALE CONFECTIONERS. 110 N. 4TH. NEAR G LIS AN. MAN AND WIFE AS SAWMILL LABORER and cook for 15 men, $: and board, fee rarty here; 35 rough and bridge carpenters. to $.'i.50; milkers, farm help, sawmill help, loggers, 4 boys over 16 as signal whistle boys, $2.20 a day, no experience; i others. HANSEN'S EMPLOYMENT OFFICES, 26 N. 2d st. 250 Burns ide st. WANTED. Good live, up-to-date man to sell rooming houses, hotels and all kinds of business chances and real estate; no dead ones need apply. DIETZ-MUELLER CO., 603-4-5. Swetland bldg. WANTED FOR U. S. ARMY, ABLE-BOD-led 'unmarried men, between ages of 21 and 35. citizens of United States, of good character and temperate habits, who can speak, read or write English. Apply to Recruiting Officer. Ainsworth block. Third and Oak sts., Portland. Or. ALL DISEASES OF MEN SUCCESSFULLY treated; discharges positively cured in from 8 to 6 das; consultation free and strictly confidential; send for our symptom blank. X-radium Medical Institute, 3d and Alder ets.; entrance 253 Aider st.. Portland, THE MEIER & FRANK STORE WANTS driver, fioormen, clothing salesmen, men's furnishing salesmen; also boys 16 years of are or over to learn the business. Apply to the superintendent. 8 to 10 A. M. 2 COATMAKERS WANTED ling, 231 Washington st. AT RKFF- I WANT 10 ACRES OF LAND IN THE Hood River Valley cleared right away; men understanding .the business. Apply mornings between 11 and 12 to J. O. Rountree, 82 Third st. ELDERLY GENTLEMAN HANDY AROUND house and understanding gardening, can find steady home and employment at fair wages by applying at room 6. 222 WasMngton st., upstairs. WANTED YOUNG MEN TO TAKE OUR bookkeeping or shorthand course, day or night classes; we will place you In posi tion. Eclectic Business University, 68 3d street. SEVERAL MEN TO PREPARE FOR PORT lami postofflce exam.. May 11. A few days only. Write Pacitio States Schools. McKay Bldg. WANTED FOUR OR -TTVB FIRST-CLASS paperhangers and painters. Steady em ployment guaranteed. Wages $4. Ad dress P. O. Box 763, Aberdeen, Wash. WANTED GROCER YM AN; ALSO ASSIST ant dry goods man; exceptionally good opportunities for two younj? men. Com mercial Abstract Co., Raleigh bldg. WANTED TWO THOROUGHLY CAPABLE solicitors, who can handle a hlgh-clate prop osition among the best people. Big money for the right men. B 62, Oregonlan. YOUNG MAN TO WORK IN A WHOLE sale house; one familiar with tinware and hardware: state experience and salary ex pected. Q 63, Oregonlan. COUNTRY PRINTER IMMEDIATELY . Steady position; fare advanced. North west Newspaper Brokerage, Goodnough bldg. Phone Main 5358. PRINTER'S APPRENTICE WANTED with at least one year's experience. Ap ply or write Peaslee Bros. & Chausse, 93 Front St., Portland. RUSTLER FOR DELIVERY WAGON; also good proposition for Al hatter. Port land Cleaning Works, 211 4th. Under new management. WANTED MALE BOOKKEEPER NOT over 25 years of age; must be accurate and rapid, wl th some stenographic experience. L 67, Oregonlan. BOY FOR OFFICE WORK AND LEARN . hardware business; address In own hand writing; state age and references. V 71, Oregonlan. WANTED IN OFFICE OF LARGE wholesale firm, a bright young man, good chance for promotion. Address B 56. Or egonlan. SALESMAN NO CANVASSERS WANTED. Right man can make $500 a month. Give references and experience. K. 59, Ore gonlan. YOUNG MAN, GOOD AT FIGURES, TO AS slst buyer in a wholesale house; state ex perience and salary expected. S 68, Ore gonlan. LIVE PUBLICATION. READY WEDNES dav. 'The Western Elk." Advertising hust lers wanted; big money. 603 Goodnough bldg. TRAVELING MEN ALL CARRY THE West Coast Hotel and Railway Guide. Send lO cents for latest copy. Box 300" Port land. DRYGOODS MAN FOR DOMESTIC DE partmont; give reference, age and salary required. Apply to Daly Bros., Eureka, Cal. DANCING LESSONS. 25c, private and classes, taught dally. Prof. Wal Wilson, office and academy, Allsky bldg.. 3d and Morrison sts. IF YOU WANT A POSITION OR HELP OF any kind, call at 209 Alisky bldg., or phone Main 3631. Clerks' Registration Bureau. WANTED MAN WITH $100 TO TAKE partnership In out-of-town business; salary $125 monthly. Apply today, 62 6th st. WANTED AN ENERGETIC SALESMAN for work in Portland and Oregon. Good fu ture for a hustler. V 61, Oregonlan. WANTED SHIPPING PORTER, EXPER lencel in wholesale grocery business. Answer stating experience. L 69, Oregonian. WANTED ONE FIRST-CLASS FINISHER, one first-coat er. peters &, Roberts Fur niture Co.. 55 North Front st. YOUNG MAN STENOGRAPHER WITH some bookkeeping experience; must be capa ble and rapid. N 70, Oregonian. . GF1RMAN-AMBRICAN EMPLOYMENT CO. furnishes all kinds of male help free. 233 Bum side st. Phone Main 6495. AT ONCE, A GOOD POSITION FOR OREGON town near Portland: good money to right party. N 73. Oregonlan. WANTED A MARRIED MAN TO WORK . and take charge of a farm. Apply to R. Chllcott, 806 McKay bldg. WANTED PHOTOGRAPH OPERATOR; first -class : also printer for arlsto. Cut berth, Dekum bldg. W ANTE D ENE RGETIC MAN BET WE EN 25 and S4 years old; permanent posiition, P. O. box 2S3. WANTED A FINISHER AND WOOD turner. Apply to Oswald Furniture Mfg. Co., Oregon City. FIRST-CLASS TROUSER AND VE"ST maker wanted at J. Polivka & Co., 249 Morrison st. WANTED STRONG BOY FOR WORK IN library. Apply Public Library. 7th and Stark sts. WANTED A FIRST-CLASS LOOM FIXER at once. Addresa Union Woolen Mills, "Union, Or. WASTHD BOY 18 OR 20 TO LEARN CON fectlonery. Apply after 3 P. M.. 345 Mor rison. TOY SALESMAN GOOD PERMANENT Po sition to right party. Olds, Wortman. & King. WANTED COPPER PLATS PRINTER AND embosser. AppIy room B, 2713 Morrison st. WANTED OFFICE BOY. APPLY WEDXES day P. M. Marshall-Wells Hardware Co. FIRST-CLASS BAKER WANTED; $25 A week, steady work. T 73. Oregonlan. 600 men wanted Free snaves and halrcuta 248 Couch st. Moler Barber College. BOYS WANTED FACTORY WORK. AP ply American Can Co.. foot 14th et. WANTED YOUNG MEN TO WASH DISHES at Baumann Hotel, 412 N. 19th st. WANTED TWO YOUNG MEN TO WORK in factory. Apply 26 N. Fror-4 st- STABLEMAN WANTED HUBERT Hall, 266 4th St., near Madison. WANTED AN EXPERT EGG CANDLER. Taft & Co.. H'l Front st. WANT ONE DISHWASHER. 41 3d t. Peerless Saloon. APPLY AT EXPERIENCED C BTNET-M AK ER :STEADY emplovment for flrit-olu mei'hiinic POWERS FURNITURE COMPANY, 100 First Street. WANTED BOYS ABOUT 16 TEARS OLD to work in factory ; good wages; steady work. Apply at once Ame3-Harris-Neville Co., 5th and Davis sts. MEN AND WOMEN TO LEARN BARBER trade in eight weeks; graduates earn from $15 to $25 weekly: expert instructors; cata logue free. Moler System of Colleges, 35 North Fourth street, Portland. WANTED A FEW MORE GOOD LIVE aalesmen to sell our Coast-grown trees. Money advanced each week. Outfit fur nished free. Write us for particulars. Al bany Nurseries, Albany, Or. WANTED TWO FIRST-CLASS VEHICLE salesmen to carry a high-grade line of vehicles and standard line of farm wagons on commission: must be experienced salen luen and. have established trade. Ad dress O 71. Oregonian. WANTED BAND MEN AT ECHO. OR.. the following occupations, barber, bartend er, printer and a dentist, and general la for. For further Information write or call on F. L. Brundage. PACIFIC STATIONERY A PRINTING CO.. 205-207 2d st. Phone Main f2L We design and Install the most modern and approved office systems. - Complete 11ns loose-leaf filing devices. KELSO EMPLOYMENT & REAL ESTATE The largest list of farm, timber, stump land In Cow Hut County, Washington; free employment at principal camps. M. Blxby, Jr. WILL GRUB STAKB PRACTICAL MINBR acquainted with local conditions and can show results. Answer, giving experience, references, J. B. Cioss, 3508 24th, San Fran cisco. Cal. STEADY MIDDLE-AGED MAN TO AT tend three horses and some garden work; good home and wages for the right man. Inquire 601 Schuyler, between 4 and 6 P. M. Men and women to learn watchmaking, engrav ing, jeweler work, optics, easy terms; posi tions guaranteed; money made learning. Watchmkg-Engvg. Sch'l, 1426 4th av. Seattle HELP WANTED FEMALE. MILLINERY TRIMMERS AND. SALESWO men wanted Experienced trimmers for day or evening work; big wages paid; trimmers employed during day can earn good wages working evenings; 100 sales women, experienced In selling millinery, wanted. Apply today at 326 Washington St., The Shafer-Whittler Co. WANTED A COMPETENT GIRL FOR general housework small family. 66 Lu cretla Place, between Washington and Everett sts., 22d and 23d. WANTED COMPETENT GIRL FOR housework; must understand cooking In f ami ly of two ; good wages. Apply 769 No rtb.ru p st. Phone 2105. CASHIERS, WRAPPERS AND CASH RUN ners wanted. Apply today to the Shafer Whlttier Co., 326 Washington st. The big millinery sale. WANTED MIDDLE-AG ED WOMAN FOR general housework; no washing; $25 per month. Mrs. J. L. Henderson, Hood River, Or. WANTED OPERATORS AND GIRLS TO learn shirt making. Apply Standard Factory, 2 Grand avenue and East Taylor street. WANTED A WOMAN OVER 25; GOOD pay and hard work; fair education; no icanvasserg wanted. J 61. Oregonian. COMPETENT GIRL FOR GENERAL HOUSE work In family of two; must know bow to cook; good wages. 304 N. 24th st. HANSEN'S LADIES AGENCY, 143 Washington st., cor. 7th, upstairs. Phone Main 2692.. COMPETENT GIRL FOR GENERAL houeework; two In family; wages $uo. 71 Hoyt. Phone Main 737. GIRL FOR GENERAL HOUSEWORK IN small family. Call 128 E. 19th st., between Morrison and Alder. WANTED G I R L TO DO SECOND WORK in nice family. Apply 328 10th st. Phone Main .2168. WANTED WAITRESSES AND A CHAM bermald at Hobart-Curtls. 14th and Jef ferson. WANTED GIRL FOR GENERAL HOTJSE work, 245 King. J. A. Dougherty, 67 5th st. GIRL FOR GENERAL HOUSEWORK AND cooking for adults; best of wages. 570 Hoyt st WANTED GIRL FOR LIGHT HOUSE- work. Call at room 82, St. Vincent's Hos pital. WANTED GIRL FOR GENERAL HOUSB work: no washing; good wages. 25 North 0th st. WANTED YOUNG GIRL TO ASSIST IN housework. 2S4 College. Phone Main 4562. WANTED GIRL FOR GENERAL HOUSE work. Must sleep at home. Apply 451 10th south. AN EXPERIENCED GIRL FOR GENERAL housework In a small family. 232 13th st. GIRL FOR GENERAL HOUSEWORK: GOOD wages. Inquire23 N. 21st St., cor. Love joy. GIRL FOR OFFICE WORK. APPLY BE--tweeji 10 and 11 A. M. Troy Laundry Co. WANTED NURSEGIRL TO TAKE CARE) of child 5 years of age. 743 Everett st. WANTED WAIST FINISHERS; ALSO Ap prentices. Mrs. Zeitfuchs, 3t0 Wash. st. GIRL FOR GENERAL HOUSEWORK: NO washing; good wages. Phone Bast 5060. GIRLS WANTED IX WHOLESALE HOUSE. D. M. Averill & Co.. 102 North 6th st. BRIGHT YOUNG GIRLS FOR RECBPTION- room and as errand girls. 143 11th st. DANCING LESSONS, 25o WILSON'S School. Allsky bldg., 3d and Morrison, sts. GIRLS WANTED APPLY STANDARD FAC tory, 2 Grand ave. and Bast Taylor st. WANTED EXPERIENCED GIRL FOR general housework. Apply 354 10th St. GIRLS WANTED FACTORY WORK. AP ply American Can Co., foot 14th st. WANTED SMART YOUNG GIRLS. American Chicle Co., 31 N. Front st. EXPERIENCED CHAMBERMAID MRS. Percy, Elton Court, 11th and Yamhill sts. WANTED 473 MAIN ST., GOOD GIRL for general housework; good wages. WAITRESS WANTED FOR HOTEL WORK; good wages. Apply 81 N. 6th st- GIRL TO DO GENERAL HOUSEWORK; 3 in family. 354 Montgomery st. WANTED CHAMBERMAID. 8054 BURN side st. Phone Pacific 1211. GIRL TO ASSIST IN GENERAL WORK IN small family. 770 Irving street. WANTED AT ONCE. SECOND GIRL. 295 14th st. sPhone Pacific 1065. WANTED CHOCOLATE AND BON BON dipper. S32 Washington st. WANTED AT ONCE TEN EXPERIENCED salesladies, Roberts Bros. WANTED GIRL FOR LIGHT HOUSE work. 596 Madison st. DRESSMAKERS AND wanted at 145 11th st. APPRENTICES EXPERIENCED GIRL TO WAIT ON TABLE. Inquire at 295 10th st. GIRL FOR GENERAL HOUSEWORK. Mill at. EXPERIENCED ('HOOOLATE DIPPERS HIGHEST WAGES. GEORGE A. M NEIL COMPANY. WHOLESALE CONFECTION KRS, llo N. FOURTH ST., NEAR. G LI SA N. WANTED GIRLS OVER 16 YEARS OLD TO work In factory; good wages; steady em ployment. Apply at once. Amea-Harrts-Neville Co., -5th and Davis streets. PRESSERS. SEWERS. SALESLADIES AND general help wanted. If you are working and not satisfied with your saiary, come and ee the J. M. Achesun Co. SHIRTMAKERS WANTED. Shirt .Co., 291 H Stark st. JACOBS THE METER ft FRANK STORE WANTS salesladies for dress trimmings, laoe, gloves, knit underwear, veilings; also 20 girls 16 years of age or over to learn the business. Apply to the superintendent, 8 to 10 A. M. NURSEGIRL WANTED TO TAKE CARE of 3-year-old child. Apply 414 7th, cor. Hall st. ATTENTION. Applicants for all kinds of work, register with ue, free of charge, so we may locate you on short notice. HANSEN'S LADIES" AGENCY, S43H Washington St., cor. 7th, upstairs. LADY DEMONSTRATORS. HOUSE-TO house work; salary $12 per week and ex- penaes; short hours; experience desirable but not absolutely essential. Apply before 9 A. M. or after 4 P. M., W7 Palmer Co., 308 Columbia st. WANTED YOUNG LADIES TO STUDY universal shorthand ; writes letters the first lesson; soon prepares for positions; good salary; day or night classes. Eclectic Business University, 68 3d st. WANTED A LADY STENOGRAPHER; must be over 24 years of age; permanent position to the right party. Call between , hours 2 to 6 P. M. at 293 San Rfael st. M rs. Leo Gee Wo. WOMAN WITH BXPERIBNCS TO MAKE waffles and hot cakes; good wages to right party. Apply at Cottage Waffle Restaurant, 146 Sixth at., bet. Morrison and Alder sts. GIRL TO WAIT ON TABLE AND DO chamber work; one capable of taking " charge and buying. Call between 12 and 1 P. M., 5 and 7 P. M., 314 Mill. WANTED YOUNG GIRL TO ASSIST WITH housework, small family; good wages1. In quire Mr. Levey, care Covell Furniture Co., Ib4 1st, or phone Woodlawn 425. GIRLS WANTED OPERATORS TO WORK on shirts and overalls: lessons given to Inexperienced. Apply at Standard Factory, 3 Grand ave. end E. Taylor sC WANTED YOUNG MAN WHO HAS HAD some experience in plumbing and wishes to finish his trade to go to country town. Call mornings, 84 Front st. WANTED LAUNDRY HELP. COLLAR girl and neck bander and starch w,ork iron ers. East Side Laundry Co., E. 6th and Ash sta Phone East 809. WANTED WAITRESSES. C H A M B E-R maids, dishwashers, domestics, big wages. Write Woman's Domestic Guild. 810 Riv erside, Spokane, Wash. WANTED A SCHOOLGIRL OR YOUNG girl to- assist In light housework; family of two: no children; no washing. Address S 72, Oregonian. WANTED EXPERIENCED PRESSERS ON ladies' garments; good wages and perma nent position for right party. Berlin Dye Works, 347 2d st. SKIRT AND JACKET HANDS, EXPERI enced. wanted at once; good, permanent position to reliable people. Apply to Olds, Wortman & King. 30 WAITRESSES. UP $10; HOTELS, boarding. $25; chambermaids, cook, $40; housekeepers, domestics. Drake, 205a Washington. FAMILY OF THREE. NO CHILDREN, w-ant girl for housework or young girl to help; good home. 713 GU&an. Phone Paclflo 2455. WANTED A GOOD SECOND MAID. WILL Ing to asstst in the care of a little girl. Apply mornings, 824 Marshall. Phone Main 1309. WANTED HOUSEKERPERS. COOKS, nurses, waitresses, second girls. St. Louis Ladles' Agency, 230 Yamhill. Main 5413. WANTED GIRL TO ASSIST WITH housework. Mrs. John West. 360 East 28th and Harrison st. Phone East 5648. . BRIGHT YOUNG LADY CLERK - WITH photo experience preferred ; small wages to start. Cutberth, Dekum bldg. CAPITAL' EMPLOYMENT AGENCY. 271 Morrison st., room C, has places for wom en and girls. Phone Pacific 2732. WANTED RELIABLE LADY CLERKS; must have references. Apply to Andrew Kan & Co., 287 Morrison st. GIRL OR MIDDLE-AGED WOMAN FOR general housework; work not heavy. Call after 1 P. M., 273 Morrison st. WANTED DINING-ROOM GIRL, 141 Lownsdale: $25 per month, board and room. .Phone Pacific 2592. WANTED GIRL WITH EXPERIENCE, second work, small family, good wages-. Call In morning, 350 Salmon st. GIRLS WANTED TO WORK IN TAJLOR shop, steady work, good wages. Union Tail oring Co., 73 North 6th st. WANTED EXPERIENCED MANGLE help and body ironer. Star Laundry, Union ave. and E. Ankeny st. WANTED FIRST-CLASS SECOND GIRL, two in family, good waees. Apply today, 714 Wayne screet. Main 2563. AT ONCE CrIRL TO CARE FOR TWO children. 3 and 5 years old; good salary; good home. 314 Mill st. SHIRTMAKER ON POWER MACHINE; must understand hand sawing. 429 Wash ington st.. I. K. Stein. GIRL OR MIDDLE-AGED WOMAN TO As sist with houf-ework for family of three. 421 Bumslde, corner 10th. WANTED COL'ORED GIRL FOR GENER al housework. Call after 10 o'clock, 29 N. Park, near Couch. LADY STENOGRAPHER ONE ACCUS tomed to fire insurance work preferred. V 70, Oregonlan. WANTED GIRLS TO SORT B ROOM CO rn. Apply Sunset Broom Works, 12th and Lovejoy sts. WANTED BRIGHT YOUNG GIRL TO learn office work and bookkeeping. Address H 61. Oregonlan. A TAILORESS FOR BUSHELING MEN'S clothing ; must be experienced. Apply A. B. Steinbach Co. WANTED TAILORESS AND WAIST hands; strictly first class. Hechtman, 712 Marquam bldg. WANTED EXPERIENCED WAITRESSES. highest wages. Cooks' & Waiters Union, 128 5th st. GIRL FOR GENERAL HOUSEWORK Small family; good wages. 354 Tenth, corner Mill. WANTED EXPERIENCED ALTERATION hand on jackets and skirts. H- B. Litt. FRATERNAL SOLICITORS MEN OR Wo men : new society ; great success; splendid organization; ably officered; bejiutitul rit ual : nine classes of certtucaies; ages 16 to 65; fine literature; liberal contracts ta earnest workers. Union Provident League, Tllford bldg., 10th and Morrison sts.. Port land, Or. . WANTED FIRST-CLASS MAN OR WOMAN cook at 53 N. ISth st., corner Davis. DISHWASHER AT PORTLAND DELICATBS Ren. 183 3d. SITUATION WANTEDMALE. Bookkeepers andl Clerks. CAPABLE OFFICE CLERK OF SEVERAL years experience, at present employed out of city, seeks position with first-class concern whjl-re Sunday work is not re quired; am willing to leave city; can earn $.20 per week. Address T 74, Oregonian. WANTED ONE-HALF DAY'S . WORK each day; mornings preferred; by expe rienced stenographer, who understands his business; references. O 73, Oregonian. EXPERIENCED ' TIMEKEEPER AND stenographer, age 26. desires position; out side work in Portland; satisfactory refer ences. W 71, Oregonian. YOUNG MAN WISHES POSITION AS FUR nishlng goods salesman; .5 years' experi ence. Best of references. B 69. Oregonian. YOUNG MAN OF GOOD APPEARANCE wishes a clerical posit ion. Best of refer ences. J 66. Oregonlan. YOUNG MARRIED MAN, COLLEGE GRAD uate, would like office work with fair sal - ary. T 71, Oregonian. EXPERIENCED VALET OF GOOD Ap pearance wishes position. E 48. Oregonian. Bflscel raneoos. A YOUNG MAN, 20, STRANGER IN CITY, sober, steady and of good character, de sires a position at anything; watchman preferred. Address R 60. Oregonlan. STEADY, RELIABLE YOUNG MAN DE Pires position where he can advas.ee; of fice work preferred: best of references. Address S 71, Oregonlan. SITUATION WA NTED BY PR ACTICA L i civil engineer; experienced both railway and city work: quick, and. accurate; retcrences. T 72. Oregonian. WANTED BY YOUNG MAN. 23 YEARS old, opportunity to learn the abstract busi ness; good education; can gie references. C 71, Oregonian. W'A NTED BY H USTI J N G YOUNG MAN from the East, position in real estate of flve; good education, familiar with business. S 73. Oregonian. JAPANESE LABOR ASSOCIATION CAN furnish domestic servants, farmers, aiso; all kinds of help. Main 4659. 2H8 Everett. Experienced, good Japanese gardener wants work by day or contract. Phone Main 4707. SITUATION WANTED FEMALE. Bookkeepers and Stenographers. - EXPERIENCED STENOGRAPHER, ABLE to use any machine, will accept perma nent position at $ per week. Phone Pa cific 2050, 0 to 10 mornings. FOR AN EXPERIENCED STENOGRAPHER or bookkeeper for permanent or supply, phone Main 4504. E. B. U. Clerical Offices; we specially train them. Dressmakers. MRS. BISHOP, EXPERIENCED DRESS maker and ladles tailor; prices reason able. 408 Main St. MRS. VAUGHAN, EXPERIENCED DRESS maker, 302 East Burnside st. Phone East 6217. MADAME) TUTTLB. fashionable Cst'ssmaker; exclusive styles. 215 13th st. Tel. Main 6610. BlisceLianeotKB. GOOD WOMAN. WASHING. CLEANING : middle-aged woman housekeeper, widower's family; waitress, restaurant. 230 Yam hill. Main 5413. LADY HOTEL MANAGER WOULD LIKE to get a large hotel to manage in or out of the city; can give good references. C 73, Oregonian. LADY WISHES TO WORK FOR BOARD . and room for herself and husband or house keeping rooms; close in. G 73, Oregonlan. EXPERIENCED WOMAN DESIRES SITU atlon, family cook or general work; wages $35. 235 Yamhill. Main 5413. WANTED BY EASTERN TEACHER, Po sition as editor or clerk in store. Ad dress P 75, Oregonian. MIDDLE-AGED WOMAN" WANTS GBN eral housework; no washing or ironing; good cook. W 75, Oregonian. EX PBRIBNCED WOM A N WOULD LIK E work In family of two or three. R 74, Oregonlan. HOME LAUNDERED LACE CURTAINS BY experienced hands. Phone Tabor 634. Mrs. S. M. Scott. WANTED AGENTS. AGENTS WANTED CAN YOU SELL goods; if bo, we need you; complete out fit free : cash week ly. Write for choice of territory. Capital City Nursery Co.. Salem. Or. WANTED TO RENT. WANTED BY 2 GENTLEMEN OF 40, TWO will furnished rooms, with breakfast and evening dinner, in private home of refine ment, with no other boarders: will pay well for right appointment; would go to East Side. C. T. Barker or James Lindsey, Cham ber of Commerce. Pacific 1767. WANTED TO KENT HOUSES. COTTAGES, flats, stores, offices, rooming-houses, etc Landlords will do well to call on Portland Trust Company of Oregon. S. E. cor, 3d and Oak. Phone Exchange 72. THREE UNFURNISHED ROOMS AND bath, not more than 20 blocks' from P. O. ; , sanitary and attractive surroundings; refer ences. A 61, Oregonlan. WANTED FOUR OR FIVE-ROOM FUR. nifhed cottage, bath, gas; close In; not exceeding $18. Address M 73, Oregonlan. I WANT TO RENT A FURNISHED HOUSE or fiat; references gjven; no children; would buy furniture. G 61, Oregonlan. YOUNG MAN DESIRES COMFORTABLE, homelike room with board; permanent. Address X 75, Oregonlan. WANTED TO RENT SMALL BUILDING, SoxlOO; one or two floors. Phone Main 777. WANTED MISCELLANEOUS WANTED $5000 worth of men's cast-off clothing and shoes; we also buy household furnishings, high est price paid. Call at the "Fair Deal." 62 N. 3d. Phone Pacific 1722. WANTED COMPLETE MERRY-GO-ROUND outfit; state price, size and exact condition. Address L., W. Heifer. Burns, Or., care C T. McDonough. DEAD HORSES HAULED AWAY PROMPT ly free. Oregon Fertilizer Works, M. 1966, or notify Carney's Veterinary, 4th-GIlsan. HOUSEHOLD FURNISHINGS CASH PAID and no trouble. Call up M. J. McGrath, Main 2087-. 66 North 3d st. BUILDER WANTS LOAN OF $600 ON IM p roved lot; St. Johns; 2 years; a per cent. S 63, Oregonlan. WE BUY AND SELL ANYTHING IN THE furniture line. Portland Auction Rooms, 211 1st st. WANTED MEN'S OLD CLOTHING. SHOES, highest prices paid. 52 3d. Tel. Pacific 46. I PAY CASH FOR HOUSEHOLD GOODS. Savage & Pennell Fur. Co.. 345 1st. Pae.360 WE CALL FOR DEAD HORSES AND CAT tie free of charge. Pfon East 2233- FOK RENT. NICELY-FURNISHED, LARGE, LIGHT room, suitable for 1 or 2 gentlemen, first floor. 200 14th st. MEDIUM-SIZE BOOM. REASONABLE, IN private family, for one gentleman. 233 11th, comer Main. NEWLY FURNISHED BAY WINDOW room with all conveniences. 415 7th cor. HalL Uttle Palace. 87 6th st. Mrs. Akley, former ly of Monarch. Prop. Transient solicited. COSY FRONT ROOM; MODERN. HOM like; rent reasonable. Phone Main 6485. HOTEL ROYAL NICE ROOMS. 50 CENTS and SI per night; 2 to S5 per week. FURNISHED ROOM, EASY WALKING distance. 521 Kearney, cor. N. 15th. THE COMMERCIAL. Nicely furnished rooms, single or en suite. $2 per week up; steam heat, not and cold water; free baths, free phone; dining-room in connection; transients so licited; open all nttfht; best location la the city; office and reading-room ground floor. 488 Washington. HOTEL BUSHM ARK. WASHINGTON AND 17th Flrst-clust furnhhetr rooms, vlngie or en suitt-; stt-am heal, hot, cold water, elec tric Ii$ht, phone in every iTfom; suiti-s with private bath, aini;ie, from $3 by wk, 75o til hy day; reasonable by month. Main 5l47. THE ELLSWORTH JUST OPENED, NEW brick building, modern throughout; nicely furnished rooms. $3 per week and up; rea sonable by month; steam heat, hot, cold water: el ee trio Hunts, baths; dose in. 166 Lownsdale, near High School. HOTEL OXFORD. 6TU AND OAK. New brick, eteaih, hot and cold running water and electric lights in every room. Twenty suites; privatu bat lis; pnones; cen tral, i et quiet. No carlines. Per day, $1, 1.E0. 2 HOTEL ! FRANKLIN. CORNER 13TH AND Washington sts. Newly furnished through out, new building; suites with baths, hot and cold water In every room. Phone Main 7195. Long-distance phones In all rooms. THE WILLAMETTE, 322H STARK. S. W. cor. 6th st. Well furnished rooms, large and light; single or en suite; transients; &0c to SI; by week, $2 to 5. Pactdo 12itdw HOTEL KENYON. 18TH AND WASH. STS. Modern rooms, single and on suite; also housekeeping; running water; private and free baths; rates reasonable. Pacific 496. THE OGDEN. 83 FIRST, SW. CORNHR Oak at. ; changed bands, thoroughly reno vated; clean, large, front rooms; Ires bath phone; $2 to lbO week; 60o to SI A day. THE WOODLAND- NEW MANAGEMENT, newly furnished. beautiful large sunny rooms, day. week or month; 4 blocks from the Postofflce. 265 6th st. "TH B FRANCES," COR. WTSST PARK AND Morrison ets. Elegantly furnished rooms, single and tiifuite; transient and permanent; all modern conveniences. HOTEL ANTLERS. COR. 10TH AND WASH Ington streets All modern conveniences, suites with bath, principal car linos pass th door. Phone Main 2333. 213 THIRTEENTH .MODERN FURNISHED suite, hot and cold waler in room, suitable for four gt-ntlemen or ladies; also single room ; reasonable. TWO PLEASANT ROOMS FOR TWO OR three gentlemen; private family of adults. No other roomers. Central. References. O 70. Cregorisn. FOR RENT FURNISHED ROOM. SU1T ahle for 1 or 2: gas, bath, modem conven iences, $10 or $12 a month. 600 East Burn side street. 490 MORRISON ST., OPP. HIGH SCHOOL Beautifully furnished rooms, modem, S10 per mo. and up; steam heat, hot and cold water. COMFORTABLY FURNISHED LARGI3 front and other outside rooms; double beds; transient and weekly. 180 Sd. FRONT ROOMS. NICELY FURNISHED modem residence, walking distance, special rat,e, men. 202 loth, nt-ar Jefferson. 304 COLUMBIA COR 10TH NICELY FUR nif lied front room, modern convenience, walking distance. Phone Main 4056. NICELY-FURNISHED ROOMS. ALL MOD ern conveniences, two doors from Hotel Portland; transient. 188 7th st. THE WOODLAND BEAUTIFUL LOO A -tlon, beautiful rooms for nice people. 265 6th. 4 blocks from Postofflce. NICELY-FURNISHED ROOM. SUITABLE) for one or two gentlemen; electric lights, phone and bath. 2S6 Clay. NEAT ROOM. PRIVATE ENTRANCE, COR ner house, near 10th and Washington, S5 month. Phone Main 2210. LIGHT. AIRY ROOMS. STEAM HEAT, electric lights and bath. S350 per week. 549 Washington St., fiat A. 304 ALDER, COR. 10TH NICELY Fl'll n I shed front room, first floor, running wa ter; also single rooms. 348 YAMHILL MODERN HOUSE. TRAV eling man or two gentlemen. Call after 6 P. M., Pacific S. PLEASANT FURNISHED ROOM, CLOSE IN, East Side, private residence, modern con- . veniencee. East 1D00. FURNISHED ROOM FOR ONE OR TWO gentlemen, loo Lownsdale cor. Yamhill st. Phone Pacific 2493. MINNEQUA INN, 376 YAMHILL. COR. W. Park. A few choice rooms. NICE FURNISHED ROOMS, FROM $1.30 and up. 260 Jefferson st. 405 MONTGOMERY ST. NEWLY FUR nished rooms, cheap. FURNISHED ROOMS FOR RENT AT 1 10th st. Rooms With Board. THE CARLETON THE MOST DESTRABLB family hotel In the city; it has the loca tion; well furnished outside rooms, slngio or en suite; steam heat, hot and cold run ning water in rooms and the best tabl board that can be found anywhere. Tel Main 2153. Corner 13th and Alder sts. PORTLAND WOMEN'S wNION, .8TH TEAR Rooms with board, use of sewing-room, use of library ; Women's Exchange. Address Mrs. Ella Raw lings, Supu, 510 Flanders. Minnequa Inn, 376 Yamhill st., 2 blocks west Hotel Portland: new management, a few choice rooms, white help, home cooking NICELY FURNISHED LARGE FRONT rooms, good board; every convenience; 7 minutes walk. 314 Mill. Main 3579. LA RG B, LIGHT ROOM WITH BOARD; suitable for two gentlemen or couple; mod ern conveniences. 22 N. 11th St. THE MARLYN, 653 WASHINGTON FUR niehed rooms single or en suite; good board convenient location. OLYMPUS Cor. Alder and Lownsdale, board and room, $20 month, up; newly furnished. NICELY FURNISHED ROOMS. WITH board. 205 14th st. Phone Pacific 106B. THE OZARK ROOMS, FIRST-CLASS service; hot. cold water. 225 11th st. Apartments. IN DELIGHTFUL NEIGHBORHOOD, AT tractive outlook, 2 unfurnished front rooms in upper flat, with bath, kitchen, pantry and cellar, suitable for 2 women or woman and child. 331 11th st., between Clay and Market.; call between 3:30 and 7 P. M. HIGH-CLASS APARTMENT: ALL TH B very latest Improvements; to let, fur nlhed or unfurnished. Address X 46. Oregonlan. Hats. 7-ROOM STEAM HEATED. THOROUGHLY modern upper fiat, brick building, easy walking distance to business center. West Side; this Is the .best property in Portland; surroundings A-l. Apply to Portland Truet Company of Oregon, S. B. comer Third aad Oak streets. FOR RENT 2 6-ROOM FLATS. ALL MOD ern conveniences, $30 each, 15th and Davis fits, phone EaHt 4765. 8 to 1 1 A. M , 5 to 8 P- M. M, R. 203 E. 1st st. N. MODERN FLATS. ALL SIZES. FOR RENT.' East and West Sides. Portland Trust Company of Oregon. S. E. cor. 3d and Oak phone Exchange 72. FOR RENT TWO 5-ROOM MODERN flats on Eighteenth st. North. Rent $20 and $22. is'6G Chamber Commerce. Phone Main 1348. NEW, MODERN UPPER 5-ROOM FLAT, walking distance. 2.'. 1st; see to appre ciate; $16. Pacific 210. FURNISHED FLAT, 3 OR 4 PLEASANT rooms, lower floor; bath, yard; adults. 510 Overton et. 308 COLLEGE CLEAN, LIGHT ROOMS; good order: bath, gas, electric lights, aics neighborhood; $20. FIVE-ROOM FLAT WITH HEAT AND janitor rervlce; gas range. Call at 406 Harrison. FOR RENT LOWER-" MODERN 5-ROOM flat: $15. Inquire 126 Gaines st. Phone Main 6818. TO DESIRABLE TENANT. MODERN FOUR room flat on Mississippi ave.; $11. Phone East 201L 4-ROOM. 'STEAM-HEATED FLAT; UP-TO-date. Cottel Drug Co.. 1st and Sherman sts. 2 5-ROOM FLATS. EVERY MODERN CON venience. 360 23d st. N-, near Thurman st. 6-ROOM MODERN FLAT. 850 CORBETT ' $42 50. L. E. Thompson A Co., 228 3d. I Housekeeping Booms. I TWO WBLL-Ft RNISKED HOURKKEEPINO rooms. 251 10th st.; no children. s i