THE MORNING OREGONIAN, SATURDAY, APRIL 27, 1907. All Mercha ndise Purchased on Credit Today, Monday and Tuesday Will Go on Your May Account Store Open Tonight Until 9:30 Extra Salespeople in All Departments Insure Prompt Service Store Open Tonight Until 9:30 18 Artistic Pictnre Framing .to Your Order at the Very Lowest Prices Foarth Floor We Are Portland Agents for Butterick 1 Patterns, Delineator and Columbia Yarns The Meier Frank Store Men's and Young Men's Suits $15.00 to $18.00 Vaktes $ 10.65 Ea. Continuation rof the great Sorprise Sale of Men's Suits today The season's most important offering of fine ready-to-weyr apparel for men and young men All the very latest fashion and materials ore represented The best product of a half dozen of America's leading clothing mar mfacturers Complete lines to select from. 1 All sizes Every suit guaranteed to give perfect satis faction in fit, wear and Value The assortment is : : : : 1 : exceptionally large and includes gray mixtures, light gray checks, light gray overplaids, fancy worsteds, dark gray stripes and overplaids, worsted cheviots in neat mixtures and checks Every garment of the latest fashion Beautifully tailored and finished throughout Best linings and findings Suits the exclusive clothier asks you tto pay $18.00 to $22.00 a suit for Our regular $15.00, $16.50 and $18.00' values Your choice today at this low price, suit $10.65 Today Sheet Music at 4c Copy In the Sheet Music Department today, 200,000 copoes of the Adams edition of popular music, pub- listed to sell at 25c to 50c a copy; beautiful little pages ; Vocal and Instrumental Music in end- cltf less variety; popular airs; buy all you want today at this sensationally low price, a copy.. The Sheet Music Department is located in the Balcony, rear of the Main Floor. - 1 907 "Vudor" Porch Shades "She can look out, but you can't look in" TRADE MARK MTINTCB PORCH SHADES The Porch Shade season is at hand and the best Porch Shade money can buy is the "Vudor" Best because it permits the fresh air to circulate in addition to keep ing out the sun Best" because it is made of Linden Fiber strips, strongly corded and completely fitted with ropes and pulleys for adjusting Well made and handsomely finished Altogether the only satisfac tory Porch Shade on the market Prices include putting up They come in four sizes, as follows : 4 Ft. Long-8 Ft. Wide$2.75 6 Ft. Long8 Ft. Wide$3.50 8 Ft. Long-8 Ft. Wide $4.50 10 Ft. Long-8 Ft. Wide$6.50 50c Each, Less if You Hang Them Yourself 6 to 9:30 Specials Towels at 21c Ea. 200 dozen bleached Turkish Bath Towels; large size, good quality; value extraordinary for to- y 1 night, 6 to 9:30, at, each..C Table Napkins lie Great special lot of 300 dozen hem med all-linen Table Nap- II. kins; great value, at, each.. Side Combs 1 5c Ea. Great special lot of Side Combs Plain Back and Side Combs, in shell or amber; assorted tops; 1 C best 25c values, at, each..C Hair Brushes 49c Special lot of 500 Hair Brushes; solid wood back, pure bristles, good and stiff; extraordinary value; A.Q 6 to 9:30 tonight, at, each.."-' Door Panels at 29c Special lot of white Irish Point Door Panels; 3Gx40-inch; best designs; regular 50c values, on sale, Q 6 to 9:30 only, at, each..' Table Covers $1.20 6-4 Table Covers ; iy2 yards square ; double-faced, mercerized tapestry ; red, green, red and green ; $1.75 and $2 values, on sale, CI Ort 6 to 9:30 tonight, at.. V Women's Hosiery 500 pairs women's blstfk cotton Stock ings; "Burson" make; seamless leg and foot; fast color; sizes 1 As 8 to 10 j great values; pair. 'J Women's Vests 12c Great special .lot of women's white cotton drop-stitch Vests; law neck and sleeveless; nicely taped and trimmed; all sizes; best 20c 1 values, now on sale at, each.. 50c Neckwear 25c 600 women's very beautiful lingerie Bows and Front Pieces, to be worn with tailored collars; values O up to 50c, on sale at only.. Belt Sale Tonight Special lot of fancy Dresden Ribbon Belts, with pearl buckles; all sizes and dainty colorings; great values at. this low price. . Waist Patterns 89c Special lot of dainty Lingerie Lawn Shirtwaist Patterns; large assort ment of patterns; stamped to be embroidered; great values, OA 6 to 9:30 only, at, each..- Women's Neckw'r Women's Embroidery Linen Collars, in handsome designs; sizes 12 to 15; best 35c and 40c values; O a your choice, 6 to 9:30 only, w' Children's Hosiery 500 pairs boys' and girls' good strong black cotton ribbed Hose; double knee and seamless foot;. all 1 CTf 6izes; 25c values at, pair. . UV Trunks and Traveling Bags in Great Assortment Lowest Prices Third Floor Portland Agents for "Ostermoor Patent Elastic Felt Mattresses at Factory Prices The Meier (ib Frank Store Misses' -Child's Wash Dresses Great Values 95c, 98c, $1.22 Children's Coats on Sale at $4.95 Up to $ 10.25 Each Special lot of misses and children's blue and white check Dresses, neatly trimmed with narrow white braid; long sleeves; ages QC. 6 to 14 years; great values at this special low price JC Misses' and children's Dresses . of red and blue polka dot percale, trimmed with white pique and buttons on the left side; full QO sleeve with cuff; ages 6 to 14 years; great value at each.. '"C Misses' and children's Dresses of blue chambray; box pleat in front, with two' side pleats on each side; collar and cuffs; braid flj 1 trimmed; ages 6 to 14 years; great values at, only. .S Misses' and children's three-quarter-length Coats of red and blue cheviot and tan covert; double-breasted; velvet collar; ages 4 QtA to 14 years; now on sale at this special low price P4l7J Misses' and children's Tailored Coats of tan covert; box C 1 f style, double-breasted; ages 6 to 14 years; special, at.. N we J $2.00 White Petticoats $1.39 Ea. In the Muslin Underwear Department today, a great special lot of women's white Underskirts; wide flounces; trimmed in fine embroideries, torchon laces and hemstitched 'tucks; separate fl? 1 LQ dust ruffles; '$1.75 and $2 values; on sale today at this special low price S V Special lot of women's cambric and nainsook Drawers; wide flounces; trimmed in embroidery, QAp laces and tucks; great special value today at this remarkably low price Special lot of women's cambric and nainsook Corset Covers; trimmed with Yal. .laces, tucks, headings, ribbons, blouse front; $1.25 values, but will be sold at the low price of JV 6 to 9:30 Specials Windsor Ties 18c In the Men's Furnishing Goods Department, 6 to 9:30 tonight, plain, colored and fancy Windsor Ties; plaids, dots, Bengali nes, etc.; great values at this 1 ff special low price, each.. Window Screens 6 to 9 :30 1000 adjustable Window Screens; 24x33 inches; Of all you want at, each..'"' Wash 4-in-Hands Special lot of men's new wash Four-in-Hands ; plain and fancy weaves; great variety; O matchless values; each..'' LAWN MOWERS at $6.29 6 to 9:30 $7.50 genuine Phila delphia Lawn Mowers; 10-inch; ' high wheels ; 5 blades, 14-inch ; great values tonight 4a OQ at this low price. . ,P.7 BARGAINS IN GROCERIES Half-pound cans of Pillar Rock Salmon on sale at (his 1 special low price, a can. . "V 500 1-gallon cans of Log Cabin Maple Syrup; none flj 1 better; special, only..r w 50c Foulard Ties 29c Ea. $1.00 Golf Shirts at 69c Men's 50c Fancy Hosiery 29c Pr. 100 dozen new, handsome Foulard Ties; dots, checks, stripes, figures blue and white grounds; 50c values, OQ now on sale at this low price. . 200 dozen men's Golf Shirts, in madras; soft attached collar; light and dark colorings; great variety of patterns; all -sizes; wonderful values, LQf at the low price of, each...WrV Men's pure linen Handkerchiefs; hem stitched; best 25c values, on 1 Q sale at the low price of, each. . Men's Shield Bows; all the very best patterns; 25c values, on 1 01) sale today at only I r vC Men's Hose 29c Pr. 2000 pairs of men's high-grade fancy lisle Sox; come in plain colorings and fancies, in immense assortment; all new, pretty designs; all sizes; Q 50c values today at only... -'W -Men's extra quality muslin . Night ' Shirts; made full size; extra long; plain or trimmed; low military collar; the best f-, values in town at this remarkably low price, each. . ... JwC Men's mercerized silk Underwear, in pink and light blue; nicely made and finished; all sizes in shirts and drawers; fl 1 $1.50 values, now on sale at, special, per garment.. .WW Another great special lot of men's $1 Four-in-Hand Ties; finest quality silks; beautiful patterns; made full French AjQf fold; 2J2 inches wide;$l values, now on sale at, each.."' t Complete Stock of Men's New Straw Hats. Does Not Look for. the Blue Label. ThU Villon Man Think. He Can Io Maker Jio Harm by Refusing "Unfair'' Tobacco. IT IS an unpardonable offense (or a mem 1 ber of a labor union to purchase other than union-made (roods. He la supposed patronime only dealers who. carry goods produced by union labor. At. no lime is Ue expected to Invest In any article that does not have the union label . The union man breaks faith with his organization even when he purchases a package of tpbacco that is not marked with the blue , label on the wrapper. But can a union man consistently partake of & non-union produced tobacco when the product has been purchased trr another who thought lessly leaves the package to be discovered by a loyal union labor man? This ques tion was briefly debated by a member of organised labor yesterday and after a few minutes of deliberation, an affirma tive conclusion was reached. "The purpose of patronising only union made goods by union men." debated the unionist. "Ir- to Injure the business of the man who manufactures goods that do not carry the. union label. This pack age of tobacco I have found does not represent the product of a union shop. The question arises, can I consciencious ly use It? I think 1 can. The manufao , turer has received his price, the whole saler and the retailer have realized their margins of profit. It follows that the business of neither of the three dealers, through whose hands the tobacco has uassed. can be harmed If I should throw It away. I believe I will smoke the stuff Will you fill your piper' Jury Olves Her $750 Damages. TILLAMOOK. Or., April ?S.-(Special.) The case of Mrs. Anna Roenlcke for S10.000 damages, against the Cloverdale Telephone Company, naming Charles P. lson and Charles Ray defendants, was hotly contested by both sides. The cause of action was that on account of th. de fendants' telephone lines being down and acroe th. public) road, it plaintiff drovs Into them, which frightened her horse and caused It to run away, throwing her out of the buggy and thereby causing her injury of a permanent character. The case was tried at the last term of the Circuit Court and the Jury failed to agree upon the amount of damages, so the case was retried at this term of court, with the result that the jury gave Mrs. Roenecke JT50 damages. FOREWARNING. M. J. Walsh Co. would suggest to parties using electric fans in their establishments to have them cleaned, oiled ' and adjusted before connecting them on to the current. A fan discon nected and hanging on the ceiling for the past six months, the commutator in it becomes very dry and dusty, and If connected without cleaning and oiling will soon become hot and burn out, consequently making a big bill of expense. Call at M. J. Walsh Co.'s, 311 Stark street, os phone Main S79. and have their expert attend to your electric fans. It will only cost a trifle to put them in shape for the season. EXTRA SPECIALS TODAY Every article worth at least double the price. Ladle's white waists. 97c: white batiste and French Jean Corsets, hose supporters four attached, 60c: men's fancy sox 12Sc; boys jsvash suits. 60c; extra specials in hosiery, ribbons, gloves, muslin gowns, skirts and drawers: men's shirts. 47c, worth O.50: men's extra fine rib ehlrts, drawers all colors, 50c. Watch us on linens and customs. Come today. No' varnished truck here. M'ALLEN & M'DONNELI Corner Third and Morrison. BCSUOtSS ITEMS. If Bmbr Is Cottina- Teeth Be Mr and ns that old and well-tried rem. dy, HnL WlnakoWs Goothlns Sjrrup, for chil dren teething. It soothe, the child, softens the gums, allays all pais, cans wind eeUe ana diarrhoea. RISER FOR IOUTBX1R PHOTOS. Northwest Scenery Lobby Imperial Radwaye Reedy Relief Instantly relieves colde, eora taroat. bronchitis and all inflammation. ARREST RESTAURANT MAN R. A. Proud foot Accused of Violat ing Box Ordinance. R. A. Proudfoot. proprietor of the Frank L. Smith t Co. 226-22$ ALDER STREET Bet. First and Second Sts. "Fightingthe Beef Trust" Open from 6 o'clock this morning until 10 o'clock this evening. The only market in the city where you are sure of getting Oregon meats. Front quarters of Spring Lamb, lb .15 Legs of Spring Lamb. 20 Loin of Spring Lamb. .20 Hindquarters of Spring Lamb 20 Loin and Bib Chocs .20 Creamerle Restaurant, 271-273 Washington street, is under arrest, charged with a violation of the box ordinance. The war rant was issued on complaint of Acting Detective Tom Kay. The case is set for hearing before Judge Cameron this morn ing. ' , At the Creamerie restaurant. Acting ; YOUNG MUTTON. Liver . .5 Stew 6 Frontquarters 10 Shoulders ........ .10 Shoulder Roast 10 Shoulder Chops 1214 Legs of Young Mutton.,15 Loin Roast 15 Rib Roast .. ." 15 Loin Chops ...15t Rib Chops 15 PORK. Legs of Pork ...... .12i2 Pork Chops ........... 15t Pork Loin Roast 15 Pork Steak 15 Side Pork 125 Pork Shoulder Roast. 12y2 Pork Mixed Sausage.1214. Pork Hocks .8 Pigs' Feet 5 Leaf Lard ..12y3 Pickle Pork 12 Our Own Pure Lard 12 Our Own Breakfast Bacon .17 Our Own Hams ,....17 Detective Kay found what he and Chief Gritzmacher regarded as a violation of the - ordinance, which requires that at least one side of all boxes in restaurants and saloons must be open. The attention of the proprietor was called to the matter, and he announced that he would fight the -ordinance in the courts. - A warrant was issued and after he was arrested, he decided to comply with the law and it is likely the case will be dismissed. ' According to the reports made to Chief Gritzmacher, there is general compliance with the box ordinance In saloons and restaurants. Jasper Jennings' Motion Continued. GRANTS PASS, Or., April 26. Mo tion to dismiss the case of Jasper Jennings, who faces a new trial for the murder of his father at the Granite Hill mine, was continued for the term yesterday. VEAL. Veal Sausage, the first of the season; fry it slowly 12 Veal Stew, cook with dumplings 8 Veal Shoulder Roast, season with pepper, salt, sage,10 Breast of Veal, roast with onions .10 Veal Rump Roast, serve with rich, brown gravy. .15 Leg Roast of Veal, serve with jelly 12io Loin Roast of Veal, serve with potato croquettes. . .15 Loin Veal Cutlets, smother in onions .15 Rib Veal Cutlets, serve with sweet potatoes . . .'. . .15. . BEEF. Beef for Beef Loaf Beef to roll or boil. ,5 Brisket, for Pot Roast . .5 . .5 Hearts, to stuff and roast.5 Necks of Beef, to boil Beef, for stew and potpie 5 Beef, to cook with dumplings 5 Liver, fry with bacon and onions 5 Liver, to boil and hash . . 5 Corned Beef, boil with cabbage 5 Corned Beef, to boil and hash .... . . . . 5t Shoulder Steak, serve German style 8 Pot Roast, serve with gravy and browned potatoes 8 Shoulder Roast, delicious when spiced 8 Hamburg Steak, serve with Tomato Sauce . . . 10 Beef Prime Rib Roast, serve with Yorkshire Pud ding 1V Round Steak, fry with onions 10 Sirloin Steak, spread with butter 12 Small Porterhouse Steak, serve piping hot . . 1 12 Rib Steak, with lemon garnish 12 Rolled Rib Roast, sufficient of itself ......... .12 What we've seen: The weather is warm, the dust is intense, and yet those Beef Trust markets lay their meat right alongside the sidewalk, where they gather all the dust and germs of the neigh borhood. "We've ' seen all sorts of people come along and feel of those meats and handle them in a most dis tasteful manner, and then pass on and leave them for somebody else to eat. Yet these marketmen tell you their meats are handled un der U. S. Government in spection. Don't eat the off-scour-ings of some Chicago packing-house shipped out West to be sold to the Portland people. Eat SMITH'S MEATS, OREGON MEATS absolutely fresh and pure and kept indoors, sweet and clean until they reach you, the consumer.