Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, April 27, 1907, Page 16, Image 16

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Balfour, Guthrie & Co. Charter
' Ship Walden Abbey.
Frank Waterhouse & Co. Will Send
Big Steamship to the Orient.
Sailing Ship Will Ixad Gen
eral Cargo on tha Tyne.
The British ship Walden Abbey has
been placed by Balfour. Guthrie & Co.
for immediate loading on the Tyne for
Portland. She wl j take on general cargo
and will be ready to sail early In May.
The Walden Abbey arrived at Rancorn
April 6 from San Francisco. She made
the run home in 129 days. .
The Walden Abbey is commanded by
Captain Campbell and Is a vessel of 1754
net tons burden. After discharging at
Portland she will take a grain cargo from
here to the continent.
Prank Waterhouse & Co. have fixed the
German steamship Tolosan. Captain Jeb
en. for Portland loading for the Orient.
The steamer is now bound up the coast
from Guaymas. She reached the Mext
can port from Moji with a cargo of coal.
The charter of the Walden Abbey raises
the amount of sail tonnage en route and
the placing of the Tolosan adds another
steam carrier to the already long list
scheduled for Portland loading. The
month of April will see four steamships
and three sailing craft clear from the
local Custom House, with wheat and
ilour. Three large steamships have)
cleared foreign with lumber and six
coastwUe cargoes have been dispatched.
The month of May will be productive of
more foreign shipments than any corre
sponding period for a long time. At
present there are no less than 11 steam
ers en route or in the harbor for May
loading. The figures for May. 1906, will
be doubled,
April lumber shipments coastwise have
fallen off. but with the en route list
the shipments for May and June will be
close to those of December and January.
Ball "onnage to Europe is slow, on ac
count of the Immense demand for food
stuffs In the Orient.
Makes First Trip to The Dalles in
Record Time.
The steamer Telephone made her Initial
trip to The Dalles yesterday In the serv
ice of the Regulator line. She left Port
land with a good crowd of passengers and
between this city and Vancouver clearly
demonstrated the fact that she is the
swiftest steamer on the Willamette or
Columbia rivers.
The steamer was practically on a trial
trip and no effort was made to test her
speed. At the lower end of Swan Island
the steamer Charles R. Spencer was fully
a mile ahead of the Telephone, but this
lead was overcome and the boats pulled
Into Vancouver dock side and side. From
the time the whlBtle blew to cast off
from the Portland dock until she was faBt
at the dock in Vancouver was one hour
and nine minutes. To the flour mills the
steamer worked under a slow bell and
from there to tha mouth of the Willam
ette cut off at half stroke.
The Telephone will continue on The
Dalles run until the completion of the
new steamer Bailey Gatzert, making three
trips a week. The charter of the Regu
lator line calls for two and one-half
months from the date of inspection, with
an option of 15 days additional. The
Telephone is commanded by Captain F.
i. Sherman.
Rock Purchased In Open Market
Will Be Used for a Time.
Work on the Jetty at the mouth of the
Columbia River will begin May 1 and
will be rushed with all possible speed
during the pleasant weather. Assistant
ijigineer Bagnall has 'returned from a
trip to Fort Stevens and has made ar
rangements for immediate delivery of
rocjt to the Fort Stevens dock. The rock
for immediate use has been purchased In
the open market As soon as the specifi
cations are returned from Washington
bids will be asked for and the contracts
let for all stone required.
During the stormy weather of the past
Winter about 400 feet of the piling of the
Jetty was carried away. This will be
redriven immediately and the rock work
will follow as rapidly as possible. It is
' the Intention of the engineers to rock
above middle tide and to place sufficient
stone to withstand the storms of another
v inter.
Steamer Cascade Picks Up Derelict
Off Coos Bay Bar.
MARSHFIELD. Or.. April 26, The fras
1 oline schooner Bessie K., which turned
! turtle some time ago off Coauille Bar.
was sighted off Coos Bay last night. This
' morning tho tug Columbia, In charge of
! vaptain James Magee, went out to pick
, her up. but before the Columbia reached
the derelict the steam schooner Cascade
had passed a line aboard and would not
give her up to tha tug unless she would
divide the spoils, and this the tusr would
not do. so returned to port without the
: prise. When last seen the Cascade and
x were going south.
Captains at Gray's Harbor Are Of
fended at Newspaper Report.
HOQUIAM. Wash.. Ariril 28.
Tugboat captnlnB on Grays Harbor to
night absolutely refused to report the
arrival and departure of vessels in' the
future. The masters are all incensed nt
the article sent out from Aberdeen this
month stating the bar service was poor
and captains too Independent. The mas
ters declare they are giving better serv
ice than was ever given before, and say J
tne article was not eorrect. Vessels ar
riving from time to time complain of
poor service, and because complaints
were sent out the masters have retali
ated by refusing to give out any in
formation whatever regarding the srv
Ice or happenings. '
Quarantined Steamer Released.
VICTORIA, B. C. April 36. The steam
er Oanafa. which was quarantined at
Wtlllamshead with three cases of small
pox on board, was released at noon, after
being fumigated. She proceeded to Ta
coma. The passengers and part of 'the
Chinese crew were detained in quaran
tine. Sea Rover Passes North. '
! ASTORIA, Or., April at (Special )-The
San Francisco tug Sea Rover, with a pur
masted British bark in tow, passed by
the mouth of the river about S:80 this
afternoon, en route north.
Refuse to Accede to All Demands for
Increase Longshoremen's Pay.
SEATTLE, Wash., April 26. (Special.)
The Puget Sound Shipping Association to
day submitted an ultimatum to the Rig
gers' and Longshoremen's Union, which
has demanded that a. new scale 'providing
for an increase of 45 per cent in wages be
put into effeot on May 1. This ultimatum
provides for a general wage to longshore
men of 40 cents an hour, whether en-g-aaed
on day or night work, but the scale
will be increased to 60 cents an hour
when the men are engaged In loading
lumber in lots larger than 200,000 feet. No
more than three shifts of five hours each
will be required without allowing eight
hours rest and the Stevedores Union is
expected to furnish competent men at all
times. The longshoremen's committee did
not agree to the association's demand, but
agreed to submit the proposal to a meet
ing of their union and return an answer
Monday, two days before the scale was
to be made effective.
Tacoma Marine Notes.
TACOMA, Wash., April 26. The Blue
Funnel liner Oanafa, from the Orient, is
expected to arrive in port tonight. The
vessel has been delayed at Victoria for
fumigation after an outbreak of smallpox
in her Chinese crew. She has a large
cargo for this port.
The barkentine News Boy is due at the
Tacoma mill tor a cargo of lumberShe
is making a long passage fromT Ban
Pedro. w
Loading Crews Laid Off.
HOQUIAM. Wash., April 26. (Special.)
Owing to Inability to cut lumber enough
to load vessels and a recent accident at
the Hoquiam Lumber & Shingle Com
pany's mill, the loading crews were laid
off today. Since the double-cut band mill
flew to pieces several 'weeks ago. this
plant has been operating one side, running
night and day to keep up with orders.
Olympia Reaches Hoquiam.
HOQUIAM, Wash., Arril 26. (Special.)
The steamer Olympia, Captain Hansen,
arrived today from San Francisco, having
a large passenger list and much freight
for local merchants.
Clears With Lumber Cargo.
ASTORIA. Or., April 26. (Special.)
The steam schooner Washington cleared
at the custom-house today for San Fran
cisco with a cargo of 575,000 feet of lum
ber, loaded at Rainier.
Hornelen Sails From Astoria.
ASTORIA, Or., April 26.-(Speclal.) The
repairs to the engine of the Norwegian
steamship Hornelen have been completed
and the vessel has crossed out for Puget
Marine Notes.
The steamer Columbia Bailed yesterday
for San Francisco.
The steamer Washington sailed irom
Doe to Arrive.
Alliance ,
Kicomedta. ....
Coats Rloa. ...
Go. W- Elder.
Columbia. .....
F. A. Kllburn.. .
Johan Paulsen.
Numontia. . .
Coos Bay....
. Hongkong-. .
. San Pran. . .
.Lo Angeles.
.Ban Fran. . .
.Los Angeles.
8an Fran...
. . Sa". Fran
Hongkong. I
In port
.in port
Apr. 28
Apr. 29
-April 29
May 4
.:May S
..May 9
. May 28
.Jmt 10
Scheduled to Depart,
Name. For Data,
Alliance Coos Bay. . . ..Apr. 29
Geo. W. Elder. .Los Angeles. ..Apr. 80
Costa Rloa San Fran. ...May 1
Aragonla Hongkong. . ..May
Columbia. ...... fan Wran .... May 6
Roanoke. ....... Los Angeles.. .May T
F. A. Kllburn.. San Fran May 11
Johan Poulsen. .Ban Fran.... May 18
Ntcomedla Hongkong. ...May 16
Numantla. ...... Hongkong.. ..June B
Arabia Hongkong. ..June 3
Cleared Friday.
Terje Vlken, Nor. steamship (Gul
lixson), with 1,528.780 feet of lumber,
valued at $17,800, for Port Plrle.
Steamer will complete cargo at Ta
coma. v
Rainier with a cargo of lumber for San
The steamer Aragonla shifted from the
Alaska dock to the Flour Mills yesterday,
The gasoline schooner Berwick sailed
for Rogue River yesterday with general
The steamer Aurelia arrived up at Van
couver yesterday. She will, load lumber
tor san fTancisco.
The steamer Alliance arrived up late
last night from Coos Bay points. This is
the first round trip of the steamer under
the command of Caotaln Olson.
Arrivals and Departures.
PORTLAND, April 26. Arrived Steamer
Aurelia, from San Francisco, berth at Van
couver; steamer Alliance, from Coos Bay
porta Sailed Steamer Columbia, for San
Francisco; steamer Washington, from Rai
nier, for San Francisco; gasoline schooner
Berwick, for Rogue River and Port Orford.
Astoria. April 26. Arrived down at 4:30
and sailed at 8:25 A. M. Steamer Coaster.
tor San Francisco. Arrived down at 4:30
and sailed at 10:30 A. M. Steamer F. A.
Kllburn, for San Francisco and way ports.
Arrived down at 4:30 and sailed at 11:30 A.
M. Steamer Washington, for San Francisco.
Arrived at J:S0 A. M. Steamer Aurelia,
from San Francisco, and left up at 11 A.
M. for Rainier. Arrived at 2:40 and left
up at 5:10 Steamer Alliance, from Coos
San Francisco, April 26. Sailed at
last night Steamer Northland, for Portland.
Sailed this morning; Steamer Nome City,
for Portland.
Port Harford, April 26. Sailed 25th
Steamer Whlttler, for Portland.
Prawle Point, April 26. Passed 24th
French bark Le Filler, from London, for
Rochester, April 20. Sailed 24th British
bark Edenmore.
San Francisco, April 26. r Arrived
Steamer Eureka, from Seattle. Sailed
Steamer Nome City, for Astoria; steamer
Svea, for Gray's Harbor; steamer CalitT. for
Seattle: schooner Rita Newman, for Bristol
Bay; steamer, for Grays Harbor
barkentine Carondolet, for Port Gamble
steamer Geo. W. Elder, tor Portland
steamer Mackinaw, for Seattle; steamer
Costa Rica, for Portland. -
Experienced in handling fine, high-class
millinery. Salesgirls, cashiers, wrappers
and cash-runners also wanted. Apply to
day after 9 A. M. at 326 Washington
street, next door to the Goddard A Kelly
shoe store. The Shafer- Whlttler Co.
Boy wanted Apply today.
Who has a B0 or 100-foot lot for lease
on the West Side? Or will sell S-story
building to highest bidder at once. See
Merrill, Seventh and Oak.
Evidence Against Gang Is Strong
and Indictments Likely to Be
Returned Other Bills.
Captain J. E. Neilson, master of the
tng Star, and the Star Sand Company
were Indicted yestertsey afternoon by the
Federal grand jury, charged with throw
ing refuse Into the Willamette River.
That Captain Neilson would he indicted
seemed evident, for the case agamst him
was strong, but it was not expected that
Indictments would be returned against
the company, which is composed of a
number of prominent business men.
The indictments against Neilson and
the sand company were presented to
Judge Wolverton when court convened
after the noon recess, after which the
grand Jury began hearing evidence in the
Sellwood and St. Johns postofflce robber
ies. The evidence which the Government has
against Frank Kelly, Frank Wayne,
Claude J. Eggleston, Charles Anderson,
Lewis L. Smith, "Toots" Bryant, F. S.
Rankin and William Carter is Btrong.
They are accused of robbing the two
postoffices and it is believed are guilty
of a number of other robberies.
Captain Archie Turnbull, a member of
the Portland fire department, was also
mixed up with the gang. It was Turn
bull who sold the stolen stamps. "Toots"
Bryant also acted as a fence, but both
have confessed and it was through their
confession that the postal inspectors were
able to fasten the crime on the gang.
Ralph Jackson, who had been indicted
for cattle stealing, was arraigned yester
day and pleaded not. guilty and was held
under 11000 bonds. When taken Into
court Jackson was asked how long he had
lived on the Klamath Indian reservation.
The Indian gazed longingly out of the
window for a moment and said:
"Maybe 100 years. I don't know."
The answer staggered the court for a
second. Jackson did not have the ap
pearance of a centenarian, so he asked
him how old he was. The Indian, still
uninterested, replied:
"Forty-six, 47 perhaps."
Bank Clearings for Two Weeks Show
Great Prosperity.
For two consecutive weeks Portland's
gain in bank clearings has exceeded those
of every' other city in the country. Ac
cording to Bradstreet's report for the
week ending April 25, the bank clearings
at Portland aggregated $6,944,000, repre
senting an Increase over the clearings for
the corresponding week last year of 75.3
per cent. Thus the Rose City retains the
lead against all competitors.
An increase In bank clearings Is re
ported for other Pacific Coast and North
west cities, but, comparatively, Portland
is far in the lead. For the week clearings
of the Los Angeles banks show a gain
of 33.7 Der cent. Spokane 45.9, while the
same increase, 12.7 per cent, is reported
for Tacoma and Seattle. Next to Port-,
land, with its phenomenal increase of
75.3 per cent, comes Mobile, Ala., witn
69.2 per cent.
For the week ending April is fortiana s
increase was 64.7 per cent over the same
period a year ago. This was considered
a remarkably gratifying showing, but the
per centage of Increase tor tne louowing
week has exceeded that showing. Of
more than 100 of the principal cities cov
ered in the report, only 24 show a de
crease in bank clearings, indicating a
generally prosperous condition through
out the country. Only one city of tne
list of 24, Fremont, Neb., is located west
nf the Mississippi River. The per centage
of its decrease in bank clearings was 20.4
for the week covered in the report.
Colored Man Arrested for Annoying
White Girl Will Be Tried.
o L. Joellrf a negro arrested last Sat
urday night for annoying a young wh'te
woman. Miss Edna Ham, is to be prose
outed, regardless of the fact that the
complaining witness in the case has left
the city. The girl's mother, Mrs. George
Kartell, visited tne .Municipal uouri yes
terday and said her daughter had been
intimidated by persons unknown to the
mother, the threat being made that the
young woman's character would be at
tacked should tne case oe Drougui up.
While Miss Haus is now out of the
city, the mother said she will return in
time to appear against Joell on Monday
morning. The case was set for that day.
Mrs. Hartell dented that Attorney Mc
Cants Stewart had anything to do with
intimidating Miss Haul. Just who the
culpable persons are the young woman
will be required to tell upon her appear
ance in court.
pr FAMILIAR figure in the Imperial
f Hotel rotunda these days is George
Collins, formerly of Salem. Mr. Collins is
a product of the State of Maine, and
came to Oregon in the '80s. He is a pow
erfully built man, and, despite his 71
years, is erect, sturdy and rugged.
From 18S3 to 18S4 Mr. Collins was warden
of the State Penitentiary, and from 1SS4
to 1887 he was superintendent of that in
stitution. At 9 A. M., July 2. 1883. occurred the
great prison break at Salem, in which
Mr. Collins was a central figure, which
resulted in the death of several convicts
and the wounding of Warden Collins.
Fourteen desperate convicts seized Mr.
Collins, and, using him as a shield, rushed
to the south gate of the prison. A convict
on either side, each with a knife held in
close proximity to Collins" neck, ordered
him to command Fence Guard Stlllweil to
hand down his gun.
"Don't do It, Stlllweil." said the plucky
warden; "do your duty!"
A convict named Smith struck the war
den a blow en the arm with an iron bar,
and another desperado gave him a slight
tab on the forehead, and then Stlllweil
began shooting.
McKern, "Sitka Jack," Waters and
Brown, ringleaders; were shot dead in
their tracks. The remainder of the gang
got out of the gate and escaped. Beau-
champ was killed, and Glenn, Bradshaw
and Munsneia were wounded and cap
tured. Of the 14 men concerned in the emeute
all were either killed or captured except
Disbrow, who is still at large. Dlsbrow
was a short-termer and was sent up from.
i-ortiand lor tneit.
HAVE a peculiar arrow which was
I given me by a soldier friend, who
served in the Philippines. It is about
eight inches long, with jagged edges, and
Is fully two inches in width, where it is
Joined on to the arrowshaft," said Clerk
jonn item, or the Perkins Hotel, yester
day. "1 am told that there is but one arrow
like it in this oountry. My friend, in
presenting it to me. gave something of
the history of this peculiar pattern of
arrow. It seems that for certain offenses
among the savage population of the Phil
ippines, there is an unwritten law which
condemns the offender to be tied to
tree and shot through the heart with
this arrow. -
It is said to make a frightful wound,
and if the aim of the bowman is sure.
death is instantaneous. I prize the ar
row highly as a souvenir, and without
boasting, I believe I have one of the
finest collections of Philippine curios in
"It seems to me," said an extremely
practical man who leaned up against the
office bar, and heard the statement, "that
those Filipinos go to a great deal of
needlese labor in making such an exquisite
Instrument as you have described,- in
order to kill a fellow.. Why, they could
easily avoid all that work by knocking
the fellow on the head with a club!"
"If you had been born a Filipino, and
could have had your way about It, nearly
all the people In Portland might now have
a collection of Filipino stove wood hang
ing on their walls," said Mr. Held, with
a wltnerlng look.
HB Oregon Winter climate is good
enough for me, hereafter," re
marked John Redmond, a well known
farmer and fine stock breeder, of Mc
Minnville, .yesterday at the Perkins Hotel,
where he was staying for the day.
"Last Winter," said Mr. Redmond, "I
went down to LtOS Angeles to spend three
or four months, hoping to find a milder
climate. During the month of January
there were Just four days of sunshine in
Los Angeles, and the people in the Ore
gon colony nearly froze to death. It was
not an uncommon sight to see Orego
nlans going about with their overcoats
tightly buttoned under their chins and
shivering from cold. I have lived In the
Willamette Valley more than 40 years,
and I never saw it rain harder or more
frequently during the month of Janu
ary here than was the case in Los Ange-
les. On Broadway and Spring street two I
or tne principal thoroughfares of Los
Angeles I saw running water a foot
deep, and one night the torrents washed
a .lot of lumber down one of the prin
cipal streets and blockaded streetcar
traffic. '
"There Is a whole lot of 'moonshine'
about California's 'perpetual sunshine,'
added Mr. Redmond, and our 'Oregon
mists are as nothing compared to the tor- I
rential downpour and frigidity of a Los
-AJigeies winter. I
"Los Angeles' said Mr. Redmond, "has
250,000 population, and 150,000 real estate
agents." A JjOs Angeles business man
produce enough to live on," indicating
tne sana aunes and barren hills, with a
wave of his hand.
We don't m-odune enmurh tn livo nn "
frankly admitted the resident, "we make
the tourists do the producing." I
liunu LOIHIU inHHOltnO
Henry W. and Kate. Kassebaum to
Joshua Afnew, lot &, bloc 2, Doug
las Add
J. B. and Nellie C. Hibbard to Aggie
Thornton, lot 8, block 12. City View
Park Add 250
a. o. Avii'jtjfon 10 ia. v. Merger, lot ll,
block 49, Irvlngton 1,650
wwi j. ana xejiora &. jonnson to
Sarah T. Catlm. east u. of lot 4
block S27, Hawthorne Park 3,600
.Shu iwl i. ana w m. beiover to IClse
Vendermer, lota 3 and 4. block 25.
Ltinnton io
martin ana i-aicretia Mujo to John
Saularlch, lot 6, block 3, Feurer a
Jaa. P. and Helen M. Andrews to
Grace Friazell. Jot 6, block 1. Gold
en. Park Add - 2TB
w . a. ana .name tuoy to Geo. B.
H in ton, lot 6. block 2. Ivanhoa
. Add. 226
Acrrce neig-nis eai instate Co. to
D. E. Keasey, lota 1 to IS, block 1:
lots 1, 2, a, 4, 6 and 7. to 12, block
2; lots 1 to 9, block 3; lots 1 to 7 and
9 to 13, block A; lota 1 to 15, block 5;
lota 3 to 13, block 6; lots 1 to 8,
block 7; lota 1 to 4, block 8; lot 1
to 5, block 9; lots 9 to 15, block 9;
lota 1 to 8 and lot 10, block 10; lots
1 to lit, block 11; lots 4 to 6, block
12; lots 1 to 3. block 13; lota 1 and
2. block 14; lota 1 to 4. block 15;
lots 1 to 6, block 16; lots 1 to 12,
block 17, Seventh street Terraqg...
Mary A. and John J. Galvln to Pru
dence A. Osborne. lota 1, 2, 3, 4, 19,
20, 21 and 22, block 11. Mabelvllle. . .
Geo. R. and Julia E. King to W. F.
Da Mert, beginning at point on west
line of lot 3, block 218, Holladay's
Add., 33 1-3 feet south of northwest
Portland Trust Co. of Oregon to Nel
son C. Ovlatt, lot 11, HUlcreat, with
a strip 60x12 feet, beginning at
northwest corner of said lot 1.... 10
t . xx. aioore, n. a. ana America
Moore to Moore Realty Co., blocks
3 and 4, Mt. Hood- lVew
Moore Investment Co. to Moore Realty
Co., lota 4 to 9, block 1; lots 8 to
12. block 2; lots 1 to 5 and 7 to 12,
block 3; and- blocks 4 to 10, Lorrin
ton 1
U A. Broaseau to Cathie Zlzelman,
lots 9 to 10. block 12, Kln: Park..
Blla and B. F. Harvey to W. A. Lyle
joi ij, oiooK a, woodlawn
Eastern Investment Co., Ltd.. to tha
laTid Co. of Oregon, lot 3, block 12,
P. J. Martin tract
Daniel H. Harnett to SebastianWojclk,
Proebstel's Adrl. tn AlhtnA 1 Aim
umi-u auu aiaij xiaugg to jonn ana
Miswoun m. Pender, lot 28. h or.k m
Orieinal town Hit a of Alhinn.. . i aaa
x- "iuwu tt ui. io vv. j. fecial-
cord et al., lots 15. 36, 17, 19. 24
and 26, and 14, block 2, Peddlcord
& Hurrbert'a Add
J. J. Churchley to Prank Churchley,
wjv ueKiiining ai souenwest
comer of lot 6, block 18, McMillen's
Add .
Moore Realty Co. to Robt. Newton,
diocks 3 ana 4, Mt. Hood View....
Moore Realty Co. to RoOt. Newton,
unoividfcd of the following: lots
4 to 9, block 1; lots 8 to 12, block 2;
lots 1 to 5 and 7 to 12. block 3; and
block 4 to 10. Lorrinton
Portland Trust Co. of Oregon to Mary
Tmiisfl Johnjnn- traota "R" an1 r "
Skyland Add 2,000
Frank O. Carlson to Victor Carlson,
undivided oc w. of S. E. 4
of S. E. 4 and N. W. H ot S. w.
H of S. K. Vi of Sec. 25, T. 1 N.,
R. 1 W '
Elixabeth Dalgleish to Robt. T. Unney,
iot9 du ana 31, diock e. Orchard
Homes fion
v. j. neasey 10 Alercnants Havings
&. Trust Co., lots 1 to 18, block 1;
lots 1. 3, 4, 6 and 7, to 12. block
2; lots 1 to 9. block 3; lots 1 to 7
and to 13. block 4; lots 1 to in.
block 5; lots 3 to 13, block 6; lots
1 to 8, block H lots 1 to 4, block 8;
lots 1 to 5 and 9 to 15, block 9;
lota 1 to 8 and 10 to 14, block 10;
lota 1 to 10. block 11: lots 4 to
ft, block 12; lots 1 to 3, block 13;
lots 1 and 2, block 14; lots 1 to 4,
block 16; lots 1 to 5. block IB;
lots 1 to 12, block 17, Seventh street
Alice F. and Walter E. Anderson to
Minnie M. Eaton, lot 2. block 2.
Bernhardt Park 1,000
Terrace weignte Keal rotate Co. to
D. E. eKasey, lots 11. 12, 13 and
14. block 10, 8eventh street Ter
races Lena and Mars Remlinger to Rosco
R. Morrill, lot 2, block 4. Williams
Ave. Add
Edwin R. and Mary Ti. Conniff to
Fannie. Mayfield. lots 5 and 6, block
32. M. Patton's Second Add
Paul and Charlotte van Frldagh to Fe
lix Fliedlander. east of lot 8,
block "B." Willamette Hflghts
Savings A Loan Society to Julia Hol
man. lots 8. 4. 6. 6. 7 and 8. block
134. City of Portland 19,000
unas. a. ano Ada uorden to Ada
line P. Campbell, lot 2. block C."
Cherrydale Add. 1,650
lice McKensle to Albert C. Jobnson.
lots 11 and 12. block 2. Highland.. 1,250
IX Leet, lot 7, black 8, Woodlawn
Heights , 850
Anna t,. &mitn to central Baptist
Church, east 15 feet of lot 7. block
2. Buckman'e Add ; 400
weo. v . uia inrnei uorootl lo Jdarr
G. Stanton, north 25 feet of lot 8,
block 82 (formerly block STV Curn.
thers' Add. to Caruthers Add ' 2,000
o, Katzenoooier to Laroune Giordan,
beginning at point on north line
of Kooker St.. 2 no feet west of
southwest corner of block 68. Oaro-
tbers' Add. to Carothers' Add J.OO0
a. 1 oievens, Mimn, to o.
Ralston, a strip 23 feet wide west of
and adjoining and a strip 23 feet
wide east of and adjoining block
"J." 2f. Patton's tract: a Gtrip
22x12. west of and adjoining block
"O." a strip 23 feet east of and ad
joining block "O." 11. Pattern's
tract; west 40 acres of south 45
acres of east V, ot west 4 north of
Brower Mill road. Sec 4. T. 1. 8..
R. S B
Wm. and Martha Went et al. to Otis
E. and Theodosia Wise, lots 20, 21,
11 and 23. block 2. Peddicord &
Hurlbert's AM 1,600
T. I end ErTle M. Wright to Katie
Prandes, lot 19. block 2. Second
lninr Add, 760
It does not contain an atom of phos
. phatio acid (which Is the product of bones
digested in sulphuric acid) or of alum
(which Is one-third sulphuric acid), un
healthful substances adopted for other ba
king powders because of their cheapnessm
G. W. Greenman to W. Fl Finzer and
S. J. GuLss. lots 0 and 6, block 3.
Garrison's subdivision
W. J. and Mary E. Bayard to Ida
RwnnRitn int 7 hlwtr 9. RnvaH Arid.
B. C. and Maud Ward to H. C. and
w . i oiewart, west 01 ioi x auu
2. block 5. Adams' Add. to St. Johns
Chas. M- and Maude M. Shlnn to Wm.
X'arson r-'urtn. reet Deginning
at point on east line of Sec. IS, T.
1 S., R. 2 E., 1215 feet south of a
stone at Sec corner of Sees. 7, 8,
17 and 18
Total f 88,212
Have tout abstracts made bv the Security
aosiraoi at Trust Co., I Chamber or commerce.
Ml nni I fi I aiar innnllATrn
circular Liable to Lead Insuspect-
. ing Persons Into Trouble.
collector or internal Revenue Dunne
has been oa"sed n small amount of an-
y xiiemuus auupieu uy un-
cast over' the countrv a circular numort-
lnS to be a copy of the law governing tha
of denatured alcohol. In the cir
cular the important sentence "containing
less than nve gallons each. The alcohol
tn he an anlri muat he drawn from the
original stamped packabes," has been
omitted, which changes the meaning ot
the entire quotation, and leads the un
suspecting into trouble. The law govern
ing the change of packages of. denatured
alcohol la aa follows:
In view of the difficulty experienced by
many retail dealers In procuring small
quantities of denatured alcohol in original
stamped packages, wholesale dealers, who
are also retail dealers, are hereby author
ized to sell to qualified retail dealers de
natured alcohol in unstamped packages con
taining less than Ave gallons each. The al
cohol to be so sold musttbe drawn from
original stamped packages, to be set aside
for that purpose, and each package or con
tainer to which such alcohol is transferred
must have affixed thereto a label duly
signed by the dealer selling the same. Bald
label must show the name and district of
the denaturer, the serial number of the
original package from which such alcohol
was withdrawn and the quantity, in wine
gallons, contained in such new package.
Original packages set aside for this pur
pose should be so noted on the wholesale
dealer's record. Form 665, as also the sales
made from time to time from such pack
The retail dealer must also enter on his
record. Form 566, all purchases so made,
describing the alcohol (except as to serial
number of stamp), as In the ease of pur
chases In original stamped, packages.
Portland Oddfellows Celebrate 88th
Birthday of Their Order.
Members of Ellison Encampment No. 1,
Samaritan Iodge No. 2. Hasealo No. 15,
Minerva No. 19, Columbia Rebecca Lodge
No. 3, Acme Rebecca Lodge No. 32, and
invited guests, packed Oddfellows' Tem
ple last night to participate in a celebra
tion of the SSth aniversary of the or
ganization of Oddfellowshlp in America.
The principal address was by Dr. W. T.
Williamson, delivered in hiB usual effec
tive manner. The address . throughout
was replete with lofty sentiment and in
teresting fact.
.There are 15.000 subordinate lodges of
Oddfellows, with a membership of nearly
1,500,000 in the United States. Oregon
alone has 183 lodges, with a total mem
bership of 13,500, and the order Is stead
ily growing.
The literary and musical features of the
celebration last night were pleasing. The
Nevin Quartet, Miss Bulah Folcks, elocu-
I tiqjiist, and Miss Aileen Weber, pianist,
received unsimtea applause, ana ine ad
dress of "welcome by P. W. Stewart was
cordial and haDDllv conceived. .
At the conclusion of the exercises there
was a pleasant social mingling of the
members and their families ana mends.
CbXef Grltzmacher Issues Order to
Police Department.
Chief of Police Gritzmacher iasrued a
general order yesterday morning, calling
attention to tn civu iwvice ruies gov
ern ing the actions of all members of the
department relatiye to politics. A warn.
ing is given against discussing candidates
or any phase ox tne situation m tne pri
mary campaign. The order Is as follows
To the Captains ot Police: Call the atten
tion ot the officers of your reliefs io the
adopted rules of this department In retard
to the conduct of officers In political mat
ters and on election days and Instruct them
to refrain from entering Into, or taking part
In, any political aiscussioa wniie on duty.
Occasionally reports reach this office that
some few officers are talking politics and
"boosting" or electioneering for some par
ticular candidate for office and "knocking"
others for personal or other reasons. If this
Is true some officers are violating the rules
of this department and If proven, such vio
lations will be met with punishment by the
proper authorities. Tou will, therefore, cau
tion the officers of your reliefs to avoid all
political discussions.
Mrs. F. A. Seufert, wife of the Mayor
of The Dalles, and children are at the
Leslie Butler, the Hood River banker,
is in the city for a day or two, staying
at the Perkins.
Frank Alley, a Roseburg merchant,
and wife are staying for a few days at
the Imperial Hotel.
Nelson Bennett of Tacoma, a well
known railroad contractor, is registered
41 1 at the Portland Hotel.
A. F. Hofer of Salem came down to
Portland yesterday to meet his mother,
who arrived from McGregor, Iowa.
1 NEW YORK, April 26. (SpiaL-
Northwestern people at New Tork ho
From Portland F. V. Bolman, at the
Holland; J. C. Failing, at the Breslin.
From Spokane, Wash. Mrs. L .3.
Gates, at the Woodstock.
From Seattle, Wash. H. Schaefer, at
the Grand Union.
From Salem, Or. F, A. Dix, at the
Broadway Central.
CHICAGO, April 26. (Special.) Oregon I
people at Chicago hotels: ;
Miss MV F. Failing. A. C. Painter. A. R. I
Coffin and wife, J. R. Sersh and wife, at
tne Auaitonum; u. a. oss ana wire, a.
Glltner, at the Calmer House; J. M.
Lampolls, at the Sherman House.
From Salem Dr. A. B. Moore at the
Palmer House.
If you can boil water without burning.
you can make the finest cup of coffee you
ever drank by using Diamond W Cof
fee and following the direction on the
can. Ask your -grocer.
Fire Engine for Hoquiam.
HOQUIAM, Wash., April 26. (Special.)
At a meeting of the City Council to
night a new steam fire engine was pur
chased for the East Side department to
cost 46800. Additional equipment was also
added, which means the increase of three
paid men in the department.
The matter of granting the Northern
Pacific a right of way over Railroad ave
nue so the road could build its new
steel bridge was held over until next
Friday night, when a report is expected
from the War Department. City En
gineer George IX Robertson and Police
Judge J. R. Staats resigned, and Carl O.
Retsloff, one of the Young Men's Cluo
was appointed to nil the latter vacancy.
We desire to extend our heartfelt thanks
to the kind friends who, by their loving
sympathy and beautiful floral offerings,
aided our daughter and sister during our
recent sorrow, in the loss of our beloved
son and brother, Dr. t. ts. KouDins. .
Baby Girl Had Rash Behind Ears
Nothing Would Drive It Away
h Spread and Grew Worse Under
Specialist's Care Tried Every
thing Without Avail.
"When my daughter was a baby she
bad a breaking out behind the ears.
The doctor saia that she would out
grow it, and it did get somewhat better
until she was about fifteen years old,
and after that we could get nothing
that would drive it away. She was
always applying something in the way
of salves. It troubled her behind the
knees, opposite the elbows, back of the
neck and ears, under the chin, and
then it got on the face. That was
about three years ago. As we had
tried everything that we could hear of
without help she took treatment with
a specialist and seemed to get worse
all the time. We were then advised
to try the Cuticura Remedies, and now
I don't see any breaking out, and we
are well pleased with the results, and
I will cheerfully recommend the Cuti
cura Remedies to all that may need
them. M. Curley, 11-10 Sixteenth St,
Bay City, Mich., May 20, 1906."
Child Suffered Two Years. Now
Well. -Tlother Praise Cuticura.
"My little girl had been a sufferer
of eczema on her face for two years.
Tried treatment from doctor without
effect. I at last heard of the Cuticura
Remedies. Started treating her with
Cuticura Soap. Cuticura Ointment, and
Cuticura Resolvent. She is bow nearly
six years old, and no sores have as vet
appeared jon her face. From the day
of her cure we have always praised the
Cuticura Remedies in the highest.
Mrs. W. H. Kimball, Canton, Minn.,
Nov. 0. 1905."
Complete External and Interns! Treatment M
Every Humor of Infants, Children, snd AdultAi
consists of Cutlcurm Bosp (25c.) to Cleanse the Sklo.
Cuticura Ointment 60c.) to Heal the Skin, and
Cuticura Resolvent (60c ) (in tne form ot Choco
late Coated Pills. 25c. per rial of AO) to Purlfr ths
Blood. Bold throughout tha world Potter Sruf
c Chem. Corp.. Bole Props.. Boston. Mass.
sor Mailed Free. How to Cure Saia Burners.
Dr. Sanderson's Compound
Bavin and Cotton Root Pius.
The best and only reliabli
remedy for DELATED PE
RIODS. Cur tha most nb
stlnate cases in 8 to 10 days. Price ii
per box, mailed in plain wrapper.
Address Dr. T. J. PIERCE, 181 First
street, Portland, Oregon.
CTetiiM and beftotiftef tha hate.
Promote ft TTuvth.
Hever Tails to Heatore Qry
ASkir Ml k X ODU11U1 voiora
Carea WMtJp dimiM Jt half iaHiug.
J0c,aad $l.Q0at Praggirt.
The Cheapest Form of
Health Insurance
TU can buy Health Insurance now.
Several good 'Accident"
Companies sell it. (
Sixty dollars per year will
bring you $25.00 per week, for every week
you are sick.
But, your tima alone may bo worth far
more than that. . . j.
And $200 per week might not pay for
your suffering. " j
That's why "Cascaret" Insurance, which
prevents Sickness, is worth ten times as
much money as other "Health" insurance.
Yet "Cascaret" Insurance will cost you
less than Ten Cents a week.
That gives you a "Vest Pocket" Box to
carry constantly.
One tablet taken whenever you suspect
you need it will Insure you against 90 per
cent of all other tils likely to attack you.
Because 90 per cent of these Ills begin
in the Bowels, or exist through poor
Cascarets don't purge, .don't weaken,
don't Irritate, nor upset your stomach.
No, they act like Exercise on tha
Bowels, instead.
They stimulate the Bowel-Muscles to
contract and propel the Food naturally past
the little valves that mix Digestive Juices
with Food.
The time to take a Cascarat la the very
minute you suspect you need one.
When you have a touch of Heart-burn,' '
tjas-belcmng, Acia-rising-in-throat, or a
Carry the "Vest Pocket" Box ready for
business where it belongs, just as you
,ix ,,, ,,, di,.,i,:. , .,j
It costs only JO cents. At any druggist.'
Be sura you get the genuine, made only
by the Sterling Remedy Company, and
never sold In bulk. Every tablet stamped
CCC" 715
ISO Pairaa. CS Itesim.
tint rpr rt siooa.
Love, Ccartshlp. Mar.
rtaae amd All Dtaeaae
ef atea xplaliwd tn
lain language. This
wonderful boo tells
tarytnlns soa want
uow aa4 STarr-
thine you ahemia luww
Lb recard to happy and
tin happy wdde4 Ufa,
dlaeaaes which forbid
marriage, rulnoua aar
iy folllea. Mlf-destruo-tlon.
loat manhood,
poor memory, prema
tura decay, B&rvoua
aaaa. blood poiaoo,
dwarfed organ, txlo-
ture, weak lungw, mt
r and kidney discaaaa
igooranct begeta mia
ry; anowiiMiift omgi
fcealth and happlneaa
Written b tha Worid-Famoaa Master
BpeciaUH. "Tha Mp Voudurful aad
State Medical Institute
SS2 berond Ave.. Smitta.
The Well-Kaon
Root and Herb
1 r-k.- ---. c '
Vina mnrla a lifa fltlirlv nf TOOtS and
herbs, and in that study discovered
and is giving to the world his wonder
lul remeaies.
He Kuaruntees to cure Ctttarrht
ABklima, UUUgi liuuni., i...
Nervousness Nervous Debility. Stom
ach, Liver, Kidney Troubles; also Lost
Manhood. Female Weakness and AU
Private Diseases.
Jnat Received From Peking, China,
Safe, Sore and Hellable.
If you cannot call, writs for symp
tom blank and ciroular. Inclose 4
cents In stamps.
The C. Gn Wo Chinese Medicine Co.,,
luzfc first St., cor. morriaon,
Portland, Or.
Plena) Mention Tula Paper.
A Positive Cure CATARRH
Ely's Cream Balm
In unlelfcla- nbaorbed.
GWna Relies at
Once. ..
It cleanses, soothes.
heals and protects
the diseased mem
brane. It cures Ca
tarrh and drives
AWA.V a Cold In thsk
Head quickly. Re-II A V PFVFR
stores the Senses of A 1 Is IL1
TtJte and SmelL Full size 60 cts., as
Druggists or by mall; Trial Size 10 ota,
by ri--i.iL
Ely Brothers, E6 Warren street, ' ,
New York.
I tot !i i m vl
v-feiaiT'i. fr"'Xi - "-?t-3
Bur n r.MniiaMMa
I remedy lor Goaotrbae
Gleet. Spermatorrhea.
Whites, unnatural
cbaraea. or any innamnia
aia eaaiaaiaa. ticn of Bncoc mom
THtEvAHS OHEMMAtCt braiia. ation-aitrineeaa.
Mold by l9wrtatav 1
or aent In plain wrapper,
by axpreaa, prepaid, fit
1.00, or 3 botts, 12.73!
WMitf fWiiM K&Mfla)
Be s Una
3 E3 .fi U