Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, April 25, 1907, Page 7, Image 7

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    We- Meier mb Fraek Store -s . 900th Friday Surprise
ThSsPage--SeHsatioEalBargaSiiisforTomMrrow,s Selling
Meier Frank's 900th Friday Snrprise Sale
5 Women's Silk Suits
Values to $30--$ 1 3.85 Each
Portland's Leading Cloak and Suit Store
announces for tomorrow's 900th Snrprise
Sale, a really marvelous bargain in high-
' grade Silk Shirtwaist Suits and Silk Prin-
cess Dresses also Silk Jumper Suits Val
ues to $30 at very low price of $13.85 ea.
Only 75 in the entire lot so if yo want to
share in this bargain yon will have to plan
to be here promptly at 8 o'clock tomor
row morning bargains like this don't last
all day at The Meier &. Frank Store-Styles
are in fancy stripes Pink, bine, black and
assorted stripes Waists tucked and lace
yoke - Skirts, accordion plaited or tucked
and plaited effects Suits of attractive
style, well made and finished and perfect
fitting, all sizes Val- tf fLi
ues up to $30 Each
Great values in Women's Tailored Suits, $15, $18, $20, $22.50-Very pretty styles
" - 1 '
I " .I I . ! I1IISS.11 I
Tomorrow's 900th Surprise Sale
3000 Prs.Lace Hose
Reg. 50c Values at
r m f 111
32c a Pair
Great Surprise Sale bargain
in women's new Lace Hos-
lery tomorrow 3 OOP pairs
just received from our com
missioners in Chemni t, Ger
manyExtra fine quality
20 handsome new designs.
lace boot and allover effects.
Fashioned leg and foot
Hermsdorf dye, guaranteed
absolutely fast color All
sizes Every pair reg. 50c
value Buy all
yon want tomor
row at, per pair
500 Boys' Wool Suits
$5.00 VALUES FOR $3.69
Tomorrow's 900th Friday Surprise Sale of Boys' Wool Suits la one of the best values for tomorrow's celebra
tion Boys' School Suits and Norfolk Suits, with knlr-Wc-hnnW- tir. lii ,. -!!70i."J:('1rl
materials, fancy worsteds, fancy tweeds and cheviots; llgrht, medium and dark mixtures; aee?K 1 4SQ
jor.. -'
styles and
5 to 16 years; best J5.00 values on sale tomorrow only at this special low price; Second Floor..
400 Marseilles Bedspreads
S8.00 AJfn iS5 VALVES 2.19
Jii- Llnien "c"on, for tomorrow's great S.inth Friday Sur- tf 1A
prise Sale celebration, 4D0 fine White Marseilles Bed Spreads, S2 1 J
eJ ?K.S',un slE2ai, regular J3.00 and $3.25 values for, each..
J30.00 Ostermoor" Elastic Felt Mattresses on sale for , 918.50
Meier &h Frank's 900th Friday Surprise Sale
500 Men's Suits
The $15 and $ IS Hp
1 '
-Wi, Pllff
Values at $10.65
In the Second Floor Clothing Store, tomorrow, high
grade Suits for men and young men at a price that
does not. cover the manufacturing cost. An advan
tageous purchase enables us to offer new 1907 apparel
the latest fashions and materials $15.00, $16.50 and
$18.00 values, at $10.65 a suit. Complete lines to select
from by far the best suit bargains of the year. Gray
mixtures, light gray checks, light gray overplaida, fancy
worsteds, dark gray stripes and overplaids, worsted
cheviots in neat mixtures and checks suits that are
handsomely tailored throughout. Best linings and find
ings and cut in the very latest fashions suits for
which the exclusive clothier asks
yon $18 to $22 a suit All sizes; I tl riS
your choice tomorrow at, the suit, tt
See big Morrison-street window display. No mail or
phone orders taken. Suits for business or dress wear
at a saving of from $5.00 to $10.00. Take advantage!
Tomorrow 900th Surprise Sale
Extra! Extra!! Extra!!!
Dent's Long Cape Gloves
$4 Values at $3.19 Pr.
A very unusual Friday Surprise
Sale of "Dent's" famous Long
Cape Gloves every pair the genu
ine article 12-button lengths, in
handsome tan shades, golden Cuba,
Havana and Manila brown; three
patent fasteners at the wrist
mousquetaire style. Gloves of
style and quality. Just what you
want for street and outing wear.
Made of the best quality skins and
all sizes. Only about 290 pairs in
the lot, so speak
quick if you want t L 1 Q
a pair; on sale at. i
2000 Fine Axminster Rugs
3J00 fine new Axminster Rugs at a low price for tomorrow's 9 30th Friday Surbrlse Sale A rn hi.
must appeal to every housjwire and hote! keeper In the community: splendid "SSlitv-rleStal j
and floral designs In grand, assortment, handsome colorings and combinations; size 27x63 1 inches- v 1 ft7
regular $2.7o and Jo.OO values on sale tomorrow only at this low price, each r
Also great special values in room size' Rugs, in carpet department. Third Floor.
Meier . Frank'sOOth Friday SttrpriseSale
1500 Women's Lisle Union Suits
$1-$1.25 Values 59c
35c Val.
1 8c Yard
3000 Yds, Wash Goods
000 yards of handsome new Wash Material to be sold tomorrow at a low
price. Cordele Marquise." it is called. Beautiful "sheer corded fabric
in white and tan grounds with large coin dots and -floral de- f
si?ns: also navy, pink, lavender and llyht blue grounds; regu- I nP
lar 35c value on sale tomorrow only at.
a h iii i m hl m i i r. i i.mi it t .1 1 1 : ;i
nU ft ;
For Tomorrow's 900th Friday Surprise Sale we place
on sale in the Women's KniTUnderwear Department
a great special purchase of 1500 Women's Fine Lisle
Thread Union Suits at one-half their real value These
suits are perfect in every respect, the best product of
one of the leading mills in the land, made low-neck and
no sleeves and two styles of pants, fitted knee or lace
trimmed umbrella styles -Regular and extra sizes, com
fortable, perfect fitting Summer underwear of the best
quality The economical woman will give prompt at-
tention tq her needs and profit by this splendid bargain
1) lurnlir C I Cn mnti C 1 - C. . .
Tame mi sale IQ p
vh morrow only, at 'this low price per garment Jf
See Fifth street window disalav
T Surprise Sale
2000 Prs. Worn
en's Oxfords
Tans and Blacks
$3 Values $ 1 .85
2000 pairg of women's standard $3
Oxfords at $1.85 a pair for tomor
row's 900th Friday Surprise Sale.
All the best styles and models, in
black and tans. Patent colt Ox
fords, welt extension soles or light
weight soles, mat kid tops and Cu
ban heels; gnnmetal Oxfords, welt
sole, doll tops and Cuban heels;
vici kid Oxfords, extension or light
sole, patent tips, Cuban heels;
tan Russian calf and chocolate vici
kid Oxfords, welt or lightweight
soles; blucher or lace styles, Cuban
heels all sizes and widths, in all
lines; the best $3
alues, on sale 1 MS
tomorrow at, pair H
500 Bracelets Values Up to $4.50 at S1.79 Each
Great Sale of Fairy Soap-35c for a Dozen Cakes
In the Jewelrv
Department for tomorrow's JOiUh Friday Surrrls Sale a. rer neeii r.ft.-i--
Braeolets. nlu n hands. In hoth rr.M anri m-.i- on i -t t T. :r. " ""'" "L n"o n
.000 oaki'H nf t ha, rlr-hra tl "V-. Irv1" TnlA ant tQ w - " " 1" '.nl ".'" ." " .. .
iiotwhoid u,
one doxen oak
on Pal tomorro
to a custorrte
- , ' . ; , .v., " ii rioBta i ne meal soap for all
rrow only at this wondf rfuITy low price, per lon cakes- limit nt S
r; no mail or phone orders filled
2000 of the Finest Wash Goods
Remnants at Very Lowest Prices
In the Wash Goods Department tomorrow w. place cn aaje thousand of
remnants ot -wash materials In all grades and lengths at special low
prices; white and colored fabrics of very best stvle; lawns, batistes,
ginghams, prints. per.Ues. Oilateaa, silk and ootton novelties, etc. Take
your pick of about 3010 remnants at prices far below regular value. Great
values Id suitabla for children's dresses on sale tomorrow.
Tomorrow's 900th Surprise Sale
1 000 Embroidered Fronts
For Lingerie Shirt Waists
$ L50 Values for 49c
$2.50 Values for 69c
In the Lace Department for
tomorrow's 900th Friday
Snrprise Sale, a great special
offering of beantifal. dainty
emproidereq fronts for Lin
gerie Shirt Waists Swiss and
batiste Eyelet and imitation
French hand-embroidered
work, in a very large assort
ment of pretty designs Also
tucked novelties Two im
mense lots secured from a
large Eastern importer at an
exceptionally low price
VALUES TO $1.50 49c Ea.
VALUES TO $2.50 69c Ea
500 Doz. Men's Cross Bar Handk'fs
Another grreat special sat! of .Men's Finest Qualitv All Linen Handker
chiefs, cross-bar effects and hemstitched and hand-cmbroldered
Initial, all initials; boxed 6 In a handsome box; soft finish ready
for use: all clean, new merchandise; regular 60c values at. each..
Or box of six on saie at... $1.65 Take advantage.
Tomorrow's 900th Surprise Sale
1 00Q Fine SilkPetticoats
$9.00 Values at $5.85
There seems to be no end to the Silk
Petticoat bargains this season, and
you would do well to take the fullest
advantage of them. For tomorrow's
900th Snrprise Sale, a special pur
chase of another great lot of 1000
' from a prominent Eastern manufac
turer enables us to offer $9 values at
$5.85 each. Made of the best quality
taffeta silk, with full flare double
flounce or a deep flounce with six
.rows of stitched bands: complete line
of plain and changeable colorings
high-grade Silk Petticoats, Selling
regularly at $9.00 each your choice
fbmorrow on sale mm gy &
it the unusually low g
place of, the garm't.V
Ojt sale in the Cloak Dept., 2d Floor.
Ses Fifth Street Window Display.
5 OODoz. Handkerchiefs
65c Val.
3Ic Each
For tomorrow's 900th Friday Surprise SalK 600 dozen Women's Fine Linen
Embroidered Handkerchiefs, scalloped tmd hemstitched edges,
big variety of dainty patterns to select) from, all new, perfect l 1 g
goods; 65c values; buy all you want of tllrm tomorrow at, each..
Tomorrow's 900th Swrprise Sale
5000 Yds. Taffeta Bilibbons 5Vz in.
Res. 45c Vo
1.2 7 cYd
5000 yarb of the finest quality
All Silk Taffeta Ribbons on 'sale
f morroW at a special low price
the yard Fall 5Vi inches wide,
handsome libbons for neckwear.
sashes, fancy work, belts and
summer dress trimming, black,
white, ligbit blue, navy, pink.
red, cardinal! and mais Ribbons
of the best- style and quality
Kegoiar 43c value Buy all you
want tomorrow at this low price
the yard - treat ' Snrprise Sale
values In Buttons and a
Dress Trhnnjangs to-
morrow at he yard ft
Lace Neckwear at a Bargain
Great special Importation ef diwen of the flnerft V.nlse T-oe Collars.
Chemisettes and Collar and Cuff Immense aseertmeitt of handsome
patterns to select from; all new, desirable styles 'itnd remarkable values
at the followlns lovr prices; .