THE MORNING OEEGONIAN. SATURDAY, APRIL 20, 1907. 13 PORTLAND LEADS THEM ALL BANK CI.KARIXGS SHOW A GAIX OF 64.7 PEH CENT FOR WEEK. Seattle . and I.os Angeles Show Scarcely Any Increase Figures Indicate 3Iucti Prosperity. For the veck ending April IS. Portland's nank clearings exceeded in point of gain those of every other city in the United States. Portland's place at the head of the list is shown by Bradstreefs report covering the chief cities of the country. The clearinss of this city for the week cited were ,7,619.000. or a gain of 64.7 per cent over those of the corresponding week of April, 1906. It speaks well for the prosperity of this section of the country that not a single Pacific Coast city showed a falling off in Its clearings during the week. Both Se attle and Los Angeles, however, came perilously near the dividing line, each having a gain of only 2.1 per cent Spo kane's increase was 36.1 and that of Ta- coma 18.4 per cent. That Portland stfiould head all of the cities, not only of its own section, but of the entire country, again calla attention to 'the phenomenal progress that this city-Is experiencing. Kach week of 1907 has shown a good ad vance over the corresponding period last year and the figures are constantly be coming; larger. Portland's gain for the week indicates that no slump was occasioned by the re cent flurry In N.ew York. Business has been going on as though there had been no disturbance whatever in the Eastern money markets. Among the large cities nf the country there were only 12 that showed a failing off. Among these was New York, where the decrease was 7.8 per cent. With the exception of Port land, there was not a city where the gain was as high as 50 per cent, with the ex ception of New Bedford, Conn., with 61 per cent. The advance in Portland Is due to the heavy business in practically every line. The realty sales have been numerous and these are no doubt an important factor In the city's gain, as they have been for months past. The industries of Portland are more extensive than they ever' were before and every activity is gaining in volume. In addition to bank "clearings, many things have placed Portland in a favor able position, compared with other cities of the country, during the past few years. Among these are realty transfers, building permits and Postofftce : receipts, which are showing rapid gains. DAILY CITY STATISTICS Mirths. JOHNSTON Born to the wife of Joseph Harry- Johnston. April 10, at 5tJ3 South Sixth street, a son. CHAMPION Born to the wife of Myron Chaplou, March 18, at 414 Knott street, a HOIl. SHERMAN Born to the wife of John W. Sherman, March 28, at Portland Sanitarium, a daughter. M1KLK K Born to the wife of Otto W. Mlelke. April IS, at 604 Belmont street, a daughter. s Deathe. BOEHMER At 73 North Tenth street, April lt. Jacob Boehmer. aged 36 years. JORGENSON At Good Samaritan Hos pital, A pril 17, Vandemar Jorgenson, aged 33 years. DALY At Port Ludlow, Wash., April 15, W. R. Daly, aged 45 years. Interment at Ureenwoou cemetery. GABBKRT At First and Washington streets. April 17, Keeler H. Gabbert, aged 4y years. Building Perm Its. A. J. PIKE Two-story frame dwelling. Clarendon street . between Walker and Co lumbia boulevard; $l,"iOo. i IS. L. STKINHOKK One-story frame dwelling, Salem street between East Fifty- third and East Fifty-fourth streeta; i:00. E. D. Z1NNIOER Two-story frame dwelling. Alberta street between East Sev enth and East Sixth streets: 1800. WILLIAM BECKETT One-story frame dwelling. East Twentieth street between Wygant and tiolng streets; $1000. J. R. FULLER One-story frame dwell lng, Dana street between Winchel and Acnes street; shmjo. II. J. HELZER Repair two-story frame pamon, union avenue between rreniont ana Co nut a nee streets; $r00. - Marriage License. HTMES-HUGHRS Charles A. Mimes. 27. city; Elizabeth Hughes, 21. city. POWELLS-HL'MISTON Frank L. Fow- 24, Seilwood; Amber C. Huralston, 20, city. Real Estate Transfers. Win. P. snd Louisa Lauthers to Mar tha Brandt, south 'of lota 1 and 2. block 5, lagan's Add $ 500 C. V .and Nettie Bunker to Geo. S. Shepherd, lrtt 10, block 20, First Add. to Liunten 1 Conrad and Katie Albright to J. K. Miller, lot fl. block 1. North Irving- ton 10 A. u. Spalding and brothers to Mer chants' Lean & Trust Co., lots 9 to i::. Mock 33. lots 1 to 12, blfvrk Jt4. Peninsular Add. to No. 2, and numerous other lots 1 Joh ua E. V 1 1 son to Minnie D. Saw. don. south 33 1-3 feet of lot 0. block 15, Lincoln Park Annex 600 ueo. and Magdalena itarbade to Bertha Kuhner. lots 6 and l, block 323. Welch's Add 7,000 it. t 1 . mirit'y to t arrle K. tstearnes, lots 1 and 2, block 4, Highland School House Add 5 n. and Mora (.:orson 'to Louis Trand. lots 18 and 19. block 41, 1 mnont 10 loruaim Kralty & Trust Co. to E. H. Streumeyer. lot 8, block ft, Evelyn.. 100 j. u Mioy and lela t. Ladd to Simon Ttlumaiier, lot . block 1, lots 4 and 11. block a, lots and 11, block 3. Hlumauer's Add 1 liioore ttiastnger to Hissiuger A Co., 2.33 acred In Sec. 15. T. 1 S.. R. 1 K. : also blocks 5 and . Chelmsford 10 lortianu iroiH t'o. or Oregon to M. Roberts, lot 9, block 17. Tremont Place 1 i has. Hennlcke to F. ra. Potter, lots 19, 2o. 21 and 22. block 7. Kern Park.... 10 m. ana Jeanctte Thlelnmn to G. A. tovell. block 4. Mt. Scott View 1 a. r. hoden et mi. to A. w. Iamberta lots 3 to 10. and lots 15 to 34, block 2; lota 1 to 14 and 16 to 21. block 3. Oakdal 10 ni.e uarante ft Trust "o. to C. R. Flack, lot IB. block 11, W. Piedmont 275 rranmin r-. love et ai. to American Triut & Investment Co.. 5.75 aevres commencing at point 1H53 feet north of S. W. rornr of Sec. 10. T. 1 N.. R. 1 K: also 6.73 acres beginning at I'olnt 1377.5 f-et north of S. W. cor ner of Sec. 10. T. I N., R. 1 E 1 Air-err .i. am nene stover to Llla Mas .lowru, ioib a. ana a, block. 4. Mt. Tabor Villa 1.200 W. J. Prendrrgast, referee, to L, N. Stone, lota t. 2 and 18. block W. Seilwood Add fH0 Geo. and Mary E. Shlrl to A. J. French, lots 3 and 4. block 1. Mvrtle 250 Merchants1 Loan & Trust Co. to R. F. Kerr la. lots n. to. 11. 12 and 13, block 33. Peninsular A.M. No. 2 1 A. C. Emmons et al. to E. F. Ferris, lots . 10. U. 12 and 13. block 33, Peninsular Add. No. 2 J Flitirt.i Plumauer to J. "Wesley Ladd, lots 1. 2. 3 and 4. block 4. Hlu mauer's Add 1 Anna ThurVw to Anthony Byrnes, lot 5. Work 20. J as, John' Add. to St. Johns 4O0 Llsbeth H. Curtis to John W. Reed. lot 6. block 68, Seilwood 400 J TV. and Lucy M. Reed to H. F. l.abresque. lot 6. block 08, Seilwood 450 Alice V. learned to P. H. Edlefsen, lot 1. block 23, J a. Johns' 2d Add. to st. Johns SO0 Resl Wrtnte Investment As-wclation to J. W. Reed, lots 8 and 9. block SO. v S-llvood 2VI Jos. Crenier to J. YV Reed, lot 17. Mock 1. Seilwood 30 Mrs. T,. V. Stone to John W. Reed. lot 1. blk H2. SelwMd 1 Title 'iuarsntee Trust Co to A. T). McKee. lot 6. block 1. West Pied mont JrtO Filss D. Allen to Addle K. Miller, lot . block 17. City View Psrk 1 Title Guarantee & Trust Co. to W. P. Hicham, lot 9. block 14. Weat Piedmont 223 Samuel J, and Anna Johnson to Albert Cleveland, part of block 110. Gro ver's And 3.2SO Grant A. Covell to W. C. Oiibel. lots 9 snd 10. block 4, Mt. Scott View.. 31 T Amalia and John Kupi to John rio-iichll. lot l. Mm-k 27. Fenrer's Add. .and north of lot , block 1 7. Fenrer's Add 2,000 C. R. and -Maud M. Hawklna to EU and fcjilzabeth brma fcpeer, lot , block 1, Point View Add. to St. T fc. - 904 Real Estate Investment Association to Chas. G. Thumberg, lots 10 and 11, block 110. Seilwood 1 W. J., and Lucy A. Peddlcord to Henry nanaerson. lot s, block 55, J as. John's Add. to St. Johna... 1 Henry and Carrie R. Henderson to W. J. feddtcord, lots & and 6, block 19, Walnut Parle Add 1 W. J. and Olive M. Walts to Wm. EJ. Perry, lot 18 'talork R7 Ke 11 wood. . 140 John J. Cole to.H. W. Haderly, lota 9 ana iu. oioca 1, Miller's Add. to beii- wood 4O0 Adolph and Blva Miller to J. J. Fitz gerald, lot 3 and fractional lot 4. block 201. Holladnv' Add 1 Chas. K. and Euge'nla Henri' to . H. Rasmusen, S. of B. hi of W. V of 8. R 4 of S. W. 4 of Sec. 20. T. 1 S.. R. 1 E 7. 1.00 Oregon Co. to B. F. Steven, trustee ana executor or wii lor unrisry Scheydeeker, block 2 and lots 1, 2. 8. 18. 19 and 20, block 4, Chicago Cen ter 10 Nellie V. and W. H. Markley to Alfred it. .Larson, iota n ana u, diock , Foxchase Add 1 Sol. M. and Blanche R. Blumauer to C. M. and Mary J. Martin, lots 5 and 8, block 6. Wilson Add 2,800 Christ Paulson et al. to Annie M. Paul son, lot 13. block 6, Kenllworth 1 O. D. Barton, trustee, to H. C. Jor- aan, iota a ana v, diock. i, iaeai View 650 Margaret A. and B. S. King to Alvin ana Minnie tonant, lot io, diock 6. Nash's 1st Add 1.400 R. A. and Stella M. Fleming to R. H. Mason, lot 17, block 74, Sell wood ... 2,000 Michael and Ella O'Brien to FMw. D. ana Frances Harriet Zlnninger, lot 12, block 3. Lesh's Add 700 Title Guarantee & Trust Co. to Har riett I. Wanless. lots 12 and 13, block 8 K. St. Jnhn 500 B. T. and Cora M- Soden, W. EJ. and Sarah A. Splcer to S. A. Gentry,, lots 27 and 28. block 3. Oakdale 10 T. M. and Ella Word to Ambrose F. Gantenbeln. Iota 13 and 14. block 10, Central Aflbina. 1 P. G .and Annie A rata. S. A. and Bes sie Arata to T. F. Dunn and K. F. Sims, lota 1 to 8, block 14. Irvington Park 4O0 0. C. and E. L. McGrew to" Sycamore Real Estate Co., lots 1 to 4 and 12 to 18, block 11; lots 8. 14 and IT., block 12; lots 4 and 9, block 13; lots 1 to 6, block 14; lots 1 to 5. block 15: lots 1 to 7. block 10. Kern Park 10 H. W. and Nellie B. Mitchell to Lewis Montgomery, lots T and 8, block 2, Kenworthy's Add 3.650 Ellen S. Warren to Lewis Montgomery, lots l and 2, block 2, Ken worthy a Add 3,500 University Land Co. to J. H. Fair-' brook. lots 1. 2, 3 and 4. block 143, University Park ' 1.000 J. 1. Hart man et al. to G. H. Dunbar, lots lu and II, block 19, St. Johns Heighta ; I Geo. A. and Viola B". Bundy to W. W. Williams, lot 3, the west of lot 2 and nodth of west of lot 4, block 4, Central Albina Add 700 Total . $42,824 Have your abstracts made hr the Security Abstract A Trust Co.. 7 Chamber of Commerce. At the Theaters What the Free Agsats Bar "THE ADMIRABLE CRICHTOX" English Play by Baker Company to Close Week's Run Tonight. "The Admirable Crichton' will be seen at the Baker Theater In matinee this afternoon and the final presentation given tonight. It Is one of the best shows seen In Portland this Winter and is crowding the theater at every performance. There is not a poor character In- It and every member Is crowning himself with new histrionic glory. 4iHeUo, Bill,' Matinee Today. "Hello Bill" will be presented at th Empire Theater in matinee today and will make Its final bow to the Portland public tonight. This will be the last opportunity to see a road company at the Kmpire for some time as the new stock company will open tomorrow for a season of stock pro ductlons. Matinee at the Star. '.'Northern Lights." the Western military drama, which the Allen Stock company is playing at the Star Theater, will be given at the matinee today. The final perform ances will be tomorrow afternoon and night. It is a patriotic play and on which tells the history of the w est. "Across the Potomac." The theatrical bill of tha week haa been "Across the Potomac." the great Civil War play at the Lyric. The closing performances win be a children s matinee tnis arte moon. two performances tonight, the first begin ning at 7:13 o'clock, and tomorrow mat inee and night performances. COMIXG ATTRACTIONS. 1 Advance Seat Sale Opens at Heiltg for Xat Goodwin's Engagement. This morning at 10 o'clock the advance seat sale will open at the box office of the Hellig Theater, Fourteenth and Washington streets, for the eminent actor and comedian, Nat C. Goodwin, who comes to the above theater next Tuesday and Wednesday, April 23 and 24. supported by Edna Goodrich and an excellent supporting company. Mr. Gooa win will present "An American Cltixen" for the opening bill Tuesday nignt; at the spe cial matluee Wednesday afternoon "When We Were Twenty-One"; Wednesday night "A Gilded Fool." "Mrs. Wiggs at Heilig Thursday, Tt will surely be pleasant news to Port land theater-goers the announcement of the return engagement of. "Mrs. Wlggs ot the Cabbage Pati-h." at the Heiltg Theater, Fourteenth and Washington streets, next Thursday night, April 26. Seat sale opens next Tuesday, April 23, at the theater box office. The Prodigal Son" Tomorrow. The Baker Theater Company will give the opening performance of The Prodigal Son" tomorrow at the matinee and this fine story from the novel of Hall Calne will be the all-week offering. Tha scenes of this play are laid in Iceland and two tableaux at the close of the last act are wonderfully effective in the portrayal of the beautiful scenic effects. 4The Black Hand" at the Empire. The Seaman Stock Company, the newest theatrical organisation on the Pacific Coast, will appear tomorrow afternoon at the Em ptre Theater in a delightful melodramatic romance entitled "The Black Hand." The members of this eompany are of the best. Miss Margaret Pitt, the leading woman, and Raymond Whl taker, leading man. being well known all over the country. Lillian Field, M y ra Gibson and Hugh McCann hare also been brought from the East, and Herbert Ashton will be stage manager. Clever Pare Comedy. Next week at the Lyrtc. beginning Mon day matinee, the bill will be the clever farce comedy, "Snowball," which, baa bad great success since Its first production. AT THE VAUDEVILLE THEATERS Fun at Pantages. . There's action in every minuta of the show at Fantages Theater this week. It Is a comedy bill with a wide variety of fun on tap fun produced by the very best funsters in the vaudeville business, Yau will enjoy the Broadway trio, the Bartenos, the Griffin sisters, Frances Seymour and all the ot tiers. Herbert's Dogs. This is the day you should send the child ren to the Grand to see the wonderful dog show. Herbert's dogs have appeared before the crowned heads of Europe and they are acrobats, each one of them. They loop th loop and perform other seemingly Impos sible acrobatic feats. There are several comedians, singers, dancers and sketch art ists on the programme. Accused of Killing Blind Husband CHICAGO. April 19 -Joseph Smalley, 40 years old, a blind newsman, was killed THE rosiuiD, OK. XODKKf COOT OSX XUXIOIT DOLLAR. I MOTEL OREGON j CORNER SEVENTH AND STARK STREETS. J Portland's New and Modern HoteL Rates $1 per Day and Up. I European Plan. WRIGHT-DICKINSON HOTEL PERKINS Fifth and Washington Streets., PORTLAND, OREGON EUROPEAN PLAN tl.M to tS.M Par Day Aoaortfln to f rfwatloa. f. r. DAYEES. PmHea. St. Charles Hotel CO. (INCORPORATED) Front and Morrison Streets, PORTLAND, OR. EUROPEAN PLAN FIRST-CLASS RESTAURANT IN CONNECTION yesterday by a fall from the third story of the building in which he lives. Mrs. Margaret Smalley Is under arrest on a charge of murdering her husband by throwing him from a window. The woman Is said to have been intoxi cated at the time and to have been infuri ated because her husband was ill and un able to earn money with which she could buy whisky. SWETTENHAM ATE CROW Elgin Forced Nasty Morsel Down Governor's Throat. LONDON, April 19. A white paper issued this evening givqs verbatim the letters of Admiral Davis and Governor Swettenham concerning the embarrass ing Kingston incident, and also the cabled comment of the Colonial Secre tary, Lord Elgin. The latter notified the Governor Jan uary 22 that, "If such a letter is cor rectly attributed to you, I must ob serve that both in tone and expression it is highly improper and especially unbecoming His Majesty's representa tive in addressing an officer of a friendly power. I must further require you to withdraw forthwith and unre servedly any such letter and to ex press your regret for having written it. Tour withdrawal, should be tele graphed to me at onoe, when it will be transmitted to the Government of the United States through the proper chan nels." On January 24 the Governor cabled to the Colonial Secretary asking that the following be transmuted to Ad miral Davis: "At the Instance of the Secretary of State for the Colonies. I. desire to fully and unreservedly withdraw my letter of January 18 and to express my re gret that I wrote it." On the same day the Governor ca bled to Lord Elgin as follows: "I respectfully apply for permission to retire on account of age forthwith and to be relieved." Walker's Securities Found. NEW YORK. April 19. Securities to the value of J300.000 which were stolen from the Savings Bank of New Brit ain by William F. Walker, tha ab sconding treasurer, have been traced to two New York banking houses, ac cording toa statement made today by Detective Vallely, of the local police department. Ho said the two bank ing houses stand in the position of Innocent purchasers. Charles Goyndorf, alias Charles Karle. who was arrested here yester day at the request of the New Britain authorities, was held in $20,000 bail when arraigned today, charged with receiving stolen goods. It is alleged Goyndorf was a member of a gang: of wire tappers who are believed to have obtained several hundred thousand dollars from Walker. Delmas Talks of Bay City NEW YORK, April 19. Fifty Califor- nians who escaped the earthquake had a dinner at the Lambs Ciub last night In celebration of the fact and to keep the anniversary of the great quake. Clay M. Greene presided at the dinner, which waa quite informal. Delphin M. Delmas, Wil ton Lackaye and Will ' Irvin made speeches and predicted a great future for San Francisco. Mikado Will Receive Booth. TOKIO. April 19. The Emperor of Japan has joined in the popular welcome to General Booth, of the Salvation Army, and will receive the General in special audience tomorrow. DAILY METEOROLOGICAL REPORT. PORTLAND. April 19. Maximum tempe rature, 65 degrees; minimum. 47. River reading at 8 A. M., 12.0 feet: change in last 24 hours, 0.6 toot. Total precipitation, 5 P. M. to 5 P. M., .02 inch; total sinee Septem ber 1, 1906, 40.87 Inches; normal, 40.43 Inches: excess, 0.44 Inch. Total sunshine April IS, 1907. none; .possible, 13 hours 42 minutes. Barometer (reaucea to sea level; at S P. M., 30.31 inches. PACIFIC COAST WEATHER. n ii iwisu STATIONS. Baker City .... Bismarck Boise Eureka Helena Kamloops. B. C. North Head Pocatello Portland ........ Red Bluff Roseburg Sacramento ..... San Fraacisco'... Spokane Seattle Tatoosh Island .. Walla Walla . . . .'4S 0.00 12'NW Clear Clear .I46C0O 14'Ni . 54 0.00 8lN Clear Clear .56000! . 34! T. I . 64 0.00 8 NW Cloudy Clear Clear Clear Clear .1600.0014 NW . 44 0.00 22 NW .65O.00il7 E .7 0.0O 18'N .'SSO.00'12 NW .'76 0.00 18 NW .S2:o.OO 4W .jr.6.0100 4-B . 62 0.00 16 N .100 0;00!l8 NB .60;o.OO14:W K"lear Clear Clear Clear Clear Clear Clear ICloudy T trace. WEATHER CONDITIONS. The British Columbia high area has ad vanced rapidly, eastward and this evening iUBQUMIEIJ f TBHHtTI Ml eoMEieui mmm Bpeetal rata. to familie. u4 wUl b md m all tfanM to dm imu and rtrt prict. A modew Turk! hrth m t.lillili.iil la ta. hotel. H. C ROWERS. Free Bus. J HOTEL CO., Prop. Hnt-Clan mk Coaaestod Wit C O. DAVIS, See. aad Treaa. ROOMS SOc TO $1.50 its crest is situated over Western Montana. Its energy continues unimpaired, clear skies prevailing over the entire portion of the country from the Pacific Ocean eastward to the Dakotas. Temperatures have risen under the influence of the bright sunshine, espe cially along the Oregon and California Coast. The Indications point to continued fair weather over this entire forecast district Saturday. WEATHER FORECASTS. Portland and vicinity Fair; northeasterly winds. Western Oregon and Western Washington Fair; northeasterly winds. Eastern Oregon, Eastern Washington and Idaho Fair. t,. LODHOLZ. Acting District Forecaster. CLASSIFIED AD. RATES Following rates will be given only when advertising la ordered to ran eoosecutlvo days, lmlly and Bandar Issue. Ttao Orego nian charges first -time rate each tnserttoa for elawlned advertising that la not run oa consecutive days. The nrat-time rata la charged for oacn Insertion In Xna Weekly Oregonian. "Booms," "Rooms and Board." "Boose Keeping Booms," "Situations Wanted." IS words or less, 15 eentsi 16 to So words. X cents; SI to 36 words, tS cents, etc B discount for additional Insertions, TINDER ALL. OTHtB 11KAIKS. except "New Today," SO cents for IS word, or les 16 to XO words, 40 cents; SI to S& words, 66 cents, etc. first Insertion. Each additional Yusertion, one-halfj no further discoant ua der one month. . "NBW lOUAI" (gangs measure agate), 15 cents per line, first Insertions 10 cents per lino for each additional Insertion, ANSWEKS TO AJJVEKTISKMENT8. ad dressed care The Oregonlan. and left at this office, should always bo tncloaea In sealed envelopes. No stamn la required ea such letters. The Oregonlan will not be responsible for errors In advertisements takea through the lelephono. UNCALLED - FOR ANSWERS ANSWERS ARE HELD AT THIS OFFICE FOR THE FOLLOWING ANSWER CHECKS AND MAY BE HAD BY PRE SENTING YOUR CHECKS AT THE OKE- GONIAN OFFICE: . 13, 17, SB, 43, 44. B 33, 36, 37, 41, 42. C 31. 34. 35. 40. 42, 44. 07. D 30, 3, 38, 39, 41, 43. E 10, 23, 37, 88, 39. 43. F IS. 25, 27. SO. 32, 36, 3$. 40, 43, 44. 3 , 36, 39, 40. 41, 42, -45. H 34, 44. 47. 62. J 4, 19. 42, 44. SS. K 26, 32, S4. 35. 37, 43, 45. L 21.. 27. 20. S7. 42. 44. 45, 81. M 2.1, 27, 28, 37. N 18, 30. 34, SS, 40. 41, 60, 00. O 23. 36, 37, S8, 41, 43, 43, 44. P 27. 33. 35. 30. 42 43. 2, 2S, 34, 86. K 27, St. 32, 35, 43, 44. B 28. SO. 36, 37. 39, 08. T 24. 27. .15. 41. 81. V 27. 29. 84 35. 37. S9. 41. 42. 44, 45. 60. IV 1, 24. 3, 41. X 21. 35. 37. 45, 64, 199. MEETING NOTICE. rvBNA TBMPLH NO. 20. PYTHIAN SIS TERS, will give a social hop at K. of P. Hall, llth ana Aiaer, gaturuay evening. April zu, Knights and families and friend welcome. committee:. ALBINA LODGE. NO. 101. A. F. & A. M- Stated communica ' tion this (Saturday) evening at 8 o'clock. In hall in Oregon Com mandery. Third and Alder sta. Work In E. A. degree, Vlsitinr Brethren cordially invifd. ay order vv. m. A. J. HANDLAN, Secretary. MANGOLD April 18. to . Mr. and Mrs. B. A. Harmon-Manroid, (HO bantenbeln avenue, daurhter. rryEBAx notices. , KICRTNE Th funeral of Gean Nierine will be held at Fin ley' chapel at 2:30 P. M. today (Saturday). Interment Lone Fir. M'FATRIDGB At Cay use. Or.. Aoril 10. George McFatridge, aged 33 years. Funeral will take place today. April 20. at 2 P. M. from the residence of Ira Taylor. 535 East Bumeide street, corner or East 12th street. Train men and friend, invited. VOLHMER At 7:30 A. M., April 19, Jacob Volhmer. Jr., son of Jacob and Mary Volhmer. of 73 N. 10th St., the last child of a family ot lour, aged 30 years. - if ti neral will take placo Monday, April 22, at 9 -a. -M-, irora et. m ary a uatnearai. Interment fct. Mary i cemetery. LIVDHJEM April 19, Carl Lindhjem, aged 23 years. Fun?ral will takj place from Xunnlng, McEntee & GUbaugh's chapel, 7th and Pine sts.. Sunday. April 2L at 2 P. M. The deceased was a member of Schiller Lodge. No. 3, S. O. m. Inter, ment Lone Fir cemetery. Friends re spectfully Invited. DODDS At Phoenix. Arizona, April 11. Er- minla Mabel Dodda, aged 32 years. 11 months. 11 days, beloved wife of Georre TV. Dodds, granddaughter of the late William Cullen Bryant. Friends are respectfully in vited to attend the funeral services, which will b held at Holman's chapel, corner Third and Salmon sts.. at 2:30 P. M., Sun day. April Zl. interment Klvervlew Ceme tery. Drmiiing, McEirte A Gflbangh. Ftraen.1 Di rectors, 7th Pine. Fbon M. 439. Lady ts4 ERIC SON TTTDlCRTAKrNG CO., 409 Alder St. LAtlX IPHtiaai. rBUW BIUI 13. EDWARD H OX MAN CO.. Fiinettai Dtrt ra, zz n s -y e. rooss L. 507, ZEXIER-BYR?rE8 CO., Funeral Dtrect rs, 273 Russell. East 103S. Lady assistant. J. P. FINUST A l0!1r Funeral Director. Jim, 261 Sd cor. Madison. Pbon Main 3. F. 8. DTJNXIXO. Cndrrtaker. 414 Alder. Lady assistant. Phono East 62. A. B. HKMSTOCE Funeral director, lit PtnatUia. Ps. Uwd 7U Av. AMUSEMENTS. Washington. HEILIG THEATER Main 1 NAT C. GOODWIN. Tuesday Night, April 23, "An American Cltlsen." Wednesday Afternoon, April 24. "When Wo Were Twenty-One. Wednesday Night, April 24, "A Gilded Fool." SEAT SALE OPENS TODAY. Evening Prices 23o to $2.00. Matinee Prices 25c to $1-50. ' Baker Tbeater Phone Main Geo. I Baker, Cen. Mgr. Portland's Fashionable Popular-Price Play house. Last Two Performances Today and Tonight. J. M. Barrie's 'THE ADMIRABLE CRICHTON. A Comedy in Four Acts. Magnificent Scen ery and Settings. Personal Direction Mr. Arthur Mack ley. Evening Prices 25c, 85c, 60c. Matinee 15c, zaa. Kext Week 'The Prodliral Son. Starting Tomorrow Matinee. EMPIRE THEATER 2SrT. Milton "W. Seaman. Manager. Matinee 2:15. Last Tlraa Tonight,- the Screaming Farce Comedy "HELLO BILL" Nothing but Laughs. Regular Empire prices. Next Week Beginning Tomorrow Matinee "The Black Hand." THE STAR THE ALLEN STOCK CO PRESENTS The Romantic Drama, "NORTHERN UGHTS," By HARKINS & HARBOUR. Mat. Tues.. Thurs., Sat. and Sundays; prices 10c and 20c Every evening at 8:15; prices 10c, 20c and 30c. Reserved seats secured by Telephone Main MU8. PANTAGES THEATER The Broadway Trio -In the Screaming Fares A Cam of Hearta e Lor Trio. Griffin Sisters. Leo Whits, The Bartenos, Lottie Olbson. The Biograph. Performances daily at 2:30. 7:SO and 8 P. M. Admission 10c and 20c. Boxes 25c. At weekday matinees, any seat TEN CENTS. LYRIC THEATER Portland's Ponnlar Block Hons. Every Afternoon and Evening Tills Week. Lvric Stock Company in "Across the Potomac." Reserved seats can now be secured in ad vance from 10 A. M to 10 P. M. Daily matinees at usual time. Evening perform ances at 8: IB. Saturday and Sunday eve nings; first performance at 7:15. THE GRAND WEEK OF APR, 15. Vaudeville De Luxe. Herbert's Troupe of SO Educated Dogs 30 In Leaping and Looping tha Loop. Greatest log Act In the World. SPECIAL ADDED ATTRACTION. Frank Cnshman, 20th Century Min strel. Tattle May. Viola Engle. Jarvig ft Tudor. Fred Ho Roberts. G ritndisoope. NEW TODAY. BASIS OF ALL WEALTH City Property and Lands. Tha EAST SIDE has the GREATEST population, is growing the most RAPID LY and the GREATER PORTLAND MUST and WILL be there. In 1906 there were 531 residences built on the EAST SIDE to 100 on the "West Side. . Portland Is attracting more attention than any city on the Coast and Is under going a MIGHTY TRANSFORMATION, and in the next ten years will likely make inore rtujutuaa man it nas m m en tire past. HOLLADAY'S ADDITION Is the geographical center of the city, and is tne most ur.Ln.jmi.r reciaence dis trict and much of this will become BUSI NESS property. Do not overlook these FACTS when making Investments, and call and Inspect the property; for seeing is Deueving. The -Oregon Real Estate Co.. 884 Third street (room 4). Portland. Or. $5000 Will buy 6-room modern cottage, S. E. cor. E. 15th and E. Ankeny sts., on terms. J. L. WELLS CO. R 'in. 306, Chamber of Commerce Bdg. Potatoes Potatoes 2000 Sacks Fancy Burbanks for sale in lots to suit at market prices. Page & Son Wholesale Produce Dealers Corner Front and Washington Sts. $1000 Will buy N. E. corner East 27th and Broadway. $1800 Will buy good 7-room house and three lots, improved; I arreu s Addition. J. L. WELLS CO. R'm. 306N Chamber of Commerce" Bdgr. $4500 An exceptionally fine buy in Holla day Park. Must be seen to be appre ciated, line lot, strictly tnodern house; excellent surroundings. We have other good buys. Commonwealth Trust Co. Sixth and Ankeny. $43,000 Quarter block on 2d at., with fine build, lng; leased tor tbrso yeara at 3000 year ly. Will brine mora after that. Will ret 50,000 for It thia Fall. WHITING & ROUNTREE 83H Third Street. QUICK SALE For nonresidents. 60x100. corner. 6 blocks from T.- M. C. A- building, 11000 bslow mar. ket. Some improveraenta T. O. NOBTHKUP CO, 211 Commercial Block. MONET SEEDED. We offer lot 60x100 with two good houses that will pay 10 per cent net on price asked. The property hi in nrst-class condition, near school and 3 earllnea and on West Side. See us early. JACKSON DEEBING. Phone Main i40. 216 Stark at. SPECIAL $25,000. 1M Per MontJi. 1 2,ooo wm Bur. Leased for Two Tears. 10 1'ZB CENT EX. GEO. D. SCHALK TeL M-vln 393k -.64 Stark rt. VKW TODAY. AUCTION OF HORSES A Biff Bale of Heavy Draft Horse WUl Take 1'lace at the WESTERN HORSE MARKET 897 VALENCIA ST., BAN. FRAN'CISCO, On Tuesday. April 23rd, 1907 SALE BEGINS AT A. M. AND CON TINUES TNTIX 11 P. M. This U thm greatest collection of all-pur-po Horses ever offered and will be sold without reserve or limit. Every animal will be guaranteed as represented, and will be shown to harness during or after the "wE WILL SELL: Fifty head of the hea-wew Draft Horses ever brought to California, weighing from 1700 to 2100 pounds. Fifty head of Matched Teams, weigh ing from 1250 to 1500 pounds, suitable for wagon work. Fifty head or single and double rrtT lng Horses, weighing from 1250 to 1500 pounds. Fifty head of gentle Delivery WVagon Horses, all weights and sizes. Two hundred head of the Justly celebrated and well-known double . . square .Button Horses, weighing from lOOO to 1400 pounds, all gentle halter broken: they are without doubt the finest lot of sound young Horses ever offered at public sale. Come farmers, come dealers, come busi ness men. come one, come all. It will pay you to take a holiday. Pan Francisco Is the cheapest market on the Coast for Horses. WESTERN HORSE MARKET, 297 Valencia Street, San Francisco. E. STEWART A CO., Auctioneers. $40,000 rlALF-BLOCK WAREHOUSE Property close in on the East Side. $12,500 will handle this property. $30,000 Three lots, warehouse property, opening on East Washington, East Second and East Alder streets; ware house on part of it; some income; part cash. Bollam, Grussi & Higley 128 Third Street. $6000 "Will buy 100x100, N. W. corner E. 9th and E. Taj'Ior, with 2 5-room cottages J. L WELLS CO. R'm. 306, Chamber of Commerce Bdg. FOR 8AX.K REAXi ESTATE. KLAMATH COUNTRY IN" OREGON RE els mat Ion service expending jo.imu.uvu ir rigating zso.ouu acres, finest or larmins and timber lands. Large cities growlnc. New railroad through the land. Iots oa monthly payments. Bend Ave 2-csnt stamps for Illustrated pamphlet. Klamath development co., aus. ur. 1XB T.OT TTOR A HOUR BEAUTIFUL slghtlr quarter, Third and Woofls streets; a spienaia pjace upon wnica to duiiu. r or sale cheap and upon very eajy terma. A. H. Etlers, secy. Ellers Piano House, Park and Washington. A FINE 3-ACRE TRACT. GOOD SOIL, all under cultivation; berries and other fruit; 7-room house, 5 blocks east of Hibhnrd st., on Villa ave.. Montavllla. P. lshop. GOOD "WASHINGTON ST. BUY A FULL lot on this nne tnorougniare, ana sio.uuu cash will handle It. See A. H. Ellers, secy. Ellers Piano House, Park and Washington WTLL. BELL CHEAP (MUST LEAVE TOWN) 7-room house ana Darn on grouna uux iw, or any part thereof; this is your chance. KM Rodney avenue, corner bkkiraore. COTTAGE AT SEASIDE: MODERN. WELL furnished, electric lighted, sanitary toi lets, bath, elty water, etc; overlooks the ocean, isagar is. .fiper, uregoman. BY OWNER MODERN, 8 ROOMS, FUR nace. rood condition: full lot: fine neigh borhood ; $3ftSO; $760 caah. balance easy. . 884 EL Yamhill and 29th. Phone East 4689. FOR SALE) A BARGAIN, 7-ROOM MODBRN house, sightly lot, j-iouaaay raric. inquire of owner, bin ciacKamas m.. jfnone itast aooa. -xnts is a snap. $3250100x103 FEET, 9-ROOM HOUSE, barn and all kinds fruit, on Sheridan st. Rooms 8 and 9, Labbe bldg., 2d and Washington sts. A BARGAIN LOT 50x100 FEET, 8HAK ferB Addition, on Benton st.. one block from car. Jnne, Trimble A Trimble, 411 Marqua'm bldg. 8NAP HAWTHORNE PARK LOT, BOxlOO, east facing; the only one left at low price of $2000; Ideal home site. X 29, Oregonlan. NEW, MODERN 10-ROOM HOUSE, 3 LOTS, 4 blocks north Goddard Sta., near Mc Kenna Junction. M. H. Tower, on ' premises. HOMESTEAD RELINQUISHMENT A fine place near railroad; well timbered and watered; short time only. B 47, Ore gonlan. NEW MODERN 4-ROOM COTTAGE. FULL basement, electric lights, corner lot, on T. Slst and Division. Phone Seilwood 270. KOCSES, ALL PARTS OF CTTY. BUILT AND Ola on installments. s.roner, io-ij vanv bridge bldg., southwest cor. $d aad Morrison, R. J. RICHARDSON, REAL ESTATE, Bus iness chances, rentals and insurance. Room 4, 10B Second st. Phene Pacific 117. CHOICE PIECE OF ACREAGE NEAR Hawthorne ave.; fine view, excellent car service. Inquire owner. 243 Stark. FIVE ACRES ON OREGON CTTY LINB; beautiful building site, $3000. H. G. Stark weather, R. F. P.. Mllwaukle, Or. $1600 THREE DOUBLE LOTS, WEST Slope Mt Tabor; street improved; plenty of fruit. Phone Tabor 84. WANTETJ INCOME OR FUTURE Busi ness property. $2000 to $20,000, Owners only- W 24, Oregonlan. LARGE DWELLING SUITABLE FOR boarding or apartments or flats; fine view; owner. a, ureguiuiut CHEAP HOMES EVERY PART CITY, $950 up; easy terms. Mutual Realty Co., 303, Washington, room 7. AN EXTRA GOOD BUSINESS LOT IN the very heart of city, for sale by owner. 2S4 Front st. FOR SALE CORNER LOT. 25TH AND Salmon. $2100. Inquire of owner, 129 East 12th st. WANTED TO BUY 4 OR 5-ROOM COT tage, modern; state price and location. N $8, Oregonlan. $2000 BUYS 8 ACRES OF LAND CLOSB IN. suitable to subdivide; terms; no agents. N 41, Oregonlan. AT A BARGAIN. 2 lots, Eeet 25th, near Alberta st. Address T 44, Oregonlan. $3000 FOR CHOICE FULL LOT IN WALK lng distance. O. Jamison, 503 Marquam bldg. Pacific 1049. FRACTIONAL LOT NEAR E. 16TH AND E. Morrison. Owner, 146 E. 16th st. Phone East 8280. 6-ROOM COTTAGE, E. 2TH AND HOYT N. Reasonable terms. 109 2d t- Phone Main 6788. SPHINX AGENCY, 80H STARK ST., CAN sell your business property or residence. 1200 WILL BUT NTCB LOT IN SELLWOOD. ellwoo4 Town sits Co., Seilwood 161. FOB SALE REAL ESIATB. WB WILL. SE!,L ON" EASY PAYMENTS OT Duiia you a House on tne following proper tics: East 26th and Gladstone ctrseta. Et 37th and Lincoln streets. B&st Grant, near 49th and Section. Una roe. Bast 25th, near Cora, or Blandena aad Borthwlck. Oood lot near Riverside Station (piedmont. Can seH you a lot on Union svve. near! RuRsell for f 19O0 fa snap). For eale or trade, part or all, thr acre on Powell Valley road, inside ctty limits. 10-acre tracts apple land between White Salmon and Lyle, for 300; terma; will trade or city lots. Will trade an auto for city lot For sale, trade or rent. 84 acres on the Oregon City line. 7-room house, two good, wella fenced, kt of fruit, suitable for chicken ranch. t We can budd you a houee on easy term, ; like rent, any place, any time, any price!1 plans furnished. MULTNOMAH BUILDING A TRUST CO.. 70 Stark at., opposite Chamber Commerce, $10,000 BEAUTIFUL NEW HOME FOR sale; Lucretla at.; full lot, east facing, 7 rooms, reception hall, extra large bath room, pantries and closets unusually fin-; dining-room handsomely panelled witbi bullt-ln sideboard and cosy corner: ju.t being completed, on the market only till May 1, when owner will move in. If not sold: lot alone will be worth the price In two years: buy tt and live handsomely) on your speculation. Morgan, Sweet w' Chapman. U1S Abington bldg. $7000 LOT 50x100. MODERN s-ROOMI nouee on Hoyt street, near 22d. $5500 H block, good 7-room, house. Are fruit of all kinds. SO minutes' walk from Courthouse. &32o0 Lot 50x53, two houses, one A aad one 6-room: rents for $27 per month, near In on West Side. 5-4230 Lot 50x100. good 7-room house, 19 minutes waJk. on the West Side. A. J. FARMER A CO.. Room 30. Washington Bldg. $750 SWHLL REdlDlONCB LOT ON B. YAM- mii: cheapest on street. - $775 Belmont it. lot; cement sidsvalkv 4 feet above street; worth $900. $26O0 6-room house in good neighborhood 50x100. with fruit trees. $&50 Best 8-room housa In city for the) money: $g50 cash. See me before buying elsewhere. V. PAGE HARRIS. I Belmont and East 25th. $2200 HANDSOME NEW 5-ROOM COT-: tage. 47 E. U3d, between Clinton and Division; full lot, full concrete basement,; line bath, closets and pantry, east facing;; a choice little home, built by a builder for himself, not by a speculator tor sv. .sell;; see It right away. Morgan. Sweet M Chapman, 213 Abington bldg. $3o00 7-ROOM HOUSE, NEW AND MOD-' ern. rurnace, fireplace, bathroom and kitchetv tiled; ga and electric fixtures, wea-theredl oak finish; full cement basement, cement, walks; paved streets, 60x100 lot; one bloole from carline; $1500 cash, balance ea&y monthly payments. Owner. Main liM2. MODERN 7-ROOM RESIDENCE IN HAW thorn Park; construction the very beti practically new. furnace, fine fireplace, both. . up and downstairs, 'ull cement fioore't Vmsement, lot 50x100, south facing, cement sidewalks. Price this week $5500; half cash down. K 28, Oregonlan. FRED TALLYHO EXCURSION CALL AT; our office, 20ft Morrison st., room 2, for . free tickets on our four-horse tally ho real estate excursion. Woodstock lota, 100x100, ; $10 down, 10 month. Tremont lots, 40xl2O. SO down, $5 month. Houses and lots every - where for everybody. SBB WILKINS FIRST.. $3700. Nice modern house, 6 rooms, fine con dition and no better location and sur roundings; some furniture goes with. It; . small lot ; nice lawn and shrubbery. HENKLB ft HARRISON, 1'17 Abington bldg. $5000 ELEGANT PEVEN-ROOM MODERN house near 23d st. in choice Nob Hill district, all conveniences, street im provements, cement sidewalk; this Is a bargain; part cash. 836 Chamber of Commerce. Phone Main 1348. NICE HOME, 1 BLOCK FROM UNION ave. carline; 7 rooms and full cemei.t basement; lot 50x15, nice lawn, fruit trees and roses; must be seen to be appre ciated; buy from owner and save agent's commission. Phone East 546. $2500. Choice corner lot on E- 12th and Tay lor, fine location, handy for a home, flats or business. HENKLE & HARRISON, 217 Abington bldg. $4500. Modern 9-room house, built for home, cor ner lot, 29th and East Yamhill; furnace, coil, gas, water heater, etc.; terms. H. P. PALMER, 222 Falling Bldg. $45.00p WILL BUY A GOOD COMFORT A ble house of 0 rooms, with fireplace, gas. porcelain bath.1 two bedrooms, downstairs; close In; a corner; reasonable terms to right party. Portland Trust Company of Oregon S. E. cor. 3d and Oak sts. $300 DOWN BUYS 8-ROOM HOUSE AND1 household furniture on very choice 50x100; corner lot, on carline. near Highland t School; house can be enlarged; lot worth, nearly price asked, $850. Home Land Co. 143 ft First st. $2500 VERY DESIRABLE CORNER, 60X 300, on E. 14th at., near E. Morrison st.; splendid location for flats; have plans; investment will pay 35 per cent See II. W. Lemcke Co., 6tb and Washing' ton st. CHOICEST CORNER ON PORTLAND Heights. 1 block from carline, 100x100; beau-. tlful view of city and mountains, fruit treev lawn and 9-room modern house: finest neigh-, borhood in city. Address G 42, Oregonlan,. SNAPS IN WEST SIDE LOTS. ."4 beautifully located lots, facing east 8 blocks from school and car. South Port land, $325 to $550; part cash. 208 4th. Telephone Pac 2125 or Main 3DB0u WEST SIDH, CLOSE IN. $5000 New 6-room modern house; good surroundings, full cement basement walls; graded streets, etc. Phone Main 1942. D. W. HEILMAN, 804 Abington BMg. A BARGAIN FOR SOMEBODY S7SO CASH, a corner at Peninsular, !0xl00, right on St. Johns carline, including; 25x100, ad joining tt on the rear; also corner. TeU Main 2871 after 6 P. M. I HAVE 3 ACRES ON THE EAST BIDE, finest location In all Portland, an Ideal; ground for a magnificent home. Only re-: sponsible parties need apply. James Bar gent, Portland Hotel. FOR SALE MODERN 7-ROOM BOUBHI and two lots; lawn, fruit and flowers; ai bargain; make an offer; will sell pa-, rately. Owner, East 10th and YamhilU: Phone East 1515. INVESTORS. ATTENTION I HAVE 3 5- i room cottages renting for $13 each. 1 block from car; will sell for just $2500; houses new; rent steady. J. A. Moehnke, 200 Com mercial block. $1300 "THINK OF IT!" BRAND NEW 6 roora house, one block west of Creeton Sta tion, O. W. P. car. N. Peterson, prop., on ground, or Globe Realty Co., 221 H Morri son street. FOR SALE FIRST MORTGAGES ON GOOD Portland real estate, about $4000; will dis count face 10 per cent for cash until April 23. Webb, 380 East Washington st. Phone East 1115. I WILL SACRIFICE Good, modem 8-room house, lot 50x135, on carline, $250 down. Easy terms on re mainder. T. E. Uodson, 413 Chamber of Commerce. $3700 FINE 6-ROOM MODERN HOUSE, E. llth st., cement basement, furnace, all im- provements in, on two carlines, lot 60x100; $1700 cash; Investigate. 836 Chamber Com merce. THE ONLY 2 WEST SIDE LOTS ANY where near this figure on Montgomery St.; 35x100, $2750 each: come quick, take choice; they'll soon go. 403 Marquam. Owner. Main 3375. -ROOM MODERN HOUSE. BEAUTIFUL corner on 20th and" East Yamhill: new fur nace, coll, gas water heater, two tollem. ; etc.; terms. H. P. Palmer, 222 Failing bldg. ; RODNEY-AVE. LOT CHEAP $650 CASH, 50x100, choice lot near Going st.; all im provements In. Phone Main 2871 after '8 P.M. QUARTER BLOCK THIS SIDE PIEDMONT j with modern 6-room house built for home, $4000; terms, H. P. Palmer, 222 Falling bldg. - 3200 8-ROOM RESIDENCE IN PORTLAND; 40 acres fine timber, several springs, near Forest Grove; part cash. Phone East $297. OOOD 6-ROOM HOUSE AND FRACTIONAL lot on Ev. Second st. ; price $1750; terms. Dodson A Bee ket, 418 Chamber of Commerce, FIRST OF MAY THREE HOUSEKEEPING rooms, clean and comfortable, or flat of 6 or 6 rooms, close In. X 37, Oregonlan, FOUR-ROOM COTTAGE AT SEASIDE, near Necanicum Inn. Inquire at 280 Car uthere St., Portland. 6-ROOM MODERN BUNGALOW, $2300, $3O0 down, $25 monthly: nice location. Phone owner, Woodlawn 1P7. ONTS LOT AND 2-STORY HOUSS, INCLUD lng furniture, for sals 327 Water st a) agent need call ET1 1 04.0