Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, April 18, 1907, Page 6, Image 6

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Witnesses Called to Washing
ton on Appeal of Benson
, Hyde Trial.
Others Included In List of 150 Ap
plicants for School Lands As
signed Hyde and Associates.
Will Appear April 2fl.
fiALEM. Or., April 17. (Special.)
(subpoenas have been Issued and wit
nesses have been summoned to appear
at Washington. D. C, April 22 and May
1 to give evidence In the celebrated
Benson-Hyde land fraud case, which
is to come up for hearing directly af
ter the conclusion of the Hermann trial,
which, it is believed, will be concluded
this week. Among the most prominent
of those subpoenaed in the Hyde case
are Clerk G. G. Brown of the State I,and
Board, and Oswald West, railroad com
missioner end formerly State Land
Agent, who will leave for the capitol
tomorrow to be in attendance April 22.
The others subpoenaed are included in
the list of about 150 applicants for
state school lands which were assigned
to F. A. Hyde and bis associates. These
will start some time next Week.
The history of the Benson-Hyde land
operations Is pretty well known to the
general public. All of the land to
which title was secured by Hyde and
his colleagues is situated In lie Cas
cade Forest Reserve, which was created
In 18R3. The lands were purchased in
J!8 at $1.26 per acre, upon certificates
obtained from 150 applicants. Hyde
and his associates attempted to use
them as the bases for the selection of
valuable timber and other lands outside
of the reserve, but, upon a ruling made
by the Commissioner of the General
1-and Office, Blnger Hermann, they
were abut out.
Conspiracy Is Alleged.
It was then, through the alleged con
nivance of Hyde, Benson and other In
fluences. Congress enacted the lieu land
act wiilch validated the certificates
and deeds and a reversal of the previ
ous ruling of the Commissioner was se
cured. F.ach of the certificates repre
sented an average of 320 acres of state
school land, all situated in the Cascade
Reserve and aggregate about 48,000
Commissioner West and Clerk Brown,
of the Land Board, departed from here
this afternoon, and expect to embark for
Washington tomorrow morning. Brown
was assistant clerk of the board under
M. L. Chamberlain at the time the lands
were taken up, and is subpenaed as cus
todian of the offlce records. A complete
list of the names of the applicants fol
lows: Ust of Applicants.
M. M. 1O'iK. Annie 8. Murray. A. C Mur
rsy. p. t,. Johnson, Marcus V. J&mps, IV. A.
Stafford. Mary E. Gray, Alice K. Jones, K.
K. ras. A. II. Ban, W. O. Randolph. T.
H. L-ucMon. Georgia Case. Belle Griffin,
Mai Griffin. John Good. G. W. Harrington,
I. . K. Wilson-. C. W. Mason. Jsnnin P. Blair.
TVlnnis Edwards. Clara McCusUer, Thomas,
Mf-Cuslcr, H. C. Moore. J. P. Block, Pear).
Randolph, V. P. Conklln, Oliver Henry
frbh. O. II. Ford, T. F. Ford, Willie
Wslch. Harry tavls. Btanton E. Brady, R.
T. Judson, Jams E. Rnndl., Milton York,
Hnry G. Chas. William Shaver, Aramlta
Long. G. J. Hartman, Jr., Mary Hartman, M.
V. Brown, Androw Anderson, Eva Fouch,
W. o Fouch, A. W. Schmale. W. Logus.
Ktta Delury. Kdward Long. arah A. Jud
son. Anna Judson. Kftla Judson. Elva. E.
riotpford. Mary Zellar. Joseph McMurray,
George Zellar, Minnie Schmale, M. B. Zel
lar. J. J. Delury. B. O. Stanley. W. D.
r!hi W. Meacham. Evolvn K. R. Jones,
H. O Ttoynton. R. P. Sibley. Clara r A. Sib
ley. Bertha Block, James Frcdrickson, B.
A. Fox, Orr 1. Cameron, AI Vaught, M.
Kolbera;, V. Hay. C. 8- Gay, Catherine Good
rich, B. W. Cody, C. A. Varney, W. H. Mer
ver. Mina Boskowlts. Sophie Block. Viola
Block. Ruby Morrison. John Dolan, Mrs. E.
A . Aiken, Georgia Cody, H. F. Bartels,
Margaret Madigan, Edward M. Wright, 8.
Anderson. Fred Hellman, B. D. Mills, F.
c. Wilder. Edward L Aiken, B. F. Parker,
I. O. Fulton, R D. Danrldfre, Putnam
Walsh. M. O. Barker. W. C- Rice. Charles
Johnson, FT. B. Morgan, C. R- Bruntsche,
Ira C Traver, Isabel J. Harrison, K. C.
PonKlos, Mary Ann Sexton, Thomas Hans,
vt . i,. LMel, jonn P. Jones, Eusle M. Jones.
George E. Forstner. J. F. Smith. Clyde
rblllioer, Jennls Chrlstensen. C. Chrlsten
sen. Fred Wlttenstrom. Rebeoca Klsor. B.
y. King, Mrs. B. 8 King. Dexter Klsor,
William Hunter, W. W. Davis. E. W. Pow
ers. Mary C. Powers, Anna Peebles, Laura
Dalaha, L. R, Peebles, A. Abrahamson.
Maggie Hunter, Joseph Fisher, E. C. Piper,
O. G. Dalaba, J. C. Botsford. H. W. Bots
ford. J. E, Ross, E. Wilcox, Don D. Fprsgue.
George I. Sprague. John P. Brown, B. P.
Becde. F. R. Davis. Lydia Armstrong. C.
Korthcutt. George Wright and S. B. Carl
Isle. These certificates were all assigned to
F. A. Hyde, A. 3. Baldwin, Joost H.
Schneider, Henry S. Morris, Flora M.
Pherman, II. M. Morris and C. W. Clarke.
They were acknowledged bv T. Alexan
der. W. H. Grlndstalf. W. M. Cake, A.
C Snencer, Charles E. Bennett, George
Knight Clarke. C. G. Sutherland, George
P. Shepherd, Clarence H. Jones. C. W.
Hodson, D. R. Williams. I. Goldsmith,
J. J. Jonnings. J, R. Oatman, Newton W.
Rountree. C. F. Ffliiger, Louis Solomon,
Wlnslow S. Myers, C. A. Schuli, M. Sen
ders. John Bayne, J. D. Wilcox, John A.
Orson. Scott Bozorth and George W.
Travis, formerly clerk of the State Land
Board. Thirty-five of the total number
were acknowledged by George W. Davis,
and the greater number of these reside
in and about this city, or have recently
removed from here.
Timber Land, Therefore, Becomes
Drag" on Market.
SEATTLE. Wash., April 17. (Special.)
Because of the car shortage, the market
for timber lands has collapsed and timber
operators claim that It Is practically im
possible to dispose of their timber hold
ings. There is now accumulating a sur
plus of logs, despite the fact that the
logging camp capacity for the past Win
ter has been far below the average. This
circumstance has a tendency to depre
ciate the value of timber holdings.
Loggers assert that the logging output
during the Summer will be above the ca
pacity of the mills and that there will be
difficulty In, maintaining existing prices.
It is not expected, though, that any
serious break in the market will follow.
In the meantime timber holdings must
remain an Impractical property for trad
ing purposes and timber speculators
do not believe that the market will pick
tip until the car situation permits a free
movement of lumber and shingles.
Paul DeWitt, Who Escaped at Cen.
tralla, Taken.
ELMA. Wash.. April 17. (Special.)
Paul reWltt. alias Paul Hsrt. alias Paul
Durham, was arrested here yesterdav by
a Deputy United States Marshal from
Tacoma on tb charjs of desertion from,
the United States Army at Fort lftwton.
The Marshal left on the night train with
his prisoner.
About & month ago officers apprehend
ed the prisoner and he was turned over
to two soldiers from the Vancouver bar
racks to bring to Fort Lawton. "While
waiting to change cars at Centralist, the
prisoner made his escape from the sol
diers. riiigent search has since been
carried on fqr him and a standing reward
of KO offered for his capture.
DeVVltt came to Klma and secured work
with the ima Lumber Company as a
teamster. He had agreed to play base
ball with the Elma team this season, and
gave evidence in practice that .he was
an unusually good player. He is well
known In Portland, where he lived ,-for
some time prior -to his enlistment.
Admit Having Game Illegally In
Their Possession.
OREGON CITY-, Or, April 17. (Special.)
Charles Gates and C. E. Nash, who
wers Indicted by District Attorney Hedges
on a charge of having ducks illegally In
their possession, today entered a plea of
guilty and Judge -McBride suspended sen
tence. The trial of James T. Dillon, charged
with burglary, has been set for May 8,
and the divorce suit of Phelps vs.. Phelps
will be heard May . Judge McBride
handed down a decree of divorce this aft
ernoon In the suit of Clara Velguth vs.
Arthur E. Velguth, and the plaintiff was
allowed to resume her maiden name of
Clara Gilbert.
Oxford Graduate, AVbo Gave Prom
ise of Brilliant Career, Arrested
as Vagabond at Seattle.
SEATTLE, Wash., April 17. (Special.)
Robert Charlton Lee, Oxford graduate,
minister of the gospel for a score of
years, and a man of much brilliance and
eloquence, was arrested last night while
on the verge of delirium tremens and
was locked up In the City Jail to sober
up. Picked up from the gutter by a
former member of his church choir and
started on the straight path again. Lee
has fallen so many times lately that his
friends have ceased to forbear and have
caused his arrest. Incidentally, he Is
also held for pawning a watch which
did not belong to him to obtain liquor.
Three years ago, at the time of the
death of his wife at Coos Bay, Or., a life
of great promise was blasted by strong
drink. So low did the former minister of
the gospel sink in the social scale that
he was only a piece of flotsam In the
murky waters of the lowest tides of hu
manity In Seattle, when he was rescued
from one of the lowest dives - of the
city last July by L. K. Nichols, a for
mer member of his choir at Coos Bay,
Japanese Insane on Ship.
ASTORIA. Or., April 17. (Special.)
One of the Japanese cannery-workers.
who arrived from Seattle this morning to
go to Bristol Bay. Alaska, on the ship
John Currier, became violently Insane
today on board the vessel and had to be
placed In Irons. He will be taken back
to Seattle by the Chinese contractor.
Mohn to Oversee Clatsop Poor.
ASTORIA. Or., April 17. (Special.)
At this afternoon's session of the County
Court the resignation of Dr. J. A. Fulton
as Overseer of the County Poor was ac
cepted, and Dr. F. V. Mohn was appoint
ed to fill the vacancy.
(Continued from First Page.)
bois. of Idaho, Is engaged in an attempt
to make political capital out of the re
port that Senator Borah has been in
dicted. Mr. Dubois Is today circulating
among newspaper correspondents a state
ment calculated to discredit Mr. Borah
and weaken tils hand as prosecutor of
Mover, Haywood and Pettibone. He has
already inspired several unfriendly arti
cles published in Eastern papers within
the past two days, and is tonight- follow
ing them up with even more damaging
matter. Intended to make it appear that
Mr. Borah is not in good standing, and
that he la not competent to represent
Idaho In the prosecution of the men
charged with the Steunenberg murder.
Altogether, it is a cheap bid for the
favor and support of the labor element
that is 'backing Moyer and his associates.
It was Mr. Iubols who circulated the
story that Mr. Borah had appealed to
the administration for protection, and
who furthermore started the story, wide
ly published, that the President found
himself embarrassed because of Mr.
Borah's appeal.
Altogether, this is the most contempti
ble trick attempted In Washmgton In
many years. Mr. Dubois, having been
beaten on his self-made issue, is trying
to regain favor by breaking down the
man he has always acknowledged to be
his friendb. and the man who had given
him full confidence. Never before, so far
as known, has a public man in Mr. Du
bois' position resorted to this underhand
means of attack on a friend. Mr. Dubois
is asking that his name be not connected
with the stories sent from Washington,
but there is no mistake about the facts
as here given. Speaking plainly, Mr.
Dubois is doing his utmost to prevent a
fair trial of the men charged with- the
murder of Steunenberg, and is steadily
trying to break down the hand of the
Government. His act stamps him as a
discredited citiren.
Man Cited for Contempt Who Works
for Federathmist Defense
BOISE. Idaho, April 17. (Special.)
Judge Fremont Wood tonight Issued a
citation to have W. N. Yost brought be
fore him on a charge of contempt for
having sought to influence a member of
the Jury empaneled in the Haywood case.
The Judge excused the jurors today until
May 9. the date of the Haywood case. In
doing so he cautioned them to avoid talk
ing with any persons about the case or
allowing others to talk with them or In
their presence about the case. He stated
that they should warn any persons so
talking that they were Jurors and that.
if the offense was repeated, they should.
report the matter to the court.
When the Jurors had been dismissed.
J. L. Waggoner, one of the number, in
formed the court he had already been
approached at his farm by Yost. The
Judga directed the prosecuting attorney
to take his statement and inaugurate the
proper proceedings
Mr. Waggoner's affidavit sets forth that
Yost approached him to talk about the
case. He was informed that he, Wag
goner, was a Juror, but persisted in talk
ing and finally offered him $20 to work
for the defense. Yost added he was in
the employ of the- defense for the pur-
pose of shaping sentiment and learning
ItBW. peopia aiooa,
Refuse to Buy Edition of Stan
ford Sequora.
Say Mean Things Abont Editor Her-
ron, AYho Calls Them Prudes
and Bigots Edition Is
Quickly Exhausted.
(Special. The co-eds, in pursuance of
their agreement, religiously refrained
from purchasing today's issue of Sequoia.
Tho editor, however, suffers no loss from
their Tefusal as he has been obliged to
place an order for 100 extra copies and
the prospects are that this extra edition
will be exhausted within a few hours.
Editorially the editor takes a sharp rap
at the co-eds, refers to them as prudes
and bigots, and makes strong allusions
to the majority attending college to Ira
prove their matrimonial chances. The
co-eds come back by charging Editor
Hcrron with gross irregularities of mor
als and instances of scandalous conduct.
The poem which caused the rumpus Is a
recital In a sort of Kipling style of the
Biblical story of King David and the wife
of Uriah, and the King's order that the
captain -be deserted by his soldiers In the
face of the enemy to make sure of his
President Jordan refused to commit
himself, but many think that some action
by the faculty may be forced by the
An excerpt from the poem follows:
The King beheld her where she stood.
Laving her limbs In the glowing flood;
Then the hills and city and fields grew dim.
As light of her beauty dawned on him.
She found the King in his bower at dusk.
And the air was perfumed with myrrh and
Her falling hair In the dark was dim
But her eyes and bosom gleamed on him.
And David, the King, felt all the fire
Of his youth return with his great desire.
And he said to her: "My love for thee
Is stronger than fire, or wind or sea."
Mrs. Bond Says She Was Attacked
by Restaurant Owner.
HILLSBORO, April 17. (Special.) Mrs.
Lillian Bond, of Forest Grove, formerly
of Seattle, has filed suit In the Circuit
Court against B. F. Wagley, asking for
damages in the sum of $10,000. It appears
from the complaint that Wagley a few
weeks ago arrived at Forest Grove and
rented a room in the Caples building.
fitting it up for a restaurant. After he
had Installed the furniture he turned the
business over to Mrs. Bond. Mr. Bond
arrived shortly after, and Wagley sud
denly concluded to dispossess the woman.
On April 14 Wagley, in company with
others, It Is alleged, went to the restau
rant at 10:30 o'clock at night and pro
ceeded to set the furniture out in the
street. Mrs. Bond also alleges that Wag
ley struck her.
Wagley left for parts unknown shortly
after the occurrence, and the officers are
unable to get service. He is an elderly
man and is reputed to be quite wealthy.
Professor Fulmer Secures Option In
Three Cities.
PULLMAN. Wash.. April 17. (Special.)
Professor Elton Fulmer, of the Wash
ington State College and the members or
the National Commission on Pure Food
Standards, who recently investigated con.
flltions In Portland, Seattle and Tacoma
to select a suitable location for the estab
lishment of a pure food laboratory, .has
submitted his report to the Secretary of
Agriculture at Washington, D. C. Pro
fessor Fulmer took a refusal on quarters
in each of the three cities. He expects
the report will be acted upon in a very
short time.
In connection with the work of the
National Commission Professor Fulmer
said that a recent letter from the chair
man of the Commission, Dr. Frear, of
Pennsylvania, Indicates a general prefer
ence among the members for St. Louis
as the next meeting place. This meeting
will be held in May, at which time the
matter of preservatives will be given con
siderable attention.
Tacoma Judge Dissolves Injunction
Protecting Restaurant.
TACOMA, Wash., April 17. (Special.)
The temporary injunction granted last
week enjoining the Cooks and Waiters
Union from picketing in front of the
Helm Cafe was today dissolved by Judge
Clifford on the ground of Insufficient
evidence of injury to the plaintiff's busi
ness. The differences arose over a de
mand by the union for the dismissal of
certain employes, whom It wished to
replace with union men. This Mr. Helm
refused, and alleged that in consequence
pickets were placed about the entrance
to the cafe in an attempt to injure the
business. It is probable that an appeal
will be taken from the decision.
Columbia Reaches Highest Stage
Since Last Summer.
HOOD RIVER, Or., April 17. (Special.)
The Columbia River is higher today
than it has been at any time since last
Summer, and is said to be' within a foot
of the highest mark it attained in 1906.
River men regard such high water so
early In the season as an indication that
the river will reach the highest mark It
has for several years. Logs and drift
wood have been going down stream, float
ed off the banks along the river. Camps
at several points have been forced 'back
from the river's edge.
Commission House Sells for $16,000
LA GRANDE, Or., April 17. Special.)
An Important real estate deal was con
summated this week when L. W. Damon
and Dr. M. K. Hall purchased the fruit
and commission business formerly owned
by the Farr-SImmons Company. The
present owners will enlarge the facilities
for handling business and will probably
add a cold storage plant during the Sum
mer. Mr. Damon will be the active man
ager. The price paid for the business
was 116.000.
Fruitgrowers to Build Warehouse.
LA GRANDE. Or., April 17. (Special. V
The special meeting of the Grand Ronde
Valley Fruitgrowers' Union will soon be
called to discuss the plan of building
a warehouse in La Grande for the accom-
nindntinn nf Ih AmnHiHnn'i Vti ,dn..i
The officials seem to favor the project!
I and in all probability the building will
I he completed tn time for the handling of
j tals, joac wod
ROYAL Baking Powder is indispen
sable to the preparation of the finest
cake, hot-breads, rolls and muffins.
Housekeepers are sometimes importuned to
buy other powders because they are "cheap."
Housekeepers should stop and think. If such
powders are lower priced, are they inferior?
Is it economy to spoil your digestion ?
The " Royal Baker and Pastry
Cook" containing over 800 most
practical and valuable cooking re
ceipts free to every patron. Send
postal card with your full address.
New Oregon Statutes Cover
538 Pages.
Because of Their Length and Com
prehensive System of Indexing,
Work of Compiling State Laws '
Greater Than Ever Before.
SALEM, Or., April 17. (Special.)
The body of the session laws Is now
printed and covers 538 pages as against
4KB in 1905. It will be ready tor the
binder as soon as the index can be
completed by Frank Davey, who is
workins; at it industriously, but the job
is necessarily tedious, and could not
be done until after the printing. The
laws will probably be ready for dis
tribution early in May, and the journals
of the Senate and House a short time
There has been no time for several
years when the work of indexing the
session laws has been so laborious and
important as it io this year. The past
session of the Legislature enacted en
tirely new and complete codes on sev
eral very important subjects; notably
the laws governing assessment and
taxation, railroads and transportation
and banks and banking. The
school laws were extensively amended
and rewritten, including long chapters
covering union high schools and county
high schools, their organization and
government. The Port of Columbia bill,
and the bill putting tn operation for
cities and towns the initiative and ref
erendum, are also extensive in their
provisions and require elaborate index
ing. Mr. Davey's system of indexing al
phabetically by subjects, sub-Indexing
each provision under the head of each
subject, and then cross-indexing, as to
each separate provision of an act under
different heads, is very thorough and
comprehensive. The index of the laws
of the session of 1905 covered about 60
printed pages, while that of the laws
of the last session, as prepared by Mr.
Davey, will take up more than double
that amount of space, giving an idea
of the immense volume of acts adopted
by the recent Legislature.
The Senate journals have been
copied, compared and sent to the print
er, and the House Journals will be fin
ished this week. The Senate journal
will make the larger book this year,
proportionately as the Speaker almost
entirely eliminated the rollcalls on first
and second reading of bills, which re
duced the size of the House journal
about one-third.
TJ'Ren Compiles Cost of Submitting
Legislation to People.
OREGON CITY, Or., April 17. (Spe
cial.) William S. TJ'Reh, the father of
the initiative and referendum, takes issue
with the statements that have been pub
lished regarding the cost of voting under
that law. Mr. TJ'Ren has carefully com
puted the cost of Initiating and referring
legislative measures to the people under
the act of 1907, which repealed the act of
1903. He admits that the postage expense
In sending printed matter all over the
state to 100,000 voters will be J3009, but he
says that the cost of printing would be
$3686 for 120 pages of measures, figuring
on 100.000 copies, which is one-third more
than have ever been printed. He s?iys the
binding will cost J3600 and the paper
The experience of Mr. UTten stands
him In good stead in. figuring on this
matter. He bases the cost of addressing
and filling 100,000 envelopes at 4 per
thousand, totaling 400. The envelopes
can be supplied and printed for $5 per
thousand, or J500. and he believes that
the cost of securing the names and post
office addresses of 100.000 voters will not
exceed $1500. Mr. U' Ren's figures sum
marized are as follows:
Postac 3.000
Prlminc 3.S36
BiiKi-ins -.- aaro
Paper ' 1,8B
Addressing ami filling envelopes 40
Envelopes and printing 800
Names and postofllca aldrees of voters 1.500
Total - - ....14.189
"The publication of proclamations is not
required by the new law of 1907, and the
item of 15000 for that purpose must be
eliminated from the cost. Mr. TJ'Ren be
lieves that his estimate is conservative.
Friendly Again Appointed Regent of
State fnlversity.
EUGENE. Or.. April IT. (Special.)
S. H. Friendly of Eugene has been re
appointed a regent of the University got
Oregon, his term to expire April 19.
Mr. Friendly has served tne state in
this capacity since December 17. 1894,
NJj.he ixco'jernDj? . Bennover,. anointed
Alum is used in some baking pow
ders and in most of the so-called
phosphate powders, because it is
cheap, and makes a cheaper pow
der. But alum is a corrosive which,
taken in food, acts injuriously upon
the stomach, liver and kidneys.
him. April 16, 18S5, he was reappointed
by Governor Lord to serve until April
15, 19)7, and his reappointment by Gov
ernor Chamberlain gives him the dis
tinction of preferment by Populist. Re
publican and Democratic executives.
If This Is Impossible, Oregon May
Try Olympics.
Or., April 17. (Special.) There de
veloped a decided opinion on the cam
pus today in regard to substituting the
Olympic Club, for the Stanford track
team date of May 3. The Olympic team
defeated Stanford last Saturday oy
close score, and while some of the
varsity athletes are ready to attempt
to defeat the conquerors of Stanford,
others are opposed to the idea of meet
ins: a club team.
Some admirers or Kelly nope to see
the Olympics come north with Parsons,
the 9 4-5 sprinter, but Manager Mc
Carty will first attempt to arrange a
date with Berkeley and, failing in that,
may favor a meet with the club team.
Still Searching for Robber Shot at
COTTAGE GROVEJ Or., April 17. Spe
cial.) Parties from Loraine today say
that the robber who was shot by Fenwlck
last week, while in a duel, believe that
the man Is still in that locality. They
also believe that the robber captured at
Drain a few days ago was & partner of
this man and that the outlaws selected a
cabin In a secluded place in order to con
ceal their movements as much as possi
ble. Several men, well armed, are still
searulng the forests for the desperado.
They say two unknown men have been
seen together and frequently after night.
A number of women have been greatly
scared by their sudden and mysterious
appearance. The officers will not quit
their search until they are better satis
fied as to the whereabouts of the outlaw.
Craig Inspects O. R. & Jf. Bridge.
HOOD RIVER, Or., April 17. (Special.)
A. L. Craig, general passenger agent of
the Great Northern, accompanied by Su
perintendent Campbell, of the O. R. &
N. was a visitor at Hood River today.
It is understood that Mr. Craig was here
to examine the new bridge which the O.
R. & N. Co. recently completed across
the Hood River at this place.
The Portland Q. U Fitzgerald. Philadel
phia: J. Williams and family, Minneapolis;
H. Leweovlta. G. A. O'Brien, New York; W.
G. Welbon. Toledo. O. ; .W. Rea, Jr., and
wife, Mrs. F. A. Hart. St. Paul; H. D. Jack,
Seattle; L- Friend, New York: E. Edwards,
Shanghai; H. H. Jacobson, New York; C.
A. Clapp, Boston: I.. Reiss. San Francisco;
C C. Mlsener, L. Simon, D. J. Norton. Jr.,
New York; G. W. McNear, J. Falk. O. J.
Boss, San Francisco; B. W. Reed, Rainier;
X4 r. tj inslev.' Rlsln : w. Macdonald. San
Francisco; R. H. Johnson. Walla Walla; H.-
W. Martin, walla waiia; J. bi. jquhsuu,
Boise; R. G. White, Philadelphia; W. L.
Martin, wife and child, Boyne City, Mich.;
J. 8. Snapp. Mrs. B. 3. Keith, Seattle; J. D.
Riley. St. Paul; I,. F. Bubarge, Spokane; A.
Uhl. San Franclsoo; A. F. Grant, New York;
C. Tnorne and wife, Tacoma; E. N. Stlb
baus, Philadelphia; G. R. Murphy. G. W.
Neeles, San Francisco: F. D. Hart. Aber
deen; Q. D. Gleason, Newark; J. Miller and
wife. Anaconda: H. Palmer, Chicago; J. A.
Day. New York; F. B. Sutton. Tacoma: A.
Hollander, New York; R. W. Filler. Hono
lulu; A. R Rogers, Minneapolis; C. W. You
TnanH. Winona- E. Youmans, Seattle; E. W.
Rice, wife and daughter. Schnectady, N. T.;
H. F. Fayne. New York; Mrs. i. c. rTiuon,
Astoria: D. D. Ollphant and wife, Berkeley;
J. A. Cameron. Oshkosh: R. T. Reld, Seat
tle: A. Thomson, Tacoma.
The Oregon C. M. Nettleton, Seattle; J.
TW. Rrur, Seattle: Lewis Schwager, Seattle;
W. A. McKenna, Mt. Vernon; Mra. C A.
Wellman, Buffalo, N. Y. ; A. Bailey, Chica
go; Mrs. Hector McKay. Brandon; Nathan
Hoee, Roseburg; W. B. Pitts, New York;
-ur. -Mrt Rnssitar. cltv: Grace Rosslter.
city: D. L. Parker and wits, Albany; Kent
Li . norm, Lievemna, . . -1 1 ...... ' " "
wife. Skamokawa; G. A. McEdward, New
vnric- J m. Shields. Chicago: O. F. Robin
son Kansas City; Robert Van Horn. Seattle;
J. E. Relter. San Francisco; E. E. Whell,
rh,arft; rharli Rosers. Astoria: Sherman
A. Bishop, San Francisco: I. H. Thrall, San
Francisco; . fii. isetneioii, f. m.
-Rrnce. Seattle: H. W. Ltndhard. New York:
R F Lytle and wife, Hoquiam; J. B. Faltx,
Seattle; Mr. and Mra C. I. Olander, Bel-
Ung-ham; rl. itaucn, i. utiuis, v.. a. a
lor. Catlin. W. D. Field. Boise: O. D.
Gabrlelson. Satem: Dr. R. E. Bauske, Oak
land: J. A. Baugher. Portland; M, Woldson,
, pnnliul: J. E. Hughes. Cincinnati; W. D.
Gumser. Llttell; Charles Haaklns. San Fran
P. H. Sadler. Los Angelas: W. L.
Hasbrouck, New York; Frank Hearon, New
Tork; John Sommerville, Edmonton, Al
berta; D. F. Lucas, agent Big Four Rail
way. Celino, O.; F. P. Wilcox ana wire.
Grand Rapids. Mich.: H. D. Miller and wife,
jjr Vnrk: W. E. Bllnn. Muscatine. Ia: A.
M. Franklin, Seattle; J. W. Richardson.
nolo.: J. M. Lata. San Francisco; ,B. H.
Anderson, Astoria; P. 8. Byrns and wife.
Epokane. ,
Thn Perkfaos A. Burcn and wife. Kelso
B. Flatcher, San Francisco; Mrs. Walter
Williams. Falls City; Mra. T. J. Chapman.
Dallas; J. W. Duncan, H. T. Duncan, Uma
tilla; Mrs. Cramer and son, Seattle; J. B.
Manny. Omaha; Mrs. J. Jones, The Dalles;
J. E. Law and Wife, Rainier; A. 3. Gibson,
Seattle: A. R. Olds, WaUa Walla; J.
Fttzplmmons. Tacoma; Miss Lulu Kern.
C. F. Cargln. Montrose; W. V. Detwiler,
Ostrander; C. H. Ellnger and wife, Goble;
C. E. Henderson, J. P. Jones, Chicago; A.
M. Cross,. Cleveland: N. R. Oliver and wife.
Kelso; W. C. Hawk, Jerrerson, Mrs. rl. r.
Fisk. Wardner; L. M. Lamb, Eugene; Mra
W. W. perclval. Mrs. E. N. Young. Inde
pendence; F. E. Rogers and wifs. B. Dor-
rey, jucuinnviiie; a. aorrw, -j.,
Newbera: A. O. Johnson, c. L. Fife. Goble:
T. Tonbey. J. A. Hopper ami wife. Hunt
ington; n. Anderson, . f. warren, - Jr.
Rodle. H. B. Sheeler. The Dalles: E. car-
ley, Chicago; G. E. Martin, R. C. Pettit.
McMlnnvme; T. X DUDay, Seattle; J. H
Parker. Carlton; J. H. Glass, C. Vert, Se
attle: E. J. Nyman. Astoria: D. Z Rubi-
nett. FIsberlLake; G. F. Parker. O- Hamlg,
lone; J. D. McGray. Moscow, Idaho; C. A.
Gore. Kalama; Mrs. Ek.L. ' Merrill and son.
T. O'Brien. C K. Sturdevant and wife. 8e-
JLsXUsa. JCB Aiontfomerx aaA jrlXv .iU.
Different from other oil stoves. Superior because
of its economy, cleanliness, and easy operation. The
Wick Blue Flame Oil Cook-Stove
saves fuel expense and lessens the irork. Produces
a strong working flame instantly. Flame always
under immediate control. Gives quick . results
without overheating the kitchen. Made in three
sizes. Every stove -warranted. If not at your
dealer's, write our nearest agency for descriptive
it the best lamp or all-round household use.
Made of bras throughout and beautifully nickeled.
Perfectly constructed; absolutely afe; unexcelled
in light-giving power; an ornament to any room.
Every lamp warranted. If not at your dealer's,
write to our nearest agency.
C. B. Hogs;. Goldendale; H. C. Ashbaugh
and wife. Heppner.
Imperial B. M. Thomas, San Francisco;
H. lj. Elliott, Chfhalis: B. D. MacDonald,
Seattle; A. M. vchlte, Olynipia; John Mllr,
Seattle; Mark Plemminir, BuKene; U. N.
Kettis, Pomeroy; C. W. lastabrook. St. Paul;
William Miller and wife, Beerus; Mrs. E.
M. Dr.v, J. T. Reames, Spokane; U. A. Kerr,
Ttpp City: Tv'. N. Ford, Vancouver; B. Paul
worth, CathlamM: Annie Va.rrelman, Gard
iner: CharltA Rogers, Aatorte.; I.. DeLaw.
Chicago; John F. Robinson and family. Mable
Rauber. Brunswick; A. C. Sly, J. H. Sly.
Stevenson; A. Cleevea, Seattle; J. M. Moulton
and wife, George Semburo. Florida; Mrs. T.
B. Kigby. Nagasaki; A. N. Moores, Salem;
Mr. and Mrs. Bahler, San Francisco; Norman
Bahler, Mount Angel; Paul Stain. Los An
geles; TV. B. Cuppy and wife. Hobart; H.
B. EBeon. Hood River; C. B. Moores. Salem;
J. K. Kelly, Eugene; W. H Kay and wife,
Eugene; B. O. MoCullach. Grant' Paas: Mrs.
J. C. Allen, Mlsa Allea, Seaside: Claudm Par
clval, Jesse Seamraon, J. R. Flaek and eon,
Goldendale: Mra F. W. Varrehman. Gardiner:
George F. Carpenter and wife. Fossil; Myron
6. Smith, VJnderwood; J. Turner, Astoria.
c i:naries jaary roroes, wooaiana; rt.
O. Collts. Will Reicksteln. W. D. Kicol. IX
C. Brown. Silverton; C. H. Moehler. Fsta-
cada; J. E. Nelson, Skamokawa; C. J. "Whit
comb, Salem; John Hamilton, C. N. Baker,
city; P. R. Robblns and daughter, Aurora;
W. H. Smith and wife, city; F. T. Rogers.
In the Name of Sense,
that good common sense
of which all of us have a
share, how can you continue
to buy ordinary soda crackers,
stale and dusty as they must
be, when for 5$ you can get
Uneeda Biscuit
fresh from the oven, protected
from dirt by a package the
very beauty of which makes
you hungry,
"national biscuit company
W j.
I Kaaiir-ii
The Kind You Have Always
in use for over 30 years,
w . -w ' - o-j-. - .... --.-t a
All Counterfeits, Imitations and" Just-as-good" are but
Experiments that trifle with and endanger the health of
Infants and Children Experience against Experiment.
Castorla is a harmless substitute for Castor Oil, Pare
' gorlc, Drops and Soothing Syrups. It is Pleasant. It
contains neither Opium Morphine nor other Narcotic
substance. Its ago is its guarantee. It destroys Worms
and allays Feverishness. It cures Diarrhoea and Wind .
Colic. It relieves Teething1 Troubles, cures Constipation
and Flatulency. It assimilates the Food, regulates the
Stomach and Bowels, giving healthy and natural sleep. 1
The Children's Panacea The Mother's Friend;
Bears the
The Kind You Have Always Bought
In Use For Over 30 Years.
Tiic New
Lamp M
Ed Burns. H. Zoller, Rainier; R. F. Reason-
er. Hillsboro: B. W. Cyrus. Brio; E. Russell,
Sandy; B. W. Cyrus, Sclo; W. G. Rhodes.
Riddle: 1. M. Parsons. La Center; M. O. Ktl
gore. McMinnville; H. Loomts, Astoria; B.
F. O'Neal. G. M. Cai-tle, H. D. Cole, David
Monary. H. Gilbert, Hillsboro: H. O. Whlet
all, Vancouver; P. R. Robblns and daugh
ter, Aurora; C, L, Davis, city; W. I. Sprad
lln. Orient; I. D. McDonald, Dallas: Theo
dore Jourdan, city; L. r. Chilcress, Rand'.e;
W. E. Green, C. B. Bremerson, Cottaga
Grove; W. E. Evans, Troutdale; O. G. Mo
Intyra, Sandy; Norton Hallett, Forest Grove;
Jack Adams and wife, Chehalle; Ernest
Brown, Houlton; A. Moak, Clackamas; A.
Wlckloud, W. W. l.ylle, St. Johns; a.
Goraber. Cottage Grove; I. Klnel, J. E.
Brallin. Seaside, William T. Emerick, Etna;
F. W. Toby, city; Louis Laldlaw. Eureka; E.
E. Marshall, city; E. A. Hartman, Wapinl
tla; C- S. Howard, Mullno; W. B. Stephen
aon, Yacolt: I. F. Welah. Astoria; S. O.
Clodfelts, Wasco; L. F. Jones and wife,
Kalama; T. M. Templeton, William Bask,
Kelso; I. M. Allen, Bisbee; I. Mcintosh, city;
8. B. Stewart. Woodland; , George Morris,
Olympla: William Gilbert, Charlea F. Whit
comb, 6alem; T. E. Miles, Newberg.
Hotel PonneTfr, Tacoma, Wash.
European plan. Ratea, 7o cants to S2.Q
per day. Free 'bus.
Bought, and which has been
has borne the signature of
and has been made under his per
sonal supervision since Its infancy
Allow no one to deceive you in this.
Signature of