Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, April 18, 1907, Page 18, Image 18

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100 Tele phones Connecting All Departments of the Establishment Call Exchange 4 and You Can Shop by Teleph
ii " "
Meier ( 1 Trank's 899th Friday Surprise Sale
100 Ham i-Embroid'r'd Linen Robes
$30Vals.$ 12.95
$20Vals.$ 8.95
In the Lace Department for tomorrow's great 899th
Friday Surprise Sale, we offer two sensational bar
gain in hand-embroidered Linen Robes A special
purchase from a large New York importing house
enables us to present values up to $30.00 each at
$ 1 2.95 and values up to $20.00 for $8.95 The
styles are magnificent Beautiful hand-embroidered
work on superior quality linen White and colored
qesigns with insertions and medallions of cluny lace
The grandest robe bargains ever announced by
Portland's Largest and Best Store
Values Up to $30.00 at $12.95
Values Up to $20.00 at $ 8.95
i .
Remember only 100 in the lot Yon will have to
come early if you want one Bargains like this
don't last all day Store opens at 8 o'clock
See Fifth-Street Window Display
Meier Prank's 899th Friday Surprise Sale
$141.25 Silk Gloves 4?cPr.
2000 pairs of women's 2 and 3 vclasp Silk and Suede Lisle Gloves, with double tipped fingers, to be sold
tomorrow at an extraordinarj low price per pair. Black, white, brown, mode, tan, navy and gray. Aff
Sizes 5'2 to 7. Regular 85c, $1.00 and $1.2o values, on sale at this special low price, per pair.T' C
No mail or phone orders wiH be filled at this unusually reduced priced. Store opens at 8 A. M.
Meier Frank's 899th Friday Surprise Sale
Walking Skirts
Another great special Surprise Sale of Wom
en's Walking Skirts for tomorrow's selling-
All new, up-to-date styles in pleated and plain
gore effects Button and strap trimmed Mate-
rials include fancy mixtures, plaids, checks
and stripes Serges, Panamas, tweeds and
worsteds Well-made and finished throughout.
Walking Skirts that find ready sale at $8.00
and $10.00 each 200
of them to be sold to-
morrow at this won
derfully low price, ea.
See Fifth-Street Window Display
No Mail or Phone Orders Filled
You'll Have to Come Early if You Want
to Choose from the Best Take Advantage
- j, .
35c Wash Goods at 1 8c Yard
In the Wash Goods Department, for tomorrow's 899th Friday Surprise Sale, we offer a very unusual bar
pain in 5000 yards fancy mercerized Wash Goods white and colored effects, in large assortment. 1 O
Values up to 35c a yard, on sale tomorrow only at this special low price, yd. take advantage. OC
Umbrellas at 98c
MEN'S $1.50
AND $1.75
Umbrellas at 98c
Two special values in Men's and Women's Umbrellas
for tomorrow's 899th Friday's Surprise Sale -You
can always find use for one or two at this low price
500 women's 26-inch Umbrellas Paragon frame, mercerized rain
proof covering; tape edge, cover, case and tassel. An immense
variety of handles; plain wood, sterling mounted, pearl, QO
gunmetal, horn and oxidized; values up to $2 each, at.. OC
Kft wion'c T?n;.n.w-.l T'. 1, ,1 1 - I J -.I .
500 men's Rainproof Umbrellas,' mercerized Gloria cloth covering;
piain ana iancy nanoies, sieei roa, paragon Irame; zo
ineh size; very large variety; $1.50-$1.75 values, special
$10, $12.50 Back Combs at $3.98
Fancy Jeweled Collars at Half Price
Special lot of women's high-grade fancy back Combs high tops, gold inlaid and fancy stone J i QO
sellings; all new, pretty styles, selling regularly at prices up to $12.50; tomorrow only, ea. &JZfO
Special lot of women's fancy Jeweled Collars, set in all color stones; beautiful assortment; values U
up to $12.50 eaih, on sale tomorrow only at exactly one-half the selling prices take advantage.. 2
Handkerchief Sll6 Fr tomon"ow's 899th Friday "Surprise Sale 600 dozen women's
fine Handkerchiefs white and colored novelties embroidered cor-
Tnm ftrPOVV 1 7 r a ners very large assortment. Regular 25c and 35c values, y
x umui i uvv 1 1 c&a. nn . tnmnrrnw onIv -t tll. . 1 7c
" "J umwuiuij tvn ll ICC, CcVCU . w
Today's Great
Special Values
5000 Window
Screens at
In the Basement Store for today
and tomorrow, 5000 adjustable Win
dow Screens, good solid frames, well
made and finished, at these prices :
24x33-inch on sale. Bpecial.a:L27
28x42-inch, on sale, special, ea..34
Special Sale of
Nickel ware
Housekeepers should take advan
tage of this great special sale of all
copper ware, nickel-plated. The best
grade and grand values, on sale at:
No. 7 Kettle, $1.15 value, at. 89
No. 8 Kettle, $1.30 value, at. $1.03
No. 9 Kettle, $1.40 value, at.$l.ll
9.uu ea .rots, on sale for.. 790
$1.10 Tea Pots, on sale for.. 870
$1.15 Tea Pots, on sain for . fll
ipi.iio Tea Pots, on sale for. .
$1.00 Coffee Pots, at, each..
$1.10 Coffee Pots, at, each..
$1.15 Coffee Pots, at, each..
$1.25 Coffee Pots, at, each..
Great Sale
Of Uftdermuslin
Special lot of women's French hand
made Nightgowns, made of the very
finest French percales; low, round
neck, slipover styles;, hand-embroidered
fronts, and eyelets drawn with
ribbon; short sleeves, all sizes, and
good assortment ; values . 9 lO
from $9 to $12 each.-S 0
Special lot of women's handmade
Chemise, embroidered yokes and
eyelets drawn with ribbons; all sizes,
$3.75 and $4.00 val- tf
ues; your choice, at...M"
200 -women's white Cambric Petti
coats, trimmed in embroideries and
laces; separate dust ruffles; all the
very best styles, selling P 1 CCk
at from $2.25 to $2.50. P
Great Sale of
20-inch Batiste Allover Embroideries
in exquisite designs and colorings;
lace stripe effects, in white, pink,
blue and black; novel ideas for lin
gerie waists; values to (.Q
$6.50, on sale at, yard. if
Beautiful 20-inch Embroideries for
waists; white grounds, with blue,
pink, black and tan embroiderv;
values to $3.50; on sale fl 1 QO
at, special, the yard. . . H
2000 yards of Corset Coverings in
Swiss and nainsook; new designs, in
laoe effects and French embroidery.
Values up to $1.50, on sale JQl,
at this low price, the yard.
18-inch Figured Allover Nets white,
cream and ecru; very pretty for
waisting; values up to $1.75 a yard,
on sale at this low price, yard..69J
Soap Sale
All kinds of Domestic and Import
ed Soaps on sale at greatly reduced
prices. Look to your needs at once:
Fairy Soap, on sale at, dozen. .43
Palm Olive Soap at, the cake.. 8
Jergen's Old-Fashioned Soaps, in gly
cerine, oatmeal and elder
flower; on sale, special, cake..C
Vegatine Toilet Soap, just the thing
for boarding-houses and ho- vr
tels, sp'l., the dozen cakes. JC
Transparent Glycerine Soap, 1 ft,
on sale at, sp'l., 3 cakes for. 9C
Fairbanks' Glycerine Tar Soap, great
special value, on sale at, cake..3
Lifebuoy Soap, sanitary and A..t
disinfectant; sp'l., the cake.r
Conti Castile Soap, 4-lb. bars..59J
La Premira Castile Soap, none f
better; great value, special...
Oatmeal, Glycerine and' But- ff
termilk Soap, 3 cakes for. w
Mayer's Medicated Toilet Soap, Qf
15c value, on sale at, special.."''
Fine Toilet Soaps in assorted odors,
including violet, rose, buttermilk,
lilac, etc. ; 3 cakes in a box ; 1 Q
on sale at, special, the box.
Fine as Silk Toilet Soaps, in carna
tion, violet, rose, 3 cakes for. . 12
A great many other lines of both
imported and domestic Soaps, placed
on sale at greatly reduced prices.
Remnants of Cur
tain Materials
Half Price
1000 Remnants of Curtain materials
Swiss, lace, cretonne, silkoline, silks,
denims, etc. 1 to 6-yard lengths; all
styles and colorings, on sale at
Curtains at V2 Price
Single pairs of Arabian, Brussels,
Irish Point, Cluny and Nottingham
Lace Curtains values from $2.00 to
$20.00 a pair at naif regular price.
Meier (Eb Frank's 899tli Friday Surprise Sale
1 00 Men's High-Grade Suits
$28.00 to $30.00
Values at $2 1 .65
The highest grade ready-to-wear apparel for men on sale
tomorrow at a surprisingly low price Fine custom-tail-
ored suits, when made to your order, cost $40 to $50
About 100 garments in the lot The best product of Am
erica's most famous makers L. Adler Bros. &. Co. , Stein
Bloch Co. and The Washington Co.-Absolutely all wool
materials, fine worsted in neat light and dark gray ef
fectsPlaids, over-plaids, checks, stripes The very new-
est designs and color combinations Hand-tailored suits
of the latest fashion, linings and trimmings the very best
Opportunity is offered the best dressed men in the com.
inanity to bay business and dress suits of the highest
grade at a price we know you cannot duplicate anywhere
in the United States Suits the exclusive clothier asks you
$35.00 to $40.00 for Take ' :
your pick from them tomor
row, only, at this remarkably
low price per suit
See Fifth-Street Window Display
$l;?5-$2.00 Silk Scarfs 69c Each
Great Surprise Sale bargain in women's fine Silk Scarfs, made of Crepe de Chine, plain China silk and
flowered mull. Very rich, effective styles full two yards long and hemmed. Regular $1.75 LQ
and $2.00 values, on sale tomorrow at this unusually low price, each-take advantage U7C
AUTO VEILS Great Surprise Sale of 200 Automobile Veils, full three yards long, nicely made; hand
Si I 1 O FATH ' Bome colorings; black, white, light blue, pink, gray, mais, brown, tan CJ 1 1 Q
' y ".n and garnet; $1.75 and $2 values, on sale tomorrow only at this price.. P
Meier Frank's 899th Friday Surprise Sale
's Shoes and Oxfords
Regular $3.50 Values $2.35
Our Weekly Surprise Sale Bargain in the Shoe Store will
interest women who want to buy fine shoes and oxfords
at a price below manufacturing cost All the new models
and leathers in both lines All sizes and widths The shoes
are in patent colt, vici kid, patent tip and gunmetal
Hand-sewed, walking-weight soles, cnban heels, blucher
and lace styles - The oxfords are in patent colt, vici kid,
patent tip, tan Russia calf, tan kid oxfords, walking weight
soles, cuban heels Ten styles tose-
lect from - All sizes Regular $3,
values - On sale tomorrow, only,
this wonderfully low price, per pair
se- . ,
Mail Orders Carefully Filled
Remhants of Sheetings, Cottons, Etc.
In the Linen Aisle, for tomorrow's 899th Friday Surprise Sale, we will place on the counters 2000
Remnants of Cotton Goods Muslins, Long Cloths, Sheetings, Nainsooks, etc., in all grades and lengths,
at greatly reduced prices. The scarcity and high prices prevailing in all lines of cotton goods should
make these bargains in .Remnants especially attracive to all economical women. In the Linen Aisle.
Economical parents must be interested in tomorrow's import
ant sale of Boys Suits of the best style at a price never before
known New, stylish, norfolk coats with knickerbocker trou-
sers Coat made with yoke and belt Materials are fancy
urArefoile fanvp kainAle m1 Vul... ....11 J J "
perfect fitting garments for boys 6 to
15 years of age Suits that we have
never sold for less than $6.50 Take
your pick tomorrow at this low price
: See Fifth-Street Window Display
Mail and Phone Orders Carefully Filled
Anticipate Your Boys' Vacation Clothing Needs
Men's $ 1 .00-$ 1 .50 Shirts 49c Ea.
In the Men's Furnishing Goods Section tomorrow, 5000 men's hew 1907 Golf Shirts Oxfords, madras,
percales, plain and fancy colorings whites, stripes and figures; all the best designs and colorintrs:
J- 1 i 1 4. ' 1 . , , j. Jf All . . , . . ... . . . . '
iiiaue cuai eivie. ureal, vaneLjr i seieci irum. All sizes. . anirts selling regularly at $1.UU to
$1.50 each. Your choice tomorrow only on sale at this unusually low price, each
I -. III! -III!
- . s.