THE MORNING OKEGONIAN. TUXTRSDAT, APRIL 18, 1907. 17 NO EASTERN CULL Sharp Break in Prices in Local Hide Market. UNDERTONE IS VERY WEAK At Chicago, However, It Is Believed That the Easier Money Situa tion Will IJelp Toward a Later Improvement. The hid market has fallen Into a more Or leu demoralized condition and local deal ers have reduced their quotations on preen hides about 1 cent. The market Is decid edly Inactive, owing to the lack of orders from the East, where prices have been de pressed by the grubby stock offering. The possibility of a strike among the tanners and leather workers of California also tends to check activity In the hide market here. The situation at Chicago, the principal hide market of the United States, la ex plained In late mall advices from that city as follows: The packers are taking a more hopeful view of the situation, owing to a somewhat easier money market, and state that with lower rates for time loans the demand for hides will be sure to show a material im provement. As far as the present market Is concerned, however. It is dull and weak, with no Increase In the demand from tan ners, except the better call for Texas steers and branded cows from Southwestern points, where cattle are running shorter haired and lees grubby. Sales of Texas steers ahead Into middle of April salting have been made from Southwestern packing points at 15VaO for heavy, 15c for light, and 14 He for ex tremes. These prices are unchanged on the light and extreme weights, but higher on the heavies. Southwestern branded cows have been sold at 14 hi c. Including one sale of 10,000 of these at that figure. Branded cows are obtainable from Northern points at 14c The weak feature of the packer mar ket Is in native steers, native cows and butt brands. A New York packer. In order to And- a buyer, made a material break in prices and sold February native steers at 13c, and butt brands and Colorado together at 12c It Is believed that Chicago packers could not secure over 14c for a block of late salting native steers, or over 13c for native cows, but small lots have been moved at Ma over these prices. The country hide market has been In a demoralized condition, with tanners almost entirely out of the market, and the last sale of buffs in Chicago was at 11c, which Is a drop of c from the previ ous transaction. One sale of extreme light country cows was made at ll4c. Foreign dry hides are also weak, but there Is suffi cient demand from the smaller Independent tanners to prevent any material breaks. ONIONS ADVANCE TO FOUR CENTS. Stocks -Here Are depleted by Shipment to the South. Onions went up to 4 cent per pound in the local market yesterday. The same thing that caused the advance here weakened the San Francisco market. Oregon has for some time been practically the only scarce of supply on the Pacific Coast, and to take advantage of the good prices below, shipments were freely made to the South, thus leaving the local market well nigh bare of stock. A carload of Texas Bermuda onions la due here Monday, but as they will sell around B cents. It is probable that home-grown onions will soon reach that price. The San Francisco market was also weaker on potatoes, owing to heavy arrivals from tills state and the Bast. The top price for Oregon Burbanks In the Bay City was $2.30. Last night' t earner carried but four car loads, one of which was seed potatoes. The aext steamer will clean up all that are left on the docks and this will probably wind up the water shipments. It is estimated that only 75 or 80 cars of potatoes will be left in growers' and dealers bands in Oregon by May 1. There will be no scarcity of potatoes here, however, for many cara have been ordered from the East. Whether or not these pota toes) will keep through the early Summer months tw a question. PLENTY OF TOMATOES TODAY. Part of a Car of Florida Stock for the Local Trade. The Florida tomato season will be fully spened today, so far as the local market Is concerned. A carload of the tomatoes arrived, at Seattlte yesterday and the Portland allot ment will reach this city by exprese this morn ing. It Is understood the tomatoes will be offered at $4 per crate for choice and $4.50 for fancy. Oregon cauliflower 1a coming in more freely and Is quoted lower at 75 cents to $1.25 per dozen, according to size and quality. A few years ago It was not thought that cauliflower could be grown here In the Winter, but the Industry Is now assuming large proportions. 6c me Oregon asparagus Is coming in, but It Is stll lhtgh. Three oars of Los Angeles cab sage are due today. Apples are arriving yet from the foothills near Mount Hood and are moving fairly well. Two cars of oranges reached Portland during the day. Bananas are due Saturday night. They were reported from B 11 lings yesterday in good green condition. This lot come from Changulnola, HOP TRADE VX SATISFACTORY. Only Small Business Passim Between Deal erg at Low Prices. A few transactions between dealers at around 7o and 7 He, prices that not long ago would have been considered ridiculous, are the only signs of life in the local hop mar ket. Advices from New York City report a little activity in shipments from the Coast, but at small prices. A fair quality of Yolos, , 107 bales, brought only Sc there, and a 112-bale lot 9c, while some good olds from the same section sold at 6c. A small lot of Sacramento was offered at 6 Ho and a small lot of Western 'Washington changed hands at 9 He. There was a sale of 100 bales of prime Oregons at 10c and a 40-bala lot of 1103 states brought 44c. The Washington and California markets were dull yesterday. Information received from the latter state was to the effect that the recent flood will have no adverse effect on the coming crop. EGO MARKET 18 CN CERTAIN. Outside Orders Vp to the Present Have Held Prices Steady. The future of the egg market is somewhat uncertain. Arrivals are again Increasing, but at the present time there is a fair shipping Inquiry that prevents any accumulation here. So long as the outside demand lasts prices are likely to remain steady, but without a ship ping outlet It would be necessary to store the eggs at a lower price. There Is still a good inquiry for chickens that holds quotations at a high mark There were no features In the butter market yesterday. The tone was weak all around. Bunk Clearings. Bank clearance of the leading cities of the Northwest yesterday were: ClMir'.nrs. Balances. Portland -...$1.3U.JM2 $ 77. SH 'Seattle M l,4ti7,l-l4 1S4.521 Taeoma 7M.:12 4S.173 pokane 9UU,9o7 129,470 $10.50, country S20.50 per ton; U. S. Mills dairy chop, $15.50 per ton. WHEAT Ciuo, 7oc; Diuestezn, i c; val ley, 7iiu; red, 74c. OATS Xio. l wnite, t-u.ou; gray, tza&tv. FLOUR Patents, $4.S0; straights, Sa.75; clears, $3.75; Valley, $3.80g3.tK); graham Hour, S J. iitf HUUIO wueui uuur, 4.50. RYE Sl.4oMl.5w per CWL BARLEY Feed. $1.50 per ton: brewing, a23: rolled. $23. 0 & 4.50. CEREAL FOODS Rolled oats, cream, gO pound sacks, S7; lower grades, $5.5O(&6.o0; oatmeal, steel-cut. 45-pound sacks, $ii per barrel; 9-pound sacks, $4.25 per bale; oat meal (ground), 45-pound sacks, $7.50 per barrel: v-pound Backs. $4 per bale; spat peas, per 100 pounds, $4.254.80; pearl bar ley, $4 4.50 per 100 pounds; pastry flour. 1U-pound sacks, $2.30 per bale. COKiN Whole, 5; cracked. sze per ton. HAY Valley timothy. No. 1. S15&16 per ton; Eastern Oregon timothy, $17 18; clo ver, $9; cheat, $9; grain hay, $910. Vegetables, Fruits Etc DOMESTIC FRUITS Strawberries. 25c per pound.; appl-e, common, 75c&$1.25 per box; choice, $1.502; cranberries, $10,50411 per TROPICAL FRUITS Lemons, fancy. $4 5 box: oranges, navels. $2.50'g3.50; grape fruit. $3i&3. 50; bananas, 4H5c per pound. ROOT VEGETAh LiuS Turnips, JlW'i.ZJ per sack; carrots, $1(1.25 per sack; beets, $1.23 1.50 per sack; garlic, 7H if 10c per pound; horseradish, 7 (Stic per pound; chic ory, 30c. FRESH VEGETABLES Cabbage. Call- f orn la, 2 H c per pound ; cauliflower, 7o $1.25 dozen ; lettuce, head, 35&45c dozen ; on ions, lOel2Hc per dozen; tomatoes, $2.25.? 4.50 crate, parsley, 253uc; artichokes, 75-soc lnzen: hothouse lettuce,. pox; peas, izh fclSc; radishes, 20c dozen; asparagus, 15c per pounu ; Den peppers, ouo oc per pouna; rhubarb, 4&L5c per pound; cucumbers, $23; spinach. $1.50 per crate. OMU.NS Oregon, $3.o0fi4 per loo. DRIED FRUITS Apples, 88Hc pound; nricota. 16 it 19c: Deaches. 11 13c: tears. llHlo; Italian prunes, 26o; Califor nia fiers. white. In sacks. S&OHc oer nound: black. 4H&5c; bricks, 75c$2.25 per box; Smyrna, 18H20c pound; dates, Parisian, OH c pound. POTATOES Jobbing price: $1.85 3 -per sack. RAISINS Layers and clusters. 2-crown $2.15, 3-crown $2.25, 6-crown $3.10, 8- crown ?j.du; torse muscatels, it-crown ec. 8-crown 8 He, 4-crown 9c; seedless, Thomp sons, 10 He; Sultanas. 8 12 He Butter, Eggs, Poultry, Etc. BUTTER City creameries: Extra cream ery, 27Hc per pound. State creameries: Fancy creamery, 2b (q 27 H c ; store butter, 17Hc. BUTTER FAT First grade cream, 2So per pound; second grade cream, 2c leas per pound. CHEESE Oregon full cream twins, 15H 16c; Young America, 16 H & 17c per pound. POULTRY Average old hens, 15 16c; mixed chickens, 15laHc; Spring fryers and broilers, 22 H S 25c; old roosters, iJ012c; dressed chickens, 16&17o; turkeys, live, 13 ft'15c; turkeys, dressed, choice, 18H20c; geese, live, per pound, 8c; ducks, ldltto; piireon, $11.50; squabs, $2 3. EGGS 19c per dozen. Dressed Meats. VEAL Dressed, 75125 pounds, 88Hc; 125 150 pounds, 7c; 150 200 pounds, 6c; 200 pounds and up, 6 tie. BEEF Dressed bulls, Sfjj'SHc per pound; cows, 5&6c; country steers, 6&7c. MUTTON Dressed, fancy, 1010Ho per pound; ordinary, 8 9c; Spring lambs, with pelts, 13c PORK Dressed, 100130 pounds, 8H 9c ; 150 u 200 pounds, 7 & 7 H c ; 200 pounds and up, 6'j6Hc. f Groceries, Nuts, Esc. RICE) Imperial japan No. 1, 5Koj Bouth ern Japan, 6-4oc; bead, 6.75c COFFEE Mocha, 242J4c; Java, ordinary, 17620c; Coata Rica, fancy. 18i&20c; good, 169 18c; ordinary. 1216c per pound. Columbia roaet, casee, lou, $14.50; bos, $14.75; Ar buckle, $16.03; Lion, $15.75. SALMON Columbia .River, 1-pound tails, $1.75 per dos. ; 2-pound talis, $2.40; 1-pound hats. $1.10; Alaska, pink, 1-pound tails. 95c: red. 1-pound tails, $1.25; sockeye. 1-pound tails, $1.70. SUGAR Sack basis. 100 pounds, cube. $5.37 H ; powdered, $5.27 H ; granulated, $3.17; extra C, $4.62H; golden C, $4.52H; fruit sugar, $5.12H; berry, $5.12H; XXX, $5.02; P. C, $0.O2H. Advance sales over Back basis as follows: Barrels, 10c; H bar rels, 25c; boxes, 50o per loo pounds. Terms: On remittances within 15 days deduct Vo per pound; If later than 15 days and within 30 days, deduct fyc; beet sugar, $5.02 H per 100 pounds; maple sugar, 15t 18c pec pound. Ni'TS Walnuts, 16H20c per pound by sacld; Brazil nuts, 19c; filbert, 18c; pecans, J urn boa, 23c, extra large 21c; almonds, 18 fc20c; chestnuts, Ohio, 17c; Italian, 14 to 15c; peanuts, raw. 6&SHc per pound; roasted, 10c; pinenuts, lul2c; hickory nuts. I0c; cocoanuts, 3((j90c per dozen. SALT Granulated, $14 ' per ton; $2 per bale; half ground, 100s, $10.50 per ton; 60s, $11 per ton. . BEANS Small white, 8c; large white, 8c; pink. 3c; bayou, Sc; Lima, 6 Ho; Mex icans, red, 4c. HONEY Fancy, $3.253.C0 per box. Hops, Wool, Hides. to HOPS 7&10o per pound, according to quality. WOOL Eastern Oregon average best, ISO 18c uer nound. according to shrinkage: Valley. 2ui22e, according to fineness. AioHAlK Choice, 2i)U2Jhio per pound. CASCAKA BARK Old. 6&5Hc per pound fl HlDl&S Dry, No. 1. 16 pounds and up, 20fl pound; dry kip. No. 1, 5 to 15 jounds, lti318e per pound; dry calf. No. 1, under 5 pounds, 20ii-2:; dry salted; Bulls and stage, one-third Us than dry Hint; culls, moth-eaten, badly cut, scored, murrain, hair-slipped, weather-beaten, nr smhbv. 2o to 3c per Douud less: salted steers, sound, 60 pwunUs and over, loc i'ouno; steers, wuuu, uv to w pounas, 9i&'loc pound; steers, sound, under 60 pounds, and cows, pound; stags and bulls, sound, 6;!&7c pound; kip, sound, 15 to 30 pounds, 9ii 10c pound; veal sound, 10 to 14 pounds, low He; calf, sound, under 10 pounds lljjl2c pound; green (unsalted), lc pound less; culls, lc pound less; sheepskins, shearlings. No. 1 butchers" stock, 25(& 3uc each; short wool. No. 1 butclerB stock, 50tc.tioc each; medium wool. No. 1 butchers stock, $1.262 each; murrain pelts, from 10 to 20 per cent less, or 15jl0c pound; horse hides, salted, according to slxe $2ii(2.60 each; hides, dry, according to size, $1-&.1.&0 each; colts' hides. 25a5tc each; goatskins, common, 15i&25c each; goatskins. Ansora, with wool on, 3oc6$1.50 each. FURS Bear skins, as to size. No. 1, $5 20 each; cubs, $1U3 each; badger, prime, 25;s50c each; cat, wild, with head perfect, 3050c; cat, -house, 64i20c; fox. common gray, large prima, 6outOC each; red, $35 each; cross, $5tH5 each; silver and black, $100300 each; fishers, $:j8 each; lynx, $4.5u6 each; mink, strictly No. 1, aiicording to size, $1&3 each; marten, dark northern, according to sice and color, $lu&15 each; pale, pine, according to size and color, $2.50&"4 each; muskrat. large, 12ipl5a each; skunk, 30(a40a each; civet or polecat, on 15c each; otter, for large, prime skin, 10 -ach; panther, with head and claws perfect, $2fi5 each; raccoon, for prime, large, o0i&75o each; wolf, mountain, with head perfect, $3.50 j&; prairie (coyote), 60cn$l; wolverine. $0tfS Provisions and Canned Meats. BACON Fancy breakfast, 21Ho pound; standard breakfast, 19c; chclce, 15c; Eng lish, 11 to 14 pounds, 17c; peach, lttHo. HAMS 10 to 11 pounds, 16Hc pound; 14 to 16 pounds, 16c; 18 to 20 pounds, 16c; picnics, 12c; cottage, llc shoulders, 12c; boiled, 25c; boiled picnic, boneless, 20a BARRELED GOODS Pork, barrels, $20; half-barrels, $11; beef, barrels, $10, haif-bar-rtl? $5.50. SAUSAGE Ham, 13c per pound: minced ham, 10c; Eummer, choice dry. It He; bo logna, long, tic; weinerwurst. 10c; liver, 6c; pork, 10c; headcheese. 6c; blood. 6c; bologna link uHc. DRY SALT CURED Regular short clears, dry salt, 12c; smoked, 13c; clear backs, dry salt, 12c; smoked, 13c; clear bellies, 14 to IT pounds average, dry salt, none ; smoked, mone; Oregon exports, dry salt, 12 He; moked. 13H?- LAJrtn Kettle rendered: Tierces, 12Ho; tubs. I2ic; 5ta, 12ic; 20s. 12c; 10s, 13i4c; 5c. 13c. Standard pure: Tierces, HHc; tube, llc;' ftos. llic; 20s. ll,c; 10s. 12c; 5s. 12Hc Compound: Tierces, ttc; tubs, 9e; 50s, Oic; 10s, 9a4c;-5s, 9Hc t Dried Fruit at New York. NEW YORK. April 17. Evaporated ap ples slightly easier in ton as offerings ap pear to be Increasing and demand continues lisrht. Fancy, 8c; choice, 7o; prime, 6H He; poor to fair, 5H6c. Prunes are unsettled on spot, owing to offerings from speculative holders and the absence of Important demand. Quotations range from 8 He to 12 H c for California fruit. Oregons are quoted at 5Hc to 10c. Apricots are quie and unchanged. Choice, 17.l8o; extra choice, lSH19c; fancy, 19? 20c. Peaches, barely steady. Choice, 11211 Ho; extra choice, 12 $f 12 He; fancy, 12 H & 13c; extra fancy. 13 l",c- Raisins are unchanged. Loose muscatels, 8 $ 10c; seeded raisins, 71 11c; London bxyera, $1.50 61.60- New York Cotton Market. NEW YORK, April 17. Cotton futures closed steady at a net decline of 6 ij 1 points. April, 9.55c; May, 9.64c; June, 9.6Vc;' July, 9.67c; August ana aeptemoer, a.iuc; October, 9.92c; November, 9.96c; December, 10c; January, 10.15c; February, 10.21c; March, 10.2Sc. Dairy Produce in the East. CHICAGO, April 17- On the Produce Ex change today the butter market was strong. Creameries, 22 30 He; dairies, 20 4 28c Eggs, steady; at mark, cases included, 16c; firsts, 16 H c ; prime firsts, 17 c Cheese, firm, 13 15c Damascus creamery hmterla. X, 0 & PartiantL 2W DEMAND DIES OUT No General Outside Participa tion in Stock Market. CLOSE NEAR THE LOWEST Course - of the Money Market Is a Subject of Uncertainty The Foreign Financial Situa tion Improves. - N NETV YORK,. April IT. The only factor of any Importance to be' drawn from the action of today's stock market was its narrowing pro portions, due to the decline in general Inter est In the operations. The demand from un covered shorts, which was responsible for yes terday's brisk price movement, In spite of the small dealings, was carried somewhat further today before it had exhausted its Influence oa prices. Dealings lapsed into a state of leth argy. This condition Is regarded as rather seasonable, especially as following so impor tant a liquidation as was completed last month. The field is still full of rumors of conse quences left by the severe decline in prices which took place then and the heavy losses involved, The fair inference that much Is to be done In the way of repair of damage done at that time gives credibility to rumors and makes sentiment sensitive to their increase. The losses in volved, it is generally believed, have fallen upon speculators of the important kind and whose operations have been relied upon, for a long time past for-leadership of any -important movement in the market. It la rather obvious that the , purely investment demand for stocks, which was conspicuous at the ex treme low level of prices and which may be relied upon to effect an actual, reduction of the floating supply of stocks, has died out almost entirely at the recovered level of prices and has aubaided also in the bond market. The course of the money market with any active resumption of demand for currency from the Interior is another subject of uncertainty. With the added problems of the outcome of the year's crops and the extent to which the slowing down in trade may go, the halt in stock speculation becomes Intelligible. News developments were of small conse quence as they air ec ted the market. Much responsibility for the reaction was attributed to a published report that hearings would be resumed tomorrow by the Interstate Com merce Commission into the Harriman railroad operations, with an application to the courts to enforce an answer to questions refused be fore. The strengts of the morning was con nected to an extent with the further recovery in copper metal in the London market. Money here was firmer, although the change was scarcely perceptible. New York exchange at Chicago has fallen to 25 cents discount, while foreign exchange here Is firmer. Discouuis hardened in London and the likelihood of a further reduction in the Bank of England's discount rate la lessened by the movement of gold from London to Paris. It is explained, however, that this movement Is due to repay ment of London discounts, purchased last year by the Bank of France. The movement, there fore, represents a working back to normal conditions which is expected to operate to wards the easing of the stress which has been perceptible In Paris. Today's statement of the Imperial Bank of Germany also showed a rapid further recuperation from the strain of the April settlements reflected in the state ment of two weeks ago. Last prices of stocks were near the lowest. Bonds were irregular. Total sales, par value, $1,298,000. United States bonds were unchanged on call. CLOSING STOCK QUOTATIONS. Closing ' Bales. High, Adams ExDrees Low. .ma. 2fc0 93 99 30 80 200 20 H 76 1214 28 Amalgam Copper.. Sl.bOO 94 99 3U 5H Am Car & Foundry 8t 3ti uo preierrea (N Am Cotton Oil 100 preierreu. American Express Am Hd & Lt pf.. Am Ice Securities Am Linseed Oil... do preferred ..... Am Locomotive. . do preferred l,i66 '63H 62 7i6o6 i32 100 li'S4 1084 200 124 122 8,766- 2j 15,700 94 93 "4,800 99 9Si i.4O0 607i 58 6.3U0 1774 175 700 29 28 "iiio6 42Tt 41 H G"0 13 H 13 H IOO 150 150 10,700 134 132i$ "4266 "S5T4 "sl 2,300 27& 264 "6o6 '19 . 6K 79M! 79H 700 186 185 ' "6o6 'so" 2H 101 130 108 122 m bmelt & Kefln do preferred Am Sugar Refining Am Tobacco pf.... Anaconda Mln Oo.. 91 H tJL Atchison 15,700 93 ao preierrea 5 102 Atlantic Coast Line Baltimore & Ohio 984 do Drererred Bit Brook Rao Transit 4.4O0 58 Canadian acinc. . . J.10 Central Leather... 28 do Drererred Cent of New Jersey 11K) Chesapeake & Ohio 3.4O0 41 1314 149 132 una urea,t w eastern Chi & Northwest.. Chi.. Mil. & St. P. Chi Term & Trans .... do preferred C, C. C. & St. L. Colo Fuel & Iron.. Colo & Southern.. do 1st preferred... do 2d preferred.. Consolidated Gas. . Corn Products do preferred. . . . Delaw & Hudson . . 15 69 84 26H 69 47 130 19 78 185 .4id 20 75 60 23 2 Del., Lack. West JJ en & K10 o ran de do preferred Distillers' Securit.. 2.000 71 Erie 8,7K 24 do 1st preferred.. f(K 5314 do 2d preferred!. . SiK) 36 General Electric. . . 300 147 Great Northern pf 8,800 133 Illinois Central...-. Int. Met 200 25 H do preferred 4oO 604 International Paper , . do preferred Inte rotational Pump do referred. . . 69 62 86H 146 'A 1314 25" 58 H 36 14 H 131 25 68 14 73 XT 78 Iowa Central do preferred Kan City Southern do preferred Louis ft Nashville Mfxlcan Central. . . Minn. & St. Louis M., St. P. & S.S.M. do preferred ..... M lasouri Pad fle . . . Mo., Kan. & Texas do preferred National Lead .... Mex Nat R R pf N. Y. Central N. Y. Ont. & West Norfolk & Western do preferred North American. Northern Pacific. Pacific Mail... Pennsylvania ..... People's Gas....... Pits.. C. C. ft 3. Im pressed Steel Car 100 80O IS" 36 18 18 30 3tf 24 60 100 116 116 116 1,100 22 21 2 21 48 104 132!) 73 1 3ft 60 1.10O 74 1.900 36 35 5O0 66 66 2.2O0 62 60 ""eoo 118 iif" ""COO 76 75 "7o6 72 72" 12.200 13114 129 4O0 27 27 25.1O0 125 123 1.000 92 90 t t 400 36 35 60 62& 11 1 37 75 j 1 72 120 91 70 S5 do preferred Pullman Pal Car. Reading 148,200 107 go 1st preferred do 2d- preferred. . Republic Steel 700 29 do preferred 600 85 Rock Island Co.... l.NX 11 do preferred...-, 200 49H 168 105 86 85 281 104 84 21 49 84' 2H 48 95 34 KUDDer Lioooe pi. Schloss-Sheffteld . 100 63 St. L. & S. F. 2 pf St. boutnwest. do preferred. . . . Southern Pacific. do t) referred .... 21 62 81 115 2rt 04 '. 40606 S3 81 "pr6 '21 20 ftOO M W 20 14S 145 2S$ 2iZ 27 loo 2915 29 7i0 54 54 .168,500 139V4 134 ! ""366 '72 72" 'ss'tL "S6 , 9,200 lOlJ 100 ! ""466 25 "25 Southern Railway. . do preferred-. . . . Tenn Coal 4 Iron. Texas & Pacific. . . 145 Tot.. St. L. ft West do preferred. . . . Union Pacific... do preferred.... U. 9. ExpresB.... V. S. Realty 54 14 l-v 72 U. 8. Rubber 41 IOI 3 lon do preferred-.-. U. S. Steel do preferred. . . . Virg.-Caro Chem. do preferred .... Wabash do preferred .... 148 25 Wells Farco Exp. Westinghorse Elect Western Union.... Wheel & Lake T5rie 14 100 824 82 ?2 13 10 Wisconsin Central loo 19 19 do preferred 100 y t 40 38 Total sales for the day. 750,100 shares.. BONDS. NEW YORK, April 17. Closing Quotations TJ. S. ref. 2s reg.104 (D. ft R. G. 4s 95 do oupon 104 N. Y. C. Q. 3s 93 V. s. 33 reg ioz xorth. Pac. ss... 71 do coupon. . . 103 H ;North. Pac 4s. . .101 TJ. S new 4s ree.329U South. Pac 4s 88 da coupon. ...laOHillnioa pae. 4-L--.lU U. S. old 4s reg.l01!Wis. Cen. 4s 89 do coupon 10411 Jap. 6s 2d ser... 97 Atchison adj. 4s 91tJap. 4s ctfs... 91 Money, Exchange, Etc. NKW YORK. April 17. Money on call. easy, 23 per cent; ruling rate, 2 2 per cent; closing bid, per eent; offered at 2 per cent. Time loans, firmer; so nays. S&4 per cent; 90 days, 44 per cent; six months, 5 per cent. Prime mercantile paper, 6 per cent. Sterling exchange firmer, witn actual dusi- ness in bankers bills at $4.8545 4-8o50 for demand and at $4 82454.8250 for 60-day bills. Posted rates, $4.83 and $4.SG. Com mercial bills, $4.82 4. 86. Bar silver, 65 C Mexican dollars, S0c Government bonds, steady; railroads, ir regular. LONDON. April 17. Bar silver, steady, 304 d per ounce. Money, 12 per cent. The rate of discount in the ooen market for sliort bills is 3 3 per cent; do three months bills, 3&3 per cent. SAX FRANCISCO, April 17. Silver bars. 65 c. Mexican dollars, 50 61c. Drafts, sight, par; do telegraph. Sc. Sterling, 60 days, $4.82; do sight. $4.85. Daily Treasury Statement. WASHINGTON, April 17. Today's state ment of the treasury balances shows: Available cash balance $248,073,721 Gold coin and bullion 109,343,905 Gold certificates 88,583,690 PORTLAND STOCK EXCHANGE. Another Sale of Home Telephone Five Per Cent Bonds at 85. A private sale of Home Telephone bonds at 85 was reported at the Stock Exchange yesterday. Associated Oil advanced sharp ly to 43. J. j. i-ee stock was oirerea at 16, with 8 bid. v Official prices were as follows: Bank stocks Bid. Ask. Bank of California 360 ... Bankers & Lumbermen s .... 103 Merchants National 177 Oregon Trust & Savings ..... ... luO - Portland Trust Company 120 United States National 200 ... - LISTED SECURITIES. ' Bonds American Biscuit Co. 6s .... 98 100 City St Suburban 4s . 92 Home Telephone 6S 85 O. R. & N. Ry. 4s 99 loo O. W. P. & Ry. 6s 100 103 H Pacific Coast Biscuit 6s 96 100 Portland Railway 5s 98 J. C. Lee Go's 6s ... 100 Miscellaneous stocks- Associated Oil 43 44 , Home Telephone 34 40 J. C. Lee Co 8 16 Pacific States Telephone ...... .... 10O . Puget Sound Telephone ... 40 Mining Stocks Lakevlew 24 Manhattan Crown Point 20 Potlcie Mining 20 Washougai Ext 25 26 UNLISTED STOCKS. Yaquina Bay Telephone 5 ... Oregon City Mill & Lumber 6 Alaska Petroleum 12 16 British .Columbia Amal 03 05 Cascadla 20 Mammoth 03 12 Morning 03 05 Standard Consolidated 06 10 Tacoma Steel .. 08 14 Coeur d'Alens District Bullion 09 10 Copper King 18 21 O. K. Consolidated 04 . 05 Happy Day ' 05 n5 Snowshoe 40 48 Snowstorm 2 SO 200 SALES. 5000 Home Telephone 5 per cent bonds, at 85, private sale. 5 Associated Oil, at 43. . Eastern Mining Stocks. BOSTON, April 17. Closing quotations: Adventurtt 3.50 Osceola ...-..$133.00 Allouez 51. (Ml Amalgamate! 91.S7H Atlantic ... 12.50 Parrot 20 23 Qulncy lis. 00 Shannon .... 17.00 Bingham ... 17.00, Tamarack .. 107.0" Cal. & Hecla 835.0U Trinity 20.25 U. S. Mining 63.50 U. B. OU 10.25 Centennial .. 30.00 Cop. Range.. 79.50 Daly West. . 16.25 Utah 61.00 Franklin ..." 16.50 Victoria .... 7.50 Granby 130.00 Iale Royale.. 18.12 Winona .... 8.00 Wolverine .. 155.00 North Butte. 86.25 Butte Coal.. 2.KT.0 Nevada 14. OO Cal. & Ariz.. 157.00 Mass. Mining 5.87 V, Mtcnigan ... 14. uu Mohawk 77. 00 Mont. C. & C 2.50 O. Dominion 51.50 lArlz. Com... 25.50 PORTLAND UVESTOCK MARKET. Price, Current I vocally oa Cattle, Sheep and , ' The following prices were quoted in the local market yesterday: CATTLE Best steers, $4.754.90; me dium, $4.254.50; cows, $3.754; fair- to medium cows, f 3. 25 3.50; bulls, 1.602; calves, $4.505. SHEEP Best. $6.256.50. HOGS Best, J 7.25 7.60; llRhtweiRhts, $7 7.25; etockera and feeders, $6.7o7.2o. Eastern Livestock Prices. KANSAS CITY. Mo., April 17. Cattle Receipts, 8000. Market steady. Native steers, $4.756.40; native cows and heifers, $35.40; stockers and feeders. $4S.50; bulls, $34.50; calves, $4&7; Western fed steers, $4.253.50; Western fed cows, $3.25 4.75. Hogs Receipts, 11,000. Market, Be lower. Packers, $6.456.55; heavy, $6.45 6.50; pigs and lights, $8.40 8.57. Sheep Receipts, 4000. Market, strong. Muttons, $5.256.40; lambs, $74x8.50; range wethers, $5.307.40; fed ewes, $58.25. CHICAGO, April 17. Cattle Receipts, 23.000. Market, steady to 10c lower. Beeves, $4. 25 6.65; good to prime steers, $5,83 6.65; poor. to medium, $4.255.S0; stockers and feeders, $2.905.10; cows $1.78 4.80; heifers. $2.65 5.30; calves, $4.50 6. Hogs Receipts today, 27,000. Market, Bo lower. Mixed, $6.556.7B; heavy. $6.30 6 70; good to choice heavy, 6.656.75; rough heavy. $6.356.40; light, $a.506.75; pigs, $6.10fi 6.65. Sheep Receipts, 20,000. Market, steady to 10c lower; lambs. $6.50 8.50; native and Western sheep, $4.506.70; yearlings, $6.75 T.25; Western lambs, $6.65 8.65. SOUTH OMAHA, April IT. Cattle Re ceipts, 8500. Market, slow. Native steers, $4&5.85; Western steers, $3.255.25; Btock ers and feeders, $35; calves, $36.50; bulls. Stags, etc., $3f 4.50. Hoes Reeelnts 8000. Market Bo lower. Heavy, $6.306.42; mixed and light, $6.33 6.42; pigs, $5.606.25. Sheer) Receipts, 15.000. Market, stronger. Yearlings, $a.so7.ia; wetners, o.soioni ewes, $5.258.40; lambs, $7.50 8.50. QUOTATIONS AT BAN FRANCISCO.x Prices Paid tor Products In the Bar City Markets. SAN FRANCISCO, April IT. The follow ing prices were quoted tn the proauce mar. ket yesterday: FRUIT Apples, choice, $2; common, $1; bananas. $11. 60; Mexican limes. $68: Cali fornia lemons, choice, $4.SO; common, 75oj oranees. navel. $lffS.50; pineapples, $4. VEGETABLES Cucumbers, $1.251.75; gar- lie, 84c; green peas, 45c; string beans, nominal; asparagus, 7llc; tomatoes, 46o. EOGS Store, 1821c; fancy ranch, 22c. POTATOES Early Kose, J l.ouio 1. 10; sweeia. $4 1.50; Oregon Burbanks, $2 2.30; Oregon seed tfurDanas, 1.90: garnet Chile, $l.GO; River . Whites, $1.85 2. rujtONS Yellow. $3.30S4. BUTTER Fancy creamery, 22c; - cream ery seconds, 21c; fancy dairy, 21c; dairy seconds, nominal; plcklea, lua WOOL. Fall, Humboidt and Mendocino, 1 14c; Nevada, 1516e; south Plains and Ban Joaquin. 6fa8c; tamos, npiuc. HOPS California. 812c CHEESE Young America, lB16c; Eastern. 17 c HAY Wheat. $18823; wheat and oat, $11 21; alfalfa. $Si 11.60; stock. $8.50 10; straw. 45 75c MILLS TUFFS Bran, $2223; middlings. $27 fi30. POULTRY Turkeys, gobblers, nominal; tur keys, hens, nominal; roosters, old, $4.505; young, $7.809; broilers, smalt, $2.503; broilers, large, $43: fryers, $67: bens. $5 8.BO: tfueks. old. $3r6; ducks, young. $68. FLOUR California family extras, $4.85 5.30; bakers' extras. $4.6o4.B0; Oregon aud Washington, $3.7584.50. RECEIPTS Flour, 23,696 quarter sacks; wheat, 150 centals; barley, 4070 centals, oats, 1945 centals; beans, 1050 sacks; corn. SO centals; potatoes. 5125 sacks; bran, 237 sacks; middlings. 984 sacks; hay, 223 tons; wool. 49 bales; bay, lllO tons.' Wool at 6t. Loots. 6T. IOUIS. April IT. Wool, steady. Me dium grades, combing and clothing, 22 24c; fine light. 20$r2!o: heavy nne, 1617oj tu washed. iSiioIa BETTER FOR-CHOPS Weather More Favorable in the Wheat Belt. CAUSES GENERAL SELLING Chicago Market Drops Sharply With Heavy Unloading Declines Also In the Corn and Oata Pits. CHICAGO; April 17. The liberal selling of wheat was a feature during the greater part of the session and was due largely to a belief that Improved weather conditions for the new crop are at hand. Another rea son was the near approach of delivery time on May contracts. On a report of killing frosts throughout Kansas, Missouri, Iowa and Illinois, the market opened excited and strong. Continued absence of rain in Kansas and Nebraska aided- the bullish sentiment, but before the end of the first half hour a brisk selling movement developed and prices broke sharply. The immediate reason for the change In sentiment was an official forecast of showers for several sections of the Win ter wheat belt. The market at times rallied moderately on covering by shorts and de clined again Just before the close. The latest recession followed a report of snow In Nebraska. The close was weak, He lower. May opened 14o to V4e higher at 78e to 78 He sold oft to 77o and closed at 7777V4c. July opened Hc to a,V4o higher at 80c to 81c, sold at 81HC and de clined to 7979'c. closing at 79to. The corn market opened firm in sympathy with wheat, but free selling by a local bull soon caused an easier feeling during the first hour. The close was steady. May opened He to 4c higher at 4714c to 47c, sold off to 46463&c and closed c lower at 46c. July opened c to c higher at 47f4c to 47c, soltl n" to 47c ana ciosea at 4iic. Mav oats ooened Uc higher at iHo to 43 c, sold off to 43c and closed c lower at 4314c. July opened !c to 14c higher at 4014 c to 40c, declined to 4UC ana cioBea at 4040c. Provisions opened easier but became firmer on buying by shorts. At the close July pork was up 5c, lard for was 214c lower and ribs were unchanged. Leadtng futures ranged as follows: WHEAT. " . nu. Ul.h Tyi. f! May t .-sV S .7SV4' $ .77 .77' July Klli .Bi1 -'i"s September ... .82 ..82 .814 .81; December o14 .o14fc .e-js -fti8 CORN. May ......V. .47H -TA July 47 .47 .47 .47H September ... .4 .4a - OATS. May ...... .43 .43 .411 .40 .35 .35 MESS PORK. .43 .43 .40 .40 .35 .35 July beptember May 15 85 15.924 35.80 15.92 July . 15.90 16.00 15.87 lo-OTft LARD. May 8.60 8.65 8.55 8.60 July H.tft MU owi beptemDer ... e.iso 0.01 0.00 SHORT RIBS. May 8.42 8.47 8.42 8 47 July 8.02 8.75 8.00 8.75 September ... 8.72 8.75 8.70 8.73 Cash quotations were as follows: Flour Steady. Wheat No. 2 Sprin. 8083c; No. 3, 75 83c; No. 2 red, 76k779ic. Corn No. 2, 46Vi46c; No. 2 yellow, 46.c Oats No. 2, 42'c; No. 2 white, 44!344c; No. 8 white, 40i&42c. Eye No. 2, 66c. Barley Fair to choice malting, 69?1C. Flaxseed No. 1, $1.12; No. 1 Northwestern. 11.19. Timothy seed Prime, $4.2o. Clover Contract grades, $14.50. Short ribs Sidea (loose). 8.308.40. Mess pork Per barrel, $16.0216.12. Lard Per 100 lbs., $3.87. Sides Short clear (boxed), $S.759. Whisky Basis of high wines, $1.29. Receipts. Shipments. Flour, barrels 85,400 4'J.UOO w neat, ousneis ............ .tm.buu iu,ouu Corn, bushels 387.000 160,600 Oats, bushels 453,600 JS.400 Eye, bushels 5,000 4,000 barley. Dusnels o,4W ..... Grain and Produce at Jiew York. NEW YORK, April 17. Flour Receipts, 10,000 barrels; exports, 15,000 barrels. Steady but dull. Wheat Receipts, 69,000 bushels; exports. 92,700 bushels. Spot market steady. No. 2 red, 83c elevator and 84c f. o. b. afloat; No. 1 Northern, Duluth, 82 c opening nav igation f. o. b. alioat. After a sharp open ing advance, due to cold weather in the Southwest and heavy covering by room shorts, wheat broke more than lo a bushel and was weak up to the last hour, when new buying caused a rally. The decline was caused by rain rumors and heavy Western unloading. Final prices were c lower. May, 85c: July, 87o; September, 88c; Wool, hops and petroleum Steady. Hides Quiet. Grain at San Francisco. SAN FRANCISCO, April IT. Wheat, firm; barley, firmer. Spot quotations Wheat Shipping, $1.30 1.85; milling, $1.45 1.50. 1 Barley Feed, $1.20 1.22; brewing, $1.22 1.25. Oats Red, $1.301.T5; white, $1.B01.65; black, $1.852.25. Call board sales Wheat May, $1.80. Barley May, $1.22; December, $1.23. Corn Large yellow, $1.35 1.40. Minneapolis Wheat Market. MINNEAPOLIS, April IT. Wheat May, T9?ic; July, 81 -Sic: No. 1 hard, 8383c; No. 1 Northern, 8282c; No. 2 do. 80 80c; No. 8 do, 7870c. Wheat at Tacoma, TACOMA. April 17. Wheat Steady. Sluestem, 7778c; club, 75 76c; red, 73 74c Metal Markets). NEW YORK. April 17. Tin in London de clined slightly, with spot closing at 185 2s 64 and futures at 182 2s 6(1. Locally the market was quiet with spot at 40.35 40.55a. Copper in London was about 2 lower, with spot and futures both quoted at 90 10s. Locally the market continues dull and there is more or less controversy over the proper quotations with some of the big pro ducers claiming that the quotations com. monly accepted are too low. Under the cir cumstances the prices given must be regards ed as more or less nominal. Lake, 2425o; electrolytic, 23.50 a 24.50c; casting, $22.60 23c. - Lead In London was Bs higher at 20 2s 6d. Locally the market was dull at 86.10c. Spelter In London was) unchanged at 25 10s. Locally unchanged at 6.706.80c- Iron was lower abroad with Btandard foundry at 54s 4d and Cleveland warrants at 55s 4d. Locally the market was un changed. Coffee and Sugar. NEW YORK. April 17. Coffee futures closed steady at a net decline of 10 20 points. Sales were reported of 68,750 bags Including May, 5.555.B0: June, D4OWS.0UC July. 5.405.45: Beptember. B.355.40c; Oc tober. B.SSc: December, 6.855.40c; Janu ary, 6.45c; March, $5.405.50c Spot coffee, easy. N o.7 Rio, 64c; No. 4 Santos, 7"o Mild coffee, easy. Cordova, 912'40. Sugar Raw, firm; fair refining, 8.23c; centrifugal. 96 test, 8.73c: molasses sugar, 8.04c. Refined, steady. Crushed, $3.50; pow dered, $4.90; granulated. y4.EO. LOUIS J- WILDE HOME TELEPHONE BONDS BANK STOCK Corner 6th and Washington Streets, PORTLAND, OREGON Member Portland stock Kxc Hanaro AnathcrBcULicNailcd Postal Telegraph Commercial Cables, Clarence H. Mackay, President. TELEGRAM Chicago, EI., April 17, 1907. " ' - Louis J. Wilde, , Portland, Oregon: i There is absolutely no foundation for the reports of sale or probable sale of Automatic Electric Company to Bell interests. Such statements are will ful and malicious falsehoods. Send us a copy of paper containing them; and we will turn it over to our legal department for prompt action. The ' circulation of such reports is the highest compliment to your good judgment in the installation of automatics as against their antiquated apparatus. Defamation is always the final resort of the defeated. J. HARRIS, Vice-Pres. Automatic Electric Co. Below is a paid advertisement by the Bell Telephone Company to discredit the Automatic Home Company : HOW INDEPENDENT TELEPHONE PROJECTS ARE MANIPULATED By Skillful Juggling of Finances of Companies They Are Made to Look Prosperous at First, But Finally Fail (Oakland Inqulr The Pacific Coast haa suffered Its share, rather more than its share, perhaps, from wildcat telephone financiering.- There are a few apparently successful Independent telephone enterprises In different parts of the country which are used as stalk ing horses by promoters; but their perma nent soundness has not yet been proved, whereas the unsoundness of the majority of independent telephone undertakings is 80 patent that it Is a wonder how any one was ever induced to put money Into tuem. Jones and Smith, for example, organ ized a Home Telephone Ccttnpany, with a capital stock of $150,000, authorized 5 per cent bonds of $150,000, giving a total of $300,000. The same Jones and Smith then agree to construct a telephone plant of 1000 subscribers on account of the Home Telephone Company and take in payment for this plant $100,000 in capital stock and $100,000 in bonds. Again the same Jones and Smith form an under writing syndicate in which they are slightly interested, the syndicate agree ing to purchase the bonds at 80 with a 50 per cent stock bonus. The underwrit ers pay $30,000 for $100,000 of 6 per cent bonds and $50,000 of stock. Jones and Smith construct a plant cost ing $65,000. They have received from the syndicate $SO.0O0. They make an immedi ate profit of $15,000 cash and still have fcavono Rtock. The underwriters sell the bonds to the public at $95,000. They receive from the puDlic $o,ouo, tnus maning a $500.00 REWARD Challenge to. the Bell Telephone Company T -arill rav it500.00 to any charitafile organization in this city if The) Mornins Oreffoniari, the Evening Telegram and Evening Journal will inves- & s. . , 1 "t 1 A a 'A. Al V. 1 sV tigate every sentence ot tlie above aavenisemeni ana prim, vuc wuoio uuui. If any more unsigned lies appear anywhere in any form discrediting thfj securities end, which I represent, I will appear before the Grand Jury with such information as I am liable to dig up. "Western Philosophy says: "Live each day so tha't you can look everjr damn man square in the eye and tell him to go to Hell." X.0UIS J. WILDE, "Home Bonds," No. 5 LaFayette Building, Portland, Oregon. . s 6 BONDS FOR INVESTMENT I HAVE THEM FOR SALE. Call or write : FRANK ROBERT SON Investment Banker Falling Building, Third and "Washington Sts. TRAVELERS' GUIDE. forth German loyd. FAST EXPRESS SERVICE. PLYMOUTH CHERBOURG BREMEN. BTronprlnz.Apr. 23,noonlKaiser, June 4, 10 A M Kaiser, May 7, 10 AM K. Wm.II.,June 11.6AM l.WmII.,Myl4, 7:30AM iCronprlnz. June 18,10AM Kjonpr.lni.My21, lOAMiKalser. July 2, 10 A M TWIN-SCREW PASSENGER SERVICE. BREMEN DIRECT AT 10 A. M. Chemnitz Apr. 25Frled-rich May 18 Main -...May 2lP. Alice.. ... May 23 Kurfuenst .. May 9lF5remen My 28 Rheln May 16Main June S Calls at Plymouth and Cherbourg. MEDITERRANEAN SERVICE. GIBRALTAR NAPLES GENOA, AT 11 A. M. Neckar April 27;P. Irene June 1 Barbarossa May 4 ,Xeckar June 8 K Luise May 11IK. Lulse June 15 tL. Albert May 18K- Albert June 28 Omits Genoa. From Bremen Piers, 3d & th Sts.. Hoboknn. North German Lloyd Travelers' Checks Good All Over the World. OELRICHS CO., No. S Broadway, N. T. ROBERT CAPPELI.E, O. A. P. C;, 758 Van Ness Ave, ban lfrancisco, Cal. WILLAMETTE RIVER ROUTE tor lurvania, Albany. Indepentienc, Sa lem Steamer "POMONA" leaves 0:45 A. M. Tuesday, Tnursday and Saturday. - Fir Salem and way landings Steamer "OREGON A" leaves 6:4ft A. M.. Mondays. Wedi.daya and Fridays. UIU.UOJI C1X K XUANaPORTAI10N CO, Foot Taylor trau Columbia River Scenery lotlvAlOB HSU, STgAMKttrt. Dally service between Portland and The Dalles except Sunday, leaving Portland at 7 A. M., arriving about 0 P -M-, carrying freight and passengers. Eplendld accommo dations lor outfits and livestock. Dock, toot ot Alder at Fori land; foot of Court t-. Tne Dallas. Paoue Mala &14. Portland. San Francisco & Portland S. S. Co. Operating; Only Direct Passenger Steamers. Prom Alnsworth Dock. Portland, & A. M. : S. 8. Costa Rica, April 21, May 1, 11, etc S. S. Columbia, April 28, May 6, 16, eta From Spear St., San Francisco, 11 A. M. : S. 6. Columbia, April 21. May 1, 11, etc. 8. S. Coeta ltica, April 2S, May 6, 16, eta. JAS. U. DEWSONAgent, Phone Main 208. - 48 Washington St. North Pacific S.S. Co's. Steamships Roanoke and Geo. W. Elder Sail for Eureka, San Francisco and Los Angeles direct every Tuesday at 8 P. M. Ticket office 132 Third St, near Alder. Both phones, M. 1314. H. Young, agent. er, July 23. 1906.) profit of $16,000 cash, and they still havei $50,000 of stock. If the market for bond is not good, they sweeten lt to the pub' lie by giving up to the purchasers part of their stock, which they can afford to do, as it costs them nothing. In order to convince the publlo that their proposition is a good one, they make a prospectus which on paper shows Inter est on bonds as earned and likewise a small Interest on the stock. They sell some stock at a very low price and by-skillful- manipulation create a temporary market. If the speculative public rate up this stock and enables lt to be unload ed at an average price of 60 a further profit of $50,000 Is divided among tua insiders. The securities being digested, the pub-, lie have gotten a telephone exchange which cost to construct $ti5.000 and for which they paid $145,000. After running it for a short time the new owners find that they need money for extensions and. having $50,000 of bonds and $50,000 of stock in the treasury, they proceed to. sell it. The market breaks and they are unable to realize. Pretty soon their credit is exhausted, and interest la de faulted, a receiver is appointed. The receiver sells the property for 50 cents on the dollar. That part of the pub lic that paid $50,000 for stock loses all, and that part that paid $95,000 for the bonds gets back 26 cents on the dollar, and the Bell Company gets a lot of cheap property with which to strengthen lta position. TRAVELERS' GUIDE. efAT, TRIP i In planning your Eastern trip, write or call on the un dersigned or your nearest ticket agent, and learn what the Burlington can do foe you: for any diverse routes that may be offered, the map will show the great variety of routes possible to holdera of Burlington tickets; we have three gateways, St, Paul, Billings, and Denver, to Chicago, St. Louis, Kan sas City and Omaha. Tha map shows what a conspicu ous portion of the througH route the Burlington trunk; lines form. . , ' i Let us help you along-. . A. C BHrTLDON, Gen. Asjemt B. A Q. R 100 Third st. Portland, OrV Alaska 1907 EXCURSIONS 5 TRIPS S. S. Spokane, June 14 25 July 12, 26 Aug. Ba Queen, July 10. NOME ROUTE. S. S. Senator ........ -Jnne S. S. President June 4 S. E. ALASKA ROUTE. Skas-way, Sitka. Joneaa sad way pertm. Suiting- 9 P. M. H. S. S. Co.'s Hemboldt. . .April 3-13-22 Cottage city, via Sltlut April 7-21 City of Seattle....; April 17-27 SAN FRANCISCO ROUTE. Salllny; 9 A.M. From Seattle. s City ot Puebla ......April 6-2TJ Spokane April 29 Umatilla April 15-30 City Office, 249 Washington St. STR. CHAS. R. SPENCER WashinKton-street Dock. Dally, except Sunday, for Tns Dalles ano) way landings, it 1 1 M., returning 10 J M. Fast tune, bast service. Phone. I Main. 18 Hume. A, 11. . , llii; PORTLAND QUOTATIONS. Grain Floor. Feed. Etc. . MILLSTVFFS Ttran. city $17. country "VtU per ton; xmudlings, $-02(1; shorts, city 1