THIS HOKJdJVG OKKlxUJYIAN, WEDNESDAY, APRIL 17, 1907. HERMANN TRIAL APPROflGHES All Evidence in Today and Ar gument May Be Finished Friday. TIPS ABOUT NEW RESERVES Oregonlan Correspondent Given the First on Blue Mountain Jones Got Telegram About Addi tion to Cascade Forest. OREGONIAN NEWS BtfREAUi Washington, April 16. The taking of testimony in the trial of Blnger Her mann was practically concluded today. The defense closed early this after noon. Several Government witnesses were put on the stand in rebuttal and after a few more witnesses are exam ined tomorrow the ease will close, so far as submission of evidence Is con cerned. Counsel on each side has asked for six hours for argument and. If this time 1 allowed by the court, the case will not go to the Jury before Friday night or Monday morning. Not All Letters Copied. That Hermann's reputation for honesty and Integrity is good was tes tified by Judge McKenna, of the Su preme Court of the United States, Justice Lowery of the United States Court of Claims; Justice Gould of the Supreme Court of the District of Col umbia and Chief Clerk H. H. Gllfry of the United States Senate. John S. Mosby, leader of Mosby's guerillas during the Civil War, pro duced two letters from the defendant commending him for work in running down land frauds In Nebraska In 1902. when Colonel Mosby was a special agent of the Land Office. These let ters were regarded as important as showing that not all of Herman's cor respondence was copied in his letter books. 4 First Tip to Newspaper Man. Harry J. Brown, of Washington, cor respondent of The Portland Oragonlan, Identified a dispatch sent to his paper on July 23. 1902, telling of the creation of the Blue Mountain forest reserve. This Infor mation, he said, he got from Mr. Hermann and it was printed in Portland two days before the alleged "tip" telegram sent by Hermann to F. P. Mays, of Portland. The precise place where S. A. D. Puter obtained the two $1000 bills he said he gave to Senator Mitchell was again the subject of controversy, Puter being recalled by the prosecution. Notwithstanding tele grams from Milwaukee and Chicago banks tracing several drafts, Puter stuck to his story that he got six or eight such bills from a Milwaukee bank. Tip AYas Given Jones. Hermann resumed the stand and was questioned briefly regarding a telegram on record In the Land Office sent by him to W. N. Jones, of Portland, July 6, 1901. which read: "Understand informally proclamation now before President." This was Intended to refute the defend ant's previous testimony that he did not know Jones, and did not tip off the pro posed addition to the Cascade reserve. The defendant stated his memory had been refreshed regarding the 135.78 which was taken from the account of the re ceiving clerk and placed to Hermann's pri vate credit In the defendant's personal bank account. He said the transfer was made because the bank in whloh the Gov ernment's funds were kept had closed. He directed his secretary to make a trans fer of the funds, but he did not know they had been placed In his personal ac count, nor did he learn this until two checks turned up calling for that amount. ENGINEERS OPEN BUILDING Roosevelt and Diaz Write Letters About Carnegie's Gift. NEW YORK, April 16. The beautiful now building of the engineering societies, presented to the American Institute of Klectrical Engineering, the American Society of Mechanical Engineers, and the American Institute of Mining Engineers ty Andrew Carnegie, was dedicated to day. After an opening prayer by Rev. Kdward Everett Hale, letters from Presi dent Roosevelt and President Diaz, of Mexico, were read. Mr. Roosevelt's let ter follows: I hereby congratulate you on the opening it the beautiful building; which will be the largest engineering center of lta kind la the n-orld. It la indeed the first of Its kind; and K erection In Nw York serves to empht rlxe the supremacy which this country la Heartily achieving through her proficiency In applied sience. The whole country la Inter teted la the erection of such a building, and, of course, all of those who follow either the profession of engineering or any kindred pro fession, and in no branch of work have Lmerloana shows to greater advantage what are like to think of as the typically American ah&raotttrlrtloa. The letter from Senor Dias expressed "cordial good wishes for the engineers who contribute so much to ths develop ment and welfare of humanity and my admiration for the great philanthropist, Carnegie, whose splendid generosity is known by the entire civilised world." WINTER HOLDS ITS GRIP Enow Storms and Frost In Kansas and 'Wisconsin. TOPEKA. Kan., April 16.-A whirling, blinding snow is prevailing over this state. The Weather Bureau reports a temperature of Sti degrees at 7 o'clock and growing colder each hour. KANSAS CITY, Mo.. April 16. There was a light sprinkl eof snow here this morning with the .temperature at 38. There Is freexlng weather tonight ASHLAND, Wis., April 1. The bill iard still continues and the snow Is de laying trains. February weather and al most continuous snow has prevailed the past week. WILL CONFER ON GUNBOAT Zelaya and Figueroa to Sleet Joint Guarantee of Peace. WASHINGTON, April 16. Naval movements to lay show tha the gun boat Boston has started from Amapala, Honduras, for Corlnto, Nicaragua, to convey President Zelaya to Amapala for the conference he will have there with Preslden Flgueroa. The Chicago will be used to convey President Flg ueroa to the conference, which will be held either at Amalapa or on board one of the American vessels to be anchored In Fonseca Bay. At the State Department today it was admitted that an agreement be tween the United States and Mexico had been entered into, by which a guaranty has been given that there shall be no hostile demonstrations be tween the forces of Guatemala and Sal vador upon the frontier during the conference. Roosevelt's Plan of Mediation. SAN SALVADOR. April 16. President Roosevelt has cabled Flgueroa that in ac cordance with statements made by Presi dent Zelaya, of Nicaragua, and accepting his assurance that the war has ended, he offers with President Diaz, of Mexico, to arrange matters so that there will be no hostile agitation on the frontier between the forces and Salvador and Guatemala. President Roosevelt also says that these soldiers must be retired as soon as he and President Diaz, acting with the con. sent of President Flgueroa, are able to give some assurances to President Zelaya of Nicaragua and President Flgueroa of Salvador. President Flgueroa Is dis posed to personally attend a conference at Amapala to which he has been Invited by President Zelaya. in order to arrange a firm basis for insuring permanent tran quility. President Roosevelt has placed the cruiser Chicago at the disposal of Presi dents Zelaya and Flgueroa to make the trip to Amaoala. '5 DEFENSE MOTHER OF EVELYN THAW DE NIES SHE HELPED JEROME. Had Implicit Confidence in White and Would Have Killed Him for Ruining Her Daughter. (Copyright 1907, by the Pittsburg Leader Publishing Company.) PITTSBURG. April 16.-The Leader this afternoon prints a six-column statement from Mrs. C. J. Holman, mother of Eve lyn Nesblt Thaw, in which she defends herself against the accusations, expressed and implied, made against her during the Thaw trial. She says that two nights after the night upon which Harry Thaw shot Stan ford White she received this telegram from her daughter: "It Is most Important for you to say absolutely nothing." Until now she has remained silent, and has been forced to take the defensive be cause of the attack made upon her by Mr. Delmas in his closing address to the Thaw jury. She denies that she aided the District Attorney In any way, and that she had been jeen by Mr. Jerome, Mr. Garvin or Mr. Hartridge. Mrs. Holman then details her struggle following the death of her first husband, in her efforts to properly rear her two children, and says her daughter first posed for an art ist named Storm, of Philadelphia, who met IDvelyn at a Summer resort when a little girl. "Florence," she says, "was In love with the stage." She did everything to dis courage her, but it was useless. The story of Florence's first meeting with Stanford White, she says. Is substantially as told by her upon the witness stand. When Florence returned she told her mother she had met "the grandest man," and later when Mr. White sent for her she went to his office. Mr. White, she says, warned her speci fically against several young men with whom Florence had 'become acquainted, but did not refer to Thaw. Mr. White's words and actions were the personification of wholehearted dis interested generosity, Mrs. Holman says, and If ever a woman reposed Im plicit confidence in a man, she says, she did in him. Mrs. Holman then assert3 that If Florence underwent the experience that Is said to have befallen her, she did not take her Into her confidence. Con tinuing, she says: "Had she told me what she told the Thaw Jury, It would not have been nec essary for Harry Thaw to kill Stan ford White. I would have done it my self." Speaking of the European trip, Mrs. Holman says: "Every detail of the trip was and Is a nightmare to me. Mr. Thaw Joined us in Paris. Florence and I shared the same apartments. Mr. Thaw had apart ments by himself. There was no pleas ure In the tour for me. The things which appealed to Florence and Mr. Thaw in Parts did not appeal to me. Florence tes tified that we quarreled frequently while In Paris. -. "These disagreements were caused by my protests at visits to various restaur ants." In closing, Mrs. Holman says: "I solemnly affirm that my -love for my daughter Is as deep and intense as It was when I first held her In' my arms a helpless babe. Regardless of all that has transpired, my affection Is unaltered. The door of my home Is open to her and will open wide to her lightest tap today, tomorrow and always while I live." GIVES SIGN OF OPEN QUAKJlEfi Delmas' Partner Demands Notes Thaw Wrote to Lawyer. NEW YORK, April IS. The first open Indication of the oft-reported trouble between the array of attorneys who represented Harry K. Thaw, came today when Henry C. McPlke, asso ciate of D. M. Delmas, called on Clerk Penny of the Supreme Court and de manded the immediate surrender of some of the exhibits introduced by the defense during the trial. These in cluded the letters and notes written by Thaw to Delmas during the trial and latter submitted by Delmas to the Commission in Lunacy. Mr. Penny re plied that he could not surrender any of the exhibits unless so directed by a court order. ITALIANS CARRY ARSENAL Policeman Dies and Search of Ri oters Reveals Many Weapons. NEJW YORK, April 16. Policeman Al fred Zelleck, one of the two officers shot by Salvatore Govemale, an Italian, when they attempted to arrest him on Sun day night, died today. Governale Is under arrest, and the police have arrested many other Italians for carrying concealed weapons. Today 102 of the prisoners were arraigned. From them were taken 7S revolvers and many dirks, stlllettos, etc Methods of Japanese Smugglers. CITY OF MEXICO. April 16. Represen tatives of the United States Department of Commerce and Labor have been making a quiet Investigation here In the last few days, and are said to have discovered some startling facts In connection with Japanese passing into the United States from Mexico. A number of Japanese la bor agents from the United States, It is stated, have been quietly operating among the Japanese who are now in this country and desire to enter the United States, and are said to be instructing hun dreds of the Japanese in this country to proceed to the Texas border ports and declare that they are en route to Canada IKES IT JILL BACH Troup Recalls Attack on Pres ident Roosevelt. CHANDLER'S QUICK REBUKE Political Publicity Convention En livened by Campaign Contribution Talk Bryan on Honest Poli tics and How to Get Same. NEW YORK, April 16. The adoption of an effectual National publicity law which would require the publication of the contributions to National and Con gressional committees as well as the expenditures of these committees, was the question discussed today at a meet ing of the National Publicity Law As sociation at the Victoria Hotel. Perry Belmont, president of the association, was the chairman, and the guests in cluded William J. Bryan and Samuel Gompera, president of the American Fed eration of Labor. Many states were rep resented by the members who were pres ent. Among them were ex-Senator Wil liam E. Chandler, of New Hampshire: Alex Troup, member of the National Democratic Committee, from Connecti cut; W. H. Martin, National Democratic Committeeman from Arkansas; George Fred Williams and Josiah Qulncy, of Boston: John Brlsben Walker and Abra ham Straus, of New York, and John W. Tomlinson, of Alabama. Mr. Belmont urged united effort to secure a practical law that would be In operation In the National elections of next year. Attack on Roosevelt Resented. The meeting was thrown Into considera ble excitement by a resolution offered by Mr. Troup, which called upon the chair men and secretaries of the Republican and Democratic Committees of the last National campaign to make public all their receipts and expenditures of the campaign. Mr. Troup quoted from a newspaper dispatch stating that President Roosevelt wanted the campaign books opened In the next campaign. "I think the public wants the books of last campaign opened," exclaimed Mr. Troup, who added that in 1904 the Pres ident Indignantly denied that large sums of money had been contributed to the Republican campaign fund. At this moment Mr. Chandler Interrupt ed Mr. Troup. "I think you are doing the President an Injustice. I wish to appear as bis defender in this respect." Mr. Chandler explained that what the President had denied was that contri butions had been made upon the strength of promises to do something. Passes Blame on to Cortelyou. "I accept the correction," said Mr. Troup, "but Mr. Cortelyou knew differ ently. He should not have deceived the President. The President claims he was In utter Ignorance of what the National committee knew about." Mr. Troup's resolution at first Included the National Republican committee only, but at a suggestion that this would be a partisan movement, he changed it to take in the Democratic committee. Mr. Troup wanted the resolution adopt? ed Immediately, but eventually a com promise was reached and the matter was referred to the executive committee, with the understanding that It should make a report at some future meeting of the Association. Bryan's Plan of Publicity. Mr. Bryan was introduced as a man who had given powerful aid to the pub licity movexnent. In a brief talk, Mr. Bryan told what he thought the National publicity law should be. He said that all contributions above the minimum should be made public before the elections, both by the committee receiving them and by the person or corporation making them. Failure to comply with this should be punished as a penal offense. The move, ment, he declared, rests upon the principle that politics should be honest, but he de clared there could be no bonest politics when any Interest could purchase before election a promise that certain things shall be done after election and when this promise Is concealed from the voters. Mr. Bryan said the evil of campaign contributions was not confined to any one party, and quoted evidence given before Congressional committees to prove his statement. Ten days in advance of elec tion, he said, a supplemental statement should be filed giving the contributions up to that time and it should be made unlawful to receive any contributions af ter it was too late to publish them. Mr. Gompera said the corporations made their campaign contributions for specinc purposes and a continuation of that pol icy meant continued corporation domina tion of the parties. LEAVES COLLINS OCT IN COLD Successor as Chief Refuses to Ap point Him Captain. CHICAGO, April 16. The Civil Service Commission today renewed its investiga tion into the charges that the police force was used In the late municipal election to aid the Interests of the Democratic candidates. Inspector Wheeler testified that under order from Chief of Police Collins he collected from the officers under him about 2300. This money he had given to Chief Collins. Chief Collins, who last night surrendered his position to the new Chief, says that under the rules "of the Civil Service Commission he Is entitled to the position of captain, which he held at the time of his appointment as chief. Today he called upon the new chief and asked that he be given his old position. Chief Shlppy replied: "There Is no position open for you as captain. I want to say further that no political administration could make me, as Chief of Police, do some of the things that you did while you were chief." "I will see you again," said Collins as he left the room. HANGED AND BODY RIDDLED Negro Assailant ot White Woman Meets Usual Fate. NEW ORLEANS, April 16. Charles Strauss, the negro who was charged with criminal assault on a wuita woman near Buckle, Sunday, was taken from officers by a mob and hanged to a tree about six miles from Bunkie today. His body was riddled with bullets. Land Suit Is Lost Again. MAT KING, Ky.. April 16. The cele brated old Virginia land grant suit in which possession of 17,000,000 worth of Eastern Kentucky coal lands was sued for by Eastern parties, met a second de feat in the Circuit Court at Whitesburg yesterday when' Judge Lewis dismissed the case. Hundreds of armed mountain land own ers were present, but quiet prevailed. The attorneys for the comnlainanra will taVn the case to the Federal Court. 1 Jewelry Fads Swastika Fobs, the latest fad. In neat designs, leather fobs, with a pretty pendant of good size; in tan, green or red; be one of the first to wear one; they . cost but............. Beauty Pins, some plain and some have neat settings of pearls or turquoise. We're goinsr to make a special on these, too. and the reg ular 60c ones are - now but. ................ J"- Still Selling $25 Suits stripes. Trimmed with fancy buttons, silk pull braids, straps, etc. Some are col larless, some have collars of same material as suit, some shawl collars of fancy moire. Skirts are plaited style. Share in the most phenomenal Suit values we have ever offered or miss this grand bargain. Today, last time. Suits worth to $25.00 : Now's Your Chance to Save on China too. The shapes are very dainty and the decorations are exquisitely beautiful floral designs, augmented by rich tracings of gold line work. Many pieces come to you in this special sale for little more than, half regular. Bead; Bread and Butter Plates regularly 69c; for set of 40c 62c 75c 85c six Tea Plates, regularly 93c for set of six, special. . . Breakfast Plates, regular $1.10, for set of six, spe. . . Dinner Plates, regularly $1.27, for set of six, spe. .. Cups and Saucers, regularly 90c $, for set of six, spe. . , 84c Meat Dishes for 42 03 Sale Oriental Rugs Small Rugs or Room Sizes, all reduced Shirvans, Daghestans, Kiskillems, Moussuls, Beloochistans, Sarouks, Bergamos, Anatolias, KirmaTi shahs, Bokharas and Khivas. $16.50 values, special $13.75 $19.50 values, special ..$16.25 $21.00 values, special $17.50 $31.00 values, special. $26.50 $33.00 values, special. $28.25 $35.00 values, special. $30.00 $42.00 values, special. ..$36.50 $45.00 values, special. . .$38.50 $48.00 values, special. . .$41.50 $50.00 values, special. . .$43.00 $55.00 values, special. . .$48.00 $60.00 values, special. . .$51.75 $65.00 values, special. . .$56.00 $70.00 values, special. . .$60.00 Women's Wash Petticoats 59c Made of black and white checked percale and made mighty well, too; good full sizes, with full double flounce; a Petticoat that always sells for 75o each, and we consider it a splendid value at that price; special for tZQ today WC Children's Underskirts, made of heavy white drill, eorded where it gets the most wear; for chil dren from 1 to 3 years of J 9 age; special for today... Infants' Long Skirts, of cream white domet flannel, with muslin waist, finished at bottom with fancy floss stitching; rearular 30c value; special to- jfC SEND FOR FLOWER AND GARDEN SEEDS IN NOTION Today Is the Last Day of They come in three distinct models the Pony Jacket style, the Prince Chap style (like illustration on right) and the Eton model (like , illustration on left). Plenty of Suits to choose from, splendid mate rials, and they are trimmed and made as well as any Suit you ever saw. We've set a new mark for big Suit values and swift Suit selling in Portland, and we've proved our supremacy in the garment field by this special. AH bargain wise women in Portland will attend this Suit sale. Those who have not already benefit ed by this tremendous bargain must not fail to come today. You have the choice of three different models and many different styles of materials and trim mings; bright, new, snappy styles, original and pleasing materials; that will give the right sort of wear, and trimmings very tastefully applied. They come in Pony, Eton and Prince Chap styles, and the jackets have long or short sleeves. This choice of models insures a fit for every figure, a style for individual tastes. Come in neat gray homespuns, chiffon Panamas, in blue, black or brown, and all-wool - We are closing out an open stock of one of the prettiest lots of decorated Chinaware you ever saw. We can't replace this pattern any more, and for that rea son we are going to make quick sales of all the pieces we have. All . staple and fancy pieces tot be had, Meat Dishes, regularly 0C worth 50o each; special... '' Meat Dishes worth $1.13 for.59 Fruit Saucers, regularly 93 p 51c, for set of six, special. -" Creamers, regularly 26c ea., 1 Op srAial sale, each I WW , w .... Water Pitchers that sell reg ularly for $1, special Bowls that sell regularly for 20c each, special price, ea. 50c 10c Special Bsursralns, Too, on Complete Dinner Sets. $22 values, spe'l. $25 values, .spe'l. $30 values, spe'l. $36.00 values, $37.50 values, $40.00 values, $ 75.00 values, special. $ 64.! $ 85.00 values, special. $ 73. $ 90.00 values, special. $ 78 j $100.00 values, special. $ 86.' $125.00 values, special. $108. $135.00 values, special . $116. $140.00 values, special. $120. $150.00 values, special. $128. Women9 s Oxfords for Summer Natty Canvas Shoes Priced Low Women's White Canvas Shoes, low Women's White Canvas Pumps, cut, with light soles, military heel with medium sole, Cuban heel, and made, with four large eye- plain toe and neat rib- 9 )! lets for ties; the pair J bon bows; pair 0JJ nIy Women's White Canvas Oxfords, Women's White Canvas Oxfords. of Sea Island duck, with military Blucher cut, military heel, light heel, medium sole and 9 Ef soles, four eyelets; tip- Cf ribbon tie; the pair.... JJJ toe; the pair .. . , , Women B Oxfords, of Sea Island Women's White Canvas Oxfords, duck, with medium sole, Cuban with extension sole and military heel and four large eyelets for heel, Blucher cut, ribbon ribbon ties; Blucher eut !) tie; thepair - pair xlt Women's White Canvas Oxfords, Women's Oxfords, of Sea Island in the latest style, with medium duck, with Cuban heels and me sole and military heel; Blucher dium sole; button style, four but cut, three holes for wide 50 tons; very stylish; the 00 OUR NEW SPRING CATALOG 4 Great Specials Chic, becoming Millinery, bar painized almost beyond belief, for this one day's selling. Trimmed dress Hats that reflect the best turns of fashion, constructed of the best sorts of materials and all Eastern models in pressed and hand-made shapes. They come in small and medium-sized shapes, and all the leading colors. Take it all in all, we think this is quite the best headgear value you've been offered in many a day. Read well the prices and investigate the values : Trimmed Hats that sell regularly for up to $15.00 each, on sale Wednesday for lf ll today for V i l 11 Trimmed Hats that sell regularly for up to $10.00 each, on sale today for tT Cf only p I JJ Trimmed Hats that sell regularly lor up to $7.50 each, on CZ sale today for .V- $18.35 $21.00 S2.575 special. $30.75 special. $32.25 special. $34.50 mm DEPARTMENT $9. 98 Sale Hasten mixtures in checks and on Trimmed Hats Trimmed Hats that sell regularly Ior UP 10 ?5.00 each, O s Q sale today for tpJZ A Very Late Silk Novelty Special Yard 81 Cts. A bargain that will ap peal with irresistible force to the woman who wants smart things made of good quality, rustling, swishing Silk. A special on a new arrival, a chance to save that we know you'll appre ciate. Read : Scotch Clan Stripes, come in soft finished taffetas, the kind that wears and looks well; just here, and the first thing we do is to make a special on them. Come and see them; the yard 81 Colored Dress Goods, some of the choicest fabrics of the season, Panamas, Serges and Voiles, in chif fon or regular weights; come in neat mixed ef fects, stripes, checks and plaids; regular $2.00 val nes; the yard $1.58 Men's Worsted Spring-Weight Un derwear $1. 05 Here's a dandy bargain. This Underwear is a medium-weight, and it comes in a fine gray wor sted. The shirts are finished with double silk stitching and the drawers are reinforced and .have taped seams. The price wa sell it for regular is $1.25 the garment; 7 fj today yJJ Men's Underwear, a fine basket weave, mesh cotton goods, in pure white; every garment is nicely finished and gives thorough serv ice; 'tis a regular $1.00 quality, selling special for today QQq Remember that vn sell tha rolo. brated Dr. Deimel's Linen Mesh underwear lor men. I