la THE MORNING OREGONIAN, WEDNESDAY. APRIL 17, 11H)7. C.E.LOSS DISPOSES OF HIS HOLDINGS C. G. H. MacBride, of San Francisco, Undertakes to Finance United Railways. HAS FAITH IN THE PROJECT Wealthy Californlan Regards Pur chase of Promoter's Interest as Good Investment Will Bush. 1 Work on HUlsboro Branch. C. E. Loss has severed his connection with the United Railways Company. C. G. H. MacBride. of San Francisco, lias acquired his Interests and will finance and carry to early completion the proposed electric line to HUlsboro. Mr. MacBride arrived in Portland Sun day from San Francisco, accompanied by his attorney, Charles A. Lee, and the transaction by which he agrees to finance the company was concluded ,5'esterday. Mr. MacBride is a member 'of the wealthy California firm of Miller & Lux, cattlemen. His invest Imcnt In the United Railways Company, however, is purely personal, separate and independent of Miller & Lux. i Under the new management, the United Railways Company will remain 'a local enterprise, Mr. MacBride being the only stockholder outside of Port iland. The interests of Mr. MacBride. arc closely identified with Portland in 'this project, inasmuch as he has had a lemall interest in the company ever ve-ince Mr. Loss took charge of its af ifairs and, with the assistance of local capitalists, financed the scheme. In ac quiring the one-sixth Interest' of Mr. Loss, after making a thorough exam ination of the franchises under which the company is operating, together with the assets it possesses, Mr. Mac Bride recognizes In the property m. good invcstlment, and will supply the funds that will bo. required to complete the lines proposed. The Introduction of Mr. MacBride as mo of the principal parties of interest 3n the company does not &nect the in terests of the Portland people who Ibccame identified with the organiza tion under the administration of Mr. Loss. Other than Mr. MacBrldo, the stockholders are: W. L. Benham, presi dent ' f the company, who will continue In that office; Walter H. Moore, W. C. Morris, H. Wittenberg. Joseph M. jlealy, Henry W. Goddard and Louis J. (IVIldc, all of Portland. "The Hilisboro line will now be com pleted as rapidly as the work can be ilone," said Mr. MacBride last night. "We shall continue the work In good faith and within 30 days we expect to liavo the line completed and in opera tion on Front street. Over five miles tnf track have been constructed, while i Ihe rights of way and the survey have keen completed for the entire route. "ow on Solid Ground.' "Since its organisation, this company has experienced all sorts of vicissitudes but we have now succeeded in placing Jt on a substantial basis and will provide Khe means with which to complete the road. It has not been because the pro posed road lacked merit that' its different Managements have failed; it has been the character of the men behind the project nnd their inability to properly finance the echeme. They have at no time shown other than good faith, and but for the mismanagement as to financing, which rebutted partly from unavoidable reverses, the promoters would have succeeded in working out their plans. "The general character of the construc tion work already done will be continued and the road will be completed in the ame manner. We are using no ties and ere placing the rails on a concrete founda tion. This Is something new In railway construction on the Coast but It has mroved most satisfactory in building in terurban lines throughout the East. "You may assure ,the people of Port land that the United Railways Company 4s in no sense a paper road. We have the money with which to build the line as it lias been begun and we are going to go riKht ahead and complete the line at the very earliest possible date." As the stockholders in the United Rail ways Company interpret the franchise Hinder which they are operating, the time In which they have to complete the road and have it in operation does not expire until August 4, 1907. The franchise was originally granted and accepted April 4, 1906. and contained a provision that four months would be allowed in which to De ntin construction work. The ordinance Jurther specified that the road should be completed and in operation within two 9 ears. It is claimed by the railway company :teople that the time intended, to be 'allowed under the franchise will not expire until August 4, by which time much of the construction work will iave been finished. The company stands 'ready to furnish a bond, in a reasonable .amount, to complete the lines for which 1t may be necessary to ask an extension of time in the franchise. Evidence of Good Faith. ' As evidence of its good faith, the com pany shows that the amount of money Hhat will have been spent at the comple tion of the Front-street line will be K02, CH2. Of that amount $67,9.19 will be for track, $52&Q for crossings and special work, with construction of 6000 feet of line on IMacadam road, 10,000 feet at Twelfth and Pettygrove streets, for which funds have lbeen provided, and 25.500 feet of the FYont etreet line, at an estimated cost of $120,000. The further sum of $19,032 has been ex pended for surveys, rights of way and preliminary work. In addition to the cost of construction, the company now lias 2O00 tons of steel, sufficient for 15 miles tif track, coming from the East. Drawing, estimates, etc., are being worked out for connecting Front with Twelfth street in order that this portion of the system may be in operation by June. Specifications are being prepared for equipment and orders are being placed for cars. The Taylor, Seventh, Stark and Flanders street lines will be completed as rapidly as the material can be secured: also the extension of the Pettygrove street line. The company is now spending $20,000 a month In actual construction work. Now that Mr. MacBride has agreed to furnish the necessary funds, these ex penditures will be increased t to carry on the work as fast as men and machinery can do it. Sirs. Sloane WanU Son's Property, SPOKANE. Wash., April IS. Mrs. Ida Sloane. mother of Sidney Sloane. who Drained Ms rather. James Sloane, wealthy merchant, with an ax six months ago. has made application for letters of guardianship for her two sons. In effect. ilie thus seeks the privilege of control Ing the share of his estate that Sidney obtained by the brutal murder which lie confessed and of which he was acquitted on the ground I Insanity. He la now in the penitentiary at Walla Walla for safe keeping. SUBMITS AN ULTIMATUM t. Johns Serves Xotice on City Hall Contractor. At . the meeting of the St. Johns Council last night City Treasurer Hall asked that his books and accounts be audited. The Council decided to comply with his request, and will also examine into the accounts of W. L. Thorndyke, the ex Recorder, at the same time. In the matter of the . City Hall, the City Attorney submitted an ordinance by which the city will take over the building complete. It is set forth in this ordinance that the contractors bad failed to complete ihe building on time, and have left the country. Copies of the contract with Youngferdorf & Son, and of the bond and ordinance were ordered sent to Youngferdorf & Son, Ashley & Rumelln and the United States Fidelity & Bonding Company. If this does not bring out an answer, then the city will start work. City Attorney Greene and the Council are proceeding very carefully with this matter, in order to keep clear of litiga tion and to give the contractors and PRIZE-WINNING DESIGNS FOR BOOK TO EXPLOIT RESOURCES OF OREGON l ! 3.1 n.'. wj, V -.. ORECON THE LAND or OPPORTlNrrYjj First Prize, $25, by Miss Mary C'ronan. Prizes were awarded by the trustees vf the Chamber of Commerce for the three cover design selected from a dozen submit ted. The cover Is for a book of 64 pages on Oregon. Its resources and desirability as a state in - which to locate. The book Is to be issued for free circulation by the Chamber and Commercial Club Jointly, and an edition of 50,000 has been ordered. The reproduction herewith shows the three prize -winners. First prize. $25, and choice for the dveipn was submitted by Miss Mary Cronan, HO Sixth street, Portland; second prize, 15, was awarded Miss Almee C. Spencer, 778 Irving street, Portland'; third prize, $10, to P. D. Mc Louth. Corvallis. In addition to descriptive reading? matter and profuse illustration, there will be an insert map of Oregon, 10xl3H Inches, brought up to date by Rand-McXally Company, of Chfcago. upon the back of which will be printed a resume of the United States land laws and a detailed description of Oregon evhool lands, giving 'Vacant acreage in each county and information as to the best crops that can be raised in the several counties, whether grain grass or fruits. - An order has been sent for 6000 additional maps so they may be used separately when desired. The list of the illustrations Is as follows: Willamette River at old waterworks, Portland; at Salem: a Portland yard of rosea; a view of Glisan street, showing ehade trees; fir trees in Clatsop County; shipping' in Portland . harbor; prime orchard; sheep ranch. Eastern Oregon; salmon cannery, Astoria; apple orchard. Hood1 River; harvest field. Eastern Oregon; vineyard; Jackson County; fir timber. Southern Oregon; cattle round-up. Baker County; 'a day's sport," Harney County; 15-mile Valley, Iufur; Irrigation flume, Klamath; Upper Klamath Lake; string of Oregon trout; alfalfa field, Klamath . County; alfalfa. Culver; cherry orchard. The Ialles; wheat field, Eastern Oregon; view of Mount Hood; angora goat ranch; mining scene; Columbia River ecenery; Willamette Valley hopyard; street scenes in Portland. When the Chamber of Commerce issued requests for designs to be used on the cover of the new book on Oregon", the fol lowing letter was received from a Portland publishing firm: "Secretary Glltner, Chamber of Commerce. "Dear Sir Should be a large cemetery showing a few graves with stones erected and a great number of newly-dug graves, showing as many dead 'mosebacks' ready to be' buried. Box-car letter headlines Oregon will prosper when they are covered up. ' "AN" ADVERTISER bondsmen an opportunity to make good, but eo far no answer of any sort has been received from them or from the firm that backed Youngferdorf & Son. James Steel submitted a petition for a franchise to manufacture gas in St. Johns for 60 cents per 1000 feet. It was referred to the City Attorney for exam ination. The new charter was turned over to ! the Council by -the charter commission, ; but. action was deferred until next meet ing, when steps will likely be taken to submit it to a vote at a special election of the people. D. E. KEASEYJBUYS TRACT Many Other Real Estate Sales Show Active Market. Dorr E. Keascy has bought from Al bert and Myrtle Cleveland 75 lots In Grover's Addition to Portland Heights for a consideration of J27.500; It is air. Keasey's intention to put these lots on the market in about 90 days, or as soon as street work and grading Is finished. City water, gas and electric lights will be available. The lots lie south of the Portland Academy property. A two-storv frame store on Russell, between Williams and Rodney, Is to be built for John Sounds at a cost of $1500. Alterations and repairs costing J2000 are to be made on the tour-story brick at 286 Washington street, between Fourth and Fifth, for M.VA. Gunst, the lessee P. Wagner Is to build a $2000 two-story frame dwelling on East Third street, be tween Multnomah and Wasco streets. Mrs. B. C. Wegman took out a permit yesterday to . erect a. two-story frame dwelling on Eugene street. between tnion avenue and Easjt Seventh street. Em1l Raddant has bought 18 acres on the Cazadero line from A. S. Nichols. The tract is four miles out and changed hands at 13,620. Brooke & Kiernan negotiated the sale yesterday of lot 1. in block 206, Couch's Addition, from J. T. McEntee to J. Free man, for J13.50O. . Six months ago Sir. McEntee bought this property for JIO.OOO. Mall &. Von Borstel have sold for Florian Fuchs to F. B. Mallory the southwest corner of East Seventh and East Davis streets for a consideration of tsaoo. Lewis Montgomery has purchased a half block on East Salmon, between Nineteenth and Twentieth streets, and will erect a dwelling thereon. The resi dence proper will occupy the quarter block on the corner of East Twentieth and Salmon, and the quarter on Nine teenth will accomodate an auto barn, flower garden, terraces and driveways. The cost will range from J15.000 to J17.000. Architect C. C. Robbins will prepare plans and specifications. Charters Six Steamships. SEATTLE, Wash., April IS. Frank Waterhouse & Co., have chartered the steamships Inverlc, Hynford. Gymeric, Ascot. Duneric and Salenga, and will com mence operating them from this port about May 1. All of the vessels will sail to the Far East, principally North China ports, except the Duneric, which will be used to carry coal from Nanaimo. B. C, to Unalaska. The first sailing will be the Salenga. about the end of April. The vessels have each an average capacity of lam tons. Chamberlain's Cooga Remedy Is Both Agreeable and Effective. Chamberlain's Cough Remedy has no superior for coughs, colds and croup, and the fact that it is pleasant to take and contains nothing in any way injurious has made it a favorite with mothers. Mr. W. S. Pelham. a merchant of Klrksville, Iowa, says: "For more than twenty years Chamberlain's Cough Remedy has been my leading remedy for all throat trou- of croup. Children like it and my custom er, whn i a v t ti.Ad It will nnt tab. onir other." For sale by all druggists. CLAIMED BY DEATH Dr. R. P. Robbins Succumbs to Attack of Meningitis. HIS PHYSICIANS BAFFLED Another Case of Dread Disease Dis covered in Downtown Hotel. ' ,Victlni, a " Logger, Is' Likely to Die. Dr. Ray P. Robbins died at St. Vincent's Hospital yesterday morning at 9:30 o'clock of spinal meningitis. He was attended by several brother physicians who did every- Second Prize, 915. by. Miss Almee C. Spencer. thing that medical skill could suggest to save his life, but without avail. - Another tcase that It is feared will prove fatal Is that of Ernest Smith, of Clark County, Washington, who was stricken with menengltis Monday at the Bdelbrau Hotel on Morrison street. Dr. Wheeler, the city health officer, on being notified, directed that Smith be removed at once to St. Vincent sanatorium and his room at the hotel thoroughly fumigated. Smith was employed at the Union Mill Com pany's plant in Washington County. At a late hour last night Dr. Walls, of Vancouver, who is attending Smith, reported that the patient was very low and had been unconscious ever since his admission to the sanatorium. Dr. Wheeler said last evening that men ingitis should be termed a transmissible rather than an infectious or contagious disease. He said there are two phases of its attack mild and malignant forms. In some cases of the mild form, he said. the patient may not be aware of the at tack. The germ of the disease was discovered some years ago, but no serum has so far been discovered that has proved a preventive. In Germany, where the dis ease has been an epidemic for some time, it is claimed a serum has been made that is acting satlsfactoritly, but the par ticulars have not yet reached this coun try or at least this Coast Dr. Wheeler said the morphine treat ment had been tried in most cases coming under his observation recently, and that relief from suffering resulted, though he was not prepared to say that the treat ment aided in effecting a. cure in the few instances where the patient.- re covered. The early ' symptoms are described by doctors as chills and fever alternating, severe pain in the back of the head, fol lowed in a short time by unconsciousness. Another symptom is the dropping' of the chin on the breast. Despite the viyulent character of the attacks and fatalities pinc the malady appeared in Portland. Wheeler still main tains there is no caise for alarm. He says the visits of the disease to a Riven locality come at periods- much like the appearance of a comet. No one knows why or when. OBJECT TO ASSESSMENT Northeastern District Property-Owners Oppose Sewer Tax. ... A masB meeting of the property-owners of the northeastern district was held last rright in Vernon Presbyterian Church, East Twentieth and Wygant streets, to protest against the assessment made In a certain portion of that district . for the Irvington sewer, the assessment being considered unjust. George B. Frank, president of the Northeastern Improve ment Association, was in the chair and announced the object of the meeting. The room was entirely too small to accommo date all who wanted to attend and many were turned away. It was brought out at the meeting that the present boundary of the assessment district is 100 feet north of Going street and 100 feet east of East Twenty-fifth street. The demand agreed on at the meet ing was that the boundaries be changed to 100 feet north of Prescott street, instead of 100 feet north of Going street, the for mer street being the natural dividing line. President Frank maintained that the ter ritory assessed would derive no benefit from the Irvington sewer, while north of Going street, toward the Columbia River, a large district still remains without sew erage. He maintained that, the natural slope is toward the Columbia River north frora Prescott street, and that a sewer district must be formed to be drained into the Columbia River. Deputy Auditor Gill was present from the City -Auditor's of Ace with maps of the Irvington sewer and explained the route and territory of the sewer. After the matter had been discussed for some time a remonstrance against the l.'.j I llOREOOHl U- I ifeagil&klil assessment of that portion of the district north of Prescott street was generally signed. A committee of 35, with President Frank as chairman, was appointed to wait on the Council today and present the formal protest of the district against the present assessment. - Lots are assessed at $22.40 each. ' . .'.. BEGIN WORK TOMORROW Citizens Called for Federal Grand JuryTDuty Report. With one or two exceptions, the 50 oitl rens who have been summoned for Fed eral grand judy duty have reported to the United States Marshal's office, and It is expected that by noon today all. will have answered the call. -The grand jurors were subpenaed .to report today, but, ow ing to th fact that the Interstate Com merce Commission is holding its sessions in Judge Wolverton's" courtrooms, the opening of the season was postponed one day. It is the desire of United States At torney Bristol to give special attention to examination into the qualifications of the citizens who will make up the grand Jury, and for the purpose of this Inquiry the use of the Federal courtroom will be necessary. The oitlzens summoned wil report for Third Prize, 10, by F. D. McLouth, ' of Corvallis. duty this morning at Who'clock, but it is not likely that tney will be sworn in until tomorrow. A number of witnesses who are to testify before the grand jury when it convenes were also on band yes terday. Following is the list from which the 23 jurors will be seleoted: C. A. Bell, Hood River: Ambrose Hazeltine, Portland; R. M. Alcorn, .Pendleton: Albert Adams, Deer Island; Ben SelltntT, Portland: Howell Lewis, Fern Hill; J. N. Dews, Walk ins; Herbert Bradley, Portland: James D. Hennessey, Portland;. James R. Linn, Salem; John M. Do&ne. Sumpter; J. N. Griffith. As toria; W. H. Stlnson, Medford: Siegle Coffman, Medlcaa Springs; William Qiissenthwalte. Ore gon City; Howard K. Rush, Ugaklns; J. W. AUen, Rlckreal; Francis M. Batchelor, .Port land; John L. Haller, Woodbum; W. W. Gregory, Agate; S. E. Clark, .Ukiah; O. Bark er, Oak Creek: Henry Lconnig. Haines: J. Schoenberg, Holbrook: Georges E. - Hoffman. Portland; H. T. Hudson, Portland; Matthew N. Genuer, Portland; J. H. Harris. Corvallis: C. B. Cannon, Roseburg: Robert F. Hall, Portland; T. C. Dug-an, Eagle Point: William Amsler, 6alem; Alex Cayle, Hubbard; J. H. Carlton, Eagle Point: WiHfam H. Commons; Scotfs Mills; J. c. Miller, Montavllla; T. B. Davidson, Eugene; C. M. Jasper, Cove; Prank U., Hull, Mehama; M. G. Aldrlch, Tremont Place; F. W. Springer, Baker City; W. B. Glass, Brownsville; James Starr, Stephenson; "William Gunning. McMlnnville; " Lucius J. a icks. r-oruami : v . f. Moist, Lebanon : O. Bennett. Junction: Henry Nachand. Pa re place; Frank Cook, Astoria. PORTLAND HOTEL SOCIETY . . CIRCUS. Engage 'tables now ' for Thursday, Fri day and Saturday after . the Society Circus. Main dining-room will represent circus and menagerie. H. C. Bowers. Let Japanese Go North. SAN FRANCISCO, April 16. Commis sioner of Immigration North received in structions from Washington to .permit the 290 .lav-tnese who arrived on the Corea. to proceed to British Columbia: They came in transit and were referred to the Com missioner for instructions. Studying the Want Ads Did you ever see a poorly-dressed, weary-eyed man hopelessly look ing down the long columns of want ads passing by request after request for Bookkeepers, Stenographers, Bank Clerks, etc. not pre pared for any of those lines searching for his chance at a job with vague uncertainty as to what it would be and did not pity for him -well up in your heart t ; Be sure that some one will not have the same feeling about you in the future. There is just one bona fide, gilt-edged form of insurance against poverty: . A practical Business education such as you can readily acquire at the BEHNKE - WALKER COLLEGE in a few months of conscientious study, .and at comparatively small ex pense. We will place you' in a position when competent, and, better still, you will have the assurance and independence of one who knows he is prepared for success so long as"he lives. Our Beautiful New Catalog on Request FALLS ON WORKMEN Rothchild Excavation Caves In, Injuring Three. CURB AND WALK COLLAPSE Accident In Center of Business Dis trict Attracts Large Crowd C. J. Cook, the Contractor, Thought Wall Was Securely -Braced. While workmen were engaged on the excavation for the Rothchild building at Fourth and Washington streets at 8 o'clock last night, the curbing and side walk on the Fourth-street side gave way and fell with a thud. Three men were injured, one sustaining a broken leg. The others were badly bruised, but neither seriously. All were removed to the Good Samaritan Hospital in ambulances. The men were employed by C. J. Cook, and were working with the large steam shovel, at the northwest corner of Fourth and Washington streets, excavating the big basement for the structure that is to take the place of the old Schiller cigar gtore. At the hospital the men gave their names and addresses as follows: P. Miller, aged 33 years; Everett House, crushed and bruised; Mike Angellch, aged 35 years, 345 Flanders street, back sprained; Besta, Bouckah. aged 31 years. residence - 345 Flanders; right leg broken. There was no warning of the falling of the heavy curbing and the sidewalk, and the workmen had no time to escape. They were caught under debris and pinioned until extricated by fellow work men. It was quite dark In the deep ex cavation and It was with considerable difficulty the men were rescued. They were placed in the large lift, raised and swung. out to the middle of Fourth street, where they were placed in the ambulances. - There was the usual delay for the ambulances, and much time elapsed before the injured were in the hospital. C. J. Cook soon arrived at the scene of the accident and lent bis aid in attending to the injured. He said he could not un derstand how the collapse occurred, as he thought tho sides of the pit wero securely braced. The scene of the accident' is in the heart of the business district and thou sands of people quickly gathered. A squad of police was required to preserve order, and it was with great difficulty the officers kept back the large crowds. among which were many women and children. Reports were circulated on the street that several workmen had been killed. Cheap Taper for Official Records, WASHINGTON. April 16. That the pa- ners supplied for Government use too ire quently fall below the specifications, lack durability or in some way are not adapt ed to the purpose for which they are in tended, is the statement made by Chief Wiley, of the Chemistry Bureau in a cir cular issued by the Department of Agri culture. Valuable documents and scien- WHEN YOUR BACK ACHES. Take one teaspoonful of the following simple mixture after your meals and again before go ing to bed, viz.: Fluid Extract Dandelion one-half ounce. Com pound Kargon one ounce,' .Com pound Syrup Sarsaparllla three ounces. Get the ingredients from some good prescription pharmacy and mix them yourself by shaking in a bottle. The Kidneys often become clogged up and inactive, either from overwork or change of weather, and cause the back and Bides to pain and ache. This is said to readily relieve almost any lame back; also overcome the worst forms of Rheumatism, by toning up the Kidneys and forcing them to filter the uric acid or Rheumatism poisonB from t.hA blood. Cut this out and save it. MAN D SAPOLIO FOR TOILET AND BATH Delicate . enough for the ; softest skin, and yet efficacious in removing any stain. Keeps the skin in perfect condition. In the bath gives all the desirable after-effects of a Turkish ibath. ' It should be on every wash stand. ALL GROCERS AND DRUGGISTS HOW INDEPEND ENT TELEP HONE PROJECTS ARE MANIPULATED By Skillful Juggling of Finances of Companies They Are Made to Look Prosperous at First, buy Finally Fail. '" (Oakland Enquirer, July 23, 108.) ' The Pacific Coast has suffered its share. rather more than Us share, perhaps, from wildcat telephone financiering. There are a few apparently successful Independent teiepnone enterprises In different parts of the country which are used i Hik ing horses by promoters; but their perma- iiem Buumiiiifss tins not yet Deen proved, whereas the unsoundness of th mninritv of Independent telephone undertakings is so patent mat it is a wonder now any one was ever induced to put money into them. Jones and Smith, for example, organ ised a Home Telephone Company with a capital siock oi jdu.uw, autnorlzed b per cent bonds of $150,000. giving a total of $300,000. The same Jones and Smith then agree to construct a telephone plant ol louu suoscrioers on account ot tne Home Telephone Companv and take in payment for this plant J100.000 in capital stock and J100.000 in bonds. Again the same Jones and Smith form an under writing syndicate in which they are slightly interested, the syndicate agree ing to purchase the bonds at 80 with a 50 per cent stock bonus. The underwrit ers pay JSO.000 for $100,000 of 6 per cent bonds and $50,000 of stork. Jones and Smith construct a plant cost ing $5.000. They have received from the syndicate JSO.000. They make an Immedi ate profit of $15,000 cash and still have $00,000 stock. The underwriters sell the bonds to the public at $fi5,000. They receive from the public $05,000. thus making a WHAT WE DO .We pay 3 per cent interest on Savings Ac counts, 4 per cent on 'Annual Certificates, issue our 10, 30, 60 and 90-day Demand Certificates for those having funds they may require at any time f 6r investment or other use, receive cle ' posits subject to check, take charge of trust matters in all their varied forms, and in short, do a general banking and trust business. . Merchants Saving's & Trust Company 247 Washington Street , Capital, fully J. Frank Watson, President. R. L. Durham, Vice-President. W. H. Fear, Secretary. S. C. Catchin'g, Assistant Secy. O. W.'.T. Muellhaupt, Cashier. Vlflo work are recorded on papers which deteriorate, thus rendering the records useless. - 5 :-f For five years the bureau has been mak ing investigations looking to the Improve SEE now ready ' mm I profit of $15,000 cash and they still have $50,000 of stock. If the market for bonds Is not giod. they sweeten It to the pub lic by giving up to the purchasers part of their sto-k. which they i-an afford to do as it costs them nothing. In order to convince the public that their proposition Is a good one, they make a prospectus which on paper shows inter est on bonds as earned and likewise a small interest on the stock. They sell some stock at a very low price and by skillful manipulation create a tempor fc.ry market. If the speculative public rates up this stock "and enable it to be unloaded at an average prico of 50 a further profit of $50,000 lsv divided among rihe insiders. The securities being digested, the pub lic have gotten a telephone exchange which cost to- construct $t5.000, and for which thev paid $145,000. After running it for a short time the new owners find that thev need money for extensions and having $50,000 of bonds and $50,000 of stock in the treasury they proceed to sell It. The market breaks and they are unable to realize. Pretty soon their credit Is exhausted and Interest Is defaulted, a receiver Is appointed. The receiver sells the property for fiO cents on the dollar. That part of the pub lic that paid $50,000 for stock loses all. and that part that paid $95,000 for the bonds gets bark 25 cents on the dollar and the Bell Company gets a lot of cheap property with which tq strengthen ill position. paid, $150,000 ment of papers and the utilization of farm products in their manufacture. The circu lar just issued gives the methods and tests by which the composition and value of paper are Judged. - PAGE 12