10 THE MORNING GREGOMAN. MONDAY, APRIL 8, 1907. XEW TODAY. WHERE CAN YOU GET 11 on Your Money? If yon have $25,000 and are willing to take a high-grade piece of real es tate, see Moore Realty Go. 2GS STARK ST. Choice Building Lots (44nn Quarter block In Lincoln Park 0 1 IUU Annex, near Union ave. car line; streets improved, sidewalks down. Mnrn 60x100 in West Irvington; street w I UUU improvement and taxes paid. This l in a very fine residence district. Call and let us tell you more about it. American Bank 6 Trust Co. 90 SEVENTH STREET. FOB SALE REAL ESTATE. WHO WANTS THIS? $6500 Excellent piece of West Bide property with three dwellings; $3000 cash, balance 8 years at 6 per cent; now pays over 14 per cent net. STATE INVESTMENT CO.. 118 Abington building. 57500 ON JOHNSON ST., IN CHOICE LO fftllty. Large 9-room house with lot 00x100. fine shrubbery. MOORE REALTY CO., 2GS Stark st. UNION AVENUE SNAP. Lot 40x100 near Russell street, all Im provements In and paid, for quick sale, price reduced to 51000. ELLIS & YORK. Rooms 20 and 21, 264 Morrison st. $1400 ON EAST HARRISON ST.. 5-ROOM cottage, lot 50x100. Bringing $13 per month. MOORE REALTY CO.. 208 Stark st. $12,500 ON G LI SAN ST., NEAR 22D ST. Large, new 10-room house. Lot 50 xlOO. MOORE REALTY CO., 26S Stark St. $2750 CHOICE BUILDING LOCATION ON Portland Heights; corner lot 75x100. Beautiful view of the city. MOORE REALTY CO., 26S Stark st. $2500 ON MARKET ST.. GROOM HOUSE with lot 100 feet deep. This Is a good buy; house now brings $20 per month. MOORE REALTY CO., 208 Stark st. $45,000 CORNER 100x100 CLOSE IN WITH new 3-story building. Brings in II per cent net on price. There Is nothing better on the market. MOORE REALTY CO., 20S Stark St. FOR SALE BY OWNER FINE 9-ROOM corner house, excellent location, E. Burn side st., walking distance; carefully built; furnace and grate; modern and unique ar rangement; $5350. L 23 Oregonlan. or call at 3!7 E. 3d st. North, afternoons. fi3 ACRES. VERY SIGHTLY. NEAR THREE car lines, all ready to plat and put on the market; .-an be had for a few days at a very reasonable price; here Is tnt oppor tunity to double your money. Western Ore gon Trust Company, 291 Stark street. $4850 ON WILLAMETTE HEIGHTS; NEW 7-room home with lot 50x100. Beau tiful view. MOORE REALTY CO., 208 Stark st. THE ONLY ONE LEFT. A good 5-room hou! on a 2.Sxl00 foot lot on Qulmby street, between 19th and 20th; the lot alone Is worth more; for a few day only, $1900. SHERLOCK A WOERNDLT3. 9t Ii:h. near Stark. $5000 ON EVERETT RT. HOUSE WITH 8 rooms. Well located close to Wash ington st. MOORE REALTY CO.. 168 Stark st. CHEAP QUARTER. HOLLADAY ADD. Facing east ami south on 12th and Han cock sts.; one of the finest locations on best street; home phone East 72S, store Thone East 92. 320 East Morrison t.. C. I. Bos. FARRI8H. WATK1NS & CO.. 200 ALDER St. Real estnt", rentals, 'loans and in surance. We make a specialty of handling rentals and property for residents and nonresidents. Established 1S72. Main 1644. WE SELL HOUSES. Parties wishing to purchase a home should consult THE L. Y. KEADY INVESTMENT CO., 307 Failing Building. $500O MODERN 7-ROOM HOUSE- SITUATED in choice Nob Hill residence district; all necessary conveniences: near 23d st. ; ideal for home: part cash. BM Chamber of Com merce. Phone Main 1348. $7ROO Investment, speculation. Home. Holla day Addition, will net 7 per cent. Two fur nished cottages. Gearhart Park. $400. $100, will net 11 per cent. Call or write 92 7th st. $3200 FOR MODERN 7-ROOM HOUSE, weathered oak finish. 10-minute car serv ice; lot 50x100. only :i blocks to second CAT line. Hatfield & Smith. l.Vj 4th. $5 DOWN. 5 PER MONTH FOR FINE, sightly lots; price, $175; only a few left. 410 Stearns bldg , cor. 6th and Morrison. Phone Main 1354. 1500050x90. SOUTHWEST CORNER EAST 1st and Oak sts. ; fine location for ware house, with trackage, W. O. Waddel. 317 Lumber Exchange. EI N -ROOM COTTAGE WITH BARN AND lot, walking distance from business cen ter. West Side. E- T. Tasgart, 41G Cham ber of Commerce. 2S50 WEST SIDE. fl-ROOM HOUSE. GAS. bath, full bssemem, walking distance, lot 25x100 Miller, 410 Chamber Commerce. MODERN 6-ROOM BUNGALOW. NEW, S'J 400; MOy down, balance $25 monthly. Phone owner. Woodlawn 197. large frontage on corner sd st.( two house; rent $45. only $5000. Henkle Harrlion. 217 Abingion b'dg. FOR SALE-NEW. MODERN. 5-ROOM COT tage, corner lot. 50x100. on East 34th at. Owner. Phone Tabor SOO. DOOD 5-ROOM COTTAOF. EAST 14-TH AND Main; choice location, comer lot 50x100. pal lett. 304 Fenton bldg. TWO 4 -ROOM COTTAGES IN CITY VIEW Park; price $100 each, terms to eult. State Land Co.. 133H lBt ftvr i . tat .Oi " vr n v ct -tit Morrison St., a snap at $2200. State Land Co.. l8Mt Ftnst st. VROOM HOUSE QN FULL LOT. 412 10TH street; ha? two baths; must eel!. Phone Mon- dav. Main 1554. . . . NEW. MODERN. FIVE-ROOM COTTAGE In Piedmont , price S2O00. State Land Co.. First et. HALF ACRE 4-ROOM COTTAGE. PLAS tered; $1500; terms. 86 N. Cedar. Hazelwlld. Mt Scott car. FOR SALE CORNER LOT. 23TH AND Salmon. $2100. Inquire of owner, 129 East 12th st. FRACTIONAL IXT NEAR E 10TH AND E. MorrUor Owner. 148 E. ICth st. Phone East 32S0. BPHIN7C AGENCY. SOS .J STARK ST.. CAN til our business property or reaideno. 0x100 LOT ON WIEDLER ST.. ONLY S1500. Sphinx Agency. 305 'a Stark at. rOB SALE 'ii .U. ESTATE. SELLWOOD HOMES. S2C00 7-room. strictly modern house. City View Park; fine view. $2000 5-room bungalow. 100 feet from carl in e. $1200 -fl-room house on Umatilla ave. $600 3-room house, 2 blocks from car line. $500 Lot on Improved street, block from carllne. $400 Two lots. SET T WOOD TOWNSITE CO. H. P. PALMER. Mgr.. Opposite Flrehouse. Sell wood. Phone Sell wood 161. Portland Office, 222 Failing Bldg. Phone Main 5661- THE FIRST CHOICE OF ALL BARGAINS 2 acres, ft miles from Portland. 240 feet deep water frontage on Columbia River, also new wharf, warehouse and store building, living apartments; stock of general merchandise; also Independent water system. Railroad runs through this property. Wharfage alone worth the price of the property. Business now netting $2500 per annum. Can be doubled. For price and terms call on or address OHIO REALTY CO., Phone raciflc 27. 408 Commercial bldg. $5500 WILL HANDLE 100x100 s.W. corner 13th and Hall ats. graded, subdivided Into 4 fractional lots; same will sell from $2000 to $2500 each; fine view of the mountains, splendid air, graded Ltreet. sewerage, etc. ; 2 blocks from 2 carlines; price $7000. balance $2000 mortgage 3 years at 6 per cent. WESTERN INVESTMENT CO., 06 Sixth St., 2d floor. 6 HIGH. SIGHTLY, SHELTERED, WELL fenced lots. 50x100 each. In growing gar den, young fruit trees, small fruits and lawn, with new house of 4 large rooms, basement and large porches, fine barn. 2 short blocks from car; this property will grow In value; now only $2300. Home Land Co.. 145 J4 First st. KLAMATH COUNTRY IN OREGON RE clamatibn service expending $5,000,000 ir rigating 250,000 acres. Finest of farming and timber lands. Large cities growing. New railroads through the land. Lots on monthly payments. Send five 2-cent stamps for Illustrated pamphlet. Klamath Development Co., Klamath Falls. Or. A GOOD BUT ON UNION AVENUE, NEAR Burnside street, corner lot 70x100 feet, with one 12-room house and one 8-room house in good condition, renting for $70 per month; will give terms; no agents. H. W. Manning, 43 Third st. Res. phone Main 2311. $15,000 ON 20TH ST. CORNER 100x100. Choicest residence district in the city. MOORE REALTY CO., 208 Stark st. $1950 ON EAST TAYLOR ST. NEW 5 room cottage, large attio and large concrete basement. Easy terms. MOORE REALTY CO., 26S Stark st. $1275 IN ALBINA. CHOICE LOCATION, near 2 carlines; lot 5oxl00, with alley; 6-room cottage; easy terms, MOORE REALTY CO., 268 Stark st. $8500 INVESTMENT DOUBLE HOUSE, 14 rooms, very modern; will rent for $75; East Alder, near 17th ; north front, lot 65xlOO; two furnaces, wood or coal ; some carpets, (hades, gas fixtures and linoleum go with property. Pallett, 304 Fenton bldg. EXCELLENT MODERN 10-ROOM HOUSE in Irvington, corner lot and on the car line. This house Is exceptionally well built and modern. Price $6200. You cannot build the house today for that, figure. Sphinx Agency, 80544 Stark Bt. $6250 FOR lOOx 100 FEET OF VACA NT ground fronting Williams avenue; this lies 100 feet south of S. E. corner of Hancock, in the coming business district. See the property yourself. For terms see owner. 314 Chamber of Commerce. GOOD HOME OF 6 ACRES, VERY CHOICE, in high state of cultivation, 8-room house, good barn and outhouses; fine orchard small fruits; located In Oregon City. For further Information call on C. W. Pallett, 304 Fenton bldg. LOTS OF LOTS TO BUILD OX. IX HOL laday's Addition and Irvington. from $1100 to $2000 each or can give you quarter blocks from $2500 to $4000. Sphinx Agency. 305 1 Star kst. A BEAUTIFUL HOME OF 12 ROOMS AND two baths ; everything modern. Grounds 100x100 and on carllne. close In. It is verv chap at $0000- Sphinx Agency. 305 M Stark st. IF YOU WANT TO BUY A STRICTLY MOD ern home, 8 rooms, completely furnished, in one of the most choice residence districts of Portland, address owner. V 11, care Ore gonlan. $5000 Prospective Business property. East Morrison, between 10th and 20th sts. ; now improved with two dwellings; income $33 per mo.; terms. W. O. Waddel. 317 Lumber Ex. TO CLOSE AX ESTATE WILL SELL 30 lots, 4 -room house, barn, well and wind mill, within 4 blocks of streetcar, for $2500, Home Land Co.. 1454 First st. ST. JOHNS LOT 66x24 iO. FENCED. FRUIT trees, small house, city water, near Wil lamette boulevard, price $800; terms. Dod son Bros., 418 Chamber of Commerce. $200 LOTS. 50x100 on Wood-stock carllne. $100 less than asking price of adjoining lots. J. J. Oeder, corner Grand avenue and East Ankeny. COTTAGE AT SEASIDE; MODERN. WELL furnished, electric lighted, sanitary toi lets, bath, city water, etc ; overlooks the ocean. Edgar B. Piper, Oregonlan, 2150 NICE LOT AND GOOD 6-ROOM house; gas, porcelain bath, sewer, good lo cation; Income $1S per month; terms. W. O. Waddel. 317 Lumber Exchange. IRVINGTON 6-ROOM MODERN HOME, corner on Broadway carllne; $1500 cash, terms on $2500 balance to suit purchaser. F. A. Jackson. Phone Pacific 1568. $2500 40x108 AND GOOD 7-ROOM house, E. 17th st., near Morrison; noth ing so cheap In this vicinity. W. O. Wad del, 817 Lumber Exchange. $2250 MODERN 6-ROOM HOUSE. SUNNY - side, fine location, between two carlines, $500 down, balance same as rent. Western Oregon Trust Co.. 291 Stark St. $4600 100x100 AND 4 5-ROOM COT tage. income $43 per month ; a good in vestment. W. O. Waddel. 317 Lumber Exchange, 2d and Stark. JUST THINK! LOTS $20 EACH. AT $1 PER month, rear Salem carllne. no further than Bt. Johns. Apply to owner. W. Reidt. Wash- Ington bldg. 20 CHOICE ACRES ON JOHNSON CKEEK and O. W. P. carllne at a bargain. Van duyn & Walton. 515 Chamber of Commerce. HOUSES. ALL PARTS OF CITT. BUILT AND old on Installments. Kroner, 16-17 Cam bridge bldg., southwest cor. 3d aad Morrison. $1450 $350 CASH. 4 CHOICE LOTfl NEAR Marguerite ave. 1-ook this up. H- Hllde brand, room IO. 2.; Wash Ington st. FIVE ACRES OX OREGON CITY LINE; beautiful building site. $3000. H. G. Stark weather, R. F. D.. Mllwaukle, Or. J SO OO MODERN. WELL-BUILT HOUSE. S rooms, fine view. Kings Heights. Part cash If desired. N 10. Oregonlan. IMPROVED AND UNIMPROVED APPLE land In upper Hood River Valley. $50 and $75 per acre. Inquire S3 Park st. MUST SELL. THIS MONTrL MODERN 7 room house at St. Johns Heights. Terms, addrsjss P. O. Box 118, St. Johns. FOR SALE BARGAIN. LOT 50x60. NEAR Eat Side High School; if taken at once, $1200; owner. Phone East 2409. BY OWNER QUARTER BLOCK ON S. W. corner 22d and E. Pine. Inquire 464 Lar rabee st.. or phone East 1230. WANTED REAL ESTATE. WANTED TO INVEST $20,000 CASH. AND would assume mortgage on Inside property showing fair rentai value, or that can be made lntref t -bearing with flats, stores or warehouse ; would consider pi a table acre age. F 19. OregonUn. WANTED INCOME, OR FUTURE Busi ness property. $3000 to $30,000. Owners only, w 24, Oregonlan. I WANT EAST SIDE PROPERTY; COME quick. J. J. Oeder, corner Grand ave. and E. Anker j. WANTED INCOME BUSINESS PROP- Tty. Home Land Co.. 145 First st. TO LEASE. FOR LONG LEASE W, 60 OR SO ACRES rich garden land, living stream, near O. W. P.; will raise celery, asparagus, other vege tables; some fruit land; enough cord wood for living expenses: good proposition for clearing where needed: work for 2 to 5 men. Address J. D. Lee. 2! E. 15th st N. After Sunday, phone E. 1223 during forenoons. FOR SALE FARMS. WHEAT IS KING. Money invested In wheat land is the safest Investment you can make. Why? Because the wheat land of the Pacific Northwest Is ' Increasing In value every day. and will continue to do so as the de mand Ie greater each year. Let me show 1 you what cmi be rlor.e on an Oregon j wheat farm. My knowledge Is based on j rtractlcal cmrienrp find m v farms aro I both large and small; prices are right and terms are good. Turner, 303 j Washing ton st., Portland, Or. A GARDEN OF EDEN NEAR OREGON City carllne; 5 acres, orchard 9 years old, garden, good well with windmill, small house, good barn; rural delivery; Inde pendent phone; garden tools; fruits will pay for place in 3 years If cared for; driv ing distance of Portland; cheap for its location; $2000. Home Land Co., 145 Va First st. IF YOU ARE LOOKING FOR 20, 40 OR 80 acres In the vicinity of Gresham, either partly improved or all well improved, don't fall to call on the Gresham Real Estate Co., as we have some bargains and will be pleased to show them at any time. Gresham Real Estate Co., Gresh am. Or. D. M. Roberts, president. 40 ACRES HOUSE, GOOD BARN. TWO poultry houses. 4 acres orchard. 12 acres cleared, good water on place; one hour by train from Portland; fine timber on place; price $2500, $1500 cash. $1000 on time. Box 18. Route 4, Sherwood. Or. IF YOU WOULD LEARN ABOUT THE great Flathead Indian reservation, soon to open, send 10 cents (silver or stamps) for our 82-page booklet. Address Flathead Reserva tion Information Agency. Missoula. Mont. FARM FOR SALE. ONE MILE FROM PRO posed line of Mt. Hood electric railway: 120 acres timber, 20 acres cultivated; good soil, orchard, fair buildings. For particulars address E. Curtis, Bullrun, Or. COLONIZATION 28 40-ACRE FARMS, down Columbia, near boat landing, $10 acre; acre in strawberries, 3 cows, 40 pigs; cleared $500 last year. X 2L Ore gonlan. 23-ACRE APPLE ORCHARD. 10 MINUTES' walk from La Grande postofflce; 1900 bear ing apple trees, other fruits- In season; first class condition. Address 612 Delay St., city. FOR SALE 0 ACRES, ALL IN BEARING fruit; good 8-room house; good outbuild ings; close to Vancouver, Wash. 4 N. 8th at. Phone Pacific 2082. SEE OUR LIST. Of Improved and unimproved farms for sale or trade. Jenne, Trimble & Trimble, 411 Marquam bldg. DAIRY A NO. 1 PAYING DAIRY AND milk route for sale at a bargain If taken soon. R. F. D. No. 3, box 75, Eugene, Or. $25 PER ACRE, WELL IMPROVED FARM, 320 acres, 8 miles from Salem; must be sold to settle estate. O 3. Oregonian. 40 ACRES HALF CLEARED AND WELL Improved with good orchard, in Vancouver; $6000; terms. D 11, Oregonlan. 10 ACRES. HIGHLY IMPROVED, IN VAX oouver.. Wash.; $4700, terms. G 13, Oregon lan. 80 ACRES. 20 MILES FROM PORTLAND; $16C0; easy terms. V 13, Oregonlan. FOR SALE TIMBER LANDS. THE LACEY WAY Is recognized to be the standard way of handling timber lands. The timber must first satisfy us, and our crulBe reveals every detail of the conditions surrounding It. Our reports are prepared In such a way that the buyer knows whether or not the timber will satisfy him before he vlEits the tract. Twenty years' experience, and the client age we represent, is a sufficient guar antee that our methods are right. You may waste your valuable time In looking up the tract you want. Take advantage of the results of our own constant efforts along this line and get the best. JAMES D. LACEY & CO.. Lumber Exchange, Seattle. Wash., Chamber of Commerce. Portland. Or. SAWMILL AND 40,000.000 FEET FIR TIM- ber near Columbia River, now clearing $0000 monthlv. Best deal in Oregon at $90,000. Rail and river shipping; 6 miles solid flume, including logging engines and complete outfit; other timber at hand. Don't "monke'- around" after a location, which will not be half so good, besides loss of six months' business. Guaranteed profits as above. M'FARLAND INVESTMENT CO.. 310-311-312 Swetland bldg. SAWMILL. $25,00018,000,000 feet cholco flr tim ber; mill, 65-hcrsepower, capacity 40.000; 8 head horses, complete logging outfit, 2 engines. 2 boilers, sawdust and slab car riers; everything new and modern. Near O. W. P. Ry., 20 miles from Portland; timber alone worth price asked. G. C. Shay, 304 Abington bldg. Phone Main 1942. COLUMBIA RIVER. Sawmill, flumes, logging roads, sawmill complete; two engines, two boilers, good machinery, three donkey engines, large body of yellow fir that will run U clear; will sell timber at actual cost of stump age; sa .vmlll, etc., thrown in. C. C Shay, 304 Abington bldg. SAWMILL LOCATIONS. To thoee seeking such we offer strictly first-class ones, none better Just below the ferry at Kalama, Washington; largest ves sels load here and N. P. Ry. is only 60 rods distant; abundance of timber near. For further Information write or phone, or pref erably come and see us. Lane & Co., Kalama. Washington. TIMBER FOR SALE. A. few bunhces of 20.000 to 3S.000 acres of fine timber, handy to salt water, from $7-50 to $11 per acre. Exceptionally good. People who mean buslenss only. F. FUCHS, 221 Morrison st. SEVERAL GOOD YELLOW PINE TIMBER claims In Eastern Oregon, cruise about 2,000.000 feet each. Address s 24, Ore gonlan. WE WANT TO PURCHASE A FEW SMALL tracts of timber land. The Ames Mer cantile Agency. Abington bldg. Timber wanted, Oregon or Washington, large or small tracts. Sphinx Agency, 305 Stark. TO EXCHANGE. WHAT HAVE YOU TO EXCHANGE FOR Los Angeles or Southern California prop erty.' Los Angeles City property; orange groves, alfalfa, farm or fruit ranches to exchange for "Portland city, suburban or farm property: If you wish to exchange your property for a home in sunny Cali fornia list same with us at once, stating what kind of property you wish in return. Exchange Realty Co., 304 Abington bldg. Main 1912. HAVE GOOD COTTAGE, BEST RESI denc district, on Yew Park carllne, in Salem: will exchange for Portland prop ertv, paving difference; property must be close in. 304 Abington bldg. Phone Main 1942. ONE OF THE BEST PAYING CAXDY AXD fruit etands in tne city, win exenange ior city property: price $3000. See Tousley & Weaver. 11-12 Iafayette bldg.. 313 Wash ington, corner 6th. Phone Main 6961. FIXE CHICKEN RANCH. 5-ROOM COT tage 2-acreft, improvements, in Lents, O,. to exchange for city property. Phone Main S3 6 Chamber of Commerce. $120O EQL'ITY IN B-ROOM HOUSE. NORTH Portland, to exchange for East Side house and lot. S36 Chamber of Commerce. Main 134S. 100 ACRES, CHOICE FARM LAND, TO trade for city property or sell at sacri fice. 320 Failing bldg. Phone Pacific 156?. PIANO LESSONS GIVEN IN EXCHANGE for sewing or use of typewriter, or assist ance in housework. A 99. Oregonian. FOR RENT FARMS. 40 ACRES. 23 IN HOPS. 15 IN CILTIVA tion; good barn, hophouse. fences. 4-room house, etc.; 9 miles from Portland; mile from railroad ; cheap rent to good tenant. J- W. Ogllbee, room 11. 145 1st street. FIVE ACRES. 1 MILE EAST OF PORT land. with house, barn, orchard, well; good fo small dairy, gardening, chickens; near graded school. $10 month. McCoy. 364 North 26th. W cars to 26th. turn left half block. FOR RENT 2O0-ACRE FARM, SUITABLE for dairy or hogs; SOO-acre farm, suitable for dairy or hogs; 50 head of milch cows for pale. Apply between 9 and 10 A. M., R. Chtlcott. 306 McKay bldg. 24 ACRES. CLOSE IN ON COUNTY ROAD, near school ; half in cultivation; easy terms to right party. Owner, 3221 Stark. HOOD RIVER 15 ACRES. ORCHARD, berries, timothy. 3 miles to depot. Mercer, OH Front. Portland- , WANTED AND FOR SALE LAND SCRIP All kinds. Including approved forest reserve scrip for surveyed, unsurveyed timber and prairie Government land. H. U. Hamilton, The Portland. Portland. Or. WANTED TIMBER LANDS. WANTED TIMBER LANDS IN SKAMA nia County, Washington. Tillamook, Polk and Lincoln Counties, Oregon. Ho ban fc Taggart. 211 Alisky bldg. WANTED RELINQUISHMENT OF TIM ber claim; must be good; will art at once and pay good price. D 19, Ore gon la n. FOR BALI Horses, Vehicles, Etc. New grocery. laundry, bakery, milk wagon. nlture wagone; horses, rigs rented. Tomlln on & Casslday. 211 Waah. Pacific 507. TOP WAGONS. GOOSE-NECK; FURNITURE wa gons, expreas wagons, runabouts, horses, vehicles and harness of all descriptions for sale or rent. Hubert & Hall, 206 Fourth st. HORSES FOR SALE 10 SPANS. 1100 TO 1600 pounds. 489 Overton, between 13th and 14th; take S car. Freedman Bros. FARM WAGON WANTED MUST BE 34 or 3 tire and cheap for cash. Address T 25. Oregonian. FOR SALE 18 HEAD OF HORSES. 1200 to 1500 pounds, at 1028 E. Alder st.. by W. E. Jacobs. FOR SALE SET.' ERA L BUGGIES. WAGONS and stylish trap ; one cheap work horse. 420 Hawthorne. FOR SALE CHEAP A FINE LITTLE young team of horses at 228 Jefferson st. ESTIMATES GIVEN ON EXCAVATING AND team work. Phone East 72. 420 Hawthorne. SECOND-HAND PANEL-TOP WAGON FOR sale cheap. 366 E. Washington. Miscellaneous. FOR SALE: HARDWOOD DOUBLE BOWL ing alley of standard make, complete and guaranteed in first-class condition; full set of balls, pins, scoreboard and return rack for balls; cost $750 f. o. b. factory; take It for $275. For further Information address P. O. Box 205, Medford, Or. WHITE PLYMOUTH ROCKS I SHOWED A dozen of them at last Portland show and got scores from 8S to 93. This is the best stocks of White Rocks In Portland. Will take $2 apiece for males, $1 for females; nothing reserved; first come, first served. Call 210 Alisky bldg., or phone Main 2263, Also thoroughbred homer pigeons cheap. $?$ THE LARGEST AND CLEANEST $$$ second-hand store In Oregon We can now offer to the public the most complete Block of furniture, stoves, bedding, etc., etc. ; new and good as new ; if you will save time and money go to the Dollar, 232 First, near Main. PHONOGRAPHS CLOSING OCT NEW $25 and $50 disc machines. $12.50 and $25 (easy terms) ; beautiful carved oak case, all brass horn, triple spring motor; will surprise you; new 50c records. 80c; 500 selections. 195 Sixth. FOR SALE: NEW AND SECOND-HAND BIL llard and pool tables; easy payments; we rent tables, with privilege of buying; mod ern bar fixtures; cheap prices. Brurwlck-Ba!ke-Collender, 49 3d st. ALL BAR FIXTURES. GLASSES AND Ap pliances used In a saloon for sale at The Office Cafe, 285 Washington it. Apply to Sam Vlgneux. ENGINEERS. ATTENTION FOR SALE, transit chain, level rods, hand level, ane roid. Phone Main 1671. 2 FRESH MILCH COWS; YOUNG. GEN tle; easy milkers. 1480 Macadam st-, Ful ton. Phone Main 6981. ONE SKIFF, TWO RIFLES, ONE Win chester with loading tools, at your own price. Q 25, Oregonlan. CASH PAID FOR FURNITURE. FIXTURES and me re hand lee. Phone Main 1626. J. T. Wilson, auctioneer. RECORDS DISC, BRAND NEW, FOR ALL machines, 30c for 00c records; 500 selec tions. 195 Sixth. I FOR SALE SCHOLARSHIP IN BEHNKE Walker Business College at a discount. L 65, Oregonlan. Moving picture machines, stereoptlcons, re pairs, slides to order. Stevens, 105 V4 4th. FRESH DAIRY COWTS FOR SALE AT 931 Savler street, between 27th and 2Sth. Automobile for sale; must sell on account of leaving city. Apply 204 Macleay bldg. FOR SALE TWO GOOD FRESH COWS AT 709 Harold st. Take Sellwood car. GOOD 3C0 LIGHT DIRECT CURRENT dynamo, 110 volts. J 24. Oregonlan. AUTOMOBILE FOR SALE 1906 CADIL lac runabout, $700. 169 11th st. FAMILY COW FOR SALE, FRESH. Belmont St., corner 30th. HELP WANTED MALE. FURNACE MAN WANTED ONE WHO understands furnace work. A. W. Curry, 116-118 Grand ave. Phone Scott 4411. WANTED BARBER APPRENTICE AS partner and cashier; old established flve chalr barbershop. 177 Madison st. WANTED ERRAND BOY WITH WHEEL; wages $30 per month. Chapman Adver tislng Co., Commonwealth bldg. BUSH ELM AN W A N TED FOR R EPA I R work in clothing store, permanently. Jas. J. Padden. Vancouver, Wash. WANTED SECOND COOK WHO UNDER stands plain pastry work, at Morris' Res taurant, 229 Washington, WANTED, TWO GOOD MEN WITH ONLY & few dollars you can make $100 per month and over. 307 Alisky bldg. WANTED A MAN TO WORK IN FANCY grocery ; none except experienced need ap ply. L 81, Oregonian. WANT CARPENTERING AND GRADING; exchange dentistry or typewriter. Call room 9, 323 Vi Wash. st. WANTED NEAT, QUICK WAITRESS FOR lunch counter; no Sunday work. Stein's Rest, 266 Stark. WANTED YOUNG MAN TO DRIVE DE llvery wagon. Call after 10 A. M. Swetland's, 273 Morrison. YOUNG MAN TO LEARN THE DRUG Bus iness or with some experience. K IS, Oregonian. WANTED BARBER TO REXT AN OLD established shop, cor. 2d and Salmon. Call 8:SO A. M. WANTED AN EXPERIENCED MAN TO drive bakery wagon. Call at 337 Burn side st. WANTED FIRST-CLASS LADIES' TAI lor, high wages, steady work. 411 Morri son. WANTED BOY OVER 17 FOR DELIV- ery. Martin & Forbes, 347 Washington st. WE SECURE EMPLOYMENT FOR MEM' bers. Special membership, $2. T. M. C. A. 0. K. EMPLOYMENT OFFICE HELP FUR nlshed free to employers. 33Va N. 2d. M. 3707. Young Man desiring to better condition Call on Employment Dept.. Y. M. C. A. WANTED TAILOR FOR REPAIR WORK and pressing at J. Harris, 312 Alder st. WANTED AN EXPERIENCED BOOK keeper; references. W 12. Oregonlan. SALESMEN BIG WAGES; SOMETHING positively new. 215 Commercial block. WANTED A FIRST-CLASS COATMAKER, at once. A. Swanson, 366 Russell st. WANTED YOUNG MAN 17 OR 18 YEARS old. Mt. Hood Factory. 233 Couch st. WANTED BOY WITH WHEEL; $7.50 A week. R. M. Gray. 269-271 Morrison. 500 men wanted Free shaves and haircuts, 248 Couch st. Moler Barber College. WANTED RAILROAD BRIDGE FORE man. Apply 303 Commercial bldg. WANTED POT WITH BIKE TO LEARN drug business. C 15, Oregonlan. EOY WANTED AT THE WASHINGTON, 695 Northrup St.. near 21st. WANTED- MATTI:"?- Kr.V-i. STEADY work. 55 Front, comer Davis. WANTED BOY WITH WHEEL TO WORK all day. Apply 111 3d st. WANTED A GOOD SECOND BAKER ON bread at 651 Second st. WANTED YOUNG KITCHENMEN. $S PER week. 508 Washington. WANTED A WAGONMAKER. CALL 420 Belmont. WANTED BARBER; STEADY JOB. 122 N. 6th st. BARBER WANTED 135 FRONT ST. HELP WANTED MALE. WANTED 4 MILLWRIGHTS. $4; 3 ROUGH carpenters, $3.50; mill blacksmith. $3.50: planerman, $3 up; night watchman, $50 and board; cook for plledriver crew, $5'J and board: 200 others. LUMBERMEN'S LABOR BUREAU, 12 North Second St. WANTED FOR BECKWITH, CAL.. ON Western Pacific Railroad, 500 ttmnel men. machine men. $4: helpers. $3-50; muckers. $2.50 and $3; foreman. $4.50 and 55; car penters. $3 to $4.50; skinners. $3; board $5 per week: 2-year job. The Utah Construction Co., Cromberg, Oal. ALL DISEASES OF MEN SUCCESS FLTLLY treated; discharges positively cured in from 8 to 5 days; consultation free and strictly confidential ; eend for our symptom blank. X-radlum Medical Institute, 30 and Alder sts. ; entrance 253 Alder St., Portland. MEN DESIRING GOVERNMENT EMPLOY ment may file applications now, prepar atory for the Civil Service Examination. Must have staying qualities and willing to work up. Write Pacific States Schools, Dept. A., McKay bldg.. Portland, Or. WANTED BRIGHT, ENERGETIC YOUNG man as assistant bookkeeper: must be rapin and accurate in posting; position steady, with good future prospects for right party ; answer In own handwriting, stating age and salary wanted. Q IS, Oregonlan. WANTED BY EASTERN MANUFAC turer. two A No. 1 energetic salesmen, absolutely temperate and reliable; good opportunity with good company. Apply W. W. Saint, Portland. Hotel, Monday, 1 to 2 P. M. WANTED SIDE LINE SALESMAN TO handle our line of popular priced overalls. Jumpers, khaki goods, etc, in Oregon and Washington : commission basts. Address A M. Armer & Company, 360 Sixth St., Oakland, Cal. LADIES' HOSIERY AND UNDERWEAR we nave a good position for nret-class, ex perienced man, as manager of department in above line with a reliable house; write, stating experience and references, to A 23, Oregonian. WANTED SEVERAL CAPABLE SALES men for positions now open - in city and country towns ; also experienced office men, bookkeepers, stenographers, clerks, etc. Commercial Abstract Co., Raleigh bldg. YOUNG MAN GOOD PENMAN, TO PRE pare for entrance examinations as Customs Inspector. Call today for particulars. Ex aminations very soon. WeBt Coast Corre spondence Schools- 714 Chamber Com. NEWSPAPER SOLICITOR OR BOOKMAN to Bell ia&t edition of Webster's Diction aries among the schools and school peo ple of Oregon. Salary or commission. New territory- Address S 22, Oregonian. SALESMAN WANTED WANTED FOR THE country an experienced salesman for dry goods, clothing, etc. ; state salary and ref erences; window trimming and card writing desirable. Address N 21, care Oregonlan. ANY INTELLIGENT PERSON MAY EARN $75 to $100 monthly corresponding for news papers; sure, steady work; no canvassing; experience unnecessary. Send for particu lars. Press Syndicate, Lockport, N. Y. PROTECT YOURSELF FOR $1 PER MONTH against accident, sickness and death. Write or call for full information. Northwestern Health and Accident Association, 31 Mallory bldg., 268 Stark. Agents wanted. MEN AND WOMEN TO LEARN BARBER trade In eight weeks; graduates earn from $15 to $25 weekly; expert Inertruetore ; cata logue free. Moler System of Colleges, 35 North Fourth street, Portland. WANTED COMPETENT DOUBLE EN try bookkeeper for large manufacturing plant ; state age, experience, salary ex pected; one who speaks German preferred. Apply C 13, Oregonlan. TO DRIVE CIGAR WAGON WANTED, strong young man about 20 years of age, familiar with city; good chance for pro motion, with leading wholesale firm. X 150, Oregonian. PACIFIC STATIONERY & PRINTING CO., 205-20T 2d st. Phone Main 921. W design and install the most modern and approved office systems. Complete line loose-leaf filing devices. SALESMAN GOOD OPENING FOR ENER getlc, aggressive man in sales dept. of large corporation in city; Al references required; state age, salary, experience. P 20, Oregonian. KELSO EMPLOYMENT & REAL ESTATE The largest list of farm, timber, stump land in Cowlitz County, Washington; free employment at principal camps. M. Bixby, Jr. WANTED TO CORRESPOND WITH AN experienced hardware salesman, with ref erence. Address The Pioneer Hardware Co., care of Eugene O'Connell, Marsh field, Or. Men and women to learn watchmaking, engrav ing, jeweler work, optics, easy terms; posi tions guaranteed; money made learning. Watchrakg-Engvg. Sch'l, 1428 4th av. Seattle International Correspondence Schools of Scranton received In one month 3303 let ters from students telling of increased sal aries; local representative, 514 McKay bid. Men and boys wanted to learn plumbing, plastering, bricklaying, electrical trades; free catalogue ; positions secured. Coyne Trade Schools, New York and San Fran. BOY WANTED AT REFFLIXG. 231 Wash ington street. NIGHTWATCHMAN STEADY, SOBER, elderly married man; steady Job for right party; references required. Apply Con-tracting-Engineerlng Co.. 4th and Oak. WANTED SOLICITORS FOR HEALTH and accident Insurance, big money, easy work. American Mutual Benefit Associa tion. 400 Oregonian bldg. BOY. 16 YEARS OLD, FOR OFFICE WORK; must ba good writer and live with parents or guardians; good salary and chance to learn trade. Address S 17, Oregonian. WANTED RESPONSIBLE MAN THAT CAN Invest $350; permanent salary $25 weekly and share of profits. Call 3136 Washington etreet, room 18. WANTED YOUNG MAN FOR GROCERY wagon, to solicit and deliver groceries, must have some experience. Apply 594 First st. WANTED BOY 16 YEARS OF AGE OR older to carry paper route. Apply City Circulation Desk. business office Ore gonian. WANTED TWO EXPERIENCED CIGAR salesmen for Seattle territory. Write P. O. Box 278, Seattle, Wash. References re quired. WANTED BOY, 16 YEARS OF AGE OR older, to carry paper route In Alblna dis trict. Apply 705 E. Ash, or phone East 1559. DANCING LESSONS. 25c, private and classes, taught dally. Prof. Wal Wilson, offices and academy, Alisky bldg., 3d and Morrison sts. IF YOU WANT A POSITION OR HELP OF any kind, call at 209 AllEky bldg., or phone Main S931. Clerks' Registration Bureau. HELP WANTED FEMALE. A MAID AT THE MATTINGLY KINDER- garten. 269 14 th st., near Jefferson. FINISHERS ON PANTS. STEADY WORK; good pay. 207 Commonwealth Bldg. APPRENTICE, SKIRT AND WAIST HANDS wanted. Davidson & Ferrey, 141 13th st. EXPERIENCED PAPER BOX MAKERS American Chicle Co.. 31 ft. Front sL WANTED GIRL FOR GENERAL HOUSE work ; family of two. 812 Johnson st. WANTED SECOND GIRL. WOMAN'S Ex change, 133 10th st., Monday morning. WANTED GIRL FOR GENERAL HOUSE wark; 2 in family. 691 Gllsan st. WANTED A GIRL FOR GENERAL housework. Apply 248 N 20th st. WANTED GIRL TO DO FINISHING FOR ladies tailor. 411 Morrison. AN EXPERIENCED GIRL TO ASSIST IN generai housework. 389 Alder st. TWO EXPERIENCED SALESGIRLS. Ap ply immediately. 171 3d st. SHIRTMAKERS WANTED- JACOBS SHIRT Company, 291 Stark street. GIRL FOR GENERAL HOUSEWORK good wages. oo Market. DINING-ROOM GIRL WANTED AT THE L nion riotei. oi k, etn st. GIRL FOR PLAIN COOKING IN PRIVATE boarding house. 814 Mill st. . WANT! work. JIRL TO ASSIST IN HOUSE- tjilsan st. WANTED AT ONCE. DINING ROOM girl. 295 14th. GIRL FOR SECOND WORK. 570 HO YT street- HELP WANTED FEMALE. TWO AMERICAN PLAN WAITRESSES who know service. Apply to Steward. Sargent Hotel, Grand and Hawthorne avea. ATTENTION. Applicants for all kinds of work, register with us. free of charge, so we may locate you on chort sotice, HANSEN'S LADIES' AGENCY. 14SH Washington St., cor. 7th, upstairs. EXPERIENCED CHOCOLATE DIPPERS; HIGHEST WAGES, PFiRMANFJNT. GEORGE A. McNEIL CO-, 110 NORTH 4TH ST.. WHOLESALE CONFECTIONERS. ELDERLY GENTLEMAN WANTS HOUSE keeper, nearby city, pleasant home. No ob jection to one or two small children. O 23. Oregonian. WANTED GIRL EXPERIENCED IN BDND ery, at wrapping counter or paper bax fac tory, for wrapping, folding and filing; must be deft and careful. Chapman Advertising Company. WANTED COOK AND DINING-ROOM GIRL for hotel In small town; good wages; mother and daughter or two sisters preferred. Ap ply 806 Jefferson st. (end Canyon road line.) GIRLS WANTED OPERATORS TO WORK on shirts and overalls; lessons given to Inexperienced. Apply at Standard Factory, 2 Grand ave. end E. Taylor st. COM PEfT E NT WAITRESS AND CHAMBER mald; must have personal references. Ap ply Sunday and Monday between 10 and 12 o'clock. 722 Wayne st., corner of St. Clair. WANTED A COMPETENT GIRL FOR general housework; good wages. Call morning 215 14th st-, cor. Salmon, or phone Main 5686. WANTED HOUSEKEEPING, COOKS, nurses, waitresses, second girls. St. Louis Lalles Agency, 230H Yamhill. Main 6413. 100 WOMEN TO TEACH, $40 WEEKLY and positions guaranteed when competent. Call quick. Room 302, Imperial Hotel, after l P. M. THE MEIER & FRANK STORE REQUIRES the services of millinery saleswomen of experience. Permanent positions for com petent people. ONE OR TWO TEACHERS TO JOIN A party of teachers for lucrative vacation work, outside of Portland. Address K 9, Oregonian. THE MEIER & FRANK STORE REQUIRES several competent salesladies for their mil linery department. Apply Supt-'s office, 8 to 10 A. M. 20 WAITRESSES, CITY, WALLA WALLA (2), chamberwork, cooks, dishwashers, ho tel waiters, $40. "Drake's," 205H Wash ington. WANTED OPERATORS AND GIRLS TO learn shlrtmaking. Apply Standard Fac tory, 2 Grand ave. and E. Taylor at. COMPETENT GIRL FOR GENERAL housework, small family, good wages. Ap ply 161 N. 12th St., cor. Irving. HANSEN'S LADIES AGENCY, 843 Washington at., cor. 7th, upstairs. Phone Main 2682. HOUSEKEEPER WANTED. SMALL FAM Uy, good home, no children. 650 East 13th st., near Brooklyn school. WANTED A GIRL TO DO HOUSEWORK in family of three; wages $20 per month. Apply at once, 708 Everett. WOMAN FOR GENERAL HOUSEWORK In exchange for good home and small wages. 943 Belmont at. WANTED COOK. SMALL FAMILY. LIB- eral wages; call roomings, 143 19th, corner Hoyt, or phone Main 2602. WANTED A NEAT YOUNG GIRL TO take care of 3-year-old child. Apply 414 7th st., corner Hall st. TEACHERS TO WORK DURING VACATION on an educational proposition. Address G 9, care Oregonlan. EXPERIENCED BUTTONHOLERS AND shirtmakers. Apply Frisco Shirt Factory, 229 First st. AGENTS TO SOLICIT FOR LADIES' BENE fit association, $3 and $6 per day. D 12, care Oregonian. GIRL FOR COOKING AND ,SOME HOUSE work; wages $30. 741 Glian st.. between 22d and 23d. WANTED A GOOD GIRD IN DRESS making shop. Mrs. J. S. Jensen, The Dalles, Or. GIRLS FOR PASTING, CUTTING, Bl'RN ing, drawing, etc. D. M. Averlll & Co., 102 North 5th st. WANTED A YOUNG GIRL TO ASSIST IN housework; good home; no washing. 329 Jackson. WANTED GIRL FOR GENERAL HOUSE work, good wages. 395 Hassalo St., corner Grand ave. NEAT GIRL FOR GENERAL HOUSE - work; good wages. 809 Lovejoy. Phone Main 2929. MIDDLE-AGED LADY FOR HOUSEWORK, small family. 350 Montgomery. Phone Pa cific 2700. WANTED NEAT GIRL TO ASSIST WITH housework ; no experience necessary. 395 Morrison. GIRL FOR GENERAL HOUSEWORK IN family of three. 595 Marshall, or phone Main 1393. SMART YOUNG GIRLS TO WRAP CHEW ing gum. American Chicle Co., 31 N. Front Bt. WANTED EXPERIENCED WAITRESS. Apply Mrs. Percy, Elton Court, 11th and Yamhill. WANTED CHAMBERMAID. ASSIST with cooking. Phone Pacific 305. 365 Stark Bt. WANTED GIRL TO ASSIST WITH HOUSE work in small family. 529 Johnson", near 16th. COMPETENT GIRL FOR AIR BRUSH work. D. M. Averlll & Co., 102 North 5th street. A WOMAN FOR GENERAL HOUSEWORK In small family. 241 St. Clair St., corner Main. A GIRL FOR COOKING AND GENERAL housework, 4 adults in family. 500 Tay lor st. LADIES WISHING $25 WEEKLY CALL T0 day, room 37, Palmer House, 3504 Alder et GIRL FOR GENERAL HOUSEWORK; Call forenoon. 542 Third st. Pacific 1335. WANTED APPRENTICE FOR LADIES' tailoring establishment. 411 Morrison. WOMAN" SOLICITOR TO VISIT OFFICES for stationery orders. C 97, Oregonlan. DANCHXG LESSOXS, 25c WILSON'S School. Alisky bldg., 3d and Morrison sts. GIRLS WANTED APPLY STANDARD FAO tory, 2 Grand ave. and East Taylor st. HELP WANTED MALE OR FEMALE. WANTED, TEACHERS PRINCIPAL, $100; commercial man, $100; rural, $60; grades, $55 : grades, $65 ; science, $100; elocution, university graduate, $100; piano and or chestra man, $900; grades, Honolulu. $600; chemistry, $100. The Flak Teacher Agency, 1200 Williams ave. WANTED FIRST-CLASS SALESMAN OR saleswoman to solicit orders from con sumers for linens to be imported direct from Belfast; best of references required. Berfast Importing Co., Tacoma, Wash. WANTED A GOOD RETOUCHER AND velox printer; man or woman ; for North ern California gallery. Inquire at Oregon Photo Stock Co., Ill Sixth St., Portland, or C. R. Miller, McCloud, Cal. EXPERIENCED BOOKKEEPER WHO CAN operate typewriter. George A. McNeil Co.. wholesale confectioners, 110 N. 4th, near Gllsan. SITUATION WANTED MALE. Bookkeepers and Clerks. WANTED A POSITION OF TRUST BY A gentleman with 15 years' practical ex perience, in charge of credit and collec tions expert correspondent and a wide knowledge of nrn and business methods; best of references. R 17, Oregonian. - THOROUGHLY COMPETENT AND Ex perienced bookkeeper desires permanent position in Portland; salary $125; out of town; arrange to interview Sunday next; local references. Address L 17, Orego nian. GROCERYMAN GOOD LIVE MAN WANTS position. Address C 25, Oregonlan, SITUATION WANTED MALE. Mlcetraneou- DRAFTSMAN AND INSTRUMENT MAN Civil and mining engineering; wide ex perience and best references. Address O 20, Oregonian. ENGINEER. STATIOXART. LONG EXPE rience, wishes position; best references; city or country. George Allen. 88H 6th st. JAPANESE LABOR ASSOCIATION CAN furnish domestic servants, farmers, also; all kinds of help. Main 4659. 268 Everett. JAPANESE BOY WANTS POSITION TO help cook and do housework In family. Japanese Mission. Pacific 2148. SITUATION WANTED BY EXPERIENCED levelman; railroad work preferred; good references G 6, Oregonlan. COMPETENT BARTENDER. GERMAN, 26, with good recommendations, wants steady Job. F 16, Oregonlan. NICE JAPANESE WANTS POSITION AT general housework ; speak good. Address T 24. Oregonian. SITUATION WANTED MALE BAKER AND pastry cook; best references. Address B 13, care Oregonlan. SITUATION WANTED BY MACHINIST, model-maker, gasoline engineer. Address N 13. Oregonian. JAPANESE WANTS POSITION TO DO housework In city or country. H 25, Ore gonian. YOUNG STATIONARY ENGINEER WANTS employment, city preferred. G 20, Ore gonlan. YOUNG GERMAN. 19 YEARS OLD, IS looking for situation. Address B 19, Ore- gonian. JAPANESE. GOOD COOK. WANTS WORK or housework. Care of 53 N. 1st sw city. Tom. BY A PLUMBER IN AN OPEN SHOP; long experience. Address L 16. Oregonlan. DAY WORK (JAPANESE BOY), FIVE hours up. Phone Pacific 986. HOUSE CT WANING AND JANITOR WORK. Pacific 731. Thompson. SITUATION WANTED FEMALE. Bookkeepers and Stenographers. EXPERIENCED, ACCURATE AND RTflLIA ble operator, of any machine, desires posi tion at once with reliable firm; salary $10 per week to start. Phone, 9 to 6t Paclflo 2059. FIRST - CLASS STENOGRAPHER AND bookkeeper. Just from the East, desires good position- Address V IT, Oregonlan. YOUNG LADY BOOKKEEPER, FOUR years' experience, desires position; best ref erences. H 14. Oregonlan. Firm -class Public Stenographer Miss Youngs, 803 Lumber Exchange bldg. Main 5719. CASHIER REFINED. EXPERIENCED with best of references. F 22, Oregonlan, Dressmakers. MISS L. LAYTON. FASHIONABLE DRT3SS maklng; reasonable prices. Room 22, Lewis bldg. Phone Pacific 2960. Nurses. REFINED. MIDDLE AGED WOMAN DE- slres situation as nurse for Invalid or children. Call or phone Monday. 230 Yamhill. Phone Main 5413. Housekeepers. POSITION AS HOUSEKEEPER BY LADY of experience in hotel or rooming-house, or private residence. J 23, Oregonlan. Domestics. COMPETENT WOMAN WANTS POSITION as cook or general housework; no wash ing or Ironing; first-rate cook. T 17. Ore gonian. Miscellaneous. WANTED WOMAN WITH EXPERIENCE will manage rooming-house on salary or will rent furnished rooms or residence, close In, references exchanged. H 23, Oregonlan. YOUNG LADY WISHES PLACE AS COM- fianlon ; no wages expected. R 88, Oregon an. WANTED WORK BY THE DAT, WASHING, Ironing, house cleaning, etc. Phone East 4732. SWrEDISH LADY WOULD LIKE posi tion as housekeeper or cook. Pacific 1053. WANTED AGENTS. WANTED SALESMEN AND S ALES LA -dies in every town and city to sell to consumers the finest white granulated su gar at $1.95 per hundred pounds with other lines groceries on commission; send six 1-cent stamps for price list and out fit; experience unnecessary; salesmen have a gold mine. Ames Wholesale Mer cantile Association. Ames, la. THE BEST MONEYMAKER ON THE MAR ket, $5 to $26 per day easily made; previous experience not required. Inquire 24. Raleigh bldg., 323H Washing-ton st. Office hours 1 to 6 P. M. WANTED Photograph and portrait age sts; rrand new offer. Cutberth. 801 Dekum bldg. WANTED TO RENT. WANTED BY MAY 1, ON WEST SIDE, nicely furnished house or flat, complete, of 6 or 7 rooms; give full particulars; best references furnished. Address P. O. Boa 111. LANDLORDS. If you have a house to rent we have a proposition that will Interest you. List your houses with us for quick results. Common wealth Trust Company, Sixth and Ankeny. WANTED TO RENT HOUSES, COTTAGES, flats, stores, offices, rooming-houses, etc. Landlords will do well to call on Portland Trust Company of Oregon. S. E. cor, Sd and Oak. Phone Exchange 72. WANTED TO RENT SMALL ACREAGE with house and lot; must be within 15 miles of Portland; state price and loca tion. Address Box 355. Salem, Or. WANTED HOUSES AND COTTAGES. EAST and West Sides; will rent at once. Donald G. Woodwaro. agent, 104 2d st. Phone Main 1436. Administrator of estates. WANTED BY MAN AND WIFE, THREE or more partly furnished housekeeping rooms In private family. References. Ad dress P 14, Oregonian. YOUNG MAN ROOM OR ROOM. BREAK f ast. walking distance ; refined, modern place only need answer; state terms. 9 17, Oregonlan. WANTED MISCELLANEOUS- WANTED- $500O worth of men's cast-off clothing and shoes; we also buy household furnishings, high est price paid. Call at the "Fair Deal." 62 N. 3d. Phone Pacific 1722. DEAD HORSES HAULED AWAY PROMPT ly free, Oregon Fertilizer Works, M. 1966. or notify Carney's Veterinary, 4th-Gllsan. WANTED SECOND-HAND SHINGLE MA chinery; cut from 25.000 to 40,000 per day. 513 Chamber of Commerce. WANTED FARM WAGON, ABOUT 3U OR 3 tire; must be cheap for cash. Address S 25, Oregonian. WE BUY AND SELL ANYTHING IN THE furniture line. Portland Auction Rooms, 211 1st at. WANTED MEN'S OLD CLOTHING. SHOES, highest prices paid. 52 3d. Tel. Pacific 46, I PAY CASH FOR HOUSEHOLD GOODS. Savage & Pennell Fur. Co.. 345 1st. Pac.360 SPOT CASH PAID FOR YOUR FURNITURE, etc.. prompt attention. Phone East 1067. WE CALL FOR DEAD HORSES AND CAT tie free of charge. Phone East 2233. FOB RENT. Room. 394 ALDER ST. ."OR. 10th; NICELY FUR nlshed room first floor, running water; also single rooms. FURNISHED LARGE FRONT ROOM FOR gent 1 e man . 654 Washington st. , west end Exposition bldg. FINE COMFORTABLE FURNISHED SUITE, piano, close In. Inquire 201 Tenth street, cor ner Taylor. FOR RENT FOUR NICE UNFURNISHED rooms; gas, bath; rent cheap. 191 Grand ave. North. 500 HAWTHORNE AVE.. COR E. 10TH Furnished rooms; gas. bath, phone. N ROOMS. SINGLE AND EN SUITE. 809 Madison st. Phone Pacific 511. TWO ROOMS. REASONABLE. PHONIC East 4871. 1212 Moore st.