THE MORXIXG OREGOMAX, SATURDAY, APRIL 6, 1907. 9 CITY NEWS IN BRIEF onrr.oNiAN telephones. Ceuntlnf -Room ................. .Main 7070 Citv Circulation Main 7070 V .-'-r Editor Main 7070 fcundr.y Editor Main 7070 Composing-Room Main 7070 Clty Editor Main 7070 Superintendent Building Main 7070 East Side Office ". Eat 1 AMChEMJiNTS. THE HEIl.rG THEATER 14th and Wash ington sts. This afternoon 2:15 o'clock, tonight 8:15. Blanche Walah in Clyde Pitch's comedy-drama, "The Straight Road." BAKER THEATER (3d bet. Tamhill and Taylor.) Baiter Theater Company in "teah Kir-ahna"; matinee 2:15 r'- M.. iO night at 8:15. EMPIRE THEATER (11th and Morrison.) Bn Hendricks In "Ole Olson"; matlnss : P. M.. tonight at 8:15 GRAND THEATER (Washington, between Park and Seventh) Vaudeville. 2:30. 7:0 ond 0 P. M. PANTAGKS THEATER 4th and Stark) Continuous vaudeville. 2:30. 7:30, 9 P. M. L.YF.IC THBATER (7th and Alder) The Lyric Stor-k Company In --'rmen"; mat inee at 2:13. tonight at 8:15. FTAFi THEATER (Park ann "Washington) Allen Ptoi?k Company in "Winchester"; mat inee Tuesday. Thursday. Saturday and Sun day at 2:15 P. M. . tonight at 8:13. Y. M. C. A. LOMMITTBIS AT BANQUET. Members nf tlie committee of 100, which participated In the "Everybody Gives" campaign of the Y. M. C. A., were en tertained at dinner last night at the Ho tel Portland by V. M. Iadd. The dinner took the form of a rally over the suc cess of the building project and the great Impetus that it Is expected will be given the work of the Christian Associations by their beautiful J350,JOO home. It ia probable that the committee of 100 will not entirely disband but will maintain an organization for the purpose of forward ing any movement that may seem espe cially deserving. This idea was advanced at the dinner last night and was warmly received. Mr. Iadd presided as toastinas ter. and called for the following speeches: "Walter Goss, "Men Behind the Guns:" Fletcher I.inn. "Inventor nf 'Everybody Gives;" A. F. Flege!, "Keeping the Score;" TV. J. Clemens. "The New Use for the Auto;" V. H. fhapln. "The Par tition of Portland:" R. J. Patterson. "Portland's New Play." John F. Car roll. "What It Means to Us;" Herman Wittenberg, "Priming the Pump." Xeorkss Arrrsted. Marguerite Wash ington, a nrgress. was taken Into cus tody by. Patrolmen Annundsen and Thorpe at 11:10 o'clock last night and locked up on a charge of larceny from the person preferred by Mark Bodsford. who says the woman robbed him of H0 In a resort at 29 Flanders street. With the woman were May King. Irene Craw ford and Beatrice Iewls. who were also placed under arrest, and later released on bail. Miss Washington was denied bail, owing to the belief that she Is a rioted crook. The police are satisfied that she Is the colored woman who has been holding-up men on the street and re lieving them of their valuables during the past two weeks. Two days ago she was arrested by Detectives Jones and Tichenor. who brought her in on sus picion, but at that time she told such a straight story that Captain Bruin al lowed her to go. The detectives an nounced last night that they hope to prove that she Is the woman who robbed n aged German on the street about one week ago. Location for Foon Laboratory. Port land's chances for securing the proposed pure food laboratory that is to be estab lished in the Northwest by the Depart ment of Agriculture, are improving. The rooms In the Federal Building, now oc cupied by the Immigration Bureau, may be secured for the laboratory. These quarters are not of adequate size for the Immigration service and at the same time re entirely suited for the purposes de sired by the pure food department. There remains but one condition to be arranged to Insure this laboratory for Portland. If tlie Department of Agriculture will pro vide other suitable quarters for the Bu reau of Immigration, arrangements In all probability will be made for the re moval of the Immigration officers and the rooms will then he available for Ihe laboratory. The matter ha.s been taken up with the proper authorities at Wash ington and definite action Is expected within the next few days. Erie to Open Office Hkrk. Paul Sweney. of Seattle, representing the Erie Railroad system, was in Portland yes terday arranging to establish a local office In this city. Hitherto the inter ests of the Erie road have been served from Its Seattle office and the conclusion of this company to invade Portland is added evidence of the importance of the Rose 'ity as a railway center. Mr. Swe ney expects soon to open an office In this city and when plans are completed, announcement will be made of the man who will serve as the company's Port land representative. Chicago Sixokr to Appear. H. E. Eas ton. of Chicago, will sing in the Central Christian Church Sunday, April 7. He is a soloist and chorister of great power. A large chorus has been organized for the special meetings which begin at this church. East Twentieth and East Sal mon streets, on the date named. Death ok A. H. Dong. A. H. Dong, a pioneer of 155S. died ycstcVday morning at the home of his daughter. Mrs. P. Gage. 744 Marion avenue, Sellwood, aged 80 years. He was stricken with paralysis Wednesday, but It was thought at the time that he would recover. His death was sudden. Ha was a native of Vir ginia. CMtjOMS CHti.rtRKN Entertain. Under the direction of Moy Ding, instructor of the Chinese Mission School, the Chinese children gave an entertainment last night in the United Brethren Church. Bast Morrison sireet. The programme con sisted of vocal and instrumental solos. Quartette selections and other numbers. Martha Piatt Hkud. Martha Piatt, a young woman arrested several days ago on a charge of passing a worthless check for 110, was held to the grand jury by Municipal Judge Cameron, yesterday. In default of J1O00 ball, she was sent to the County Jail to await trial. Prkachino services will be held at the First Presbyterian Church tomorrow at 10:30 A. M. and 7:30 P. M. The pastor will preach at both services. In th morning the topic will be, "Heart Burn ings by the Way." and In the evening. "Wayside Ministries." 1 lectures ox Pkxtatsuch At the reg ular Friday services at Temple Beth Israel last night. Rabbi Jonah B. Wise sooke on "Truth and Its Criteria." and also delivered a lecture on the Penta teuch. Bank Opbw baturdat Evenings. .For the accommodation of depositors, tha savings bank of tha Title Guarantee & Trust Company. 140 Washington street, ror. second. Is open on Saturday evenings from 5 till o'clock- Wbt not look at this Sunday? Coxy six-room home, nearly new. modern in every respect; a rare bargain: in Pied mont, half a block from the carline. Barnes. Collinson A: Starr, 7S 1st st. CALVARY PRESBTTERIAV CHURCH. Dr. Ely's evening topic will be. "The Palace Beautiful, the Battle- With Apollyon." Communion service will be held in the morning. Business Men's Dc.vch. 11 :30 to 1 All homecooking. Women's Ex.. 133 10th t. For Su-Nine-room residence. 701 Sort hup street. Phone Main !7K. People's Press, fearless, truthful, hon est. At all newsstands. 5e. Wooster's home-made candy. Wash. St. Pbopu's Press: pkopt.e s tres': Peoples Priss"! Good Cook and general work: wages XCo. Mrs. Frohman, cor. 22d and Wash. Warm Reading for Oregon folks, to day's People's Press. - At the Theaters What the Preas A Rent Say. TWO PERFORMANCES TODAY Blanche Walsh In '"The Straight Jtoad" at Heilig Theater. Thr will be two performances at the HM11 Theater, Fourteenth and Washington streets, today, a special matinee at 2:13 o clock and the laet time tonight at 8:13. The favorite actrse. Blanche Walsh, sup ported by an "xcellent company, will pro aent Clyde Fitch's comedy-drama! "The Straight Road." This is by far Miss Walsh's greatest success. Seats are ?eiing at the theater box office for both performances. Phenomenal Week at Baker Theater "Leah Kleshna," the great Baker Stock Company success of iho present week, will he seen In matin"- this afternoon and the engagement terminates with this evening's performance. In presenting this great prob lem play the Baker company has ably dem onstrated Its ability to undertake any pro duction and carry it to an artistic success. "Ole Olson" Ends Tonight. Today's matinee and the evening perform ance will close the popular engagement of the "Ole Olson" company, and the happy-go-lucky v, , : say good -by to his many Portland friend's for the season. There is laughter and fun for those who have yet to see this d lalect comedy. 'Winchester' Nearing Close. Attend the matinee, performance of the military drama "Winchester" at the Star Theater t his afternoon. There will be an other matinee tomorrow and the last per formance will be tomorrow evening. There are many surprises In "Winchester." more so than in any other Civil War drama. "Carmen," at the Ij.vrlc. If you want to see t the Lyric's goageou: n'' you'll have t( production of "Carnir order vour tickets im mediately. Therp wl be a matinee today and tomorrow, and two performances tonight and tomorrow night, the first commencing promptly at 7:15 o'clock. COMING ATTRACTIONS. "Mr.. Wlggs of the Cabbage Patch' at Heilig Xext Monday. Seats are now selling at the box office of the Heilig Theater, Fourteenth and Wash ington street, for Liebler & Co. 'a production of ' Mrs. Wiggn of the Cabbage Paten," which comes to the above theater next Monday. Ti.esday and Wednesday nights. April 8. i and IO. with a special matinee Wednesday afternoon, at 2:15 o'clock. "The .ludge and the Jury." 'The .Judgo and the .1 ury," a flne play of the Southwest, by Harry Cottrell and Oliver Morosco, will be the Baker attraction lor next week and the opening will be to morrow afternoon. This play Is entirely new to I'ortiana and is of a character to inter est every class of patrons. "A Stranger in Town" Tomorrow. The Empire. Theater management has se cured "A Stranger in Town" for next week and will have a happy surprise for its pat rons in the shape of farce comedy with music. A well-known young star. Frank Beamish, will appear at the head of an excellent company. Swedish Comedy Tomorrow Night. "Anderson Petterson as Lundstrom." which will be presented at the Heilig The ater tomorrow night. Is one of the most popular musical comedies ever written in the Swedish language. Lundstrom Is played by Carl Pfell. who has made a special char acter of that part for over 20 years, both in Sweden and America and has for more than 1000 times convulsed the different audiences with laughter. Seats are now selling at the Heilig Theater box office. "The Free Lance" Coming. John Philip Sousa'a latest military comic opera success. "The Free Lance," will be the attraction at the Heilig Theater next Thursday, Friday and Saturday nights. April 11. 12 and 13, with a special matinee Sat urday. AT THE VAt DEVIIXE THEATERS Thrilling Act at Pantages. Besides Senor Zamas. the famous Mexican knife thrower in a thrilling act, there are seven other big acta at Pantagea this week. In the list are Parks and Zeno. eccentric comedians ; Arthur Barrett, champion An ger whistler; Curring and Ferrin, operatic duo; Mena and Andeson, comedy sketch, ami others. Belle Stone at the Grand. This Is a good day to attend the Grand and see the clever vaudeville performance. There are numerous features on the pro gramme, but the headHner, Belle Stone, easily ranks first. While in a steel globe, she ascends a lofty spiral staircase. It Is a dar ing and venturesome feat. FAVOR SATURDAY CLOSING Delegates to Federated Trades Advo cate Discontinuance of Buying. Saturday afternoon clOBing of Port land business houses was indorsed last night by the Federated Trades Council. The delegates were Instructed to take the matter up with each union and ad vocate a discontinuance of Saturday afternoon purchasing as the most direct means for bringing about the concession by merchants of a half-holiday at the close of the week. The sub ject was presented to the Council by Mrs. Millie R. Trumbull and Miss Mont gomery, representing the Consumers' League. Final action on the boycott against The Oaks, requested by the Carmen Union, was deferred for another week until other conferences can be held be tween a committee representing the Council and the management of this amusement resort and persons operat ing concessions on the grounds. The proposal of P. H. Scullln. repre senting the National Industrial Peace Association, to establish in Portland a branch of this organlxatlon. which sug gests settling all labor difficulties by arbitration, was received frigidly. A communication from the labor unions of Seattle hostile to the Scullln plan only strengthened opposition to the scheme, which was tabled. City politics was discussed at length and it was decided by the Council to take only an inactive part in the situa tion, leaving the interests of organized labor to the Union Labor Party, which is made up of representatives from each of the unions in the city. The referendum vote that is being taken by these Individual organizations on ballots prepared and submitted through the Labor Party will determine the choice of the labor unions as to candi dates to be supported in the municipal primary nominating election nest month. It is expected the result of this vote will he known in time to be an nounced at the next meeting of the Labor Party., Wednesday night. Operator Shot at His Post. PUEBLO. Colo.. April 5. A special to the Chieftain from Scott Cityr" Kas., says: Between 10 and 11 o'clock last night a shot rang out from the depot of the Mis souri Pacific railroad an'd aroused the proprietor of the hotel nearby. Upon in vestigation it was found that Operator Kirchoff had been murdered in cold blood by some unknown persons. The body was found partly in the office and partly in the waiting room. The hotel man who discovered the body at once no tified the day agent and he came to the scene but no clew could be found to the murderer. It is thought robbery was the motive, but that the murderers were frightened away by the quick response to the shot. COUNSEL WANTS NEW TRIAL Arguments in United States Court in Grcene-Gaynor Case. r NEW ORLEANS, April 6.-A new trial was asked for Greene and Gaynor today by P. W. Mildrimi of Savannah, who made the closing argument for the de fendants in their appeal to the United States Circuit Court of Appeals. This was the fifth consecutive day of argument. Mr. Meldrim claimed that it was a vi olation of the National honor to extradite prisoners, as he said had been done in the Greene and Gaynor case, for an ex traditable offense and then to take ad vantage of the Jurisdiction thus gained to try them on indictments for different offenses. He repeated the claim of the defense that extradition had been for participa tion in fraud by an agent or trustue, while one of the indictments was for con spiracy, which . was not an extraditable offense. As for the two other indictments, he declared the prisoners could not be tried for any offense except that for which they had been extradited. Answering the Government's claim that as fugitives from Justice. Greene and Gaynor could not have been, by the stat ute of limitations in two of their indict ments, Mr. Meldrim asserted that it was legally impossible for the defendants to be fugitives from Justice of the Federal Court in Georgia, when they were at the same time appealing to the Justice of the Federa Court of their own homes tn New York, which had jurisdiction to try them. Answering the charge of fraud in se curing contracts for Savannah Harbor works, counsel cited the opinions of six army officers, four engineers and three contractors to show that the matting claimed to be inferior by Government at torneys, was in accordance with specifi cations. Both the advertisements and spe cifications, he added, were corrected and revised by the War department. Arguments on the appeal closed today I with Mr. Moldrim speech and the court took the case under consideration. FIGURES AGAIN PROVE LIE More "Xative-Borti" Chinese in Thig Country Than Facts Can Justify. SAN FRANCISCO, April 5. Statistics supplied by the immigration board at this port show that, according to the claims of all the Chinese who swore they are native born, every Chinese woman in this country must have been the mother of 38 children. This Interesting condition was made known when the figures col lected from various points in the country were tabulated. PERSONALMENTION. M. A. Baker, a McMinnvllle capital ist, is at the Imperial. Dr. L. M. Sims, of Kala,ma, Is stop ping at the Imperial. D. H. Welch, an Astoria nursery man. Is at the Perkins. John Minto, a well-known Salem pioneer, is at the Imperial. Dr. Harry A. Llttlefteld, of Newberg, is registered at the Oregon. Joseph A. Wilson, a Hood River capi talist, was a Portland visitor yesterday. W. R. Chutter, manager of the Chlo pek Fish Company, with headquarters In Seattle, Is at tlie Oregon. William McMurray. assistant general passenger agent for the Harriman lines or the Northwest, left last night on a business trip to San Francisco. NEW YORK. April 5. (Special. ) North western people at New York hotels: From Portland W. F. Thomas, at the Holland; J. Holland, C. Talmage. at the (Belmont. . From Seattle P. Rowe, at the Imperial; S. D. Crittenden, at the Astor; EJ. E. Pat terson and wife, E. Oberg, at the Fifth Avenue. CHICAGO, April 5. (Special. )-Oregon people at Chicago hotels: Portland H. N. Hoslck. J. A. Rosen baum. Grace R. Dlstron. at the Audi torium; Miss Harriet Oxer, at the Great Northern. Oregon Ella Stoner. at the Morrison. Will Not Compete at Spokane. In a letter. to his brother, received yes terday. Edgar Frank. Multnomah Club's crack 125-pound wrestler, stated that he intended to draw out of the Spokane meet, to be held April 15. The news was not known around Multnomah Club, and so Meats You'll Meet Today at THE HARRY WOOD MARKET ON THE CORNER. At First and Alder Sts. ARE GOVERNMENT INSPECTED Choice roasts, prime and tender beef, delicious veal, fresh and toothsome pork in short, the best of every class of meat that Oregon produces awaits our Saturday patrons. There's a vast difference between ordinary meats and the kind dis pensed from this market. We choose nothing but prime stock for our customers, killed and dressed in Oregon, and inspected BEFORE AND AFTER KILLING THREE Today We'll Sell Prime Rolled Roast Beef BEEF. Soup Bones .... 20 Choice Necks, boil . . 3 30 40 40 Choiee Stew Meats . Choice Brisket Plates of Beef Short Ribs 5? Choice Sh'lder Roast Se SPECULATION Enriches a FBW Impoverishes MANY While the old-fashioned virtue SAVING Is a never-failing resource in time of need. If you have a little money deposit it with the "Oldest Trust Company in Oregon" Which, with resources of over $1,800,000.00 Will keep it safe and pay in terest at the rate of 3 per cent per annum. If you have more money try our Special Certificates of Deposit Which earn from 2'2 to 4 per cent per annum. Call for Statement and Book of "ILLUSTRATIONS." Portland Trust Company of Oregon 6. E. Cor. Third and Oak Sts. Phone Exchange 72. BEN J. t COHEN President H. L. PITTOCK Vice-President B. LEE PAGET Secretary J. O. GOLTRA. .Assistant Secretary far there is no man who can represent the club In the 125-pound class. Frank gave as a reason for his withdrawal that he could not afford to neglect his business. At Multnomah Club no word of his action had been received, and the officials are at a loso to find a man to send In his place. SEVEN KILLED IN WRECK Accident on Mexican Railroad Two American Engineers Dead. VERA CRUZ, Mex., April &. In a col HsTon between two freight trains on the Mexican Central Railway (old Vera Cruz road) between the stations of Rinconada and Tamarlndo yesterday, seven men lost their lives and traffic was completely blocked for 11 hours. Several persons were injured. The dead include both engineers, Ameri cans, and the others are Mexican train men. SKATERS DEFEAT AUTO In one of the most spectacular races ever witnessed, an automobile driven by Hdward Eastman was defeated last night at the Exposition rink by five skaters. Eastman drove a four-cylinder Stevens Durtea car and he kept up his reputation as a dare-devil driver. The race was a six-lap relay of three miles And Eastman was finally beaten half a lap. Tbe crowd went wild during the race and it made such a hit that It will h repeated tonight. WHEREJ0 DINE. All the delicacies of the season at the Portland Restaurant; flne private apart ments for parties. 305 Wash., near 5th. Cases in Supreme Court. SALEM. Or., April 5. (Special.-) The following case have been set for hearing by the Supreme Court: April 16, Tuesday Burns vs. Kenedy. Curry County; Hum vs. Burns, Curry County. April 17. "Wednesday Hume vs. Burns, Curry County. April IS, Thursday Iebrun vs. Lebrun, Marion County; Miles vs. Bowers, Multno mah County. Gas Drives Men From Homestake. LEAD, S. D., April 5. All men have been withdrawn from the underground workings In the Homestake mine in con sequence of the presence of carbon diox ide gas, caused by the fire which has been burning in the mine for nine days. Though there has been no loss of life, many men have been overcome by the gas. Neither the extent of the fire nor its exact loca tion has been ascertained. PARCEL WRAPPERS WANTED. APPLY THIS MORNING AUSO- Choice Pot Roast . . 60 Choice Sh'lder Stk. 60 Round Steak 80 Choice Rump Roast 80 Loin Steak .100 Fancy Porterhouse . 12i0 Rib Steak 12i 2c You'll never know where you're at this cha ngeable month unless you have a light - weight raincoat. Do it now or the show ers will do you. AS l;lnt ult. are here In nil the late eats and newest fnb rica. Coine In and see them. LION ClothingCb Gus KuhnProp' lien's and Boy' Outfitter,, 166 and 168 Third St. Mohawk Bids. That ts all It will cost to writs to us today for a copy of our booklet, describing eye troubles. If you suffer from any disease of the eye that can be cured, and nearly all of them can, this is by far the best fitted instl-, tution on the.Coajst to tell you? how they should be. treated. By no means nefirlect your eyes. They are the best friends you will ever have. Our methods are guaranteed accurate and satisfactory. Get the book. LA DESSA MUNSBL.L, Refractionist. MUNSELL OPTICAL CO. Macleay Bldg.. Portland, Or. Vhen everv e-ood dealer everywhere sells the genuine IIEBI0 COMPACTS ELactract of Beef why be content -with adulterated Imita tions or interior brands r This lgoatnre in bine on every Jar of the genuine : TEA Fine tea brings-out con versation if anything will; it compels to a little leisure. A Schilling oc Company San Francisco D.Chambers OPTOMETRIST Vision BClemtlflo tlj corrected. Arti ficial tjru titled. tM ttb mm w a u i t.nKR ST. Uiihi and But XquippM Opucai Eatak llannMat la NortawuL 8c lb. at VEAL. . Juicy Cutlets . . Veal for Stew . Breast of Veal . Shoulder Roast. 12i20 . 80 100 100 PORK. Pork Sh'lder Roast. 1210 Pork Chops I212O SHAW'S PURE BLUMAUER & HOCH WE FIT FOR These prices for a advertise our new HOLSMAN OPTICAL DEPARTMENT 342 Washington Street JEWELRY AMD OPTICAL GOODS DO IT NOW! Taka advantage of the COLONIST RATES TO OREGON And the Pacific Northwest over the Union Pacific, Oregon Short Line, Oregon Railroad & Navigation. Co., and Southern Pacific, from ail parts of the East, DAILY during March and April. YOU CAN PREPAY For tickets, if you desire to bring friends, relatives, employes or others from the East,, by depositing the cost with any agent of the O. R. & N. or S. P. Co., with name and address, and ticket will be promptly furnished in the East. A Rare Opportunity to Promote the Industrial Growth of the Northwest RATES FROM PRINCIPAL. EASTERN CITIES. A B Clilcnco $30.50 $33.00 St. I.onln 37.50 30.0o Kannnn City 22.50 25.00 flmah. '?'-.n -. tt! St. rnni ZZ.50 25.00! ' VahIns;ton 47.25 48.25 A Rates apply to all mala and branch line points, Huntington to Spokane, Inclusive. B Rates apply to Portland, Astoria and Puget Sound points: also Southern Pacific main and branch line points north of and including Ashland. Oregon. For complete Information, inquire of WM. MCMURRAY. General Paaaencer Aarent, Oregon Rallrond A Nnrlsrntlnn Cn. 2Li j1JIsgr.-V1.L-JL Pt akl.. aa Tettep's INDIA AND CEYLON Uea 'Appeals to those accustomed to the best. Its uniformity of quality is one of the reasons that has contributed largely to its popularity. WADHAMS & CO. Distributing Agents Portland, Oregon lMMtMttUtArt$tc$tet$et$t$t tMt NOTE THAT CURVE COLUMBIAN OPTICAL COMPANY Denver, Omaha. Kansas City, Bait I.akf. Dallas, Tex.; Portland, Or. 1S Sixth St. FLOYD F. BROWER, Mgr. Oreconlan Bids. Always Buy r Collars Willi Shrunk. "THEY DON'T CRICK SO QUICK" HTS-,LISOCORD"eye!eteDd buttonholes loat positively can't break. CEO. r. IDE a CO., Makers TROY, H, V. MEL VIM "Safinad and Pleating." chwab Printing Co. uir rat. zAoyALi rmc.Es 3 4 7' STAR.K STREET anas. Winn . "anx. j; on 0 I iiWm. ' I I .assay a 7 -nig Jt A U.eo mil America ' ORIGINAL MALT WHISKY Without BJvi Today MALT CONSIDER THE EASTER LILIES How they grow so fresh and sweet, then consider your d i n p y-Iooking house and fences. This comparison cannot help being odious; but if you consider the sub ject of BAY STATE paints, a way is shown out of the difficulty. THE BIG PAINT STORE, Fisher, Thorsen S Co, Front and Morrison Sts. GLASSES limited time only to optical department I : Bnftnlo i New York I Boston t DLti.j.1.1.1. A B . .S4O.0O S42.5fl 17...i .ill.mj 47.40 4T.2S 49.73 ana wasnington. Our Torisqus Curved Lens stands without an equal. Drop in and let us prove its merits. THE CARE OP THE HAIR should bo of lnwrert to every woman. If I (iry or Rleaxbed. it cm bo reotorod to lt natural color, or made an? shade- deeirod. The Imperial Hair Regenerator Is the acknowledged STANDARD HAIR COLORING of the age. It is easily applied, makes the hair soft) and flossy, is absolutely harmless. Sample of hair colored free. Corre spondence confidential, imperial Csesi. Mir. C0..U5W. 23d St.,N.Y, at Martin. S2S Wasninston street. TEETH FRED PKEHS. Boom 0ft Deknm Arrowhead Hot Springs San Brnardino County. California. Elevation 2)00 feet; new hotel : water ana mud baths. Write for booklet. Bone Bnllrtlns