THE MORNING OREGOXIAN, SATURDAY, APRIL 6, 1907. 15 FOR RENT. Rooms With Board. IQL'NG MEN. "WHY DO YOU EAT IN the restaurants when you can get first class room and board, $5 week; also table board, $4 week; all conveniences; nice yard and porch. Aster House, 7th and Madison. The Morrison 17th and Morrison; select fam ily hotel, newly furnished throughout, latest heating and lighting system, porcelain baths, hot and cold water In every room; transients solicited ; terms to permanent gueste. C-ROOM FURNISHED HOUSE. EAST SIDE, walking distance- also 2 furnished office rooms in Cambridge building, suitable for dentist. Call room 11, or Janitor, room 22, Cambridge bldg. PORTLAND WOMEN'S .NION. -8TH TEAR Rooms with board, use of sewing-room, use of library; Women's Exchange. Address Mrs. Ella Rawlings, Supt.. 510 Flanders. BLAKELV HALL. 270 6TH ST. PLEAS ant rooms with first-class board. One of the nicest private boarding-houses In the city; Qne location for business people. WELL FINISHED ROOMS WITH BOARD, all modern conveniences; good home cooking, rates very reasonable; gentlemen preferred. Call 442 JefferBon THE COLONIAL. COR. 10TH AND MOR rlson New management, centrally locat ed; table boarders accommodated; prices reasonable. Mlnnequa Inn, 371 Yamhill st.. 2 blocks west Hotel Portland; new management, a few choice rooms, white help, home cooking. ROOM AND HOARD STRICTLY PRIVATE family; modern conveniences, central; ref erences exchanged. - i ' Park. Main 3201. THE HAWTHORNE. 221 13TH STREET Large, well furnished rooms; good table board, and under new management. NICELY FURNISHED FRONT ROOM WITH board for two; modern; walking distance. 347 Market. Main 10W. ROOMS AND BOARD. PRIVATE FAMILY; terms reasonable; walking distance. Phone Main 3622. 328 6th st. LARGE. NICELY FURNISHED FRONT room with board, suitable for 2. 305 6th. ftt Phone Main 5400. NICE ROOM AND iXKD HOME COOKING In private residence; gentlemen preferred. 574 Gllsan.'cor. 18th. THE MARLYN. 553 WASHINGTON FUR nlehed rooms single or en suite; good board, convenient location. TOXJRAINE. 188 7TH ST., BET. YAMHILL and Taylor; elegant room with board; rea sonable. HOSEDALE; NEWLY FURNISHED; FIKST class room and board. 404 10th and Madison ROOMS AND BOARD 295 14TH ST. PHONE Main 1036. riiu. MODERN FLATS. ALL SIZES. FOR RENT. East and West Sides. Portland Trust Company of Oregon. S. E. cor. 3d and Oak. Phone Exchange 72. ELEGANT LOWER FLAT FOR RENT Between 13th and 14th, East Salmon. Phone Main 3215. 6-ROOM MODERN FLAT, 850 CORBETT, $12.50. L. E. Thompson St Co., 228 3d. TWO MODERN NEW FLATS FOR RENT, reasonable. 749 Mississippi avenue. Housekeeping Rooms. THE HOWLAND APARTMENTS, 631 Washington, cor. 20th Nicely furnished housekeeping rooms, gas ranges, hot water, free bath, free phone, both floors; nice sunny suites $10 and $12 per month; best rooms in city for money. THE ONEONTA. 187 17TH ST.. NEAR Yamhill New house, elegantly furnished. In suites of 2. 3 and 4 rooms, hot and cold water, gas range each kitchen; steam heat, baths, free phone each floor; no children. THE ELLSWORTH FURNISHED HOUSE keeping sulteu, three rooms each, in new brick building; steam heat, baths, hot. cold water, close in. 100 Lownsdale, near High School. TWO-ROOM SUITE IN MODERN FLAT, everything new. clean and convenient; suit able for married couple or two ladles; no children; terms reasonable. 4274 6th st. G03 FIFTH ST. TWO OR THREE FUR nlshed rooms for housekeeping; gas stove, bath, phone; everything for use; 3 rooms, $1S, including gaslight; 2, $15. 1 flU SUITES FRONT ROOMS. NEWLY FUR nlshed for housekeeping; gas, bath, pantry, Mnk; easy walking distance. 211 Sherman si. $1.25 WEEK UP CLEAN FURNISHED housekeeping rooms; furnace heat; laun dry, bath. 203 Vj Stanton. Take U car. THE OTIS FURNISHED HOUSEKEEPING or single; walking distance; free baths and phone. Cor. Union and B. Burnslde. TWO LARGE. CLEAN FRONT UNFUR nisthed housekeeping roomn, ground floor; reasonable rent. 10 East 12th North. 146 FOURTH NICELY FURNISHED HOUSE , keeping rooms; walking distance; gas, bath, phone; strictly modern; reasonable. for re-nt one unfurnished House keeping room, with or without use of kitchen room, $4. lTSfcj 21st t. UNFURNISHED AND NEWLY FURNISHED rooms, housekeeping and t ranelent. 482 Washington. Phone Pacific 1320. TWO MODERN LIGHT HOUSEKEEPING rooms. In private family; close in; rea sonable rates, phone East :tS22. ONE WELL-FURNISHED ROOM. FINE location; private family. Phone Main 7101. between 5 and 9 P. M. THE NEWCASTLE. 402 3D ST.-FUR-nlshed housekeeping rooms, also single rooms reasonable. Phone Main 500. I ROOMS NICELY FURNISHED. CLEAN nnd comfortable, bath, hot and void, watt-r. ftOfl Jefferson, corner Stout. FURNISHED HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS Close In; reasonable; gas, bath, phone. 14SIA Uth, corner Alder. SUITE OF THHBE DSStRABLB FUR nlshed housekeeping rooms to a couple with out children. 555 Yumhlll. VERY PLEASANT UNFURNSHED ROOMS with water, light and phone. 35o Montgom ery. Phone Pacific 2700. FURNISHED AND UNFURNISHED BIN gle and housekeeping rooms. 140 14 Front st., near Morrison. FRONT ALCOVE SUITE FOR House keeping; newly furnished; heat, light, phone, bath. 117 N. ISth, OR 4 ROOMS UNFURNISHED. MODERN, quiet couple. 234 East ISth, corner Main. Phono East 1448. FURNISHED AND UNFURNISHED 8IN glo and housekeeping rooms. J-;-. Front t. Hotel Ohio. FURNISHED AND UNFURNISHED HOUSE keeping rom. Inquire room 49, Union blk., W3 First street. FOR RENT NICELY FURNISHED housekeeping rooms, rent reasonable. 107 fit 3d st. NICELY FURNISHED HOUSEKEEPING rooms, good location. 302 J eff erson st. , corner 10th. FURNISH HD HOUSEKEEPING SUITES; ntodern. 2. 3, 4 rooms. Main 3290. 48S Clay street. TWO LARGE FRONT ROOMS FURNISHED for light housekeeping. 360 Hawthorne ave. 4 FURNISHED ROOMS FOR HOUSEKEEP tng. with us of bath. 495 Montgomery t. 4- ROOM FLAT. FINE LOCATION. SOUTH; partly furnished. Phone Main 1802. Houses. FOR RENT DESIRABLE 11-ROOM HOUSE with bath, cement basement, etationarv tubs. 634 Myrtle street. Portland Height. Inquire Don G. Woodward. 104 2d at. FOR RENT 0-ROOM HOUSE. ALL MOD ern conveniences, 630 East Taggart t.. one block from Waverly and Woodstock carline. Rent $16. 5- ROOM COTTAGE, WILLIAMS A. VS.; bath. gas. basement: $15 per month. Phone Sell wood 424. COTTAGE OF 6 ROOMS AND BATH. 731 Hoyt. Apply Harris Trunk Co.. 132 6th st. 15 o-ROOM COTTAGE. 'LOSE IN. GAS. but no bath. Apply M East 8th st. North. Furnished Houses. FIVE-ROOM COTTAGE FOR RENT Furnished complete, in desirable part of city. Phone Pacific 641. WELL-FURNISHIJD 6-ROOM COTTAGE, walking distance; references exchanged. 411 10th at. Phone Main 4722. BIX ROOMS, COSILY FURNISHED: GAS and wood ran re ; modern; one year; yard, 600 El Buruside at. FOR RENT. Furnished Houses. COMPLETELY FURNISHED. 6 ROOMS, bath. gas. yard ; walking distance J refer ences exchanged. Pacific 671, mornings, evenings. FURNISHED HOUSE. MODERN CONVE-J niences ; easy walking distance. West Side. Inquire 412 2d st., forenoons. $35 3-ROOM MODERN HOUSE. WALKING distance, s est bide; piano, new range; ref erences. Phone Pacific 2605. COMFORTABLY FURNISHED 7-ROOM house for a term of months. Apply 774 Hoyt, near 23d. Houses for Rent Furniture for Sale. FOR SALE CHEAP MODERN 6-ROOM furnished flat; hot and cold water and all modern conveniences; 3 rooms rented to steady tenants; centrally located. Inquire 54 H 9th. cor. of Davis. FOR SALE AT A SACRIFICE FURNI ture of a 12-room lodging-house; owner in other business. 107 3d st. FURNITURE OF 8-ROOM HOUSE FOR sale at a bargain; house for rent; modern, ,no children. 748 Lovejoy st. FIRST-CLASS FURNITURE FOR SALE AND house to rent. 251 Adams st., near Steel bridge. FIVE-ROOM COTTAGE, FINE FURNI ture, close In; 2375. 148 N. 16th st. Store. TWO -STORY BUILDING, E. WATER NEAR Morrison bridge; suitable for smalt hotel, storeroom or light manufacturing plant. F. O. Northrup & Co., 211 Commercial block. STOREROOM. 20x30 FEET, WEST SIDE, close In; $15 per month. GEORGE D. SCHALK. Tel. Main 392. 204 Stark st. STORE, BEST LOCATION FOR ANY Busi ness; also 5 rooms above; all modern; Mon lavllla. on carline. Inquire 207 Common wealth bldg. FRONT-ST. STOREROOM SUITABLE FOR commission business. Call at 105 Front, 8 A. M. or 5 P. M. Jos. Hamilton. FOR RENT STORE. 392 MORRISON, near loth Bt. Drs. Brown. 626 Marquam. CORNER STORE 3D AND COLUMBIA. $30. Call 202 Alisky bldg., 12:30 to 2. Offices. WE HAVE A LARGE ROOM IN REAR portion of 2-story brick building. 6th, near Oak, 20x30 feet. Good light. Will rent separately or together. Low rent. Lease if desired. Portland Trust Company or Ore gon. S. E. cor. 3d and Oak. THREE DPTSIRABLE OFFICE ROOMS IN Russell building, corner Fourth and Morri son, single and en suite. Apply A. B. Stein bach & Co. TO RENT OFFICE ON SECOND FLOOR building. 6th and Washington sts. Apply Bernstein & Cohen, Chamber of Com merce. OFFICES TO RENT IN GOOD BUILDINGS at moderate rate. Apply to Robert Strong, 314 Worcester bldg. 20x40 SECOND FLOOR, tj. W. COR. 5TH and Qak; corner room; steam heat. DESK ROOM, 2D FLOOR, BUSY CORNER. 209-210 Commercial block; reasonable. PART OF OFFICE OR DESK SPACE, RBA sonable. 100 Second St.. room 4. LOST AND FOUND. LOST OR STOLEN SMALL FOX TERRIER bitch, marking beautifully regular; black bend with tan cheeks, black spot on each Fide and at tall; tall very short; I will pay $10 reward, and if dog was stolen will pay $100 for information leading to arrest and conviction of thief. James D. Hart, 109 Sher lock bldg. Phone Main 585. FIVE HUNDRED DOLLARS WILL BE paid for the return of the Jewelry taken frcm the residence of P. C. Drescher at 1423 H street, Sacramento, Cal., on the evening of February 21, 1907. Communi cate with Wm. E. Kleinsorge, P. O. Box 68, Sacramento, Cal. FOUND A PLACE TO HAVE HAIR MAT tresses renovated and returned same day. 22S Front st. Main 474. Portland Curled Hair Factory. H. Metzger, proprietor. LOST GOLD ROYAL ARCANUM CHARM and fob, Thursday night, vicinity Hellig Theater; initials C. L. T.. Main 5359. 317 Commercial bldg.; reward. LOST PURSE CONTAINING SOME CAR tickets, about $20 in gold and silver, by lady who cannot afford to lose it. Miss C. Rigney. Phone Tabor 830. LOST BETWEEN WILLAMETTE HEIGHTS and Lovejoy street on W car or street, amethyst pin with pearl border. Return to 102 Third St.; reward. LOST ON SATURDAY, SMALL BLACK purse, containing money. Return 254 N. 24th st. Phone Main 3111. No questions asked. WILL THE PERSON TAKING UMBRELLA through mistake Thursday from postoffice return to general delivery window? LOST GOLD WATCH CHARM F. A. A. ON back, photos inside. Noli f y Queen Dye Works, 280 Grand avenue; reward. LOST IN IRVINGTON, APRIL 5, DIA mond and pearl breastpin. Return to 533 Broadway and receive reward. FOUND ON STREET, PORTLAND, WATCH; Owner send description to Box 54, Sheridan, Or. BUSINESS CHANCES. SHOEMAKER SHOP, FULLY EQUIPPED with furnished living rooms. 230 3d st. $125. Rent $15. L. E. Thompson & Co., 228 3d st. GROCERY AND MERCHANDISE, GOOD paying business ; will Invoice or lump, about $1600 required. X 15. Oregonian. FLOUR AND FEED STORE, LOW RENT, lease, good location; could add groceries; snap. Winks, 405 Lumber Exchange. HOME BAKERY AND DELICATESSEN, good corner; sickness compels me to sell. No agents. P 13. Oregonian. FOR SALE MEAT MARKET. GOOD Lo cality, old established trade. Cash or city property. P 11, Oregonian. GOOD PAYING 27-ROOM LODGING-HOUSE; must sell at your own price; dissolving part nership. Phone Pacific 1586. SAVE MONET ANYTHING IN PRINTING See Madden, Oddfellows' Temple, 1st and Alder sts., upstairs. $10O0 WILL BUY A GOOD GROCERY business; long lease, low rent and good location. A 14. Oregonian. BATHING ESTABLISHMENT FOR SALE; best paying in city; established 1897; no agents. M 14. Oregonian. FOR SALE A FIRST-CLASS BUSINESS location, with fixtures and 2-year lease, rent $25. 183 Morrison. FOR SALE AN UP-TO-DATE MEAT market ; good tools and fixtures. F. A. Meyer, McMlnnvllle. Or. CORNER CASH GROCERY AND FEED store; will pay $150 a month, at invoice. 26b Stark st.. room 21. FOR SALE: CANDY AND CIGAR STORE. 2 living rooms, furnished, $200. Call 1704 Madison st., Portland. 12 ROOMS FURNISHED, ONLY TWO blocks from postofTiee; clears $70 per month. Cor. 5th and Salmon. FOR RENT LODGING-HOUSE. UNFU fi nished. 33 rooms, close In. Call 266 H Front. Hotel Ohio. LADIES' TAILORING SHOP BY OWNER, fine trade, centrally located, cheap rent. Call 42014 Morrison. CI OA R AND TOBACCO STOR E LI VTN G rooms in connection; snap; only $250. Room 7. lSlH First st. RESTAURANT. VERY CENTRAL; HAS lunch counter; price $900; this is cheap. Call 248H Stark st. MACHINE SHOP AND FOUNDRY 25 MILES from Portland. Summit Investment Co., Phone East 5404. FOR SALE BIGGEST SNAP IN PORTLAND, cigar store, long lease; quick, no agents. J 11. Oregonian. FOR SALE RESTAURANT MAKING good money: cause for selling, sickness. 34 N- 2d st. DRUGSTORE FOR PALE MUST GIVE time to other business. Dr. Everest. Cor nelius, Or. CIGAR. CANDY AND FRUIT STAND, good location, good stock. $300. 183 Mor rison st. 10-ROOM ROOMING-HOUSE IN GOOD Lo cation; low rent; $300. Room 7. 181 First st. 8-ROOM HOUSE. CLOSE IN. EAST SIDE; very desirable $2000. Room 7, 181 First street. BUSINESS CHANCES. BUSINESS CORNER. 75x100 feet frontage on Hawthorne ave. for sale by owner, $2750 if taken within a few days. 50x100 feet cn First St., business prop erty, $10,000 If sold at once. $4000 residence property Modern 8 room residence in the choicest section of 34th st., near Hawthorne ave.; the building cost the money asked, 82x150 feet. Fine new residence of 7 rooms, large reception hall, lot 50x100 feet; 300 feet from Hawthorne ave. ; $3000. This is a snap if taken at once. I have several fine bargains in acreage near city and city lots. T. A. SUTHERLAND, Room 304, Buchan an bldg. Phone Main 5806. SAWMILL PLANT FOR SALE NEW MILL; capacity 25,000 dally; now in operation; twenty miles from Portland, three miles from West Side Railroad; good wagon road to railroad station; four million feet tim ber within quarter mile of mill; good log ging; good teams, wagons and all necessary equipment; fifty thousand tie contract goes with it, cheap. Address or call room 609. Commercial blk.. Portland, Or. HOTELS OUR SPECIALTY. If your hotel Is for sale. In or out of the city, bring It to us and we will pro cure a purchaser without publicity. Refer ence Hotel Men's Association. P. L. AUSTEN & CO.. Original Hotel Brokers, Suite 122 to 126, Ablngton bldg. Phone Main 2488. FOR SALE ONE-THIRD OR ONE-HALF Interest In an established mercantile busi ness In Eastern Oregon ; sales $50,000 a year. U. 8. Government spending ever a million dollars now In an Irrigation project within eight miles, A gilt-edge opportu-' city, open to Investigation. For further In formation write to Potitofnce Box 92, Echo, Or. THE AMES MERCANTILE AGENCY HAS inside Information regarding business open ings in this territory; their correspondents keep them posted on all desirable offerings. Merchants looking for location in this city or in country towns are Invited to call. Information of this kind free. The Ames Mercantile Agency, Ablngton bldg. CASH paid for mining and industrial stocks and bonds of merit, high-class mineral pros pects bought or developed; consult me for investments returning 1000 per cent profit or better, Large or small investments accept ed. Prompt attention given out of town orders. Member Portland Stock Exchange. W. J. Curtis, 215 Commercial Block. BAKERY FOR SALE. $1100 buys large bakery and lunch-room. West Side ; swell location, good trade ; liv ing rooms; lease 3 years, rent paid to July L Don't fail to investigate; this is a money maker. E. J. GBISSR. 221 H Morrison at. WELL-KNOWN REAL ESTATE MAN wants an active, honest man for partner; he will agree to teach the right party the business and convince him that he can mk from SlKfl tn tOiift nor mnnth - vi-v lit. ) tie money required. Coll 248 Stark st. BOWLING ALLEYS, FIRST-CLASS LOCA tion, lease, doing fine business ; owner must sell as he is obliged to leave city; will give part time to right party. For further Information call 23 N. 14th. Phone Pacific 974. w BAKERS. $1100 Bo not slow if you do not want to miss a fine chance to get a money maker in good location; everything all right; if you look at, you huy. F. Fuchs, 221 Morrison st. BETTER THAN COPPER STOCKS A world's necessity: immense profits, small capitalization. Only 20,000 shares allotted to the whole Pacific Coast. Write quickly, B., P. O. box 366, Roseburg, Or. 45 ROOMS, FURNISHED FAR BETTER than the average rooming-house, only $400Q. This is a money-maker and a bar gain. Will take real estate or cash. Sphinx Agency, 305 & Stark st. PARTNER WANTED WE ARB PROSPER OUS, wish to incorporate, want honest, re liable party to accept good position and in terest; small capital required. 518 Common wealth bldg.. Sixth and Ankeny. A RELIABLE REAL ESTATE! MAN WILL take a partner and teach him the business and guarantee him not less than $150 a month; must invest a small amount. 268 Stark at., room 21. ROOMING-HOUSE), $750. 13 large rooms, on Washington st., close in; cheap rent; lease; fine furniture; owing to health, must sell. H. W. Garland & Co., 193 y 4th st. JOB PRINTING OFFICE, DOING BUSINESS of over $500 per month, no soliciting, for sale It taken at once; business growing and steady run of work. Address O 11, Ore gonian. IF YOU HAVE SMALL AMOUNT OF money you can make $100 weekly; it's easy; others do it. Particulars Newman's Motion Picture Co., 145 6th, near Alder. STOCK COMPANIES INCORPORATED IF you have stocks or bonds for sale, let me try to sell them for you. George M. Kel logg, broker, 540 Ellicott Square. Buffalo. LIGHT MANUFACTURING BUSINESS This Is a paying proposition; one-half Inter est can be secured for $300; duties easily learned. Particulars 248 Stark st. FOR SALE GOOD PAYING BAKERY business In best and most attractive town In Southern Oregon. For particulars ad dress Lock Box 16. Ashland. Or. FOR SALE RESTAURANT AND LUNCH counter on Washington st.. good place for two partners or man and wife, $750. Address L 10. Oregonian. INVE ST $1 PER WEEK FOR 26 WEEKS or $25 cash and clear $250; absolute safety guaranteed by all banks. Storeheat Mfg. Co., Los Angeles, Cal. CIGAR STORE. FINEST" LOCATION N city, swell fixtures, a payer, but owner ts compelled to sell at once. M. C. Davis, 16 Hamilton. Main 4610. WILL EXCHANGE PART INTEREST IN valuable patents, now in practical use. for Portland real estate. all 502 Oregonian blag., noon hour. FINE DELICATESSEN AND HOME BAK ery; good location; brick building, low rent; good lease, reasonable price; 6 to 8 P. M. 129 13th street. BRICK FAMINE GET STOCK IN NEW plant now going in; stock for sale, small investors; will take $25; invest. Call 167 First. Room 4. PARTNER WANTED SOLID BUSINESS; $2500 reqrired; good profits; open to fullest Investigation; a safe proposition. Call 2484 Stark st. FOR RENT 20 ROOMS, CENTRAL LOCA tion; ideal for rooming-house. M. E. Lee, room 20. Raleigh bldg., 323 M Washington street. ACTIVE INTEREST IN GOOD MANUFAC turing business; do not answer unless you mean business. S 7, Oregonian. BUTCHER SHOP FOR SALE DOING good business; bargain if taken this week; guarantee. Phone East 2431. SPECIAL NOTICES. Miscellaneous. PROPOSALE FOR BEE , CORN. GRO ceries. etc. Department of the Interior, Office of Indian Affairs. Washington, D. C March 5, 1907. Sealed proposals, plainly marked on the outside of the envelope. "Proposal for beef, corn." etc. as the case may be. and addressed to the "Com missioner of Indian Affairs. Washington, D- C." will be received at the Indian Office until 2 o'clock P. M., of Tuesday, April 23. 1907. and then opened, for fur nishing the Indian Service with rolled barley, beef, mutton, corn, salt, coffee, sugar, tea, soap, baking powder and other groceries. Bids must be made out on Gov ernment blanks. Schedules giving all nec essary information for bidders will be furnished On application to the Indian Office, Washington. D. C. ; the U. S. In dian Warehouses at New York City Chi cago, Hi.. St, Louis, Mo., Omaha, Neb., and San Francisco, Cal., the Commissary -of Subsistence. U. S. A., at Cheyenne, Wyo., the Quartermaster. U. S- A., Seat tle, Wash., and the postmasters at Tuc son. Portland. Spokane and Tacoma. The department reserves the right to reject any and all bids, or any part of aijy bid. F. E. Leupp, Commissioner. CONSTRUCTING QUARTERMASTER'S OF flee. Vancouver Barracks, Wash.. April 4 19UT Sealed proposals, in triplicate, will be received at this office until 11 o'clock A. M-. May 6th, 1907. and then publicly opened, for furnishing labor and material to construct cement walks, curbs, steps, crosswalks, etc., all as shown on plan. Full information fur nished on application to this office. The Urited States reserves the right to reiect any or all bids, or to accept any part there of. Envelopes containing proposals should be indorsed "Proposal for walks." and ad dressed to the Constructing Quartermaster, Vancouver Barracks. Washington. NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS SEALED bids are invited for the construction of a two-story brick building. 85x115 feet, to be erected in Newberg. Or. Plans and specifications may be seen at the office of the architects, R. N. Hockenberry & Co., Washington bldg., Portland; at of fice of the Spaulding Logging Co., Salem, and office of the undersigned in Newberg. All bids must be in my hands by 7:30 P. M..' April 15. The right is reserved to re ject any or all bids. Clarence Butt, sec retary. Union Building Company. SPECIAL NOTICES. Proposals Invited. IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE STATE of Oregon, for Sherman County .--E. O. McCoy, Plaintiff, vs. George N- Crosfield, Defendant. The undersigned will receive sealed bids at his office. No. 7 First street, Portland. Or., for the assets of the part nership composed or E. O McCoy and George N. "Crosfield. doing business at Wasco. Or., under the name and style of the Oregon Trading Company, up to 6 o'clock P. M..' April 30, 1907. and said bids will be opened at 12 o'clock noon, on May I. 1907. Conditions are as fol lows : First Separate bids for each of the following described parcels of land at Wasco, Or., to-wit: Lots 11 and 12, block 6, Bigg's Addition; lots 1, 2. 3 and 4, block 7. Bigg's Addition. Also lump bid for all of said real property. Second For all ac counts receivable belonging to said part nership amounting to $12,747.22- Third For all bills receivable belonging to said partnership amounting to $23,649. S2. Fourth Suspense accounts. $1639.29. Fifth Abeyance accounts, $3122.92. Sixth Also a lump bid for all of the said ac counts and bills receivable. Seventh For all ttore furniture and fixtures used in and about said business inventoried at $2850.00. Eighth Separate bids for the different departments of stock of general merchandise at Wasco, Or., per inventory as follows: (a) men's clothing. $2847.31; (b crockery and glassware, $457-80; (c) dry goods, notions, furnishings, women's and misses' coats and suits, $5020.37; (d) furniture, tugs and miscellaneous, $1211.63; (e) groceries, $4110.95; (f) bug gies, hacks and harness. $2076.04; (g) hats and caps, $1375.58; (h) Jewelry, cut glass and fine sundries, $24SS.5S; (1) hard ware, paints, etc.. $7172.25; (j) machin ery and Implements. $5187-41; (k) shoes, $1859.86; (1) also a lump bid for the en tire stock of merchandise, $34,707.78. Terms cash, and a deposit of 10 per cent of the amount bid must accompany each offer and the same is subject to confirma tion by the court. Each bid must be sealed and the envelope marked "Bid for assets of Oregon Trading Company." In ventory of the assets may be seen at my office and the property may be Inspected on application at Wasco, Or. Dated at Portland. Or., this 30th day of March, 1907. R. L. Sabin, Receiver. PROPOSALS FOR WOOD AND COAL Chemawa, Or., March 8, 1907. Sealed proposals, plainly marked on the outside of the sealed envelope, "Proposals for Wood or Coal," as the case may be, and addressed to the undersigned at Chemawa. Or., will be received at the Indian School, until 2 o'clock P. M., April 8, 1907, for furnishing and delivering at " the school, as may be required during the fiscal year ending June 30, 1908, about 2000 cords of wood and 1200 tons of coal, as per speci fications and full information to be ob tained at the school. Each bidder must state specifically in his bid the price of the wood or coal, per cord or ton. as the case may be. offered under contract. The fuel so offered will be subject to rigid inspection. The right Is reserved to re ject any or all bldB, or any part of any bid. if deemed for the best interests of the service. Each bid must be accom panied by a certified check or draft upon some United States depository or solvent National bank, made payable to the order of the Commissioner of Indian Affairs, for at least 5 per cent of the amount of such bid, which check or draft shall be for feited to the United States in case any bidder receiving an award shall fall to execute promptly a satisfactory contract In accordance with the terms of his bid; otherwise to be returned to bidder. Bids accompanied by cash in lieu of certified check or draft will not be considered. For further Information apply to Edwin L. Chalcraft, Superintendent. PROPOSALS FOR BRICK BAKERY AND equipment Department of the Interior. Office of Indian Affairs, Washington, D. C, March 23, 1907. Sealed proposals, plainly marked on the outside of the en velope, "Proposals for Bakery, etc., Sa lem, Oregon," and addressed to the Com missioner of Indian Affairs, Washington, D. C, will be received at the Indian Of fice until 2 o'clock P. M. of April 22, 1907, for furnishing and delivering the necessary materials and labor required to construct and complete a brick bakery and equipment at the Salem School, Ore gon, in strict accordance with plans, specifications and instructions to bidders, which may be examined at this office, the offices of the Oregon Statesman, Salem, Or. ; the Chronicle, San Francisco, Cal.. and The Morning Oregonian, Portland, Or.; the Builders' & Traders' Exchanges, at Omaha, Neb., St. Paul, Minn., and Minneapolis, Minn.; Northwestern Manu facturers' Association, St. Paul, Minn.; U. S. Indian Warehouses" at Chicago, 111., St. Louis, Mo., Omaha, Neb New York, N. Y., and San Francisco. Cal., and at the school. For further information apply to E. L. Chalcraft, superintendent, Che mawa, Or. C. F. Larrabee, Acting Com missioner. QUARTERMASTER'S OFFICE, FT. STEV ens. Or.. April 2, 1907. Sealed proposals, in triplicate, will be received at this of fice until 2 o'clock P. M., May 1, 1907, and then publicly opened, for drainage and grading at Ft. Stevens, Or. Plans can be seen and specifications obtained at the of fice of the Quartermaster, Ft. Stevens, Or. The United States reserves the right to reject or accept any or all bids or any part thereof. Envelopes containing pro posals should be Indorsed, "Proposals for Drainage and Grading," and addressed, "Constructing Quartermaster, Ft. Stev ens, Or." SEALED BIDS WILL BE RECEIVED BY the undersigned until 12 M.. April 17, 1907, for the construction of three wooden scows. Plans and specifications may be seen at this office. J. B. C. LOCKWOOD, 508 Lumber Exchange bldg., Portland, Or. Miscellaneous. CITATION. UNITED STATES OF AMERI car District of Oregon, es. : Whereas, a libel has been filed In the District Court of the United States for the District of Oregon, on the 16th day of March, 1907, by G. C. Ful ton, Proctor on behalf of Callendar Navi gation Company as libel lants in a cause of contract, civil and maritime, against the Bark Agate, her tackle, apparel and furni ture, and praying the usual process and monition of the Court, that all persons in terested in said Bark, her tackle, apparel, machinery and furniture may be cited to ap pear and answer the premises and all due proceedings being had, that the said Bark may be decreed to be sold, and the proceeds thereof distributed accord ine to law. There fore, In pursuance of said monition under the seal of the said Cburt, to me directed and delivered, on the irth dav of March. 1907, I do hereby give notice, generally, un to all persons naving, or pretending to have, any right, title or interest in the said Bark called the Agate, her tackle, apparel, machinery and furniture, to appear before the said Court, in the City of Portland, in uaid District, on the 6th day in Mav. 1907. next (if it be a Court day, or else on next Court day thereafter) at 10 o'clock, fore . noon of eaid day, then and there to answer the said libel, and to make known their al legations in tnat Denair. uatea at Portland, in District, this 23d day of March A. D. 1907. G. C. Fulton, Prootor for Callendar Navigation Company, Libellants. Charles J. Reed, United States Marshal for the District of Oregon. IN THE DISTRICT COURT OF THE UNI ted States, for the District of Oregon In the matter or tne istacaaa wooa Man ufacturing Company, bankrupt: The un dersigned will receive sealed bids up to 12 o clock noon or aionaay, April a, iaor, for all of the following described real and personal property belonging to said estate, to wit: Lots 2, 3, 4, 5, 6. 7, 8, 9, 10, 11 and 12, in block 5, in Estacada, Clackamas County, Oregon, togetner with tne im provements thereon and the plant of the v.stacada Wood Manufacturing Company, consisting of machinery, tools, implements and fixtures; also a certain lot of lumber located on said property, all in accordance with an Inventory thereof now on file. A check for 10 per cent of the amount bid must accompany each offer and the sale Is subject to confirmation by the court. Inventory may be seen at my office and the property may De inspected at .sta enda Or. Mark envelopes containing bids. "Bid to be opened April S." Dated at Portland, or., aiarcn zb, iwu t. a. i. Sabin, Trustee, room a, ro. t i-irst st. IN THE DISTRICT COURT OF THE UNITED States for the District of Oregon In, the matter of the estate of Chas. H. Cooper, bankrupt : The undersigned will receive sealed bias at ms oiiice, i rirst street, t-ort land Or., for the stock of merchandise, con slsting of dry goods, notions, clothing and furnishing goods, amounting to $3556.01. to gether with the office and store fixtures of 1532.15 pertaining to this estate, up to 12 o clock noon oi niurauay, Apni n, iwi. Terms, cash, subject to confirmation by the Court, and a certified check for 10 per cent of the amount offered must accompany each bid. An inventory of the property may be een at my office and the stock may be in spected at Astoria, Or. All proposals must De piainiy mariteu tan lor n. COO per stock and fixtures." R. L. SABIN, Trustee. NOTICE, Notice is hereby given that the firm of Schwlnd & Bauer has on the date hereof been dissolved Dy mutual consent, Mr. Schwind retiring and Mr. Bauer continu ing the business and assuming all indebted ness of paid firm and receipting for all moneys due the axoresain partnership. JACOB SCHWIND HENRY BAUER. Dated 5th day of April. 1007. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT THE annual meeting of the stockholders of the Oregon & California Railroad Company will be held at the office of the company In the Worcester Building, Portland, Tues day, April 9. 1907, at 11 o'clock A. M , for the election of a board of directors and for the transaction of such other business as may legally come before the meeting. W- W. COTTON. Secretary. PERSONAL LADIES. ONE WORD WITH TOU 23 years of successful practice in Portland in the treatment of diseases peculiar to wom en should be sufficient guarantee to those seeking the aid of an experienced phy sician and surgeon. I have assisted hun dreds of anxious and suffering women, i can assist you. If in trouble, no matter from what cause, call on old Dr. J. D. Gray, the old reliable specialist; no charg-a for consultation or advice. 251 Alder st.. corner 3d., Portland, Or. Correspondence sacredly confidential. DR. MART LANE. Late superintendent of Chicago Women's Hospital, treats diseases of women exclu sively; ladies will consult their best Inter, ests by communicating with me; no. tea for consultation; correspondence absolutely confidential; maternity cases given special attention. Sanitarium and offices. 253 Alder, corner 3d. Portland, Or. Phone Main 2796. SUITS PRESSED WHILE TOU WAIT. 50c To visitors of Portland hotels and to pub lic at large: Suits pressed at 50c at Gil bert, the tailor's, 1004 0th St.. next to Quelle. Ladles' skirts pressed. 50c. Fea thers and boas cleaned and curled. Phone Pacific 2088. NOTICE OF REMOVAL A. REINER. THE furrier, will move from Lewis bldg. March 1. Looking for suitable location. For pres ent may be found at residence, 252 N. 19th st. Phone Fac. 2497. Will call and tfivs estimates as usuaL AMELIA R. BROWN. THE CELEBRATED cancer specialist, positively removes can cers painlessly and without use of knife. Consultation free. Rooms 1-2, Hotel Ohio, Front and Madison. Dress suits for rent, all sizes $1 month keeps your clothes cleaned, pressed, but tons sewed on, rips sewed., Prompt calls and deliveries. Unique Tailoring Co., 309 Stark street. Mme. Courtrlght. skin and scalp treatments; pimples, mojes. warts, hair, wrinkles remov ed; facial deformities corrected; plastic sur gery. 225 Fliedner bldg. Phone Main 5U42. Manly vigor restored by Dr; Roberts' Nerve Globules. One month's treatment, $-; s months, $5. Sent securely sealed by mail. Agents, Woodard. Clarke & Co.. Portland. LOST POWERS RESTORED BY THE great Dr. Lorena' Nerve Tonic Tablets; 25o a box. Write or call at Eyssel's Pharmacy, 227 Morrison St., between 1st and 2d. LADIES DR. KETCHUM, GRADUATE and registered, treats any and all your complaints with skill and success. 170 3d, corner Yamhill. Pacific 2229. SON OF A SWORD-MAKER," "TURKEY Egg Griffin," "The Harkriders," "The Starbucks," by Ople Read, 25c each; list free. A W. Schmale Co., 229 1st. MOLES, wrinkles, superfluous hair removed. No charge to talk it over. Mrs. M. D. H1U. Room 330 Fliedner bldg. Pacific 135. CONFIDENTIAL CORRESPONDING CLUB foe honest, sober, single people. Address Mrs. H. C. Wilbur, 406 Third. 100 NEAT VISITING CARDS WITH YOUR name, duc; ou ror c; zoo Dusiness caras, $1. Schmale Co., 229 First. AMELIA R. BROWN, ELECTRO-MAG-netic healer. Room 2, Hotel Ohio, Mad ison and Front. RECENTLY OPENED MANICURING PAIt Iors. ladles and gentlemen. 351 Morrison st., room 12. R. G. NULLEN: PLEASE WRITE TO your friend, Jack G., at once, Hood River, Oregon. RUSSIAN BATH FOR MEN ONLY SWIM mlng pool, tub bath, 25c. 207 3d, near Taylor. MRS. DR- PAUL CROMWELL HAS opened up a branch office at 431 E. Alder street. DR. ATWOOD, female diseases; maternity cases; private hospital. 8 Lewis bldg. P. 1763. Bust and neck developed. Oriental method; results guaranteed. 330 Fliedner bldg. Pau. 135. MANICURING PARLORS FOR LADIES and gentlemen. 268 Morrison St., room 14. DR. PAUL CROMWELL, the colored spe cialist. Sanitarium 127 N 12th. Main 5478. MANICURING AND CHIROPODY PAR lors; scalp and facial massage, 201 3d st. DR. ATWOOD. female diseases: maternity cases; private hospital. 8 Lewis bldg. P. 1753. BALM OF FIGS FOR ALL FEMALE Dis eases. 626 E. Belmont. Phone East 4034. TURKISH BATHS, 300 Oregonian bldgr ; ladies days, gentlemen nights. Phone Main 1938. Mrs. Stevens, reliable palmist and spiritual life-reader. 34 Yamhill, corner 7th. Prof. Felix, K. Z., miracles of magnetic healing and suggestive. 145 6th st. YOUNG LADY GIVES TREATMENTS, Ladies only. 353 u Yamhill, room 5. PAUL BROWN: WRITE SHOUP AT MON dak immediately; very important. FINANCIAL. THE CRESCENT LOAN CO., 42S MOHAWK blcg. Loans to salaried employes on note, without mortgage ; easy payments. Month, -month. Week. 50 Repay to us.... $13.33 or $6.65 or $3.35 $25 Repay to U3...-.S 6.25 or $3.50 or $1.65 $15 Repay to us $ 4.00 or J2.00 or $1.00 We meet any rate, time or terms. Main 2041. MONEY TO LOAN. On improved city property or for build ing purposes, for from 3 to 10 years' time, with privilege to repay all or part of loan after two years. Loans approved from plans and money advanced as building nrocresses: morteases taken ud and replaced. Fred H. Strong, financial agent, 242 Stark street. MONEY LOANED TO SALARIED PEOPLE just on your own name; no other security necessary; don't borrow until you see me; my eystcm Is the best for railroad men, clerks. bookkeeDers. streetcar men and all other employes; business strictly confiden tial. F. A. Newton. 511 Buchanan Bldg.. MONEY ADVANCED SALARIED PEOPLE and others upon their own names without security; cheapest rates, easiest payments; offices In 60 principal cities, save yourself money bv getting our terms first. TOLMAN, 223 Abington bldg.. 106 3d st. LOANS ON EASY PAYMENT PLAN TO salaried people; lowest rates; strictly confi dential. Employes' Loan Co., room 710, The Dekum, 3d and Wash. Main 224. LOW I Furniture, etc.; confidential. 228 Flled I ner bldg.. 10th and Wash. Pacific 2659. RATES. MONEY TO LOAN, REASONABLE RATES; real estate, chattel mortgage or personal security; notes bought. C. W. Pallet!, 304 Feuton building. IMMEDIATE LOANS FROM $5 TO $5000 on all securities. R. L Eckerson & Co., room 5. Washington bldg- Phone Pac. 1831. $1000 TO $100,000 TO LOAN IN SUMS TO suit at 5 to 7 per cent on improved realty. M. G. Griffin, 266 Stark, opp. C. of Com. S3000 OR LESS IN SUMS TO SUIT ON real estate; charges reasonable. Inquire J. H. Middleton, 617 Chamber Commerce. MONEY LOANED IN SMALL OR LARGE sums on improved and unimproved real esra"te. W. H. Nunn, 552 Sherlock block. LOANS ON FURNITURE. PIANOS AND other securities; lowest rates. S. W. King, room 45, Wash. bldg. Phone Main 6100. MONEY LOANED IN SUMS OF $6 AND up on all kinds of security. W. A. Hatha way, room 10. Wash. bldg. Pacific 1832. MORTGAGE LOANS AT CURRENT RATES; no commission. Columbia Life & Trust Company, Lumber Exchange bldg. C PER CENT MONEY TO LOAN FROM $1000 to $5000. Dean Land & Investment Co., 413 Commercial bldg. TO LOAN iS00 BY CLIENT ON UNIX cumbered real estate. Gmber. 617 Com mercial block. State funds loaned, 6 per ct. W. E. Thomas, state agt.. Multnomah Co., 409 C. of Com.. MONEY TO LOAN ON ALL KINDS OF SE curity. Wm. Holl. :m. 9. Washington bid. A LOAN FOR THE ASKING SALARY OR chattel. The Loan Co., 410 Dekum bldg. 500,000 TO LOAN AT 5 AND 6 PER CHNT. Wm. G. Beck, room 312 Failing bldg. ON MORTGAGE $200 TO 53000, COST PA pers only. Ward. Lawyer, Alisky bldg. $8000 TO LOAN for term of years; very low interest. Room 9, Washington bldg. WANTED $1500 ON IMPROVED REAL estate; security. V 6. Oregonian. $6000 TO LOAN ON WEST SIDE PROP3RTY. 410 STEARNS BUILDING. FINANCIAL. THERE ARE MANY PLANS. But It will pay you to learn ours when you are tn need of "F.eady Cash." We can help you and without publicity. You can get tho mcney you need from us on your salary and repay in small payments suited to your own circumstances. It costs you nothing to call on us and we assuro you of courteous treatment, whether you borrow or not. Open Tuesday and Satur day unttl 8 P. M. HUTTON CREDIT CO.. 512 (Fifth Floor) Dekum Bldg. LOANS MADE TO SALARIED PEOPLE holding permanent positions and respon sible firms ; e"asy payments and strictly confidential; also CHATTEL LOANS on personal property ; rooming-houses a specialty. NEW ERA LOAN & TRUST COMPANY. 205 Ablngton Building. THE STAR LOAN COMPANY. Any salaried employe, wage-earner, can get on his note, without mortgage (con fidential). Month. -month. Week. $50 Repay to us. .$13.33 or $6.65 or $;i." $25 Repay to us.-.S 6.66 or 13.20 or $1.65 $13 Repay to us $ 4.00 or $2.00 or $1.00 210 M'KAY BLDG.. 102 THIRD. WANTED Notes, mortgages or contracts on any kind of real estate In Oregon or Wash ington; 2d mortgages purchased if well se cured. H. E. Noble, 312 Commercial blk. BUSINESS DIRECTORY. Accountants. GEO. T. MURTON. 318 CHAMBER COM merce. Phone Main 3681. General account ing and auditing business. Assnyers and Analysts. GREENLEY & CRAWFORD. ANALYTICAL chemists, mining engineers. -204 Wash ington st. MONTANA ASSAY OFFICE. 186 MORRI son st. Best facilities. Prices reasonable. PAUL BAUMEL. ASSAYER AND ANALYST Gold dust bought. 207 Alder st. Carpenters and Builders. W. L. Buckner. office, store fixutres. general Jobbing, contracting. 330 Stark. Main 5S31. Carpet Cleaning. IONE STEAM CARPET CLEANING CO. Mattresses and feathers renovated. 221 E. 21st North, cor. Holladay. Phone East 360. COOKING OR SERVING DINNERS. WED- aings or banquets. Phone East oul3. Chiropody and Manicuring. WM. DEVENY & ESTELLE DEVENY. THE only scientific chiropodists, parlors l"OJ Drew bldg., 1G2 2d st. Phone Main 1301 Chiropody and Pedicuring. Mrs. M. D. Hill room 3Ju FUeaner blag. Phone pacmc iaj J. LINDELL; expert chiropodist; all Instru ments sterilized. 702 Marquam. Main 5256. Cleaning and Dyeing. THE MADISON STEAM CLEANING AND presine: parlors: all work guaranteed prompt service; repairing; French dry cleaning a specialty. 247 Madison bet. 2d end 3d. Phone Pacific 1613. John C. Baker, proprietor. BERLIN DYE WORKS SPECIALTIES French dry cleaning, steam cleaning, dyeing to sample; reasonable prices; prompt serv Ice. 347 2d.. Main 6417. Commission Merchants. HERMAN METZGER, PURCHASER OF hides, pelts, furs, wool, mohair, tallow and ruDDer ana oia metal ana general commis slon merchants. Front St.. near Main. Port land. Or. Cash advanced on consignments. TAYLOR. YOUNG & CO.. SHIP BROKERS ana commission merchants, snerlock bias Portland, Or. D. C. BURNS CO., GROCERS AND COM mission merchants, 210 3d St. Dancing. DANCING LESSONS. 25c. classes or private waltzing, two-step, three-step, etc. ; stoge dancing, buck and wing. clog, reel, skirt. Spanish, Highland fling, etc. Prof. Wal Wilson, AllsKy blag., 30-Morrison. Woodward's Dancing School class, Mon Thur., Sat. eves.; 5 assistants; private les sons aaiiy; social, rancy ana step aanc ing taught. 2d and Morrison. Pacific 1630 PROF. RINGLER. MISS BUCKENMEYEK leading school dally ; new hall, best in city, urana ave. and K. Morrison, jfi 5t57U. DR. EARL C. McFARLAND, DENTIST Rooms 710-11-12, Swetland bldg. Main 2261 Educational. MISS CALL. PRIMARY. GRAMMAR. PRE paratory grades ; regular or special. 5S9 hi. tiurr.siae. Phone iiast zuu. Gasoline Engines. GASOLINE ENGINES, ALL SIZES AND styles, at lowest prices; also repairing Relerson Machinery Co., 182-4-6 Morrison Fairbanks-Morse Stationary and Sheffield marine engines, best, right price. lst-Stark Harness and Saddles. THE GEORGE LAWRENCE CO.. WHOLE Bale saddle and harness mfs.. leather and saddlery hardware. 80-SG 1st. Main 226. Junk, Hides and Pelts. L. SHANK & CO., PURCHASERS OF hides, pelts, wool, rurs, tallow, old rub bers, metals and sacks. 312 Front st. Leather and Findings. J. A. STROWBRIDGE LEATHER CO. Es tabllshed 1858. Leather and findings Stockton sole leather and cut stock; full line Eastern Jumbos. Ihtf Front st. CHAS. L. MASTICK & CO., FRONT AND Oak sts. leather ana skins or every de scrlption for all purposes; sole and tap cutters nnaings. Machinery. B. TRENKM AN CO., MINING. SAWMILL, logging machinery, hydraulic pipes, cast incs, an Kinaa repairea. w. 4th. Mining; Brokers. COEUR D'ALENE AND NEVADA MINING stocks I am always in the market to buy or sell any first-class stocks or bonds. List your stocks with me. Get my prices before buying or selling;. Loans made on Hated securities. x r. crown, xu wasn. bldg Musical. PROF. J. H. EVEREST, INSTRUCTOR OF violin, cornet ana rench horn: orches tras furnished. Phone East 1625. Studio, Western Academy or Music, 2d and Mor rlson sts. Northwest Vlavi Company. Tllford bldg., :0th and Morrison sts. "Health Talks to women lhursday at :i:.Ju p. M Osteopathic Physicians. DRS. ADDIX & NORTHRUP. 415-16-17 Dekum bldg. Third and Washington sts. Phone, office, Main 349. Residence, Main 1503. Residence, East 1028. DR. ARNOLD UNDSAl. GRADUATE OF ach and all female diseases. Office 410 DR. L. B. SMITH, PIONEER OSTEOPATH of Oregon, graduate Kirkvllle, Mo. 409 Oregonian bldg. Main 1242; res. Main 2732. Patent Lawyers. R. C. WRIGHT. DOMESTIC AND FOREIGN patents; infringement cases, ou uekurn. Paints, Oils and Glass. glass, sash and doors. Cor. 2d and Taylor! Faintinjc and PapemanRinjr. For reliable work, reasonable prices Sheehy Bros., 2S2i Yamhill, near 4th. Main 3072. ALSO SEALS, STENCILS, TEL SLUGS. BAR checks, etc. Coast Co.. 231 Stark. Tel. 1407. Rubber Stamp. Rubber Stamps. Stencils, Seals, trade bag gage checks. P. C. Stamp Works, 243 Alder. Showcases. Bank and Store Fixtures. R. H. Blrdsall, designer; agent M. Winter Lumber Co., 7 Hamilton bldg. Main 5530. PORTLAND SHOWCASE Sc. FIXTURE CO., 34S 1st st. near Market, phone Pacific 1020. THE LUTKE MANUFACTURING CO., COR. 6th and Hoyt. Phone Main 1408. Safes. DIEBOLD Manganese and fireproof safes ; lockouts opened; metal fixtures, vault and jail work; jacks, J. E. Davis, 66 3d. Main 1635. BCSINESS DIRECTORY. Spiritualists. WITH THIS PAPER AD TOU WILL SAVE 4.00 for a few days only, (a special 5 reading for $1. ) always consult the best, prof. e. khimo. astral dead trance clairvoy ant, no charge if not satisfied reading is oyer you to bbs jl doe. do hereby solemnly ag re 13 A-)n GUARANTEE to make no charge if i rail to call you by name In full, name o your friends, enemies or rivals. I prom se to tell whether your husband, wife or sweetheart Is true or false; tell you how l? WIn the love of the one you most de--i e.ven thou"h miles away; how to sue. eeed in business, speculation, lawsuits; now to marry the one of your choice; how to regain youth, health and vitality. Re moves evil influences, cures drink habits, locates treasures, mines and oil wells; W jMl nervous diseases. w3 ?5LX ALL OTHERS ADVERTISE TO DO. AND A GREAT DEAL MORE. THE ENTIRE WORLD HAS BEEN STARTLED WITH THE POWERS OF THE UNSEEN FORCES I HAVE AT Mt COMMAND and I will prove it to you without price by giving you a FREE TEST -FREE, by having your NAME TOLD (IN FULL), JUST WHAT YOU CAME FOR. and give you advice absolutely FREE before you decide to have a reading. WHO CAN OR WILL DO MORE TO CONVINCE THH SKEPTIC? DO NOT MISS THIS OP PORTUNITY. AS IT WILL NOT BE OF FERED YOU AGAIN. Do not hesitate, delay is dangerous; come at once and find out: How can I marry well? How can I have good luck? How can I control any one? How can I conquer my rival? How can I settle my quarrel? How can I succeed in business? How can I conquer my enemies? How can I get a good position? How can I keep my wife's love? How can I make my home happy? How can I remove bad influences? How can I make any one lov me? How can I hold my husband's love? How can I marry the one I fchoose? How can I make distant ones think of me? HOURS 10 TO 8 DAILY AND SUNDAY. PROF. E. KHIMO. . j Parlors No. 3 and 4 Grand Theater Bid., 352 Washington near Park St. Phone Main 1267. RAMONA, TRUE PSYCHIC. As a matter of advertisement and to convince you that I am one of the few prophets and dead trance mediums that has been in Portland for some time, my charges will be reduced from $3 to 50 cents. This small fee will prove to you my wonderful powers to read you and foretell events that will happen to you for years In tho future. Without you speaking one word I will tell you names of yourself, friends, relatives, tell you Just what you came for, tell ypu of love, sickness, deaths, business, speculation, in vestments, etc. My wonderful powers to heal the sick have been demonstrated and tested for years. Are you sick ? You should come at once; it costs nothing to see and consult me. I am permanently located at my own home. 252 7th st., be tween Main and Madison sts. No sign. Phone Main 7033. MRS. WALLACE, 25 YEARS PORTLAND'S most reliable medium; all in trouble call and get her valuable advice on all affair of life, business, love troubles; absent friends a specialty. Room 72, Lewis bldg.. 3.10 Morrison st. Hours 0 A. M. to f P. M. PROF WALLACE. Portland's favorite clairvoyant, palmist and spiritualist, will positively make no charge for his services unless you are entirely satis fled. Low fee. 50c and $1. 110 Fourth st.. corner Washington. MRS. S. B. SEIP. Psychometrlst, Frophetla Spiritual Life Reader, reliable In every de tail. 10 to 8, 302 Alisky bldg. Circles Tue., Wed., Thur., Fri.. 8 P. M-. 25c. Pac. 2835. ARE YOU IN TROUBLE.? SEE THE Great Nnganzl clairvoyant, palmist and healer. 193 4th st. Call today. MRS. C. CORNELIUS, test medium; sittings dally. 343 Yamhill. Phone Pacific 1997. Mrs. Stevens, Portland's reliable palmist and spiritual life reader. 343 Yamh'l cor. 7th MISS MAY ANDREWS. CARD READING. 25c. 255 0th st.. corner Main. MRS. SHAVER, SPIRITUAL READER. 42a Burnside st.. corner 10th. WANDA. THE FAMOUS PALMIST. 229 0TH street. Storage and Transfer. SAFES, PIANOS AND FURNITURE MOVED, packed ready for shipping and shipped; all work guaranteed: large 3-story brick fire proof warehouse for storage. Office 200 Oak st. C. M. Olsen. Phone Main 547 C. O. PICK. OFFICE 88 1ST. BET. STARK and Oak. Phone 590. Pianos and furniture moved and packed for shipment; commodi ous brick warehouse, with separate iron rooms. Front and Clay sts. Sign Painting. SIGNS ("That Attract.") Portland Sign Co., 28" Stark. Pac. 1596. Sewing Machines. ALL KINDS OF SEWING MACHINES RE palred. guaranteed. S. Sams, 301 3d- Tel. Pacific 2739. SECOND-HAND SAFES FOR SALE; GREAT bargains. 70 6th st.. bet. Oak and Pine. Typewriters. New Typewriters, all makes, rented, sold and repaired. Coast Agency. 231 Stark St. Tel. 1407. Wholesale Grocers. ALLEN & LEWIS, WHOLESALE GROCERY, cor. N. Front and Davis sts.. Portland. Or. BANKS. MERCHANTS NATIONAL BANK PORTLAND. OR. J. FRANK WATSON President R L. DURHAM Vice-President r! W. HOYT Cashier GEORGE W. HOYT Assistant Cashier S C CATCHING 2d Assistant Cashier Transacts general banking business. United States Depository. Drafts and letters of credit issued, avail able In all parts of the world. Collections a specialty. THE BANK OF CALIFORNIA (Established in 1S04.) HEAD OFFICE, SAN FRANCISCO, CAL. PRESIDENT HOMER S. KINO Gen Man. of Branches. .W. MACKINTOSH Capital paid up. . $4,000,000 Surplus and undivided profits. . .$10,153,873 A General Banking and Exchange Business Transacted. Letters of credit issued, available In all ports of the world. Interest paid on time deposits. SAVINGS DEPARTMENT. Accounts opened for sums of $10 and up ward. WM A. MACRAE Manager J. T. BURTCHAELL Assistant Manager BANKERS' AND LUMBERMEN'S BANK Corner Second and Stark Streets. PORTLAND. OREGON. D. C. PELTON President FRED H. ROTHCHILD. . 1st Vice-President JOHN A. KEATING 2d Vice-President E. C. MEARS Cashier H. D. STORY Assistant Cashier PLATT & PL ATT General Counsel Commercial and Savings Departments. Drafts and Letters of Credit Issued Avail able in All Parts of the World. FIRST NATIONAL BANK. Portland. Or. CAPITAL AND SURPLUS $1,500,000.00. Deposits SU.OOO.OOO.OO. Oldest National Bank on the Pacifle- Coast. A. L. MILLS ; President J. W. NEWKIRK Cashier W. C. ALVORD Assistant Cashier B .F. STEVENS 2d Assistant Cashier PORTLAND 7!t '"ST COMPANY OF OREGON. The Oldest Trust Company in Oregon. RESOURCES OVER $1,800,000.00 General Banking. 2 per cent Interest on check accounts (even hundreds) on dally balances of $500 or over. Letters of credit and exchange on all parts of the world. Savings accounts ( per cent. Time certificates 3 to 4 per cent; short-call special certificates. $500 or over, 26 to 4 per cent. Call for Book of "Illustrations." phone Private Exchange 72. S E Corner Third and Oak Streets. BEN J. X. COHEN President H L- PITTOCK Vice-President B-' LEE PAGET Secretary J. O. GOLTRA Assistant Secretary LADT Sc. TILTON BANKERS ESTABLISHED IN 1850. Transacts a General Banking Business. Interest Allowed on Time Deposits. 'Collections made at points on favorable terms. Letters of credit Issued available In Europe and all points In the United States. Sight exchange and telegraphic transfers sold on New York. Washington, Chicago, St. Louis. Denver, Omaha, San Francisco and various points in Oregon. Washington and Idaho. Montana and British Columbia. Exchange on London. Paris. Berlin, Frank fort. Hongkong, Yokohama, Manila aod Honolulu,