14 THE OREGOMAN, SATURDAY, A PRIX 6. 1907. FOR SALE REAL ESTATE. RESIDKXCE3. JlO.SOtV -Vot Park home, facing Plaza : 1 1 room; n-nts now $00; a good buy. $12,000 On the beautiful Riverside Drive. I have the only home that Is on the market; nearly three acres, with extensive river frontage; every ad vantage and new house, never occu pied. $11,000 A nuKlern river front home on the Kelly street drive, within one block of earllne; stands on quarter-block; line lawn, stone wall; this la the best thing in South Portland and la -urrounded by other handsome homes. 00 An East Side Investment which pfara over 0 per cent; 100x100 lot. with three double houses; this la a gilt-edge Investment. $7200 -New house of 7 rooms on lot 50x100. Overton, near 23d; thoroughly mod ern. GOOD BUILDING SITES. $."250 Three choice lots on Portland Heights; excels any available loca tion for view; several handsome homes going up In immediate vlcfn- ttjr. x:i7i0 Lot for residence r fiats, on North mp, near 22d; two carllnes. 9.V.00 improved quarter in South Port land, overlooking river. jtfnort Choice lot on Clay, between Wept Park and 10th. Q J. DALT. RESIDENCES FOR SALE. j;.vrt Beautiful Nob Hill home of 11 rooms, redwood finish; has large living room with fireplace; furnace, porcelain bath, cement pavements and basement, stationary tuba, at tic well-arranged for bllUanl-room; "iggest bargain Nob Hill. $42.0 On Fifth street. ntr Caruthers; a good K-rooiii house; the lot i?i worth the prli-e; brings good rental. 94,-ftO Good income-bearing property at Hast 15th, between Oak and Pine : modern house of 8 rooms, with all convenience This is a splendid buy. 10.r0o West Park, between Market and Mill, racing the Plaza; lot nnxlOO. 1 1 -room house, rented lor w; mis la a good investment. OOD INVESTMKNT Foil A tjUIC.K BITTER. $12.500 Quarter-block on West Park and 1 College ; ideal site for apartment- house ; faces Plaza. $10,000 A splendid 10 per cent investment t in business property in Lower Al- blna; building Is new and has fine per man en t tenants. W. B. STREETER. 114 Third street. 442.600 CHOICE BLOCK SUITABLE FOR warehouse or factory. close to terminal grounds: worth Jdo.oOO: a big bargain. $32.000 Desirable block adjoining new terminals; splendid warehouse site. $15,00020 acres on Base Line road; con siderable improvements. $13,000 20 acre near Montavllla. 910,000 Choice berry farm on Base Line read: 16 seres, all under cultivation; an Ideal farmhouse; first-class improvements. $7500 acres In Sunnyslde. $;00n Irgo residence with water tower. acres of land; a very desirable suburban home. i $70O0 IS acres near Treniont. in line for platting. $3000 Lovely residence in Woodmere, lOOx ioo. $2O00 Desirable residence near Gray's Crossing. $40O Choice double lot on county road near earllne. J. H HBCKBK. 210 Allaky Bldg. SELL WOOD PORTLAND'S PRETTIEST SUBURB. Has one of the largest schools in Portland. Bull Run water; fire protection; free libra ry'; two carllnrs, 15-minute service. We have some excellent values in homes and lots which we would be pleased to have you come out and see. SELLWOOD TOWNSITE CO. Get off car at Teilno st., 16AA E. 13th st. Tortland ofilr, 222. Falling Bldg. IN SOUTH PORTLAND. $7750 Elegant residence 7 rooms, modern, lot 00x112, beautiful east view, fine inte rior finish; construction the very best. 1 $3500--5-room house, east facing, bath, gas, lawn, near the earllne, lot 50x100. $m 5-room house on corner, 50x100. full basement, cement foundations, gas, porce lain plumbing. $ 3 1 50 New modem 5- room ho use , on a corner, cement basement, gas, porcelain plumbing throughout. Including bath. $2500- -On a 60x10" lot, a i-room house; there Is room for two more houses on this lot. THESE PROPERTIES FOIt SALE EX CLUSIVELY BY H. W. LEMCKE CO.. 6rh and Washington Ms. Main 550. LOOK HERB 1 have farms to sell. 'JO to 160 acres each, all In a rapidly developing district, some with very little Improvement and some well improved, at prices which are eure to double in 3 to 5 years; also a few of the best residence properties in Gresham, as well as a number of busi ness buildings paying an income of 12 to 14 per cent, and vacant lots. Gresham is 13 miles east of Portland, with one car Itne finished and another in course of construction. Write, explaining Just what you want, and see what I will do for you; or, what Is better, call and see me. D. B. JOHNSON, Gresham. Or. KLAMATH COUNTRY IN OREGON RE clamatlon service expending $3,000,000 ir rigating 230,000 acres. Finest of farming and timber laud. Large cities growing. New railroads through the land. Lots on monthly payments. Send five 2-cent stamps for illustrated pamphlet. Klamath Development Co., Klamath Falls. Or. SOUTH PORTLAND. Stosuly quarter block on th fashionable Kelly street for 83200. facing ast. 0C single lo;e. 50x100, for $1600; also some choice lots on Corbrtt street. 65-foot frontages, with a view that can never be shut off. $-100 each; terms. 202 Aiisky beds. Call 12:30 to 2. THIS IS A BARGAIN AND SHOULD SELL futck--New 6-rc-m house, furnace, cement basement, fireplace, modern plumbing and everything that goes to make up a cosy home; situated In the nicest part of Pied mont, on KlMlnersworth avenue, near Union. Rente. Coltiua & Starr. 70 First st. V , 1 FOR SALF CHEAP. A NEW BUNGALOW. $2730. Five rooms, lot 80x100. porcelain bath and plumbing throughout, double floors, etc.. was built for a home; In a nice location near the Hawthorne-avenue car line ; $1500 cash down, balance at 6 per cent. T 10. oregonlan. THE NT,Y ONE LEFT A good ft-room house on a 25x100 foot lot on Quimby -street, between lth and 20th; the lot alone is worth more; for a few days only. $1900. 6H2BRLOCK WOERNDLE. 90 5?r near Stark. fc MODERN 7 ROOM RESIDENCE IN HAW thome Park ; construction the very best, practically new, furnace, fine fireplace, both up and downstairs. full cement floored basement lot 50x100, south facing, cement sidewalk and walks. Price this week $350O; half cash down. V 7. Oregonlan. , WWTED K BUYER FOR THIS COSY LIT tie H-room home In Piedmont. This is a rare bargain and you will fait in love with the house on first sight: let us show you the picture and show you what a bargain it is. Barnr, Coll-.nson Starr. 76 First st. WE SELL HOUSES. Parlies w hdilng to purchase a home consult i'HE L. Y KEAPY INVESTMENT CO., S$rl Failing Building. $.'jm0 -MoPEllN T 'i-OM HOUSE SITUATED in choice Nob II!: residence district: all necessary convenience: near 23d st.: ideal for home; part cash. 4.T Chamber of Com merce. Phone Main 1348. TWO ACRES AND SMALL HOUSF. NEAR V a verlv-Richmond earllne; a money-maker lr cut up InT( residence lots; S2500. $10OO h down. H. W. Lemcke Co.. 6th and Washington st. 1700 invest mf-nt. speculation. Home. Holla dav Addition, will ret 7 per cent. Two fur nished cottages. Gear hart Park. $400. $dOO. will net 11 per cent. Call or write 92 7th st. FY OW KBB -NEW, MODERN 8-ROOM house, hard finished and 7 full lots, cleared and planted. Oregon City earllne; bargain; t nos. N 11. Oregonlan. DOWN. $" PER MONTH FOR FINE, nightly lots; price, $17j: only a few left. 410 Stearns bldg.. cor. 6th and Morrison. Phone Main ISS4. $S000 60x00. SOUTH WT38T CORNER BAST 1st and Oak sts.; fine location for ware house, with trackage. W. O. WaddeU 317 Lumber Exchange. $2 1 0 BUSINESS LOT. 50x 100. CORNER Commercial snd Skirtmore; pays orer lO per cent. Pfiuger & Tschudy, Mulkry bldg.. 2d and Morrison. A 7 -ROOM HOUSE ON MILWAUKIE av., two lots, to fruit trees, small barn: price $2000; terms- State Land Co., 18316 1st st. $27W TAKES NEW 7-ROOM HOUSE. 100x1 00 (est of ground at Portsmouth Station, $1000 cash. See M. C. Davis. 1 Hamilton bldg. THK OWNER OF A NEW d-ROOM HOUSE - lose In on East Taylor, must telt at once. See M. C Davis. I ft Hamilton bMg. MODPJRN BUNGALOW PRICE $3200. Fabar. 21S Commercial block. FOR SALE REAL ESTATE. WHO WANTS THIS? Excellent piece of West Side property with three dwellings; $30on cash, balance 8 years at per cent; now pays over 14 per cent net. STATE INVESTMENT CO.. 118 Ablngton building. $2200 NEW. MODERN, 5-ROOM COTTAGE a: 497 East 33d street, H block from, Rich mond oar. FOR SALE FARMS. FARM TRACTS. $300 00 W acres. 18 miles north of Hillshoro. 3 acres under culti vation, rest in timber; 3-room house, barn, fruit trees. $850.00 35 acres land, situated south of Hlllsboru. 5 acres In meadow, balance in timber. $2000.00 18 acres, mile from Center ville. 12 acres In cultivation, balance in brush; level land, few fruit trees of all kinds; also berries. well water; 6-room house, small barn. $:;iMo.oo 70 00-100 acres, 3 miles south of Hillshoro, 10 acres In cultiva tion. 25 acres in good pasture land ; 5-room house, two barns. $1000 00 69 K acres land, 40 acres clear. 5-room house. 2 barns, fruit trees, running water. 1 mile from Forest Grove. 94000.00 80 acres. 7 miles from Hillsboro, 55 acres under cultivation, run ning water and well, 3-room house, good barn, young orch ard. 40 trees. $5000 00 Vt acres in Washington County, 35 acres in cultivation, 4 acres beaverdam land; some heavy timber; 7 acres light timber, watered by well and spring, good young orchard. 6-room house, barn and all kinds of farm Im plements, some stock. 18 cows, 2 horses, some hogs, chickens, etc. $6000.00 H acres farm land. 1 , miles from Beaverton, all level, 25 acres in cultivation. 10 acres heavy timber, watered by creek, no buildings, crops Included. PHONE EXCHANGE 70. R. L. GATE, 226 Stark st. ACREAGE TRACTS. All within 20 miles of Portland. Easy terms, and all near suburban towns. $ 600.002 1-3 acres at Beaverton, 4 voom house, good condition, 15 or 20 fruit trees, all clear, house partly furnished. $650 1 acre, situated mile northwest of Hllleboro; level, half under cultivation; fence, well water, 5 room house. $700.00 9 acres, 1 miles northwest of Beaverton. 1 acre cleared, bal ance stumps, 4-room house. $750.00 10 acres land. 2 miles south west of Hllleboro. 7 acres grubbed. balance In timber, enough timber standing to pay for clearing balance; house, barn. etc. $840.00 I 14-100 acres, situated in Hills boro, in cultivation, well water. 80 fruit trees of all kinds, 4 room house, barn. $1600.00 4 acres farm land, one mile east of Hillsboro. 2 acres level and 2 acres rolling land ; 30 fruit trees of all kinds, good well; old 4-room house and barn. $2000.00 2 acres land, good 7-room house. barn and chicken -house, nice orchard and garden, on Main at.. Hillsboro, Or. 92000.00 10 acres, all improved, fine land; make good chicken ranch, PHONE EXCHANGE 70. R. CATE, 226 Stark st. BEST STOCK FARM IN YAMHILL COUN ty. 1387 acres; 400 cultivated, 400 open pasture, balance oak grubs and piling; 10-room house. 3 barns, running spring water to house and barns; plenty fruit; all under fence but 200 acres; on county road, R. F. D., 6 miles from railroad, mile from school; price, $1250 per acre; half cash, balance to suit purchaser; 6 per cent interest. For particulars Inquire of Wade & Daugherty, Sheridan. Or. FOR SALE 800- ACRE EASTERN OREGON wheat ranch, all fenced and In cultivation : house, barn, granary and well uf living water; 1300 acres in crop goes with place; within 5 miles of two markets; close to school, churches and stores; price only $22.50 per acre; will take $5000 In city or suburban property ; balance cash and ap proved security. K. 10. Oregonlan. IF YOU ARE LOOKING FOR 20. 40 OR 80 acres In the vicinity of Gresham, either partly Improved or all well improved, don't fall to call on the Gresham Real Estate Co., as we have some bargains and will be pleased to show them at any time. Gresham Real Estate Co., Gresh am, Or. D. M. Roberts, president. SNAP IM ACRES GOOD GARDEN LAND, good 5-room house, good big barn, chicken corral, 48 hen, good henhouse, five other good outhouses, new fences, good spring, ereek and well; household goods, binder and farm Implements. 10 miles from Portland, Clackamas; on S. P. R. R. Price $2800. W. O. Capps. Clackamas, Or. 40 ACRES HOUSE. GOOD BARN. TWO poultry houses. 4 acres orchard. 12 acres cleared, good water on place; one hour by train from Portlnnd; One timber on place; price $2500. $1500 cash. $10O0 on time. Box 18. Route 4, Sherwood. Or. IF YOU WOULD LEARN ABOUT THE great Flathead Indian reservation, soon to open, send 10 cents (silver or stamps) for our S2-page booklet. Address Flathead Reserva tion Information Agency. Missoula. Mont. FARM FOR SALE. ONE MILE FROM PRO posed line of Mt. Hood electric railway ; 120 acres timber. 20 acres cultivated; good soil, orchard, fair buildings. For particulars address E. Curtis, Bullrun, Or. A CHOICE TRACT OF 11 "4 ACRES. 7 OF which are beaverdam ; 6 miles south on Kellocg Creek, above Mllwaukie. Inquire of owner. Mat Foeller, 11 Chamber of Commerce. 3-ACRE APPLE ORCHARD, 10 MINUTES walk from La Grande postofflee; 11O0 bear ing apple trees, other fruits In season ; first class condition. Address 012 Delay st., city. I STALNAKER. ORCHARDS. CLARK CO WASH. If you wish to Invest In farm or fruit land in Clark Co., call on Fromberg & Co., 227Vi Washington st., for Information. BEST STOCK FARM IN COUNTY 160 acres. 20 acres cultivaeed. fine timber, house ItixlO. spring water. mile Yaqulna Bay. mile R. R. station. $1000 cash takes It. C 14. Oregonlan. FOR SALE 0 ACRES. ALL IN BEARING fruit; good 8-room house; good outbuild ings; close to Vancouver, Wash. 4 N. 6th t. Phone Pacific 2082. HOMBSBEKKRS OR DEALERS. ATTEN tlon Let me tell you about some good land bargains in Lake and Klamath counties. Or. Address O 7. Oregonian. SEE OUR LIST. ' Of Improved and unimproved farms for sale or trade. Jenne, Trimble A Trimble, 411 Marn.ua m bldg. DAIRY" A NO. 1 PAYING DAIRY AND milk route for sale at a bargain If taken soon. R. F. D. No. 3. box 7.". Eugene, Or. $27. PER ACRE. WELL IMPROVED FARM, 320 acres. 8 miles from Salem; must be sold to settle estate. O 3. Oregonlan. 40 ACRES HALF CLEARED ANT) WELL Improved with good orchard. In Vancouver; $6000; terms. D II, Oregonlan. APPLE LAND IN UPPER HOOD RIVER Valley; a bargain If taken this week. Inquire S3 Park St. 80 ACRES FINE FRUITLANP. 4 MILES from Lyle, Wash, $1000. 788 East 2Sth st. Phone East nOTTl. 10 ACRES. HIGHLY IMPROVED. IN VAX couver.. Wash. ; $-1700. terms. G 13, Oregon lan. 80 ACRES. 20 MILES FROM PORTLAND; $lrtfk: easy terms. V 13, Oregonlan. FOR RENT FARMS. FOR RENT J 00-ACRE FARM. SUITABLE for dairy or hogs; 300-acre farm, suitable ror usury or nogs; ow nead of milch cou Tor sale. Apply between and 10 A. M., R. Chllcott. 306 McKay bldg. DAIRY RANCH CONTAINING 1600 ACRES together with 60 cows and other utensils necessary to operate, situated 15 miles be low Vancouver. Wash., on the Columbia River. Addrs W. W. Mc Bride, Ridaefleld, Wash. FOR RENT $ ACRES ON EST AC AD A CAR line. 30 minutes ride from city; terms lib eral. Address Q 13. Oregonlan. FARM--SMAI. HOUSE, BARN, ORCHARD, cmcken-nouee. near Ursa nan, 12 acres cleared. Dr. Darling. East 323. HOOD RIVER 15 ACRK3. ORCHARD, berries, ttmoihy. 3 miles to depot. Mere-r. 635 Front, Portland. TO EXCHANGE. HHi ACRES. CHMCE FARM LAND. TO tradv for city property or sell at sacri fW. 320 Failing bldg. Phone Pacific OKKGuN FARM. VALUABLE PATENTED novelty, cheap; a ill exchange for any old thing. Telephone East 1712. FOR SALE TIMBER' LANDS. THE LACET WAY Is recognized to be the standard way of handling timber lands. The timber must first satisfy us, and our cruise reveals every detail of the conditions surrounding It. Our reports are prepared in such a way that the buyer knows whether or not the timber will satisfy him befor he visits the tract. Twenty years experience, and the cllent age we represent. Is a sufficient guar antee that our methods are right. You may waste your valuable time In looking up the tract you want. Take advantage of the results of our own constant efforts along this line and get the best. JAMES D. LACET & CO-. Lumber Exchange, Seattle, Wash., Chamber of Commerce. Portland, Or. SAWMILL LOCATIONS. To those seeking such we offer strictly first-class ones, none better Just below the ferry at Kalama, Washington: largest ves sels load here and N. P. Ry. is only 60 rods distant; abundance of timber near. For further information write or phone, or pref erably come and see us. Lane & Co.. Kalama. Washington. Can Ic cat e parties on good fir timber claims Claims are on a river; will estimate from 3,000.000 to 6,000,000 per 160 acres; locating fees $200. For further informa tion address H. K. Haak. Eureka. Cal. SNAP SAWMILL ON COLUMBIA. NOW runn ins. fully equipped, plenty of timber and paying contracts, good reasons for sell ing; must be sold immediately. N 6. Ore gon fcan. FOR SALE TWO TIMBER CLAIMS. PINE timber. Klickitat County; relinquishments. $100 each. Ames Mercantile Agency, Ab lngton bldg. WE WANT TO PURCHASE A FEW SMALL tracts of timber land. The Ames Mer cantile Agency. Ablngton bldg. FIVE FINE TIMBER CLAIMS FOR LOCA tlon. Cal 1 at room 81 9. C. of C. ; of fice hours S until 5 P. M. Timber wanted, Oregon or Washington, large or small tracts. Sphinx Agency. 305 H Stark. WANTED TIMBER TRIBUTARY good river. C 3, Oregonian. WANTED REAL ESTATE. WANTED TO BUY FARM. 10 TO 40 ACRES, improved and stocked- Give full particulars under address D 14. Oregonlan. FACTORY SITE OF ONE TO THREE acres water and K. iv. preierrea. ib Hamil ton bldg.. Main 4610. I WANT EAST SIDE PROPERTY; COME quick. J. J. Oeder, corner Grand ave. and E. Ankeny. WANTED LOAN OF $5000 TO $10,000, 6 per cent, on inside ousiness property, w is, Oregonian. WANTED 80 ACRES OR MORE IM- provea, near ruriinua, n sBjwnta w j, uic gonlan. WANTED 5 OR 6-ROOM COTTAGE. $2000 to $3000; easy terms. B 3, Oregonlan. WANTED EAST SIDE LOT, NEAR CAR; $60O. Address F 13. Oregonlan. WANTED AND FOR SALELAND SCRIP All kinds, including approved forest reserve scrip for surveyed, unsurveyed timber and prairie Government land. H. M. Hamilton, The Portland. Portland, Or. FOR SALE Horses, Vehicles. Etc. New grocery, laundry, bakery, milk wagons, 100 second-hand vehicles; single, double fur niture wagons; horses, rigs rented. Tomlla son & Cassiday. 211 Wash. Pacific 507. TOP WAGONS. GOOSE-NECK; FURNITURE wagons, express wagons, runabouts, horses, vehicles and harness of all dcriptions for sale or rent. Hubert & Hall. 266 Fourth St. BARGAIN ONE FINE DRIVING SPAN, including buggy, horses and harness; weight about 950; matched coal blacks, good drivers. V 14, Oregonlan. FOR SALE A FINE LITTLE YOUNG TEAM, 1 fresh milch cow, I gentle and true driv ing horse, age 1 years, weight 1080 lbs., at BB jerrerson. HORSES FOR SALE 10 SPANS. 1100 TO 1600 pounds. 480 Overton, between 13th and 14th; take S car. Freedman Bros. WANTED FIRST-CLASS SADDLE-HORSH that Is gentle enough for lady. J. Kessell. with S. Rosenblatt & Co. Call Monday. 1 RUBBBR-TIRE SURREY (SINGLE OR double). 1 open buggy-, plain tires, both good. Call on C. O. Pick, 88 1st. GOOD TEAM FOR SALE, WGHT 2800. age 7 and 8, also wagon and harness. G. R. Taylor. 310 East 7th st. FOR SALE CHEAP GOOD. FIRST-CLASS hand-made delivery wagon. Inquire 360 East Washington. FOR SALE SEVERAL BUGGIES. WAGONS and stylish trap; one encap work horse. ao Hawthorne. DRAFT HORSES FOR SALE. W. J. KELLY, Overland Transfer Co. Stables. 3th and Gll- ESTIMATES GIVEN ON EXCAVATING AND team work. Phone East 72. 420 Hawthorne. FOR SALE CHEAP PANEL-TOP DELIV ery wagon, set single harness. 187 Grover St. Miscellaneous. FOR SALE HARDWOOD DOUBLE BOWL ing alley of standard make, complete and guaranteed In first-class condition: full set of balls, pins, scoreboard and return rack for balls: cost $750 f. o. b. factory; take It for $275. For further information address P. O. Box 205, Medford, Or. WHTTE PLYMOUTH ROCKS I SHOWED A dosen of them at last Portland show and got scores from 88 to 93. This in the best stocks of White Rocks in Portland. Will take $2 apiece for males. $1 for females ; nothing reserved; first come, first served. Call 210 Aiisky bldg.. or phone Main 228. Also thoroughbred homer pigeons cheap. $$$ THE LARGEST AND ('LEANEST $$$ second-hand store In Oregon We can now offer to the public the most complete stock of furniture, stoves, bedding, etc.. etc.; new and good as new; if you will save time and money go to the Dollar, 232 First, near Main. 60 SLIGHTLY DAMAGED SEWING MA chlnes at very low prices; Singer. Wheeler A Wilson, Domestic, White. Household. Davis and others; to make room for new stock. Wheeler & Wilson and Singers. S. S. Stgel, 335 Morrison st.. Marquam bldg. PHONOGRAPHS CLOSING OUT NEW $25 and $50 disc machines, $12.50 apd $25 (easy terms); beautiful carved oak case, all brass hom, triple sprjng motor; will surprise you; new 60c records. 30c; 500 selections. 195 Sixth. FOR SALE NEW AND SECOND-HAND BIL llard and pool tables; easy payments; we rent tables, with privilege of buying; mod ern bar fixtures; cheap prices. Brunswlck-Balke-Collender. 49 3d st. SNAP $125 BUYS TEAM AND HARNESS: team is sound, work single or double; harness is new ; also nice farm wagon, price $60. Call 23 N. 14th st. ALL BAR FIXTURES. GLASSES AND Ap pliances used In a saloon for sale at The Office Cafe. 285 Washington st. Apply to Sam Vlgneux. SHOW CASES. COUNTERS. SCALES, shelving, store fixtures complete; bargain; moving to main store. Call 63 6th, near Pine. FOR SALE WILCOX & GIBBS AUTOMATIC sewing machine In perfect condition; price $30. Address H 15, Oregonlan. FOR SALE FINE SADDLE. INCUBATOR, brooders, poultry" wire, cheap. 1212 Ells worth. Phone Sellwood 194. FOR SALE CHEAP I. X. 12-FOOT windmill good as new; geared for power. Address W 3. Oregonlan. CASH PAID FOR FURNITURE, FIXTURES and merchandise. Phone MJin 1626. J. T. Wilson, auctioneer. RECORDS DISC. BRAND NEW. FOR ALL machine sue ror ooc records; ow seiec tions. 195 Sixth. FOR SALE SCHOLARSHIP IN BBUNK.Br Walker Business College at a discount. L 66, Oregonlan. SSAP $3o BUYS BROWN HORSE. SUIT able for ranch work. Call 23 N. 14th si Moving nlcture machines, stereoptlcons, re pairs, slides to order. Stevens, 165H 4th. FOR SALE CHEAP GOOD TOP SECOND hand grocery wagon. Inquire 420 Belmont. FOR SAI.R CAMP WAOON AND OUTFIT, Call 102 Russell st.. or phone East 2183. Automobile for sale; must sell on account of leaving city. Apply 204 Macleay bldg. FIRST-CLASS COW FOR SALE. VERT cheap If taken today. 220 East 48th st. FAMILY COW FOR SALE. FRESH. 014 BEL mom st.. corner 30th. Phone East 5574. rOU SALE OAK DESK, GOOD AS NEW Apply 2 tith st. HELP WANTED MALE. W A VTED YOUNG MAN FOR OFFICE As sistant; must be able to use typewriter and take dictation ; accuracy and alert ness positively essential to satisfactory service; good chance to learn advertising profession and to enter service of leading firm, who can offer bright future to the right one; give full particulars, age, ex perience and references, and address 01 12, Oregonian. WANTED SIDE LINE SALESMAN TO handle our line of popular priced overalls, jumpers, khaki goods, etc.. in Oregon and Washington; commission basis. Address A M. Armer & Company, 360 Sixth st., Oakland. Cal. ANY INTELLIGENT PErlsON MAT EARN $75 to $100 monthly corresponding for news papers; sure, steady work; no canvassing; experience unnecessary. Send for particu lars. Press Syndicate, Lock port. N. Y. SEVERAL MEN OVER 20 AT ONCE TO file applications for preparation to Custom House examination; entrance salary small to start. Write Pacific States Schools, Mc Kay bid?., city. A few days only. PROTECT YOURSELF FOR $1 PER MONTH against accident, sickness and death. Write or call for full information. Northwestern Health and Accident Association. 31 Mallory bldg.. 268 Stark. Agents wanted. MEN AND WOMEN TO LEARN BARBER trade in eight weeks; graduates earn from $15 to $25 weekly; expert Instructors: cata logue free. Moler System of Colleges. 35 Ncrth Fourth street, Portland. WANTED COMPETENT DOUBLE EN try bookkeeper for large manufacturing plant; state age, experience, salary ex pected; one who speaks German preferred. Apply C 13. Oregonian. WILL LET CONTRACT TO HAUL SEfVBRAL hundred cords of wood 9i of a mile haul. 90 cents per cord, on Willamette Slough; tak Str. America, foot of Washington et., to landing. Kirk Hoover. WANT A REGULAR PHYSICIAN TO WORK in a strictly legitimate advertising medical institute; only a moderate monthly salary will be paid until fitness is proven by trial. S 11. Oregonlan. PACIFIC STATIONERY St PRINTING CO., 205-207 2d st. Phone Main 021. We design and Install the most modern and approved office sy sterna Complete line loose -leal filing devlcea CANVASSERS WANTED TO SECURE special advertisements; a big winner; 50 per cent allowed ppot cash. Address Washington Farmer Publishing Co., North Yakima. Wash. WANTED A FIRST-CLASS COFFEE AND tea salesman for Willamette Valley and Eastern Oregon; one acquainted with the trade preferred. Jones-Paddock Co.. San Francisco. Cal. WANTED A FIRST-CLASS SALESMAN for outside work, one acquainted with fur niture and carpets preferred; good wages to right man. Apply Covell Furniture Co., 186 First street. WANTED A DRIVER WITH ONE OR two horses to drive a kindergarten 'bus daily; 'bus provided. Apply at kindergar. ten. People's Institute, 4th and Burnslde sts. Men and woraea to learn watchmaking, engrav ing, jeweler work, optics, easy terms; posi tions guaranteed: money made learning. Watchmkg-Engvg. Sch'l, 1428 4Lh av. Seattle International Correspondence Schools of Scranton received In one mouth 3303 let ters from students telling of Increased sal aries; local representative, 514 McKay bid. Men and boys wanted to learn plumbing, plastering, bricklaying. slectrlcal trades; free catalogue ; positions secured. Coyne Trade Schools, New York and San Fran. A BRIGHT YOUNG MAN AT ONCE TO work in grocery and do delivering, one who has had experience preferred. Dress er's grocery. 20th and E. Morrison sts. WANTED COMPETENT BOOK KEEPER for wholesale house, state experience, salary wanted, references, with application. Ad dress K 15, care Oregonlan. ADVERTISING SOLICITORS. CONTRACTS cashed, city; printers, operators. Journal ists, newspaper, printing help. Newspaper Brokerage, Goodnough bldg. WANTED ASSISTANT SHIPPING CLERK, city dept. wholesale house; state age and salary wanted; references with application. Address J 15, Oregonian. WANTED RESPONSIBLE MAN THAT CAN invest $350; permanent salary $26 weekly and share of profits. Call 313 Washington street, room 18. WANTED MAN TO LEARN TO OPERATE motion pictures; easy work; graduates earn $25 weekly; terms reasonable. Room 2. 145 6th. WANTED IMMEDIATELY TWO BOOK- keepers for large concern; $75 month, with advancement. CommerciaJ Abstract Co., Raleigh bMg. WANTED BOY 16 YEAHS OF AGE OR older to carry paper route. Apply City Circulation Desk, business office Ore gonlan. DANCING LESSONS. 25c. private and classes taught daily. Pror. wai Wilson, ornces and academy, Aiisky bldg., 3d and Morrison sts. BILLING MACHINE OPERATOR, WHOLE- sale house : state aero, experience, refer' ences, salary expected. M 12, Oregonlan. GOOD HARNESSMAKERS AND SADDLE hands; top wages. Charles L. Mastlck A Co., wholesale leather. Front and Oak sts IF YOU WANT A POSITION OR HELP OF any kind, call at 209 Aiisky bid., or phone Main 3931. Clerks Registration Bureau. $1.50 WEEK UP LARGE. CLEAN FUR nlHhed housekeeping rooms, laundry and bath. 1S4 Sherman. fcoth port l Ana. Til TT T.. l- T7 r T- . TvT T. rW TTTTT'TJ' WUI.TT wages $30 per month. Chapman Adver- MESSENGER BOY, ABOUT 16 YEARS, FOR printing office; good chance to learn trade $ft per week. M 99, Oregonlan. lil'SI f ELMAN WANTED FOR REPAIR work in eiothinjr store, permanently. J as J. Paddcn. Vancouver, Wash. WANTED. TWO GOOD MEN -WITH ONLY a few dollars you can make $100 per month and over. dl7 Aiisky niag. WANTED A MAN TO WORK IN FANCY grocery; none except experienced need ap ply. i 81, oregonian. W A NTED M A N TO DO PORTER WO RK and handle vegetables at Morris Restaurant 22f Washington st. W A NTED SECOND COOK WHO UNDER stands pastry work, at Morris Restaurant, 220 Washington st. WANTED SOLICITORS. SALARY OR commission. Apply Ellers Piano House, 351 Washington st. WANT CARPENTERING AND GRADING: exchange dentistry or typewriter. Call room 9. 323H Wash. st. TAILOR BY THE WEEK ON SMALL JOBS and cleaning and pressing. John Seibert, Pendleton. Or. DRUG CLERK. REGISTERED IN ORE gon; give references and qualifications. E 13. Oregonlan. $10 TO $26 PER DAY SOLICITOR. LADY or gentlemen. 100 per cent to Investors. D 10, Oregonlan. WANTED A YOUNG MAN, EXPERIENCED In delivery of groceries; references. Q 15, Oregonian. W A N TDD A BOY FOR WOR K IN Li brary. Apply Public Library, 7th and Stark streets. HELP WANTED BRIGHT. INTELLIGENT boy for office work. Address K 12. Ore gonlan. BARBER WANTED FOR SATURDAY; $5 guaranteed. 782 Mississippi ave. Take L GOOD FARM HAND AT ONCE: STEADY work ; good pay. Geo. H. Finney, Gervais, Or. WANTED GOOD SACK SEWER AT ONCE. Portland Linseed Oil Works, North Portland. WE SECURE EMPLOYMENT FOR MEM -bers. Special membership, $2. T. M. C. A. EXPERIENCED BLACKER FOR HARNESS factory. The P. J. Cronln Co., 143 Front st. O. K. EMPLOYMENT OFFI'TE HELP FUR nished free to employers. 33H T 2d. M. 3707. WANTED STRONG DELIVERY BOY. PEO ple's market r Grocery. First and Taylor. WANTED AN EXPERIENCED BOOK keeper; references. W 12, Oregonlan. SALESMEN" BIG WAGES; SOMFTTHING positively new. 215 Commercial block. 500 men wanted Free shaves and haircuts. 248 Couch st- Moler Barber College. Young Man desiring to better condition Call on Employment Dept.. Y. M. C. A. WANTED RAILROAD BRIDGE FORE man. Apply 303 Commercial bldg. WANTED BOY WITH BIKE TO LEARN drug business. C 15, Qroconlan. HELP WANTED MALE. WANTED FOR BECK WITH, CAL.. ON Western Pacific Railroad. oOO ttinnel men, machine men, S4 ; helpers. $3.5U; muckers, 5'- -- and $3; foreman. S4.SO and $5: car penters. $3 to $4.50; skinners. $3; board $3 per week; 2-year Job. The Utah Construction Co., Ccomberg. Cal. ALL DISEASES OF MEN SUCCESSFULLY treated ; discharges positively cured in from 3 to 5 days; consultation free and strictly confidential; send for our symptom blank. X-radium Medical Institute. 3d and Alder sts.: entrance 253 Alder st., Portland. WANTED SEVERAL MARRIED MEN TO work in sawmills and lumber yards, for good lumber companies out of the city; free houses at several places; good wage. Lum bermen's Labor Bureau, 12 North 2d st. WANTED MEN WHO WISH TO WORK for Uncle Sam ; life positions, good pay, short hours, vacation privilege; examina tions soon. West Coast Correspondence School, 714 Chamber of Commerce bldg. KELSO EMPLOYMENT A REAL ESTATE The largest list of farm, timber, stump land in Cowllta County, Washington; free employment at principal camps. M. Blxby, Jr. WANTED NIGHT FIREMAN. $75 PER month; man to run lath mill, $1 per 100O. LUMBERMEN'S LABOR BUREAU. 12 North Second st. EXPERIENCED BOOKKEEPER WHO CAN operate typewriter. George A. McNeil Co., wholesale confectioners, 110 N. 4th, near Gllsan. BOY WANTED AT G. P. RUMMDLIN fc Sons. 126 2d st.. near Washington. YOl'NG MAN. 16 TO 20. HELPER FOR store or factory. J 16, Oregonian. WANTED MATTRESS MAKER, STEADY work. i5 Front, corner Davis. PORTER WANTED FOR HOTEL WORK ; good wages. 81 N. 6th st. WANTED BOY WITH WHEEL TO WORK all day. Apply 111 3d st. PRIVATE TEACHER OF ENGLISH LAX guage. K 11. Oregonian. HELP WANTED FEMALE. SALESWOMEN WE HAVE GOOD. PERMA- nent positions for thoroughly experienced saleswomen In several of our departments. Olds. Wortman & King. I WANT TO CORRESPOND WITH A GIRL that can take care of n. 2-year-old boy ; state wages. Mrs. C. Chad wick, Carroll ton, Wash., box 12. COMPETENT GIRL FOR GENERAL HOUSE- work; good wages. 381 E. 14th et. North, cor. Schuyler: take Irvington or Broadway cars. Phone East 027. WANTED COMPETENT HOUSEKEEPER; must be good OOOK and accustomed to chil dren: good wages. Apply to E. A. Covell, 186 First St. WANTED COMPETENT GIRL FOR GEN- eral housework ; must be good cook, good wages to right party. Apply to E. A. Covell, 186 First st. THE MEIER & FRANK STORE REQUIRES several competent salesladies for their mil linery department. Apply Supt.'s office, 8 to 10 A. M. STENOGRAPHER SMITH-PREMIER MA chine; wages moderate, but good chance to get first-class experience. L lo. Ore gonlan. WANTED A OIRL FOR GENERAL housework; nice place, good wages, small family. Phone Main 3200. 354 .N. Jid st. nri VTtn UAiTenitujtinuDa ritWG i ..i . i ' ngclicj . - ' j x mil ll it l. .i a . i . mm WANTED A GOOD LAUNDRESS. ONE that understands fine washing and Ironing, for regular days. Call at 835 Love joy st- LADIES AND GENTLEMEN TO PERSON ally solicit orders for phonograph; attrac tive proposition. 19ft 6th. (Pacific THE MEIER & FRANK STORE REQUIRES several competent muslin underwear sales ladies. Apply to - . 8 to io A. JU. WANTED OPERATORS AND GIRLS TO learn shlrtmaking. Apply Standard fac tory, i urano ave. ana B. rayior si. COMPETENT GIRL FOR GENERAL housework, small family, good wages. Ap ply lbl n. lth St., cor. Irving. WANTED IMMEDIATELY CAPABLE woman cook, small hotel, out town; wages VS& 230 Yamhill. Main 5413. WANTEDWOMAN' TO TAKE CARE OF baby, good home and gooJ wages. Apply at 67 North Bth St., near Davis. HANSEN'S LADIES' AGENCY. S45& Washington st., cor. 7th, upstairs. Phone Main 2682. WANTEDA GIRL TO DO HOUSEWORK in family of three ; wages $20 per month Apply at once, 703 Everett. WANTED COOK, SMALL FAMILY. LIB eral wagee ; call mornings, 143 19th, corner rloyt, or phone Main atiUZ. WANTED A NEAT YOUNG GIRL TO take care of 3-year-old child. Apply 414 7th St., corner Hall st WANTED COMPETENT GIRL FOR GEN era! housework ; good wages. 200 N. 22d st. Phone Mam ..- GIRL FOR HOUSEWORK PART DAY, sleep at home; Sundays free; wages $12 QB-i Kearney st. TEACHERS TO WORK DURING VACATION on an educational proposition. Address G 9, care Oregonlan. GIRL WANTED TO DO GENERAL HOUSE- work. Apply tore noon, 04U ioveJoy st bet. 10th and 17th. W A NTED TWO FIRST-CLASS MAKERS. Inquire Art Millinery. 409 Stearns bldg., 6th and Morrison. AGENTS TO SOLICIT FOR LADIES FENE flt association. $3 ani $6 per day. D 12, care Oregonian. GIRL FOR COOKING AND SOME HOU3E work; wages $30. 741 Gllsan st., between 22d and 23d. WANTED GIRL FOR GENERAL HOUSE work. good wages. 305 Hassalo st., corner Grand ave. GOOD COOK AND GENERAL WORK : wages Aire, r ronmaii. corner d and Washington. WANTED WAITRESS IN OUR LUNCH room. all after 10 A. M. Scotland's, 273 Morrison. GIRL FOR GENERAL HOUSEWORK IN family of three. 595 Marshall, or phone Main 1303. WANTED EXPERIENCED WAITRESS. Apply Mrs. Percy, Elton Court, 11th and. Yamhill. GIRLS FOR MANUFACTURING SOUVE nirs and burnt work. 102 North 5th St., up Ptalrs. GIRL OR WOMAN FOR GENERAL HOUSE work; good wages. 794 Glisan. Phone Main 2T20. WANTED GIRL FOR GENERAL HOUSE work, small family. Inquire 475 Main st. GIRL FOR GENERAL HOUSEWORK AND cooking; small family. Apply 781 Savler st. EXPERIENCED GIRLS WANTED TO WORK on vests. Union Tailoring Co., 305 Stark. WOMAN SOLICTTO TO VISIT OFFICES DANCING LESSONS. 2oc WILSON'S School. Aiisky bldg., 3d and Morrison sts. GIRLS WANTED APPLY STANDARD FAC tory. 2 Grand ave. and East Taylor at. WANTED GIRL FOR GENERAL HOUSE work; family of two. 812 Johnson st. WANTED FIRST-CLASS WAITRESS AT Hobart-Curtls. 14th and Jefferson. WANTED A NURSEMAID. INQUIRE FOR Mrs. Imhoff. 306 d. side door. AN EXPERIENCED GIRL TO ASSIST IN general housework. 389 Alder st. WANTED GIRL FOR GENERAL HOUSE work, no children. 380 Mill st. FIRST-CLASS COOK WANTED AT ONCE, 295 14th st. Phone Mala 1636. WANTEDCHAMBERMAID AT THE HO bart -Curtis, 14th and Jefferson. TWO EXPERIENCED SALESGIRLS. Ap ply immediately. 171 3d st. SHIRTM AKERS WANTED. JACOBS SHIRT Company, 291 Stark street. WANTED 3IRL FOR GENERAL HOUSE work. Apply 787 Irving st. A GOOD COMPETENT GIRL. NO CHTL dren. 18 North ISth st. GOOD COOK; BEST WAGES; AT ONCBL 715 Washington, cor. 224, HELP WANTED FEMALE. WANTED EXPERIENCED JACKET FTW- Mnera, un nmmami and aH makers: steady work and highest wages to competent j - iut3l rMra IU WUpi BH nds. Apply to City of Paris Dry Goods ... Van Ness at Washington, San Fran- Co Cisco. TWO AMERICAN PLAN WAITRESSES who know service. Apply to Steward. Sargent Hotel, Grand and Hawthorne aves ATTENTION. Applicants for all kinds of work, register with us. free of charge, so we may locate you on short notice. HANSEN'S LADIES AGENCY. 3431- Washington at., cor. 7th, upstairs. HOUSEKEEPER WANTED IN FAMILY OF three grown persons; modern house, with all conveniences; good wages and satisfactory arrangements to right person. Phone Main 1281 or call at 55 North Front St., corner of Davis. EXPERIENCED CHOCOLATE DIPPERS; HIGHEST WAGES, PERMANENT. GEORGE A. McNEIL CO-, 110 NORTH 4TH ST.. WHOLESALE CONFECTIONERS. WANTED GIRL EXPERIENCED IN BIND- ery. at wrapping counter or papr bax rac tory, for wfapplng. folding and. filing; must be deft and careful. Chapman Advertising Company. SALESWOMEN IN MILLINERY AND IN cloak departments: good permanent positions to thoroughly experienced and competent salespeople. Apply at once. Olds, Wortman & King. STENOGRAPHER WANTED RT LARGE wholesale grocery house; must be quick, ac curate and reliable; city position and good salary to right party. H 13. Oregontaji. GIRLS WANTED OPERATORS TO WORK on sblrts and overalls; lessons given to Inexperienced. Apply at Standard Factory, 2 Grand ave. and E. Taylor at. GIRL FOR SECOND WORK. 570 HOYT street. HELP WANTED MALE OR FEMALE. WANTED. TEACHERS PRINCIPAL, $100; commercial man, iuo; rural, ew; grades, $S6 ; grades. $65 : science, $1 00 elocution, university graduate, $100; piano and or chestra man. $000; grades, Honolulu. $600; chemistry, $100. The Fisk Teacher Agency, 1200 Williams ave. WANTED FIRST-CLASS SALESMAN OR saleswoman to solicit orders from con sumers for linens to be Imported direct from Belfast; best of references required. Belfast Importing Co., Tacoma, Wash. WHITE. CHINESE JAPANESE COOKS, dishwashers, hotel bartenders, waiters, city. Astoria; waitresses, housekeeper. "Drake's," 205H Washington. WANTED MAN AND WIFE, WAITER AND waitress, for good hotel at A-snuria. inquire Pacific Coast Employment Agency, S4i Morrison st. 20 WAITRESSES. CITY. WALLA WALLA (2, cnamberwork, cooks. dish washers, hotel waiters. $40. "Drake's, 206V Washington. SITUATION WANTED MALE. Bookkeepers and Clerks. BOOKKEEPER AND ACCOUNTANT. FOUR years experience, desires position at once. Address G. P. Robinson. 258 Tlth st. STENOGRAPHER HAVING 6 YEARS EX- Serlence, desires position at onoe. Address tenographer, 258 11th it. AN EXPERIENCED GROCERY CLERK wants a position; good references. Address S 18, Oregonian. Miscellaneous. A YOUNG SWISS MAN WANTS A POSI lion to take care of cows and horses, under stands gardening; willing to work on a private residence or outside of the city good references can be given. N 11, Oregon lan. WANTED POSITION AS A NO. X GROCERY clerk or manager; long experience: beat ref erences. Address Samuel Williams, 131 H loth st., city, care of The Alexander. JAPANESE LABOR ASSOCIATION CAN furnish domestic servants, farmers, also; all kinds of help. Main 4659. 268 Everett. ATTRACTIVE AD WRITING AND ADVER tlslng: original ideas that bring results; pay when satisfied. B 98, Oregonlan. SITUATION WANTED BY EXPERIENCED levclman; railroad work: preferred; good reforenc.es. O . Oregonian. EXPERIENCED YOUNG KITCHEN MAN. St, wants place to learn short order cooking. Addrese S 12, Oregonlan. ALL-ROUND BUTCHER WANTS SITUA tion In or out of city; best references. E 14, Oregonlan. SITUATION WANTED MALE BAKER AND pastry coofc: oest reierences. Address B 1J, rare Orrgonian. SITUATION WANTED BY MACHINIST, model-maker, gasoline engineer. Address N IS. Oregonlan. JAPANESE ROTS, HONEST, DILIGENT, want to work at store, bar, etc. O 13, Ore gonian. POSITION OF ANY KIND WORK IN COUN try wanted by Japanese. Japanese Mission DAY WORK (JAPANESE BOY). FIVE hours up. Phone Pacinc o. JAPANESE WANTS POSITION TO DO cham bur work. Pnone acinc MORNING OR EVENING, A FEW HOURS' work. B 13. care oregonian. SITUATION WANTED FEMALE. Bookkeepers and Stenographers. VYPBKIKXCED. ACCURATE AND RELTA nnprator. of any machine, desires nost- tlon at once with reliable firm; salary $10 per week to start. Phone. 9 to Gt Pacific 2059. Underwood or Remington operator, desires permanent position ; can furnish best city reierences. rnune r.t.-iiiu v. YOUNG LADY STENOGRAPHER WITH long experience at legal work desires posi tion in attorney's or business office. W 14, Oregonlan. YOUNG LADY BOOKKEEPER, FOUR years' experience, desires position; best ref erences. H 14, Oregonian. STENOGRAPHER AND TYPEWRITER Phone Pacific 2017. 015 Chamber of Com merce. Flrst-claas Public Stenographer Miss Younge, S03 Lumber Exchange bldg. Main 5719. Domestic. YOUNG SWEDISH WOMAN DESIRES SIT- uation. houserarork, family 2 or 3 adults. 230 Yamhill. Main 5413. D re Bsmak cr. MRS. M. S. SAVAGE. DRESSMAKER. 290 Halsey st. Phone East 5804. Miscellaneous. WANTED MANAGEMENT OF ROOMING house or any place of trust; references. Mrs. Blockley, 361 Yamhill Park. WANTED WORK BY THE DAY FOR washing or housecleanlng; South Portland preferred. Phone Main 6502. YOUNG LADY WISHES PLACE AS COM panlon; no wages expected. R 88. Oregon- W ANTED WORK BY THE DAY. WASHING, ironing, housecleanlng, etc. Phone East 4732. COMPETENT WOMAN WANTS HOUBBJ work by day or hour. Phone East 4713. EXPERIENCED WOMAN WANTS WORK, day or hour. V 12. Oregonlan. WANTED AGENTS. THE BEST MONEYMAKER ON THE MAR ket, $5 to $25 p"r day easily made; previous experience not require!. Inquire 24 Raleigh bldg . 3' Washington at. Office huura 1 BSr-Sl P. JC WANTED TO RENT. TO RENT -WE HAVE FROM 25 TO 5 calls daily for houses and flats, unfur nished ; if you have desirable houses or flats, list them with us for Immediate renting. PARR1SH. W ATKINS ft CO.. 250 Alder Street. A BUSINESS MAN WANTS SELECT ROOM and board In strict I v private family, about middle of May; second floor room preferred; must be tn modern home and close to Mar quam bldf.; state exact location and terms to F 8. Oregonlan. LANDLORDS. If you have a hous to rent we have a proposition that will Interest you. Lit your nousvs with us for quick results. Common wealth Trust Company, Sixth and- Ankeny. WANTED TO RENT HOUSES. COTTAGES, flats, stores, offices, rooming-houses, etc. Landlords will do well to call on Portland Trust Company of Oregon. S. E. cor. 3d and Oak. Phone Exchange 72. A COMPETENT MUSIC TEACHER DESIRES an unfurnished room on or near the An keny earllne; a family where there would be one or more pupils preferred. Phone East 143. WANTED HOUSES AND COTTAGES. EAST aad West Sides; will rent at once. Donald G. Woodward, agent, 104 2d st. Phone Main 1436. Administrator of estates. WANTED TO RENT IMMEDIATELY. BY desirable, responsible, permanent tenant. S to 10-room modern residence; desirable locality. Phone Main 3698. WANTED BY MAN AND WIFE. THREE or mors partly furnlvhed housekeeping rooms In private family. References. Ad dress P 14. Oregonian. I WANT A HIGH-CLASS FURNISHED house with good grounds: must be in good neighborhood; price no object. I- B. Mene fee. 012 Swetland bldg. PLEASANT YOl'NG LADY EMPLOYED miring uay wants room and noard in nlca family. Addrese. stating particulars, M 15, Oregonlan. WANTED BY QUIET COUPLE, 2 OR nicely rurnisnod housekeeping rooms, cen tral and not over $20. C 12, Oregonlan. YOUNG COUPLE. NO CHILDREN. WOULD like housekeeping rooms, furnished. XI Pine st. Phont- A 3604. QUIET YOUNG MAN WISHES ROOM alone, with board, private family; reason able. K 14, Oregonian. WANTED TO RENT DESK ROOM IX good office, suitable for real estate. SB 15, Oregonlan. WANTED MXSCELLAVEOU8. WANTED 9500O worth of men's cast-off clothing and shoes: we also buy household furnishings, high est price paid. Call at the "Fair Deal." 62 N. 3d. Phone Pacific 1722. WANT TO BUY AN ENGINEER'S TRANSIT; give name of maker, condition, price and ad dress. Address J. H. Abbott. Box 374, Van couver, Wash. DEAD HORSES HAULED AWAY PROMPT ly free. Oregon Fertiliser Works. M. 196ft, or notify Carney's Veterinary. 4th-Gllsan. WANTED SECOND-HAND SHINGLE MA- chinery; cut from 25,000 to 40.000 per day. 513 Chamber of Commerce. WANTED GENT'S BICYCLE WITH COAST- er brake; must be in first-class condition. K 13. Oregonian. WE BUY AND SELL ANYTHING IN THE furniture line. Portland Auction Rooms. 211 1st at. WANTED MEN'S OLD CLOTHING. SHOES, highest prices paid. 52 3d. Tel. Pacific 4tt- I PAY' CASH FOR HOUSEHOLD GOODS. Savage & Pennell Fur. Co.. 345 1st. Pac.360 SPOT CASH PAID FOR TOUR FURNITURE, etc., prompt attention. Phone East 106T. WE CALL FOR DEAD HORSES AND UAT tle free of charge. Phone East 2233. FOR RENT. Rooms. THE COMMERCIAL Nicely furnished rooms, slngls or ea suite, $2 per week up; steam heat hot and cold water; free baths, free phone; dining-room In connection ; transients so licited; open all night: best location In the city; office and reading-room ground floor. 488 Washington. HOTEL BUSHM ARK, WASHINGTON AND 17th First-class furnished rooms, slngls or en suite, steam heat, hot, cold water, electric light, phone in every room; suites, with private bath, $7.50 per week; single $3; by day. $1 up; reasonable by month. Main 5647. HOTEL OXFORD, 6TH AND OAK. New brick, steam, hot and cold running water and electric lights In every room. Twenty suites; private baths; phones. Cen tral, yet quiet. No carllnes. Per day, $L $1.50. $2. LARGE. NEWLY FURNISHED ROOMS, hot and cold water, gas and electricity, furnace heat, bath and phone ; pri va t family; close in; gentlemen only; refer- ences. Phone Main 5524. THE WOODLAND A FEW CHOICE ROOMS in finely furnished modern residence ; quiet location, very desirable and reasonable; only 4 blocks from poetoffice. 285 Sixth st-, cor ner Madison. THE NEWHALL, GRAND AVE. AND EAST Washington st. Newly furnished through out; running water in all the rooms, new brick building, steam heat; rents reasonable. THE WILLAMETTE. 322 STARK, S. W. cor. Bth st. Well furnished rooms, inrge and light; single or en suite; transient.; 50 u to $1; by week, $2 to $5. Pacific 1290. HOTEL KENTON. 18TH AND WASH. STS. Modern rooms, single and en suite; alno housekeeping; running water; private end free baths; rates reasonable. Pacific 408. TH B OG DEN, 8a V I RST, S W. CORNER Oak St.; chanced hands, thoroughly reno vated; clean, large, front rooms; free bath, phone; $2 to $3.50 week; 50c to $1 a day. NICELY FURNISHED FRONT ROOM, suitable for two; nlso small room; private family; no children or other roomers; central; references. L 14, Oregonlan. THE FAIRMOCNT. 29 N. TH, JflKATt Burn side ; nicely furnished rooms, B0C up; hot and cold water, baths; transients so licited. NEW BELMONT. FIRST AND TAYLOR--Nicely furnished rooms In modern brick. .Wj day up, $2 week up; tourist trade solicited. TWO FURNISHED ROOMS. PHONE. BATH and gas to cook with: near in; no children. 348 Clay street, pleasantly situated. 1 NICELY FURNISHED ROOM. PRIVATE famllv. modern; price reasonafsVe. Phone East 3113. 068 East Morrison st. 181H FIRST ST.. COR. YAM HILL NICELY furnished front suite, also single rooms, reasonable; transient solicited. 2584 13TH ST. NICELY FURNISHED room, private family, new house, every con venience, gentlemen only. NEWLY AND ELEGANTLY FURNISHED parlors, also other rooms, reasonable. The Raymond, 170 11th st. NEWLY FURNISHED FRONT SUITE IN Strowbridge blg.. 133 First St., comer Alder. Apply room 9. 394 ALDER ST.. COR. 10TH NICELY furniffhd room, running water, 1st floor; also single rooms. FINE COMFORTABLE FURNISHED SUITE, piano, close In. Inquire 201 Tenth street, cor ner Taylor. JEFFERSON! AN, 514 JEFFERSON 3-ROOM suite, completely furnished, $25; modern. Main 5432. NEWLY FURNISHED FRONT ROOM, CEN trally located; gentlemen preferred. 565 Everett st. MODERN UP-TO-DATE ROOMS. SUITABLE for single couples or club; reasonable. 213 13th St. HOTEL ROYAL, 108 4TH ST. Fine rooms. $2 per week up. 50c per night up- 500 HAWTHORNE AVE.. COR E. I0TH Furnished rooms; gas, bath, phone. NP-ELX FURNISHED FRONT ROOM; BATH, gas and telephone; 98. 266 12th st. 506 FLANDERS ST.. BET. 14TH AND 15TH. neatly furnished room. $" per month. , -4 NICE ROOMS. SINGLE AND EN SUITiC, Rooms With Board. COLON ADE, 19TH AND COUCH STS. Room and board, $25 per month and up. THE OZARK -ROOMS. FIRST-CLASS service; hot. cold water. :25 11th st. FURNISHED ROOM WITH B0R- Morrison et., corner 10th.