Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, April 05, 1907, Page 18, Image 18

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The Meier Frank Store's 897th Friday Surprise Sales
Meier (Sb Frank's 897th Friday Surprise Sale
200 New Walking Skirts
$ 1 0 Val's $4.85
Portland's Leading Cloak and Suit House announces a
very important sale of new Spring Walking Skirts for
today a great special purchase of 200 garments from
the largest New York skirt manufacturer Regular $10
values to be sold at $4.85 each The materials are Pana
mas, serges, tweeds,worsteds and cheviots Ideated and
kilt effects Tailor-strapped or button-trimmed Black
bine, brown, light and medium gray checks light and
dark fancy plaids and mixtures Walking skirts of the
very best style Values up to $ 1 0
each your pick while they last,
today, at this unusually low price
See Fifth-Street Window Display
No Mail or Phone Orders Filled
Meier Frank's 897th Friday Surprise Sale
Women's 35c-50c Turnovers 18c
Women's 25c Turnovers 10c
200 dozen women's Swiss Embroidered Turnover Collars at a ridiculously low price today. flam wnite
ai id fancy styles in great assortmer
35 e to 50 each, your choice, qn sale
ai id fancy styles in great assortment ; all new, clean merchandise. Regular values ranging from 1 1,
today only at this unusually low price, each.
200 lozen women's Swiss Embroidered Turnover Collars in 100 designs, invery neat, attractive 1
sty les. Regular 25c values; buy all you want of them today at this wonderfully low price, each. W
Mann noth display of new spring and Bummer Neckwear for women, and all at lowest prices, bee them.
Meier jfc Frank's 897th Friday Surprise Sale
Men's and Boys' Sweaters
Val ues Up to $7.00 Now At 98c Each
Values Up to $2.50 Now At 63c Each
Great manufacturer's sample sale of Men's and Boys'
Sweaters, today 2838 garments at a small fraction of
their real value The entire reserve stock of one of the
largest woolen mills in America Best styles, colorings
and combinations Coat sweaters and V-neck sweaters,
rV 7
a X-J
sweaters with sailor collars, light, medium and heavy
weights, white, red, navy, black, maroon and Oxfords,
plain and fancy styles All sizes Values up
to $7 each Buy all you want of them at
this wonderfully low price
See Fifth-Street Window Display
Mail Orders Carefully Filled
Boys and Juvenile Sweaters Plain and fancy colors
Plain and fancy knit, all pure wool coat, Norfolk and
sweater style in red, navy, oxford, white and
fancy stripes Values up to $2.50 each on
sale today at this surprisingly low price, each
Meier (Sb Frank's 897th Friday Surprise Sale
1 5QQ Yards; Beautiful Flowered Chiffons
Values Up to '$2.50 Now 87c Per Yard
Today 'a great Surprise Sale of dainty Flowered Chiffons 1500 yards exquisite flowered novelties, for
waists and costumes. Full 48 inches wide; pink, blue, green, violet, gray designs on black and white
grounds; also new polka-dot border effects. Bfeautii'ul materials for evening apparel. Regu- Jl
lar values up to $2.50 a yard; on sale at this unusually low price, yard take advantage " V
Men's New Spring Suits
$20.00 Values $15.65 Each
Great special two-days sale of Men's New Spring Suits This
seoson's most attractive garments in plaids, overplaids, fancy
worsted and fancy worsted cheviots Handsome materials and
patterns, the best product of the leading manufacturers in the
land Hand-tailored throughout, hand-felled collars, hand-padded
shoulders, hand-made buttonholes -size 34 to 44 Suits of equal
style and quality cost yon $22.50 or
OA nt Avrlnciva 1nliincr cMr.c-
Your pick of 500 suits at low price of
$ 1 5.65
Men's Trousers $3.49
Great special sale of men's fine Trousers the "Nufangle"
make; perfect fitting and adjustable; neat stripes and
dark grays; best pants value ever offered at this price, pr
New line of men's Topcoats, in all the very latest styles and mats
rials; these are very swell and priced all the way from $12.50 to.
Hosiery 13c a Pair
30c Ribbons 1 7c
2000 pairs of women's fine quality
black Cotton Hose, seamless leg and
foot; guaranteed fast color; all sizes
a quality hose most stores ask 25c
for. Our best 20c value, on I Ttf
sale at this special low price. V
3000 yards of beautiful quality col
ored taffeta Eibbon, full 'i12 inches
wide; all the most desirable shades
for Spring. Regular 30c 1
value, on sale at, the yard. C
Button Sale
6000 dozen Pearl Buttons, extra fine
quality; suitable for Summer dress
trimming, etc, etc. Five great lots,
at these unusually low prices:
5c Quality at 3c a Dozen
10c Quality at 5c a Dozen
15c Quality at 7c a Dozen
20c Quality at 10c a Dozen
25c Quality at 15c a Dozen
New Buttons in great assortment,
on sale at the very lowest prices:
New Dress Trimmings, low-priced.
Great Values in
Boys' Clothing
Special lot of boys' Knickerbocker
Suits, made with Norfolk yoke Jack
et, latest style and cut; dark checks,
overplaids, cassimeres and fancy
striped worsteds; 7 to i fK&
15 years; $5.00 values. .MJOl
Boys' Washable Suits in sailor or
Russian blouse style; blue, gray or
tan chambrays ; neatly trimmed;
ages 2y2 to 12 years; great A. "If.
special value at this price.
Drugs, Sundries
and Stationery
Eagle combination Fountain Syringe
and Water Bottle; guaran- yft
teed; 2-quart size, special.."
Savon d'Amour fine Toilet Soap, best
domes tio soap on the mar- 'zQf
ket; 60c value, at, the box.''
Meier & Frank 's celebrated Tooth
Brushes for men and worn- 1 Q
en; great special value at. "
Hand Scrub Brushes, stiff 1
bristles, 25c values, at, each.
$2.50 Ebony Hair Brushes ; best qual
ity, long, stiff bristles; solid ebdny
backs, plain and fancy flj 1 LQ
shapes; special at, ea. . . P
Pure Bristle Complexion OAm
Brushes, solid back, at
Celluloid Powder and Puff Boxes
pink, blue and white; great OJlf
special value, on sale at. . . . awUC
Dennison 's Paper Napkins, doz . .
Gray Court Linen Tablets, fine qual
ity, 15c value, on sale for 9
Envelopes to match, the package..
All kinds of Tally Cards, dozen. 12
500 Tally Cards, on sale at, doz. .8
Faber's Lead Pencils, two for. ..5
Mohair Rugs
500 high-class English Mohair Rugs,
five sizes, beautiful plain colorings;
reds, greens, etc. The handsomest and
most serviceable rug on the market,
placed on sale at the following popu
lar prices on the Third Floor:
18x36 inches, $ 2.75 value. . .$2.25
24x48 inches, S 6.00 value. . .4.95
30x60 inches, I 8.50 value. . .$7.45
36x36 inches, S 5.50 value. . .$4.95
36x72 inches, $10.50 value. . .$9.45
Grocery Pricings
Fig Prune ' Cereal, on sale at . . . 20c
3 cans Pioneer Cream, special. .25
21 lbs. Granulated Sugar at. $1.00
1 sack Gold Medal Flour at. .$1.65
1 sack Victor Flour, special. . $1.10
C. & B. Lucca Oil, the quart... 70$
2-lb. can of Shrimps on sale at. .2J
1 package of Domino Sugar at. .60
3 packages of Jell-o on sale at. .25
3 packages of Bromongelon for. 25
2 packages of Cream or Wheat. .35
2 jars of McLaren's Cheese 25 dt
3 cans Gold Dust Tomatoes. .. .25 fc
2 cans Griffin's Ex. Tomatoes. .25
1 10-lb. sack of Graham at 23
10 lbs. yellow or white Cornm'1.25
Blue Label Catsup on sale at. . . 20
2 packages of Seeded Raisins. .25
6 packages Searchlight Matches. 25
6 packages Domino Matches. . .25
6 packages Birdseye Matches. . .25
Home Phones in
Five of the 20 automatic phones to
be installed here are now in operation.
Parties having the "Home" phone
can be connected with the store as
follows :
A 4141 General Offices.
A 2615 Basement.
A 1444 First Floor.
A 1011 Second Floor.
A 1115 General Information.
Meier (Sb Frank's 897th Friday Surprise Sale
500 Silk Petticoats
500 beautiful new silk Petticoats at a marvelously
low price for today only -Silk Underskirts of ex
ceptional quality and very best style, and all the
leading shades in plain and changeable silks -Made of
good heavy taffeta silk; wide flounce with pleating;
deep tucked ruffle or ruffled rows of shirring Col
ors include light and dark browns, grays, greens,
reds, blues, black and a large assortment of the best
changeable colors Silk Un
derskirts that find ready sale
at $6.50. $7 and $7.50 each
Your choice today only, at
See Fifth-Street Window Display
Por today and tomorrow, 3000 women's new cotton Shirtwaists of
fine quality lawn with fancy round or square yoke, with strips
of lace, embroidery and tucks down front ; grand ff 1 I D
value, while they last, at this special low price, each . P
Meier (8b Frank's 897th Friday Surprise Sale
Veilings Worth Up to 50c at 1 2c Yd.
Women's 65c Lisle Vests at 37c Ea.
5000 yards of handsome new Tuxedo mesh and hairline Net Veilings in an immense variety of pat- 1 Of
terns and colorings ; black, white, brown, red, green, navy, light blue ; values to 50c, at, yard . r'
200 dozen women's Swiss Ribbed Lisle Vests of beautiful quality, low neck and no sleeves; hand- Jf
somely trimmed with French lace; also back and front yoke; all sizes; 65c values, at, garment." i
See the splendid Fifth-street window display. All mail orders will be promptly filled.
Meier (Sb Frank's 897th Friday Surprise Sale
1 500 Prs. Shoes and Oxfords
Women's high-grade Shoes and Oxfords at less
than manufacturing cost today 15QQ pairs, all
new, up-to-date footwear, in the most desirable
models and leathers Patent colt, vici kid patent
tip, tan Russia calf and chocolate kid welt and
turn soles AH sizes and widths The best product
V of a number of the leading shoe factories in the
country Shoes and oxlords that bring $3.50 a
pair every day in the year
Anticipate your summer
needs today at this unusual
ly lw price per pair
Fifth Street Window Display Mail and Phone
Orders Carefully Filled
Complete stock of white shoes and oxfords for women, misses
and children latest styles, all grades. Colored canvas oxfords.
Great Bargains in China
In the Basement Store, for today's 897th Friday Surprise Sale, odds and ends of English Semi-Porcelain
and American Semi-Vitreous Ware, in decorated plates, cups and saucers. Great special values at :
5 and 6-inch Plates, regular values up to 15c, on sale at this special low price, each 7$
7 and 8-inch Plates, regular values up to 22c, on sale at this special low price, each LOi
Tea and Coffee Cups and Saucers, regular values up to 14c each, on sale at this special price, ea . . 12
Meier (Sb Frank's 897th Friday Surprise Sale
1 000 Fancy Wash Vests
$ 1 .50, $ 1 .75, $ 2 Vals. $ 1 .08
In the Men's Clothing Department Second Floor today
1000 Fancy Wash Vests at an exceptionally low price each.
All new 1907 styles in mercerized wash materials P ain
grays, fancy gray checks and plaids- White, white with fig
ures and stripes, plain and fancy tans, etc., etc. Great
assortment All sizes, small, medium
and stout Wash Vests selling regu
larly at $1.50. $1.75. $2.00 each
Your choice for today only at, each
Buy All You Want See Morrison-Street Window Display
$ 1 1 .00 Lace Curtains at $6.85 Pr.
$8.75 to $ 1 0 Lace Curtains $6.35
Magnificent White and Ivory Color Irish Point Lace
Curtains; small dainty Duchess designs; some
with figured centers, others plain centers; 2, 3 or
4 pairs of a pattern. Sizes 50 in. wide, 31-2
yards long. Regular $10 and $11 CA R.5
values; on sale at this low price, pair. V"
Beautiful Arabian and Arabian Color Renaissance
Lace Curtains, made on the best French Nets,
with Arabian and Renaissance inserting and
edges; 2, 3 and 4 pairs of a pattern; full size;
values ranging from $8.75 to $10 a CfL 5
pair; on sale, at P -J