TIIE MORNING OREGONIAN, THURSDAY, 3IARCII 28, 1907. 17 SMALL FRUIT PACK California Crop Injured by.the Long-Continued Rains. . APRICOTS ARE MOST HURT peaches Also Damaged, but Prunes Are Benefited Advance in Local Wheat Market Hops Are Dull. This Is the time of year when there ii much Interest In the grocery trade in dried frul ts. Orders are coming in freely and local stocks in some lines are low. The un dertone of the market is very firm. Canned jroods are also In first-class Remand and prices are very strong with an upward ten dency.. TJi position of the canned goods market a the Coast, which has been most healthy throughout the season, has been materially stiffened of late by the unfavorable crop reports, received from California. Apricots have suffered extensively in- that state and much damage has also been done to the peach crop by the long-conttnued rains. Prunes have suffered no Injury, but on the Dther hand have been benefited by the rain. Much damage to the almond crop is also reported. Owing to the flooding of Bouldtn Island the asparagus pack will probably be very short. In an Interview on the Coast outlook, Jo eph Duruey, of San Francisco, makes this statement: The outlook for a normal crop of fruits on the Pacific Coast Is not good. We had 26 rainy or cloudy days in January and nearly three weeks uf the same kind of weather in February, and It has been raining almost constantly since March 1. - One of our packers wires that he considers the entire crop of apricots in the state in lured. J t is feared that pollenization ha been Impossible, as during the wet weather the been and other inscctH have been unable to do their work of carrying the pollen from bloom to bloom. Every canner in California Is sold out of stocks and Jobbers in all sec tions of the country are In want of fruit of some description. Last season the Kngllsh market took but 265,000 cases of canned Truit against 600,000 cases the year, before. We can, therefore, count on a largely in creased demand from England, as well as from domestic markets this year. It is a question whether we will be able to supply the. demand. I can state without fear of contradiction that the combined canners of California will not pack more than one-half a much of the high grades as they can sell. Even were conditions favorable for a good crop, we cannot produce sufficient fine qual ity nor secure the help necessary to pack it. HOP MARKET 13 DRAGGING. No Sales lnc the 11ml of the Meek East ern Orders Cancelled. The hop maraket Is dragging again. So far as Is known In the local trade, nothing has been done, aside from a few transac tions between dealers, since the first of the week, wnen some small lotswere taken at Aurora and Sherwood. There are no orders on hand at prices that would permit of busi ness, and very few even at lower prices. One dealer who had a large standing order for both spot hops and contracts, has had the order cancelled. There is much speculation among dealers as to whether or not Paul Horst has gone out of the market. No operations for his account have been heard of for some time and It is believed by some of the traders that he Is filled up. However, the same opinion has prevailed several times this nation when his representatives have been Idle for a few days. KTRONG CITY DEMAND FOR EGGS. KetaJlera Getting In Good Supply for Easter Trade. The city demand for eggs was stronger yesterday than it has been any time since Winter, and as receipts were not heavy, but little was left to fill outside orders. The market was firmer, with 22l,ic and 2;.c quoted as the front-street prices. There were fair arrivals of poultry, which cleaned up at unchanged quotations. Creamery butter continues in limited sup ply and was quoted strong at the top price. The railroad blockade is keeping California butter out of this market, but a considerable quantity will be brought up on the next steamer. Cheese ts in light supply and very firm. Wheat Is Quoted Higher. The export demand for flour, particularly from North China and Siberian points, con tinues as strong as ever, and as wheat is not coming to tidewater fast enough to en able the millers to take care of the orders, much of the business has to be turned down. In view of the scarcity of wheat here and the strong demand for It, local prices are higher, dealers quoting club at 73c and blue stem at 75c. Veget able A 1 most G one. Front street was almost bare of vegeta bles yesterday and no more will arrive from California before Saturday morning. Prices are almost entirely nominal, but with the arrival of the steamer advances arc likely. A few bananas are still offer lug on the street and a small quantity of oranges are on sale. The California orange market has taken another jump. Bank Clearings. Sank clearances of the leading cities of the Northwest yesterday were: Clearing. Balances. Portland SI, lHl.LDH S172.;7S Seattle 1. Ml. 217 207,042 Taooma il,MS il,i70 Hfokane -. - &42.2U; 73,604 rORTLANU QUOTATIONS. Grain. Floor. Feed. Etc "WHEAT Club, 73c; bluestem, 75c; Val ley. 70l-; red. 71c. OATS No. 1 white. $29930; rav, $28320. FUOUR Patents. $4.15: straights. $3.60; Clears, $3.60; Valley. $.'l.tj?3.?5; graham Hour, $3.7&u-t.2S; whole heat flour, $4-50. UAHL.EY Feed. i.5o pr tun; brewing, $23: rolled. $2.1. 24.50. RYE $1.45( Pr cwt. MILI-FTCFFP Bran. city. $17; country. $11 per ton; middlings. $2."$-2tf: shorts, city, $10.50; country. JO.Jy per ton: U. S. Mills dairy chop, $15.50 per ton; Pacific grain. $lti..-'0 per ton. CORN Whole. $25; cracked, t2G per ton. son. CEREAL FOODS Rolled oats, cream. 90 fiound sacks, $7 : lower grades. $5,504)6. M oatmeal, steel cut. 45-pound sack. $s per barrel: fi-pound sack. $4.25 pr bale; oatmeal (ground), 45-pound s&oks. $7.50 per barrel: ft-pound sacks. $4 per bale; snlll pea, par loO-pounde. S4.25tf4.80; pearl barley, $464.60 per 100 pounds; pastry flour, 10-pound sacks, $2 SO per bale. HAT Valley timothy. N. 1, $lStrl por Ion: Eastera Oregon timothy, $17 18; clo rr. (8; oaeat, $: grain nay. ftKgflO; aJfaJfa. $14. Butter. Err. Poultry. Fto. BUTTER City creamartea: Extra cream ery. 37Hc per pound. State creameries; Fancy creamery, 35'a37Hc; store butter. 25c, BUTTER FAT First grade cream. 36o per pound, accond grade cratn "ic lea par pound. CHEESE Oregon full cream twins. 16H9 16o; Young America. 16H017c per pound. POULTRY Average old hens. 15c; mixed chickens. 14c; Spring, fryers and broilers, 20422 He; old roosters, 10012c; dressed chickens. 166 17c; turkeys, live. 13 016c; turkeys, dressed, choice. 18H02Oc; geese, live, per pound, 8c; ducks. 16ig 18c; pigeons, $16 1.50; squabs. $203. KiiOS Oregon ranch, 22 HQ 23c. ecetabTea, Frulta. Etc, DOMESTIC FRUITS Apples, common, T5.0$1.26 per box; choice, $1.5002; cran berrlcf. 10 per barrel. TROPICAL FRUITS Lemons, fancy. $:.25 ft- box : oranges, navels, S2. 30'?) 3. 25; grapefruit. S303.6O; bananas. 45o pet pound; tangerines, $1.50 & 1.75. ROOT VEGETABLES Turnips. $101.25 per sack; carrots. $11.25 per sack; beets, 11.25 1 30 per sack: garlic. 7110e per pound; horseradish, tfac par pound; chicory. 30c. FRESH VEGETABLES Cabbar. Cali fornia, 2Gc per pound; cauliflower, $2.50 per dozen; celery. $4 per crate; lettuce, head, 3545c dozen; onions, lo124c per dozen; tomatoes. $2.50?2. 75 crate ; parsley, 2JV5-30C artichokes. 75 80c dox.; hothouse lettuce, $2 box, sprouts, 9c; peas, 12 He; radishes, SOc per dozen; asparagus, 12f15c pound; Bell peppers, 30c&35c per pound; rhubarb, $2.25 h 2.50 per box: cucumbers. $23; spinach, $1 (ft t .2o per crate. ONION'S Oregon, $1.1091.35 per hundred. DRIED FRUITS Apple, s 4x8 He pound, apricots. ie 19c; peaches. 11 0 13c; pears. II1 14c; Italian prunes. 28c: Califor nia figs, white, in sacks, 56c per pound: black. AV Diicks. 75c$2 2S per box: Symraa, 186 20c pound; dates. Permian. H9 Tc pound. POTATOES Buying, prices: Oregon Bur banks, fancy, $1.50 ft 1.75: No. 1 choice, $1.25 1.40. RAISINS Layers and clusters. 2-erown. C2. 1 5 : 8-crown, 25 : 5-crown. $3. 10; crown. $3.50: loose muscatels. 2-crown. 8c; S-crown. 8 H c ; 4-rro wn. 9c ; seedless, Thompsons. lOttc; Sultanas. 6L2ttc Dressed Meat. VEAL Dressed, 750125 pounds, 80 9c; 125 to 150 pounds, 7c; 150 to 200 pounds, 6c; 200 pounds and up, 5 06c. BEEF Dressed bulls, 303 per pound; cows, 5rgttc; country eteers, G07c. MUTTON Dressed. fancy. 1010c per pound; ordinary, S0c; spring Iambs, 15ifrlttc. PORK Dressed. 1004? 130 pounds, 8 9c; 150 to 200 pounds, 70 7 He; 200 pounds and up, 606HC. Grocerles, fiuta Etc. RICO Imperial Japan No. 1, 5c; South ern Japan, 5.40c; head, 6.75c COFFEE Mocha, 242Sc; Java, ordinary, 1720c; Costa Rica, fancy, 18&20c; good. 16 18c; ordinary. 12(fil6c per pound. Columbia roatrt. cases. 100a, $14.50; 50a, $14.75; Ax buckle. $10.63; Lion. $15.75. SALMON Columbia River, 1-pound tails, $1.75 per doz. ; 2-pound talla, $2.40; 1-pound fiats, $1.10; Alaska, pink, 1-pound talis. 05c; red, 1-pound tails, $1.25; sockeye, 1-pound tails. $1.70. SUGAR Sack basis, 100 pounds, cube, J5.17U. ; powdered. S5.0744; granulated, $4.92H; extra C, $4.42: golden C, 44.32,; fruit sugar, 4.92; berry, 4.U2H: A. A. A.. $4.724; star. $4.72H Advance sales over sock basis as follows : Barrels, 10c ; bar rels, 25c; boxes, fiOo per 100 pounds. Terms: On remittances within 15 days deduct H e per pound; if later than 15 days and within 30 days, deduct He; beet sugar, $4.72 H per 100 pounds; maple sugar, 15018c per pound. j NUTS Walnuts, 1620c per pound by sack ; Brazl 1 nuts, 19c ; fi 1 berti, 11c ; pecans, jumbos, 23c, extra large 21c; almonds, 13 620c; chestnuts, Ohio, lHc; Italian, 14H 0 15c; peanuts, raw, 64 8 per pound; roasted, 10c: plnenuts, lo012c: hickory nuts, 10c; cocoanuts, 35&90c per dozen. SALT Granulated. $14 per ton; $1.05 per bale; half-ground, 100s. $10 per ton; 609, $10.50 per ton. BBANS Small white. 3c; large white, 3c : pink, 3c ; bayou, 3 c ; Lima, H ; Mex icans, red, 4c. HONEY Fancy, $3.2503.50 per box. Provisions and Canned Meats. BACON Fancy breakfast, 21Hc pound; standard breakfast, 19c; choice? 18c; Eng lish, 11 to 14 pounds, 17c; peach, 16 He HAMS 1 0 to 1 1 pounds, 16 H c pound ; 14 to 16 pounds, 10c; IS to 20 pounds, 16c; picnics, 12c; cottage, 11 He; shoulders, 12c; boiled, 25c; boiled, picnic, boneless, 20c. BARRELED GOODS Pork, barrels, $20; half-barrels, $11; beef, barrels, $10, half-barrels, $5.50. . SAUSAGE Ham, 13c per pound; minced ham, 10c; Summer, choice dry. 17c; bo logna, long, 6c; weinerwurst, 10c; liver, 6c; pork, 10c; headcheese, 6c; blood, 6c; bologna links, 6Hc DRY SALT CURED Regular short clears, dry salt, 12c ; smoked, 13c ; clear backs, dry salt, 12c; smoked, 13c; clear bellies, 14 to 17 pounds average, dry ait, none; smoked, none; Oregon exports, dry salt, 12 He J smoked. 13Hc. LARD Kettle rendered: Tierces. 12V.c; tubs, 12"-;c; Wis. 12c; 20h, 127c: 10s. 1314c; ,V. 13-Vc. Standard pure: Tierce, HHc; tubs. llc; 50a, ll4c; 20s, ll,c; Hts, 1210; 5s. 12 He Compound: Tierces, Ik;; tubs, He; 50s, 04c; 10s. 94c; 6s, 9Hc Hops Wool, Hides, Etc. HOPS bf&llc per pound, according to quality. , WOOL Eastern Oregon average best, 130 18c per pound, according to shrinkage; Valley. 20023c, according to fineness. MOHAIR Choice, 28ft 2r per pound. CASCARA BARK Old, MjSc per pound fl HIDES Dry, No. 1. 16 pounds and up, 20c pound; dry kip. No. 1, 5 to 15 rounds, lt.-JrlSo per pound; dry calf. No. 1, under 5 pounds, 20&2'2c; dry salted bulls and stags, one-third less than dry flint; culls, moth-eaten, badly cut, scored, murrain, hair-slipped, weather-beaten, or grubby, 2c to 3c per pound less; salted steers, sound, 60 pounds and orer. 11011 He pound ; eteers. sound, SO to 60 pounds. 1O011C pound; steers, sound, under 50 pounds and cows, io011c pound; stags and bulls, sound. 7i fSc pound; kip, sound. 15 to 30 pounds, lOllc pound; veai, sound, 10 to H pounds, 11012c. calf, sound, under 10 pounds 12013c pound; green (unsalted), la pound less culls, 1c pound less; sheepskins, shearlings. No. 1 "butchers' stock, 250:tOc each; Bhort wool No. 1 butchers stock, 5o06flc each; medium wool. No. 1 butchers' stock, $1.2502 each; murrain pelts, from 10 to 20 per cent less, or 15010c pound; horse hides, salted, according to size. $2Vi2.50 each; hides, dry, according to size, $101.60 eachf colts" hide. 25050c each; goatskins, common, 15025c each; goatskins. Angora, with wool on, 3Oc0$1.5O each. FURS Bear skins, as to size, No. 1, $5020 each; cubs, $103 each; badger, prime, 255oc each; cat. wild, with head perfect, 30050c: cat, house. CS20c; fox. common gray, large prime, 6O07OC each: red, $:i&5 each; crosa, $5015 each; silver and black. $100300 each; fishers, $508 each; lynx, $4.5006 each; mink, strictly No. 1, according to size, $103 each; marten, dark northern, according to Mze and color, $10015 each; pale, pine, according to else and color, $2.5004 each; muskrat, large, 12015c each ; skunk, SO04Oc each ; civet or polecat, 5015c each; otter, for large, prime skin. $i 10 each; panther, with head and claws perfect, $205 each; raccoon, for prime, large, 600750 each; wolf, mountain, with head perfect, $3.50 05; prairie (coyote). 6Oc0$l; wolverine, $608 QUOTATIONS AT SAN FRANCISCO. c Prices Paid for Products In the Bay City Markets. SAX FRANCISCO, March 27. The follow ing prices were quoted in the produce mar ket yesterday: FRUIT Apples, choice, $2; common, $10 1.50; bananas. 9102.50; Mexican limes, $60H; California lemons, choice, $3.25; common, $1.25; oranges, navel, $103; pineapples, $406. VEGETABLES Cucumbers, $1.2501.75; gar lic, 304c; green peas, 8010c; string beans, nominal; asparagus, 6010c; tomatoes, $1,250 1.75. EOGS Store, 18020c; fancy ranch. 21c. POTATOES Early Rose, $1.6001.75; sweets, $40-4.50; Oregon Burbanks, $1.75(2.75; Oregon seed Burbanks, $1.3001.40; Eastern, $1,750 2.25; garnet Chile, $1.3501.40. ONIONS Yellow. $1.5003. BUTTER Fancy creamery, 32Hc; cream ery seconds, SOc; fancy dairy, 31 He; dairy seconds, 27Hc; pickled, 24026c. t "WOOL Fall. Humboldt and Mendocino, l3014c; Nevada. 16017c; South Plains and San Joaquin, 608c; lambs, 7010c. HOPS California, 8012c. CHEESE Young America, 13016Hc; East ern, 17Hc; Western, I5c. HAY WTheat, $19023.50; wheat and oats, $10019.50; alfalfa, $b011; stock, $7,500)10; straw, 40075c. MILLSTUFFS Bran, $22023; middlings, $27030. FLOUR California, family extras, $4,850 5.30; bakers extras, $4.6004.80; Oregon and Washington, $3.754. POULTRY Turkeys, gobblers, nominal; turkeys, hens, nominal; roosters, old, $4,500 5.50; young. $7ft9; broilers, small, $303.5o; broilers, large. $3.5004.50; fryers, $607; hens, $5.5 0 10 ; ducks, old, $506 ; ducks, young, Xa S. RECEIPTS Flour, 10,440 quarter eacks; wheat, 130 centals; barley. 21 centals; potatoes, 250 aac k s ; b ran, 3 25 sacks ; hay, 585 tons ; wool, 62 bales; hides, 44. London Wool Sales. " LONDON. March 7. The second series of the wool auction sales closed today with firm prices ruling. Merinos were unchanged to 5 per cent above the January series, but crossbred s were In the main unchanged. Coarse grades advanced 5 per cent and Cape of Good Hope and Natal showed an average gain of 5 per cent. During the series, 94.000 bales were taken by the home trade, 60,000 by continental buyers and 10. 00O by Americans. About 5000 bales were held over for the next sale. Today's offerings amounted to 16,95$ bales. There was a good attendance and competition continued active to the close. Fine grades were well maintained, but in feriors fell slightly below the recent high level. A better selection of Punt a Arena wool sold readily. Dairy Produce in the East. CHICAGO, March 27. On the Produce Ex change today the butter market was firm. Creameries. 220 29Hc; dairies, 20027c. Eggs Easy at mark, cases included, 160 16Hc: firsts. 17Hc; prime firsts, ISc. Cheese Weak, 13H016HC SHORT-LID SPURT Demand for Stocks' Checked ' by the Advance. - PRICES DRIFT BACKWARD Say's. Xet Changes Are Small and Show Mingled Gains and Losses. Money Situation Improved by Treasury's Action. NEW YORK. March 27. The action of today's stock market served as an admoni tion to many too exurberant fancies about the unreality of the recent feverish experi ences which the market has undergone. The early spurt in prices, which added 3 to 5 points to the recoveries of 3 to over T points in yesterday's market, had the decided effect of cutting down' the buying; demand. With out this sustaining force at the higher level, there was a backward drift which did not leave much of the fairly sensational ad vances in the early part of the day. There was nothing in the day's news to discredit the Information which helped to yesterday's improvement In sentiment. The Improved conditions were recognized as stili extant and the convictions still held that the extensive decline- in prices had gone far to measure the unfavorable factors in the situation which had caused it. But the vio lence of the recovery was regarded as tak ing prices too rapidly away from the proper adjustment, though the process of adjust ment had been somewhat overdone in the decline. The positive weakness of several securi ties was an active factor in curbing the precipitancy of the early advance. The un supported condition of the Eries and the wide decline to a level materially lower than was touched in the weaker period of the recent selling gave clear evidence of further liquidation. The usual sympathetic effect was produced on other Morgan stocks, especially Southern Railway, in which con ditions of credit and capital needs are most nearly analogous to those of Krie. The United States Bteel stocks were also effect ed, seemingly, in sympathy. The companion weakness of Pennsylvania was not so clearly sympathetic, unless the liquidation was prompted by the drastic provisions of the proposed railroad commission law pending in the New Jersey legislature. Reports of measures for railroad regulation by other State Legislatures also served, to keep alive the sensitiveness of the financial district to this feature of the activities of the times. The money market showed palpable relief which was attributed to the measures adopted by the United States Treasury De partment. The extent of the relief, which was expressed in the decline in interest rates, left some rather disquieting deductions of what the situation must have been with out the effective relief thus afforded. The treasury's action was much dwelt upon as an earnest of the determination of the new head of the department to afford any relief actually called for by the situation. Not only in the disposal of the accumulated Government surplus but also in the super visory activities of the Conrtolfer's office has there been subject for supposed solici tude by banking authorities over possible adoption of new policies by the Treasury Department. The question was discussed in some quarters of the market today how far the recent developments in the credit sit ' uation might have been prompted . by ar rangements to conform to a stricter inter pretation of the requirements of the Na tional banking act than has been insisted on in times past. The profit-taking which could be done to advantage at today's higher prices was in creased by the belief that the Stock Ex change authorities would decide to close the exchange from Thursday until the follow ing Monday. The day's net changes are most ly small and mingled gains and losses and the closing tone was quite irregular. Bonds were Irregular. Active bonds were firm but in other Issues small lots were mar keted only at wide concessions from pre vious prices. Total sales, par value, $2,522. 000. united States bonds were unchanged on call. CIjOSING STOCK QUOTATIONS. Closing Sales. High. Low. Bid. Adams Express 230 Amalgam Copper. .110. 400 7 83 a; m Am Car and Koun.. 2,30 33 Vi 334ft 3314 do preferred KiiO 97 JHiii 6. Am Cotton Oil .. 4DO 2 2S", 2 do preferred..... 80 Am Kxpreas 200 210 210 2(0 Am H & L 21 Am. Ice Securities 7tf"fc Am Unseed Oil 12'i do preferred ..... 25 Am Locomotive... 1.SO0 61 58'4 59 do preferred 102 'a Am Smelt & Refin. 27.300 110 111 112" do preferred 8,300 lo3 102 loia. Am Sugar Refin.. 1,800 12114 11H HH Am Tob pfd cerlif. 900 0 .IU, 89 Anaconda Min Co. 22.800 01 4 5SV4 5HV4 Atchison 49,1100 89 87 !(7lft do preferred 500 93 92 "4 93 '4 Atlan Coast Line.. 1.8O0 100 97Vj 98 Baltimore & Ohio. 1,200 98 95 94 do preferred ..... 87 Brook Rap Tran.. 8.800 51 4914 49 Canadian Pac ... 39,600 UlS'i 165 lfi6"4 Central of N J 500 175 173 175 Ches & Ohio 5.000 40 38 ',4 387, Chi Gt Western.. 1.90O 13 13 13 Chi & Northwest.. 2.9HO 147 144 144 C M & St P 16.500 13114 12814 12Vi Chi Ter & Trans S do preferred 2.200 11 9 10 Cent leather 2.800 28 271i 2714 do preferred 5"0 91 9114 9114 C C C & St L 1.000 70 60 (IS Col Fuel & Iron... 6.900 341-i 32 32 Col & Southern.... 9n0 24'i 2414 24 do 1st preferred.. 3U0 5914 59 5815 do 2d preferred 47 Consolidated Gas.. 1.400 12H4 11914 119 Corn Products 2,00 19 19 18 do preferred 800 81 . 8014 81 Del & Hudson.... 2.2ii0 178 177 177 Del Lack & West.. 1"0 4r.," 455 455 D &.R G 600 29 2914 28 do preferred 7014 Distillers' Secur. .. 5.600 69'. 4 66 674 Erie SS.liiO 214 21 22 do 1st preferred.. 2.800 60 5714 57 Ij do 2d preferred.. 4.000 . 39 3614 3fl Gen Electric 1.4O0 146 142 140 Gt Northern pfd... 19.600 139 134 134 . Hocking Valley '. 75 Illinois Central 1,400 143 140 141 International Paper 1314 do preferred 300 75 74'i 7414 Int Metal 900 24 2314 23 do preferred 1.800 0814 56 5fl International Pnmp ..... ..... 26 do preferred ..... 74 Iowa Central Srtl 19 18 18 do preferred 1.000 344 34 3314 Kan Citv South... 1.000 23 2214 22U. do preferred 1.400 51 50 itl'i Louis & Nat.... 5.5iK) 117 114 114 Mexican Central... 2.2O0 20 20 20 Minn & Sf L 2O0 49 49 48 M St P & Ste M. . 1.9O0 104 102 102 do preferred 700 131 128 I30 Missouri Pao 4,200 73 72 72 M Kan ft Tex.... 8.900 354 S3 14 33, do preferred 9011 63 62 . 62 National Lead 800 57 5314 54 Nat R R of M pfd 49 N Y Central 11.600 HSU 116 116 Northern Pac 27,400 124 120 121 N Y Ont & West.. 1.7O0 38 36 36 Norfolk &. West.. 500 7714 7614 7514 do preferred 76 North American... 1.5O0 73 71 72 Pacific Mail 1.2oo 25 23 23 Pennvlvanla 75.300 122U 119 119 People's Gas 1.4O0 SS"4 87 87 P C C & St L 7 Pressed Steel Car. 700 35 32 32 do preferred 500 89T4 so 89 Pullman Pal Car.. 200 100 159 159 Reading 233.700 102 9S 100 do 1st preferred - 84 do 2d preferred 84 Re-nublic Steel ... 4.200 25 24 24 do preferred 1.700 84 81 SI Rock ltar.d Co... 6.300 20 19 19 do preferred 500 45 44 42 St L S F 2d pfd ..... 21 St L Southwest 19 do preferred 50 So Pacific 25.500 n 77 77 do preferred 200 114 112 112 So Rallwav 7, "no 21 20 20 do preferred 300 74 73 72 Sbloen-Ske'fleld .. 1.400 63 51 51 Term Coal & Iron 135 Tex Pacific 8"0 26 25 25 Tol St L & West 5on 2S 27 2fl do preferred l.SPO 50 no 50 Union Piriflc 181.300 134 129 130 do preferred '. RA TJ S Express 100 V S Realty , l.Soo 76 74 74 U S Rubber I.000 42 40 40 do preferred 60O 101 loo 10O U S Steel 109A00 35 33 33 do preferred 28.SO0 98 9514 P614 Vlr Car Chem 200 29 2R 28 do preferred 3nn 102t4 102U. 103 Wabash 21 13 13 13 do preferred 700 24 2314 23 Wells Fargo Ex 225 Vestinfrhoive Elec : 148 Western t'nion. KOO Rn S0 79 Nbecl & Lake E. . 2nn 12 11 11 Wisconsin "Cent . . . do preferred. .... 17 17 17 -36 Total sales for the day, 1.286,600. NEW YORK. March 27. Closing quota tions: U. S. ref. 2a reg.104 D. & R. G. 4s... 91 do coupon. .. .105 N. Y. C. G. 3B. 90 V. B. 3s reg 103Nortb. Pac 3s... 70 do coupon 103 North. Pao. 4a.. .100 U. S. new 4s reg.130 ISouth. Pac 4s... R5 do coupon 130 Union Pac 4s. ..100 U. S. old 4s reg.l00IWIs. Cen. 4s. ..100 do coupon 101'Jap. 6s 2d sr... 90 Atchison adj. 4s 91 Uap. 4s efts... 88 Money. Exchange. Etc. NEW YORK. March 27. Money on call, easy. 35 per cent; ruling rate, 4 per cent; closing bid, 3 per cent; offered at 3 per cent. Time loans, easy: 60 days, 6tf? 6 per cent; 90 days and six months, 6 per cent. Prime mercantile paper, &g6 per cent. Sterling exchange, steady, with actual business in bankers' bills at $4.S320?4.8325 for demand and at $4.7865 4.7870 for 60-day bills. Posted rates, $4.80(5 4.8414. Commercial bills, 4.7S. Bar silver, 66c. Mexican dollars, 51c. Government bonds, steady; railroad bonds, irregular. LONDON. March 27. Bar silver, steady, 30 13-ltid per ounce. Money, 33 per cent. The rate of discount in the open market for short bills Is 5 per cent; for three months' bills, S 1-1635 per cent. ' ' SAN FRANCISCO, March 27. Sliver bars, 66c. Mexican dollars, 51c. Drafts Sight, par; telegraph, 5c. Sterling on London, 60 days, $4.79; eight, $4.83. Daily Treasury Statement. WASHINGTON, March 27. Today's state ment of the Treasury balances in the fieneral fund shows: Available cash balance $255, 166.240 Gold coin and bullion 124.482.604 Gold certificates 48,948,770 PORTLAND STOCK EXCHANGE. . Foticie Shows an Advance of Half a Point. Other Mines Steady. Poticle sold at its best price yesterday, 15, an advance of half a point: over the last sale. Washougal was steady. A 2000-share lot of O. Kv Consolidated brought 4, an advance over the previous bids. Official quotations were as follows: Bank Stocks Bid. Asked. Bank of California 305 Bankers' & Lumbermen's . 102 Merchants' National . . .. 182, Oregon Trust & Savings .... 123 Portland Trust Co 120 United States National 200 LISTED SECURITIES. ' Bonds American Biscuit Co. 0s 98 100 City & suburban 4s 92 Columbia Southern Irr'n 6s.. ... 55 Home Telephone 5s 83 O. R. & N. Ry. 4s 99 100 O. W. P. & Ry Co. 6s 100 103 Pacific Coast Biscuit tts 96 100 Portland Ry. 5s ... 99 Miscellaneous Stocks Associated Oil' 41 43 Home Telephone- 30 ... J. C. Lee Co 10 25 Pacific States Telephone 108 Puget Sound Telephone 50 Mining Stocks Lakeview 13 22 Lee's Creek Gold 01 02 North Fairview 05 .Manhattan Crown Point IS 20 Poticle Mining 15 13 Washougal Extension 25 20 UNLISTED STOCKS. Yaqnina Bay Telephone 5 ... Alaska Petroleum 13 20 British Columbia Afflal 04 07 Cascadla 21 20 Goldfield Trotter 10 1714 Great Northern 01 05 Mammoth .... .............. 07 11 Morning 03 04 standard Consolidated 1214 Tacoma Steel ... 12 Coeur d'Alene District Bullion 07 08 Copper King 14 16 O- K. Consolidated 04 05 Happy Day 05 05 Snowshoe 38 48 Snowstorm .... 2.90 3.05 SALES. 3500 Poticle at 13 4000 Washougal at 25 2000 O. K. Consolidated at 04 Eastern A I Irving stocks. BOSTON, March 27. Closing quotations: Adventure . $ 3.50--lOsccola ....$125.00 Ailouez .... 51.00 Parrot 20.50 Amalgamatd 84.75 Quincy ...... 113.00 Atlantic ... 13.00 Shannon .... 17.00 Bingham ... 17.50 Tamarack ... 104.00 Cal. & Hecla 840.00 Trinity 17.75 . Centennial .. 30.O0 'United Cop.. Cop. Range.. 77.25 u. S. Mining Dfe.ly West.. 15.50 Utah Franklin ... 17.00 (Victoria .... 55.50 52.25 58.50 7.75 8.25 150.00 85.00 24.87 Granby .... 120.00 Winona Isle Royale. 18.00 Wolverine . . North Butte. Butte Coal.. Nevada Mass. Mining Michigan ... Mohawk . . . 5.75 13.75 76.00 13.2-5 Mont. O. C 2.00 il'al. & Ariz. . 137.00 Greene Con.. 22.50 O. Dominion 46.50 PORTLAND LIVESTOCK MARKET. Prices Current Locally on Cattle, Sheep and Hogs. The following prices were quoted In the local market yesterday: CATTLE Best steers, $4.504.85; medium, $44.25; cows, $3.50f93.75: fair to medium cows, $33.25; bulls, $1.6092; calves, $4.50(65. SHEEP Best, $6.25if8.50. HOGS Best. $7.25g7.50; lightweights, $7 7.25; stockers and feeders, $0.757.25. Eastern Livestock Markets. KANSAS CITY. March 27. Cattle Re ceipts, 8000; market, 10c higher; native steerB, $4.256.25; native cows and heifers. $2.605; stockers and feeders, $3.603; Western cows, $34.50; Western steers, $4(9 0.75; bulls. $394.25: calves, $47.' Hogs Receipts, 12,000: market, 57c higher; heavy. $6.10&.15: packers, $6.10 6.20; pigs and lights, $56.20. Sheep Receipts, 6000; market, strong; muttonsv $5.256: lambs. $7.257.80: range wethers, $5.408.65; fed ewes, $5cg 5.65. - Metal Markets. NEW YORK, March 27. There was a re covery of a little over 2 of the recent. loss in the London tin market today, with spot clos ing at 184 10s and futures at 182. Locally the market was quiet, but higher. In sympathy with London: spot quoted at 40.20 40. 50c Copper also reacted In the London market, with spot closing at 98 15s and futures at flOl. Locally, however, the market continued unsettled and was more or less nominal at a further slight decline. Lake . was quoted at 24.75 25.25c; electrolytic at 24.25 25c and casting at 23.7524.25c. Lead was lis 3d higher In the English mar ket at 19 17s 6d. Locally the market was unchanged at 6fS6.30c. Spelter was unchanged at 25 15s in London and at 6.8O4r6.90c lq New York. Iron was higher in the English market, with standard foundry quoted at 52s 6d and Cleve land warrants at 53s 3d. Locally the market was unchanged. Dried Fruit at New York. NEW YORK, Mar eh 27. The market for evaporated apples is quiet and without further change. Fancy are quoted at 8c. choice 7c prime 66c and poor to fair 55c Prunes are unchanged at quotations ranging from 3 to 13c for California fruit and from 6. to loc for Oregon. Apricots are firm, with choice quoted at 18c; extra choice. 181jgl9c; fancy, 19(g20c. Peaches are dull and rather easy, with choice quoted at llllc; extra choice, 12 12c: fancy, 12&13c, and extra fancy at 13 15c Raisins continue firm, with loose muscatel quoted at 89SgilOc, seeded raisins at 7llc, and London layers S1.50g1.60. Coffe and Sugar. NEW YORK. March 27. Coffee futures closed fairly steady at a net decline of 59 15 points. Sales. 56,250 bags including: March 5.90; Mary 5.805.95; July, 6.60 6.80; September, 5.60 5.75; December, 6.65 5.85; January, S.70u.9O. Spot coffee, quiet; Rio No. 7, 7c; Santos No. 4, 8. Mlid dull; Cordova, 912c. Sugar Raw, Btrong: fair refining, 3c; centrifugal. 96 test. 3c; molasses sugar, c Refined, steady; crushed, $5.40; pow dered. $4.60; granulated. $4.70. Kew York Cotton Market. NEW YORK. March 27. Cotton futures closed steady at a net decline of 5i7 points. There's nothing more safe, more sure, more profitable in the telephone business than the securities of an Independent telephone company operating our AUTOMATIC TELEPHONE SYSTEM BECAUSE it gives more service, better service, prompter service, more accurate service than a manual system (and also an absolutely secret service, which no manual system can give) and BECAUSE it costs less to operate, less to maintain, less to enlarge than a manual system, or TO SUM IT ALL UP, the AUTOMATIC TELEPHONE SYSTEM produces a better telephone service, commanding a higher price, at less cost than inferior service can be produced for by a manual system. THAT IS THE REASON WHY the AUTOMATIC TELEPHONE SYSTEM makes the securities of the company using it safe, stable and profitable, and why it has been adopted by the Independent telephone companies in the following cities : Aberdeen. S. E. Akron, Ohio. Allentown, Pa. Auburn, Me. Auburn, N. Y. Battle Creek, Mich. Beaver Falls, Pa. Belllngham, Wash. Butte, Mont. Cadillac, Mich. Champaign, 111. Chicago, 111. Cleburne, Texas. Columbus. Ga. Columbus. Ohio. Dayton, Ohio. Denver, Colo. El Paso, Texas. Err.aus Pa. Fall River, Mass. Grand Rapids, Mich. Hastings, Neb. Havana, Cuba. Hazleton, Pa. Holland, Mich. Ilopkinsville, Ky. Jonesboro, Ark. Lake Benton, Minn. AUTOMATIC ELECTRIC CO. VAN BTJEEN AND MORGAN STS.. CHICAGO, U. S. A. The above reference is taken from the American Telephone Journal, New York, March 16, 1907. 1901 1902 1903 Gross Net Gross Net Gross Net HOME TELEPHONE SECURITIES CAN BE PURCHASED AT THIS OFFICE LOUIS J. WILDE, exclusive agent 5 Lafayette Building, Portland, Oregon. SHOWERS IN KANSAS Bearish Sentiment in Wheat Market Is Result. GOOD WEATHER FOR CROP Declines at European Grain Centers. More Green-Bug Reports Later Cause Some firmness and Close Is Steady. , CHICAGO. March 27. Sentiment In the wheat pit was bearish all .day. It was based upon reports from private sources that light showers had fallen at different locali ties In Kansas and that the- temperature there was below tnat or me last ten aays. Other factors making, for a lower price were declines at various European markets and continued advice of good seeding weather in the Northwest. The market made a mild show of firmness early in the day because of "green bug" reports, but this soon gave way and the tone was moderately weak until the last half hour when prices became steadier on covering by shorts. The market closed steady. May wheat opened unchanged to He higher at 75 e to 75 c, sold between 75 hie and 76c and closed un changed at 75 c. Trading In corn was dull and prices were inclined to sag. Receipts, which were larger than expected and a slack demand from shippers, tended to lower prices. The close was steady. May corn opened a shade higher at 44'4c, sold at 46'4c and then de clined to 45?4c The close was at 4646c a shade lower. ' Oats" for May delivery were Btrong, but other months were Inclined to be weak. May oats opened unchanged to c higher at 41 c to 42c, sold up to 4242Vic and closed up c at 42c. A sharp advance In the price of May and July pork was the feature of the provi sions market. Shorts and local packers were eager bidders for pork because of a 510c advance In the price of hogs. At the close May pork was up 62 c, lard and ribs were 20c advanced. Leading futures ranged as follows: WHEAT. Open. High. Low. Close. May f .75' . 7 $ .75 .75 July 77 .78 .775 .77 September . .78 .79 .78 .78 CORN. May .46 .4H ' .4.W4 .46 July 45' .46T .4S .45 September . M .4 .464 .46 OATS. May 42 MM, ' .4176 .423i July 374 .37 ..T7"., .37S September ... -32T4 .U3 .32 .33 MESS PORK. May 1S.85 16.274 15.R5 , 16.274 July -.15.85 16.27V4 15.85 16.25 LARD. May 8.90 8.0214 8.75 8.90 July 86 8.02Va 8.87'4 8.02V4 September ... 9.U0 9.12!i 8.97ij, 9.10 SHORT RIBS. May 8.60 8.73 8.571 8.70 July 8.72' 8.00 . 8.52'ii 8.87'i September ... 8.82VU 8.95 8.82Ii 8.62 Cash quotations were as follows: Flour Steady. Wheat No. 2 Spring. 7983c; No. 3, T3 Sl4c; No. 2 red, 73947414c. Corn No. 2, 44c; No. 2 yellow, 45c. Oats No. 2, 41Tgc: No. 2 white, 42&43Hc; No. 3 white. 4041c Rye No. 2. 65c Barley Fair to choice malting, 6570c. Flaxseed No. 1, 41.14; No. 1 Northwestern, $1.21. Clover Contract grades, $15.75. Short ribs Sides (loose), $S.50(8.62. Mess pork Per barrel, 116.25 16.37 ii. Lard Per 1O0 lbs., S8.S0. Sides Short clear (boxed), $S.759. ' Receipts. Shipments. Flour, barrels 50,800 26.800 Wheat, bushels . 30,000 "16.5O0 Corn, bushels . ........ .512. 7X) 21S.O0O Oats, bushels 454.5O0 3U0.0O0 Rve, bushels 10,000 3,000 Barley, bushels 153,700 19.800 ( rain and Produce at New York. N-TTW VOPK. Mnrh 27. Flour Receipts, Bl A is s non -voraon on remay for Gonorrhoea Gleet. Spermatorrhoea wtutM, unnatural 4i ' charg, or any inflamma tion of miteont menr AtheEvans QhemnhlODi brans. Hon-aatriagent SoM by rejrlata. or Mtit In plain wrapper try Axprea. prepaid, fof tl.no. or 3 bottfea. 2.7a. w f Is 1 ts ft drfc I . f Omissu4 y - A weuiiiw .1 J V V B.B.A. 7 r lwlston. Me. Lincoln, Neb. Los Angeles, Cal. Manchester. Iowa. Marianao, Cuba. Marion, Ind. Medford. Wis. Miamisbursr, Ohio. Portland, Portland, Princeton, Richmond, Riverside, Rochester, Rushville. Kan THo-rt Mt Olive. III. San Francisco, Cal. New Bedford, Mass. Santa Monica, CaU Oakland. CaL Saskatoon, Ocean Park. Cal. Omaha, Xeb. Pentwater, Mich. Sioux City, Iowa. South Bend, Ind. Spokane, Wash- Comparative Statement From Automatic Telephone Co,los Angeles, Earnings, Earnings, Earnings, Earnings, Earnings, Earnings, 1901 1906 2-52,902.03 108, 875. 30 385,852.00 156,142.00 396,490.00 182,529.01 1904 Gross Earnings, Net Earnings, Gross Earnings, 6 Months, Net Earnings, 6 Months, 1955 Phones In Operation, Phones in Operation, 2,000 27.545 24,300 barrels. Exports, 2500 barrels. Steady with a moderate inquiry.' Wheat Receipts. 64.0O0 bushels. Spot steady. No. 2, red, 817sc, elevator; No. 2, red, 83c, f. o. b. afloat;' No. 3, Northern Du luth, 91 c. f. o. b. afloat; No. 2. hard Win ter, 86H, f- o. b. afloat. Conflicting crop and weather news made wheat unsettled all day within a narrow range. The tendency was a little easier on the whole, in absence of support and on further predictions of rain, but near the close, prices rallied on bug damage reports, closing partly He net high er. May closed 84c; July closed 84c; Eeptember closed 85 s. Hops and wool steady. Hides easy. Petroleum firm. Grain at San Francisco. SAN FRANCISCO, March 27. Wheat and barley Quiet. Spot quotations: Wheat Shipping, S1.30 1.35; milling,tl.421.47. Barley Feed, $1.201.23Vi; brewing, 11.2214 1.25. Oats Red, $1.301.33; white, fl.55l.G5; black, 1.8S2.25. Call board sales: Barley May, $1.23?i; December, 1.20. Corn Large yellow, $1.301.35. European Grain Markets. LIVERPOOL, March 27. In the grain mar ket today prices closed as follows: Wheat Spot, steady; No. 2 red Western Winter, 6s. Futures March, 6s 4d; May, 6s 4d; July, 6s 2d. In the London market Pacific Coast cargoes, prompt shipment, 309 6d30s 9d. Weather In England today was fine. Minneapolis Wheat Market. MINNEAPOLIS, March 27. Wheat May. 77c: July. 79c; No. 1 hard, 80ViS80;c; No. 1 Northern. my,7Be: No. 2 Northern, 77!477Kc; No. 3 Northern. 7576c. Exchange Will Close Saturday. NEW YORK. March 27. The New York Stock Exchange will , remain open on Good Friday, but will be closed on Saturday. WANTED $50,000 BONDS FOR DEPOSIT WITH STATE TREASURER FRANK ROBERTSON INVESTMENT BANKER, Falling Building. THIRD AND WASHINGTON STS. LOUIS J WILDE HOME TELEPHONE BONDS BANK STOCK Corner 6th and Washington Straats, PORTLAND, OREGON Member Portland Stock Excbanire TRAVELERS' GUIDE. forth German loyd. FAST EXPRESS SERVICE. PLYMOUTH CHERBOURG BREMEN. Ker, Apr. 2, 10 AMK. Wm.II.MyU, 7:30AM K.Wm. II, Apr.9.1 PM Kronprtnz,My21, 10AM Kronprinz. Ap.23.noon! Kaiser. June 4, 10 AM Kaiser, May 7,10 AM! K.Wm. II, June 11,8AM Twin-Screw Passenger Service. BREMEN DIRECT AT 10 A. M. Kurfuerst ....Apr... 4! Kurfuerst May 9 Bhein Apr. Ill Main May 10 Brestau Apr. 16f Frledrich . May 18 Chemnitz May 2P. Alice May 23 Calls at Plymouth and Cherbourg. Mediterranean Hcrvic. GIBRALTAR NAPLES GENOA. AT 11 A.M. K. Albert ...April G' Barbarossa .....May 4 Friedrlch April 13 K. Lulse May 11 P. Irene' April 20 K. Albert .....May 18 Neckar April 27j.P. Irene June 1 Omits Genoa. From Bremen Piers, 8d and 4th St.. Ho boken. North German I,loyd Travelers' Checks Good All Over the World. OELRICHS CO.. No. S Broadway. N. Y. BOBtKT CAPPEI.LE, O. A. F. C. "59 Van Ness Ave., ban Proncisoo, Cal. Springfield, Mo. St. Marys, Ohio. Tacoma, M ask. Toronto Junction. Can Traverse City. Mich, lrbana, Ill Van Wert. Oito. Walla Walla, Wash. WauBau. Wis. Westerly. R. I. Wilmington, Del. Woodstock, N. B-, Can. Saak.. Can Cal, for 4 3-2 Years 435.272.00 195,532.00 273,375.00 119,685.00 TRAVELERS' GLIDE. The Burlington Gives You Its Best Let your ticket read Burlington east of Bill ings, St. Paul or Den ver Via St. Paul , The scenic way along the Mississippi River; the way of "the finest train in the world." Three trains daily. Via Billings The direct line south east to Denver, Kansas City, St. Joseph, Lin coln, Omaha, St. Louis, Chicago and Peoria. Via Denver If your route is through " Scenic Colorado, then make it Denver east via Burlington, the carrier of high-grade travel. Let us help .you along. A. C. SHELDON. Gen. Agt. C. B. & Q. Ry. 100 3rd St., Portland, Or. SOUTHEASTER! AT.ABira, BOUTS. From Seattle at 9 P. M. for Ketchikan, Juneau. Skagway. White Horse. Dawson and Fairbanks. S. S. City of Seattls, March 31. via Sitka. NOME ROUTE. S- 8. Senator. June 1. fi. S. President. June 8- FOR SA1 FRANCISCO DIRECT. From Seattle at 9 A M. Umatilla, March! 16. 31; City of Puebla. March , 21; City of. Topeka. March 11, 26. Portland Office. 249 Washington St. Main 229. C. D. DO'ANN, U. P. A- San Francises. SanFrancisco & PortlandS.S.Co. Operating the only direct passenger steamers From Ainsworth Dock. Portland, at 8 P. M. S. 8. "COSTA RICA," Mar 31, Apr. 10 (9 A. M.) 8. 8. "COLUMBIA," Apr. S, 15, (9 A. M.) From Spear-st. Wharf, San Francisco, ac .11 A. M. R. 8. "COLUMBIA," April 1, 11. mmjm 8. 8. "COSTA RICA," April 6, 16. JAMES H. DEWSON. Agent, Phone Main 268. 248 Washington st. Columbia River Scenery K,OLXAXOtt STEAALLKtf. Dally servlco between Portland and The Dalles, except Sunday, leaving Portland at 7 A. M-, arriving about 5 P .M.. carrying freight and passengers. Splendid accommo dations for outfits and livestock. Dock foot of Alder St., Portland; foot ot Court st., Tha Dalles. Pnone Main 814. Portland. STR. CMS. R. SPENCER Washington-street Dock. Daily, except Sunday, for The Dalles and way landings, at 7 A. M., returning 10 P. M. Fast time, best service. phones: Main, 8184; Home. A. 11. 84. WILLAMETTE RIVER ROUTE For Curvallls, Albany, Independence, Ba lem Steamer "POMONA" leaves 6:46 A. 1L, Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday. Ftr Salem and way landings Steamer "OR EG ON A" leaves 6:45 A. M.. Mondays, Wedi.enaays and Fridays. OittOON CITY TRANti PORT AXIOM CO "oot Taylor Street. Me. Or. N. J. Ind. Cal. Pa. Ind. rui 9