THErMORXIXG OREGONIAX, TUESDAY. MARCH 26, 1907. 9 CITY NEWS IN BRIEF OREGO.M.1N TKLEPHONKS. Cnuntlnez-Room .., Main 7070 "Uy Circulation Main 707 atanaalnc- Editor Main 7079 fundr.y Editor Main 7070 lompoil-ig-Roora Main 7070 City Kdlior Main 7070 Sup.rint.ndant Building Malu'7070 Kait Bid. office Eut 81 AMUSEMENTS. BAKER THEATER C,d bt. Tamhill and Taylor) Baker Theater Company In "As a Man Sows": tonight at I : 1 fi- EJIJMRE THEATER (11th and Morrison) 'A cowboy a Girl"; tonight at 8:15. GJIAXD THEATt'R (Washington, between T'ark and seventh) Vaudeville. 2:30, 7:30 nd P. M. PAXTAGES THEATER (4th and Stark) Continuous vaudellle. t!::t0. 7:30. 0 P. M. srArt THEATER Pnrk and washlrston) Allen Ftoek Company in "Under Sealed Ordere"; tonight at 8:15. T-YR1C THEATEK (7tti and Alder) The K:'ilr Htock t'ompanv in "What Women Will Ou" : matinee 2:13. tonight S:1D. Hoard or Hkalth Mekts. A meeting of the Stat Board of Health was held yesterday mornins; irt the office of Dr. Robert C. Yenney. The question of en forcing a new statute requiring the cleaning of all passenger coaches was tl'scussed. The new law requires all rail way companies to keep certain places in the state where passenger coaches shall be cleaned and swept, and also provides that no coach shall be swept while car rying passengers. The board advocated the strict enforcement of thia law. and apreed that the sweeping of coaches while loaded with passengers was one of the easiest ways of spreading disease, hucIi as tuberculosis and diphtheria. The new quarantine law makes it possible for the board to enforce more strictly the cleaning of towns and cities, and keep ing better sanitary methods in the small er towns. The subject of spinal mcnin citis, an epidemic of which is now rag ing at Seattle, was also discussed, and it was decided to enforce the quarantine more strictly In these cases. Vkrnos Church Cai-ls Pastor. Rev. A. Blair has received a unanimous call to become permanent pastor of the new Vernon Presbyterian Church, which lie recently organized. This call will be plated In his hands at the Spring meet ing of Portland Presbytery at tile Cal vary Presbyterian Church. April 16, at which time provision will be made to install him. Rev. Mr. Blair recently fame from Clstskanie to Portland to take up the work in the Vernon district. As a result the church was organized, a quarter-block secured on Wygant and East Twentieth streets, and plans are now being prepared for a $50f) edifice. . Pev. Mr. Blnir organized the First Cum berland Presbyterian Church of Portland, now called the Hawthorne Presbyterian Church, and he has built in all H churches. Hurt in Stampede ox Car. Mrs. Wal ter ft. Thorn, of 755 East Main street, sustained a number of painful bruises in a panic on a streetcar on Hawthorne avenue about It o'clock yesterday morn ing. Mrs. Thorn had been to the West Side and was returning home before noon. A fuse blew out on ' the car on which she. was riding, creating conster nation among the passengers and caus ing a stampede for the doors. Mrs. Thorn was thrown from the rear plat form and was found to be injured when assistance was rendered her. She was Placed on another car and taken to her borne at Twenty-fourth and hla-t Main streets, where Dr. J. A. Pettit attended her. Her Injuries, while painful, are not believed to be serious. . Eartfr Thank-Offerinq. The Blast er thank-offering meeting of the Woman's Missionary Society of the First Congregational Church will be held in the church parlors tomorrow afternoon st 2 o'clock. The address of the after noon will be delivered by Rev. Cephas P. Clapp, of Forest Grove. Mrs. W. A. T. Bushong and W. A. Montgomery will sirg solos and also a duet. The hostesses sre Mefdames Staiger. Adair. Karhart. Kggert. Hnrris. Hodson. Htiddleson. Jen kins, R. K. Jones. R, M. Jones. Knapp. I.a Bairc, McFarland, Northrup and Palmer, Takk Gas Franchise Bf.fore People. A force of men Is at work securing sig natures on the petition to compel the Council' to submit to a vole at the June election the franchise of the Kconomy Has Company. Only about 24Ht signa tures are required on the. petition, but K. S. Pngne. who represents tile com pany in Portland, declares that from 5000 to ttfot) names will have hech secured by the end of the week. The men who ere circulating the papers nre meeting with pronounced success, it Is said, and have had no trouble whatever in obtaining feigners. Arrkstkk for TiioAMT. W. c. Brooks was arrested, together with Helen Til sun, in a lodging-house at Front and .lefferson streets last night by Detective Sergeant Baty and Patrolman Harry Bales, Tile arrest was brought about by a warrant sworn out before Judge Cameron by Mrs. Maggie Brooks, to whom the man is legally married. In addition to the complntnant. Brooks Is said to have another wife living, and when placed tinder arrest Helen Tllson declared that Brooks was her husband, but this assertion was denied by the man. GRorsns WiLt. Meet Tonight. Port land retail grocers will meet tonight in the Allsky Hall and much business of Interest to members of the association will come up. Fifteen new members will be taken Into the organization. The pre liminary steps will probably he taken to arrange for a pure food show, which will be held In -the near future. The execu tive committee has been authorized to In corporate and form a mutual fire insur xnce body for the benefit of the grocers. Tins matter w-ill probably be taken up tonight. N'tRSF.s Wtn. RnndsH K. Woodrurf. aged L'l. and Miss Marearet l-owther. 2S yenrs old, were married at the Portland Sanatorium at Mount Tabor last night by Kklcr Daniel Netlleton. Both are nurses, both having started in the same class at the sanatorium. They will graduate in the Fall of 1SOS. Mrs. Woodruff is a native of F.ngland, and went to British Columbia, last September, coming thence to Portland. After a short honeymoon they will continue their work at the Sanatorium. . CRl'SHEr 1'Nr.F.R FAI.I.INO CHASE. Thomas tiraham. a workman employed on the Portland Jfc Seattle Railway bridge at St. Johns, was severely in jured by a falling crane . yesterday. He was conveyed to St. Vincent s Hospital, where it was found necesarv to ampu tate both feet at the ankles. He was severely bruised about the head and body in addition to having his feet crushed and Is in a erious condition. Hopes are entertained for bis recovery'. Home Training Association. a meet ing of the Home Training Association will be held tonight at 'M o'clock in the City Hall. The general theme of the ses siun will be "Child Development: the Rclotiou of Punishment to Obedience." A discussion of this subject will be led by Mrs. v. J. Hawkins. "Sr.E t lie Berkshire Apartments. Seventh and Jefferson streets. New and modern. Fully equipped for convenience and econ omy. No car fare necessary. Suites of four rooms and bath. Janitor in building, or telephone Main 250(5. Please do not forget it is today at 2 P. M. that begins the ale of iskender Pey's collection of Oriental rugs at G. Baker & Co.'s auction rooms, Alder and Park streets. Ptyop. Rinoler's dancing class ' at new hall, corner Grand avenue and East Moirison street, tonight and every Tues day. Saturday. For B let t. Corner store and 7 rooms Uitalrs. Seventh and Couch streets. K iC, oregonlan. Not' a ' Christian '' Scientist'. - Mrs. Congdon while descending the stairs, in the Abington building Sunday night after the close of the regular Spiritualist meet ing held there; tripped -and fell to the bottom, sustaining a fracture of the large bone of her right wrist. The frac ture was reduced by a surgeon a few hours later and the patient is now rest ing, without pain. The fall was a severe one and. as Mrs. Congdon is an elderly woman. It will require some time for her to recover from its effects. The fact has developed that Mrs. Congdon is a Spirit ualist, ndt' a Christian Scientist. Death of Indian War Veteran. John B. Huttcm. a pioneer of ifto2, died Sun day afternoon at the Good Samaritan Hospital. He was born in Franklin County. Missouri, in 1S32, and crossed the plains to Oregon in lr2." He was a vet eran of the Rogue River Indian wars of 1850-56 and in 1fct7 moved to .Oregon City, where he resided up to the time of ,bis death. Mr. Hutton, had a wide ac quaintance throughout Clackamas Coun ty. He leaves three daughters. Mrs. Annie Crookham, of Woodburn, and Mrs. lone Billings and Mrs. May Huff, of Portland. Y. W. C. A. Outino Club. A new out ing club, the Hee Hee Kalaganie. . under the auspices of the Young Women's Christian Association, has just been tr ganized. Miss Millie Schloth is the presi dent; Kleanor Kurth.. , vice-president; Mary Scott, secretary, and Inez Kvans. treasurer. The object of .the club is to encourage outdoor life . during fair weather. Committees have been appoint ed on birds and botany, walking, row ing, swimming, tennis, horseback riding and sketching. with competent young) women In charge. . Will G. Steel to I.ectlre Will G. Steel will lecture tomorrow night in the Third Presbyterian Church; Kast -Thirteenth and Pine streets, on the subject. "In the t-and . of the MazainaB,' or Mount Rainier, Scenes and ..Incidents: Crater I-ake. Its Formation and His tory." The lecture will be fully illus trated with numerous stereopticon views. There will be no admission charged. Luncheon to Rev. John Fltnn. Rev. John Flynn was the guest of honor at a luncheon party given yesterday in honor of his 90th birthday, which occurs today. A party of 35 Methodist minis ters and their: wives gathered at Wat son's restaurant and joined in wishing the veteran of the pulpit many years of continued prosperity and active service in his chosen work. To Hold All-Dat Service. The Holi ness Association will hold an all-day meeting today at the AVesleyan Metho dist Church on the Montavilla carline. Services will be held at 10:30. .2:30 and 7:20 o'clock: Dr. Johnson to Speak. Rev. Howard Agnew Johnson. D. D.. will speak at Calvary Presbyterian Church at. -4 o'clock this afternoon on "Christ's Last Thought for the Christian." , r-. Steamship F. A. Kilburn sails for Coos Bay and Eureka today (Tuesday). March 26. at S P. M. W. A. Baker, agent. Oak Street Dock. Phone Main 86. We have moved our offices from 47 First street to 328 Gllsan street between Sixth and Seventh. The W. G. McPher son Company. ' Mopehn offices in the new Buchanan building for rent, Portland Trust Com pany of Oregon, southeast corner Third and Oak. : K' , Business Men's Lunch. 11:30 to 2. All home-cooking. Women's Ex., 133 10th st. At the Stock Theaters " Senator" Daughter" at Lyric. WHAT WOMEN" WILL DO." adver tised as the bill at the Lyric this week, will not be -put on, and in Its place has been substituted the play "A Sena tor's Daughter." This play is well adapt ed to the Lyric Company, and the mfmr bers are well cast. The scene of the story is laid in Washington, and the plat.'la woven around the daughter of a Kentucky Senator. It tells of the love a woman bears for a man other than her husband ana of how a titled son of Europe's aristocracy endeavors to win a loving wife from the soldier husband. Warda Howard takes the title role, that of the wronged- wom an, and her acting is as good as could be desired. She performs her part well, as the role Is difficult. Frank Fanning as usual takes the lead ing part, that of a wronged husband, wtro loves and forgives his wife.- and treats her as though she were' more siiwied against than winning. Another of line company who must not be forgotten is Belle Barcus. Pretty. vivacious- and winsome, she Is the pet of the company, and well deserves' the honor. Her art lng last night was one of the best parts of the play, and she Is as natural an actreps as one could find. The rest of the company ts well cast, and all do their work well. . -i "A Senator's Daughter" will continue all week, with matinees .every afternoon, and -the regular evening performances. "Vnder Scaled Orders" at .llie Star. THE STAR conies forward" with an other good bill this week, and. "l-'n dor Sealed Orders" Is one of the best pro-' ductlons that the Aden Stock Company has presented. The etory of the play is complex, and the scenes are iiu in Ioh don and in the foothills of Algeria. The story is that of a young man who mar ries an Algerian girl, and who incurs the enmity of one of the wickedest men on earth. The pint shifts from the wilds of BREAKFAST FOOD FOR The Harry When Upton Sinclair wrote "The Jungle," he aimed to reach the public's heart, but, by accident, hit 'em in the stomach. When we write our daily message to Portland folk we aim to reach their head that part of it we term the "think," where the "gray matter" reposes. If we make our aim true, we're pretty certain to reach the stomachs of the readers with our meats. We prefer the logic of TRUTH to pleading for trade. "Any person who takes into his stomach food unfit for consumption, prepared under the direction of unscrupulous commercial pirates, deserves the poisoning he gets" says Sinclair. When you buy meats at the HARRY WOOD MARKET you know what you're getting Healthful, wholesome, Government Inspected Meats. I Can you better these prices? The meats are Oregon's BEST. BEEF. Choice Brisket. ..... 4 Choice Necks to Boil 4 Choice Stew Meats, 4c Fine Kidneys. ...... 5 .Corned Beef 6 Choice Sh'lder Roast 7? Choice Pot Roast - 7c Choice Sh'lder St'k: 7 Round Steak Sd 8c Choice Rump Roast. S Hamburger Steak. . . S Tripe S6 Africa to the heart of London, and from the central police station of the metrop olis to the dpsert. . . The most important character is that of Andre Jansan. a notorious French criminal. This role is taken by Taylor Bennett, and throughout be bandies the part well. The role in a way corresponds to that of Svengali. in 'Trilby." Mr. Bennett's work is excellent, his make-up is perfect and capable of strik ing terror .to any heart. Another of the players who ' deserves a great deal of credit is-A, C. Winn, as Sergeant Leg gett, of the English aecret, service. His wgrk Is comical and also very good. The rest of the company perform well, the stage settings are fine and throughout the play is a distinct success. At the Vaudeville Theaters Pantages. PATRONS of Pantagres have the op portunity this week to witness one of the best bills ever presented at that popular playhouse. Manager Johnson certainly has produced a good list of attractions, 8nd none of tne audience pocs away disappointed. Barr and Kvans. two very funny men., lead the hill, nnd carry the applause. Their wgrk is funny to' the extreme, and yet there is something more in their act ing than the usual nonsense of the vaudeville stage. Stroud and Thatcher, who present a little playette. are next In the order of excellency, nnd their funny little skit provokes a. great deal of amusement and laughter. They are a arood team, well matched, and capa ble of entertaining almost any audi ence. Leo White Sings a new song this week, "When You Know You're- Not Forgotten by the Girl You Can't For get." Tli is song was never before heard In this city. The Hilton sisters, in o musical act; Zo Tanzi, a vocalist; Mickey Feeley. an eccentric' acrobat, and the blograph, fill out the bill. Grand. Albini the Great, who has the feature bill at the Grand this week, certainly de serves the title of "great." Illusionist, he Is. and one of the most remarkable of those who have visited the Coast.. .Neither magician nor sorcerer, nor agent of the powers of darknesa could perform a more remarkable feat than this man does on the stage. His work is simple, yet astonishing and the 'illusion, is per fect. One minute you see a trunk with nothing In it. the next moment, a very pretty young girl steps forth. There are other parts of the show that deserve mention. Tom Bradford, a comedian, ec centric to the extreme, keeps the audience in convulsions of laughter the whole time -he is on the stage. His work is a mix ture of nonsense and rattling good jokes, so blended together that they are very, very funny. The rest of the bill Is good. Matt Good man., conies forward with a brand new song, "Arrah Wanna;" James Sullivan & Co. present a clever playette. while, the Musical Harts and the Grandiscope, fill out the bill. RUSTLE OF SILKEN SKIRTS Silk Skirts Bought Xow for Easier Will Serve for Grand Opera and Afterward. Killing two birds with one stone that is what foresighted women will do this week. And realizing their intention In this regard, we have on display the most beautiful and lustrous assortment of silk underskirts to be found in town. These exquisite garments come in such a vast variety of colors and shades tan, navy, gray, champagne, light blue, nile green, red. black and white. Roman stripes, plaids that "there will be no difficulty in matching the new Kaster suit or finding a magnificent contrast. The maferlal is superb the highest grade of serviceable taffeta- .The prices, whatever you -wish to pay, from S;,.cO to J20. The place. The Bartholomew Co... "The House of Tone." 392 Washington street. HOTEL PORTLAND. Grand opera. Both dining-rooms will be used Tupeday and Wednesday after the opera. Music in each room. Reserva tions may be made now. H. C. BOWERS. LADIESSUITS. If you wish to purchase a suit, call at jC Flaf-: Roya! and save money by so difng T5 Washington street A GREAT FUTURE NO OTHER OCCUPATION OFFERS SO GREAT A FUTURE TO A YOUNG MAN AS LIFE INSURANCE. SEE THE PROVIDENT SAVINGS LIFE OF NEW YORK, 308 STEARNS BUILDING, PORTLAND, OR. SERVED FIPI1NQ HOT FROM Loin Steak 10 Sirloin Steak. . . . . .12i2 Small Porterhouse..l2 Fancy Porterhouse. 12 y2$ Rib Steak - - 12V2C Fancy 'T" Bone..l2 VEAL. Delicious R'mp Rst.l2i4 Delicious Leg R'st..l2 Delicious Rib R'st..l2i4 Juicy Cutlets. . . . . .12 Veal Shanks, broth. 6 Veal for Stew. . .. . Sd Wood Market MAIL OPERA ORDERS MOW Reservations Made In" and Out of Town for Grand Cfiiera. Mail orders from both In and out of town are now being received for the San Carlo Opera Company, which comes . to the iHeilig Theater Tuesday and Wednes day, April 2 and 3. The repertoire will be as follows: Tuesday night, "La Gio conda." with Nordlca In the cast: Wednes day afternoon. "La Boheme. with Alice Nielsen: Wednesday night. ' "Carmen." with Mile. Dereyne. Address mail orders and make checks payable to W. T. Pangle. manager Heilig Theater, inclosing aelf addressed stamped envelope for safe re turn. The box-office at the Heilig The ater will open next Thursday morning., March 28. Mall orders take preference over hov-offlce sale. Toft orders ure re- turned as soon as they are filled. Season i orders are filled ahead of single opera orders. WHEREJT0 DINE. All the delicacies of the season at the Portland Restaurant; fine private apart ments for parties. 30o Wash., near 5th. EASTER HATS Can be had at Ie Palais Royal at a less price than any place in the city. 37 Washington street. OWN YOUR OV E OV IN PaPK (SEE PAtiE J3.) for the teeth Ricittrrl ; TEA A trifle of tea in a dainty cup has in it. a world of rest or of stimulant what is the time o'day ? A Schilling & Company San Francisco chvab Printing Co. - HEXT WORK. PxrCgS 141', STARK STREET) THOUGHT First and Alder Streets-On the Corner Breast of Veal 10 Shoulder Eoast 10 PORK. Legs of Pork '.12,$ Tickle Pork 12i2 Side Pork. 1214 Pork Sh'lder Roast. 12 Pork Chops... SUNDRIES. Brains 10 Mixed Sausage 10 Hams 17 Breakfast Bacon.. .17y2 Pork Hocks... 8 ' iHli K UpURIF'ESTrlEBREATlrl Salaried People SHOULD LET "The Oldest Trust Com pany in Oreg'on" Solve the Saving Problem for Them With resources of over " $1,800,000.00 We pay 2 pr cnt interest on check Re counts (evfn hun dred) on dally bal ances of $500 or over; t3 per cent on rav intra accounts; 3 to 4 per cent on time certificates of de posit, and from 2'i to 4 per cent on special certificates of deposit payable on short no- ' tice. Call for statement and book of ILLUSTRATION'S.' .- . Portland Trust Company ot Oregon S. E. Cor. Third and. Oak 6t. Phone Exchange -72. BENJ. I.' COHEN.. -.'...President . H. L. PITTOCK Vlce.Presldent B. JjEE . PAG ET Secretary J. O. GOI.TP. A. .Assistant Secretary This Ladies Ox ford is a new crea tion for the Spriui of 1907. The pointed toe. bench made, patent leather Oxfords will be more popular than the tans this spring. Ask vour dealer if for the shoe which B 'fits like your foot- M Pnt. U HieGotzianShoe Had la St. Tmul by C. GoUiaa & HE fe Co. sine. 1855. 11 Write Your Eastern Friends TO COME WEST VIA SPECIAL Low Colonists' Rates DIKING MARCH AXD APKIL Prom St. Paul, Minntapoll. Duluth. Omaha. St. Joseph, Kansas City and other Missouri R'.vcr points to Portland and Ashland. (")C A A Or., . and Intermediate points T From fit. Louis to Port- tf"lA fi A land. Ashland. Or., and 1 J 1 1 Intermediate points 4U.VV From Chios gro. to Portland. Cl 1 AA Ashland. Or., and Inter- I III medlata points VvJ.W Similar low rates from other East ern points to the West. Send me full name and address of your relatives or friends In the fiast that are thinking of coming- to the Pacific- Northwest, and I will have them furnlshd with literature and full Information, or if you wish to pay the fare of anyone, the money can . be deposited with any agent of the Northern Pacific Hallway and tickets will be promptly furnished. For any - additional Information wanted, call on or address A. D. CHARLTON, . " AMtp.Tit G?Tirai Ffcssenrer Agent, . 255 Morrison Street, Corner Third. Portland. Or. A Skin of Beauty is a Joy Forever tl t. felix gocracd's oriental Cream or magical beautifies RniOTM Tan. Pfttpl, Freckles. Moth Patcbcs, Rub, and Skta Dimrues. ana every oiemiift OB buty. ftod tlfr flee detection. It hu stood tht test -of 67 yesrv, aaft Is to btmlin we taste it to be tare it Is properly mQ: Accept aocOQ&tr' fit of similar fikttC. Dr. L. A.. flarre said to m lady of tb h mut ton a patient) i MAt fOQ ladies will use then. I reeoninena fakMPB mi4' rpaia m as the leaiK har.tiftil at all the kia praparai ions'." For sate by all dnunrts aad Fancy tfoods Dealer in. the United States, Canada and Europe. FEBO.T.U0FKMS, Prop, 37 Sftai km Sfrtet, Hew Tart D.Chambers OPTOMETRIST Ylsjea, acleatl'i ally camclrd. Arti ficial eyes flttaaL u 1TH srr- Kill ALUEB sr. Largess and Beat BwUPP Optical Ssta. Usoaaaat In KorlowasC TEETH A (12.00 Fall ttt tot 10.08. TKEU PBEB.V, fttoom 40S Dekuoa BuUdloc. TV SHAW'S PUKfc BLUMAUER & HOCH 1 mt II rtsnrtft llrNl sU riilinisiiM Cat Osacom a4 -"MmIii The Bank Founded 1864 Capital paid up Surplus and Undivided Portland Branch, Chamber of" Commerce Bldg. In view of the enhanced demand for money, will pay 4 per cent per annum on deposits for a year fixed and on deposits in its Savings Department. DUNLAP HATS ABSOLUTELY BEST QUALITY AND CORRECT STYLE SPRING BLOCK NOW ON SALE ROBINSON & CO. SOLE AGENTS 'Tet ley's INDIA AND CEYLON No legislation Is needed to Improve 'Tetley's Tea. The tea Itself Is ah solntely pure, and every care ts taken in blending and packing it to prevent anything impure becoming a part of it. WADHAMS & CO. Distributing Agents Portland, Oregon DO IT NO W I Take advantage of the COLONIST RATES TO OREGON And the Pacific Northwest ovor the Union Pacific, Oregon. Short Line, Oregon-. Railroad & Navigation Co., and Southern Pacific, from ail parts of the East,' DAILY during Maroh and April. YOU CAN PREPAY For tickets; if you desire to bring friends, relatives, employes or others from the East, by depositing the eost with any agent of the 0. R. & N. or S. P. Co., with name and address, and ticket will be promptly furnished in the East.'; A Rare Opportunity to Promote the Industrial Growth of the Northwest . RATES FROM PRINCIPAL EASTKRN CITIES. B $33.Ot SO.OOI US.OOI 33.001 Chita fit. l.iifa 7.50 Kama City 32.50 Omaha U3.B0 St. Panl . 311.50 25.tM A Rati a DDI v to. all main and branch lin noints. HimtJnirton tn Knnk.n. Inclusive. B Rate applv to Portland, Astoria and Pugei Sound points: also Boutnern Pacific main and branch line points north of and including Ashland,. Oregon. 'For complete Information. Inqulra of . WM. HcMtRRAY, Grra1 Pannm Agrnt, Orra-oa Railroad A. Mavlsratlon Co.-. C. W. Stinger, City Ticket Act.. 3d and Wasaingrton. ... 4 1 A GRAND nMi wrTXT . rrirMkT I COLOMBIAN OPTICAL COMPANY tMarar, Omaha, Kansas City, ISS atatk at. . TLO YD T. ORIGINAL MALT WHISKY Wltbont a Bin. Tod7 MALT of California $ 4,000,000 Profits. . . .$10,153,873. CONSIDER THE EASTER LILIES How they grow so fresh and sweet, then consider your dingy-looking bouse and fences. This comparison cannot help being odious; but if vou consider the sub ject of BAY STATE paints, a wijy'is shown out of the difficulty. THE BIG PAINT STORE, Fisher, Thorsen I Co. Front and Morrison Sts. HOTEL PERKINS BUILDING A B BafCaln (40.00 f43.n ?( York ao.oo ' Ronton 47.40 40.00 Philadelphia 411.75.. Wnalilnvtoa 4S.2.1 Kryptok "Invisible" bifo- : tais oicnueu wun curv- - ed" ToTiscus lenses Salt Lake, Dallas, Tax. Portland. Or. B ROTTER. Mar. Oracottiaa Bid . i .