THE MORNIXG OREGOXIAX, TUESDAY, MARCH 26. 1907. Headquarters for Easter Gloves All Styles All Grades Easter Novelties in Great Assortment All Prices Established 1857 The Meier Frank Store Easter Bargain Bulletin Send for Copy of Our New Spring Catalogue 18 Artistic Picture Framing at the Very Lowest Prices Best Materials and Workmanship 'Ostermoor" Patent Elastic Felt Mattresses Sold at Factory Prices Third Floor Women's Tailored Suits $40 We direct particular attention to oar matchless showing of Women's New Tailored Suits at $40.00 each All the very latest fashions and materials in eton, semi-fitting, pony jacket, tight-fitting, blouse and three-piece suits Checks, fancy stripes, plaids and mixtures All the newest shades and combinations High-class garments of the best grade material and selling else where at prices from $50.00 to $65.00 Your choice at, each $40.00 $8.50 Silk Petticoats At, $5.45 Each Another special lot of high-grade Silk Petticoats 500 of them make up the second great Easter sale of the season. Beautiful styles, great assortment; made up of superior quality taffeta silk, with deep double flounce, with pleating and ruffle full width ; every skirt fully guaranteed to give satis factory service; colors include white, pink, light and dark blue, green, light and dark grays, red, purple, tans, browns and changeable silks ; C A C regular $8.50 and $9 values, while they last at the low price of. Mail and phone orders will be promptly and carefully filled. Take advantage. $5-$7.50 Corsets $3.98 Women's Skirt Chemise $1.93 Speci al lot of women 's fancy brocade Corsets ; white, blue and. lavender; bias and straight-front effects; also a few lace-front styles; all sizes, at, each $3.98 Women's fancy Skirt Chemise; trimmed in dainty laces and embroideries, tucks and beading; $2.50 and $2.75 values on sale at. .Misses' white Underskirts, 32. 34 and 36-inch lengths; made of fine cambric embroidery; lace and tuck trimmed ; separate dust ruffles; large as sortment ; $2.50 and $2.75 values at, each. $1.93 $1.97 Carpets and Rugs THIRD FLOOR. Closing out 2500 yards of High Rock Brussels Carpets; a supe rior quality Brussels; good pat terns and colorings;, regular ; . $1.05 grade; sewed, laid and lined, special low, price, yd.89 Special lot of French Wilton Rugs in room-sizer 9x12 feet; 50 of them, purchased at a low price, and, as always, you are asked - to share our good fortune. Mag nificent designs and colorings; regular $60.00 values--$49.85 Women's $3 Shoes $1.89 Our annual Easter offer ing of "Women's Foot wear; a chance for eco nomical women to supply their footwear needs at a saving you cannot fail to appreciate. The best bar gain of the year in popular-priced footwear. Pat ent colt in button, blucher and lace styles, light weight or heavy extension soles; vici kid with patent tip, laee, blucher and but ton styles; gunmetal in button and blucher styles; heavy soles; 12 new mod els to select, from. All standard $3 footwear in all sizes and widths. Your choice $1.89 All Mail Orders Carefully Filled. Great Easter Sale of Women's Handkerchiefs Women's fine lawn initial Handkerchiefs, y2-'m. hems, hand-embroidered, block in itial, 10c values, each... 5 Women 's mercerized Hand kerchiefs, in the. latest cross bar and checked effects, nice soft finish ; loc val- Q ues, on sale at, ea ZrC Women's pure Irish Linen Handkerchiefs, with hand embroidered block initial ; -inch hem ; new corded checks; unlaun- 1 dered; 2oc values.. C "Women's Swiss Embroidery Handkerchiefs, with scal loped, hemstitched edges; a variety of patterns ; (Lf 2oc values, each IOC 500 dozen women's fine Swiss Embroidery Handkerchiefs; hundreds of new patterns to select from; scalloped and hemmed edges; Ofco values up to 50c regular, on sale at the very low price of, each. 3C Women's pure linen Embroidery Handkerchiefs, new, dainty de- 1 signs: hemstitched and scalloped edges; values to 75c each, at.3C Women's extra fine pure linen Kmbroidery Handkerchiefs, in a largo assortment of handsome embroidered designs, with hemstitched and scalloped edges the season's very latest patterns. Regu- AQ lar values up to $1.25 each, on sa'le at this low price, each.OC Women's extra fine linen Handkerchiefs; fine hand-embroidered script initial, with Vjj-ineh hem; double row of hand hemstitching; AQy regular 75c values, on sale at this phenomenally low price, ea.-'C Engravings and Stationery Tuesday and Wednesday the Stationery Department makes this very unusual Easter offering: A great combination bargain in Sta tionery and Engraving every woman should take advantage plate and 50 visiting cards, engraved in shaded Old English; three initial die and 108 sheets of Moussellne de Paris letter paper, Btamped in any color, and 50 unstamped envel opes; 50 white correspond ence cards, stamped from the above die, any color, and 50 unstamped envel opes plate and ,die to be come yours $6.75 value for . .. ... $3.95 Laces and Em broideries "White Baby Irish Allover, 18-inch; just the lace you want for the stylish jackets so much in fashion; beauti ful patterns; values up to $2.50; low price, yd..98 French and Round-Thread Val. Laces and Insertions: to 3 inches wide; values up to $3 dozen yards, for, dozen yards 83J Lingerie Waist Fronts in im itation hand work on fine batiste ; $3.00 values at, special.--.. $1.98 Great special sale of imi tation Irish crochet "Venise and baby Irish laces, edges, bands and applique designs, in medallion and festoons; white and cream; 3 to 9 inches wide. $1.50 VALUES, YD. . ..87tf $2.75 VALUES, YD. $1.89 45-inch ' cream, ' white . and ecru Nets; figured and dot ted effects ; for waists, trim mings, etc. ; values up to $1.75 a yard, on sole at.87 Swiss, nainsook and cambric Embroideries and Inser tions; 3 to 9 inches wide; neat, serviceable designs for women and children 's wear ; values up to 45c. yd..l9 Special lot of demi-mode Robes; designs in English embroidery, Japanese ef fects and laee inserting on fine batiste; also net Robes, lace trimmed, white and col ors; $20.00 values, at this low price each $15.69 EASTER. JEWELRY AND DR-UG SUNDRIES Turquoise Bead Collars., with silver bars. J widths; 90c val ues; special, each 59 Children's Gold-Filled Bracelets, with signets; every one guar anteed great value, each.. 73 Fancy Crystal Hatpins, all colors, beautiful cuts, each 19 New Necklaces, Bracelets, Stick pins. Hatpins, etc., in immense variety, all prices up to..$oO One-Day Mission Clocks, with pendulum and fancy dial: $2.00 and -J2.50 values at 91.23 America Alarm Clocks, tach.69 "4711" Perfumes, triple extract, all the popular odors violet, hello, rose, lilac, carnation, lily of the valley, etc, on sale at. ounce 19i Idallne Face Powder, a pure rice powder; 35c value for.... 254 Large Bath Sponges at ..19 Today Great Easter Sale Table China and Glassware Easter Table China and Glassware at special low prices for a few days A large assortment of choice pieces to select from Exceptional values for the economical housewife Shrewd buyers take advantage Basement Glass Candlesticks, Colonial shape . i..... 4l Brass Candlesticks 12 and . T2 Electric, Light Shades 12. Silk Shades 24c and......52 Paper Candle Shades at, each, 12c and 28 Easter Plates in great assortment, each 27 Relish Dishes at 14c and . .19. Egg Cups, 48c and. . . .97 Cake Plates . .;. 19. Vases, 74c, 82e and. '. .8S Special lot of Rose Bowls at 16 and 23i Glass Vases at, each .16, 19 and 52 Wall and Violet Vases at, each . . ....... .12 and 19 Japanese Vases 24 Jardinieres at, each.. 19 All kinds of Silverware at the lowest prices. Great Special Sale and Display Of Curtains and Draperies $5.00 Curtains at $3.95 a Pair $7.50 Curtains at $5.95 a Pair Marie Antoinette, Soutache, Cluny and Renaissance Marie Antoinette, Clunys, Antiques, Sontache and Lace Curtains, white or Arabian colors, 50 inches Irish Point Laee Curtains, white or Arabian color, wide, 2V2 yards long, made in the best French all new, up-to-date curtains, from dainty Brus- net; eurtains for living-room, hall Qk:r ' se's to heavy, rich patterns; $7.50 T ti Qfc and dining-room; new goods; 5 vals.. .' . values on sale at the low prtce, pair. r J $5.00 Portieres $3.90 25c Cretonnes 19c Yd. $3 Net Curtains $2.35 500 Tapestry and Rep Portieres, 5000 yards of new Cretonnes, in Eight patterns of dainty ruffled two-tone, double-faced - tapestry, tan grounds with floral patterns, Net Curtains, with lace inserting heavy fringe top and bottom ; also 34 inches wide ; best 2oc values, and edges, in white and Arabian fringed rep portieres; best color- on sale at this unusually - low color; three yards long and 40 i'ngs; great bar- flJ! QC price, the yard on sale. 1 Q inches wide; $3 val- ff C gains, the pair pJSJ oa tne third floor... ues, on sale at, pair. $1.00 Madras 79c Yd. 85c Drapery Silks 68c $2.75 Net Curt'ns $1.95 Six patterns of Scotch Madras, all 5000 yards of Florentine Drapery Five patterns of Flat Net Cur new this season, in rich colorings. Silks, Oriental and floral designs, tains, Renaissance edg-es and in in the very best combinations, in suitable for curtains, draperies serting, 40 inches wide by 2,,2 reds, greens and browns; $1.00 and kimonos. Best regular 85c yards long, white and Arabian value, on sale at this 9Ck( values, on sale at this LQp color; $2.50 and ff very low price, yard special low price, yard..."'-'' $2.75 values, special. J Furniture Cover'gs 95c Madras Curtains 95c Extension Rods 7c Ea. Ten patterns of Oriental and 500 pairs of cross stripe Madras 10,000 Brass Extension Rods, Floral Tapestry, 50 inches wide, Curtains, in ecru grounds, with inch brass tubes, 54-inch exten- heavy quality, substantial color- cross stripes of green, blue, red sion, either white or brass ends; ings, handsome materials; best and yellow; all specially priced. grand special value at this un- $1.25 values regular, on Qvp Regular $1.35 values, on QCp usually low price, each 9 sale at, the yard, special. sale at, per pair '"' take advantage C $4.00 Gloves At $2.85 Pair Extra special Easter offering of "Perrins" real French Kid Gloves; twelve-button ' lengths, pique sewn ; black, white and mode; gusset top for wear over coat sleeve; all sizes, every pair perfect and fully guaranteed ; long kid gloves of the best style and quality. Regular $4.00 values. Your choice while ...'.$2.85 Trimmed Hats $4,98 In the Millinery Department, a sensational Easter sale of beautiful new Trimmed Hats for women and misses 1000 of them all made up to our special order by one of the most celebrated wholesale milliners in the land, under the supervision of our milli nery buyer. Chiffons and peroxaline braids; all the handsomest shapes trim'd ' in roses,' foliage, fruits, blossoms and June roses; colors are' cream, mais, light blue, champagne, butter, Copenhagen bines also Leghorn Hats, in just the shapes young ladies want, trimmed ,with roses and large daisies; Hats that cost you $7.50 to $10.00 at other stores. For P A QO a few days, on sale at, each. V1 -'O SHEPHERD GIVES IIP SEAT I,0.G-PItOJI ISED RESIGNATION PRESENTED TO COl'XCIIi. Retiring City Father Expresses Deep Appreciation or Sterling Qualities of Associates In Orrice. I desire to say that at this time it occasions me deep regret to withdraw from an association of fellow servants whose flxltv of purpose has ever shown the greatest fidelity to public duty and evinced a pure devotion' to the highest principles of equity and Justice and who have borne with inspiring altruism the martyrdom of public service and have hnrkened not to the stren sons of self interest." Thus expressing his lofty sentiments. Cleorse S. Shepherd yesterday tendered his resignation to the City Council. Some of the Councllmen are wondering whether their retiring comrade was not given to sarcasm In his letter of resignation. "Well, he was one of the bunch." re marked a city father yesterday who was In doubt over the letter. Another part of the communication fol lows: "It does seem from the record of the past 20 months that each of my fellow Councllmen has faithfully followed the sentiment expressed In the universal prayer, which I may be permitted to set forth, to wit: ( 'What conscience dictates to be done, Or warns me not to do. This, teach me more than hell to shun, That. ' more than heaven pursue. ' The resignation will be accepted at the special meeting of the Council Monday, nnrt it is said that Oeorffe Li. Baker who liaa declared Mmnelt a, candidate lor elec tion in June, will be elected to the Coun cil to fill the vacancy. Months ago Mr. Shepherd announced that he would re sign, as he had accepted a position with the Harrlman interests. FOR BETTER CITY GOVERNMENT. (The following- is an extract from a review of the writings of Thomas C. Devlin on this important sub ject by "City Government." a magazine published in New York City.) . "Mr. Devlin's work is just suf ficiently critical to remove the cloak of deception and bigotry from the many unthinking indi viduals who have indiscriminately condemned every existing condition of American municipal adminis tration. The suggestions made by him for improvement in the gov ernment of cities are based upon existing natural conditions that cannot be altered, and therefore, they are practical. Fortland Men to Build Hotel. ASTORIA. Or.. March 25. (Special.) The Elk Creek Hotel and other property adjoining, belonging to the estate of the late H. F. U. Logan, has been bonded by A. M. Smith, of this city, and a number of Portland associates. It Is the inten tion of the purchasers to erect a new hotel on .he property. Douglas County Pays Taxes. SALEM, Or.. March 25. (Special.) State Treasurer Steele this afternoon re ceived from Douglas Couny the sum of $18,000. covering tax collections for the year 1907. K.1SER FOH SCENIC PHOTOS. - Xrobby imperial Hotel, TRADES SCHOOL IS FAVORED BOARD UNOFFICIALLY INDORS ES PROPOSED DEPARTMENT. Expression Leaves Little Doubt but Tliat Directors Will Act In Ac cordance AVith Petition. Unofficially the Board of Education, at its semi-monthly meeting last night, went on record in favor of the estab lishment of a trades school department In connection with the schools of Port land. The matter was .brought to the attention of the board just before adjourn ment and each member present declared himself in favor of the plan. The only difficulty presenting Itself was the ques tion of funds. A suggestion was made and generally approved that the funds question could be solved another year by a small levy, should the taxpayers favor the plan. Superintendent Rlgler - says the total cost of the manual training department of the ' city schools is about $15,000 a year and this Is met with a comparative ly Insignificant part of the school dis trict levy. While the board took no of ficial action regarding the matter, there being no petition before it, the unani mous sentiment expressed was that the school fathers like the idea and will give the petition a favorable reception when it Is presented. Officially the board did but little last night. It went over,, audited and ordered paid the usual grist of bills and referred several minor matters to committees. The chairman and clerk were ordered to close a deal for the purchase of a block for the Vernon school and draw a war rant of J3S0O for the property. ".What's this bill lor. 17 for ash pans?" ejaculated ' Herman Wittenberg, as his eagle eye rested on a bill sent in by a local hardware store. After ex planation. Mr. Wittenberg suggested that the various principals be instructed to warn the janitors to have a care lest the scavengers make away with the last ashpan in the schools. Another bill, one for $25, sent in by the janitor of the Montavllla school for trimming 100 trees in the wake of the silver thaw, met with disfavor in Mr. Wittenberg's eyes. He declared Janitors were not paid for that kind of work and that he had conscripted the janitor of the Atchison school into that kind of service without a bilL "A continual fight to keep out of Reufism." murmured Mr. Wittenberg, after the objectionable bill had been turned over to the tender mercies of Assistant Superintendent Grout with in structions to tell the Janitor the board wouldn't allow it. 'Since they began raising that $50,000 fund, we've got to be careful," added H. C. Campbell. "Careful, gentlemen, there's a reporter present.'' cautioned Mr. Wittenberg and Mr. Campbell subsided. Given Year In Penitentiary. , HILXSBORO. Or., March 23. (Spe- OWN YOUR OWN HOME , risi lROSE Qty Ra.rk i? 1 r - sj .. . - H fjf ASKE PAGE UJ. cial.) John T. McNamara today plead ed guilty to Blmple- larceny In a dwelling and was sentenced to one year In the penitentiary by Judge T. A. MeBride. The original, indictment was for. burglary and the defendant first pleaded not guilty.' Owing to the fact .that .McNamara . was under the influence of liquor -when be entered the Healatin Hotel and robbed the room, his attorneys made a fight on the question of intent. District At torney Hedges agreed to reduce the charge to larceny if the defendant would plead guilty, and the comprom ise was effected. McNamara gained considerable noto rlety at Tillamook last Winter by ant- ing as a deputy for Sheriff Crenshaw, of Tillamook, and securing evidence of illicit liquor sales. PHOTO POST CARDS SCEKERT. Kiser Co. Lobby Imperial Hotel. A eatln skin secured using- 'Satin skis cream and Satin akin face powder. 25c. The reason that Smith's packed meats, hams, bacon, lard and sausages are so superior to Beef Trust stock is because they are fresh Oregon meats, of mild cure, sugar cure, smoked from day to day, ready for immediate use, absolutely free from chemicals of any sort. Smith's meats do not heed chemicals because they are put up to be sold and eaten. Smith's meats are not' made to keep. FRANK L SMITH MEAT CO. 226-228 Alder Street, Between First and Second Streets. "FIGHTING THE BEEF TRUST." TO OUR' COUNTRY SHIPPERS: Ship your Easter milk-fed lambs ( dressed or alive ) to arrive not later than Friday morning. We can use great quantities of dressed fat veal, large and small sizes.- We want dressed chickens, also. ' Contrast Smith's meats with Beef Trust meats, put up in Chicago, shipped by slow freight across the conti nent, distributed through the Trust's local packinghouses. You have no idea of the age of the meat. The Trust MUST use acids to keep its meat from spoiling. Here are a few of Smith's prices: ' . Sirloin and Tender loin Beef Steak. .. .121, Rib Beef Steak, short . cut .......... 12i2f Prime Rib Roast Beef 10 Choice Round Steak. 10 Leg Roast of Veal from milk-fed calves 12141 Small Legs Pig Pork.l2iZ Small Lean Shoulders of Pig Pork 1214 Choice cuts of Beef to Boil and Stew 5 Our Own Sugar-Cured Hams and Break- ; fast Bacon -7y2 Our Fancy Lard in 5 , . and 10-lb. pails . 12