THE MOK.MAU UKEUOMAJf, TUESDAY, MARCH 26, 1907. 13 FOR RENT. Flat. Unfurnished apartments. - Fou r-room su I 1 es new and mbdern, bathroom with each; steam heat, hot and cold water, etc. Apply to janitor on premises, 7th and Jefferson sts., or phono Main 2506. MODERN FLATS. ALL SIZES. FOR RENT. East and West Sides. Portland Trust Company of Oregon. S. E. cor. ad and Oak. Phone Exchange 72. FOR RENT 5-ROOM STRICTLY MODERN flat, walk Ins: distance; rent $34. M. E. Lep, room 20, Raleigh bldg., Wash ington St. FOR RENT H-ROOM UPPER FLAT FOR J22..V) per month. M. E. Lee, room 20. Raleigh bldg.. :t23Vi Washington st. FOR RENT SUITE OF 5 HOUSEKEEP ing rooms, with bath, hot and cold water, art! Freemont at., near Union ave. 5-ROOM FLAT. STEAM HEAT. HOT water, excellent neighborhood. central, adults. Phona Pacific 1908. i-ROOM FLAT AND BATH. ROOSEVELT, East end Steel bridge. FOR KENT 5-ROOM FLAT. 015 WASH. Housekeeping Rooms. M2 12TH ST. 3 nice largo rooms; gas range, everything new and clean; hot and cold water all the ttme, free phone, porcelain bath, nice large yard, at reasonable price. DIKTZMUELLER CO.. 229-30 Lumber Exchange. THE ROWLAND APARTMENTS. 6niH Washington, cor. 20th Nicely furnished housekeeping rooms, gas ranges, hot water, free bath, free phone, both floors; nice sunny suites $10 and $12 per month; best rooms In city or money. NEW UNFURNISHED 4-ROOM APART ment with bath, steam heat, hot and cold water, gas range, refrigerator; very con venient and fine location. Apply to jani tor. 7th and Jefferson ats. Phone Main 250G. THE ON EON T A, 187 17TH ST.. NEAR Yamhill New house, elegantly furnished. In suites of 2. 3 and 4 rooms, hot and cold water, gas range each kitchen; steam heat, baths, free phone each floor; no children. GOOD FURNISHED OR UNFURNISHED housekeeping and sleeping-rooms. $1.25 week each. Five-room and 7-room houses. All on West Side. Apply 3C4 N. 2Gth. cor. fevler. W cars. fe6 CORBETT ST. FOUR FURNISHED housekeeping rooms with bath, phone and pasj on 3d at. car line, opposite Children a .Home; private family; reasonable rent; no rdldren. 14 CLAY; 4-ROOM FURNLSHBD House keeping flat, second floor; wood stoves; gas tv light and cook in it : adults; no other tenant!-; references. Main 3891 and Main 2o32. DESIRABLE. REASONABLE UNFURNISH efl rooms, brick building; no transient lodg ers ; cen tral ly located, sav ing carfare and time. 211 2d and Salmon. THREE WELL-FURNISHED ROOMS, HUN nlng water in kitchen, fine location; private family. Phone Main 7101, between & and P. M. tWO OR THRRE FURNISHED OR UNFUR nJhed housekeeping rooms, rent reasonable; pone, gas and bath. 402 Clay. Pari Ac Wi8. 1PARTMENT OF THREE ROOMS FUR nlfhed oomfortabte for housekeeping at 14 11 th st. ; gas, bath, phone ; strictly modern. $1.2S WEEK UP CLEAN FURNISHED housekeeping rooms; furnace heat; laun dry, bath. 203 Stanton. Take U car. TWO NEWLY FURNISHED CONNECTING rooms, large, convenient, separate en trance, nico yard, close in. 331 14th. rwo NEWLY FURNISHED HOUSBK EEP ing rooms; modern, fine location. 193 14th, cor Taylor. Phone Main 1103. ;i7.tK) THREE NICELY FURNISH ED rooms in cottage; gas range, porcelain bath and sink; adults. BIO 1st at. 304 ALDER ST., COR. 10TH NICELY furnished room. 1st floor; running water; also single rooms. 431 MAIN ST. SUITE OF FURNISHED housekeeping rooms; bath, gas, phone; cen tral: no children. 120 12TH ST.. NEAR' WASHINGTON TWO rr three attractive housekeeping room. Phone Main 1492. 342 CLAY 3 FURNISHED ROOMS; LIGHTS, Ka range, efnk In kitchen, bath. Pacific 2IHI6. No children. TWO NEATLY FURNISHED HOUSEKEEP Ing rooms, $12 month. Corner llth-Davla. 435 Davit. FOR RENT TWO NICE ROOMS AT ISO loth at.; outside door; ground floor; $12.50 a month. 3 HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS, MODERN. alfj one large room, very nice, 5S0 or 403 Second. 4 UNFURNISHED ROOMS FOR HOUSE- Keeping; gas ana bath, lui Grand ave.. North. NICELY FURNISHED HOUSEKEEPING rooms, close in, gas, bath, phone. 143 'A 11th. UNFURNISHED ROOMS FOR Wfirsrc keeping. 42 'r: Washington. Phone Pacific $12 FOUR ROOMS. NEATLY FURNISHED, gas plate. Keel range; key 620 7th. Main 429. 313 14TH 2 LARGE CONNECTING ROOMS, furnished for housekeeping; bath and phone. FOR RENT NICELY FURNISHED HOUSE keeping room?; rent reasonable. 107-a 3d st. FURNISHED HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS. $10 Hiuiiui ; i rco cam, p ii one, zi t ;v lth St. 5 WELL FURNISHED HOUSEK EBP ING rooms; piano, phone and gas. 449 6th st. 3-4 HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS, MODERN Clay st. SUITE OF HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS. 228 inn wz. Houses. 7 I tOO MS. COR. 7TH AND MULTNOMAH sfrtitly modern and up-to-date; rent $25 vr montn; win give lease ror one or tw years. PIETZ-MUELLER CO.. 229-30 Lumber Exchange. FOR RENT APRIL 1, FINE MODERN 10 rnom huse on KIiik's Heights, near King street; hot water heating, porcelain tubs. B. electric ltphts. etc.; the only home In this choice locality for rent. Donald Mac. leod Company, &17 Chamber of Commerce. ROOM HOUSE. 748 E. TAYLOR. . .$27 0 -ioom nouse. war tioiraoni 17-r.o 4 rooms at "SO E. Ankeny J2.0O 6-room house. 130 Grand ave. X. . . . 25-00 r w. TORGLER, 106 Sherlock bldg. A NEWLY TAPERED FOUR-ROOM COT tase, Lincoln st., suitable for man and wife; references required. Apply FOR RENT GOOD 8-ROOM HOUSE. West Side, walking distance. Very reason able. Kennedy & Hlckok. 325 Lumber Ex. cnange. FOR RENT ALMOST NEW MODERN 8 room house; nice lawn, by April 1. to re- wponmnm. mpany tenant. J'hune Main 2474. FIVE-ROOM HOl'SB IN FULTON PARk! hot and cold water, bath ; furniture for saie. inquire waehlngton st. 622 WILLIAMS AVE S-ROOM COTTAGE, lawn, gas for cooking. lighting, heating, b-ithroom, $18. Pitlluger. :!4I Morrison. FOR RENT 1 2-ROOM. CENTRAL LOCA . tion. M. E. Iee. room 20. Raleigh bldg. 323 tj Washington st. FOR RENT NEW MODERN 8-ROOM FLAT 14714 21st st. North. Pallett. MODERN 7-ROOM HOUSE. 251 N. 2lst. Furnished! Jloaaea. COM PLET ELY Ft RNISH ED. 5 ROOM S, nam, gas, yani ; waiKins ai stance ; refer ences exchanged. Pacific 671, mornings evenings. ONLY $37.50 COMPLETELY FURNISHED -room house. 20th and E. Morrison; new porcelain batb, gas range. S12 Alisky bldg. 6IX- ROOM HOI " SE. W ELL FURNISHED, fine piano, gtxxi location, reasonable; no children ; reference. Main 2160. 7-ROOM HOUSE. COMPLETELY FUR nlshed for rent for a term of months. 774 Hoyt st. FURNISHED 4-ROOM TTAGE: ELECTRIC light, bath; central. Inquire 273 7th. A 4-ROOM COTTAGE, FURNISHED. 483 E. Clay. FOR KENT. Houses for Rent Furniture for Sale. FOR SALE CHEAP' MODERN -6-ROOM furnished flat; hot and cold water and all modern conveniences; 3 rooms rented to steady tenants; centrally located. Inquire 54 th, cor. of Davis. 4, H AND 7-ROOM HOUSES. FURNISHED or unfurnished: also housekeeping rooms; all on West Side. Apply 364 N. 26th, cor. Savler. W cars. FURNITURE FOR SALE, GOOD AS NEW; corner 4-room apartment, modem, hot water, private entrance. Phone Pacific 904. FURNITURE 4-ROOM APARTMENT FOR sale; rooms for rent. Columbian Apart ments. 11th and Columbia. Janitor. FURNITURE OF ft-ROOM HOUSE FOR sale, cheao If taken at once, fine location; rooms all rented. 104 11th st- 7-ROOM MODERN HOUSE, WEST SIDE, for rent, furnished, or will sell furniture. Inquire 190 1st St.. 5-ROOM MODERN HOUSE FOR RENT. OR will sell furniture; iaat to me. close in. Inquire 1D0 1st st. SIX ROOMS. COSILY FURISHBD; GAS AND wood range; modern; one year; yara. ow . Burikride at. Store. NEWLY FINISHED, ""TELY MOD- ern stores in DricK Duiiamg, on rw. w. cor ner Sixth and. Davis street; see us for par ticulars. PARRISH. W ATKINS & CO., 2.V) Alder st. FINE MEAT MARKET CORNER. BAR ber or tailor, Russell st; $18, with living rooms; will lease entire building. 600 East Oak. mornings. CORNER STORE. 3D AND COLUMBIA Thoroughly renovated. reasonable. 202 Alisky bldg. Call 12 to 1:30. STORE FIRST-CLASS LOCATION FOR druggist, near Washington st. Donald G. Woodward, agent. 104 2d st. FOR RENT ONE-HALF OF LARGE STORE on Washington st. Call 413 Washington st. Office. WE HAVE A LARGE ROOM IN REAR portion of 2-story brick building, tith, near Oak, 20x30 feet. Good light. Will rent separately or together. Low rent. Lease if desired. Portland Trust Company of Ore gon. S. E". cor. 3d and Oak. FRONT OFFICES AND ROOMS ON COURT, single and en suite; good elevator service; steam heat, gas and electric light and power; hot and cold water in every room: best location. Swetland bldg., 5th and Washington. GROUND FLOOR OFFICE. FIFTH ST., near Stark; counter, private office; rea sonable rent, including telephone. SENGSTAKE & LYMAN, 80 5th st. GOOD OFFICES, FRONT AND BACK rooms; elevator and light, heat and water services. Raleigh bldg., tith and Washington ats. OFFICES TO RENT IN GOOD BUILDINGS at moderate rate. Apply to Robert fatrong, 314 Worcester bldg. 20x40 SECOND FLOOR, S- W. COR, 5TH and Oak; corner room.; steam heat. HALF OF OFFICE OR DESK ROOM. 1O0 -a st. Room 4. FOR RENT DESK ROOM. 205-6 MOHAWK bldg. BUSINESS CHANCES. SHARES OF STOCK FOR SALE IN WELL established business, par value $100 each. This stock will advance to $200 a share on April 15; parties buying stock must be willing to give time to business and be able to do carpenter bench work. Unless you mean business please do not answer, Address W 01, Oregonian. EXCEPTIONAL BARGAIN CORNER CASH grocery, $12m0 stock for $800; or will ln- .!!. ana give discount; new Dunaing, with 14 rooms for $2o rent, with lease. Chance for free rent. Circumstances com pel sale. Square deal. Investigate this1. 517 viua ave., Montaviiia line. BLACKSMITH AND WAGON SHOP FOR sale; only wagon shop In town of 14.000 p jj-ulatron ; Implement store can be had In connection ; electric power; good loca tion, laning neaitn tne reason ror seaing. For particulars address E 71, Oregonian. ROOMING-HOUSE BARfiAIN. Popular house in heart of city; furnish ings the best; lease; a great money maker; urgent reason for selling; worth p-jvu. x win sen ior ?-ou casn. V 73. Oregonian. Agents need not investigate. CEMENT BUSINESS OWVFR IS UI!ST looking after the men at work and wants partner he can trust to tend office, collect. pay tne neip. etc.; this business has hiich est atanding and wilt pay you at least $20 a montn as your share; small capital re quired. Particulars, 24SVs Stark st. WE HAVE THE BEST MONEY-MAKIN proposition on the Coast for party with a few hundred dollars and services; no t heap John business, but one that will bear the closest Investigation; if you mean business call room 24, Raleigh bldg. FOR SALE A BRAND-NEW STOCK OF clothing and boots and shoes, in a booming town; two new railroads building and large tunnels; doing a good business; owner must leave for California on account of his health. Address K. A. Adelherg. Kah lotus, Wash. AN ESTABLISHED FOUNDRY AND PLAT lng plant requires capital to care for its rapidly growing business; a good oppor tunity for a competent man with capital; give particulars. Aaaress w . jacKSon, 2 E. 2d ave., Spokane, Wash. WANTED AT SPRINGFIELD. OR., PARTY to start a laundry; will insure a good business; Inducements to a eash and door factory: exceptional opportunity; also a good baker to establish bakery. Address Springfield commercial ciud. FOR SALE A FIRST-CLASS JOB PRINT ing business, paying good monthly divi dends: .owner must quit business on ac count of health; price $3000 cash; this is a first-class proposition. Address O u oregonian. PARTNER WANTED TO INVEST $1500 IN business that will clesr $400 a month here in city; orrice man preterrea, tnougn not an solutelv necessary. Call today from 10 A. M. to 3 P. M. or any time tomorrow. Room 415 r lledner bldg. ' CORNER WITH GOOD 2-STORY BUILD ing near E. Morrison bridge, suitable for hotel or small manufacturer; will give lase for $100 month. F. O. Northrup & Co., 211 Commercial block. WILL SELL AT INVOICE THE BEST GEV- eral store In the v alley: is clearing 4(H0 owner retiring; if you are a merchant, don't ml Ms this opportunity. M. C. Da via Co., 16 Hamilton bldg. Alain 4610. FURNITURE OF 14-ROOM ROOM1NG hou!e. all full: 3 blocks from Morrison; best location in city; rent price Agents need not answer. V IOO. Oregonian. MEAT MARKET FOR PALE FINE LOCA tion; good business; owner sick; lump or invoice. Hawtnorne Kealty Co., H5 Mar guerite ave.. cr. Hawthorne. Tabor 516 FOR SALE AT $3200, A GROCERY More doing about $26,000 yearly ales and good chance for Increasing; leaae and cheap rent. Address E 91. Oregonian. FIRST-CLASS SALOON. NETTING $4rtt) every month: which win be fruaranted to you ; terms. Particulars 320 Lumber Exchange, 2d and Stark sts. FOR SALE" OR WILL EXCHANGE FOR town property or a ranch, three promising quartz claims. Eastern Oregon. For par ticulars, K 9J. Oregonian. ROOMING-HOUSE FOR $38(1037 ROOMS, corner brick, pood location; furniture good a.4 new; investigate; no agents. T 100, Ore gonian. PARTNER WANTED IN WELL-EST A fl ushed business that gets the money. $1000 to $1500 required. Address L 93. Orego nian. PARTNER. FOR WOOD AND COAL YARD to check wood. Particulars 320 Lumber Exchange, 2d and Stark sts. SNAP ROOMING-HOUSE 10 NEWLY FUR nlshed rooms; cheap rent; lease or will trade for lot. 564 Savler. FOR SALE AN UP-TO-DATE MEAT market; good tools and fixtures. F. A. Meyer, McMInnvllle. Or. FOR SALE NICE LITTLE CORNER GRO cerv. cigars, notion, confectionery, $350. Phone Pacific 012. WANTED CIGAR OR CONFECTIONERY" store; $300 to $500 for cash. AUdreea G S6, Oregonian. GROCERY. NEW. CLEAN STOCK. LUMP er Invoice; good reason for selling. 154 N. 14lh st. ROOMING-HOUSE WANTED 12 TO 20 rooms: have the cash. A duress D 90, Ore cm lan. BUSINESS CHANCES. MONEY-MAKER. 20 "rooms. Washington at., nicely fur nished; rent $100; 2-year lease; now, here is a first-clas buy; price only $2500. DIETZ-MUELLER CO.. 220-30 Lumber Exchange. WANTED AT SPRINGFIELD, OR.. PARTY to start cannery: excellent location; also condensed milk plant; natural point for tannery; plenty of hides; best location in Valley for nursery; soil Ideal; no nursery in Lane, a fruit county; railroads north, south, east and west for shipping in raw material and shipping out finished prod uct. Address Commercial Club, Spring field, Or. REAL GOOD BUY. - -40 rooms; steam heat, hot and cold water In all rooms; elegantly furnished; long lease at low rent; be sure and oee this; price only $4000. DTETZ-MUELLER CO.. 229-0 Lumber Exchange. HOTELS OUR SPECIALTY. If your hotel is for sale. In or out of the city, bring It to us and we will procure- a purchaser without publicity. Refer ence Hotel Men's Association. P. L. AUSTEN & CO., Original Hotel Brokers, Suite 122 to 12(3. Ablngton bldg. Phone Main 24S8. FOR 8A LB ONE-THIRD OR ONE-HALF merest in an established mercantile bual ness In Eastern Oregon; sales $55,000 a year. U. 8. Government spending ever a million Co Hans now In an Irrigation project within eight mile A gilt-edge opportu nity, open to Investigation. For further In formation write to Poatofflcs Box 02, Echo. Or. 1000 PER CENT PROFIT OR BETTER IN a manuiacturlng company's stock; nothing equals this enterprise as a money-maker; dividends will be enormous; investigate; large or small ' investments accepted; orders taken to buy or sell stocks and bonds on the Portland Stock Exchange. W. J. Curtis. 215 Commercial block. THE AMES MERCANTILE AGENCY HAS inside information regarding business open ings in this territory; their correspondents keep them posted on all desirable offerings. Merchants looking for location in this city or In country towns are invited to call. Information of this kind free. The Ames Mercantile Agency, Ablngton bldg. LOOK RESTAURANT: MUST SELL; $425. orm siuuo; nrst -class place; one ot tne finest locations In the city; good prices; rea sons, for selling cannot be published; cheap rent; large range and good dishes; making good money; investigate thie. II. V. Gar land & Co., 16a 4th st. BUY NOW POTICIE MINING CO. STOCK at 14 cents, not one share of stock will be sold April 1 less than 20' cents; in less than 6 months this stock will be worth $1. "For information call, at 125 Ablng ton Didg. FOR SALE: BRICK HOTEL, THREE iory xuz, 4a rooms. lurntsnea; oniy first-class hotel In Nevberg. Price $3000. If taken at once. Address N- Welter, kox 20ft Ksnhsrir fW OFFICE MAN WITH $1000 CAN BUY HALF interert in a safe cash business that cleared $3O00 to each partner last year, and doing nener so iar tnin year; Dana reierences. Particulars 248 Stark st. SPECIAI CHANCE TODAY FOR MAN with $200 to get Interest In a strictly cash business as partner that will pay you '?4 a ay; experience unnecessary. i-B;a otarK st. GOOD CLEAN STOCK OF GROCERIES for sale; S2800; good business, good loca tion; best reasons for selling; don't answer unless you mean business. B Mi. Oregonian. PARTNER WANTED SOLID BUSINESS: S2.VH) required; duties easily learned; owner gives banK references and guarantees you 0i) a month. Particulars Stark st AN INTEREST IN REAL ESTATE Busi ness for sale; partner leaving the state; a good opportunity; city experience not necessary. Address N 0.1, Oregonian. $1700 WILL BUY TWO GOOD STORE buildings and lot. renting easily for $23 per month. See Ford & Wells, office at Stewart s Station,- on Mt. bcott line. 300 BUYS HALF INTEREST IN FINE TIM ber business; am thoroughly acquainted with Oregon and Washington ; able cruiser; nrst-ciass salesman, j iw, uregonian. WE HAVE SEVERAL NICE. CLEAN, small lodging-houses that can be bought very reasonable. For information call Sun Investment Co., 224 Madison. FOR SALE GOOD PAYING BAKERY business in best and most attractive town in Southern Oregon. For particulars ad dress Lock Box 16, Ashland. Or. FOR SALE FURNITURE OF 12-ROOM lodging-house; also contains 5 housekeeping rooms; bargain if taken right away. Owner in other business. 10 13 3d et. BUTCHER SHOP. A food business will aell at Invoice price. zoa Aitsky Bldg. GOODALE & CO. FOR SALE MEAT MARKET FIXTURES brand new; eell at half cost: building for lease. Aaare&s mi Main, .rnone Main 4 its;. Call between 7 and 8 P. M. TWO SALOONS FOR SALE. BOTH ON good corners, one for $3500 and one for S450O. Terms. Address V. K., care Theo Bismarck. Aberdeen. W ash. WANTED MAN WITH $200 WHO DESIRES a flrst-clafw business location; 2 years lease and fixtures. Canadfan Employment Co., -l North becond st. ADDITIONAL CAPITAL PROCURED FOR meritorious enterprises: bond and stock is sues flold. Hunter & Crane, brokers, 1S5 Market st.. Newark, w. J. ISEST MONEY-MAKING PROPOSITION ON the Coast for reliable party with few hundred dollars and services. Room 24, Raleigh bldg. FURNITURE 12-ROOM HOUSE, WELL furnished, centrally located. Income $95; cheap r?nt; terms, $650. Hatfield & Smith, 105 4th st. WANTED PARTNER WITH SMALL CAP ital for traveling show ; profits $10 to $50 daily: experience unnecessary.' T 87, Ore gonian. SHOEMAKER SHOP, FULLY EQUIPPED with furnished living rooms. 230 3d st. $125. Ren $13. L. E. Thompson & Co., 228 3d st. FOR SALE NEATLY FURNISHED BAR ber shop in Western Montana. For de tails apply to Lewls-Stenger B. S. Co. FLOUR AND FEED STORE. LOW RENT, lease, good location ; could add groceries; snap. Winks, 405 Lumber Exchange. FOR SALE ONE OF THE BEST CIGAR stores In city: good business; low rent; long lease. Address W 94, Oregonian. MANUFACTURING PARTNER WANTED for growing business; $2000 required, se cured. Particulars, 2484s Stark st. HOTEL. CLEARING $600 A MONTH OVER and above all expenses: S550O. 325 Lum ber Exchange. 2d and Stark ste. $12Ti SUBURBAN REAL ESTATE OFFICE?; long lease. $10 a month on office and dwell ing. 34, 227 Washington st. SMALL GROCERY. CLEAN STOCK. NICE cash business; good location; cheap for cash Applv W. Hull. 5 1st st. B I "TTE R AND EG G BUS I NESS $ 1 00 dally cash sales, particulars 320 Lumber Exchange, 2d and Stark sts. FOR SALE FIRST-CLASS BAKERY ON Ac count of sickness; $1500 business per month. City Banery, vancouvrr, wju FOR SALE ROOMING-HOUSE. 47 ROOMS, for $2200. for cash; a map If taken at once. 22 N. 3d St. Pacific 1683. SAVE MONEY ANYTHING IN PRINTING See Madden, Oddfellows' Temple, 1st and Alder sts., upstairs. REST A U R A NT A ND LUNCH COUNT ER for $600; cleacs easily $200 a month. Full particulars 24h Stark st. WELL-EQUIPPED MACHINE AND BLACK smith shop for aale very reasonable, 263 Aeh st. $400 24-ROOM HOTEL. 18 BOARDERS, clearing $100 month. Owner. 511 Goldsmith FOR SALE SMALL POOL HALL CHEAP, if taken this week. Inquire 51 H 3d 6t. 11 -ROOM ROOMING-HOUSE FOR SALE. 794 Thurman street. PER SON AI Prof. Felix, K. Z.. miracles of magnetic healing and suggestive. 145 6th st. YOUNG LADY GIVES . TREATMENTS. Ladies only. 323 Yamhill. Room 5. PERSONAL. LADIES, ONE WORD WITH " YOU 23 the treatment of diseases peculiar to wom en should be sufficient guarantee to those seeking the aid of an experienced phy sician and Burgeon. I have assisted hun dreds of anxious and suffering women. I can assist you. If in trouble, no matter from what cause, call on old Dr. J. D. Gray, the old reliable specialist; no charge for consultation or advice. 251 Alder st., corner 3d., Portland, Or. Correspondence sacredly confidential. DR. MARY LANE. Late superintendent of Chicago Women's Hospital, treats diseases of women exclu sively; ladies will consult their best inter, ests by communicating with me; no fee for consultation: correspondence absolutely confidential; maternity cases given special attention. Sanitarium and" offices, 253 Alder, corner 3d, Portland, Or. Phone Main 2796. SUITS PRESSED WHILE YOU WAIT. 50c To visitors of Portland hotels ana to pun Ilc at large: Suits pressed at GOc at Gil bert, the tailor's, 106i 6th st., next to Quelle. Ladles' skirts pressed, 50c. Fea thers and. boas cleaned and curled. Phone Pacific 2tSS. NOTICE OF REMOVAL A. REINER. THE furrier, will move from Lewis bldg. Marcn 1. Looking for suitable location. For pres ent may be found at residence. 252 N. 19th st. Phone Pac. 2497. Will call and give estimates as usuaL THE CELEBRATED STAR HAIR REMEDY is guaranteed to restore gray hair to its natural color, promotes the growth of hair and removes dandruff; not greasy. Paris Hair Store, 308 Washington St., sole agents. Dress suits for rent, all sizes $1 month Keeps your ciotnes cieantu, jjresscu, uuv tons sewed on, rips sewed. Prompt calls and deliveries. Unique Tailoring Co., 309 Stark street. Manly vigor restored by Dr. Roberts' Nerve Globules. One months treatment, j; o months, $5. Sent securely sealed by mall. Agents, Woodard, Clarke & Co., Portland. Mme. Courtright, skin and scalp treatment; removed; also facial blemishes; plastic surgery, 223 Flledner bldg. Main 5042. LOST POWERS RESTORED BY THE great Dr. Lorenz" Nerve Tonic Tablets; 25c a box. Write or call at Eyssel's Pharmacy, 227 Morrison St.. between 1st and 2d. "SON OF A SWORD-MAKER," "TURKEY Egg Griffin." "The Harkriders," "The Starbucks." by Ople Read, 25c each; list free. A. W. Schmale Co., 229 1st. LADIES DR. KETCHUM. GRADUATE and registered, treats any and all your complains with skill and success, 170 H 3d, corner Yamhill. Pacific 2220. GEORGE RUBENSTEIN, RELIABLE Op tician Will make your eyeglasses better and cheaper than anywhere else. 183 4th St.. near Yamhill. MRS. DR. HUNTLEY. PHYSO-THERA-path Cures rheumatism, nervous disor ders and paralysis. 537 Washington st. Pacific 2691. MOLES, wrinkles, superfluous hair removed. No charjre to talk it over. Mrs. M. D. Hill. Room 330 Flledner bldg. Pacific 135. STUDENTS OF THE INTERNATIONAL Correspondence Schools are invited to visit our Portland office. 514 McKay bldg. WIDOWER WITH SOME MEANS WOULD like to correspond with lady, object mat rimony. Box $8S. Echo,' Or. . 300 NEAT VISITING CARDS WITH YOUR name. 50c; 50 for 35c; 250 business cards, $1. Scbmale Co.. 229 First.. RECENTLY OPENED MANICURING parlors, ladles and gentlemen. 351 Mor rison st., room 12. MEN NOT CURED OF THEIR SECRET ailments, call on Dr. Ketchum, 170 3d, Pacific 2229. MANICURING PARLORS FOR LADIES and gentlemen. 268 4 Morrison st., room 14. RUSSIAN BATH FOR MEN ONLY SWIM ming pool, tub bath, 25c 207 3d, near Taylor. MRS. DR. PAUL CROMWELL HAS opened up a branch office at 431 E. Alder street. K. G. NELLEN: PLEASE WRITE TO your friend. Jack G., at once. Hood River, Oregon. DR. ATWOOD, female diseases; maternity cases; private hospital. 8 Lewis bldg. P. 1703. TURKISH BATHS. 300 Oresonlan bldg.; la dies days, gentlemen nights. Phone Main 1938. Bust and neck developed. Oriental method; results guaranteed. 330 Flledner bldg. Pac. 135. DR. PAUL CROMWELL, the colored spe cialist. Sanitarium 127 N 12th. Main 6478. MANICURING AND CHIROPODY PAR lors; scalp and facial massage, 201 3d st. BALM OF FIGS FOR ALL FEMALE Dis eases. 626 E. Belmont. Phone East 4034. YOUNG LADY GIVES FACE AND SCALP massage. 343 Morrison, suite 1-2. LOST AM) FOUND. LOST MARCH 25, BETWEEN MORRISON st. bridge and Union ave., lady s reticule, containing purse. Return to Mrs. Newell, 370 E. Morrison; reward. LOST SM ALL FOX TERRIER; BLACK head and tail; one black spot on each side. Marking noticeably regular. Reward. J. D. Hart, 109 Sherlock bldg. Phone Main 585. FOUND A PLACE TO HAVE HAIR MAT- tresses renovated and returned same day. 22S Front st Main 474. Portland Curled Hair Factory H. Metzger. proprietor. LOST OPAL AND DIAMOND FRATER nlty pin, between the Portland Hotel and corner of 7th and Morrison sts. Liberal reward for return to 270 6th st. LOST ? BROWN COCKER SPANIELS, male ana remaie; a reward, or io will be paid for return to Houston House, No. 65 N. 6th st. . LOST BLACK SILK WATCH FOB WITH amethyst seal. Finder please return. 351 West Park; reward. - FOUND PURSE WITH MONEY; OWNER describe and pay ad. E. W. White, 3,15 Oregonian bldg. FOUND A DOG. GIVE KIND AND DE- rip tion to claim the same. Q 04, Orego- LOST A BLACK CAT. RETURN TO 163 East loth st. Phone East 792. Reward. LOST LADIES' BACK COMB, ciflc 2493. 190 Lownsdale t. PHONE PA- FINANCIAL. THERE ARE MANY PLANS, But it will pay you to learn ours when you are in need of "Ready Cash." We can help you and without publicity. You can get the money you need from us on your salary and repay in small payments suited to your own circumstances. It costs you nothing to call on us and we assure you of courteous treatment, whether yon borrow or not. Open Tuesday and Satur day until 8 P. M. HUTTON CREDIT CO., 512 (Fifth Floor) Dekum Bldg. THE STAR LOAN COMPAXY. Any salaried employe, wage-earner, can get on his note, without mortgage (con fidential). Month. -month. Week. $r0 Repay to us. .$13.33 or $6.65 or $3.35 $25 Repay to us. .$ 6.65 or $3.20 or $1.65 $15 Repay to us. $ 4.00 or $2.00 or $1.00 210 M KAY BLDG.. 102 THIRD. THE CRESCENT LOAN CO.. 428 MOHAWK bldg. Loans to salaried employes on note, without mortgage; easy payments. Month. -month. Week. $50 Repay to us.. $13.33 or $6.65 or $3.35 $25 Repay, to us. .$ 6.25 or $3.50 or $1.65 $15 Repay to u-$ 4 00 or $2.00 or $1.00 We meet any rate, time or terms. Main 2041. LOANS MADE TO SALARIED PEOPLE holding permanent positions and respon sible firms; easy payments and strictly confidential: also CHATTED LOANS on personal property; rooming-bouses a specialty. , NEW ERA LOAN & TRUST COMPANY, 205 Ablngton Building. MONEY LOANED TO SALARIED PEOPLE Just on your own name; no other security necessary; don't borrow until you see me; my system is the best for railroad men, clerks, bookkeepers, streetcar men and all other employes; business strictly confiden tial. F. A. Newton, 424 Ablngton bldg. LONA8 ON EASY PAYMENT PLAN TO salaried people; lowest rates, strictly con fidential. Employes Loan Co... room 710 The Dekum, 3d and Washington. Phone 224. LOW 1 Furniture, etc.; confidential. 228 Flied- I ner bldg., 10th and Wash. Pacific 2659. RAX 3. . FTNANC1AI. . MONEY TO LOAN. Oh improved city property or for build ing purposes, for from 3 to 10 years' time, with privilege to repay all or part of loan, after two years. Loans approved from plans and money advanced as building progresses; mortgages taken up and re placed. - T FKED H. STRONG. Financial Agent. . . 242 Stark Street. MONEY. ADVANCED SALARIED PEOPLE and others upon their own names without '. security: cheapest rates, easiest payments; offices In 00 principal cities, save yourself money by getting our terms first. TOLMAN. 223 Ablngton bldg., 106 3d St. WANTED Notes, mortgages or contracts on any kind of real estate in Oregon or Wash ington; 2d mortgages purchased If well se cured. H. E. Noble, 312 Commercial blk. $7503 TO LOAN FOR CLIENT FOR TWO years at 6 per cent on city real estate. VA. H. Tanner. 609 Commercial blk., cor. 2d and Washington sts. MONEY TO LOAN. REASONABLE RATES; real estate, chattel mortgage or personal security; notes bought. C. W. Pallett, 304 Fenton building. siooo to tioo.oeo to loan in SUMS TO suit at 5 to 7 per cent on improved realty. M. G. Griffin, 266 Stark, opp. c. of Com. LOANS ON FURNITURE. PIANOS AND other securities, lowest rates. S. W. King, room 45, Washington bldg. Phone Main ' 6100. MONEY LOANED IN SUMS OF $5 AND ud on all kinds of security. W. A. Hatha. way, room 10. Washington bldg. Pacific MORTGAGE LOANS AT CURRENT RATES no commission. Columbia Life & Trust Company, LumDer n,xcnange bldg. $30O0 OR LESS IN SUMS TO SUIT ON real estate; charges reasonable. Inquli j. ri. Miaaieton, 011 tnamoer commerce. MONEY LOANED IN SMALL OR LARGE sums on improved, and unimproved real estate. W. H. Nunn. 552 Sherlock block. IMMEDIATE LOANS FROM $5 TO $5000 on all securities. R. I. Eckerson ft Co., room o, wasmnBTion uiug. r none rac 1331. G PER CENT MONEY TO LOAN FROM $1000 to $5000. Dean Land & Investment Co., 413 Commercial bldg. State funds loaned, 0 per ct. W. E. Thomas, state agt.. Multnomah Co.. 409 C. of Com.. MONEY TO LOAN ON ALL KINDS OF SE curity. Wm. Holl, rm. 9. Washington bldg. A LOAN FOR THE ASKING SALARY OR chattel. The Loan Co., 410 Dekum bldg. $500,000 TO LOAN AT 5 AND 6 PER CENT. Wm. G. Beck, room 312 Failing bldg. ON MORTGAGE $200 TO $3000, COST PA pers only. Ward. Lawyer, Alisky bldg. FECIAL NOTICES. Proposals Invited. PROPOSALS FOR WOOD AND COAL unemawa. Or., -March 8, 1907. Sealed proposals, plainly marked on the outside of the sealed envelone. "Pronosals for Wood or Coal," as the case may be, and addressed to the undersiened at Chemawa. Or., will be, received at the Indian School, until 2 o'clock P. M., April 8.- 1907, for xurnisning ana delivering; at the scnooi. as may be required during the fiscal year ending June 30, 1908, about 2000 cords of wooa ana 100 tons of coal, as per speci flcatlons and full Information to be ob talned at the school. Each bidder must state specifically in his bid the price of the wood or coal, per cord or ton, as the case may be, ofTered under contract. The fuel so offered will be subject to rigid Inspection. The right Is reserved to re ject any or all bids, or any part of any bid. If deemed for the best Interests of the service. Each bid must be accom panied by a certified check or draft upon some United States depository or solvent National bank, made payable to the order of the Commissioner of Indian Affairs, for at least 0 per cent of the amount or sucn Din. wnich check or drart snail oe ior felted to the United States In case any bidder receiving an award shall fall to execute promptly a satisfactory contract In accordance with the terms of his bid; otherwise to be returned to bidder. Bids accompanied by cash in lieu of certified check or draft will not be considered. For further Information apply to Edwin L. Chalcraft, Superintendent. PROPOSALE FOR BEEF. CORN, GRO cerlea, etc. Department of the Interior, Ofttc nf Indian Affairs Washington. D C 1 March 5, 1907. Sealed proposals, plainly marKea on tne outside 01 tne envelope "Pronosal for beef, corn." etc.. as thi case may be, and addressed to the "Com mlssloner of Indian Affairs. Washington, . D. C." will be -received at the Indian Office until 2 o clock P. M-, of Tuesday, Aorll 23. 1907. and then ooened. for fur nishing the Indian Service, with, rolled barley, beef, mutton, corn, salt, coffee, sugar, tea, soap, baking powder and other groceries. Bias must be made out on Gov ernment blanks. Schedules giving all nec essary Information for bidders will b furnished on application to the Indian orrice. Washington. D. C; the i s. in dlan Warehouses at New York City. Chi cago. 111.. St. Louis, Mo., Omaha, N eb. and San Francisco, Cal. ; the Commissary or Subsistence, U. S. A., at Cheyenne, Wyo.. the Quartermaster. U. S. A., Seat tie. Wash., and the postmasters at Tuc son, Portland. Spokane and Tacoma. Thi department reserves the right - to reject any and all bids, or any part of any bid. r. tj. ieupp, commissioner. SEALED PROPOSALS WILL BE RE celved at the office of the Lighthouse Board Washington. l. c until 2 o clock P. m. April 30. 1907. and then opened, for fur nishing the materials and labor necessary for the construction and delivery of eight twin-screw . steel steam ngntnouse tenders. . one or more to oe delivered eitner- at Asto ria, Oregon. San Francisco, Cal., Seattle, Wash.. Detroit. Mich., or TompklnsvllTe, N. Y-. in accordance with specifications. copies of which, with blank proposals and otner information, may be nad upon appu cation to the Lighthouse Board, Washing' ton, u. u. PROPOSALS FOR COAL OFFICE OF GEN eral Superintendent Army Transnort Service. San Francisco, Cal.. March 1.1907. Sealed proposals, in triplicate, for furnishing and delivering on board Army transport at San Franclco. average eteam coal, as may be required, will be received at this office until 12 M. April 1, 1907, and then opened. In formation furnished on application. Envelope; containing proposals should be indorsed "Proposals for Coal," addressed to General feupenntenaent Army Transport service. Miscellaneous. CITATION. UNITED STATES OF AMERT- ca, DiMrlct of Oregon, ss. : Whereas, a libel has been filed In the District .Court of the United States for the District of Oregon, on tne lotn day or March, iwjt. by G. C. Fui .ton, troctor on ben air of cauendar Navi Ration Company as libelants in a cause of contract, civil and maritime, against -the Bark Agate, her tackle, apparel and furni ture, and praying the usual process and monition 01 me i,oun, tnai an persons in terested' in said Bark, her tackle, apparel, machinery and furniture may be cited to ap pear and answer the premises and all due proceedings being had, that the said Bark may be decreed to be sold, and the proceedi thereof distributed according to law. There fore, In pursuance of said monition -under the seal of the said Court, to me directed and delivered, on the 15th day of March, 3907. I do hereby give notice, generally, un to all persons having, or pretending to have, any rlpht. title or Interest In the said Bark called the Agate, her tackle, apparel, machinery and furniture, to appear before the said court, in me city or .rortiano. 1 mid District, on the 6th day In May, 1907. next (if it be a Court day, or else on next flmirt dav thereaf ter at 10 o'clock, fore noon of a'ld day, then and there to answer the said libel, and to make Known their a legations in that behalf. Dated at Portland, in said District, thi? 23d day of March A. D. 1907. G. C. Fulton, Proctor for Callendar Navigation company. LaDenam. fnanw J. Reed, United States Marshal for the District of Oregon. APPLICATIONS FOR GRAZING PERMITS Notice is hereby given that all applications for nermiU tc craze cattle, horses and sheep within the Cascade Range Forest Reserve (northern division) during tne season of ibut. must be filed in my office at Portland, Ore- ron. rn or before April l. 1807. Full infor mation in regard to the grazing fees to be charred, and blank forms to be used la making application, will be furnished upon request, v. u. uroneou. inspector in cntnjc NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT THE annual meeting of the stockholders of the Oregon A California Railroad Company will be neio at tne orrice or me company In the Worcester Building. Portland. Tues day. April 9. 1007, at 11 o'clock A. M., for the election of a board of directors and for the transaction of such other business u may legally come before the meeting. yy. w. i 4. ur. secretary, ALASKA OIL AND GUANO CO. The an nual meeting of the stockholders of the Alaska Oil & Guano Co. will be held In the office of the company. 43 uoncora Diag.. roniana, jt. on Wednesday. Apni t, ac u:.$u a. m. BRYDON H. NICOLL. Secretary. BUSINESS DIRECTORY. Accountants. merce. Phone Main 3681. General account BUSINESS DIRECTORY. Accordion plaiting. MISs O. GOULD. 517 SWETLAND BLDG. Accordion and knife plaiting ana pi nit in 5. Art. THE A. BBRGER ART STUDIO HIGH- grade. portraits and landscapes; painting made to order. 544 Wash. st. Assayers and Analysts. GREENLEY CRAWFORD, ANALYTICAL chemists, mining engineers. 2U4tt vvasn lngton st. MONTANA ASSAY OFFICE, 18tJ MORRl- son st. Best facilities. Prices reasonaDia. PAUL BAUMEL. ASSAYER AND ANALYST Gold dust bought. 207 Alder st. Attorneys. I. T. JEFFREYS, ATTORNEY AT LAW. Nome. Alaska, will be In Portland until May 15. Any information desired or busi ness attended to In Alaska, call or ad dress 401 McKay bldg., Portland. Or. Carpenters and Builders. W. L. Buck ner. office, store flxutres. general jobbing, contracting. 3iiu staric. Main awi. Carpet Cleaning;. oyce Bros., proprietors of the Electric (. leaning WOrKS; carpeu cieanea ana ism; DOtn ary ana compresea air rieiung carnet reflttlnr our specialty: work euar anteed. Tel. M. 2672 and A. 2072. 270 Grant. lON'E RTRAM CARPET " CLEANING CO. Mattresses and feathers renovatea. -ci E. 21st north, cor. HolUday. Phone East 3tiO. Sanitary carpet cleaning carpets cleaned on floor; suction and compressed air. M. 90a Chlropodr and Manicuring. WM. DEVENY & EST ELL E DEVENY. THE only scientific chiropodists, parlors 3m Drew bldg.. 10Z 2d st. Phone Main loui Chiropody and Pedicuring. Mrs. M. D. Hill, room so Flteaner biaK. f none racmc joo. J. LIN DELL, expert chiropodist; all lnsiru ments sterilized. 702 Marauaro. Main 5250 Cleaning; and Dyeing. THE MADISON STEAM CLEANING AND pressing parlors, all work guaranteed, prompt service, repairing. French cleaning a specialty.' 247 Madison bet. 2d and 3d. Phone Pacific 1613. BERLIN DYE WORKS SPECIALTIES French dry cleaning, steam cleaning, dyeing to sample; reasonable prices, prompt ser vice. 347 2d. Main 417. Commission Merchants. HERMAN METZGER. PURCHASER OF maes, pens. rurs. wooi. monair. taiiow ana ruDDtr ana 01a metal ana general commis sion merchants. Front st., near Main, Port land. Or. Cash advanced on consignments. TAYLOR. YOUNG & CO., SHIP BROKERS ana commission mercnants. aneriocK mag. Portland, Or. D. C. BURNS CO.. GROCERS AND COM- mumton mercnants-, z mi so it. Dancing. DANCING LESSONS, 25c. classes or private waltzing, two-step, three-step, etc. ; stage dancing, buck and wing, clog, reel, skirt, Spanish. Highland fling, etc. Prof. Wal Wilson. Alisky bldg., 3d -Morrison. Woodward's Dancing School class, Mon Thur.. bat. eves.: 5 assistants; private les sons dally; social, fancy and step danc ing taught. 2d and Morrison. Pacific 1630. PROF. RINGLER. MISS BUCKENMEYER leading school daily; new' hall, best in city. Grand ave. and E. Morrison. E 5670. MATTINGLY ACADEMY OF DANCING. 269 14th, near Jefferson. Phone Main 3893. Dog and Horse Hospital. Dr. C. E. Brown. D. V. S-. D. C. M. Dog, horse hospital. 106 N. 6th st. Union Trans Co Educational. THE BEHNKE-WALKER BUSINESS COL lege will next ween form- new classes In mechanical ana industrial drawing for be glnners: German, Spanish and French classes will be added: all work for Dractlcal use. Avail yourself of this last opportunity 01 ine season oy enrol una bi once. MISS CALL. PRIMARY. GRAMMAR. PRE paratory grades; regular or special. 5S9 iu. Burnside. Phone East 2700. Gasoline Engn GASOLINE ENGINES. ALL SIZES AND styles, at lowest prices; also repairing, Reierson Machinery Co.,. 182-4--6 Morrison street. Fairbanks-Morse Stationary and Sheffield marine engines, best, rtgnt price. xst-atarK. Harness and Saddles. THE GEORGE LAWRENCE CO.. WHOLE sale saddle and harness mfs., leather and saddlery hardware. 80-S6 1st. Main 226. Junk, Hides and Pelts, L. 8HANK A CO., PURCHASERS OF hides, pelts, wool, furs, tallow, old rub bers, metals and sacks, si 2 Front st. Leather and Findings. J. A. 8TROWB RIDGE LEATHER CO. Es tabllshed 1S58. Leather and findings Stockton sole leather and cut stock; full line Eastern Jumbos, isu Front st. CHAS. L. MASTICK & CO., FRONT AND Oak sts. Leather and skins of every de scription for all purposes; sole and tap cutters" nnatngs. Machinery. B. TRENKMAN & CO.. MINING, SAWMILL, logging machinery, hydraulic pipes, cast lngs, all kinds repaired. iu4 N. 4th. Mining Brokers. COEUR D'ALENE AND NEVADA MINING stocks I am always in the market to buy or sell any first-class stocks or bonds. List your stocks with me. Get my prices before buying or selling. Loans made- on listed securities. -. if. urown, iu wasn. bid Musical. PROF. J. H. EVEREST, INSTRUCTOR OF violin, cornet and r rench horn; orches tras furnished. Phone East 1025. Studio ' Western Academy uf Music, 2d and Mor rison sts. - - Northwest Vlavt Company. Tilford bldg.. 30th and Morrison sts. "Health Taller to women j. nursaay at z:ao f. m. Osteopathic Physicians. DRS. ADDIX A NORTHRUP. 415-16-17 Dekum bldg. Third and Washington sts. Phone, office. Main 349. Residence, Main 13U3. Residence. East 1028. DR. ARNOLD LINDSAY, GRADUATD OF the osteopathic ouege 01 mrKsviue. Mo., who Is a specialist on rheumatism, stom ach and all female diseases. Office 410 Falling blag., cor. aa-wun. facinc 1862. DR. L. B. SMITH, PIONEER OSTEOPATH of Oregon, graduate Kirkvllle, Mo. 40 Oregonian bldg. Main 1242; res.- Main 2752. Patent Lawyer. R. C. WRIGHT, DOMESTIC AND FOREIGN . patents; infringement cases. 604 Dekum. Paint. Oils and Glass. RASMUSSEN & CO.. JOBBERS, paints, oils, glass, sash and doors. Cor. 2d and Taylor. F. E. Beach & Co.. the Pioneer Paint Co., Window glass and glazing. 135 1st. M. 1331. Fainting; and Paperhangfngr. For reliable work, reasonable prices Sheehy Bros., 282 H Yamhill, near 4th. Main 3072. Rubber Stamps. Rubber Stamps, Stencils, Seals, trade bag gage checks. P. C Stamp Works, 24d Alder. - ALSO SEALS. STENCILS. TEL SLUGS, BAR checks, etc Coast Co., 231 Stark. Tel. 14(7. Sign Painting. SIGNS "That Attract.") Portland Sign Co.. 287 Stark. Pac. 1396. Safes. DIEBOLD Manganese and fireproof safes ; lockouts opened; metal fixtures, vault and jail work; jacks. J.- E. Davis, 66 3d. Main 3655. . . . ... SECOND-HAND SAFES FOR SALE; GREAT baricalns. 70 6th st., .bet.. Oak and Pine, Showcases, Bank and Store Fixtures. R. H. Blrdsall, designer; agent M. Winter Lumber Co.. 7 Hamilton bldg. Main 5530. PORTLAND SHOWCASE & FIXTURE CO.. 348 1st st, near Market. Phone Pacific 1620. THE LUTKE MANUFACTURING CO., COB, 6th. And Hoyt. Phono Main 1108. BUSINESS DIRECTORY. Spiritualists. WITH THIS PAPER AD YOU WILL. , SAVE S4.00 I FOR A FEW DAYS ONLT. (A SPECIAL 5 READING FOR $1. ALWAYS CONSULT THE BEST. ' PROF. E. KHIMO. ASTRAL DEAD TRANCE CLAIRVOY ANT. NO CHARGE IF NOT SATISFIED WHEN READING IS OVER YOU TO BE JUDGE. I DO HEREBY SOLEMNLY AGREE AND GUARANTEE to make no charge 11 I fall to call you by name In full, names of your friends, enemies or rivals. I. prom lee to tell whether your husband, wife or sweetheart is true or false; tell you how to win the love of the one you most de sire, even though ml les away; how to suc ceed In buslnees, speculation, lawsuits; how to marry the one of your choice; how to regain youth, health and vitality. Re moves evil influences, cures drink habits, locates treasures, mines and oil wells; cures all nervous diseases. I WILL DO ALL OTHERS ADVERTISE TO DO, AND A GREAT DEAL MORE. THE ENTIRE WORLD HAS BEEN STARTLED WITH THE POWERS OF THE UNSEEN FORCES I HAVE AT MY COMMAND and I will prove it to you without price by giving you a FREE TEST FREE, by raving your NAME TOLD IS FULL. JUST WHAT YOU CAME FOR, and give you advice absolutely FREE before you decide to have a reading. WHO CAN Oil WILL DO MORE TO CONVINCE THIS SKEPTIC? DO NOT MISS THIS OP PORTUNITY. AS IT WILL NOT BE OF FERED YOU AGAIN. Do not hesitate, delay is dangerous; co mo at once and find out: How can I marry well? How can -I have good luck? How can I control any one? How can I conquer my rival? How can I settle my quarrel? How can I succeed In business? How can I conquer my enemies? How can I get a good position? How can I keep my wife's love? How can I make my home happy? How can I remove bad influences? How can I make any one love me-? How can I hold my husband's love? How can I marry the one I choose? How can I make distant ones think of HOURS 10 TO 8 DAILY AND SUNDAY. PROF. E. KHIMO. Parlors No. 3 and 4 Grand Theater Bldg., 352 Washington near Park st. Phone Main 1267. CONSULT THE BEST IT WILL PROVB CHEAPEST IN THE END. FRES TEST! FREE TEST! Take thi advertisement to PROF. D. N1BLO, 303$ Washington st. He will give you a test of his wonderful CLAIRVOYANT POWERS by telling you your name in full, free of charge, and give you advice before you decide to have a reading, and then if you think he has the power to read your past, present and future life, he will give you his wonderful DEEP PSYCHIC $5 READING FOR $1. This week only. He tells you who you are, where you come from, how many members there are in. your family, what your occupation is, and what it ehould be; what your ailments are. how to cure them, where you will be most successful and why; what- your health will "be all through life; how much wealth you wili possess, if any; who it Is that causes you trouble and how to overcome it; If our mine contains ore, and to what extent; how to control those you love and admire; where your lost ones are; what you ahould Invest in to be successful. In fact, no matter what you wish to know or wish to do, he will ac complish it for you or charge nothing. Hours OA. M to ft P. M. 803 WASHINGTON ST. Opposite Olds, Wortman & King. MRS. WALLACE, 2.". YEARS PORTLAND'S most reliable meaium; an in irouoie tn and get her valuable advice on all affairs' of H, business, love, troubles; absent friends a specialty. Boom 72, Lewis bldg.. Morrison st. Hours 9 A. M. to P. M. . MRS. S. B. SEIP. Psychometrlst. Prophetic hpiriiuat Ijlie nrauei , rrnnuic in --r-i j tail. 10 to 8, 30J Alisky bldg. Circles Tue., Wed.. Thur., Fri.. 8 P. M.. 25c Pac. 2833. MADAME ZINGA. EGYPTIAN MEDIUM, palmist and clairvoyant; separated re united; unhappy made happy; readings, 60c up. 304 Madison, at., near City Hall. MRS. C. CORNELIUS, test medium; sittings dally. 343 H Yamhill. Phone Pacific 1W7. Mrs. Stevens. Portland's reliable palmist and 1 .4 - iiiiiu. v a m h'l for 7t H MISS MAY ANDREWS, CARD READING, . 25c. 235 6th St., corner aaain. MRS. SHAVER. SPIRITUAL READER. 426 Bnrnside st., corner 10th.' - WANDA. THE FAMOUS PALMIST. 290 Main at. - - Sewing Machines.. ALL KINDS OF SEWING MACHINES RE paired, guaranteed. S. Sams, 301 3d. TeL Pacific 2730. Storage and Transfer. SAFES. PIANOS AND FURNITURE MOVED, packed ready for shipping and shipped; ail work guaranteed; large S-story brick fire proof warehouse for storage.' Office 209 Oak st. C. M. Olsen. Phone Main 547 C. O PICK, OFFICE 88 1ST, BET. STARK and Oak. Phone Pianos and furniture moved and packed for shipment; commodi ous brick warehouse, with separate iron rooms. Front and Clay sts. Typewriters. New Typewriters, all makes, rented, - sold and repaired. Coast Agency, 231 Stark st. Tel. 1407. Wholesale Grocers. ALLEN & LEWIS. WHOLESALE GROCERY, cor. N. Front and Davis sts.. Portland. Or. BANKS. BANKERS AND LUMBERMEN'S BANK Corner Second and Stark Streets.. PORTLAND, OREGON. D C PELTON President FRED H. ROTHCHILD. -1st Vice-President JOHN A. KEATING. .... .2d Vice-President E. C- MEARS Cashier H D. STORY Assistant Cashier PL, ATT & PL ATT General Counsel Commercial and Savings Departments. Drafts and Letters of Credit Issued Avail able in All Parts of the World. FIRST NATIONAL BANK. 1 Portland, Or, CAPITAL AND SURPLUS $1,500,000.00. Deposits $14,000,000.00. Oldest National Bank on the Pacific Coast. A L. MILLS .President J." w. NEWKIRK Cashier W C. ALVORD Assistant Cashier B F. STEVENS 2d Assistant Cashier PORTLAND TRUST COMPANY OF OREGON. The Oldest Trust Company in Oregon. RESOURCES OVER $1,800,000.00 General Banking. .2 per cent interest on check accounts (even hundreds) on daily balances of $500 or over. Letters of credit and exchange on all parts of the world. Savings accounts. Time certificates 3 to 4 per cent; short-call special certificates, $500 or over, to 4 per cent. Call for Book of "Illustrations. , . Phone Private Exchange 7. S E Corner Third and Oak Streets. BENJ. I COHEN President H L. PITTOCK Vice-President B. LEE PAGET , Secretary J. O. GOLTRA Assistant Secretary LADD & TILTON BANKERS ESTABLISHED IN J80O. Transacts a General Banking Business. Interest Allowed on Time Deposits. Collections made at points on favorable terms Letters of credit Issued available in Europe and all points In the United States. Sight exchange and telegraphic transfers sold on New York, Washington. Chicago. St. Louis, Denver, Omaha, San Francisco and various points In Oregon, Washington and Idaho. Montana and British Columbia. Exchange on London. Paris. Berlin. Frank fort, Hongkong, Yokohama. Manila and Honolulu. . MERCHANTS NATIONAL BANK PORTLAND, OR. J. FRANK WATSON PresidAnt r L. DURHAM Vice-President r! W. HOYT Cashier GEORGE W. HOYT Assistant Cashier S. C CATCHING 2d Assistant Cashier TRANSACTS GENERAL BANKING . BUSINESS. : United States Depository." Drafts and letters of credit issued, avail able In all parts of the world. Collections a specialty. ' THE BANK OF CALIFORNIA . , (Established in 1864.) HEAD OFFICE. SAN FRANCISCO. CAL. PRESIDENT HOMER S. KING Gen. Man. of Branches.. W. MACKINTOSH Capital paid up $4,000,000 Surplus and undivided profits. .. $10. 153.S73 A, General, Banking and Exchange Business Transacted. Letters of credit issued, available In' all parts ot the world. Interest paid, on time deposits. . . SAVINGS DEPARTMENT. ., Accounts opened for sums of $10 and up ward. WM. A. MACRAE Manager J. X. BURTCHAKLL Assistant Manager