THE MORXIXG OREGONIAX. MONDAY, MARCH 25, 190T. 9 SAYTHERATE !S FAIR Shippers on Salem, Falls City & Western Satisfied. . STORY OF PROTEST FALSE Hallway Commission Ha Received No Complaints Rates Advanced Because of Expense of Road. Statement Made Public. SALEM. . Or.. March 34. (Special.) The state Railroad Commission de nounces the story published in a sensa tional Portland evening paper, as being without the least foundation of facts, relative to the alleged protests being made by shippers to "the Commission HRainst the raise of certain rates by the Salem, Falls City & Western Rail way Company, granted by the Commis sion, in their hearing at Dallas last Sat urday. The Commissioners state thut no protest whatever has been filed with them by Belcher A Stone, or any other shippers in regard to the matter, and furthermore that they have proofs in the office of due notices published in the Dallas papers regarding the hear ing. The Commission has given out the following details of the case. The re quest made by the railroad company reads as follows: For some time prior to February IS, 107. this Company's freight charge on lumber carried over its road was as follows: On rough, 11.00 per M; kiln dry. 75 cents; surfaced. 90 cents per thousand. Finding this rate inadequate for payment of operating expenses, maintenance and return on invest ment, it was deemed advisagle to ad vance the rate to $1.0(1 per thousand on carload lots of lumber of all descrip tions. The company accordingly gave thirty days notice to the Interstate Commerce Commission, and to the pub lic, as required by the third pnragraph of section 6 of the Interstate Commerce Act, as amended by the Hepburn bill of June 29, 190. The new rate became ef fective on the 18th inst.. and the com pany has since been, mid is now col lecting charges under it. For the rea sons above given this company, by no tice to shippers thirty days in advance of the change, raised the freight rate on logs from $1.00 to $1.25 per thousand. The change became effective February 1. 1007. The lumber shipments carried over this company's railroad are des tined to points within and without the state of Oregon principally the latter. The shipments of logs are handled wholly within the slate. The com pany's railroad connects with the Southern Pacific a't. Dallas, and ter minates at Black Rock, the entire line heinsr in Polk County. 8AT.F.M. FAI.I.S CITT & WESTERN RY, COMPANY. The company goes on to state that section 62 of the Chapin law requires permission of the Commission to raise rates, and they ask for a ruling in their case. The Commission immediately prepared & notice for a hearing to be held on March 5. 1907. at Dallas, copies of which were sent and published in the Polk County Advertiser and the Polk County Itemlzer, and also wrote the following letter to- the railroad com pany, in reply to the one they wrote above: Answering your communication of the 25th inst.. relative to your duties and liabilities under the act creating this Commission, beg to advise you that it Is the opinion of the Commission th'it before your company can put into ef fect for local purposes the schedule of tariffs of February 1, and February 18, 1P07. mentioned in your letter, you should first comply with the provisions of section 62 of the act mentioned. Within thirty days from the taking ef fect of the act you should file with the Commission copies of all schedules of rates effective January 1. 1907. and all rates in force between such points at. any time subsequent to such date. If yoii desire to advance or discontinue any such rate or rates effective Janu ary 1. 1907. you should apply in writing, stating the advance in or discontinua tion of the rate or rates so desired, giving the reasons for such advance or discontinuation. Thereupon the appli cation will be treated In the manner provided In section 62. RAILROAD COMMISSION OF OREGON. Letters received by the railroad com pany, in accordance with requests sent out by them, were also sent to the Railroad Commission, and are from shippers along the line of the Salem, Falls City A Western Railway Com pany, as follows: The Polk County Mill & Lumber Company, Falls Clt; Cone Lumber Company. Falls City; Oberer-Meyer Lumber Company, Falls City: Charles K. Spaulding Logging Company, Newberg: Willamette Valley .Lumber Company, Dallas, all of which approved of the raise in rates on log3. lumber and merchandise shipments by the railroad company. The letter from the Polk County Mill & Lumber Com pany is a fair sample of the way in which they all read. This company says: "We beg to advise that we think that your rates are fair and reasonable and that the same are entirely satisfac tory to us." The testimony taken at the hearing shows the road is a. little over 1.1 miles long, main line, with about three miles of sidings and spurs, the line extending from Dallas to Black Rock, its chief business being the transporting of lum ber and logs. Their reports as made to the Interstate Commerce Commission show that for the year 1905 their defi ciencies was over $2000. and for the year 1906 the net earnings were about .1 per cent. These reports were intro duced as evidence at the hearing. No une appeared to remonstrate against the rates being raised, and after tak inir the testimony and reports under careful consideration, also the, letters iioiii shippers, the petition of the rail road was granted. IMTE TO mil.n HIGH SCHOOL I.tnn County Towns Will Take Ad vantage of New Law. ALBANY. Or.. March 24. (Speeial.)--Some of the country school districts of Linn County will be first to take advan tage of the new law passed by the recent Legislature authorizing the erection of union high schools in Oreson. The law provides that where school districts are not strong enough individually to inaugu rate and maintain a high school system, such as are attended by the children of the more populous districts of the state, several contiguous districts mav unite and start an institution for their common n.r. to be known as a unign high school. This privilege is considered desirable by the rural communities of Linn County, and at a meeting of the people of five contiguous school districts yesterday the question of establishing a union high school was considered. The districts in terested include the country towns of riainview. Sand Ridge and Rock Hill, and could maintain a very creditable high school. The school would be as largely attended as some of the high schools lit the larger towns of Oregon. To Cure Grip in Two Dart. Ltxattve Bromo Quinine removes the cu. To fft the nenuine, call for full nam, and look for signature of E. W. Grove. 23c (t This Beautiful Subdivision Will Be Sold Before the First of the Month. Prices Same as First Advertised. What arguments, would you think, were brought to bear to sell twenty -two residence lots in one day t It certainly wasn't flashy advertising or big promises it wasn't tliat these people were personal friends of ours it was simply the fact that BELLE CREST "MAKES GOOD!" When we say it is the most beautiful' spot in Portland, it doesn't mean anything till you see it, then you agree with us BELLE CREST THEN BECOMES THE MOST BEAUTIFUL SPOT IN PORTLAND. t When we say a splendid, full-sized lot may be had for $400, you shrug your shoulders, but when you look at other lots in town and then see Belle Crest, you admit BELLE CREST IS THE CHEAPEST BUY IN PORTLAND. When we tell you BELLE CREST will have streetcars and graded streets and water within ninety days you say "maybe" but when you go along the Sandy Road and see for yourself a streetcar system half fin ished when you see the whole length of the road lined with pipe when you see tons of cement piled up on the tract, you admit "SOMETHING REALLY IS DOING" IN BELLE CREST. People go out skep tical come away convinced. BELLE CREST is a business proposition we bought it4o make money, but we selected a place where criti cism can't take hold. All day yesterday people investigated Belle Crest some came on foot some in carriages some rode with us but EVERYBODY SAYS BELLE CREST IS MORE THAN THE ADVERTISERS SAY FOR IT. FORTY DOLLARS DOWN is the first payment, and ten dollars a month is the installment. It isn't one family that makes a suburban home; it takes many families; that's why we can sell a suburban lot so reasonably we make a little profit out of each. Belle Crest. Lots Will Be Off the Market by the First of the Month Autos at Your Disposal Any Hour THE SPANTON CO. THE JACOBS-STINE CO. The Commonwealth BIdg. on Sixth St. Phone Main 2828 (Either Phone.) . The Swetland BIdg. on Fifth St Phone Main 359 (Either Phone.) PUT YOUR DOLLARS INTO OIL STOCK If you are a salaried dollars into oil stock; talist buy oil stock; talist buy oil stock, investment does not Only $10.00 per share. manput a few if you are a capi if you are a capi A better stock exist elsewhere. Write today to Pacific Coast Gas & Oil Co. 401-402 Com. BIdg. Portland, Or. $30,000 Corner 50xlOO-N. W. Cor. 6th and Irving: streets We sold the inside lot 50x100 ad joining- the above for $20,000. 1 This is decidedly the best bargain that is being- offered on Sixth street today. and is good for a $5000.00 advance within the next three months. The Hart Land Co. 109 Sherlock Building. A SPECIAL UG SALE R. As Spring is here it is high time to purchase new floor coverings with which to cheer and brighten up the home. For Friday, Saturday and Monday we will place our large stock of rug-size Berlin Eugs on sale at a great discount. This assortment includes the Prima, Basra, Tasehkent, Mohair Khedive and the Anatolian silk rugs. In point of design and color ing these rugs are unexcelled.- Do not fail to take advantage of this rare opportunity. J. G. MACK & CO. 86-88 Third Street - THE- EXCLUSIVE CARPET HOUSE PHIL, METSCHAX, President end Miugw. AMI.SEMKXTS. Seventh and Washlnstoa Streets, Portland, Orrro. Enropean Plan $i.qq, .sq, ?2.00 per Day. Umatilla County Pioneers' Reunion. WESTON, Or.. March 24. (Special.) The Twelfth Annual Reunion of the Uma tilla County Pioneers' Association will be held at Weston, Or., Friday and Sat urday, June 7 and 8, 1907. This was the reunion scheduled for last year at Weston for which every preparation had been made, but which an untimely flood prevented. AUCTION BALES TODAY. By J. T. . Wilson, at salesroom. 208 1st St.. at 10 A. M. J. T. Wilson. Auctioneer. DIED. STOUT In this city, March 24. at 335 North Twenty-third street, Amanda Stout, aaed S2 years. Funeral notice hereafter. Hl'ITON In this city, March 2. John Hutton, agea 73 years 3 months. Late res idence Woodburn. Or. HEILIG THEATER -MAIL. KltOM IN AI OIT OK TOWN fiOW HK1G F1LI.KIJ AND RETt'RNED. April !l and X San Ca rlo Grand Opera Tuesday MME. NORDICA Night "LA GIOCONDA" Wednesday MISS ALICE NIELSES Matinee "LA BOHEME" Wednesday MLLE. DKRKYNE Nitfit "CARMEN" PRICKS Lower floor $5.30 Balcony $4.00, $3.00. S2.00 Gallery, reserved ....... SI. Gallery, admission $1.09 Address mail order and make check payable ts W. T. Pssgle, Hrlllsr Thenter. BOX OFFICE OPKNS MARCH M. CURTAIN Evenings 7:45 V. M. Matinee 2:00 P. M. BAKER THEATER ainnV GEO. I BAKER. General Manager. Home of the Widely-Known Bakor Stock Company. Every Evening- This Week, . The Original and rmisual Play "AS A MAN" SOWS." Personal Direction Mr. Arthur Mackley. Plot, Fcenerv, Settings All New, and a De cided Hit. First Time in the West. Matinee Saturday. Evening prices 2"c. 35c, 50c; Matinee. 15c, 23c. Next Week "Leah Kleahna." EMPIRE THEATER Phone Main 117. Mlltnn TV- liftman, Mrt. Playing Onlv Kantcrn Road Shows TontRht, AM This TVk Matfnef Wednesday and Saturday. Perce R. Benton's "A COWBOY'S GIRL" Great WeMern- Pcenic Play. Immense, Suc cess. Packed Houses Everywhere. Don't Katl to see it. Regular Empire Prices. xt Attraction Ole Olson. LYRIC THEATER Portland's Popnlw Work Hotif. Every Afternoon and Evening This Week. .Lyric Stork Company in "A SENATOR IAI"GHTER.M Reserved seats can now be secured in ad vance from lO A. M. to 10 P. M. Daily matinees at usual time: Evening perform ances at 8:15. Saturday and Sunday eve nings; first performance at 7:15. Pantages Theater Wilton Bros., Hilton Sisters, Leo Whit. Stroud, and Thatcher.. Zo Tanzl, The Bio graph, Barr and Kvan. For a Really Good Show Visit the Pantages Theater. Performances dally at 2:30. 7:30- and U P. M. Admission 10c and 20c. Boxes. 2Xc. Any seat at weekday matinees, ten cents. CLASSIFIED AD. RATES Following rate will be given only when, advertising Is ordered to run consecutive days. Daily and Sunday Issues. The Orego nian charges first -time rate each insertion for classified advertising that la not run on consecutive days. The first-time rate la charged for each Insertion in The Weekly Oregonlan. "Rooms9 "Rooms and Board, "House keeping Rooms,' "Situations Wanted," 15 words or less, 15 cents; IS to 20 words, S rents; XI to 5 words, 25 cents, etc Me discount for additional Insertions. UNDER ALL OTHi-B H,A1H, except "New Today," JtO cents Tor 15 words or less; 16 to 20 words, 40 cents; 21 to 5 words, 50 cents, etc first Insertion. Each additional insertion, onehalf; no further discount un der one month. "'KW TODAY" (gauge measure agate), 15 cents per line, first Insertion; 10 cents per Une for each additional Insertion. ANSWERS TO A1V ERTISEMKNTS, ad dressed care The Oregonlan. and left at tills office, should always be Inclosed in sealed envelopes If stamp Is required on such letters. The Oregonlan will not be responsible for errors In advertisements taken through the telephone MEETING NOTICES. ROYAL ARCANUM Members of Multnomah, Oregon and Willamette Councils are requested to attend a f.V union meeting of the above named CG36rJ& councils in Knights of Pythias Hall. litn and Alder streets, Moiway eve nine. March 25. in honor of the visit of Past Supreme Regent S. M. Linda ley. of Utica, X. T. MARTHA WASHINGTON CHAP TER, NO. 14, O. E. S. Stated meet ing this (Monday) 8 P. M. Burk hardt bldg. By order W. Mj BELLE RICHMOND, Secretary. MOUNT HOOD CIRCLE, NO. 151. W. O. W. Members are earnestly requested to at tend the funeral services of our deceased neighbor. Emily S. Pennicard. this (Monday) March 25. at 12 C clock, from family resi dence. 1214 Clinton street, corner East For tieth street. Take "Waverly-Rlchmond oar. Interment Rlverview Cemetery. Sister cir cles invited. ELIZABETH S. ROUTLEDGE. G. N. LOU ELLEN CORNELL, Clerk, A HARMONY LODGE, NO. 12, A. F. & A. M. Stated communication this (Monday) evening at 7:;t0 o'clock. Work in the F. C. degree. Visitors are cordially Invited. By order of the W. M, W. M. DE LIN", Secretary. FUNERAL NOTICES. TAPPER In this city, March 23, T'rsela Tapfer. aged 72 years. Friends and ac quaintances are respectfully invited to attend the funeral services which will be held at Finley's chapel at 1 p. M., Tues day, March 6- Interment Greenwood Cem etery. JONES March 21, at the family residence. 144 South Mora street, Kern Park, Wil liam E. Jones, aged fi years 1 month 21 days. Friends are respectfully invited to attend the funeral services at the above residence at 2 P. M., Tuesday, March 26. Seattle papers please copy. PENNICARD In this city. March 23. at the family residence, 1314 Clinton street, cor ner of East Fortieth, Emily Sarah Pen nicard, aged 48 years 7 months 9 days, be loved wife of Charles J. Pennicard. Friends are respectfully Invited to attend the funeral services, which will be held at above residence at i'2 o'clock today (Monday), Manch 25. interment Kiverview Cemetery. Dunning, McEntee ft Gtlbangh. Funeral Di rectors, 5th Pine. Phone M. 430. Lady asst. ERICSOX UNDERTAKING CO.. 409 Alder st. Lady assistant. Phone Alain 61S8. EDWARD HOLMAN CO.. Funeral Direct ir. 220 Sd st. Lady assistant. Phone M. 507. ZELLER-BYRNE8 CO., Funeral Direct ors, 273 KusselL East 1088. Lady assistant. 9. P. FIN LEY ft SON, Funeral Directors. No. 161 Sd t-t cor. Madison. Phone Main 3. F. 8. DUNNING, Undertaker, 414 East Alder. Lady assistant. Phone East 52. A. B. HEM STOCK Funeral director, E, 12th ft Umatilla. Ph. Sell wood 71. Lady ass't. NEW TODAY. ALEX C. RAE, PUBLIC ACCOUNTANT, 407 McKay Building. Phone Main 6491. 23d Street, $15,000 Large building, suitable for various business purposes and extra choice cor ner. 50x100 on 23d St.; price $15,000. part cash. C. H. KORELL, 251 "Washington. $50,000 To loan at 6 per cent in sums to suit, from J1000 upwards, on city property. No commission or attorneys' charges. Ad dress Q 00, care Oregonlan. $7500 A middle-ased man of experience de sires to invest above amount and srive his services in a mercantile or manufac turing business in this city. Best refer ences Riven and expected. A 89, care Oregonian. NEW TODAY. Residence Lots Marshall street, between 25th and 26th streets. J3000, until further notice. Overton Street South side, 10) feet cast of 23d street. 3250. Thurman Street South side, between ISth and 29th sts. Full lot: splendid surroundings, '"hcapest lot bet ween . business center and that point. J2000. Warehouse and Manufactur ing Property East 3d. between Burnside and Ev erett stre-ts. see me about advantages and possibilities regarding this loca- HUIt. Acreage S4 acres, on Division St., at 29th; Mount Hood electric line will pass di rectly in front of this srround: it is hiKh and sightly, lies sloping gently toward the south: adapted for two pri vate residences or to cut into lots and sell at double my price, which is J5250. Also 1 acres on Gilnam ave., north of Base T-.lne road, at Mount Tabor, wltn 100 full-bearing assorted fruit trees and good two-storv house. This view cannot be beat anywhere. To see It, get off of Morrison car at West ave. and go north to Gilham ave. and north on this ave nue. It is known as the Herrington place and has mv sign on 'it. Price, tsooo. Second Street 50x100 . and good two-story brick build ing near Madison, for ThiR Is be low tlje market now in this rapidly ad vancing district. Several corner lots with poor wooden improvements selling for $35,000. R. M. WILBUR 110 'Second St. J.W.OGILBEE Room 11, 145y2 First Street. $4000 About one acre of land adjoining main line of railway, suitable for a manufacturing site or for warehouse purposes, in the city and very con venient, on the east side of the river. $2700 Lot with two nearly new modern cottajres, bringing good rent, in Brooklyn Heights. Good interest propositions. British Columbia Fruit Lands In the Famous Okanogan valley 320 acres of excellent fruit iand adjoin ing the city limits of Vernon for sale in 10-acre tracts. This land is all under cul tivation and ready for planting. Water in abundance for irrigation purposes. Price, 1200 per acre. Terms, 1-5 cash, 1-5 each year at 6 per cent interest. Map of property on application. Also Board of Trade booklet. We, Harris & He Heal Estate and Financial A cents. 15 Barnard Ave., Vernon, B. C. I Wim'l Corner on carlifce, near 14th and Glisan. Cheapest buy in J warehouse district. J : F.O. NORTHRUP & CO. : 211 Commercial Block. 6-Room Modern House This modern home is just being- finished and will be absolutely complete; Royal fur nace, wood fiber plaster, tile bathroom, tile sink bacK, large pass pantry, laundry tubs, etc. On E. Burnside, one block from K. Ankeny car. $3300 H. P. PALMER Main 5R01. 222 Falling Bldk Some Good Ones 50x100 lot on Fifth St.. near Burnside business property; the best buy left on the street. 100x100, with 12-room house, modern in every respect: a fine home within easy walking distance. Take a look at this. 100x100. in Irvinffton. 10-room house with all conveniences; perfectly finished and complete for a nice home; location very desirable, but the most attractive, fea ture is the price. SPHINX AGENCY 303 Vi Stark Street. PORTLAND HEIGHTS $3250 Lot 110x154 On carline. Finest location on the Heights. This price stands for one week only. YOU CAN'T GO WRONG HERE. Don't Walt! J. H. Hellbronner & Co. Room 517 Lumber Exchange Bldgr. C01 ftlrt Well improved 10 per iPulfUUv cent income property on Glisan, near 18th. Call and let us tell you why this is. one of the best in vestments on the market today. American Bank&TrustCo. 80 Seventh Street. Only $1500 Fine quarter block 100 x 100 fronting carline on Albina ave.. cor. of Webster street. A splendid buy; part cash. C. H. KORELL., 2dl Washington.