THE MORNING OREGONIAN, SATURDAY. MARCH 23, 1907. Open Tonigixt Until 9:30New Spring and Summer Catalogue Now Being Mailed-Free to Out-of-Town Patrons-Open Tonight Until 9:30 , 18 Principal Portland Agents for Bnttwick Patterns, The Delineator and Columbia Yarns Famous "Ostcrmo or" Patent Elastic Felt Mattresses Sold at Factory Prices All Sizes TEe Meiier & Frank Store Open Tonight Until 9:30 Easter Sale Men's Furnishings Great special Easter Sale of men's fancy Hosiery plaids, grays, blacks, mer . cerized lisles, gauze lisles and silk lisles; all sizes, great assortment ; C Reguar 50c and 75c values, on sale at this low price, the pair JC 29c 50c Men's derby ribbed Underwear, in light blu; form-fitting; all sizes A.TLf in shirta and drawers. Great value at this low price, the garment. . . HOC Glen's Madras Overshirts, soft attached collar; light and dark pat- LQs terns; ail sizes. Best $1.00 values, on sale at this special price, ea." $1 Men's pure Linen Handkerchiefs hemstitched; three in a box. Best ."0c values, on sale today only at this unusually low price, each Men's new Silk Handkerchiefs, in fancy plaids, dots, figures and stripes. The season's latest novelties, on sale at this low price, ea Men's natural worsted ribbed super-weight Underwear; form-fitting; all sizes, shirts and drawers. Great value, on sale at Immense line of new Neckwear for Easter all styles, patterns and colorines. -A : cn. i 1 nn . t ,,-. . o at prices lrura uuv jo ?x.uu eacn. Jjon I ian to see tnem. Men's derby and soft Hats, in all the new blocks; all prices; splendid showing. Great Sale M en's rousers Saturday sate of men's Troqsers best fashions and makes.' Plain and fancy tweeds, cheviots and worsteds. Very large variety of desirable patterns for dress and business wear; all sizes, grand value. $4.00 Tronsers on Sale at $3.10 a Pair $6.00 Trousers on Sale at $4.69 a Pair $4.50 Trousers on Sale at $3.63 Pair $6.50 Trousers on Sale at $5.50 a Pair $3.00 Trousers on Sale at $3.98 a Pair $7.50 Tronsers on Sale at $6.39 a Pair $4.00 1 6-But. Kid Gloves at $2.95 New Long Chamois Gloves at $2.45 Just the Cloves fashionable women want nowadays and bargains that cannot be equaled anywhere about town Anticipate your Easter wants Women's 16-but. length real French Kid Cloves A celebrated make Black. brown, tans and opera shades Also heavy cape gloves- Dent style Full 16-button lengths Every pair guaran teedAll sizes Regular $4.00 values On sale today at the very low price of, per pair $2.95 Lot 2 New Chamois Cloves in white and natural Cham- -. All sizes Full 12-button lengths, cut large at the ton TV Regular $3.00 values on sale today at this exceptionally low price of, per pair $2.45 Easter Jewelry Easter Lunch Sets; Easter lily patterns, in Easter boxes; 50c values, on sale at, each.. 39 Eaton-Hurlbnrt 's Pound Paper; best quality linen; 100 sheets to the pound; put up in nice violet boxes ; great val. at.28 Envelopes to match, at the low price of, per" package Fancy Back Combs, including all the latest novelties; values up to $1.50 each, on sale at this special price, eac,h..9S Silver Deposit Perfume Bottles; just the' thing for Easter re membrances; $1.!50 values, on sale at, each 98 Gold-filled Collar and Beauty Pins; great value at, pair.16 Enameled Scarf Pins; immense variety; ZGc and 75c values, on sale, special, for 23 Sterling Silver Hat Pins; as- . sorted patterns; each.... 19 Drug Sundry Specials Wood-back Hand Scrub Brush es; odds and ends; values up to 45c, on sale at, each.. 19 Okayed Toilet Paper; good quality paper in 5-ounce rolls, at the low price of, dozen.35 Best grade of Whisk Brooms; 25c values, on sale, each. 16 Fairy Soap "It floats" best for bath and toilet: on sale at this low price, per dozen. 45 Transparent Glycerine Soap, on sale at the low price of..4 Sapolio Furniture Polish, on sale at this special price. i.6 Green and Mottled Castile Soap, 1-pound bars on sale at.. 12 Ever-ready Safety Razons. com plete with 12 blades.. $1.00 Adjustable Belt Buckles Special sale and demonstration today of the Adjustable Beit ' Buckle in oxidized silver; ad justs the waist and skirt per fectly; 50c values on sale at, each 25 and 35 Table Linens 72-inch bleached Satin Damask Table Linen; best patterns, great variety, at, yard. $1.28 Bleached Satin Damask Table Linen ; $1.75 grade, on sale for this special price, yard.Jj51.48 $2.25 grade of Bleached Satin Damask Table Linen, at. the special price, per yard. $1.82 Great special value in large Satin Damask Table Napkins; best patterns, dozen. .$2.45 6 to 9:30 Specials 30c Ribbons at 1 7c Special lot 1500 yards black and col ored Taffeta Ribbons; 4 to 5 inches wide; all the good shades; 1 9 regular 30c values, tonight.. C 35c Hosiery at 1 9c 500 pairs women's fine black Cotton Hose;' lace boot effects in several pretty designs; sizes Sy2 to 1 Q 10; regular 35c values, at... 7C Sale of Gloves 50c Broken lines of women's fine glace and suede Kid Gloves; broken sizes and colors of high-grade makes; values up to $2.50, on sale, CA 6 to 9:30 only, at, per pair. . JVC Sale of Pincushions Fancy Dresden Pin Cushions; assort ed designs ; ready for use ; very dainty-and pretty; 35c val- 1 t ues, on sale, 6 to 9:30, at. .. 1 C Bedspreads for 83c Special lot of Marseilles Pattern Bed Spreads; best styles and size; values extraordinary for tonight, COI. to 9:30, at this low price... OjC Best Table Napkins Artistic Picture Framing to Your Order at the Very Lowest Prices New Mouldings Custom Shade and Drapery Work Our Specialty Lowest Prices - Best Materials Used Open Tonight Until 9:30 lEe Meier ( Frank Store isses' and Children's taster Appare Entire new line of misses' and children's navv hlne snrrro rcter inompson butts; trimmed with black and white silk braid, pleated skirts; ages 4 to 58 years; COA ff large variety; prices, suit, from $10.50 to. HtTJJ Misses' and children's fancy Plaid Coats, in red, blue and gray; three-quarter length, double-breasted, button-trimmed, fancy 1 coiiar ana cuns; ages 4 to 14 years; an unusual CP A Misses' and children's Sailor Suits, in brown, blue and red; serge, trimmed with fancy braid on the collar fl 9 ff and cuffs; pleated skirts; beat value in town at..' VJ Children's Tailored Reefer Coats, in gray plaid check; full sieeves, aouoie-Dreastea ; ages t to J 4 years; 1 f nandsome garments; exceptional value, each.. V Misses' and children's Dresses of pink and blue French Rep; guimpe style, trimmed with fancy embroidery, edging belt of same material; ages 4 to 12 years; great DL ( value at the remarkably low price, per garment. . PO J vl Misses' and children's -length Coats of tan covert; made aouDie-oreastea; tailored sleeve; ages 6 to 11 years; grand values at the low price of . . $5.50 Special lot of bleached satin damask iaoie .napkins; Dest designs; regular $3.50 values, on sale at CO OR this low price, per doz..V'0 Children's Hosiery 500 pairs of boys' and girls strong School Hose ; fine and heavy ribbed ; sizes 5 to 94; great special. 1 9 value, 6 to 9:30 only, pair.. 1 C Curtains at 69c Pr. Special lot of plain Swiss Curtains, with ruffles of same; 32 in. CJQr wide by 3 yds. long, per pair."''' 54-inch Brass Extension Rods; half inch tubes with brass ends; T on sale at only... C French Chemise French hand-made Chemise; hand embroidered, scalloped eyelets, drawn with ribbon, embroidered yoke effect ; fine French percales; $2.50 values at K tOJ Basement Specials Half-gallon Glass Pitchers; "JQ oUc values, on sale at "Lindsay" Inverted Incandescent Gas Lights; with burner, mantle and globe; regular $1.25 QQ values on sale at only Spec'l Picture Sale Special assortment of Framed Pic tures, on sale tonight, 6 to 1 O 9:30 only, at, each.... I vC 100 Phonographs; play all the latest records; marvelous val- CTO 1Q ues; on sale at. i7 75c-$ 1 .00 Chiffon Veiling 28c Yd. Today, great Easter sale of 3000 yards Chiffon Veiling; full regular width, in crepe and plain effects; all . shades; white, black, gray, green, sky blue, pink, navy blue, etc; an advantageous purchase from a large New York specialty house enables us to offer 75c and $1.00 Pm values at this wonderfully low price, the yard.'.... m;fKM Misses', Childress Millinery Entire Stock at One-Fourth Off We want all the young folks in town to have new headgear for Easter that's our reason for offering for today only choice of oar entire high grade stock at a quarter off the regular selling prices Misses hats and children's hats for dress wear and school wear Hats for Spring and Summer Leghorns and soft body hats, prettily trimmed in daisies, roses, ribbons, foliage, silk, etc., etc. Every new shape Immense variety- Hats ranging in value from $1.00 to $10.00 Take your way m uuc-wui n on me regular prices Take the elevator and see them on second floor -4 XSll Women's Hats $ 1 .98-$4.98 Special lot of women's Black Chiffon Hats and all-silk readv-to-trim Hats; all new models- C 1" OQ large variety ; marvelous value; special for today only at this ridiculously low priced . .'.S VO 500 women's new Black Lace Hats and Black Straw Hats; trimmed with lace, flowers and ribbons very attractive creations; style and quality Hats you are asked to pay $7.50 to $9.00 Cl AO for at other stores; your choice today, at the low price of ... .. . p4VO Women's 50c Hosiery 38c Pr. Great Saturday sale of 3000 pairs of women's fine Black Silk Lisle Hose; beautifully made and fashioned; French foot and shaped leg; sizes Sy2 to 10; a quality Hose other stores ak you 1Q to pay 6)c for; buy all you want of them today at this tempting low price, per pair . JOv . Phone Exchange 4. , m -i ii i 7 i I I -- ' 1 1 . . . I I i .... -i- RECORDER IS TO DECIDE BT. JOHNS KLECTIOX MIDDLE CAUSES EXCITEMENT. Defect in Filing or People's Ticket Technical ftnA Possibly or Jio Consequence. Th new., published by The Orcgonian that two of the city ticket nominated at St. Johnft. namoljr ' the People's and the Independent, had not been flld in accordance wtth the provisions of th code, created no end of excitement in that prowinfc suburb yesterday, and an effort was made to correct the omission of the required affidavits. Yesterday afternoon, after the contending: factions had argued all day as to the best procedure to be followed, Pascal Hill tiled a remonstrance with Recorder Thorndyke afralnst either the People's or the Independent ticket beinir placed on the official ballot for the election April 1. This brings before Re corder Thorndyke the question of the legality of the tiling of the People's and Independent tickets. He announces that be will make his decision this morning at I o'clock. The situation is exceedingly embarrass In to Recorder Thorndyke, as be is a candidate for re-election on the Republi can ticket, but he (tave assurances yester duy that he would do his whole duty rardle of the fact that he is a candi date. In spiie of his assurance in this respect there were some disposed to ques tion his motives in the matter. However, so Itar as the People's ticket neadea by S. C. Norton, is concerned,' Lhere seems to have been only a technical violation of the provisions of the code. D. C. Roger, chairman of the convention vlch nominated the People's ticket, filed Lhe ticket at 4 o'clock Thursday without 'Jie certificates duly sworn to as required ly the code. At 6 o'clock Thursday even-tag- Mr. Rogers wwnt ae-aio to the. Record er's office with the required affidavits, but the Recorder had gone. However, the young man in charge accepted and re ceipted for the second filing. The filing was in ample time, and would have been regular had the affidavits been filed before 12 o'clock Thursday night, and th onlv niuMrWtn inwAliuJ 4 i. ... i. . i. last filing of the required affidavits by Chairman Rogers make the ticket a legal one. The code says that the ticket must be accompanied with the affidavits. It is the general impression that the ommls sion was only a technical one that was corrected by the filing of the affidavits with the Recorder. So far as the Independent party is con cerned. O. R. Downs. Its candidate for Mayor, admits that he did not comply with the code In filing the ticket. He undertook yesterday morning to file affi davits to correct the omission. What the decision of the Recorder will be can only be conjectured. If he decides that the People's ticket should not go on the offi cial ballot mandamus proceedings will be begun at once. That already has been arranged for. The Recorder may decide against the legality of the filing made by- Chairman Rogers rather than undertake the re sponsibility of placing the ticket on the official ballot as a result of his own de cision. Again, If he decides in favor of the ticket an injunction is threatened to prevent him from placing the People's ticket on the official ballot. He Is on the horns of a dilemma. The big Joke of the day is on O R. Downs, who has criticised the Council for Its failure to conform to the laws He now finds, himself and the ticket he heads left out in the cold because he himself forgot to follow the law. Clackamas Teachers to Jicct. OREGON CITY. Or.. March 22. (Spe cial.) Teachers of Clackamas County will hold a local Institute tnmnt-mw . -nm lamette, the session commencing at 10:30 in. ine programme follows: "Thor oughness 1n School Work," Mrs. B. K. Watts. Stafford: 'Training- r . " and Systematic Thought." T. P. Kendall, principal West Oregon City schools; "The Teacher Outside the Schoolroom." Mrs. jnuurea iiuegg-fcieart. tseuwood: "His-, tory in the Grades." Professor W. C. Mc- jvee, superintendent Oregon City schools; "Postal Card Geography," Mary S. Bar low, Portland. HAVILAND CHINA. Sold at Auction The Golden Eagle Closes Big Deal. One of the most sure proofs that The Golden Eagle. Portland's youngest de partment store, is rapidly taking its place in the front ranks of this city's great mercantile enterprises, is the re cent purchase closed by them of a solid car of the famous Havlland china which Mr. Liowit. the manager of this popular store, secured at the bankrupt sale of a large Boston house, which recently was closed by the SherifT. This purchase was made at a most ridiculous figure in fact, at less than the price of the commonest china, and the sale which Is announced for Monday should be one of the most interesting ever held in this city, espe cially to all lovers of fine china, as Havl land is and has been known for years as the world's best, and this event will give those who heretofore have not been able to buy this fine dinnerware on account of its extreme cost, an opportunity to secure a set at prices that will make this the most talked-about sale ever held in this city. OWN YDur OWTSJ HOME (Rose Qty Brk Frank L. Smith Meat Co. 226-228 Alder St., Bet. First 6 Second "FIGHTING THE BEEF TRUST" And giving the public those i n c o m p arable, absolutely fresh Oregon meats for which Smith's market has always been famous. Smith's is the only place in the city where you KNOW you are getting Oregon meats. Trade with Smith and trade nowhere else but at Smith's. We are open from 6 o'clock in the morn ing until 10 o'clock this evening. There will be a full line of all kinds of meat on hand. Pass up the Beef Trust markets. Stay away from them. EAT n vt.v 1 SMITH'S MEATS. OREGON'S Dressed Chickens. ... 18 LAMB. Legs of Lamb . 15 Lamb Stew Frontquarters Lamb.:10 Shoulders of Lamb. . . 10 Lamb Sh'lder. Roast..lO Lamb Loin Roast. . . .15 Lamb Rib Roast .15 Lamb Loin Chops . . . 15 Lamb Rib Chops.... 15 Lamb Sh'lder Chops..l3 Lamb Tongues, dozen.30 Lamb Liver. ........ 5p PORK. Legs of Pork. . .... . .12 Pork Chops 15 . Pork Loin Roast 15 " Pork Steak .15? Side Pork 12 Pork Shoulder Roast..l2i Pork Mixed Sausage.,10 . Pork Hocks. .... 8 Pigs' Feet 5 Leaf Lard . . . 12 Pickle Pork.... 1214 Our Own Pure Lard.12 O u r O w n Breakfast Bacon.. .17 Our OwL Hams. . . . .17 VEAL. Veal Sausage, the first of the season; fry it slowly. .12U Veal Stew, cook with dumplings 8$ Veal Shoulder Roast, season with pepper, salt, sage..lO Breast of Veal, roast with onions .10 Veal Rump Roast, serve with rich, brown gravy. . .15 Leg Roast of Veal, serve with jelly 12 Loin Roast Veal, serve with potato croquettes 15 Loin Veal Cutlets, smother in onions 15 Rib Veal Cutlets,' serve with sweet potatoes 15 ' BEEF. Beef for Beef Loaf. 5 Beef to roll or boil. ' 5 Brisket, for Pot Roast !!!!!."!!!!!! 5i Hearts, to stuff and roast. 5 Necks of Beef, to boil 5 Beef , for stew and potpie ...... 5 Beef, to cook with dumplings ... 5 Liver, fry with bacon and onions Liver, to boil and hash.. 5 Corned Beef (Irishman's Turkey) , boil with cabbage 6 Corned Beef, to boil and hash 6 Hamburg Steak, serve with Tomato Sauce ........ 8 Shoulder Steak, serve German style 8 Pot Roast, serve with gravy and browned potatoes 8 Shoulder Roast, delicious when spiced. . . .:. . . . . 8 Beef Prime Rib Roast, serve with Yorkshire Pud ding.. . .10 Round Steak, fry with onions .: .... 10 Sirloin Steak, spread with butter.' .. !.!l2U Small Porterhouse Steak, serve piping hot ....1214 Rib Steak, with lemon garnish.... 1214 Rolled Rib Roast, sufficient of itself. . '. ...I" 12y2f