Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, March 23, 1907, Page 16, Image 16

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Collector to Receive $96,285
on Shipment Brought in
Steamer Arabia.
One of the Largest Cargo-.'. ttie
Kind Ever Received In the
I'nlted States Mae's Gen
eral Merchandise.
The inward manifest ot the Portland
& Asiatic liner. Arabia, which arrived
yesterday from Hongkong and Japa
nese ports, showed 28,845 cases of fire
crackers, destined for 48 cities of the
Vnitjd States. The total weight of this
consignment was in excess of 700 tons
and 60 freight cars will be required to
transport the Fourth of July material
to Eastern cities.
The Portland Customs-House will re
ceive 96,285 duties on a portion of this
shipment. Of the .total amount of
firecrackers received, 1,233 cases will
go East in bond. They are consigned
to Grand Rapids, Toledo and Cincin
nati. There are 28 cases for Winnipeg,
Manitoba, where Americans celfcrate,
nlthough it Is In Canada. The local
customs business was transacted by B.
K. LJpplncott, acting for C. V. Pustan
& Co.. of New York. The duty was paid
here In order to facilitate delivery.
This is one of the largest shipments
of firecrackers ever received in the
United States. The duty is the largest
single payment ever made to the local
Customs-House on anything of the
kind imported. Heretofore It has been
the habit of Eastern buyers to have
everything sent to destination in bond
in order to give their own port the
credit of the business.
The average case of firecrackers re
ceived from Hongkong contains 10,000
explosives. At this rate' the shipment
received on the Arabia will assist in
making the Eagle scream on Independ
ence Day to the tune of 288,320.000
separate screams.
The cargo delivered to Portland by
ihe Arabia was one of the most valu
able ever received on the North Pacific
roast. It will run well past the J400.
000 mark and the duties will be enor
mous. In addition to the firecrack
ers, the manifest shows matting, rice,
peanuts, earthenware, curios, Chinese
merchandise, and camphor.
Much of the stuff goes to Eastern
cities and what is true of the fire
crackers is true of the balance of the
cargo. A large portion of the duty will
be paid here.
The complete manifest follows:
Firecrackers St. Louis, 18:t0 Pltts
burit 122: Porto, 4St: AlK-Rhny, S3; Mount
rarmel. Pa.. 42: Wilkcabarrc, l'B., S..:
Plttsburn :i71: Cincinnati, 2B2; York, Pa..
120; Wlnnlp-lt. W: FarKO, N. D.. 170: Ches-T-r
Pa- M- iWdlnfr. O.. 20; Denver, 1440,
Cleveland 1002; Philadelphia. 23N1: Boston,
l7: Louisville. Ky.. 216; St. Paul, 1X44:
Milwaukee. 1228: Kansas CMty. Mo.. 1...4:
Cedar Rapids. 5; St. Joseph. 874; fcloux
Citr. 483: Omaha. 731: Dubuque. :13; Chi
cago. 1457: Buffalo, 104; Richmond. Ind.
ft.- Troy If. Y-, ; Providence, R. I., 10;
Albany. N. T., SSI: Rochester. N'. Y.. 113:
. .. .... i ...... r Tluliith.
17- Lincoln. Neb.. 290: AHerttown. Pa., 125,
.. . ... no. finrinsrflc Id. Mass.. 150:
Tes Moines. ri05; Omaha, 400; Dayton. O..
231: New York, 50; Spokane, 603. Total,
i'fn bond Orand Rapids. Mich., K42 cases;
Toledo. 19S: Clnclnnall. 402. Total, 12o2.
Cassia New York, 2100 cases.
Matting Ripley. W. Va.. IS cases: Gates
City Va 18: Elwond, Inii.. 30: Sterling. III-.
l.V Paris. III.. : Sioux City. la.. 20:
Charleston. W. Va.. IS: lnsleslde. W. a..
18- Phllippi. W. Va.. IS; Elklns. -V. Va..
Ill; Clendenln. W. Va., 20; Columbus, Ind.;
20; Johnson City. 111.. 20; Harrisburg. 111..
20: Marion. 111.. 44: Herrln. 111.. 20; Cater
vllle, 111. 20: Hewandee, 111.. 20; Kinswood,
Vt" Va. 18- Portland. Or., 30; New Orleans.
415- New York, 13(11: Cincinnati, 88; Rich
mond, Va., 100; Philadelphia, 350; Dallas.
Tex, 444- St. Louis. 471: Chicago. 141:
Kansas City. Mo.. 510; Owensburg. Ky..
476: fnlon City. Tenn.. 7.
Dried mushrooms Portland, Or.. 2 eases.
Canned assava Portland. Or.. 2 packages.
Plants and fernballs Portland, Or., 13
"shoyu Denver, Colo.. 400 tubs; Portland,
Or., 4.-.O.
Toys New York. 24 eases.
Dried radish Denver. Colo., 6 esses; Port
land, Or., 6.
Dried fish Denver. 6 cases.
Dried lentils Portland. 5 eases.
ivried lotus Denver. 5 cases: Portland. 3.
Silk goods Portland, 3 cases.
Pineapples Portland. I, no cases.
Rice Portland. 7300' bags; Austin, Tex..
i00 (seed rice).
Peanuts Portland. 044 sacks: Norfolk.
Vs.. 740; New York, .1018.
Curios Portland. 108 packages; Denver,
SO: Chicago. 20.
Merchandise Portland. 38 packages.
Nut oil Portland. 20 cases.
Sample flour Portland. 1 package
Sulphur Portland, 1 ease, 60S bags.
Basketware Portland, 09 packages: St.
Paul. 25.
Vutakori rugs Portland, 4 bales.
Dried ginger Portland, 50 bags.
Crunnlea Portland. 306 bales.
Tin Astoria, Or. 737 slabs; Portland, 560.
Nutmegs Portland, 50 cases.
Maee Portland. 23 cases.
Tapioca Portland. .TOO bags.
Cloves Portland, 100 bags.
Tea. Portland. 149 chests; Grand Rapids.
Mich.. 358.
Camphor In tubs Boston, 133: New York.
Earthenware Portland. 53 cases; Denver,
10: Chicago. 83; St. Paul. 70.
Sugar Portland, 200 bags.
Slow Progress in Trial of Mauxanita
Damage Suit.
The trial of the Government's damage
suit against the Port of Portland is still
dragging alone in the United States Dis
trict Court. Yesterday Judge Wolverton
inquired of counsel about the probable
duration of the trial, and said he would
adjourn court today at noon. Attorney
Flanders expected to call several more
witnesses for the Port of Portland, and
United States Attorney Bristol said he
had some expert witnesses to examine for
the Government. He thought the case
might continue as long as Tuesday of
next week.
A number of witnesses were examined
yesterday, most of whom were called by
the Port of Portland. Perhaps the most
important testimony was that of Captain
Groves, who gave expert evidence in re
gard to the position of the Manzanita
wreck, with reference to the Westport
beach lights and the Waterford range.
He testilied that the wreck was about
ltmo feet out of the line of the range
above given. The light at Waterford is
about V) feet higher than the Westport
lights, the former being oiy hill on the
Washington side, end the latter on -the
beach, on the Oregon side.
He thought It was customary' for a
steamer approaching a dredge at anchor
to blow orjfi long blast and top until an
wnad. 'n-f'inli"-', he said thalvJieu
a dredge is under way, the usual port and
starboard whistles are given.
The testimony of sevtral other wit
nesses was unimportant.
Completes First Hound' Trip on Her
New Run. .
The steamer Alliance with 82 passen
gers and 400 tons of freight arrived
yesterday from points on Coos Bay.
The steamer will sail tomorrow night
for Marshfteld and North Bend. All
space is taken and passenger accommo
dations have been engaged for several
days. . t
The Alliance has completed her first
trip on the new run. Considerable de
lay was experienced in getting her
away the first trip, but hereafter the
vessel will make a. round trip every
eight days.
Two Clear at Astoria.
AeTTORIA. March 22. (Special.) The
schooner William R. Hume cleared at the
Custom House today for San Pedro with
a cargo of 814,000 feet of lumber, loaded
at Rainier. The schooner Makaweli also
cleared at the custom House today. She
goes to San Francisco and carries a car
go of 823,000 feet of lumber, loaded at
Heavy Wind Storm Coming.
Storm signals have been displayed at
all coast points and a heavy blow is
due. The wind will come from the
south and will attain a velocity of
about 60 miles an hour if the prognos
tications of the weather bureau are
Due to Arrive.
Name: From. Date.
Alliance. ...... ..Coos Bay In port
Johan Paulsen. .San Fran.... Mar. 23
Roanoke Los Angeles. ..liar. 24
Columbia San Fran. Mar. 24
F. A. Kilburn.. . Fan Fran . Mar. 25
Costa Rica San Fran.... Mar. 20
Geo. W. Elder. ..Los Angeles... Mar. 31
Aragonla .Hongkong. . ..Apr. 11
Xicomedla. ..... .Hongkong. . . .Apr. 23
Numantia. ...... Hongkong. . . May 23
Scheduled to Depart.
Name. For Data
Alliance .Coos Pay... Mar. 24
..II K.I CVUIMH..DIUI ' I ,111 . . . J ,11 . . 1 ,
Roanoke... .LosAnteles Mar. 26 r
Columbia .San Fran.... Mar. 26
F. A. Kilburn. . San Fran Mar. 27
Arabia Hongkong Mar. 29
Costa Rica San Fran.... Mar. 31
Geo. W. Elder .Los Angelee... Apr. 2
Aragonla. ...... .Hongkong. . . .Apr. 18
Klcomedia. ..... Hongkong. . ..Apr. 80
Numantia Hongkong. . ..May 30
Entered Friday.
Alliance, Am. steamship (Kelly),
with general cargo from Coos Bay.
Arabia. Gerv steamship (Newman I.
with general cargo from Hongkong
and ' Japanese ports.
Cleared Friday.
Redondo. Am. steamship (Bende
gard). with 750,000 feet of lumber
for Monterey.
correct. Snake river and the Upper
Columbia are rising and considerable
water is expected within the next week.
Lose Suit on Ship Option.
ABERDEEN, Wash., March 22. (.Spe
cial.) Sudden & Christensen, the San
Francisco steamship men, lost their suit
against Bert Morse, of this city, before
a jury in the Superior Court. Sudden &.
Christensen claimed an advance of $5000
on a steamboat option which Morse had
placed in a bank to their credit and then
withdrew. The jury gave a verdict for
Morse for $41, which throws the costs
upon Sudden & Christensen. They will
Cleared From Astoria.
ASTORIA. Or. March 22. (Special.)
The steamer Aurelia cleared at the
Customs-House yesterday for San
Francisco with a cargo of 630.000 feet
of lumber, loaded at Rainier. The bark
entine Wrestler also cleared yesterday
for San Francisco. She carries a cargo
of 480,000 feet of lumber loaded at
Derelict Bark Is Delayed.
ASTORIA. Or.. March 22. (Special.)
As the donkey engine on board the
British bark Melanope is in need of re
pairs and as her anchors are badly
fouled, the vessel will not leave out for
the Sound until next week. Arrange
ments have now been made to have her
towed around by the bar tug Tatoosh.
Cliief Engineer Quits Howard.
ASTORIA. March 22. (Special.) Albert
F. Rober, chief engineer of the Quarter
master's Department, steamer Major Guy
Howard, has resigned his position to take
effect on April 1. and will engage in busi
ness in Portland.
Aberdeen Cargo Shipments.
ABERDEEN. Wash.. March 22. (Spe
cial.) Cargo shipments from Aberdeen for
February amounted to 22.805.120 feet. The
lath shipments aggregated 5.803,400 pieces
and the shingles 4.511,000 pieces.
Marine Notes.
The steamer Thomas L. Wand wi.ll be
ready to leave down this afternoon.
The steamer Redondo, with lumber
for Monterey, will leave down this
The steamer Agapanthus with wheat
for Hongkong, left down yesterday
The steamer Aymeric will sail today.
She is loaded with wheat and flour for
ports in- North China.
Arrivals and Departures.
ASTORIA. March 22. Condition ot the
bar at 5 P. M.. very rough: wind, east, 20
miles; weather cloudy. Sailed at 0:4O A.
M. Steamer Costa Rica, for San Francisco.
Arrived down at 8 A. M. schooner . k.
Hume. Arrived down at 5:30 A. M.
Steamer Nome City. Left up at 11:10 A. a.
Schooner Alvena. Barkentlne Amaranth,
from San Pedro, was spoken oft Columbia
River and ordered to proceed to Puget
Sound. Arrived down at 5:15 P. M. ttrit
th steamer AsaDanthus.
San Francisco. March 22. Sailed at 1:20
P. M. Steamer Columbia, for Portland.
Brisbane, March 22. Sailed Moana, from
Sydney, for ancouver, via Hongkong.
Tides at Astoria Saturday.
tYlo-h I Tak.
1 ."rt AM 4 1 feet I T-3A M 7 5 feet
2;-40 P. M 1-3 feet ( 8:20 P. M 6.1 feet
Death of Indian War Veteran. .
Mitchell Ingram, a pioneer and Oregon
Indian war veteran, died at Eagle Creek.
March 17. 15-97. r He was born in Pike
County. Illinois. January 2S. 1S3S. and
came to Iowa with his parents when an
Infant. There they lived until 1SS2. when
the family came to Oregon with an ox
team. In 1855 Mitchell Ingram enlisted
as a private hi the Oregon Volunteers
to fight Indians. He was at the battle of
Walla Walla, where so many volunteers
lost tneir lives, and served for some time
on the frontier of the state during the
Indian uprising.
Mr. Ingram leaves six children. Frank.
James W.. and Joseph Ingram. Mrs.
George Rogers, Mrs. J. H. Kelly and Mrs.
H. N. Hoiton.-
Attention workinirmen! The I. W. W
have a full page in today s People's
PtPSai tnelr sfrto ,AI all news sinnns
Chinese Believe Moy Bak Hin
Blocked Building Plans.
Policemen Sent to Preserve Order at
Chinatown Gathering Movement
io House Chinese In One
Big Building Thwarted. '
A frenzied meeting of fully 500 Chinese,
in which wild scenes of disorder were en
acted and during which the name of Moy
Bak Hin. Imperial Chinese Consul for
Oregon, Washington, Montana and Idaho,
was hissed and name cursed, was held in
the josshouse opposite police headquarters
last night So riotous became the gather
ing that policemen were sent over to quiet
the throng. No arrests were made, as
immediately upon the arrival of the offi
cers the session broke up.
The trouble was over the blocking of a
big deal for a choice piece of property, lo
cated at the northwest corner of Fourth
and Everett streets, which a number of
Chinese wished to purchase as a site for
the erection of an immense building for
their countrymen to use for stores and
dwellings. The property was to have
been taken over yesterday afternoon and
the deai'closed, but it was found at the
last minute that a white man, sent by a
Chinese, had offered a higher figure than
the original price, and the owner declined
to sell to the first bidders.
Bedlam immediately broke loose in
Chinatown, and during the afternoon
emissaries went to and fro carrying to
every store .and every home in the dis
trict the message of disappointment, and
calling on every Chinese to assemble at
night in the josshouse in mass meeting.
Meantime an Investigation was started to
ascertain the identity of the Chinese who
had blocked the deal, and when the meet
ing was called to order by a San Fran
cisco merchant, the report was made pub
lic that no less a personage than Consul
Moy Bak Hin was guilty.
No such excitement has occurred in
Chinatown for months as that which
broke out when it was announced that
Moy Bak Hin was behind the scheme that
resulted in the failure of the plans of
those who favored the purchase of the
site at Fourth and Everett. The Consul's
name was hissed and some of the more
enthusiastic advocated extreme punish
ment for Moy Bak Hin.
Fearing trouble at the meeting, the
Chinese called upon Chief Gritzmacher
during the evening and asked him to
send an officer to the josshouse. Patrol
man Adams was detailed. At 8:30 o'clock
an excited Chinaman entered police head
quarters and asked for more officers. He
said that one was nothing in such a mob,
and urged that more help be sent at once.
Jailer Endlcot was dispatched, but as he
entered the building the crowds poured
out, the meeting having been closed.
From a conservative Chinese merchant
the complete story was secured. He
stated that all arrangements had been
completed for the purchase of a quarter
block at Fourth and Bverett streets, and
for the lease of another quarter for a
term of years. The Chinese were to pay
between $46,000 and $50,000 for the quarter
and a rental for tha other quarter block.
Upon both of these they were to construct
a building to cost JSO.OOO, that would
house all Chinese who might wish to en
joy the privilege. A Chinaman, whom
some believed to be Moy Bak Hin. wish-
ne to foil the plans, sent a representative
to offer more for the property, and there
by blocked the purchase and spoiled the
plans of those interested In the site.
The story connecting consul Aioy nag.
Hin is based upon the report that be has
purchased a large piece of property on
Second street. In the southern end of the
city, where he intends building. That he
would force all the Chinese to move onto
his property, is the charge of many Chi
nese who favor the northern end of the
After the meeting, consul Moy Bak tun
was interviewed in his office at Second
and Yamhill streets, and when told what
the Chinese thought be had done to block
the purchase of the property at Fourtn
and Everett, declared that he was inno
T am going to move to the south, but
I don't care where other Chinese go to,"
declared the Consul. "That is none of my
business. Let them go where they
please." '
At the close of the meeting last night a
vote was taken as to whether the Chinese
present wished to move to the nortn or
south ends of the city and all voted to
move north.
E. F. Dickson to Thos. .Scott Brooke.
west &0 feet of lot 5, block 26. .
City of Portland IO
M. L. and Mav W. Holbrook to
David B. Smith, lots 1 and 2. block
1 lot a. block 1. E. St. Johns 1.400
Honeyman Trust Co. to Lllla L. Clark,
lot "E," Clara -lerarces
Arleta Land Co. to Martha L. Jeter,
lots 1 and 17. block 7. lot 23. block
10. Arleta Park No. 2 300
David Dupes to Jonathan G. rllllott.
lots 14. 15 and 16. block 19, Central
Alblna 500
Mrs, H. W. Rand to Mr. L. Z. Plncus.
lot 23, block "D," Portsmouth Villa
Extension 300
Portland Trust Co. of Oregon to Lena
M. Bellinger, lota 3 and 4. block 68.
Woodstock 0
-Willard A. and Annie F?. Roberts to .
Bdw. A. Mansfield, east 38 2-3 feet
of lot 4, block 5, Central Add 60
H. Gordon Stratton to Sarah C. Swan,
lots 2 and S. block 3, Walt's Clover
dale Annex - - 1
Michael E. Freeman to Frank Batter,
lots 5,-6, 7 and 8, block 43, Linn
ton 1
Firland Co. to Hobert S. Brlmball.
lots 15 and 16. block 17, Firland 425
Martin Mattson to Mrs. A. Bones, land
starting at stone in southeast-side
. Ti-.., eaniB.1 r T. T h t north
west corner of John Ward D. L. C. . 2.036
John and Margaret Barrett to Carl
Adolph Carlson, lot 2. block 2. Madras 1,140
Else and Fannie Vandermeer to Lee
1.V..-1 ..... int. 7 and ft block St. Point '
view Add. to St- Johns 200
Lee Fortune to Otto T. Mercer, lots 7
a HI Point View Add. to
St Johns 240
Julia K. and Aaron W. Whltmer to
Helen G. Giesv. west 5 feet ot east
ti. of lot 3. block 10, John Irvtng s
First Add 1
Jos. M. Healy et al. to Eva M. Mead.
it 31 block 34. Waverletgh Heights
. Add !n- 375
Jos. M. Healy et al. to Root. C. Gowdy.
in. -M Waverlelarh Helsrhts
Add. " 376
J M Healv et al. to L. L. Oowdy,
in 52 block 34. Waverlelgb Heights
Add. 3T5
L. K. and Jessie M. Moore to W. P.
t, 1 nt 14 block 4. Raveuswooda
Add 00
Peter and Emma M. Schmeer to Dan
ish Aid Society .east ti of lot S and
nAFth io feet of east K of lot. 7.
hlock 3. Garrison's Sub IO
ion TJ Arlstene Felts to ETisie
Bnrkliart. lot 5. block 1 . Rosedale . . soft
t ut wnrd sheriff, to Sarah Smith.
10 acres in Sec. 34. T. 1 N.. R. 2 E. 50
Arthur and Josie Prior to Margaret
Dosoehe. 10 acres beginning at point
a -hotna "1 links north of center of
Bee. 16. T. 1 JT.. R. 1 E 12.OO0
A. J. and Mary K. Hagen to L. 5.
v.rM lot 3 block ."- Laurel wood
Purk '. 1
T. M. Word, Sheriff, to P. H. Marlay.
s. w. i of N. w. Vi of X. w. 14
of See. '34. T. 1 X.: R. 2 TC. : also
undivided 6-7 of W. '.-i of S. Ti 1;
of P. E. ii and N. E '4 of S. W. 1,
of S.NB. H and N. W. J of S. W.
; of S. E. of Sec. 25, T. 1. N.. R.
1 W
Eastern Investment Co. to T- ' F.
Welch, trustee, and Kate Nicholas.
TV. V. of S. 13. t of S. E. H ajid
'i of S. W. ti of S. K. 1; an-1
. li 01 c. r.. -,4 in
. W Ja Of S. B. li of
k w. u of a
Obstinate Case of Eczema Covered
Little Girl's Limbs with Running
Sores Poison Oak Made Boy's
Hands and Arms a Mass of Tor
turing Sores Sufferers Soon Re
lieved and Completely Cured
Grateful Mother Says :
"Last year, after having ray Httl
g?rl treated by a very prominent physi
cian for an obstinate case of eczema,
I resorted to the Cuticura Remedies,
and waa so well pleased with the almost
instantaneous relief afforded that v
discarded the physician's prescription
and relied entirely on the Cuticura Soap,
Cuticura Ointment, and Cuticura Pills.
When w commenced with the Cuti
cura Remedies her feet and limbs were
covered with running sores. In about
iz weeks we had her completely well,
and there haa been no recurrence of
the trouble.
"InJuly of this year a little boy in
our family poisoned his hands and arm
with poison oak, and in twenty-four
hour his hands and arms were a mass
of torturing sores. We used only the
Cuticura Remedies, washing his hands
and arms with the Cuticura Soap, and
anointing them with the Cuticura Oint
ment, and then gave him the Cuticura
Resolvent. In about three weeks his
hands and arms healed up. So we have
lota of cause for feeling grateful for the
Cuticura Remedies, we find that the
Cuticura Remedies are a valuable
household standby, living as we do
twelve miles from a doctor. Mrs. Lizzie
Vincent Thomas, Fan-mount, Walden'a
Ridge, Tenn., Oct. 13, 1905."
That a -warm bath with Cutkmra
Soap and a single anointing with
Cuticura, the great Skin Cure, and
purest and sweetest of emollient, will
afford instant relief and refreshing sleep
for skin-tortured babies, and rest for
tired and worn-out mothers.
Complete External and Internal Treatment for
Krery Humor ot Infants. Children, and Adults con
irta of Cutlrara. Soap (25c.) to Cleanse the Skin,
Cuticura Ointment (50e.) to Heal the Skin, and
Cuticura Resolvent (SOe.), (or In the form of Choco
late Coated PUls, I5c. per rial of 60) to PuilfT the
Blood. Sold throunhout the world. Potter Drug A
Mailed Free, Cuticura Book 00 Sals Humors.
Sec. 25. T. 1 N.. R 1 W
R. L. Freeborough et al. to Edmund
Scnn, lota tt. 1 and 8, block 4, Mon
tavllla Maude O. Hudson to Samuel Erom-'
erger and J. Lesser, lot 8. block
231. Couch AHA
M. L. and. May W. Holbrook to Geo.
W. Sell, lot 18. block 4, EX St.
Elizabeth C. Sprague to John Carlson.
J013 Jo, n. 10, ltfc 17, 10, 1 , X.
21. 22, 23 and 24. block S. Norman
dale Rivervtew Cemetery Association to
Ka the line Hewitt, lot 44, Sec. 10,
said cemetery
W. H. and Alice B. Nunn to Conrad
bauer. lot 3. block 24. N. Irvmnton
Join and Nettle B. Oorkish to Job.
t. Houston, lot 8 to 14, inclusive,
block R7. Portsmouth
Portland Trust Co. of Oregon to Louis
1. KomartHKi, west or lot in ana
north IO feet of wwt H
block H. Central Albina
Jas. D. and Carrie C. Wharton to J.
P Karlson, lot 1, block K Sunny
lde John Helm to J. H. and Julia Put
nam, lot 5. block 1. Webb's Add....
Jan. J. and Rowena II. Hogan to E. S.
umnoy. lot ltf. block Muitnoman
Earl V. Lively, trustee, and Agnes W.
Lively to Man Youngferdort, lot 4,
block 1. Woodward's RUbdivlMon of
lot 1. Riverside Homestead
Hans and Maren Larsen to John C.
Hughes. Fouth St t feet of lot 1.
block 4. Caruther Add. to Caruth
ers Add
Hans Larsen to Peter and Kate Mc
Lean, south 37. feet of lot 7.
block 49. Carnthers Add .to Carut ti
ers' Add
Portland Realty & Trust Co. to Albert
jx. rosaicK, 101s 1, . ana a, diock ij.
Ellen J. and Jno. P. Sharkey to C. L.
Andrews, lot 8. block 18. Elizabeth
Irvinr'fl Add
Henry and Anna Vodertjerg to Jas. H.
ana uexsey a. tiayior, lot o, diock
28. Alblna Homestead . . . . ;
Arleta Land Co. to Magdalena Wint
ers, lot 6, block o, Ina Park
J. H. and Blandlna F. Valentine to
XX B. woimes, iota i ana 0, diock
34, Irvlngton
Total $60,027
Have your abstracts made by the Security
Abstract Truet Co.. 7 Chamber of Commerce.
Women of Woodcraft Meet.
EUGENE. Or., March 22. (Special.)
Delegates from 39 cities are in attendance
at the Women or W ooacrart rally field
here today. The lodges from Albany to
Ashland are represented. The reception
and banquet this afternoon were well at
tended. The exercises in the armory to
night consist principally of ritualistic
Lobby imperial Hotel.
(Established 1879.)
" Caret WhU You Slp. "
Whooplng-Cough, Croup,
Bronchitis, Coughs,
Diphtheria, Catarrh.
Confidence can be placed in a rem
edy, 'which for a quarter of a century
has earned unqualified praise. Restful
mgnta are assured at once. ,
Cresolene Is m Boon to Asthmatics
, All Druggists
Send oital far Je- b" 1 f . Vi'J
Creaolene Antlseutlc
Throat Tablet for the
irritated throat, of
tout druggist or rrom
as. 10c. in stamps.
Tbt Vapo-Cresolene Co.,
ISOMtwSi., N. T.
.Rose Gty Park
CTMam and teaatifws the halt.
Kever rails to Bftstore Gray
aalr to lta routoxul iwior.
Cans femip diHMt a hftir fallii
tOcaod l.x.t IVpaii
a a m .'
See What a Dime Will Do
ciples on which Cascarets were made and marketed.
We doubt if in all the world of medical science and thera
peutic manufacture better SKILLED CHEMISTS and more
carefully selected constituents could be employed than in the
making of Cascarets.
The RESULTS prove it.
No other Bowel Medicine on earth has reached in history the tremendous
approbation and patronage accorded Cascarets by the American People, a testi
monial of GENUINE MERIT and satisfactory results, for surely no sensible
person would buy an article more than once, unless satisfied, or recommend it
to others if not convinced of its virtues.
The sale of Cascarets at the present time is over ONE MILLION
BOXES A MONTH, a fact that ought to convince anyone of the satisfac
tion given to millions of our friends and patrons.
It is just this kind of example placed before you that ought to induce
you to try a little 10c box of Cascarets and be CONVINCED of its value
and effectiveness. After this harmless, inexpensive experiment you will see the
reason for the unequaled popularity of this preparation as a true PERSONAL and
FAMILY MEDICINE, and this realization will urge future use when necessary.
So we ask you to take a DIME BOX home with you, and "WHILE
YOU SLEEP THEY WILL WORK" and make you feel well and happy.
We back our request by our GUARANTY, and if you're not pleased, your
purchase-money will be returned to you for the asking.
Such has been our Faith in the efficacy of this pure, clean, sweet, mild,
harmless but forceful little fragrant tablet, so easy to buy, so easy to carry,
so easy to take, so easy in its action, that we do not hesitate to offer this
guaranty to the world, and make good on it.
Cascarets not only are the best medicine yet discovered for the treat
ment and cure of Chronic Constipation and all its dire consequences, but
also a splendid PREVENTIVE OF DISEASE caused by bacteria and other
germs in the Bowels. There are more serious troubles that have their
origin in irregularities in the food channels than any other cause, and Cas
carets by thoroughly cleaning out the stomach and intestines and PURI
FYING in an antiseptic way, keep you perfectly safe from such fearful dis
eases as Appendicitis, Peritonitis and other deadly inflammations caused by
retention of indigestible food in the passages.
W said Cascarets were and are the BEST BOWEL MEDICINE in
the worVL Once more we assert that the sale of nearly 100 million of
boxes in eleven years PROVES IT. Our record is put up against any
other medicine for the same purpose in the world, for ACTUAL RE
SULTS. Try a 10c box TO-DAY. Buy it from your own druggist under GUAR
ANTY and you will join the MILLIONS of our friends. Be sure you get
the GENUINE, the letters "C. C. C." on every tablet. jaj
n r n: my fee is
Don't Give Up Hope
There Is Help For You
Act Today !
In my very extensive practice I have
learned a few truths that are undeniably of
interest to EVERY MAN. First of all I
find that the very serious and so-called "in
curable" cases are due usually to NEG
LECT and DELAY. Again, I know that
many men suffer FOR YEARS and prac
EVER trying to dose themselves with some
patent uostrum that never could cure. And
further, it is evident that many men will
run to what they call "cheap" treatment.
"cheap" treatment means in nine cases
out of ten. The last state of the man is
worse than the first. Just before you go
a line further in this announcement, stop
and ask yourself as to whether YOU are
following in the foolish footsteps of the
man who NEGLECTS himself t Are YOU
trying to cure yourself with nostrums t Are
YOU looking for treatment that will not
cure? If you are, it is certain that you will
regret it It is NEVER TOO LATE to get on the right path, but at
the same time remember that you cannot get there too soon. Tha
best help in the world is none too good for you ; you cannot get it toa
quickly. I offer it to you at the lowest fees possible.
You Can Pay When Cured
I Cure Permanently
Advice and Consultation FREE. Write If You Cannot Call.
the DR. TAYLOR co.
Corner Morrison and Second Streets.
Private Entrance 234y2 Morrison Street. PORTLAND, OB
r rt fx wm yrzri I
3 li ' il 'j E 9 f 1 li fc S 3 K m m 1 1
fl Hl M
for Infants and Children.
The Kind You Have Always IJoug-Iit has borne the- signa
ture of Chas. II. Fletcher, and. has been made under his
personal supervision for over SO years. Allow no one
to deceive you in this. Counterfeits, Imitations and
" Just-as-pood " are bat iEixperiments, and endanger the
health of Children Experience against Experiment.
The Kind You Have Always Bought,
Bears the
In Use For Over 30 Years.
Twc CKtrrauw cowwiwt, tt
Send ftamp for Pst-tlcvlsr and Testi
monials of the remedy that clean the Com-
Rlexlon. Kemovm iskln Imperfections, Hskei
w Blood mud Improves tha Health, if
you take
beoenctel result, mxm amrajitead or noner
Madisun Place. rtuWelohllt. t'e.
We gladly welcome the
Pure Drugs Law, because it
agrees with our thoughts
and methods. Cascarets
inept its every requirement
and always did since the day
they were first invented and
put on the market. PURITY,
MERIT have been the prin
In Any Uncomplicated
The Leading Specialist.
Diseases and
Blood Poison
Signature of
murnat trrftcrr, new yoww errr.
flf is a fton eAttfait) Aat
Irsmsdj for QonorrkoB
6iet. ftptrmiterrhai,
wtittM, unnatural Aimr
FfHiaM aiarisa. tipQ of Bneon nienr
mEwwiOHEMWlfo. brant. Kon-artrliigeat
or Mnt In plain wraaper.
br Axaress, arepaid, tot, or 1 fcotttaa, $2.7U
UWtiaf M&M f llsat
"V tinunuTu .1 J
The Testimony of Portland People
Stands the Test.
The test of time is what tells the tale.
The public soon rinds out when mlarepre
Kentationa are made, and merit alone will
stand the tetft of time.
Portland people appreciate merit, and
many months ago local citisens publicly
indorsed Doan's Kidney Pills; they do
so still. Would a citizen make the state
ment which follows unless convinced that
the article was just as represented? A
euro that lasts Is the kind that every suf
ferer from kidney Ills te looking for.
David Campbell, baker, at 221 North
Seventeenth slreet, and living at 170 North .
Eiehtaenth street, Portland, Or., says:
"Every word of the statement I made In
February, 1903. concerning Doanfs Kidney
Pills is not only true, but having since
been free from kidney troubles, I am
Klad to state that my faith in Doan's
Kidney Pills is stronger than ever. It is
now five or six years since I began to
suffer with a lame and aching back. It
was so bad that I could not stand the
pain when bending forward or straight
ening. I tried various remedies and be
gan doctor's treatment, but whatever re
lief I found was only temporary and often
I could not get any relief at all. Hav
ing read in my home paper from England
that Doan's Kidney Ptlla were strongly
recommended for such troubles, I got a
supply at a local drugstore. The first
box helped me so that I kept on with
their use and when I had taken about
four boxes, not a trace of the trouble
remained and I have had no recurrence
since I have told these facts in a testi
monial published in WC3 and am very glad
of the opportunity now to corroborate It."
For sale by all dealers. Price 50 cents.
Foster-Milburn Co., Buffalo, New York,
sole agents for the United States.
Remember the name Doan a and take
no other.
Bp a Man
!M Farm. 8 ffceuf.
rtrat ropt CMt siooa.
Lot. Courtship, War
rtaae aad All Diawaags
f Men MDlalosd fit
alD languaca. This
wonderful book ' tells
raryUilns; yow want
to know aad avarSr-
thine jon snonTA Know
In regard to happy aad
unhappy wedded Ufa.
disease which forbid
marrlafe. ruinona ear
ly follies, sell -deot mo
tion, lost manhood,
poor memory, prema
tura decay, nervous
ess. blood poison,
dwarfed organs, stric
ture, weak lungs, lrr
r and kidney diseases
Ignorance begeta mia
cry; knowledge Drugs
health aad happineaa.
Written by tha World-Famoos Mastee
6 pedal Ut. "The Mt W ondVrfnl and
bnaicM ScJentlfte Book at the li-
State Medical Institute
fZ Second At... South.
There is no aetiaf action keener
then being dry and comfortable
when out in the hardest storm.
Delicate enough for the softest
skin, and yet efficacious in removing
any stain. Keeps the skin in perfect
condition. In the bath gives all the
desirable after-effects of a Turkish
bath. It should be on every wash
The Wrll-KnOTrm
Root and Herb
Has made a life study of roots and
herbs, and In that study discovered
and is giving to the world his wonder
ful remedies.
He guarantees to cure Catarrh,
Asthma. Lung. -Throat Rheumatism,
Nervousness, Nervous Debility. Stom
ach, Liver, Kidney Troubles; also Lost
Manhood, Female Weakness and All
Private XMseases.
Just Received From Peklns, China.
Safe. Sure and Reliable.
If you cannot call, write for symp
tom blank and circular. Inclose 4
cents in stamps.
The C. M Wo Chineee Medicine Co
162 First St, Cor. Morrison,
Portland. Or.
Pleaae Mention This Paper.
A Positive Cure CATARRH
Ely's Cream Balm
In aulckly absorbed.
Given Relief nt
It cleanses, soothes,
heals and protects
the diseased mem
brane. It cures Ca
tarrh and drives
iiway a Cold in the
Head quickly. Re
stores the Senses of i
aaja m a. w w ata
Taste and Smelt Full size SO cts., at
Druggists or by mall; Trial 8iza 10 eta,
by n.ili.
Kiy Brothers, C( Warren street. a
New York.