II THE MORNING OREGOXIAX, SATURDAY, - MARCH 23, 1907. XT.W TODAY. Fourth-St. Corner Near Burnside. $33,500 Under present improvements it is paying cnt impro paying 8 This s a Bargain. EAST SIDE Gontf corner with 100 fret frontage. Three-story modern brick building. rr.rr with 100 foot story modern brick bi $36,000 ins alone worth the n 'Tluildlns alone worth the money. Income 8 Net Thlr property is irood for a big increase this Summer. James J. Flynn 512 Chamber of Commerce Real Estate Cyl Don Nice quarter. N. W. cor. 29th trUUU and Savier; very sightly. $6500 $8500 Full lot on North 13th, between Lovejoy and Marshall. Worth WxlOO. 24th and York. Only quarter left. Worth 110,000. $12 500 SS One o the choicest high blocks on the market. i09 (inn Quarter block on 1-Uh and wtt UUU Flanders, covered with dwell ings. J.AWO less than other quarters. t1fl finn SoxlOO on Madison near 2d, OuU UUU covered with frame build ings; a sure money maker. tlin finn Half block N- 15th. Fran OfU UUU cliise Kianted lor switch up ioth. lieal warehouse buy on the market. Grindstaff & Schalk Aetna Fire Insurance Company. 2S Stark Street. Telephone Main 3V2. : ACREAGE You ran make 100 per cent be fore July 1st by investing now in t lie following; acreage, only 5 miles from the eenter of Portland, on the I'owell Valley road: 4 1-2 Acres for . $575 5 1-6 Acres for . $645 5 1-5 Acres for . $650 6 1-3 Acres for. $1000 5 Acres for . . $750 41 1-8 Acres for $5000 One-half cash, balance on terms to suit. Come and let us take you out i see this property. "Don't delay," as this opportunity will not last long. AMERICAN BANK & TEUST CO., 90 7th Street FOB' SALE REAL ESTATE. iWEST SIDE QfAUTER BLOCK. AS loe In as 2:td and Washington Jis.. only 4 $4000; cement and " macadam. etc.; lays fine and level: Rood view and nelghbor ' hood: choice for residence, flats or specu Intbm; or the corner- lot $2200 and inside $1800; terms. V. G. Cox, 202 Alisky " Mrlit. Call 12 to 1 :30. ' SOMB PPLKNUID CHANCES. 60 acres Lents. floe for platting; all cleared; Bet price. $ 7no0 1 10x100, Kcai ney st., beautiful lot : very cheap. $1650 6-room house, lot 50x180, near car; a bargain. dOnUON, 2o.s 4th. Phone Pacific 21115. SOMETHING GOOD IN ACREAGE. Sightly tract suitable for platting, close in and near carllne; can be sold off In lots lor double the price we a sic for it. Call at office for oartJculars. WESTERN OKI SON TRUST CO., 2ft I Stark st. 43,000 CORNER. WITH 3-STORY BUILD tng. on 5lh sttt-et. now paying II per i't-nt net on asking price. Moore Ki ally Co., 2U Stark si. , $2160 NICE LOT AND GOOD 6-ROOM house; gas, porcelain bath, sewer, good lo cation; income $18 per month; terms. W. O. Waddel. 317 Lumber Exchange. $3000 BUYS A NEW 7-ROOM HOUSE AND lot 1 oft x 100. concrete basement, good barn and cl:lcktn-house, 2 blocks from 2 carUnea. Inquire of owner, 984 Rodney ave. $2500 40x108 AND GOOD 7-ROOM house, E. 17th St., near Morrison: noth ing so cheap In this vicinity. W. O. Wad del. 317 Lumber Exchange. J1V5T PK SOLO TODAY LOT fiSxlOO. 31ST and Kant Main; cement walk. Improved street; $SV; terms. Owner. 301 S wetland bidg.. Mh and Wash. 11H Bl'YS 2, ACRES ON CAR LINE AT -River Villa; beautiful home sites, with running water; best of soil. B. S. Cook Jc Co.. J.M Alder st. SS000 50x00. SOUTHWEST CORNER EAST let and Oak sts.: fine location for waie- house, with trackage. W. O. Waddel. 317 Lumber Exchange. BY OW N RR NEW 8-ROOM HOUSE, FIRST "Mass: 7 full lots, all improved; a bargain; Oregon City car ltne, 30 minutes ride; terms. F Tti, Orcxonlan. BEST SMALL BUY ON THE MARKET 'Fractional lot near 3d ; Income-bearing. Vanduyn & Walton, 515 Chamber Com- WILLAMl'Tl K HEIGHTS HOME, SELECT lu'iahY-orluMxi, 7 rooms, modern, aim net now; $5uu less than real value. 213 Stark street. HOUSES. ALL PARTS OF CITY. BUILT AND sold on installments. Kroner. 16-17 Cam bride bidg.. southwest oor. 3d aad Morrison. R BUILD HOUSES on easy paymfits: have nm nice Diaiu: can furnish lots lr de- iyrd. 612 Commercial Bidg. Main 1040. 20 CHOICE ACRES ON JOHNSON CREEK and O. w . r. enrune at a oargain. van dun Walton. MS Chamber of Commerce. Vi'iR SAl-K-MODKUN fi-ROOM OfEEX Anne, cottage; price $23oO; will give terms. Oft neiv e.t ancouver ave. TIilTIT EXTRA LARGE LOTS. ON fAR. near Waverleigh. worth S.'t.'O, only each; a reai snap. nu eiark st. IRVINGTON NEW, MODEKN. r ROOM i-!:id''nce; comer East 22ri anj Broadway. Call room 101 Sherlock bldg, SIGHTLY QUARTER BLOCK IN CRHBTON 110 fvet facing carllne; easy terms. Ownw, X 7;, Oregonian. 14. FINK LOTS ON ST. JOHNS CARLINB can l uoucni ui wartxn 11 taKen quick. 7t Cham. Com. A SNAP. $2500 BEAUTIFUL S-ROOM MOD crn houke. fine locality. Apply 28 e, Kelly Alh Jit SPHINX" AGENCT. 305 1-S STARK ST.. CJLii ult mir Kn mi umi nronertv or rel.-f ara. MODERN 6- ROOM HUNG ALOW. NEW, 23t eaay ternin. Phone WotKllawn 107. Owner. I'UfrTTY WILLAMETTE HEIGHTS HOME. 7 rooms, moocrn, new. uner, 1'acmc FOR SALE REAL ESTATE. LOOK HERB! I have farms to seii 20 to 160 acres each, all in a rapidly developing district, some with very little improvement and some well improved, at pric which are ure to double In 3 to 5 years; also a few of the heat residence proper! ica , in Gresham, as welt as a number of busi ness bulMlngs paying an income of 12 to 14 per cent, and vacant lots. Gresham in 13 miles east of Portland, with one car line finished and another In course of construction. Write, explaining Just what yon want, and see what I will do for you; or. what Is better, call and ere me. D. S. JOHNSON. Gresham. Or. CHOICE BARGAINS. $5200 7-room. modern house on Weid . ler street. $?ih)o 5-room. modern house on E. 22d Stree. $12."-n r-room cottage In Montavilla. $'rtMi lOOxloO, corner Schuyler st. S32rj lOitxloo, corner Weldler st. jlCOO IfwixlOO, E. Yamliiil and 20th at. Phone Pacific 1738. WHITTEN A BRYANT. 40S-7-8 Swetland bidg. HERB IS A SNAP. I have a nicely situated lot in Arleta Park No. 2. on the Mt. Scott carline. level, cleared land, water pipes tnid in street; this is a rapidly growing neighborhood: no better suburban property on the market; no rea sonable offer refused. Address D 84, Ore gonian. ' YOr ARE THE JUDGE. H.-iOO Fine 8-aere place, best of soil, good buildings, fine fruit trees, ereelt. close to car; easy terms-; you might have some objection, as- nothing is perfect, hut you will fay It is the cheapest place you have seen around Portland; ideal place for doc tor or sanitarium. F. FUCHS. 2-Jt '4 Morrison St. MON BY-MA KING PROPERTY. $135o iiOxlflO, Union ave. ; terms. $lWt 5ox!00. corner Union ave.; terms. S1K.V) ."ntxUo. corner Union ave.; terms. StKCiO 85x73. corner Union ave.; terms. S2;ro luuxliio. cmner Union ave.; terms. 42.io I.ixKM. ITnlon ave.; term.. 52750 2 lo!s and stores. ITnlon ave. F. DUBOIS. Washington bidg.. room 3. KLAMATH COUNTRY IN OREGON RE clamation service expending $5,000,000 Ir rigating 20,000 acres. Finest of fanning and timber lands. Large cities growing. New railroads through the land. Lots on monthly payments. Send five 2-cent stamps for Illustrated pamphlet. Klamath Development Co., Klamath Falls. Or. INCOME PROPERTY. $0!io catfh, nearly half block. West Side, oii-ur, few minutes center city; 4 modern 2-stoi y ' houses. ' cement basements, walls, sidewalks; corner lot and better vacant : local business center: price $16,500. Stale Investment Co., 118 Abington bidg. $5900 ON EVERETT ST.. TOT CSxlOO. WITH 7-room cottage, 2 blocks from Wasomg ton ;this must be .sold before April 1. MOORE REALTY CO., 26S Stark st. A SNAP. lOOxino located near Harrison street, on Front; 3-story brick hotel j?oon to be erected beside the, flame, another 4-story brick hotel to be erected within one block; income $50 per month ; price $13,500. For particulars, fee F. W. Newell. 66 6th St.. 21 floor. ACREAGE. . 61 acrs adjoining- city limits; all clared: fln soil: 32 acres In small fruit; Eric very low; easy terms; you can dott le your money on this In a short time. W. O. WADDEL. 17 Lumber Exchange. Second and Stark. $7500 ON JOHNSON STREET. LARGE .-room houfe, lot wxlOO. strictly mod ern. Moore Realty Co., 268 Stark st. $11.500 QUARTER BLOCK WITH 2 LARGE double houses thereon and room for flat on corner, on East Side, near Steel bridge. Fine Investment. PARRISH. WATKINS & CO.. C3rt Alder ;t. PARRI9H. WATKINS Jfc CO.. 250 ALDER st. Real estate, rentals, loans and In surance. We make a specialty of handling rentals and propertv for residents and nonresidents. Established 1872. Main 1644. A SNA P. $1250 150x177 deep, level, with magnifi . cent view, one block to East Glisan sSieet car: worth $150O; flne place for villa home.. F. Dubois. Washington bidg., room ::. FOR SALE 80 ACRES. 34 MILE FROM Estacada; good soil, spring branch, good bunch tie timber and cordwood; prlo $1650. $500 down, balance easy terras; this is a snap. Box 153. Estacada, Or. $(i0c A 50x110-FOOT LOT WITH NEW, modern double' flat, on Larrabee, near Du pont St.; a real -snap. See us. FARRISH. WATKINS & CO.. 250 Alder st. BUSINESS LOT. MISSISSIPPI AVE.. A L blaa: small income, only $1050; also resi dence lot near by on carline for $7."0. and corner $:to0. Vanduyn &. Walton, 515 Chamber Commerce. . 100x100 FEET OF VACANT GROUND ON Williams ave. for sale. This Ilea south of Russell. St.. In coming . business district. For further information see owner. 26S Stark st. Room 13. $5000 Prospective business property. East Morrison, between Iflth and 2oth sts.: now Improved with two dwellings; income $35 per mo.; terms. W. O. Waddel, 317 Lumber Ex. $7EW0 Investment, speculation. Home. Holla dav Addition, will net 7 per cent. Two fur nlahed cottages. Gear hart Park. $400. $900. will net 11 per cent. Call or write 02 7th st. COTTAGE AT SEASIDE; MODERN. WELL furnished, electric ngntea. sanitary toi lets. bath, city water, etc; overlooks the ocean. Edgar B. Piper, Oregonian. $250 EACH FOUR LOTS ON WAVERLY- Woodslock carline, liu reet rrom macao am i Z"d road and ca r track s : in ves t igal ion tdtlidted: fine view. Phone East 4537. FOR SALTS TWO LOTS." 50x100. ON JERSEY st.. in McDougall's Add. to St. Johns, $550 each: must sell at once; worth ft.50 each. Inquire room 44. Commercial block. A BARGAIN IF TAKEN BY APRIL 1 IS acree. 8-room house, sichtly ' location, on Oregon City car line; $2T.o0. Inquire 680 icamona ave. j none tast CHOICE -LOT. CLOSE TO HAWTHORNE: cement walk, street Improved, only $750 f"r Mulcte sale; worth $850. Vanduyn &. Waltrn, oio Chamber commerce. OVERTON ST., NEAR 20TH, $1650.. 33 1-3X 100. south iront, macadam street, cemen: walk; part time; forced sale. Owner, W. D. Fralcy, 214 3d st. WELL-BUILT O-ROOM RESIDENCE, air lost new. i oox i w corner, near car, Sellwood. for less than cost of building. Inquire 243 Stark. POUR LOT?. SMALL HOUSE. EARN. chlckenhouse, woodshed, good well, 24 bear ing fruit tree; price ioj. a . Brampton, Diliey. Oregon. 7-ROOM HOUSE. LOT 40x127. MONTAVILLA. blf Wock from carline; $1350. Inquire txmiourgn invcsimfni (.o.. '. ttaieign oldg. JUST THINK! LOTS $20 EACH,. AT $t PER nunth, near Salem carline. Apply to owner, w. tteiot, wasntngton nidg. SlOiO LOT 62x10O, 5-ROOM HOUSE WITH l'cd. barn, chicken house and fruit, near Pretty man Station, y 8. Oregonian. FOR SALE 0100 ON HALL SI.. 150 FT. west of 14th st.; splendid view without climb; otiW. owner. 4fcO ljan at. 10 VITR CENT DOWN AND EASY PAT mrnti" will buy y.u a goo.1 lot on St. Johns carline. tJO Chamber Commerce. NEW. MOTERN 5 ROOM HOUSE, SUNY side. $22.x': $iw cash, balance monthly Holiiter. 313 Commercial block. 10 ACRES CLOSE IN, EAST SIDE. ON section Line roan : sunanie r.r subdividing. B. C. Mathewa. 304 Fenton bidg. ONLY $1K0 Bl VfJ FINE CORNER LOT OX Clinton Ft., clse In. easy payments. E. .1. Geiser, 221 - Morrison st. MODERN HOUSES. ALSO VACANT LOTS in Holladay Park Addition. R, B. Rice, 690 Wasco st Phone E. 2432. , ON EASY TERMS NEW 7-ROOM MODERN house, tine tinting, etc: beautiful home, by owner. Phone Pacific 2740. $3000 NINE-ROOM HOUSE AND UT 80x118, fronting Mt. Tabor carline. L. C Opdyke. 1029 East Morrison st. $W0O 00x100 LOT ON CLAl ST.. NEAR 14th; a good buy. Owner, 817 Lumber Ex change. 2d and Stark. WE NEED SK0 MORE TO CARRY OUT A piattirs proposition: investigate. State Land Co., 133U First street. ANOTHER GOOD CORNER LOT, FINK Lo cation, on St. Johns carline. 720 Cham. Com. ffiKHi fi-KOOM HOUSE. 570 4l"H ST.. BET. Lincoln and Grant; term?. 191 Morrison. FOR SALE REAL ESTATE. FOR SALE BY H. W LEMCKE COMPANY. EAST SIDE. $o.0Jt West Irvington. very desirable 8- room Iioufc. $7.030 Union ,ave. (north. corner 104x106, Improed with store and flats. $fH0 Sellwood st.. lot 5ix125, street im proved, cement sidewalk. $2,100 At Firland. very flne new 6-room house on corner 100x100. This is . a beautiful place and cheap at this price: $15o0 cash down. $4,200 Williams ave. colonial style 7-roo.n house, lot 30x101!. - very desirable; " Bltulithic pavement, cement side walk, ecmeiit basement, etc. $2.000 New modern 8-room house. noar Union ave; cement basement, porce lain plumbing, interior dark oak finish. $3,000 Modern 7-room house, cement base ment 28x48; large rooms, 2 lots, orner; nice lawn, flowers, beauti ful view. $1,600 At Mt. Tabor, a pice 225x135 that lays beautifully; half cash will hand Is It. $2.725 East Russell at., 50x100 lot, two houses. USE THIS LIST SUNDAY. $4,66o East 10th St.. near Brooklyn st, loo xloo, inside two houses; $20OO cash will randle this. $5,50O East 6th st.. vicinity of Mill St., corner 50x100, cottage rented for $20. $4,500 East Madison St.. near 14th St., modern tl-room house. 50x100 lot. $:,J50 Holladay Park Addition. modern - O-room house on a corner 50x100. WEST SIDE. $7,000 Nob Hill District, near 24th St.. modern 7-room house, lot 50x100. $7.300 King's Hill, choice lot for fine ' residence. $12,350 Fifth St.. easy walking distance. 50x 10O lot, two fine houses; montniy income S per cent. $2,500 South Portland. Hooker St., lot 66x 100, (i-room house. $1,700 South Portland, fractional corner lot on carline; 6-room house just completed; porcelain plumbing and bath. A snap. $7,73S Corbett st.. very flne residence. 7 rooms, lot 60x112; strictly modern; all conveniences. This is a beauti ful place, built for a home and practically new. H. W. LEMCKE CO., 6th and Washington sts. Main 550. SELLWOOD HOMES. $1500 6-room house, close In. $7u0. 2-room house, close in. $S50 J -room .house, two lots. . $1150 6-room house. $2100 6-room house. 2 nice lots, fruit trees, eto.. on Improved street. $2300 6-room house- on improved street. $1300 -5-room cottage, 2 lots, $1400-6-roora house, 2 lots. $1000 3 lots, view of river. $2400 7-rcom, modern house. $500 4 pretty lots. $ttoo 100 feet square, corner. $565 100 feet square. SELLWOOD TOWNSITE CO.. H. P. Palmer, Mgr. 222 Failing bidg. Main 566L Sellwood ofTice. 1655 E. 13th at- Phone Sell wood 161. $ll.OO0 WAREHOUSE SITE CORNER 3D and East Pine. $4200 Fine home on East Ankeny street; term?". 53200 Modem house and 3 full lots at Montavilla. $4300 Modern home on East 3d street; term. $1800 8-room, modern home on East Main. PHONE MAIN :i743. HARPER & ODONNELL. Room 3. 5th and Morrison Benson bidg. WEST SIDE LOTS. $2150 each Several fine level lotF. finely situated for residences, flats or stores; 0 minutes on car from 3d and Washington sts.; one with good 5-room cottage only $2300. These will not keep. STATE INVESTMENT CO., IIS Abington bidg. FOR SALE BY . OWNER FINE 0-ROOM ED home, located on choice corner on Eat Burnside street; walking distance, and one block from East Ankeny cars; double board ed and thoroughly braced; excellent fur nace, onk mantel and- grate, porcelain bath, man and electricity: unique arrangement. $roOo. X 8a. Oregonian. A CHEAP BUY. $2100 East 43d st. near Hawthorne carline; good 8-room house, lot 5Oxlo0, bath, hot and cold water: everything nice; $00t will handle this. Call early for this. H. W. Lemcke Co., 64h and Washington st. Main 550- $2500 LOT ON NORTHRUP STREET. 5oX I'K. m choice loca t ion for nat s ; very eaey terms. Moore Realty Co., 268 Stark st. HOLLADAY PARK BARGAIN. $3250 -Modern 6-room house on corner 50x100. 130 feet cement sidewalk, sewer, gas. city water, easy terms. Call early about this. H. W. Lemck Co., 0th and Washing:on sis. Main 550. TWO DESIRABLE CORNERS. $450 Full corner on E. Harrison, $50 below market price. $8-0 3x100. corner Sunnystde, beauti ful lawn and roses. HAGEMANN & BLANCH ARD, 01 5th st. $JK00 COTTAGE IN SUNNYSIDE: GOOD buv; payments only $15 per month. $450 Corner lot. 38x78; rare bargain; only 10 minutes to city. Phone V. PAGE HARRIS. Bast 430o. SOO Belmont, cor. E. 25th. BIG SNAP 6-ROOM COTTAGE. BRICK basement, cement floor. 2 lota, barn, fine fnuit trees, etc.. all for $16ou; Center Ad dition. F. Dubois, room 3, Washington bidg. . FULL IMPROVED LOT, FIRST ST., south of Madison; ,good income-bearing and a cheap buy at $13,000. Vanduyn & Walton. 515 Chamber Commerce. $4050 100x100 AND 4 5-ROOM COT tages. income $43 per month; a good in vestment. W. O. Waddel, 317 Lumber Exchange. 2d and Stark. RESIDENCE LOT WILL BUILD TO SUIT purchaser; terms. John Miller, 30th and Wygant sts. HAVE SOME FINE ACREAGE ON NEW Salem line which will make you money. 720 Cham. Com. WANTED REAL ESTATE. WE HAVE A NTiMBER OF BUYERS WAIT ing for home in Irvington, Holladay Park and East Side districts; prices ranging from $2500 up to $70o0. If you have anything good at a reasonable price, see us at once. COMMONWEALTH TRUST CO.. 6TVT AND ANKENY. PHONE MAIN 304. TO OWNERS OR AGENTS. Will lease 6 or S-room dwelling, paying 2 or 5 yeans cash in advance; prefer option to purchase: mu-t have some shade. Answer by letter. 610 Commercial block. WANT LOT IN SOUTH PORTLAND FOR A home; would like east or south front; must he cheap from owners; give location and price. M 85. Oregonian. WB HAVE BUYERS FOR AI-L KINDS OF property. What have you to offer? Ken nedy & Hickoiw Room 325, Lumber Ex change. I WANT 5 OR 6-ROOM HOUSE IN NORTH or South Portland, not over $2500; can pay $,vtn down. No agents. AdUrees H 82, Ore gonian. WANTED GILT - EDGED BUSINESS property. $50,000 to $75.00; want to deal vlth owners only. V 70, Oregonian. WANT RESIDENCE. 7 OR 8 ROOMS, CLOSE In. West Side prefcrrd; cash deal only, with owner. Address B 72, Oregonian. WANT GOOD INCOME OR FUTURE Busi ness property; $200O to $15,000; no agents. D 63. Oregonian. WANT GOOD INCOME OR FUTURE Busi ness property; $2000 to $15,000; no agents. D 63, Oregonian. WISH TO INVEST FROM $3000 TO $10,000 in Portland real estate. P 81, Oregonian. WANTED 15 OR 20 ACRES WITHIN 10 miles of town. A 85. Oregonian. WANT TO BUY ACREAGE NEAR ST. John?. Address F 83. Orejtonlan. FOB RENT FARMS. HOMBSBEfKSRS WILL FIND IT TO THEIR interest to correspond with Mr. Warren Nichols, of Eugene. Or. Land to rent at usual rates; good opportunity to look around before locating. FOR RENT 80 ACRES 12 MILES FROM Portland; 75 acres cleared. 60 acres plowed. Inquire of owner. 1U8 Second et.. Portland. WANTED RENTER FOR 60-ACRE ranch. 1 14 miles N. W. Falls City. Or. Ad dress R. M. Wonderlcy. Falls City. Or. HOOD RIVER 15 ACRES. ORCHARD, berrlrs. timothy. 3 miles to depot. Mercer, 605 Front. Fort'.and. FOR SALE FARMS. A FARM WITH A COAL MINE. WITHIN two miles of the W.est Side Railroad, up among the hills of the Yam hi lis. U a place where thousands of dollars have been expended in prospecting for coal and not altogether fruitless. The indica tions were more encouraging as the work proceeded. Incline shafts were run and thousands of tons of croppings were throw n on the dump. Perpendicular shafts were sunk and as a result water arose to the surface; the mine was flood ed; the funds for development were ex hausted ; the lease has recently expired and the whole thing mine and' farm is for-sale. Competent coal experts pronounce this unquestioned coal land and only awaits development to prove it such. The whole mountain of dump after lying for a year, was fired by spontaneous combustion. It burned like a limekiln. The debris of clay and earthv matter charred as cinders from vitrified "brick, is now be ing used for road pavement. The farm of 177 acres Is only 27 miles of Portland, on main county road, rural route and tele phone line. Ts the making of a beautiful farm, over 50 acres of very rich level bot tom land Is now in cultivation and crop. Farm is fenced into nine fields with run ning water In each during dryest season. The uncultivated portion is sloping hill land with timber more valuable than price asked for the land and best of soli when cleared. There is a house, two barns, 'orchard, 5 cows, several young heifers, sheep, hogs, ch ickens. tools and implements. W can sell this if taken at once, for less than the farm is worth. B. S. COOK & CO.. 251 Alder st. TWO WELL-IMPROVED FARMS FOR sale In Douglas County; one contain ing 191 acres rich bottom land; new paint ed barn, 65x100 feet; large house, plenty of running water; all fenced with Ameri can woven wire. Price $6000. The other containing 330 acres, all flne rich soil. Over million feet saw timber on place. Creek running through place. All fenced; 4 large barns; good house; 18 buildings on place; flne water system, etc.. with reservoir; 4 acres orchard, flne fruit. Price $S500. These places are 4 miles east of Yoncalla. For full particu lars address J. Wm. Beckley, Yoncalla, Or. WHITTEN & BRYANT, 406-7-8 Swetland Bidg. $6000 132 acres, near North Yamhill, all good cultivating land. In crops; good house and barn, orchard, plenty of water; this Is below actual value. r,000 4 SO acres in Polk Cou n ty , 00 acres cultivated, balance pasture and tim ber; 6,000.000 feet merchantable fir tim ber on place, near railroad and logging at ream ; this is a barjjai n. $7000 200-acre farm In Benton County, near Albany, 75 in cultivation, balance pasture and hardwood timber; fine soil, telephone, free delivery mail ; must sell to close up an estate; Investigate this. WHITTEN ft BRYANT, 4)0-7-8 Swetland bidg.. 0th and Wash. GOOD FARM, 110 ACRES. 2 MILES FROM Oregon City; about 80 "acres cultivated, uo acres alashed and in pasture; will sell all or part: must be sold to " satisfy claims. Come and see it and. make an offer. G. B. Dimick, trustee, Oregon City, Or. FOR SALE 86 ACRES LAND WITHIN 5 miles of Burns. Or., in the heart of the best range; about 5 acres only tillable, balance pasture; would only be suitable for a dairy or chicken ranch for the right kind of a hustler; water running on part of this tract from unused spring. Ad dress. Box 1, Burns, Harney County, Or.; price $800. IF YOU ARE LOOKING FOR 20. 40 OR 80 acrea in the vicinity of Gresham. either partly improved or all well improved, don't fail to call on the Gresham Real Estate Co., as we have some bargains and will be pleased to show them at any time. Greshami Real Estate Co., Gresh am, Or. D. M. Roberts, president. 15-ACRE FARM ON JOHNSON CREEK. RICH land, about 10 acrea in strawberries, black berries and fruit treee; one acre of early potatoes; cheap.- 150 acres very rich land, east of Hubbard in Clackamas County; 8 acres in hops; fine buildings, etc., a bargain. WHALLEY, 613 McKay bidg. W0 ACRES, 60 UNDER CULTIVATION. 40 easily cleared, naiance good nr timber, about 4.000,000 feet; good buildings, phone, daily mail, good roads, 5 miles to thriving R. R. town; if taken soon will throw in farm machinery; $14 per acre. Full particu lars. aiJcIrese owner, E. A. Miller. Philo math, Or. FOR SALE 30-ACRE FARM 26 UNDER cultivation, six in wheat, balance in mea dow; good family orchard, new house, good barn, chicken-houses, two wells. R. F. D. and telephone service: price $2500. Address John Nicholson, Orchards, Wash. 100 ACRES. 60 IN CULTIVATION. 25 MILES from Portland. 6 miles from railroad; fair buildings, large spring.- 6 acres orchard; want to sell right away; $:80O. See G. W. Baars. 23 Raleigh bidg., SSa1, Washington St.. Portland. DO YOU WANT A FARM? I HAVE 50 acres, mostly cleared and cultivated ; ad joins Valley townstte; R. R. : fine echoci. churches. 7 pawmllle near; buildings wortn S20OO; price $2500; choice buy. Inquire 243 Stark street. IF YOU WOULD LEARX ABOUT THJ3 great Flathead Indian reservation, soon to open, send 10 cents (silver or stamps) for our 32-page booklet. Address Flathead Reserva tion Information Agency, Missoula, Mont. 20 ACRES. 8 MILES FROM PORTLAND, river front, all tile drained, cleared: cherry orchard, grapes, or will sell 10 acres river front; will make finest rock quarry in Oregon, w 75. Oregonian. FINE PIECE LAND SOLD REASONABLE, Bethany, Or 10 acre, over 100 fruit trees. For particulars apply to Mrs. C. Gerdes. 228 Lexington avenue, Brooklyn, . Y. FOR SALE 5 ACRES, ALL IN BEARING fruit; good 8-room house; good outbuild ings; close to Vancouver, Wash. 4 N. 6th t. Phone Pacific 2082. 1 00- AC RE RANCH N E A R EST A C A D A . easily cleared and cultivated, running water; worth twice the price; flne fruit land, inquire 43 stark. H OOD R IV E R A P PLE LA N D 1 0 TO SO acres for sale. Inquire owner. : Park at. TO EXCHANGE. GOOD UNIMPROVED FARM LANDS; RICH soil, near Columbia River: will exchange for city property, residence preferred; will ac cept or pay difference. Address N 81, Ore gonian. HAVE GOOD FARMS TO EXCHANGE FOR city property. F. Fuchs, 221 Va Morrison street. WANTED TIMBER LANDS. WE WANT TO PURCHASE A FEW SMALL tracts of timber land. The Amea Mer cantile Agency. Abington bidg. Timber wanted, Oregon or Washington, large or small tracts. Sphinx Agency. Soo6 Stark. WANTED TIMBER HOMESTEAD RELIN llnqulshments. L 85, Oregonian. FOR SALE TIMBER LANDS. 40.000,000 FEET FIR TIMBER, WITH COM plete sawmill and logging outfit, now work ing; profits $2oO per day; $00,000 If taken soon; other timber close; being near Colum bia River, strike don't bother, as this mill pays big wages. McFarland Investment Co.. 310-312 Swetland bidg. Can lecste parties on good fir timber claims -Claims are on a river; will estimate from 3,000.000 to 6,000.000 per 160 acres; locating fees $200. For further informa tion address H. K. llaak. Eureka, Cal. OWNER HAS TWO TIMBER CLAIMS IN Klickitat County. Washington, for sale; cruise 2.000.000 each, white pine: $1500 each. Don't answer unless you mean bu.l ncss. Address X 85. Oregonian. A HOMESTEAD RELINQUISHMENT FOR sale $2M)0 improvements; .10O-gallon cis tern and farming implement: 100 acres; horses and barns; 60 acres under cultiva tion. S 83. Oregonian. BRITISH COLUMBIA TIMBER LANDS Large and smal 1 tracts : on wa ter an d ral I : $4 up. Send for list. E. R. Chandler. 40T Hastings St.. Vancouver, B, C. LAST CHANCE TO GEXT TIMBER CLAIMS before withdrawal of timber huicte. Staples, 2"i2 Worcester bidg. $700,000 TO INVEST IN TIMBER. CALL at 819 Chamber of Commerce bidg., or phone Main 3657. CHEAP S- E. -SECTION lO. TOWNSHIP 12 N., range 0 W. Owner. George A. Mc Neil. 110 N. 4th st. FOUR CHOICE YELLOW PINE TIMBER claims for sa!e cheap. F. M. Baichelor, 374 Washington st. I WILL BUT HOMESTEAD OR TIMBER claim relinquishment. .Ii. Abington bidg. FOR SALE TIMBER LANDS. THE LACE Y WAT Is reeognlied to be the standard war of handling timber lands. The timber must first satisfy us, and our cruise reveals every detail of the conditions surrounding It. Our reports are prepared In such a way that the buyer knows whether or no; the timber will sa tisf y him bef or he Visits the tract. Twenty years experience, and the client age we represent. Is a sufficient guar antee that our methods are right. You may waste your valuable time in looking up the tract you want. Take advantage of the results of our own constant eiforts along this line and get the best. JAMES D. LAC BY A CO.. Lumber Exchange, Seattle, Wash.. Chamber of Commerce, Portland, Or. DOUBLE YOUR MONEY IN SHORT TIME. $7.50 per acre for one of the finest bod ies of timber on Vancouver Island, prin cipally cedar; easy access to salt water; 5s t.ctions in a bunch, cruising over 4JtO0.Ot0 to the quarter. F. FUCIIS. 221' Morrison street. 50 ACRES FINE TIMBER LAND FOR sale Lane County on and near logging stream ; estimated 30,000 per acre; n-t price $flooo, if taken promptly. S 76, Oregonian. FOR SALE Horses. Vehicles, Etc. TOP WAGONS. GOOSE-NECK; FURNITURE wagons, express wagons, runabouts, horees, vehicles and harness of all descriptions for sale or rent. Hubert & H&II, 2tiB Fourth st. New grocery, laundry, bakery, milk wagons. 100 second-hand vehicles: single, double itir ni ture wagons : horses, rlga rented. Toml in son & tCasiday. 211 Wash. Pacific 507. HORSES FOR SALE lO SPANS. 110O TO IWHi pounds. 4S9 Overton, between 13th and 14th; take S car. Freedman Bros. ONE GOOD- SOUND YOUNG WORK HORSE. weight about 1275. at the Oregon Livestock Exchange. 0th and Burnside sts. FOR SALE CHEAP GOOD. FIRST-CLASS hand-made delivery wagon. inquire 3W East Washington. DRAFT HORSES FOR SALE W. J. Kelly, Overland Transfer Co., Stables. 5th and Gllsan. 30 HEAD HORSES AND MULES FOR SALE. Hubert & Hall. 266 Fourth st., near Madison. FOR SALE A NEW CAR OF FINE VAL ley draft horses. E. R. Frank, 1K8 Front. FOR SALE OIL WAGON AND TEAM AND route. Call at 235 Morrison at. FOR SALE CHEAP GOOD FARM HORSE at 228 Jefferson st. Pianos. HERE'S A SNAP A SMITH BARNES piano, $140 paid on contract: can have ac count for $50; can be seen any evening after 7 o'clock at 26 N. 17th at. DECKER & SON PIANO. $150. INQUIRE forenoon?, 41 Union ave., north. Miscellaneous. AN ABSOLUTE FACT. THAT THE DOL lar, at 232 1st does sell new and good as new furniture; stoves, and almost everything for the home, at a much less price than many others. Get his prices and you will save money and time. $ $232 lat st. $ $ $ FOR SALE NEW AND SECOND-HAND BIL- llard and pool taoies; easy payments; we rnt tables, with privilege of buying ; mod ern bar fixtures; cheap prices. Brunswick-Balke-Collender, 4!) 3d st. FOR SALE. $1 EACH 50 TIMBERS, 6xl4x 24 feet and 6x14x30 feet. old. but good and t--ound; situate at 300 Holladay ave. Inquire on premises before 8 A. M. or after 6:30 P. M. ALL BAR FIXTURES. GLASSES AND Ap pliances used in a saloon for sale at The Office Cafe, 285 Washington st. Apply to Sam Vigneux. FOR SALE CHEAP 5 FINE FRESH milch cows, young, gentle. eay milkers. 3 VW) Macadam st.. Fulton. Phone Main 6:S1. FOR SALE CHEAP SHORT-TURNED. LOW bed light taring wagon, suitable for berry wagon. 366 East Washington. CASH PAID FOR FURNITURE. FIXTURES and mercnanowc. t-none juam i6. J. T. Wilson, auctioneer. FOR SALE TWO FINE HOUNDS, 14 months old. Address F. W. Eisenhart, Clats kanle. Or. MACHINERY FOR MAKING ICE OR A cold-storage plant at a baigain. D 66, Ore gonian. FOR SALE SCHOLARSHIP IN BEHNKE Walker Business College at a discount. L 65, Oregonian. Moving picture machines, stereopt icons, re pairs, slides to order. Stevens, 165" 4th. FOR SALE CHOICE FAMIfYY COW; BAR gain If taken at once. Phone. Tabor 456. FOR SALE CHEAP GOOD TOP SECOND hand grocery wagon. Inquire 420 Belmont. MOTORBOAT HULL, 32 FEET LONG. CA- pable of speed. fnone Uiast ae.io. HELP WANTED MALE. WANTED SIX FARMHANDS FOR EAST- ern Oregon, wages 8.15. see boss here: .i farmhands near city, $30 to $40: 1 milker. 5-cent fure. S40; others. Pacific Coast Employment Agency. 2054 Morrison st. ORDER CLERK WANTED FOR PRINTING and engraving office; must have head for fieures and be experienced in clerical work: state experience and salary to begin, or no attention paid E 8. oregonian. Men and women to learn watchmaking, engrav ing. Jeweler work, optics, easy terms; posi tions guaranteed ; money made learn inn. Watchmkg-Engvg. Sch'l, 1426 4th av. Seattle WANTED CRACKER-JACK YOUNG MAN stenographer for law office; must be rapid and accurate. . A. W. Lafferty, 615-18 Fen ton bidg. SALESMAN CLOTHING, SHOE. HAT AND . furnishings. Apply at 8 o clock to Mr. W ilson, corner 3d and Dans. WANTED A FIRST-CLASS CLOTHING AND hoe salesman at the Chicago Clothing Co. Apply at once, with references. VV A NTE D FI RST-CL A SS CANDY A ND cracker salesman for country. The Modern Confectionery Co. WANTED AN EXPERIENCED GROCERY salesman; no otner need apply. .References. P 46. Oregonian. MIDDLE-AGED MAN FOR LIGHT OFFICE work. Inquire at office W tllamctte Iron & Steel Works. WANTED HARNESSM AKERS; GOOD wages and steady employment. The P. J. Cronln Co. WANTED AT ONCE. A GOOD COAT maker. John Sholund, merchant tailor. uaiem, or. PHYSICIAN WANTED FOR GOOD Posi tion; must have $2000. Address M 79, Ore gonian. WANTED EXPERIENCED RAILROAD . station agent. Apply 303 Commercial bidg. WE SECUR T5 EM PLOTMEXT FOR M mi ners. Special membership. $2. Y. M. C. A. WANTED FIRST-CLASS HORSESHOER wages $3.50 per day. 124 North 7th st.. city. WANTED EXPERIENCED BOOKKEEPER ae assistant. Apply Eastern Out fit tin?; Co. Young Man desiring to better condition Call on Employment Dept., Y. M. C A. BOY WANTED STANDARD FACTORY, corner Grand ave. and E. Taylor sts. SEVERAL EXPERIENCED YOUNG- MEN AS rtail cigar salesmen. L 83, Oregonian. SALESMEN BIG WAGES: SOMETHING positively new. 215 Commercial block. BOYS WANTED TO WRAP SOAP. LUCK EL, King & Cake Soap Co., 640 Hood st. WANTED RATLROAD BRIDGE FORE- man. Apply 303 Commercial bidg. 500 men wanted Free shaves and haircuts. i4S coucn st. iMoter ttaroer jonege. WANTED COMPETENT PR ESS FEEDER, $12 per week. Aivin b. riawk k Co. WANTED A GOOD. RELIABLE BOY. Jones Hook btore, "iWl Alder st. PRINTER. $70 MONTH. ADDRESS CROOK county journal, x niieviuv, ur. WANTED FIRST-CLASS. COATM AKERS Nlcoll the Tailor. 108 Third street. WANTED BARBER. STEADY. 783 Mis sissippi avenue, jase l car. GOOD HARNESS MAKER, TOP WAGES. S. .1. KranK. Hooa Kiver, r. WANTED UNION COATM AKERS. A. H Grlswold. sweuanu was. HELP WAXTED MALE. RED CROSS EMPLOYMENT CO.. 20 Nort h Second st. Phone Main 5206. Portland. Or. J. L. O Donnell is here; he wants mn; teamster, rockmen and laborer, at Pilot Rock, via Pendleton, Eastern Oregon. He will be in our office all day: if you are a workingman and broke, bringyour blankets and go with him. FREE PASS. TONIGHT. FREE PASS. Remember the place. THE RED CROSS. Remember the time TONIGHT. FIRST-CLASS WAITER WHO KNOWS service and Is a good salesman. Must be steady and sober; good salary. Apply tc Steward. Sargent Hotel, Grand and Haw thorne aves. NOTICE TO OLD PATRONS. Owing to the Increase in business, we were compelled to seek a new location, where we coul d h ave more room, an d are now located at 21 N. Second at., around the corner from the old office. In the same building and the same phone number. We have hundreds of jobs too numerus to mention. CANADIAN EMPLOYMENT CO.. Phone Main 3074. 21 N. Second st W ANTED BOOKKEEPER AND ASSIST- ant sales manager with modern methods. One familiar with Implements or machinery preferred. Good position to right party. Appltca.ni must give references, age an.l experience, otherwise no consideration. Applications strictly confidential. Address J SI. Oregonian. WANTED STAVEHOLT CUTTERS. wages $1.50 per coid; good board, steady work; timber, yellow fir. Apply Wrestern Cooperage Co., Stearns bidg,, Portland, or Houlton, Or. WANTED FOUR FI RST-CLASS SuLIOI- lors; acquainted with the city and gen eral experience In canvassing necessary qualifications: permanent work guaranteed to right parties. Address, stating former experience, with references, to B 85. Ore gonian. A GENTLEMAN, COMPETENT TO FILL the position as city as well as traveling salesman for a wholesale liquor firm, can find steady emnlovment. AddIv in own handwriting, state expectation as to sal ary; reierences requireu. m wo, urego nian. MEN OVER 20. NOT AFRAID OF WORK. to prepare for work In the Cuntom-nousc. Apply In own handwriting, PACIFIC STATES SCHOOLS, McKay bidg.. City. ALL DISEASES OF MEN SUCCESSFULLY ireaien; aiscnarges positively cured in rrom 3 to 5 days; consultation free and strictly confidential; eend for our symptom blank. X-radlum Medical Institute, 3d and Alder t.; entrance 253 Aider St., Portland. WANTED FOR BECK WITH. CAL.. ON Western Pacific Railroad. 5oO tjnnne! men. machine men, $4 ; helpers. $3.50; muckers, $2.50 and $3; foreman. $4.50 and $5; car penters, $3 to $4.60; skinners, S3; board $5 per week; two-year job. ANY INTELLIGENT PERSON MAY BARN 9.y to siuo monthly corresponding for news paper; sure, steady work; no canvassing; experience unnecessary Send for particu lars. Press Syndicate. Lockport, N. Y. YOUNG- MAN OPPORTUNITY FOR AD- vancement; take up preparatory course for civil service positions. Investigate. West Coast Correspondence Schools. 714 Chamber Com. Call or write for free booklet. PROTECT YOURSELF FOR $1 PER MONTH against acciaent, sickness and death, write or call for full information. Northwestern Health and Accident Association. 31 Mallory bidg.. 208 Stark. Agents wanted. MEN AND WOMEN TO LEARN BARBER traae in eight weeks-: graduates cam from $15 to $25 weeklv: emert tnr riictm cata logue free. Moler SyFtem of Colleges, 35 WANTED MAN TO WORK IN OFFICE: must be able to show people farms and city property: can make $200 a month: must Invest $300 cash a security. Call room 24. commercial blk. FOR 50 CENTS WILL DELIVER OR SEND recipe to make, genuine Mexican tamales; you know then what you are getting when they are home-made. D. D. Rich, 784 Roosevelt st. PACIFIC STATIONERY ft PRINTINO CO., Z05-207 ld st. Phone Main 02L We design and Install the moat modern and approved office systems. Complete tin loosa-leai Sling devices. WANTED FIRST-CLASS DRYGOODS TriHn; one acquainted with genera store line preferred: good wages. Apply at Rosenstcin's, corner ,7th and Main sts., Oregon City. KELSO EMPLOYMENT ft REAL ESTATE The largest list of farm, timber, stump land In Cow lit J County, Washington; free employment at principal camps. M. Bixby. Jr. I WANT A FIRST-CLASS FIRE INSUR- ance man to manage an old established office; worth $lo per day. to him: small amount of cash required. Room 20, 268 iitark street. Men and boys wanted to learn plumbing. inaicrinj, uricttiB.vmg. eiectricai , traaee; free catalogue; position? secured. Coyne Trade Schools, New York and San Fran. WANTED YOUNG MAN WHO UNDER stands soda fountain, ice cream and light lunch work: good position In new, first class confectionery'- K S6. Oregonian. W A NTED YOU NG MAN TO TA K E course In telegraphy day and evening clause?; positions when competent. Oregon College. 503 Commonwealth bidg. WANTED ASSISTANT BOOKKEEPER with knowledge of stenography In retail grocery; reply in own handwriting and give references. E 82, Oregonian. WANTED COMPETENT COOK AND JAN itor. husband and wife preferred ; good 'wages paid. Call at North Pacific Sana torium. 20th and Glisan. WA NT ED A NUM B ER OF CA PA B LE sales and clerical men for positions now open. Call today. Commercial Abstract Company, Raleigh bidg. CIVIL ENGINEERS, DRAUGHTSMEN, IN strument men. roadmen, storekeeper and boy to work in drafting room; Irrigation work. 307 Tllfnrd bidg. A FEW FJRST-CLASS FRATERNAL OK . ganizers, either male or female, can find lucrative employment by calling at room 605. Commercial bidg. ADVERTISING SOLICITORS FOR CITY Advertising contracts cashed, theatrical programme. Elks Magazine; permanent. 003 Goodnough bidg. WANTED EXPERIENCED BUSH ELM AN and ladies' tailor for alterations: must be AT man and fully experienced. Apply the Golden Eagle. WANTED EXPERIENCED MAN FOR cloak and suit department: one capable of taking full charge. Address Q 84, Oregonian. EXCELLENT OPENING FOR GOOD Me chanic who can invest $1000 In manufac turing business. Address O 82, Orego nian. WANTED FIRST-CLASS CARRIAGE painter, must be good striper and finisher. Pullman Auto Car Company. 6th and Ever ett. . DANCING LESSONS. 25 private and classes, taught daily. Prof. -Wal Wilson, office ,ii academy,. A 1 laky bidg.. 3d and Morrison sts. SALESMEN WB HAVE GOOD PERMA ncnt positions for finet-claps men In several of our departments. Old. Wort man & King. WANTED COMPETENT CUT - OFF. bandsaw. i'dR'.rmn and planermen. Union Box & Lumber Co.. foot Montgomery st. IF YOU WANT A POSITION OR HELP OF .any kind, cal! at 209 AHsky bidg.. 'or phone Main 3031. Clerks Registration Bureau. SOLICtTOP.S FOR CITY LOTS GOOD proposition. Apply before ll A. M., Rich ards, Commonwealth bidg., on Sixth sL WELL EDUCATED YOUNG MAN ABOUT 20 years of age wanted for office work; ex perience unnecessary. C 83. Oregonian. WANTED CAPABLE YOUNG MAN FOR stockroom ; must he a pusher and good habits. 326 Washington st. WANTED MALE STENOGRA PHER FOR law office, beginner preferred, light work; salary $30. H 85, Oregonian. WANTED SOBER. RELIABLE AND steady driver for bakery wagon; good wages. P 84. Oregonian. WANTED WINDOW TRIMMER AND card writer: department store experience. Apply N HO. Oregonian. THE MARQUAM GRAND BARBER SHOP desires the services of 2 first-class bar bers: $1G guarantee. BTELP WANTED MALE. WANTED GOOD MILL BLACKSMITH, piled river engineer, woodturner. anderti", cabinet makers, bench carpenters, rough carpenters. millwrights. sash foreman, ratchet setters. log deck man, cut-off saw yers, millhands. etc., out of city; top wn.-es paid. Inquire LUMBERMEN'S LABOR BUREAU Main office, 12 North Second st. WANTED TWO BOYS, ABOUT 17 Front, corner Davis. 53 SMALL BOY FOR NOON AT 93 SIXTH etree-t. A;ply at once. WANTED AT ONCEBOYS FOR DELIVERY Dept. Roberts Bros. SMALL ERRAND BOY. J. D. DL'BACK, 173 4th. BOY WANTED AT MANN & BEACH, 92 1st st. HELP WANTED FEMALE. ATTENTION. Applicants for all kinds of. work, register with us. free of charge, o we may loca'.e you on short notice. HANSEN? LADIES' AGENCY. S4.V& Washington st.r cor. 7th, upstair.. ORDER CLERK WANTED FOR PRINTING and engraving office; must have head for figures and be experienced In clerical work; state experience and salary to begin, or no attention paid E 80. Oregonian. WANTED EXPERIENCED WAIST AND skfrthanns for alteration department: also young girl who can sew to learn reflttln. Apply to Mrs. Gilbert, the Golden Eagle. WANTED EXPERIENCED LADY BOOK keeper, one famlMar with department work preferred; give full particulars together with phone number. T 84. Oregonian. GIRLS WANTED OPERATORS TO WORK on shirts and overalls; lessons gives, to Inexperienced." Apply at Standard Factory, 2 Grand ave. and K. Taylor st. A PEW FIRST-CLASS FRATERNAL OR ganizers, cither male or female, can And lucrative employment by calling at room 605, Commercial bidg. WANTED YOUNG LADY TYPEWRITER TO act as assistant cashier, liquor store; chance for advancement; state salary expected to . start. X 81, Oregonian. SALESWOMEN WD HAVE GOOD PERMA nent positions for first -class saleswomen in several of our departments. Olds, Wort man & King. WANTED GIRL OR ELDERLY LADY TO assist in housework on a dairy farm near town; good home, good pay. A. Heiman. Lents, Or. LADY TO QUALIFY FOR K POSITION" PAT Ing $80n per year: paid while learning; some knowledge of music required. L 30, Ore gonian. AN EXPERIENCED GIRL FOR GENERAL housework and. cooking; wages $35. Call up Mrs. J. Poulsen, Bast 751. 483 Hassalo st. WANT I D COMPETENT GIRL FOR GEN eriil housework ir family for two: goo-1 wages. Apply mornings, 304 N. 24th si. WANTED HOUSEKEEPERS. COOKS, nurses, waitresses, second girls. St. Louis Ladies' Agency. 2.10 Yamhill. Main 5413. WANTED GIRL (GERMAN OR SWEDPS preferred) to assist with housework and milk cow. 220 East 48th st. Phone Tabor 523. WANTED OPERATORS AND GIRLS TO learn ahjrtmaking. Apply Standard Fac tory. 2 Grand ave. and E. Taylor at. COMPETENT GIRL FOR GENERAL housework, small family, good wages. Ap ply 161 N. 12th at., corner Irving. GIRL FOR GENERAL HOUSEWORK Small family, washing and Ironing sent out. 543 Myrtle st. Main 3328. HANSEN'S LADIES' AGENCY. 343 Washington ft., cor. 7th, upstairs. Phone Main 2602. SALESLADIES CLOAK AND SUIT salesladies. Ask for Mr. WilFon, 3d and Davis. Call at 8:30 o'clock. WANTED YOUNG GIRL, HOUSEWORK, sleep home, no washing. Call mornings before 10 at 737 E. Couch. GOOD GIRL FOR GENERAL HOUSE work. 3 In family. 1'JS 14th. between 1 Washington, and Alder sts. WANTED DRESSMAKER TO DO SEWING bv the day. Miss Anna Gabe, Riverview Hotel. Vancouver, Wash. WANTED A YOUNG WOMAN FOR OFFICE work; must be quick and accurate at figures. Address X 71, Oregonian. FIRST-CLASS WAIST FINISHERS AND waist trimmers; first -class wages paid. Call 405 Flicduer bidg. WANTED A GIRL FOR GENERAL HOUSE work; good wages to the right party. Ad dress K 84. Oregonian. . . WANTED YOUNG LADY TO ADDRESS CIR eulars and act as assistant cashier In liquor store. A 84. Oregonian. - IMMEDIATELY. THOROUGHLY EXPER1 enced bookkeeper; state references. Ad dress G S5. Oregonian. GIRL TO ASSIST WITH GENERAL housework and care of two children. Ap ply 731 Savier at. WOMAN FOR GENERAL HOUSEWORK, few miles from Portland. Phone Main 7101 from 5 to 9 P. M. WANTED AN EXPERIENCED WOMAN cook, also girl to help In kitchen. The Ster ling. 535 Couch. WANTED A GIRL FOR GENERAL h ouse work, willing to teac h. Apply 605 Everett at. GIRL WANTED FOR BINDERY WORK; EX ' perienced girls preferred. Bushong & Co., 1oO Front st. HELPER FOR GENERAL HOUSEWORK; four in family. 41 Union ave. north, cor ner Couch. WANTED GIRL FOR GENERAL HOUHE work: wages $30. Apply mornings, 621 East Washington. WANTED GIRL FOR GENERAL HOCSK work ; good w ages. 305 Haasaio si., cor. Grand ave. LADY CLERK OVER 30; MUST KNOW city; recommended. Address J 84, car Oregonian. WANTED SENSIBLE, STEADY WOMAN to learn nursing In small hospital. M SS, Oregonian. GIRL WANTED FOR GENERAL HOUSE , work, small family. Apply 2it3 North 24th street. FIRST-CLASS GIRL FOR GENERAL housework in family of three. Phone Main 720. WANTED MILLINERY SALESWOMAN and apprentice, Mrs. Zeitfuchs. 386 Wash. st. WANTED A GIRL TO DO HOUSEWORK and cooking. 363 6th at. Phone Main 3274. WANTED AN ELDERLY WOMAN TO AS sist housework, family of 2. 446 East Clay at. DANCING LESSONS. 25c WILSON'S School. Alisky bidg.. 3d and Morrison sts. WANTED MILLINERY APPRENTICE AT once. Mrs. Zeltfuch. HSH Washington st. WANTED EXPERIENCED WAIST FIN ishers at 126 N. 23d St.. corner Glisan. WANTED GIRL FOR GENERAL HOUSE work, two in family. 601 Glisan at. GIRLS WANTED APPLY STANDARD FAC tory, S Grand ave. and East Taylor st. W A NTED "OM PBTENT GIRL FOR GBN ersl housework. Call at 30O Park st. GIRL FOR GENERAL HOUSEWORK Family of three, 702 North rup st. EXPERIENCED DRESSMAKER IN ALTER it ion room at once. Apply 1H7 1st. MARKER AND ASSOKTER. CHERRY'S new laundry. La Grande, Or. SHIRTM AKERS WANTED. JACOBS SlilRT Company, 29114 Stark street. WANTED A GIRL TO ASSIST IN FAMILY of 2. 446 Bast Clay st. WANTED LADY COOK AND BOY JDISH washer at 755 Savier st. COCK FOR SMALL FAMILY. 236 KINO it Phone Main 2511. WANTED A GIRL TO HELP IN THB kitchen. 225 11th st. WANTED A SCANDINAVIAN CHAMBER, maid at 175 12th. WANTED DINNER COOK. S86 MORRISON. NURSEGTRL. APPLY 4M 7TH. HELP WANTED MALE OR FEMALE. FOR LIGHT, PLEASANT EMPLOYMENT, salary or commission, address Herbi Mfg. Co.. Portland. Or. WANTED GOOD WAITER OR WAiT res. at 97 N. 6th st.