THE MOKMNG OBEGOMAX, SATURDAY, MARCH 23, 1907. 13 jm lease BAXK WILL OCCIPY THE HI BERXIA BClfcDIXG. Merchants Investment & Trust Com pany to Divide Space With God-dard-KcIly Shoe Company. Two important leases have Just been closed by the Merchant' National Bank and the Merchants' Investment & Trust Company, affiliated companies. The hank has obtained a new lease for 10 years on the building that It occupies at the north west corner .of Second and Washington street, and the trust company has leased for a like period the Hibernia building; at the southwest corner of Sixth and "Wash ington etreets. The Merchants' National Bank at pres ent occupies a portion of the three-story building owned by John B. Waldo. Un der its new lease the quarters will be enlarged, taking in the space occunjed bv the Merchants' Investment & Trust Company, and also a, portion of the sec ond floor. To make this change it was necessary for the trust company to seek cither quarters, and1t Is for this reason that the lease on the Hibernia building was obtained. The Waldo Building will be remodeled during the Spring. The stairway will be removed to the west end of the building and the entire 50x100 feet of the lower floor will be thrown into one room for the use of the bank. A vault will be put (n on the second floor, and the clerks' room will also be set aside there. The bank was enlarged several years rso and the quarters remodeled. Still larger quarters are now needed and the changes made will be extensive and cost ly. The drawing of specifications for the alterations la being done by Richard Martin, Jr. The same architect is preparing plans for the remodeling of the Hibernia Build ing. The entire interior of this structure will be changed and the exterior will be made modern and attractive. The hall on the second floor will be divided up Into offices. O'Shea. Brothers own the Hibernia Building and a lease upon the lower floor, extending two years, is held by Goddapfl Kelly Shoe Company. Negotiations are now under way for a division of the space on the lower floor so that It 'can be oc cupied by both firms. Mr. Martin also haa the contract for remodeling the Marquam Grand Theater. He has been commissioned by Emanuel May, who recently purchased the build ing, to remodel It and make all other changes asked for by the executive board. It Is proposed to Install a grill and bil liard room in the basement on the Alder atreet side. IahiIs G. Clarke and William F. Wood ward have sold to local Investors a lot on the west side of Union avenue, between East Ash and Rant Ankeny. It is occu pied by a one-story frame building and the price was JS000. The sale was made by E. J. Daly. The same property has changed hands several times In the past j ear, each . occasion showing a consider able advance. At the Theaters Wfcat th pre AffanU Say. TWO PERFORMANCES TODAY Charming Actress. Roselle Knott, in Delightful Comedy at Hell!?. Thfr will be two performance at the . HelUg Theater, Fourteenth and Washington street, today, a special matinee at 2:15 1 o'clock this afternoon, and the last perform . ance tonight at 8:15. The charming actress, Roaelle Knott, supported by an excellent company of players, will present J. M. Bar riers delightful comedy, Alice-Sit-by-the-Fire." Seats ar now selling at box-office of the theater. Matinee at the Baker Today. 'Shannon of the Sixth.'1 which has at tracted such large audience at the Baker Theater all week, will be presented in mat inee thin afternoon and the closing per formance will be given tonight. "Shannon nf the Sixth" In a delightfully-written ntory of military life in India. 'The King of Tramps" Matinee. "The King of Tramps." which has enter tained hundreds of empire patrons this week and made them laugh heartily, will be seen in matinee thla afternoon so that all school children may have opportunity to enjoy this unusual production. The happy good nature of the 'Scarecrow," as the .tramp calls himself, U absolutely infec tious. star Matinee Today. "Desterted at the Altar" will have a mat inee performance this afternoon at the Star Theater. The Allen Company will give the closing performances of this pleasing play tomorrow afternoon and night. "Deserted at the Altar'" in something new, and is a mixture of sentiment, pathos and fun. Children's Matinee at Lyric. This afternoon there will be a special children's matinee at the Lyric, when M1 rhael StrogoftT" will be the bill. This great drama of Russian life and adventure will appeal to the children especially. Two per formances tonight and tomorrow night. COMING ATTRACTIONS. "The Tenderfoot" Next Week. The tuneful musical comedy success, "The Tenderfoot." with Oscar I FJgman, Ruth vhlte and an excellent supporting company, sill be the a traction at the Heiltg Theater, Fourteenth and Washington streets, next Thursday. Friday and Saturday nights, March 2S. 2. ;lO. m-lth a special matinee Saturday. Seat sate opens next Tuesday. a Man Sows' Tomorrow. '.n a Man sows." which the Baker rom rny will put on tomorrow for a week's run, is a play netv to Portland and is thourht it will prove one of the most popu lar of all English productions ever given hre. it has several very strong characters, giving the company members good oppor tune to do splendid work. 4 Cowboy 9 Girl" Tomorrow. The Empire management has succeeded In booking the great Western drama. "A Cowboy's. Girl." for next week's attraction, and the opening performance will be given tomorrow afternoon at the matinee. This 1 an extraordinary engagement, and the organisation is represented as one of the ery best In the country. 'What Women Will Do." "What Women- Will Do," the popular drama of Washington society life will be the bill next week, beginning Monday mat inee, at the Lyric Theater. The plav has been well cast, and there will be "many beautiful stage pictures. "Under Sealed Orders." ' Under Sealed Orders." the great Kngllsh romantic play, will be presented bv the Allen Ftock Company at the Star Theater next week, starting Monday night. it is full of adventures and a large amount of special scenery will be required. AT THE VAUDEVILLE THEATERS Merry Manikins at Grand. This afternoon the children should be ent t the Grand to see the merry mani kins of Mr. and Mrs, Walter teaves. Thi? is the best manikin act In vaudeville. The .manikin are supported by an exceptionally strong- vaudeville entertainment, consisting of singing, dancing and comedy. Pantages' Big Acrobats. A thoroughly enjoyable programme is that presented this week by the Fantages Theater. The world's greatest acrobats, the Kddy Trio; J. H. Stansfield. the noted come dian; the clever B lairs In a new sketch and a host of others complete a good show. LATEST BLUFF OF STRIKE Milluorkcrg Attempt to Coerce Ixng - shoremen Into Going Out. Pickets from the Industrial Workers of the World continue to patrol the yards o. the box factories of the city, but are meeting with no success In their efforts to entice away workmen. The factories all are running satisfactorily and are not being bothered by desertion of their new employes, while other men are ap plying for work daily. The box factories and the lumber mills expect to be run ning in all departments the first of the week. The agitators who are directing the strike are seeking to Induce the long shoremen to participate in the strike. Letters from the headquarters of the In dustrial Workers of the World are being received by the Longshoremen's unions, not only of this city, but at Rainier and other Columbia River points where the men of the river .front have strong or ganizations. The author of the letters Is F. W. Heselwood. a national organizer of the Industrial Workers of the World. The communications are based on the assumption that the striking rftillhands will come out victorious in their difficul ty with the millowners. In that event. It is strongly Intimated, the laborers in the lumber mills, being associated with the Industrial Workers of the World, will refuse to work in mills that saw lumber to be shipped in the loading of which the Longshoremen are to perform the work, unless the Long shoremen's Union becomes identified with the Industrial Workers of the World. These threats are not seriously considered by the. Longshoremen, who are continu ing the loading of all vessels that are engaged in the transportation of lumber. For Monday afternoon the striking millhands are planning a demonstration. They intend to attend in a body the funeral of the child of Mrs. York, a former employe of the Union box fac tory. A mass meeting is being planned by the strikers to be held at Arion Hall, Second and Oak streets, at 2:30 o'clock Sunday afternoon. Woman Tries to Evade Arrest. Alice Keeley, who says she is the mother of seven children, was arrested last night on complaint of a lodging house keeper at 1874 Third street. De tective Sergeant Baty and Detective Price were sent to the place. When the officers rapped on the door .Mrs. Keeley jumped out the rear window in her night robe. She was mistaken for a burglar by the bartender of a saloon on the ground floor. He ran shouting into the saloon and the proprietor, who went to investi gate, saw the woman climb up the fire escape and disappear into one of the rooms. Sergeant Baty secured an en trance to the room and found Charles Phillips, a longshoreman. The window in the rear was wide open. At first Phil lips denied that a woman had been in the room, but Baty soon found her cloth ing and commenced a search for the owner. She was found in an adjoining room, hiding under the bed. Both were arrested. DAILY METEOROLOGICAL REPORT. PORTLAND. March 22. Maximum tempera ture 44 decrees; minimum. 36. River reading at 8 A. M.. 7.8: change In last 24 hours, rise l.O foot. Total precipitation, S P. M. to 5 P. M., .50 Inch; total precipitation since September 1, 1906, 36.28 inches; normal precipitation since Sep tember 1, 1906. .16.78 Inches; deficiency. .49 Inch. Total sunslne March 21. 1907. 1 hour, 30 minutes; possible sunshine March 21. 1907. 12 hours, 13 minutes. Barometer (reduced to sea level) at S P. M.. 29.28 inches. ' PACIFIC COAST WEATHER. 5 9 m 1!" TATI0H& Baker City , . Bismarck ...... Boise Helena Kamloons. B. C. North Head Pocatello. ....... .- Portland Roreburff Spokane Seattle Tatoosh Island... Walla Walla .'441 T. '16'S -'Mi T. !l8 SB .Isa'o.os. 8 s . !' T. I 6 B .I48 0.'16i9H , i40 0.44 20 K . 48 0.14I 6 S .'440.S0:i2iS .'Ml 0.10 14 S . '42: T. I 6 SF1 . '44 0.02' 8'SE . 142 0.13!12 SB .;52! T. !20!S lOloudy Cloudy Cloudy ' Clear Cloudy Cloudy i-t. cloudy Raining (Raining Cloudy (Raining Cloudy (Raining -Trace. ' WEATHER CONDITIONS. A sever storm made Its appearance this morning off the Washington coast and storm m-arnlngs were ordered at 7 A. M. at all sea ports In this district. The storm this evening Is central near Cape Flattery and the only high winds so far are as follows: North Head, Wash., 72 miles, southeast, and Walla Walla. 2C miles, south. Light to moderately heavy rain have fallen generally throughout the North Pacific States and the temperatures have risen slightly in the Columbia River Valley. The indications are lor rain or snow In this district Saturday, with rising tempera tures and high south, shifting to southwest winds. WEATHER FORECASTS. Portland and vicinity Occasional rain, pos sibly part snow; warmer during the afternoon; high southwesterly winds. Western Oregon Occasional rain, possibly part snow north portion; warmer; high south westerly wind. Western Washington Occasional rain, possi bly part snow; warmer; high southwesterly winds. Eastern Oregon, Eastern Washington and Idaho Occasional rain or snow; warmer; high southerly wind. EDWARD A. REALS, Plftrlct Foreca j t er. UNCALLED - FOR ANSWERS ANSWGR8 ARB HELD AT THIS OFFICE FOP. THE FOLLOWING ANSWER CHKOKS AND MAY BB HAD BY PRE RENTING YOVR CHECKS AT THE ORE GON I. W OFFICE: A 71, Ttt. 5'J. H -Si. 3. T, 69. Tl. 72. T3, 76, gl, S3, t' 51. M, S-J, 76, 83. 88. I 17. 22. 39. 43. 56. 66. 89, 72. 7T. 79. SO E 269. 511, 67, 6S. 6. 73. 76, -78. 82, 3. S5. S? F 6T, 7S, 81. ti -M, 50. 52. 64. 66. 6. TO. SO. 81. 83. H 36, 41. .".S. 61. 73. 7. 82, 84. J 66. 76. 81. 82. 84. 83. K .", 67. 77, 82, S3, 84, 86. 1. 2!. 59, 65. 66. 69. 73, 75, 78. 81. 82. 83. M 1 1. 45. 47. 62. 73. 74. 75. SO, 84, 85, Sl. X 62. 75. 77, SO. 81, 82. P 6. 46. 68, 74. T. 80. 81. Q 8. 67, 61), 63. 69, 78, 80. 81. R 68. ti SO. 68, 70. 72. 73. 76. 84. 85. T i5, 48, 51. 53. 6. 73. 78L 80. S3. V 54. 61. 65, 66. 75. 79. . TV 2. 53, 57, 71, 72. 73. 7S, S3. X 71. 72, 73. 83. 98. 140. MEETIXfi NOTICES. Members of LINCOLN-GARFIELD P06T. NO. 3. and mem bers of the. G. A. R. are request ed to attend the funeral of our late comrade, Cleveland nock well, at Trinity Church, 19th and Kverett sts.. at 2 P. M. tods Saturday. March 23. F. H. SHEPHERD. Post Commander. R. A. WOHLPORTH. Post Adjutant. TUB STOCKHOLDFRS Or TUB BABT HOME The annual meeting will be held in the Chamber of Commerce, aecond floor, on Monday, March 11. at 2 o'clock P. for the purrose of electing 13 directors to servs the ensuing year, also such other buainsaa, a may come before the board. K. S. AKIN. Secretary. THE PORTLAND fORTUKD, OK. RTROPKAX rlU BSRAfJIlANT. COST ONI MILLION DOLLAR. I HOTEL OREGO 2 CORNER SEVENTH AND STARK STREETS. J 5 Portland' New and Modern Hotel. Rates $1 per Day and Up. J European Plan. Free Bus. WRIGHT-DICKINSON HOTEL PERKINS Fifth and Washington Streets PORTLAND. OREGON EUROPEAN PLAN Sl.M SS.M Per Day . Aeeordhuc to Lorshtlsm. t. r. jtAxam, midsrt. St. Charles Hotel CO. (INCORPORATED) Front and Morrison Streets, PORTLAND, OR. EUROPEAN PLAN ROOMS 50c TO $1.50 FIRST-CLASS RESTAURANT IN CONNECTION m UN I nulls P lb Fj-'" Tj,f-' These dwellings are exceptionally well built, are modern in arrangement and appliances, are in pink of condition, have full basements and cement walks, are near two car lines in an advancing locality, and will be sold separately or together. See them at 656 and 658 Quimby st., between Twentieth and, Twenty-first streets. Call on us and be convinced that the We$t Side affords no better buy for the money. JACKSON 6 DEERING Phone Main 345 ' 246 Stark Street We have Block in Side Ware trict, on the track, which we can sell for $18,500. If you want it you must take it today. The Hart 109 Sherlock - MEETING NOTICES. WILLAMETTE IXJOGE. NO. 2. IA. P. and A. M. Special communi cation this (Saturday) evening at - 7:30 o'clock. Work In E. A. de gree. Visiting brethren welcome. W. 9. WEEKS, Secretary. Jtf. O. L- L. V. S. Companions of the Military Order of the Lesion are renu8tei to assemble at Trinity Church at 2 P. M-. March- 3, to attend the funeral services of our late com panion. Captain Cleveland Rockwell. Wear your insignia. By order of First Lieutenant. EDWARD MARTIN. Commander. CAPTAIN G. B. CAUKIN, Recorder. ROCKWELL In this city. March 21, at the family residence, lluO Vaughn at., Cleve land, Rockwell, aged 6 years. 3 months and 25 dava. Friends are respectfully in- vited to attend the funeral services, which will be held at the Trinity Episcopal Church, corner 19th and Everett ats., at J P. M. today (Saturday), March 23. KELSON In this city, March 22. at the family residence, 214 11th st-, Ida A. Nelson. ged 53 years, 4 months and 10 d-ivs. beloved wife of I. R. Nelson, mother of "Mrs. E. H. Thorton. Friends are re spectfully Invited to attend the funeral rvlce. which will be held at the above residence at 2 P. M. today (Saturday), March 23. - JONES Friends are invited to attend the funeral services of the Jate Nancy Jane Jon, wnirh will be hfid at the family r-jidence in this city, 3 "J ft Crosby st., at 2:3ft P. M. today fSatmdayt, March 2.1. . Interment at Cagett cemetery, near Eft lem, Or.. Sunday, at 1:50 P. M, A UtQUMTEM FDI TOUIIJII 111 COMEiCIU TIIVEIEII Special ntea m4a to families and single genilemea. The management will be pleased a u times to show rooms and glva priees. A modem Turkish both es tablishment Is tha hotel. H. O. BOWERS, HOTEL CO., Props. Flrst-Claas Cheek RMtaoial Connected With Hotel. C O. DAVIS, Bee. aaa Trsata a Half the East house Dis O. R. & N. before noon Land lo.M Building. FUNERAL NOTICES. ELKINS In this city. March 22, William S. El kins, aged 6t years, 10 months and 21 days. A member of Redlands Lodge, No. :JOt, A. F. & A. M., of California. . Friends are respectfully Invited to at tend, the funeral services, which' will be held at Holman's chapel, corner Third and Salmon streets, at 1 P. M.. Sunday, March 24. Interment Riverview Cemetery. EDMUNDS March 22. In this city, at 266 14th at.. Infant son of Luke and Clara Edmunds. Funeral services will be held at Ericson's chapel, 4U9-411 Alder st., at 2 P. M. today (Saturday). March 2.1. In terment Lone Fir cemetery. Friends In vited to attend. DAVIS In thia city, March 22. at the fam ily residence, 124 N. 10th st., Sedona H. Davis, aged 52 years. The funeral serv ices will be held at Finley's chapel at 2 P. M. today (Saturday). Friends invited. Interment Rose City cemetery. Dunning, McEnte ft Gilbaugb. Funeral Di rectors. 7th & Pine, phone M. 430. Lady asst. ERICSON UNDERTAKING CO.. 409 Alder mt. Lady assistant. Phone Main 6133. - EDWARD HOLM AN CO.. Funeral Dlrert re, 20 Sd st. Lady assistant. Phone M. 507. ZELLER-BYRNES CO., Funeral XMreft ore, 273 Russell. Last 1088. Lady assistant. J. P. FINLEY SON. Funeral Directors. No. 61 3d t. cor. MadUon. phone Main 3. F. & DUNNING, Undertaker. 4T4 East Alder. Lady assistant. 1'bone Last 68. A. B. H KM STOCK Funeral director. F 13th Umatilla, Ph. tjeUwood ;L Lady aas't. PIED. JONES March 21, at the family residence. Kern Psrk. William E. Jones, asred 65 y.-ars. Funeral announcement later. TI'PMAN In this city. March 21, Miss Mary C. Tupman. Funeral announcement later. VON ESCHEN In this cify. March 22. at the family residence. :i Sheridan St., Anna E. Von Each en. aged f5 years. 4 months and IS days. Funeral notice herc " after. AMUSEMENTS. yhrnn,. HEILIG THEATER h.r, TWO PERFOKMAXrK" TODAY. 3 peclal Price J C I-at Timr Tonight :I5. nllnee 3:15. ROMOI.I.K KNOTT. In J. M. Rnrrlf'p BHutlfi!t Comfly-Drams, "ALICK-HIT-BV-TBE-FIRE." Kv.nins; prices Ltiwpr floor. in rows. 11.50; last six rows, f 1; balcony, 1, 75c, 50c; gallery, 35c, 23c. Matinee prices $1 to 25c. Baker Theater Geo. L. Baker, Gen. Mgr. Home of the Fashionable Baker Theater Stock Company. Matinee Today, Tonight Last Time, The reat Anglo-India Military Drama "SHANNON OF THE SIXTH. Stage Under Direction Mr. Arthur Maekley. First Time in Portland. Immense East ern Success. Evening Prices 25c, 36o. 50c. Matinee- irc, 2r.c. Next Meek, Starting Tomorrow Matinee ' "As a Man bona.' EMPIRE THEATER Milton W. Seaman, Manager. Onlv Eastern Rjtad Attractions. Only Two More Times the Scenic and Sensational Comedy-Drama "THE KINO OF TRAMPS.' .Matinee 2:1,". Tonight 8:15. Regular Empire Popular Prices. Next Attraction, 8 1 art ins; Tomorrow Mati nee "A Cowboy Girl." THE STAR Main 540, The Allen Stock Company present DESERTED AT THE ALTAR By Mr. Pierce Klngaley.. Matinee Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday and Sunday at 2S10 P. M. Prices 10c and 20c. Every evening at 8:15. Prices 10c, liOe and 30c. Reserve seats a by phone. Main 5400. all performances. LYRIC THEATER Portland's Popular Stock House. Every Afternoon and Evening: This Week. Lyric .Mock Company in the Famous Drama of Russian Life "MICHAEL STROGOFF. Reserved seats can now be secured In ad vance from 10 A. M. to 10 P. M. Dally matinees at usual time. Evening perform ances at 8:15. Saturday and Sunday eve nings: First performance at 7:15. The Grand Week March 18. Vaudeville de I-nxe Mr. and Mrs. Walter E. Denve A i o., in "Merry Manikins." special Added Attrac tion Wmlth O'Brien, Burt Weston, - Mr. and Mrs. John It. Cosaar, Dacey. Chase & Adair, The Ozavs. Matt Goodman Grandlscope. Pantages Theater THE EDDY TRIO. The 3 Florentines, Roxey 4t Wayne, Ieo White. Blair Bros., H. 'F. stansfield, Moving Picture. Performances daily at 2:30; 7:30 and 9 P. M. -mission, 10c and 20c. Boxes, 2-c. Any seat at weekday matinees, ten cents. CLASSIFIED AD. RATES Following; rate will be given only when advertising ia ordered to ran consecutive days. Dally and Sunday issue. The Orego nian charges flrst-tlme rate each insertion for classified advertising that 1 not run on consecutive days. The flrst-tlme rate la charged for each Insertion In The Weekly Oregonlan. "Room, "Room and Board. "House keeping Room "Situation Wanted, 15 words or less, IB cents; IB to 6 word So cents; tl to Z& words, t& cents, etc N discount for additional Insertions. UNDER AIX OTHER HEADS, except "New Today," 30 cents for 15 words or less; 16 to SO words, 40 cents; 1 to 25 words, 50 cents, etc first insertion. Each additional insertion, one-half; no further discount on der one month. "NEW TODAY" gauge measure agate), 15 cents per line, first Insertion 10 cent per '"'line for each additional Insertion. ANSWERS TO ADVERTISEMENTS, ad dressed care The Oregonlan, and left mt tula office, should always be Inclosed In sealed envelopes. No stamp 1 required on each letters. The Oregonlan will not be responsible for errors In advertisement taken through the telephone. NEW TODAY. 12V2 interest Investment Rent $35 per Month' PRICE $3350 One S-room residence and one 0-room; improvements alone worth the price asked and lot Is worth $16-r0; bargain. J. FRANK PORTER SHI! Washington st. East-Side Bargain WHO WANTS IT? $8000 Fine quarter block, close In; easy terms. See us quick. Price advances next week. MnKINI.EY HITTHELI. Phone Main 2131. 202Vi Stark St. $4000 CAN YOU BEAT THIS? HOLT. A DAY PARK ADDITION S-roem house, lot 50x100. bath. gas. . electric light, large fireplace, full basement ; house fin ished in weathered oak; best section Irving ton; furniture for sale; don't wait. Thia Is the best buy in Trvlnirton. I. H. HKILBRONNER CO., Room 51T, Lumber Exchange bldg. FINE BUSINESS CORNER. $8000 For a full lot you will have to pay gl 5,000 before the year is out. You will say so, too. when yoti look at It and find out what Is irolng on there the coming Summer. Very easy terms. , F. FUCHS 22H4 Morrison Street. SPECIAL BUSINESS BUY Jrt OHO Corner Second street, IjU UUU brlclt building. ad r w mlrable location and will rent S per cent. Must sell. JACKSON A DEERING. Phone Main 345. 46 Stark St. $20,000 Good business corner near Burnside and Park sts.; desirable corners are .scarce. See us quick It won't last. VANDUYN b WALTON 515 Chamber Commerce. 89b Interest h have for sale otes from 500 ud. firua r a n t e d mortgage, on" close in property. W. I MORGAN 21S Abinarton Bulldis. MUST BE SOLD BV APRIL 1ST. Wear Steel Rrldset lara;e house, eholre corner; no reasonable offer refused. Owner. 394 Ross. NEW TODAY. H. W. LEMCKE CO. "SPECIALS; SEE THEM SUNDAY ir wvw mi ivi i ' i n . . ....... - . 7nnfl 1B HII.t. DISTRICT, near 4 1 UUU 24th st., fine modern, S-room house, lot 50x100. CCCEn THIHMAN -ST.. a choice cor ODOJU ner, 100x100. east of 23d st. You can't find its equal on thia "live" street. $7000 THVHMAX ST., a heautiful site for flats. 149x106. Cpn 25TH ST. (north), on corner wfuuU 5.x70, two houses, rental value $40. $2625 $4500 VAUGHN ST.. two six-room cottages on 50x100 lot. EAST MADISON" ST., near 14tii St., modern $ - room house, lot-SOxioo. 4QCn WH.I.AMRTTK HEIGHTS, dtOjU modern 7-room house. lot 50x1 0. fine view; furnace, cement basement. . A good buy. t17flfl SOUTH PORTLAND, on a oil UU corner fractional lot. 6-room house just finished; modern; porcelain plumbing. t7Kfin RUSSEI.I. ST.. new modern wIvUU flats; St5 monthlv income. tl7flf1 EAST ALDER ST., 11-TOOm WUlUU house In fine condition: lot 50x100. This Is walking distance. OOCfl HOI.I.ADAV PARK ADD. 9U4.oU modern 6-room house on a corner lot 50x100; sewer, cement side walks, facinsr fcoutli. A splendid buy at this price. Don't fail to see our choice list he fore you huy. See real estate for sale column for partial list. H. W. LEMCKE CO. 6th and Washington Sts. Main 550 Warehouse Site on Track Solid block, West Side, for a few days only at this price $50,000 A splendid speculative buy, as it is very cheap and well situated. E. J. DALY 114 THIRD ST. FOR SALE Modern Residence in Holladay Park ."MhrlOO feet and a Urnf-clana, well-built realilence of 7 rooma, bnl h, fireplace, a an, electric wired, full concrete banement and floor, furuue, woodbolMt, rlothea closet a with win down, lurare attic. Thla houae la of au perior 'conHtruction, vwam built for the owner, and will be Mold on eay term. Price only 94300. Title Guarantee eTrust Co. 240-344 Washington Street, , Corner Second. Portland, Oregon. ACREAGE 3 '4 acres on Division at. at 20th; Mount Hood electric line will pass directly In front of this ground; it Is high and nightly, lies Moping gent ly toward the south ; adapted for two private residences or to cut into lot and sell at double my price, which is Also 1 J4 acres on Giiham ave., north of Ba?e I.lne road at Mount Tabor, with 100 fuil bearlng assorted fruit trees and good two story house; this view cannot be beat any where. To see it, get off of Morrison car at West ave. and go north ro Ollham ave. and north on this avenue. It Is known as the Herrington place and has my sign on It. Price f .",000. R. M. WILBUR 110 Second St. t6-Room Modern House This modern home is Just being finished and will be absolutely complete; Royal fur nace, wood fiber plaster, tile bathroom, til sink back, large pass pantry, laundry tubs, etc. On B. Burnside, one block from E. Ankeny car. $3300 H. P. PALMER Main. 36S1. 2i2 Faillps Bldg. 5 ACRES On 44th and E. Stark, ready for platting. Easy Terms. BARRETT BROS. 5o6 Sherlock Bldg. $15,000 will buy a fine business corner, well improved, on 10th and Everett. Tenth la the first street west of First open and unobstructed north to river and wlU be one of the main thoroughfares of the city; 10th, Everett and vicinity ia honeycombed with enterprises of all kinds; now la the time to get in on the ground floor and reap the harvest. The location is great and as sured. F. ABRAHAM. 227li Washington at., offices 8 and 9. CHEAP LOTS BROADWAY STRUCT. We have 3 lots on E. 21Hh and Broadway sts. PRICK 500 EACH. MALL & VON B0RSTEL 104 Second ud 383 E. Bnrnaldn. XEW TODAY. One Good One $17,500 18-Room House MADISON STREET Bet. Seventh and Park FINE SPECULATION INCOME 7 Morgan, Sweei S Chapman 213 ABINGTON BLDG. Phone Main 2015 Subdivision Acreage Wanted I am authorized to buy for Denver capitalists fifty to one hundred acres in or near Fort land suitable for immediate subdivision. It must have the points neqessary to make desir able residence property. . Drop me a note for interview. BERT C. BALDWIN The Kortonia, Washington and Fourteenth Streets. BASIS OF ALL WEALTH City Property and Tamils. Th EAST SIDE has the GREATEST population, is growing the most RAPID LY and the GREATER PORTLAND MUST and WILL be there. In V.m there were 531 residences built on the EAST SIDE to 100 on the West Side. Portland is attracting more attention than- anv citv on the Coast and is under going a MIGHTY TRANSFORMATION, and In the next ten years will likely make mora PROGRESS than it has tu its- en tire past. llolladnj-'s Addition Is the geoKraphlcal center of the city, and is the most DESIRABLE residence dis trict and much of this will become BUSI NESS property. Do not overlook these FACTS when making investments, and call and Inspect the property; for seeing is believing. THE OREGON REAL ESTATE CO. 8814 Third street (room 4). Portland. Or. Eastern Oregon Lands 1, 2, 3 or 4 Sections Close to the new extensions of tha 0. R. & N. Railroad, in Klamath, Lake and Crook Counties. Don't miss this opportunity of investing your money where it is sure to bring big returns in a short time. All dry farming land and easily worth twice the price asked at the present time. For a short time only the very low price of $.3 per acre is offered to you. For full particulars, call at the 4mprirn Ranfr ATriirvf f a 90 Seventh Street. $18,000 WILL, BUY A FINE 3-STORY HOE In flrt-clafl condition, lot 75x300", centrally located. Buys like this ar scare. Apply to PFLUGER 6 TSCHUDY Room 14 Mulkey bids:- 2d and Morrison sts. " Will Sell 750-Acrc Tract of Land The Lewis Love and Nancy M. Lov Do nation Land Clatma. Bids will b received by the undersigned for said land to March 0, 11)07- The richt to reject any and all bids reserved. The greater part of this land Is within the city limits of Portland and Is especially valuable for platting pur poses. Call on or address tha undersigned. 250 Main street, city. T. T. STRUBLPJ and JHILO HOLBROOK, Trustees of the estate of Lewis Love, ds coased. . . . Good Investments TPrrtft Apartment house in excellent lo OlOUU cation, paying S per cent net; a, cah. balance 6 per cent, fin nf!!! Woolen mills, invoice $6.".00fl 04U UUU paid 2o P?r cent laat year and running to full capacity on orders for lu7. If you want something good, eee us at once. COMMONWEALTH TRUST CO., htxth anil Ankeny. BrVS LOVELY HOME, KINtt'S HEIUHTS C3OO0 CASH WILL HANDLE THIS. DONALD MACLEOD CO. 517 CHAMBER OF COMMERCE. Sandy Road Boulevard Fractional block 25, Sullivan's Addition, bounded by Bandy road, Oregon, East 2oth and East 26th sts. TKK'E 30fl0, TERMS. MALL & VON BORSTEL 104 Srrond St., and 302 E. Burnside. For Sale Yellow Pine Timber. 10,80 acr"i fine timber land on Burnt River, Grant County, Oregon. Address W F. HENDRICKS, La Grande, Or. 8500