Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, March 22, 1907, Page 18, Image 18

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32. 1907.
rodayMeSerpFraink,sGreatt895th Friday Surprise Sales
250 Mew High-Grade Waists
Values tto $ 1 8.00--$5.85 Ea.
Portland's Leading Cloak and Snit
Store's annual Easter offering of high
grade waists 25Q of them (we wish
there were 1 000) all new up-to-date
styles for evening and dress wear
every one a beauty messaline silks,
taffeta and radium silks, chiffons, fig
ured nets, clunys, Danish nets, fancy
round, square and pointed yokes
trimmed in hedibo, hardanger, plat
vals, batiste embroideries, maltese
lace, baby Irish lace, French knots
and medallions colors are white,
cream, ecru, light blue, pink, navy
and black all sizes waists in the lot
selling regularly at prices up to $ 1 ft
each "Your choice
while they last today
Remember, only 250 in the lot; you'll have to be on hand early to share in this grand
bargain Second floor No mail or phone orders filled.
$2 Scarfs, Centers and Cloths 69c Each
In the Art Department, Third Floor, -today's 895 th Friday surprise. sale-A very large assortment
of .Union' Linen Scarfs, Centers, -Tray Cloths and squares at a marvelously low price; fancy hem
stitched aiid drawn-work patterns; many styles to select from; sizes 18x27 in., 18x36 in.,
38x45 in., 13x54 in., 18x18 in., 24x24 in., 30x30 in., 36x36 in.; values tip to $2, on sale kQ
at this remarkably low price .
See Fifth Street Window Display Every Housewife Should Take Advantage.
Meier (& Frank's 895th Friday Surprise Sale
500 Dozen of Men's New Ties
50c Values on Sale at 25c Ea.
Men's new Easter Neckwear at half
price today 500 dozen handsome
silk four-in-hands all are made of
1 907 silks a great special purchase
from a leading New York manufac
turerFoulard silk polka dots, shep
herd plaids in black and white Scotch
plaids in all the best colorings and
combinations Light colored figures,
new grays, stripes, fancy dots, etc.
Enormous variety to select from.
Regular 50c values on
sale today only at this
remarkable low price each
See Fifth street window display.
Mail and phone orders promptly and
carefully filled Every man should
buy liberally of this unusual bargain
Quantity enough to supply all Take
Women's Shoes and Oxfords $ 1.35 Pair
1000 pairs of Women's Shoes and Oxfords on sale today only at this low price per pair patent leather
vici kid, patent tip; light or heavy soles; all sizes and widths; Shoes and Oxfords
selling regularly at $2.2o and $2.50 a pair; your choice today at $1.35 per pair, I
Best values ever offered in popular-priced footwear J
Sale of Women's Union Suits
The clean-up of one of the best mills in the land Medium and
light weight garments for Spring and Summer wear Swiss rib
bed, fine cotton and lisle and mercerized lisles Low neck, no
sleeve, knee length, umbrella and fitted knee style, tucked stitchT
full fashioned garments All are beautifully jnadandfinishedl
High-grade union suits, sizes 4, 5. 6, 7, S, 9 Best bargainor its
kind we have ever had the pleasure of offering you Anticipate
your Summer needs at the following marvelously low prices:
75c Union Suits at 43c Each
;I $ 1 .00 Union Suits 59c Each
$ 1 .25 Union Suits 69c Each
Great Values
Today in
Drug Sundries
Jewelry, Etc.
Wood-back hand Scrub Brushes; odds
'and ends; values up to 45c, 1 Qf
on sale at, each . 7 C
Okayed Toilet" Paper; good quality
paper in 5-ounce rolls, at
the low price of, dozen.
Best grade of Whisk Brooms; 25c
values on sale at the low 1 t
price of, each IOC
Fairy Soap "It floats" best for
bath and toilet; on sale at Afs
this low price, per dozen HPJC
Transparent Glycerine Soap, A
. on sale at............. ...rC
Sapolia Furniture Polish, on 1 (L
sale at this special price .
Green and Mottled Castile
Soap, 1-lb. bars on sale at . . C
Ever-ready Safety Razors, complete
with 12 blades, at the j 1 CC
low price of P "VI
Congress Playing Cards ; all new
backs and initials; best gilt-. f.Tt
edged card manufactured..."
The Meier & Frank Fountain Pen,
guaranteed 14-karat pen; points to
suit the writer; values . fC
$1 to $2 each, at t VII
Easter Lunch Sets, Easter lily pat
terns, in Easter Boxes; 50c
values, on sale at, each. . . . . 7C
Eaton-Hurlburt's Pound Paper best
quality linen, 108 sheets to the
pound; put Up in nice violet O-
boxes; great value at OC
Envelopes to match at, package.. 8
Fancy Back Combs, including all the
latest novelties. Values up to $1.50
each, on sale at this special QO.
low price, each . . . ;
Silver Deposit Perfume Bottles just
the thing for Easter remembrances;
$1.50 values, on sale at this QO
special low price, each 'OC
Gold-filled Collar and Beauty fL
Pins; great value at, pair... OC
Enameled Scarf Pins, immense va
riety, 50e and 75c values,
on sale, special, for v
Sterling Silver Hat Pins, as- 1 Q
sorted patterns; special, ea. 1 7 C
Turquoise Bead Necklaces, with heart
pendant; new and pretty. 1 Q
Great special value at C
50c to $1.25
Belts 3 9c Each
Special lot of Silk and Leather
Belts in all colors, assorted
styles, with and without buck
les; 50c to S1.25
values, for, special . .
Small -real alligator Leather
Handbags, with Vienna hand
les; leather-lined Reg. 75c
vals. on sale at this
low price, each
39 c
Special lot women's Handbags,
in black, brown and tan, fitted
with large coin purse; leather
lined, seal and walrus leathers;
in assorted styles,
$1.50, $1.75 values
Floss Pillows
, 1000 Silk Floss
cial sale prices,
sizes, and are the
offered. Take adv
1 6-inch on sale at
18-inch on sale at
20-inch on sale at
22-inch on sale at
24-inch on sale at
26-inch on sale at
Pillows here at spe
They come in six
greatest values ever
antage of this sale:
this low price 24?
this low price 32?
this low price 38
this low price 45
this low price 55
this low price 65
Meier Frank's 895th Friday Surprise Sale
000 Boys' Norfolk Suits
$5 and $6 Values
At $3.38 Each
Fit out the boys with new Easter Apparel today and there's a
saving you cannot fail to appreciate 1000 Boys Norfolk
Suits with knickerbocker trousers All new 1907 fashions and
materials Coat made with belt and yoke, Norfolk style Mate
rials are extra quality, dark gray checks and plain worsteds.
overplaid cheviots and dark gray cassimeres Well tailored
and finished throughout Ages 6 to 1 6 years Suitsf or school
and dress wear and that find ready sale
every day in the year at $5.0Q and
$6.00 each Yonr choice today only
at this exceptionally low price, each
See Fifth-Street Window Display
Mail Orders Will Be Promptly and Carefully Filled 2d Floor
20c Sterling Top Salt and Peppers 8c Ea.
In the Basement Silverware Store today a sensational offering of 10.000 sterling top Salt and Pepper
Shakers, in a variety of styles; every one in the lot regular 20c value. There isn't a
home or hotel in the city but what can make use of a half dozen sets at this ridicu- ff
lously low price, each, 8 No mail or telephone orders filled Take advantage ,ilv
Meier Frank's 895th Friday Surprise Sale
$4.00 1 6-Buttoi. Kid Gloves $2.95
$3.00 New Chamois Gloves $2.45
Just the Cloves fashionable women want nowadays and
bargains that cannot be equaled anywhere about town
Anticipate yonr Easter wants-Women's 16-Bqt. Length
Real French' Kid Cloves A celebrated make Black.
brown, tans and opera shades; also heavy cape gloves
Dent style Full 16-button lengths Every pair guaran
teed All sizes Reg. $4.00 values today Q C
and tomorrow only at the low price of. pr. ft V 7 - J
Lot 2 New Chamois Gloves in white and natural Cham
ois Cloves the kind nartirular wnmn in ilnmnuliiiir
5. All sizes Full 12-button lengths, cut large at the top
- lv Regular $3.00 values on sale today and d A f
tomorrow at this exceptionally low price P J
Groceries Sold Here at Saving Prices
Meier & Frank'. Famous Mocha
and Java Coffer, the usual 40c
a-rade, per pound -....23
jDurkee Salad XJressing-, small.. XO
Durkee 'Salad Dressing, med.25d
Durkee Salad Dressing, large. 45d
1-lb. can Griffin's Asparagus Tips,
on sale at. special .20C
Victor Olive Oil; quarts 75
New California Navel Oranges, per
dozen, great special sale . -SO
Keller's Marmalade, per jar.. 30
10 lbs. Whole Wheat Flour.. 225c
10 lbs. Rolled Oats' for ..40
Puffed Rice at. package lO
1 pks. 1-Minute Tapioca-. .. .lO'
2 1-2 lbs.- Nun-Better. Yellow
Peaches, on sale at, ach..l5
3 cans Smith Kip. Herring.. 50
1-lb. jar Sheppard Marmalade. 30
2 lbs. Sliced Pineapple for 15
C. & B. Lucca Oil, quarts. ... TO '
2 pkgs- Grape-Nuts for 25
1-lb. jar Cnipped Beef. 25
Jjea. & Perrin's Sauce, small. .25
21 lbs. Granulated Sugar, .g LOO
1-2-lb. can Lowney Cocoa for.20
1-lb. can Baker's Ground Chocolate
on sale at, each.... ..28
3 pkgs. Bromongelon for. ...25
3 pkgs. Bon Ami for 25
Sapolio on sale at, bar 7
10-lb. sack Pastry Flour for.30
"Victor" Flour, "none better"
great value, the sack Sl.lO
1-gal. can Honeysuckle Syrup. 45
10-lb. sack Yellow or White Corn
meal, on sale at 25
1 lb. Postum or Figprune. lb..20
Today'sSaleSilkBoas andRuffs
$4.00 to $ 1 2.00 Values at
$1.39 Each $1.98 Each
Women's silk boas and Ruffs at ridiculously low prices today
1000 of them the entire reserve stock of a large specialty
neckwear house Every style and color Some have full plaited
ruche effect, some in cape style, others have velvet ribbon
ends and accordion plaiting Two lots, values ranging from
$4 to $12 each Your choice while they last today at the
following wonderfaUyJbw prices:
Lot 1, $1.39 each. Lot 2, $1.98 each
See Fifth-Street Window Display
i ii
m -wi li ii j
1 tj - : : -- - . BBaaaaaaaaa-B
TacifiC Metal Works Buys Quarter
on Kverett Street.
A site for a new factory was purchased
yesterday by the Pacific Metal Works.
The company bought from Richard Nunn
the quarter block at the northwest comer
of Park and Everett streets for HO.000.
The sale was made by Jackson ft Deer
ing. The quarter block is at present cov
ered by three old dwellings. -These will
be removed or torn down and a brick
factory erected. It will be one or two
stories in height and will cover the entire
quarter. The company has decided to re
move from its present location at Second
and Everett streets because of the neces
sity of enlarging Its plant.
J. r. Hart sold yesterday the inside lot
on the west side of Sixth, north of Irv
ing, The price waa .$20,000 and ithe pur
chasers are local Investors whose names
ar. not announced. . Although the prop
erty is improved only with small frame
stores It Je paying a revenue of t per cent.
It is probable that a brick structure will
be erected by the new owners. The sale
was made by the Hart Land Company.
Grindstaff & Bchalk report the sale of
the southwest corner at Sixteenth and
Pettygrove streets by Maud Hudson to
Samuel Bromberger and J. Lesser. It Is
a single lot, the site of a three-story frame
building. The price was $17,600. upon which
I a revenue of 10 per cent is now being re-
mruea. x ne same nrm nas sola one and
a quarter acres on the White House road
to C. C. Caples. It was owned bv A.
Tiernan and the price was $.V0. it is
said that the land will be used as a fac
tory site.
Emanuel May has paid $45,000 for the
site of the Portland Planing Mills at.
Twenty-second and Thurman streets. It
consists of 14 lots, owned by Carl Jack
son. The planing mills are not being ope
rated at present, but one of the buildings
is used as a mattress factory.
The lot at he northwest corner of First
and Jefferson streets has been sold bv
Frank Ludlsher to Frank Kiernan for
$45,000. It was recently purchased by Mr.
Ludisher for $35,000 and was offered about
two years ago lor $15,000. la.
226-228 Alder St., Bet. First 6 Second
" "Fightina; the Beef Trust."
Said the Beef Trust to
Smith: "We are going to
drive you out if it takes
$50,000 to do so."
Said Smith to the Beef
Trust: "Try it, you've got
lots .of money. Spend 50
times $50,000 and I'll still
be here."
"The race is not always
to the 'SWIFT,' nor the
battle to the strong," '
Soup Meat
Lamb Liver ........ 5
Pigs' Heads 5i
Pigs' Feet , 5
Beef Kidneys 5
Beef Stew- ., 5p
Beef Necks to Boil
Choice Brisket of Beef
Beef Liver .... . . 5
Oxtails, per pound
Corned Beef , 6
Lamb Stew . 6
V eal Shanks for broth 6
Xeal for SteLwins .. 8
Pork Hocks 8
Beef Shoulder Steak . . 8
Beef Shoulder Roast . . S
Pot Roast Beef ....... 8
Rump Roast Beef ..... 8
Hamburger Steak . . . ' 8
Beef Tripe ......... 8
Prime Rib Roast Beef 10
Best Round Steak . . . 10
Beef Brains lO
Breast of Veal . . . . . 10
Shoulder Roast Veal. 10
Pork Mixed Sausage. lO
Frontquarters Lamb.. 10
Shoulders of Lamb ...... 10
Lamh Shlder 'Roasts J-Oj
Our Own Pure Lard. 12?
Beef Sirloin Steak. . .12i2t
Small Porterhouse. . .121
Rolled Rib Roast Beef 1210
Beef Rib Steak, . . . . .121
Beef Loin Steak. . . .'.12io
Leg Roast of Veal . . .121
Legs of Pork ..... ...'.12
Side Pork ........... 121
Pork Shoulder Roast. 131
Leaf Lard .......... :12&p
Pickled Pork 12l0
Lamb Shoulder Chopsl2i4
Fancy Porterhouse
Steak . 15
Fanes 'X'.'-Sone...., X5
Veal Rump Roast. 15
Loin Roast Veal 15
Rib. Roast Veal .. 15
LLoin Veal Cutlets . . . 15
Rib Veal Cutlets 15?
Pork Chops' ' 15
Pork Loin Roast 15
Pork Steak ........ v 15
Leg of Lamb ..... 15
Lamb Loin Roast .... 15
Lamb Rib Roast . . . .. 15
Lamb Rib Chops.... '15?
Our Own Hams '. 17f?
Our Own Brkt. Bacon.l7J
Lamb Tongues, ,dozen 30
Beef Tongues eaclw .45