14 TIIE MORXIXG OREGOXIAX, FRIDAY, MARCH 22, 1907. FOR SALE REAL ESTATE. LOOK HERB! I have farm to sell. 20 to 160 acres each, all In a rapidly developing district, aome with very little improvement and tome well improved, at prices which are ure to double tn 3 to 5 years; also a few of the best residence properties in Gresham, ma well as a number of busi ness buildings paring an income of 12 to 14 per cent, and vacant lot. Gresham i 1$ miles east of Portland, with on? car line finished and another in course of construction. Write, explaining Just what you want, and see what I will do far you; or, what la better, call and -e me. D. S. JOHNSON. Gresham, Or. fHOICE BARGAINS. $5200 7 -room modern house on Weid !er street. $2000 5-room modern house on E. ,22d street. $1250 5-room cottage in Montavllla. sjtUMi lOoxloO, corner Schuyler t s:t''."o UMixUMk, corner Weidler st. $1tioo lOoxlOo, E. Yamhill and 2inh st. Phone Pacific 17:;S. WH ITT EN & BRYANT. 4O0-7-8 Swetland bldg. IRVINGTON HOME, fl ROOMS; EVERY CON-vtni-n;e and improvement of nice home; selling for $40JO, including carpets and Aharlc. S'JtmO 5-room modern cottage, full base nifiit. lot loOxlOO; Kirland: terms. $1400 5-room modern cottage, rutl base ment, lot 5x100; Mr. Scott line; term!. We also have lots t $5 down and $5 per month. 720 Chamber Commerce. TWO VERY CHEAP HOMES. 4-room cottage, 2'Jx-4 feet, with base ment, lot SOxlOO feet. 3 blocks from car line; good car service. Price $850. Also 4-roora cottage, only 2 blocks from carline. hard finished, full basement, mod em; 50xHo lot. Price $50. ALFRED A. BAKER, 215-210 Abington bldg. KLAMATH COCNTRY IX OREGON RE rlnntation service expending $5,000,000 ir rigating 250,000 acres. Finest of farming )nil timber lands. Iargc cities growing. New railroads through the land. Lot on monthly payments. Send five 2-cent stamps for Illustrated pamphlet. Klamath Development Co.. Klamath Falls. Or. $5S0 ON EVERETT ST.. LOT 55x100. WITH 7-room cottage, u block from Washing ton ;tlils must be sold before April 1. MOORE REALTY CO.. 268 Stark st. A SNAP. lOAxloo located near Harrison mreet. on from; -1-story brick hotel 50011 to be erected he side the same, another 4-story brick hotel to be erected within one block ; income $50 per month: price $I3.5"0. For particulars nee F. W. Newell. 6tJ 0th St., 21 floor. FINE LITTLE HOME. On Mt. Scott carline. near Milliard ave. ; houe new and modern. & roomn, lot .'ihx104; $300 below market; price $UJ00, easv terms. THE VETERAN LAND CO., Kio'i Third st. acreage:. RX acres adjoining cttT limit: all cleared; fine soil; 32 acres In small fruit: Eric very low; easy terms; you can dou le your money on this in a abort time. W. O. WADDEL. 117 Lumber Exchange. Second and Stark. 75i0 ON" JOHNSON STRF.ET. LARGE 9-room hou.se. lot Sot 100, strictly mod em. Moore Realty Co.. 268 Stark st. CHEAPEST BLOCK ON WEST SIDE. AS dope In as 23d and Washington sts.: lies tine, not on a hillside; good view; cement and macadam, etc.; onlv $4O00. or corner lot. $2200. inside StSOft; terms. V. G. ,Cox, 2u2 Allfky bldg. Call 12 to 1:00. PARR1SH, WATKINS & CO.. 250 ALDER t. Real estate, rentals, loans and In surance. We make a specialty of handling rentals and property for residents and nonresidents. Established 1872. Main 1644. FOR SALE SO ACRES, 3; MILE FROM Estacada; good sf.il, spring branch, good bunch tie timber and cordwood; prico 91600. $500 down, balance easy terms; this Is a snap. Box 153. Eatacacia. Or. BI'SINESS LOT. MISSISSIPPI AYE.. AL biiia; small Income, only $1050; also resi dence lot near by on carline for $750. and corner $!VMV Vanduyn & Walton, 515 Chamber Commerce. 100x100 FEET OF VACANT GHQL'ND ON Williams ave. tor sate. This lies south of Russell at., in coming business district. For further information see owner. 203 fctark st. Room IS. $,'000 Prospective bulnejw property, East Morrison, between 10th and 2nth sts. : now improved with two dwellings; income $35 per mo.; terms. W. O. Wad del, ,117 Lumber Ex. f TS00 Investment, speculation. Home. Holla dav Addition, will net 7 per cent. Two fur n 1 shed cot t ages, Gearha rt Pa r k. $4O0. $100. will net 11 per cent. Call or write 92 7th st. SAY LOOK. Lot, SKxtV feet, corner. good 4-room houe, rose bushes, fine chicken house: must he sold in two days; $11.. Main :KS0. . COTTAGE AT SEASIDE; MODERN. WELL furnished, electric lighted, sanitary toi lets, bath, city water, etc ; overlooks the orean. Edgar B. Piper. Oregontan. $2.Mi EACH FVU-R LOTS ON WAVERLY Woodito'k carline. 110 feet from macad amized road and car tracks: investigation olleitrd; fine view. Phone East 4537. Ton S ALW TWO LOTS. 50x100. ON JERSEY t.. in McDougaU's Add. to St. .Johns. $550 each; mut sell at owe; worth $5o each. Inquire room 404. Commercial block. ;1A BARGAIN IF TAKEN BY APRIL 1 1 screw, S-room houw. rightly location, on OreRon City car line; S2T.nO. Inquire 50 Ramona ave. Phone Must 2122. CHOICE LOT. CLOSE TO HAWTHORNE; cement walk, street improved, only $750 for intck sale; worth s."o. Vanduyn & WaKi-o, 51 " t'h amber Commerce. JlofKV NOW FOUR-ROOM COTTAGE, EAST 23 d 2 lots, on corner, '-i cash; lots set to fruit, well fenced: poultry hoiue in rear. Register & Co.. 107 3d st. OVERTON ST., NEAR 20TH, $1650, 33 l-3x 100. south front, macadam street, cement walk; part time: forced sale. Owner, W. D. Fraley, 214 lid st. WELL-BUI ITT 9-TtOOM RESIDENCE, almost new, 100x100 corner, near car, SeUwooti, for lows than cost of building! Inquire 243 Stark. ffXl'R LOTS. SMALL HOCSK. BARN. -hickenhouRe. woodshed, ff-Kid well. 24 bear ing fruit trees; price $50. F. Brampton, DUley, Oregon. JsOHO TWO FLATS AND 5-ROOM COT tage on N. ISth near Kearney ; - calt. M. E. Lee. room 2t. Kaletgh bldg. 32 j Washington t. BARGAIN TWO FLATS. NORTH PORT laud, for $4.0O: tine investment. M. E. li'e. room 20, Raleigh bldg., 323 'i Wash ington st. 2USE CITY PARK TWO BEAUTIFUL lots. $550. $200 cash and 16 per month. Phone owner. Tabor 340, from 0 to 0 P. M. HAWTHORNE AVE.. CORNER LOT. FOR only $luM: very fine. M E. Lee. roum 2i. Raleigh Mtg.. -. J V. ashington st. 7-ROOM HOI SE. LOT 4oxl27, half block from carUnc; IMinbuiph Investment Co.. MONTA VILLA. $l.'l5o. luuire :l Raleigh bidg. JUST THINK I LOTS $20 EACH, AT $1 PEK m?nth, near Salem carline. Apply to owner, v . nfioi. w avmnsion Dlug. $Hnv--LOT 2xloo. 5-IiOOM HOUSK WITH s-lied. barn, "lii'-ken hoiue and fruit, near rr.-tt man stai u.n. y it, lr gonlan. FOR SALE- SnxlOO ON HALL ST.. 1.1ft PT west of Hth st.; splen.lil view without NEW. MOHKHN fi-RtKM HOUSE. SUNNY jM!e. $J2.V: $1.V cash, balance monthly It'dliter. 313 Comnrcrcial block. Itl ACRES CLOSE IN. EAST SIDE. ON Srctlon Line roa.i : sul-sbN- f.r subdividing. B. C. Mathews. 304 Fenton Mdg. IO FEU CENT DOWN AND EASY PAY nieiits will buy you a pood K.t on St. Johns i nrllne. T20 Chamlier Commerce. MODERN HOUSES. ALSO VACANT LOTS In Holladay Park Addition. R. B. Rice HyO Wasco st. Phone E. 2432. iOR SALE 35X100 AND 40X05 ON 17TH and East Burnulde. See owner. 345 K, Davis st. Phone East 1S17. $0OO NINE-RO"M HOUSE AND LOT SOxl 18 fronting Mt. Tabor carline. L. C. Opdvke. K,2 East Morrison st. S30OO BOx ICO LOT ON CUA-f ST.. KB A R 14th; a food buy. Owner, 317 Lumbar Ex change. 2d and Stark. HAVE A SIX AND SEVEN-ROOM HOUSE r.r sIo; good buy; price very reaonab;e 323 Abington bMg. t -MX) K-ROOM MODERN HOUSE, COR. K 2th and E. Pine, terms. l!l Morri pin. ANOTHER i;OOi I.r FOR SALE REAL ESTATE. SELLWOOD HOMES. $1500 G-room house, close in. $7tH) 2-room houe. close In. $S50 l-room bouse, two lots. $1150 8-room house. $2100 6-room house. 2 nice lots, frutt trees, etc., on Improved street. $2:100 9-room bouse on Improved, street. $tO0 5-room cottage, 2 lots. $14O0 6-room house. 2 lots. $1000 3 lota, view of river. . $2400 7-room, modern houce. ?6tK) 4 pretty lota. $6tK 100 feet square, corner. $555 100 feet square. SELLWOOD TOWN SITE CO.. II. P. Palmer, Mgr. 222 Failing bldg. Main 5661. Sellwood office, 1665 E. 13th at. Phona Sell wood 161. LOOK HERE FOR THE BEST. $2500 Corner lot. streets improved, new sidewalk, new 6-room Queen Anne cot tage; it's simply elegant in design and finish; you cannot equal it for $30O4). 11SI Montana ave.. 1 block cars. Slt00 Quarter block, streets improved, you cannot duplicate the lots for $1500. besides a cosy 5-room cottage, worth an a-J'iiiional $1000; bain and other Improve, ments. Place worth $3000, anybody' money; easv pavments. $1000 6 lots, 1 block station. University Park; don't fail to see these; buy today, sell tomorrow, double your money. THE DUNN-LAWRENCE COMPANY. 149 H First st. SPECIAL BARGAINS. $3000 40x100. 7-room houte. rente for $25 per month. East Ash street, near Tenth. $3200 50x100. 6-room modern house. 931 East Flanders; very desirable and- a good buy. $3500 80x100. 7-room house, a nice home on Alberta ptreet. We' have many others to choose from In all parLs of Portland and at attractive prices. COMMONWEALTH TRUST XX)., Sixth and Ankeny. WEST SIDE LOTS. 215v each Several fine level lots, finely situated for residences. Hats or stores; mii.utes on car from 3d and Washington sts.; one with rrood 5-room cottage only $2500. Theso will not keep. STATE INVESTMENT CO., 118 Abington bldg. OWNERS MOVING AWAY WILL PELL their choice 6-room colonial home on r-awt lrtih st.: rooms large and nicely arranged; nice stairway: fine large living room, with fireplace; dark woodwork downstairs; white enamel t-athroom.: all modern thumbing: pantry, closets, buffet, all the conveniences that could be put in; fine lawn and roeef; only 20 minutes' walk and handy for car. Henkle & Harrison, 217 Abington bldg. NEW COTTAGM, BUILT FOR A HOME; 5 large rooms, reception hall, oat n-room ana rear hall; wood fiber plaster, porcelain bath, sink, basin and patent toilet; tiled bath room and kitchen, hot and cold water, ce ment basement; among costly residences; Immediate possession: $2750. $2250 down, bal ance two years. Home Laud Co.. 145 1st st. PRIME INVESTMENT. $16.500 Nearly halt block, business property on First st. ; four fine houses, corner vacant; an investment that will appeal to the most antiquated mossback. Come and see us. STATE INVESTMENT CO., US Abington bldg. FOR SALE BY OWNER FINE WtOOMED home, located on choice corner on tast Burnside street ; wa Ik big d Usance, and one block from East Ankeny car; double board ed and thoroughly braced; excellent fur nace, oak mantel and grate, porcelain bath, gas and electricity: unique arrangement. $5000. X 83, Oregonian. LOOK HERE, r. 0x1 no on 1st st., 2 houses and store building bringing Income over 11 per cent; property increasing; investigate this; $C500. THE VETERAN LAND CO., 15V Third st. $2500 LOT ON NORTHRUP STREET. 60X 100. in enmee tocauon ior uaia, ri easy terms. Moore Realty Co., 268 Stark t. TWO DESIRABLE CORNERS. $450 -Full corner on E. Harrison. $50 below market price. $sro 55x100. corner Sunnyfide, beauti ful lawn and roses. HAOEMANN &: BLANCHARD. 91 5th St. $lfiO0 COTTAGE TN' SUNNYSTDR: GOOD buv: pavments only $15 per month. $150 Corner lot, 36x"S; rare bargain; only 10 minutos to city. Phone V. PAGE HARRIS. FteJit 4300. 800 Belmont, cor. B. 25th. SUNNYSIDE 8-ROOM HOUSE. BLOCK OF carline, concrete basement; a comionanic, roomv home or go-vi investment as renfal property ; $2300, $1200 down. Home Land Company, 1452 First street. BIO SNAP 6-ROOM COTTAGE. . BRICK basement, cement floor. 2 lots; barn, fine fruit trees, etc., all for $lO0; Center Ad dition. F. Duboi?, room 3, Washington Mdg. FULL IMPROVED LOT. FIRST ST.. south of Madison; good income-hearing and a cheap buy at $13.O0O. Vanduyn ft Walton. 513 Chamber Commerce. JIJV.OOO WHOLE BLOCK. CLOSE IN; TN oome $75 per month on part of ground; fine proposition for large barn; terms. Owner. Apply 95 East Jith St.. North. $4650 100x100 AND A 5-ROOM COT tapes, income $43 per month; a igood in vestment. W. O. Waddel, 317 Lumber Exchange, 2d and Stark. MUST RE SOLD TODAY LOT toxioo. 31ST and East- Main: cement walk, improved street; $S50; terms. Owner. 301 Swetland bids., 6th and Wash. $1100 BUYS 2 ACRES ON CARLINE AT River Villa; beautiful home sites, with running water; best of soil. B. S. Cook & Co.. 251 Alder si. $80000x90. SOUTHWEST CORNER EAST lttt and Oak sts. ; fine location for ware house, with trackage. W. O. Waddel, 317 Lumber Exchange. , THREE ACRES, CLEARED. CLOSE IN. sxiitnble for berry or chicken ranch; will subdivide or trade. S. B., 405 Lumber Exchange. BY OWNER NEW 8-ROOM HOUSE. FIRST class: 7 full lots, all Improved; a bargain; Oregon City car line. 30 minutes ride; terms. F 76, Oregonian. 1RVINGTON TWO FINE BUILDING lots, each fully $200 below the market. F. A. Jackson, 320 Failing bldg. Phone Pacinc loos. $17r.O CORNER LOT. E. COUCH AND 22D. both streets improved; sewer, water, gas; this week only. . Culver, 623 Chamber of Commerce. BEST SMALL BUY ON THE MARKET Fractional lot near .mi; income-ocarina. Vanduyn & Walton, 515 Chamber Com merce. WE EUILD HOUSES on easy payments; have some nice plan; can turnisn iota ir ae sired. 612 Commercial Bldg. Main 1940. 20 CHOICE ACRES ON JOHNSON CREEK and O. w. p. canine at a oargatn. van duyn & Walton, 015 Chamber of Commerce. 6-ROOM MODERN HOUSE ON EAST Bni-ns-ifie St.. win ne completed tnis wpk only $vtO. H. P. Palmer. 222 Failing blIg ROSE CITY 1ARK CHOICE LOT NEAR car. $27 ', $100 cash and s per month Phone owner. Main 4144. from 6 to 8. FOR BALE MODERN H-ROOM QUEEN Anne cottage; prie 2:)H; will give terms. Owner, 7 ancouver ave. EIGHT EXTRA LARGE LOT 3, ON CAR. near Wavcrlclgh. worth $350. only $250 eacn; a rcai snap. ,au izi.i tarK st. IRVINGTON NEW, MODERN. ft-ROOM residence; corner r.ast sd and Broad wav. Call room 101 Sherlock bidg. HAVE SOME FINE ACREAGE ON NEW SA- !om line which will make you money. 720 Chamber lonminte. SIGHTLY" QUARTER BLOCK IN CRFJSTON, mi feet facing cat line; tasy terms. Owner, N 73. Oregonian. k. SNAP. $2500 BEAUTIFT'L 6-ROOM MOD ern houe. nne locality. Apply 8s E. Kelly St., near n 4. 14 FINE LOTS ON ST. JOHNS CAR CAN BR bought at neoxocK u taKcn quick. 720 Cham ber Commerce. purchaser; terms. John Miller, 30th and Wvcant sts. $TO0 WILL BUY GOOD S-ROOM HOUSE AND 50100 lot. Dodson Bros.. 4IS Chamber oZ t ommerce. SNAP FINE 6 ROOM MODERN HOUSE. Fut sth; $2.i, terms. Wafhtngton bldg., room 3. 6FHINX AGENCY. SOS 1-S STARK ST.. CAN FOR SALE BX AX ESTATE. WILLAMETTE HEIGHTS HOME. SELECT . neighborhood. 7 rooms, modern, aim-.; new; $5u0 less than real value. 24S Stark HOUSES. ALL PARTS OF CITY. BUILT AND old on Installment. Kroner, 16-17 Cam bridge bldg.. southwest cor. 3d and Morrison. $600 WILL BUY A GOOD CORNER FOR business on Dawson art... where there is something doing. Owner, 36 6th St., city. MODERN 6-ROOM BUNGALOW. NEW. $2300; easy terms, unone wood lawn l!i. owner. PRETTY WILLAMETTE HEIGHTS HOME. 7 rooms, modern, new. Owner, Pacific 9o4. FOR SALE FARMS. A FARM WITH A COAL MINE. WITHIN two miles of the West Side Railroad, up among the hills of the Tamhills. Is a place where thousands of dollars have been expended In prospecting for coal and not altogether fruitless. The indica- tions were more encouraging as the work proceeded. Incline shafts were run and thousands of tons of croppings were thrown on the dump. Perpendicular shafts were sunk and as a result water arose to the surface; the mine was flood ed : the funds for development were ex hausted; the lease has recently expired and the whole thing mine and farm is for aale. Competent coal experts pronounce this unquestioned coal land and only awaits development to prove it such. The whole mountain of dump after lying for a year, was fired by spontaneous combustion. It burned like a limekiln. The debris of clay and earthv matter charred as cinders from vitrified brick, is now be ing used for road pavement. The farm of 177 acres 1h only 27 miles of Portland, on , main county ro'ad, rural route and tele phone line. Is the making of a beautiful farm, over 50 acres of very rich level bot tom land Is now in cultivation and crop. Farm is fenced into nine fields with run ning water in each during dryest season. The uncultivated portion is sloping hill land with timber more valuable than price asked for the land and best of soil when cleared. There is a house, two barns, orchard, 5 cows, several young heifers, sheep, hogs, chicken., tools and implements. We can sell this if taken at once, for less thantthe farm is worth. B. S. COOK & CO.. 231 Alder st. TWO WELL-IMPROVED FARMS FOR sale in Douglan County; one contain ing 191 acres rich bottom land; new paint ed barn. 65x100 feet ; large houpe, plenty of running water; all fenced with Ameri can woven wire. Price $ti00o. The other containing 3.10 acres, all fine rich soli. Over million feet saw timber on place. Creek running through place. All fenced; 4 large barns; good house: IS buildings on place; fine water system, etc., with reservoir; 4 acres orchard, fine fruit. Price $S500. These places are 4 miles east of Yoncalla. For full particu lars address J. Wm. Becklcy, Yoncalia, Or. WHITTEN & BRYANT. . 406-7-8 Swetlant Bldg. $6000 152 acres, near North Yamhill, all good cultivating land, in crops; good house and barn, orchard, plenty of water; this is below actual value. $000 4S0 acres in Polk County, 0 acres cultivated, balance pasture and tim Iter; 6.000.000 feet merchantable flr tim ber on place, near railroad and logging stream ; this is a bargain. $7000 200-acre farm in Benton County, near Albany, 75 in cultivation, balance pasture and hardwood timber; fine soil, telephone, free delivery mail ; must sell to close up an estate; investigate this. WHITTEN Ac BRYANT, 406-7-8 Swetland bldg.. 0th and Wash. FOR SALE SO ACRES LAND WITHIN 5 miles of Burns. Or., in the heart of the best range; about 5 acres only tillable, balance pasture ; would only be suitable for a dairy or chicken ranch for the right kind of a hustler; water running on part of this tract from unused spring. Ad dress Box 1, Burns, Harney County, Or.; price $800. IF YOU ARE LOOKING FOR 20, 40 OR 80 acres in the vicinity of Gresham, either partly improved or" all well improved, don't fall to call on the Gresham Real Estate Co., as we have some bargains and will be pleased to show them at any time. Gresham Real Estate Co., Gresh am, Or. D. M. Roberts, president. 15-ACRE FARM ON JOHNSON CREEK, RICH land, about 10 acres in at raw be rr lee, black berries and fruit tree; one acre of early potatoes; cheap. 150 acres very rich land, east of Hubbard In Clackamas County; 8 acres in hope; fine buildings, etc.. a bargain. WHALLEY, 613 McKay bldg. 320 ACRES. 60 UNDER CULTIVATION. 4 easily cieareo. oaiance gooa nr iininer, about 4,000,000 feet: good building?, phone, daily mail, good road, 5 miles to thriving Tt. R.. town: IT taken soon will throw in farm machinery; $14 ier acre. Full particu lars, address owner, E. A. Miller, Pfiilo niath. Or. FARM. 200 ACRES. 160 ACRES IN 'CULTI vation, some timber and pasture, all fenced, river bottom land. 23 acres In alfalfa, close to town and school and rail road; steamboat landing, bouse and good barn and outbuildings. See owner, for 3 days at No. 4 N. 6th st. FOR SALE SO-ACRE FARM 26 UNDER cultivation. vx in when t, balance in mea dow; good fajnily orchard, new house, good barn, chicken-houses, two wells. R. F. D. and telephone service; price $2500. Address John Nichoteon. Orchards, Wash. SEE THIS SNAP BEFORE YOU BUY A little farm. SO acres. 25 under plow and fence; small house and barn. 2' miles from railroad station, running water and well; price for a few days only $1050. F. T. Berry. 4 North Sixth st. 160 ACRES. 60 IN CULTIVATION. 25 MILES from Portland. 6 mils from railroad; fair buildings, large spring. 5 acres orchard; want to sell riplit away; $:.Vn. pp . w. Baar. 2,1 Raleigh bldg., Washington st.. Portland. DO YOU WANT A FARM? I HAVE 50 acres, mostly cleared and cultivated: ad joJns Valley townslte; R. R. ; fine school. churchf. 7 sawmill near; buildings worth $2000; price $2500; choice buy. Inquire 243 Stark street. IF YOU WOULD LEARN ABOUT THE great Flathead Indian reservation, soon to open, send 10 centa (silver or stamps) for our 32-page booklet. Address Flathead Reserva - tlon Information Agency, Missoula, Mont. 20 ACRES. 8 MILES FROM PORTLAND, river fr.mt. all tile drained. cleared; cherry orchard, grapes, or will sell 10 acres river fr"nt; will make finest rock quarry In Oregon. W 73. Oregonian. FINE PIECE LAND SOLD REASONABLE. B'tliany. Or.; 10 aore. over loO fruit trees. For particulars apply to Mr.-?. C. Gerries, 228 Lexington avenue. Brooklyn, N. Y. FOR SALE 5 ACRES, ALL IN BEARING fruit; good 8-room house; good outbuild ings; close to Vancouver, Wash. A N. 6th st. Phono Pacific 2082. FOR SALE TIMBER LANDS. THE LACEY WAY Is recognized to be the standard way of handling timber lands. The timber must first satisfy us, and our cruise reveals every detail of the conditions surrounding It. Our reports are prepared in such a way that the buyer knows whether or not the timber will satisfy him before be visits the tract. Twenty years experience, and the client age we represent, is a sufficient guar antee that our methods are right. You may waste your valuable time In looking up the tract you want. Take advantage of the results of our own constant efforts along this line and get the best. JAMES D. LACEY & CO.. Lumber Exchange, Seattle, Wash.. Chamber of Commerce, Portland. Or. 40.oO0.000 FEET FIR TIMBER. WITH COM plcte aawmill and logging outfit, now work ing; profits $200 per day; $90,000 If taken soon; other timber close; being near Colum bia River, strikes don't bother, as thi mill pays big wages. Mc Far land Investment Co.. 310-312 Swetland bide. Can locate parties on goodftr timber claims Claims are on a river; will estimate from 3.000,000 to 6,000,000 per 160 acres; locating fees $200. For further informa tion nd dress H. K. Haak, Eureka. Cal. 580 ACRES FINE TIMBER LAND FOR sale Lane County on and near logging stream: estimated 30000 per acre; net price $6000, if taken promptly. S 76, Oregonian. BRITISH COLUMBIA TIMBER LANDS Large and small tracts: on water and rail; $4 up. Send for- list. E. R. Chandler, 407 Hastings at., Vancouver, B. C. WANT TRACT OF FIR TIMBER FOR CASH; three to five hundred million; give general description an1 price first letter. X 72, Oregonian. YELLOW PINE TIMBER HOMESTEAD relinquishment : price $160 if taken at onre. Q 81. Oregonian. LAST CHANCE TO GET TIMBER CLAIMS before withdrawal of timber lands. Staples. 2o2 Worcester bldg. CHEAP S. E. i SECTION 10. TOWNSHIP 12 N., range W. Owner. George A. Mo FOR SALE TIMBER LANDS. I WILL BUY HOMESTEAD OR TIMBER claim relinquishment. 323 Abington bldg. FOR RENT FARMS. HOMESEUKERS WILL FIND IT TO THEIR interest to correspond with Mr. Warren Nichols, of Eugene, Or. Land to rent at usual rates: good opportunity to look around before locating. FOR RENT 80 ACRES 12U, MILES FROM Portland; 76 acres cleared, 50 acres plowed. Inquire of owner, 108 Second et.. Portland. HOOD RIVER 15 ACRES. ORCHARD, berries, timothy. 3 milea to depot. Mercer, 605 Front. Portland. WANTED REAL ESTATE. I AM AUTHORIZED TO BUY FOR DEN ver capitalists 00 to 100 acres in or near Portland, suitable for immediate subdi vision: It must have the points necessary for a desirable residence section. Write me for interview. B. C. Baldwin, the Nor tonia, 14th and Washington. WE HAVE A NUMBER OF BUYERS WAIT ing for homes in lrvington. Holladay Park and East Side district; prices ranging from $2500 up to $7000. If you have anything good at a reasonable price, see us at once. COMMON WEALTH TRUST CO., 6TH AND ANKENY. PHONE MAIN 3SH. WE HAVE A PARTY WHO WANTS TO buy a house and lot anywhere between Madison and Caruthqrs st., from $4000 to $50uC-. Call at once. Sun Investment Co., 224 MadiEon st. WANTED 4 OR 5-ROOM COTTAGE. SOUTH Portia-nd. in good conditton: have buyer; see us immediately. J. H. Heiibronner 4: Co.. room 517 Lumber Exchange bldg. WANT LOT IN SOUTH PORTLAND FOR A home: would like east or south front; mtifit be cheap from owners; give location and price. M 85. Oregonian. wn (TWO BROTHERS) WANT MODERN small homes near each other, for Tiot over $401 K cash: - either side of river; owners. Write V 84. Oregonian. WE HAVE BUYERS FOR ALL KINDS OP property. What have you to offer? Ken nedy St Hickok. Room 325. Lumber Ex change " I WANT S OR 6-ROOM HOUSE IN NORTH or South Portland, not over. $2500: can pay 30 down. No agents. Address H 82, Ore gonian. WANTED GILT - EDGED BUSINESS property. $50,000 to $75,000; want to deal with owners only. V 79, Oregonian. WANT RESIDENCE, 7 OR 8 ROOMS, CLOSE in. West Slue preferrd; cafh deal 'only, with owner. Address B 72, Oregonian. WANT GOOD INCOME OR FUTURE Busi ness property; $2000 to $15,000; no agents. D 63, Oregonian. WANT GOOD INCOME OR FUTURE BUSI nesit property; $2000 to $15,000; no agenta. D (.3, Oregonian. WISH TO INVEST FROM $3000 TO $10,000 In Portland real estate. P 81. Oregonian. W A NT TO BUY A CRE A GE N EAR ST. Johns. Address F 83. Oregonian. LOTS IN WILLAMETTE ADD. STATE Land Co., 133 First at. TO EXCHANGE. GOOD UN IMPROVED FARM LANDS; RICH soil, near Columbia River; will exchange for city property, residence preferred: will ac- cept or pay difference. Address N SI. Ore gonian. WHAT HAVE YOU TO TRADE FOR A Busi ness; lot on the carline on the Fenlntsula? Owner. 367 6th. FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE FOR REAL ESr tate. 5000 shares of A No. 1 mining stock. B 8. Oregonian. WANTED TIMBER LANDS. WE WANT TO PURCHASE A FEW SMALL tracts of timber land. The Ames Mer cantile Agency. Abington bldg. Timber wanted, Oregon or Washington, large or small tract. Sphinx Agency. Su5 Stark. WANTED TIMBER HOMESTEAD linquishments. L 85, Oregonian. RELIN- FOR SALE Horwfi, Vehicle, Etc. TWENTY HEAD OF DRIVING, DRAFT, delivery horses and cheap farm mares, all sizes and prices: also rubber tire run abouts of all kinds; all kinds of single and double harness, light and heavy; stock and military saddles; one very fine saddle pony, cheap. Oregon Stables, 14th and Burnside sts. TOP WAGONS. GOOSE-NECK; FURNITURE wagons, express wagons, runabouts, horses, vehicles and harness of all de-rrtntions for sale or rent. Hubert & Hall, 266 Fourth at. FOR PALE OR TRADE FULL-BLOODED imported registered Clyde stallioa, 7 years old. weight 2040 lb&. ; color bay; can show good 1 and 2-year-old colts. Address Box 225 Grass Valley. f New grocery, laundry, bakery, milk wagons, 100 second -hand vehicles: single, double fur niture wagnnr: hors, rips rented. Tomlin son & CasirJay. 211 Wah. Pacific 307. FOR SALE CARLOAD OF YOUNG BROKE horses, 1200 to 1500 pounds. At Miller's Stables. Russell and Gantenbeln ave. Phone Eart -1S04. HORSES FOR SALE 10 SPANS. 1100 TO 1600 pounds. 480 Overton,, between 13th and 14th; take S car. Freedman Bros. FOR SALE CHEAP GOOD, FIRST-CLASS hand-made delivery wagon. Inquire 366 East Washington. DRAFT HORSES FOR SALE W. .1. Kelly. Overland Transfer Co., Stables, 5th and GHsan. WANTED SMALL TEAM PONIES TO RIDE and drive; must be reasonable. J 82, Ore Ionian. 30 HEAD HORSES AND MULES FOR SALE. Hubert & Hall. 260 Fourth et., near Madison. FOR SALE A NEW CAR OF FINE VAL ley draft horses. E R. Frank, 18S Front. FOR SALE OIL WAGON AND TEAM AND route. Call at 235 Morrison st. Pianos, HERB'S A SNAP A SMITH & BARNH3S piano, $140 paid on contract; can have ac count for $50; can be seen any evening after 7 o'clock at 26 N. 17th st. DECKER & SON PIANO. $150. INQUIRE forenoons, 41 Union ave., north. Miscellaneous. AN ABSOLUTE FACT. THAT THE DOL lar, at 232 l.t does sell new and good as new furniture; stoveg, and- almost everything for the home, at a much leas price than many others. Get his prices and you will save money and time. $ $232 lBt st. $ $ $ FOR SALE NEW AND SECOND-HAND BIL liard and pool tablee; easy payments; we rent tables, with privilege of buying; mod ern bar fixtures; cheap prices. Brunswick-Balke-Collender, 40 3d st. FOR SALE. $1 EACH 50 TIMBERS. 6xl4ir 21 feet and 6x14x30 feet, old, but good and tound; situate at tuu Holladay ave. Inquire on 'premises before 8 A. M. or after 6:30 P. M. CHEAP. NEARLY NEW. l!i6 MODEL K. Winton automobile; if taken at once will sell for nearly half price; fully guaranteed. Address M 45. Oregonian. ALL BAR FIXTURES. GLASSES AND AP t1 lances uxed in a saloon for sale at The Office Cafe. 285- Washington st. Apply to f?am igneux. FOR SALE CHEAP 5 FINE FRESH milch cow?, young, gentle. ea.v milkers. 1 tSO Macadam st.. Fulton. Phone Main 6081. FOR SALE CHEAP SHORT-TURNED, LOW bed light spring wagon, suitable for berry wagon. 366 Eat Washington. CASH PAID FOR FURNITURE. FIXTURES and merchandise. Phone Main 1626. J. T. Wilson, auctioneer. MACHINERY FOR MAKING ICE OR A cold-storage plant at a bargain. D 66, Ore gonian. FOR SALE SCHOLARSHIP IN BEHNKE Walker Business College at a diacount. L 65, Oregonian. Moving picture machines, stereopttcons, re pairs, slides to order. Stevens. 165H 4th. FOR SALE CHOICE FAMILY OW; BAR gain if taken at once. Phone Tabor 456. FOR SALE CHEAP GOOD TOP SECOND band grocery wagon. Inquire 420 Belmont. MOTORBOAT HULL. 32 FEET LONG. CA pable of speed. Phone East 3630. ; HELP WANTED MALE. HELP WANTED MALE. FIRST-CLASS WAITER WHO KNOWS service and Is a good salesman. Must be steady and sober; good salary. Apply to Steward. Sargent Hotel, Grand and Haw thorne avea. NOTICE TO OLD PATRONS. Owing to the Increase in bualnes we were compelled to seek a new location, where we could have more room, and are now located at 21 N. Second st.. around -the corner from the old office. In the same building and the same phone number. We have hundreds of jobs too numerua to mention. CANADIAN EMPLOYMENT CO.. Phone Main 3074. 21 N. Second st- WANTED BOOKKEEPER AND ASSIST ant sales manager with modern methods. One familiar with implements or machinery preferred. Good position to right party. Applicant must give references, age and experience, otherwise no consideration. Applications strictly confidential. Address J 81, Oregonian. WANTED STAVEBOLT CUTTERS. wages $l.o0 per cord; good board, steady work ; timber, yellow fir. Apply Western Cooperage Co., Stearns bids., Portland, or Houltou, Or. MEN OVER 20. NOT AFRAID OF WORK, to prepare lor work In the Custom-house. Apply In own handwriting, PACIFIC 1ST ATE S SCHOOLS. McKay bldg.. City. ALL DISEASES OF MEN SUCCESSFULLY treaten; discharges positively cured In from 3 to 5 day; consultation free and strictly confidential; eend for our symptom blank. X-radium Medical Institute, 3d and Alder eta.; entrance 2-"k1 Alder St.. Portland. WANTED FOR RECK WITH, CAL., ON western Pacific Railroad. 5vi ttinnel men, machine men. $4 : helpers. $3.50; muckers.1 $2. 5o and $.T ; fore man. $4 . 5 and $5 ; ca r penters. $.'1 to $4.5o; .skinners, $3; board $5 per week; two-year job. A YOUNG MAN WANTED. OVER 18. TO prepare for railway mail clerk; no experi ence. Write at once. PACIFIC STATES SCHOOLS, McKay bldg., Portland, Or. ANY INTELLIGENT PERSON MAY EARN to luo monthly corresponding for news papers; ture. steady work ; no canvassing; experience unnecessary. Send for particu lars. Press Syndicate. Lockpurt, N. Y. YOU KG M A N O PPORTUNITY ptR A D- Attncement; take up preparatory couree for civil service positions. Investigate. West Coast Correpondenco Schools, 714 Chamber Com. Cill or write for free booklet. PROTECT YOURSELF FOR $1 PER MONTH asainei aeciaent, sickness and death. Write or call for full information. Northwestern Health and Accident Association. 31 Mailory bldg., 208 Stark. Agents wanted. MEN AND WOMEN TO LEARN BARBER t rade in eigh t weeks; grad ua t es ea rn from $15 to $25 weekly; expert Instructors ; cata logue free. Moler System of Colitgee, 35 North Fourth street, Portland. FOR 00 CENTS WILL DELIVER OR SEND recipe to make genuine Mexican tamales; you know then what you are getting when they are home-made. D. D. Rich, 7S4 Roosevelt st. WANTED EXPERIENCED MAN TO take charge f crockery and housefur nishing department; must have best of references. Apply to Superintendent, the Golden Eugle. KELSO EMPLOYMENT A REAL ESTATE The largest list of farm, timber, stump land in Cowlitz County, Washington; tree employment at principal camps. M. Bixby, Jr. I WANT A FIRST-CLASS FIRE INSUR- ance man to manage an old established office: worth $10 per day td him: small amount of cash required. Room 20, 68 Stark street. Men and boys wanted to learn plumbing, plastering, bricklaying. electrical trades; free catalogue; positions" secured. Covne Trade School. New York and San Fran. WANTED YOUNG MAN WHO UNDER stands soda, fountain. Ice cream and light lunh work: good position in new, firsi class confectionery. K $6. Oregonian. W A NTED YOUNG MAN TO TA K E course in telegraphy day anil evening elates-; positions when competent. Oregon College. f,oa Commonwealth bldg. BARBER A SNAP, XXD PAYING TWO chair shop; furniture worth $150: perma nent location: ell on time. $50 down, $25 per month. 2o: 3d. near Taylor. LEARN TO OPERATE MOTION PICTURES. Short hours, eacy work, salary $25 weekly. Terms reasonable. Newman's Motion Picture Muchine Co., 145 6th. MA LE ST ENOGB APH ER. L. C. SM IT H operator preferred. 170 Fifth St.. L. & M. Alexander Co.. exclusive dealers entire C a.st. L. C. Smith typewriters. W A NTE D ASS 1ST A NT ROOKK BE P E R with knowledge of stenography in rcta il grocery; reply in own handwriting and give reference. E S2. Oregonian. WANTED COMPETENT COOK AND .1 A N itor. husband and wife preferred ; good wages paid. Call at North Pacific Sana torium. 20th and Glisan. WANTED A NUMBER OF CAPABLE sales and clerical men for positions now open. Call today. Commercial Abstract Company. Raleigh bidg. CIVIL ENGINEERS. DRAUGHTSMEN. IN- strumcnt men, roadmen, storekeeper and hoy to work in drafting room; irrigation work. 307 Til ford bldg. A FEW FIRST-CLASS FRATERNAL OK gaiiizers, either male or female, can find lucrative employment by calling at room H5. Commercial bldg. ADVERTISING SOLICITORS FOR CITY Advertising contracts cashed, theatrical programme. Elks' Magazine; permanent. 603 Goodnough bldg. NEWSPAPER MAN". EDIT TELEGRAPH reports, hustle local news; small daily; $75. Northwest Newspaper Brokerage, Goodnough bldg. WANTED MAN WITH $-300. WHO WISHES a first -cla? business location; 2 yeans' tease; rent only $25; showcase and fixtures. 183 Morrison St. WANTED EXPERIENCED MAN FOR cloak and suit department ; one capable of taking full charge. Address Q $4, Oregoniun. EXCELLENT OPENING JPOR GOOD ME chanic who can Invest $1000 in manufac turing business. Address O S2, Orego nian. WANTED FIRST-CLASS CAR RI AGIO painter; must be good striper and finisher. Pullman Auto Car Company, 6th and Ever ett. - . BOY WANTED FOR TELEPHONE NIGHT work, one who lives at home; West Side. Apply The Washington. Northrup and 21st. DANCING LESSONS, 25c, private and claases. taught daily. Prof. Wal Wilson, offices and academy. Alisky bldg.. 3d and Morrison ts. S A LESM EN W E HAVE GOOD PE RMA- pent positions for first-class men in wveral of our department. Old. Wortman & King. IF YOU WANT A POSITION OR HELP OF any kind, call at 2tii Alisky bldg., or phone Main 3131. Clerks' Registration Bureau. SOLICITORS FOR CITY LOTS GOOD proposition. Apply before 11 A. M.. Rich ards. Commonwealth bldg., on Sixth st. WELL EDUCATED YOUNG MAN ABOUT 20 years of a ge wan tt: d for off i re work ; ex -perience unnecessary. C 83. Oregonian. WANTFD COMPETENT FIREMAN TO . attend oil-burning boilers. Oregon City Woolen Mills. Oregon City, Or. WANTED AN EXPERIENCED LIFE JN surance solicitor: salary and commission. Ad dress W SI. Oregonian. WANTED DRAUGHTSMAN IN DRAUGHT ing department of Willamette Iron & Steel Works. Apply at office. WANTED A MAN TO WORK IN FANCY grocerv; none except experienced need ap ply. L 81, Oregonian. THE 1ARQUAM GRAND BARBER SHOP desires the services of 2 first-class bar bers; $16 guarantee. REFINED LADIES AND GENTLEMEN TO take part in lodge dramas; give telephone. G 73. Oregonikn. W ANTE D AN EXPERIENCED GROCERY i-alcsman: no other need apply. References. P 46, Oregonian. FOREMAN AND THREE EXPERIENCED housemovers wanted. 105 E. Water. W. B. Ellis. V A NT ED DELI VER YM A N WITH SOM E knowledge of th grocery bustneu. S M, HELP WANTED MALE. Men and women to learn watchmaking, engrav ing, jeweler work, optica, easy term: posi tions guaranteed ; monev made learning Watchmkg-Eogvg. Sch'l. 1428 4th av. Seattle WANTED TWO EXPERIENCED CABI notmakers. Apply I. Gevurtz & Sons., The Home Furnishers. WANTED BOY OVER 16 YEARS OF AGE to work in sore. Apply Boston Store, 213 First street. WANTED HARNESSMAKERS; GOOD wages and steady employment. The P. J. Cronln Co. PHYSICIAN WANTED FOR GOOD Posi tion; must have $2o00. Address M 79, Ore gontan. WANTED EXPERIENCED RAILROAD station agent. Apply 303 Commercial bldg. WANTED GOOD STEADY BARBER: $15 guaranteed. Phone J. A. Graham, Olympia, Wash. WE SECURE EMPLOYMENT FOR MEM bers. Special membership. $2. Y. M. C. A. WANTED A FIRST-CLASS TAILOR. Ap ply Coben & Dietelerlch, Vancouver, Wash. WANTED- EXPERIENCED BOOKKEEPER as assistant. Apply Eastern Outfitting Co. BOYS WANTED STANDARD FACTORY, corner Grand avenue and East Taylor ste. Young Man desiring to better condition Call on Employment Dept., Y. M. C. A. OLD MAN WANTED FOR PORTER WORK around store. Inquire store, 262 1st. ' SEVERAL EXPERIENCED YOUNG MEN AS retail cigar salesmen. E 83. Oregonian. SOLDBRERS WANTED A PPLY TO PAC ciflc Coat Biscuit Co.. 13th and Davis. SALESMEN BIG WAGES; SOMETHING positively new. 215 Commercial block. BOY WANTED AT NAU'S DRUGSTORE, th and Morrison; must have wheel. WANTED RAILROAD BRIDGE FORE man. Apply 303 Commercial bldg. 500 men wanted Free shaves and haircuts1. 4S Couch st. Moler Barber College. BOY WITH WHEEL. WONDER M1LL1 nery Company. 1st and Morrison. WANTED - FIRST-CLASS COATMAKERS. Nicoll the Tailor. 10R Third street. WANTED A TAILOR. APPLY AT BUF fem & Pendleton, 311 Morrison st. GOOD 2-CHAIR BARBER SHOP FOR SALE cheap. Call 203 Eat Morrison. TAILOR WANTED TO PRESS. UNION Tailoring Co., 305 Stark st. WANTED BARBER. STEADY. 7S2 Mis sissippi avenue. Take L car. WANTED BAKER OR STEADY MAN TO learn trade. 28& Han-teen st. BARBER WANTED FOR SATURDAY, $5 guarantee. 253 '. 1st st. BOY WANTED ANDERSON & DUNIWAY Company. 20& Alder street. WANTED TWO BOYS, ABOUT 37. 55 Front, corner Davis. SMALL BOY FOR NOON AT 93 Vi SIXTH street. Apply at once. BARBER WANTED STEADY JOB. Morrison st. OFFICE BOY WANTED. S 85, OKBGO nlan. HELP WANTED FEMALE. ATTENTION. Applicants for all kinds of work, register with ue. free of charge, so we may locate you on short notice. HANSEN'S LADIES" AGENCY. 343 Washington St., cor. 7th, upstairs. WANTED EXPERIENCED WAIST AND skirthands for alteration department; also young girl who can sew to learn refitting. Apply to Mrs. Gilbert, the Golden Eagle. WANTED EXPERIENCED LADY BOOK keper. one familiar with department work preferred: give full particulars together with phone number. T 84. Oregonian. GIRLS WANTED OPERATORS TO WORK on shirts and overalls; lessons given to inexperienced. Apply at Standard Factory, 2 Grand ave. and E. Taylor st. A FEW FIRST-CLACKS FRATERNAL OR iranl jeers, either male or female, can find lutratlve employment by calling at room 605. Commercial, bldg. WANTED YOUNG LADY TYPEWRITER TO act as assistant cashier. liquor atorc; chance for advancement: state salary expected to start. X SI. Oregonian. SALESWOMEN WB HAVE GOOD PERMA nent positions for flrst-clafs saleswomen in several nf our departments. Old, Wort man Ar King. WANTED GIRL OR ELDERLY LADY TO assist in houpework on a dairy farm near town; good home, good pay. A. Helman, Lents. Or. LADY TO QUALIFY FOR A POSITION PAT ing XSOrt per year; paid while learning; come knowledge of music required. L 30, Ore gonian. AN EXPERIENCED GIRL FOR GENERAL housework and cooking; wage $35. Call up Mrs. J. Poulsen. Elast 751. 483 Hassalo st. WANTED HOUSEKEEPERS, COOKS, nurses, waitresses, jvocond girls. St. Louis Ladles' Agency. 230i, Yamhill. Main 5413. GIRLS' TO WORK IN CANDY FACTORY, good wages, steady employment. Pacific Coast Biscuit Co.. 12th and Davis sts. WANTED OPERATORS AND OIRI.S TO learn shirtmakinp. Apply Standard Fac tory. 2 Grand ave. and E. Taylor st. COMPETENT" GIRL FOR GENERAL housework, small family, good wages. Ap ply Ifil N. Tilth St.. corner Irving.- WANTED EXPERIENCED SALESLADY for permanent nceltion; good ta-lary. Apply Boston Store. 213 First street. WANTED YOUNG GIRL. HOUSEWORK, sleep home, no washing. Call mornings before 10 at 73" B. Couch. WANTED GOOD COOK AND TO HELP care for two small children; Swede pre ferred.. Apply 401 4 32th st. GOOD GIRL FOR GENERAL HOUSE work, 3 in family. 128 14th, between Washington and Alder sts. WANTED A YOUNG WOMAN FOR OFFICE work; must be quick and accurate at figures. Address X 71. Oregonian. FIRST-CLASS WAIST FINISHERS AND waist trimmers; firnt-class wages paid. Call 4413 Fliedner bldg. FIRST-CLASS GIRL FOR GENERAL HOUSE - work: two adults: good wages. 405 E. 21st North. Phone Bast 1714. WANTED A GIRL FOR GENERAL HOUSE work; good wages to the right party. Ad dress K 34. Oregonian. WANTED YOUNG LADY TO ADDRESS CIR culars and act as assistant cashier in liquor store. A m, ureaonian. GIRL TO ASSIST ; WITH GENERAL housework and rare of two children. Ap plv 731 Savier st. WANTF3D WOMAN TO ASSIST IN" TAILOR ing and repairing. 231s Alder St., between First and Second. GIRL WANTED TO HELP IN BAKERY and delicatessen. 460 Jefferson; one liv ing in vicinity- GIRL FOR COOKING AND SOME) HOU SB work ; wages $no. 741 Glisan St.. near 23d. Phone Main 1776. GIRL FOR DRAWING. BURNING, PAINT ing, designing and lettering. Address E 79. Oregonian. WANTED A COMPETENT GIRL FOR general housework; good wages. Apply S9 10th st. WANTED MAKERS AND APPRENTICES. Apply Wonder Millinery Company, First and Morrison. WANTED A GIRL FOR GENERAL housework, willing to leach. Apply 005 Everett at. HELPER FOR GENERAL HOUSEWORK; four In family, 41 Union ave. north, cor ner Couch. WANTED GIRL FOR GENERAL HOUSE work; wages $30. Apply morning. 621 East Waahlngton. WANTED FIRST-CLASS STENOGRAPHER; jitate "xperience and salary wanted. L 83, Oregonian. LADY CLERK OVER 30: MUST KNOW city: reooraniended. Address J 84, care Oregonian. WANTED LADY TO CARE FOR 2-YEAR old baby by the week. Phone Main 1540. WNTEff MILLINERY SALESWOMAN nd nniitiwL Ur. Zltfuch, 0t Wash, SL. HELP WANTED FEMALE. TWO APPRENTICES AT ONCE. ROSS city Millinery Co.. 4o3 Morrison, near 1 enth. toJ1?"8 SADIES' AGENCY. anington at., cor. 7th. uptaira. Phone Main 2692. W;VNoKiT WOMA FOR HOUSEWORK -wiiiing-nouse, ;u, couch su WndTSSA. Gi.K.7O D2. HOUSEWORK WI ai rnone aiain 3t. TV A V"TTr v- t,. .1 hST;u f?:;.?.,j!. t? . j t . u taat iay st. W?mlTlESIL T 00 SECOND WORK I.V , , .w " w. 444 Salmon . .. ., muK., yfcq Ma Morrison "J" ml. yi.so lay. OS hour.. Call xl m . i., 1 v,urDei 1 street. GIRL WANTED TO ASSIST WITH LIGHT housework. Call at 184 N. 17th st. WANTED GIRL FOR GENERAL HOUSE ork. two in family. 601 Glisan at. GIRLS WANTED APPLY STANDARD FAC tory. 2 Grand ava. and Bast Taylor t. OIRL FOR GENERAL HOUSEWORK Family of three. 702 Northrup st. EXPERIENCED COOK. SOME HOUSB work; good wages. 777 Flanders st. WANTED COOK IN PRIVATE FAMILY. Apply In the morninp?. 351 3d st. MARKER AND ASSORTER. CHERRY'S new laundry. La Grande. Or. FOR AN EXPERIENCED, CERTIFIED cashier, phone Main 4504. SHIRTMAKERS WANTED. JACOBS SHIRT Company. 281 1, Stark street. GIRL FOR DRAWING AND PAINTING. 103 North 5th st., upstrairs. WANTED A GIRL TO ASSIST IN FAMILY of 2. 44A F3ast Clay at. WANTED LADY COOK AND BOY DISH wafher at 753 Savler t. COCK FOR SMALL FAMILY. 236 KINO c-. t iilmhj 01am .iii, WANTED A SCANDINAVIAN CHAMBER- WAXTED 2 WAITRESSES AT THE NOR- HELP WANTED MALE OR FEMALE. WAITRESSES. CITY. HOOD RIVER (COOK. $::.: chambermaids (city. Spring); house keepers, houwwork. grocery clerk, black smith, dishwashers. pot washer, waiter. "Drake's," 205Va Washington. FIVE FALRSLAD1ES AND TEN GENTLE men mlecunen at the corner of 3d and Davis sts., to handle clothing and furnishing goods. Apply today at 1 P. M. TRAVELING GENERAL AGENTS WANTED per wee ana expenses. Address T S3 Oregonian. SITUATION WANTED MALE. Bookkeeper and Clerks. YOUNG MARRIED MAN, GERMAN, want a position as shipping clerk lf possible in brewery) or timekeeper; 'beat references. G 73. Oregonian. POSITION AS TRAVELING SALESMAN; eiRnt years experience in general merchan dise. O 84. Oregonian. BOOKKEEPER EMPLOYED ONE-HALF day wants work the other half. 0 $2, Oregonian. Mlftcel GOOD PRACTICAL GARDENER WILL BE free on April 1 to take charge of garden, lawn, work around house, and if necessary, driving horses and cow; references from present and past employers. Address H 83, Oregonian. JAPANESE LABOR ASSOCIATION CAN furnish domestic servants, farmers. a'o; all kinds of help. Main 459. 268 Everett. COLORED MAN WISHES ANY KIND OF work, window washing. cleaning new houses a specialty. Main 4209. WINDOW CLEANING, FLATS AND DWELT -Inge, floors waxed. Phone Main 6573, even ing, 8 to 10. Thomas Green. A YOUNG MAN WANTS A JOB AS DRIVER for grocery store or butcher shop. 33 Grand ave. Phone East 4439. JAPANESE. GOOD BOY. WANTS Posi tion as schoolboy of family in city. B 81. Oregonian. YOUNG MAN RECENTLY WITH CANADT an realty company wants position. S el, Oregonian. WANTED WORK WITH A LIGHT TEAM, suitable for delivery wagon. O S3, Ore gonian. PIANO PLAYER WANTS WORK EVE nings. M M, Oregonian. SITUATION WANTED FEMALE. Bookkeepers and Stenographer. BY CAPABLE BUSINESS WOMAN, Posi tion as bookkeeper; 3 years' experience with large mfg. concern; no objection to count j. A 81. Oregonian. AN EXPERIENCED STENOGRAPHER OR bookkeeper can be had by phoning Eclectic Business University, Main 4504, the special training school. EXPERIENCED COMMERCIAL OPERATOR. Underwood or Remington, desires permanent place. Hours 9 to 5. Pacific 2059. BRIGHT NEAT GIRL, DESIRES POSITION as stenographer, experienced; hours 9 t 5. R 85, Oregonian. EXPERIENCED OPERATOR DESIRE? situation or permanent work. Pacific 250 Kirrt-clae Public Stenographer Miss Young. 303 Lumber Exchange bldg. Main 0719. EXPERIENCED OPERATOR DESIRES substitute or permanent work. Pacific EXPERIENCED BOOKKEEPER WISHES temporary position. R &4, Oregonian. Dreaamakerfi. MRS. M. S. SAVAGE. DRESSMAKER, 2t0 HalseY t. Phone East 5804. TRY ANGELES DRESSMAKING PARLORS. 242 5th and Main. Pacific 9S2. Housekeepers. HOUSEKEEPING WANTED BY A MID-dle-aged widow. L 74. Oregonian. Miscellaneous. YOUNG LADY EMPLOYED DURING DA 1 sewing would like a place to work morn ings and evenings or taking care of chil dren for her board. J 85. Oregonian. CAPABLE GIRL. CHAM BER WORK. GOOD woman, washing. houJcleaning, housekeep ers, nurjs. cooks, waitresses. 230 Yam hlll. Main 5413. YOUNG LADY WITH IS MONTHS' Ex perience wishes position in confectionery or fruit stand; good references. Phone Pacific 1482. YOUNG LADY WITH BEST OF EXPEKI ence desirew permanent position as cash ier or ticket selllnK. G S4. Oregonian. EXPERIENCED GIRL DESIRES SITUA tion, child's nurse or upstair work; wag" $25. 230i Yamhill. Main 5413. CO LOR WD WOMAN WISHES DAY WORK, washing and Ironing. Main 42it0. FOR AN EXPERIENCED, CERTIFIED cashier. phon Main 4504. WANTED AGENTS. WANTED A genu to sell beat grown nursery etock on the CoaM. including Rurbank' nw pitKs plum. Miracle; cornmiffeioii advanced weekly; write quick for choice of territory. Albany Nurseries, Albany, Or. MONEY! MONEY! ADVANCED EVERY week to our agents.. A fuil ne. including up-to-date specialties. Write for -fre can vassing outfit. Capital City Nursery- Com pany, Salem. Or. BEST MONEY-MAKER IN THE MARKET $100 monthly and commissions to good men; pee un. Conservative Mutual Life Insurance Co., Elks' bidg. WANTED Photograph and portrait ageata; grand new offer. Cutberth. 801 Dekum bldg. AGENTS WANTED RELIABLE MEN only. 193 St. Clair at.. Palm Co. WANTED TO RENT. WANTED TO RENT A 3 OR 6-ROOM modern cottage within Harrison School . district. Apply 409 1st st. or phone Main 47S5. WANTED FURNISH BD MODERN COT tase in desirable location by man and wile: beat reference, K 80, Orexoniam