THE MORXTXG OREGOXIAX, THURSDAY, MARCH 21, 1907. Agents for Butterick Patterns, Columbia Yarns, Perrin's Gloves, Ostermoor Mattresses, LaGrecque Corsets, Willamette Sewing Machines eier Frank Store's Great 895th Friday Surprise Sales Meier Frank's 895th Friday Surprise Sale 500 Doz. Four - in - Hands The Meier Frank Store's 895th Friday Surprise Sale 250 New High-Grade Waists c Values at 25c Each Values up to $ 1 8.00 at 5 Each 16 TheM 50 $5.8 Tomorrow a sensational Easter Sale of Men's Neckwear 500 dozen beau- tiful new 4-in-hand ties purchased from a leading New York manufac- turer at half their value immense as- sortments of the very latest and most desirable styles shepherd plaids, fou lard polka dots, light and dark Scotch plaids, light colored figures, new grays, stripes, fancy dots, etc,, etc. Every tie in the lot made up of 1907 silks variety so large that there's no question, about pleasing everyone regular 50c values, buy all you wont 25c of them at the wonder fully low price of each See 5th-st. window display Mail and phone orders given prompt attention Meier Frank's 895th Friday Surprise Sale $2 Scarfs, Centers and Cioths 89c In the Art Department, Third Floor, for tomorrow's 895th Friday Surprise Sale, a great special offering of Scarfs, Squares, Tray Cloths and Centers fancy hemstitched and drawnwork patterns; very large va riety: 38x35-ineb, 18x2-inch: 18x45-inch, 18x54-inch, 18xl8-inch, 24x24-inch, 3Qx30-inch, and CJQ( 3fix36-inch. Values up to $2.00 each, on sale at this phenomenally low price, each art Dept.V See the Fifth-Street Window Display. Every housewife should take advantage of this sale. Meier Frank's 895th Friday Surprise Sale Boys' Norfolk Suits $5 and $6 Vals. $3.38 Here's an opportunity for economical parents to fit out the boys with Easter apparel at a great saving For tomorrow's 895th Friday Surprise Sale we announce an extraordinary pur chase of 1000 Boys' Norfolk Suits with knickerbocker trous ers, all new 1907 fashions and materials Coat made with belt and yoke, Norfolk style -Materials are extra quality dark gray checks and plaid worsteds, overplaid cheviots and dark gray cassimeres well tailored and finished throughout ages 6 to 1 8 years Suits that find quick sale at $5 and $6 ea. Your choice tomorrow only at this extremely low price per suit See Fifth-Street Window Display-Mail Orders Will Be Filled Promptly and With the Best Possible Selections Boys Clo- thing Department Second Floor . Groceries Sold Here at Saving Prices Mler A F'rantt'n Kamon Mocha and Java -4'ofTve. the UMtial 40c trade. pr pound 2?t Purkfe Salad I'rosslnsr small. IOC Durkee alad Dressing, med.25? Purke. Salad Pressing, large. 45 1-lh. ran tirlfftiTu Asparagus Tips, on fhI at, special 20 Victor Ollv Oil. Quarts 7oO New- California Navel Oranges, per dozen, great Bpeelal sale ..ItOfr Keller's Marmalade, per jar.. 30 10 lbs. Whole Wheat Flour.. 25? 10 lbs. Rolled Oats for -40 PuflOd Rice at, package lO 1 pkg-. 1 -Minute Tapioca. . . '. 10 2 1-2 lbs. Nun-Better. Yellow Peaches, on sale at, eac,h..l5d 3 cans Smith Kip. Herrlngr. .5M 1-lh. jar Sheppard Marmalade. SO 2 lbs. Sliced Pineapple f or . . . . 1 5 C. B. liiirca Oil, quarts. . TO 2 pkRS. Grape-Nuts for. .....25 1-lb. Jar Chipped Beef 25d lea & Perrin's Sauce, small.. 25 21 lbs. Granulated Sugar.. $1.00 1-2-lb. can Iiwney Cocoa for.SEO 1-lb. can Baker's Ground Chocolate on sale at, each 28? 3 pkgs. Bromongelon for.... 25 3 pkps. Bon Ami for 25 Sapolio on sale at, bar T 10-lb. sack Pastry Flour for.SOc "Victor" Flour, "none better"' great value, the sack . . . . JpX.lO 1-gral. can Honeysuckle Syrup. 45 10-lb. sack Yellow or White Corn meal, on sale at 25 1 lb. Postum or Fiffprune. lb..20 Today Long Kid Gloves $4 Values $2.95 a Pair Another great sale of women's long Kid Gloves for today a wonderful bar pain in 500 pairs of real French Kid Gloves one of the best-known makes. 1 Every pair perfect and guaranteed to give satisfactory service." Colors are black, brown, tan and a few 'opera shades. All sizes; full 16-button length and $4.00 value. Your choice while they last at raarvelously low price of ."J.i."). We will -fit. them for yon. No mail or phone orders filled. Remem ber, only 500 pairs. Come early, if you want to be reason- : ably sure of getting size and shade you want. On sale at.V'"J Complete stock of Long Silk Gloves, at unusually attractive prices. Dress Gloves in every size, style and Grade; on sale at the lowest prices. Our annual Easter Offering of high-grade Waists is announced for Tomor row's 895th Friday Surprise Sale Oar only regret is that the lot does not contain 1000 waists instead of 250 Every ne a beauty Waists for dress and evening wear Messalines, taffeta and radium silks, chiffons, figured nets, clunys, Danish nets; fancy round, square and pointed yokes trimmed in Hedebo, hordanger, plat Vals. batiste embroideries. Maltese lace, baby Irish lace, French knots and medallions Colors are white, cream, ecru, light blue, pink, navy and black All sizes Waists in the lot selling regularly at prices as high as $18 each Your choice tomorrow at the low price, each See Fifth-Street window display Remember there are only 250 of them You'll have to be on the spot bright and early in the morning to share in these grand bargains No mail or phone orders filled Second Floor ' $5.85 Easter Sale of Table Linens 72-inch bleached Satin Damask Table Linen; best' patterns, 1 Oft great variety, at, yard.M " " Bleached Satin Damask Table Linen; $1.75 grade, on sale for 1 AQ this special price, yard.M ."O $2.25 grade of Bleached Satin Damask Table Linen, at, the yard.. $1.82 Great special value in large Satin. Damask Table Napkins, fljO A i best patterns, at, dozen. P" Grand special values in hand-embroidered round-linen Teacloths, 36x 36-inch; beautiful styles and quali ties; phenomenal values, at, each: $3.00 values, cn sale at, each. $2.38 $3.50 values, on sale at, each .$2.98 $4.00 values, on sale at, each. $3.40 $5,00 values, on sale at, each. $3.98 $6.00 values, on sale at, each. $4.98 Great Sale Today and Tomorrow of 200 Dozen Women!s Union Suits At Low Price ot 43c, 59c, 69c Each Today and tomorrow 2400 Women's Union Suits to be sold at a marvelously low price The clean-up of one of the best mills in the land Medmm and light weieht garments for Spring and Summer wear Swiss ribbed, fine cotton and lisle and mercerized lisles Low neck, no sleeve, knee length, umbrella and fitted knee style, tucked stitch, full fashioned 'garments All are beautifully made and finished High-grade - - Za. - Z a me sm a AKi . mi " ' un'" 5U"S ln sizes j, o, , o ana v i ne pesi Bargain 01 its iJLc kind we have ever had the pleasure of offering you Anticipate your Summer needs at the following marvelously low prices; 75c Union Suits at 43c Each $1,00 Union Suits 59c Each $ 1 .25 Union Suits 69c Each V- HI Meier &. Frank's 895th Friday Surprise Sale 1000 s ilk Boos and Ruffs Two Lots $ 4to$I2Vals. $139 Ea. $1.98 Ea. Tomorrow's great Easter Sale of Silk Boas and Neck Ruffs- 1 OOP of them, the entire stock of a well-known importing house Every color and style Some have the full plaited ruche effect, some in cape style, others have elegant velvet ribbon ends with accordion plaiting Values in the two lots up to $ 1 2 each Your choice while they last tomorrow at the low price $ 1 .39 Each and $ 1 .98 Each 50c to $1.25 Belts 39 c Each Special lot of Silk and Leather Belts in all colors, assorted styles, with and without buck'. les; 50c to SI. 25 values, for, special. . 39c Small real alligator Leather Handbags, with Vienna hand les; leather-lined Reg. 75c vals. on sale at this low price, each - 39c Special lotwomen'sHandbags, in black, brown and tan, fitted with large coin purse; leather lined, seal and walrus leathers; in assorted styles. Q Q $1.50, $1.75 values OC Lace Curtains $2.35 Pair $5 Couch Covers $3.85 Special offering of Lace Curtains in two-tone effects, cream grounds, white figures Japanese and lead ed glass designs ; large variety . to select from. AH are 50 inches wide and three yards lono-. Regular $3.00 and $3.25 values, on sale today and tomorrow at tins special low price. CO Curtain Department, 3d Floor pair.P Special lot of 200 heavy double-faced Couch Cov ersrich blending of Oriental colors, 60 inches wide by 3 yards long; fringed all around. High class Couch Covers of grand style C? I OC and quality; $5 values, on sale at, ea. vJ'OJ Great Sale of Floss Pillows 1000 Silk Floss Pillows here at special sale prices. ' They come in six sizes, and are the greatest val ues ever offered. Take advantage of this phenomenal sale: 16-inch on sale at, each 24 18-inch on sale at, each 32 20-inch on sale at, each . . . . . 38 22-inch on sale at, each 45 24-inch on sale at, each... ...5 5 $ 26-inch on sale at, each G Complete stock of Blankets and Comforters; all grades, all prices. Great Rug Sale Today Imported machine-made Oriental Rugs beautiful designs and ' colorings. Perfect reproductions of genuine Orientals., rive sizes, at these low prices: 16x32-inch Snrak Rugs, on sale at, each..$ 1.10 36x36-inchB,ugsL$ 3.50 value, on sale at,.ig 2.95 36x63-inch Rugs, $6.50 value, on sale at. .$ 5.35 55x79-inch Rugs, $12.50 value, on sale at.. $10.65 69i99-inch Bugs, $18.00 valne, on sale at. .$16.45 500 Axminster Rilgs, Oriental and floral designs, 27x.34-ineh. Best $2.50 values, on Cf sale at this .unusually low price, ea. National Roller-Bearing Carpet Sweepers, nickel plated, nickel protection plates on C'O ends; $3.50 values; special at, cach.P"f EXPERTS' BILL IS ALLOWED Council raises Measure After Sharp r Exchange. After holding it up for months the Council yesterday allowed the bill of .11567 presented by Clark & Buchanan, a firm of expert accountants employed by Mayor T-.ane to examine the records Of the City Auditor's department. The Council also passed over the Mayor's veto the ordinance authorizing; the Mayor and City Auditor to employ Geora-e S. Black, the expert accountant selected by a committee of citizens, to make a similar investigation. The allowing: of the bill of the ex perts pave the Councilnien an oppor 'mltv to engage Jn a wrangle. Several of the Councilman at first seemed de termined to prevent the payment of the bill, but finally upon the advice of City Attorney McNary who held that the city was obliged to pay it, the bill was allowed. Councilman Sharkey revived the fight by recalling the report of the ways and means committee, which rec ommended that the bill be paid. Coun cilman Masters made a motion that the report of the committee be amended to read "that the bill be not allowed," then the oratory began to flow. Martin L. Pipes, a lawyer, appeared before the Council on behalf of the experts and asked that action be taken on the bill. lie did not ask that It be allowed but merely urged action, as much as saying that unless the money was forthcoming the city would have a lawsuit upon its hands. Masters and Beldinc urged that the claim be not allowed as they contend ed that It was not reasonable and that the books had not been experted in a proper manner. Vaughn delivered a sarcastic speech in which' he remind ed his brethern they had discharged the special committee appointed to in vestigate the report and that they were then guessing over what the committee had been trying to find out. Vaughn went on to say that he would not make any report either as Councilman or Individual, but when he explained his vote, which was cast for the payment of the bill, he virtually made an admission. He said that one of the things the Council had wanted the special eommtttee to ascer tain was whether it was necessary in properly expecting the books of the City Auditor's office to count the cash. He said that Mr. Black, the other ex pert, when he had experted the books of the county, did not deem It essential. Councilman Wills urged that the bill be allowed, saying that while he believed the city had been imposed upon he could see no loophole. - "It's outrageous but we can't help our selves," lamented Wills. City 'Attorney McNary said that whether the bill was exorbitant was not to be considered as he thought the Mayor bad the power, to employ the expert and that he was the one to de cide whether the claim was Just. Ten of the Councilmen voted yes and five no. Rushlight, one of the members of the discharged special committee, vot ed no, which was a surprise to every one. The vote was: Ayes Annand, Bennett. Dunning, Gray, Kellaher, Menefee. Shepherd, Vaughn. Wallace. Wills. Noes Belding, Masters. Pres ton. Rushlight, Sharkey. There was no discussion when the Mayor's veto of the Black ordinance came up. Kellaher. Rushlight and Vaughn were the only ones to vote to sustain the veto. Menefee and Sharkey were absent. Even though the ordinance was passed over the veto It is doubtful whether Black will ever be employed. The ordinance specified that the Mayor and the City Auditor be authorized to employ . the accountant, but Mayor Lane is not compelled to hire him and consequently may hold it up." Will Build New Logging Road.' ASTORIA. March . (Special.) W. A. Goodin left this morning with a force of men to begin work on the grading for four miles of logging railroad that is to be built into the tract of timber recently purchased by the Tongue Point Lumber Oomnanv. Tha comnanv ia c.l aui-i nu tha right-of-way with its own donkey en gines and the contract for the bridges has been let to a Portland company. The contracts provide that the grading and bridges must be completed before June'l, and the intention is to have the road finished so that the hauling of logs can be commenced not later than July 1. Senator Fulton to Speak at Fair. WOODBURN, Or.. March 20. (Spe cial.) Senator Fulton, has accepted an invitation to speak at Woodburn next Saturday, when the Livestock Fair will be held here. There are many blooded horses entered and the exhibit will be one of the best of its kind t'.iat has been held in this section. An im mense gathering of farmers and those Interested ln good breeding is ex- nwitAit . .' ail ii ii " , , . . . ' IWOSC CITV'IVkRK L0T& ' ii mr l'AGE 14.